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Star Trek: Through Darkness Evolving


"Stars are only visible in darkness. Fear is ever changing and evolving." Imagine Dragons

Chapter Text



Schn T'gai Spock the elder was steadying his breath as he readied himself for the conversation he was about to have.

He had already pressed on the visitor beeper on the door he was standing outside. 

"Open." Came from within. 

The door opened and Spock the elder came face to face with the Sarek of the timeline he had inadvertently came to.

Both of them had been expecting to see each other at precisely that time. 

"There is another whose presence at this meeting is expected to come soon." Sarek said. 

"Indeed?" Spock the elder said raising an eyebrow.

"My son." 

"Father I-do not..." Spock's face was lined in confusion. 

"Not-...MY Spock, I mean."

Spock's face slowly settled. 

"In...the decades of Nero's presence in this time line before my introduction to it..

I had of course expected differences to have occurred-" 

"No." Sarek's voice was steel.

Spock's face froze. 


Sarek nodded.

"He was banished." 

"Not by my will." 

"He...violated the mind of a watcher."

"Yes...and I condemned it, but I never gave voice in support of his banishment." 

Spock's breath seemed to get shallower.

"Is his...banishment to be...lifted?"

Sarek's face seemed drawn to the floor.

"I...would prefer to discuss the details of his...relocation with him before doing so in private from him." 

"What...precisely are you hoping to come of our meeting?"

Sarek turned his attention to New Vulcan outside his window. 

"Obviously our people need to prioritise our protection.

Alas we know for a fact that there are those who mean to do us serious harm: pirates, many among the Klingons, many among the Romulans clearly, many among the...renegades of civilizations. 

But more concerning still we know for a fact that the technology needed to destroy whole planets and Star Fleet armadas, exists and are feasible and practical. 

Undoubtedly word of such technology existing will eventually reach those who would build and use it.

I am not aware of precisely who, what or where those people are..."

Sarek turned to Spock the elder. 

"But clearly you have more awareness.

 MY sons are VERY valued by the current Vulcan high-council, because in their youths they were...remarkably adept at building shields. 

They were even convinced that given enough time and resources shields strong enough to enable a starship to bypass the Great Barrier at the centre of the galaxy, would be built"

As Sarek said that, Spock's eyes widened. 

"It is my hope that my sons would use your knowledge combined to protect the Vulcan people."

"I have encouraged my...younger alternative self to stay in Star fleet, implicitly for the purpose of strengthening ties between Star Fleet and the Vulcan people through synbolism." 

"Rellying on Star Fleet alone wouldn't be advisable. 

Your younger alternative self explicitly stated "it was logical to contemplate multiple options." " 

"Nonetheless Star Fleet is an indispensable ally." 


"So...would it not be-" Spock hesitated.

"Spock are you suggesting that ALL Vulcans join Star Fleet?

What of the Vulcan colonising efforts?

What of the efforts to perpetuate our species? 

What of the efforts to establish peace among the survivors of Vulcan's destruction? 

Vulcans don't believe that peace SHOULD depend upon force...but unfortunately our...Naivety for want of a more delicate way to put it, has left us...VERY vulnerable.

We would do well to build planet-wide shields which would prevent assaults and accidents which would otherwise destroy what is left of us." 

Spock's eyes found the floor.

"I personally have no objections to the construction of planet-wide shields.  But there will be...displeasure at that. Planet-wide shields strong enough to defend against high-powered attacks...would imply...distrust. 

Star Fleet is fundamentally built on social and scientific optimism. 

Building planet-wide shields would...displease the more...sensitive among the peoples of the galaxy."

Sarek shook his head. 

"To take offence at a civilization that choses to defend itself in a manner that is harmless is...most illogical." 

Spock nodded "Quite."

"Still that is just another cross Vulcans have to bear, to use a human metaphor. Those with logic are often on the receiving end of the negative judgment of those without logic."

Spock almost smiled at that.

"Father in my timeline, IMMENSE proof of the validity of that statement was inescapably experienced by me and others." 

"So...Will you reveal to MY sons knowledge of the future?"

Spock turned to the window.


In fact, I intend to give VITAL information to the federation about the future.

Just to impress upon you the scope of my information here's a few samples:

A weapon of mass destruction, capable of destroying whole star systems, is going to be encountered heading towards a federation outpost. 

A swarm of neural parasites will spread across several star systems. 

A single cell of bacteria will unleash a negative energy attack which will destroy a Star system. 

An entity which posses bodies to commit murder to feed on fear will appear.

A...collective of beings with advanced cybernetics will arrive and try to destroy all that they will assimilate after destroying.

An evil entity lives in the heart of the great barrier in the centre of the galaxy.

People with extra sensory perception will travel to the galactic barrier and be given the powers of Gods.  

An army of androids will tempt humans with paradise to make their lives meaningless. 

Whole planets of technology will artificially produce conscience and develop weapons of mass destruction and consider all life forms that are carbon based, to not be "true life forms".

A species of parasites who control the bodies of their hosts will come seeking to infiltrate Star fleet in approximately 100 years from now."

After 5 seconds of quiet Sarek spoke.

"What do you expect Star Fleet to do with the information you provided them with?" 

"Prepare naturally."

"With shields?" 

"...With Sybok's assistance I should expect so." 


Spock and Sarek stood for 2 minutes in silence. 

" unaware as to how much of this you are already aware of but...Amanda died on Vulcan during Nero's attack."

Spock the Elder's face sagged.

"Your...alternative younger self is upset that he never expressed how much he loved her."

Memories of Spock the elder being afflicted with an emotion inhibition-removing virus and collapsing on a table, rose to his mind. He had whimpered like a hurt child as he'd said to the face of Jim "My mother...I could never tell her I loved her.".

"I...would appreciate any advice you gave to your alternative younger self about how to...reconcile his emotions regarding his Amanda."

