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The Gifts of Compassion and Nobility


Elena had always been the picture of Compassion to those around her for the entirety of her life. No matter what the supernatural or natural world had thrown at her she continued to remain kind to those around her. When she finally cracks and turns off her emotions she abandoned all those around her.

Elijah had remained by his family’s side for over a thousand years. Through the bloodshed, the daggers, and the arguments he had stayed. But can the most noble of us all be lured by the notion of happiness… outside his family’s preview.




It’s been four years since Elena flipped her switch and had run away from Elijah the moment he recognized her. Abandoning everyone in mystic falls, Caroline, Bonnie, Stefan, and more importantly Damon. What happens when Elijah bumps into her once more.


Just in case y’all are like: Who the heck is Maria? Maria is Elena’s middle name in the book so when she started her new life she started going by it. Don’t worry, eventually she will go back to being Elena! Hope y’all enjoy my story!

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Chapter 1: Of all the places to be

Chapter Text

“Maria! Hi!” A little girl waved rapidly to the older girl running up to her with a big grin on her face. She was small, considering her age, and had short blonde hair that was at her at her shoulders. The older girl squatted down ready to greet the young girl prepared for the hug when the small child lunged at her. 


“Hello Kelsey. How’s my favorite jitterbug doing today?” Maria stood up with the young girl in her arms watching as her mother appeared from around the corner in a huff. 


“Kelsey Maggie Moore never do that again, you know-“ The mother began to rant as she got closer to the pair only for the daughter to interrupt her. 


“But momma, you’ve got super speed! Why don’t you just hurry up instead of making it my fault!” The little girl squirmed in Maria’s arms and buried her face into her neck. 


“You know that’s not how it works Kels.” Maria spoke to the young girl as she held her closer to her. Maria looked over at the mother whom she had the pleasure of calling friend. 


“It’s not fair!” Kelsey mumbled into Maria’s neck as a few stray tears fell. Maria patted her back as she began to carry her into the apartment building all three of them lived in. 


“Just because the people around us accept us doesn’t mean everyone else is as trusting darling.” The mother, Iris, spoke gently to her daughter as Maria moved to unlock the door of her own apartment. While the pair didn’t live with her they spent a good amount of time together. 


“Why do they care? Why wouldn’t it be a gift? I don’t understand.” Maria placed the girl onto the couch and kneeled in front of her. Maria had been thrusted into the supernatural world years ago and had fled her home nearly four. But this little girl, at the ripe age of six, had practically grown up in the world. Being but a year old when her mother had been turned into a vampire. 


“Some people see us as monsters and we can not change their minds.” Maria spoke gently to the child with a soft smile, “But you know this already Kelsey so why don’t you tell me what’s really bothering you?”


“There’s nothing-“ Kelsey cried out in frustration but froze as she looked towards the two vampire woman that had taken care of her since she was young. She sighed and looked down at her feet kicking them in the air between them. 


“Tommy said that my father abandoned me because mommy was a bit-“ Maria quickly moved her hand over the small child’s mouth before she could say the word out loud. She waited for a moment before removing the hand from the child watching her tear up once more. 


“Tommy doesn’t know anything about you or your mom Kels.” Maria spoke lightly raising her hand to gently brush through her hair. 


“I will be having a talk with your teacher about it though darling when I get the chance.” Iris spoke sitting down on Maria’s couch as she brought her daughter into her arms.


“Thanks momma.” Kelsey snuggled into her mother’s side long used to the coldness of her touch and the slow beat of her mother’s dead heart. Iris placed a kiss onto the crown of her daughter’s head and then looked towards Maria and mouthed to her, “Thank you.” 


“How about the pair of you stay for dinner? I can make Lasagna?” Maria spoke watching as the small child’s head popped up a smile now adorning her face. 


“With extra cheese?” Kelsey chirped happily watching as Maria rolled her eyes at the child with a smile on her face. 


“With extra cheese?” Maria squeaked mocking the young girl, “As if I would do anything less than a pound of cheese.” 


“YAY!!!” The girl squealed as Maria scooped her up running to the kitchen with her laughter bouncing off of the walls of her apartment. Iris simply followed the two shaking her head with a smile on her face. 



Maria sat down in her chair as the fireplace glowed beside her. The silence in her apartment was deafening but not unwelcome. While she adored her neighbors after a long day as a college student sometimes you just wanted to relax… regardless if you are a vampire or not. 


Dear diary, 


    It’s the anniversary of my departure of Mystic Falls. It’s been four since I have seen my friends, or anyone else from that town. Four years since I took upon my middle name and started a new life making the transition from Elena Gilbert to Maria Landon. I wish I could say that I overly missed my old home. But I’ve found a new family here in Toronto, one that makes me happy. 


