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Acts 10:44
While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit fell upon all who heard his message.
The Outpouring of the Holy SpiritCharles Haddon Spurgeon Acts 10:44
A Good Man's ConversionC. S. Robinson, D. D.Acts 10:1-48
Broadening FoundationsP.C. Barker Acts 10:1-48
CorneliusW. M. Taylor, D. D.Acts 10:1-48
CorneliusJames Owens.Acts 10:1-48
CorneliusW. Hay Aitken, M. A.Acts 10:1-48
CorneliusPreacher's MonthlyActs 10:1-48
Cornelius of CaesareaG. M. Grant, B. D.Acts 10:1-48
Cornelius the Truth SeekerC. H. Payne, D. D.Acts 10:1-48
Cornelius, a Monument of the Omnipotence of GraceK. Gerok.Acts 10:1-48
Cornelius, an Example of PietyJ. T. Woodhouse.Acts 10:1-48
Cornelius, the Truth SeekerJ. G. Hughes.Acts 10:1-48
Cornelius: a Model for VolunteersG. Venables, M. A.Acts 10:1-48
Cornelius; Or, New Departures in ReligionJ. Clifford, D. D.Acts 10:1-48
DreamsG. H. James.Acts 10:1-48
Family DevotionC. H. Spurgeon.Acts 10:1-48
Peter's VisionR. T. Stevenson.Acts 10:1-48
Peter's VisionD. J. Burrell D. D.Acts 10:1-48
The Character and Conversion of CorneliusR. P. Buddicom, M. A.Acts 10:1-48
The Character of CorneliusG. Spence, D. C. L.Acts 10:1-48
The Conversion of the GentilesJ. Parker, D. D.Acts 10:1-48
The Providential Guidance of the ChurchDean Alford.Acts 10:1-48
The Supernatural PreparationD. Thomas, D. D.Acts 10:1-48
Man in God's Sight; Or, Divine ImpartialityW. Clarkson Acts 10:9-48
A Model AudienceB. D. Johns.Acts 10:30-48
A Model CongregationD. Thomas, D. D.Acts 10:30-48
A Model CongregationWilliam Forsyth, A. M.Acts 10:30-48
Attending At Ordinances EnforcedR. Watson.Acts 10:30-48
Complemental MinistryW. Arnot, D. D.Acts 10:30-48
Concerning Audiences, Preachers, Sermons, and ConversionsJ. McNeill.Acts 10:30-48
Congregations to be Well Fed with the TruthC. H. Spurgeon.Acts 10:30-48
Cornelius and PeterM. C. Hazard.Acts 10:30-48
Cornelius's Sending and Peter's ComingJ. W. Burn.Acts 10:30-48
Different Kinds of HearersT. Boston, D. D.Acts 10:30-48
Don't Grumble About the FodderActs 10:30-48
Hearing and its Proper EffectsJ. Newton.Acts 10:30-48
Interested HearersActs 10:30-48
Peter and CorneliusG. Leach, D. D.Acts 10:30-48
Peter At CaesareaT. J. Holmes.Acts 10:30-48
Peter At CaesareaD. J. Burrell, D. D.Acts 10:30-48
Punctuality in Attendance At ChurchCyclopoedia of Illustrative AnecdotesActs 10:30-48
The Best Remedy for Small CongregationsActs 10:30-48
The Gospel to the GentilesDean Vaughan.Acts 10:30-48
The Ideal CongregationD. Thomas, D. D.Acts 10:30-48
The Model CongregationWatson Smith.Acts 10:30-48
The Reciprocal Duties of a Minister and of His PeopleJ. Hughes, M. A.Acts 10:30-48
Truth Liked as a Sentiment, But Disliked as a Law of LifeH. W. Beecher.Acts 10:30-48
Various Kinds of HearersH. Smith.Acts 10:30-48
Descent of the Spirit At CaesareaE. Johnson Acts 10:44-48
Holy Spirit Needed to Make Ordinances EffectualH. G. Salter.Acts 10:44-48
Holy Spirit: His Workings InscrutableH. W. Beecher.Acts 10:44-48
Peter's PreachingC. Clayton, M. A.Acts 10:44-48
Preaching and SuccessClerical AnecdotesActs 10:44-48
The Descent of the Holy GhostJ. Donne, D. D.Acts 10:44-48
The Direct Results of Peter's SermonD. Thomas, D. D.Acts 10:44-48
The First Gentile ChurchR.A. Redford Acts 10:44-48
The Holy Ghost GivenE. Temple.Acts 10:44-48
The Holy Spirit Needed for Effective PreachingC. H. Spurgeon.Acts 10:44-48
The Holy Spirit Needed for RegenerationC. H. Spurgeon.Acts 10:44-48
The Outpouring of the SpiritJ. W. Burn.Acts 10:44-48

Let us notice the following particulars in connection with this visitation: -

I. EVER THE HOLY SPIRIT COMES UPON MEN IN CONNECTION WITH THE RECEPTION OF THE TRUTH. So at Pentecost; so here. The falling of the rain from heaven is concurrent with the germination of the seed. It can hardly be said that either is first or second. Each is the necessary condition of the other. If we desire to secure the heavenly words, we must preach the Word - " be instant in season and out of season."

