Classroom Management

24 Pins
Class Dojo Substitute Recording Sheet FREEBIE {{EDITABLE}}
It's always hard for me to leave my class with a sub for a day. I feel like it's harder to miss school than it is to just suffer through the day not feeling the best. This Class Dojo Substitute Recording Sheet has helped both me and the substitutes I've had in my room get a better handle on my class and the day.
Classroom management for upper elementary can be a challeng
Classroom management for upper elementary can be a challen
Class Dojo // Editable Parent Letter {FREEBIE}
{Class} Dojo Editable Parent Letter FREEBIE!
Ask and You Shall Receive...a FREEBIE!!
Remember when I posted about how I use Class Dojo in my classroom and I shared my Class Dojo Rewards Menu (pictured above)? Well if you d...
Class Dojo Update, Q&A, and a GIVEAWAY!
Going Strong in 2nd Grade: Class Dojo Update, Q&A, and a GIVEAWAY!
Small Group Observation Notes Tracker
These sheets are perfect for quick, small group anecdotal notes. There are different formats to use with and without sticky notes. Students can also use these pages to keep their student notes and feedback. Great classroom organizational tool! #classroommanagement #smallgroup #guidedreading #guidedmath #observationnotes
It’s nothing fancy, but it gets the job done, takes less than 10 seconds, saves tons of trees, and is easy to track. I can’t remember where…