Random set of the day: Off-Road Power
Posted by Huwbot,Today's random set is 5893 Off-Road Power, released in 2010. It's one of 12 Creator sets produced that year. It contains 1061 pieces, and its retail price was US$89.99/£71.99.
It's owned by 1515 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you might find it for sale at BrickLink or eBay.
18 comments on this article
C'mon, Huwbot, we needed you to vouch for the Bionicle Ideas set that was announced for review today...
Is this our first 2010 set?
^Yes it is.
First 6 sets of 2020 were from these years: 2002, 2007, 2000, 1999, 1980, and 2009.
I was about to say from the thumbnail that that looked pretty modern, and it is! We're up to 2010 on Random Set of the day, how thrilling!
@Zordboy said:
"Is this our first 2010 set?"
Indeed it is, and it’s a fantastic one.
New decade of random sets...
pretty soon we’ll be looking back and seeing random sets from 2020. That’s of course if duplo monsters don’t attack us and usher in the apocalypse.
Aah, good old days, when the colors are proper and the models are, well, normal.
Why does that motorcycle have wings?
That blue truck is gorgeous though - a true creator vehicle.
How Model Team.
@TheRightP_art said:
"Why does that motorcycle have wings?
That blue truck is gorgeous though - a true creator vehicle."
It looks like a ATV.
I wanted this back in the day, and yes @BlueCreeper512 is right, it’s an ATV
As good as a Cybertruck!
@TheRightP_art said:
"Why does that motorcycle have wings?"
As others have already pointed out, this isn't a motorcycle but a Quad (at least that is what these things are called here), also apparently sometimes called an ATV (never heard that term before).
Anyway, what an awesome set, near perfect in every detail.
They don't make them like they used to.
Model Team 2.0
Never seen this set before; but, I suppose, 2010 was about when I entered what might be thought of as my own Lego 'dark age'. I didn't really pay attention to much in 2010, other than the Toy Story theme and Bionicle's last dying gasp (and, briefly, the ill-fated Lego Universe game); so I guess I'm gonna see a lot of sets that are new to me showing up as RSotD now ^^
I own this! I bought it fairly cheap still sealed about 4 or 5 years ago. I haven't really dared to open it yet, but I just love those 'old' big Creator sets, like 7347 or 4953
This was one of my favourite sets to build back in 2010. A great set with fun building techniques and the ATV/Quad bike has bounce as well as movable steering (as does the truck). The ATV stands for All-Terrain Vehicle for those who haven't heard the term before. Great choice, Huwbot!
Mr. Snail would approve