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Written In the Water


Lured and trapped in the world of money, greed, and sex, Clarke is scrambling from day to day events with just her fingertips clutching her mental and emotional state. Bring in an Alpha behind compare, and you got her fighting for them as well.


Clarke is thrown into sex trafficking and staying in school when Lexa wants nothing more than to mate her. To mate or to die, that's all it comes down too.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter 1: I'll be fine if I met you before

Chapter Text

The orange cast from the setting sun blurred my vision as I rolled onto my back, the subtle throbbing in my head presided over all my senses as I started coming too. I felt a groan escape me as I tried to sit up, pain shooting down my body from a tender spot on the back of my head.

“You’re awake. Just in time too, I had just asked Jase here to go fetch some cold water. Get up.” My heart fluttered at the person speaking, it was someone I thought I would never see again. Tears sprung to my eyes as I heard their words repeat over in my head ‘Get up.’ my fluttering heart jumped into my throat, making shudders vibrate my chest as I slowly sat up; fully ignoring the pain that protested every movement, just as she taught me to do all those years ago.

“Good girl,” I heard the smile in her voice before actually seeing it, “Now, Clarke, baby. We have a problem with you. We just can’t seem to let you go, it’s not that you are worth something, dime a dozen people like you. But you know too much. Way too much for our liking.” I sat cross legged, my right knee protesting profusely. I stared at her feet, ignoring my surroundings, her teachings coming back tenfold and almost like second nature.

The fear I felt coursing through my body was horrendous, I was sure that they could smell it. My anxiety had my jaws watering, making me constantly swallow down the bile that came up. Footsteps sounded behind me as I sat straighter, a warning growl stopped my breathing, all the Alpha pheromones around me were flooding my senses and making me weak.

I heard cursing, someone struggling against someone else. I kept my eyes on her feet as she stepped closer to me. The quiet gasp of my name broke my trance and I looked to my left and saw her.

“Lexa!” I tried to stand but was shoved back down by the alpha behind me as something cold bumped into my right temple. Gun. I swallowed lightly and let myself get pressed further down by the barrel. I reached out to her, getting hit lightly in the back from him.

“Don’t move, I don’t want to hurt you.” His gruff voice stopped my shivering for a brief second. I glanced back at Lexa and saw her

“Clarke! I’m okay! Just… don’t move…” I saw and heard the fear in her voice and eyes, she kept glancing between me and whatever was pressed to the side of my head. I smelled the gunpowder, felt the barrel pressed to my hair tentatively, and felt his resistance as he kept me down.

A sigh met my ears as cold fingers gently gripped my jaw and turned my head to them. I immediately looked down and locked my jaw. Her sweet breath washed over me and a cold chill snuck up my back. I felt the need to submit to her right away, but that passed the second she chuckled lowly.

“You remember. You still fear me,” the laugh that sounded next had me flinching away from her. “You see, Clarke, we know you told this charming woman over there all about your past. Except,” a long elegant finger scratched my chin lightly, forcing eye contact, “you painted us as the bad guys. I’m sure she would love to know that all it took was a quick orgasm and some love bites to get you to work.”

The dark blue eyes bored into mine, feigning humor. Malice lurked behind the fake emotions, making me shiver with fear.

I saw movement to my left just as a loud thud happened, I quickly looked and saw Lexa was now face down in the dirt with a large man’s foot on her back.

Yanking my chin away from her grip, “Don’t hurt her!” my voice scared me, the fear in it made it shaky, I ended up shrinking back into a pair legs behind me but kept my eyes glued to the scene.

“I’m fine, Clarke! Be-” the man swiped the butt of his rifle against her head. He was now kneeling on top of her, his hand gripping her long braided hair as he forced her head up before slamming her face back into the ground. Fear and anger mixed in me as I was forced to stay still. The guard tensing behind me, ready to stop me the second I made a move. And her, Niylah, in front me with a shit eating grin on her lips.

Worry finally was added to my mixed emotions and I couldn’t stop myself as I wailed in Niylah’s face. “Don’t! Please! Niylah, I’m sorry I didn’t know what else to DO! STOP HURTING HER!” My eyes never left Lexa’s body, the man kept roughing her up making her grunt in pain.

Cold fingers gripped my chin and jerked my head forward. “Look Clarke, you have a choice. It’s okay, love, stop crying. If you agree to it, she’ll be with you and safe. From harm. From pain. You just need to leave with us.” Tears streamed down my face, hot and prickly down my cold cheeks. I tried to look away from her but her gaze penetrated mine, making me submit fully.

“Ontari, bring the car round. I do believe we have a couple of takers.” She stood and brushed off her pant legs with a smirk. I dropped my head, guilt and disgust covering me.

I felt the man behind me loosen his grip on his gun, dropping it to his side. I looked at Lexa, seeing her huff as they forced her to her knees as Niylah walked over to her for examination. “She’s pretty, wait until the injuries heal and do a little cosmetic surgery around the eyes, and I think we’ll have a top seller.”

The words rung in my ears, they were planning on selling her. Just like me.

I threw my elbow back into the man behind me, dropping him to his knees with a blow to the groin area. I grabbed his gun and somersaulted to my right more. Stumbling to a wobbly stance on one knee, I aimed the gun at Niylah, applying just enough pressure to the trigger for it to go off the second I was shot. I glared at her down the barrel, her smirk still in place.

“Would you really shoot me? Your Alpha?” I felt my resolve waver as I kept eye contact with her.

I started hyperventilating as I slowly dropped the aim. Niylah chuckled deeply, getting the guards to laugh with her as well. “My little Omega is still the same. Her love runs deep for me.”

I caught Lexa’s gaze, new tears flowing down my face. “I love you and I’m sorry.” her brow furrowed as I said the words, confusion slid down her face as I aimed the gun at her. Everything went quiet around us.

I felt myself shaking as I stared down the barrel at her face, the face that brought happiness and love back into my life. The face that squinted when something spontaneous happened. The face that gave me encouragement every time I wanted to do something out of my comfort zone.

I started screaming when I felt myself freeze looking at her. The gun shook, its weight getting to be too much for me the longer I held it. I shifted positions and heard gasps all around me.

Squeezing my eyes shut, I let out a final scream, clenching my fingers all together.

The light that happened was blinding.