    Iris was the first person I met here when I found out about this sanctuary for supernaturals. The entire apartment complex is apart of the world in some way or another. Between the werewolves, the witches, and the vampires we have made a happy and safe community for all kinds. 


    I try not to search for anyone from back home, in case they are still looking for me. I don’t know why they would be though. Kelsey was the one who got me to turn back on my emotions after three months of aggravating me about. It wasn’t until she was almost hit by a car that they all came flooding back. 


    I wish I could say that I missed him most of all. 


    I wish I could say that he has been on my mind all of this time. 


    But Damon and Stefan were too obsessed with getting me back to humanity that they darkened their own hearts. I could never stay with people who would torture you to get their own way… People who would use a sire bond to get you to do what they think is best for you. 


    So I guess, what I’m saying, is that after four years I think it’s finally time that I put these journal entries to rest. I have my entire immortal life to look forward to. I don’t think I need this anymore. It’s time I let go.



                                                          Elena Maria Gilbert-Landon


Elena closed the diary with a thud running her fingers over the leather-bound cover. She slowly opened the secret compartment from under her floors sitting the journal underneath her wooden floors once more. No one here knew that she was Elena Gilbert. No one knew that she was the ever elusive doppelgänger. 


When she had left mystic falls she had dyed her hair a strawberry blonde and started wearing eye contacts that made her eyes more of a grey color. She had changed her entire look just so that you would have to look harder to recognize her. Unless you truly knew her before hand Elena was confident that no one would give her a second look. 


The fire danced in front of her lulling her mind into a soft and restful sleep that consumed her. Her eyes fluttered shut, she could get the blood she needed tomorrow. For now, whether she needed it or not, Elena wanted to sleep. It was finally the weekend after all, and college students sleep on the weekend. 


“It’d be a shame if the world lost a soul as compassionate yours.” A man in a suit leaned against the stone wall behind him as he watched her from the corner of his eyes. The woman stood looking at him without blinking simply raising a single eyebrow to him. 


“Your compassion is a gift Elena, carry it with you always and forever,” The woman quipped as she stood taller towards the man taking a step forward, “I remember reading that in a letter once.“


“Well, the writer sounds positively gifted. I'm sure he meant what he wrote.” His head turned and a small boyish smile made its way onto his face. The woman’s eyes went down to his mouth a spark of something momentarily stunning her. 


“I’m sure he did.” Elena spoke before quickly vamp-ing to the other side of Elijah. He stood quickly believing her to be fleeing only for him to stop when he saw who stood in the spot she had just been moments ago. 


“I’m impressed that you sensed me coming,” Katherine stood looking at her doppelgänger with a raised eyebrow and a smirk on her face, “Just when I was so close to snapping your neck.” 


“Yeah well I could feel the bitchiness getting closer.” Elena spoke as Elijah’s eyes went from hers to Katherine. Elena watched closely as Elijah confronted Katherine about Jeremy and waited for her moment to escape. 


And the moment came and she fled. Not only from Elijah and Katherine. But everyone who had caused her grief about having her emotions off.



Elena woke up with a start panting into the cold air of her apartment. She forced the air into her dead lungs as unwanted flashbacks continued to force themselves to the forefront of her mind. It had been over a year since she had last dreamed of her old life and even longer since she had last dreamed of… Elijah. 


She tried not to think of those final moments that she had spent with Elijah… and the moments before he realized that she wasn’t Katherine. The past four years had led her to have more perspective than her teenage self. Especially when it came to one specific Original vampire-


“Yo Maria, you still awake?” A voice sounded from the hall that sounded a lot like the flirty neighbor that lived next door. He had moved in over a year ago and every Friday night at 3 am he came knocking on her door. She had barely spoken to him in the light of day and yet still every night he came by. Just like that Maria snapped back into place leaving Elena deep in the pits of her mind. Along with everyone else from her old life. 


“Go away Malcom!” Maria yelled out as she rose from her chair turning off the fireplace deciding that she did need to do her homework at some point. She heard him grumble for a moment leaning his head against her apartment door. Thankfully, the complex had strict rules against entering others apartments. While you could keep unwanted vampires out due to the deed being in the managers name, witches and werewolves had to have strict rules about it. 


“Don’t be that way Mar mar, I mean we could be so good together. Can’t you just imagine it-“ Malcom continued his voice slurring a bit and Maria could here him stumble. She rolled her eyes and decided that ignoring the man was better than converse with him at all. Pig. 


“Mariiiiiiaaaa!” The man whined slumping against the door crumbling to the floor. Maria could imagine that he was slowly succumbing to the sleep that his drunken self demanded. He had to have consumed a large amount of liquor considering how hard it was for supernaturals to get drunk. 


“Malcom go to fucking bed you damn dog!” Maria heard the door opened from down the hall and the voice yelling from there. Must be the witch from apartment 209.


