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Fates Wicked Ways


Aemond and his siblings were victims turned to villains. They lived their lives neglected and all died pathetically, but he was fine with that. Aemond was the villain, a traitor and usurper who got what he deserved.
Though the Gods may disagree.
Loyalty and Hatred
Ice and Fire
The blood of the dragon runs thick in them all, the curse of insanity behind it.
This is an A/B/O AU where Team Green remembers their past lives, this second time around, with the grace of the Gods, they won't die.
Gods don't have fucking grace.
“You ruined me, Lucerys. You ruined me and I should hate you for it. I’m the monster I am because of you.” Tears fought to escape his eye. Aemond should hate him. But all he could do was regret. Cry in regret for his past actions. Fret over his stupid ego and all it cost him. Lucerys started their war the moment he took Aemonds eye, but he suffered none of the consequences.
“It’s your fault,” Aemond cried, “It’s all your fault and you're not sorry in the slightest bit.”
“Hate me, Aemond.” Lucerys pulled Aemond into his chest. He whispers over and over again. ‘Hate me’



This is my warning please read at your own RISK.


I hope you guys enjoy this. It is a fanfic of a fanfic. I gave credit in the making of this but if it doesn't show up please tell me so I can give full credit.

Helaenas name is misspelled in the first chapter, please ignore that.

I hope you guys enjoy.

Chapter 1: Here again

Chapter Text

Alicent wakes up in her bed, a few maids bustling around her room preparing to get her ready. She dreaded another day of captivity. Living years past her youngest child, outliving her own grandchildren. Alicent reached up to her forehead. The past week a harsh fever took over her. She prayed to the Gods. Let this be her last fever, her last week breathing the dead air around herself.


Alicent wondered what the maids were doing. Only on a few set occasions would they ever enter her room. Was lord Croylos here? Or maybe she forgot of a ceremony at the Sept. Even through closed eyes Alicent could tell the maids opened her windows. The sun shone bright on her, tinting the back of her eyelids red. 


“My queen, are you unwell?”


Queen? Alicent jumped at the title. She was no queen. No dowager queen either, all titles had been stripped from her during her imprisonment. This maid must not like her head on her shoulders. But Alicent would waste no time correcting her. Just like all the other servants who tried to ease her. This life was a punishment for her crimes. The emptiness she felt every morning was a reminder of the children she killed. A reminder that her lack of spine with Otto cost her children's lives. It cost the house of her once husband, as well as her childhood companion.


“My queen, it’s unlike you to rest this late into morning. Should I call a maester?”


Alicent opened her eyes to see the face of this fearless maid. Throwing around titles at undeserving prisoners. The young woman stood with her hands on her hips. She stood beside Alicents bed, while two others set out her clothes. This room was all too familiar to Alicent. Finally she sat up to observe her surroundings. This wasn’t her room. Her plain quarters filled only with hymns and the holy scripture. There was no way. Why would she be in this room? Why would she be in the Queen's quarters? Alicent looked down at her hands. They were without wrinkles. She reached up to her face and felt the smooth surface. Her breath quickened and she felt her heart race. She threw off her blankets with more energy than she’d had in years. Alicent ran over to a mirror past her confused maids. 


“What?” She whispered touching every part of her, was this some cruel game by the Gods? Was this her punishment for failing her children? For failing to lead them a holy life? Was the past decades all some sick dream? A warning of what's to come if she crosses Rhaenyra. 


“My queen, is everything alright?” 


“Get out, all of you.” Alicent said quietly, she waited for them all to exit the room before she sank to her knees. Tears running down her face. She was alive again, young. Alicent pondered what to do until she remembered her children. She ran out her room and towards Aemonds chambers, when she pushed open the doors she saw him sleeping. His face was without scars and he was so peaceful. Not like the conflicted boy she forced to fight. Alicent sighed, letting out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. Alicent walked to her second born, she brushed his hair out his face, it was refreshing to see Aemond’s face without a frown. Alicent placed a kiss on his forehead before leaving. Gently closing his doors back, she instructed his maids to let him sleep in. On she went to Aegon's room then Helenas, both of them asleep. 


Alicent felt a strong weight lift off her shoulders when she closed Helena's door. The God’s have given her another chance. Turned back time for her and her children. On her way back to her room Alicents mind raced. She had failed miserably in her last life to keep her children safe. Her compliance to Otto and resentment for Rhaenyra doome them all. She thought to herself, how to keep her children safe this time about. Aemond still had his eye, which meant Lady Laena had yet to die. Her children and grandsons still had somewhat of a relationship. This was salvageable, she thought. Making it back to her chambers she welcomed the maids back in. They got her dressed and she sat down while they did her hair, poking, pulling, and twisting. Alicent hoped for the God’s favor. Aemond hadn’t presented as an omega either. And it’s only been a couple years since she convinced everyone Aegon was a beta and wed him to Helena.


Alicent sighed and shewed away her maids when they were done. She rubbed her temple, she had to be careful, she needed to see to it that her children grew old this life. 



Aemond opened his eyes and stared up at the ceiling. Aemond opened his eyes and stared… Aemond opened his eyes? 


Aemond sprung from his bed, he felt all over his face. Fingers tracing every indent of his young skin. His hands reached his eyes. He has both his eyes? Aemond breath hitched, the last memory he had was of Daemon skewing Dark Sister through his head. He remembers grabbing onto his uncle, dragging their bodies down together. Any chance of his uncle's survival was crushed when Vhagar and Caraxes crashed on top of them.


Aemond looked around his room remembering what it was like to not be half blind. Gods, to see everything around him. Two cheery maids entered his room.


“Good Morning Prince Aemond.” They greeted before scurrying to do their duties. Aemond, still shocked, looked down at himself. He was smaller, softer, and had two eyes. He hopped out of bed and made his way in front of a mirror, he was met with his unruly curls covering his boyish face. Aemond reached out the mirror gently stroking his reflection.


“This can’t be.” He whispered. Aemond was young again, he was back to being a child, back to having both eyes. Had the seven cursed him? Was he to live his life again and die for eternity? Aemonds confusion quickly died out.


To be reborn is no gift. He was being sentenced to relive the worst years of his life. To lose his eye again. To fight Daemon. Aemond tugged at his scalp. He wanted to yell out to the God's. Ask them if he ever offended them and what he did to deserve this. There were much more horrible Targaryens than him, men who deserved this torture more than he. There was Aegon the Unworthy, Maegor the Cruel, Aerys the- 


“Your highness, the Queen has asked that you come to her after you wake. She’s prepared some treats for you.” 


Aemond quirked his brow towards the maid. His mother? Prepared treats for him? He never remembered this happening. Aemond wondered if his memories were so bad he couldn’t remember when his mother, Queen Alicent showed love in such an… open way. She was the most affectionate with him, but her actions were always limited to touch. His mother never spoke to him to express her love, never prepared treats. She did however, hold his hands, pull him into long silent embraces. The Queen loved to stare, she would just look Aemond in the eyes, they’d have conversations that way. But treats? She was never the type.


His maids dressed him and he followed one out to the garden. He saw his mother and Helaena huddled up together eating sweets. The Queen was stroking Helaena’s hair. The two of them sat closer today than Aemond ever remembering them in their past life. His sister never like contact. She tolerated it from him and her children. But Helaena felt more comfort with everyone at arm's length.  


Away from them, Aegon sat on the corner of the blanket confusion written all over his face.


“Mother?” Aemond asked, he sat next to her and Helaena, watching them intensely. His mother just smiled at him and offered him some sweets. He hesitantly took a bite while she and Helaena discussed bugs. Aemond turned his head towards Aegon, he looked worse than he usually did. Despite just waking up his eyes were more red, tired. Aemond swore he could see tears swelling in Aegon's eyes.


“Would you like some sweets brother?” Helaena asked, Aegon looked up at them all. Aemond was right, his brother was crying. Aemond tried to listen as he muttered something. He watched as his brother's lips trembled and his hand shook.


“Do you all not remember!” Aegon yelled. His eyes now bulging and drowning in tears. “We died, we're dead… How did we get back.” Aegon cried. Aemond watched his chest heave before turning back to his mother. He couldn’t tell what she was thinking, Aemond had never seen her make a face like that before. Alicent reached out to Aegon who attempted to fight her off.


 Aegon was in hysterics, guards approached them but his mother quickly shooed them off. She ignored Aegon's futile attacks and pulled him in. Tears ran down her face while she held him. Tears ran down both of their faces.


“What are we doing here Mother? Why are we back, we died. I died.” Aegon shouted, his hands clenched tightly around Alicents dress,


“I know Aegon, I know. We’re gonna do better this time. We’re gonna survive.” She said while rubbing Aegon's head. Aegon’s cries of denial didn’t hush. Aemond was glad his older brother wasn’t being an optimist like their mother and sister. He saw it for what it was. A curse.


Aemond sat on his mothers bed, she moved their little gathering someplace more private. He felt awkward to watch his mother comfort Aegon, that never happened in their past life. Helena sat next to him with her book on bugs. Aemond stared at her sweet face, if there's anyone he wished to see after death, it was Helena. He knew what happened to her in the past. His dear sister did not deserve anything she suffered through.


Catching him watching Helena flashed him a rare smile, she turned her book towards him so he could see the critters she read about. Aemond found it funny how Helena was taking their situation better than anyone else. Reading about bugs she already knew of. Smiling and eating treats as if she did not die. As if she did not witness the lives of her children being snatched. 


“Mother, what shall we do?” He asked, fist to break their silence, other than Aegon’s sobs.


“We shall bend the knee to Rhaenyra.” Alicent declared. Aemond stood quickly.


“Why should we? It's her and her bastard's fault we’re here!” He yelled, “Have you forgotten Mother? Have you forgotten how they slayed Jaehaerys? Poisoned Aegon? Slayed me?” Aemond shouted, he clenched his fist beside him, enraged at how easily his mother was giving in. How could she even consider bending the knee to Rhaenyra and her children.


“Of course I remember Aemond!” Alicent looked at her son, she tried to keep her voice down.


“I remember outliving all of my children! I remember outliving my own grandchildren! I will not risk your lives again fighting over the throne.” Alicent argued. 


His mother let go of Aegon to grab him by the shoulders, “How deep does your hatred run Aemond? Enough to put your brother through that again. Your sister?”


Here she was. His mother! Always quick to make decisions and inform them after her mind was set. Aemond grew angrier, but the Queen stood her ground. Her eyes portrayed her thoughts, Aemond knew a part of her wished her children had not remembered their past lives. It would make controlling them all the easier.


“Mother, if we fight we know what they’ll do. We’ve lived through this before.” Aemond bartered, no part of him felt he should have to bow to bastards. Rhaenyra and her sons should die for what they did to them.


“Look at your brother Aemond, look at Helena. Can you guarantee me that neither of them would be hurt?” His mother questioned. 


“Can you swear each of their lives will be spared?” She stared Aemond in his eyes until he reverted them. They all knew he couldn’t guarantee, deep down Aemond knew. 


“Put your pride aside, if not for me than your siblings and the memory of your nephews and nieces.” Alicent seemed to be begging him, but Aemond knew better than that. He sat back on the bed with Helena, bouncing ever so softly.


The Queen cleared her throat, “We will bend the knee and support Rhaenyra’s claim. It would be best if we moved to Oldtown after,” she finished.  His mother returned to Aegon's side. She strummed her fingers through Aegon's hair. She spoke softly, almost afraid to scare him.


“What of Otto?” Aegon managed to whisper.


“I will discuss this with your grandfather, trust me Aegon. I will do everything to keep you alive.” Alicent promised as she held Aegon's face. His violet eyes clouded with tears, it hurt Aemond to see his brother crack like this. Aegon was unstable from birth, but very few times did he ever let people see him like this. He preferred to be seen as a pompous drunk.


All four of them sat in silence, the air so fragile one wrong word would shatter it. Aemond couldn’t stand the stifling feeling, he hated his mother's plan, he hated watching Aegon fall apart so pathetically, he hated how Helena didn’t even seem to care.


“Well if that's all.” He said standing up, he walked out the door ignoring whatever words his mother spoke. Aemond kept walking until he reached training grounds. Ser Cole was waiting for him as usual.


“I heard the Queen treated you to some sweets.” Ser Cole said, “Ready to work them off?” He tossed a wooden sword at Aemond.




“Aegon, I’ll return a little later, I have my duties to attend.” Alicent spoke, she hopefully waited for a response. But Aegon didn’t even turn his face to look at her. All he could remember, all he could feel was the poison. He remembered how tight his throat felt. One second he was boasting about slaying his whore sister, the next he’s wheezing out his own blood. It got everywhere, Aegon could feel himself sticking his fingers down his throat, clawing in hope to breathe. Still he doesn’t know who killed him, his own men? One of Rhaenyra’s loyal dogs? Aegon was haunted by the thought of his killer living in the same castle as him. He waited until his mother and sister left to stand. He ran his fingers through his hair, trying to calm himself. His mother wanted to be better this life, Aemond wanted revenge, Helena wanted peace but Aegon, he wanted to forget this ever happened, forget the cursed life the God’s gave him. Aegon walked out to his mothers chambers and towards his.


“Get me some drinks.” He ordered a maid. He stripped himself of clothes and rolled into his blankets. The maid brought back a couple bottles of wine, she placed it on his bedside and excused herself. Aegon grabbed a bottle and started to chug it. Has he always been this pathetic? Aegon thought himself cursed, his father's first born son, the “rightful” heir to the iron throne, an omega and useless drunk. Aegon felt himself choke a little as the memory of him presenting flashed in his head. His mothers face, her disappointment. He remembered how he shoved a rag in his mouth to stop his screams. Ever since he’s been downing suppressants like they’re candy. Washing them down with his favorite ale.



Aemond hunched his body over, he placed his hand on his knees for support. Sweat dripped down his face, he felt like shit, he probably smelt like it too. Ser Cole was really working him today.


“You did good today my prince.” Ser Cole preached, his hand on Aemonds shoulder.


“Your Governess tells me Queen Alicent put off most of your lessons for today.” He spoke again. Aemond nodded, still gaining his breath.


“Since when did you care about my schedule?” Aemond questioned. He straightened himself out, and glared at his teacher. Aemond felt a sense of betrayal towards him, in his past life Ser Cole was his idol; strong, talented, smart, hated Rhaenyra, and hated Rhaenyra’s bastards. But before he died it was brought to his attention that Ser Cole loved Rhaenyra, but was rejected. That's when he came under his mothers wing. It enraged Aemond, they always got his elders sisters sloppy seconds.


“Apologies my prince, I was only curious.” Ser Cole protested. Aemond walked right past him. He wanted nothing to do with Rhaenyra's discarded toys. He needed his own night, one loyal to his family from the start.


After freshening up, Aemond didn’t know what to do with his spare time, he ended up wandering around the castle for some time. Deciding to join Helena in the Royal Library. When he entered, Helena was sitting peacefully on a cushion by the window. Her hair was brought back in a bun, showing the sun reflecting off her collar bones.She looked up noticing Aemonds presence. 


“Have you come to read with me brother?” She asked. Aemond nodded, he sat next to Helena who placed her book in the center of the both of them. She began to read aloud, her slim fingers pointing to the diagrams of the butterflies.


Aemond had no interest in anything her books contained but spending time with Helena was enough for them. In their past life, they rarely shared any memories like this. Helena was always concerned with her drunk husband and Aemond with his revenge. Slowly, Aemond felt his eyes start to close, he leaned his head on Helena's shoulder drifting off in her care.



“Aemond… Aemond…” Helena shook her brother. 


“Aemond!” She said, flicking him in his forehead.


Aemond jumped up looking around in confusion. He instinctively reached up to his forehead, rubbing it.


“Mother has summoned us for super.” Helena was already off her cushion. She extended a hand to Aemond who took it. They walked in silence, being escorted by two of Helena's knights. 


“Princess Helena and Prince Aemond have arrived.” One of the knights announced, opening two wooden doors accented with gold. They’re revealed to their mother and a drunk Aegon. Aemond and Helena sat next to each, across from their mother and brother.


“I went to the King today,” Alicent started, “We’ve annulled Aegon and Helenas marriage.” She finished. Alicent looked at her children searching for their reactions. 


“Why?” Aemond asked.


“Well Aegon is an omega and Helena is a beta. Their past success with children was merely luck. They need… better suited partners. “

“Does father know? Does he know that Aegon’s an omega?” 


Alicent shook her head slightly, “I’m still unsure on how to tell him.” 


“Why did he agree then?” Aemond questioned.


“In hopes that I’ll marry Jacarys to Helaena,” his mother responded.


She reached out and grabbed Aegon's hand, swiping her thumb over his fingers. Aegon didn’t look at his mother, he kept his eyes trained on his glass.

“Why doesn’t he just stop taking suppressants?” Helena asked.


“I read in a book that some omegas present with a very subtle heat. It’s so subtle they think it’s nothing but a fever.” Helena continued.


“But Maester Levian agreed to write Aegon off as a beta.” Aemond said, he looked at Helen trying to understand what she was saying.


“So? Maesters make mistakes all the time.” Helena looked at Aemond.


“I’ll inform Maester Levian of his mistake the morrow morning.” Alicent said thanking her daughter. Aemond went back to eating, in his head he compared the difference from now and his past life. So far the only change he liked was Helenas marriage annulment. 


“Lady Laena will pass soon, when we go to Driftmark, I want you all to stay close.” Alicent ended their silence once again. She stared Aemond down, hoping he would get the message.


Aemond met his mothers gaze. He slammed his fork down on the table. “I will claim Vhagar, mother.” He snapped.


“No, not at the cost of your eye! You will find another dragon, Aemond!” 


“Vhagar is mine! She is my dragon mother and I will ride her.”


Alicent went back and forth with her son for some time, neither of them willing to give up their stance.


“Aemond by the Gods I swear, if I have to lock you in this Castle I will!” Alicent yelled. She was not ready to see him suffer again. Alicent knows how much Aemond loves Vhagar but him losing his eye is what caused this war in the first place.


Aemond stopped arguing with his mother and instead stomped his way to bed. His face was bright red from arguing.


Vhagar was his dragon, no one was going to come in between them.

Chapter 2: Acquainted with an Omegas Style


Here's a little something. How long do you guys think this should be? Idk if I want this to be a long slow burn, something short, or somewhere in the middle. I'm gonna kill Otto off, somehow. Enjoy next chapter will be a little longer with more info. :)

Chapter Text

Two months had passed since Aemond fought with his mother. Two months of him ignoring her warnings. Two months of the same routine; eat, train, sulk with a half sober Aegon, go to the library, and sleep. Different from his past life he actually enjoyed more down time. But Aemond was restless, Lady Laena of Driftmark was due to die soon and he couldn't wait. Aemond was yearning for his dragon back, the bond he and Vhargar shared, he needed it back. 


Aemond opened the doors to the Royal Library and as always Helaena sat on a cushion near the window. Aemond walked towards the many shelves and picked one of many books on Old Valyria. Walking over to his sister he sat down and they read in silence.


“Mother said she received the news today.” Helaena whispered. Aemond’s eyes lit up, he couldn’t help to smile.


“Don’t get too happy. She plans on telling father you’re too sick to make the journey.” 


Aemond snapped his book shut, “Why?!”


“You know why Aemond.” 


“Vhagar and I belong together, she is my dragon.” Aemond sighed. He threw his head back, tired of this fight. He was going along with his mothers stupid plans to bend the knee. The least he was owed was the chance to claim Vhagar again.


“ With the way you whine about her, someone might think you’re mates.” Helaena jokes, shoving Aemonds shoulder lightly. Aemond laughed lightly with her. 


“I’m never going to give up on claiming her.” He said seriously.


“I don’t expect you to, but try to convince mother at least. Make her think you’ve given up on Vhagar, then just do as you please at Driftmark.”


Aemond nodded, he scooched closer to Helaena, this time she leaned her head on his shoulder, “Try not to lose an eye as well.” Aemond hummend in response. They stayed like that until Ser Cole came to inform them dinner was ready.

In the dining hall, their grandsire had joined them. Otto, their greedy shit stain of a grandfather sat at the head of the table. He did not stand when Aemond and Helaena entered, didn’t even greet them. When seated, his mother began praying, Aemond heard the emphasis she put on “blessing their only life”, he guessed their grandfather had not been reborn along with them. After his mother finished, they all began to awkwardly dig into their meals.


“Aegon, your mother tells me you’ve been drinking less these days.” Otto started, “That's good, drunkards don’t make great kings.” He finished tilting his glass slightly in Aegon's direction. Aegon didn’t acknowledge his grandsire, just continued to eat. Otto stared at him, he smiled but there was no kindness behind his grin.


“Do remember Aegon, you are to be a king.”  Otto pressed. Again, Aegon didn’t acknowledge him. Aemond could see his grandfather grow angrier by the second. His face beginning to flush, and his veins were popping.


“Alicent, please inform the prince of his duty as King Viserys first born son.” 


“Queen Alicent.” His mother corrected. She took a sip of wine and cleared her throat. Aemond watched his mother tap her spare hand against the table. She was nervous.


“Aegon will not be taking the throne.” She paused looking at their grandfather, “Princess Rhaenyra is the rightful heir to the iron throne, she will sit on it.”


There was silence for a moment. Aemond watched his grandsire’s face twist in a reck of emotions. Otto slammed his hands on the table. Next to him Helaena jumped. Aemond grabbed her hand, trying to comfort her. Otto directed his anger toward the Queen.


“Aegon is the rightful heir to the iron throne. He is the eldest son, that is his right.” Otto snapped, nostrils flaring. Helaena leaned into Aemonds side, her hands covering her ears. Aemond held his sister close. He looked towards his mother and Aegon. The Queen seemed shocked at her fathers sudden outburst but Aegon, Aemond couldn’t tell what he was thinking. His head was thrown back, different from his weak demeanor earlier, Aegon seemed… irritated.


His mother fought back and forth with the Hand. Their shouts cause Helaena to curl deeper into Aemonds side. He tried to intervene but his mother and grandsire paid little attention to him. Aemond picked a piece of bread from his plate and threw it at his older brother. Only then did Aegon sit upright. 


“It seems the Hand forgets his place.”  Aegon had finally spoke up, “Take Lord Hightower to his bed chambers, some rest should help him remember.” 


At the wave of Aegon's hand two guards came behind Otto but their gaze was the Queen. Their mother nodded. With assurance the guards wrapped their hands around Otto and ‘guided’ him away. The room grew uncomfortable listening to Otto's curses while he struggled against the guards. His old body didn’t help much to defend his pride. In the end, he was dragged away, the doors slamming loudly behind him.


“You speak?” Aemond teased. 


“Aemond!” His mother gasped. Aemond caught his brother smiling and started to laugh. He didn’t know why but it felt right, it wasn’t long before Aegon joined him. Helaena and his mother watched judgingly as they clutched their stomachs and threw their heads back. Aemond laughed so hard he vision began to blur with tears. He tried to stop taking in deep breaths but unfortunately made eye contact with Aegon again. They bursted out in another fit of laughter. 


“Welcome back brother, I missed you.” Aemond managed to get out. He grabbed a nearby cup, unsure if it was even his and lifted it in the air. Aegon did the same. Though Aemond would never admit it aloud, it felt nice to see his brother smile.


“If you two are done with… that, then I have more to tell you.” Their mother said. She waited for them to calm down before continuing. 


“ I’ve spoken with Viserys about your… condition, Aegon.” She paused, “He has agreed to annul your marriage with Helaens but he wants to wed you with someone else.” This time it was their mothers song to take a sip from her cup. Aemond shared a curious look with his two siblings. It felt like forever until their mother started to speak again.


“He wishes for you to marry prince Jacaerys.” She finished. 


“You told him no, right?” Aegon grinned. He took his cup up again, sipping slightly. His mother didn’t answer. Aemond watched his brother panic.


“Mother, you told him no right?” Aegon asked again, his empty hand gripping the end of his seat. His elder brother's voice cracked in desperation.


“I think it would be a beneficial union.” Their mother defended. 


“You can’t be serious mother! After all that happened?!” Aegon yelled. Aemond agreed with his elder brother, “Isn’t bending the knee enough?” He asked. Seeing one of those bastards on the throne was enough, but having Aegon marry one of them. Was there an end to Rhaenyra’s greed?


“This is what the king has proposed! If this is what he wants, this is what will happen.” 


Aegon covered his face with his hands. He shook his head, having trouble accepting his reality. 


“ I bet it was our dearest sister Rhaenyra who proposed it.” Aemond spoke. His mother glared daggers at him, while trying to calm Aegon down.


“What? It’s not as if I’m wrong. Marrying one of her bastards to Aegon would stop all concerns of legitimacy.” Aemond slouched back in his chair, their joyous laughter was short lived. And as always, it was Rhaenyra’s fault. He watched Aegon beg his mother to reconsider, but she stood firm on her stance. 


“None of us are happy with this Aegon, but it’s for the best.” Their mother spoke. She cupped his chin and placed a kiss on his forehead. “You will live a long life. We will all grow old this time.” She promised.



Alicent watched her kids go off one by one to rest. She held Aemond back so they could walk together. They stayed silent for most of their trip, hand in hand, but silent. There was so much Alicent wanted to say to him, to apologize for. Aemond being her favorite in the past put a lot of strain on him. She knew how he constantly had to fight on the front lines, sacrifice, and suffer. All for a throne none of her children received. None even wanted it. As if Aemond felt her worry, he held her hand tighter. Alicent hummed happily next to him, she walked him towards his bed and waited patiently for him to settle.


“We received the news today of Lady Laena’s death.” She started.


“I know, Helaena told me.”


Alicent looked down at her son. She wiped stray curls from his face, resting her hand on his cheek. “I know you’re never going to forgive Rhaenyra, but promise me Aemond, you won’t claim Vhafar.” 


She needed to know that he’d be safe. That she wouldn’t be brought to a room and see his blood everywhere while he screamed for her. Aemond stared deep into her eyes, “Mother I will never give up on her, we are a destined pair,” Aemond paused. He leaned further into his mothers hand, “ But I promise to do it another time.” Aemond finished, “Vhagar will not accept anyone but me, I’m sure of it.”


Alicent thanked her son, she planted a kiss on his forehead, wishing him goodnight. Walking towards her chambers Alicent still couldn’t feel at rest. No matter how long Aemond waited to claim Vhagar, she could almost guarantee there’d still be a fight. Her son and that beast. The God’s are so against them, she wouldn’t be surprised if they let Rhaena Targaryen sit atop the Vhagar in spite.




“Alicent dear, you seem distracted.” Alicent turned to her lord husband the King. They were on a boat, an hour or two away from Driftmark. Being at sea was disturbing enough for Alicent, but the gray skies made the experience nerve-wracking. She loved the land, it’s where she was born, the only place she felt safe. It made sense to her why Targaryens loved the sky, it's where they come from. But only Velaryons come from the sea. She was no Velaryon and neither were her children. Her children who settled in the belly of the boat, far from the sight of waves.


Alicent foundherself at the edge. She hated the ocean but the sound of water crashing against their boat was calming. She found it hard to concentrate on anything else.


“Yes, I’m just praying to the seven. I pray for Lord Laenor in his hard times.” Alicent responded. 


Viserys shuffled closer to her. He placed his hand on hers, their skin contrasting in age. Alicent leaned her head on Viserys’s shoulder. They didn’t share many moments like this in Alicents past life, though she had a family with the King he was more like a distant friend. They conversed every so often, shared dinners, pretended they were more fond of each other than was true. Viserys rubbed his thumb across her hand. They stared at the unsettling sea below, both thinking Rhaenyra, both having different motives.


“Aegon took the news just as well as I thought.” Alicent said. 


Viserys laughed, “He’s spent years living as someone he’s not. It will take time for him to adjust to his new life.”


Alicent nodded as Viserys went on and on about how much of a shame it was that the maesters misdiagnosed him. Supposedly he wanted Aegon to act that way of a proper omega, stop his classes in ruling and sword fight. Instead introduce him to a more gentle role. Alicent nodded along with him but she knew she could never do that to her son. He’s spent two lives being an Alpha such a drastic change would send him deeper in his spiral. Though she thought it amusing to see Aegon taking embroidery with his sister.


“So after talking back and forth we’ve decided to have Jacaerys gift him a new wardrobe.” Alicent snapped her head at her husband's last sentence.


“Excuse me dear, a new wardrobe?”


“Yes, yes. Rhaenyra and I decided it would be a perfect engagement gift. Get him acquainted with an omegas style.” Alicent shook her head.


“Why don’t we introduce it to him piece by piece. All at once may be excessive.” Viserys waved her off.


“Nonsense, he is a prince, an omega prince. He should get used to this type of attention.” It was pointless arguing with Viserys. He was a stubborn old man, and Rhaenyra had decided on it as well, which meant it was final.


Having done with this conversation Viserys waddled back to the belly of the ship, out of Alicents sight. Alicent sighed, looking up at the ugly skies once again.


“Dear seven, please extend your mercy to my children. Walk with them, guide them, be the hand they need when I am not around.” She prayed. Alicent continued like this, switching from prayer to reciting scripture back to prayer. No one bothered her, it was just Alicent, the waves, and the Gods. 




Alicent turned towards her child's voice. It was Helaena, precious and delicate.


“Yes, my child.”


“Aegon and Aemond are fighting again.” Alicent shook her head, no longer surprised at her son's rowdiness.


She followed Helaena down the belly of the ship, past her and Viserys quarters, past Helaenas, and finally to her sons. The crashing of whatever furniture they were breaking could be heard. Alicent opened the door, Aemond was on top of his brother with his fists rolled back and Aegon was beneath him, smirking wickedly.


“Just admit it, Aemond, you want to wear a pretty little dress.”


“I do not!” Aemond yelled. Alicent pulled her youngest off Aegon before another punch could be thrown. “And what is this about?”


“I caught Aemond admiring one of Helaenas dresses.” Aegon chuckled.


“I was not admiring it. I just found it on my bed. I had all the thought to return it to her!” Aemond shouted, defending himself.


“Aemond, it is okay if you like the dress.” Alicent spoke. 


“I do not!”


“He does! Did you feel like a princess Aemond?” Aegon shouted, teasing his brother once again. Aemond stepped forward, ready to launch himself back at his brother but was stopped again. 


“Both of you, enough!” Alicent stepped in between them both. “I’m glad we’re on this topic. Since you, Aegon, will be gifted a new wardrobe fit for an omega. And you Aemond, I have plans to have one made for you as well.”


Both her boys stopped glaring at each other to turn their eyes at her. It was a second or two of silence before they both exploded. They yelled and tugged, their voices so distress Ser Cole came to check on them. Alicent brushed them off her.


“It is final, Now clean up this mess, and get yourselves presentable for when we land ashore.” Alicent ordered. She walked out the door slamming it shut.

Chapter 3: One too many Times


Hope you like the new chpaterrr

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Driftmark was just as appetizing as its skies. It was dull and gray, smelt like fish. Everywhere Aemond looked there were rocks; dry rocks, wet rocks, damp rocks. He found it hard to believe this was the land his sister was fighting so hard to gain. As of now, he was in a carriage with his siblings. None of them were quite happy to be here, well except Helaena, she was always happy. Aemond however, didn’t see a reason to be in Driftmark if he couldn’t claim Vhagar. This was the land where he lost his eye. Where his father told him it was the cost of bad mouthing Rhaenryas bastards. As much as Aemond wanted to say he was over it, the pit in his stomach made him think otherwise.


Aemond looked outside the window when he heard the gates open. Everyone seemed busy preparing for their ladies funeral. It truly was a sad time for the house of Velaryon, Lady Laena was this house’s only child with legitimate offspring. 


The carriage doors were opened by Ser Cole who helped each of them out. They united with their mother and were escorted to their rooms. Helaena ran off to the library excited about the new information in Driftmarks books. Aegon was off somewhere avoiding him family

Aemond decided to entertain himself in one of Driftmarks ‘gardens’, really it was just a field behind the castle that bloomed into something worth keeping. There were no official paths, Aemonds just followed the footsteps of the field's previous visitors. He walked around, feigning interest in Driftmarks' variety of flowers. Sea breeze lifted his hair, stray strands tickled his face. Aemonds peace, however, was cut short. In the distance he saw his nephews, walking towards him. They were followed by Daemon's kin, each brat more entitled than the next. Aemond turned swiftly on his heels, he wasn’t ready to see Lucerys again. To look in those same eyes Vhagar had drained life from.




Aemond kept walking, he sped up hoping the little shits would leave him alone. But his name was called once again. Turning back he saw Lucerys and Rhaena running after him, their sibling not far behind. Instinctively Aemond ran, it was a stupid idea. He didn’t know this land nor anyone on it, but it was too late to go back now. Aemond ran until his foot caught on a rock and his body became one with the dirt. He groaned trying to push himself up but his leg gave out on him. It wasn’t long before two sets of hands grabbed each of his arms in assistance.


Rhaena and Lucerys, short and weak, tried their hardest to hold him up.


“Uncle, are you alright?” Lucerys asked. Aemond winced at his green voice, it was only a little deeper on that day.


“I’m alright, though I doubt this would’ve happened if you weren’t chasing me.” Jacerys and Baela caught up to them.


“We were just trying to talk, it’s been ages since we last saw each other.” Rhaena said lowly. Aemond looked down at her, unsure of a way to comfort her.


“Yes, uh, I’m sorry about your mother.” He spoke, his boney fingers awkwardly patted the side of her head. Rhaena eyed him.


“Thank you.” The girl took a ribbon from her hair and tied it around Aemonds bleeding leg. It was a sloppy attempt but Aemond doubts she’s ever had to do this before.


Silence lingered around them til Jacerys made Rhaena switch with him. A true gentleman. With one strong bastard under each arm, Aemond was walked back to the castle. Rhaena left to retrieve his mother, Baela for the maester.  


“Why did you run Aemond?” Jacerys asked, no curiosity in his tone, just the urge to mock.


“I did not feel like speaking to any of you.” It was the truth, there was more to it of course but none that would make sense to these strongs. These two bastard alphas who somehow had everything a child could want. Two living parents, a functioning family, and no memories of their past lives and deaths. 


“Look where that got you.” Lucerys’s laugh echoed down the hall. Quickly replaced by Alicents' worried steps. Her heels loud against marble floors.


“Aemond my love, are you okay?” His mothers first check was his face. She rubbed her hands down both sides of his face, even waving her finger around so he could follow.


“As I said, Queen Alicent, he only tripped.” By Rhaenas annoyed tone Aemond could tell his mother had some outburst.


“And how did that happen?!” Alicent yelled. Her hands still on Aemonds face.


It was useless for any of them to explain, Alicent wasn't listening. Aemond tried to step in but was only hushed by his mothers lecturing tone. She ranted on how Aemond was a prince and his safety should be everyone's top concern.


“Care to explain why you are yelling at my children, Alicent?”


Daemon, Rhaenyra, and Laenor were behind them as well as Baela and a maester. The maester attended to Aemond immediately. He fumbled around his leg. The rock that cut Aemond open hadn’t been too large. There was a short gash from his calf to ankle. The maester applied a stinging liquid to Aemonds leg. He winced, grabbing on Lucerys and Jacaerys’s shoulders.


Alicent ignored Daemon, “How deep is it?” 


“Not too deep to cause any serious injury but deep enough for infection.” He replied. Aemond winced again as he dug a cloth in his wound, wiping it dry.


“Queen Alicent, I wasn’t aware manners didn’t apply in Kings Landing.” Daemon interjected once again. Aemond watched as his mother snapped her head towards Daemon. Her hate from her past life still there.


“Aemond was injured in the garden because of Lady Rhaena, Baela and Prince Lucerys and Jacaerys. They were chasing him.” She defended herself.


