
73 Pins
Dealing with Shoulder Blade Pain? Here’s a Quick Tip! Shoulder blade pain can be a real struggle, but there’s hope! 💆‍♂️ Try this simple tip to relieve tension and discomfort in your upper back. For even better results, use our Neck and Back Heated Massager to melt away pain and stress. Experience the comfort and relief you deserve! 🌟 Ready for deeper relief? Check out our Neck and Back Heated Massager at and say goodbye to shoulder blade pain! 🌐 ✨Remember to Br...
Health DIY - Natural Remedies on Instagram: "Do you experience shoulder blade pain that just won’t go away? Great post by @drjoedamiani for more! 🙏 You’ve tried stretching it, massaging it and fixing your posture but it keeps coming back? Plus you get headaches and it seems like it’s all connected? (Well you’re probably right!) You see when we have improper shoulder blade function, the muscles that connect it to the spine have to overwork and those muscles tug on the neck which can cause headaches! PLUS, if your upper back and rib head joint are stiff… then the muscles (rhomboids, levant scapulae and upper trapezius have to work even more). SO to fix the situation we have to: 1.) Release the muscles to put them in a more healthy state. 2.) Mobilize the upper spine and rib head joints
Megan Dahlman | Do you get 💥KNOTS💥 in your shoulder blades? They’re the WORST! I bet you’ve tried stretching and massaging them out, but they don’t quite g… | Instagram
2M views · 329K reactions | No pull up? No problem! Here’s my handy pull up progression so you too can be THAT girl in the gym ❤️ Outfit @womensbest comfort/ code NAJAH | Najah Hatahet
2M views · 329K reactions | No pull up? No problem! Here’s my handy pull up progression so you too can be THAT girl in the gym ❤️ Outfit @womensbest comfort/ code NAJAH | Najah Hatahet
4.2K views · 1.5K reactions | 3 ways to open your hips These are 3 spots in your hip mobility that vastly affect how you feel in everyday life. How you feel while walking, sitting, and even how your knees and low back feel. 1️⃣ Lateral hip / QL stretch 2️⃣ Hip external rotation 3️⃣ Hip internal rotation Hold each stretch for 1-2 minutes to get started (2 is better as you get more accustomed to long hold stretches). #mobility #hipmobility #kinstretch #hipstretch #hipstrength | Mobility + Strength Coach • Leanne
4.2K views · 1.5K reactions | 3 ways to open your hips These are 3 spots in your hip mobility that vastly affect how you feel in everyday life. How you feel while walking, sitting, and even how your knees and low back feel. 1️⃣ Lateral hip / QL stretch 2️⃣ Hip external rotation 3️⃣ Hip internal rotation Hold each stretch for 1-2 minutes to get started (2 is better as you get more accustomed to long hold stretches). #mobility #hipmobility #kinstretch #hipstretch #hipstrength | Mobility + Strength Coach • Leanne
83K views · 1.1K reactions | Hip stretching. SI joint area. #hipstrerch | Bannockburn Chiropractic & Physical Therapy
83K views · 1.1K reactions | Hip stretching. SI joint area. #hipstrerch | Bannockburn Chiropractic & Physical Therapy
66K views · 5.4K reactions | So simple, yet so effective. The purpose of the pillow is to make it so that way your back is in an elongated position, but also when you inhale the expansion is being forced into your back and not as much into the front part of your body. Most people already breathe too much into their lower ribs and upper stomach, and not enough into their back ribcage, where a lot of the expansion should occur. So by kneeling flexing in this position and adding a pillow, it biases a lot of back expansion and decompression. The key is to breathe slowly and stay super relaxed throughout your whole body. Gentle (silent), but full inhale through the nose. Feel ZERO neck tension as you inhale. As you exhale, “sigh” the air out. This will help you further melt into the pillow and relax, but also ensure you decompress enough to allow for optimal subsequent expansion on the inhale. Try 2 sets of 10 breaths and see how you feel after 🙂 This exercise is a modification I made inspired by @applied_integration_academy’s G-DiRT technique —— #backpain #lowbackpainrelief #lowbackpainexercises #backpainexercises #backpaintips #backpainremedy | Conor Harris
66K views · 5.4K reactions | So simple, yet so effective. The purpose of the pillow is to make it so that way your back is in an elongated position, but also when you inhale the expansion is being forced into your back and not as much into the front part of your body. Most people already breathe too much into their lower ribs and upper stomach, and not enough into their back ribcage, where a lot of the expansion should occur. So by kneeling flexing in this position and adding a pillow, it biases a lot of back expansion and decompression. The key is to breathe slowly and stay super relaxed throughout your whole body. Gentle (silent), but full inhale through the nose. Feel ZERO neck tension as you inhale. As you exhale, “sigh” the air out. This will help you further melt into the pillow
2.1M views · 17K reactions | Knot in your shoulder blade? 🔽 ✨ This sensation of knot (what even is a “knot”) or a hyperactive area of tissue can seem like it’s begging for someone to drop an elbow into it and grind away buuut for many of us this approach is similar to poking a bruise. And if you’re not getting lasting change from that method you may need to switch it up. 💥 Might I present a different way? Let’s try to make that area work and see if it shakes itself out. This move hits the rotator cuff, lats, thoracic mobility- all the things to get your back and blades feeling good. Hit this consistently for a couple days and see if that area starts to feel better for longer. Like it? Share it! 👊🏻 #thoracicmobility #knots #musclepain #neckpain #wfhlife #stretching #mobilitywod | Dr. Katie Clare
