
Work Header

The Hilarious Burning Reaction


Your secretarial duties involve filing paperwork, getting your boss on schedule, buying him coffee and sometimes setting him on fire.

Those don't necessarily need to be in order.


I have written so many Alhaitham/OC fics in secret, while simultaenously complaining about the lack of it in AO3. Me thinks it's time I should post one...

There is about 24k words of this pre-written, but with an OC instead of Reader. So I need to do a lot of rewriting and polishing. Pray for me, guys

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Chapter Text

You… are in need of a job.


Statistically speaking, you can still kinda survive using the Akademiya’s support funds, seeing as you are this year’s top Spantamad graduate (“The brightest so far! Second only to the legendary Lisa!” your Sage had yelled with pride). But if you were being very honest, it’s not going to last you for a month.


The Akademiya is a school at its very core. Not a charity.


Okay, look . You may be the smartest in your year, but you’re shit at connections. Meaning you have none, if you don’t count that one senior that took pity on you 4 years ago– who had graduated waaaaaaaay before you did and has been running the country’s judicial system as its current General Mahamatra– and his friend with the fox ears. The harsh reality of the world, especially if you’re a nobody, is that no one will take you seriously unless you’re either exceptional, you have the power of nepotism under your fingers or you have both.


You got the exceptional part down, you think. Top graduate in Spantamad with the gift of Pyro affinity before you were even blessed with a Vision? Come on, you’re awesome.


Too bad you’re crap at this whole connection thing.


“Just ask Cyno for help.” Tighnari tells you, getting tired of your whining. He’s been trying to peacefully grind a new herb he had recently discovered (like that wasn’t a big deal, like it wasn’t a brilliant achievement that could land him a place on the Sages’ table because it’s apparently just a normal Wednesday for him) but your constant groaning was getting on his nerves. “He’s the General Mahamatra. You can’t get a better connection than the man who is basically the Chief of Police in Sumeru.”


Listen to this dude. It’s like he doesn’t know Cyno at all. “Cyno takes his job seriously. You think he’d use his rank and name to get me a cushy job in the Akademiya? Are we talking about the same Cyno here or did you eat one too many mushrooms again?”


You dodge the pestle aimed at your head.


Not taking this lying down, you snatched it from the ground and threw it back at him. An ensuing fight follows.




“Just ask him.” Tighnari rolls his eyes, picking up the utensils that they’ve thrown at each other from the floor and putting them back where they belong. “Cyno is softer on you than you think. You never know until you ask him.”


You idly poked at the bruise on your forehead. Damned fox has great aim, you’ll give him that. “I think I’d rather he keep treating me like I’m a helpless baby than have him think I only stayed being his friend because of who he is.”


“Moron. Cyno doesn’t think that.”


“How do you know that? Did he whisper it in your fluffy ear last night as he was busy pounding your–”


A mortar was thrown at your forehead. You go down like a pack of bricks.


With a huff, the forest ranger wipes off his hands and puts on his gloves. “Fine. Let’s go talk to him about it, just so you can shut up and get a job. Unless you don’t actually want it and you just came here to disrupt my work again…” there was a dangerous edge to his voice as he trailed off.


You fear he would reach for the pestle he just put away so you quickly got up. “No, sir! I really do need help. Let’s go!”


Welp. Whatever. It’s not like you’re going to lose anything. Other than Cyno’s respect and genuine friendship, that is.


Your efforts of running away are thwarted by Tighnari grabbing you by your pink ponytail. He ends up dragging your ass to the Akademiya.


You were so prepared for the rejection. So ready that you already mourned your friendship with the General before you even stepped foot in his office, that hearing him say yes completely floored you.


Tighnari glanced at you with a dry look. “Told you.”


Heart in your throat, you looked at Cyno with wide eyes. “Wait, you’re actually going to get me a job?!  Isn’t that, like, kinda icky on your reputation?!”


Cyno raises an eyebrow while Tighnari pinches the bridge of his nose.


