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And a river is going out from Eden to water the garden, and from thence it is parted, and hath become four chief rivers;

Verse ConceptsBefore The FloodWater IrrigationFour Other ThingsGardensRivers

For God doth know, that in the day ye eat thereof, then shall your eyes be opened, - and ye shall become like God, knowing good and evil.

Verse ConceptsAwarenessSin, Causes OfWorldly Ambition ExamplesSatan, Work OfEyes OpenedArrogantly Like GodEating Forbidden FoodKnowing Right And WrongMen As GodsNASB

Since You are banishing me today from the soil, and I must hide myself from Your presence and become a restless wanderer on the earth, whoever finds me will kill me.”

Verse ConceptsAbel and CainFugitivesThe HomelessWanderersDriven From God's PresenceGod HidingBeing Hidden From GodHidden From God

And God, looking on the earth, saw that it was evil: for the way of all flesh had become evil on the earth.

Verse ConceptsCorruption, Of HumanityEvil TimesGod Seeing The WickedMan's Sinful NatureAll Have Sinnedcorruption

So God announced to Noah, "I've decided to destroy every living thing on earth, because it has become filled with violence due to them. Look! I'm about to annihilate them, along with the earth.

Verse ConceptsViolence In The EarthFlesh, Description OfFilling PlacesViolenceDestruction Of All CreaturesThe Universe DestroyedGod KillingPeople EndedGod Killing All PeopleThe End Of The WorldFloods

fifteen cubits upwards have the waters become mighty, and the mountains are covered;

Verse ConceptsdepthCovering The EarthWeights And Measures, LinearDepthingFloods

And he sent out the dove from him, to see if the waters had become low on the ground.

Verse ConceptsBirds, Types Of BirdsPeople Sending CreaturesSeeing SituationsWaters Subsiding

And the dove came to him at eventide; and behold, in her beak was an olive-leaf plucked off; and Noah knew that the waters had become low on the earth.

Verse ConceptsOlivesBreaking SticksKnowing FactsWaters SubsidingOlive TreesFloodsRainbow

And in the second month, in the seven and twentieth day of the month, the earth hath become dry.

Verse ConceptsMonths

And now, be fertile and have increase; have offspring on the earth and become great in number.

Verse ConceptsProcreationThe RainbowRainbowfruitfulnessreproductionReproduction, After Kind

I will place my rainbow in the clouds, and it will become a guarantee of the covenant between me and the earth.

Verse ConceptsCovenant, God's with NoahClouds, Natural UseSymbolsThe promises of GodPromises concerningThe RainbowRainbowbridges

Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow becomes visible in the clouds,

Verse ConceptsVisibilityThe RainbowRainbow

And I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh.

Verse ConceptsNeverGod Remembering His CovenantNoah's FloodThe RainbowRainbow

And Arpachshad lived four hundred and thirty years after he became the father of Cainan, and fathered sons and daughters. And Cainan lived a hundred and thirty years and became the father of Shelah. And Cainan lived after he had become the father of Shelah three hundred and thirty years, and fathered sons and daughters.

Verse Concepts100 Years And More

And the land suffered them not to dwell together, - because their substance had become, great, so that they could not dwell together.

Verse ConceptsAbraham, Calling And LifeLiving TogetherPeople Providing

And he said to Abram - Thou must surely know, that, sojourners, will thy seed become in a land not theirs, and shall serve them and they will humble them, four hundred years;

Verse ConceptsForeignersOppression, Nature Of100 Years And MoreSojourningSure KnowledgeThose OppressedReckoned As ForeignersGroups Of SlavesStrangers in israelDescendants ofslaveryoppression

And it came to pass that, when Abram was ninety and nine years old, Yahweh appeared unto Abram, and said unto him, I, am GOD Almighty, - Walk, thou before me and become thou blameless:

Verse ConceptsBlameGod, Titles And Names OfTravelling With GodLife, Of FaithRestored In Jesus ChristPerfection, HumanWalkingAbraham, Testing And VictoryThe AlmightyWalking With GodGod AppearingI Am God

I -- lo, My covenant is with thee, and thou hast become father of a multitude of nations;

Verse ConceptsGod's Covenant With The Patriarchsfatherhood

And thy name shall no more be called Abram, - but thy name shall become Abraham, for father of a multitude of nations, have I appointed thee;

Verse ConceptsAbraham, Calling And LifeTypes Of ChristChanged NamesGod Renaming People

and I have made thee exceeding fruitful, and made thee become nations, and kings go out from thee.

Verse ConceptsFruitfulness, NaturalMaking KingsfruitfulnessReproduction, After Kind

and I have given to thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land of thy sojournings, the whole land of Canaan, for a possession age-during, and I have become their God.'

