• Snowspeeder

    ©1999 LEGO Group
    " />


    ©1999 LEGO Group
    Overall rating
    Building experience
    Value for money

    Classic and a must have from the originals!

    Written by (TFOL) in United States,

    Some people may say that the coloring in this set is all wrong and the may be right but I think it adds character! The set has easy access to add both Luke and Dak into the snowspeeder as both the windshields open independently. Just that feature alone to me makes it the best snowspeeder LEGO has ever made. I highly recommend this set for any kid, collector or adult!

    2 out of 4 people thought this review was helpful.

  • Snowspeeder

    ©1999 LEGO Group
    " />


    ©1999 LEGO Group
    Overall rating
    Building experience
    Value for money

    One of the best Snowspeeders to date!

    Written by (TFOL) in United States,

    This is a very nice set! Especially if you can get it under $40. I got this for $35 and I'm quite content with it.


    Box art is very nice! The front shows the set with some snow and an AT-AT leg behind the snowspeeder. The back of the box shows the minifigures disassembling the snowspeeder and also shows alternative builds for the set. I appreciate how back then the sets included a cardboard insert so pieces won't roll around. Instructions are fairly good. Sometimes I missed steps because the were very inconspicuous. On the top of every page shows a scene from the Battle of Hoth. It gets me excited for the completed model so I can recreate scenes I just saw. Very nice touch.


    Since this was a set from old times, there are no "groundbreaking" parts contained in this set. There are no stickers which is great! My favorite piece of this set is a 2x2 slope with an AT-AT printed on it to make it look like there is an AT-AT headed towards you. There are great pieces in here for MOCs and some really nice bright orange parts!


    Minifigs! The best part of a set in my opinion!

    Luke Skywalker: Ok minifig. He has his standard bored looking head that is found in a lot of yellow face Star Wars sets. His helmet has nice printing which is fairly close to the movie. His torso and legs are the same as every rebel pilot up until the redesign in 2010.

    Dak Ralter: I feel like I could take on the whole empire!! I'm always happy to have a Dak Ralter. This minifigure of him is as basic as it gets. He has a standard Rebel Pilot helmet which has two blue rebel symbols printed on both sides of his helmet. He has that standard smile seen on a lot of old minifigures and on the Creator Modular Buildings minifigures. His pilot suit is the same as Luke's.

    Hoth Rebel: Pretty good minifig. His head is an interesting pick for Star Wars. He has the standard smile but with eyebrows and red hair hanging near his eyes. That head appeared mostly in Aquazone sets. Torso and legs wise, I'm not sure why they are grey. After watching Epsiode 5, Hoth troopers wear tan or white suits, I find it hard to tell. I like the helmet but not the visor. Again, not sure why they included a brown visor. The 2004 redesign has more realistic white goggles.

    The build

    The satellite dish was extremely simple as it only used a couple of pieces. The snowspeeder didn't require any complex building and was simple but enjoyable. It was a good relaxing build.

    The completed model

    The set looks great! In The Empire Strikes Back, the snowspeeders look more gray than white so I think this one is more accurate.

    Overall opinion

    Overall, this is well worth it for $20-$35! I got mine for $35 and I'm well pleased. This set has great playability! It's easy to pick up fly around! Good minfigures, great parts, awesome playability! If you have the chance to purchase this set, get it!

    1 out of 1 person thought this review was helpful.

  • Can the Rebel snowspeeders hold back the Empire?

    Written by (Unspecified , bronze-rated reviewer) in United States,

    This set is awsome! It comes with a rebel soldier, luke, and luke's co-pilot. The 2 flaps at the back go up and down, as well as the cockpit. The grappleing hook feature is awsome. This set goes GREAT with the new AT-AT, as you can have a battle with the snowspeeder trying to tackle the AT-AT with the cable while the AT-AT is walking.

    3 minifigs
    Grappling hook feature
    Wings move up and down
    Great cholor scheme
    Turret for the rebel soldier

    Grappling hook wire kinda hard to set.

    Overall this set is great. One of the best small ships in the StarWars line.

    1 out of 4 people thought this review was helpful.

  • all legos should be this sturdy!

    Written by (Unspecified) in United States,

    snow speeder is great. all of the minis have nice detail.
    front printed is a great piece and size is just right.
    two hatches (one in front and one in back) seat the pilot and gunner very comfortably. no tauntaun, though. maybe 2009 echo base will have one. here are pros\cons:

    great with 4502
    gun turret
    the back view is very realistic
    so is the front view

    there's a three stud long
    block-like protrusion in the back

    3 out of 5 people thought this review was helpful.

  • My Favorite Snowspeeder

    Written by (Unspecified , rhodium-rated reviewer) in United States,

    I actaully like this snowspeeder even though it was white in the Empire Strikes Back. I like the Dack minifigure and the Hoth trooper minifig. The radar is also pretty nice in this set. I do wish the back had a harpoon gun, but besides that, it is pretty good.

    This review has been rated unhelpful.