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pilot episode of Jake Long (not really)


On the first day of school, Jake Long finds himself at school with his new friends, Trixie and Spud. Although they have only known each other since last year, they have forged a strong friendship thanks to their mutual passion for skateboarding. As they enjoy the start of eighth grade, the arrival of a new student, Nigel, shakes up their routine.

Jake's eyes darken as he recognizes Nigel immediately. Despite only having crossed paths briefly in the past, the rivalry between them is undeniable. Nigel has always bested Jake in everything he's attempted, from skateboarding competitions to academic challenges.

With Nigel's confident presentation to the class, Jake feels a knot in his stomach. This time, he's determined to change the rules of the game. He won't allow Nigel to outdo him once again. Determined to defy expectations, Jake makes a commitment to himself to outdo his rival in this new stage of their school lives.

Work Text:

The first rays of the morning sun illuminated the reddish bricks of Millard Fillmore High School in the bustling heart of New York. Jake walked steadily toward the front entrance, the sound of his sneakers against the pavement echoing in the cool morning air. Upon arriving, he was greeted enthusiastically by his friends Trixie and Spud, who were waiting anxiously outside the school.

"Hey, Jake! How was your vacation?" Trixie exclaimed, a bright smile on her curious face.

Jake returned the greeting with a cheerful nod and immediately fell into animated conversation as they headed towards his classroom together. Laughter echoed through the hallways as they shared stories about their summer adventures.

However, the warmth of the reunion was overshadowed when Professor Hans Rotwood announced the arrival of a new student to the classroom. Everyone's gaze fell on the newcomer, Nigel, whose presence immediately captured the attention of the class.

Jake clenched his fists in fury as he watched Nigel with piercing intensity, his eyes fixed on his rival's defiant face. Every feature of Nigel, from his confident stance to his slightly arrogant smile, fanned the flames of rivalry burning in Jake's chest. The sound of Jake's pencil hitting the paper in front of him echoed in the tense silence of the room, his mind reliving a history of rivalry that dated back years.


Flashbacks crowded through Jake's mind, like fragments of disordered memories emerging amidst the current fury. He remembered the numerous times he and Nigel had clashed, both in the classroom and outside of it. Moments of fierce competition on the sports fields and in academic tests, where Nigel always seemed to have the advantage. The memories intertwined, forming a web of intense emotions: the frustration of defeat, the bitterness of envy, and the relentless drive to surpass his rival.


Every gesture Nigel made during class fueled the fire of rivalry in Jake's heart. Every word spoken by Professor Rotwood seemed to be a distant echo as Jake was lost in his own thoughts, caught in the vortex of competition. The tension in the air was palpable, like a thunderstorm about to erupt, and Jake found himself in the very center of the storm, facing his rival with fierce determination.


In that moment, in the heavy silence of the room, Jake held on to the promise he had made to himself: not to let Nigel get the better of him this time. The rivalry between them was more than just competition; It was a battle of pride. And Jake was determined to win.

In the brief respite of recess, Jake led Trixie and Spud to a secluded corner of the schoolyard, away from the curious eyes of their classmates. With eager gestures, he recounted in detail the tumultuous history between him and Nigel, his words weaving a narrative of rivalry and challenges that stretched back years.

As Jake spoke, images began to unfold in his friends' minds, like scenes from a movie coming to life before their eyes. They saw a young Jake, full of determination, take on Nigel in sporting and academic competitions, only to be bested time and time again by his rival's natural skill and cunning. Each flashback was like an echo of the past, echoing in Trixie and Spud's minds and painting a vivid picture of the intense rivalry that existed between the two teenagers.

"Guys, you don't know what it's like to have Nigel as a rival! He always seems to outdo me in everything, whether on the court or in the classroom..."

In those scenes from the past, Jake and Nigel faced each other on the playing field, the running track, and in the classroom, each encounter marked by their fierce determination and insatiable thirst for victory. Trixie and Spud watched silently, absorbed in the story unfolding before them, as Jake passionately recounted every detail of his fight against his eternal rival.