Verse ConceptsBlessings, To AbrahamGod, The EternalLand, As A Divine GiftProperty, LandThe Promised LandEternal PossessionSojourningI Will Be Their God

and ye have circumcised the flesh of your foreskin, and it hath become a token of a covenant between Me and you.

Verse ConceptsForeskinsCircumcision

he is certainly circumcised who is born in thine house, or bought with thy money; and My covenant hath become in your flesh a covenant age-during;

Verse ConceptsServanthood, In SocietyProselytesThe Eternal CovenantBorn In One's HouseCircumcisionGod's Covenant With The PatriarchsGroups Of Slaves

And I will bless her, and I will give thee a son also of her; and I will bless her, and she shall become nations: kings of peoples shall be of her.

Verse ConceptsBabies, Blessing From GodMothers Of KingsGifts Of GodGod Will BlessOther Gifts Of GodMothers And SonsBabies Being A Blessingsarah

As to Ishmael, I have heard thee; lo, I have blessed him, and made him fruitful, and multiplied him, very exceedingly; twelve princes doth he beget, and I have made him become a great nation;

Verse ConceptsAbraham, Family And DescendantsThe Number TwelveAbraham, Testing And VictoryAnswered PrayerProsperity PromisedGod Multipling PeopleTwelve BeingsBlessed By GodGod Paid Attention To MeSons Being A Blessingfruitfulness

And Sarah laughed within herself, saying, After I am become old, shall I have pleasure, and my lord old?

Verse ConceptsHumourPeople Wearing OutSoliloquyThe Promise Of A BabysexHaving A Babysarah

And Jehovah said to Abraham, Why is this, that Sarah laughs, saying, Shall I indeed bear, when I am become old?

Verse ConceptsWhy Do Others Do This?The Promise Of A Babysarah

So Yahweh said, The outcry of Sodom and Gomorrah, because it hath become great, - And their sin, because it hath become exceeding grievous,

Verse ConceptsUnhappinessOutcry

For we are [about to] destroy this place, because their cry has become great before Yahweh. Yahweh sent us to destroy it."

Verse ConceptsAngels as agents of judgmentSodom And GomorrahReprobatesGod Sending ProphetsOutcry

And the first-born will say to the small, our father has become old, and not a man in the earth to come in to us according to the way of all the earth:

Verse ConceptsAbsence Of SexFirstborn DaughtersNo One AvailableUnpremeditatedFather And Daughter Relationships

Besides, she really is my sister she's my father's daughter, but not my mother's daughter so she could become my wife.

Verse ConceptsMarriage, Restrictions ConcerningSistersOther WivesSiblingsFather And Daughter RelationshipsFathers And Daughterssisterhoodsarah

And the child will become great, and shall be weaned; and Abraham will make a great drinking in the day of weaning Isaak.

Verse ConceptsFeastingBanquets, Events CelebratedWeaningGrowing Upsarah

Yet even the son of the bondwoman, will I appoint to become, a nation, because thy seed, he is.

And the LORD hath blessed my master greatly; and he is become great: and he hath given him flocks, and herds, and silver, and gold, and menservants, and maidservants, and camels, and asses.

Verse ConceptsAbundance, MaterialCowsGenerosity, God'sGoldSilverAbraham, In SocietyOwning LivestockGroups Of SlavesSupplied With MoneyBlessed By GodMultitudes Of DonkeysPossessing SheepWealthy People

then did Sarah wife of my lord, bear a son to my lord, after she had become old, - so he gave to him all that he had;

Verse ConceptsGiving To OthersHope For Old People

Go! Rebekah, is before thee, Take her and go thy way, - And let her become wife unto the son of thy lord, as Yahweh hath spoken.

Verse ConceptsSinglenessGiving In Marriage

And they blessed Rebecca, and said to her, Thou art our sister; mayest thou become thousands of tens of thousands; and may thy seed possess the gate of their enemies!

Verse ConceptsBenedictionsBlessedA Million And MoreCapturing GatesPeople OvercomingPeople Who Blessed OthersChildren Being A Blessing

And the boys will become great; and Esau will be a man knowing the chase, a man of the country; and Jacob an upright man, dwelling in tents.

Verse ConceptsHuntingQuietnessSkillTentsArchers, MenGrowing UpMen Of PeaceOutside The Houseparenting

And the man will become great, and went going, and he became great, until that he became very great

Verse ConceptsGrowth In WealthWealthy PeopleWealth And Prosperity

And Abimelech said to Isaac, Go from us; for thou art become much mightier than we.

And it came to pass when Isaac had become old, and his eyes were dim so that he could not see, that he called Esau his elder son, and said to him, My son! And he said to him, Here am I.

