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Somewhere around here, people believe in Chinese Zodiac


A vaguely themed Borderlands xReader collection that has nothing to do with the Chinese Zodiac (translation in the process/REQs open)

Chapter 1: Contents, plans and requests

Chapter Text

Hi! Just before I start here's a small table that shows what's in the process of translating/writing and what I already have. I'm a bit low on inspo and not even sure whether I'll finish this collection or not so feel free to suggest an animal > a character > and the summary of what you want to request (18+ and suggestive is fine just be warned that I also probably suck badly at this type of thing cuz I don't write much porn, I usually draw it). I think I have my socials linked somewhere on here so DM me I guess lol.


rus ver if you want to read with a translator before i'm finished:


  • Rat — “An insanely huge corporate rat”, Rhys

3534 eng

3001 rus

  • Ox
  • Tiger — “Tiguh stripez”, Krieg

3154 eng

2648 rus

  • Rabbit — “Run, rabbit, run”, Zane

4036 rus

  • Dragon — “In the dragon’s lair”, Tyreen

4690 rus

  • Snake
  • Horse — “Horse, as in White Horse”, Mordecai

794… rus
(in the process)

  • Goat
  • Monkey — “Monkey with a grenade”, Troy

5443 rus

  • Rooster
  • Dog — “You’ll crawl back, oh battered dog”, Troy
(in planning)
  • Pig