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Sunday, 12 January 2025

Stone patina

 Happy New Year everyone!

I’ve been super busy, mainly with stuff, you know that brain-numbing detritus that is completely tied up with reality, awful concept, truly awful.  Spare me reality any day…

OK so I’m obsessed at the moment with stone work, stone patina, stone decay, stone mossy damp dark etc etc, all things stone.  

Alongside that I’m kind of thinking about the essence of life, the spark of life and the fever of it…

So I did this…

So it’s the head of a statue in Rome, he has bronze wings and his pose is to look down on the people.

Ok so this is based on a real life model, upon which is super imposed artistic ideas in that ancient culture of idealised male beauty…preserved in stone.

So you have a living person, mortified by the stone, then you draw the stone face and suddenly the dead are brought to life, as it were.  

Who was he, how did he live and die, how old was he and did he have a long or short life…all these questions arise when we contemplate mortality, including our own.

Whatever is going on, this is where I am now, contemplating big issues, like what is it to be alive and what is it to be no longer alive, or have your life drain away….

In fact that’s a great idea on its own, being turned into stone, feeling it and watching it…

Wednesday, 28 June 2023

Small things and big ideas

Hi everyone 

I hope your lives are restored to former lockdown frenetic activity, as mine is.

This year is a big year for me in more ways than one.  I looked back over my diary and was pleased that many goals had been attained but no sooner do you jump a hoop, than another hoop presents itself for the challenge.  I think my attitude to all this STUFF is much better now and I feel positive about various tactical manoeuvres.  Remaining positive and finding new things to learn and test yourself makes the daily grind of existence far more enjoyable.  Recently I’ve achieved much more objectivity about my goals and where I really ‘live’.  I live in my head and my head is a secluded space that is all mine, but the outside world tries to gain admittance to that space, but never will, because I am bound in a nutshell and count myself king of infinite space and all that…

Ok so everyone knows motifs are a big thing with me, as well as miniature.  So I made this ‘Fairy House’ recently for my DD.  The plan is to make some more and sell them on Etsy.  Sorry to sound commercially minded, but since thieves commandeered my YouTube monetisation account, I’ve had no money for books or materials.

I tried to sort out this theft from my YouTube videos, but they ask you for the address of the miscreants and how am I suppose to do that?

Things like that make me sick, but you know what, life is too short and I’m trying to get over this blantant misappropriation of my funds.

The inside is decoupaged with A-Z map of where she hopes to live one day….call it a dream box….

A dream box box comes from the idea of a dream board and that is something that really works psychologically on a person, if you ask me.   I went to one of the Rich Dad Poor Dad lectures run by Robert T Kiyosaki and they suggested it.  

I bought the wooden box, painted it with gesso, then decoupaged it with a paper napkin, after finding the scale I needed, then embellished the top with various schmonzes…(now there’s a word for Google translate to knot it’s underwear over).

I think the big thing to remember when you decoupage is to spray the image with hair lacquer first, so that the colours don’t run.

Apart from that I’m knitting, working through my book 365 cakes and making soup stock.  The land I took over has suffered 40 degree heat and then 3 weeks of solid snow, luckily on two plants died and they were so fragile, I wasn’t surprised.  

I bought yet more power tools, they taken up a lot of space but they do save my hands, especially my thumb joint which gets weird now and again.  

Favourite stitch at the moment = Double Colonial Knot, perfect for small projects!

Tuesday, 2 August 2022

Mini chest in situ


Hello friends 

I cold welded the legs onto the chest with a 2mm layer of cold welding J B Weld an American product that I cannot stop raving about since I fixed my 20 year old ironing board.

Ok so In the real world, you know that awful place with traffic jams, queues and bad hair days, the powers that be have decided that I need to launch myself as a commercial artist….  What do you say to that?  The terror of the blank canvas is an understatement for starters, then on top I have so many other things on the go.  But, and it’s a big but, the cogs have been turning on this topic for some time now and I’m gradually working larger and more 3-d.  There are other challenges too, but they are drivers, rather than detractors.  But the main thing is, that being creative and finding new ways to get things done is the best kind of freedom, IMO.

So my head is currently in about fifth gear with what I was thinking about in the background that now needs to be given more life.

So I’m working on the second mini-chest now and have been turning ideas over in sketchbooks etc for about a month.  The heatwave we’ve been having with no air con in the house has slowed things down.

I know I want to laminate collage again if I don’t use oil paints but on the other hand chest 2 could end up with flat oils, I don’t know yet because I need to make samples and see which I’m most happy with.

Because basically I employ myself and I’m not always sure how well I can do something but will have a go at virtually anything, within bounds.  I can see the mini chest in my head and I can turn it around and change it, but then the reality has to match it or beat it.  If cannot do either and it ends up a disaster, you find even a disaster can offer up some hope or hint at a solution. Like when my ironing board collapsed under the heaving pile of domestic bliss, little did I know then that cold welding would springboard me into the world of furniture upcycling!  

Oh well I have to go now….

P.S. The Celtic dog needs a background now of laid silver thread.  The mermaid needs a new head to be stuck on, so that piece will need to be more 3-d, which is good because the sun and sky could be a lot of fun that way.  I’ve been alternating lots of my clothes because I wanted to save money, but when other family members found out what I was doing, they started giving me their things too!,  I was knitting a beautiful French jacket for myself, well that’s on hold too.  I would like to paint my shed, but think I will only manage the sleepers around about.  The Path I planted up is looking good but involved a lot of watering this year. 