“I’m sure it was nothing more than a squabble, children play all the time, Alicent.” Rhaenyra reassured. That seems to satisfy his mother or remind her of the plan to keep a low profile and get along with his elder sister. His mother straightened her gown out. She pressed her lips in a thin line, any remaining arguments left her tongue. Her face betrayed her silence in every aspect.


“Mother it’s fine really, we were just playing a game of tag and I tripped.” He assured his mother, “Can the maester treat me in my room, it’d be more comfortable.” Alicent nodded, her face softening towards her youngest son. Lucerys and his brother assisted back to his chamber, he expected them to leave after, instead they pulled chairs beside his bed to watch him get treated. As if the matter couldn’t get any worse his mother entered his room with Rhaenyra and her dog. What was supposed to be comfortable turned into a stiff silence. Everyone paid close attention to him and his leg. The maester stopped for a second, contemplating something.


“My Queen, we can wrap the wound in hopes it won’t get infected or scar, he’d have to change his bandages every two days and apply cream religiously. Your travels home would have to put off for some time.” He started.


“Or we can stitch it up, the chance of infection low but it will leave a scar.” Aemond looked at his mother, who seemed caught up in her own mind. Aemond knew what it was like to get an infection in a scar, his eye got infected a week after Lucerys took it. He remembered screaming in pain while the maesters worked to clean out the puss and other substances in his empty socket. He held his mother and Helanes hands until it was over.


On the other hand stitches hurt like hell. The needle poking in and out of his skin, tightening, pulling, snapping. At night Aemond relived his first stitches after losing his eye. It made sense why his mother, who was there for both events, was so indecisive.


“I’ll take the stitches.” Aemond said. “Are you sure my sweet?” Aemond nodded and the maester began to work.


As expected it hurt like hell. Aemond clenched his fist on the sheets, while biting back moans of pain. He didn’t wish to look weak infront of his family. But his attempts failed when the maester jerked his hand too roughly. Aemond screamed, one hand coming up to his mouth. How tears brimmed his eyes. Aemond diverted his attention to the ceilings, he jumped when a warm hand grasped his empty one. 


Lucerys was staring up at him, rubbing his thumb over Aemonds clenched fist. Aemond responded unusually, he removed the hand from his mouth and covered Lucerys. Leaning more towards the young strong Aemond felt comforted… 


Too deep in the pain he didn’t even notice Lucerys moving onto his bed. Next thing Aemond knew he was losing conscious on short shoulders, grasping warm hands.




Aemond woke up with a throbbing pain in his neck. He groaned, shifting his body around. His leg still throbbing from the stitches. Aemond opened his eye to see his room empty. Dark of night had taken over the sky, his only source of light was a lit candle by his bedside. 


Aemond went to rub his eyes but his hands were held by something, rather someone. Lucerys, he had forgotten all about him. Aemond scrunched his face up, with the pain and shock worn off he finally thought about how pathetic he must’ve looked. Clinging onto his nephews for support. Holding Lucerys hands for comfort. Not only was it infront of his sister but Daemon too. They probably had a good laugh after him, Aemond the dragon less and Aemond the weak.


He had half the mind to push Lucerys off his bed. The other half was to leave peacefully and sleep in Helaenas room. Though neither happened because his doors were gently swung open by a young maid. She told Aemond how dinner was prepared and his parents wished for him and Lucerys to be there.


He nodded and shooed her away. “Lucerys.” He said, shaking his nephew.


He shook him again but it was useless. Aemond decided to squeeze down on Lucerys nose, and the boy quickly woke up. He gasped for air, looking around like a fawn without its mother. 


“Dinner is ready, we’re to be there.” He said, Lucerys nodded. It took him a couple more seconds to get himself together before he hooked one hand around Aemond waist and the other held Aemond arms over his shoulder. Together the limped to the dining hall. 


Tension seeped from under the doors. When they entered, the silent room became even more uncomfortable. Everyone watched Aemond being walked by his younger kin. He was sure Daemon told every ear that could listen about the earlier events. Especially since he was staring him down with his evil smirk. 


Aemond and Lucerys settled in their seats, directly across from each other. 


“How is your leg?” Rhaena was the first to break their silence.


“It hurts but I'm well.” Aemond tried to focus on his food but it seems like he was the only one. He could feel all eyes on him. Aemond didn’t want to address his family's behavior, so he ate quickly. Shoving every grain of rice and slice of meat down his throat, Aemond asked to be excused.


His mother nodded and once again he was helped by Lucerys to his chambers.

The next morning was Lady Laena’s funeral. Aemond could rehearse every line said along with an interpretation of everyone's feelings. Daemon's lack of remorse for his dead wife, Rhaena and Baela trying to appear strong, both his sisters had their heads lowered in respect, his mother mumbled prayers under her breath, and Aegon rocked back and forth on his heels. His father looked… less deranged than normal.

After the ceremony, the Velaryons and Targaryens broke up into separate groups. His mother walked with Lady Rhaenys and Rhaenyra, they interlocked arms, sharing condolences. Aemond could hear the far sounds of their voices, their tone turning from stiff to warm. He took this as his chance to return to bed. His leg was still in pain.

“So how’d you like being held by the strong brothers?” Aemond snapped his head towards Aegon. His brother was leaning on a pillar, chewing slowly on an apple.

“Our Uncle didn’t spare any details when telling us at dinner, before you two came down of course.” Aegon continued with his teasing. “He said you held onto Lucerys as if your life depended on it. Like an Omega seeking comfort from their Alpha.”

Aemond pushed Aegon away. He glared at his brother to fuck off, but it was Aegon after all. “Even Rhaenyra attested to it, our family was so moved by your softness they wondered if they should cancel mine and Jacaerys’s engagement. Replace it with you two’s”

Aegon's words stab Aemond hard. Him, married to Lucerys. He’d rather lose both his eyes by the hands of Daemon. Disgust was written all over his face, making Aegon laugh.

“This is fun, Aemond.”

“What is?”

“Playing family with Rhaenyra.” Aemond heard the bitterness in his tone. Aegon took a large chunk from the apple, crushing it between his teeth. 

“I received my engagement gifts yesterday.” Aegon laughed sarcastically, “Velaryon blue with little hints of Targaryen black.” Aegon clasped his hand on Aemonds shoulder, “Stay away from Lucerys little brother. What happened in our past lives, we paid the dept for. Don’t give him this life as well.” 


Aemond sat on his bed, thinking about the words Aegon said. For the first time in both his lives, Aegon said something wise. ‘Don’t give him this life as well’. The words stuck with him, only because he felt like he had to do just that. Aemond hated Lucerys, he took his eye, his pride. Sentenced him to live with a torn body and Lucerys suffered no consequences. Aemond recalled how quickly his hate for Lucerys bottled up after the incident. His own father more worried about the strong brother's minor injuries, he couldn’t even be there when Aemond received stitches, or when his eye was infected. Lucerys never apologized, shit, Lucerys thought he was right for maiming Aemond.

In the past he lived out of sheer hate for Rhaenyra and her bastards. Dedicated his life to making them pay. Now Aemond felt he lived out of guilt. That he owes his life to Rhaenyra and her children, he played a big part in ruining theirs.

Aemonds thoughts were interrupted by his doors being swung open. There was his guilt itself. Lucerys walked in carrying two books in his hands. The doors shut behind him and he welcomed himself on Aemonds bed.

“Good afternoon.” Silence. “Jacaerys and Baela went with Rhaena and Princes Rhaenys to claim Vhagar.”

Aemond sucked his teeth. Everyone spoke of Vhagar like she is a family heirloom, a ring passed down through generations. But she was much more than that, he worried, though telling his mother he wouldn’t, that Vhagar might actually bond with Rhaena. She was strong and stubborn like Vhagars past riders, if they put a sword in her hands, Aemond was sure she’d come close to besting him. Maybe not close, but somewhere near. 

“So am I your last option of entertainment? My apologies nephew but I’m not a jester.” 

Lucerys only smiled, “Helaena said you might be feeling down because of your leg, so I offered to spend some time with you.” His nephew pushed a book towards him, it was thick and full of the tide's history. Aemond groaned but took the book anyway. He laid on his stomach and read. Lucerys burnt holes in the back of his neck.

“What is it you want, Lucerys?”

“Like I said, to spend time with you, uncle.” Lucerys eyes grew large with admiration when Aemond looked back. He loathed the look, filled with innocence. If Lucerys had memories of his past life, Aemond doubted he’d ever look at him like that. Little less share a room with him.

“Spend time with me, or looking at me?” Aemond teased.


Aemonds eyes twitched. “I don’t like your joke nephew.”

“But I was not joking. I like looking at you Aemond, I like your smell as well.” Lucerys attempted to close the gap between them but Aemond rushed off the bed. His face flush, he grabbed the book and ran out the room.

What a loser he thought. Aemond mentally cursed himself all the way to his brother's chambers. His leg started to sting due to his erratic movements but Aemodn was too mad to care. He was Aemond one eye, Aemond the kinslayer, not some girl blushing at the sight of a knight. 

Aemond slammed open his brother's door. Aegon was nowhere to be seen, making this a safe hiding spot. He sat on the edge of Aegon's bed, contemplating what to say to Lucerys the next time they met. His thoughts were cut short, by orders of Princess Rhaenys for the maesters. Aemond ran outside, was it Helaena? Had his mother been injured? He followed the trail of maids and guards until he saw the victim. Rhaena who was in perfect condition except the slight burn on her hand, stood in the corridor calming her grandmother.

“I am fine, really.” She assured Rhaenys. Aemond felt the pit in his stomach disappear. Vhagar did not bond with the girl. She was a riderless dragon still, but Aemond would change that.

Laenor and Rhaenyra came rushing down to comfort the girl. Aemond dismissed himself back to Aegon's room. Tonight he would claim Vhagar.


Vhagar was still as ethereal as ever. The beast laid quiet, her large nostrils flaring up and down.

“Vhargar…” He whispered, she hadn’t heard him. “Vhargar!” Still she slept. Aemond rolled his eye moving closer towards her. He shouted once more. 

Vhagar noticed his presence, she opened her eyes, observing the young boy. Aemond reached his hand out, “Do you remember me girl? It is me, Aemond.” His tone was loud but gentle. Vhagar leaned closer, she sniffed the air around Aemond, before she cooed. Vhagar leaned her scale nose against Aemonds palm. Her low grumbles warmed his heart. They were together again.

Her welcome assured him she remembered. The first time he claimed Vhagar he was almost sure she had plans to eat him. 

Here they were again. Taking to the skies over the great sea. Aemond felt the freedom he longed for in both lives. The wind in his hair while he sat atop the largest dragon alive. They flew together for a while, when Vhagar started to complain. Her old bones rattling, the two of them made it back to the shore.

Aemond was not ready to leave Vhagar. But he knew if he stayed any longer his mother would have the whole island searching for him. Bearing his last goodbyes, Aemond headed back towards his room. 

On his way back Aemond felt the pit return back to his stomach. Before he could react the omega found himself on the floor. Over him was a red eyed Rhaena. She landed a fist in Aemonds face before he could say a word.

“You claimed Vhagar” She shouted, punching him again, “She was my mother’s dragon, she was to be mine.” 

All the kindness from the day prior evaporated. Rhaena was pissed, and she had every right to be. It didn’t take long before Baela, Jacaerys, and Lucerys came along. They dragged teary eyed Rhaena off.

Aemond stood up quickly, he brushed the dirt off his legs, wiped the blood from his face.

“Vhagar is not some toy, she didn’t belong to you.” He snapped, “And she refused you earlier today!” He tried to defend himself. Rhaena had none of it, she lunged for Aemond again.

“I could have tried again, I could have claimed her.” Aemond dodged her body.

“You’re a thief! A cold hearted alpha! She’s all I had left of my mother!” Rhaenas anger turns quickly to a confession. Aemond felt bad, knowing it was the truth, but nevertheless, he and Vhagar had already bonded. No one could change that.

“If Vhagar wanted you as a rider she wouldn’t have burnt you today!” Aemond retorted. His cousin yelled at him again something incoherent. Jacaerys looked at Baela who nodded and the both let Rhaena go. She had Aemond pinned to the floor, one punch after the other. Aemond pushed her off, his hand reached for something in defense. He grabbed a rock, ready to smash it into Rhaenas head, but he stopped. 

His chest heaved and he looked down at his cousin. He dropped the rock ready to apologize but just like before, he was met with a dagger, logged into his skull. Aemond screamed, loud. Pain transcending from one life to another.

Aemond hears his name being called out. He was too faint to realize. Aemond felt his body lift from the floor while someone ran with him. It was all too much.


Yall I think I may have gotten the sisters switched up.

Chapter 4: Stitches Bitches


Short chapter because I will be posting another with this one. I just felt weird doing the time skip in one chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“It hurts.” Was all Aemond could say. He mumbled it, screamed, said it through tears, but they were the only words his tongue uttered. Alicent held his hands, she sobbed silently beside him. She should’ve left him home, locked him in the damn Red Keep. It was her fault for believing he would leave that damned dragon alone. “Another time” is what he said, Alicent thought her son meant a couple of moons, a year or two, not the same fucking day Rhaena failed.


Alicent shook her head, if Aemond wasn’t crying in her hands at this moment, she would’ve torn him in half. Instead she mumbled words of encouragement. Different from their past, both Helaena and Aegon accompanied Aemond for his stitches. They sat on either side of the bed. Loose tears fell from both of their faces. 


“It hurts.” Aemond croaked again, Alicent found herself assuring him. She yelled at the maesters to hurry.


When the stitches were finished, Alicent was back, standing in the same room she was all those years ago. Her hands shook, she tried to smooth out her dress, calm her nerves. Viserys limped his way towards her. He took a look at Aemond and they his grandchildren on the other side of the room. Alicent heard him begin to speak, but she tuned out his bullshit. ‘Goodwill’ and ‘time’ Alicent wanted none of it.


“Goodwill cannot make him whole.” She uttered. VIserys turned back towards her, “My dear wife-”


“He is your son Viserys, your blood.” Alicent held her fist beside her. Here she was in another life uttering the same words from the past. She was a fool for trusting Aemond. She was a fool for believing Viserys would care this time. Different from the past there was nothing they could say to defend his mainming. Aemond made no jabs towards Rhaenyras children, he had not attacked first, he’d only claimed a riderless beast. Yet here he was again, looking at her with the same desperation, the same hurt.


Alicent turned towards Rhaenyra, he stood tall next to his future wife. “What shall you do about this Princess Rhaenyra? It was your son who took his eye, what should his punishment be, hmm?”




‘I want his eye, Ser Cole’ is what she wanted to say. She knew how that would end. Alicent wanted to open her old friendship back up. She wanted to maintain the peace but her son… Why was it always her? Why did her family always have to get the short end? Was it too much for them to be happy and out of harm's way? Alicent paused, she took a deep breath. 


“There must be a punishment.” She said instead.


“Lucerys was only defending his cousin” Rhaenyra protested.


“Aemond has been marked for life! I am not asking for revenge but justice.” 


“He was on top of me! He had a rock, he was going to smash it into my head. If Lucerys had not stopped him, I would be dead!” 


“I dropped it! I wasn’t going to hurt you!” Aemond yelled back. Alicent watched as the children broke into another screaming match.


Alicent looked down towards Rhaena than Rhaenyra. Her gaze ended on her lord husband. “There has to be a punishment, my king. What message does it send to other nobles? Giving them the idea they can harm a prince and walk.”


Viserys stared back at her. His mouth didn’t move but Alicent knew what was going on in his old mind. He was searching for an excuse. A way to blame Aemond and justify Lucerys’s actions. Alicent knew her husband. She knew him so well.


“Aemond, how do you feel? Was Lucerys wrong for defending his cousin?” Visery questioned his son. Alicent scoffed. Aemond was going to cave. He was going to keep the peace she wanted from the beginning. 




“There it is, Aemond does not wish for a punishment to take place.” The king raised his hands. 


Alicent turned her glare to Rhaena. She knew the girl was hurting, Rhaena lost her mother, her dragon, a piece of herself.  But Alicent could and would never place another child's hurt on top of her owns. She took a step closer towards Rhaena, Daemon and Rhaenrya quickly shielding her. Alicent chuckled, the happy couple. They always got what they wanted, they never suffered a consequence. Proud always fucking proud no matter what, it drove Alicent mad.


Her eyes found the King's dagger. Tucked safely in his belt, she questioned herself. Was it worth it? Alicents hand reached out.


“I am fine mother!” Aemond yelled. Alicent was inches away from the King’s dagger, whether it was to stab the man or Rhaenyra she didn’t know. But she stopped upon his words.


“I was wrong, Vhagar was Lady Laena’s dragon, she should’ve been claimed by one of her kin. I was wrong to claim her and I was wrong to attack you Lady Rhaena.” Aemond bit his tongue, this time around he was trying hard to keep peace. It frustrated Alicent. Her son was the one who deserved an apology. But then she remembered who they were, King Viserys’s discarded wife and his spare heirs. The chances of them receiving justice were just as high as Aemonds eye growing back.


Alicent retreated to his side, “It is not you that has to apologize, my love. You did nothing wrong.” Her hands at either side of his face. Aemond just pressed his forehead against hers, “An eye for a dragon mother.” He paused, lowering his voice, “ That’s how it’s always been for me.” 


Alicent sighed. Aemond should never have to utter such words. The boy lifted his hands, placing them over hers, “I only want to be with my family. I only wish to return home with Vhagar, mother. You need not for revenge.” His voice a bit louder, making sure his elder sister heard. Alicent nodded, she wrapped him in a hug, tighter than one he’s ever received in any life. 


When they separated, Alicent had calmed down. She felt Aemiond follow her eyes to his older sister. They stared in silence before the boy tugged on her gown. “I wish to leave mother.” 


Aemond grabbed her hand. They walked out the room followed by Helaena and Aegon.


Alicent found herself all huddled up with her children in Aemonds room. They squashed themselves in the bed together, just enjoying one another's presence. Alicent sang them a song, an old hymn for the seven. Her fingers glided through Aemond hair. She watched as his eye closed, drifting off.




Aemond woke up alone. His mother and siblings were nowhere in sight, only their lingering scents. Aemond sighed, he walked over to his mirror, assessing the damage Lucerys had done to his face.


The scare took up less of his face this time around. He traced the line above his torn eyebrow. It seems that Lucerys took a different approach this time. The dagger took his eye and the scar only went up from there, it ended right by his hairline. He wondered if mother would gift him a sapphire again.


Behind him, his doors opened wide, Aemond stayed put, expecting his mother to come in and rush him. Instead he was met with the voice of his attacker.


“What are you doing here, Lucerys? Was last night not enough or have you come for my right eye as well?” His tone was far from angry, he was tired. Having gone through this before Aemond wasn’t exactly mourning his left eye. It was great to see again but he lived a whole life half blinded, it was a short life but still.


“Breakfast is ready.”


Aemond smiled bitterly into the mirror, “They sent you up here for that?” What a great way to start his morning.


“What were you expecting uncle, an apology?” Lucerys was the children of his oh so great sister, he’d never do such a thing.


“No, maybe that they would’ve sent someone who doesn't want me dead, to wake me.” Aemond spat. He bet this was his fathers idea, some lame way to try and kindle their relationship. 


“Well I have to dress, so” Aemond said, hinting for him to leave. He finally turned to face Lucerys. Aemond clenched his fist, the little shit was smiling. Smiling at him as if he hadn’t sliced him open with a dagger.


“I don’t want you dead uncle. I was doing it to protect Rhaena.” 


“I understand, leave.” Aemond said, but Lucerys paid little attention to his words. He marched forward towards Aemond lifting his stubby hands towards  Aemonds face. 


Aemonds slapped his fingers away, “Admiring your work?” He asked. Lucerys just stared back up at him, Aemond moved the hair from his face, giving Lucerys a full view. 


“You’re quite handy, nephew, I’ll give it to you.” Lucerys moved his hands again but Aemond let him. Lucerys traced the scar upwards. Aemond couldn’t tell what he was thinking. It was weird. Last night Lucerys took his eye, again but here he was letting him touch it. In his former life, he let that night define him. He lived years dreaming of tearing Lucerys’s eye from the socket. Every dream was vivid, real. He felt his hands grip Lucerys face and take what was his. But the day he sat upon Vhagar. The day he and Lucerys set to the skies. The day Vhagar listened to his heart rather than words. The day he watched his nephew fall to the endless sea, it dawned on him how useless his hate was. It led to the corruption of their house and the death of their family. Though he regrets his decision, his feelings towards Lucerys have on slightly changed. He still thinks he’s a bastard who shouldn’t show his face to Aemond.


“It will scar, but all alphas have scars.” Lucerys said, trying to make the most of his work.


“What if I’m not an alpha? What if I'm an omega with a large scar on my face?” 


Aemond watched as Lucerys contemplated. His face showing every thought. “Then I suppose I’ll have to take responsibility.”


Aemond laughed,bitterness at the tip of his tongue. He pushed Lucerys out of his room ordering him to leave. Aemoond dressed and walked quietly to the dining hall. Aemond felt his family's eyes on him. He walked beside his mother and sat down. For the most part everyone was quiet. No one wanted to touch the previous night's situation. But the old King could never read a room.


“How are you adjusting Aemond?” He asked.


“Good, seeing as I’ve only slept.” His mother tapped his arm slightly.


“Hmph, well I’d like to see you continue training.” His father smiled. Aemond nodded.


“It’s a shame your mother insists on leaving so early. Seeing as you and Lucerys made it down here in one shape, I don’t see the need to rush home.” The king laughed. King VIserys looked over to his daughter who only smiled back at him. This was the most they had talked in a long time, and like always it was with the thought of Rhaenyra. 


Aemond didn’t respond to his words, he put his head down and continued to eat. After breakfast they said their goodbyes. Aemond returned to his ship, and boring sea. The skies were still gray, and everything was unpleasant. But this time around Aemond had a dragon flying overhead.


This chapter was a bit sloppy ik. I’m trynna make progress to the story(it'll be sorta like this for the next 2-3 chapters or so)
There will be two time skips in the next chapter one to where Lucerys is 14 and Aemond is 19
And then one to where Lucerys is 16 and Aemond is 21, I’m thinking of adding the underage tag because that is where the story takes off and Idk how much people will be okay with that.

Chapter 5: Tall blonde, Dark and mean


Another short and a bit sloppy chapter. Please put up with me guys.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

10 years later

(thank you for the correction the_winterfloof_17 )


Today was the day Aemond would see Rhaenyra and her family again. It was also the day Vaemond would get his head cut off. His mother was in distress, because tonight, would be the dinner that Aemond royally fucked up in the past. Aemond watched his mother go on a tangent on the importance of these events. That he mustn't speak out of turn or open old wounds. He knew this by now and it wasn’t like his hatred for his sister or her family ran deep. Yes he resented them, wished they would all disappear, and yes he still had vivid dreams of taking Lucerys eye but his dreams have started to focus more on slicing open Daemon. Aemond found those dreams more satisfying.


“Where this one to dinner, this one is for hearing.” Aemond watched his mother layout two dresses for him. She insisted that he start acting like an omega in this life. His scar was an issue in the past but now his mother had him keep stray hair in his face to hide most of it. She said it added to the mysterious part of it all but Aemond disagreed. This was better than her idea to form bangs over the eye.


Aemond ran his hand over the dress his mother picked. It was simple, a black dress with two slits on the side, it isolated a long strip of cloth between his legs. He took a step back from the force of his mother pulling the strings. The dress clung tightly on his waist, a gold chain accompanied his hip, wrapping around his frame and slanting lightly. 


“You look beautiful.” His mother admired.


“I look like a classy whore.” Aemond snorted. His mother hit his arm playfully and he smiled down at her. She got to see more of his face since he ditched the eye patch. Instead covering his eye with a gold plate that hooked behind his ear. 


They walked out the room to join Helaena and Aegon. Aegon adorned in one of his many blue tunics, their mother had been lenient with his fashion. Though Aemond believed it was just guilt.


In the hearing Aemond listened to the court whispers. For the past few months he’s been barking at anyone who’d listen, that Lucerys was a bastard and not the heir to Driftmark. All was true, but Aemond like everyone else knew it was not a matter of the truth, only if Rhaenyra would be defended. Except unlike everyone else Aemond already knew she would. His fathers health was in a much better place than it was in the past, since his mother spends more time caring for the king instead of plotting with his grandsire.


Vaemond ranted and cussed until the King came. Even after he ranted and cussed this time at someone. Aemond watched his fathers crumbling figure sit on the throne. The court whispered quickly about the king's deteriorating state. Then they whispered about Vaemonds outwardness towards the strong bastards. King Viserys was in no shape to be out of bed, even with his health improving. Aemond supposed the sight of his weak King is why Vaemond had the nerves to speak treason.


“You may run your house as you see fit, but you will not decide the future of mine. My house survive the doom, and a thousand tribulations besides, and god’s be damned I will not see it ended by this-”


“Say it.” Daemon challenged. It was so low Aemond almost missed it.


“Her children are Bastards!” Vaemond spat, looking towards Rhaenyra and her kin.”And she is a whore.”


King Viserys bone-like hand pulled out his dagger, he shook with the weight of it, “I shall have your tongue.”


But it was too late by then. Vaemonds head was cut clean. It rolled on the floor, shocking everyone, from Rhaenyra’s bastards to his sister Helaena. She leaned into Aemond and he held her tight. Just like before it was only he and Aegon who remained unfazed by their uncle's attack.


“He can keep his tongue.” Daemon smirked.



“Remember what I said Aemond.” His mother reminded him. She was behind him, pulling strands of his hair back for a braid. Most of it was down, but his mother was a stickler for tiny and expensive details. She entwined little gold jewels in the braids she did.


“Yes, I’ll be well behaved mother.”


Aemond thought she outdid herself this time. His gown more elegant and luxurious than the others he had worn. It was sleek on top, his neck to shoulder was exposed. The dress was a dark green and accented in gold. 


“Shouldn’t we save this for a suitor.” Aemond questioned.


“This dinner is much more important than that.” She lectured him. His mother went through many jewel boxes until she found a light gold necklace with a nice size emerald in the middle. She draped it around Aemonds neck, then kissed his cheek.


“Let us go, my love.”


They walked hand in hand to the dining hall. Most of their family was already seated, and conversing in small groups. Aemond sat at the end of the table, next to Aegon and his grandsire. He played with his food, staring down only at his plate. Across from him was Lucerys who only smiled at him. Aemond wondered if at their last meeting he’d been too kind. He wished to be a shadow at this dinner. 


His mother and Rhaenyra seemed to long for each other more tonight.”All they need to do is kiss and I’d be convinced they were a married couple.” Aegon whispered in his ear.


“They don’t even need to kiss, look at how they stare into each other's eyes.” Aemond smiled at his brother, both of them observing their mom and her childhood friend. 


“If father did not wed our mother, Rhaenyra most definitely would’ve been our father.” Aegon whispered again. The speaking of his elder sister's name drew attention. Jacaerys and Daemon quickly turned their heads.


“Is there something you’d like to say Aemond?” Jacaerys asked. Venom dripped from his tongue.


“Why would you think that nephew? Eavesdropping in my conversation?” Aemond snapped back. Jacaerys slapped his hands upon the table but his actions were quickly outshone by the King standing up. Aemond rolled his eyes, his father began his speech. For the crown, for the family, for him. The speech would’ve been well received if everyone at this table cared about all three things, but that wasn’t the case. Aemond slumped in his seat, swirling his finger around his gold cup's rim. 


King Viserys ended his speech which was followed by Rhaenyrs toast to his mother and his mothers toast to Rhaenyra. 


“You will make a great queen.” Except she meant it now.


His father smiled, indicating that dinner may continue. They chatted while more food was brought out. The mood changing drastically. Music played behind their voices. Aemond realized that maybe he was the problem in their first life. His family seemed so happy together, enjoying one another's presence and stories. It was all so sweet, so sickening. He’d killed half the people at this table during the war. With his bare hands or with Vhagar. The memory of it didn’t hurt, Aemond barely knew his family outside his siblings. So what if their blood was on his hands.


What did bother him was the idea of them remembering. His sister might be satisfied with them bending the knee now, but he doubted anyone else would forgive them. He doubted Daemon would let him keep his right eye.


“Would you care for a dance nephew?” 


Speaking of the devil, Aemond lifted his head. Daemon stood before him with an extended hand. Quickly turning towards his mother for guidance who was equally shocked. Daemon did not give him another moment of thought, he took Aemonds hand and brought him towards the little dance floor. 


“Do you intend to steal my other daughter's marriage as well?” Aemond stared at his uncle. Their hands interlaced.


“I don’t know what it is you mean.”


“Don’t play coy with me. First your brother presents as an omega and is promised to Jacaerys. Now you walk in here smelling of the richest fruits to seduce Lucerys.”


Aemond scrunched up his face, he took a step backward, expanding the gap between them. “I have no intentions to seduce Lucerys.” 


“I don’t like being lied to nephew, I see how he’s been looking at you all night. I’m starting to question what happened in your room at Driftmark.” Daemon laughed.


“I cannot blame him, it is in an alphas blood to want something they can’t have.” Daemon spun him around. Aemond was now looking at his family, his arms spread to the side with Daemon behind him.


“Am I to be blamed because a green boy doesn’t know to wank off his cocklett?” 


“Keep your distance and all will go well, Aemond.” He spun around, the music ended and they both bowed, not before Daemon spoke again, “Maybe you’ll find an alpha on the other side of the kingdom, somewhere where your icy heart will feel at home.”


Aemond scoffed, he walked back towards his chair. Rhaenyra and his mother laughed amongst themselves. Baela, Aegon, Helaena, and Jacaerys managed a civil conversation. Lucerys and Rhaena whispered in each other's ears. They looked back at Aemond every now and then, then continue to giggle and whisper.


Aemond felt out of place. Last time it was he and Aegon but his brother had betrayed him. Now all he was left with was the awkward glances he and his uncle shared. Aemond grew impatient. His crossed legs rubbed against one other while his hand flailed uselessly. Why was he even at this dinner? If he slipped away would anyone notice?


He sighed, throwing his head back. Aemond stayed like that for a moment, he didn’t expect his neck would draw such a reaction from his family. Specifically his nephew. 


Lucerys growled, his pheromones taking over the entire dining hall. It caused Aemond to sit up straight. What was the little shit doing? 


All eyes were on Aemond. He looked around just as confused as his family. He felt Daemon glaring at him. It wasn’t even an hour after their talk and here Lucerys was proving his point.   Aemond didn’t know what to do, so like a pussy, he excused himself and ran away. 


In his rooms, Aemond slammed his doors behind him. He hunched over his bed, trying to regulate his emotions; rage, irritation, humiliation, fucking patheticness. Lord strong, the tiny bastard, his nephew, dared to act as if he owned him. As if Aemond was some fleabottom host out to seduce him. Aemond wondered if that's how everyone saw him. Some desperate whore pining for the attention of a betrothed alpha. The thought alone set him off, Aemonds nails dug into sheets. He reached to tear them apart, seeking relief.


But it seems the gods were not through with him. There was an endless whole humiliation in stock . Mid tear, silk bed sheets shredding between his grip, Aemond felt a wave of heat wash over him. He doubled over,


“Letti!” He called for his omega servant. The older girl ran in, without a word she got to work. She left Aemond and he could hear her barking orders after someone. When she returned, Aemond had already stripped most of his clothing. Letti was followed by two beta servants who brought a tub in. With some help Letti filled it with cold water.


“Should I retrieve her majesty?” The servant girl asked.


Aemond quickly shook his head, “ let her enjoy dinner.” He breathed out. Heats always made him feel so disgusting. The sweet aroma around him mixed with sticky sweat. His hair clung to every piece of flesh it came in contact with. 


Aemond settled in his bath. He threw his head back before thanking Letti and sending her off. Another wave of heat came over him. Aemond felt the slick between his thighs despite being in the water. His timing was just horrible. Today was just horrible. If he knew things were gonna go so far south, he would’ve made the stupid toast. He might’ve even visited Fleabottom, whisper in every drunk's ear about his whore sister and her bastard sons.


Omegas. Stupid fucking omegas, and Aemond just had to be one. The Gods and their games. Surely they got off to Aemonds pain. He groaned, sinking further into the cool bath. Aemond closed his eyes, he enjoyed the temporary relief that’d soon end. After the first couple of waves, he’d start to crave a knot. It was always so humiliating, needing someone, having the urge to pounce on anyone within reach. 


Two knocks came from Aemond door. “Leave there's nothing I desire.”


They came again. “Are you deaf?!” Aemond shouted, “Leave!”


The culprit knocked again. Aemond reached for the sheer robe by his tub. He stumbled out and stormed towards the door. “Just how much do you like your head?” Aemond asked, opening the door. 




“Leave Lucerys.” Aemond demanded. He slammed the door in his nephew's face. Just in time another wave hit Aemond. Quickly he found his way to his bed. “Fuck,” he groaned. The heat rose up to his stomach. It flourished across his frame. 


“Uncle, are you alright?”


“Gods be damned Lucerys, leave!” He shouted again. Aemond braced his face against a pillow. It was a shallow attempt at hiding his moans. He needed something, he needed someone. Gods he’d take anyone if it meant he cooled down. He sunk down towards bed, friction catching at the action. A low moan escaped his mouth. Aemond grinded again, rubbing the padding of his mattress. He threw his head back, thrusting sloppily.


His doors cracked open, but Aemond was too caught in his pleasure to notice. Little Lucerys stood in the doorway, watching. 


It wasn’t enough for Aemond. There was something missing, his body ached for it. Aemond gasping for something that wasn't there. He shoved his face deeper into his cushions, his ass high in the air. Slicked dribbled out of him. He ran his fingers from ass to the back of his thighs, leaving them damp with slick. Aemond moaned loudly while he stretched himself open. His teeth made contact with a cushion, he sunk them into the fluff. Adding one finger after the next, Aemond wounded up with three. 

He grew impatient, his finger thrusting for a quick release. Aemond’s scream nearly escaped into the ‘empty’ corridor. The sound of his wrist slapping against slick, filled the pit in his stomach. He moved faster, his thighs trembling above the soft fabric. His body reshaping around his pleasure. Tears brimmed his eyes.

Aemond came with a cry, though he smothered it with his cushions. He flipped over on his bed, the smell of sex taking over his room. He sat up, ready to call for some water when he saw him. Flushed Lucerys standing  in the crack of his doorway. One hand across his mouth the other tight on his breeches. 


It didn’t take long for Lucerys to realize he’d been caught. His brown eyes shot open when he saw Aemond marching towards him. Before Aemond could grab a handful of his brown lock, Lucerys was scurrying down the corridor.



if I have these years wrong PLEASE call me out. Also please call me out on any inconsistencies. I love constructive criticism guys.

Also I'm thinking of opening the comments back up for guests, I only turned it off cause some of them were being real assholes.

Chapter 6: Saddest Targaryen Alive


Double post again, short than normal chapter. Next chapter will be the kick off of the story. Thanks for the wait, sorry if it's unbearable.

This is happening like over a year so that means the next time skip will only be a year.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“You’ve got to be the saddest Targaryen I’ve ever heard of, brother.” 


Aemond sat with Aegon in the elders' solar. His heat ended a couple days prier, and all he could do was rage in bittersweet silence.


“Sadder than you? The drunk omegan son of King Viserys.”


He’d managed to keep the incident with Lucery to himself for all of three days before confessing to his brother. To be fair he was half drunk and Aegon kept pestering him. 


“Well at least I wasn’t caught with a finger up my arse.” Aegon laughed. “Do you think he dreamt of you? Little Lucerys becomes a man thanks to his Uncle.”


Aemond groaned, he lifted his cup to his mouth, downing it all. If he wasn’t careful he’d take Aegon's title from him.


“This is serious, Aegon. What if he tells his mother, or ours! She will insist we marry.” 


“Aemond Velaryon… has a nice ring to it.” 