2.1M views · 17K reactions | Knot in your shoulder blade? 🔽 ✨ This sensation of knot (what even is a “knot”) or a hyperactive area of tissue can seem like it’s begging for someone to drop an elbow into it and grind away buuut for many of us this approach is similar to poking a bruise. And if you’re not getting lasting change from that method you may need to switch it up. 💥 Might I present a different way? Let’s try to make that area work and see if it shakes itself out. This move hits the rotator cuff, lats, thoracic mobility- all the things to get your back and blades feeling good. Hit this consistently for a couple days and see if that area starts to feel better for longer. Like it? Share it! 👊🏻 #thoracicmobility #knots #musclepain #neckpain #wfhlife #stretching #mobilitywod |
69K views · 4.3K reactions | Let’s start the day with some **MORNING MOVES** to boost your energy and get your body moving! These simple exercises will help improve flexibility, strengthen muscles, and increase circulation. Let’s do them together: - 10x calf raises - 10x shoulder circles (both directions) - 10x spinal waves - 10x full deep squats Repost @randommovements_ (thank you) #MorningMoves #DailyExercise #CalfRaises #ShoulderCircles #SpinalWaves #DeepSquats #FitnessRoutine #MorningWorkout #StrengthTraining #MobilityTraining #WellnessJourney #HealthyHabits #WorkoutMotivation #USA #NorthAmerica #Canada #UK #California #LosAngeles #Toronto #Vancouver #London #FitLife #HomeWorkout #FitnessGoals #HealthyLiving #SelfCare #MoveYourBody #GetFit | Alex.Germany.Chiropractor
69K views · 4.3K reactions | Let’s start the day with some **MORNING MOVES** to boost your energy and get your body moving! These simple exercises will help improve flexibility, strengthen muscles, and increase circulation. Let’s do them together: - 10x calf raises - 10x shoulder circles (both directions) - 10x spinal waves - 10x full deep squats Repost @randommovements_ (thank you) #MorningMoves #DailyExercise #CalfRaises #ShoulderCircles #SpinalWaves #DeepSquats #FitnessRoutine #MorningWorkout #StrengthTraining #MobilityTraining #WellnessJourney #HealthyHabits #WorkoutMotivation #USA #NorthAmerica #Canada #UK #California #LosAngeles #Toronto #Vancouver #London #FitLife #HomeWorkout #FitnessGoals #HealthyLiving #SelfCare #MoveYourBody #GetFit | Alex.Germany.Chiropractor
122K views · 1.8K reactions | Fix your back & hips ! 5 stretches that will provide instant relief from a tight sore back ! From stretching out your lower, upper, sides and hip flexors whilst adding in a couple of twists your back will be feeling brand new after these 🙌🏽 try 1 minute of each every day. #hipopener #hipflexors #hipmobility #hipmobilitychallenge #mobilitysolutions #tighthips #BackPainRelief | Emily Mouu
122K views · 1.8K reactions | Fix your back & hips ! 5 stretches that will provide instant relief from a tight sore back ! From stretching out your lower, upper, sides and hip flexors whilst adding in a couple of twists your back will be feeling brand new after these 🙌🏽 try 1 minute of each every day. #hipopener #hipflexors #hipmobility #hipmobilitychallenge #mobilitysolutions #tighthips #BackPainRelief | Emily Mouu
124K views · 3.3K reactions | 😫💥NECK PAIN RELIEF! So much screen many sore, tight necks! ➡️ Join my Healing List here for more curated tutorials & tips straight to your inbox! Try this simple 30 second tutorial to release tension & pain from your neck & spine, promote circulation and jumpstart your body’s natural healing ability! Repeat a few times a day for maximum results and don’t forget to breathe! 1. Start by waking up your feet & reflexes by massaging them with your favourite non-toxic cream or oil. 2. Gently “rock” the inner edge of your foot to release your neck & spine. You may hear a crack when doing this like me! which feels just as good as cracking your back 😉 3. Grasp your Big Toe and gently rotate to release your neck (spine). 4. Repeat on both feet to release pain & tension in your neck. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. 👣 Hey, I'm Suzanne! #footguru & Registered Foot Reflexologist at @footgurureflexology, guiding you to health & healing one reflex at a time. #footreflexology #reflexologist #reflexology #neckpain | Foot Guru Reflexology
124K views · 3.3K reactions | 😫💥NECK PAIN RELIEF! So much screen many sore, tight necks! ➡️ Join my Healing List here for more curated tutorials & tips straight to your inbox! Try this simple 30 second tutorial to release tension & pain from your neck & spine, promote circulation and jumpstart your body’s natural healing ability! Repeat a few times a day for maximum results and don’t forget to breathe! 1. Start by waking up your feet & reflexes by massaging them with your favourite non-toxic cream or oil. 2. Gently “rock” the inner edge of your foot to release your neck & spine. You may hear a crack when doing this like me! which feels just as good as cracking your back 😉 3. Grasp your Big Toe and gently rotate to release your neck (spine).
38K views · 2.8K reactions | That last video from the @muscleandmotion app explains it perfectly. Keep practicing the inhale breath dropping down. | Mandy Froehlich
38K views · 2.8K reactions | That last video from the @muscleandmotion app explains it perfectly. Keep practicing the inhale breath dropping down. | Mandy Froehlich