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A search for an excited muon decaying to a muon and two jets in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=8$ TeV with the ATLAS detector

A new search signature for excited leptons is explored. Excited muons are sought in the channel $pp \to \mu\mu^* \to \mu \mu\textrm{ jet jet}$, assuming both the production and decay occur via a contact interaction. The analysis is based on 20.3 fb$^{-1}$ of $pp$ collision data at a centre-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s}$ = 8 TeV taken with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. No evidence of excited muons is found, and limits are set at the 95% confidence level on the cross section times branching ratio as a function of the excited-muon mass $m_{\mu^*}$. For $m_{\mu^*}$ between 1.3 TeV and 3.0 TeV, the upper limit on $\sigma B(\mu^* \to \mu q \bar{q}$) is between 0.6 and 1 fb. Limits on $\sigma B$ are converted to lower bounds on the compositeness scale $\Lambda$. In the limiting case $\Lambda = m_{\mu^*}$, excited muons with a mass below 2.8 TeV are excluded. With the same model assumptions, these limits at larger $\mu^*$ masses improve upon previous limits from traditional searches based on the gauge-mediated decay $\mu^* \to \mu \gamma$.

21 January 2016

Contact: Exotics conveners internal


Figure 01

Feynman diagram for the process q qbar -> mu* mu -> mu mu q qbar, where both the production and decay are via contact interactions.

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Figure 02a

The mu-mu-j-j mass distribution for (a) the Z/gamma* + jets control region with the MC predictions and (b) for SR 2 (m_{mu mu} > 550 GeV, S_T > 900 GeV, and m_{mu mu jj} > 1000 GeV) with three representative signal distributions for mu* masses of 500, 2000, and 3000 GeV and for Lambda = 5 TeV. The background expectations are determined after the fit, and the grey band on the ratio plot in (a) gives the systematic uncertainty. For (b) there are no expected events from the single top, W + jets, and Z -> tau tau processes. SR 2 is not the most sensitive signal region for the latter two m_{mu*} masses. They are shown for comparison.

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Figure 02b

The mu-mu-j-j mass distribution for (a) the Z/gamma* + jets control region with the MC predictions and (b) for SR 2 (m_{mu mu} > 550 GeV, ST > 900 GeV, and m_{mu mu jj} > 1000 GeV) with three representative signal distributions for mu* masses of 500, 2000, and 3000 GeV and for Lambda = 5 TeV. The background expectations are determined after the fit, and the grey band on the ratio plot in (a) gives the systematic uncertainty. For (b) there are no expected events from the single top, W + jets, and Z $\to \tau\tau$ processes. SR 2 is not the most sensitive signal region for the latter two m_{\mu*} masses. They are shown for comparison.

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Figure 03

Limit at 95% CL on cross section times branching ratio sigma(pp -> mu mu*) B(mu* -> mu q qbar) as a function of the mu* mass. The solid line is the limit and the dotted line is the expected limit. The theoretical sigma B for the limiting case Lambda = m_{mu*} along with its uncertainties is also shown (dot-dashed curve).

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Figure 04

Limit at 95% CL on the compositeness scale Lambda as a function of the mu* mass. The solid black line is the limit and the short dashed black line is the expected limit. Also indicated are previous results from ATLAS based on mu* -> mu gamma (long dashed red line) and mu* -> mu l l (dot-dashed blue line), where l is an electron or muon.

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Table 01

Summary of the background and signal MC sample generation used in this search. The columns give the process generated, the generator program, the parton shower program, and the PDF utilized.

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Table 02

The signal masses considered and the corresponding signal regions are listed. The m_{mu mu}, S_T, and m_{mu mu j j} values giving the lower bound of each signal region are listed, along with the acceptance times efficiency, the expected number of signal events (Lambda = 5 TeV), expected number of background events, and the number of events observed in the data. The expected backgrounds are determined after the fit discussed in Section 8}. The uncertainties in the expected numbers of signal and background events are the systematic uncertainties. The numbers of events observed are discussed in Section 8.

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Table 03

Largest contributions to the relative systematic uncertainty in the signal yield. All uncertainties are given in percent and are determined after the fit discussed in Section 8.