"You keep referring to her as "Amanda". Not "my wife". I only ever heard you refer to her as "Amanda" when you and her were in the same room together."

"Yes...I suppose your version of me was once asked by you why I married your mother...I am now going to give you precisely the same answer I gave to your younger alternative self after her death...I married her because I loved her.

I am not ignorant of the fact that your mother loved me and your younger alternative self...but...I must ask: did your mother know that your version of me loved her?"

Spock the Elder's face smiled at that.

"At one point when both of us were on medical beds and mother was besides us I asked "Why did you marry her?" Your response was "At the time it seemed the logical thing to do." She just smiled warmly at the response.

I have no doubt whatsoever that she knew you loved her." 

"As I recalled I opposed your joining Star Fleet."

"That was in consequence of me declining to join the Vulcan science academy. You wanted me to excel, as all good fathers do, I never doubted that."

"I also opposed your joining Star Fleet because I was concerned that were you to be in Star Fleet during your...time of mating...the...illogical nature of Vulcans which our discipline seeks to tame would become...commonly known." Sarek said, hesitancy coating his voice. 

Spock the elder winced.

"My...time...was thankfully kept discreet."

"Yours perhaps. 

But your younger alternative self miscalculated. It wasn't 10,000 at most who survived Vulcan's destruction.

It was 50 million at least.

The evacuation begun immediately after Nero's ship began firing high powered plasma at the planet's surface. 

We used the shields Sybok designed, and built in secret, with improvements,  to hold off Nero's attack long enough for the planet to evacuate more Vulcans than otherwise would have escaped.

Amongst the evacues, was T'Pring. But her ship was destroyed Nero's ship. 

T'Pau however did escape. 

So...your younger alternative self is...uncertain."

"Yes I should imagine so. I have already advised him to "do what feels right". "

"If so then I trust that your instincts are astute."

The doorbell rang.


As soon as the door opened a Vulcan a few inches smaller than Spock the elder, with a bushy beard, came in.

He had a tired, yet hesitant look in his face.

He Vulcan saluted, then sighed.

"Hello father."

Sarek sighed and Vulcan saluted back. 

"Hello Sybok."

"I must say it is a surprise to be welcomed back to Vulcan society as a hero of sorts. 

But bearing in mind that my shields saved dozens of millions of Vulcans, perhaps that is to be understood.

Is my status as Ktorr Skann revoked?"

"Yes of course.

As is your status as V'tash Katur.

On 1 condition: that under no circumstances is your...telepathic capabilities to be revealed."

Sybok let out a soft smile. 

"Yes...I always suspected that the reason for my banishment and denouncement was secretly based on fear that were it to become common knowledge that even so little as some Vulcans could invade the privacy of whoever they wanted, whenever they wanted as long as they were in the same room as them, it would ferment deep distrust which would eventually produce hostility, as opposed to sincere abhorrence of my personal philosophical views."



Sybok turned to Spock the Elder and startled. 

"But-! You're..."

Spock the elder smiled.

"Hello brother.

I...need you to see my thoughts and to draw strength from them.

I...want THIS timeline's version of me to have a happier relationship with his brother than I did."

Chapter 2: The fixing of futures


Sybok is made into a shielding specialist upon the Enterprise. But his REAL reason for being there is to take the lessons Spock Prime learned and teach them to Kelvin Spock.

Just to clarify I am going to "simply ignore" Star Trek Discovery because put it politely really dislike how they handled the portrayal of the Vulcans in general.

Khan in this fic is going to be speaking with a Mexican accent, in honor of the late Ricardo Montalban who first played Khan.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

STARDATE 2259 the USS Enterprise :

The boatswain whistle blew as the ramp of the small space ship, dropped down and the only occupant walked down it towards the assembled crew.

Out of it walked the last person Spock would've expected to see had he not been told in advance by captain Kirk. 

A Vulcan in long white robes saluted the captain and...smiled.

"Greetings Captain Kirk. I am S'chn T'gai Sybok. Please just refer to me as "Sybok". In Vulcan culture, the family name comes before the individual name. 

"Welcome aboard.

Broadcast ship-wide for the record. 

Attention please everyone this is Captain Kirk. The newest Vulcan on this ship is the individual known as Sybok. He's on loan from the Vulcan shield counsel.

I've been told by Star Fleet command that he is to serve as a shield specialist on board this ship, helping to improve our shield capabilities. 

He's not officially a member of Star Fleet, but if half of what I've heard of his contributions to shields on Star Fleet ships is true, he is in spirit."

Sybok turned to Spock and, much to the crew's surprise, smiled widely and openly.

"Spock. How are you?" Sybok spoke in Vulcan to him.

Spock glared at him.

"I am...well." 

"Good. Good." Sybok never stopped smiling mirthfully.

"Am I to take it your banishment has been lifted?" 

"Yes. I am no longer ktorr skann."

"Why are we speaking exclusively in Vulcan?"

"Because brother I have had so few opportunities to speak it with others during my exile. I wish to make the most of this one."

Spock grimaced at the word "brother".

"Spock? What's the matter?" Jim asked, noticing his grimace.

"It is something...personal and private captain."

Jim smiled curiously at that.

"Okay...Sybok this is Dr Leonrd McCoy who is often referred to as "Bones"." 

Sybok Vulcan saluted Bones.

"Please do excuse my not shaking hands. Unfortunately due to Vulcan hands being somewhat more...neurologically sensitive to others it's a bit awkward and generally considered a very...intimate gesture among Vulcans as...kissing is for you humans." Sybok chuckled nervously as he spoke.

Bones' eyes were wide.

"A Vulcan with a sense of humor? That's going to take some getting used to."

"This is chief security officer La'an Noonien-Singh." Jim gestured to La'an.