Nigel, with a mocking smile, approached Jake and greeted him using his Chinese name, "Jian", instead of the American name "Jake", as a way to increase the tension between them.

"What's wrong, Jian? Aren't you happy to see me here?" Nigel asked in a sarcastic tone, his eyes flashing with a spark of defiance.

The mention of Jake's Chinese name caught Trixie and Spud by surprise, and their gazes turned to Jake for an explanation.

"Jian?" They exclaimed in unison, confused by the sudden change in their friend's name.

Jake sighed, knowing it was time to share a more personal aspect of his life with his friends. Scratching the back of his neck nervously, he glanced at Trixie and Spud before beginning to speak.

"Yes, the name my parents gave me is Jian, but to keep things simple in the United States I use the name Jake," he explained, his words laden with a mix of resignation and determination. "It's a long story, but basically... well, I preferred to use Jake here to avoid complications."

The rivalry between Jake and Nigel reached its climax when Jake, determined to prove himself against his rival, challenged him to perform a skateboard trick in the schoolyard. With defiant looks and determination shining in their eyes, the two teenagers prepared to face each other in a test of skill and dexterity.

The sun shone high in the sky, illuminating the schoolyard with its warm glow as Jake and Nigel positioned themselves on the makeshift skate park. Murmurs of expectation spread among his companions, who had gathered nearby to witness the confrontation between the two rivals.

With a bold gesture, Jake gained momentum and lunged forward, executing his best trick with determination. However, despite his effort and skill, his performance paled in comparison to Nigel's grace and skill. With fluid and precise movements, Nigel navigated the stair railing with astonishing skill, leaving everyone stunned with his innate talent.

Applause rang through the air as Nigel successfully completed his trick, earning the admiration and respect of his peers. Even those who had been on Jake's side couldn't help but recognize the impressive display of skill on Nigel's part.

Jake, for his part, struggled to hide his frustration and disappointment. He had bet everything on that challenge, trusting that his skateboarding skills would be enough to surpass his rival. However, he was faced with an implacable reality: Nigel was, without a doubt, a skateboarding prodigy.

An arrogant comment escaped Nigel's lips, sharp as a sharp blade. "What happened, Jian? I thought you were better," he said in a mocking tone, challenging Jake and fueling the fire of their rivalry.

Anger bubbled inside Jake, a tumultuous mix of frustration and determination. His fists clenched tightly as he struggled to contain the explosion of emotions that threatened to consume him completely. And then, in the midst of the emotional turmoil, something unexpected happened.

A small flame of fire erupted from Jake's lips, a physical manifestation of the intensity of his emotions. The flame was so small that it was barely seen by anyone other than himself and his two close friends, Trixie and Spud.

Trixie watched in surprise, her eyes wide in disbelief as she processed what she had just witnessed. Surprise was evident on his face as he struggled to understand the nature of what he had just seen.

Meanwhile, Spud, with his characteristic clumsy humor, blinked in disbelief, his eyebrows raised in a gesture of bewilderment. His mind struggled to find a logical explanation for the extraordinary event he had just witnessed, but came up short, leaving only a feeling of shock and confusion in his mind.

Jake let out a heavy sigh as he stood in his grandfather's tech store, trying to leave the stresses of the day at school behind him. For him, this place was much more than just a gadget store; It was a sanctuary filled with magical secrets and hidden artifacts, a refuge where she could escape the tumult of her daily life.


Jake's grandfather, Lao Shi, a venerable old man with ancient wisdom, noticed his grandson's distraction and decided to give him a history lesson.


"Fourteen years ago, we dragons suffered a great loss; the dragon king, thanks to the vile plans of the hunters," Lao Shi began, his voice ringing with solemnity as he conveyed the gravity of the situation. "Jian... are you listening to me?" He called, seeking his grandson's attention.


