• Much little, useful pieces

    Written by (Unspecified , rhodium-rated reviewer) in Brazil,

    Packaged in Japan with Kabaya sweets, this small set have few pieces and the building is also so much simple, but it still good, due to be a small. The minifigure included, called Mike, was included in other sets, and is simple but nicely designed, with good printed details and also with a hat and a gun. The little vehicle (a plane with a propeller on the back), is easy to build and isn't much plyable due to the size. The plates that makes the wings aren't in a good size, but have a nice triangular shape. The block under have a different shape, to connect the wings, front, back and the minifigure. The front is made with a simple block with another shape, also used on some other planes, and this is increased with other few pieces. On the back, there is the propeller, that works well. Overall, another so much small set, with no much new things, but it is due to the size. So, in comparison with other promotional sets of the same size, 4/5.

    3 out of 3 people thought this review was helpful.

  • Mike's Dinohunter

    <h1Mike's Dinohunter
    ©2000 LEGO Group
    " />

    Mike's Dinohunter

    ©2000 LEGO Group
    Overall rating
    Building experience
    Value for money

    Mike's Dinohunter, NRA Approved

    Written by (AFOL) in Canada,

    Alright, let's take a look at Mike's Dinohunter next.

    Oh my god who gave that kid a gun? That doesn't seem like the right message to send to kids. Unless your message is to grab a gun and fly around in a plane shooting at those poor guys from Land Before Time. Must have been a poor shot though because they are still making those things, I think they must be at Land Before Time 120: Electric Boogaloo by now.

    Minifig is ok, this was back before they gave kids those half legs that make minifigs look like they got kneecapped by the LEGO mob, or like Cotton Hill from King of the Hill. BOBBY!

    Parts are cool too. Despite my surprise about giving a kid a revolver, the revolver is a pretty cool accessory. And hey, you get a binocular too, to take a look at that poor baby triceratops you just murdered (you monster).

    Vehicle leaves a bit to be desired though. Not very exciting, although the plane doesn't look like it would even be able to take off. Maybe that's why on the box he's going straight for the ground, should have saved up for better wings son! Propeller can turn up to be a helicopter, although it still looks incredibly silly.

    Overall, this is a set that is lacking. Once you get that time machine up and running to go back in time to buy LEGO and lottery tickets, just give this one a pass. And bring me back a lottery ticket, daddy's feeling lucky!

    Score: 6 bullets out of a class action lawsuit. That's what you get for giving a kid a gun.

    0 out of 1 person thought this review was helpful.