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Table 04

Largest contributions to the relative systematic uncertainty in the expected background for three representative signal regions. All uncertainties are given in percent and are determined after the fit discussed in Section 8.

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Table 05

Values of mu-mu mass, mu-mu-j-j mass, S_T, mu-j-j mass for each mu-j-j combination, and p_T of each muon and jet for the three events in SR 9 or 10.

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Auxiliary material

Figure 05

Expected branching ratios versus mu* mass at a compositeness scale of Lambda = 5 TeV. The red curve is the mu q qbar contact-interaction decay. The curves are for Lambda = 5 TeV, but except for threshold effects for nu_{mu} W and mu Z, they scale as m_{mu*}/Lambda. For the mu l l decays, the l stands for all charged leptons and neutrinos.

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Figure 06

Feynman diagram for the q qbar -> mu* mu contact interaction.

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Figure 07

The dijet mass spectrum in the t-tbar control region after the fit. The black points are the data %with statistical error bars. The shaded region represents the systematic uncertainty in the Monte Carlo prediction, including MC statistics.

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Figure 08

The dimuon spectrum for SR 2 (with the m_{mu mu} selection). The black points are the data with statistical error bars. The shaded region represents the systematic uncertainty in the Monte Carlo prediction, including MC statistics. The expected distributions for three m_{m*} masses, assuming a compositeness scale of Lambda = 5 TeV, are shown.

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Figure 09

S_T distribution for the validation region dominated by t-tbar events. The solid black line in the bottom plot is the fit of the ratio of the data to the Monte Carlo prediction. The dashed black is the reflection of the fit. The region between the two lines is taken as the systematic uncertainty. The shaded region represents the systematic uncertainty in the Monte Carlo prediction, including MC statistics.

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Figure 10

S_T distribution for the validation region dominated by Z/gamma*. The solid black line in the bottom plot is the fit of the ratio of the data to the Monte Carlo prediction. The dashed black is the reflection of the fit. The region between the two lines is taken as the systematic uncertainty. The shaded region represents the systematic uncertainty in the Monte Carlo prediction, including MC statistics.

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Figure 11

S_T distribution for the t-tbar control region. The solid black line in the bottom plot is the fit of the ratio of the data to the Monte Carlo prediction. The dashed black is the reflection of the fit. The region between the lines is used as a check on the region derived in the validation region. The shaded region represents the systematic uncertainty in the Monte Carlo prediction, including MC statistics.

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Figure 12

S_T distribution for the Z/gamma* control region. The solid black line in the bottom plot is the fit of the ratio of the data to the Monte Carlo prediction. The dashed black is the reflection of the fit. The region between the lines is used as a check on the region derived in the validation region. The shaded region represents the systematic uncertainty in the Monte Carlo prediction, including MC statistics.

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Figure 13

Event display of the event with the highest dimuon mass.

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Table 06

Event yields in control regions.

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Table 07

Signal selection flow for three representative m_{mu*} masses (500, 1500, and 2500 GeV), corresponding to SR 2, 6, and 10, respectively. The columns give the number of events (N_{ev}) and the signal efficiency (Eff) in percent after the selection in each row. A luminosity of 20.3 fb^{-1} and a compositeness scale of Lambda = 5 TeV are used.

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Table 08

Largest contributions to the systematic uncertainty in the signal yield for mu* masses from 100 to 1750 GeV. All uncertainties are given in percent. The total is not exactly the sum in quadrature of the contributions due to correlations. The PDF uncertainty is only the contribution the acceptance times efficiency.

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Table 09

Largest contributions to the systematic uncertainty in the signal yield for mu* masses from 2000 to 3250 GeV. All uncertainties are given in percent. The total is not exactly the sum in quadrature of the contributions due to correlations. The PDF uncertainty is only the contribution the acceptance times efficiency.

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Table 10

Largest contributions to the systematic uncertainty in the expected background. All uncertainties are given in percent. The total is not exactly the sum in quadrature of the contributions due to correlations. The PDF uncertainty includes contributions from the cross section and the acceptance times efficiency.

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