Review: 76042 SHIELD Helicarrier - Part 1

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Few sets have commanded such anticipation as 76042 SHIELD Helicarrier. Rumours began to emerge in the Autumn of last year and immediate excitement followed. Months passed with no more news on this set, but at last it was revealed a little over two weeks ago.

I was as excited as anybody else since I am a huge fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the Helicarrier is, of course, one of the most iconic vehicles from the series. When the reveal arrived therefore I had very high expectations and, to be honest, I was a little let down. A number of issues struck me almost immediately, most notably the almost entirely black deck, which should be dark bluish grey in my opinion.

This set is on sale to VIP members from today in North America and will be available to VIP members elsewhere on Thursday. It is released to everyone else on the 1st of March. The price of £269.99 or $349.99 has been a subject of some controversy and disappointment, a fact I will discuss further in the second part of the review.

In this first part however we will take a look at the box, instructions, minifigures and nanofigures.

Box and Contents

The very first thing that will strike you about this set is the sheer enormity of the box! It is the same size as that of 10188 Death Star and features some pretty impressive artwork, with the Helicarrier flying over New York City while some of the smaller aircraft manoeuvre around it. The five minifigures and dimensions of the model are also shown off. Interestingly the box shows the cylindrical structures at the nose of the vehicle firing something as if they were weapons. I always assumed they were sensors or communication antennae of some sort, although I cannot find anything to confirm or disprove that theory online.

76042 Helicarrier

On the back of the box is a rear view of the vehicle, a shot of the control room inside and details of the items needed to install power functions to the model.

76042 Helicarrier

Once you have cut the tape seals and open the box another surprise awaits: a 444 page instruction manual! There is an advertisement for some of the upcoming Avengers: Age of Ultron sets at the back, but otherwise it is almost entirely devoted to the construction which is testament to the length of the build. The stickers are packed with the instruction manual so they should arrive flat.

76042 Helicarrier

A smaller white box is also found inside the main box, like those appearing in 10188 Death Star and 10221 Super Star Destroyer. I cannot see why certain bags were put in here while others float around with the rest of the contents, but there must be some reasoning behind it. The bags are numbered up to twelve, and most steps consist of two or even three bags. There are also two bags without numbers which contain some of the larger pieces including the hull sections and printed 16x8 tiles.

76042 Helicarrier


The five minifigures are dispersed through the build and you don't find the final one, Black Widow, until the penultimate bag. I am disappointed with the minifigure selection as I was hoping for Agent Coulson, Steve Rogers and Bruce Banner in minifigure form, but the five we do get are excellent on the whole.

The first of these is Hawkeye, whose popularity seems to have suffered a little after he spent most of the first Avengers film helping Loki escape SHIELD (on two separate occasions) or getting quickly beaten unconscious. It is also fair to say that his first minifigure from 2012 was not particularly impressive compared with some of the others from the first Avengers wave, but significant improvements have been made for the 2015 edition in my opinion.

76042 Helicarrier

The hair piece is now much more accurate while the torso and leg designs have been updated to match the outfit we see briefly in the trailers for the upcoming film. The head too has new printing, with a determined expression on one side and dark red shades on the other. As ever, Hawkeye is equipped with his unique compound bow which is moulded very accurately to the films.

76042 Helicarrier

The next minifigure is probably the most anticipated as the only new character in the set, Maria Hill. At first glance this is a fairly dull figure, featuring a standard dark brown ponytail hair piece and the head that appears on many female licensed minifigures with one smiling expression and one angry.

76042 Helicarrier

The detail of the belt and outfit on the front and back of her torso is excellent and looks to be very accurate to the film. It seems as though this will go quite nicely with the SHIELD Agent minifigure in the upcoming 76036 Carnage's SHIELD Sky Attack.

76042 Helicarrier

It is the SHIELD emblem printed on her shoulder that really impresses me. This is great little addition that dramatically improves the minifigure as a whole. Hopefully we will see arm printing like this becoming gradually more common.

76042 Helicarrier

Bag seven produces Captain America, a minifigure which takes a huge step up from his previous versions in 6865 Captain America's Avenging Cycle and 76017 Avengers: Captain America vs. Hydra.

