Pose Breakdown: Side Plank


Learn how to do Side Plank Pose (Vasisthasana). This free beginner video will teach you the proper technique and alignment to help you learn how to safely move into Side Plank Pose.

Side Plank Pose is great for improving balance while also strengthening your entire body. From your fingers to your toes, this pose activates all the muscles on the side of the body you are working. Be sure to avoid sagging your hips or rolling forward by keeping your hips and legs stacked. Also, listen to your body — once you feel fatigued, get out of the pose to avoid straining a muscle or modify your side plank by taking it down to your knees.

Looking to spice up your Side Plank? Here are 20 fun side plank variations to practice if you’re already a pro.

Benefits of Side Plank Pose
  • Strengthens your arms, wrists, and back

  • Works your entire core

  • Improves your balance

  • Reduces your risk of back injury

  • Tones your obliques, shoulders and legs.

  • Improves concentration


How to do Side Plank Pose
Come down onto your hands and knees. Place your hands under your shoulders and wrap your triceps back so your elbows face backward.
Step your feet back and bring them together while squeezing your inner thighs together.
Roll onto the outer edge of one foot and stack your hips vertically over each other.
Stack your shoulders and reach your arm straight up overhead.

Liked this Side Plank tutorial? Kickstart your home yoga practice with a free two-week trial to AloMoves.com. We recommend these full-length yoga classes: Naya Rappaport’s Core Fire and Jacy Cunningham’s Plank Power.


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