Verse ConceptsBlindness, Causes OfOld Age, DisabilitiesEyes, Affected BydisabilitiesOld Age, Attainment OfVisionWeakness, PhysicalDimness Of VisionBehold Me!Others Summoning

Let peoples serve thee And races bow down to thee, Become thou lord to thy brethren, And let the sons of thy mother bow down to thee, - He that curseth thee, be accursed! And he that blesseth thee, be blessed!

Verse ConceptsJacob, Life And Character OfServing PeopleSalutationsBlessing Through God's PeopleCursing Israel

In response, Isaac told Esau, "Look! I've predicted that he's going to become your master, and I've assigned all his brothers to be his servants. What then can I do for you, my son?"

Verse ConceptsServing PeopleProviding Wine

By your sword you'll live; but you'll serve your brother. But when you've become restless, you'll break off his yoke from your neck."

Verse ConceptsNecksRestlessnessYokesSubjectionServing IndividualsPeople Releasing Othersdominion

And the Almighty God bless thee, and make thee fruitful and multiply thee, that thou mayest become a company of peoples.

Verse ConceptsGod, Power OfProcreationMay God Bless!fruitfulness

And thy seed shall become as the dust of the earth, and thou shalt break forth westward and eastward, and northward and southward, - And all the families of the ground shall be blessed in thee and in thy seed.

Verse ConceptsConsistencyeastNorthOffspringSpreadingSouthNorth, South, East And WestNumerous As DustBlessing Through God's PeopleBlessings For Jew And Gentile

when I have turned back in peace unto the house of my father, and Jehovah hath become my God,

Verse ConceptsIndividuals going homeHe Is Our God

She conceived again, gave birth to a son, and said, “At last, my husband will become attached to me because I have borne three sons for him.” Therefore he was named Levi.

Verse ConceptsThree ChildrenPeople With Apt Names

And he said to him, Thou knowest how I have served thee, and what thy cattle has become with me.

Verse ConceptsPeople With General KnowledgeServing IndividualsThose Who Kept Stock

And it came to pass whensoever the strong cattle were ardent, that Jacob laid the rods before the eyes of the flock in the gutters, that they might become ardent among the rods;

Verse ConceptsAnimals MatingStrength Of AnimalsAnimal ReproductionWater ContainersPoles

I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies, and of all the truth, which thou hast shewed unto thy servant; for with my staff I passed over this Jordan; and now I am become two bands.

Verse ConceptsKindnessHumilityStaffHumility, Examples OfTwo GroupsRiver CrossingsWalking With A StaffGod Showed His Lovingkindness

But we will consent to you only on this condition: if you will become like us, in that every male among you consents to be circumcised,

Verse ConceptsAgreementBecoming Like PeopleConsentNecessity Of Circumcision

Then will we give our daughters unto you, and we will take your daughters to us, and we will dwell with you, and we will become one people.

Verse ConceptsUnified PeopleLiving In The Land

Only on this condition will the men consent unto us to dwell with us, to become one people, if every male among us be circumcised, as they are circumcised.

Verse ConceptsUnified PeopleBecoming Like PeopleConsentLiving In The LandNecessity Of Circumcision

Won’t their livestock, their possessions, and all their animals become ours? Only let us agree with them, and they will live with us.”

Verse ConceptsLiving In The LandTaking Possession

So God called his name Israel and also told him, "I am God Almighty. You are to be fruitful and multiply. You will become a nation in fact, an assembly of nations! Kings will come from you they'll emerge from your own loins!

Verse ConceptsFruitfulness, NaturalBlessings, To AbrahamBodyGod, Power OfProcreationI Am Godfruitfulness

For their substance had become too great for them to dwell together, - neither could the land of their sojournings sustain them, because of their herds,

Verse ConceptsAbundance, MaterialPeople ProvidingWealthy Peoplepossessions

Come now therefore, and let us slay him, and cast him into some pit, and we will say, Some evil beast hath devoured him: and we shall see what will become of his dreams.

Verse ConceptsAnimals Eating PeopleWild Animals DevouringAttempting To Kill Specific PeopleUnfulfilled Word

Then Judah said to Tamar, his daughter-in-law, Go back to your father's house and keep yourself as a widow till my son Shelah becomes a man: for he had in his mind the thought that death might come to him as it had come to his brothers. So Tamar went back to her father's house.

Verse ConceptsSinglenessGrowing UpDaughters In LawPossibility Of DeathActual WidowsWaiting Till Marriage

and Judah saith, 'Let her take to herself, lest we become despised; lo, I sent this kid, and thou hast not found her.'

Verse ConceptsNowhere To Be Found

After three months Judah was told, "Your daughter-in-law Tamar has turned to prostitution, and as a result she has become pregnant." Judah said, "Bring her out and let her be burned!"

Verse ConceptsProstitutionPunishment, Legal Aspects OfSexual Sin, Nature OfTwo To Four MonthsBurning PeopleDeath Penalty For Sexual SinTelling Of People's Situations

So the great abundance will become forgotten in the land because of that subsequent famine, for it will be very severe.