76042 Helicarrier

This minifigure is exclusive to this set as this is his only appearance without his mask on. Instead he includes a tousled hair piece and the young Obi-Wan Kenobi's head, which is not entirely suitable in my opinion, but still looks reasonable. The torso design is new and very detailed on the front and back. It will also appear in 76032 The Avengers Quinjet Chase, where Captain America comes with his cowl on. His legs are plain dark blue and he is equipped with his shield, which maintains the brighter red colour that first appeared on it last year.

76042 Helicarrier

Nick Fury was also a minifigure that garnered quite a reaction as this is the first time a movie version of the character has been released. The head printing is the same as in 76004 Spider-Man: Spider-Cycle Chase, complete with eye patch and grimace.

76042 Helicarrier

The torso and leg printing on the other hand is new, featuring a representation of the trench coat he wears in the films. A material component would have been preferable, although it is not at all surprising that LEGO will not make such a piece as it would require the consumer to remove the arms, which is not recommended. The design continues onto his legs and should have extended a little lower, but still looks alright overall. This is not a bad minifigure, but I would hope to see another one in future where some of the issues are rectified.

76042 Helicarrier

There can be no such complaints about Black Widow though, which is just about a perfect minifigure. The hair piece is a brand new, and rather intricate mould that looks very accurate to the film. The head is also new, with those unsightly lines that appeared on the 2012 edition now absent. On one side is a cheerful expression while the other is ready for battle.

76042 Helicarrier

The torso and leg designs have undergone some changes since last time, with a few more purple and silver lines appearing on the front and back. Black Widow is armed with a standard Alien Conquest pistol. I am not sure about everybody else, but I am starting to get a little tired of this piece.

76042 Helicarrier


A few factors inspired a great deal of discussion following the press release, but few more so than the inclusion of twelve 'nanofigures.' Officially these are described as microfigures, but as we all know those are the figures which appeared in LEGO Games sets, not these trophy figures. Credit for the name (which seems to have caught on a bit) goes to LostInTranslation I believe.

These all appear in the final bag, packaged in their own smaller bag inside like many intricately printed or moulded pieces typically are. A similar kind of figure appeared in 4195 Queen Anne's Revenge from the Pirates of the Caribbean theme, although that was meant to be a voodoo doll rather than an actual character as these are. Iron Man is the most detailed, featuring gold printing on his helmet, torso and legs. A trans-light blue 1x1 round plate is included to stand him on if you wish to get him in some flying scenarios.

76042 Helicarrier

Nick Fury and Hawkeye are both predominantly black figures, with printing from top to bottom on each one. The definition on Fury's face is lacking a little, but he is still easily recognisable, which is all I really expect of these figures. Captain America is printed with red and white stripes and a white star on his chest, just like the larger minifigure. The eight SHIELD Agents feature the simplest printing, with a fairly basic face and a SHIELD symbol stamped on their torsos.

76042 Helicarrier

I was not particularly interested in these nanofigures when they were first revealed, but once I had them in my hand it was an entirely different story. They look fantastic on the deck of the Helicarrier and the intricacy of the printing is very impressive considering their tiny size. I will be fascinated to see if more figures like these are released in future.

76042 Helicarrier

That concludes the first part of our review. On Thursday we will bring you a look at the Helicarrier itself and its construction, as well as giving some final thoughts on the set as a whole.

Thanks to Huw for the photos and to the CEE Team for sending us the set to review.

The can be ordered now in North America via these links, USA | Canada, and will be available in Europe on Thursday together with a currently unknown gift with purchase.

67 comments on this article

By in Australia,

Great review so far! The minifigures are good, but the reuse of Obi-Wan's head annoys me...

By in Canada,

I like what you said about Hawkeye. He is my favourite Avenger, but I have to admit... he did absolutely nothing in The Avengers, and anyone who could have found him cool, just didn't.

By in Singapore,

um I can't see Maria Hill's shoulder patch... can we have a pic :D

By in Czechia,

Please, can you post photo of Maria Hill's printed shoulder?

By in United States,

So, in the UK, does Lego not post set information on the box itself, as they do in america. From the picture, I only see set name and number.

By in United Kingdom,

Damn now we have to wait until Thursday...

By in United States,

I LOLed at that last picture. Looks absolutely epic/hilarious. Reminds me of that minifig clock Galactus I saw somebody make once behind some normal minifigs...

By in United Kingdom,

When is the UK release date? as far as I can see its the 1st March on the Lego Shop Site.... but some reports of it being on Thursday 17th Feb.

