Grandma is waiting...
Close to perfect!
This set is very good, i think this is great addition to your Winter Village.
The minifigures are pretty ok, i like grandmas hairpiece. Pretty much what you expect to see for minifigures in the Winter Village line.
Spinning Christmas tree.
a lot of nice toys, look at that miniature Blacktron spaceship!
Colorful train.
Basic minifigures, nothing special.
other than that, this is a great set.
I recommend you to buy it!
Thanks for Reading, (;
2 out of 4 people thought this review was helpful.
Wonderful Holiday Set
I love this set, but the best endorsement I can give for it is that my mother let me set it up prominently in her house without complaint throughout the holidays. This set is quite nice looking and fits in nicely with the holiday decor.
The build was, in all honesty, nothing special. A few parts, such as the decorations on the side of the cars, didn't hold as well as I would have liked, the tracks were hard to put together and came apart too easily, and some sections were a bit boring. But the end result is delightful. I particularly love the Christmas tree on the flat car, as it spins around as the train moves, which is a very nice touch.
In addition to the train, there is a bench and streetlight where two figures wait for the train. In this section are a mother and son with their Christmas presents. The proportions here are rather skewed, and there are too many toys and packages to make it look neat or reasonable- it really just comes off as a chaotic jumble. Nevertheless, the idea is nice, even though I personally wish it had been toned down somewhat.
I do particularly like the minifigures for this set. There are two short-legged children figures, a mother, a conductor, and an engineer. They are all good figures and fit in with the scene well, and there was a place for everyone to be without it feeling crowded.
The real gem for this set, though, is the addition of the Power Functions. The added expense was admittedly significant, since it takes four extra parts to work, and I apparently wasn't paying enough attention when putting batteries in because it took me half a dozen tries to get everything working properly. The instructions for this portion were vague, and it was somewhat upsetting to have to dismantle a lot of work to add it in, not to mention the lost space took away the conductor's place and made it hard to hide away the wires. Despite all of this, though, it is pretty amazing to watch the train chug around the tracks under its own power. I left it running all day on Christmas.
The set is certainly not without its flaws. But it has a magical festive charm that is impossible to resist. It is not only one of my favorite sets, but a hit with the whole family. This little train will definitely be an ongoing feature in all of my holiday decorations.
9 out of 10 people thought this review was helpful.
Winter Holiday Train 10254: Are you going for a ride or you aren't
Well this is my review of the this year seasonal Winter Village set 10254 Winter Holiday Train.So you get normal big box witch has a nice picture on the front with the train and the christmas atmosphere.On the back of the box you get little pictures with all the functions of the set.REMINDER: You don't get a power functions, I repeat you don't get a power functions. :( But I will cover that later.Let's talk about parts.
So you get a a bunch of black,green and red pcs.Well that's nice.You do not get any new pcs.But you will find a problem with the two big wheels on the locomotive.The wheels will slip, so if you have two LEGO color bands just put them on the wheels and the problem is solved.Let's go to the minifigs.
So you get five minifigs in the set:
- Train driver,conducter,grandma,boy and a girl.
Train driver is a normal minifig just with red scarf and blue hat.Conducter is nice with a some kind of a bag and nice torsoue and a hat.Grandma is pretty nice minifig because of the face and hair.I just do not understand a tie on the torsoue,but hey it is LEGO.Boy is nice and he has a jacket from 2015 LEGO City Deep Sea subtheme and girl has nice jacket too.We will now move to the build.
The build
The build is not hard it is easy for me but you get some several bags so let's start with the build :)
The completed model
Chooo Chooo.Ok the build is done and let's start with the locomotive.The locomotive is nice and little.I like the details and you have space for minifig and power functions cabels.Tender is nice little build with some pcs as coal and some nice decorations.You can fit the battery box perfect.The connection system between the locomotive and tender is really bad.There is one flatbed with space for gifts,but you cant fit all the presents there.And you get the nice little christmas tree with the mini train under it.There is one special function in this set.When the car is moving the tree is spinning.It has a worm gear under it.There is also the little nice caboose with perfect decorations outside.Inside you have get the two seats and one table with the mug.Mmmmmm the nice worm chocolate will be perfect right now.At the end you get the little platform with one step,light and a bench.You will also get some toys,spare pcs,brick seperator and train tracks to form a nice circle that can fit under the small christmas tree.
Overall opinion
Well that is it for this review of the Winter Holiday Train.I hope you liked it and I realy like this set.It is bad that we don't get the Power Functions and a bigger platform.But hey I hope that LEGO will build the Winter Village Train Station somedays.Well that is it stay tooned for another review tomorrow. :)
5 out of 14 people thought this review was helpful.
The Best set I have gotten in years
This was the best set I had gotten since the city Airport or Maersk train. I believe the $100 price point was justified because of the tracks being worth $25 or so. The box was very nice looking and I even think I may display it. The instructions were a little easier than I thought they would be for a 12+ set. The build was very fun though, it took me about 2.5 hours. I was uncomfortable about the piece count but I think the tracks will be useful later. The complete model was simply beautiful and I guess im happy it isn't to big because my track layout is limited. I am so glad I bought this set and I believe it a very good step into "resurrecting" the classic beloved winter village sets.
13 out of 17 people thought this review was helpful.
Winter Holiday Train
Just got this train out of the closet for another holiday season, and it is just as great as I remember. The Winter Holiday Train (set number 10254) is one of the latest additions to the Creator Winter Village line, and it is completely worth it!
This is a reasonably priced LEGO train (in addition to being, sadly, the last of the trains compatible with the IR remotes and equipment), and it is perfect for the holidays! Lots of decorations contribute to the overall wintery feeling of this set, from the wreaths on the front (nice part usage, LEGO designers) to the cheery little caboose behind the spinning tree on the presents car. Overall, this is a beautifully decorated set, and fits in perfectly with the line of Winter Village sets so far.
There really aren't any. This is pretty close to being a perfect LEGO set. The only thing that I would nag about (if I really had to be picky and naggy) would be that the mechanism for the spinning tree puts some amount of pressure on the train motor, and the train runs much better without that car attached.
8 out of 9 people thought this review was helpful.