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Reckless Abandon


Both Eren and Levi have spent weeks dancing around each other, each with their own reasons for holding back. But one night after the holiday party for the Survey Corp, they both decide to drop their reservations, with Eren dropping a little more than just that on his Captain that night.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

Pacing outside the Captain’s door wasn’t exactly how Eren anticipated starting the holiday break. But there he was, wearing tracks into the ground as he tried to build up the courage to knock on the door. He tucks a strand of hair behind his ears, a little longer than usual now as he hasn’t cut it since retaking Shiganshina, too distracted by the changing world and the developing crush on his superior to really care for his looks, but silently cursing the more feminine shape it gave his face. Maybe putting it up would help? But this was a problem for another day. Tonight, he had one goal. How to get inside this door…for once he had no other reason for calling this late, he watched Captain Levi exit the party with a full tea tray, so he couldn’t even use that as an excuse this time. No, there really was only one reason Eren was here. To finally make good on those hints. The heated glances, the warm touches that lingered just a little too long. The brief moments when he would meet the Captain’s eye to see that the older man had already been staring, boring holes into his charge’s back until green met grey and for a moment, that flash. The same flash Eren saw the first night he joined the scouts. Interest. Clear as day, even if the Captain maintained a professional posture there was no denying he was interested. In what, Eren had to find out. And that is why here he stayed, pacing while trying to find an excuse to accompany his Captain after curfew. By the grace of the walls, or maybe some higher being, he didn’t need to think any longer because the door was flung open just then, with a rather annoyed but not hostile glare from Levi.


“I was wondering what idiot was scuffing my doorway with their shitty boots. Of course it's you, brat” He quips, but there is no malice behind it. Playful, even. Maybe even a little relieved, not like he would let the boy know. He thought he was doing well with making sure Eren chose to follow of his own accord, trying his best not to feel like a creepy old man for wanting to spend more time with the young shifter. For days Captain Levi would have to hide his excitement behind books and trays while he watched his soldier, his subordinate, his Eren go about his chores. But tonight was different. Levi had already spent careful time in the bath cleaning and preparing for what he was going to hopefully get tonight. He wanted the younger boy, there was no denying it anymore.

“Uh, hey Captain. I was um, well–” Eren’s rambling gets cut off by the Captain grabbing him by the shirt and dragging him inside, locking the door behind him and being kissed half to death all within three seconds. When Levi lets him go, he hits the door, panting and blushing and almost unable to speak, thankfully Captain Levi has more words for him.

“I was wondering what took you so long. I thought it was pretty clear when I left I wanted you to follow”
It takes Eren a moment to connect the dots. Levi sending his sister on an errand was when he saw his opportunity to escape unnoticed, this is true. Something about one of the horses needing attention and gave a brief description before sending her off. No other one of his friends watched as closely as Mikasa did. The Captain must have planned this…encounter…from the start. But it still didn’t feel real, even the ghost of lips on his own wasn’t enough to convince the shifter this was really happening.


“You…wanted me?” Eren asks, eyes hopeful and bright, gaining confidence by the minute. Almost too much confidence, with every moment spent under the Captain’s lustful stare Eren was losing the fear that held him back outside the door earlier. He didn’t remember any of the discomfort, wondering if Levi would turn him away if he knew the secret he had hidden, didn’t worry about the fact his body didn’t match his brain. It was like a different beast has awakened, his feral desire for the older man loosening his insecurities and emboldening him. Slowly with the Captain still pressed against him from the initial kiss, Eren grinds his hips into Levi while he gets his response.
“I need you, brat. I don't think I can wait any longer.” Levi slowly pushes Eren down onto his knees, palms gently on his shoulders.


“Yes, Captain” The embarrassment fades to confidence and once at eye level, the younger boy is quickly getting to work freeing his Captain from the tightness of the uniform. Levi watches with little patience as Eren takes the length in his hands first, feeling the excitement grow under the firm grip. Faced finally with the Captain's hardening cock, he isn’t able to hold back the urges anymore and gives in, licking the tip and savoring the taste of the precum that's starting to leak onto his tongue. Eren takes his time and licks slowly around the head, down the length and back up again.
“F-fuck, brat” Levi calls down to the boy on his knees. Only after Eren is satisfied with claiming every inch of his Captain’s shaft with a warm and wet tongue does he finally take the head into his mouth and suck, inching lower and slicking the cock so he can start to take it deeper. Levi thrusts eagerly into his brat’s mouth, chasing his release and the boy takes it, on his knees happily serving his Captain. Not even the wetness between his own legs stops Eren, completely engrossed in the act of pleasuring his superior.

“Wa-wait, brat. Not, like this. Want to cum with you, ngh—“ he pauses to remove his cock from the younger boys lip, trying to ignore the small string of saliva keeping the brat attached.

“Captain, I’ve never, uh. Done this before?” Eren admits, standing up and trying to remember the courage from before.

“What, you never fucked a man? It’s not that hard brat, you just stick it in. It might be a little different with an ass than a—“ he stops mid sentence when he sees the terrified look on Eren’s face.

“Uh, never been fucked? I thought, it was on my forms that I—I can’t fuck anyone?” Eren stammers trying to find a way to explain the situation but the Captain is either unaware or just not seeing the nuance and continues.

“You stick your dick in the hole how hard can it be? Stop whining and just fuck me already, before I change my mind, brat”. He crosses his arms and leans back against the desk while Eren continues to panic, smirking a little.

“I don’t have… the tools?” Eren whines, shrugging his shoulders.

