Fakultäten der Universität Bonn
Teilbereiche in diesem Bereich
Landwirtschaftliche Fakultät (1277)
Medizinische Fakultät (1806)
Philosophische Fakultät (757)
Neueste Zugänge
Characterization of the TJ-Monopix2 Depleted Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor for High-Energy Physics Experiments
Bespin Valero, Christian (2024-11-22)Monolithic pixel detectors demonstrate an advancement in the field of particle detectors, offering high spatial resolution and low material budget. With the availability of highly resistive silicon substrates and high-voltage ... -
Innovative Diagnostik und Therapie der kardialen Dysfunktion und Pulmonalen Hypertonie bei kritisch kranken Früh- und Neugeborenen
Schröder, Lukas (2024-11-22)Die neonatale kardiale Dysfunktion (cardiac dysfunction, CD) und pulmonale Hypertension (PH) bei Früh- und Neugeborenen ist mit relevanten Komplikationen assoziiert, wie einem längeren Intensivaufenthalt, einer respiratorischen ... -
Structural and Functional Investigation of a Type III CRISPR Immune Pathway and
Schneberger, Niels (2024-11-21)
a Bacterial Sialic Acid TRAP Transporter Multiple mechanisms have evolved to protect organisms from invaders. These immune strategies vary widely in complexity, specificity, response time, and long-term protection. While all types of immune systems continuously ... -
Yield Prediction with Explainable Machine Learning
Huber, Florian Philipp (2024-11-21)Starting from a federal project to predict grapevine yields in Germany, we faced five challenges to enable machine learning for yield prediction. The first challenge is training on small data sets, as capturing data for ... -
Instance Segmentation, Tracking and Action Detection of Animals in Wildlife Videos
Schindler, Frank (2024-11-19)Monitoring animal species efficiently in their natural habitats is essential to describe and analyze the development of ecosystems and populations and to detect the causes of changes due to climate change or other external ... -
Genomweite Identifizierung von kausalen Mikrodeletionen oder -duplikationen (Kopienzahlveränderungen) bei Patienten mit angeborenen anorektalen Malformationen
Fabian, Julia Katharina (2024-11-15)Anorektale Malformationen (ARM) sind seltene Fehlbildungen des embryonalen Enddarms, die isoliert oder im Rahmen genetischer Syndrome auftreten können. Die Ätiologie der ARM scheint multifaktoriell. Diese Arbeit untersucht ... -
cGMP Signaling in Brown Adipocytes
Rowland, Daniel Ray (2024-11-14)(noch nicht zugänglich / not yet accessible) -
3D Reconstruction of Plant Roots from MRI Images to Advance Root-Soil Systems Modelling
Selzner, Tobias (2024-11-14)<strong>Background and Motivation:</strong> Roots are of particular interest for the efficient use of nutrients and water by plants. Therefore, the optimization of root system architecture (RSA) offers large potential in ... -
Mathematical theory for multi-dimensional coagulation models
Cristian, Iulia (2024-11-13)In this thesis, we consider problems that appear in the study of coagulation models. Coagulation equations describe the evolution in time of a system of particles that are characterized by their volume. The focus of this ... -
Psychological adjustment in cancer survivorship – trajectories of fear of recurrence, depression, anxiety, and coping in breast cancer survivors
Heidkamp, Paula Lucia (2024-11-13)Breast cancer (BC) is the most common cancer among women in Germany. Screening programs and treatment advances have increased these patients’ chance of early diagnosis and survival rates. Therefore, the topic of cancer ... -
ATLAS ITk Silicon Strip Detector Performance Studies based on the System Test with Cosmic Muons at DESY
Caspar, Maximilian Felix (2024-11-13)The ATLAS experiment is the world’s largest collider-based particle physics experiment, located at the LHC in Geneva. An upgrade of the LHC will greatly increase the radiation environment and track density in the inner ... -
Integrative analysis of common and rare variants for a more comprehensive genetic risk assessment
Aldisi, Rana (2024-11-12)The etiology of complex traits is difficult to interpret because of their multifactorial nature. And while environmental factors play an important role in their development, genetic factors also have huge and crucial effect ... -
Distributed Anomaly Detection on Large Knowledge Graphs
Bakhshandegan Moghaddam, Farshad (2024-11-12)Digitization has yielded vast data, known as Big Data, fostering data analysis. As this data comes from various sources and is of diverse types, data integration techniques become essential in making analytics more accessible ... -
Molecular level insight to solvents: From understanding, via media effects, to developing a Hybrid Monte Carlo code
Alizadeh, Vahideh (2024-11-12)With the increasing demand for resources in modern society and the impacts of climate change, there is a growing need for innovative and environmentally friendly solutions. Achieving sustainability in chemistry and materials ... -
Synthese und Charakterisierung von Zimmermann-Fischer-Kondensaten
Grabowski, Daniel (2024-11-11)Gegenstand der vorliegende Arbeit ist eine umfassende Untersuchung der <em>Zimmermann-Fischer</em>-Kondensation und seiner Produkte. <br /> Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wurde eine theoretische Betrachtung des Mechanismus ... -
Synthese neuer molekularer Abstandshalter zur Adsorption auf Festkörperoberflächen
Krönert, Anna (2024-11-11)Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden neue definierte Makrozyklen (MZ) präsentiert, die durch ihre in drei lateralen Richtungen vororientierten Alkoxy-Seitenketten eine vorhersagbare Parkettierung der HOPG-Oberfläche an der ... -
Phenotypic evaluation of wild Silphium perfoliatum L. accessions to create a breeding basis for material use
Korte, Christoph Anton Conrad (2024-11-08)Cup plant (<em>Silphium perfoliatum</em> L.) is a promising herbaceous perennial for biomass production. In Germany, <em>S. perfoliatum</em> is mainly grown as a substrate for biogas reactors. Aside from the plant being ... -
Synthesis and chemistry of P-bridged, bent and planar bis(N-heterocyclic) carbenes
Terschüren, Tatjana (2024-11-08)This PhD thesis focuses on the synthesis of new 7,8-dihydro-1,4-diphosphabarrelenes and their subsequent conversion into the corresponding P-bridged bis(imidazolium) salts and bis(N-heterocyclic) carbenes (bis(NHCs)).<br ... -
Untersuchungen zur heterologen Biosynthese des seltenen kompatiblen Soluts Nε-Acetyl-β-Lysin
Stiller, Mygg L. (2024-11-07)Das Aminosäurederivat N<sub>ε</sub>-Acetyl-β-Lysin (NAβL) wird von methanogenen Archaeen und einigen Vertretern der Bakterien zur Anpassung an osmotischen Stress produziert. Bisher wurden vor allem die zur Produktion ... -
Effect of Microglial Purinergic P2Y12 Receptor on Efficiency of Beta-Amyloid Immunotherapy and Aging
Gabr, Amr Ahmed Mohamed (2024-11-05)Microglia, as the primary immune cells of the central nervous system (CNS), play a pivotal role in the efficiency of Aβ immunotherapy by facilitating β-amyloid clearance and forming a protective barrier around β-amyloid ...