The Servant Brings Salvation
But I myself said: I have labored in vain,
I have spent my strength for nothing and futility;
yet my vindication is with the Lord,
and my reward is with my God.
5 I have spent my strength for nothing and futility;
yet my vindication is with the Lord,
and my reward is with my God.
And now, says the Lord,
who formed me from the womb to be His Servant,
to bring Jacob back to Him
so that Israel might be gathered to Him;
for I am honored in the sight of the Lord,
and my God is my strength—
who formed me from the womb to be His Servant,
to bring Jacob back to Him
so that Israel might be gathered to Him;
for I am honored in the sight of the Lord,
and my God is my strength—
8 This is what the Lord says:
9 10
9 10
They will not hunger or thirst,
the scorching heat or sun will not strike them;
for their compassionate One will guide them,
and lead them to springs of water.(P)
12 the scorching heat or sun will not strike them;
for their compassionate One will guide them,
and lead them to springs of water.(P)
See, these will come from far away,
from the north and from the west,(d)(R)
and from the land of Sinim.(e)(f)
from the north and from the west,(d)(R)
and from the land of Sinim.(e)(f)
Zion Remembered
Zion says, “The Lord has abandoned me;
The Lord has forgotten me!”
15 The Lord has forgotten me!”
“Can a woman forget her nursing child,
or lack compassion for the child of her womb?
Even if these forget,
yet I will not forget you.
19 or lack compassion for the child of her womb?
Even if these forget,
yet I will not forget you.
For your waste and desolate places
and your land marked by ruins—
will now be indeed too small for the inhabitants,(X)
and those who swallowed you up will be far away.
20 and your land marked by ruins—
will now be indeed too small for the inhabitants,(X)
and those who swallowed you up will be far away.
Yet as you listen, the children
that you have been deprived of will say,
‘This place is too small for me;
make room for me so that I may settle.’(Y)
21 that you have been deprived of will say,
‘This place is too small for me;
make room for me so that I may settle.’(Y)
Then you will say within yourself,
‘Who fathered these for me?
I was deprived of my children and unable to conceive,
exiled and wandering—
but who brought them up?
See, I was left by myself—
but these, where did they come from?’”(i)
‘Who fathered these for me?
I was deprived of my children and unable to conceive,
exiled and wandering—
but who brought them up?
See, I was left by myself—
but these, where did they come from?’”(i)
22 This is what the Lord God says:
Kings will be your foster fathers,
and their queens(j) your nursing mothers.(AB)
They will bow down to you
with their faces to the ground,
and lick the dust at your feet.(AC)
Then you will know that I am Yahweh;(AD)
those who put their hope in Me
will not be put to shame.(AE)
and their queens(j) your nursing mothers.(AB)
They will bow down to you
with their faces to the ground,
and lick the dust at your feet.(AC)
Then you will know that I am Yahweh;(AD)
those who put their hope in Me
will not be put to shame.(AE)
For this is what the Lord says:
“Even the captives of a mighty man will be taken,
and the prey of a tyrant will be delivered;
I will contend with the one who contends with you,
and I will save your children.
“Even the captives of a mighty man will be taken,
and the prey of a tyrant will be delivered;
I will contend with the one who contends with you,
and I will save your children.
Isaiah 49:1: Or Islands
Isaiah 49:7: Or by the nation
Isaiah 49:7: Lit princes and they
Isaiah 49:12: Lit sea
Isaiah 49:12: DSS read of the Syenites
Isaiah 49:12: Perhaps modern Aswan in southern Egypt
Isaiah 49:17: DSS, Aq, Theod, Vg; MT, Syr, Sym read sons
Isaiah 49:18: Lit all of them
Isaiah 49:21: Lit where are they
Isaiah 49:23: Lit princesses
Isaiah 49:24: DSS, Syr, Vg read fearsome one, or tyrant
Cross references:
Isaiah 49:1:
Luke 1:15
Isaiah 49:3:
Isaiah 41:8-9; Isaiah 42:1; Isaiah 49:5-7; Isaiah 50:10; Isaiah 52:13; Isaiah 53:11; Ezekiel 34:23-24; Acts 3:13
Isaiah 49:7:
Isaiah 41:8-9; Isaiah 42:1; Isaiah 43:10; Isaiah 43:20; Isaiah 44:1-2; Isaiah 45:4; Isaiah 65:9; Isaiah 65:15; Isaiah 65:22
Isaiah 49:26:
Isaiah 9:20
Isaiah 49:26:
Isaiah 43:3
Isaiah 49:26:
Isaiah 41:14