“Heh? You don’t have the tools, what, did it fall off or somethi—“

Eren, in a panic blushing bright red pulls his pants down entirely, revealing to Levi the small, pink slit where they both hoped a dick should be.

“Yes, my dick fell off!!! No, I mean—“

It’s too late, even rock hard Levi is starting to crack a smile, then a chuckle, and before Eren can even explain the Captain is laughing, and its rarity infects Eren and soon he is also laughing, supporting himself against the desk, both naked from the waist down in tears as they realize the situation. Levi is the first to calm down enough to speak, he strokes Eren’s hair as he tries to calm to laugh-crying boy down.

“Eren, you could have told me. I haven’t topped in years but I can, it’s fine. I just usually prefer to bottom because I know I can be cleaner than most men.” He chuffs. “Most, not all apparently. You might have surprised me but I don’t mind. You’re still you, Eren. It doesn’t matter to me what your body looks like.” He caresses the younger boys face to make a point, leaning in to kiss his lips gently.

“I was so excited about getting this far, I guess I forgot to mention?” His pitch inclines, but the smile stays as he realizes the Captain is much more understanding than most he’s encountered. It was hell getting his gender listed as male on the enlistment forms, and only with the help of Hange did he even manage to secure hormones to help adjust his body to the right side of the spectrum. Most just assumed the deepening of his voice to be puberty, no one but the trusted scientist and now his Captain knew about the fact he wasn’t born in the body he felt he should have. Finding out he was a Titan only exacerbated this, but the reassurance from his Captain was enough to quell the insecurities.

Levi, understanding now the change in dynamic lifts Eren into the desk, back flush against the papers now ignored in favor of exploring his new partner’s body. Hands roam from Eren’s small chest down to his toned stomach, then finally to the dip of his hips where leg meets softer, never touched before skin. Eren breathes and shudders, unable to hide the excitement now he twitches and starts to feel slick dripping from his hole towards the desk.
“Captain, you look so good above me…” the older man almost pauses his soft touches, cock throbbing in response to the words of praise from his younger charge.

“Yes, you like this, hm?” He takes one of his long, slender fingers and drags it slowly across Eren’s sensitive slit, collecting the slick that drips onto his fingers and gently stroking across the area, carefully testing the boundaries of his younger partner.

“Ca-Captain–” Eren calls for him, broken by breathy moans of excitement and he vocalizes for Levi, “You’re so…good, please more?”
Levi shivers with the need coming from the younger boy, but it's the praise that truly sends electric waves of pleasure straight to his core. He makes quick work of the rest of their clothes, getting over Eren and having to hold back one more time, just one check to make sure he shoves his cock into the shifter with reckless abandon.

“Eren. You’re sure this is your choice? I won’t hold back…” Once again warning and yet giving the boy a chance to make his own decisions. It's for this reason Eren would trust his Captain to the end of the world, and his body eagerly awaits the connection of giving his first time to such a man. He nods, pulling Levi closer.


“Take me, Captain” he moans into Levi’s ear and that is the last wall between them. Eren has just one breath to prepare before his hole is suddenly thrust into. It’s slow but hard, evoking a pained moan, but a moan nonetheless. He whines, moaning and squirming over the tip of Levi’s cock, despite threatening not to hold back the older man is certainly containing himself, all he wanted was to thrust his entire length into the younger boy but he knew better for a first time, and Levi gave him plenty of time to adjust, even waiting until it was Eren who started moving, absolutely desperate for movement.

Slowly, inches at a time, the Captain thrusts into the shifter. He pushes in, pulls out, each time making Eren moan out in soft breaths. The wet heat of his hole sucks the thick length in more and more, both men cling to each other in desperation. Levi is able to rock into the boy now, feeling the slickness coat his cock each time he pulls out, only to shove it back in again.

“Fuck, you’re so good at this, you really need to-ah, top more often, Captain” again, Eren’s broken praise brings Levi closer to the edge, and he thrusts harder into his lover, earning yet another moan from the younger boy. It causes Eren to clench tight around the Captain’s cock, the steady pounding bringing him closer to climax, so he warns Levi with a shaky “g-gonna, cum, si-sir” and scratches into his back with each heavy thrust.

“Brat, fuck–yes cum for me baby” whispers the Captain and with a few more grinds into Eren both men are reaching their end, shaking and clinging onto each other like old lovers in their passionate throes of ecstasy. Levi cums thick ribbons into Eren, both trembling and moaning from weeks worth of release finally being let out. A few breaths later, Levi chuckles softly as he feels Eren sliding down off the desk.


“Where are you going, hmm?” he asks as Eren slinks down farther into the space between the desk and his Captain.


“Gonna clean you up, Captain.” Eren says shyly, licking at the dripping cock now in front of his face. Its slower than before, a little more careful as he takes the last few drops of his Captain’s cum onto his tongue. Levi sighs, and after a few careful kitten licks, his brat is back up on the desk, still nude and sensually licking his lips. Feeling his cock spring to life again, he smiles and pushes Eren back into the desk.


“Careful what you wish for, brat. Cause now that I have you, I dont think I can let go so easily.” Levi promises, and to seal the deal it seems Eren leans up to kiss his lips before replying.

“I’ve got about another 15 minutes before Mikasa realizes the errand you sent her on was a bogey, Captain.” He smirks, and this begins the game again, their dance finally in step and one they could continue all night if given the chance, provided the other Ackerman doesnt realize quickly that the horse the Captain described needing grooming was none other than Jean Kirschstein.


This is my first ever published fic and a gift for my friend for our gift exchange, thank you Xylon for being a great support while I was writing and also thank you to aries for beta-ing the fic for me and hyping me up to write my first offical fic.