“Fuck off Reggie!” Malcom groaned seemingly awakening from his slumber he spoke back in a sing-son voice, “I’m trying to woe Mariiiiiaaa of 202!”


“Can’t catch a hint dog boy? Go to bed!” Reggie yelled back slamming his door and Maria groaned into her hand. If every supernatural with super hearing wasn’t already up she was sure they would be now. 


“MARIIIAAAA!” Malcom sang louder and with an anger Maria rarely felt she rushed to the door. Yanking it open she glared down at the werewolf whose head fell from its spot on her door to the ground with a thud. His eyes brightened when he saw her. 


“Mari-“ He started with a smile not noticing the angered look on the vampire’s face. 


“Malcom I am not interested in your,” Maria paused crouching down to his level and glancing across his body before her eyes finally reached his again, “advances. I suggest you find company elsewhere or none at all. But at the very least. Go. To. Sleep.” 


Before the werewolf could get a word in Maria had already moved him far away enough to slam her door shut. He looked up dazed and bewildered before shrugging. He let out a small yawn and mumbled, “I’ll woe you next time Maria Landon, just you wait and see.”


“Men.” Maria walked to her counter sitting down and opening one of the many literature books that she had in her ownership. Flipping to the works of Shakespeare Maria began to write her summary of the tale of Macbeth. 




It was around seven in the morning when Maria finally finished her studies for the weekend and had prepared sufficiently for her exam on Monday. She was going to graduate soon with a degree in literature and she planned to teach for as long as she could before people got too suspicious of her teenage appearance. 


She smiled as she put her books away into her backpack and she began to prep breakfast for herself. She got out one of her favorite glasses and opened a bag of AB negative pouring the liquid into the cup. A rarer blood which made it all the more of a delicacy in Maria’s opinion. 


She let the blood hit her throat closing her eyes in bliss. She felt the fangs descend and the veins around her eyes appeared. It was nothing compared to drinking it from the vein, but it sated her thirst all the same. She carried around her goblet of blood around the house as she sipped on it like on would a glass of wine. AB negative was always meant to be savored, never devoured. 


She looked out the window of her fifth story apartment which was just high enough to be able to have a decent view of the incredible city. The morning sun began to make its appearance and while it did not feel like it had when she was human it still warmed her dead skin. She smiled closing her eyes and finishing the last of her cup. She breathed in deeply thinking about how far she had come as a baby vampire. 


“Alright enough reminiscing.” She spoke to herself moving to change into a more suitable wardrobe for her part-time job. She worked at Kelsey’s daycare that she stayed in whenever her mother worked. Today was one of the few times Iris was off on the weekend, so Maria didn’t have to worry about taking Kelsey there today. 


She had to be there in thirty minutes, not that she was worried at all, but she refused to be late. So she quickly finished getting ready and began to leave her apartment. Thankful that the hallway was empty, she would hate to bump into a sober Malcom. 


Maria left her apartment building with a smile on her lips and sunglasses on her face. She shuffled through the crowd glad that the daycare was only a few blocks away. While vamping would be a lot easier Maria would never jeopardize the home that she had made here in Toronto. Not for anything in the world. 


As she walked she saw a man with dark chocolate hair in a suit that made her do a double take. Her eyes snapped towards the man and before she could stop herself the words had already been spoken into the world…



Chapter 2: and I find you here?


Elijah and Elena meet after four years.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Maria knew the moment his name feel from her lips that she had fucked up. His head began to snap to her direction trying to locate who had spoken his name. Maria tried to control her breathing as she moved her head where she could no longer see him. She continued to walk not quickening or slowing her pace. Instead, she calmed her raging dead heart and tried not to think about the fact that she had dreamed about him that night...


And now he was here. 


Maria didn't hear him coming towards her so she could only hope that he was unsuccessful in picking out her voice from the crowd. That he didn't recognize it as her voice but was only shocked that someone knew his name. Then there was the biggest questioned that remained. Why was he in Toronto in the first place?



When Maria returned home she had finally shaken off the feelings that had come with seeing Elijah Mikaelson again. As she made her way to Iris and Kelsey's apartment on the third floor, apartment 107 ironically, she couldn't help but notice how empty the building seemed for three pm on a Saturday. 


Maria turned and knocked on the door twice and not a minute later the door burst open. Kelsey was grinning and she quickly hugged the woman, as if she had not just been with her last night. 


"Hi Maria!" The young girl chirped happily as she looked up from Maria's legs that were grasped in her hug smiling widely, "There's someone here I want you to meet! He's really cool!" 