By in Romania,

350 clams, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. I love LEGO as much as the next guy but unless anyone here wants to buy one of my kidneys I'm going to have to pass on this one.

By in Australia,

Apparently Aussie VIPs aren't getting early access? It still says available March 01 on my account (signed in) :(
EDIT: I missed the part where you said it's available elsewhere on Thursday...

I was going to wait a while anyway; it's so expensive here: $500 AUD...

I'm glad we're back to multi-part reviews Huw. Although I think it's probably the only sensible way to do such large sets as this. ;)

I quite like Obi-Wan's face used here. @Huw, is the hairpiece dark orange, like what they usually use to represent red hair, or is it the lighter-nougat/orange colour, such as used on the old Hawkeye? It's hard to tell here.

@Aegis2000: yeah, for some reason, only American boxes have the extra information on them. I really wish they did it for other countries. I think it might be some sort of legal requirement to list the parts or something? We don't even get the name sometimes, often just the set number and an age bracket.

By in Germany,

It would have been great if they included a Hulk mini figure like the figures in the Lego board games. That would look funny next to the microfigures of Ironman and Captain America.

By in United States,

Black Widow is the best part of this set. Good thing she's in the Quinjet.

By in Ireland,

Did anyone else go "Ooohhh!!!" when they scrolled down to the image of Maria Hill and the shoulder patch? I was decidedly unimpressed by this exclusive figure until I got to that picture. :)

By in Australia,

I don't think I've seen such a buxom minifigure as Black Widow before!

By in United States,

^lol, yeah, they've really taken some "liberties" with the black widow curvature.

By in United States,

This is going to sound a little rude, and for that I sincerely apologize. But was this a set that LEGO provided for review, or one you purchased yourself? Because if it's the first, I'm not really sure anyone could avoid that at least moderately affecting their views during a review. There's a BIG difference between £269.99/$349.99 and £0/$0. It's one thing with little, $30 sets, but this is a top-shelf, top-cost item. If you got it for free, then it IS a great value...but would it honestly be as great if it cost the full price?

Again, I sincerely apologize if I'm being offensive. I'm not trying to criticize, I'm just trying to point out a possible objectivity issue. And, if you did purchase it then I apologize again; typically reviews say if it's been purchased by the reviewer.

By in United States,

Well, I recall that the 2012 Harley Quinn was quite well endowed as well...what I want Black Widow for is her hair, not the torso part!

By in United Kingdom,

I take your point, but I think that the ladies and gents who review for Brickset have all spent plenty of their own money on sets over the years, so fully appreciate what represents good value and what doesn't.
While the Captain may not have had to find £270 in his own wallet in order to build the Helicarrier, I suspect that he'll still approach the review from the point of view of someone who *would* have to find the money.

By in United Kingdom,

@Lind_Whisperer - Admittedly it can be difficult to properly assess value for money when you are sent a set for free, but I am afraid that is unavoidable. We do our best to give an accurate impression as though we had paid full price for it.

By in United States,

In order to get the full experience, I suggest you donate £269.99 to charity and then tell us how the set feels. Value, or the impact of the cost matters in such a huge set and I don't feel you're getting the whole experience.

By in United Kingdom,

I hope fans love this set if they do afford to buy it but I feel exclusivity has overtaken the fun of play, learning and collecting for children. If AFOL collectors sets at this price exist then a more completist effort in design accuracy and character inclusion might be observed, despite a mainly superb looking set.
In addition perhaps a pocket money CMF Super Hero range of comic inspired/ costume varied characters would better fill the children's and lower earning collectors end of the market. If just the characters matter to some collectors, having to buy a large set to get certain heroes is at the least financially irritating, at most impossible and at this price… totally exclusive. Not all are welcome to collect these characters. The junior sets are lacking and patronising IMHO and resold characters tend to go up in price.

By in United States,

What exactly is needed for the power/light functions? From the photo it looks like items 88000, 8883, and 8870. Is it just one each of these (there isn't more than one light)? And do you need to build these in from the start, or is it relatively simple to add these parts/functions after the model is assembled? Apologies if these answers are coming in part 2 of the review, just trying to put my order in today.

By in United States,

nice set but i would wait for duble vip if was to get this

By in United States,

If you want double VIP and you live near a lego store, buy it, return it in March, Buy it back and you get double points. I did this last year and it worked.