II. EVER A NEW REVELATION BRINGS WITH IT ASTONISHMENT AND PERPLEXITY. The believing Jew could not understand this outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the heathen; nor how they could be found speaking with tongues and glorifying God. To us it seems natural enough that the great purpose of God, the generous germ-thoughts of eternal truth and love, should break forth into larger meaning and wider development. But there is a lesson for us here. We are all slow to see the large consequences of the truth we hold and teach. It surprises us, and alas! not always with a joyous surprise, when we find people accepting the consequences of our own doctrines, and proving that they have taken seriously what perhaps we preached with only half a heart.

III. LOVE AND TRUTH PREVAIL ALONG WITH EVERY MANIFESTATION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. It is Peter, the very personification of the Jewish and exclusive spirit, who now pleads for the reception of the new converts. We never understand a truth till we have striven against it. Then we become enthusiasts for it when it has conquered our own heart and intelligence. The representative of the circumcision, that is, of the exclusive or Jewish view of the gospel, is now the very champion, not merely of toleration, but of a free and loving reception of the heathen converts to the fellowship of Christ. The case of Peter, like that of Paul, shows how the best advocates of a holy cause are often, it may be always, to be found amongst those who have been its sincere opponents. Thus do extremes meet; thus out of weakness comes strength, from bitterness sweetness; thus does the gracious and gentle will of God select foes to turn them into friends. But we shall see in the next section the further victory of Divine love over the narrowness and hate of the human heart. - J.

While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the Word.

1. Converted Gentiles. Peter preached the gospel (vers. 34-43). And the gospel thus proclaimed is never in vain. Man's oratory may please the ear: it is the Word of God, applied by the Holy Spirit, which alone can convert the heart. God often works suddenly and unexpectedly. A thoughtless sinner enters a church, pays no attention; but all at once some word strikes his ear. It is an arrow from the Divine quiver. He quits the Church converted. It was thus with this congregation. "While Peter yet spake," intending, probably, to say much more, "the Holy Ghost fell" — just as while Ezekiel was prophesying the dry bones moved.

2. Astonished Jews (vers. 45, 46).(1) The proof that Peter's preaching was owned of God, was the gift of the Holy Ghost. The converts spake with tongues, and thereby showed their qualifications and willingness to go as missionaries in foreign lands, and at once used their tongues to magnify God. And this is ever the effect. Whether the convert speaks in his own or foreign language, he will glorify God by telling others of Christ's pardoning love and redeeming grace.(2) The astonishment of the six Jewish disciples who had come from Joppa with Peter arose from prejudice. It probably gave them some uneasiness, because that "upon the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost." They conceived that these blessings belonged exclusively to their own nation. Had they understood their Scriptures, they would have known that this event had been long ago predicted. Beware, therefore, not only of prejudice, but also of ignorance of the Scriptures. How many are being carried away by all kinds of delusions from this neglect of the Word of God! Some are settling down in a dependence upon the outward ceremonies of religion, because forgetful that a man may have "the form of godliness" without its "power." Some are trying to combine the love of the world with the service of Christ, forgetful that "No man can serve two masters." Some are panic struck at the existence of infidelity, forgetful that "In the last days scoffers shall arise."

II. PETER'S ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT'S WORK (vers. 47, 48). This inquiry of Peter shows us —

1. How unsound are the views of the Society of Friends, who affirm that the baptism of water is unnecessary, if we have received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. We must never forget, however, that it is an ordinance of Christ. We admit that, like the thief upon the Cross, a believer may enter Paradise without baptism; still, our Lord's own words are — that "he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved." The same remarks apply to the other sacrament. Many approach those emblems with devout joy and gratitude and experience the richest blessing. But others turn their backs upon that precious ordinance, which was appointed by none other than our Lord Himself.