Friday, 8 July 2022

Handles fitted and now for attaching the feet

 So pleased to say here are the handles …

Ok so the handles were really ok to fit in the end.  However, the feet have been giving me problems.  I need to delve into the friendless world of carpentry to get those right.  Nothing makes me more annoyed than furniture you are scared to move because the legs are precarious.  I want hanger bolts M6 size and T- nuts M6 too.  

I have to go now because I had a really bad night where I think my parents gave me Covid.  I’ve been coughing for most of the night and feel like a zombie today, oh dear the effort of it all!  Also our road is regularly visited by a very large badger that raids our food waste bins the night before bin day.  I have met this outsized miniature hippo of a badger face to face, I don’t know who was more scared of who but let me tell you they are weird looking close up, to be sure.  His coat was very coarse and his head was the most odd shape, but saying all of that, his Mammalian gaze was just as engaging as a cat or dog.  I was pleased to see he was so big and fat and wondered how old he was.  I put him at about middle adulthood because his shoulders were immense.  No cat or dog walks around with shoulders like that!  Well of course I shrieked when I saw him and he jumped in surprise which made me smile afterwards, but I didn’t hang around because I felt uneasy at the thought of his dental profile and jaw strength, kind of thing.  I have a very very vivid imagination.  Not that it does me a lot of good, on a day to day basis, but at least I can make it serve me well for these artistic projects.

I came across an old sketchbook the other day where I had scribbled “I hate art”.  I remember doing that, because I could see what I was sketching and I remembered that my friend had almost head butted me in a car park, because she was getting divorced and I sketched various trees at her allotment.  I never saw her again and I forgot all about the trees, but I remember thinking that art had only really caused me pain and didn’t get me any money, made me lots of enemies and consumed large amounts of time that could have been spent studying to do medicine or accounts, my two other loves.  

I’m going to stop there because I’m starting to get weepy, which is so feminine and stupid.  

If I had  been born a man I would have had the strength of my convictions etc, instead I have been “born into the slavery of being a girl”.  

Anyway, there are two things that I have never felt or experienced in any way, one is being bored, the other is being lonely.  Which I am noticing now is extremely useful.

Thursday, 7 July 2022

Faux patina update

 When they say ‘the material suggests’ it really means go with the flow…so I did.

Turns out this chest of drawers has a subtle theme and is about the memory of dreaming as a kid….more later.

So the drawer fronts were distressed with sandpaper and made to look vintage.  As I worked away I couldn’t help associating the look and feel of old maps with old worn atlases that we used to have in school and that’s when I decided the edges of the frame should look like old school desks.  So then I worked away at distressing the front of the drawers with felt tips, paint, a Stanley knife and latex paint to look like old school wooden rulers and desks.  I really like that association and it makes me remember dreaming in school of all the places I hoped to travel to in years to come.

Then when I came to do the legs, I decided to use a metallic paint that lends itself really well to pearlised patina.  I arrived at all these decisions basically because I had certain problems that I had to address, especially as the piece has to fit in my bedroom.  I didn’t want the little chest to come out too far forward in the sense that the colour was too saturated and bright.  

Then after all that gold paint around the top and the sides and the aged map, I realised the feet or legs had to somehow link up with the crystal handles and pop as it were.  

What do the feet remind you of?

Correct, merry-go-round horses at Fun Fairs!  I think that association is something I just couldn’t ignore and so I maxed that one out.

So now my big thing is varnishing the piece, fixing some edges down with stronger glue, then attaching the feet and handles.

Alas, the template I made for the drawer handle holes was far from perfect and I had some cold sweats with those.  I still need to work on that.  

I am breaking down each section to be worked into half hour slots.  I find this really helps me to make consistent progress and dispenses with indecisive paralysis, because all the thinking time is done away from the item.  If my template had been completely symmetrical then I would’ve finished by now.  I’ve marked up the top and bottom of the template now, so hopefully for the next set of drawers I won’t have all this bother.

Saturday, 2 July 2022

Faux patina gold chest of drawers

 Ok so things have moved on.  Here is the finished surface.  It took four sessions to build up the complexity.   I used various tools and different light sources.  The more I worked on it, the more it looked like metal.  Halfway through I worried I would never pull it off, as they say, because it began to become muddy.  That’s when I realised I was working light to dark, dark to light, dull to shine, then shine to dull, then finally back to shine, if that makes any sense. I like the way the tissue paper texture no longer looks like paper but the undulations, crevices and fissures of a prehistoric intergalactic explosion, as in how all gold was originally formed.

Now a funny thing happened to me twice, if you eva….

I showed a guy a photo of the Celtic dog while we were having dinner with our families in the country and he didn’t believe it was embroidery??

Then two weeks later I go to the coast with my friend and show her the picture and she too cannot understand or believe it’s embroidery, at which point I started heartily laughing.

QED ppl !

Monday, 27 June 2022

Celtic dog & Spanish Turron

 Bit more progress.  I like the way the head reminds me of Viking figureheads.  I need to do the next leather section very carefully and decide if anymore black outlines need to be enhanced.

I also made some almond, egg white and oil Turron at the weekend.  I hope to do a YouYube video about that but as it’s the Summer and there is so much to do.  It’s a very old Persian recipe where you form ‘nut dough’.  The taste is insane.  It took me a fair while to perfect the recipe, I used an Alicante praline, which I then ground down and then made a Turron blando, or Jijona recipe.  You are boiling the sugar syrup till the last stage of plastic, just before it becomes glass.  Then you allow it to cool for 10 mins, then you roll it with all the other ingredients.  It’s very similar to Halvah with one last essential difference…..more in the video