However, Jake showed little interest in his grandfather's story. Instead, his mind was occupied with thoughts of training and preparing to face the challenges ahead.


"Gramps, can you train me already?" Jake interrupted, eager to begin his training and prove himself as the future protector of the wizarding world.


Worried about Jake's future and the responsibility that fell on his shoulders, Lao Shi decided to give his grandson a seemingly mundane task as part of his training: doing the store's chores.


"Jake, as the protector of the magical world, you must learn the importance of hard work and discipline," Lao Shi explained seriously, as he assigned Jake the task of sweeping the store floor.


Jake was frustrated to discover that his confrontation with the magical world involved more than simply facing powerful enemies and exciting adventures. His frustration was compounded by the mocking comments of Fu, Lao Shi's talking dog and friend, who mocked him for his situation.


"I hope it's clean, kid. There's years of dust in here," Fu joked with a mocking laugh, adding an extra layer of humiliation to Jake's situation.


With a resigned sigh, Jake set about his task, knowing that the path to becoming a true protector of the magical world would be long and full of challenges, both inside and outside of his grandfather's shop.

The days passed and Jake's frustration grew like a shadow that followed him in every aspect of his life. At school, he found himself constantly surpassed by Nigel, whose popularity was growing by leaps and bounds, while in his grandfather's shop, his main task remained the same: sweeping the floor over and over again.


A call from his friends interrupted the monotony of his duties. "Dude, come quick. Nigel is doing some cool tricks on the skate park," Spud announced excitedly. "Spud, don't tell him that! Just come, Jakey. It'll be fun," Trixie added enthusiastically, using the pet name she'd given Jake.


Abandoning his obligations with a sigh of relief, Jake joined his friends in the park, eager to escape the routine and immerse himself in the excitement of the moment.


In the park, a new figure appeared before them: Rose, a 14-year-old girl with an air of mystery surrounding her presence. Fresh from an urgent call from her clan leader, Rose carried with her the burden of an important mission: to capture powerful magical beings hiding among the school's students.


At first glance, Rose appeared to be a normal teenager, but beneath her everyday appearance, hid a hidden purpose and fierce determination. As he patiently waited for the opportunity to identify his target among them, everyone was gathered in the park for the anticipated showdown between Jake and Nigel.


When Jake finally arrived at the park, the tension in the air was palpable, like the calm before the storm. Growling in frustration, Jake confronted Nigel, whose sarcastic words only fueled his anger. "Oh, look who decided to join the party. Our professional clown has arrived!" Nigel taunted, unleashing Jake's pent-up fury.


"I've had enough! I challenge you to a skateboarding competition," Jake challenged, determined to regain his honor and prove himself to his friends and rivals alike.


Nigel accepted the challenge with a confident smile, and with one fluid movement, he performed an impressive trick on his skateboard, attracting the attention of everyone present. Meanwhile, Jake prepared for his turn, eyes fixed on his rival and determination burning within him.


But when it came time to perform his trick, an unexpected distraction knocked him out of his concentration. The sight of Rose in the crowd distracted him for a precious moment, and in that moment of weakness, he lost his balance and crashed into the wall, making a fool of himself in front of everyone present.


Nigel didn't waste the opportunity to mock him, his laughter ringing through the air like a scathing echo of his own defeat. Shame burned on Jake's cheeks as he stood up, aware that his rival had just scored another point in their eternal battle for supremacy.

At that moment, Rose was perplexed as she watched the screen of her device, which flashed with an unexpected reading: a nearby magic field, indicating the presence of a magical being in the park. His eyes widened in disbelief at the revelation. "What .. here?" he whispered, barely able to believe what he saw on the screen.


As the night enveloped the park in its dark mantle, Rose returned, but this time not as a simple student, but as a hunter of magical beings, dressed in a military suit that camouflaged her in the shadows of the night. His green uniform was combined with white pants and high black boots, while a black mask covered his face, hiding his identity under a layer of mystery.