Maria let go of Maria's legs and ran back into the apartment leaving the door wide open for the baby vampire to follow. Maria stood in shock for a second, Kelsey never had hugged her so quickly. The child had always been latched to her hip since they had met years ago even when she was but a toddler and couldn't speak. Her hand had always clutched onto Maria like she was her lifeline. 


"Well he must be something if I'm not your favorite anymore." Maria spoke with a fake sigh shaking her head as she entered the apartment, "Whatever will I do with myself now that Princess Kelsey has chosen another knight."


Maria turned to look into the living room to see whoever Iris's newest friend was only to freeze. He was sitting with his back to the door, but even from where she stood she could see the same suit and chocolate hair from earlier in the day. She tried to keep her heart at a calm pace, there was always the chance that he wouldn't recognize her. 


He was over a thousand years old surely he could forget someone he had barely known. Except her face was not only hers, and Maria had no idea if dyed hair and contacts would be enough to erase Elena Gilbert from her. 


"Maria, this is Mr. Mikaelson! Mr. Mikaelson, this is the best person in the world Maria!" Kelsey peeked her head over from Elijah's lap with a smile waving Maria over. She stiffly walked to where Elijah could see her. 


"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Mikaelson." Maria held out her hand to him watching as his eyes landed on her face. The recognization was instant, she could see the subtle shift in him. In his eyes. He knew who she was, "I'm Maria Landon."


"An honor Ms. Landon, Her highness Kelsey of the Que dynasty speakers highly of you." Elijah spoke spending the young girl into a fit of giggles. Maria's eyes shifted to the young girl that was normally so reserved towards others outside of Maria and her mother. 


"Oh Maria darling, I'm glad to see the two of you finally have the chance to meet." Iris walked in from the back carrying a bundle of different goods that Maria had only seen once or twice. She knew Iris collect rare books and items that people wanted from time to time, but she never thought that it would bring an original of all people here.


"Here Iris let me help you with that." Maria moved and took a few of the books out of Iris's hands helping her set them up on the coffee table. 


"Thank you darling," Iris paused looking between the three of us, "He's the one I've been telling you about." 


Maria couldn't help the small, quick intake of breathe that occurred when Iris said that. She could feel Elijah's eyes on her in questioning but she didn't dare look at him. Iris had been talking about a dashing customer for awhile, that she thought would be a good fit for Maria. 


"I see." Maria spoke lightly turning when she felt a small hand pulling on her sleeve. Kelsey was still perched on Elijah, only this time on his shoulder and the arm of the chair. She balanced on it by herself, although she could tell that Elijah was ready to catch her at a moment's notice. 


"Yes, Princess Kelsey?" Maria couldn't help the nickname from slipping out and she barely had time before the young girl flung herself into Maria's arms once more. Maria let out a small laugh as she pulled the child close to her and she felt her tiny fists gripping her shirt. 


"Mr. Mikaelson is super cool and your super cool so," Kelsey looked between the two of us quickly twiddling her tiny fingers together for a moment. She looked down at them and then after a beat she nodded her head seemingly deciding something. She reached up and whispered into her ear, "Can we should him the secret thing?"


Kelsey leaned down, evidently forgetting that vampires had super hearing, and looked up at Maria with hopeful eyes. She looked away pretending to think about it for a few minutes. So Kelsey spoke again, "Please Maria!" 


"Oh I suppose it's alright," Maria spoke watching as the child wiggled in happiness swinging her feet in all directions, "But only if you make him give you his word that he won't tell another soul."


Maria's eyes went to Elijah's an watched as he mouth quirked up into a smirk from her choice in words. The child, oblivious to it all, wiggled until Maria sat her down. She immediately went back to Elijah propping her head on his knee and stared at him with puppy dog eyes. 


"Can you give your word Mr. Mikaelson." She questioned him and once more he pretended to think about it much like Maria had. Then he smiled at her and nodded once. 


"I give you my word your highness that I will not tell another soul." Elijah spoke his eyes though were not on the small girl, but instead they looked at Maria's with a softness that she couldn't remember coming from Elijah before. 


"Let's go people!" Kelsey yelled grasping Maria's hand while she looked back at Iris. The woman shook her head waving her hand her eyes looking between Maria and Elijah. 


"You three go ahead, I'll get everything prepared for you Mr. Mikaelson." Iris spoke going back deeper into her apartment leaving Elijah and Maria together with the small child. 


Maria and Kelsey walked hand in hand all the way to the roof of the apartment complex. Kelsey let go of her hand as soon as the door to the roof was open running off to the secret. Leaving Elijah and Maria alone for the first time. As soon as the door to the roof closed Elijah spoke. 


"So then Maria, this is quite a far way from a certain small town in Virginia." Elijah commented watching as the baby vampire seemed to freeze besides him. 


"Relax, I mean you no harm." Elijah spoke softly turning to face her and slowly Maria turned towards him, "Though I must admit I am glad to see that you're back to yourself."


