Cthulhu fhtagn

22 Pins
I Lovecrafting | Funny, cute & nerdy t-shirts
I craft store is calling... and so is Cthulhu. Make HP Lovecraft proud with this grey I LoveCrafting shirt featuring Cthulhu making all kinds of crafts, only at TeeTurtle.com!
Cathulhu | Funny, cute, & nerdy t-shirts
CAThulhu T-Shirt TeeTurtle black t-shirt featuring the green sea monster Cthulhu in the form of a cat
Caution: Do not poke the Deep Ones
Caution: Do not poke the Deep Ones
Dropout - Independent, ad-free, uncensored comedy
You know, it's an amazing knot, but I can't quite summon up the words to describe it.
iPoe Collection
untipoilustrado: “ Дизайн Ктулху смайлы для iClassics ”
Cthulhu Scare
Or maybe he´s just sad because he actually instead wanted a LEGO pirate ship for Christmas.