Sybok Vulcan saluted her. "I suppose, you being security officer and myself a shield specialist that is, you and I will have much to discuss."

"Yes." La'an seemed to be...blushing Jim noticed.

Jim coughed

"This is the chief of engineering Lieutenant Montgomery Scott, colloquially known as "Scotty" by his friends."  Jim gestured to Scotty.

Sybok Vulcan saluted Scotty. "I have heard that the Scottish are famous for their inventions such as the TV, telephone, MRI scans, cloning sheep and the steam engine."

Scotty's face flushed with joy.


"I'm sure we'll have much to talk about."

"Hm." Scotty was almost bouncing.

"Are you...THE Sybok? The savior of New York?" 

Sybok shied in modesty.

" was more a matter of me just coincidentally being in the right place at the right time with the right equipment. But...yes essentially."

La'an was vibrating.

"And he's here to help us get our shields' strength increased by...?" Jim egged Sybok on.

"A little over 2700% total strength increase against energy, radiological and atomic mass impact, and 300% increase in shield strength recovery speed."

Some of the crew's mouths dropped.

1st officer's log commander Spock. STARDATE 2259 

Once again my half-brother Sybok has demonstrated the invaluable asset his shields have been. 

There is no doubt that had it not been for his shields being on the shuttle used to deploy the cold fusion device, some damage would have been taken. 

The shields Syboks has placed on the Enterprise have increased shield strength by approximately 2700%, and recovery speed by 300%. However doing so has come at the expense of space available for sleeping quarters and corridor. I have consequentially heard noise complaints about my music. Sybok upon discovering them helped me soundproof my room. I am grateful.

Apparently the fact that my brother has a beard has attracted...attention from the crew. 

Vulcans generally can't grow natural beards. The rare exceptions are in hereditary cases among the males of certain families. 

Sybok's relationship with father has always been...strained

However I cannot help but notice that Sybok's unwillingness to engage with anyone besides myself, Captain Kirk, Mr Scott, Dr McCoy, Uhura and Lieutenant Noonien-Singh, has attracted attention. 

Lieutenant Noonien-Singh has evidently...found a strong sense of positive relaxation in response to Sybok's shields. The shields have maximised the crew safety to the point that security is far more...relaxed. In fact I find Lieutenant Noonien-Singh's...eagerness to...get to know Sybok somewhat unsettling. Sybok has approached her on the subject of Romulans and has offered to aid her in developing physical martial abilities carefully designed for combat against Vulcan-like beings. Logically speaking I have no objection to that. But...I find myself becoming increasingly concerned that...Lieutenant Noonien-Singh is...intrigued by Sybok.  Sybok has exposed his bare chest to Lieutenant Noonien-Singh, officially for the purpose of training for combat against Romulans...unofficially...Lieutenant Noonien-Singh's pupils have dilated in Sybok's presence. 

On the occasions when Lieutenant Noonien-Singh has attempted to engage in martial practices with Sybok, he has insisted that for her own well-being he refrain from engagement due to his Vulcan strength making it alarmingly easy for him to, even by accident, cause her serious injuries. 

Interestingly Lieutenant Noonien-Singh has insisted that he shave his beard. He refuted that it helped to keep him warm. Lieutenant Noonien-Singh has simply glared at it.

I myself have no capacity to grow a beard, due to a genetic trait, undoubtedly from my father, with Sybok's genes from his mother having overridden them.

When I asked the captain, and Dr McCoy why humans place such importance on their facial hair, and those of others.  Dr McCoy simply shook his head and said "Beards make kissing...unappealing and...some humans dislike feeling OLD Spock." The captain laughed and said "Spock, it...generally makes...the...fairer sex uninterested in you."

When I asked Lieutenant Uhura about beards, she simply laughed...rather loudly. She said "Beards are sometimes considered...unappealing by SOME women. But I don't have a problem about it. I mean...I will have to brush your hair out of the way before I kiss you if you grow one. can try it out if you want." She winked at me and smiled as she turned around and then...skipped away.

Female humans are...mysterious. 

It has come to my attention that Lieutenant Noonien-Singh has Captain Kirk. When asked why, he smirked and said "Well...she and I had a...relationship which I...took less seriously than her. She...found me coming out of Gaila-and-Nyota's room...chest-naked.

She was...upset." 

From what I understand Dr McCoy has been...VERY inquisitive about Vulcan physiology. His increasing rate of questions about Vulcan physiology directed to Sybok have induced...feelings in me I find difficult to identify. 

Sybok is, unlike me, fully Vulcan by blood. Therefore logically if his...service to Star Fleet is recieved famously and positively, it would undoubtedly result in far more positive relationships between Vulcans and humans.

I am no stranger to the fact that my existence is proof of the capacity for positive relationships between humans and Vulcans. However it is important to note that my father and mother were individuals. Scientifically speaking the larger the sample size, the more reliable the results. There are over 15 billion humans who are currently alive and over 50 million Vulcans. Obviously positive relationships between only 1 person of each race do not necessarily mean that all the members of both groups are to be expected to behave positively towards each other. 

I am frequently dismayed by human capacities. 

For example: a few months after Nero's attack on Earth, a vessel was being piloted by at least 1 crew member who was flying the ship at Mach 19 relative speed, towards the city New York. 

By random chance, my brother Sybok was in New York at the time, whilst carrying a portable shield generator which he intended to demonstrate to the public. He saw the ship coming whilst carrying the generator on his person.  He activated the generator, saving all the lives that the ship otherwise would have ended. 

Camera records indicated that the ship had been piloted by a drunk pilot.

I estimate that no less than 19 people and no more than 80 million people would have perished if not for Sybok.

