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4 Pins
Hey 😁😉😇😘🍰🥩🍉🥓🍟🦁🦁🦁🦋❤️
I can imagine that you are done!!! I think you need a nice massage, hot bath, some couching, and maybe 2 rounds of Monopoly!😁😉😇
I am also having on my list ...
... but since I am having the problem with my eyes, I am only watching things liek sports... then I do not have to look there all the time... waiting until something is happening, then watching the Zeitlupe😁🤣 would prefer doing something that I do not even need my eyes for😁😉😇😘😘😘🍉🥓🍰🍟🦁🦋❤️
nice of K that she is helping😉🙏😘
And tomorrwo Mel is helping... so are we doing (and rocking) the bed on thursday?😁😇 In the afternoon I would have time... until maybe midnight!!! so maybe 10 hours... 30 minutes to fix the bed... 9,5 hours for rocking!😁🦁🦁🦁😇