a day of darkness and gloom,(C)
a day of clouds and dense overcast,(D)
like the dawn spreading over the mountains;
a great and strong people(E) appears,
such as never existed in ages past(F)
and never will again
in all the generations to come.(G)
a day of clouds and dense overcast,(D)
like the dawn spreading over the mountains;
a great and strong people(E) appears,
such as never existed in ages past(F)
and never will again
in all the generations to come.(G)
They bound on the tops of the mountains.
Their sound is like the sound of chariots,(L)
like the sound of fiery flames consuming stubble,(M)
like a mighty army deployed for war.
Their sound is like the sound of chariots,(L)
like the sound of fiery flames consuming stubble,(M)
like a mighty army deployed for war.
They attack as warriors attack;
they scale walls as men of war do.
Each goes on his own path,(O)
and they do not change their course.
8 they scale walls as men of war do.
Each goes on his own path,(O)
and they do not change their course.
They do not push each other;
each man proceeds on his own path.
They dodge the arrows, never stopping.
9 each man proceeds on his own path.
They dodge the arrows, never stopping.
They storm the city;
they run on the wall;
they climb into the houses;(P)
they enter through the windows like thieves.(Q)
they run on the wall;
they climb into the houses;(P)
they enter through the windows like thieves.(Q)
God’s Call for Repentance
Who knows? He may turn and relent(AE)
and leave a blessing behind Him,(AF)
so you can offer grain and wine
to the Lord your God.(AG)
and leave a blessing behind Him,(AF)
so you can offer grain and wine
to the Lord your God.(AG)
God’s Response to His People
18 Then the Lord became jealous for His land(AR) and spared His people.(AS)
19 The Lord answered His people:
Look, I am about to send you
grain, new wine, and olive oil.(AT)
You will be satiated with them,
and I will no longer make you
a disgrace among the nations.(AU)
grain, new wine, and olive oil.(AT)
You will be satiated with them,
and I will no longer make you
a disgrace among the nations.(AU)
I will drive the northerner far from you(AV)
and banish him to a dry and desolate land,
his front ranks into the Dead Sea,(AW)
and his rear guard into the Mediterranean Sea.(AX)
His stench will rise;
yes, his rotten smell will rise,(AY)
for he has done catastrophic things.
and banish him to a dry and desolate land,
his front ranks into the Dead Sea,(AW)
and his rear guard into the Mediterranean Sea.(AX)
His stench will rise;
yes, his rotten smell will rise,(AY)
for he has done catastrophic things.
Don’t be afraid, wild animals,
for the wilderness pastures have turned green,(BB)
the trees bear their fruit,
and the fig tree and grapevine yield their riches.
24 for the wilderness pastures have turned green,(BB)
the trees bear their fruit,
and the fig tree and grapevine yield their riches.
The threshing floors will be full of grain,(BG)
and the vats will overflow
with new wine and olive oil.
and the vats will overflow
with new wine and olive oil.
I will repay you for the years
that the swarming locust ate,(BH)
the young locust, the destroying locust,
and the devouring locust—
My great army that I sent against you.
that the swarming locust ate,(BH)
the young locust, the destroying locust,
and the devouring locust—
My great army that I sent against you.
God’s Promise of His Spirit
Cross references:
Joel 2:2:
Isaiah 60:2
Joel 2:2:
Exodus 10:14
Joel 2:9:
Exodus 10:6
Joel 2:12:
Esther 4:3
Joel 2:13:
Jeremiah 41:5
Joel 2:13:
Exodus 34:6; Numbers 14:18; 1 Chronicles 21:15; Nehemiah 9:17; Psalm 86:15; Psalm 103:8; Psalm 145:8; Jeremiah 18:8; Jonah 4:2
Joel 2:14:
Haggai 2:19
Joel 2:15:
2 Kings 10:20
Joel 2:16:
Psalm 19:5
Joel 2:19:
Jeremiah 31:12
Joel 2:20:
Zechariah 14:8
Joel 2:21:
Psalm 126:2-3
Joel 2:23:
Psalm 149:2
Joel 2:23:
Isaiah 12:2-6
Joel 2:26:
Isaiah 45:17
Joel 2:27:
Isaiah 49:23
Joel 2:28:
Acts 2:17-21
Joel 2:32:
Romans 10:13
Joel 2:32:
Obadiah 1:17