“Aegon! This is no joke.” His life was on the line. The freedom he’d get this life, the freedom he was denied in the past, it was all about to crumble. All thanks to fucking Lucerys. The twerp had to remember. There was no way he was offending Aemond for no reason. This was his soul, haunting Aemond, faulting him for the boy's young death. 


“Relax Aemond, Lucerys would never tell his mother, he’s green, not a fool.” 


“We can hope.” He sighed leaning further into his seat. Hope was shit, he knew Lucerys would crack and tell somebody, just as he did. Aemond found himself wishing it was Rhaena he spilled his guts to. She hated him no doubt, but Rhaena would never provoke Aemond with that. She was higher than that, a girl with class, but Jacaerys? Baela? Fucking Daemon? Even Rhaenyra would throw teases his way. He was really screwed. In a moon or so the whole castle would probably be whispering about them. His chances of freedom would be burned. Along with his pride.



“Uncle, can we talk?”


“I fear there's nothing for us to speak about, nephew.” Seven Hells. 


“But there is Uncle.” 


Aemond walked faster, his long legs aiding him in a quick escape. But Lucerys refused no as an answer, how shocking. “If it’s an apology you speak of, there's no need. I have forgiven you.” They were nearing his chambers and Aemond had yet to shake Lucerys off.


“What apology?” 


Aemond stopped, his fingers on the knob of his doors. What apology? What fucking apology? “For ruining dinner with your pheromone show.” 


“It was not my fault, you were bearing your neck towards me.” Lucerys defended himself. 


“Bearing my- Lucerys…” Aemond paused. He took a deep breath. Swift on his heels, Aemond opened his doors and slammed them harshly in Lucery’s face. Bearing his neck? Bearing his neck?! Bearing his neck at Lucerys? He gripped the end of his bed, the wood splintered in his hold. 


“Uncle, we need to speak to one another about what I saw.” 


Aemond spun around and  opened the door. He grabbed Lucerys by his collar pulling him inside. “Listen you little cunt, you saw nothing. You speak of it to no one. After dinner you went to your chambers ashamed of your actions.” He spat. He dropped Lucerys back to his height. 


His nephew's eyes never wavered, still full with determination to humiliate Aemond. “I always thought you were going to be a strong alpha. But I much prefer you an omega. You're quite pretty, Uncle.” 


Lucerys took off. Running again with his tail between his legs. Down the corridor he scurried off somewhere before Aemond could give him a proper slap in the mouth. Something his mother seemed to fail at.



With his mother supporting Rhaenyra, his sister and her family saw little reason to prolong their stay on Dragonstone. They freely flew to the island and back whenever their hearts decided. Aemond hated their presence, he felt so trapped in his own home. Moons had passed and the longer his kin stayed the further Aemond felt squished in the corner. 

His mother pressed them, patience and tolerance. They mustn't offend Rhaenyra and her offspring, they mustn't make them feel unwelcome, they mustn't risk a rift between the greens and blacks. The queen spent every waking hour caring for the king or ensuring confrontation ensued. He was jailed, in his own home.

The Velaryon brothers switched personalities with the fire from each hell. Aemond was sure his uncle was behind it. Jacaerys took full advantage of Aegon's empty schedule. He often had Aegon accompany him on strolls with Baela. The two of them would flirt aimlessly, and they had the nerves to make Aegon stand behind them, only to ignore him the whole walk. 

Lucerys could almost pass for Daemon's blood. The two shared a fire that set anyone close ablaze. With Daemon as their mentor, they tortured every Hightower who walked the halls. Except for Helaena, thankfully in this life, she is loved just as much.

Aemond was still recovering from crossing passes with Lucerys in the library. The boy, who was not so green anymore, grew in feet, easily towering over Aemond, had interrupted his reading with Helaena. He dismissed Helaena, telling her their mother had called, she had not, and stole her spot next to Aemond.

“Truly Uncle, can’t you spend your days acting more like an omega of your standing.”

“I’m sorry nephew, what is it you mean?”

“I’d much rather have you waiting in my chambers, with your legs spread, draped in the finest of silks. Accompanied by the sweetest fruits, maybe you’d enjoy shoving them up-” 

“Watch it Lucerys, Rhaenyra isn’t here to protect you.”

“There's no need to make threats uncle, I only plan to take responsibility, remember?”

Then Aemond remembered he tried to attack his nephew, it was the first time he saw Daemon's efforts in real life. Lucerys had him pinned to the floor in no time. He smirked down at his uncle. It was a challenge, one Lucerys knew Aemond couldn’t afford. The tables in the red keep had turned. Lucerys was very aware of the power his side of the family held over Aemond and his. 

The training grounds weren’t any better. Every time Aemond went down to blow steam, globs of brown hair were everywhere.  Daemon even had nerves to demand Aemond let the future rulers’ of Westeros get their time in first.

Though nothing hurts worse than hearing his nephews belittle his family during shared meals. Their twisted tongues spoke every bit of treason, in front of the sick king too. But they never faced a punishment. Rhaenyra only observed her sons. Daemon cheered them on. It was funny to Aemond. His mother, Queen Alicent Hightower, who tried so hard to please her old friend. Found herself powerless and disregarded in her own home. Her face had sunken in more, the endless need to please Rhaenyra was starting to show in her face. Even Helaena felt uncomfortable around them. His mother had sacrificed their pride. Aemond wondered if their freedom was next.


A result of his great misfortune, was his reconciliation with the Gods. Years of cursing them did Aemond no good, now he finds his way to the sept many times a day. He prayed for his mothers health, his sister's mind. He thanked the Gods for helping Aegon change, he was able to talk to a sober brother now. Shitty, but sober.

After his evening visit to the sept, it was when he got the news. When the gods answered his prayers. Daemon had decided it was time for his sons to experience a real fight, he’d drag them and their dragons to Driftmark tomorrow. That’s where they carry out their plans to finish war in the Stepstones. Aemond found himself thanking The Mother and Father. His wishes for peace had finally been upon him.

“Mother, have you heard the news?” 

He walked into his mothers solar, she’d been sewing some dress while murmuring a song. His proud mothers emotions were always conflicting. But Aemond could never fault her. He understood the strain she held on her shoulders, hopefully with his nephews and Daemon gone it would lighten.

“No, but do tell.” She said, making room for Aemond, beside her Aemond continued to tell her the news. Like him, his mother had thanked the gods. She promised Aemond that in their absence she would find a way to strengthen their power. Not enough to be a threat, but just enough for respect.



I actually detest Daemon. Like I feel like I don't tell enough people but if he has no haters I'm dead. Like why would he do the to my baby Helaena? If your problem was with Aemond and Aegon handle them, leave anything that harms Helaena out the picture man.

Anyways,I hope you guys enjoy.

Chapter 7: Poisoned Curls


Second post and kick off of the story. Hope you guys like it. Also I'm reading all of your comments on the poly relationship and I'm enjoying the feedback and ideas, thank you!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

1 year later


The Red Keep was more busy today than it had been in moons. Staff bustled around, preparing for the return of three princes. Their Crown Princess wanted to celebrate their victories, and everything just had to be perfect. Luckily for Aemond, the chaos meant he could slip away and spend the day with his closest companion. He was sure his mother knew where he went, after all it’d be hard to miss Vhagar taking flight. Her feet shook the earth, her shadow covered the castle, and if that didn’t give it away, her thunderous roars made everyone aware. 


Aemond sat atop her back. His hair blew wildly in the air, he lifted his hands mimicking her wings. “Feels good to fly ,old girl.” He shouted. Vhagar grunted in response. They flew over Kingslanding as well as some neighboring villages. Vhagars large body casting shade from the sun,  Aemond could hear the excited voices from the peasants below. The two flew until Aemond spotted a large hill, comfortable enough for the both of them.


Aemond climbed down from his large beast. He watched walk away and lay down on the green hill. Her body flattened all underneath. Aemond made his way down the hill. He entered the village below in search of a quick snack. Normally he’d wear a cloak to interact with the commoners but, Vhagar being here was a dead give away. He walked until the fresh scent of bread and sweets caught his nose. It led him to a small shop.


“Hello sir!” There was a child standing behind the counter, the girl looked no older than nine. Aemond nodded towards her, he surveyed the shop in search of something he wanted. His eyes met with a row of tarts, all covered in fruits. Aemond ordered a dozen when the girl's father came out. The elder man quickly recognized his white hair and dragon pin.


“My prince!” He exclaimed, “Please forgive my daughter if she offended you, she has been sick for most of her life you, she doesn’t know-”


Aemond shushed the man with his hand, “All is well, I will not die if one ill child forgets to bow.” The baker thanked him, he forced his daughters head down in a bow while Aemond walked out the shop. As soon as his back was turned her heard, the girl's father begin his lecture.


Commoners will never not be interesting to him. Aemond was not one to pity the less fortunate. They lived the life God's planned and that was it. But there were some ways he envied them. Sure the stank, starved, are treated like cattle, are poor, eat shit, and die quicker than a horse fly. However, they had a freedom Aemond could only chase. 


He walked back up the hill and readied himself on Vhagars saddle. 


Up they were in the air once again. Aemond spent less time enjoying. His nephews would be back soon, he knew his mother would start to worry.



“Aemond, finally. Hurry and dress, they are set to be here soon.” The queen was waiting for him once he landed. In Daemon and his spawns absence, his mother had regained a bit of life. She turned from a walking corpse to a functioning woman. 


“And don’t forget-”


“To keep the peace, I know mother.” They walked back to his room together before his mother departed to finish preparations. Aemond let the maids dress him in whatever they wished. Letti enjoyed it most of all. She had the other servants bring out all of his jewelry boxes while she stared at them decidingly.


“Any longer Letti and we might die of old age.” The older omega smiled, “My prince this is more than just a welcome party. All the finest suitors will be there. Then tomorrow will mark the beginning of Spring Tides. And guess who I heard will be there?”


Aemond laughed slightly, “Who?”


“Lord Cregan Stark, in the flesh. The Queen has been working hard to get him here.” 


“Well then we shall save the pretty things for Lord Stark.” Letti smiled as she put together the rest of his outfit. His mothers great plan was to spread her children all over the seven kingdoms. She wanted them to be with strong families, one Rhaenyra couldn’t touch. Aegon sadly could not receive a chance of freedom. But his mothers was in coax with the Lannister, to wed Helaena to their eldest beta son. While for Aemond, the north was closer to being his home every day. 


He let Letti and the maids dress him, they tied most of his hair up, safe for a few strands meant to cover his scar. When they were finished he joined the rest of his family. Not too long after, three roars were heard, and Daemon, Jacaerys, and Luke came into view. Daemon rode in front his stepsons and their armies while their dragon flew overhead.


Aemond shuffled awkwardly on his feet. He was meant to stand behind his family and just watch as his nephews rode up. He sighed, shifting his weight to his right foot. 


“Are you excited?” Aemond turned to the voice next to him. Rhaena stood there smiling. Her white locks were up in a bun, small pearls sewn into them. 


“Why would I be?” He asked.


“I heard Cregan Stark will be joining us for the Spring TIdes,” she paused, leaning closer to Aemond, “I know the Queen wishes for you two to wed, but is it wise?”


Aemond quirked his brow. Wise? “Why wouldn’t it be.”


Rhaena did not answer. She only smiled and hooked her arm onto Aemonds.” Why wouldn’t it be wise Rhaena?” He asked again, only for the girl to shake her head, laughing quietly. Aemond tried to ask her again but was hushed by his mothers glare. 


They were opening the castle gates. Daemon and the bastards rode in, large smiles on all of their faces. Flower petals adorned their armor and horses. The people's cheers could be heard.

But Aemond had no interest in that. What had Rhaena meant? Was his sister upset about the arrangement? HIs mind jumped from one thing to the next. He didn’t even realize Rhaena was pulling him down the steps. 


“Father!” She yelled. Rhaenyra was standing by her husband's side. She smiled widely watching Daemon hug his daughter, Baela joining the hug seconds later. Aemond stood aside. His gaze still trained on Rhaena.


“If you stare any harder I might begin to worry, uncle.”


“Lucerys.” He bit his tongue. His Lord Strong had stood in front him. Aemond's eye twitched, when he realized the bastard had grown, yet again. Now he found himself snapping his neck just to meet Lucerys's eyes. 


“No hug? Or congratulations?” 


Aemond sucked his teeth. He turned to leave when a hand wrapped around his waist. Lucerys pulled him in for a hug? 


Aemond tried to push him away, but Lucerys had no trouble keeping him close. He shoved Aemond’s head in his chest. “I missed you uncle.” Aemond’s heart raced. Had Lucerys always sound so sinister. Even before he left for war, when he lived to torture Aemond, his voice never did this. It never sent shivers down Aemonds spine, the shivers that made him want to run. To hide.


Aemond stayed shocked, even after Lucerys had let him go and Rhaena had locked their arms again. “Do you still think it wise?” She whispered.




Rhaenrys had planned a feast. Lords and Ladies from all of Westeros were here. Aemond sat quite on the table, a victim of their stares. Rhaena sat beside him. After this morning she refused to leave him alone. Aemond would’ve been fine with it as long as she kept her distance, but that didn’t happen. Rhaena kept him from his scheduled activities. She took him on a walk with her sister, forcing Aemond to listen as they spread damaging rumors about the ladies of court. Which Aemond hates to admit he enjoyed. Then she brought him to a picnic, where she went on and on about Lucerys's likes and dislikes. About his worries and dreams, all sadistic and irrelevant to Aemond. Rhaena refused to answer him when he asked her why she was telling him this.


“You’ll find out later.”  Is all she said. 


Now here they were again.


“There goes Lady Elaine, I heard she’s hiding a bump under all those shawls.” Rhaena whispered.


“Why would she hide it? She has a husband.” Aemond asked, slightly invested in the gossip.


“Her husband has just come back from his year-long travels. That belly has been here for two moons.”


Whore . Aemond thought. It seems his sister had set a new trend for the ladies in Kingslanding. Soon they’d all have bastards in their wombs. 


“There's no way he hadn't noticed.” Aemond stated. A year away from your wife and the first thing upon your arrival wasn’t to fuck her, impossible. All alphas thought that way.


“Well I’m not too sure on this one, but they say her husband has other interests.”








“And stronger.”


“Younger and stronger?” Aemond asked, his tone confused. Rhaena tilted her head, thinking of a way to tell him.


“There's been an increase of young alphas in their residence.” She said. Aemond’s eye widened. Rhaena laughed at him. “I don’t think I’ve seen you make such a face cousin.” 


“I don’t think I’ve ever heard such a thing before.” He responded. As their laughter died down, a hand was placed on Aemond's shoulder.


“Brother, shall we dance?” Helaena asked. Aemond looked towards Rhaena who assured him he was fine. He took Helaena’s hand and they joined the crowd.


“Keep away from Lucerys.” Helaena spoke. 

“I already do. Why warn me?” Helaena’s head shook back and forth as she looked around them. She pulled Aemond closer and laid her head on his chest. “Go north brother.”


“Helaena what is this about?”


“A dragon will have to freeze to protect its flame.” She said, The dance finished and Helaena ran off. Aemond walked back to Rhaena, puzzled at his sister's words. Freeze to protect its flame?


Servants came after everyone was seated. They plated the nobles' food and retreated a few feet, not to be seen but close enough to hear. Aemond's appetite was lost, he picked at his food sloshing it around his plate. Rhaena was conversing with her sister, and Aegon on the other side of him was deep in thought. Aemond lifted his hand to tap Aegon but was interrupted by a toast. Rhaenyra stood her glass in the air,


“I want to thank you all for joining us in celebration of my husband's victory. To Daemon, and my eldest sons, Jacaerys and Lucerys, who fought beside him.” Everyone lifted their glass, toasting.


Rhaenyra fell to her seat. The table slowly filled with conversation. Aemond took his chance to awaken Aegon from his daze. He kicked his brother's leg. Aegon looked up and around in search for the culprit. Aemond smiled at him but Aegon only stared back as if he’d seen a ghost. He pulled Aemond’s arms close to him. 


“Go north brother.” He said, his voice shaking.


“Aegon what is wrong?” Aemond whispered, trying to keep eyes off them.


“Please listened to me Aemond, please!” Aegon's fingers began to dig into Aemonds arms. He winced slightly. He could feel eyes start to drift on them. Quickly he pulled Aegon up and excused them both.


Aemond brought his brother to an empty room. He closed the door behind them. “What’s gotten into you Aegon?” His brother shook his head repeating the same words over and over again.


Go north


Go north


Go north


Aemond left Aegon in the room. He rushed off towards his chambers. Have the Gods began their torment once more? Were his prayers not enough? Aemond’s heart beat wildly. The hairs on his arms rose, and sweat quickly covered his skin. Aemond watched over his shoulder, his siblings' words planting paranoia through his body. He couldn’t shake the look in their eyes. His elder siblings looked so scared, bloodshot eyes and shaking figures. What had they seen? What had they been told?


Aemond stood before his chambers, his door was already slightly opened. He hesitated, Aemond peaked his eye through the crack. A man stood over his bed. His back was to Aemond keeping his doing secret. Aemond looked to back away when the man snapped his head towards the door. Lucerys?


“This feels somewhat familiar uncle.” 


Aemond pushed his chamber doors open. Lucerys had a box in hand, the velvet cover was wrapped in a silk blue bow. Velaryon blue. Lucerys followed his eyes and smiled, he pushed the box towards Aemond.


“A gift for you to wear during the Spring Tides.” Aemond reached for the box. He tossed it on his bed with little care. 


“Would you like it?” He asked his nephew. Lucerys watched him with a puzzled face.


“Would you like my room, Lucerys? You seem to have an attachment towards it.” He asked again. His back towards Lucerys while he stood in front a floor length mirror. He took his earrings out one by one, tossing them to his vanity. He pulled his hair aside to undo his necklace but was beat by Lucerys. His nephew fidget with the clasps of his necklace. When Lucerys finally undid it he placed the flimsy string of gold in Aemond's hands.


“I’m drawn to your scent.” Lucerys mumbled. Aemond rolled his only eye, he grabbed a brush from his vanity. His back still to Lucerys.


“You shouldn't get too attached.” Aemond said. He brushed his hair together and began to braid it down.


“I’ll be going north soon.” 


“North? What for?”


“Travles,” Aemond lied. “We’ve always had tension with the north, father wishes for me to settle it.”


“An omega shouldn’t go on such a far travel. What if your heat starts? What if you're attacked?” Lucerys questioned.


“I’m a prince before I’m an omega nephew, and what is it to you? Angry I won’t be here to torture?” Aemond snapped. He turned toward Lucerys who looked the farthest from pleased.

“You’re to stay here Aemond.”


“And who are you to order it, bastard?!” Aemond questioned. Tonight was turning in everything but his favor. First Rhaena and her weird antics, then Helaena and Aegon's hysterics, now this! Aemond had to have been cursed. 




“Out of my room Lucerys. You’ve been back for a day, yet I feel your presence has aged me decades.” Aemond watched his nephew's eye flicker. Aemond went to shout again but a rough hand sharply cupped his jaw.


“It seems my absence caused you to forget. I am your better uncle. You hold no power in this castle, or anyplace else. Everywhere you go, you’re at my mercy.” Lucerys spoke. Aemond felt the same eerie shift in the air from earlier. His heart raced. The shivers returned to Aemonds spine. He tried to push Lucerys away, he tried to run, to hide.


Lucerys smiled wickedly down at him. “Believe me when I say I missed you, uncle. I never intend to leave again.”


I'm thinking of giving the chapters actual names, ideas?

Chapter 8: No more than a Whore


Qybor- mothers younger brother

Yolo hope you like this

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Aemond sat stiffly in the carriage beside his siblings. They all were uncomfortable, the morning proved to be hot one. The sun beamed down on their open carriage while they all tried to smile towards the peasants. Flowers decorated the sides of the carriage attracting bees and wasps, only Helaena welcomed them. Aemond felt like shit. He was squished between Aegon and Helaena and was forced to watch and wave at the peasants around them. The Queen and King rode two carts in front of them, Rhaenyra and her family following after. Aemond felt like cursing his sister. It was her stupid idea for this parade, why was he strung along?


The commoners seemed enthralled by their presence. They pointed at his family’s hair and ogled their lavender eyes. Some of them threw flowers, calling out blessings and praise. But what really intrigued Aemond was the unusual gawking he was getting. He’d never been much of a public figure. Peasants mostly ate the scraps of rumors floating about him. Up until now Aemond was sure they saw him as a cold hearted bitch. He recalled Letti telling him they even thought his icy attitude made him barren. It made no sense but commoners hardly do.


“I think it’s your change of attire.” Helaena said lowly. She refused to look at Aemond, her eyes surveying the crowd. Aemond looked down at his clothes, he was dressed in a light green gown with white lace. Colors of spring. 


“Clothes make me likable?”


“It makes you look docile,” Aegon snorted, “Who doesn’t love a weak omega?” 


The cart returned to silence. He could see the keep coming back in sight. “What did you both mean?” He asked.


“Last night you were speaking in tongues.” Aemond looks over to his siblings who stare back at him confused. 


“I speak nonsense when drunk, you know this brother.” Aegon said.


“Last night? You both kept telling me to go north.” Aemond said. His voice began to stress. 


“I don’t recall, brother.” Helaena tapped her chin. She shook her head and looked back at Aemond the back of her hand touched his forehead. “Are you sure this happened?”


“Am I sure? Ask anyone. I had to drag Aegon away because of it.” Aemond said. Their carriage came to a stop in the safety of the keep. He knew his words were true. It was all either could say last night. Go north, go north, gor north. He pulled Aegon and Helaena away to Rhaena. The poor girl had just left the carriage conversing with her sister when Aemond arrived. He wasted no time to bombard her with questions.


“Slow down Aemond, I can hardly process what you're saying.” She urged.


“Last night was Aegon not acting out?” He asked. Rhaena shook her head. 


“I remember you took him to his chambers, he was drunk I think.” 


“Do you remember anything he said?”


“Mostly just drunken slurs. Nothing comprehensible”


Aemond shook his head. He let go of their hands and walked away. Helaena called after him but he kept on. What was going on? Ever since those bastards came back his life turned to shambles. There was no way he made last night up. 


Aemond walked, he continued his steps until he was away from noble laughter. He walked the halls needing a place where poems weren’t sung, and his sister's bastards could reach him. The short roof of the stables poked threw his eyesight. With all the Lords and Ladies here for the Spring Tides, there were little places he could hide. Aemond ran off stane floors to the wooden structure before him. He found an old chair and pulled it behind the stables. Surrounded by horses he’d doubt anyone would look for him here. Whas he truly going mad? Aegon and Helaena actions were cemented in the head. He didn’t drink enough last night to hallucinate their actions. Aemond groaned. He dragged his hands across his face hoping for something to pop up. Some explanation for his siblings behavior and everyone's else's lack of memory. 


Aemond was snapped out of his trance by a crash within the stables. He sat up straight. Inside he heard a voice deep, comforting.


“I didn’t mean to scare you.” The stranger said. Aemond walked to the entrance and peered in. He expected to find a stable boy and a maid interlocked, instead a broad stranger stood with his back to Aemond. He had a forest of black curls on his head, the top tied back. A large cloak was draped over him, different from the other lord, one that was meant to protect rather than gloat. It wasn’t the only thing making the man stand out. He had thick boots and gloved hands. Aemond wondered how he functioned with all those clothes. 


The stranger smelt of firewood and lilies. He’d yet to acknowledge Aemonds presence, instead he eased the mare he startled.


“And you would be?” Aemond asked.


The man quickly turned. His demeanor shifted, he clenched his hands to the side of him and straightened his back. “Apologies my lady.”


“Prince,” Aemond corrected, “Prince Aemond.” He stuck his hand out for a shake but the stranger brought it to his lips. 


“Apologies for my rudeness, Prince Aemond.” The stranger awkward in every movement. 


“I must be quite the sight,” Aemond joked. The man diverted his eyes, a light blush crept on his face. Slight pheromones left him, the stables soothed with his embarrassment.


“I only joke, though I wait for your introduction.”


“Cregan Stark.”


“My lord,” Aemond bowed his head slightly. This was Cregan Stark. He looked a lot smoother than Aemoned had envisioned. He always thought Northerners to be hairy, musky. But Cregan stood with a clean face, wild curls pulled back, and a pleasant scent. 

They both stood in silence. Cregan turned back to the mare. He brought Aemonds hand up to her. “Do you ride?”


Aemond shook his head. “A little, I have other means of transportation.” 


“Dragons, I forgot.”


They fell back into silence. Aemond thought of a way to excuse himself from the quiet man. But Cregan had different plans. “Would you like to go riding with me?”


Aemond nodded his head. It would be a great way to escape his nephew and an even greater excuse if his mother asked. Cregan led him to a pair of horses on the other side of the stables. These horses were larger than the breeds he saw here in Kingslanding. They had thick coats, built for the harsh winters in the north. Cregan pulled them out of the stables, he told a sitting squire to hurry and saddle the two beasts. In no time Aemond found himself beside this long awaited Lord chatting up little politics and hobbies. So far Aemond learned what a well rounded individual, his potential husband was. Cregan enjoyed reading and sword fighting as well as ice fishing. Something his grandsire taught him which he promised to teach Aemond someday. THe two were a safe distance from the castle when Aemond decided to stop beating the bush. He asked Cregan if they could stop and rest. Aemond led the northerner to a small pasture littered in colorful flowers and equally colored insects. It was Helaens favorite spot outside of the castle, he would have to borrow it just for a moment.


Aemond took a seat on the floor,  he tapped the ground beside him, welcoming Cregan. “It’s wished for us to wed.” Aemond started. He looked forward to a butterfly hovering over the daisies. 


“Is that what you wish?”


“I wish to leave this place.”


 Cregan laughed beside him. “You wish to leave this palace and all its luxuries?” He asked.


“Is it so hard to believe?” Aemond mumbled, “I feel trapped here.”


“The north isn’t pretty,” Cregan sighed, “I wrote back to the Queen about it. We have harsh winters and horrible storms. We do not wear silks or cloaks of gold. I fear life there will be dull in comparison.”


Aemond bent forward, his hands scooping up the small butterfly. He stared down at it between his palms. “I don’t require a lavish life, as long as there's space for Vhagar to rest I’ll be fine.” He smiled. It was true, Aemond didn’t enjoy half the luxuries Kingslanding had provided. In both lives all he did was train, rarely ever visited a play or opera house. He wasn’t one for fancy gowns and he’d be more than happy to return to his leather.


“There's plenty of space for Vhagar and other dragonlings that might come later.” Cregan responded, he whispered the last part.


“Dragonlings? You wish for our children so soon, Lord Stark.”


Cregan grabbed Aemonds hands, he pulled them apart allowing the poor butterfly to escape its torment. “Lets head back,” 


Aemond agreed, the two of them took their time back to the stables. The sun was setting behind them, the sky darkening with every breath. Aemond wouldn’t mind spending time like this in the north. Just Cregan, him, and the vast lands of the north. 


When they reached the stables Daemon and his hell spawn were waiting. Aemond dug his nails into the horse reins. There was nothing good that came out of those three. Cregan seemed to notice the unease in Aemond's body, he shifted his horse closer to Aemonds, they shared a soft smile, comforting too.


“Nephews, uncle.” Aemond greeted once he was off the horse. Cregan was not too far behind him, he bowed to the three princes. 


“Your mother is worried about you Aemond, I doubt she’d be happy to learn you were off and unaccompanied with an unmated alpha. Dressed improperly for the occasion too” Daemon ranted. He had a small smile across his face citing everything wrong with Aemond outing. Aemond knew he was up to something, all of them were.


“And you care how my mother feels?”


“Of course nephew, were family after all, let Lucerys escort you to her Jacaerys and I have some business with Lord Stark.” 


Aemond cringed at the invitation. The last person he wanted to be alone with was Lucerys. That last person he wanted anything to do with was Lucerys. But neither of his nephews or uncle backed down. Lucerys held his hand out with the same inhumane smile as Daemon. He took a breath and accepted Lucerys hand. He had a dagger and this dress was flowy enough to let him run. His face soured leaving Cregan alone with Daemon and Jacaerys. He wanted to know what they were talking about. What lies they’d whisper to Cregan about him. 


“Was he that good, Uncle?”


Aemond snapped his head up at Lucerys. Those eyes. Those fucking eyes. No matter how sinister Lukes face became, Aemond could never despise those eyes. They always held a sorrow in them, a fear just as they did when Vhagar killed him. “I’m unsure what you speak of Lucerys. We only rode for a short time and came straight back.”


Aemond saw the familiar doors to his chambers coming into view. “Or he took you out of sight and fucked a bastard into you. I imagine it was the only way to get his hand.”


Aemond distances himself from his nephew. His teeth gritted along with his hands tightly clenched to his side. He knew Lucerys was trying to get a rise out of him. He knew the best option was to just return to his rooms, let the words go.


“Am I wrong uncle? Who would ever mate with a disfigured omega? Unless their cunt made up for the face.”


Just a few steps and he’d be at his doors.


“I imagine he kept your face in the dirt. Couldn’t bear to look at my work hmn?”


Aemonds lips were dripping blood when pushed open his chamber doors. He could hear the smirk in Lucerys’s voice. This was all he was, all he was reduced to. A fucking toy. Someone Lucerys could taunt and bully, maim, and there was nothing he could do. No figure to seek justice from. Lucerys didn’t let him shut the door, he sauntered into Aemonds rooms. 


“Was he gentle with you? I know I wouldn’t be. You’re too much of beast to deserve gentleness.” Lucerys teased again.


“Please nephew, it’s improper for you to be here.” Aemond breathed. His head was still down, he feared looking in Lucerys’s eyes. He feared that all his anger would diminish the minute he saw them. That he would be lost in the memories of his nephew. The little boy that used to run the halls seeking Aemonds approval. The little boy that Vhagar ended.


“What’s improper is the stunt you pulled today, Aemond.” Lucerys tried to close the little distance between them. He reached out for Aemond who had already taken a step back. Aemond smacked his hands away.


“And who are you to reprimand me?” Aemond waited for Lucerys to explode like he did last night. He waited for some sign of anger, gods know why. If Lucerys stayed calm it’d be easier for him to diffuse the situation, but Aemond wanted him mad. He wanted Lucerys to feel the heat that rose threw his own veins, but the threat never came, instead Lucerys sat on his bed. He ran his hand across the silk sheets and fluffed pillows. 


“I asked grandsire about your travels to WInterfell. As old and cripled as he is, he couldn’t seem to remember ordering that. I thought to ask members of the small council, but they all said the same thing. However, after a nice chat with that maid,”Lucerys paused, “What was her name? Oh, Letti, I-'' Aemond cut him off with a harsh punch. Lucerys caught his hand with ease..


“What did you do to her?! Lucerys I swear to the father I will end you!” Aemond threatened. His whole body shook. Letti was his personal maid, his closest friend. She was a girl, no older than eighteen incharge of her four siblings and dying mother. She was the only person Aemond trusted that wasn’t blood.

“You’ve never been one to pull your punches.” 


Smiling, Lucerys was smiling. “Where is she Lucerys?” Aemond's voice was barely legible. Tears threatened the rim of his eyes, he grabbed Lucerys collar, “Tell me bastard!”


Lucerys didn’t acknowledge his threats. His empty hand grabbed Aemond's waist pulling the latter in, nails digging skin when Aemond tried to fight back. “Your behavior determines a lot qȳbor .” 


Aemonds breath quieted, he allowed himself to be moved by Lucerys. Luke placed Aemond on his lap, Aemonds legs straddled him. “To think a maid matters that much,” he teased. But Aemond was no mood for jokes.


“Where is she?” He asked. Lucerys cupped his face, his thumbs wiped over the stray tears Aemond couldn’t hold back. “Driftmark by now, whether she sleeps in a cell or a room depends on you.”


Aemond flinched, Lucerys was so close to him. He felt every breath from his nephew, every blink and flutter. Lucerys pointed to his lips, “A kiss qȳbor and she gets a room.”


“Lucerys pl-”


“I am a man of my word Aemond, as you will come to find out.” 


Aemond looked across his nephew's face. He skimmed for any hint. Lucerys had someone precious to him, a girl Aemond would kill for, and yet all he wanted was a simple kiss. His heart was beating out his chest, it thumped so loud it was the only thing Aemond heard. Lucerys stayed still, refusing to move for Aemond. 


“Only one,” Aemond leaned in. He meant for it to be a quick peck but as soon as their lips touched Lucerys grabbed the back of his head. He kept Aemond there, deepening the kiss with every second. Lucerys bit Aemonds bottom lip drawing a whine. He slipped his tongue between Aemonds lips. Aemond could feel Lucerys’s hands all over his body. The young gripped his ass pulling their bodies impossibly closer. 


Aemond pulled back, his chest heaved heavily. Lucerys connected their foreheads, still pressing their bodies together. He leaned into Aemonds neck biting and sucking the elders untouched skin.


“You said one kiss.” Aemond gritted threw his teeth, a moan sat on his tongue.


“I can’t resist you Aemond, so beautiful, so sweet.” Lucerys moaned out. “One more?”


The question went unanswered because Lucerys didn’t wait. He pinned Aemond down against his bed. This kiss more hungry than one before. Lucerys trailed the kisses down Aemonds body, while keeping Aemond hands pinned overhead. He whispered sweet nothing to Aemond. So sexy, sweet, tempting. 


“Get off of me Lucerys, I did your bidding.” Aemond fought. His voice was silenced when Lucerys reclaimed his lips. He tried to kick Lucerys off, but all attempts were futile. Luke was stronger than him in every aspect. His time at war only helped. Lucerys was deaf to Aemonds words, he let one hand loose and pulled at the sides of Aemond clothes, pulling the silk slowly down his shoulders.




The doors to Aemonds chambers flew open. Jacaerys stood proudly, Daemon on the other side of him. Behind them both was Cregan. 


“I told you it was a waste dear friend. He’s no more than a whore.”


Man-whore * Mansplain * Manipulate - Lucerys, Aegon, Jacaerys, Daemon

Gaslight * Gate-keep * Girl-boss - Rhaenyra, Alicent, Rhaena, Baela

Depressed - Aemond, Helaena

Non- existent- Daeron, Jaehaerys, Jahaera, Viserys's hair

Chapter 9: Pretty dresses, pretty lies


It's been a while. Don't fret if some of the earlier chapters change a little. I have a friend reading over everything and shes pointing out a lot of inconsistencies and plot wholes.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Aemond felt his body go limp. There was no longer an attempt to free himself from Lucerys, only to avoid Cregan's stare. A year of letters for their courting, a year of convincing him to travel just to see Aemond, all thrown out the window. Cregan looked disheartened to say the least. His lips pulled back into a thin line. He averted his eyes from Aemond as well.


“We’re in the middle of something if you mind brother.” Lucerys spoke up but he didn’t turn around. His figure hovered over Aemond smiling down on the omega. Taunting him. Aemond wanted to curse them out, all of them. He wanted to sink his sword deep in their chests. Cregan was his last chance of freedom. Everything was going so well.


“Yes, yes, I was just looking out for Lord Stark. It would be wrong for us to lead him astray.” Jacaerys paused, “Wouldn’t you think so uncle?”


Aemond kept quiet. He tried to bury his face in the mountain of pillows on his bed, but all the eyes on him made him feel bare. He wanted to object his nephew's words, plead his innocence to Cregan but Aemond was no fool. If the shoe had been on the other foot, and he walked in on Cregan with a woman he wouldn’t listen to a thing the northerner had to say. He’d have probably blown up by now, cursing and screaming, shouting obscenity. 


“I think I’ll return to my chambers.” Cregan excused himself. His heavy steps echoed the hallways, his pheromones lingered in the room. Betrayal, sorrow. It weighed down on Aemond, so much so tears brimmed the corner of his eyes. Lucerys had let go of his hands once Cregan left. Aemond brought them down to his mouth in an attempt to silence the pathetic whimpers.


