Microphone stands

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Microphone stand for Stevie Nicks doll made by Mikey O'Connell
Stevie with her elaborately decorated microphone stand, giving the song her all ~ ☆♥❤♥☆ ~ intense passion
Dedicated to Stevie Nicks
Stevie ~ ☆♥❤♥☆ ~ performs during the ‘Epicurean Charitable Foundation’s fifth annual benefit concert’ at The Colosseum at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, NE on December 8th, 2006 ~ her black outfit is surprisingly plain, but contrasts beautifully with her long golden hair and elaborately decorated microphone stand
Stevie onstage ~ ☆♥❤♥☆ ~ wearing her Stand Back shawl and sheer black chiffon gloves ~ love her big hair, satisfied smile and all the satin ribbons and bow on her microphone stand
In Your Dreams
Stevie onstage wearing a full-length gold coat, holding her microphone stand which is elaborately decorated ~ ☆☆♥♡☆♥☆ ~
Microphone stand for Stevie Nicks doll made by Mikey O'Connell