Excellent Creation; Temporary Use for City Builders
The Build is nice. Well maintained and created. The Crane actually has a multi-purpose for it.s options it gives. However, for those who "Build Cities" like I do, this type of Set, the Crane will become obsolete the majority of the time. My City builds are always "time lapsed". So once a structure is finished, my use for it can be small.
However, the other two (the Vehicle and Cement Mixer) can be well used in a Normal City & Expert City Build. I also think the Cones are a bit too big. (easy fix for me)
Overall the Building was very simple. But overall, this feels more like a 10$ set than a 20$ set.6 out of 10 people thought this review was helpful.
I usually like this type of sets but this one has a few problems.
First the good, once again the mini-figs have excellent printing, and the set itself for the most part looks neat. But to my eyes the boulder/wrecking ball just hangs oddly. I will admit that despite this it swings very good, and is a bit fun to do so. The second problem with the set it that if you try to push the tractor it just won't roll very good, I'm not sure but i think the tracks are rubbing the body.
2 out of 2 people thought this review was helpful.