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41 Bible Verses about God, Zeal Of

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Exodus 20:5

You are not to bow down to them in worship or serve them, because I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the guilt of parents on children, to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,

Deuteronomy 4:24

Indeed, the LORD your God is a consuming fire. He is a jealous God."

Deuteronomy 5:9

You are not to bow down to them in worship or serve them, because I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the guilt of parents on children, to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,

Joshua 24:19

So Joshua told the people, "You will not be able to serve the LORD, because he is a God of Holiness. He is a jealous God, and he will forgive neither your transgressions nor your sins.

Nahum 1:2

A jealous God, the LORD avenges. The LORD avenges; The Lord is an angry husband. The LORD takes vengeance on his enemies, reserving anger for his adversaries.

Deuteronomy 32:51

Both of you acted unfaithfully against me among the Israelis at Meribah-kadesh in the desert of Zin, when you failed to uphold my holiness among the Israelis.

Isaiah 48:9-11

I defer my anger for my name's sake, and as my first act I'm restraining it for you, so as not to cut you off. Look, I have refined you, but not like silver; I have purified you in the furnace of affliction. For my own sake Yes, for my own sake! I'm doing it; indeed, how can I be profaned? Furthermore, I won't give my glory to another."

Ezekiel 20:9

I did this so my reputation might not be tarnished among the nations where they were living, among whom I made myself known in their presence when I brought them out of the land of Egypt.

Ezekiel 36:20-23

Nevertheless, when they arrived in those nations, they continued to profane my holy name. It was said about them, "These are the LORD's people, even though they've left his land.' I've been concerned about my holy reputation, which the house of Israel has been defiling throughout all of the nations where they've gone." "Therefore tell the house of Israel, "This is what the Lord GOD says: "I'm not about to act for your sake, you house of Israel, but for the sake of my holy reputation, which you have been defiling throughout all of the nations where you've gone. read more.
I'm going to affirm my great reputation that has been defiled among the nations (that is, that you have defiled in their midst), and those people will learn that I am the LORD," declares the Lord GOD, "when I affirm my holiness in front of their very eyes.

Ezekiel 39:7

I'll make my holiness and reputation known in the midst of my people Israel, and I won't let my holiness be profaned anymore. The nations will learn that I, the LORD, am holy in the midst of Israel.

Zechariah 1:14

Then the angel who was speaking to me told me, "Announce this: "This is what the LORD of the Heavenly Armies says: "I have a deep concern for Jerusalem, a great concern for Zion.

2 Kings 19:31

because a remnant will go out from Jerusalem, and survivors from Mount Zion. The zeal of the LORD will bring this about."

Isaiah 37:32

For a remnant will come out of Zion, and a band of survivors from Jerusalem. The zeal of the LORD of the Heavenly Armies will accomplish this.

Joel 2:18

Then the LORD will show great concern for his land, and will have compassion on his people.

Zechariah 8:2

"This is what the LORD of the Heavenly Armies says: "I'm greatly jealous about Zion, and that makes me furious about her.'

Isaiah 9:7

Of the growth of his government and peace there will be no end. He will rule over his kingdom, sitting on the throne of David, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and righteousness from this time onward and forevermore. The zeal of the LORD of the Heavenly Armies will accomplish this.

Deuteronomy 32:16

They provoked him to jealousy over foreigners and to anger over detestable things.

Deuteronomy 29:20

"The LORD won't forgive such a person. Instead, the zealous anger of the LORD will blaze against him. All the curses that were written in this book will fall on him. Then the LORD will wipe out his memory from under heaven.

Deuteronomy 32:21

They provoked me to jealousy over non-gods, and to be angry over their vanity. Now I'll provoke them to jealousy over a non-people; and over a foolish nation I'll provoke them to anger.

1 Kings 14:22

Judah practiced what the LORD considered to be evil. They did more to provoke him to jealousy than their ancestors had ever done by committing the sins that they committed.