“Come on Aemond, did you really think we would let you have him?” Jacerys asked, his voice was calm but Aemond heard the venom it was laced with. Aemond didn’t stop, his tears only increased when Lucerys leaned down to pet him.


He fell into a sob. Tears swelled thick in his eyes and the choking of his cries filled the room. Lucerys continued to caress Aemonds hair. He gave the omega no words of comfort, just stared and pet.


“I just wanted to leave.” Aemond managed between sobs. “Is that not what you wanted?”  His question went unanswered.


 He laid beneath Lucerys crying for long, the younger held him. Lucerys whispered no words of comfort, only compliments to Aemonds cries. He even licked a line of tears from Aemons face, comparing his salty sadness to the sea. Aemond could barely form a sentence for defense. He winded up falling asleep to his own misery. At some point Jacaerys and Daemon grew sick of his tears and left. Lucerys followed after, Aemond awoke alone. The moon shone through his windows, breeze bounced off his walls.


 “Letti?” He called. Voice dimming when he remembered. Letti wasn’t here anymore. She was a prisoner of Driftmark. Off to pay for Aemonds crimes. Aemond reached out for the lever dangling beside his bed. Maids flocked to his room in seconds. A group of four girls, they avoided Aemonds eyes. Probably aware of what happened this afternoon. Aemond wouldn’t be surprised if the whole castle knew.


A bath was drawn for him, two washed his skin while the others dwindled in his wardrobe.

“My prince, is there anything you wish to wear for the feast?”


The feast? Aemond forgot all about it. Every night this week would be a feast. To celebrate the tides but also show off royal wealth. His mother spared no expense when preparing, she wanted the people to see a healthy house. A family. He had to be there. All his family would attend, even his bed stricken father. His absence would cause rumors, and Aemond couldn’t risk any more stain on his mothers name. 


Aemond just waved his hand at the girl, letting her pick. She brought out a green suit, its jacket was long and flowing giving the illusion of a skirt. All accented in gold. “Leave, I'll dress myself.” Aemond said.


He leaned his head back, closing his eye. A knock. Aemond didn’t bother answering. The person's scent was seeping through his door. They wouldn’t listen to a single thing he said.


Likewise his door was opened. Lucerys stepped in dressed in formal attire. Velvets, fur, and aiguillettes. He walked over to Aemonds bed. His hands traced the green suit before he tossed it on the floor.


Aemond didn’t protest. He watched Lucerys cross his room and lifted the box he had gifted Aemond. “I’ve received word from Driftmark. Your maid has been settled.” 


“In a room?”


“Of course, I’m a man of my word.” 


Aemond scoffed. It’s true Lucerys kept his promise to Letti, but his kiss was more than one. The younger inability to control himself left Aemond with no ways to escape. Aemond reached for the robe beside his bath. “Turn around.”


Lucerys smiled but did as told. Aemond wrapped himself in the thin material. He moved towards the bed and his gift. Aemond opened the box, he pulled the cloth up then quickly dropped it. Lucerys was out of his mind. The elegant gift box was just a cover. There was nothing elegant about the “dress”. Nothing decent about it. Just pieces of scrap in a pretty box.


“It’s from Dorne.”


“I can tell. I’ll wear it if we visit one day.” He went to pick up his suit off the floor but Lucerys beat him to it. The alpha submerged the cloth into Aemonds bath water. “I’ll light anything else on fire.”


“I’ll do a lot Lucerys, but dressing as your whore isn’t one.”

“Even for Letti? Don’t forget your actions speak for her.”


Aemond stopped. Letti. She was dependent on his behavior. He needed to get someone in Driftmark soon. Lucerys knew how deeply he cared for the girl. If he kept holding her above his head Aemond would keep doing his bidding. “The dress and you’ll bring her back?” He questioned.


“A dress of my choice every night this week, and I’ll let her write to you.” Lucerys pulled Aemond so his back flushed against the tallers chest. He rested his chin on Aemonds head.


“Or no dress and I'll have her fingers sent instead.” 


Aemond knew this wasn’t a bargain. As soon as he showed the slightest interest in the deal, Lucerys’s trap closed. He brought the garments back into his hands. A whore would declare herself a queen in this material. Though it was skimpy, Aemond could tell it was expensive. His nephew must’ve gone to great lengths to have not one set buy seven of these made. His fingers ran over the gold hems, it showed so much. But he guessed that was the point, show himself off as if he’s a trophy. A gift for Lucerys returning.


“You must leave if I’m to dress.”


“I’ll turn my back, don’t want you running.”


“You’re the only one who runs from me taoba.” Lucerys snorted but he did pull off from Aemond. 


The top garment was almost sheer. The silver tint just barely shielded Aemond's body, the collar was high, but the wide slit from mid chest to navel took away any modesty. The top cut at his waist, gold strings pulling across his abdomen. Aemond struggled with the skirt, fabric layered upon each other, mostly blues with one layer of gold. His thighs were visible of course. Slits were a new fashion trend in Kingslanding but they had not yet reached the width of slits in Dorne. It was all sealed with a golden belt engraved with small sapphires. 


Aemond turned to Lucerys, but the boy was already looking at him. Neither of them spoke as Lucerys inched closer. With every step Aemond retreated to his bed. He found himself seated on the feather cushion. Lucerys reached out and Aemond closed his eyes expecting a recap of their earlier activities. Instead  he felt a hook in his top. A pendant dangled on his stomach, a metal symbol of a seahorse. The symbol of the Velaryons. Luke was branding him. His nephew pulled more jewelry from within the box Aemond was ignorant of. A necklace, bracelets, earrings.


“So beautiful,” he whispered in Aemonds ear, “All mine,” he continued.


Aemond had to remind himself that the tenderness was all an act. His nephew saw this all as a game. But he’s a hell of an actor. The younger's slow breath against his neck was almost calming. Almost.


“We should leave.” Aemond pushed Lucerys away. He slid on the dainty slippers that accompanied the dress and left the room. They walked in silence to the doors of the banquet. Aemond expected to enter with his mother but the guard at the entrance informed him the rest of the royal family was already seated.


The gold doors opened and revealed the pair. “Prince Lucerys Velaryon and Prince Aemond Targaryen.”


His name felt odd coming off a stranger's tongue. He was used to  walking in after only hearing his mother and fathers name. The banquet room seemed quiet at the sight of him. They whispered among themselves. Aemond kept his head up. Sure he was ashamed of every event that occurred today but the tons didn’t need to know that. He had many names. Aemond One-eye, Aemond the Cold Hearted Bitch, in his past life, Kinslayer. Now he’d just have to add Aemond the whore.


Aemond drew his hand from his nephews expecting to be seated by his mother, normal for big events like this. But his fist clenched beside him when he saw Rhaena attempting small talk with Helaena in his seat. Leaving her spot next to Luke open. That conniving bitch. Aemond should’ve known she was just as sly as her damned step brothers.


Aemond was reluctant to sit but there wasn’t much he could do. Rhaena had the nerves to smile at him after they sat. Smile! She knew exactly what she was doing. She probably knew about the events with Cregan. She could’ve planned it for all Aemond cared.


“You look exquisite, Aemond.” Aemond gritted his teeth at Jacaerys’s voice. That little shit. Aemond hated him. He hated his whole family. They were nothing but a bunch of cunts and whoresons. He should’ve smashed a rock into Jace’s head on Driftmark. He should’ve-


“It’s true Aemond, blue really is your color.” Aemond almost fell out of his chair. He wanted nothing more than to jump across the hall and punt every Velaryon blooded being in the face. Baela’s words were far from compliments. And her eyes were far from Aemonds. They were watching Cregan. They were actually pushing it in his face. 


“I see manners aren’t common in Kingslanding,” Daemon butted in, “My children gave you compliments Aemond.”


The God’s were surely laughing at him. Stalking the halls grinning ear to ear while they heard him suffer. “Thank you.” Aemond gritted between his teeth.


He tried to focus on food for the remainder of the banquet, but per usual his peace was ruined. Aemond found himself prancing around the dancefloor with Aegon. Better him than anyone else. He had pulled Aegon away from the table, mostly to escape the torment of Jace and Baela. Argon stepped on his feet, drunk off the little sip of wine he’d been permitted.


“It's not all that bad brother. They mostly tease now, and complain about my snoring.” Aegon was telling him about the improvement of his relationship. Unlike his younger brother Aegon was a willing participant in his relationship. 


“Why are they in your room?” 


“Did you think I’d stay a simpering maiden forever brother?”


Aemond choked on his own spit. He lowered his voice to whisper yelled at his brother. “You slept with them?”


Aegon stared back at him. “You haven’t?”


“Haven’t ruined myself? Of course!” Aemond said, still keeping his voice low.


“That explains a lot.” Aegon laughed, “Tell you what, after the banquet bend over nicely for Luke and I’m sure he’ll stop torturing you.” Aegon smiled as if he was the smartest man in the world. But Aemond was resisting the urge to slap some sense into his brother. Sleep with Lucerys? That’s exactly what he wanted! Exactly what Aemond would never give him. All it took was for him to conceive a bastard, and he was stuck for life. 


Life. On the topic of his life. “Arryk and Erryk, you said you’d find them. Bring them to your side, Did you do it?”


Aegon nodded. “I need a favor.” 


Aemond went to speak but a hand placed itself on his shoulder. Aemond turned to see Cregan. He was wearing a pitiful look on his face, his eyes were sunken and red. “May I have the next dance?”


Aemond gave his brother a look, they’d continue their conversation later. He placed his hands in Cregans. The song started. They drifted in turn with the song, not sure of what to say.


“Earlier today, it’s not what you think. My nephew-”


“It’s okay.”


“No really I would never disrespect,” Aemond cut himself off, “It’s okay?”


Cregan nodded. His hands snaked around Aemonds waist. He pulled him closer than appropriate for unmated individuals should be. His fingers traced circles around Aemonds back. “I saw the look in your eyes. I’ve heard rumors about Lucerys and his sour attitude.”


Aemond tilted his head to meet Cregan's eyes. The sad look was wiped from his face. “I’d be honored to aid you in your escape, and make you a stark.” 


“And give Vhagar a luscious bed?”


“With more sheep than she can eat.”


“There's never too much sheep for that ol’ girl,” Cregan laughed with him. His voice comforted Aemond. The longer their conversation went, the more he felt the bones in his body relax. Everyday like this with Cregan would be a dream. Away from his family and their pending aggression. From his evil turned nephew.


The dance ended, Aemond wanted to continue his dance with Cregan but the young lord was swept away by unmated ladies. Aemond only laughed while Cregan tried to escape. 


“It seems a symbol isn’t enough for you. Maybe I should brand it in your skin.” Lucerys’s hand snaked around Aemond waist. He pulled Aemond harshly against his chest. 




“Shhh omega. I’m thinking of all the ways I can package your maids head.”


“Lucerys, I was only apologizing.” Aemond whispered. He had a plan. A risky and dangerous plan but hells he needed it to work.


Aemond turned towards Luke, he placed one hand on the younger's chest and the other on his face. “I apologized for leading him astray.” 


“You expect me to believe that qȳbor?” Lucerys overlapped their hands. “I’m rash and stubborn but I’m no fool Luke. The north can’t hate us, we need them not to. It’s better if we leave on good terms.”


Aemond for the first time, willingly stared into Luke's eyes. So large and rounded, soft. The only soft feature of his nephew's new demeanor. Aemond slowly leaned his head on Luke’s shoulder. He needed the rest of his nephew to be as soft as his eyes. His actions seemed to be working in his favor. Luke’s grip on him loosened. He kissed the top of Aemonds head before leading him back to the table. The rest of his family left to mingle, leaving Aemond and a half legible Aegon.


Aemond flicked his brother's arms, jolting him from daze. “Arryk and Erryk, I need you to send them to Driftmarks and bring back a girl named Letti. She’s an omega with dark skin and short hair. Her eyes are two different browns, that's the easiest way to identify her.”


Aegon nodded, processing the information slowly. “Where do we send her?”


“Winterfell. Make sure they get to her quickly, she can;t be there when I leave.” Aemond lowered his voice. Aegon didn’t ask what he meant. He knew his brother had a plan to escape, he wanted to help no matter how stupid he thought it was. Lucerys wouldn’t let the cold of Winterfell keep him away from Aemond. Aegon just wished he’d taken his advice from years ago to stay away.


“I’ll send them, but how will you escape? Lucerys will be by your side.”


“The spring tides end with a tourney of all the houses. Night before I’ll fake a fever, next morning I’ll send the bastard off with a kiss and leave.” Aemond said. The tourney would give him at least until noon before a maid comes to check on him. Hopefully they’d tell his mother first who’d silence them for as long as possible. But even if they went straight to Lucerys, he’d be fighting for house Velaryon. Leaving would cause too much of a trouble.


“And if they catch you?” Aegon asked. ‘They won’t ‘ sat at the tip of Aemonds tongue. He could say it, make a false promise to Aegon that everything would be alright. But Aemond was done with lies. His whole past life was based on lies, meaningless lies that landed Darksister through his skull. He wasn’t going to life about safety to Aegon as his mother and grandsire lied to him. Instead he reached out for Aegon's hand squeezing it. After, Aemond excused himself to his chambers.


Five more days until freedom.


OOOOOOOOOO there's a plan. I was gonna wait like two chapters or so before making him and Cregan make up but it's like. I have so much planned I don't want to be too much. So better get it know than mash it up with something later.

I bad grammar,

Chapter 10: Time and Time Again


I'm working on editing some past chapters as well as making my future chapters longer.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Aemond sat in his elder brother's room. He read the words on a tiny script he received from a crow's ankle.


‘I am on the path north my prince. They have given me the identity of a runaway slave from Essos. I hope to see you soon- Letti’


A sigh of relief left Aemond's chest. He held the paper over a nearby candle and watched it burn. It was two days until the tourney, the morrow night he’d make his escape north. Aemonds paranoia had reached its peak. Constantly he was looking over his shoulder. Scared of spies lurking in any corner. Arryk and Erryk had successfully smuggled Letti out of Driftmark. She’d reach the North before them but Aemond told Cregan to send a crow home, inform them of Letti and welcome her.


So far his plans were moving smoothly. But Aemond couldn’t shake the fear off his back. He didn't know his nephew anymore. The man was erratic. For all Aemond knew he could be watching his movements right now. Laughing to himself over Aemonds foolishness.


Aemond swept the ash of Letti’s burnt letter onto the floor. He left Aegon's room quickly making sure no one saw him. Lucerys was suspicious of him. God’s, his nephew would be a fool to not be suspicious of his behavior, but Aemond gave him no proof of betrayal. His contact with Cregan was solely through Aegon and his mother. It wouldn’t be suspicious if the Queen was holding onto the idea of them bonding. Aegon talked to every foreigner about the ale and it’s quality. He was no longer a drunk but alcohol was one of his many interests. They were both perfect covers of communication.


Aegon didn’t mind but his mother. The Queen first objected to the plan when he asked her to give Cregan a letter. She refused to do the task unless Aemond told her why. He left out the part where his nephew kissed and groped him, but did tell her of Lucerys’s obsessive behavior and how he was trying to separate Cregan from him. His mother wanted to take it to the King but Aemond begged her. They both knew if Lucerys told the King he wanted Aemond, he would have him. His father would have him presented to the Alpha bare, except for a ribbon to top off the present. She cried in his arms about being strong enough to defend them from outsiders, but still so weak their family could control them. Aemond knew how hard she was trying but it wasn’t enough. He had other people to protect, he couldn’t wait for her anymore. In the end she complied, sending Cregan messages under falsehoods.


Aemond walked down the corridor to his chambers. The sun was setting and he could hear the servant readying for another feast. Aemond opened the doors to his chambers to find Lucerys kicked up on his bed. His nephew was asleep, probably waiting for him to come back. Aemond closed the doors gently behind him. He stepped closer to the bed sitting on the edge. He looked over Lucerys face admiring it in peace.


Lucerys’s features still held youth in it. His lips still slim on his face. His hair, a chestnut brown. 

Aemond lifted one of his nephews' locks. To think something as simple as hair, made his whole life a battle. Aemond curled it around his fingers,


“It never was just hair,” He whispered. And he was right. If his nephews had come out perfect Targaryens; lilac eyes and white hair, they’d still be questioned. Their lack of Laenors features were a give away.  Aemond wondered what Lucerys would look like if Laenor did father him. Much like Baela and Rhaena he imagined. His curls would be white, tighter, his skin deeper than the tan it was now. Would they hate each other to this amount? He doubted it but there was no way for him to find out. Aemond let go of the younger's hair. A memory of his mother's old tales from his first life suddenly came to mind.


“My mother used to tell me, hearts showed if one was your soulmate.” His mother sat on the floor next to him. Aemond was beside her with two dolls in hand, Helaena across from both of them. One of the rare times in his first life he got to spend joyful time with his sister.


She was insisting he used his two knights to fight over her doll's love.


“How do you even know the knights love her?” Aemond asked. His words sparked the conversation. 


Their mother had been watching them from the door, that's when she decided to tell them of her late mothers tales.


“When my mother met your grandsire the first thing she did was place her hand over his heart.”


“That’s weird,” Aemond mumbled. He’d never marry a girl if she did that upon their first meeting.


“It was to see if his heart was in sync with hers,” his mother said. “In sync means true love, one beat ahead is forsaken, bound for doom. One beat behind means a never ending chase, that person will never truly be yours.”


Aemond dropped one of his knights and placed his hand on his mothers chest. One beat ahead.


Aemond was surprised when the memory came to him. His mothers words were never important to him in his past life. 


Aemond hovered his hand over Lucery’s chest in a similar manner. No. It didn’t matter. He and Lucerys had no love for each other. Their hearts didn’t matter.


 He turned to leave his room but was dragged onto Lucerys chest. 


“I was expecting a kiss.”


Aemond scoffed. He looked up at Lucerys who had a blank face. The alpha yawned. He pulled Aemond over him until the omega was in a straddling position. Aemond didn’t fight it. He kept his cool while Lucerys ran his hands over his torso. Aemond reached for his nephew's hair again but hesitated, the past couple of days he’s been playing into his nephews hands. But how far could he go without suspicion? How far until Lucerys saw through his acting?


“Does it fascinate you Uncle? The hair of a bastard.” Lucerys continued to stare at him blankly. He pulled Aemonds hands back towards his hair. The older fiddled with the strands once more. Lucerys held him there for a while. Just staring. Aemond started to stare back. He looked into his nephew's eyes. Lucerys had the eyes of a fawn. Doe and brown, always holding the most emotion. But now in this moment his eyes were blank. Just a deep pit pulling Aemond farther and farther. He moved his hands to cup his nephew's face, thumb running over Lucerys’s right eye.


“ I should take it. Dig my fingers in your socket and take it.” Aemond whispered.


“Do it qȳbor. Make me pay.”

Aemond pressed his thumb against the youngers eye. Lucerys didn’t react, he continued to lay there, void of any emotion.


“I ruined your engagement, I took your beloved maid, I maimed you.”


Aemonds was breathing heavily. He could avenge himself, here in her own bed. Lucerys was stained before, but he was a threat now. Purposely seaking to torment Aemond and the people he held close. Losing an eye would slow him down. He’d have to learn to fight again, to focus, to live on constant guard because of his blind side. Lucerys deserved to know how Aemond suffered. Two lives of constant pain, and risk of infections and no apologies. He could do it. Aemond could inflict his suffering on Lucerys right now.

He pressed harder on Lukes eye, the younger finally showing emotion. He winced at the pressure Aemond was applying. 


“You hate me Aemond, do it.” He grunted out. 


“I don’t,” Aemond whispered, “I don’t and that's the problem.”


Aemond moved his hands to Lukes chest gripping his tunic tightly. His head hung over Lukes. His chest heaving hard.


“You ruined me, Lucerys. You ruined me and I should hate you for it. I’m the monster I am because of you.” Tears fought to escape his eye. Aemond should hate him. He should hate Lucerys more than anything in the world. But all he could do was regret. Cry in regret for his past actions. Fret over his stupid ego and all it cost him. Lucerys started their war the moment he took Aemonds eye, but he suffered none of the consequences.


“It’s your fault,” Aemond cried, “It’s all your fault and you're not sorry in the slightest bit.” Aemonds voice was coarse. He was shouting and crying, whispering and biting back tears. His emotions were attacking him, punch after punch, Aemond couldn't get up. 


“Hate me, Aemond.” Lucerys pulled Aemond into his chest. He whispers over and over again. “Hate me, Aemond.”


Aemond turned to a mess. He sobbed loudly on Luke's chest. He cursed him, apologized, begged Luke to end the tyranny he had over his mind. Aemond felt humiliated to pour his heart out in a position like his. Straddling his unmated nephew on his bed. Crying in the arms of the man he was planning an escape from. 


“Apologize,” Aemond whispered between his tears. His voice was muffled in Lucerys chest but he knew the younger heard him. Aemond pushed himself off Lucerys chest, he didn’t bother to look at Lucerys. To see what the younger was feeling.


I shouldn’t matter to him. It didn’t matter to him. He’d spend one more sunrise with Lucerys, and then he’d be gone. His nephew's feelings weren’t important to him. Lucerys’s apology isn’t important to him. It wouldn’t change anything. They were far past a point of redemption. Lucerys would never be the innocent boy Vhagar destroyed again. Aemond would never be a kin slayer again. Their past lives, past selves are gone.


Aemond stormed out his room, tears still dripping down his face. He marched his way to Aegon's room. He readied to turn the knob but halted when he heard the voices inside. 


“Please Aegon, you love us.”


“Don’t get ahead of yourself Jace. I love sex, you two give it to me.”

Aemond covered his mouth in disgust. Aegon was with Jace and who? He creaked the door to his brother's room. Aegon was being smothered by Jace while leaning back in Baela. All three of them laid bare, embracing each other.


Sick. Aegon was sick to forget how badly they treated him. Did he forget the torment they endured under Jace? Under Baela? Relaxing into their bodies after they humiliated him?


Aemond closed their door quietly. Helaena. He should go to her. Aemond stopped himself. Helaena. He thought of her recent outings with Rhaena. Their sudden closeness. His cousin taking his spot next to her in their library, at the feasts. Would Rhaena be with her at this moment. Aemonds mouth ran dry at the thought. Helaena would never forget what Rhaenas father did. Daemon murdered Jahaerys. Their family killed an innocent child, not even ten. Still his feet hesitated in her direction.


Rhaenryas' family had truly taken over. Planting themselves into every Hightowers life. They were flaunting their control at Aemond. Reminding him who ran the House Targaryen. There was only one person in the entire keep, his sister hadn’t reached.


Aemond walked to Cregan's room. He shared a floor with their other guest but Aemond didn’t care who saw him. He knocked once, twice. Before his fist could hit the door again it opened. Cregan, still half asleep, stood in the doorway. He looked down at Aemond, at his tear stained face. Cregan moved to the side, welcoming Aemond in his chambers. Aemond crawled onto Cregan's bed. He turned his back from the door. He didn’t know what he expected. He wanted to be held by his mother. The cry on Helaenas shoulder. He wanted  to hear Aegon's sad attempts to cheer him up. 


Aemond felt Cregan slide onto the bed with him. “Aemond.”


“I don’t want to talk,” Aemond said. His family would’ve known that. They wouldn’t have asked him questions. The moment he stepped through the door in shambles they’d have picked him up. Held him until he was ready. 


Cregan was silent beside him. Aemonds sighed tears returning to him once again. What was wrong with him? Seeking comfort from a stranger? 


Cregan slid his hand over Aemonds waist. He pulled Aemonds back to his chest. “We don’t have to talk,” he whispered.


Cregan kissed the back of Aemonds head. Aemond turned to his chest upon contact. Once again he let every emotion he stalked pour out his eyes. He held onto Cregan shoulders, his body shaking from his violent sobs. Aemond was crying for his mother and siblings. He was crying for his dead niece and nephew whom he’d never see again. Aemond cried over his lost relationship with Cole, the one man who came close to benign his father. Tears fell for his sister Rhaenyra and all their relationship could’ve been. He laid in Cregan's arms crying over everything that went wrong. He couldn’t tell the lord about his past life. He couldn’t tell Cregan about anything. Aemond felt like the weakest person alive. But the thought didn’t stop his tears. This was all some sick game, Aemond was in the center of it.




Cregans' hands shook him awake. “If you wait any longer the nobles will see you.”


Aemond lifted his head slightly. The sun peeked through Cregan's windows. It was early morning.


“A short while and we’ll wake up like this every day.” Cregan leaned down towards Aemonds face. Their lips were inches apart. Aemond smiled at his words, he pressed his mouth against Cregans. Aemond pulled the alpha down onto him. He placed the palm of one hand on Cregan’s chest, the other over his own. Cregan’s heart was a beat faster.


“The trip from here to Winterfell, how long?” Aemond asked between breaths. Cregan left his lips and trailed kisses down Aemonds chest to his torso. He stopped to look up at him, 


“Horseback, it’ll take twelve days.” Cregan spoke quickly. He returned to kissing Aemonds body.




“Well that's not inconspicuous at all.” 


“No, I meant for backup. In case something happens to my mother or Helaena.”


Cregan sat back on his legs, “A day of nonstop flying, maybe two if you take breaks.”


Aemond nodded. He slid off the bed collecting himself. He needed to go back to his room, apologize to Lucerys. The morrow he needed to be on his nephew's goodside. Good enough that he’d excuse his absence during the tourney. First he needed to get Cregan's scent off of him.


“We’ll be together soon.” Aemond gave a quick peck to Cregan. He opened the alphas door checking if anyone was outside. Seeing the empty halls Aemond ran quickly to the servants quarters. Specifically Letti’s old quarters. She had always kept extra clothes here for him in the events he needed them. 


Aemond took a chair and hammed it against her knob. He thought it, silly servant quarters didn’t have locks. Aemond stripped of his clothes, shoving them under Letti’s bed. He made a mental note to retrieve them later. He took one the shirt she had for him and rubbed it all over his body. He smelt his scent slowly overpower Cregans. Aemond rejoiced in his small victory.


He grabbed another shirt and trousers. He dressed quickly, removing the chair from the knob and leaving. It was nearing dawn and servants would start to wake. Aemond quickened his steps towards his chambers. He pushed his doors open.


Lucerys was still there. He held Aemonds pillows close to his nose. Aemond closed the door behind himself. He sighed lowly. The things he did for freedom.


Aemond removed the pillow from Lucerys grasp, replacing the fluffy cushions with himself. He laid there, in Lucerys hands. It felt different than Cregans. Luke was cold, he lacked the warmth of a heart. But Cregan, despite being from the north, warmed Aemond. He felt safe in Cregan's arms, but Lucerys felt like home.


Aemond laughed bitterly to himself. Home never did feel safe. In every life he’s had, home was always a war zone. He was never relieved to see the wall of the Red Keep. He never cried out for it. Home was just a place where Aemond got his battle scars. Lucerys was just a person who gave him his battle scars. A friendly reminder as to why his sister's kin was never to be trusted.


Lucerys took positively to his cushions replacement. His hands ventured to Aemonds waist, he pulled the omega closer to his chest. Aemond listened to his slight snores. He wanted to place one hand on Luke’s heart, the other on his. He wanted to feel the beat of his nephew's heart.


“What difference would it make?” He whispered.


“None,” Lucerys spoke in a groggy voice. He looked down at Aemond kissing the man's forehead.


“Not that I’m sure what you're contemplating,” he said again. Lucerys lifted his chin, he kissed Aemond. It was short but it took the older by surprise. 


“I had something made for you to wear during the tourney.” Lucerys rolled off the bed. He straightened himself up. “A nice gown, modest enough your mother won’t faint,” Lucerys paused.


He bent down to give Aemond another peck, “ But sexy enough everyone will want to know what hides beneath.”


“Aren’t I lucky?”


“You are. Last night where-”


“My mother,” Aemond cut Lucerys off in a whisper.


“I’m sorry for leaving but I needed to. It was too much for me.” He kept his head low fighting every bit of his pride. This had better work. Lucerys needed to soften up on him.


“You depend on your mother a lot,” Lucerys said. He finished gathering himself, lacing up his last boot. He reached for Aemonds hand kissing the top of it.


“I don’t know how you’ll survive in Driftmark.”


Docs keeps trying to change Aemonds name to Almond so apologies if I missed that.

Chapter 11: Lose my Breath- Destinys Child



(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text





“You seem tight lipped with me, here I thought our time together reserved me a place in your heart. After all, you are to be my brother soon.” Rhaena had found him. Aemond was searching for Helaena. He’d been sitting in his room half the day, nervous for his escape. He didn’t want to risk sending his mother or brother to Cregan so close to his departure. He really didn’t want to speak to either of them. His mothers probably filled with emotions she can’t handle, and Aegon. Aemond didn’t want to see him. Knowing of his affairs was much different than seeing them. He shivered, recalling his brother's activities.


Aemond decided to visit the only other family he had, Helaena. But she wasn’t at the library to read with him like normal. He was only steps away from her chambers.


“She’s not in there,” Rhaena smiled. She linked her arms with Aemonds pulling him from Helaena’s room and towards the garden.


“Where is she?”


“With Dreamfyre, she told me you’d come looking for her. Something about the library?”


“We read together, I should go visit her. In the dragon pit.” Aemond tried his hardest to be cutthroat with his cousin. She was Daemon's daughter, Baela’s sister. What she lacked in combat she made up in wit. He got caught up in it before, talking and laughing with her. But her motives were clear. She wanted his sister.


“First walk with me,” Rhaena pulled him past the garden. She led Aemond through the servants hall and to a small opening. The pair shimmied through sideways. The walls opened up to a larger tree, covering the ground with shade. Rhaena sat and Aemond followed.


“I thought you’d enjoy a place where you could be truthful,” she said. She reached for Aemonds hand but he pulled it away.


“You know enough about me.”


“Do I? I know you like to read and spend time with your mother and sister. I know you are constantly closing yourself off from all of them. All of us.”


“All of you? Don’t sit here and make a fool of me Rhaena,” Aemond spat out at her, “Our family cares about me just as much as we care about the peasants.”


“Letti is a peasant. You care about her greatly.”


Aemond eyed his cousin. How much did she know? Did she know about Cregan? About his escape. “Why did you bring me here?”

“To talk,” Rhaena sighed. She reached for Aemonds hand again and he let her grab it. She pulled his hands to her lap. 


“You know what our plan is right? With your family,” Aemond nodded. Everyone knew the blacks tactic. Aemond, Aegon, Helaena, surely his mother realized as well. They were entwining on the greens like a plague. Aegon, Baela, and Jace. Helaena and Rhaena. His mother and Rhaenyra. Luke and him. Leaving their little ones to marry out the family, giving them more alliances.


“It was a bit surprising. I remember your father threatening me to stay away from Luke, then he helped him trap me.” 


“My father was blind then. He wanted what was best for us, but the best has changed.” Rhaena paused, she lifted her gaze from  their locked hands. She stared up at Aemond, she used one hand to cup his face. Treating him as if he was so gentle he’d break.


“I want us to be a happy family. A safe family,” she urged, “Don’t make that difficult.” 


Aemond paused in his breath. Did she know? Was she warning him? Did Lucerys know?


“Rhaena I-”


“I know that you and Helaena are close, but don’t try to dissuade her from me. I don’t want to cage her as Luke plans you.”


A sigh of pure relief. Rhaena didn’t know. As Aemond knew, she wanted his sister. “Helaena is not mine to control. She’ll have you if she wishes.”


Rhaena smiled. She patted Aemonds cheek tilting his head down to kiss his forehead. Aemond wanted to push her off. But his plan. His plan was so important and dependent on him being a bitch. He just sat there allowing Rhaena to do as pleased.


“My father was right,” Rhaena stood brushing the grass off her gown, “Hightowers are much like snakes. Poisonous and wicked, but beautiful, captivating. I fear we’ll become weak to you all, like a sailor to a siren.”


“What does your father get from all this?” Aemond asked. He stayed seated, watching Rhaena walk off.


“Well as of now he’s on punishment, but after he atones I’m sure Princess Rhaenrya will reward him, maybe he’ll get a snake of his own.”


Rhaena disappeared back into the castle, leaving Aemond with more questions than when he arrived. Daemon punished? Last he recalled Daemon was running free, making his life a living hell. Snake of his own? A Hightower? Was the rogue prince going to jump Otto’s bones?

Aemond laughed to himself, they’d both probably enjoy it, sick bastards. Aemond Stood up, ridding himself of the grass beneath him. He recalled his steps with Rhaena, making back towards the garden.


Aemond was in no hurry. He took twice as long for every step, enjoying the bricks of his childhood home. The morrow and he’d be gone. Living in an foreign castle, with new people and a new life. His acts wouldn’t be treasonous but it’d bring great shame to his mother. To Cregan's family as well. Hell he could be starting another war. He could be endangering his own siblings. 


It was too far for him to stop now. Aemonds focus needs to be on his escape. He needed a good reason to be excused from the morrows tourney. He needed to be sick. Aemond pondered on how to infect himself without suffering any injuries.


“There you are brother, I feel as if I haven’t seen you in forever,” it was Aegon. Sick traitor fucking Aegon.


His brother didn’t catch the annoyance in his face, instead he continued to babble, “It’s hotter than sin out here, I might just douse myself in a fountain.”


“Let’s go into the city,” Aemond stopped Aegon with his idea. In the few times he’d been in town he’d noticed how ill the people constantly were. Ill, drunk, or tired, that's all they were. Aemond imagined it’d be an easy excuse. He was visiting some babies, someone sneezed on him and now he’s sick. But why would he visit orphans? He was never a people person. 


“Never mind, that makes no sense.”


“What are you on about brother? Did Luke fuck you dumb?”


Aegon smiled to himself while Aemond glared. “I need to get sick.”

“You need me for that?” Aegon asked curiously, “Do you want an illness from a brothel? I must warn you brother, you may never recover.”


“No, I don't want you to take me to a brothel, Aegon,” his brother had never been the brightest. Aemond pondered while his brother annoyed. Aegon could push him into a fountain. He’d get all wet, not dry off, and come down with a cold. Or he could fake a fever. But if no one could smell him it wouldn’t work.


“Do you have any heat inducers?”

“I can get some, why d-”

Aemond cut his brother off, “Get some to me tonight.” Aegon seemed to realize why, but it didn’t erase the confusion from his face. Aemond understood why it was there. Traveling with a heat was no joke. Doing anything in heat stupid really. But there was a lack of options. His sister controlled everything in the Redkeep, from maesters to maids. She’d have him checked and if they reported to her he was faking, he was fucked. Everything would be fucked.


If he was truly in heat, Lucerys wouldn’t let him step out the door. So heat inducers tonight, scent blockers in the morning. He didn’t have to worry about Vhagar, she’d track him down once she felt his presence disappear. Even if she decided to stay in Kingslanding old and bitter, if he returned to take her with Cregan's mark on his neck, there’d be nothing his family could do. 


All would be well if tonight went according to plan.


Aemond returned to his chambers. Once his doors closed behind him, he grabbed an old bag from under his bed. It was more of a sack, a dirty one. He stuffed the bag with small trinkets, and extra set of clothes, and a book. Everything in his sack was of importance to him, it was scarce, but it was all he could take of his family. Aemond bit the inside of his cheek, he should pray.


Since being reborn his faith had been… inconsistent. He had every right to curse the Gods. To not trust them. They laughed in his face on the daily. Aemond was sure they’d find a way to screw him over. But in the same light, he couldn’t deny their existence. Only the Gods could give him another life.


Praying to them for safety only seemed right. It was right, maybe if her turned back to his religious ways they’d side with him. Like they never have.