2. How erroneous are the views of those who hold that baptism is invariably accompanied by the gift of the Holy Ghost. These converts received the Holy Ghost first, and were baptized afterwards. It was with them as it was with Abraham. Abraham first believed and then was circumcised. And our Church says that before an adult is baptized he must have repentance and faith; both which are the fruits of the Spirit working in the soul. These we could not have as infants; bat we must have them now, otherwise our infant baptism is a delusion. How wrong, therefore, is it to speak of regeneration accompanying, by necessity, infant baptism! Jewish children, at eight days old, were admitted into covenant by circumcision; and we conclude that the children of Christian parents should be brought into the Christian covenant by the rite of baptism: but then, to dogmatise upon the effects of infant baptism is to dogmatise where the Word of God is totally silent.

3. How wrong they are who exalt baptism at the expense of preaching. Peter felt (as Paul) that his grand commission was not so much to baptize as to preach the gospel; for "he commanded them to be baptized."

III. THE ANXIETY OF THE CONVERTED SOUL FOR SPIRITUAL INSTRUCTION (ver. 48). Peter, in another place, describes believers as "newborn babes," desiring "the sincere milk of the Word, that they might grow thereby." These converts gathered themselves together, as in the presence of God, to hear Peter preach; and after they had received saving instruction, by the blessing of the Holy Ghost, they were anxious to obtain further benefit from Peter's ministry. Learn that those of you who have received the Holy Ghost need the further ministry of the Word. It is a sure proof that there is spiritual good going forward when we perceive this thirst for larger acquaintance with the love and the work of the Saviour.

(C. Clayton, M. A.)


1. It came to those who heard the Word. The gospel is the channel through which the Holy Spirit in His regenerating influences flows into the soul; the chariot on which the Divine Conqueror goes forth to crush the soul's enemies, and to bring it forth to freedom, light, and glory. True, He works through all nature for various purposes, but for salvation He works through the Word.

2. It produced miraculous as well as moral effects. The recipients spoke with "tongues." In what language they expressed their gratitude we are not told. Now as at Pentecost new thoughts and emotions require a new dialect. Change the thoughts and feelings of the world and you will change its language.

II. THE ADMINISTRATION OF BAPTISM (ver. 47). From this we conclude that baptism is —

1. A symbol of the Spirit's action on the soul; not only perhaps in His cleansing influence, but in the mode of communication — "poured out."

2. A ceremony of easy observance, "Can any forbid water?" which implies —(1) That the water was in the house.(2) That water could be brought. Christianity is an universal system, and any ordinance that cannot be attended to anywhere and always has no vital connection with it.

3. A service of subordinate importance. Peter does not baptize; He has a higher work. Christ baptized not (John 4:3), and Paul said, "Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel."

(D. Thomas, D. D.)

Clerical Anecdotes.
"How comes it," demanded a bishop of Garrick, "that I, in expounding Divine doctrines, produced so little effect upon my congregation, while you can so easily rouse the passions of your auditors by the representation of fiction?" The answer was short and pithy — "Because I recite falsehoods as if they were true, while you deliver truths as if they were fiction."

(Clerical Anecdotes.)

There are two things we may notice concerning Peter's discourse —

I. THE IMPORTANT TOPICS IT EMBRACED. "While Peter spake these words." What words? Christ was the theme of this sermon; and is the grand subject of our ministrations. We tell you of Him, in the dignity of His person, the perfection of His character, the fulness of His grace, and the suitableness of His salvation. In Peter's address there are five things he mentions respecting Christ.

1. His mediatorial qualifications (ver. 38; see also Isaiah 61:1).

2. The activity of His life. "Who went about doing good."

3. The fact of His death (ver. 39).

4. The power of His resurrection (ver. 40).

5. The extent of His dominion (ver. 42).


1. Its import. "The Holy Ghost fell on all," etc. There are three principal things He does: He —

(1)Enlightens the mind.

(2)Convinces the conscience.

(3)Sanctifies the soul.

2. Its objects. Those "which heard the Word." "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of the Lord."

3. Its extent. "On all them that heard." What vast numbers were converted to God in the first ages of Christianity!Two reflections naturally arise out of this subject —

1. The importance of the Christian ministry.

2. The necessity of the Spirit's agency.

(E. Temple.)


1. The time of the miracle — "While Peter was speaking." The Holy Ghost cannot go at a slow pace; it is the devil in the serpent that creeps, but the Spirit as a dove flies. As regards the centurion we may say, "When God teaches, how fast a godly man learns." Christ did His miracles in an instant. It is true that there is a growth in knowledge, and ignorance is overcome by degrees; but when the Holy Ghost takes a man into His school, He deals not with him as a painter who makes an eye, an ear, etc., and passes his pencil a hundred times over every muscle and hair, and in many sittings make up one man, but He deals as a printer that in one strain delivers a whole story. The time, then, was when Peter prepared by the Holy Ghost was to prepare others for the Holy Ghost. "When he spoke," i.e.