Psalm 78:58

they angered him with their high places and with their carved images they made him jealous.

Ezekiel 8:3

The form of a hand reached out and took me by the hair of my head. Then the Spirit lifted me up between the earth and sky, brought me toward Jerusalem, and in visions that came from God took me through the doors of the inner gate that faced north, where an image that provoked God's jealous anger had been erected.

Ezekiel 16:38

I'll judge you with the same standards by which I issue verdicts against a woman who commits adultery and murder. I'll avenge the blood you've shed with impassioned wrath.

Ezekiel 23:25

I'll expend my jealousy on you so they'll deal with you in anger. They'll cut off your noses and your ears. Your survivors will die violently. They'll take your sons and daughters away from you, but your survivors will be incinerated.

1 Corinthians 10:21-22

You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. You cannot dine with the Lord and dine with demons, or you'll provoke the Lord to jealousy, won't you? Are we stronger than he is?

Ezekiel 36:5-6

""Because this is what the Lord GOD says: "Motivated by my burning zealousness, I have spoken against the rest of the surrounding nations, including Edom, who confiscated my land, taking possession of it with joyful enthusiasm and with animal-like malice, in order to plunder Israel's pastures.' "Therefore prophesy concerning the land of Israel and speak to its mountains, hills, ravines, and valleys. Tell them, "This is what the Lord GOD says: "Pay attention! In my zealous anger I'm speaking because you've had to endure the mockery of the world's nations."'"

Ezekiel 38:18-19

So it will be that on that day, when Gog invades the land of Israel,' declares the Lord GOD, "my zeal will ignite my anger. Because of my zeal and burning anger, at that time there will be a massive earthquake throughout the land of Israel.

Zephaniah 1:18

Neither their silver nor their gold will deliver them in the Day of the LORD's wrath; but the entire land will be consumed by the fire of his jealousy, for he will bring the inhabitants of the land to a sudden end."

Zephaniah 3:8

"Just you wait!" declares the LORD. "The day will come when I stand up as a prosecutor, for I am determined to assemble the nations and to gather the kingdoms, in order to pour out my indignation upon them all of my fierce anger. All the earth will be consumed by the fire of my jealousy.

Ezekiel 16:42

"That's how I'll make you stop your prostitution so you won't pay any prostitute's fees anymore. I'll stop being angry with you, and I'll cease being jealous. I'll be calm and not be indignant anymore.

Numbers 25:11

"Eleazar's son Phinehas, grandson of Aaron the priest, has turned my wrath away from Israel. Because his zealousness reflected my own zeal for them, I didn't consume Israel in my jealousy.

Isaiah 63:15

Look down from heaven, and see from your holy and glorious dwelling. Where are your zeal and your might? Where are the yearning of your heart and your compassion? They are held back from me.

Psalm 74:10-11

God, how long will the adversary scorn while the enemy despises your name endlessly? Why do you not withdraw your hand your right hand from your bosom and destroy them?

Isaiah 26:11

"LORD, your hand is lifted up, but they do not see it. And let them see your zeal for your people and be put to shame yes, let the fire reserved for your enemies consume them!

Numbers 25:11-13

"Eleazar's son Phinehas, grandson of Aaron the priest, has turned my wrath away from Israel. Because his zealousness reflected my own zeal for them, I didn't consume Israel in my jealousy. Therefore, I'm certainly going to be giving him my covenant of peace, for him and for his descendants after him, too, a covenant of perpetual priesthood, because he was zealous for his God and made atonement for the Israelis."

1 Kings 19:10

"I've been very zealous for the LORD God of the Heavenly Armies," he replied. "The Israelis have abandoned your covenant, demolished your altars, executed your prophets with swords, and I that's right, just me! am the only one left. Now they're seeking my life, to get rid of me!"

Proverbs 23:17

Never let yourself envy sinners; instead, remain in fear of the LORD every day,

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