By in United States,


By in United States,

Great writeup! Can you let us know, which bag contains the little display piece that holds the 5 minifigures? Thanks!

By in United Kingdom,

@Schmidt, one battery box, one motor and one pair of lights. It all fits in very easily. A section of the deck lifts off so they can be fitted. The lights illuminate the front bridge and can be seen through the window.

For the purposes of transparency, LEGO provides many fan sites with sets to review. It sets each one a budget based, I suspect, on traffic levels. We are offered exclusives such as this ahead of their release and if we accept they are 'paid' for out of our budget. We are not obliged to say positive things about them.

Admittedly it can be hard to objectively comment on value for money when you haven't paid for it yourself although as said above we, the reviewers, have all spent many thousands on LEGO in the past out of our own pocket to know what is good value and what is not and it is this experience that will form the basis our opinions.

Reaching 7000 prospective purchasers in less than a day (as this review has at the time of writing) for a few hundred dollars represents excellent value for money for LEGO's marketing department.

^ That is built first.

By in United Kingdom,

Are there instructions included on adding the power functions?

By in United Kingdom,


By in United Kingdom,

Meh! Do we need a disclaimer on every early large set review for the inevitable how-good-can-the-review-be-if-it-was-free or Brickset-could-afford-to buy-these-with-all-the-money-they-make debates? It's a very normal part of how this site works, why do the comments have to cycle endlessly through the same old issues?

By in United Kingdom,

And hey, how hard can it be for Chris or Huw or whoever else to gauge value? They've got sets that cost the same, smaller sets that add up to the same, and spent their own money on those. A side-by-side comparison is as good as any - I spent this much on set X/sets X and Y that cost the same and I felt this way about it/them, how does this set compare, would I have happily spent the same on it, etc?
It's a review. Read it. Make up your own mind from there. What's so hard about that?

By in United States,

Not a remark @Huw or @CapnRex101, but just a general statement:
How is this set 349.99 USD? I mean, look at it, vs the SSD. It just seems small for that amount. Maybe I'm just missing the scale but it seems a bit small for what it costs. Maybe 100 dollars goes to making that enormous Instruction book!

By in United Kingdom,

I've no intention of ever buying this, but that was a great write-up to read anyway.

Oh and LEGO, £270 means NO STICKERS.

By in United States,

Just got mine. Can't wait to build it

By in United States,

@CCC But doesn't Brickset have it's own affiliate links, too? Admittedly they only ask you to use them on the homepage, but it's really not that different. By using this website (giving it traffic hits) or by visiting a youtube reviewer and their affiliate link, you are giving the same message to Lego - this person/site influenced my purchases. They either get more money through ad revenue or more to their CEE budget as Huw explains.

The "just ignore it if you don't like it/agree with it/etc" argument has always been a bogus one.

I don't doubt the history of reviewers and their spending habits to understand the overall value of a set. But there is still definitely something to be said for the visceral experience of having just built a set, spent some hours and 100s of pounds/dollars on it, then reflecting on how it will likely just sit there, and how many weeks of groceries or utility bills that could have paid for.

I'd liken it to restaurant critique. The most respected critics are usually as anonymous as possible and arrive unannounced to get the true experience.

I know I've definitely changed my overall buying habits based on an indefinable "feel bad" from some Lego purchases in the past. That sentiment is kind of impossible when they're "free" (which they aren't exactly, considering the necessity of maintaining the whole site).

Certainly from TLG's perspective this is a no-brainer.


If you don't like it, you can just IGNORE it! See what I did there? But seriously, it comes up for the most expensive sets because it's a valid point. Imagining oneself casually picking up a $20-$60 set isn't that big a stretch of the imagination, but £269.99 or $349.99 is something else.

By in United States,

Just got min can't wait to build it. And I really don't personally care if you guys get the set for free to review. The amount of work and love you put into the site is payment enough. Love this site and as a collector would be totally lost without it .

By in United States,

Thanks for the review so far. Although it hasn't given us much information. I'll have to wait until the next installment.

The figures are ho-hum, thankfully. Super Heroes is all about the characters. This set is all about the build. I love the representation. I hate the price. Therefore I will never own it (unless I win the lottery). So hopefully enough people WON'T buy it and it will show LEGO that sets at this price point are too high for LEGO fans. It runs the risk of telling LEGO that they don't want this source material, which isn't the truth.