"It would be a shame to let all of my compassion to go to waste." Maria's eyes flitted down to Elijah lips for a mere moment recalling the last time she had seen the man. 


"Yes, I believe someone may have mentioned that once or twice." Elijah smirked watching where her eyes had gone. An odd sense of pride swelled in him seeing where her eyes had been moments ago. 


"You guys! Come see!" Kelsey's voice yelled out from a corner of the roof behind the utility building. The pair walked until the finally set eyes on her. Along with two cats.


"Surprise!" Kelsey smiled happily as the two cats purred up against her, one licking her face with its tongue. 


"Meet Nick and Maris! I named them myself!" She spoke again as the two cats looked at Elijah backing up ever so slightly. Kelsey looked at them her eyebrows furrowing wondering why they didn't like her friend like she did. 


"My apologies your highness, if I had known this was the secret then I would have told you," Elijah looked between the two girls seeming almost bashful if Maria didn't know better, "But cats have always had a dislike for me for some reason." 


"HISS!" Nick hissed at the original his tail puffing up as he moved in front of Kelsey as if to protect her from the man. 


"Nick! Bad boy we don't hiss at friends." Kelsey spoke to the cat who ignored her completely, Kelsey's cheeks puffed out at tears welled up in her eyes.. 


"It's alright Kels, they just want to protect you." Maria leaned down petting the cats softly trying to soothe them and to keep them from attacking an original. 


"But Mr. Mikaelson is a friend! I don't need protecting from him!" Kelsey stomped her little foot which just happened to be near Nick's hinde leg. It was as if it was all in slow motion, in one breathe the cat turned thinking it was being attacked. The next Kelsey was in her arms as the cats claws tore through Maria's shirt. 


Maria let out a low hiss of her own and could feel the cat slink back as if it realized what it had done. It quickly ran away, Maris quick on it's heels, as they went down the fire escape. Maria stood, feeling the scratches already healing, with a crying Kelsey in her arms. 


"No Nick, Maris, where are they going? Come back!" Kelsey screamed as she reached towards the fire escape, but the two cats were already long gone. 


"Don't worry Kels, they'll be back." Maria soothe the child rubbing her back softly as she felt the tears soaking her shirt. 


"You don't know that! Let me go! They can't leave me." Kelsey screamed but Maria just held the girl tighter. Maria's eyes went up to the original seeing the way his eyes softened at the pair. Maria knew that the young girl's scars of abandonment ran deep and it nearly brought the vampire to tears herself. 


"I promise they'll be back. No one's leaving you. They'll come back home." Maria held onto the child all the way down the stairs until they made it back to apartment 107. Iris was quick to take her child, quickly telling Elijah to take what he needed from the coffee table. 


Maria stood at the doorway as she watched Elijah rummaged through the items until pocketing three things that she couldn't see from her angle. He stood his eyes focused on hers now walking towards swiftly with a purpose. Finally, he stood in front of her and she was forced to look up at him. 


"Is there somewhere we might talk in private?" Elijah asked and Maria simply nodded walking out of the door. He followed her all the way up to her apartment in 202 on the fifth floor. When they finally entered her apartment she quickly turned on her fireplace. The smell of sage went through the air and still he waited for her to speak. 


"It's safe." She spoke and turned towards the original. He took his time answering her, instead his eyes fully took her in as he had not the opportunity to do so before. She was leaner than she had been four years ago, vampirism had been treating her well it appeared. 


"Elena." He breathed out her name and she closed her eyes hearing the name she hadn't heard in four years. When she opened her eyes she found than he had moved closer to her. 


"Elijah." Elena spoke her eyes going to the couch then bringing her eyes back to him. He nodded understand the wordless question and they both sat with a distance between them on the couch. 


"I must say, when Iris had mentioned her good friend Maria I never would have fathomed it was you." Elijah spoke his eyebrows every slightly raised. 


"No, I imagine we were both surprised about each other." Elena shook her head with a small laugh, "Though I probably should have guessed considering-"


She stopped her eyes going back to Elijah’s watching him raise his eyebrows together. No, she couldn’t tell him how Iris had described him to her before. The would be pushing the finely crafted boundaries they had made years ago. Iris had spoken about him once or twice for the past three months. Maria stared at the man, just how long had he been in Toronto?


A new customer? You get those every week Iris, what makes this one so different?” Maria spoke from her neighbors couch as she studied for her midterms. Iris leaned on her counter with delight in her eyes and from that alone Maria knew it was going to be a long discussion. 


“He’s hot.” Iris spoke simply. Maria rolled her eyes going back to her books to not deal with the woman. She shook her head as she flipped over a flash card about the birth year of some king in Britain from the 1300’s. 


