• Launch & Load Seaport

    <h1Launch & Load Seaport
    ©1991 LEGO Group
    " />

    Launch & Load Seaport

    ©1991 LEGO Group
    Overall rating
    Building experience
    Value for money

    Still Holds Up After All These Years

    Written by (AFOL) in United States,

    Every so often something comes along that that is so ahead of its time that 20 years later it still holds up and doesn’t look out of place. Certain movies like Jurassic Park come to mind. Even 20 years after it was made the special effects and CGI in that movie don’t look dated, which is incredible considering they were the first of their kind. The Launch and Load Seaport, and indeed the whole Nautica theme are like that.

    Back when the Launch and Load Seaport came out it was unheard of for a System set to have over 1000 pieces, that threshold was surpassed only by the most expensive of Technic sets. Back at this time Lego sets, though realistic, did not have quite as many small details as they do today (one of the best examples was the lack of things like toilets in prison cells which are standard issue today). This set, however, is packed with a detail that put it in a different league from its contemporaries and makes it right at home amongst today’s highly detailed sets. From realistic and highly detailed cargo (a large engine and a tractor are packed in crates) to a crane that is the more accurate to what you actually see in seaport terminals than any of the other harbor sets which have been made since, to the working forklift and truck and then its sheer size.

    I am fortunate enough to have two copies of this set and when put side by side they make an incredibly impressive display; back to back they span nearly 4 feet in length. I also have the more modern City Harbor set and although the size of that set's ship is awesome I consider the Launch and Load Seaport to be the better set. Here is why:

    1. The crane is far more realistic to how actual seaport cranes operate. You can’t tell very easily from the picture but the crane is on rails allowing it to roll along the dock so that it can unload containers along the length of the ship. This is how actual ports operate.

    2. The color scheme is so much better. Both of the more modern port sets have been awash of almost every basic color Lego produces. The Launch and Load’s color palate is much more pleasing.

    3. Amount of cargo, you actually get MORE containers than can fit on the deck (unless you stack two high). Compared to the modern cargo sets where Lego doesn’t give you enough crates to fill even half of the ships or planes carrying them.

    4. Number of vehicles. You get 2 boats, a truck and a forklift. In the more recent cargo themes those are usually all separate sets.

    In summary this is, in my opinion, the best harbor set Lego has ever produced to date. Furthermore, they usually sell on eBay for almost the same price as their more modern counterparts. You can pick one up for just a little over $100 if you keep an eye out which is a steal in my opinion.

    10 out of 10 people thought this review was helpful.

  • Launch & Load Seaport

    <h1Launch & Load Seaport
    ©1991 LEGO Group
    " />

    Launch & Load Seaport

    ©1991 LEGO Group
    Overall rating
    Building experience
    Value for money

    Sittin' on the Dock of the Bay...

    Written by (AFOL , gold-rated reviewer) in United Kingdom,

    I remember getting this set for Christmas in 1991. It was expensive but worth every penny with so many individual parts, great working crane and the excellent boats and it is a real build with plenty of parts to assemble. This isn't a five-minute build and play toy.

    The Set

    The base harbour consists of five harbour baseplates a ramp baseplate forming a rough L-shape. These also have buffers, bollards to tie the ships up to, ladders and stickers for dock numbers. The gaps around the middle base was filled in with flat smooth bricks and some with printed arrows and printed hazard signs. The entrance to the harbour was guarded by a gatehouse which sat on a extension of the dock built up by flat bricks and supported by 2x2 brick columns. The gatehouse has a sloping roof and a yellow chair for the guard and a standard printed computer brick inside. The roof has an large antenna and a red siren. There is a lifting road barrier which has nice red lights along it and the hinge unit also mounts a smaller printed computer brick to 'operate' the barrier. The opposite end had another crash barrier at the back and if you had Set 6541 Intercoastal Seaport that could easily be added to extend the dock.

    The heart of the dock is the massive crane and it is a work of art. The crane runs along a set of rails along the dock with wheels and is made up from two massive red A-frames which allow the truck to easily pass through. The frames sit on the wheel units which also incorporate ladders to allow access for the minifig workers. Height warning stickers are also included. On top of the frame is the workings of the crane. The operators cabin has two antenna sticks and a sloping window and the roof, oddly, has a sunroof and the front carries clip-on floodlights. Two round 2x2 bricks form knobs which can be used to slide the grabs along the very sturdy supporting beam. Another handle operates the winch system which is the standard string affair but attached to an ingenious grab system which really does work well when grabbing and releasing the containers. The crane is always stable when loading (there is a counter-weight on the rear wheel platform) and when you slid it along the rails (although if you do it too fast it might bounce of the buffers!). The operation is always smooth and you got a couple of spare bits in case you lost on the pulley bricks off the grab. The construction of the crane will take a bit of time but the reward is worth it.