The nano-figures look okay for what they are. But I don't have the urge to collect them. Now we just need some Star Wars nano-figures so we can have a Spaceballs MOC with Dark Helmet playing with his dolls...

It does make me jealous at times when a fellow LUG member gets free sets to review, always at the higher collectible price point. But he has achieved that placement to do so, so kudos to him.

By in United Kingdom,

@DanRSL - I didn't say "if you don't like it, ignore it," so I see what you did there but I'm not sure why you did!
Whoever reads a review thinking they won't have to make their mind up afterwards anyway? Isn't a review meant to be just one part of a host of things that will inform your opinion (and one of the few of those that is designed specifically to do that job)? So isn't a review where you know that the reviewer didn't pay for the set still a useful part of your overall impression? I hope you'd never take everything a review said and accept it wholesale, so just add the it-was-free caveat to the huge list of caveats you're already taking into account.
(Unless you're an applefanboy of course... :P)

And I said the bit about the reviewers having paid for large sets too, which already covers what you say about your buying habits. If the reviewers have felt the regret of spending a lot on a disappointing set, won't they be able to look at this set and think whether it would have left them feeling the same? The set being free doesn't mean the reviewer looses all ability to judge value, I like to credit them with a little more sense than that.
In fact, are you actually saying that you should only be able to read reviews by people with roughly the same income and pressures on money as you? So we'd need a whole raft of different reviewers, kids, working-but-still-living-at-home folks, married professionals, house-wives, retired with a private pension-ers, etc?

Sorry if that looks like a rant, I do get what you're saying, but it really is just one small consideration that, provided you give Chris an ounce of credit, isn't really all that important. And it's come up as an issue and been buried on this site, other sites, magazines, TV review shows, etc, come up again and been resolved, come up again etc many, many times before. *yawn*

By in United States,

"So hopefully enough people WON'T buy it and it will show LEGO that sets at this price point are too high for LEGO fans."

I wish they would stop making little cheap sets. I much prefer the large awesome sets. Just saying....

By in South Korea,

Those nanofigures are cute! It will look nice if the minifigures hold them on their hands like a trophy.

By in United States,

Good to know Cap's head isn't exclusive, so I can get that head and make my own maskless Cap without having to get this set. What color is the hair, though? I hope that piece isn't exclusive.

By in United Kingdom,

Insanely overpriced when you go per/brick and for nearly £300 it's not really that big of a piece.

Compare this to what else you could get from LEGO with £269.99 and this just doesn't cut it; not when you can get Slave-1, The Tumbler or The Simpsons house and still have another £100 to spend on a 2nd set...

By in Canada,

I still do not understand why the stickers are coming on the white backing compared to the transparent backing. At this price point I want the stickers to last. When asking Lego to purchase "back up" stickers for when the originals fail they told me they can not sell the stickers to me for licensing reasons. For those of you who think printing off a set of scanned stickers will be easy I highly doubt that especially for special silver prints etc.. Perhaps in the near future this will be an affordable option but as of now it is not.

By in United States,

"So hopefully enough people WON'T buy it and it will show LEGO that sets at this price point are too high for LEGO fans."
There are already several of these having sold on ebay for well over $500. I would be surprised if they had enough inventory to last through the summer. This one is a money maker for sure and at the price point I suspect it will not get a second run in the factory. Definitely a collectable. Might get two to pay for the first one.

By in United Kingdom,

To the people complaining about brickset getting review sets at no charge and sometimes before release too, you need to realise that Huw and the team dedicate an incredible amount of time and hard work making this site as good and useful as it is and crucially FREE to use for everybody. It is my opinion that they earn these sets!!!
The reviews are always very thorough with very high quality photos and I love reading them.

By in United States,

Are the Quinjets in this model the same size as the ones in the polybag?

By in United States,

And the US shop has already sold out :) Eat that, guy who didn't want them to sell a lot :p

Glad I got my order in a little bit ago, looking forward to building this behemoth.

By in United States,

@ndisgize Looks like no. These quinjets have a blue piece above cockpit where the polybag has clear. Also polybog has wings that stick out 3 studs with blue grates on top, whereas these only stick out 2 and look plain. Though if you have one, it should blend in pretty well regardless.

By in Australia,

I wonder how many Ferraris and Aston Martins the Top Gear presenters (and all car magazine writers) need to purchase before their reviews are considered to be honest.