2. Preached to them. For to him who has a spiritual taste no honey is so sweet as the Word of God preached according to His ordinance. If a man taste a little of this as Jonathan did, though he think his eyes enlightened, it may be to his death (1 Samuel 14:27). If a man read the Scriptures a little, superficially, he 'thinks he sees everything clear as the sun: but he may find wormwood in this honey,' because he finds "the wages of sin is death," and he will take no more of the honey, viz., that "when a sinner repents he shall find mercy." As the Essential Word, the Son is Light of light, so is the written Word — one place takes light of another: and if thou wilt so read and hear that thine affections mislead thee; if thou hear sermons so that thou art glad when sins are rebuked that thou art free from, and art deaf when thine own sins are declaimed against, thou wilt take so little of this honey that Jonathan's case will be thine. The Scriptures are made to agree with one another, but not to agree with thy particular humour. But yet the counsel is good on the other side too (Proverbs 25:16). Content thyself with reading and hearing what is clear and profitable, and perplex not thyself with those things which God has not revealed.

3. "Whilst he yet spake." The Spirit did not leave them to future meditations, but spoke at once to their consciences. As a gardener takes every bough, and places it against a wall where it will produce most fruit, so the Holy Ghost places the words of the preacher, one upon an usurer, another on an adulterer, another on an ambitious person, another on a briber, when the preacher knows of none of these.

4. Nay, it is not only "whilst he was yet speaking," but as St. Peter says in the next chapter, "As I began to speak." It was then when, whilst, and as soon as, he preached; but Peter had some preparation as we know from the vision, and with the subject of his preaching he was well acquainted (ver. 43). So while his manner was extemporal, his matter was prepared.


1. The Person who fell. As the Trinity is the most mysterious part of our religion, so in the Trinity the Holy Ghost is the most mysterious Person. But these mysteries are not to be chewed by reason, but to be swallowed by faith. We professed the three Persons in one God at our baptism, and have sealed that contract in the other sacrament: and this is bur eternal life. There is a Holy Ghost, and He falls down on those who hear the Word.

2. It is as wonderful that He should fall down from heaven and yet be in heaven. "How art thou fallen" (Isaiah 14:12) was asked of a being who should never return. But the Spirit fell so from, that He remained in heaven. This Dove did more than that which was sent from the ark (Genesis 8:7).

3. But there is more than a descent, even an earnest communication, a throwing, a pouring out of Himself. He falls as waters that cover that it falls on, as an army which conquers and governs that on which it falls. But He falls otherwise on the ungodly; on him He falls like hail, and leaves him in impenitence because be hath despised the Holy Ghost. But when the Spirit puts on the nature of a dove, and a dove with an olive branch, and that in the ark — i.e., testimonies of our peace and reconciliation with God, in His Church — He falls as that kind of lightning which melts swords and hurts not scabbards — He shall melt thy soul, and not hurt thy body.

4. Further, this falling of the Holy Ghost was not such an insinuation that He conveyed Himself into these particular men for their salvation, but such a powerful and diffusive falling as made them work for others. A great doubt was removed by them whether it were lawful to receive Gentiles. So this falling was not an infusion of justifying grace merely, but also such an infusion of gifts as might edify others. Good hearers, then, became good preachers.

(J. Donne, D. D.)

I. WHAT IT IS. "The Holy Ghost fell," i.e., "descended" —

1. As lightning, flashing conviction suddenly, startlingly, effectually.

2. As rain, gentle, refreshing, fertilising.

3. As cataracts and water floods, destroying and bearing away all obstacles.

4. As fire consuming stubble, purifying dross, and turning the true metal into its own nature. The Holy Spirit thus convinces of sin, prepares the heart for the Word, vanquishes unbelief and self-will, consumes sin and inspires enthusiasm.

II. WHAT IT ACCOMPANIES. The preaching of the Word. "While Peter yet spake."

1. The Spirit honours the instrument of His own making. "Holy men of old spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost," and what they said He reinspires, and makes the gospel the power of God unto salvation. Sometimes He works directly, sometimes with other instruments — prosperity or adversity, sickness or restoration, the commonplace or extraordinary events of life, life or death, for "the wind bloweth where it listeth"; but usually it is by the Word.