    The Vehicles

    The set comes with four vehicles; a truck, a forklift truck, a container ship and a pilot boat.

    The truck has a different style from other trucks of the period featuring a white bumper below the lights and grill. The roof has a sunroof and you get a steering wheel, as usual. The tyres are chunky and the bottom of the chassis also gets two imitation fuel tanks. The trailer has four wheels and is stable around corners, even with a full load. The rear has brake lights and a warning sign and the underneath features a ground-stand. The trailer attaches to the truck by a short ball-and-socket technic brick which can prove tricky to locate when attaching the trailer. The trailer can carry two containers. The containers are; two box containers with window shutter doors and stickers with cargo logos and safety information and three frame containers containing an engine, a small tractor (detailed despite being cargo, the seat and steering wheel come off for transportation) and 2x2 brick boxes and barrels.

    The forklift truck looks good with its corner tiles at the rear as engine covers. There are warning signs front and rear, two round lights just above the windscreen, a sunroof and small cargo stickers on the doors. The wheels are chunky and the heart of the model is the excellent forkligft with a spring which allows you to click it so it holds at the bottom setting for loading the container. It's smooth in operation and tilts back for travelling with a full load. It is stable at all times and the spring on my example proved durable but I was always worried about overstretching it.

    The container ship 'Atlantic' is just great and has loads of features. The hull uses special shaped bow bricks for a realistic shape and has multiple carpet runners for smooth sailing. The hull has stickers along the sides and on the bow and name stickers. Several of these peeled and eventually looked unsightly. The forecastle carries the anchor and winch with an antenna stick to 'operate' it with. There is also a light on a short mast and the deck incorporates two small vents. The centre of the ship is the main cargo area, there are eight hatches to access two holds and the hatches carry the supporting bricks to hold up to four containers securely. The superstructure aft looks great with two storeys and sloping bricks. The bottom cabin has three twin-window brick units and at the rear a 3-hole 1x4 technic brick forms smaller portholes. It's a pity this cabin is empty and not accessible as it would have made an excellent rest area. The bridge has the standard green and red navigation lights, that excellent bridge window unit, two computer bricks and a steering wheel. The bridge also has two side and two rear windows. The double-roof lifts up for access and two minifigs can stand here in confort. Behind the bridge is a funnel and two large antennas and the roof carries a short mast with flag (stickers again), another larger mast with twin horns and light on top of a circular radar unit and a floodlight.

    The pilot boat is a nice little craft with a good white and blue colour scheme. The hull features 'pilot' stickers, bollards on the forecastle and engine vents. At the stern are two exhausts/ water-jets. Carpet studs are also fitted. The hull has a compartment accessed by lifting the roof, which also carries the windscreen for the steering position. The compartment has four small clear window bricks but is otherwise empty and being only 2 studs wide a minifig cannot sit in it or even lie in it. The roof carries a mast with lights. At the rear of the compartment two sloping bricks carry a larger mast with navigation lights, two radio antennas and a siren. The steering compartment has a steering wheel and clips for a radio and bullhorn.

    The Minifigures

    This set comes with seven minifigures; two naval officers with smart naval suit with small gold anchor and white hats (one was the pilot who also had a lifejacket), a sailor with black legs and white body with a small black anchor and red hardhat and lifejacket, the gaurd was the usual Lego Policeman, the truck driver had red overalls and legs and red cap, the forlift driver has blue overalls and legs and a red hardhart and the crane driver had black overalls and legs and a red hard hat.

    Personal Developments

    I loved this set and I eventually made a series of modifications to the set. I extended the container ship to carry six containers and made extra containers. I replaced one of the computer bricks on the bridge with a printed radar screen brick and I equipped the lower cabin with a bed and desk and made it more accessible by lifting the bridge area off. Extra sailors were made by giving some surplus dungaree figures lifejackets and red hardhats. The pilot craft ended up carrying tools and equipment in its small compartment. I had hours of fun with this set and anyone who has other harbour sets would find this a great addition having the full range of maritme kit and dockside equipment. Not only that but all the features work well and the crane is a well-designed work of art. It was expensive but certainly worth it.

    8 out of 8 people thought this review was helpful.

  • Launch & Load Seaport

    <h1Launch & Load Seaport
    ©1991 LEGO Group
    " />

    Launch & Load Seaport

    ©1991 LEGO Group
    Overall rating
    Building experience
    Value for money

    After 20 years this is still the best Harbour/ Seaport set.

    Written by (AFOL , gold-rated reviewer) in Australia,

    I have three seaport or harbour sets, they are 7994. 6541 and 6542, all these three sets are deserved to be a 5 STARS set. Anyway, I believe 6542 is a superstar of all these five stars.

    I bought this from UK on Ebay, I paid AUD $160. for a used set, all parts are there and in reasonable good condition, basically, none of the stickers included. It is expensive, but after I finished the building of the set, I found it is more than worth.