With her device in hand, Rose went to the park with determination, ready to fulfill her mission. He performed meticulous scans, his eyes scanning every corner for any hint of magical activity. But to his surprise, he discovered that the magic did not emanate from the park or from any of his companions, but that there was a unicorn present in the place.


With her heart beating with excitement, Rose pulled out her hunting knife with determination, prepared to capture the magical being. He crept towards the unicorn, his movements careful not to alert the animal to his presence. Every step was calculated, every breath controlled as she approached her prey with the certainty that she would do her duty as a hunter of magical beings.

Jake returned home after a humiliating afternoon at the park, where his confidence had been shattered once again. His mother, Susan, greeted him with concern on her face as she asked him where he had been. "I was at the park with my friends, nothing more," Jake muttered in a dull voice, unwilling to share the details of his embarrassing experience.


Concern was also reflected on the face of his father, Jonathan, who joined the conversation with the same question. "Is something wrong, son?" he asked, his eyes filled with concern for his son's well-being.


Jake could only shake his head in response, unable to articulate the tumultuous emotions overwhelming him at the moment. He climbed the stairs until he reached the second floor of the house, where his younger sister, Haley, greeted him with an eager smile. "Do you want to hear the piece of music I composed in class?" She offered enthusiastically, but Jake could barely respond. "Not now, Haley," he murmured as he headed to his room, feeling overwhelmed by the weight of his work and the frustration consuming him.


Once in his room, irritation and helplessness invaded him. With a sudden impulse, he transformed into a dragon and jumped out of the window, carrying his skateboard as the only company on his flight to the park, seeking to free himself from the chains that tied him to his earthly problems.


As he flew towards the park, Jake spotted a figure in the distance, watching the unicorn with a knife in his hand. Before intervening, he prepared to act, but a hooded figure stopped him in his tracks before he could do so. The mysterious presence surprised him, his senses alert as he waited for an explanation as to who they were and what they were doing there in the middle of the night.

The hooded figure reveals himself to be a powerful sorcerer and attacks Rose ferociously, hurling a lamp post at her with a flash of magic. Rose, with sharp reflexes, manages to dodge the projectile with an agile maneuver, but not without difficulty, her senses alert to the sudden danger.

Jake watches the scene in disbelief, his mind struggling to process the identity of the mysterious attacker. When he finally recognizes the hooded sorcerer as Nigel, his lips move in a barely audible whisper. "Nigel...?" he murmurs, surprise and confusion reflected in his eyes.

Meanwhile, Rose senses the presence of Jake, whose dragon form shines with an intensity that does not go unnoticed. With the unicorn momentarily forgotten, he prepares to pursue the transformed young man who now becomes his primary target.

Before Rose can act, Nigel interrupts her action with a quick movement and a powerful magic spell. In a bright flash, he transports Jake, the unicorn, and himself to another location.

After being transported to an unknown location by Nigel's powerful spell, Jake came face to face with the sorcerer, his mind buzzing with questions and worries.


"Amazing," Jake murmured, observing the changing environment around him in awe. "How did you do that?"


Nigel, with a self-satisfied smile, stood up proudly. "Oh, that's just a little magic trick," he replied flippantly. "Nothing a talented sorcerer like me can't handle."


Jake frowned, his mind spinning as he tried to comprehend the situation. "What's going on, Nigel? Why did you take us here? We should have fought."


The sorcerer took the opportunity to explain the seriousness of the situation, his tone now more serious. "The hunters are dangerous and on the move. We must stay one step ahead of them to protect magical creatures."


Jake nodded, feeling the gravity of the situation weighing on his shoulders. "So how can I help?" he offered, his determination shining in his eyes.


However, Nigel's response was an outright rejection, his inflated ego preventing him from accepting Jake's help. "I don't need your help," he replied arrogantly. "I can handle this alone."


Although disappointed by Nigel's attitude, Jake did not let himself be discouraged. With renewed determination, he decided to follow the sorcerer on his own, determined to prove himself as a dragon and protector of magical creatures.