Alas, 20 years ago Sybok was not available to prevent another similar tragedy wherein a human piloted a vehicle which crashed in the historical city of Washington DC. The crash was caused by the driver suffering an allergic reaction to a nutrient, which caused him to loose consciousness and his unconscious body collided with the piloting panel in such a way that the ship collided with an apartment tower, while traveling at approximately Mach 3, which resulted in 34 people dead and 12 seriously injured. 

Also, 15 years ago Sybok wasn't available to provide shields which would have provided adequate protection from the accident in Nigeria wherein a ship travelling at Mach 15, crashed killing 300 people and injuring 12 others, as a consequence of a rare virus causing hallucinations.

Added to which,  13 years ago Sybok wasn't available in Greenland to provide shields to protect from an accident wherein a ship crashed while traveling at Mach 7, killing 200 people and injuring 5 others, as a consequence of a heart attack by drinking alcohol, causing the pilot to loose control. 

Furthermore, 12 years ago, there was a crash caused by a drunk human...teenager, who was piloting a ship, without permission at Mach 10. 400 people in Mexico city were killed. 

Moreover, 11 years ago, there was a human who, on a foolish...dare, piloted a ship into a literal tornado whilst drunk, and the damage sustained by collision with debris that the tornado was moving, caused a crash which killed 30 people,  in Los Angeles.

But most devastating of all, a drunk human accidentally put into automatic pilot, then due to being drunk, didn't awaken when the alarm went. A survivor on an escape pod told the tale and wasn't able to correct the course due to not having the codes necessary to activate the emergency stop. The crash cost 4 million people their lives. 

All those calamities would have been avoided if Sybok's shields were available. 


Sybok is widely regarded by the crew of the Enterprise, and the people of the federation, as a hero for his shield technology. 

I concur with them.

In fact I must admit to feeling a most...human emotion...pride for my sibling. 

Most of the human crew of the Enterprise speak with an accent from the United States of America, so understandably New York, an especially prominent part of American culture, holds a special place in their minds. Therefore they undoubtedly percieve Sybok with admiration. 

Sybok is also VERY welcomed by Dr McCoy and Mr Scott. Dr McCoy seems ecstatic at the thought of having the Enterprise better shielded for the well being of those on board. Mr Scott seems...enamored of the Star Ship Enterprise and delighted that the ship's chances of survival are multiplied considerably by the shields.

However my main concern is that lieutenant Uhura seems to be trying to engage in conversation with Sybok. 

Sybok, upon learning that she was a linguistics expert who spoke fluent Vulcan, talked freely with her in Vulcan in the canteen. 

I am concerned that were Lieutenant Uhura to discover that he is in fact my half-brother she might feel some...curiosity which might...distract her.

Spock went up to  Nyota and begun speaking while her back was turned in the canteen.


Nyota jumped in surprise.

"Sir." She replied when she flattened down her nerves and remembering that they were in public. 

"If there are any inquiries you wish to make about my past, please address them exclusively to me I shall provide you with all the necessary information."

Nyota's eyebrows jumped at that and she turned to Spock.

"Is there some...miscommunication from other sources you are concerned with me receiving commander?" 

"No, I simply don't want you to be distracted by pursuit of data from unnecessarily difficult to get at, and unreliable sources."

Nyota smiled thinly.

"Is there...any particular source of information you wish me to...refrain from consulting?"

Spock's mouth thinned.

"You are of course permitted to consult with any source of information you wish, but please be aware on personal matters about myself I am clearly the most logical source."

Nyota's voice lowered to a whisper "Spock I am not going to think any less of you if Sybok reveals something embarrassing about your childhood."

Nyota's smile widened.

"But I am curious: what was the relationship between you and Sybok like as children?"

Spock's face became stony.

"What gives you the impression that he and I had a...relationship during childhood?"

"Spock, he's already told me that he's your brother."

"Technically he's my half-brother...why did he tell you?"

"He said he wanted to know how his brother was doing in Star fleet."

"He was...protective of me when I was...ostracized by the other children on Vulcan. 

Vulcans, similar to archaic human customs, have families that are considered of more prominent status. But whereas human families are remembered for the deeds of their individuals and their legal statuses, Vulcan families are given considerable attention on the basis of their telepathic abilities which are hereditary. The more telepathically gifted the family members,  the more...not exactly legal authority, but influence and prestige. 

Sybok's mother was a member of such a family so naturally he got a lot of attention from his peers and children. But he wasn't looked upon normally with admiration. He was heavily critical of the Vulcan cultural...isolationism. 

Typically Vulcans...dislike interacting with civilizations where people are typically less...logical than us. We have a particular distaste for people who are especially susceptible to emotional instability from external and internal sources, such as Klingons, Orions, Telleraties, Romulans of course, pirates naturally and Cardassians.

Sybok took exception to this typically. 

He...interacted socially with my mother. He frequently asked her questions about Earth and humans. My mother...was a schoolteacher before she married my father. Unlike other Vulcan children, he had no objection to her."

"What about his own mother?"

"She died of a virus that mutated in Vulcan's sun.

Before that she and Sybok were inseparable. 

After her death Sybok and I were raised as brothers.

He was...quite...taken with my mother. I think she reminded him of his own mother.


He spent more time with my mother asking her questions about human society, than I did.

His...preoccupation with...building shields often troubled my fafather. Sybok drew me into it, arguing that it was logical. My father found it symptomatic of psychological insecurity. 

When he was banished it was because...he tried to gain access to his mother's violating the mind of a watcher of the hall of ancient thought."

Nyota felt her lower jaw drop as if it'd a sack of potatoes dropped on it.


"Strictly forbidden by Vulcan society, yes.

Reading someone's thoughts without consent is...something that were it to be widely feared as commonly done by Vulcans would...result in others fearing us and that fear would inevitably produce hostility,  even genocide."

Nyota nodded. 

"So...he was...a good brother?"

"Yes...however... "

Spock looked down.

"Spock what's the matter?"