“There is no law in Sumeru that prevents me from helping you.” the General points out, setting his paperwork aside to regard you fully. “You are my friend and junior. If you had needed help finding work, it wouldn’t be hard for me to lend a hand.”


That… that is really sweet of him. See, this is why you don’t want to lose his friendship.


“Besides, I was already intent on giving you a job under someone’s recommendation. If you had not walked in today, I would’ve left my office to find you.”


“Oh. Really?” that made you pause. You suppose it’s not so bad if he had already thought about it before Tighnari had to drag you in here. “Whose recommendation was it? And what job?”


Cyno stands from his seat, handing you a folder. You took it gingerly, a little cautious, and opened it with Tighnari looking from your shoulder.


You blinked. Tighnari whistled.


“Hang on.” you sputter, sweating buckets as you stare at the bolded words Secretary to the Grand Sage under your name. It’s already been printed, with the official seal smack dab at the bottom. “ Hang on. Wait, what the hell is this.”


“It’s your new job. Congratulations.” Cyno reached over and lightly pointed at the Recommended and Approved by next to the green, flowery seal that’s glowing with Dendro energy. “See? She knew of your capabilities and trusted you enough to let you have the role. She also told me you were personally tutored by her during your scholar years.”


You looked at Cyno like he was insane. What the fuck is he talking about?! “I have no idea where you could even get that. I was never personally taught by Lesser Lord Kusanali.”


You looked down at the green seal again. It was glowing with ethereal light, flowers seeming to move within the crisp paper, right next to the childish signature of your Archon’s given name. Nahida .


“Hn. That’s odd. You told me you had help with your studies, didn’t you? By someone who came into your room every weekend?”


“Yeah but that was a child! An adorable and incredibly talented child that somehow got past security. I never questioned her presence because she was so fricking smart!”


“Did this child perhaps have white hair, a green leaf hair clip, walked around barefoot and could somehow read your mind?”




Tighnari groaned behind you. “You idiot . That was Lesser Lord Kusanali.”


You turn to the fox, who continues to look at you like you’re hopeless. “Nuh-uh.”


Cyno saves you before Tighnari could pull out a mortar from out of nowhere. “Y/N, that’s our Archon. That was Lesser Lord Kusanali tutoring you during your scholar years. The Akademiya is strict with outsiders. The fact that a child could enter your quarters proves that it was no ordinary child.”


“You trying to say that the kid that I shared my cheap Halva with, on days that I should have eaten an actual meal, is actually our Archon?”


There’s concern in Cyno’s eyes now. “Eating full meals a day is important when studying. I hope you lost this bad habit of yours, now that you’re the Grand Sage’s secretary.”


Still in disbelief, you pulled the paper closer until it was pressed up to your nose, staring at your full name intently and the glowing seal. The boys patiently wait for you.


You put it down. “Holy fuck, I have a job.”


Cyno’s chuckle was drowned out by Tighnari hitting you across the head.


It’s a brand new day. An absolutely fantastic day, if you say so yourself. Your first day on the job, as Secretary . To the new Grand Sage no less.


Just in time, too. After the recent insanity this year, all having to do with a blonde traveler and some of Sumeru’s big names overthrowing Azar and his cronies, you had feared you wouldn’t be able to get a job. You thought the Akademiya would be too busy fixing their mess to start hiring new people. Fearfully, you even thought about moving to Liyue just to get a job.


The only reason you didn’t was because Tighnari threatened you with a bow.


“You’re going to waste all your years of achievement, all those nights torturing yourself to get a passing grade, just to go get a meager job in a foreign land?”


“Y-you’re not any better! You’re one of Sumeru’s finest graduates but you’re out here babysitting mushroom babies and– AAAH! I’M SORRY! I’M SORRY! I WON’T LEAVE, PLEASE STOP SHOOTING ME!”


You shudder at that horrible memory. You’ve seen evil spirit demons during your training sessions with Cyno so many times you’d think a furry fox man wouldn’t terrify the crap out of you.


