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Eternal Bonds


Takes place about one year after the vampire diaries. *After Bonnie lifts the veil. Caroline, Katherine, and the Originals travel back to Mystic Falls for Thanksgiving, now they must face the consequences of their actions. The most powerful family on Earth must fight for their lives by protecting each other. Rated M for mature content, sexual content, and suggestive language.


DISCLAIMER: I do not own the vampire diaries or their characters, only my original characters. This is my first fanfic, so be gentle. Please leave a review if you like it! :)

Chapter 1: Family Meeting

Chapter Text

"You're being completely unreasonable!" Caroline screamed. She folded her arms over her chest, irritated.

"On the contrary, love. I believe that I am being quite fair." Klaus said calmly, looking at her innocently.

Rebekah barged into the room suddenly; she looked irritated, just like Caroline. "What in the bloody hell is with all this screaming? You do remember everyone in this house can hear your conversation - there's no need to yell," Rebekah smugly said to the two other blonde vampires in the room.

"Not now, Bekah." Klaus said, slightly irritated.

"Rebekah, help me out, he's being unreasonable," Caroline pleaded, pointing to Klaus.

"Now you're going to have to remind me what he did this time. I didn't quite catch that since my ears are still bleeding from hearing your voices for half an hour," Rebekah said sarcastically.

Caroline, still pointing at Klaus, pleaded, "It's the holidays! I want to go back to Mystics falls for Thanksgiving, and Klaus said no! The holidays are all about forgiveness."

Klaus looked at Caroline and rolled his eyes. Caroline turned to Rebekah, looking at her pleadingly. Rebekah looked back at Caroline with curiosity.

"You want to go back to Mystic Falls?" Rebekah asked, sounding intruiged.

"Yes! We can all go!" Caroline said with excitement running through her veins. She brought her hands up to her chest enthusiastically and grinned, showing off her flawless smile.

All signs of intrigue on Rebekah's face were erased in a matter of moments. Rebekah turned her back on Caroline and stared at the doorway as she spoke. "Why would I want to go back there? There's nothing left for me in Mystic Falls. This is my life now."

"Stefan will be there." Caroline said with a flicker of hope in her voice.

Rebekah's eyes widened as she stared at the doorway. "Why would I care whether Stefan Salvatore will be there or not?"

"I never said you did. I just wanted to tell you who was gonna be there." Caroline said calmly, thankful that Rebekah couldn't see her smirking.

Rebekah plastered a fake smile on her face and abruptly turned around. "Alright Caroline, if Nik goes, so will I." Rebekah turned to stare at Klaus and so did Caroline.

"See! Now all you have to do is say yes!" Caroline said with anticipation in her eyes as she looked into Klaus'.

"You know I love you, sweetheart. But I refuse to be stuck in a room with the people who have not only tried to kill me on more than one occasion, but have also stabbed me in the back just as many times. Besides, I might have the urge to reach across the table and rip their hearts out… you know I get moody sometimes." Klaus said calmly, a proud smirk on his handsome face.

Kol walked into the room, and walked around Rebekah to see what was happening. "Pardon me, but why is everyone in here? It's lonely down there, I only have Elijah to talk to, and he's so... mature. It gets annoying after a while, trust me." Kol said, feigning distress.

"You know I can still hear you, right?!" Elijah asked from downstairs, irritation in his voice.

"Oh, don't worry about it brother, I heard the women like distinguished men!" Kol chuckled. He looked from Rebekah to Caroline to Klaus. "What is going on, and why am I not a part of it?" Kol asked, raising one eyebrow.

"Oh, Kol, perfect! Wouldn't you just love to spend Thanksgiving in Mystic Falls?" Caroline said with hope in her voice.

"Why in the bloody hell would I want to go back there?" Kol asked.

"Thank you, Kol. This is exactly my point, but Caroline won't listen," Klaus said as he looked at Kol with a huge smirk on his face.

"Shut up, Klaus!" Caroline said as she pushed him out of the way, and walked up to Kol.

"You grew up there, didn't you? I'm sure there are stories you could tell me!" Caroline said, looking at him pleadingly.

"I could tell them here, too." Kol said bluntly.

"Very true." Klaus said to himself, looking very pleased.

"Well, then go because... because you love me more than Bekah!" Caroline said with desperation. She looked back at Rebekah. Rebekah looked shocked;her mouth was wide open, revealing how offended she was.

"Love you, Bekah." Caroline said shyly.

"That's very true... eh, why not?" Kol said while shrugging his shoulders.

"Kol!" Klaus complained.

"Sorry Nik, you're on your own."

"Just like that and you cave!"

"What can I say? I'm weak."

Klaus growled slightly at his brother's actions. This is why he never relied on Kol for anything – because he usually ended up screwed.

Caroline turned back to look at Klaus. She took one of his strong hands into both of hers and held it to her chest. "Just go because you love me. And you would do anything for me," Caroline said while looking up into Klaus' eyes, her gaze full of love and innocence.

"Oh, all right, fine," Klaus said as he caved to Caroline's demands. He rolled his eyes knowing he would regret this later on.

"Yes! You are the best boyfriend ever!" Caroline said as she jumped on him, wrapping her arms and legs around his body. She kissed him soundly on the lips, starting there but then peppering kisses all over his face.

"Ok, should we start packing because I really don't want to stay long enough to see you two make up," Rebekah said sarcastically, starting to look nauseous. She brought her hand over her mouth to drive her point home.

"I second that notion!" Kol said as he raised his right hand in the air.

Caroline jumped off of Klaus. Klaus growled slightly in disapproval. "I'll go order the tickets, and when I'm done I'll help you pack, Bekah!"

Kol, Rebekah and Caroline headed toward the door while Klaus remained sitting on his bed.

Suddenly, Katherine appeared in the doorway, one arm draped over the door frame. "I only fly first class." Katherine said as she smirked at the three vampires blocking her path.