Aemond finished stocking his bag. He shoved it back under his bed, out of sight. He kneeled beside his bed, his knees straining from their lack of practice. He leaned his head into his clasped hands. He recited a verse, thanking the seven for their guidance as a whole before breaking off. The Mother, Father, and Smith were not important to him as of now. Maidens can’t pray to the Mother, mothers can’t pray to the Maiden. Aemond, unlike every other presented soul in his family, was still a maiden. He needed the Crone’s wisdom, Warrior’s strength, hells he needed to pray to the Stranger.


Aemond shifted awkwardly on the stone flooring of his room. “Dear Crone,” he started.


“I pray to you for wisdom and guidance during my future endeavors,” Aemonds throat rasped. He was uncomfortable praying after all this time.


“To the Stranger, I pray that you help me navigate through the unknown and the trouble it may cost me, and to the Maiden-”

A hand snaked across Aemonds hips. He jumped, turning to defend himself from whatever spineless psycho dared to touch him. But his hands were caught and the person pushed his head into the padding of his bed.


“Calm down qȳbor, it’s just me , ” it was Lucerys. 


Aemond struggled to free himself from his nephew. Lucerys eventually let him go, allowing Aemond to catch his breath. Luke was kneeling behind him, he pulled Aemond back into praying position.


“Don’t you have anything better to do besides trouble a devout worshiper?” Aemond asked. His nerves were crying out. He couldn’t shake the idea of Luke toying with him. Of his whole family pretending they didn’t know his scheme only for them to mock him upon his capture.\


“I am not stopping you, pray.”


“To pray to the Maiden in this position with you is disrespectful.” Aemond tried to push Lucerys off, but the younger stayed glued to Aemonds back. Lucerys rested his chin onto Aemond's shoulder.


“This may be the last time you're able to pray to her,” Lucerys whispered. 


“I’m serious Luke,” Aemond snapped.


“Fine, I’ll move,” that easy? Aemond felt Luke detach from him. His prayers were working. If he kept it up the might just aid him on his journey.


Aemond gasped when Lucerys pulled him back by the hair. His hand instinctively moving to his hair. Lucerys sat on his mattress only to pull Aemond back towards him. Aemond grabbed at Lukes hands, unable to register anything \but the burn of his scalp. He sighed when Luke let him go but his stress found it’s way right back to his body.


He was kneeling in front of Luke. He was kneeling to Luke. Aemond tried to back up, but a firm hand grabbed his shoulder.


“Pray to the Maiden, Aemond,” Lucerys mocked him. He had the nerve to interrupt Aemonds prayer and then mock him.


“I can not-” Lucerys tugged his hair up, lifting him inches off the floor. Aemond cried out.


“Okay, okay,” Lucerys let go of his hair. Aemond watched as his nephew adjusted him, getting comfortable while Aemond fought to hold the shreds of his dignity. He folded his hands in his lap but Lucerys interfined. He grabbed Aemond closed hands and placed them right on top his cock.

He was covered, but Aemond could feel his excitement . Fuck the fucking God’s. Those bastards deserved to be destroyed and replaced. Praying wasn’t helping. They would continue to mock him until his last breath. If they even allowed him that. For all Aemond knew, they’d force him to relive his life for the rest of eternity.


Lucerys distracted him from his thoughts. His nephews lifted his chin and stared down at him. 

“Don’t keep the Gods waiting.”


It was taking everything out of him to not pounce on his nephew. To rip the boys throat out with his teeth. 


“Dear Maiden, I pray that you protect me from,” Aemond paused. Luke had started to grind against his hands.. He held Aemonds hand down and rutted against them.


“From who Aemond?”


“Please protect me from the like of creepy men and their ill intentions,”Aemond continued through gritted teeth. Ljucerys urged him to keep going, he kept one hand on Aemonds and the other on his hair.


“Please help me save my purity for my soulmate,” Aemonds voice was no more of a whisper. He felt low. So low. His own nephew was using him as a toy, while he prayed to those who were supposed to be his saviors. Aemond was choking on his words, shame overriding him.


He assumed this would be the worst, Lucerys rubbing one out with his hands to his voice. But he was wrong. God’s, he alway underestimated his insane ass nephew. Lucerys smiled down at Aemond, cock in hand.


The younger laughed at Aemond who tried to escape. Lucerys tugged on his hair keeping him close. Aemond opened his mouth to protest but Luke was quick to silence him. He shoved Aemond's hands over his cock.


“You can do this with your hands or I can choke you with my cock” 


Lucerys voice was soft compared to Aemonds sobs. He didn’t know what he was doing. Luke held him still urging him to move his hands.


“Look at me Aemond,” Luke ordered. Aemond bit back his tears, he moved his hands across Luke length, stroking his cock. Luke was staring at him, he was enjoying seeing Aemond fall apart.


“Fuck, Aemond,” Lucerys let go of his hair. He moved his hands on top of Aemonds,


“Hold me tighter,” he whispered. Aemond did what he said hoping it’d be over soon. He felt the engrave of every vein on his nephew. His hands were covered in Lucerys’s cum. Luke threw his head back, Aemond heard his breath quicken. 


It was quick, Lucerys forcing himself down Aemonds throat. His cum choking the older. Aemond fought at his sudden loss of breath. Lucerys stayed thrust the last feelings of pleasure in Aemonds mouth


“Swallow,” Lucerys spoke but didn’t give Aemond a choice, with a plugged Aemond nose. Forcing his uncle to swallow his seed with his cock still in him. 


Lucerys pulled out leaving Aemond withering and coughing. Tears were falling from his eyes, whether it was because of the pain or his shattered pride, Aemond didn;t know. And he was sure Luke could care less.


Lucerys only rolled over on Aemonds bed, his cock still covered in saliva. Aemond wiped his mouth. He got up from the floor, keeping his head low he stalked towards his doors hoping Lucerys wouldn’t protest.


“Going back to mommy?”


Aemond said nothing, walking out his chambers he left Lucerys by himself.


I feed you nothing! Stay on your toes! The plan might work, who knows?

Aemonds relationship with religion is a low-key mirror of mine, cause like......
Also I'm averaging at about 7 pages per chapter, I think that enough but do you guys want more?
It'd take me longer to write and stuff but it'd be like one long ass chapter every month and a half or so.

Chapter 12: Ice and Fire


Y'all I'm excited

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Aemond was a fool. He had held love for his enemy. He had let the guilt of his past actions dictate his heart. Aemond was a fool, and he was all alone. Aegon had given him the heat inducers quicker than he thought. So now he sat atop Vhagars back, waiting for the fever to kick in. 


It was a joke, his life. The Gods dealt him and his siblings a bad hand and then cursed them for their losings. His mother a child bride, his siblings forced to consummate a marriage at ten and four. He robbed of his own flesh. Everytime they bounced back, everytime his sister laughed at their shortcomings, they hardened themselves. Only for it to neve be enough. Only for him to die and leave his family to fend for themselves, for him to fail at the only thing he was made for.


Aemond felt his tears run past his chin into the collar of his riding clothes. He let go of the reins, letting Vhagar take them wherever she pleased. He was small on her back, his silver hair flowed in the wind, trailing behind him. Vhagar was his peace. His old girl. She was with him in his last breath, she helped him start the war, helped him try and finish it. A very loyal beast. He was going to ride her everyday in the North. Everyday she allowed it. He’d take her to the mountains Cregan spoke of. Let her rest in the never ending fields.


“We’re going to live a better life north,” he yelled. Vhagar growled. She landed on a hill, a familiar one. They stopped here not too long ago. It was the day Lucerys came back from war.

Aemond climbed down from his beast. Vhagar walked away, her heavy feet shaking the earth beneath. She made herself comfortable, laying down on the green hill. Her body flattened the flowers that had sprung in their absence. Aemond made his way down the hill. He entered the village below wearing nothing to conceal his identity, the same as before. He needed to be quick, his heat would take route soon and the last thing he wanted was to be mobbed by peasants. Aemond followed the familiar scent of fresh breads and sweets.


He came face to face, with a small shop. Their little wooden menu hadn’t changed since he left. It stayed splintered and nailed beside a window. Aemond opened the door.


“Hello sir!” The girl behind the counter greeted him. She gasped, remembering his face. Aemond smiled at her little run as she came up to him and bowed. The girls turned running in the back. Aemond thought nothing of it, she was probably calling her father. His eye met with a row of tarts, all covered in fruits. Aemond would order another dozen. He enjoyed them last time.


“My prince,” the baker had come with his daughter in hand. 


“I’d like a dozen of the tarts. Mix them up, the flavors I mean,” the man nodded at him. Aemond watched as he packaged his food with skepticism.


“Is there something you’d like to say?” Aemond asked.


The baker hesitated, “What is your favorite flavor?”

Aemond laughed. Peasants could be adorable at times, “I’d tell you but it’d make no sense. You see, I won’t be able to come back here for some time.”


“Please my prince, just in case, just for you,” the baker smiled. Aemound could tell he was still nervous speaking with him. What harm could be done.


“I favor the apple tarts.”


The baker smiled and nodded. He handed Aemond the sweets, thanking him. Aemond feeling a bit cheery reach in his pocket, he handed the baker some silver before motioning for the little girl to come to him. He bent to her level, handing her a gold dragon. 


“You think this is enough for a dress?” He joked.


“More than enough my prince,” the girl was beaming. Aemond ruffled her hair. He thanked the baker for the treats and walked out the shop. He walked back up the hill and readied himself on Vhagars saddle. 


Her body shook the earth beneath them, lifting them off into the sky. Vhagar roared, unhappy to move herself from a comfortable resting place. Up they were in the air once again. Aemond continued to dig himself a hole of self pity. He watched the villages below them become dark under Vhagar’s shadow. 


The first wave struck him hard. Aemond doubled over the saddle. He grabbed his stomach, the source of the heat. Fevers were always intense for him. Always painful. He rushed Vhagar to land. He still had to walk to the Redkeep from her usual napping site. Aemond thanked himself for tying a horse up on a nearby tree.


He limped towards it. Aemond could barely get himself up right on the horse before a second wave of heat crashed over him. He cursed the leather he always rode in. It was sticking to body, along with his hair.


Aemond hurried the poor creature he worried it would give out on him. He rode through the gates, not bothering with any of the maids that rushed to his side. He must’ve made it to the corridor before his chambers when he dropped. 


The heat was making him light headed. Aemond tried to push to his feet but his legs were weak. Letti would’ve been here to help him. His poor maid, she was great at her job. She was a great person. Aemond was guilty of using her to fill the hole Cole left in his heart. Letti took up that space and more. She knew more about him than his own mother. But the girl wasn’t here anymore. Aemond would have to do without her for now. He pushed himself onto all fours. His pride was diminished earlier that day. Aemond didn’t care who spotted him, crawling to his rooms. The sun was setting, most of their visitors were in the great hall anyway. Feasting and betting on the tourney. Aemond rejoiced seeing the family carvings on his door. 

He lifted his hand reaching for the door knob. His constant failure to find it must’ve woken Lucerys up. Who he thought was his nephew swung his chamber doors open, looking for the culprit. Instead stood Daemon. He seemed to find it funny, Aemond on all fours.


“Wasn’t the greeting I was expecting, nephew.”


“I’m in no mood,” Aemond breathed out. The scent of his heat finally made it to Daemon's nose. He helped Aemond up, carrying him to the bed. Aemond could still smell the scent of he and Lucerys’s afternoon activities. 


“Couldn’t be better timing, Aemond,” Daemon laughed, “Luke will be heartbroken you missed him fighting. He wanted so desperately to impress you.”


Aemond turned on his stomach. He shoved his face into his pillows. They all smelled of Lucerys. Fuck. Aemond didn’t like how his nephew's scent calmed him. He wanted Cregan. He wanted to be held by him under his fur blankets in the north. To be cooled not only by water, but by the never ending snow, northerners could always depend on. He shoved the pillows off his bed. He threw them onto the floor feeling frustrated and overheated. 


“Get out.”




“Get out Daemon, aren’t you in punishment? Or did Rhaenrya let you out the corner?”


“I’ll stay if I want,” Daemon snapped. His uncle rang the bell for maids. He ordered them around once they came. Aemond tuned out his words. He focused himself on losing as much clothing as possible, without being bare in front Daemon. 


His uncle, without any warning, began to wipe him down with a cool rag. He shuddered at the sudden coolness but leaned into it. Aemond sighed. Letti would’ve had a bath ready for him. Snacks if he asked. She would’ve called his mother to tend to him. Daemon wasn’t her.


He sided with her captor. A shitty one at that. It surprised Aemond, how his nephew hadn’t known about her escape. Aemond let Daemon pull off his top. The water was freezing and perfect. 


How did Lucerys get Letti to Driftmark so quickly? He was sure the trip would be longer, and the order to place her in a room instead of a cell would take time as well.


“I was waiting here to talk to you.” 


“About your punishment?” Aemond giggled to himself. Daemon on fucking punishment. Like a toddler with no toys. How the mighty fall. He wished he could see his uncle's reaction but moving wasn’t something he wanted to do.

“I’ll be atoned soon,” Daemon sighed, “I’ll be frank, Rhaena told me she spoke with you earlier, but I want to make sure you really grasp what’s at stake here.”


Daemon turned Aemonds body. He stared into Aemonds only eye with all seriousness. 


“We could’ve been at war. Destroying ourselves and everything we loved, but we’re not because-”

“Because we kept taking the short end of the stick. We sat in silence with your disrespect, we kept it quiet when I was maimed, and we didn’t say a thing when your kin crawled between our family.” Aemond yelled. He was tired of everyone acting like he was tearing apart their family. They were already broken. He wasn’t wrong for wanting freedom. He wasn’t wrong for wanting to escape them. This life the blacks were presenting was not more than a cell covered in gold. They gave him a tiny window to enjoy the view while their family stood together on the balcony. He was trapped here. 


“Because you remembered your places. The spare Queen and her spare heirs,” Daemon pulled him closer by the chin.


“I want you to fuck this up Aemond, I need you to fuck this up, but,” Daemon pushed his head away. He sat down on the chair beside Aemonds bed rubbing his temples. Aemond shuffled back, he wanted the biggest distance from his uncle. 


“But it would be better for everyone if you played along.”


“What do you think I’ve been doing?!” Aemond yelled, “I’ve been taking your sons shit and disrespect all for the sake of this fucking peace only you all get to enjoy.”


Aemond put his head down. His breath was heavy as the heat returned to his body. He just wanted to be alone. He just wanted fucking peace, real peace. Not the fake shit his uncle spoke of, but real genuine peace for them all. For him, his mother and siblings alone, apart from the rest of the world. 


“If you’ve said your bit, get out.” 


The chair his uncle sat on scratched against the floor. Aemond kept his head towards his sheets trying to focus on anything but the heat invading his body. Daemon's scent left with him, the doors shutting loud. Too loud for Aemond.


He needed someone, something. Fuck. Aemond reached for a pillow to squeeze but cursed to himself. He’d thrown them down in a fit and he didn’t want to retrieve them. Fuck the pillows. Fuck him for throwing them down. Fuck the Gods for making him a damned omega.


Aemond stripped himself of his remaining clothing. He crawled to the window farthest from the fire pit. Aemond pushed his bare body against the stone, enjoying how cool it was. Pathetic. Aegon was right. He had to be the most pathetic Targaryen to have ever lived. He imagined how disappointed Vhagar would be in him. He doubted any of her past riders found themselves in his position. He doubted they’d even let it happen. He was a fucking embarrasment to his dragon. He had to be.Even in his shame, Aemond continued to press himself against the stone. He stayed there until he felt himself get cooler. 


Lucerys would be here to visit him soon. He was sure Daemon went and told him. Aemond crawled back to his bed, he wanted to pull himself together before his nephew arrived. He pulled himself onto his mattress, cursing at the heat it returned. Against his better judgment he slowly slipped his shirt over his body. He left the strings alone not wanting to tighten the fabric.


Sweaty, sticky, and frustrated. That’s all he could feel. Aemond rested his head down on his pillowless bed. He felt his body give out on him and his vision vanish.


Aemond was running. His bare feet coming down hard against the snowy floor of the north. He was not dressed for the weather. Instead his body was covered in slim silks, blowing behind him in the cold wind. His skin was ice cold, the witness of it turning blue with every second he was in the cold.


Hounds barked behind him. Their chains clattered together and the men screamed his name. Aemond struggled to focus, the noise fading into the back of his head until the only thing he heard was his heart beat. It was quick and loud, pumping with adrenaline. He didn’t know where he was going, but he kept straight. The cold felt like daggers piercing through his feet. Aemond tears fought to properly fall and not freeze.


“Aemond!” a voice called out to him, “It’s no use, come back home and all will be forgiven.”


Who was that? Who was speaking to him? Aemond couldn’t recognize the voice, but it struck fear into his body. His legs moved faster, he ran until the wooden gate of a castle came into view. They opened with no command. Aemond ran up the steps of the castle and towards a room. It had large oak doors and the symbol of a two headed wolf. One head was fierce, baring its teeth right at Aemond. Slobber fell from its jaws. The other had its ears and head down, tears dripping from its only visible eye. Aemond hesitated to push the doors open. He didn’t know what was behind it. 


The sound of the hounds and men were getting closer. Out of the group he could only hear one's footsteps. The snow crunched underneath the man, he wasn’t in a rush like the others. He was an animal stalking his prey, the prey being Aemond.

The omega looked around for another exit, but a flock of thick clouds covered the castle. The sky went dark as if it turned night. The lack of light scared Aemond, he heard the footsteps getting closer and the hounds.


Under the door, peaked light, fire. He should go inside. But what was in there, who was in there? Aemond closed his eyes and opened the door. He slammed them shut behind him.


“Aemond you here,” he recognized this voice. It was Cregan. Aemond looked up and saw the alpha sitting in a chair. He held a little girl in his lap, hair as white as snow and eyes that matched an amethyst. They were reading a book together.


“Ellaena, say good morning to your mother,” he ushered. The girl looked up at Aemond and smiled.


“Can I hold the babe?” She asked, her voice melting Aemonds heart. He looked down and his hands to see a baby. A little boy wrapped up in a thick wad of blankets. He looked like Cregan, a real northerner. His hair was brown and thick but he had Aemond’s eyes.


“Of course,” Aemond walked closer towards his mate who placed the book down. He laid the babe gently in Ellaena’s hands. She rocked it gently looking back up at him every now and then for assurance.


“You're doing a great job,” Aemond moved some of her hair from her face. She looked just like Helaena. He gave her a kiss on the forehead, then the babe, then Cregan. He placed a hand on his stomach that was round. Swelling with another of Cregan's seeds. He felt happy. Aemond had forgotten about the man and his steps, he had forgotten about the hounds. All he could focus on was his family. Far north, sheltered by miles of snow.


“Why are you so happy?” Cregan asked, Aemond looked up at his lord husband. 


“Can I not enjoy our family?” he laughed, but Cregan didn’t smile. Blood began to drip from his eyes, it fell onto their daughters shoulder and fell onto their babe’s forehead. 


“Of course not,” he said, his voice deep, “This isn’t real Aemond.”


“What? Of course it is of course we are,” Aemond assured himself, he put his hand on Cregan’s forehead checking the heat but Cregan grabbed his hand. “Look at us Aemond, he killed us, for you.”


Aemond backed away. He fell to the floor trying to escape Cregan’s sight, his flesh turned rotten, puss oozed from under his skin. A sword sat logged into his throat. His daughter stood up holding the babe out to Aemond. Her body was covered in blood, the source was the slit on her neck. It bled onto the babe. 


“No, no, no,” Aemond whispered. Tears returned to his eyes as he watched his family limp towards him, their bodies falling apart. This wasn’t real. They were a family. Cregan, Ellaena, the babe and him. What was happening?


“You have to pay for what he did to us, Aemond!” Cregan yelled at him. His mate pushed their daughter aside and lunged at Aemond. Aemond was quick  on his feet, he found himself in the forest again. Surrounded by snow.


Cregan was after him, shouting at him to seek justice. The sound of a man's heavy footsteps returned with the hounds snarling. 


Aemond ran, his breath fogging in the air. Aemond ran until he was stopped by a lake. He didn;t think, he ran onto the frozen water, hoping it would hold his weight. The ice stung him down to the bone, but kept running. He needed to. He was so confused, everything was wrong.


“A Dragon will have to freeze to protect its flame,”


Aemond plunged into the water.


Aemond woke up, he lifted himself up in a hurry trying to regain  his breath.


He felt someone grab onto him pressing his head into their chest, he felt the warmth of his heat cover his body once again. The person was shushing him, a calming scent surrounded Aemond who gave in.


“Who’s Ellaena?” It was Lucerys, the man he was leaning on. Aemond lifted his head to look at his nephew.

“In my dream, she was my daughter,”he whispered, “I’m sorry I can’t see you fight on the morrow.”


Lucerys didn’t respond. He crawled onto the bed, holding Aemond close to him. Aemond settled with his head on Luke's chest.


“You will see me wield a sword soon enough,” Lucerys spoke, he lifted Aemonds chin, pressing their lips together. Aemond nodded off in the hands of his nephews, his exhaustion causing him to miss the bit of words coming from his nephews mouth.


Man my fingers are crossed hoping this plan works

Chapter 13: May the Gods be Good


Thank you for all the support guys! I love how invested you are it gives me so much motivation.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

His name is Aemond Targaryen. He is the first of his name, rider of Vhagar, the largest dragon alive, and the second born son to Viserys I Targaryen. At age ten he lost his right eye during a fight with his nephews and cousins. Upon his recovery he worked like a dog, to be better. To become greater than all those who hurt him in the past. And Aemond did. The moment Vhagar killed Lucerys, war was real, and Aemond made sure his sister's family felt pain. The pain of losing each other, the paranoia of never knowing if you were next. He kept them scared until his hearts last beat when he dragged his uncle into the sea beside him. Aemond was fine with being the villain, he was fine with being the man mothers told their children horrid stories of.


The choice to change upon his rebirth was barely his. They could’ve fought, he knew what moves his half-sister would make, they could’ve stopped her. But they chose peace, his family chose to be bitched and bred in exchange for peace their ignorant souls have yet to taste. Aemond did good and bad, as every Targaryen before him. He is, no, was a dutiful son, always putting the interest of his mother before him, even when it was treason. Even when it broke him, even when Helaena told him he’d lose his life succumbing to duty. 


He was done being whatever the fuck he was before. For once he needed to do what was right for him.


Aemond finished writing his letter to Aegon, he left one for each of his siblings and his mother. He apologized for his selfishness and how it may affect them. He told them of his plan and hid the letters in various parts of his rooms. They would find them, and if they didn’t…


Aemond grabbed the sack from under his bed and the suppressant from his vanity. He took the pills, hoping his heat would cool down while he escaped through the city. 


Aemond could feel his heart beating through his clothes. If he failed, he couldn’t imagine the things Lucerys would do to him, to Letti. But he couldn’t let his paranoia get to him now. His plan though early was going perfect. He saw Lucerys off early morrow, the alpha promised to spend the feast with him instead of in the great hall. The bastard even sent breakfast and lunch early for him. His nephew didn’t want anyone to see Aemond in his heat, guards gone, maids dismissed. The only person who’d visit him would be Lucerys at late night.


Aemond took a final look around his chambers, his whole childhood was spent in these rooms. He slid open the passage doors behind his bed, he squeezed through them running down the cold stoned corridors. He made it to the end, peeking his head through he made sure no servants were there. Aemond flipped his hood over his head, one last look at the Red Keep before he ran down the castle steps and joined the peasants below.


The streets were busy, peasants flocked the roads begging and bartering. Aemond tried to avoid contact with any of them, if the caught wind of his heat he was fucked. If they saw his lavender eyes and better yet his missing right, he was fucked. It the breeze pushed his hood back to reveal his hair, Aemond was fucked. The thought of a slight mishap landing him back into Lucerys’s hands made him shudder. He was doing this, there was no going back.

He took to the backstreets, he’d only taken these to retrieve Aegon from whorehouses but he knew them well enough. It was safer being out of sight. Aemond walked the shit stenched alleys. He passed by bastards and beggars, widows praying for the Gods. The commoners never ceased to amaze him, constantly they were wronged, constantly they were taken advantage of and still they praised the royal. Still they gave in their taxes to those who should be considered their enemy. Aemond envied them, poor fools with the choice to do anything but settle for the routine of a crazed loyalist. 


The farther Aemond got, the wider the alleys became. The bastards and beggars turned to stray cats and dogs. The widow's weeping was no more than a distant chatter. Aemond found himself searching for a lone horse, he’d steal it if he had to, but there was no way he was making this trip on foot. It was noon, the tourney was probably just beginning. Was his family present? It’d been a while since they all gathered for anything. If so it’d be nice, all of them together. 


Aemond stopped on the roadside. He stared up at the sky. He could just turn back. Return to the keep as if nothing happened and play house with Lucerys. Aemond groaned. He was sure of his choice. He was putting himself first and choosing his safety.


“Excuse me good ser, are you alright?” Aemond jumped at the voice. He must;ve been too deep in thought to hear the stranger approach him. He turned his head to see a man and a young woman atop a cart led by two horses. The girl eyed him suspiciously but the elderly man was all gums. His smile showing that of a young child despite his opposite appearance. 


“I’m quite well,” he started, “I’m headed towards Seagard but my horse gave out before I could leave the city,” Aemond lied. The man and girl shared a look with each other, their eyes speaking.


“That’s quite a far trip, a shame your horse gave out so early” the woman said. Her voice was sarcastically high, she didn’t believe Aemond one bit.


“Indeed, say, I could pay you for one of your horses. A gold dragon or two?” Aemond had more gold with him, much more, he’d even pack some silver for the trip.


The old man shook his head and the girl laughed. Aemond stood awkwardly confused about their behavior. It pissed him off a bit, this heat combined with their unspoken words. He was in no mood for jokes, he needed to be far from Kingslanding by nightfall. Luke was a crazy bastard, he’d probably start his hunt for Aemond that night if his mother allowed it. Aemond was unsure he’d even ask her permission. 


“We’d be honored for you to use our horse my prince,” the old man climbed off his cart. Aemond smiled, approaching him with his hand in his bag. He pulled out two gold dragons to hand-


“My prince?” Aemond looked up at the smiling man. He pointed towards the loose silver strands of hair hanging out Aemonds hood. A flush crept up on Aemonds cheeks, had he been careless this whole time.


“We knew you were a noble from the way you spoke,” the girls said. She had come down from the cart as well. The girl placed her hand on Aemond's, pushing them back into his bag.


“Your hair just fell out, I suggest you tie it back, and keep the gold you have,” she smiled. Aemond wanted to ask them why the help but he needed to leave. The last thing he wanted was to lose valuable time.


“Us smallfolk have heard of your… struggles. It’s a shame to see the omega children of the old king be mistreated like this, by their own sister of all people,” she scoffed.


Aemond watched as the man finished unhooking one of his horses. It had the pallet of a cow, black and white splotches over its body and a blaze down its snout. THe old man handed the reins over to Aemond and patted him on his shoulders. Aemond nodded to them both. He seated himself on the horse and took off sparing a small glance to the pair. Their smiles to each other were slightly off putting but Aemond pushed the thought down. He was just paranoid.


Aemond rode for hours upon end. He took short breaks in between, allowing the horse to catch itself. His heat suppressants and scent blockers seemed to have been working just fine. He was far away from Kingslanding but Aemond still felt unsafe. It would be dangerous to ride through the night, too dangerous. Instead he found himself near a roadside inn. It was small and dingy but better than a damp log and the forest floor. 


His room was no larger than the stables he placed the horse in. His mattress was made of hay, only covered by a thin sheet. Aemond could feel his stomach sink at the sight. He took back his remarks about the people before. He no longer envied them, he’d take the prison of royalty in exchange for a decent bed anyday. 

Aemond awoke when the birds began his harmonies. He was the first to arise, before the innkeeper himself. Aemond changed his clothes into a simpler look; a brown tunic and darker breeches. He rolled his hair up under a cap safe for the strands he left to cover his eye. Aemond took himself to the lobby of the inn, he scraped up the ash of the burned wood and spit in it. His face scrunched at the new lows he found himself enduring. Aemond took the paste and rubbed it on his exposed hair, after swiping the clumps away what was once silver was now and off putting brown. It will do.


He needed to start moving again. His family had to be aware of his absence and he was sure they, no Luke, had already begun to search. Aemond left his coins on the inn desk. He found his cow pelleted horse awake, gnawing the hay in its enclosure. Unlocking the stable doors, Aemond seated himself on its saddle and rode off. He needed to make up for the time he lost last night.



Aemond was gone. He’d left last night or the morrow or fucking noon. Aegon didn’t know when his brother left but he was gone. It made sense, his plan to escape. Hell's if Aegon hadn’t found pleasure in Jace and Baelas company he would’ve tried to escape as well. But he thought it had gotten better. He’d seen his brother and nephew walking together, laughing together. Jace even told him that he overheard Luke asking Daemon how to please an omega. Aegon assumed the pair had come to an arrangement as he had. But he was wrong. So fucking wrong.


“You had no idea of this?” Jace had taken it upon himself to question Aegon. The blacks were questioning his whole family. Of course he could tell Jace he knew, tell his lover of Aemonds plan and watch as they dragged Aemond home in chains. But he wasn’t willing to sell out his blood.


“Of course I didn’t know!” he shouted, “I thought things were getting better between them,” he yelled again. It wasn’t a lie, he did think things were getting better between. 


“How do you expect us to believe you?” Jace asked. Before Aegon could open his mouth the doors slammed wide. Aegon recoiled at the strong scent that entered the door with Lucerys. The boy was a mess. He stormed closer to Aegon but was quickly blocked by Jace. 


“I am handling him brother,” Jace said, his voice low.


“You think he will tell the truth?! He will only cover for him,” Lucerys shouted. Aegon got up, he moved towards the back of his room. He didn;t want to be anywhere near looks. His nephews voice was agitated and his scent was aggressive but his fucking eyes. Lucerys portrayed a blood crazed criminal perfectly. His pupils dilated and the red veins had gotten thicker?  He looked like a animal, a blood thristy fucking animal.


“I am telling the truth,” Aegon defended himself, “but maybe if you weren’t such an obsessive asswhole Aemond would’ve stayed,” he spat.


Lucerys tried to push through to Aegon but was pushed back by Jace.


“He is my omega, I will discipline him,” Jace assured. Discipline? Aegon scoffed when had Jaced done anything but beg to fuck him. He wasn’t Daemon, put in the corner but the future heir. He wouldn’t be confined to his fucking chambers for insulting Lucerys’s fragile ego. However, Jace’s words seemed to please Lucerys. Aegon watched as his nephew turned on his heels, leaving Aegon's chambers.


“What do you get from insulting? You know how stressed he is.”

“What does he get out of ordering us to be questioned and waltzing in here as if he owns this castle.” Aegon retorted. He sat on his bed slouching against the headboard. 


“Get up,” Jace ordered.



“Get up and come here… now Aegon,” he ordered again. Aegon folded his legs in. He stared at Jace across his rooms, daring him. Aegon wanted to see what discipline Jace spoke of. To his surprise Jace didn’t react much, his scent shifted into slight amusement. He stalked towards Aegon,  a smile spread across his face,


“Have you ever wondered how our relationship is going to work?” Jace questioned. He sat in front of Aegon, he pulled the olders hands onto his lap. 


“We’re going to marry..” Aegon responded. Why was Jace asking him this? Was he not worried for his brother?


“Yes we’re going to marry,” Jace laughed. He pulled Aegon in for a kiss, “Close your eyes, I have a surprise,” Jace whispered.


His voice went straight to Aegon's cock. He followed his alphas' order leaning into the kiss with his eyes shut. He heard rummaging next to him but Aegon tried his best to focus on Jace. His nephew held one hand in his waist pushing him down into the bed. Aegon moaned as he felt Jace press their torso’s together. His nephew's next movements were sudden and quick. He grabbed both Aegon's hands, pulling them together above his head. 


Aegon opened his eyes when he felt rope tie tightly around his wrist. “What are you doing Jace?”


His questions went unanswered. Jace’s face lost its smile and his scent was darker. It made Aegon feel bad? As if he was bad? What the fuck was going on?

Jace went to grab one of his legs, which Aegon retracted. 


Keep still ,” Jace commanded. Aegon felt as though he lost control of his limbs. His body went limp to Jace’s command. It was embarrassing, how quick his instinct to obey was for an alpha that hadn’t even given him the bite. Jace took more rope and tied Aegon's feet each to a different end of the bed. 


“We’re going to marry Aegon, and when it’s brought to the Sept's attention that you are barren, they will allow me another wife, Baela.”


“I am not barren,” He managed to sire two children of his own as an omega in his past life, he was more than sure he could sire more if he did it the right way. 


“As of now, you are not barren. As much as I’d love to see children with your sad eyes and pretty little smile, your fucking insane Aegon. Insane and ill, I won’t let you pass that down. Baela on the other hand, she has a good head on her shoulders,” Aegon stopped listening as Jace continued. As of now? As of now?! As of fucking now?! Aegon tried to pull on the rope but Jace’s command still lingered over him. He strained his bones only for his limbs to not follow suit.


Jace seemed to notice his struggle. He bent over Aegon and placed a hand on his cheek, “This won’t hurt for long,”



Trees, trees, and more trees,  Aemond was tired of seeing trees. He had passed by a single village for a snack. It excited Aemond to find out they had a bakery but hurt him when he realized that the tarts they carried were awful and nothing like the ones he had before. The horse, which he decided to call Nuspes or cattle, was over dramatic. Perhaps he had been too expecting, before now, most of the horses Aemond rode for so long were war horses. They had amazing stamina and were well built. They surely put the flimsy creature to shame.


Aemonds mind wondered, it wondered about everything but his current situation. Aemond found himself busying his mind with the fallen acorns and the amount of red birds. He felt the second he remembered that he was on the run, being selfish, and potentially endangering his family he would turn around. The thoughts stayed in the back of his mind occasionally creeping forward only for him to push them back down. 


Aemond looked up at the sky, it was clear today. Not a single cloud insight. Away from the city Aemond could hear nature. It wasn’t like when he was atop Vhagar. Up in the sky with the wind rushing against his ears and her constant growling. On the floor, it was barely quiet. Aemond thought of the forest as its own orchestra. Each nibble of a leaf, after the humming of a bird, next to the sound of falling leaves blended together and it all sounded magical. 


Aemond shifted on his saddle, they had been costing for about an hour now, they could sprint. He and Nuspes took off down the path. Aemond ruined nature's music fest by the clopping of his horses' hooves. A small price to pay for freedom.



“Alicent, you have to have known where he went,” Rhaenyra sat next to Aicent. The queen felt the piercing of her lavender eyes. She didn’t answer Rhaenyra. 


“I must go to the Sept, to pray,” Alicent whispered. She knew Rhaenyra would not allow it. The princess always made up an excuse as to why she couldn’t visit the Sept. She needed help, there was work to do, it was too late, or for them to enjoy a stroll in the garden. Alicent grew to realize that with Rhaenyra’s presence she’d never make it to the Septs door steps. 


“I need you here Alicent. I need you to answer my questions,” Rhaenyra whispered to her. She moved Alicent to her bed.

“Aemond is not safe out there, he is an omega alone with no one to protect,” she was right. Aemond was an omega, he was alone. But Aemond wasn;t like other omegas. Her son was different, he knew how to defend himself. 


Rhaenyra frowned, she pulled Alicent against her chest, “I know we aren’t as close as we once were Ali. I want to fix that, I want us to be close but how can I? How can I mend our relationship when you lie to me?” her voice was soft but Alicent could smell the disappointment. She was letting Rhaenyra down again, in a second life she was hurting her friend. Aemond. It was for Aemond, she was protecting her son. ALicent had a duty to him, to protect them.


May the Father and Mother forgive her for these lies.

May the Smith mend the bonds of which were broken.


