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BazQux Reader

Your friend for read­ing feeds, $30 a year

Start a free 30-day trial:

or log in with

One place to fol­low every­thing

Fol­low the news from your fa­vorite sites in one place. Sub­scribe to sites in­stead of vis­it­ing them. Read with­out ads and track­ing.

Read Face­book, Telegram and VK

Mon­i­tor so­cial me­dia pages to­gether with web­sites. Just en­ter the page URL and fol­low it like a reg­u­lar blog.

Full-text ar­ti­cles

Read the full con­tent of trun­cated ar­ti­cles or so­cial me­dia links in­side the reader. Con­vert sum­mary feeds to full-text ones.

Read the com­ments

There’s no need to leave the reader to check ar­ti­cle com­ments. They’re here. And, like with ar­ti­cles, you can fol­low new ones.


A fast and clean in­ter­face keeps you fo­cused on read­ing. No ads, no ex­tra but­tons or bor­ders, raw speed and key­board short­cuts—every­thing is de­signed to save your time.

Search and fil­ter

Search in feeds or tagged ar­ti­cles. Hide what you don’t like, and mon­i­tor must reads with fil­ters and smart streams.

Mixed view mode

Choose an op­ti­mal view for each feed: list, mo­saic, mag­a­zine, ex­panded. Read feeds to­gether in unique mixed view mode.

Themes and ty­pog­ra­phy

Choose your col­ors, fonts and lay­out. At­ten­tion to ty­pog­ra­phy makes your read­ing faster and more en­joy­able.

Star, tag, share and read later

Book­mark your fa­vorite ar­ti­cles with stars or tags. Share via email, Twit­ter or Face­book. Save to Pocket, In­stapa­per or Pin­board.

Mo­bile and desk­top

En­joy both effi­cient desk­top and mar­velous mo­bile web in­ter­faces. Use apps on iOS, macOS and An­droid when you need offline mode.


Read your feeds with­out third-party track­ing thanks to our se­cure im­age proxy.

Not free, not freemium

Be­ing a paid ser­vice, the reader up­dates feeds of pay­ing and trial users only. It doesn’t get rate lim­ited by site own­ers for fetch­ing mil­lions of free users’ feeds and up­dates your feeds in time. It’s de­signed for the needs of pay­ing clients, not for the nice screen­shots and re­views. And you get real cus­tomer sup­port here.

You’re the client, not a prod­uct.

Quick start

Log in, find your fa­vorite feeds or im­port OPML and start read­ing!

One place to fol­low every­thing

Fol­low the news from your fa­vorite sites in one place. Sub­scribe to sites in­stead of vis­it­ing them. Read with­out ads and track­ing.

Themes and ty­pog­ra­phy

Choose your col­ors, fonts and lay­out. At­ten­tion to ty­pog­ra­phy makes your read­ing faster and more en­joy­able.

Read Face­book, Telegram and VK

Mon­i­tor so­cial me­dia pages to­gether with web­sites. Just en­ter the page URL and fol­low it like a reg­u­lar blog.

Star, tag, share and read later

Book­mark your fa­vorite ar­ti­cles with stars or tags. Share via email, Twit­ter or Face­book. Save to Pocket, In­stapa­per or Pin­board.

Full-text ar­ti­cles

Read the full con­tent of trun­cated ar­ti­cles or so­cial me­dia links in­side the reader. Con­vert sum­mary feeds to full-text ones.

Mo­bile and desk­top

En­joy both effi­cient desk­top and mar­velous mo­bile web in­ter­faces. Use apps on iOS, macOS and An­droid when you need offline mode.

Read the com­ments

There’s no need to leave the reader to check ar­ti­cle com­ments. They’re here. And, like with ar­ti­cles, you can fol­low new ones.


Read your feeds with­out third-party track­ing thanks to our se­cure im­age proxy.


A fast and clean in­ter­face keeps you fo­cused on read­ing. No ads, no ex­tra but­tons or bor­ders, raw speed and key­board short­cuts—every­thing is de­signed to save your time.

Search and fil­ter

Search in feeds or tagged ar­ti­cles. Hide what you don’t like, and mon­i­tor must reads with fil­ters and smart streams.

Not free, not freemium

Be­ing a paid ser­vice, the reader up­dates feeds of pay­ing and trial users only. It doesn’t get rate lim­ited by site own­ers for fetch­ing mil­lions of free users’ feeds and up­dates your feeds in time. It’s de­signed for the needs of pay­ing clients, not for the nice screen­shots and re­views. And you get real cus­tomer sup­port here.

You’re the client, not a prod­uct.

Mixed view mode

Choose an op­ti­mal view for each feed: list, mo­saic, mag­a­zine, ex­panded. Read feeds to­gether in unique mixed view mode.

Quick start

Log in, find your fa­vorite feeds or im­port OPML and start read­ing!

Start your free 30-day trial:

or log in with
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