Quick look: 31136 Exotic Parrot

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This Creator 3-in-1 set, 31136 Exotic Parrot, is one of a multitude of sets featuring birds that have been released this year.

In this article I'll take a quick look at the set's primary model and also determine whether it's suitable for perching on Captain Redbeard's shoulder.

It's not often that I'm inclined to make 'day one' purchases but this was one such occasion, on account of the novel and attractive subject matter, reasonable price, and vivid colours. Besides, I'm a sucker for LEGO animals...

The bird is a blue and yellow macaw, a native to South America. It's perched on top of a branch upon which two pink flowers are growing, orchids perhaps.

Three shades of blue are used to great effect to colour the wings, back and tail feathers. The species' distinctive head colours of stripes around the eyes and green top of the head have been modelled effectively, too.

The wings are connected with ball joints so can be positioned either against the body or away from it, although they can't be moved around that much.

The flowers on the base are attractive but not as much as they could have been, on account of the use of white clip hinge plates, which have the effect of diluting the otherwise vibrant colours.

Its legs and feet are made using Technic elements and are affixed to the branch, so if you want to remove the bird from its perch they are left behind, which is a shame.

If you were to replace the yellow pieces with blue parts from your collection you'd have a Norwegian Blue...

E's not pinin'! 'E's passed on! This parrot is no more! He has ceased to be! 'E's expired and gone to meet 'is maker! '

In the comments on my review of 40504 A Minifigure Tribute someone asked if the bird could be perched on the pirate's shoulder or hand. As you can see, the scales don't quite match! I did try to get the macaw to sit on his hand, but it was too heavy. But, they do look great together and the minifig-scale parrot isn't exactly minifig-scale either, is it!

The Creator 3-in-1 range continues to provide some of the most innovative and interesting sets in the annual product assortment, and offer good value for money, too. This one, which costs £19.99 / $19.99 / €24.99 for 253 pieces, is no exception.

I've not built the alternate models, but they look pretty good, too.

38 comments on this article

By in United Kingdom,

Ah, alternate models! Great to see Creator still has its priorities straight.

By in Australia,

It’s good. It’s like Technic though. The further away it is the better it looks.

By in Netherlands,

This one shall make a fine, reasonably priced enemy to my Mouse Guards, even if more exotic than it'd normally be.
@Huw I'm guessing 22cm height in set's official description includes the flower base, parrot itself would be about 13cm?

By in Netherlands,

The $20 feels a bit more fair than the €25, but discounts will surely solve that. But other than that this is a perfectly fine set, both the main build and the alternate builds. Creator 3-in-1 rarely disappoints!

By in Netherlands,

It looks amazing. But it's very display-ish and very adult oriented. To the point where it's a bit weird for being in creator.
Ah well, the set itself is great for what it is.

By in United Kingdom,

@sipuss said:
"This one shall make a fine, reasonably priced enemy to my Mouse Guards, even if more exotic than it'd normally be.
@Huw I'm guessing 22cm height in set's official description includes the flower base, parrot itself would be about 13cm? "

~17cm head to tip of tail.

By in United Kingdom,

Even though the scales don't match, I think the pirate figure and parrot display well together.

By in Canada,

Thanks for the quick look and the laughs, Huw :)
I picked this one up the first time I saw it in store as it looks quite charming, and it's only $25 Canadian. I had also ordered 31133 which has three great builds, including a cockatoo build, which I thought would be a good companion to this set. Disappointingly, the cockatoo has really odd claws, but otherwise would look good with is build. All three builds in that set were enjoyable, though, except those claws, which I can barely call claws.

By in Germany,

Parrot sketch not included.

By in United Kingdom,

The parrot looks a bit… stiff somehow. Perhaps it’s the bolt upright angle. Not sure about this one. I wanted to like it, but I’m not sure I do.

By in Netherlands,

@craiggrannell said:
"The parrot looks a bit… stiff somehow. Perhaps it’s the bolt upright angle. Not sure about this one. I wanted to like it, but I’m not sure I do."

E's a stiff! Bereft of life, 'e rests in peace! If you hadn't nailed 'im to the perch 'e'd be pushing up the daisies! 'Is metabolic processes are now 'istory! 'E's off the twig! 'E's kicked the bucket, 'e's shuffled off 'is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisible!! THIS IS AN EX-PARROT!!

Sorry. The review started it I swear!