“Alicent, please. Help me and I can help Aemond, I want him safe just as much as you do,” Rhaenyra cooed. She ran her hands across Alicents scalp. It was soothing, so soothing. Alicent wanted to help Aemond. She wanted him safe. Alicent wanted him safe. Rhaenyra wanted him safe too?


May the Father and Mother guide her to the right choices.

May the Crone bestow upon her the wisdom needed.


“Do you want him to end up as you?” Alicent stopped, she pushed herself from Rhaenyras chest.


“Like me?”


“Like you my sweet Alicent, forced on by an old man. Trapped and used as a broodmare.”


Aemond wasn’t a brromare. Aemond wasn;t like her. Her son was strong. He could fight, he would fight. Aemond wasn’t like other omegas, he could defend himself. The God’s knew. The God’s know. Is Aemond safe? Is Aemond her? Was Aemond going to end up like her, forced upon by an old man and used as a broodmare?


May the Father see

May the Mother bless

May the Smith mend 

May the Crone bestow

May the maiden protect

May the warrior inspire

May the Stranger guide


“I don’t know where he is, but I know…”


“Know what Alicent? What do you know?”


“May the father see him. May the mother bless him-”


“Alicent!” someone was shaking her. The devil was trying to stop her from protecting her son but she would not let him. Aemond was not her, she would never let him be,


“May the smith mend his wounds, may the Crone bestow upon him wisdom, may the maiden protect him, may the warrior inspire,”


“God’s be damned, she’s cracked again,” the devil spoke.


May the Father see

May the Mother bless

May the Smith mend 

May the Crone bestow

May the maiden protect

May the warrior inspire



It's Aemond thinking about acorns meanwhile his family....

Chapter 14: Trust is Honor


I was scammed $32.67 two months ago on these books I wanted. But it's definitely my fault because I got them off of some instagram site. Ngl I thought it was legit because they gave me a tracking number and everything but then when I went to pick it up they were like, "Sorry we don't even have that package in our system."

I address some concerns in the ending notes so please read.

Emotional Manipulation at it's finest

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Baela Velaryon deserved the best face in the entire world and Aegon was going to give it to her. He was wrong to ever believe that Baela did not care for him. She was his God, a knight in shining armor. Aegon pushed himself closer into her side. He fondled with the pattern on her dress, the gold weaved into her collar, it traced down the entirety of the dress but Aegon favored it here. It was truly beautiful against her skin. Aegon pressed his lips against her neck, Baela even smelt like royalty. It shouldn’t have been a surprise, what Jace said. Baela and his kids would surely meet the standard of perfection. 


Baela had entered the chambers before Jacaerys's dagger could enter his womb. Her timing was almost suspicious but Aegon wasn’t one to question. She stormed in, clearly upset with Jacaerys. They argued over Aegon, then went into the solar to argue some more. Aegon didn’t hear much over the beating of his heart, but only Baela returned. She untied him and here they were, cuddling together. She smelt of salt and orange blossoms. 


Aegon smiled to himself, he tried to kill her in the first life, only to end up running as the coward he was. Now he rested his head on her chest finding comfort in her protective scent.

“I’m sorry for what Jace tried to do,” she spoke. The first words she spoke since they laid together.


“You’re alright,” 


“Jace does love you Aegon, really he-”

“He made it very clear when he tried to sterilize me,” Aegon snapped. He quickly calmed down, remembering it was Baela who saved him. There was no reason to be angry with her. It was Jacaerys he wanted to snap at, Jacaerys he wanted to argue with.


“He wasn’t really going to Aegon, he was angry,”


Aegon pushed himself away from Baela. Was she joking? Was she fucking joking? Jacaerys was inches away from harming Aegon. Baela was there she saw, she saw how close he was.


“What was he going to do?!”


“He was upset, Aegon!” Baela yelled, “You disobeyed him, made him fight with his own brother, you,” she sighed. Baela reached out for Aegon. He turned away from her touch but didn’t stop her from pulling him in.


“I stopped him because he was blinded by rage, but he won’t back off forever, Aegon,” she whispered. Aegon let her guide him back to the pillow. They laid down together, each staring at the other's eyes.


“He is my alpha as much as he is yours, just tell him what he wants,”


“I don’t know the information he desires,” Aegon lied. Why should he tell Jacaerys. That bastard deserved to be left on his toes. He deserved to be angry. And he didn’t disobey Jace, he was merely playing. Sharing an amusement he thought Jacaerys understood. 


“We know you know, Aegon. I want to help you, but why should I defend you if you can’t even be honest with me?” Baela said. Her scent slightly changed. She was frustrated with Aegon. Disappointed even. Aegon didn’t owe it to any of them. He got a second chance at life and he righted his wrongs. He didn’t take the crown, he didn’t start a war, he didn’t do shit! So what if Aemond left? So what if his brother wanted to escape this god forsaken castle? It gave them no right to be upset with him . He did good. Aegon did what was asked of him. He didn’t disobey Jace, he didn’t disobey his mother. He was loyal to the crown, he was loyal to his family. Why did they always insist on splitting, on putting him in the middle of their fights?


Aegon whined at the sudden loss of heat. Baela removed herself from the bed, she was leaving. She was leaving just like Aemond, abandoning him when things got too hard.


“You all just leave, that’s all you fucking know,”


“Because of you Aegon!” Baela yelled, “Do you know why Aemond left?”


“Aemond left because-”


“Because you failed as an elder brother. You gave him no comfort, no support, no reassurance. He found more security in whatever stranger convince to leave than he found in you,”


“Your lying,”


“If you want us to leave just keep doing the same thing!”


“I was a good brother I am a-”


“A fucking failure Aegon, you are a fucking failure and everyone around you sees it,” 


She was just trying to get to him. It wasn’t fucking true, Aegon knew it wasn’t. In his first life he failed.. He failed to protect his children, his wife. He failed Aemond in so many ways, but he changed! He’s different now. He stopped drinking, he spent time with Aemond, his mother…


“Why do you think Helaena was so quick to throw you to the side after your engagement was called off? You failed her as a betrothed and a brother, admit it Aegon!”


“Lies! That’s all you tell all you say! I’m good, I did good , I did better!” Aegon defended himself. Tears streamed down his face that he didn’t bother to wipe. He sunk back on the bed, bringing his knees to his chest. He did better, Gods know he tried. The tears kept coming, Aegon tried to hold them in but before he could stop he fell into a sob. It was violent and loud, his whole body shaking. He did fail his brother. He bullied Aemond for not having the one thing he desired. Aegon wasn’t there to defend him when he lost his eye, Aegon wasn’t there to defend him at God’s eye. It wasn’t a surprise Aemond left him now.


“Aegon, let us bring him back, give you a chance to fix your failures,” Aegon felt the bed dip beside him, Baela pulled him close to her. She was here, she was comforting him. Not his mother, not Helaena, not his dear brother Aemond, Baela.


“She’s right, Aegon, tell us where Aemond went, who took him and we’ll bring him back. We’ll try all of us to be a better family,” it was Jace. Aegon panicked, scrambling back into Baela who held him in place. Baela shushed him, petting his hair and holding him still.


“I’m sorry for what I did earlier, I was angry, so angry and I took it out on you,” Aegon turned his head. He should forgive Jace, he was angry. Who wouldn’t be angry with Aegon? He was a failure, unable to save or defend anyone that was his. He should be glad Jace was back, he could’ve easily been swept away by temptation as Aemond had been. He didn’t care about the look Baela and Jace shared. He didn’t care as they smiled at one another. Aegon didn’t care that he had fallen for another one of their traps. Jace and Baela were here, holding him, no one else. 


“It’s okay,” he mumbled. 


“Can you tell us? Who took Aemond?”



The chill morning breeze ran through the halls of the Red Keep. The cold of the stone walls enhanced the tension in every lord's spine. Rhaena could see how fear stricken they all were. No doubt they heard of Aemonds escape, no doubt they all feared they'd be accused of it. But it wasn’t much of a mystery, Aemonds disappearance. He had such little friends in court and only had the guts to take him. Starks, those damned traitors. Oath breakers. They bent the knee to Rhaenyra in both lives yet turn and take her son's mate. Rhaena turned her back to all the lords, shuffling into the throne room. She was meant to watch them, make sure every lord was in attendance but there were more pressing matters. 


She passed by her sister's chamber, her fathers as well. Rhaena walked towards Aemonds rooms, she didn’t knock on the shut door, she knew Luke wouldn’t answer. Upon her entrance Rhaena held her nose. The sheer desperation oozing off her stepbrother was pathetic. Luke laid curled up with Aemonds clothes to his face. His eyes were wide, red. He still hadn;t slept.


“Why are you here?” Rhaena asked. She pulled a chair beside the bed.


“Where else would I be?”


“Out there!” Rhaena pointed towards the window, “looking for your mate who’s wetting his skirts thinking of Cregan Stark's mark on his neck.”


“You don’t think I want to be?! I have a plan, Daemon, Jacaerys and I have a plan, a long winded, important plan, but we need to be… patient,”


“You’ve been speaking with your mother,”


“Why would you say-”


“Because you’re acting reasonably! Where’s the man who bitched his murderer? Now you choose to act as if you have a stable head on your shoulders Luke, which we both know you don’t,” Rhaena watched as Luke backed down. He sighed loudly but sat up to face her. She knew what Luke wanted to do, to storm out and claim what was rightfully his. Rhaena wanted that for him as well, but she couldn’t deny the reason Rhaenyra brought. It would be dangerous to have Cregan as an enemy.


“Do you know what my first thoughts were, when you told us that you were born again?” she asked Lucerys.


“That I was crazy,” Rhaena laughed. He was right, their whole family thought Luke had gone insane. He spoke of war and death, of Aegon being crowned. They all ignored him at first, until they noticed how odd the Greens had been moving. It was as if they lost all their aggression, they hate fill cunts which they’d once known had become docile. Daemon was the first to believe Luke. Rhaena remembered the night her father confided in her this awful dream of being plunged into the water. Her father described how all he saw was blood and then he felt Caraxes and his bond break. Death. Her father was dreaming of killing Aemond and dying in the process.

Then it was Jace, he remembered everything. It was after Aemond lost his eye, the night they left Jace woke up crying. He confirmed everything Luke said and more. They were without options, they had to believe. Rhaena herself had started to dream, to remember. Her memories, unlike her family, she was all alone. Followed by a green cloak, Rhaena could only remember how she yearned, for the sea, her family, for the sky. Every dream ended with a damned green cloak wrapping around her, suffocating her with every tug.


But it was the queen who confirmed all of their suspicions. After their move back to Kingslanding Queen Alicent, in a drunken frenzy confirmed the truth. They were born again. The greens were traitors responsible for the death of her loved ones, they did kill Luke, Jace, her father, grandmother,  even Rhaenyra. To hear her admit to it all, Rhaena hated that self righteous bitch. She always spoke about the good and bad, the evil and virtuous, but she was no good! Her wicked heart held no virtue and was them who paid for it. She killed but outlived everyone who deserved life. 


“That night Queen Alicent told us, I wanted to kill her. I wanted to kill them all,” she whispered. Lucerys reached out for her. Rhaena took his hand as he pulled her onto the bed next to him.


“But Mother and I said no,”

“Why?” Rhaena asked. She was angry before but now, she wants to live a quiet life. She was happy with Helaena, they’d live a nice life together. Traveling with their children, visiting the foreign world. But she was still curious.


“I wanted revenge, not to kill, but for Aemond to live everyday as I felt during that storm,” Rhaena watched Luke's hands. He was gripping the cloth so hard his knuckles were turning white.


“I wanted him to run, to flee me beyond the clouds, for him to feel the slightest bit of hope that he had escaped,” Luke laughed, “and then I’d come and chomp down on his fucking skull.”


“Wanted?” she questioned. Luke's rage was understandable, they felt that way af first. It was easy for her to love Helaena. That sweet girl never hurt anyone. It was easy for Baela and Jace to take on Aegon, he never directly harmed either of them. A matter of fact Baela was the one inflicting terror in Aegon's heart. But Aemond and Luke? Aemond killed him. Rhaena just couldn’t understand how he could ever love him.


 “I don’t know what I want anymore. I know I want him, I know I want him to hurt, but I want him to love me. To be dependent on me only,” Luke whispered.


“So how do you plan to get him back?” Rhaena watched a small smile creep on Luke's face. The scent of desperation slowly shifting to amusement.

“I told you, I have a plan, one that requires loyalty, hatred,... and patience. I’ve been plotting and scheming this game since I first remembered ” Luke sighed, “I just wasn’t expecting the urge for him to be this strong,”


Rhaena nodded. She sat next to her brother in silence. She didn't know what Luke had planned for Aemond, a part of her could almost feel remorseful. Until she remembered all he killed, all he hurt, how pain and suffering was the only love Aemond knew, Rhaena felt remorse until she remembered Aemond deserves it. The only redeeming quality the cunt had was to a sword, but with Lukes guidance he’ll find better talents on a birthing bed.



The sun was bright, the sky was clear, and Aemond was getting closer and closer to Winterfell. Though it was still days away, he had made great progress. He and Nuspes were resting near the outskirts of the Vale. The morning air was calming to the rest of his nerves. In his travels he had yet to meet a passerby that had not mentioned the runaway omega prince. Some sympathized, others cursed the entitlement of ‘spoiled cunts’. Aemond could care less how they felt, he was free, and happier than he had been after years in that castle. 


He was glowing and smiling and guilt free. This freedom from his family helped him realize things he never knew about himself. He was happy alone, enjoyed the company of passing strangers, and most of all, Aemond was a damned liar. 


He missed his family. It pained him to admit but it was true. They cold nights at the inn, the loneliness of the night. He wanted nothing more but to curl up next to his mother. To have her hold him while Aegon jested and Helaena sang. He didn’t enjoy the company of strangers. They came too close, expressed their opinions too freely, and they smelled. Gods be good they all smelled of horse shit and hookers ass. Aemond knew of poverty, he knew how peasants lived in the slums with little ways to clean themselves, but out here? There were endless rivers, lakes, hell Aemond had come across a couple of ponds. They had no reason to smell the way they did. But behind the stenches and pit in his stomach Aemond recognized that he made a decision. For the better of his life, he needed to leave, and his decision was right. Aemond knew his decision was right. The Gods knew….


“It’s not safe for an Omega to be out here alone, it’s no better if their lost in their own world either,”


Aemond turned his head to a man behind him. He smelled horridly, as a pack of traveling corpses. Aemonds face pinched together, wincing as the man came closer. His horse was right beside Aemond’s, their legs slightly brushing. Aemond pulled back as the man leaned toward him sniffing the air.


“During a heat no less,” the man smiled, “brave or stupid?”


Aemond turned his head, he had met a few travelers who held bad intentions but they were handled, the same way he’d handle this man if he got too close.


“Both perhaps, what brings you here?”


“A reward,” the man laughed. Aemond didn’t like anything about him. He didn’t like the way he smelt or sat atop his horse. He didn’t like the man’s smile or the cruelness behind his laugh. Aemond looked for a way around the stranger.


“Don’t try to run on me now sweet thing, I wanna get to know you,” 


“I want you to get the hell away from me,” Aemond sneered. He reached his hand down to his dagger while eyeing the man.


“The names Paw,” Like a dog? 


“Ale,” Aemond said, he scoffed to himself. Ale? Paw and Ale? Sounded straight out of a children's story. 


“Well, Ale, where's your family? Surely no one in their right mind would let an omega travel alone,”


“Dead, or sick mostly,” Aemond lied, “My brother and his mate moved north, better work. They found a match and sent for me,” 


Aemond continued his lies to Paw. As of now he was Ale before he was Riven and before that he was Molark. His family is always dead or sending for him but Aemond always made sure to add that he was expected. He figured there’d be less intent to harm him with the potential risk of being hunted. Now he was Ale, heading to the north to be bedded and wedded.


“A good brother ye got,” Paw chuckled. Aemond wanted him gone. He wasn’t interested in a travel buddy. He certainly didn’t want one that stunk of rotting corpses. Aemond watched Paws actions. The old shit had no intention of leaving. He was slunk back on his horse, clearly at ease.


“Where are you headed Paw?”


“Bounty hunting,” Aemond paused. Was he looking for him? Had his sister sent people out for him already?


“There's word a man broke into the sept, stole some donations,” Aemond let out a breath. Paw was hunting for a thief, not a runaway prince. Aemond fixed himself upright on his saddle. If Paw wouldn’t leave he would. Gods know he spent too much time enjoying the serenity of nature, he was starting to forget the urgency of his situation.


“Well, I’d best get going,” he breathed out. Aemond turned to Paw who lazily smiled.


“We’ll see eachother again boy,” Aemond raised a brow.


“I doubt it,”


“Be careful out there boy, this worlds a deceitful place, and people life us often have no one in our corner,” Paw paused, “no one we can truly tru-”


Aemond cut the man off and rolled his only eye, “save your sermons for the needy,” he and Nuspes kicked off leaving the man and his last words in the dust. Aemond 


Thought?- Aegon

And Prayers girl.- Me and y'all

I low-key love a Manipulative Jace and Baela. Addressing some comments before Lukes Pov is planned but It's gonna be like one of the last. I feel that if we get a pov of him now it will reveal all of his motives and like we know them, but his pov would confirm them and I'm not ready for that.

IK some things seem patch and you probably have some questions,(Was Jace really going to Sterilize him?) but I assure you everything will be answered in due time.

Chapter 15: Honor is the Gods


Aemond is look delicious in these episodes, him setting Aegon on fire in the show was not something I expected.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Aemond was getting closer north. There was a chill in the air, it bit at the peaks of face and the tips of his fingers. There was a small flush that consumed him, adding crimson to his normally pallid skin. The chill didn’t leave in midday, it stayed with Aemond, only heightening and decreasing but the cold never left. He’d been traveling for a week and some change already, nearly reaching The Twins he knew Winterfell wasn’t too far off. But Aemond was no longer simply traveling, they were looking for him. Rhaenyra must’ve tried her best to downplay his disappearance but she failed. Aemond heard the hushed whispers of the townsfolk he passed. Lucerys was frothing at the mouth to get him back. ‘Crazy’ they called him. ‘Nonsensical’ and ‘insane’, all words used to describe his nephew. Aemond could think of a few worse but these were commoners. Even they were skeptical of loose forms of treason. Words that could damage their imperial family's image.


Aemond wrapped his cloak tighter around himself. He tried the shield himself from the oncoming cold but it served little use. His body was freezing but the subtle sting of the cold Aemond couldn’t feel. In place the pinched feeling of uncertainty rallied in his stomach. It sat atop his lunch and seemed to brawl with it, Aemond wondered when the vomit would come out. 


Nuspes proved a good friend, no greater than Vhagar. She remained untouched in Aemonds list of companions, on a pedestal so high the new Gods could barely reach. Nuspes was smaller, the horse liked apples. Aemond would pick one off passing branches and allow her to eat them in their rest. She liked it when he spoke to her. The gentle coo of her breath in conversation with Aemond was enough, but she especially enjoyed it at night. At times when they could not reach an Inn and Aemond hat to make camp beside a fortress of trees. Nuspes would lay beside him purring under his touch, Aemond would tell her stories and play in her maine.


Stories much like the one he was thinking of now. The sun was nearly set, Aemond ventured off path with the horse. He gathered the used the bag of drywood on Nuspes’s hip. With the strike of a stone, fire was lit. Aemond bit on a piece of dried meat. Whatever it was, it was bland. Nuspes laid on his thigh.


“My body didn’t answer to me, Vhagar didn’t as well. She behaved mostly, only  ever disobeying when she was tired and wished to rest,” Aemond smiled thinking of his old friend. He’d wished she was here with him now, but Vhagar wasn’t much of a secret. His family would track him down before sunfall.


“I tried to stop her, in common tongue and ancient but, Arrax spit fire, with the storm, combined with her hate for the Dornish which Lucerys strikingly resembles, it was all too much for her,” Nuspes purred on hip. Her snout jiggled at the action.


“I regretted it but it wasn't my fault. I know it was wrong,” he whispered. Aemond bent his head back on a tree. The rigid bark entangled with his hair but Aemond could care less at the moment. Guilt was eating him alive. He was alone, alone with his thoughts and they were destroying him. 


“But it was,” Aemond turned his head. Luke?


Before him was his nephew, young in time again. Yet not whole. His arm was missing, blood dripped from where it should’ve been. It pooled near his feet, the platter and shimmer of his nephew's blood sent and shiver up Aemonds spine. He watched as Lucerys, this hallucination of him took a seat across. Aemond welcomed the spirit, he’d be lying if he said it was the first he saw. Really now he was dreaming. Dreaming of being awake and petting Nuspes, dreaming of his dead nephew sharing a fire with him. He’d wake in the morrow, a cold sweat covering his body while he screamed. Screamed because in these dreams Lucerys got his revenge. 


“I didn’t kill you Luke, Vhagar did,” Aemond stared at the smoke drawing from the fire. The fires burned bright, the waves of heat blurring the image of his nephew.


“Is that how you delude yourself, uncle? Blame it on the Dragon,” Lucerys laughed. He prodded at his arm, or where it should be, poking the flesh.


“Blame it on yourself, Arrax disobeyed you as well,”


“Arrax protected me!”


“And failed. Blame it on your Dornish features as well, Vhagar has an perfervid hate for them,” the fire was burning bright, the hatred for his wrongs beside it. Aemond looked down in his palms. In them was an arm, Luke’s missing arm. He should give it back to him. May the Gods connect it as they’ve connected the memory to Aemond. 


“I hope it makes you feel better,”  the arms turned to ash in Aemonds hands. He looked up to find Lucerys larger. A striking image of the demon he left in Kingslanding. Broad and devilishly handsome. The face of a lust hungry serpent, tempting maidens into damnation. Was Aemond a maiden? Pure and sweet, following his dear nephew into the pits of hell. He could admit an attraction he had to Lucerys. Even with one eye Aemond found it hard to deny all the good Harwin Strong's genes did for Luke. The muscles, sharp chin, the way his hair curled down the crooks of his face. Aemond would spend more time in awe of Luke’s face if he spent less time fearing for his life.


“I didn’t kill you,” Aemond spoke to the ghost. His words were firm as he was on the matter. They came out in a tremble. Lucerys stood before him now, his body blocking the fires light. He reached out for Aemond who offered his hand, but Luke grabbed his hair. He yanked Aemond up on his feet. Luke's breath wasn’t hard, he wasn’t scared or angry. He pushed Aemond around so his stomach against the tree. The alpha groped Aemonds sides; he pressed himself against the omega, enticing a whine.


“Admit it Aemond, you killed me, and you enjoyed it,” Lucerys purred. Aemond pressed his lips shut. This was just a hallucination. His mind playing games with him. At his silence Luke pulled at his breeches. He let them fall on the floor, exposing Aemond to the cold air.


“What an adorable ass,” Lucerys whispered, “with cheeks just as red and flushed as the ones on your face,” Lucerys spewed compliments in Aemonds ear. The praise from an alpha sent surges up his spine. He wanted more. Aemond pushed his ass onto Lucerys. This was only a dream. A wet dream of his captour and torture, it was a sin itself. But Aemond allowed himself to indulge, he too deserved pleasure in all his suffering.


“Admit it and I’ll give you what you want princess,” Lucerys pulled Aemonds head back. The burn from his scalp mixing with his pleasure. He didn’t kill Lucerys, and he didn’t enjoy it. But if it meant releasing the sexual tension with his nephew's ghost, Aemond wouldn’t mind.


“Get off of him,” Aemond and Luke turned towards the voice. It was Cregan, standing not too far from Aemond, Luke's non-existent figure, and his sleeping horse. Aemond was truly losing it. His mind was more fucked than a freshly broken in whore.


Cregan was no longer afar. He took the place of the tree, bracing Aemonds body against his own. Cregan hands wrapped around his waist.


“Aemond is to be my mate, promised to me by his brother and mother, the Queen,” Cregan sneered. Lucerys only laughed, his gloved fingers, traced down the curve of Aemonds ass until they reached the untouched lips of his cunt. 


“Aemond is to be mine, promised to me in blood,” at the end of Lucerys voice he heard the gush. Then he saw it, Cregans head rolled on the floor, bouncing slightly against the rocked floor. Red and black surged from his neck onto Aemonds hands, he pulled back the blood burning him. Aemond watched as the green in his veins engulfed his wrist. Lucerys pushed them back into the blood. Back into the banners of his sister.


“It hurts!” Aemond cried, he pushed himself away but Lucerys forced his hands on the bloody banners. He burned Aemonds traitor hands while rutting against his bare ass. Lucerys only growled into the nook of Aemond's neck. Licking stary tears that ventured far enough.


“No one cares for a usurper's pain,” Luke laughed. 


Aemond awoke.


Insanity was dawning on him. Aemonds shuddering out of slumber caused Nuspes to stir. She lifted herself off the floor shaking the dust on bugs from her face. Aemond watched as she wandered off to graze the freshly dewed grass. He sat in silence with the small flame which survived the night. He needed to get north. He needed Letti. God’s Aemond missed his friend. The girl wasn;t much younger than Aemond, yet shouldered the weight of her entire family. She was a great woman, an even better companion, and the only person Aemond would’ve ever shared this dream with.


His heat was fucking with his mind. The suppressants were drawing out the fever, it should’ve ended days ago. Now he suffered with dreams of Lucerys and Cregan. This is what he deserves for taking drugs his body has no tolerance for. Aemond sighed. He joined Nuspes on the edge of the forest. The trees grew thin and the smell of wet leaves dimmed. Instead the ground opened up to a rocky path, beside a river. Aemond climbed atop his horse and they continued down it. His stomach growled for something beside the mystery meat in his pouch and his skin cried for a proper bath. Maybe he should stop here. Aemond looked downward to the river. Its water was clear and crystal like. It rippled down the rocks and shined under morning light. A fish would peak to the top every second, the mindless creatures unaware of all that wished to eat them. 


Did he have the time? Was it wise? Aemond pulled the color of his shirt out, he smelt the sweat and stink clinging to his skin. He could risk it. He tied Nuspes to a nearby tree, leaving enough rope for her to venture some ways into the woods as well as to the river if she wanted to drink. Hanging off Nuspes was a small contraption, a cage built of sticks with an open door. Aemond searched through the mud near the river bank, his fingertips came in contact with a worm. He impaled the little thing on a stick and shoved it in the cage, then placed the cage  down in the water. It was all connected to a slither of rope Aemond left under a rock. Nuspes was resting, his breakfast would be caught soon and now he could clean himself.


He took his clothes off unceremoniously, throwing them on the ground next to his sack. Aemond shivered as the water engulfed his toes. It was cold, yet to heat up under the sun. Aemond allowed himself to sink under slowly, he embraced the water and the numbness it brought. He brought himself down further under the water covering the top of his head. And Aemond stayed. He stayed submerged under the icy ripples of water until he heard the whining of his horse. 


Aemond lifted his head to see Nuspes kicking at nothing, but her body turned to him. Aemond squinted as he looked past her. God’s be fucking good, a man was running away with what seemed to be Aemonds bags. He could hear the shiming of coins and the rummage of his clothes from the water. He waded back to the river bank, the thief even stole his dirty rags. He had nothing to wear other than his cloak. 


He took what he thought of Nuspes earlier back. She was not a good traveling companion. Her only warning was after the thief was well down the path, escaping with everything Aemond had. 


“Fuck,” he cursed under he breath. Of all the things! Of all the things, why his clothes? His gold, he understood. The dried meat, he understood. His clothes? Even the dirty ones? Aemond smacked his fist against the grass, his buddy still beneath the water. 


“Are you alright sir?” Aemond looked over his shoulder. There was a woman, she was dressed quite oddly for the weather they’d endure north. Her skin was darling than most, not as Dark as Lettis but tanner than Coles. Was she Dornish perhaps? That’d explain the lack of fur on her. The woman was beautiful nonetheless. Her hair was darker than the night sky, it laid in a messy braid hung over her shoulder. Twisted in her hair were beads and pearls. She was adorned in silk. The milky oranges against her skin almost made her look as if she belonged here. Amongst the trees. As a river nymph of faerie sitting on the loose branch of an oak tree. 


“Not entirely,” Aemond responded, he pointed towards the direction his thief ran in, “someone stole all my belongings,”


The woman nodded towards him, she turned her head into the opposite direction, towards the stairs of rocks before Aemond. She seemed to have been deciding whether or not to cross. Aemond eyed her as pulled a horse from the trees behind her. She guided them up more where the water was shallow only making it to her ankles. She came to cross the river, bringing her animals with her. The woman tied her horse beside Nuspes. She didn’t speak a word to Aemond as she rummaged through her bags. She pulled out two sets of cloth, one a slim white silk, the other fuzzed cotton and brown.


“To whomst do you pray?” she asked, “maiden or mother?”




The woman smiled and let the brown cloth slip back into her bag. She took a small bag from within and brought the white one with her. Instead of handing them to Aemond she brought them to the stairs of rock. With a quick motion of her hands she shed herself of his clothing. 

 Aemond found himself turning his head. She placed the white silk on the dry grass with her discarded clothing. The woman outreached her hand towards Aemond. He took it and helped down the short slope trying his best to avoid her body. 


“My name is Erina,” she spoke. Erinas hands found themselves on Aemond's shoulders, she turned him so his back was facing her. Aemond fiddled while she searched in her small pouch. He was unsure why he let this woman join him or why he was allowing her to control his movements. Erina broke her silence with a song. She sang while she pressed her hands against Aemond's scalp. Sudds formed in his hair, lathering it in full. 


The men carried the lady far and out of reach

To the room where she’d be bedded deep in the Redkeep


To bed her, to wed her, to keep his family line

That is just the way of things

And this is just the time


Aemond hummed along with her to the old chant. It is often sung at weddings, reminding the bride of the humiliation she’d endure when it was time for consummation. Aemond hoped he wouldn’t have to hear it at he and Cregans wedding. But the familiarity of the tune brought him peace.


“Apologies but I have no clothes suited for the North, my prince,” she said. Erina bent Aemonds head back slightly, she scooped handfuls of water onto the root of his hair. The water rinsed out to soap, allowing it to flow down stream. 


“ I’m grateful either way,” Aemond turned to her. Erina handed him a small vile and motioned for her hair. She unraveled her braid, picking out the pearls and beads. Aemond let her dip her hair into the water, as she emerged Aemond tended to her as she did him. He tipped the vile watching as the pale concoction traveled down Erinas scalp. Aemond messaged it in, welcoming the suds that formed. He raked his fingertips through her hair with much care. Gentle as he detangled the knots. 


“I could’ve been a bastard,” 


“Very little bastards carry themselves with such pride, have one eye, and are the picture of the conqueror,” she giggled. Aemond liked her voice, she sounded mature as his mother yet held the innocence of Helaena. He rinsed her hair and the girls turned towards him. Erina moved her hand to his face, she cupped his cheeks, smiling at him with her brown eyes. So large and full of mirth. Erina seemed to forget she was bare, Aemond as well since he only smiled down at her. 


“I must make haste,” Aemond told her. Erina didn’t mind his hurrying. She climbed up the rocky slope, Aemond tailing her. They dressed with much speed, only stopping to observe one another or smile. Erina had a fur cloak to cover her silk and Aemond had a plain one to cover his. They rode out down the path together, enjoying the silence they each had to offer.



By nightfall Aemond was deep in the north. Tonight would mark his ninth day on the road. Cregan told him the trip would be at least twelve, but Aemond was making great time. He might be there in a day or two. Erina proved to be a better companion than Nuspes. She actually spoke. Erina was an omega as well. She was only half dornish, though she’s told she looks exactly as her mother did. Her father was a blacksmith, a well known one. His name was Tiddle and he lived in the Stormlands, Their land ruled by the Baratheons who neighbored Dorne. Sometimes men would gather and travel just to see a Dornish whore.


“My mother took care of me while I was young, I would hear the way foreigners spoke of us,” Erina whispered, her accent making some of her words complicated for Aemond, but he listened nonetheless.


“War nymphs, they say nothing entices a Dornish whore more than blood, they loved to make her bleed. Customers brought knives and daggers to cut, they’d fuck her in her blood, the madame would not allow my mother to cry, “ Erina paused, “it ruined the fantasy,”


Aemond shoveled the fire with a branching, keeping it bright and alive. He and Erina were practically holding one another. Their cloaks covering them and their horses nearby. Aemond let her rest her head on his shoulder. Erina and Letti would be good friends, Aemond would see to it.


“She bleed out one night, the madame made my father take me,” she sighed, “I was too young to work so I was just another mouth to feed,”

Erina fidgeted with her hands the same way his mother, the Queen did. Biting at their thumbs to focus on something other than their thoughts.


“He wasn’t bad, he just didn’t know what to do with me. He has a sister who moved north, her husband is a sellsword, and the Starks pay well. Time passed of him taking jobs here, traveling back to see my aunt, she got tired of her husband leaving and just decided they should move here. The Starks were more than willing to provide a home,”


“So you’re going to her?” 


“A man there is crippled in his left leg, he is well off. Owns a farm and many animals, but no one will marry him,” so he was born a cripple. It was a superstition in the Seven Kingdoms. To be made cripple is one thing, but those born it. That's a curse from the Gods, the victim will suffer, and anyone associated with them ostracized. If their children can be born normal, they will be given a chance among the new generation, but their parents will not be. A sinner and their accomplice will always be outcast.


“You will harm yourself so?” Aemond question. She was beautiful, surely a merchant would wed her. Why marry a man that will socially ruin her.


“We write to one another, he is rich enough to have trained crows,” Erina described how romantic the man was in his letters. He spewed better words than any merchant would be able to. In the letters sometimes were trinkets, necklaces, earrings. He was a proud man, proud of his work and of his future wife. He offered to travel down for her, or to send someone, her uncle even offered to retrieve her but Erina wished to do it herself. She wanted her last days as a maiden to be free, just her and the wind. When she made it to her husband, freedom would no longer be hers. She’d support him, and focus her effort on making children. Plenty to help with the farm and wed off. Erina was quite dutiful. Aemond could only hope to have half the heart she does. 


Aemond senses her want for his story but he doesn’t share. He didn’t want to share. He was contempt with his mind focusing on Erina. It was better for them all. 


“How far north for you my prince?”



“A day or two away,” she said softly. Aemond nodded and that was the last they spoke that night. Erina rested her head on his shoulder and they fell asleep together. A Dornish bastard, runaway one-eyed prince, a mismatched horse, and a fire slowly freezing.



“Was it worth it?”


Aegon lifted his head to his sister. Helaena sat on an old chair, rocking slowly beside the fire. She held a book in her hands, Aegon couldn’t tell what it was about, he didn’t care much either. He and Helaena rarely interacted by themselves after the engagement let up. So now he finds himself sitting beside her in silence, to make up for said lost time. It was out of guilt of failing her and the fact that he ratted out his brother.


Baela and Jace swore they wouldn’t tell Luke, only send out their people to bring him back. Call him a fool, but Aegon trusted them. He knows he shouldn’t, but even if he didn’t trust them what could he do to stop them? It was better to find hope in his situation. He hoped that Jace and Baela were telling the truth.


“Was what worth it?”


“He will not thank you,” her voice was melodic. 


“He will be safe,” Aegon responded. He paused for a second, trying to meet eyes with his sister but she kept her head in the tales before her, “his safety is all that matters.”

“A Dragon will have to freeze to protect it’s flame,”


“What does that mean Helaena? You’re always speaking in tongues, how should we, your family, interpet your riddles?” Aegon snapped. Helaena put the tales down. She stared at Aegon, her eyes flashing with emotion, more than he’s ever noticed.


“I think I am angry Aegon,” she paused, “I am angry at you, and Aemond, and mother as well,”


Aegon cocked his head to the side. His sister, Helaena, the dragon dreamer queen, was angry? She’d never expressed something other than dazed for all he knew.




“I don’t know what the riddles I say mean,” she whispered, “please leave.”