"I...always got the impression that my father wanted a half-human child to prove to Vulcan society that humans should be an integral part of their culture. 

He...wanted Sybok to...lead Vulcans to detract from their old ways of telepathy and embrace forms of cultural exchanges.

But Sybok developed the philosophy that sharing thoughts would bring Vulcans and others together. He argued that telepathy was more reliable and less...easy to mistranslate a means of communication, and he insisted that Vulcans abandon indirect scientific measurements and embrace a..."truth straight from the horse's mouth" if I am using that expression correctly, approach to discovery, wherein essentially Vulcan scientific equipment, with sufficient shielding, would directly observe the object or reaction being measured. he is on an exploration vessel, every opportunity to test his shields and expand his knowledge...he is...excited."

Nyota smiled.

"A Vulcan being excited?"

"Excitement isn't an emotion uncommon,  or commonly discouraged among Vulcans. But he has been in exile for decades, not just from Vulcan but from the entire federation. He has undoubtedly picked up some...views from those he has interacted with. Some of those views might lead into...conflict with Star Fleet rules, regulations and philosophies."

"I've NEVER seen you excited."

"I am half-human."

"Sybok...all he's ever spoken about besides his shields, this ship, and occasionally New Vulcan news he gets,"

Spock raised an eyebrow at that.


"Oh nothing negative. He said he was proud of you for rescuing your father, the elders and the katras they took from the Katric Ark. He said he was proud of you for saving Earth. He said Star Fleet owed you a debt. 

Funny thing is he said ALL that in Vulcan. I think I am the only one who understood him. When I asked him why he speaks only in Vulcan to me, he said "I get so few opportunities to speak it, I delight in it." "

Spock felt blood rushing to his cheeks.

"Curious...I have never spoken about Sybok with anyone outside of Vulcan."

"Are you...embarrassed by him?"

Spock looked down.

"...Not anymore." 

He walked away. 

The door to Spock's room chimed.


Sybok walked through. 

The entire conversation between him and Spock was in Vulcan.

"Let me start by saying you have my condolences for...Amanda. I know what it's like to loose a mother, and I remember her being a good woman."

Spock was just about to speak when he found himself at a loss for words for a few seconds. Then he replied with "Thank you Sybok."

"Also...I have contact with your...older counterpart."

Spock's eyes widened. 

"He...saw fit to entrust me to tell you somethings about his experiences which he felt you needed to know.

Would you consent to a mind-meld?"

Spock swallowed. 


"I think it prudent to have captain Kirk here for this. It concerns him as well."

Spock called Jim down.

When Jim arrived Spock turned towards him.

"Captain Sybok is about to impart on me important knowledge from Spock the elder, through a mind meld. He thinks you should be informed."

Jim's mouth dropped.

"Huh...okay go for it."

After the mind meld Spock fell to his knees. 

"...Captain. The governor on Tarsus 4, Kodos, is alive and has a daughter suffering an Electra complex making her kill those who may identify her father without his knowledge."

Jim's mouth dropped.

"Why didn't he tell me that on that Ice planet?"

Sybok intervened.

"Please captain, Spock the elder is technically over 156 Earth Years, and he is half-human, understandably his memory is somewhat...foggy for him. 

Added to which, at one point in his life his memories were fragmented by a Vulcan ritual called fal to pan."

At that Spock raised his eyebrow.

"So Spock the Elder's memories are...difficult for him to sort through. I merely help."

Spock looked at Kirk.

"Also Captain...There is a ship which is called the "Botany Bay" which has upon it 73 genetically augmented humans who are...evil. It is driffting in space approximately 35,400 light-years away."


"Well...I'll tell Star Fleet...anything else?"

"A LOT captain, but the process of accessing and transferring the memories from LONG ago from a VERY unconventional mind is...taxing to say the least. Spock the elder has already spoken with Star Fleet command about the Borg, cloaking devices, Gorn, Red Jac, Android populations, ESP humans gaining god-like powers from the galactic barrier, and many others."Sybok said.

"So...Gary Mitchell and Dr Elizabeth Dehner...they were-"

"Yes Jim." Came an echoey voice that made Spock, Sybok and Jim jump. 

Gary Mitchell and Dr Elizabeth Dehner were standing right behind them. 

They looked exactly the same as Jim saw them last...except for 1 detail: their eyes were shining white.

Gary began speaking. 

"We have been going around the galaxy looking for things to do.

We've made whole planets out of stars and Nebulas.

We've disposed of:

The silly borg.

That silly doomsday weapon.

Those silly neural parasites.

Butchered those neck-sucking parasites.

Disposed of...some Apollo-wannabe with a giant green hand.

Oh and we liberated some poor guy from some bullying wannabe ancient greek philosophers with psychic powers.

There was this entity on a planet called Gothos, we tested, then sent him wailing back to his mum and Dad.

And some petty, stupid brat with superpowers called Charlie, we sent him back to his caretakers."

Dr Dehner continued. 

"We also eradicated several threats to others, including:

Flesh-eating lizards called "Gorn."

A salt-vampire on planet M-113.

Some flowers that make people primitivally passive on Omicron Ceti 3-"

"Oh and the way: here's Zeframe Cochrane." 

As Gary spoke Zeframe Cochrane appeared in the cabin.

"Yeah he was...kinda some pet for some lonely little ray of sunshine." Gary smiled as he spoke.

"We delivered him to you Jim." Dr Dehner said.

"Yeah we gotta few pointers from Spock the elder." Gary stated. 

"We've been destroying evil creatures throughout the whole galaxy." Dr Dehner added.


Everyone else jumped at that.

Behind them had appeared another being that looked like a human adult male, with brown hair and a yellow command shirt.

"As I said to the crew of my favorite pet, Jean-Luc...IT NEEDS RISK!...Something to win...and something to loose."

