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Measurement of jet $p_{\mathrm{T}}$ correlations in Pb+Pb and $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}=2.76\textrm{ TeV}$ with the ATLAS detector

Measurements of dijet $p_{\mathrm{T}}$ correlations in Pb+Pb and $pp$ collisions at a nucleon--nucleon centre-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}=2.76\textrm{ Te\kern -0.1em V}$ are presented. The measurements are performed with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider using Pb+Pb and $pp$ data samples corresponding to integrated luminosities of 0.14 nb$^{-1}$ and 4.0 pb$^{-1}$, respectively. Jets are reconstructed using the anti-$k_t$ algorithm with radius parameter values $R=0.3$ and $R=0.4$. A background subtraction procedure is applied to correct the jets for the large underlying event present in Pb+Pb collisions. The leading and sub-leading jet transverse momenta are denoted $p_{\mathrm{T_{\mathrm{1}}}}$ and $p_{\mathrm{T_{\mathrm{2}}}}$. An unfolding procedure is applied to the two-dimensional ($p_{\mathrm{T_{\mathrm{1}}}}$, $p_{\mathrm{T_{\mathrm{2}}}}$) distributions to account for experimental effects in the measurement of both jets. Distributions of $(1/N)\mbox{$\mathrm{d}$} N/\mbox{$\mathrm{d}$} x_{\mathrm{J}}$, where $x_{\mathrm{J}}=p_{\mathrm{T}_{2}}/p_{\mathrm{T}_{1}}$, are presented as a function of $p_{\mathrm{T_{\mathrm{1}}}}$ and collision centrality. The distributions are found to be similar in peripheral Pb+Pb collisions and $pp$ collisions, but highly modified in central Pb+Pb collisions. Similar features are present in both the $R=0.3$ and $R=0.4$ results, indicating that the effects of the underlying event are properly accounted for in the measurement. The results are qualitatively consistent with expectations from partonic energy loss models.

28 June 2017

Contact: Heavy Ion Physics conveners internal


Figure 01

The Δ φ distribution for R=0.4 jet pairs with 89 < pT1 < 100 GeV in the 0–10% centrality interval. The distribution for all jet pairs is indicated by the black circles. The combinatoric contribution is shown as a blue line. The ranges of Δ φ used to fix the value of Y and to define the signal region (Δ φ > 7&pi/8) are indicated by yellow and green shaded regions, respectively. The parameters c3 and c4 are obtained by fitting the Δ φ distribution for jet pairs with |Δ &eta|; > 1 in the region 0 < Δ φ < &pi/2, which is indicated by the red squares (scaled to match the black circles in the yellow region for presentation purposes). The error bars denote statistical errors.

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Figure 02

The two-dimensional (pT1, pT2) distributions after correction and symmetrisation for Pb+Pb data in the 0–10% (left) and 60–80% (centre) centrality bins and for pp data (right) for R=0.4 jets. The dashed lines indicate the boundaries used in selecting the different triggers. The Pb+Pb data distributions have their combinatoric contribution subtracted.

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Figure 03

Left: the (1/N)dN/dxJ distributions used as priors in the unfolding of the R=0.4 jets for the nominal (dashed red) and alternate variation (dotted blue) for the 100 < pT1 < 126 GeV and 0–10% centrality interval. The same distribution obtained from the Pythia MC sample is shown in solid black. Right: unfolded (1/N)dN/dxJ distributions from data for the same pT1 and centrality ranges using the nominal (red circles) and alternate (blue diamonds) priors shown in the left panel. The ratio of nominal to alternate is shown in the bottom panel. In the bottom panel on the right the first two bins are off scale with bins centers of xJ=0.34 and 0.38 and bins contents of 2.49 and 1.82, respectively. Statistical errors are not shown.

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Figure 04

Uncertainties sensitive to the number of iterations in the unfolding procedure as a function of niter for the 0–10% centrality interval for R=0.4 jets. Left: The combination (solid black) of the unfolding (dashed red) and statistical (dotted blue) uncertainty, √Σ δ2 for the 100 < pT1 < 126 GeV interval. Right: The combined uncertainty for each pT1 interval considered in the measurement.