Aegon stood, not to leave but to approach his sister. She couldn’t just drop the fact that she was angry. Why? Why was she angry with them? Why was she only saying something now?


“What did we do?” he questioned. Aegon kneeled before Helaena, he rested his hands on her knees over the book pages. Helaena looked down at him, the same glossy gaze shielding her eyes. The same glossy gaze she’d kept for their entire lives.


“I don’t like that I’m ignored,” Helaena paused and looked away as if she was scared to confide in him. Aegon folded the book and placed it on the floor beside them, “I don’t like that you never apologized, any of you,”


“Apologized for what?”


Aegon and Helaena both turned their heads to the voice. Rhaenyra stood at the entrance. Their eldest sister was without guard or any company. She shut the door behind her, leaving the three of them alone from outside ears. Rhaenyra took the seat Aegon once relaxed in. She smoothed out the creases of her dress as if she was nervous. Why? She had no reason to fear them. It was Aegon and Helaena who should be nervous, it was Aegon and Helaena who should be smoothing their silks. Not Rhaenyra, future Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, the realm's delight who never felt the pain of being the discarded one. She was born with a royal flush while Aegon and his siblings fought for a spot at the dealing table.


“For treating her as a second thought,” Aegon said, it was probably true. Rhaenyra said little to nothing. She watched them both closely.


“Aemond has run, I know one of you knows and I need you to tell me,” Rhaenrya said. Amazing, Jacaerys really didn’t turn on his word. He spoke of Aemonds location to no one, not even his mother. Aegon cringed slightly as he thought of his sister's rule now. She was unable to trust even her own children.


“We know nothing,”




“Was it worth it?” Helaena asked their elder sister. Rhaenyra gaze held the same puzzled look as Aegon. She opened her mouth to questions the princesses words but Helaena spoke again, “A Dragon will have to freeze to protect it’s flame,”


Helaena stood from her chair, she bunched her fingers in a ball opening and closing them. Aegon went to hold her but she pushed him off. She walked towards the door more dazed than ever.


“And if the Dragon doesn’t freeze?”


“It will burn,”



9 pages this time guys, Thoughts?

Chapter 16: Gods are karma


Sorry for the delay

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

A day and a half had passed. Aemond was in Winterfell. His skin was flushed and fragile, sensitive to every brush of the northern air. The wind had covered his body in a consistent chill. Aemond couldn’t wait to enter his new home and have a hot bath. Letti would be there, she’d know exactly how he wanted it, burning his skin at the touch. His excitement caught the attention of Erina, she kept teasing Aemond but he could tell she was nervous too. Erina tried to mask it but she kept looking back, fidgeting, Aemond even caught her whispering prayers. They were both going home to their future. Her company was well enjoyed and Aemond would reimburse her greatly. 


Cregan was already in Winterfell. As he and Erina were making hace through hidden paths they heard the caravan pass them. Cregan had left a day after Aemond, it made sense that he caught up, unlike Aemond there was no need to stay hidden. Cregan’s men caught him food and there were no creeps to pester him. Aemond had half hoped that his future husband would spot him amongst the trees, call out to him, and continue their travels together, half hoped. Cregan didn’t notice and Aemond didn’t chase him, he wanted to enjoy his last day on the road free. Just him and Erina riding to their future.


But even with a great friend beside him and his future near in sight, Aemond felt a pit in his stomach. It continued to sink with every step he took. He wanted to describe his unease to Erina but Aemond doubted he could put it into words. He felt as if his body was sagging, as if his skin was rotting and his organs would tumble out. Aemond felt a pull on his heart, neither up or down, left nor right. It just tugged and pinched and it made Aemond scared. He had no reason to fear Cregan, the man had been nothing but kind. Still… 


“You’re in your thoughts more than usual,” Aemond turned his head to Erina. His travel buddy in all her beauty had created quite the distance between them. Aemond bent his head back. He shifted his weight onto his right foot, dismissing the pinch sent to his left.


“I’m… worried,” Aemond paused, “It’s silly isn't it, I have this amazing man housing me, great friends, a Queen backing me and I’m worried.” he laughed bitterly.


Erina was quiet for a moment. She didn’t close the gap between the two of them. She didn’t even look him in the eyes. Aemond was right, it was silly. Erina was marrying a crippled man, she had twice the reason to worry. She was destroying a bright future because of a connection over letters. 


“I’m sorry my prince,” her voice was low. Aemond cocked his head to the side, sorry for what? Before he could speak Erina beat him to it,


“I am worried too, scared that I’m making a decision I’ll regret forever, I find it hard to comfort you,” Erina kept her head down. Aemond smiled though she didn’t see it.


“Speak freely, this conversation will be between two traveling omegas, not a prince and a commoner,”


Erina giggled, she showed her face to Aemond. The foreign beauty he was growing fond of. She pointed a bit farther behind the trees. A small well was there. Aemond was amazed the water hadn’t frozen over. He pulled the rope, lifting the bucket full of cold water from below.


“Take off your boots,” Erina ordered. Aemond churned his face, “your foot is hurting, I have bandages. Let me wash it and wrap it, then we can continue on our way,” Aemond nodded, not wanting to fight one of his only friends. They found a bucket near the well, Erina flipped it over, patting it frozen bottom for him to sit on. As Aemond took his right boot off, he heard a growl. It was distant and almost non-existent. Aemond turned his head to look but Erina hurried him. With both feet planted firm in the ice snow Aemond shuddered. Erina stuck her hand on her side for something, “my bag,” she cursed, “I need the oil, wait here,” Aemond protested but Erina ran off to her horse. Aemond heard it neigh but was more focused on the icy burn in his feet. Where was she? A growl, Aemond heard it again. He turned to look behind him but there was no one there. The pit in Aemonds stomach dug deeper. His heart beat uncontrollably, it was all he could feel.


He ran towards Erina. She  was standing by their horses as she said she’d be. She held both the ropes of her horse and Nuspes. Aemonds heartbeat was uncountable. The ice itched its way past his ankles and to his knees. His breath quickened, he wanted to call out to his friend but there was someone beside her. Aemond stepped closer. 


The man beside Erina was tall and menacing. He was well built and dripped in the essence of terror, he had long white hair and lilac eyes. Eyes that disappeared in the shadow of his face. It was Daemon. Daemon Targaryen was handing her a sack of gold and shaking her hand. Aemond watched as a man came behind her. He placed his hands on Erina’s shoulders smiling down on her, Aemond noticed how the man stunk of death and rotting corpses. It was Paw who stood beside Erina. Fucking traitors. Fucking gods. Then Paw pointed at him.


Faced with their smiles and Dark Sister lodged onto Daemon's hip, Aemond did the only thing he could do. Aemond ran.


His bare feet came down hard against the snowy floor of the north. He cursed himself, Aemond was still wearing the slim white silks Erina had entrusted him. The cloth blew behind him in the cold wind. His skin was exposed to the ice cold. Did she plan this? Aemond changed his plans for that Dornish bitch. He was going to give her riches, opportunities, and friends. Meanwhile she dressed him in unfit silks and took his boots, leaving him defenseless to the cold. When he got his hands on her, he’d cut out her treacherous tongue and give it to the crippled farmer, if he even existed. Aemond could see his skin turning blue with every second he was in the cold.


Hounds barked behind him. Their chains clattered together, the kingsguard screamed his name. Aemond struggled to focus, where was he going? Where was the Keep? His breath was already haggard, and his throat at an icy pinch. Aemond didn’t have long until his body gave up on him. He needed Cregan, once he had the bite he’d be safe. Taking him would insite war, a war his sister couldn’t afford.


The noise of the Kingsgaurd faded into the back of his head. Once again Aemond could only hear his heartbeat. It was quick and loud, pumping with adrenaline. He didn’t know where he was going, but his heart pulled him straight. Aemond fought the icy daggers piercing his feet as he ran, frozen tears making homes on his face.


“Aemond!” Daemon called out to him, “It’s no use, come back home and all will be forgiven,” was this his atonement? Catching the runaway prince and gifting him to the future Queen? Was he on punishment until he could prove himself loyal to Rhaenyra only?


Aemonds legs moved faster, he ran into a village. Not too far behind it he saw the wooden gate of a castle come into view. They were open and unguarded,  Aemond ran right past the surprised people and threw the gates. He ran up the steps, the same steps from his dreams. Was there a room? The room he found homage in before? Aemond turned and it was there. A door with a large oak and the symbol of a wolf. 


“Aemond, make this easier for us all!” Daemon called out, Aemond turned and he was marching up the steps, “I told you to play along Aemond,” 


The kingsguard and their hounds stayed on the floor, Daemon was approaching him alone. Aemond felt like he was prey, he felt like he was being stalked by a savage animal, that being his dear uncle. He wasn’t escaping, he couldn’t escape but Aemond wanted to hope. He closed his eyes and opened the door, slamming it shut behind him.


“Aemond you here,” he recognized this voice. It was Cregan. Aemond looked up and saw the alpha sitting in a chair. A woman in his lap, hair as brown as an oakwood tree and eyes that matched the fallen leaves of autumn. She was holding onto Cregan tightly, as if she was scared of Aemond. As if she was wronged by his presence.


Here she was sitting on his future mate, yet she looked scared? She was confused? Aemond looked between the two of them.


“I’m sorry, truly I am” Cregan spoke. He ushered the woman off of him. The woman holed herself in a corner, staring suspiciously up at Aemond.


“Lucerys has turned out differently than the Queen expected, but that's what happens when your kids don’t grow up the first time,” Cregans lips pulled into a tight smile, his voice stabbing Aemonds heart. “You knew,” Aemond whispered. He looked down and his feet, they looked sick, a blueish purple that was slowly warping. There was no little boy in his hands like he dreamed. Just him, alone, as he’s always been. He was stupid for thinking anything else of it.


“Not at first, I believe only the royal family was gifted remembering, but after chatting with Prince Jacaerys, I started to believe,” Cregan stood, he walked away from Aemond and to a tall painting beside the bed. He pulled it open gesturing to a dimly lit passage.“I’m benefiting greatly from this and… Prince Daemon enjoys a good chase,”


Tears continued to flow down Aemond's face. His whole body hurt, but most of all his heart ached. He was a fool. A fucking fool for ever believing he out of all people could be loved or cared for. This was all a game for them. A game of cat and mouse with the traitors of the realm. Not a single word out of Cregan's mouth was ever sincere. Did he laugh about it? Aemond tried to imagine Cregan sitting beside Lucerys and Daemon as they raised their cups to his demise, to the stupid bitch of an omega, Aemond.


“Don’t want to run?” Cregan asked, Aemond laughed, he shook his head. 


“Why?” Aemond continued to laugh, but Cregan didn’t smile. His face was hard as he watched Aemond, but he didn’t care. He laughed and cried because he was fucking pathetic.


“Loyalty,” Cregan said, his voice deep, “A Stark has never broken an oath and I made one to the rightful heir, Queen Rhaenyra.”


“Do you not think me deserving of that same loyalty?!” Aemond cried, “or maybe a piece of your honesty?” his voice hoarse. The silence was deafening. Cregan started to speak but Aemond ignored it, his voice made Aemond sick.


He limped towards the passageway, Cregan was still speaking. He moved on to hatred, how he hates the privileged who act as if they aren’t. He was talking about Aemond. But Aemond was heartbroken to even register the words he was saying,


“Goodbye Aemond, ” Aemond put his hand on Cregan’s chest before he walked into the passageway. The rhythm was steady, thump, thump, thump . Aemond placed a hand over his own heart, Cregans was one beat ahead.


Forsaken, bound by doom.


He looked Cregan dead in his eyes, with his smiles and tears, “The children I have with Lucerys will be betrothed to yours. They will inherit their fathers insanity and my tratorus behavior, and it will not be them, but their children's, children, children, who will burn this keep to the floor and break every oath they swore,” he took his hand from Cregan chest, turning his head towards the passage, “Rest easy tonight my lord, for the morrow, you will have more to fear than winter.”


Aemond backed away. He ran down the steps. Aemond was quick on his feet despite the constant pain. He found himself in the forest again. Surrounded by snow. Daemon was after him, shouting at him. The sound of his heavy footsteps returned with the hounds snarling. 


Aemond ran, his breath fogging in the air. Aemond ran until he couldn’t anymore. He fell , Aemonds body planted in the snow as he struggled to lift himself. There was a lake, he just had to crawl and he could get to it, Aemond reached his hand out, water sounded nice. He’d like to feel the lake, would it wake him up? Aemond burned at the sudden desire to be engulfed by northern ice, so firm, so secure, he’d be safer there than anywhere else. But he suddenly found himself in darkness. A figure blocked the sun and it roared. A Dragon?


Silver and blue scales landed in front of Aemond, blocking the lake. He couldn’t lift his head to confirm but Aemond knew who it was. He knew because his body began to shake and his tears intensified. He knew because his heart was practically beating out of his chest and his body was yelling at him to run. There was only one man who could invoke such a reaction from him. 


Aemond was picked up and covered in a fur cloak. Lucerys held him as if he was a newborn baby. He cradled Aemond in his hands, brushing his tears from his face.


“Don’t cry my love,” he cooed. Aemond bursted out into a sob. He wished he didn’t remember, he wished the God’s didn’t give him a second chance. He wished that had just left his soul at the bottom of the ocean to haunt some fucking fish. He was so tired, he was so tired of always failing. Lucerys climbed up his Dragon still holding Aemond in hand. He was shouting orders to someone but Aemond couldn’t see who, probably Daemon.

Aemond felt as if he was freezing



There was something sweet in the air. It was warm and made Aemonds stomach growl. Aemond was still in darkness, his eyelids too heavy for him to lift. He hears voices, two maybe three over him.


“The prince is well, he is resting, he could wake today or on the morrow depending on how his body took the medicine,” 


“He’s already stirring,”


“What’s the plan now Luke? Aegon and Helaena saw you bring him in, she won’t even speak to me!”


“Aegons a mess Luke,”


“He ran, we got him back, blame it on the weather or something”


Aemond didn’t want to hear them anymore. He groaned, making a pathetic attempt to pull his body up. Immediately he felt two hands grab on him supporting him. Aemond was pulled up right, his head resting against the bed frame. His whole being was on fire but Aemond enjoyed it more than the cold. He tried to speak but only coughed.


“Drink,” the voice was Lucerys. Aemond felt the cold rim of a cup be pushed against his lips. He opened his mouth obediently, swallowing the water which thankfully wasn’t cold. It was warm enough to unfreeze Aemond's throat. Aemond had always wondered what Kingslanding would look like underneath inches of snow. He heard servants and merchants who had been north talk about the snow coming to their waist, but Aemond had enough of the cold. He likes how the sun blazed down at him in Kingslanding. He liked how fire felt against his skin.


“Can you open your eye for me,” Aemond did as told. He winced slowly, adjusting to the light. A maester stood to the left of him, Jacaerys, Rhaena, Balea, and Lucerys stood to the right. They all stared at him. Aemond looked down to his feet, he pulled the thick blanket up to get a look. No more blue and purple, but he could see the red irritation as well as a chain. There was a chain wrapped around his ankle and to the bed. He was chained to a post like a fucking dog. Aemond shifted his focus to Lucerys.


“Safety precautions, you ran away Aemond. We were desperate to find you,” the man smiled showing his gums but Aemond saw a dragon bearing its sharp teeth. There was no warmth, nothing welcoming about the monster before him. “I’ve asked the maids to bring you some sweets, something to get your energy up,” the doors to his chambers opened. In walked Letti and Erina, fucking smiling with a plate of apple fucking tarts.  Lucerys placed a plate of apple tarts on Aemond's lap, “they’re your favorite, aren’t they?”


“Send them out,” Aemond said, Lucerys shooed Letti and Erina but Aemond stopped him, “not them,” he pointed towards his cousins and nephew. They seemed to get the hint, without Lucerys words his family took the maester and left. 


Aemond looked between the three of them. He didn’t know if his body had any tears left to shed but Aemond was definitely crying. He heaved his chest in and out holding his face with his hands. These were people he trusted, people he loved, people he wanted by his side. He was a fucking fool. 


“You planned all of it, from the damn beginning didn’t you?”  


“Please my prince, just in case, just for you,” the baker smiled. Aemound could tell he was still nervous speaking with him. What harm could be done.


“I favor the apple tarts.”


“I want you to fuck this up Aemond, I need you to fuck this up, but,” Daemon pushed his head away. He sat down on the chair beside Aemonds bed rubbing his temples. Aemond shuffled back, he wanted the biggest distance from his uncle. 


“But it would be better for everyone if you played along.”


His uncle, without any warning, began to wipe him down with a cool rag. He shuddered at the sudden coolness but leaned into it. Aemond sighed. Letti would’ve had a bath ready for him. Snacks if he asked. She would’ve called his mother to tend to him. Daemon wasn’t her.


He sided with her captor. A shitty one at that. It surprised Aemond, how his nephew hadn’t known about her escape. Aemond let Daemon pull off his top. The water was freezing and perfect. 


How did Lucerys get Letti to Driftmark so quickly? He was sure the trip would be longer, and the order to place her in a room instead of a cell would take time as well.



“I am worried too, scared that I’m making a decision I’ll regret forever, I find it hard to comfort you,” Erina kept her head down. 


“We’ll see eachother again boy,” Aemond raised a brow.


“I doubt it,”


“Be careful out there boy, this worlds a deceitful place, and people life us often have no one in our corner,” Paw paused, “no one we can truly tru-”




“Yes my love,”

Lucerys planned it all, every encounter, every friend, every little fucking detail. Like a game of cat and mouse, but Aemond was on an invisible leash. He was running circles in a cage without even knowing. Gods he was so fucking stupid. He gave every bit of his dignity for Letti and she fucking betrays him! She goes to Lucerys of all fucking people. And that Dornish bitch Erina. Fuck them all! 


“It was Aegon who sold you out if you were wondering,” Lucerys smiled. The bastard, he won. His smile was every bit victorious as he looked down at Aemond, his prey. The wild omega that he had goaded, chased, caught, and now he could parade Aemond. A gold trophy that Lucerys could lock up on Driftmark. Aemond lost. Lost his freedom, his friends, his pride.


“Letti was hard to crack, but everyone has their price. I secured her with a Riverland lord, her brothers will become knights and her sisters will marry rich,” Luke pet Aemonds head.


“Erina wanted Paw, but her father wouldn’t allow it, so he sent her to marry a farmer, a farmer who just recently had a bad accident and has no family to take his place. The happy couple got lucky,” 


He was just a tool to them. It healed a part of Aemond that they got something from selling him out. That it wasn’t out of contempt for him, maybe he was a good friend, he’d just never gave them a price.


“Don’t cry my love,” Lucerys pulled Aemond close to his chest. He tried to fight it, he didn’t want to be held by Luke but the pinch of his bones in every movement made it hard. His nephew rearranged their position to his liking. Aemond was straddling his nephew, his head in the crook of Luke’s neck and he cried. He was once Aemond one-eye, feared and hated, now he was just some bitch seeking comfort from the source of his pain.


To weak to fight it,

to arrogant to expect it,

and to stupid to understand,

he was never meant to be loved.


Next chapter will be in Lukes point of view, things will be explain, it will be a bit longer and will take some time. This story is very close to it's end but I am think of writing another. Not a sequel but another fanfic.

Hope you liked as always I want to know what you think in the comments.

Trust is Honor- Honor is the Gods- Gods are Karma

Next chapter will be Aemonds "Karma"

Chapter 17: ...


So I finished the rest of S2 and it was kind of ass. On the flip side everyone was serving face.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text



“The sea is where order thrives Lucerys, the weak are hunted and devoured while the strong hunt and feast, under the sun or the moon the cycle will continue, order will thrive,” Luke's grandsire stood with him on a stone dock by the piers. They looked out onto the endless waves, all harsh, beating against the belly of ships. Lucerys was scared of the sea and all it’s dangers, he feared being swallowed up in the waves as he’d been in Vhagars jaw. He feared sinking in it’s depths, closing his eyes to see only what he knew in his last seconds. 


“We are not at sea grandsire, where animals hunt and hide,”


“Aemond hunted you,” Coryls placed a hand on his shoulder, he turned Luke to face him instead of the sea, “Prince Aemond disguised himself as a hunter, a predator and the King let him. He and his usurping brother should’ve been given a knot to nurse but instead he played with swords. The order was disrupted and chaos was born,” his grandsires face was hard, his eyes burned with passion for their topic of discussion. Luke understood why, he remembered, this was the second time they had this discussion. Not specifically about Aegon and Aemond being omegas. That knowledge was unbeknownst to them in their first life. But order, his grandsire was familiar with that, he spoke a great deal of it. 


“What am I to do with your words, grandsire? I am no hunter,” 


“The rest of the family may call for the greens heads, I think the bloodshed of such fertile prey is unnecessary Luke, call for order,”



Order had finally been restored and vengeance achieved. Luke looked down at his omega beside him, Aemond was defiant. Or at least he tried to be. He tried to fight and hunt, to intimidate, when all that was needed from him was submission. Aemond needed only to lie on his back and welcome Luke as his mate, his owner. That was the order of things.


Lucerys removed himself from bed. He slipped on his boots and ventured to his elder brother's solar. Jace was sitting beside Baela and across from Rhaena an empty seat was waiting for him.


“We almost tired waiting for you,” Jace laughed. He poured a cup of wine, handing it to Luke. He sipped it with little interest. Luke wanted to be with his mate, soon to be at least. His heart quickened as he thought of truly taking Aemond for himself. Would he try to evade it? Try to run to his dear mother and siblings? The brother who sold him out and mother who did all but protect. A pathetic bunch they were, it still amazed Luke how this piteous bunch managed to hold off against them. He wasn’t alive to see it.


“Aemond was sad, I was comforting him,” 


“I doubt he found it comforting,” Baela jested.


“Well he fell asleep sound in my lap, thank you very much,” they smiled at one another. Luke flung his head back downing the little wine left in his cup. He was excited. Toying with Aemond and chasing him down was fun, but what Luke looked forward to the most was training him. Fucking him obedient, taking him on walks around Driftmark, showing him off when he is most vulnerable. Establishing the hunter and its prey, establishing order.


“Helaena please, and Aegon” Rhaena snapped Luke out his trance. She was more fidgety than the rest, it made sense. Everyone else had a firm grip on their mates but Rhaena chose to be sweet, soothing. It made sense for Heleana he’d thought, the girl never lifted a finger to do anything. She was useless outside of visions, but it seems even being as easy as she is, Rhaena is having problems controlling her.


“What about them?” Luke poured himself another cup full of wine. Rhaena sighed, she looked annoyed with him.


“They are terrified, Luke.” Rhaena snatched the cup from his hands and slammed it down onto the table, “We played your game, I give it to you and father it was wonderful. Aemond is scared shitless and Aegon is a loyal pup but must we forget that this trio is prone to self doom?”


Luke reached back for his cup until he met Jace’s eyes. His brother was serious, Baela was too, he on the other hand, “Bar your windows.”


“This is not a laughing matter Luke!” Baela snapped. God’s they were all so dramatic. They weren’t this worried when they were poisoning Aegon, making their little pet barren. They weren’t this serious when they planned their little show of sterilizing him. Or when they were presenting their plan to their mother. They laughed and vaunted with one another on how’d they each play a part; one of the dutiful and evil mate, the other dotting and caring. But now he’s seen Aemond brought to the palace frozen and that's what broke him. Now it’s Luke’s job to fix it.


“I will be taking Aemond to Driftmark with me sooner than later, but I am willing to postpone it. Give me some time with him to… stabilize him. When he is ready, we can let the Hightowers curl up in a room together and weep. After they are all in their right minds we will be off. I’m truly unsure of what you all are asking,” Luke snatched his cup from the table top. He sipped it slowly observing his siblings' faces. There was a silence between them before Luke spoke again.


“Think of it as a sort of meeting, small council meetings if you must. Stick all of them in a room together, let them cry and argue themselves to sleep and then we’ll bring them back to our rooms and fuck them to our hearts content,” he explained. A small smile cracked on his lips. Lucerys wondered if the Hightowers would blame each other, if they would fall apart. Vicious little snakes they were, Lucerys doubted they’d support one another or even comfort.


“Are you suggesting playdates?” Jace laughed. He was hearty, slapping his leg. Luke raised his cup to his brother who did the same. Jace understood, Rhaena didn’t seem happy but Luke couldn’t find a fuck to give. It wasn’t his responsibility to keep Helaena or Aegon sane. He made plans for his mate as they were to do theirs.


A knock came from the door, “come in,” Jace spoke. Erina, the Dornish bastard, stood in the door frame. She’d hadn’t been gifted a maids uniform, the woman had plans to leave with her lover soon, but Luke had asked her to stick around for just a little while longer. He didn’t know if he trusted the woman, he thought about killing her after she betrayed Aemond, it was true he had bribed her, offered her a deal she could not turn down but… Lucerys had no use for a whore whose only loyalty was coin. THe matter had yet to be decided, he had bigger things to think about.


“Prince Aemond has woken up, he’s frantic,” it was Luke's time. He bid farewell to his family. Luke's nerves were on edge. Would Aemond fight back? Would he scratch and scream until his voice gave out? Lucerys didn’t want his lover to hold back. He had so much planned for Aemond, the things.


Luke stopped outside his door, he heard the clash of something smack against their floor and Aemonds growl.


“After all I did for you?” Lucerys pressed his ear against the frame.


“I debased myself time and time again, all with you in mind. I put my life, my honor, my families lives-”

“With all do respect my prince, you are royalty. The closeness of our relationship was due to the mere coincidence that I was placed under your charge,” it was Letti, Aemonds servant girl. Should he let them hatch things out? Lucerys could care less for their broken relationship, honestly he’d rather if they didn’t mend it at all.


“Under your care never once had you offered me any of the privileges you had, I worked hard to make means to support my family, Prince Lucerys has given me the means to let them thrive. You have never offered me more and please I mean it when I say I do not take it to heart,” the servant girl paused. She looked down at her feet,clenching her fist, “You were a good master to serve Prince Aemond, it’s just their lives matter much more to me than your love,”


Boring, their conversation was oh so boring. Lucerys flung the door open, the servant girl quickly stepped away. She bowed her head and left the room quietly. Such an obedient thing, if Lucerys was any lucky he’d get Aemond to behave like that soon.


Aemond sat up on a mountain of pillows, in a silk nightgown. His hair was curly, setting up on his shoulder. They framed his scared face so perfectly. Lucerys wanted nothing more but to caress that face. To connect his lips with Aemond and tug on those silver locs while fucking the sense out of him. Gods, Lucerys shifted his pants, adjusting cock, he’d hoped Aemond hadn’t seen it. No, he wants Aemond to see it, he wants his mate-to-be to see just how much he turns Lucerys on. Aemond looked displeased with him. Displeased was nice, Aemond looked as if he wanted to plunge a dagger through Luke's throat. It only made the alpha harder.


“My love, I’ve spoken with my mother, our wedding will be in one moons time,” that was a lie. He’d spoken with Daemon about secretly arranging a Valyrian wedding on Dragonstone. That’s all the time he had to get Aemond a bit better. Only to the point where he’d bit his tongue, only speaking to say his vows.


Aemond was silent, he glared and Lucerys, it was weak but still a glare. Gods, Lucerys imagined Aemond on his hands and knees, pushing his cunt back on Luke's cock while that same eye overturns itself in pleasure. Lucerys pulled his doublet off. He tossed it to the floor and unbuttoned his breeches. Not pulling them down, Aemond would do that. His mate-to-be shivered in his place, his weak glare was given up easily and replaced with something else. Something Lucerys could not read. 


“You will not take me tonight,” Aemond whispered.


“I will find pleasure with you Aemond, tonight, the morrow, everyday for the rest of our lives. I will never tire the taste of you,”


Aemond placed himself on his knees leaning forward towards Lucerys, tears evident in his eye. Shame, that was what the omega was feeling. Shame for giving in so easily, Lucerys was going to milk him for those tears.



“My son, I want to see him,” Alicent bit at the tips of her fingers, They stung slightly having been assaulted repeatedly. She was alone under a barrage of thick duvets. A cold had washed over the woman, maybe it was the loss of her son or the imprisonment of the other. Maybe it was the fear of thinking they knew, Rhaenyra and Daemon. They sat in her chambers, having tea not too far from her, they knew. They had to, maybe she had told them.


Alicent hadn’t remembered speaking a single word, her lips would part and her tongue would flail but it was as if she’d become deaf. As if a demon had snatched her words, and she had two of them beside her. 


Alicent feared what she might have told them in her daze, what they might have told her, what they might’ve heard. They delivered the news of Aemonds disappearance, and his finding, they delivered the news of Rhaena and Helaenas betrothal.  None of which soothed her heart. Here she layed in the Queens chambers, adorned in a silk green robe, etched with the history of her ancestors, covered in blankets that wrapped her in a warmth peasants killed for, yet Alicent felt bare. As if her back was naked against the hard stone of the castle. Ice seeped past the cover of her skin and deep into the flesh, it eroded away at anything that brought her comfort.


“I want to see my son,” her lips parted again. Did she speak? Did they hear her? Alicent watched the two of them, they yet to acknowledge her words. Were there any words? Gods, was she dreaming? She’d gone mad before, hallucinating her children, attempting to claw the bars off her windows. She was going mad again.


“My son,”


“We heard you the first time Alicent,” Daemon was the one to respond to her. He brought a cup from the table, placing it in her hands. It was hot, hot enough to turn her pale hands red by touch, but she didn’t mind. She needed to feel something. To know that there was something for her to feel, and she wasn’t dreaming.


“Aemond is in a fragile state now Alicent, Lucerys is nursing him-”


“Take me to him, I want to see me boy,” Alicent reached her hand out. She grabbed Daemon's wrist, spilling the tea all over her lap. Lucerys was the devil, he could not nurse Aemond back to health. He’d put her boy in an early grave. Aemond was right to kill him in their first life, bastards are vicious and this one had its claws in her son. Who knew what he’d do to Aemond? Who knew what he was doing to him at this very moment? While Alicent sat here locked away from her children, who protected them?




“Leave us Daemon,”


Rhaenyra sat beside Alicent. The girl interlaced their fingers. She caressed Alicents face, leaning their foreheads against one another. The moment was tender, Alicent almost forgot what she wanted.


“Aemond - “


“Will be better soon. He is in a fragile state right, once he is better, he and Lucerys will wed and leave for Driftmark.”


Alicent tried to speak but she was shushed. Rhaenyra laid her down to rest, laying beside her in bed. She was tired, Alicent was so tired. All she wanted was for her children to be alright, for them to be safe, She needed them to outlive her, to carry on.


“Remember when we were children?” Rhaenyra questioned. She moved closer to Alicent, shoving her head in the crook of Alicents neck. It made the woman whine, how long had it been since she received such affection? Rhaenyra nipped gently at her scent gland, licking it too.


“You were always the stronger one,” Alicent paused, “hot headed too,” all things true. Rhaenyra was a wild thing when they were younger. Nothing could stop her, no words could change her mind, Alicent envied her for it. Rhaenyra lived at the top of their patriarchy, the only man with power over her was her father and he could barely order the girl. Alicent on the other hand, she had no choice. No choice in her marriage, no choice in when she’d have her children, no choice in protecting them. She did as she could, and she failed.


“I want to protect you Alicent. I want to keep you from the cruelties of this world, to cruelties that gripped you so tightly. Give in to me, let me have you.” Rhaenyra cooed.


“My children, what of my children?”

“Helaena and Rhaena make plans to travel the world, Aegon is more than content with Jace and Baela,” Rhaenyra kissed her scent gland. She moved one of her hands to Alicents waist, pulling the queen closer to her. Alicents body gave in, she allowed her childhood friend to pawn at her waist and bottom. They both knew why she didn’t mention Aemond, to say he was safe would be a lie, to say Rhaenyra could promise his safety, would be yet another lie.


“Aemond will not be killed nor tortured, he might not be happy with his mate Alicent, but most noble pairs aren’t made with joy, but duty. Think of yourself,” Alicent felt her friend's mouth move from her scent gland and further up her neck. She kissed and bit Alicent, “you were not happy with my father but you made due. You found happiness in your children, he will do the same.”


Alicent knew her son. He was violent and vengeful, all the softness in him had been lost in childhood. He’d never find happiness. He was a child made from her pain, that's all he’d ever be.



Lucerys resisted the urge to throw his head back in pleasure. His bitch had given into him so easily. Aemond would not allow Lucerys to take his cunt just yet so the omega instead found himself with Lukes cock in his mouth.


Lucerys laid on their bed while Aemond kneeled between his legs, ass up. If anyone were to walk through their doors they’d be flashed with the perfect roundness of Aemonds ass. Aemonds lips were outstretched around Lukes cock, his drool pooling at the base in an obscene manner.


“Fuck Aemond, your mouths so warm, so slick,” Luke groaned. He wanted to fuck the omega so bad. He wanted to see Aemond squirm and shiver while his knot deflated in the omegas belly. Lucerys hadn’t even offered Aemond the bite yet and already the omega consumed his thoughts. Lucerys was going to be a mad man after their wedding. He was going to take Aemond on every surface of Driftmark, on every ship in his fleet. Lucerys was going to turn the seafoam into an endless puddle of he and Aemonds cum.


Lucerys pulled his cock from the depths of Aemonds throat, the motion creating a pop. Aemond coughed spitting up the precum Lucerys decorated his mouth in. The alpha only smiled, he sat up resting his weight on one elbow while his other hand wrapped itself around his cock. Luke slapped the tip on Aemond's face, slava connecting and forming strings. 


“Lick the tip,” Lucerys instructed, he saw a flash of defiance in Aemonds eyes, it only returned vigor to Lukes cock.


“Lick it or I’ll bend you over the bed and give you a babe to walk down the aisle with,” he smirked. Aemonds tongue was quick, he wrapped it around Lukes tip as instructed. Lucerys watched as his bitch sucked and licked his tip as if it were a candy. Lucerys fought to keep his body down, he wanted to thrust into Aemonds throat, but he was training him. He needed Aemond to choke on his dick voluntarily. 


“ Take it, Aemond, all of it” he moaned. Aemond stared back up at him, Lucerys stared back. How much pride did his omega have left? How much more of Aemond one-eye did he have to break?


“I am not your whore,” Aemond whispered. God’s it was poisonous, his little mate was furious.


“Yet here you are on your knees with your ass up in the air,” Lucerys laughed out. He pulled on Aemonds hair hard, his fingers practically gripping his uncle's scalp. Aemond cried out but it meant little to Lucerys. He stood up, Aemonds hair still in hand, the omega was now clawing at his arm but Lucerys did not budge. He threw open the doors to one of the many rooms in Aemonds chambers, it had an outlook over the city but they were not so high to say no one could see in. A matter of fact, everyone could see in, from the guards in the courtyard to the peasants on silk street. 


Lucerys let go of Aemonds scalp, he bent the boy over in a sharp movement. Aemond cried out as his body, still recovering from the north's frost, dangled over the ledge.


“Please, you said you wouldn’t,” Aemond choked. His cries went quickly from mercy to threats, “I swear Lucerys I will throw the both of us over this damned ledge,”


“Relax my love, I am a man of my word,” Lucerys positioned his cock between Aemonds thighs. He thrusted between the omegas thighs imagining he was deep in his cunt. Lucerys groaned loudly, he was sure all of Westeros could hear them, that was his goal. Aemond was his, the runaway omega had found his rightful place as Lukes cock warmer. Whether Aemond wanted to feel pleasure or not, his body was surely taken by it.


The omega shivered, only high pitched curses coming from his mouth as he moaned for Luke to ‘fuck off’. Lucerys shoved his nose into Aemonds neck, licks his scent gland. He tried to pull away but Held him in place, this was his. Aemond was his, all of him. He’d been dreaming of taking his scornful uncle ever since he awoke in his second life. He wanted so desperately to turn the ill-bred cur into a well-bred whore. One whose only thoughts would be about Luke fucking him and the children they’d make from it. 


