1 Wine is, a scoffer, and strong drink, a brawler, every one therefore who erreth therein, is unwise.
2 The growl as of a young lion, is the dread inspired by a king, he that provoketh him, endangereth his own life.
4 By reason of the autumn, a sluggard will not plough, therefore shall he beg in harvest, and there be nothing.
11 Even, by his doings, doth a youth make himself known, whether, pure and upright, be his work.
15 There are gold, and an abundance of corals, but, precious jewels, are the lips of knowledge.
16 Take his garment who is pledge for a stranger, - then, for a woman unknown, accept him as surety.
17 Sweet to a man, may be the bread of falsehood, but, afterward, shall his mouth be filled with gravel.
19 A revealer of secrets, is one who goeth about talebearing, therefore, with him who openeth his lips, shalt thou not have fellowship.
21 An inheritance hastily gotten at the beginning, the latter end thereof, shall not bring blessing.
25 It is a snare to a man, that he should rashly cry Holy! and, after making vows, to reflect!
27 The lamp of Yahweh, is the spirit of a son of earth, searching all the chambers of the inner man.
28 Lovingkindness and faithfulness, will guard a king, - therefore should he support, with lovingkindness, his throne.
30 Blows that out in, cleanse away wickedness, and, smitings, enter the chambers of the inner man.