Ah well. Let’s not think about that now. It’s your first job! It’s the start of new beginnings! And it’s a very cushy job too. Who knew your first job after graduating was going to be something like this?


Well, it helps that you were recommended by your Archon so there’s that.


“Can’t believe I’ve been spending my weekends with our very own god for the past 6 years.” you grumble, entering the elevator that brings you up to the Grand Sage’s office.


You worried about not having any big connections a few days ago. It’s funny to think about that now, considering you’ve had the biggest one all along, without you even knowing. And with the General Mahamatra as your biggest support, too.


You think you were rather lucky. In fact, by everyone else’s standards, you might be swimming in luxury. Like damn, girl. Are you the Archon of Luck or something?


Snickering, you stepped off of the elevator–


“You’re late.” a gruff voice greeted you before you could even step off.


Uh what.


Leaning on the Grand Sage’s desk with his arms folded, is the one person people have been telling you to avoid at all cost. Because of how infuriating his personality was.


You were not aware that he was the new Grand Sage.


Caught by surprise, you froze by the elevator, not knowing what to do and what to say. You kinda just stood there, arms hugging a few of your important documents to your chest, while staring at the ex-Scribe with wide eyes.


Alhaitham clicks his tongue and picks up a folder. “I told them not to hire anyone incompetent. Figures they can’t even do that one simple request.”


What in the absolute fuck.


His words rubbed you the wrong way. In the worst ways.


You may not be the sanest (most of the time) and you may be a mess… but you had pride in your academic achievement. You worked hard to graduate. You almost died during your spirit trainings with Cyno. You did not just let the world beat you down and dye your hair pink (an abnormal reaction to you overworking your body with Pyro) just for some prick with an ego to tell you that you’re incompetent when you haven’t even done anything yet.


There was a reason you graduated with full honors. And there was a reason why your Archon chose you specifically to be this rude bastard’s secretary.


At once, your expression turned cold. You walked out of the elevator calmly and approached his table, bowing your head in slight respect. “Good morning, Grand Sage. I’ll be in your care from now on.”


His expression doesn’t change. He doesn’t even look up at you. “Not for long, if you keep this tardiness up. This job that was handed to you on a silver platter isn’t some pencil-pushing career. If you can’t even come on duty on time, I have no need for you.”


You’re starting to… see… why Cyno was almost too eager to give you this job. “Forgive me, but I believe I wasn’t late. I came at precisely 8.”


“8:01.” Alhaitham glanced at the hourglass on his desk before going back to reading his file. “But I suppose little semantics like that don’t matter?”


You grit your teeth. “Of course not. I’m sorry, I will not be late going forward.”


His lips quirk up in a smirk. A very unfriendly one. He lowers his file and finally looks at you again. You stay still as his two-toned eyes look at you from head to toe, assessing and judging you.


Unable to really reign in your own temper (you think you got this from Tighnari), you stared back in kind. You looked at him head on, sliding your eyes from his silver hair then all the way down to his boots. You especially do not appreciate how… annoyingly attractive he is. And how tall. See, this is why you prefer hanging out with Cyno and Tighnari because you were the same height as them.


Whatever Alhaitham saw in you, he must not think it’s impressive because he scoffed. “I’ll be honest with you. Personally, I don’t want you working for me. And not because of the reason you seem to have come up in your head.”


He stood from the desk and walked around it, a dismissive air around him.


“I’m only Acting Grand Sage, meaning I’m temporary. Having a secretary means this title might become permanent.” he pulled something out of his drawer and– those are headphones. He is actually putting on headphones as he sits down on his giant chair. “But of course, Lesser Lord Kusanali and the other Sages dismiss my words and force you on me. So let’s make this as quick and as easy as possible.”


He pulls out something else from his desk. An envelope. A thin one. He tossed it in your direction and it landed by your feet.


