Napping like a pro – why you should give napping a goEven though research has long shown that daytime napping has big benefits – both psychological and physical – a lot of people still feel that napping is for little kids and older people. With awareness of health and wellbeing on the rise, the benefits of getting enough snooze time are proven to be extremely important – both physically and mentally.
Photo by Lalaine Macababbad on UnsplashDownload this free HD photo of grey and book by Lalaine Macababbad (@lalainemacababbad)
Bambini di strada a BombayNel 1992, il fotografo Dario Mitidieri ha trascorso un anno tra i bambini di strada di Bombay, documentando povertà, droga e malattie.
Sean O'Pry is a Boxer for Man of the World – The FashionistoKingsway–Following his story for the debut issue of Man of the World, American model Sean O'Pry returns to the magazine for a new editorial lensed by