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This is lichenographist ’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Experimental
  1. collection 1363
  2. wishlist 1356
  3. followers 34
  4. following 752
  1. Basse Brevis
    by Sarah Davachi
  2. Night Palace
    by Mount Eerie
  3. Piedras 1 & 2
    by Nicolas Jaar
  4. The Way Out of Easy
    by Jeff Parker ETA IVtet
  5. A Willed and Conscious Balance
    by Tomin
  6. Mighty Vertebrate
    by Anna Butterss
  7. Live at the Adler Planetarium
    by Rob Mazurek - Exploding Star Orchestra
  8. Archivos de Radio Piedras
    by Nicolás Jaar
  9. forge
    by KMRU
  10. Heavy Early & The Creation Of Venus
    by Windy & Carl
  11. Something Else That Is Perfect
    by Sad Bird Band
  12. Music For A Bellowing Room
    by Sarah Davachi and Dicky Bahto
  13. Bundanon
    by Seaworthy & Matt Rösner.
  14. garrawang + biderap: black field cricket mating song
    by amby downs
  15. Clean Floor
    by Steve Gunn
  16. Rave Angels
    by Jules Reidy
  17. The Exit Papers
    by Low
  18. The Head As Form’d In The Crier’s Choir
    by Sarah Davachi
    by Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe
  20. Metta, Benevolence BBC 6Music : Live on the Invitation of Mary Anne Hobbs
    by SUNN O)))