In media, it's an unavoidable thing.

I know a few motorcycle mag writers and their salary is not something you would be able to brag about, but there they are comparing top-line $30K Ducatis and Aprilias against cheaper Hondas and Yamahas. Or they might be asking which practical commuter bike is worth your $9,000.

The point is, whether they paid for the product they're reviewing should not come into question, provided they're able to lay out all the salient points and give them to you honestly.

To muddy things further, a Lego Helicarrier is not an essential purchase. It's not like an average family needs it to help get the kids off to school like a family car does. I'm pretty sure that anyone who wanted a Helicarrier would get one anyway if it was s sub-par set.

By in United Kingdom,

Sounds like a few people are jealous that they don't get free sets in the mail.

By in Canada,

While CDN$400 is a bit much, it weighs in around 13.35 cents per piece, which in my opinion is not really all that bad. I prefer around 10 cents a piece, but that seems rare these days unless there is a good sale. I see sets at 17 to 25 cents per piece a lot, so it could be a lot worse.

I agree that at that price point there should not be stickers though.

As for value, anyone contemplating shelling out that much for a "non-essential" purchase should be able to look it over and decide for themselves if it is worth it or not. You shouldn't need or want a reviewer to make that decision for you, so I don't see what the fuss is about.

PS In Canada despite what it says at the top of the post.

By in United Kingdom,

I almost don't know why I read this review, beautiful and in-depth as it is. I basically now know exactly what I definitely can't have! I'm really surprised at the lack of exclusive minifigs in this but the set is 'so' expensive the draw has moved from exclusivity to the actual quality of the build, which I imagine will be interesting to see in the second part!

It's hard to tell the size from the photos at the moment but I'd imagine it's probably not far off the LAAT from the ATOT and Dropship a few years ago

By in Poland,

This is a cool set, but only thing that bothers me are stickers. At this price point it's unacceptable. Shame on You Lego. :/

By in United Kingdom,

Instruction Manual - Glued spine? Will it hold up to 400 odd page turns or fall apart like my Ghostbusters booklet?

Wish they'd do the spiral bound again!

By in United States,

Can you tell me, how many mini-vehicles are in this set and which bag(s) they are located in?

By in United Kingdom,

@mobydick - There are nine mini models in total (three Quinjets, three fighter jets, two forklifts and a tanker truck), all of which are found in bag twelve.

By in United States,

Its already backordered on USA... Who knew so many people had $350 burning a hole in their pocket.. :-)

By in United States,

Thanks Capn! And can you verify Hu's somewhat confusing statement that the minifigure display stand is in Bag 1?

By in United Kingdom,

It is in bag 1, along with the stand and the bridge section of the hull.

By in United States,

So I'm currently up to bag 4 of the build and so far it's great however I totally agree there should be NO STICKERS at this price. And the stickers are huge and hard to get perfect

By in United States,

Well, I am impressed by the Death Star-sized box and instructions... but the thing with that is, the Death Star has 1000 more pieces and 19 more figures than this set. You want proof that piece counts are down and prices aren't... look here. The minifigures... they honestly seem like they made 2 or 3 good torso prints and then gave up. Black Widow's hair looks (insert tiresome argument here). Fury's eye patch still doesn't look right. Hawkeye and Cap's faces don't fit the characters at all. The ADU gun still looks more out of place than Darth Maul teaching geometry. And for no reason at all, Coulson isn't here. I don't like this trend of randomly leaving out important characters. First Aladdin and now this...

By in United States,


Too many other worthy recent releases as well as vintage sets worth picking up.

By in United States,

Great review. For the captain america minifigure in this set, that is Steve Rogers.

By in United States,

People may be offended, but the fact that it has sold out already shows there are a lot of idiots willing to spend ridiculous amounts of money on plastic toys. No wonder the aftermarket is doing so well for people.

I won't deny the set looks great. I won't deny that if I had extra money I would probably end up picking it up eventually. But I will stand by my statement of it is too expensive. People can agree or disagree with me. I don't really care.

My initial statement was I hope they don't sell very well (we all knew that wouldn't happen) just to show the price point was too high. Obviously I was wrong. With that said, I now hope LEGO only produces sets at this price point, so I can quit buying them and move on from this tiresome hobby.

By in United States,

I just wish they would have given cap a helmet like the flash mini figure has in the dc sets

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