By in United Kingdom,

Great review. Creator 3 in 1 is the quietly confident, exceptional theme that keeps delivering.

By in Netherlands,

It's not quite dead yet. It's getting better!

By in United Kingdom,

@Binnekamp said:
" @craiggrannell said:
"The parrot looks a bit… stiff somehow. Perhaps it’s the bolt upright angle. Not sure about this one. I wanted to like it, but I’m not sure I do."

E's a stiff! Bereft of life, 'e rests in peace! If you hadn't nailed 'im to the perch 'e'd be pushing up the daisies! 'Is metabolic processes are now 'istory! 'E's off the twig! 'E's kicked the bucket, 'e's shuffled off 'is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisible!! THIS IS AN EX-PARROT!!

Sorry. The review started it I swear!"

Articulation wouldn't be the best as it's nailed to the perch...
Looks a great model through, Creator is what Lego is all about really.

By in United States,

I wasn't expecting the Monty Python references. Just like nobody expects... Wait, wrong sketch.

By in Australia,

It looks like it is wearing yellow underpants

By in United Kingdom,

Considering the relative size of ordinary minifigs to Lego parrot pieces, I’d say the scale isn’t so bad! :)

By in United States,

@Binnekamp said:
"The review started it!"
No it didn't!

By in United States,

That white 1x2 rounded plate on the face looks wrong to me. I’ll probably replace it with something smooth…

By in United States,

Do you have a 30581 laying round? Smaller, though less realistic, parrot. Might be the right scale for the megafig Captain.

By in United States,

I was really surprised on March 1st to see that this set sold out the third fastest in the US behind BTS Dynamite and Wall-E.

By in United States,

$20 is a steal for how beautiful the core model is. I'm definitely going to silly walk my way down to the Lego store and grab one ASAP.

By in Germany,

I still think it goes very well with the Redbeard figure, I adore the last shot both next to each other. :)

By in United States,

Yet another fantastic creator set! The price is quite respectable as well.

By in United States,



By in United States,

@Binnekamp said:
" @craiggrannell said:
"The parrot looks a bit… stiff somehow. Perhaps it’s the bolt upright angle. Not sure about this one. I wanted to like it, but I’m not sure I do."

E's a stiff! Bereft of life, 'e rests in peace! If you hadn't nailed 'im to the perch 'e'd be pushing up the daisies! 'Is metabolic processes are now 'istory! 'E's off the twig! 'E's kicked the bucket, 'e's shuffled off 'is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisible!! THIS IS AN EX-PARROT!!

Sorry. The review started it I swear!"

Are you sure he's not just pining for the fjords?

By in United Kingdom,

It looks good, I think it's hit a sweet spot for size, detail and price which is why it's sold so well (it was sold out in the LEGO store I visited last weekend).

@Huw will you be reviewing the Cosy House? I would love to know how compatible it is with modulars, and there haven't been any 'regular' Creator houses for a few years I think?

By in United Kingdom,

@Paperdaisy said:
" @Huw will you be reviewing the Cosy House? I would love to know how compatible it is with modulars, and there haven't been any 'regular' Creator houses for a few years I think?"

@benbacardi will be doing so.

By in Denmark,

After reading the review I went and bought it immediately, to place it next to the pirate!

By in United States,

Something about the face just doesn’t add up for me.

By in United States,

Why did they not add a butt hole? I miss the majestic tiger.

By in United States,

If you want to get anything done in this country you've got to complain 'til you're blue in the mouth.

Sorry squire, I've had a look and we're right out of parrots.

By in Germany,

Nice one.

By in United States,

"Why did they not add a butt hole? I miss the majestic tiger."

No, no, no. Tigers get buttholes. Parrots get pooping functions.

By in United States,

I can't stop seeing those nostril (?) pieces above the beak as eyes. Reminds me of those old cartoons where the character whistles "AH-OOOOHH-GAH!" and the eyes pop out of the head.

By in Italy,

@huw thanks for answering me on the pirate comparison

By in United States,

"Its legs and feet are made using Technic elements and are affixed to the branch, so if you want to remove the bird from its perch they are left behind, which is a shame."

@Huw I think that if you replace the two "Cross Axle 4M With End Stop" (Design 87083) that are used in the parrot's legs with two "Cross Axle 4M" (Design 3705), the parrot could come off its perch in one piece, legs and all.

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