2. Let men not dishonour this instrument.(1) The tendency is to disparage preaching and exalt devotion, but without preaching there will be few converted worshippers, although there may be many who draw near with their lips whose hearts are far from God.(2) If preaching is to be tolerated it must be short. But this usually comes from people who can sit out three hours at a concert or a play, whereas they tire with half an hour of the "words of eternal life."

3. The preacher's duty is to declare the whole counsel of God, whether men will hear or not. But let him so preach as to win the ear; then he may expect the same results as Peter had. "My Word shall not return unto Me void."


1. On the part of the beholders — astonishment.(1) It was astonishing in itself. It ought not to have been in the case before us, for we have the record of three similar manifestations, of which these spectators must have heard from Peter, if they were not actual witnesses. Let us not blame them, for nothing would surprise an average church today more than a revival, although "we have heard with our ears and our fathers have told us," etc.(2) It was astonishing in the subjects of it. Yet it ought not to have been, for it had been clearly predicted, as Peter announced at Pentecost. But we must not judge them harshly, for the Church today, with a wider knowledge, throws up its hands in wonder at the conversion of any one of more than ordinary depravity.

2. On the part of the subjects.(1) Testimony. They spoke with tongues — miraculously endowed in this case. But when the Spirit comes, does He sanctify the heart and not the tongue? Our modern proprieties permit the use of every other instrument, but lay an embargo on the tongue. But the Scripture saith, "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh."(2) Praise. They magnified God the Author of this good and perfect gift. If conversion does not lead to rapturous thankfulness, it may well be suspected.(3) Baptism — obedience to Christ's particular requirement, and involving all else in the way of duty.

3. On the part of Peter —(1) Continuous instruction (ver. 48).(2) Vigorous defence of his policy (Acts 11:1-18).

(J. W. Burn.)

What is the doctrine of the Holy Spirit? It is the doctrine of the interworking of the Spirit of God upon the souls of men. I have no philosophy about it. All I say is this — that God knows what is the secret way in which mind reaches mind: I do not; you do not. I do not know why words on my tongue wake up thoughts corresponding to those words in you. I do not know why the soul of man, like a complex instrument of wondrous scope, is played upon by my words, so that there are waked up in it notes along the whole scale of being. I do not understand why these things are so; but, unquestionably, they are so. I do not know how the mother pours her affection on the child's heart; but she does. Two stars never shone into each other as two loving souls shine into each other. I know it is so; but I do not know why it is so. I do not know how soul touches soul, how thought touches thought, or how feeling touches feeling; but I know it does.

(H. W. Beecher.)

Mental power may fill a chapel; but spiritual power fills the Church. Mental power may gather a congregation; spiritual power will save souls. We want spiritual power. We know some ministers before whom we shrink into nothing as to talent, but who have no spiritual power, and when they speak they have not the Holy Spirit with them; but we know others, simple-hearted, worthy men, who speak their country dialect, and who stand up to preach in their humble sanctuary, and the Spirit of God clothes every word with power; hearts are broken, souls are saved, and sinners are born again.

(C. H. Spurgeon.)

It may be that during a sermon two men are listening to the same truth; one of them hears as attentively as the other, and remembers as much of it; the other is melted to tears or moved to solemn thoughts; but the one sees nothing in the sermon, except certain important truths well set forth; as for the other, his heart is broken within him and his soul is melted. How is this? I reply, because the mysterious Spirit of the living God goes with the truth to one heart and not to the other. Yonder sinner only feels the force of truth, and that may be strong enough to make him tremble, like Felix; but this man feels the Spirit going with the truth, the Spirit causes him to pass into the state of salvation. This change takes place instantaneously. It is as miraculous a change as any miracle of which we read in Scripture. It may be mimicked, but no imitation of it can be true and real. Men may pretend to be regenerated without the Spirit, but regenerated they cannot be. It is a change so marvellous that the highest attempts of man can never reach it. We may reason as long as we please, but we cannot reason ourselves into regeneration; we may meditate till our hairs are grey with study, but we cannot meditate ourselves into the new birth. This is worked in us by the sovereign will of God alone.

(C. H. Spurgeon.)

In vain do the inhabitants of London go to their conduits for supply unless the man who has the master key turns the water on; and in vain do we think to quench our thirst at ordinances, unless God communicates the living water of His Spirit.

(H. G. Salter.).

Cornelius, John, Peter, Simon
Caesarea, Galilee, Jerusalem, Joppa, Judea, Nazareth
Fell, Ghost, Hearing, Holy, Listening, Message, Peter, Saying, Sayings, Spake, Speaking, Spirit, Yet
1. Cornelius, a devout man, being commanded by an angel, sends for Peter,
11. who by a vision is taught not to despise the Gentiles;
17. and is commanded by the Spirit to go with the messenger to Caesarea.
25. Cornelius shows the occasion of his sending for him.
34. As he preaches Christ to Cornelius and his company,
44. the Holy Spirit falls on them, and they are baptized.