While in the park, Rose contacts the leader of the hunts clan, informing him about the creatures she found and requesting support. "Well done, Huntsgirl," the leader, Huntsman, responded in a deep, authoritative voice. "We will send reinforcements immediately."


The reinforcements of the hunts clan arrived quickly, surrounding the park with determination and preparing for the hunt. Meanwhile, Nigel hid in a bush, devising a plan to confront the hunters, whispering quietly to himself as Jake followed close behind, his eyes shining with determination.


Once discovered by Jake, Nigel became irritated by his presence. "But what? Jian, what are you doing here?" he growled, his ego inflated with surprise and frustration.


Jake was not intimidated by Nigel's attitude and bravely confronted him. "This is my job. And what are you doing here? I won't let your ego stop me from doing mine," he responded firmly, challenging his rival's actions.


The argument between the two soon attracted the attention of the hunters, revealing their location and triggering an imminent confrontation. Jake and Nigel exchanged determined glances, preparing for the battle to come.


With a combination of Jake's brute strength and Nigel's powerful magic, the enemies were quickly knocked unconscious, except for Rose, whose demonstrated fighting skill allowed her to remain standing.


In a deft move, Rose captured Jake and Nigel as they chatted,praising them for his fighting ability. "Wow, not bad, Jian," Nigel praised, receiving a similar response from Jake.


As the two struggled and argued, Rose dragged them in a small cart towards the hunts clan leader's lair, frustrated by the constant bickering between them. "Can you please shut up? I didn't know magical creatures were so annoying," he commented, trying to silence both boys.


However, before they could reach their destination, the unicorn they had helped earlier intervened, charging at Rose with its horn and freeing Jake and Nigel. Running through the park, the three managed to evade the recovered hunters until they ended up in an alley, exhausted but relieved to have escaped capture.


In the alley, a tense look full of expectation passes between Jake and Nigel, each with bated breath, as if they were about to unleash an epic battle. However, the tension suddenly vanishes in an explosion of laughter, filling the air with its liberating laughter.


Jake, with an infectious laugh, breaks the ice "What a situation! Don't you think, Nigel?"


Nigel, unable to contain his laughter, nods vigorously. "Absolutely! I never thought we'd end up like this."

“You know, Nigel? Despite everything, it wasn't so bad working together tonight.” Jake said.

“I totally agree, Jian. “I never thought I would say this, but your hand-to-hand fighting ability is impressive.”

“And your magic! It's amazing how you could knock all those hunters unconscious with just one spell.” Jake complimented.

“Well, I guess we make a good team after all, huh?” Nigel admitted.

Meanwhile, at home, Trixie seeks the support of her friend Spud, trying to convey to him the extraordinary experience she had.


 "Spud, I swear, I saw it with my own eyes!" Trixie said to her friend.


Spud, with skepticism in his voice, tries to calm her: "I know, but it's hard to believe. Maybe it was just an illusion."


Trixie, persistent in her conviction, cuts the conversation with determination "I would know if it were an illusion. Anyway, I'll call you later, something is happening outside."


Once outside her house, with a flashlight in hand, Trixie follows the noise that caught her attention, leading her to the alley where the magical scene takes place.


In the alley, the sight of a dragon (Jake), a mysterious hooded man (Nigel) and a majestic unicorn in the darkness baffles Trixie, who struggles to understand what her eyes see.


Trixie, in a mix of shock and confusion, can barely articulate a question "What...what's going on here?"


The overwhelming situation takes over Trixie, who, unable to process the reality in front of her, faints on the spot.


Jake and Nigel, surprised by Trixie's reaction, act quickly to take her home, carefully placing her on her bed as they debate how to approach the situation.


Jake, worried "What do we do now?"


Nigel, considering his options "I don't know... Maybe we should erase her memory."


Before they could do anything and Trixie regains consciousness, Jake and Nigel decide to leave, leaving her in her room and saying goodbye to a night full of mysteries and magical adventures.

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