“That’s a bank note in there with my signature.” he explains when you don’t pick it up. “Put whatever amount you want on it and hand it over to the bank. If Lesser Lord Kusanali asks, give her whatever excuse you want as to why you quit. I don’t care what it is, I simply want you gone before the day ends. Understand?”


Dead silence. The Acting Grand Sage impatiently taps his fingers on his armrest.


“Do you happen to have a hearing impairment as well as an inability to understand simple instructions?” he asks, voice dry. With a tilt of his head, he casually says, “Leave. I don’t need you.”


Slowly, you move your eyes down to the envelope lying harmlessly by your shoes. The shoes you polished obsessively yesterday in an effort to make a good first impression. It’s your first day on the job, after all. You wanted to be professional and clean.


You also wanted to be cordial and nice. Something to be expected from your boss who should have welcomed you and oriented you properly on your new job. You didn’t want to be sloppy, because you got recommended for this job instead of applying for it like how other people should . You didn’t want to disappoint your Archon, the one who personally tutored you, and Cyno, who held your hand throughout those hellish years in this gods forsaken school.


Here’s one thing to know about you, something that only Cyno and Tighnari are privy to and no one else. Not even your Archon.


You are fucking trigger-happy.


You don’t graduate from Spantamad as top student wielding the element of fucking fire without having a proverbial chip on your shoulder. Your “dark past” consists of a temper rivaling someone from a mental asylum, fire, fire and more fire.


And you’re not in the matra’s jail cell because Cyno was always there to calm you down.


Well he isn’t here now is he. And something smells. Like smoke.


Alhaitham’s eyes suddenly widened but you quickly pat away the fire that burst from your shoulders. A feeling of calm enters your veins. A feeling that usually happens when you are incredibly angry.


“I’m not gonna lie. I was told my new boss was going to be a tad bit difficult to deal with.” You walk forward, stepping on the envelope where it proceeded to catch fire and burn to ashes in a blink.


The man before you raises an eyebrow. “What do you think you’re doing?”


“My job, Grand Sage.”


You shot him a megawatt smile. He narrows his eyes warily.


Well, you’re not nervous anymore at the very least. But you’re not sure if feeling murderous  and spiteful would be any better.


His offer is tempting. Not because of the Mora he was willing to throw at your face. You’re sure he was rich enough for you to live off your retirement early on. And while that’s an incentive all on its own, the tempting part solely lies in not being in his immediate presence for as long as you live.


Alas. You are more driven by your spite than your need for Mora.


“Thank you for the offer, Grand Sage Alhaitham .” you say in a sickly sweet voice, purposely enunciating his name with all the malice your tiny body can muster. It has him glowering at you, which you take as a win. “But I think I’ll see what this new career has to offer before I hand in my resignation letter.”


It takes him a moment to reply.


“So that’s how you want to play this.” he whispers.


You don’t flinch when he stands again. You’ve burnt peop– err creatures bigger and stronger than this muscled twink.


Alhaitham walks around his desk slowly, eyes never straying away from you. “You think working for me is going to give you the benefits that you sorely need?”


“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Sir Grand Sage.” you grin, taking your eyes away from him to look through the documents you brought. You’ve been given access to some of the things the Grand Sage is privy to and you’ve taken to memorizing everything that was handed to you. “Hmm, we should really get started with work, Sir. You have a ton of paperwork to sort through and a meeting you’re supposed to attend in Port Ormos 30 minutes from now.”


There’s a smirk in your voice, just as he stops right in front of you. You don’t falter when he leans a little closer with a sneer on his face. “Fine. Do what you want. Whatever validation you seem to seek, have it.”


You pick up a file from the desk, one you glanced at for a second before giving it to him. “That’s great, Sir. This is the agenda for the meeting. You probably need this.”


He snatches the file from your hand and storms out of his office.


As soon as he was gone, you casually raised your hand and slammed a fist down his desk. A small flicker of flames came from the impact but thankfully, his shit was left intact.


With all the love in your heart, you mutter “Go fuck yourself, Lesser Lord Kusanali.”