“Okay, I know what you’re thinking Maria but give me a chance to explain.” Iris rounded from the counter and went to sit on the corner of her chair that sat in the living room. She leaned on its arm a hopeful grin targeted at her friend. 


“He’s like sex walking on a stick, his very presence could make grown woman faint, his-“ Iris began to rant as she thought about the new vampire man that had been chatting with her for awhile. 


“I hope you two will be very happy together.” Maria pipped in from her spot on the couch looking up at her friend. 


“Not for me!” Iris screeched as she leaned over and hit the back of her hand on Maria’s shoulder. She laughed shaking her head, “For you Maria, I think you’d like him a lot.”


I’m not looking for anyone right now Iris.” Maria kept her eyes on the pages of her flash cards, her jaw clenching as she thought about Damon. She didn’t want to get caught up in it all again, she had been so young. So free in the love that she gave and all they had ever brought her was trouble. 


Iris looked at her friend watching the frown that stretched on her lips. She didn’t want to push the conversation if her didn’t want to. Even though she thought the man would be perfect for her.


‘“Right, forget I mentioned it.” Iris stepped away from the chair placing a comforting hand on the woman’s shoulder then walking back to the kitchen. But she couldn’t help but think about the pair and how the things they stood for aligned so perfectly. 


She sent one final glance at her friend a grin taking over her face. She had a plan. 


"Considering?" Elijah asked when Elena stopped mid-sentence. She merely shook her head muttering, "Nevermind." Elijah decided to drop the topic.


"I'm glad to see that your emotions are back. The last time we spoke you seemed rather," He paused seeming to try the right word, "Adamant of keeping them off." 


"Yeah well, Kelsey had a thing or two to say about that." Elena spoke a small smile coming to her face as she thought of the young toddler giving her a stern talking to on the subject. She was such a little spirited thing even at such a young age. 


"Then I'll have to thank her, so long as she doesn't hate me for running off Nick and Maris." Elijah couldn't help the mirth that had entered his voice when talking about the two cats. 


"They'll come back don't worry about it. All will be forgiven by the time she wakes up tomorrow." Elena leaned back into the couch feeling a little more relaxed now in the original's presence. 


"So, I may be able to steal your position as knight yet." Elijah joked and Elena couldn't help the small laughter that bubbled out of her. Elijah Mikaelson of all people was sitting on her couch, making jokes. Her teenage self could have never imagined that. 


"Yeah, we'll see about that one Elijah." Elena smirked at the original mirth entering her own voice. 


"I must ask lovely Elena, why did you not return with the Salvatores to Mystic Falls?" Elijah asked and for a moment Elena thought she could hear the briefest of hesitation in his voice. He looked almost out of place on the old worn out couch as he leaned back farther into the material in his suit. 


"How much time do you have?" Elena asked raising her eyebrow at the man, he returned the gesture leaning back in the couch and unbuttoning his suit. 


"I have no prior arrangements until tomorrow evening." Elijah replied, not specifying what those arrangements were, and Elena nodded her head vamping to her kitchen to get a bottle of bourbon. She vamped back ignoring the raised eyebrow that Elijah shot her. She poured both of them a glass before draining her own. 


"Good." She spoke before pulling her legs underneath her and she put a pillow in her arms. Finally, she pulled the strawberry blonde locks from their bun and took out the contacts returning her eyes to their usual brown hue. 


"I suppose it's better to start where we left off?" Elena questioned and for a moment Elijah was taken back. Flashes of them kissing in the gazebo came to the forefront of his mind in the blink of an eye. Then he realized she must have meant when she had fled from him and Katherine. 


"Yes, that would be acceptable I imagine." He spoke and Elena tilted her head noticing the subtle drop in his voice. But she didn't voice the question on her lips and instead she began her story. 


"I don't know how much you know about what led to my emotions being turned off." Elena spoke and before she could continue Elijah chimed in. 


"Virtually nothing." 


"Well, when I was turned I had Damon’s blood in me." Elena spoke her eyes going to the bourbon wondering if it would be bad for her to down another glass already, “Which in turn led me to be sired to him due to the feelings I had for him.”


Elijah nodded for her to keep going, while rare he had heard of such a thing happening to those who had human lovers who decided to turn. Even then the instances of it happening was few and far between. His eyes went down to her hands that fiddled with the strings on the pillow. 


“When Jerem-“ Elena tried to say say her brother’s name only for it to be caught in her throat. She took a deep breath and tried in a different way, “When my brother died I felt like I was drowning. He was the last piece of family I had left so when he died…”


“I can understand the pain of losing a brother.” Elijah’s tone wasn’t accusatory, on the contrary, Kol nor Finn was the brother that he was thinking of in this very moment. 


“I-“ Elena went to speak only for Elijah to hold up his hand to her for a moment a soft, sad smile on his face. 


