One of the best last wave Chima sets
I must admit the final waves of Chima really didn't grab me. They felt a bit to cluttered and gimmicky and somehow lacked the grace of the organic builds from the first waves. This set is the exception. It is stunning. Another home run from Mark Stafford. In execution the set will bring to mind the classic Ninjago Ultra Sonic Raider, having a very similar profile with the twin wide tank treads in the front and the larger central wheels in the rear. But the Tiger Truck is it's own beast.
Box - It's a nice box... OK the flame orange/yellow final waves of Chima do nothing for me. The boxes are gaudy. The cover art is nice and grabs you with the sets colors. The instructions are a mid sized square bound book, sealed in a bag with stickers. The stickers do add a lot to the set so I would consider using them.
minifigs - The minifigs are nice, but in many ways are the weakest element of teh set. They are a little too diverse. You only get two Tigers in their command base. One leader one grunt. You get Eris once again, who feels wildly unecesary, two Saber tooths and a Beaver. The problem is the Vehicle needs at least three Tigers to populate itself. Eris and the Beaver don't fit well in the cycle seats.
Eris - In her last wave red and gold Fire colors. She's colorful... OK I am really not fond of the figure. I like the new flaming wings but think they look stupid on her. We really did not need yet another Eris. The set would have benefited from another Tiger instead. Honestly while she has lots of detailed printing, it looks rather garish with reds and golds clashing horribly with her white and blue head.
Tazar - oneof the Tigers. he has really nice front/back and leg printing. A 2 sided head as always. he does not wear armor but has some rinted on.
Trakar - he has less armor printed on but somes with the gold armor with a flaming chi piece. Overall he has a sort of "Tony the Tiger" vibe going on.
Breezor the Beaver - OK I don't know the Chima story, but Breezor is clearly a rather sad reuse of parts intended elsewhere. He is the CMF Bigfoot/Yeti headpiece molded in dark tan, and printed with a beaver face overlaying the sculpted on fangs. His torso in unprinted dark dan and he has green short legs. He would have greatly benefited from at least dark tan legs. Weirdly he is also the most useful figure as he may find new life as the Wookie Lumpy in a Star Wars Holiday Special MOC.
Sir Fangar - A saber tooth tiger. Fairly routine at this point. Trans blue armor, cape, trans leg and arm.
Sibress - Oh wow it's a woman! I would not have called that. I did not realize that until I looked up the name while writing the review. Actually she has some really nice coppery torso printing, that is completely obscured by her blue armor.She has the normal one clear leg and arm as befits all the resurrected ice zombie extinct creatures.
Parts - The set is a bonanza for orange parts. There are also lots of useful little unusual pieces such as technic balla nd socket tie rods that you dont see often in system sets. There is a nice Tiger printed 4 wide car roof piece that I am sure MOC'ers with find a use for.
Build/Model - The build is fun complex and informative. A lot of new ways of doing things, but not too complex that a child would have trouble. The model is one of those classic multi vehicle Mobile HQ's that Mark Stafford is so noted for. While this one is not the top of his creations in that regard (See Alien Conquest EDFHQ, Space Police Galactic Enforcer or the first Agents Mobile HQ for his BEST.) this is well up there on the scale of things. It suffers a but for mostly being a mobile garage without as much interior base detail as he normally adds. The core vehicle is the large Tiger truck. It has a nicely sculpted head cockpit with arms spread out over the huge front treads. Just inside the treads are the motorcycle pays that can launch two Tiger cycles. Moving a level behind the head spreads the front claws with laser canons and brings up the disk launchers. It also seems to open some flaming phoenix wings, but I dont think it is meant to fly. The rear section is a utility and communications trailer. it unhooks from the main vehicle. It's wheels fold under to provide a stable base and it rises a radar tower. Inside is a command center with consoles and a few storage boxes. Perhaps the most amazing thing is the use of colors throughout the set to give that organic Tiger feel to it. The best is the simplest. They alternated the tank treads black - Dark Grey - Black - Dark grey crating a tiger striping on the tracks themselves that just looks amazing.
Overall - This is a good solid set. If you find any Chima stuff still out there being clearanced out, grab this one if you see it. It is amazing.
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