So shall the food become a store for the land, for the seven years of famine which shall come about in the land of Egypt, - and the land shall not be cut off in the famine.

Verse ConceptsFrugality

In addition, all of the surrounding nations came to Joseph to buy grain from Egypt, because the famine had become severe throughout the world.

Verse ConceptsBuying and sellingMoney, Uses Of

Whoever is found with it from among your servants shall die. And moreover, we will become slaves to my lord."

Verse ConceptsApproval To Kill

And he said, Let it be as you say: he in whose bag it is seen will become my servant; and you will not be responsible.

Verse ConceptsMaking SlavesExempt

"What can we say, Your Excellency?" Judah replied. "How can we explain this or justify ourselves? God has discovered the sin of your servants, and now we've become slaves to you, Your Excellency, both we and the one in whose possession the cup has been discovered."

Verse ConceptsBeing Found OutAcquitting The Just

But he said, "Far be it from me to do this! The man in whose hand the cup was found, he will become my slave. But as for you, go up in peace to your father."

Verse ConceptsBeing Found OutExemptFar Be It!

Joseph blurted out, "I'm Joseph! Is my father really alive?" But his brothers could not answer him, because they had become terrified to be in his presence.

Verse ConceptsSuffering, Emotional Aspects OfGuilty FearThis Is MeLiving OnOthers Not AnsweringFear Of IndividualsIdentity

and I have nourished thee there -- for yet are five years of famine -- lest thou become poor, thou and thy household, and all that thou hast.

Verse ConceptsPoverty, Causes OfFive YearsPeople ProvidingAvoiding Poverty

where they informed their father, "Joseph is still alive! As a matter of fact, he's ruling the entire land of Egypt." But Jacob didn't believe them, because he had become cynical.

Verse ConceptsFaintingNot Believing PeopleLiving On

Why should we die in front of you, both we and our land? Buy us and our land in exchange for food, then we and our land will be servants to Pharaoh. Then give us seed and we shall live and not die, and the land will not become desolate."

Verse ConceptsKept Alive By MenPossibility Of DeathLiteral PlantingGroups Of Slaves

And they said - Thou hast saved our lives! let us find favour in the eyes of my lord, so will we become Pharaohs servants.

Verse ConceptsSubjectionKept Alive By MenGroups Of SlavesIndividuals Saving Others

And Joseph made it a law over the land of Egypt to this day, that the fifth should be for Pharaoh, except the land of the priests: theirs alone did not become Pharaoh's.

Verse ConceptsHuman LawStatutes To This Day

and said unto me - Behold me! about to make thee fruitful, so will I multiply thee, and give thee to become a multitude of peoples, - so will I give this land to thy seed after thee, as an age-abiding possession.

Verse ConceptsGod, The EternalEternal Possessionfruitfulness

Your issue, who you become the father of after them, will be yours. They will be called after the name of their brothers in their inheritance.

Now, the eyes of Israel, had become dim from old age, - he could not see, - so he drew them near unto him, and kissed them, and embraced them.

Verse ConceptsPeople KissingOld Age, DisabilitiesArmsKissingOld Age, Attainment OfVisionDimness Of VisionKissesLimitations Of Old People

The Angel [that is, the Lord Himself] who has redeemed me [continually] from all evil,
Bless the boys;
And may my name live on in them [may they be worthy of having their names linked with mine],
And the names of my fathers Abraham and Isaac;
And may they grow into a [great] multitude in the midst of the earth.”

Verse ConceptsPeople Naming PeopleAngels Looking After PeopleAngels Providing ProtectionMay God Bless!

And his father refused, and said, I know it, my son, I know it: he also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations.

Verse ConceptsThe Youngest ChildPeople With General KnowledgeRules About Young People

Judah is a young lion; like a lion full of meat you have become great, my son; now he takes his rest like a lion stretched out and like an old lion; by whom will his sleep be broken?

Verse ConceptsHuntingLions, Figurative Use OfLionsYoung AnimalVigourCrouchingLike Creatures

Zebulun shall settle by the shore of the sea. He [shall become] a haven for ships, and his border [shall be] at Sidon.

Verse ConceptsSeafaringMediterranean SeaShipsSeashoresLiving In The Land

He saw a resting place, that it was good, the land, that it was pleasant. He bows his shoulder to the burden, and becomes a servant doing forced labor.

Verse ConceptsSubjectionThose At EaseForced LabourGood Qualities

Anil the sons of Israel were fruitful, and they will multiply abundantly, and they will increase, and will become strong with might exceedingly; and the land will be filled with them.

Verse ConceptsFruitfulness, NaturalFilling PlacesBirth ControlPeople Multiplyingfruitfulness