“My youngest brother’s name was Henrik.” Elijah spoke as he thought about the bright young child he knew a thousand years ago. So full of life and happiness regardless of their humble origins. 


“He was the reason your mother turned you right?” Elena asked moving a little bit closer to the original vampire, not close enough to where they were touching, but close enough to show an interest in the conversation. 


“Yes, he was killed by werewolves. That event was what led our parents to search for a way for us to live forever.” Elijah spoke his eyes falling down to look over at the fire. 


“His loss was as equally devastating as it was unnecessary. His death nearly broke my mother.” Elijah spoke as he reflected on the tears he had watched roll down the cheeks of the woman he once had called mother. He rarely had ever seen her fall apart and to this day he believed he had never seen her so distraught. 


No now she was adamant in torturing and killing her children. 


“And you?” Elena tilted her head leaning forward so that she was in his eyesight once more. He moved to face her as he contemplated speaking of the subject at all. They were here to talk about her, not something that had happened over a thousand years ago. 


“I was busy trying to take care of the younger members of our family.” Elijah responded remembering how long his dearest sister had cried over her brother’s grave. 


“Yeah, that’s a lot like how I felt after my parents passed. Jeremy was spiraling so I spent a lot of time trying to keep him safe.” Elena remembered that summer well, how her brother had turned to drinking and drugs instead of mourning for their parents. How he was barely ever home and when he was she was always trying to talk him through it. 


“Why did you turn off your emotions Elena? Out of anyone I have ever met I have never met someone that held on to their humanity with an unmatched fervor as you did.” Elijah questioned his eyes sparking in the firelight. He moved his elbow to the top of the couch leaning his hand on it as he spoke. 


He understood why the Salvatore brothers had fought so hard to get her back to her humanity. She was one of the kindest people he had ever met. Surely the most compassionate doppelgänger, not that she had very much competition in that regard. 


“Because I had feelings for Damon when he turned me it meant that he had a certain sway over me that most wouldn’t.” Elena spoke thinking about how she had been unable to drink animal blood because he willed it so. How he held her as she drank from his wrist. An act that she had not fully understood and yet the man she had trusted the most had made her without telling her the significance. 


Elijah felt a tick in his jaw as he clenched his teeth together. A rage he usually only felt when seeing his family in pain began to rise in him. He did not desire to finish the thought his mind jumping to the most logical conclusion that it could. Surely the Salvatore, the one who seemed to love her with so zeal would not have done that to her. 


“He used the sire bond to make me turn it off.” Elena spoke her voice a little bit quieter now as she finally spoke the words that she had been dreading so say. She watch the fire light in his eyes and tensed ready to stop him if he tried to leave. 


No matter what Damon had done he didn’t deserve to die. He had been trying to help her when he had done it, that she was sure of. Maybe he did truly love her, but with distance and time Elena had slowly felt the sire bond weaken. It was still there, something she tried not to think about, but it wasn’t pulling on her to go back like it used to. 


“But he was only trying to help me as misguided as it was.” Elena spoke before Elijah could get any wrong ideas, sure she blamed the man herself a little bit. How they had decided that they didn’t like her without her emotions as if they weren’t the reason they were off in the first place. 


“Elena,” Elijah spoke his voice rough as he thought about maiming the Salvatore in question for taking that choice away from her, “No one should have the right to determine if you should turn it off or not. Only you.” 


“Well they fought hard to turn it back on, turns out they didn’t care too much for me without my emotions.” She quipped with a sad laugh. She could still feel the sun burning her skin and the vervain stinging into her body. Scars that only came after she turned her emotions back on . 


Elijah bit down on his tongue until blood trickled into his mouth as he tried not to voice his opinions. Elena’s eyes snapped down to his lips which hid his blood from her. The smell of it had captured her attention immediately and while she hadn’t known the full extent of the intimacy of blood sharing back then. She did now. 


“Elijah?” Elena questioned him only to watch as he stood up a polite smile, not at all like the genuine one he had when he had joked with her earlier, was her only response. 


“My apologies but I can not sit her and listen to how they had the audacity to treat you this way.” Elijah moved briskly to the door his mind racing with thoughts. 


He knew that she would be livid if he were to do anything to the Salvatores. Considering she was still defending their actions the thought of her still loving them graced his mind. He waved off the thought without a care, he would not allow himself to go down that road of jealousy. 


She was not his to have whether the Salvatores were in the picture or not. 


“Elijah,” Elena followed quickly after him not moving nearly as gracefully as he did, “Elijah wait.”


Elijah stopped immediately feeling her bump into his back from sudden stop that he had made. He turned to face her holding out his arms to steady the young vampire. His arms were on her shoulders for a brief moment before he quickly took his grasp off of her. 


