unwithered beauty

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The University of Texas at Austin
Oxalis violacea Violet Woodsorrel, Violet Wood-sorrel Oxalidaceae (Wood-Sorrel Family) This is an erect, delicate plant up to 16 inches tall. The long-stemmed leaves grow from the base and at first are longer than the flowering stem. They are divided into 3 leaflets, gray-green to bluish-gray above and green to reddish-purple below, but similar in structure to those of O. dillenii. Like those of all wood sorrels the leaves fold downward, together, at night and in cloudy weather. There are 4-19 flowers at the end of each stem, lavender to pinkish-purple, the eye of the flower usually a deeper purple. The wide-spreading petal-like lobes are 1/2-3/4 inch long. There are 5 petals and 10 stamens. This is a very common woodland and moist prairie species, which is cultivated occasionally in the
US Wildflower - Violet Wood Sorrel - Oxalis violacea
Photographs and information about Violet Wood Sorrel - Oxalis violacea