Exact Match
"Then the LORD told me: "Tell them not to go up and fight because I will not be in their midst, or else you will be defeated before your enemies.'
the Lord our God delivered him over to us and we struck him down, along with his sons and everyone else.
However, you did not approach the land of the Ammonites, the Wadi Jabbok, the cities of the hill country, or any place else forbidden by the Lord our God.
Unto thee it was shewed, that thou mightest know that the LORD he is God; there is none else beside him.
Know therefore this day, and consider it in thine heart, that the LORD he is God in heaven above, and upon the earth beneath: there is none else.
You must not desire another man's wife, nor should you crave his house, his field, his male and female servants, his ox, his donkey, or anything else he owns."
You must burn up the carved images of their gods. Don’t covet the silver and gold on the images and take it for yourself, or else you will be ensnared by it, for it is abhorrent to the Lord your God.
and your herds and flocks grow large, and your silver and gold multiply, and everything else you have increases,
If they have any kind of blemish -- lameness, blindness, or anything else -- you may not offer them as a sacrifice to the Lord your God.
Suppose he goes with someone else to the forest to cut wood and when he raises the ax to cut the tree, the ax head flies loose from the handle and strikes his fellow worker so hard that he dies. The person responsible may then flee to one of these cities to save himself.
However, suppose a person hates someone else and stalks him, attacks him, kills him, and then flees to one of these cities.
Then everyone else will hear and be afraid, and they will never again do anything evil like this among you.
Moreover, the officers are to say to the troops, "Who among you has built a new house and not dedicated it? He may go home, lest he die in battle and someone else dedicate it.
Or who among you has planted a vineyard and not benefited from it? He may go home, lest he die in battle and someone else benefit from it.
Or who among you has become engaged to a woman but has not married her? He may go home, lest he die in battle and someone else marry her."
But you may take the women, children, animals, and whatever else is in the city—all its spoil—as plunder. You may enjoy the spoil of your enemies that the Lord your God has given you.
You shall do the same to his donkey, his clothes, or anything else your neighbor has lost and you have found; you must not refuse to get involved.
You must not charge interest on a loan to your fellow Israelite, whether on money, food, or anything else that has been loaned with interest.
When she has left him she may go and become someone else's wife.
He will withhold from all of them his children's flesh that he is eating (since there is nothing else left), because of the severity of the siege by which your enemy will constrict you in your villages.
and toward her afterbirth that comes from between her legs and toward the children whom she bears; for she will eat them secretly for lack of anything else, during the siege and the misery by which your enemy will oppress you in your cities.
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