"Who the hell are you?" Jim asked. 

"He is a member of the Q continuum. An association of multi-dimensional entities with practically omnipotent control over physical reality." Sybok said.

"Urgh...telepaths...always a bother for omnipotent beings...I take it you already killed off that nasty little thing behind the Great barrier?" 

Sybok nodded.

"And the Organians?"

"They have withdrawn from the galaxy, finding the disruption caused by the space-time tunnels to be...displeasing.a"

"Oh...some hope for conflict then.

And the Andromedans?"

"With Ambassador Spock's help they have been subdued."

Q growled. 

"Well then...however am I to test humanity?

My Jean-Luc boasted about how oh-so epic Captain Kirk and his legendary crew were.

But so far in THIS reality all I see is a bunch of jumped-up wannabe rip-offs. 


Q was now jumping up and down with every word indignantly like a spoilt child.

Jim sighed.

"Okay get off my ship."

Q blew a raspberry at him.

"You wanna reach for the Stars Jimmy? 

Oh...the fun I could get up to with you.

BUT...this isn't MY reality. The continuam has imposed VERY strict rules.

So...I can nought but look and talk.

Spock the elder has been a real blabbermouth."

Q disappeared. 


"Well...farewell Jim. We're off to make civilizations."

The 2 super-humans and Coframe disappeared. 

"Well...I'll alert starfleet about Kodos' daughter and we'll see what is to be done about the occupants of the Botany Bay."

"Captain...if you don't mind I'd like to discuss something...personal with my brother Spock." 

Jim whirled to face Sybok. 

" your brother."

"Technically he is my half-brother."

Jim beamed at Spock.


Jim left.


"Brother my...Pon Farr is approaching."

Spock raised an eyebrow at that.

"But...Vulcan is destroyed."

"New Vulcan isn't and my mate is still alive. 

New Vulcan has been...transported to...almost where Vulcan was.

I say "almost" because the singularity that consumed Vulcan is still in place and there is concern that the gravity might eventually pull in New Vulcan.

Ironically "Pon Farr" is the only time my exile would've been lifted.

Myself and T'Dare have an arrangement: I will release her after I have gone through with Kalifee and she will choose a Vulcan who will fake death.

I got the idea from your older counterpart.

I can feel my Pon Farr approaching..."

"How will I explain your...departure to the captain?"

"Simply inform him that I am unwell and in need of help from specifically Vulcans...which is technically not a lie.

But...there is something else...regarding...YOUR Pon Farr. "

Spock's face stilled at that.

"T'Pring is dead. I-"

"I have already sensed the...feelings between you and Lieutenant Uhura.

Is she...aware?" 

Spock frowned. 

"Of course not."

"Spock, now that most Vulcans are living in nomadic status among other federation species as practically refugees...eventually our Pon Farr status is of course going to become common knowledge."

Spock glared and his nostrils flared as he turned away from Sybok.

"...It's disgusting."

"Fortunately a solution has been found."

Spock started at that.

"You mean a...medicine?"


"You mean...genetic alteration?"

"Of course not, that is outlawed and in any case the side effects on the mind could be catastrophic."

"...What then?"

"I'll show you in my room."

When they got to Sybok's room Spock saw a...droid with a feminine figure, emitting pheromones and having artificially produced...sexual organs.

"It can withstand Vulcan...vigour in sexual intercourse. The reproductive organs are all genuine and fully functioning. The organs, including the egg cell producers are cloned from individual cells from...donors who are either paid, or do so freely.

The idea is that during Pon Farr, males, and females who will have male models...let off steam to use a human expression meaning to release emotions in a psychologically healthy manner. 

This is of course only a solution for people who are not bonded.

Are you...bonded to Lieutenant Uhura?"

Spock twitched. 

"I...If I am it is not to my conscious knowledge."

"Well...if you are...and if Uhura has no objections to it...

You remember what Father was like during his Pon Farr."

Sarek had been even more cagy than usual during his Pon Farr.

Vulcans have 3 times the strength of a human. Therefore their...vigour during...mating, was considerably stronger than humans. Sarek was therefore understandably frightened of, accidentally of course,  harming Amanda.

Amanda had taken him to a secluded place. 

On at least one occasion Sarek had been restrained by handcuffs on his arms and legs tied to a wall, immediately before mating.

Amanda had only allowed Spock and Sybok to witness the process until it was time to remove Sarek's underwear after he'd been restrained. Amanda insisted that they not see them engaging in actual. ..intercourse. It was considered undignified, even in the 23rd century, for children of any age to witness anyone, especially their parents, engage in sexual intercourse.

Sybok especially had to travel far from them during their intercourse due to his telepathy involuntarily making him...acutely aware of the... intercourse. 

Amanda had only showed them the binding process so that in the event of Sybok and/or Spock ever being in a sexual relationship with someone of a more...fragile species, they would know how to be...cautious.

"Lieutenant Uhura might...have...mixed emotions on the subject. 

In...human sexual relationships...there is a...practice which is...ritualistic in nature but in appearance is...somewhat...mistakably...undignified...wherein humans by consent, engage in...role-playing activities which the untrained eye...somewhat...degrading. 

It's nowadays referred to colloquially as BDSM, an acronym for bandage, domination/discipline, submission/sadism and masochism. Its considered by...individuals who are...interested in a certain...intimacy, to be sexually stimulating and a...release of certain psychological...complexes. 

Obviously that is not the same as what Father and mother went through, as the reasoning for father's...bondage...was that he wanted mother to be safe, not due to any intimate interest in being bound and...interest in role-playing submission. 

But lieutenant Uhura might...feel...uncomfortable with the procedure." 

"Then break it to her gently so she understands."

"Have you any experience with...females?"

"Occasionally...but there have been...misunderstandings."

"Ambiguity often leads to tragedy."

