Review: 40237 Easter Egg Hunt

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We continue with the vignettes style for the seasonal sets this year, this time celebrating Easter with 40237 Easter Egg Hunt.

Is the set worth of a place in someone's Easter basket, or should you continue the search for other items?

On the front of the box we see two minifigs taking part in the hunt, including a little boy with a magnifying glass to help him find those eggs.

The vignette shows several potential locations for the eggs, which should make for an eventful and fun morning. As with other recent seasonals, there's a design of a Easter egg on the top left front of the box with two lines, presumable for a To; and From: to be filled in.

The front of the box also shows a graphic of some Easter eggs in the lower left. The back of the box shows close-ups of different areas of the vignette with the various egg hiding places.

As is common with smaller sets, it's a box that's opened with a thumb tab. Inside there are three unnumbered bags, an instruction booklet and a small 6x8 bright green baseplate. The back of the instruction booklet shows us a preview of the Halloween set, which looks appropriately spooky.

There are two minifigs in this set. The first is a woman dressed for the spring weather with a tank top and a spring colour blue pair of pants. She has two faces; one is a bemused smile; the other has sunglasses and a broader smile. This head was last seen in the Valentine's Day picnic, so perhaps she will be making an appearance in other seasonals this year as well. Her hair is quite stylish and somewhat rare, having only been seen in a few sets prior to this one.

The other minifig is a little boy, and the one for enjoying the search for the Easter eggs. His torso has also been seen a few times before, including in 31048 Lakeside Lodge

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Like all seasonals, there are no new parts to the set, but several new-ish ones are used. Most notable among these are several of the eggs themselves, having been introduced in the Angry Birds theme last year.

The set is a series of small builds, each showing a different area of the property that could conceal one of the coveted eggs.

The build starts with a trolley. I'm reluctant to call it a wheelbarrow as it comes with two wheels in the front as opposed to one. This could be one of the hiding places for the eggs though there are better ones that come later. Perhaps you're expected to hide it behind the carrot?

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The first ministructure is a small vegetable garden - or is it? It turns out that the soil under the carrot tops can be lifted up to reveal a small hiding place - just enough room for one of the eggs - in this case, the blue one.

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The next build is a section presumably near the road, since it includes a mailbox as well as a small flower garden. I quite like that there are so many colours used for the flowers, and that there's a top added to the mailbox, provided this time in bright red. There's a section of fence that's used in all the small sections as well as a couple of lights on the top of the fence posts. This portion is built on the bright green baseplate as opposed to the darker green used for the others.

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The final part of the build is the chicken coop - clearly we're out in the country for this egg hunt. We have the same fence and fence posts as the other sections, though the top of a fence post is adorned by none other than a chicken, having been displaced from the coop by yet another egg. The coop is accessed through a flap piece on the front to reveal the egg.

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Overall thoughts

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I think the set conveys an Easter egg hunt quite well and provides plenty of opportunities to hide the eggs provided in the set. The build itself feels a little underwhelming, I think because of the fragmented nature of the set. I would have liked to see something to tie the set together a bit more, though that would have exceeded the parts count for the established price for seasonals.

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Regardless, the set fits with Easter quite well and is a perfect addition to someone's Easter basket, and offers decent value for money (145 pieces, $9.99, £8.49).

22 comments on this article

By in United States,

Over here in the USA it is becoming more common to have chickens in suburban backyards.

By in United States,

Seems like a cute little set. Thanks for the review!

By in United States,

It USC a great set. My kids have enjoyed "finding" the eggs and rehiding them over and over. I love the 3 black fence pieces you get as well as the 12 masonry bricks. Always get some good parts in these sets. The woman's hairpiece is a nice bonus also.

By in United States,

"Over here in the USA it is becoming more common to have chickens in suburban backyards"
I am finding this to be true.

By in United States,

Wow, there are some really nice parts here. Especially the chicken. I haven't been able to find a good price on one.

Does it bother anyone else that the middle build is on a bright green plate and the other two are on green green?

By in United States,

Not quite as good as the Valentine vignette, I don't think, but I'm just happy they're doing the vignettes again this year.

By in Sweden,

Hard to see much value in this. Its fragmented nature with many loose parts makes it a nightmare to keep together, even for display purposes.

By in Puerto Rico,

That chicken coop is adorable, I have to build one.

By in Denmark,

I find last years 40202 Easter Chick light years more attractive.
The fragmented design makes 40237 Easter Egg Hunt rather unattractive.
WOW effect? Zero!

By in United States,

I reviewed this set on my channel two days ago!

By in Netherlands,

The three mini builds together form a perfect fence for the garden of one of my Creator houses. And it has play value too. Nice!

By in United States,

I like that the woman has a double sided head this will fit nicely in my city!!!

By in United States,

Interesting that most people seem to be bagging on this set. I think it's a fantastic parts pack (particularly for modular buildings) as the tan masonry bricks are only available in two other sets (one of which is $350!). The black fence parts are great and so are the minifigs and chicken - overall, the parts are very easily incorporated into Creator buildings or Modular buildings.

By in United States,

It's an alright little set, but it doesn't scream Easter egg as much as it does farm yard. The previous sets were better at showcasing Easter festivities than this. But it's not bad.

By in United States,

This is a very nice parts pack - especially if you can do a parts draft with it!

By in Australia,

It's a cute little set. I liked this year's Valentine's Day set, so I'm probably gonna pick up this one.

I wish the fence section by the mailbox swung open (and was a gate, as opposed to a static fence piece), and I wish Lego would get their act together and keep baseplates the same colour. The V-day set had three different colours for the grass that the picnic took place on, and that's really irritating.

By in United States,

I'll be getting all the seasonal sets this year, so good thing I already picked this one up! I love the parts, but I don't like how the grass color differs between plates.

As much as I like this guy, I still prefer the Valentines day one!

By in Belgium,

Just like the Valentines vignette this makes a nice addition to the fun in the park set.

By in Germany,

Speeking of fragmented - take a look around current sets, more-n-more they look and feel fragmented. e.g. 41149 Moana's Island, Elves (41182 The Capture, 41185 Magic Rescue), Jungle (60160 and 61), 70912 Arkham Asylum. These sets contain one or two single "add-on-builds", not able to attach. Loosy (unispired) to vary (mess) around. I prefer Minecraft and Architecture, or the Death Star - every part has a (default) spot.

By in United States,

Great review Megan and I'm very glad I got this set. Awesome parts and minifigures, cute scene, and low price are all good things in my book. My only regret is not collecting these Holiday sets sooner, as there are several I missed out on and am not willing to pay 30.00 for 100 piece sets on the aftermarket, no matter how cool they are .... well, never say never right?

By in United States,

Great little set for it's parts. The colored eggs will be hard to get, I believe. I bought two sets at my Lego store.

By in United States,

That poor chicken, laying eggs that are almost as big as it is...

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