Dictionary of Bible Themes
Acts 10:44

     3212   Holy Spirit, and mission
     4018   life, spiritual
     5325   gifts
     7755   preaching, importance

Acts 10:1-48

     5250   centurion

Acts 10:23-48

     7505   Jews, the

Acts 10:36-46

     6717   reconciliation, world to God

.htm">Acts 10:44-11:18

     7525   exclusiveness

Acts 10:44-46

     2021   Christ, faithfulness
     3218   Holy Spirit, and praise
     3221   Holy Spirit, and prayer
     3281   Holy Spirit, inspiration
     5841   ecstasy
     7336   circumcision, spiritual
     7972   tongues, gift of
     8666   praise, manner and methods

Acts 10:44-47

     3242   Holy Spirit, baptism with
     3251   Holy Spirit, filling with
     3257   Holy Spirit, gift of

Acts 10:44-48

     3275   Holy Spirit, in the church
     5005   human race, and redemption
     5374   languages
     6629   conversion, examples
     7512   Gentiles, in NT
     7757   preaching, effects
     7907   baptism, practice

December 2 Morning
Ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things.--I JOHN 2:20. God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power.--It pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell.--Of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace. Thou anointest my head with oil.--The anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught
Anonymous—Daily Light on the Daily Path

September 29. "Call not Thou Common" (Acts x. 15).
"Call not thou common" (Acts x. 15). "There is nothing common of itself" (Rom. xiv. 14). We can bring Christ into common things as fully as into what we call religious services. Indeed, it is the highest and hardest application of Divine grace, to bring it down to the ordinary matters of life, and therefore God is far more honored in this than even in things that are more specially sacred. Therefore, in the twelfth chapter of Romans, which is the manual of practical consecration, just after the passage
Rev. A. B. Simpson—Days of Heaven Upon Earth

February 13. "Thy Prayers are Come up for a Memorial Before God" (Acts x. 4).
"Thy prayers are come up for a memorial before God" (Acts x. 4). What a beautiful expression the angel used to Cornelius, "Thy prayers are come up for a memorial." It would almost seem as if supplications of years had accumulated before the Throne, and at last the answer broke in blessings on the head of Cornelius, even as the accumulated evaporation of months at last bursts in floods of rain upon the parched ground. So God is represented as treasuring the prayers of His saints in vials; they are
Rev. A. B. Simpson—Days of Heaven Upon Earth

Easter Monday
Text: Acts 10, 34-43. 34 And Peter opened his mouth, and said: Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: 35 but in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is acceptable to him. 36 The word which he sent unto the children of Israel, preaching good tidings of peace by Jesus Christ (he is Lord of all)--37 that saying ye yourselves know, which was published throughout all Judaea, beginning from Galilee, after the baptism which John preached; 38 even Jesus of Nazareth,
Martin Luther—Epistle Sermons, Vol. II

What God Hath Cleansed
'There was a certain man in Caesarea called Cornelius, a centurion of the band called the Italian band, 2. A devout man, and one that feared God with all his house, which gave much alms to the people, and prayed to God alway. 3. He saw in a vision evidently about the ninth hour of the day an angel of God coming in to him, and saying unto him, Cornelius. 4. And when he looked on him, he was afraid, and said, What is it, Lord? And he said unto him, Thy prayers and thine alms are come up for a memorial
Alexander Maclaren—Expositions of Holy Scripture: The Acts

'God is no Respecter of Persons'
'And Cornelius said, Four days ago I was fasting until this hour; and at the ninth hour I prayed in my house, and, behold, a man stood before me in bright clothing, 31. And said, Cornelius, thy prayer is heard, and thine alms are had in remembrance in the sight of God. 32. Send therefore to Joppa, and call hither Simon, whose surname is Peter; he is lodged in the house of one Simon a tanner by the sea-side: who, when he cometh, shall speak unto thee. 83. Immediately therefore I sent to thee; and
Alexander Maclaren—Expositions of Holy Scripture: The Acts

May the Twenty-Sixth the Uniting of Sundered Peoples
"On the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost." --ACTS x. 34-48. And this is ever the issue of a true outpouring of the Spirit: sundered peoples become one. At "low tide" there are multitudes of separated pools along the shore: at "high tide" they flow together, and the little distinctions are lost in a splendid union. It is so racially. "Jew and Gentile!" Peter and Cornelius lose their prejudices in the emancipating ministry of the Spirit. And so shall it be with English and
John Henry Jowett—My Daily Meditation for the Circling Year