    After the very good comments by previous writer in this forum, I still want to repeat some merits of this set,

    1. It is a large set, which basically includes 8 main groups/components: 1. a cargo ship, 2. five 4x8 shipping containers, 3. a large dock, 4. a big overhead crane, 5. a pilot ship, 6. a container truck, 7. a forklift and 8. seven mini figures.

    2. Apart from the mini figures, all other seven components are very detailed, thoughtfully, functionally and playable designed. Like the cargo ship has two decks for transportation of goods. The crane, to me, is the best part of the set, it is so functional and works like a real crane, hard to be described all of the working functions. The forklift and the pilot boat are very cute. Five shipping containers enhances the playability of the set to a great extent. It has a big dock with boom gate , guard's booth and railed tracks for the movable overhead crane.

    3. The set has 1022 parts, and a lot of them were very special parts, like the grabber for the crane which is a wonderful design for its purpose.

    As most of the merits were mention before, I don't want to repeat to much

    I cannot think of any con to the set. I want to build a very big seaport. When I have time I will combine these three sets to make a big container terminal.

    Thanks for reading


    9 out of 9 people thought this review was helpful.

  • Launch & Load Seaport

    <h1Launch & Load Seaport
    ©1991 LEGO Group
    " />

    Launch & Load Seaport

    ©1991 LEGO Group
    Overall rating
    Building experience
    Value for money

    An almost perfect detailed porrt

    Written by (Unspecified) in United Kingdom,

    I always wanted 6542 and 6541 when I was young. This is the superior lego port, even compared to the latest one, and along with the airport shuttle, is my favourite set of all time. Why such praise?

    • A second "pilot" boat is included
    • Two road vehicles
    • Guard hut
    • Crane action impressive, and it moves along the dock on a rail.
    • Container ship fits the dock perfectly, and is attractive loaded, unloaded or partly loaded.
    • Lots of specialist pieces
    • 7 minifigures, including two boat captains. More than the other port sets.
    • 5 standard dock/train station bases.
    • 5 containers included, and its easy to make more up
    • Really great detail like bumpers and barriers
    It really is one of those sets you might like to leave un modified in your town. Combine it with 6541, 6540, 6543 for a perfect river/sea dock area. Or if you don't have the pier police set, expand the guard hut to make a small police station. Negatives include the stickers, and I would modify the truck to be a bit more modern, put a grill of some kind on front to make it more "industrial". Also the sloped internal corners on the back of the forklift are invaluable...replace them and use them on buildings?
    Get it and display it!

    12 out of 12 people thought this review was helpful.

  • Launch & Load Seaport

    <h1Launch & Load Seaport
    ©1991 LEGO Group
    " />

    Launch & Load Seaport

    ©1991 LEGO Group
    Overall rating

    The best seaport in Lego City!

    Written by (AFOL) in Malaysia,

    This is the type of set that any kid will want the moment they see it on the Lego aisle. I still remember the time I was in TRU back in the early nineties when I saw the huge box containing this set and the amazing port scene at the front. Unfortunately it was way beyond my parent's budget at that time, so I waited and waited until finally I managed to obtain a set through Bricklink when a set showed up in Singapore. Took 2 weeks for it to arrive in Malaysia, but when it finally arrive, it was like a dream came true.

    Anyway, onto the review. This is a large set with a thousand over pieces. In fact when it came out it is the largest Classic Town set and the only Classic Town set with over 1000 pieces. Till today no City set (with the exception of modular buildings) has more pieces that this set, making this set a current record holder. Its amazing that TLG has yet to produced a set with more pieces since the year this set was released in 1991.

    The designers for this set obviously have done some homework during the design of this set. There are so many features in this set which mimics a real-life container terminal that it is sad that the newer 2007 harbor lacks some basic features. Among them are:
    1) A pilot boat to guide the container ship into port.
    2) A large gantry type crane to unload and offload containers. It features a special clamp to grab a container and the way it loads the containers onto a ship is similar to a real-life gantry crane.
    3) Standard 4x8 stud containers to represent a Twenty-foot-equivalent (TEU) shipping container. If you have sets such as Victory Cup Racers you can load the containers carrying the race cars onto the ships!
    4) A large brick-built container ship with internal compartments and 4 slots to place in the containers. The slots are well designed and the container won't slip off although the ship is played and rocked about.
    5) The dock have a lot of safety features like dock bumpers (you see the grey 1x8 stud plate on the side of the dock?) to protect the dock should the ship knock into it and warning signs.
    6) A little forklift with a spring to move the containers around the dock and to load the container onto the trailer
    7) A trailer which can carry 2 containers.
    8) A security boom gate plus a guard house with a guard inside.

    The only downside of this set is the large number of stickers needed and some of the larger stickers need to placed over a number of bricks like on the red ship. But overall even without the stickers the set still looks good and it more realistic than any harbor set out today.

    11 out of 11 people thought this review was helpful.