"Which is why Vulcans abhor non-literal communication. The ambiguity is illogical.

Does she trust you?" 

"I should think so." 

"Then lead with pointing out to her that your strength makes you...accident prone in sexual vigor and that you'd like HER to bind YOU, then show her the handcuffs. I'm sure she won't feel affronted." 

She did in fact not feel affronted. 

She felt herself clutching her stomach in laughter. 

" adorable boy." She wheezed out.

"Relatively unscathed." Pike said when meeting Spock, Sybok and Kirk.


"The description of the shuttle after you used it to drop the cold-fusion device."

"Yes sir just to be clear I didn't mean to imply that-"

"Yeah. Tell me more about these shields."

Sybok took that as his cue to speak.

"Admiral they were designed for-"

"For taking damage yeah.

So can someone please explain to me the damage sustained by the shuttle....WHILST IT WAS CARRYING THE 1st OFFICER....and chief science officer, additionally the chief communications officer and the best pilot on the ship...without a transporter which could beam them back through the magnetic fields of the volcano?"

Sybok started. 

"Admiral the shields needed to be dropped specifically around the bottom of the shuttle when it was necessary for visual sight for identifying the targeted area, and for when the cold-fusion device needed to be dropped.

The heat was negligible but the ash from the volcano got into just one of the circular impulse drives' hollow systems. There was a slight overheating, but it was only minor."

"And the Starship Enterprise was seen at night by a civilization THAT'S BARELY INVENTED THE WHEEL! That is pretty much how you described it in your report is it not?" 

Pike was gesturing to Spock as he spoke.


"You filed a report? When were you going to tell me?" 

"I incorrectly assumed you'd be truthful in your Captain's log."

"Yeah I would have been if I didn't have to follow your advice to draw the "indigenous life-forms" away from the volcano where the ice-cube you'd dropped within would've otherwise rendered them inert."

"A fact I appreciate. You're quite correct it was my idea, and the very reason I felt it necessary to take responsibility for the actions of-."

""Responsibility" yeah. That'd be so noble pointy if you weren't also throwing me under the bus."

" "Pointy?" Is that a derogatory reference to my-"


Look I get there was no intent to interfere. 

But the fact is you took the risk, and endangered your captain, 1st officer's, chief science officer, chief medical officer, communications officer and the best pilot."

"Sir it needed to be me as the cold-fusion device was very heavy. It had to be Sulu because the shuttle needed to be piloted with the best skill. It had to be lieutenant Uhura because the suit was finished being upgraded mere seconds before the shuttle approached the volcano and I needed help putting it on. It was only logical that someone with...accurate awareness of my physicality put it on."

"Yeah I bet you gave her a...VERY thorough examination." Jim smirked as he spoke. 

" risked your lives for a bunch of primitive strangers.

And said strangers saw you in the sky."

"Admiral we waited till they were asleep to start going up, and we rose up only after driving the Enterprise away from them by 70 miles. 

It was blind luck that they saw us."

"OK I will give you that, but still you should have told us it happened."

"Sorry sir it slipped my mind. It was a hectic day."

Spock chose this moment to add "Had the mission gone according to plan, thIe indigenous species would never have been aware of our interference."

"That's a technicality."

"I am Vulcan sir, we embrace technicality."

"Are you giving me attitude Spock?"

"I am expressing multiple attitudes simultaneously sir. To which are you referring?"

"Out. You're dismissed commander."

When Spock left, Pike rounded on Jim and Sybok.

"You know what your problem is?"

"I'm too bright everyone notices me?" Jim asked cheekily.

"You're too..." Pike sighed.

"You think you're infallible. You're not, and one day you'll get everyone under your command killed for it.

And you...Sybok your shields have spoilt him rotten." 

Sybok stared at Pike as he spoke. 

"...but they haven't spoilt me...and they never will." Pike looked down at his leg which was paralysed due to the centurion slugs causing brain damage. 

"So I'm taking back the Enterprise, you'll be my first officer and Spock's being transferred."

Jim's mouth dropped. 

Jim took a seat.

"It's going to be OK son."

Sybok broke the silence. 

"You don't have a wedding ring, nor any visual reminder of any children on your desk. You don't have any biological or adopted children do you Admiral? Are you trying to use Kirk as a substitute?" 

Pike glared at Sybok.

"...What if I am?"

"You're a better father than mine if you are." 

Pike's jaw dropped at that. 

"If you'll excuse me Admiral." 

Sybok left.


Yeah, I gave Gary Mitchell a redemption in this fic because...honestly I was rooting for him in "Where no man has gone before." I especially love that he used his powers to terraform that barren landscape. I found Spock's fear of him to be honestly undeserved. Gary Mitchell saved Jim at his own expense, taking the poison dart meant for Jim, and saved the Enterprise from incompetent engineering...and let's face it he only got "corrupt absolutely " because the crew were mean to him. Plus Dr Dehner was right, him being better could have meant great great things for the federation.

Yeah, I made Pike's reason for demoting Jim be that he was taking chances with his VIP subordinates. Because I on principle hate the modern interpretation of the prime directive/general order 1, because if you send people on a Starship that can move space in such a way its effectively as if the ship were moving faster than light to "seek out new civilizations" and not expect them to see them see you, even just're just kidding yourself.

I know a lot of people hate on the Kelvin timeline because there's a lot of pessimism in it. But I actually prefer it because the more pessimism, the more courageous the heroes are for their taking chances and making personal sacrifices.

"Better to die saving lives than live with taking them." is pretty much the main theme of the Kelvin timeline, and Star Trek Nemesis for that matter. I love it.

I know that Into Darkness is really a Wrath of Kham rip-off, and I don't really like rip-offs. But honestly looked at unbiasedly, Into Darkness is an improvement for the following reasons:

Kirk's sacrifice was really more noble than Spock's in Wrath of Khan. Jim had no Katra-transfer to save his life, he had no way of knowing Khan's blood would save him. What Jim did was a legitimate loving sacrifice.

