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What do you mean illegal?


Jimin got denied his entry at the club lol


This was like, a short scenario that I wrote after seeing my friend's tweet on the new NOW 3 Teaser where Yoongi and Jimin looked like they bumped into each other in the club. I wrote it at like, 6am? lol PARDON.

Work Text:

Colorful neon lights, blasting remixes of the top 30 of the week, sweaty body grinding, to each other, reeking alcohol, drunk dancing…

You can still hear the blaring music from the entrance of The Min’s nightclub, one of the most famous club down in Hongdae.

“Hey, your turn on the booth tonight.” A guy with flaming red hair and heavy eyeliner drawn on his eyes came out to tap the bouncer with shades and a gothic choker on on the shoulder.

“Thanks Yoongi hyung. Some great mix tonight~ But I’m turning the house upside down and up again now. Ciao~”

“Tsk.” Yoongi just gestured the lanky boy away. “Be off Joon-ah, and I just saw someone hitting on your bartender boyfriend in there just now, just sayin~” He watches the said boy’s expression turned alarmed and made his way in a jiffy almost tripping himself at the stairs.

Yoongi snickered laughed softly at Namjoon and turned back to the entrance and start doing his job.
It’s his turn to be the bouncer now. He takes turns with Namjoon normally, sometimes Hoseok will help out during weekends when there’s more crowd. He’s not really a fan of heavy makeup and weirdly styled hairstyles but that’s what’s the theme for the club was and, it made him harder to be recognized. Yoongi is actually a senior in the music department of their school, he’s normally quiet cold and boring, as what other students say he is. He’s always wearing monotone, doesn’t talk much to people, doesn’t socialize unless people talk to him first, buried in the school’s music room or his own mini studio if he’s not sleeping in the dorm… No one would have imagined this red head with and eyeliner that looked like it was splashed on his eyes is the same dead eye Min Yoongi at college.

Yoongi is on a semester break and he was persuaded to come here and work for the time being by his classmate slash friend slash music buddy slash dorm mate instead of at the convenience store he would normally go and work for during his past breaks. Given reason was, it was more fun, it pays more, they can work together, free alcohol and they get to DJ.

Well Yoongi definitely agreed on the above reasons but not the extreme hair color and makeup. But, what’s done is done, and, it really pays well.


“Sure sir, this way~ with the ladies.” “A pack of how many person if I may ask?” “Sorry but sir, you cannot get in without reservation.” “Pardon me, let me check on that for you…” “May I have your name please?”

“WELL~ The name’s PARK JIMIN. It should be on the list.”


Yoongi looks up from the name list and locked eyes with another orange haired male, slightly shorter than him, with a makeup that is almost, slash that, is heavier than his own.

“I’m sorry but I will have to ask you to leave, kid.”

“Hey! What do you mean kid! I’m 21! And my name’s on the list!”

“Sorry but your name’s not on MY list.”

“Well it should be on Namjoon’s list. Check the other one, I came in a little late and missed his shift.”

“Sorry no can do kiddo. You look like you’re not legal to go into clubs.”

“I am freaking 21! Did you not hear me! I can even show you my identification card!” Said younger male fished his ID card out from his pocket and flashed it right in front of Yoongi.

“Look tangerine. How would I know if your ID card is real and not fake? I’ve seen kids try and do things like these. I also don’t have the time or so to go and rectify your ID card at the police station or whatsoever, so just leave okay?” Yoongi rolls his eyes, pushes the boy away and, “Next.”


Until it was the break of dawn when the sun started peeping out, the club finally quiets down. Sending off the last drunk customer Yoongi and the other workers get their pay from the owner at the counter.

Yoongi checks hard earn pay from the envelope while leaving the club, hmm, seems like the boss’s pretty pleased today, he got some extra that’ll be enough to complete his savings for that Solo6 Be speakers he wanted to lay his hands on so bad.

Stuffing the money back into his bag, he stops his steps in front of the alley near the club. Sighing at the sight in front of him he combs his hair back a little, not caring how it messed up his previously nicely styled hair. Don’t give a fuck, work’s done today and he just wants to go back to his dorm and enjoy a nice long slumber before his shift for the next night.

He walks up to the now sitting down on the pavement, leaning against the wall with his mouth half opened, leather jacket covering his body and clearly knocked out asleep boy that he denied entry to the club last night, lets out a final deep sigh before he shakes him awake.

“Yah, Park Jimin. Rise and shine sunshine, time to get up and start the day.”

“Says you who just plan to go back now and end yours in bed…” Said male lazily mumbled not opening his eyes.

“Well I am offering you an option to join me.”

“Tsk.” Park Jimin snaps his eyes open, barely, holds his hand out for Yoongi to pull him up, “More like you wanting to go to my dorm and sleep in my bed, which is closer by distance.”

“Well, the offer of you joining me in bed is still there.”

“Just start walking already hyung.” He pushes Yoongi a little and they both walk toward the direction of Jimin’s dorm.


“Why’re you sleeping there alone though Park Jims. Ya’know it’s dangerous?”

“I wasn’t alone there. Well, WAS not. Tae was there with me until the sun came out and he had to go and open up for the coffee shop.”

“That kid really doesn’t need sleep eh?”

“Well he does get free flow supply of coffee there.”

“Point made.”


“But hyung. I can’t believe you won’t let me in the club though.” Jimin brought it up while unlocking the door to his dorm.

“I was doing my job right there Jimbles.”

“I clearly registered and you know very well I am of legal age to go into a club hyung.”

“Well, no you’re not legal to enter there cause you have MINE plastered on your forehead.” Yoongi says while patting Jimin’s head. “You know I won’t let you in, why’d you even try anyway. And what’s with all the makeup and the hair?”

“I just wanted to see you at work” Pouts “And you’re in the same getup too” POuts “And I just had to go there and watch those chicks that laid eyes on you and warn them you’re taken” POUts “And you look hot” POUTs “AND I wanna bring you back here so you can save the 30 minute bus ride back to your dorm and I can make you food after you wake up.” POUTS.

Yoongi chuckles and gives his adorable boyfriend a peck. “Just go wash up already. Fast. So we can get that sleep we have been talking about.”


And they really slept well. After a nice warm bath that is.