9 Bible Verses about Bad Items
Most Relevant Verses
Just then, seven other cows emerged after them, poor, ugly, and appearing very gaunt in their flesh. I've never seen anything as ugly as those cows anywhere in the entire land of Egypt!
Not only that," Pharaoh continued, "after they had finished devouring the cows, nobody could tell that they had gobbled them up, because they were just as ugly as before. Then I woke up.
One basket contained very good figs like the first figs that ripen on the tree. The other basket contained very bad figs that were too bad to be eaten.
""Like the bad figs that are too bad to be eaten for this is what the LORD says so I'll give up on Zedekiah king of Judah, along with his officials, the remnant of Jerusalem that is left in this land, and those living in the land of Egypt.
This is what the LORD says: "I'm about to send the sword, famine, and plague on them, and I'll make them like rotten figs that cannot be eaten because they're so bad.
"Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or make the tree rotten and its fruit rotten, because a tree is known by its fruit.
The ax already lies against the roots of the trees. So every tree that isn't producing good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.
"A good tree doesn't produce rotten fruit, and a rotten tree doesn't produce good fruit,
and told him, "Everyone serves the best wine first, and the cheap kind when people are drunk. But you have kept the best wine until now!"