“I’m keeping my word aren’t I?” Lucerys whispered into Aemonds ears.


“I’m going to kill you Lucerys, I’m going to kill you and everything you love,” 


“That means you’ll kill yourself as well?” Lucerys was ready to hear his omegas snarky remark but it never did. Instead Lucerys came hard between Aemonds thighs. He rode his orgasam out in four hard thrusts, Aemonds body jerking with each one. 


Lucerys stepped back letting Aemods body go. His uncle dropped to the stone floor, shaking from the orgasam or the overriding emotion Lucerys couldn’t care. He peered over the ledge to see the crowd they had earned below, a group of five or six knights and three special guest, Jacaerys, Aegon and Baela.


Lucerys smiled at all three of them, waving as sweetly as he could. Aegon was terrified, clinging onto Jace as if his life depended on it, good. That usurping prick finally understood he should be grateful to Jace and Baela, no matter how cunning or devious the pair was, they’d never be as cruel as Lucerys. 


Hibernation was amazing but not voluntarily this school is tough as hell. But as always I want your thoughts, I love reading your comments so please keep them coming.

Chapter 18: Not a chapter


So fucking done

Chapter Text

Y’all this is not a chapter but a little update on said situation. Not liking the fic is 100% fine, I’m not here to tell you liking my work is a must, however the hate is unneeded. If you don’t like a fic DO NOT READ IT.

I wasn’t aware this wasn’t common sense. Hate comments unneeded, trying to get into my personal accounts and find out who I am, UNNEEDED.

I want to continue this fic and I will finish it. The plan is to write the last chapters all together and then post them all at once so I can wash my hands with this.

What was supposed to be a fun thing to do in my free time has been completely ruined by obsessed weirdos on the internet.

Thank you for all of the people who have read and whether you liked or disliked remains respectful. For those of you who haven’t respectfully go fuck yourself, I pray you never have a nice day in your life.

Please leave me the fuck alone and stop digging into my life.

The fic will be anonymous now and probably for the foreseeable future.

💕💕💕💕💕💕- for the support and for everyone with human decency
🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼- for all the rest of you fuckers

Chapter 19: 18


I haven't given up on this I promise


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

There were eyes watching, Aemond felt them. They hid in the walls of every room and they were accompanied by ears. The feeling of being watched raised bumps on his skin. He knew who they belonged to, Aemond just didn’t know what they wanted to hear. A reconciliation between the three siblings or a fight? Either way Aemond wasn’t in the mood to ponder what his captors wanted, he wanted to hear the excuses that would fly out of his brother's mouth.


“What did it take?”


Aemond sat in his elder brother's quarters. It was early noon, a week from his wedding with Lucerys. It was the first time he’d seen his brother since Lucerys humiliated him over the ledge in his room. His mate-to-be locked Aemond up in his quarters. He kept his word not to bed Aemond, but his hands and mouth reaped the consequence.


The sun shone through the windows of Aegon's room, or enclosure. Every piece of his brother had been wiped out. The green curtains and bed covers were gone, the little knight figures they’d play with as kids were missing from his shelves, even Aegon's clothes changed. His tunics were more fitting for an up and coming whore, the slits deep in his thigh, the sleeves tight, the collar low, and of course it was black. His brother didn’t wear the intricate patterns of Sunfyre on his clothes anymore, instead red thread was sewn into his clothes. The three headed dragon, large and hideous, it was a brand much like the metal seahorse Lucerys had made for him. Aegon played the game well.


They sat at his table together, breaking their fast. Helaena was here too, but she sat away from them in a chair closer to the window. She stared out at the nothingness of the sky, in a daze. Helaena was always in a daze. 


“What do you mean?” Aegon put down his bread and stared at his brother. They hadn’t spoken a word while the maids brought their food in or when they initially started to eat. Aemond was waiting, he was waiting for his brother to apologize for selling him out. It’s true he didn’t do it by himself, Cregan Stark's betrayal meant that Lucerys would find him either way but Aegon was his brother. He wasn’t some handsome stranger from the North, he was his brother, born and raised together, fought beside each other for each other and Aegon just threw him into the dragon's den.


“What did it take for you to sell me out?” he repeated himself. Aemond took a sip of wine, he noticed Helaena staring at them. She must’ve known.


“I did what was best for you,” Aegon told him. His brother didn’t seem a bit remorseful.


“Best for me?” Aemond questioned. He and Aegon stared at one another neither breaking eye contact. Best for him? Did Aegon forget their last interaction? Aemond was humiliated over the ledge of his own quarters, he’s been trapped in his room for weeks, this is what’s best for him? Maybe Aegon had gone mad, it’d be the only excuse Aemond could recon with. Madness fucking madness, it had to be. 


“And did you decide what was best for me while snuggled on Jacaerys’s cock?” 


The slap came quickly. So quick it took Aemond a second to even realize what happened. Aegon stood from his chair, his body reaching across the table. Aemond froze, his eye staring at the wall instead of his brother. Madness or idiocy? The sheer fucking audacity that coursed through his veins was something Aemond would die for. Aegon hit him. His mad cunt of a brother actually struck him. 


“Get off your high horse Aemond! Just because we don’t all wish to delude ourselves with the idea that we could run away and live happily in some far away land doesn’t make you any better than us. We’re all here in this room, we’re all playing with each other like good little pets!”

“Clearly some enjoy better luxuries compared to the others,”


“Oh fuck off Aemond! Open your eyes, eye. We are trapped, so what if I spread my legs and you didn’t. We share the same cage, made of the same stone, by captors of the same blood,”


“Except they were never your captors, Aegon!” Aemond slammed his fist against the table. He pushed his brother back with his finger, “ You welcomed them into your bed, you led yourself to believe that they could be trusted, you deluded yourself with the idea that they loved you,” he spat. With every word he shoved Aegon farther and farther until they were by the window with Helaena who was contempt with just watching.


“They do love me,” Aegon whispered. He grabbed Aemonds hands from his chest pushing them away. 


“Yes, who wouldn’t love a bed warming whore? Tell me Aegon, do they take turns knotting you or do you take both at once?” his brother went to raise his hand again but Aemond stopped him. He dragged Aegon to the floor, sitting on top of him. Aemond raised his fist to punch him but Aegon caught them. They pushed each other's hands back and forth, his brother wouldn’t win in a fight of strength. 


“Do you know what Aemond? At least I want it. I lay on my back every night and I enjoy myself,” Aegon bit his arm causing Aemond to pull back. “I suck both their cocks and I do it willingly, on my knees, of my own accord. And in return they love me too. My mates don’t chase me around a room to fuck me and discard me like some doll without even letting me get off,” Aegon scrambled from underneath him. He took a couple steps back from Aemond, his hands rummaging the table for something. Aemond almost cackled when his brother grabbed a table knife.


Aemond stood, “do you plan to finish Lukes business? I’d be more docile if I was blind,” he spat. Aegon looked as if he was readying himself to say something vicious when Helaena stepped in between the two of them. She didn’t say anything, just used her body as a wall between the duo.

“I’m angry too,” she whispered. Aemond took a step back, he was breathing a little hard but walked past Aegon to his chair. He invited Helaena to the table, a chair beside him originally meant for her. Helaena nodded slightly, taking a seat, Aegon after her.


“I miss Jaehaerys and Jaehaera,” she said. Her voice was low but it wasn’t a whisper. She was serious in her grief. “I want to hold them again, to be with them,” a pause lingered between them all. It wasn’t possible, her and Aegon weren’t married, the chances of them having kids with one another without being punished were nonexistent. If Aegon's cock could even get hard again.


“Me too,” Aegon said. 


“But you didn’t care for them,” Helaena looked at her brother, “You didn’t spend time with them, they were closer to Aemond then they were to you,” she spoke.


“And you, you who was basically a father to them, the boy's death was on your hands,” she turned to Aemond. 


His hands? He didn’t order Jaehaerys dead. The boy's death was on Daemons hands, all because the alpha was too afraid to come face to face with Aemond himself. But Aemond didn’t say that, he knew in a way his sister was right. Blood and Cheese were after him, Jaehaerys was his stand in. Who should’ve been responsible were the guards sworn to protect his sister, the ones who swore an oath but seemingly forgot it.


They all looked at one another, none quite sure on what to say. Aegon's eyes flicked towards the wall behind Aemond, it was so slight he almost missed it. Aemond wondered if he should apologize to his sister, she’d never have her children again and because of Aemond's absence she lost one.


“I’m sorry,” he paused. Aemond shifted his body so he could look Helaena in her eyes when he spoke, “I’m sorry I wasn’t there,”


“What good would it have been with you there? You’d be dead,”


“If I died by the hands of an oathbreaker and a rat catcher I deserved it,” Aemond said. He reached out for Helaena’s hand, she did not move it. They stared at one another, a simple assurance in their bond. The moment felt calming until Aegon reminded them of his presence.


“What will we do?”


“Rhaena wants to travel the world, so do I,” Helaena smiled warmly. Fucking Rhaena, Aemond hoped she’d trip and split her skull open but the bitch seemed to make Helaena happy. His sister deserves someone who made her happy, even if that person didn't deserve her. Even if Aemond prayed they wouldn’t be around for a long time.


“I think it’d be nice to leave the Redkeep and go somewhere new, someplace not bound by blood,” Aegon nodded at Helaena’s words, “I told Jacaerys and Baela I wouldn’t go to Dragonstone with them until I was sure the both of you were safe,”


Aemond felt the eyes of his siblings bare into him. Safe? He wouldn’t ever be safe, not here with his little allies not on Driftmark. The safest place for Aemond was at the end of Vhagar’s flame. Aemond sighed, Aegon being the “good elder brother who worried for his young siblings” was damn laughable. It was less than a minute ago when he was threatening Aemond with a knife. Helaena would run away from her troubles to Essos and farther, Aegon would birth out runts on Dragonstone and he’d be alone in the world again. 


“Lucerys and I will never love each other, but we’ll share a future together, it's inevitable,” Aemond shifted his body around, Helaena and Aegon were both watching him intensely. He felt another pair of eyes on him and it was too distracting. He wanted to leave, the conversation, the room, the fucking castle, but where would he go? There was no place he could quietly leave with Vhagar, she was large and loud, surely he’d be followed. If he could even escape the keep and make it to her,


“I’ll be fine, I’ve always been able to handle myself,” he assured. Aegon smiled, he took the bait easily be Helaena's eyes lingered upon him. He was lying, she knew he was lying, Aegon probably knew too but what was the point. None of them would call him out on his bluff, it was so obvious that they all wanted out of these halls, they all wanted freedom. Aemond had been more than willing to abandon his siblings out of selfishness, he’d be a hypocrite to deny them the same chance.


“Well then let's talk about a more pressing matter, Aemond’s wedding,” Good pets they were.



“You believe Aemond to be broken in?” Jacaerys asked his brother. 


“Of course not, I’m no fool,” he sighed. Lucerys leaned back on the chair in Aemonds room. His omega was very compliant, he sucked when asked, he let Lucerys grope and debase him which meant only one thing, he was scheming. Aemond was smart but he wasn’t used to manipulating alphas. Sure he incited fear but Aemond led in terror, follow him or die. This game he was playing wasn’t as blunt, he needed to scheme and lie but Aemond was good at neither. To have, he needs to give, and for Lucerys all he needed was another inch more of what Aemond had and he’d make it impossible for the omega to leave.


That didn’t stop his thinking though, Lucerys knew he’d beat Aemond at any plan so the details were useless but, seven hells Lucerys was dripping with curiosity. Maybe there was another alpha who promised Aemond a far away land or maybe he planned to escape and call Vhagar, turn the whole keep to ash. 


“He behaves well, your spies say good things. Today he meets with Aegon and I’m sure I’ll hear more about him,” Jacaerys was flipping through a book Aemond had lying around. He didn’t meet Luke's eyes, the topic was half interesting.


“The spies say what they see and Aegon will lie, trust me Jace,” Luke pleaded with his brother. It was a half assed plea but he clasped his hands together and shook them in the air as if he was at his brother's mercy. Jace laughed at his antics but his mood dropped into something more melancholy.


“When I heard the news of your death I couldn’t bring myself to believe it,” he said, his voice low. Jace didn’t speak much about his death, the topic was avoided, a lot of topics were avoided between their family, Lucerys was starting to lose count. 


“It was my fault, I suggested that mother send us, it was stupid,” Jace choked out. Luke stood from the chair, he wrapped his hands around his brother. 


“It was never your fault, Aemond was a vengeful scrote whose ego ran his brain. He killed me, not you, not Vhagar, him, and he will pay for every tear that was shed for me,” 


“I don’t want you to make him pay,” Jace sighed. Lucerys quirked his brow, his brother walked over to Aemonds solar. He sat on one of the chairs around a circular table, it was filled with fruits and tarts, apple tarts. Lucerys was close behind, he was eager to hear his brother's reasoning.


Jace picked two apples, one red and one green. He placed them on the table, “Grandsire and Alicent Hightower,” Lucerys nodded along, he watched closely as Jace cut each apple in half. He left one half standing up right on the table and the others into four chunks. One chunk of only red, three chunks of red and green.


“Mother, Aegon, Aemond and Helaena,” he pointed out. Jace snatched the green chunk from each, tossing them into his mouth. In place of them he put a blueberry, a strawberry, and a chestnut.


“I will make Aegon a Targaryen through and through, Rhaena will..” Jace paused, he shook his head and continued, “I want you to make him yours completely Luke, love him, make him love you back, breed him, and when the time comes wed your heir to one of my children. I want you to erase every bit of Hightower blood that courses through his veins, he will serve his mates house only. If time comes and war ensues I need to be sure that Aemond is so devoted to you he and Vhagar will ride out beside us, for us.”


“You could’ve just told me that, no need to butcher the fruit,” Lucerys grabbed the green apple. He bit into it, it smelt just as Aemond had, sweet and tangy. The juice made his mouth water at contact, just as Aemond did. It made his nose twitch, his cock too. When would his mate be back, breaking a fast should never take this long.


Jace smiled, he was calmer now, “So did you and Baela succeed at making Aegon barren?”


“We did not make him barren,” Jace scowled, “We just made it a bit harder for him to conceive, the drugs make heats more intense but the fertility effect of the heat less, his chances of getting pregnant are low-”


“You made him barren,” Luke insisted. He was laughing at the loops Jace tried to hop through.


“He will have children Luke, but me and Baela need to secure our children's spot as heir. We can’t have him pregnant before her,”

“Maybe you should’ve waited until after marriage to fuck him? That's what I’m doing,” Luke joked. Jace slapped his shoulder barely containing himself.


“Only because Aemond would squeeze off your cock!”


They laughed with one another. His brother was in higher spirits, his scent lighter. They needed more moments like this, just the two of them. He and Jace snacked on the botched fruit, silence crept up on them but they embraced. It was comfortable, like the silence at Dragonstone in the libraries, they wrote and read together, or the silence after an argument, both too prideful to apologize to the other but both aware that they were forgiven.


“I was thinking of names for our first child,” Luke started, his voice soft. It had been true ever since he got Aemond into the habit of being on his knees. Luke started to imagine him on his back, in fucking and in birth. He imagined the white haired, brown eyed babies they’d produce. Lucerys didn't want Aemond to have a nursemaid, he’d much rather Aemond breast feed himself. Too many noble ladies were detached from their children, focusing on balls and dresses. Aemond would never but his mate-to-be had interest in the sword and running away, Lucerys needed his mind only on their family.


“Gods, this will be horrible,” 


“You don’t think I can pick a good name?” Lucerys placed his hand over his heart, he played offended, hoping his brother would give him false pity, but Jace doubled down.


“I think you’re a horrible name picker,”

“Well I’d name my daughter Sardina,” Luke smiled. Jace opened his mouth in shock. Aemonds room doors had opened conveniently at the same time and his mate-to-be looked far from impressed. 


“After the fish?” Aemond asked, his voice laced with judgment. Luke didn’t think the name to be so bad, it wasn’t Sardine but Sardina. Saerdina if they wanted.


“I believe so,” Jace grimaced, he stood from the chair ready to excuse himself.


“You wish to name our daughter after a fish?” Aemond questioned again. He spoke so freely about children with Luke, Gods he was going to give Aemond children until his body couldn’t handle it anymore. He could name them whatever he wanted, Luke didn’t care, they could have an army of Aegons just as long as Aemond was an attentive mother.


“You wish for a daughter?”

Aemond stared back, his eye was shocked and then angry. He turned towards Jace who took it as a sign to excuse himself. The doors slammed shut behind him. It was just Aemond and Luke alone, the warm scent Jace left behind was quickly outpowered. 


“Come sit,” 


Aemond walked over to where Jacaerys was seated but Luke quickly corrected him. He reached out for Aemonds arm and pulled him down to his lap. Aemond's back flushed against his chest for almost a second. His body was relaxed but Aemond quickly became tense, his back turned upright and stiff, his hands balled up in his lap. 


Lucerys played with the hem of his doublet, it was a plain white, over it he wore a dark blue jerkin. It was encrusted with tiny sapphires forming the sigil of house Velaryon, Aemond looked fucking beautiful. Luke's hands wandered from Aemond’s clothes to his hair, it was growing longer and longer by the day. He bet in a year or two it would surpass Aemonds waist, his bride sadly was keen on keeping it straight. Lucerys on the other hand liked his hair when curly, he looked youthful, kinder even. 


“Children,” Lucerys started, Aemond tried to push himself from from his lap but Lucerys held him down, “how many do you wish for,”

“One, it is all you need, one heir,” Lucerys spare hand fell to Aemonds stomach. He rubbed as if there was a child already forming. But there couldn’t be. Lucerys hadn’t fucked Aemond yet, he hadn’t planted his seed in the omega, or a bite on his neck. Nothing would swell in Aemond for at least another two moons.


 Luke leaned his head against Aemonds shoulder. He bit back the question he wanted to know the most, what are you planning? His mate, so compliant, a scheming little shit. Was he going to attempt Lukes life in sleep? Lucerys threw out every weapon in their rooms but Aemond had savage tendencies; anything could be a weapon to him, a quill, sharp enough, candle stick, he’ll make do.


It wasn’t that Luke wasn’t confident in his own strength, it was his mind. He was overthinking and the thrill of not knowing was simultaneously terrifying and licentious. Did Aemond plan to run again, this time to Essos? Luke turned Aemond’s face to him, he watched over him.


“Our weddings in one week,” Luke whispered. Aemond didn’t recoil, he didn’t pull back or argue. He didn’t even seem disgusted. His face was blank, a careful mask he placed there.


“We’ll wed at the Sept, my mother says the Queen insisted, after we’ll fly to Driftmark and have a Valyrian binding,” Lucerys continued. He kept eying Aemond, looking for any hint on his face. What was he planning?  But Aemond still gave him nothing. He was careful but his lack of emotion gave away that he was thinking something. Half a moon ago Aemond would’ve flipped the table, thrown fruits at him, cursed, spit. Now he sits quietly on Luke's lap, like a doll.


“You’ll let me ride my Vhagar?”


“Why wouldn’t I? Do you plan to attack me, my love?” Hugh, maybe he should make Aemond ride with him. Vhagars jaws were his first fate, would Aemond make them the second?


Aemond didn’t answer his question. Instead he stood from Lucerys’s lap, with permission of course, and walked to their chamber door. He said something to the guards before walking deeper into their chambers. Lucerys cranked his neck, curious. Aemond was undressing himself.


“I asked for the larger tub,” Aemond paused for a second, he focused his eye on Luke instead of his clothes, “for the both of us,”


“And just what do you plan to do to me in our bath, Aemond? Some spell or hex?”


“Maybe I wish to drown you,”

Lucerys laughed. He stood unlacing his shirt. Aemond ordered a bath for the two of them? His omega was working hard to get his guard down. Luke stopped in front Aemond, brushing his hair off his bare collar bones. Something about Aemond in that moment looked so surreal.Silver hair against his soft skin, one eye covered by a slim gold plate hooked behind his ear, one a piercing purple. Aemonds body was so slender, his skin bore no blemishes but the one Luke placed on his face. His nipples a pale pink compared to the white of his skin. Luxury ran his hands down Aemonds body.  He was godlike. The spitting image of a deity and Luke a greedy peasant who wanted nothing more but to have him. And have him he would, in a week's time he’d have Aemond on his back begging for all he had to give.


The doors opened, maids bringing in the tub, others filling it up. Aemond tried to cover himself but Luke stopped him, he grabbed Aemonds hands resting them on his covered cock. “Look at me,” he demanded.


Aemond did, his eye shed a single tear. One Lucerys wished he could’ve caught with his tongue. But he held Aemonds hands in place while the maids worked swiftly, bringing heated water and pouring it into the tub. Lucerys wanted them to see Aemond. He wanted them to see the perfect Valaryian God they could never have, never touch, never bring to tears like Luke could.


The mads bowed when they were finished. Lucerys pulled his mate-to-be up and led him to the tub. He watched as Aemond sank into the water, he looked small in there by himself. Luke was quick to change that as he finished stripping. He climbed in behind Aemond wrapping his arms around him.


He wanted to try something, since his mate was trying so hard to manipulate him, he should even out the playing field. But with what? Lucerys gently shoved his nose in Aemonds neck. He should ask Aemond if he remembers.


Comment and thoughts?

Guys tell me why I was walking in the street and this lady hit me with he damn car. Like jokes aside my fucking leg is broken.

Chapter 20: Three headed Dragon


My leg is getting better
Casts are super itchy if you didn't know


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text



“I keep having a dream, my love,” Lucerys whispered into his ear. Aemond didn’t give a fuck about his dreams. He’d hoped everytime Lucerys closed his eyes he was haunted by the nightmares of Vhagars jaws. But, Aemond couldn’t stop himself from asking.


“What is it about?”


“You,” Aemond felt Lukes lips form a smile on the side of his neck. Lucerys was a sick romantic. Aemond would bet a pretty coin that his nephew found every monstrous act he committed an act of love. Almost fucking him in front of Cregan Stark, a proclimation of love. Chasing him up north, showing just how committed he was. Humiliating him over the ledge of his quarter, claiming Aemond to keep him from harm. Aemond was sure the cunt saw zero problems in his behavior. Of course his nephew was mad.


“Hmm, was I dressed in silks? Barefoot and pregnant in the halls of Driftmark?” he sneered. Luke snaked his arms around his waist, he pulled Aemond in closer. Aemond didn’t fight it, he rarely fought anything Luke did to him now.


“No, the opposite actually, you were in leather, at…” Luke paused. Aemond turned to look at him. Where? Where was he at that caused Luke to stop mid sentence? Or maybe the oaf had forgotten.


“At Dragonstone with Aegon. The two of you were married and invited me to a war council,”


“War council?”


“Against Dorne,” Aemond bursted out laughing. Gods! Him and Aegon married? Him and Aegon married, leading an attack against Dorne? If being a sailor doesn’t work out for Luke he should become a jester.


“Well you’ll never have to worry about that,” he smiled softly. The two of them returned to silence, the gentle lapping of the water calmed Aemond down. Down enough to the point where he rested his body back against Luke. Why had the man accepted Aemond terms? He had the power to do whatever he wanted to him, no one would stop him, fucking him is what was expected. The whole kingdom knew Aemond was his property, if they hadn’t seen it at the balls then surely they heard after Lucerys took him from Winterfell. No one would be surprised if Lucerys bedded him before their wedding, most probably thought it already happened. So why? 


Lucerys confused him. He fucking scared Aemond. The alpha was demon enough to chase him to the ends of the north, brand him, humiliate him, but not rape him? Was there human left in the bastard?


Aemond found himself reaching for Luke's face. He grabbed his nephew by the chin and just stared. Aemond stared deep into the eyes of his nephew, the boy he’d slain, his captor. He stared into the eyes it took him so long to face out of guilt. They still made him remorseful, after Luke had done, he still felt pain for the crimes he committed. A kinslayer was forever cursed. The High Septon made it known at every sermon he preached, to kill one's blood is to spit in the face of the gods. Maybe that's why he was here again. A divine entity interfered with their lives, cursing them to relive because Aemond was a kinslayer.


But in all his confusion, Aemond still hated Luke. It was a hate that seethed into his bones that night on Driftmark. It eroded every soft part of his soul, every thought of forgiveness. His bastard nephew was an entitled brat who got more than he deserved. All he did was take and all Aemond do is give. Like a spool of thread Lucerys would use him until there was nothing left and he would receive no fucking punishment.


Gods! He despised him. Lucerys Velaryon, Rhaenyra Targaryen, Daemon, damn them all! He wanted freedom, he was a fool for ever thinking they could win in this life. Just looking into Lucerys’s eyes, so mirthful, so arrogant, fucking audacious because nothing Aemond could do, would stop him.


“I hate you,” Aemond admitted, “I hate you so much Lucerys, sometimes I fear it’s all I feel,”


Something flashed in Lucerys’s eyes but Aemond was given no time to assess what. Luke kissed him furiously, he bit at Aemonds bottom lip making the omega cry out. But Luke didn’t stop. He pushed his tongue into Aemonds mouth, their teeth clashing. It was painful, more painful than the other times they kissed. Aemond felt as if it was an animal above him. Aemond tried to part, to breathe, but Luke didn't seem to care. Lucerys lifts him out the tub. Aemond curses against the youngers lips,


“Put me down!” but his words came out muffled. Lucerys bit his lip until he felt blood dripping down his chin and mixing with their saliva. Aemond was gripping on his shoulders, his long legs awkwardly dangling while Lucerys walked them over his bed. A trail of water follows them both. 


Aemond stops trying to end the kiss, he just opens his mouth and takes it. If that bastard wanted to make him bleed he’d return the damn favor. Luke continues to assault his mouth, their teeth clashing, it hurts. Lucerys unceremoniously throws him to their bed and spreads his legs, forcing their bodies together.


“Say it again, Aemond” he commands in Aemonds ear.


“I hate you, Lucerys,” he cried through clenched teeth. Aemond was on his back, Lucerys biting desperately down his body. His teeth pulled on Aemonds nipple, getting a scream from the omega. Lucerys didn’t stop, he bit and sucked down Aemonds torso, to his thighs. Luke bit hard on his left, the ring of his teeth leaving a mark. Gods Aemond wanted that mark on his neck. What? No, fuck, Aemond cursed himself, in retribute for his changing thought Aemond reached down to Lukes hair and pulled hard. He saw the bastard scalp redding and heard him hiss in pain. Good, hurt, hurt in every way he made Aemond. It was the pheromones, his heat was due soon, combined with Luke pheromones. He didn’t want that monster's mark, he didn’t want any part of Luke.


“After our wedding Aemond, I’m gonna fuck you dumb. I’m gonna fuck you until all you want is my cock buried inside you, the tip to your belly.” Aemond shakes his head. He yanks Lukes head harder but the alpha moves his head up. He wraps his lips around Aemonds cock.


 Aemond let a groan out, slick was gushing down his thighs and his cock was hard in the warmth of Luke's mouth. His back arched, his fist with a handful of Luke's hair moaning. This fucker. Aemond couldn’t understand him no matter how hard he tried. What Luke listened to what he didn’t. It was all so confusing, he calls Aemond his love and then treats him like some common whore. He tells Aemond he cares but clearly not enough to give the omega what he wants, freedom.


He doesn’t understand himself either. He hates him. Aemonds is scared of him. Yet he can let himself be treated so dishonorably for the pleasure Luke provides.


Aemond cries out as Luke takes the entirety of his cock. He couldn’t help but watch the alpha, his cheeks puffing and sinking. His thick lips barely stretched around Aemond. It made his stomach knot, Lucerys was looking right at him. It was obscene, an alpha sucking an omegas cock and Lucerys looked far from shamed. He wasn’t enjoying it. He was enjoying seeing Aemond writhe and squirm under his touch, seeing the omega brought to tears from pleasure. Aemond knew it was wrong, he knew it was wrong to be thinking of Aegon in a time like this but all he wanted was to curse his brother out and say Luke does get him off. His nephew shouldn’t but Gods he was good.


He needs more pain. A reminder that he was truly alive for the second time and this was his future. Aemond needed to clear his mind.


“I blame myself for not taking you in the dragon pit, Aemond. I should’ve gone there myself, had you against the stone wall, I should’ve taken you right there. Left you on the floor dripping my seed, I should’ve let the Kingsguard drag you up to grandsire just like that, full of me, smelling of me, my mark on your neck” Lucerys taunted him as he pulled off Aemonds cock. Luke sat on his knees, he stroked his already hard cock of Aemond, flaunting he let both of their cock slide against another.


“To think you thought you’d be anything but an omega with this little thing,” Luke laughed at him. Aemond tried to close his legs, humiliation burning into his skin but Luke held them down. 


“Look at me Aemond,” he purred. The omega obliged his body shaking, he wanted more but nothing. He wanted Lucerys to leave him but stay. He was so confused, Aemond was so confused. 


“I want you, I’m going to have you, you’re going to be mine. Any ploy you have, get rid of it, any thought you have, stop them. Aemond I will find you, even if it means I have to go to the ends of the earth I will find you. I will make you pay,” Luke cried, he thrusted wildly between Aemonds thighs, his balls slapping against Aemonds ass. It mimicked what it felt to get fucked, or what Aemond imagined it felt. 


But in the midst of his pleasure Aemond couldn’t help but feel a newfound terror. Not how he felt running from Luke. Pay? For what? What had Aemond done in this life that he was not already paying for? Running? No, not loving Lucerys back? He doubted it, he fucking doubted. Aemond took one look into the man's eyes. Lucerys… Lucerys knew. 


“Skoros's pirta, ñuha jorrāelagon?” What's the matter, my love? 


“ Gaomagon ao rūnagon?” Do you remember?


“Mirre nyke rūnagon iksis ao?” All I remember is you .




He was finally going to be free of the damned Redkeep. That was all Aegon could think on his way back to his rooms. Helaena would be with Rhaena, Aemond with Luke. They’d all be fucking free.


He turned down the halls to his mothers chambers. The Dowager Queen ever so young, so beautiful, so batshit insane. He’d visited his mother thrice in the last moon, she mumbled prayers, asked for his forgiveness. His mother thought she failed to protect them, Aegon could see why but she did a better job in his opinion. Aemond wasn’t rotting in the bottom of the ocean, Helaena’s body wasn’t impaled on spikes, and he wasn’t killed with rat poison.


The guards in front his mother's doors quickly moved aside for him, they announced his name as he stepped in. His mother sat on the floor, she was in a light blue dress, low collared with gold accents. How long had it been since he’d last seen her in a corset? But that wasn’t his biggest surprise. On the floor with her was Rhaenyra and Daemon's offspring. His mother held a wooden horse, she played it away from them while one chased her with a knight.


His sister sat in a chair across, a hand on her bloating stomach, and Daemon, the fucker was laying on his mothers bed. Was he interrupting something? Aegon rubbed his face as if he was imagining it all.


“My boy, come sit with us,” His mother signaled for him, patting the space beside her on the floor. Aegon nodded, he sat beside her, the little boy Aegon handed him a doll.


“You be the maiden, I’ll be the knight, Viserys can be the dragon and Alicent can be my magical horse,”




“Oh hush now, we dropped formalities, they’re just children,” his mother smacked his leg. She played diligently with the children while Aegon was half interested. What in the Seven hells was wrong with her? He peered up at his round sister, she stroked her stomach smiling at her children. Her husband, still sleeping on his mothers bed.


“Mother, we need to speak,” he told her. The Dowager Queen glanced up at him, she put head back down trotting the “magical” horse beside little Aegon's knight. 




“Aegon, Viserys it’s time for your lessons with the Septa” his sister intruded. Her children complained but the maids whisked them away. His mother, without a distraction, dropped the toy horse. She sighed leaning her weight on the knees.


“You wish to speak son,”


“In private, please,” Aegon looked towards his sister and Daemon. Neither which seemed like they were going to move, Daemon was asleep for one, and Rhaenyra was an arse.


“Speak freely Aegon, what you must say to me you can say to us all,”


What the fuck? Who the fuck was he speaking too? Since when did his mother join the happy couple? And why does he have to deal with it? Aegon stared her down for a second, then back up to his smiling sister and her sleeping husband, then back to his mother. Fuck it. It’s not like it was some secret.


“I’m leaving to Dragonstone after Aemonds wedding, Helaena and Rhaena plan to visit Essos and so on. Aemond and Luke will go back to Driftmark, I wanted to tell you. See if you’d like to come with me, you’ve never been to Dragonstone.”


His mother visibly slumped. She reached her hand to Aegon's face, caressing the sides of it. Her doe eyes seemed to water. Was she just now realizing that she lost them all again? Aegon thought to say something, something that wouldn’t reveal that they were living for the second time but his mouth ran dry. 


Instead Aegon lifted his hand to her face, he caressed it just as she had and pulled her close, their foreheads lightly bumping. He wasn’t good with words, neither was she truly, but he loved his mother. In both lives he loved her until his last breath, she would miss him if she decided not to come, but she could write. She knew he was alive and that's all that mattered. His mother wouldn’t lose her children now or anytime soon.


“I’ll stay, I want to stay,” 




“I truly do Aegon, Kingslanding has been my home since I was a girl. I’ll stay here and wait for you and your sister.”


“Aemond too, right?” he whispered. His voice was quiet enough so his sister didn’t hear. It was a silly question, of course she would wait for him. Aemond was her favorite child, the apple of her eye.


“May the Gods will it,”



Helaena loved her brothers. It’s hard to say equally, Aegon was good at ignoring her, and Aemond was good at treating her as a child. She’s spent more time with Aemond than Aegon, her kids spent more time with him too.


When she thinks about it, Helaena would choose her younger brother over Aegon, but it seems the Gods weren’t so willing. They spoke to her, not the new Gods her mother worshiped, the Gods of old Valaryia. They told her what her dreams were about, sometimes she thinks they deliver her dreams to her. 


They tell her of a two vines tree. It’s thick stump and many branches. Two vines hang from them, one spotted, one not. The spotted vine is rotting the tree but the other is engulfing it. It wraps around and takes over. Helaena sees the spotted branch losing its spots, becoming entwined with the other, looking identical.


She doesn’t know what it means, hells Helaena rarely knew what her dreams meant, but they always came true. She feared this life would end like the last, with them all dead. Dead like her poor children.


Helaena missed them, her children. She missed holding them, watching them play. It was wrong of her, to miss them. She wasn’t able to save Jaehaerys and she gave up on her daughter. Helaena spent years hating her mother, hating the Queen for subjecting her to the torment of being Aegon's wife. But in the end they were two peas in a pod, leaving their children for doom because they were too weak.


Yet now she could still remember how they felt. Their smooth hands always reaching out for her, so smooth, without a day of work. Jaehaerya inherited her love for bugs. Jaehaerys lived in the library with Aemond. They had happy days together, even in the war. But Helaena ruined it. She offered up her boy. She abandoned her daughter. She gave up on making them again in this life. She didn’t deserve to mourn her children. Not when she could’ve had them, not when she could’ve protected them.


She wanted them back, Gods she’d do anything to have them back.


“Helaena, have you decided what dress you’ll wear for Aemonds wedding?” Rhaena came through the door. She wore a pink gown, it fit her lovely, she looked lovely. Helaena loved that her alpha was comfortable in pretty things, she was a pretty creature. 


“I want to wear pink, with you,” she said. Rhaena sat next to her. She leaned her head on Helaenas shoulder.


“We’ll get married too, here if you’d like, on Driftmark or Essos. I want children,” Rhaena kissed her cheek. The two of them moved slowly, they were still acting inappropriately for two courting individuals, but Helaena considered it respectful unlike her brothers. They were far more into their relationships than kisses on the cheek.


“How much?”

“Two, twins preferably. I know you can’t control that thought,” Rhaena whispered.

“Twins would be nice,”


I lowkey think Aegons funny guys