The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit
Now, it is to the work of the Holy Spirit that I shall this morning specially direct your attention; and I may as well mention the reason why I do so. It is this. We have received continually fresh confirmations of the good news from a far country, which has already made glad the hearts of many of God's people. In the United States of America there is certainly a great awakening. No sane man living there could think of denying it. There may be something of spurious excitement mixed up with it, but
Charles Haddon Spurgeon—Spurgeon's Sermons Volume 4: 1858

The Candour of the Writers of the New Testament.
I make this candour to consist in their putting down many passages, and noticing many circumstances, which no writer whatever was likely to have forged; and which no writer would have chosen to appear in his book who had been careful to present the story in the most unexceptionable form, or who had thought himself at liberty to carve and mould the particulars of that story according to his choice, or according to his judgment of the effect. A strong and well-known example of the fairness of the evangelists
William Paley—Evidences of Christianity

Devotion to God.
Devotion to God implies ardent affection for him--a yielding of the heart to him with reverence, faith, and piety in every act, particularly in prayer and meditation. We catch a glimpse of the true meaning of devotion from what is said of the centurion of the Italian band. He was termed a devout man because he feared God, gave much alms to the people, and prayed to God always (see Acts 10:2). This is the essence of true devotion. He loved God, without which there can be no devotion. The more we love
C. E. Orr—How to Live a Holy Life

Israel and the Nations.
"Because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost."--Acts x. 45. The question that arises with reference to Pentecost is: Since the Holy Spirit imparted saving grace to men before and after Pentecost, what is the difference caused by that descent of the Holy Spirit? An illustration may explain the difference. The rain descends from heaven and man gathers it to quench his thirst. When householders collect it each in his own cistern, it comes down for every family separately;
Abraham Kuyper—The Work of the Holy Spirit

Whether Paul, when in Rapture, Saw the Essence of God?
Objection 1: It would seem that Paul, when in rapture, did not see the essence of God. For just as we read of Paul that he was rapt to the third heaven, so we read of Peter (Acts 10:10) that "there came upon him an ecstasy of mind." Now Peter, in his ecstasy, saw not God's essence but an imaginary vision. Therefore it would seem that neither did Paul see the essence of God. Objection 2: Further, the vision of God is beatific. But Paul, in his rapture, was not beatified; else he would never have returned
Saint Thomas Aquinas—Summa Theologica

Whether the World is to be Cleansed?
Objection 1: It would seem that there is not to be any cleansing of the world. For only that which is unclean needs cleansing. Now God's creatures are not unclean, wherefore it is written (Acts 10:15): "That which God hath cleansed, do not thou call common," i.e. unclean. Therefore the creatures of the world shall not be cleansed. Objection 2: Further, according to Divine justice cleansing is directed to the removal of the uncleanness of sin, as instanced in the cleansing after death. But there can
Saint Thomas Aquinas—Summa Theologica

Whether Blindness and Hardness of Heart are Directed to the Salvation of those who are Blinded and Hardened?
Objection 1: It would seem that blindness and hardness of heart are always directed to the salvation of those who are blinded and hardened. For Augustine says (Enchiridion xi) that "as God is supremely good, He would nowise allow evil to be done, unless He could draw some good from every evil." Much more, therefore, does He direct to some good, the evil of which He Himself is the cause. Now God is the cause of blindness and hardness of heart, as stated above [1803](A[3]). Therefore they are directed
Saint Thomas Aquinas—Summa Theologica

Whether the First Movements of the Sensuality in Unbelievers are Mortal Sin?
Objection 1: It would seem that the first movements of the sensuality in unbelievers are mortal sins. For the Apostle says (Rom. 8:1) that "there is . . . no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, who walk not according to the flesh": and he is speaking there of the concupiscence of the sensuality, as appears from the context (Rom. 7). Therefore the reason why concupiscence is not a matter of condemnation to those who walk not according to the flesh, i.e. by consenting to concupiscence, is
Saint Thomas Aquinas—Summa Theologica

Whether Judiciary Power is to be Specially Attributed to Christ?
Objection 1: It would seem that judiciary power is not to be specially attributed to Christ. For judgment of others seems to belong to their lord; hence it is written (Rom. 14:4): "Who art thou that judgest another man's servant?" But, it belongs to the entire Trinity to be Lord over creatures. Therefore judiciary power ought not to be attributed specially to Christ. Objection 2: Further, it is written (Dan. 7:9): "The Ancient of days sat"; and further on (Dan. 7:10), "the judgment sat, and the books
Saint Thomas Aquinas—Summa Theologica