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Figure 05

The (1/N)dN/dxJ distributions for R=0.4 jets before (black) and after (red) unfolding for the 100 < pT1 < 126 GeV interval for the Pb+Pb 0–10% (left) and Pb+Pb 60–80% (middle) centrality ranges and for pp collisions (right). Statistical uncertainties are indicated by vertical error bars (not visible in most cases). Systematic uncertainties in the unfolded result are indicated by the red shaded boxes.

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Figure 06

The total systematic uncertainty and its various components for 100 < pT1 < 126 GeV for R=0.4 jets in Pb+Pb collisions with 0–10% centrality (left) and pp collisions (right). In the figure on the left the first two bins are off scale with bins centers of xJ=0.34 and 0.38 and bins contents of 1.25 and 0.75, respectively.

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Figure 07

The (1/N)dN/dxJ distribution for R=0.4 jets in pp collisions for the 100 < pT1 < 126 GeV interval is shown in black points with the grey shaded boxes indicating the systematic uncertainties. Also shown are results obtained from various MC event generators: Pythia 6 (red squares), Pythia 8 (blue diamonds), Herwig++ (green crosses) and Powheg+Pythia 8 (purple stars). The ratio of each MC result to the data is shown in the bottom panel where the systematic uncertainties of the data are indicated by a shaded band centred at unity.

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Figure 08

The (1/N)dN/dxJ distributions for jet pairs with 100 < pT1 < 126 GeV for different collision centralities for R=0.4 jets. The Pb+Pb data are shown in red circles, while the pp distribution is shown for comparison in blue diamonds, and is the same in all panels. Statistical uncertainties are indicated by the error bars while systematic uncertainties are shown with shaded boxes.

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Figure 09

The (1/N)dN/dxJ distributions for R=0.4 jets with different selections on pT1, shown for the 0–10% centrality bin (red circles) and for pp (blue diamonds). Statistical uncertainties are indicated by the error bars while systematic uncertainties are shown with shaded boxes.

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Figure 10

The (1/N)dN/dxJ distributions for R=0.3 jets with different selections on pT1, shown for the 0–10% centrality bin (red circles) and for pp (blue diamonds). Statistical uncertainties are indicated by the error bars while systematic uncertainties are shown with shaded boxes.

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Figure 11

The (1/N)dN/dxJ distributions for jet pairs with 79 < pT1 < 100 GeV for different collision centralities for R=0.3 jets. The Pb+Pb data are shown in red circles, while the pp distribution is shown for comparison in blue diamonds, and is the same in all panels. Statistical uncertainties are indicated by the error bars while systematic uncertainties are shown with shaded boxes.

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Auxiliary material

Figure 01

The two-dimensional (pT1-pT2) distributions after unfolding for Pb+Pb data in the 0–10% (left) and 60–80% (center) centrality bins and for pp data (right) for R=0.4 jets.

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Figure 02

The (1/N)dN/dxJ distributions for pairs with 126 < pT1 < 158 GeV for different collision centralities for R=0.4 jets. The Pb+Pb data is shown in red circles, while the pp distribution is shown for comparison in blue diamonds, and is the same in all panels. Statistical uncertainties are indicated by the error bars while systematic uncertainties are shown with shaded boxes.

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Figure 03

The (1/N)dN/dxJ distributions for different selections on pT1, shown for the 20–30% centrality bin (red circles) and for pp (blue diamonds) for R=0.4 jets. Statistical uncertainties are indicated by the error bars while systematic uncertainties are shown with shaded boxes.

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Figure 04

The (1/N)dN/dxJ distributions for different selections on pT1, shown for the 60–80% centrality bin (red circles) and for pp (blue diamonds) for R=0.4 jets. Statistical uncertainties are indicated by the error bars while systematic uncertainties are shown with shaded boxes.

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Figure 05

The (1/N)dN/dxJ distributions for pairs with 100 < pT1 < 126 GeV shown for the 0–10% centrality bin (red circles) and for pp (blue diamonds) for R=0.4 jets. Statistical uncertainties are indicated by the error bars while systematic uncertainties are shown with shaded boxes

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Figure 06

The statistical correlation, ρij=Cij/√CiiCjj between the (1/N)dN/dxJ for different xJ bins for the 100 < pT1 < 126 GeV and 0–10% centrality interval for R=0.4 jets.

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