Period party

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First Menstrual Periods in Teens and Tweens
First Menstrual Periods in Teens and Tweens: Everything a parent needs to know about their child's first period including when to expect the first periods to start, how menstrual periods in those just starting are different than periods in adults, what period symptoms require medical attention, general period tips (tracking periods, advocating for oneself) and overview of period products for teens. No medical advice. Information only.
Period Hygiene Routine 2023 | Hacks all Girls Need to Know .
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Teenage Menstruation: When They Usually Start And What Are The Signs
Teenage is the phase in which girls experience menarche or their first menstruation. The median age for menarche is 12 to 13 years in most populations. The menstrual cycle in most girls ranges from 21 to 45 days during the initial years. The duration of the period can be shorter or longer, depending on individual factors.
A Guide to Menstrual Rituals: 13 Best Ways to Honor Your Sacred Blood Cycle | The Moon School
A Guide to Menstrual Rituals: 13 Best Ways to Honor Your Sacred Blood Cycle
A Period Product Round-Up
Think you know what's out there as far as period products go these days? Cloth pads, menstrual cups, menstrual discs, and MORE.
BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO USING A MENSTRUAL CUP How to have a zero waste period with a menstrual cup. How to use a period cup when you're scared. How to insert a menstrual cup. Everything you need to know before you buy your first menstrual cup. Saalt menstrual cup
Are menstrual cups worth it?
Menstrual cups are all the rage right now. But are menstrual cups actually any good? Here's why you should try a menstrual cup - and a few reasons you probably shouldn't switch to a menstrual cup. Pros and cons of menstrual cups, 9 tips and some myths debunked!
The Ultimate Teen Guide to Menstrual Cups [ + concerned parents and caregivers ]