No disrespect to Ricardo Montalban, who sacrificed part of his own pay for the movie Wrath of Khan, but the Into Darkness version of Khan is objectively better than Prime Khan because:

Prime Khan was willing to blow up the Enterprise while his own crew was on it out of bitterness that Kirk took back the Enterprise from him, which Kelvin Khan was profoundly unwilling to do so.

Prime Khan blamed Kirk for Ceti Alpha 6 exploding causing Ceti Alpha 5 to be desolate, even though it was obviously not his fault. So I'm not really buying the whole "genetically engineered intellect" thing. Kelvin Khan however was smart enough to build those shielded torpedoes, the USS Vengeance which evidently had a WAY more advanced transport beam system, was 3 times faster than the Enterprise, obviously had superior weaponry and was advanced enough to be flown by just one person. Plus Kelvin Khan was smart enough to live to fight another day when he beamed to Qo'nos and surrendered to Jim. Prime Khan had to be held back by his own people from being suicidally rageful and he ignored one when he went off into the nebula instead of firing phasers at the Enterprise from outside the nebula just before it went into the nebula and whilst it was in it, also his augments had pretty shitty aim as they fired a torpedo at the Enterprise which just missed them before they went into the nebula. Kelvin Khan wins out in terms of cleverness.

Also...Prime Khan had superhuman strength but...that was really all we got to see. He wasn't proven to be an especially fast human. It was...honestly...disappointingly easy for Jim to beat him in Space Seed. Kelvin Khan however really FELT superhuman. He showed superhuman strength, superhuman durability, superhuman regenerative capability, superhuman agility, resisted the Vulcan nerve pinch successfully and he's obviously super smart.

Plus, I really don't like that Starfleet couldn't tell the difference between a star system with 6 planets and a star system that had 5 planets.

Also Carol Marcus keeping the fact that she was pregnant with Jim's son a secret was just bitchy, and I really hate that they went the same route with Picard's son in Picard season 3.

And Jim getting a commendation for cheating in the Kobayashi Maru, as opposed to getting reprimanded like he did in the 2009 film was...most illogical.

On another topic: in this fic the phasers are going to have a blue hue for the following reasons:

They were blue in TOS.

Blue/violet is the strongest laser colour because the shorter wavelengths can carry more energy.

Blue is associated with science because it's the colour of the hottest flames and ionized gases in plasma balls, and Star Trek loves science.

No promises on when the next update is.

Chapter 3: Setting the record straight


I wanted to fix the character of Khan in this fic because TBH I didn't really find the comics explanation for why Khan went from brown to white all that believable. Plus, I wanted to explain the differences between Prime Khan and Kelvin Khan which made Kelvin Khan objectively better than Prime Khan.

Chapter Text

Stardate: 2258.60

Gou Hibou awoke with a start. 

He was in a soft bed in a massive hanger bay which had the Starfleet insignia on a wall. Beneath the Insignia were the words "USS Endeavour.".

Gou got up to walk around.


Gou hit an invisible force-field that briefly became visible upon contact with him.


The voice came from speakers Gou couldn't see. 

"I take it you have many questions for me. Please ask and I will answer." 

Taking a deep breath first, Gou began.

"Who are you? Where am I? What do you want of me? Where is the Botany Bay? What has become of the rest of my crew?" 

"My name is Admiral Alexander Marcus of Starfleet. You are onboard the United Space Starship Endeavour of Starfleet, in the Rendon Solar system approximately 15 light-minutes away from its central star. What I want of you are the answers to several questions, then we'll see. The Botany Bay starship is in tow by a tractor beam. The individuals from the Botany Bay are either dead or on board this Starship."

"DEAD? How?" 

"I'm afraid several of the sleeper pods malfunctioned." 

"How many?" 

"12 at first, but then when we boarded your ship, one of the sleeper pods tried to awaken another of your crew, presumably the leader, but failed to do so without killing him." 

"How do I know you aren't lying"? 

A hologram appeared in front of Gou. It showed him the recordings of the USS Endevour finding the Botany Bay, boarding it, the 12 already dead Augments and the death of Khan Noonien Singh, and Gou's own extraction.

"You see, we saved your life, had you remained inside you'd have died." 

"...I see." Gou's fists were clenched.

"What is the current date?" 

"In Earth years the current date is 2258 and it is the 60th Earth day of that year." 

"Are you human?" 


"What are your genetic capabilities in comparison to those ordinary humans of the 1900s?" Gou's voice was giddy with excitement.

"About the same."

Gou's face fell.


"May I ask how you managed to make the Botany Bay travel 30,000 light-years away from Earth despite only having simply atomic power and no warp capabilities?" 

Gou's face lit up at that, he had always delighted in showing off.

"I made the atomic power be channelled into a graviton-based field that was designed to create a wormhole in space that permitted travel as if it were faster than light, bridging the point between 2 points in space-time and using extremely complicated, well by the standards of the late 1900s anyway, calculations to navigate through the galaxy. The Ship moved in relative space towards the optimum point in space-time for the bridging." 

"Did you indeed? is it that 85 Augments came to be aboard the Botany Bay this deep in space from Earth without any records of your voyage?"

Gou feigned shock.

"No records were made? That surprises me."

"What may I ask was the purpose of your voyage?" 

"A new life, seeking a new planet to colonize."

"Was there nothing better to do on Earth?" 

"At the time Earth was...divided." 

"The Eugenics wars." 

"Is that what modern society refers to it as?" 

"Well what would you refer to it as?" 

"A catastrophe of good intentions mixed with a dangerous excess of faith in others." 

"Please give details." 

"It's rather a long story."

"I have hours to spare." 