Whether all Men Will be Present at the Judgment?
Objection 1: It would seem that men will not all be present at the judgment. For it is written (Mat. 19:28): "You . . . shall sit on twelve seats, judging the twelve tribes of Israel." But all men do not belong to those twelve tribes. Therefore it would seem that men will not all be present at the judgment. Objection 2: Further, the same apparently is to be gathered from Ps. 1:5, "The wicked shall not rise again in judgment." Objection 3: Further, a man is brought to judgment that his merits may
Saint Thomas Aquinas—Summa Theologica

Whether the Witnesses of the Transfiguration were Fittingly Chosen?
Objection 1: It would seem that the witnesses of the transfiguration were unfittingly chosen. For everyone is a better witness of things that he knows. But at the time of Christ's transfiguration no one but the angels had as yet any knowledge from experience of the glory to come. Therefore the witnesses of the transfiguration should have been angels rather than men. Objection 2: Further, truth, not fiction, is becoming in a witness of the truth. Now, Moses and Elias were there, not really, but only
Saint Thomas Aquinas—Summa Theologica

Whether the Prophetic vision is Always Accompanied by Abstraction from the Senses?
Objection 1: It would seem that the prophetic vision is always accompanied by abstraction from the senses. For it is written (Num. 12:6): "If there be among you a prophet of the Lord, I will appear to him in a vision, or I will speak to him in a dream." Now a gloss says at the beginning of the Psalter, "a vision that takes place by dreams and apparitions consists of things which seem to be said or done." But when things seem to be said or done, which are neither said nor done, there is abstraction
Saint Thomas Aquinas—Summa Theologica

Whether Grace and virtues are Bestowed on Man by Baptism?
Objection 1: It seems that grace and virtues are not bestowed on man by Baptism. Because, as stated above ([4464]Q[62], A[1], ad 1), the sacraments of the New Law "effect what they signify." But the baptismal cleansing signifies the cleansing of the soul from guilt, and not the fashioning of the soul with grace and virtues. Therefore it seems that grace and virtues are not bestowed on man by Baptism. Objection 2: Further, one does not need to receive what one has already acquired. But some approach
Saint Thomas Aquinas—Summa Theologica

Whether the Old Law Should have Been Given to the Jews Alone?
Objection 1: It would seem that the Old Law should not have been given to the Jews alone. For the Old Law disposed men for the salvation which was to come through Christ, as stated above ([2065]AA[2],3). But that salvation was to come not to the Jews alone but to all nations, according to Is. 49:6: "It is a small thing that thou shouldst be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to convert the dregs of Israel. Behold I have given thee to be the light of the Gentiles, that thou mayest be
Saint Thomas Aquinas—Summa Theologica

Whether the Judicial Precepts Regarding Foreigners were Framed in a Suitable Manner?
Objection 1: It would seem that the judicial precepts regarding foreigners were not suitably framed. For Peter said (Acts 10:34,35): "In very deed I perceive that God is not a respecter of persons, but in every nation, he that feareth Him and worketh justice is acceptable to Him." But those who are acceptable to God should not be excluded from the Church of God. Therefore it is unsuitably commanded (Dt. 23:3) that "the Ammonite and the Moabite, even after the tenth generation, shall not enter into
Saint Thomas Aquinas—Summa Theologica

Whether Every Act of an Unbeliever is a Sin?
Objection 1: It would seem that each act of an unbeliever is a sin. Because a gloss on Rom. 14:23, "All that is not of faith is sin," says: "The whole life of unbelievers is a sin." Now the life of unbelievers consists of their actions. Therefore every action of an unbeliever is a sin. Objection 2: Further, faith directs the intention. Now there can be no good save what comes from a right intention. Therefore, among unbelievers, no action can be good. Objection 3: Further, when that which precedes
Saint Thomas Aquinas—Summa Theologica

Whether Christ's Birth Should have Been Made Known to Some?
Objection 1: It would seem that Christ's birth should not have been made known to anyone. For, as stated above (A[1], ad 3), it befitted the salvation of mankind that Christ's first coming should be hidden. But Christ came to save all; according to 1 Tim. 4:10: "Who is the Saviour of all men, especially of the faithful." Therefore Christ's birth should not have been made known to anyone. Objection 2: Further, before Christ was born, His future birth was made known to the Blessed Virgin and Joseph.
Saint Thomas Aquinas—Summa Theologica

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