He had just told himself she was not his and yet…


“Yes, Lovely Elena.” Her name rolled off of his tongue harshly and she tried not to wince at the tone knowing it was not towards her. Still she hesitated to continue what she was going to say, she really didn’t know what she wanted to say in the first place. 


“Elena?” He questioned this time softening his features as her name came out more like honey. He hadn’t meant to frighten her. 


“I don’t want you to do anything to them. If they know you’ve found me then they’ll start looking again and,” She paused as she struggled to find the right words, “I have a new family here that I love.”


Iris and Kelsey were like her new family. Iris reminded her so much of Jenna that it hurt her sometimes to think about it. Then there was Kelsey, the one she had watched grow up into a lovely young girl. No, she would not give them up. 


“I won’t-“ Elijah stopped watching the look that the woman threw him. Her eyes pointed at him as she leaned her head to the side, one hand on her hips. A bright smile nearly broke through, “I give you my word I will not act unless you have expressed an interest in me to do so.” 


“It really is good to see you Elijah.” Elena softened as she dropped her hand from her hip and she smiled up at him. He gave her a small smile in response as he buttoned up his suit jacket once more. 


“You say that as if it’s good-bye.” Elijah quipped back and Elena hoped that he didn’t hear how her dead heart jumped at the words. She was at happier at that statement then she should be. 


“But nonetheless,” Elijah stepped forward into her space reaching up to pull a piece of her strawberry locks looking at it with interest. His eyes went up to hers taking great delight in her widened eyes, “It’s been good to see you as well, lovely Elena.”


She opened her mouth to speak but all she heard was a whistle of warning and he was gone. She looked at where he had previously been before, her hair falling back down to her shoulder as if he had never been here. She shook her head trying to get the offending thoughts to leave her. 


Elijah Mikaelsson was in no way shape or form interested in her off all people. 


And yet a voice whispered to her ever so quietly, one she chose to ignore…


“He had fallen for all those that had come before her.”



What did you think? Am I making Elijah too kind? I can’t tell? Let me know lol! Hope you enjoyed it!

What do you think he’ll do knowing that Damon used the site bond to force her to do something?

(I made a few changes to this one from the original, aka added almost 1,500 words, but I think that this is closer to Elena and Elijah’s character. I see Elena as being older, wiser, and a bit more sarcastic while still maintaining the compassion that Elijah likes so much about her.)

Chapter 3: Of all the Talks


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"So you knew Mr. Mikaelson before you came to Toronto?" Iris flipped the pancake meant for her daughter who was playing on the coffee table in the living room. Maria nodded once with a small sigh.


"We were allies for a time," Maria paused trying to figure out the best way to explain their relationship. Could you even call the pair of them friends? After yesterday perhaps, but did Elijah Mikaelson have friends. 


"Allies? That's not what I saw yesterday." Iris quipped back a smile rising on her face as she watched a subtle blush land on her friends face.


"There's a lot about my past life that I haven't told you for good reason Iris." Maria spoke as her eyes glanced back at the small child who was oblivious to it all. Debating what she could say now and what she should keep to herself. She trusted Iris, it wasn't about that. 


"You don't have to tell me Maria, we're all hiding from our past here. That's the whole point of this complex." Iris replied placing the pancake on the plate along with two pieces of bacon. 


"Kelsey come get breakfast before school." Iris spoke and her daughter quickly put her toys down. She ran over and collected her plate before sitting back on the floor in front of the coffee table. 


It had been two days since she had spoken to Elijah and she briefly wondered if he was planning on coming back or not. She could only imagine how busy the original vampire was. But he had said that he would return and he was a honorable man. 


"Maybe one day I'll have the strength to talk about it with you." Maria gave her a sheepish smile that Iris returned with a nod as well. 


"So, an ally huh? I've never looked at an ally quite like that Maria." Iris smirked at the younger girl almost laughing as she watched the red bloom on her face. Maria shook her head muttering a 'your impossible.'


"Come on what's stop you? At the very least I bet he's good in bed." Iris leaned forward making sure she spoke soft enough where her young child could not hear her. 


"Iris!" Maria slapped her friend on the arm as her mouth dropped open in shock. She had never heard Iris talk like that before and she could never think about the man in that-


But for a moment all Maria could think about was the way his lips had felt against hers years ago. Her emotions had been turned off then, unable to enjoy the feeling of his lips on hers. But now years later... A heat went through her body, her face turning a darker red. 


"Oh? Did something already happen?" Iris tilted her head watching the girl who was around ten years younger than herself with a smile. She couldn't help how fun it was to tease her like this. 


"Not," Maria let out a small huff of air, "He thought he was kissing my twin, not me." She explained to her in the best way she could without using the word doppelgänger. 


"Really?" Iris raised her eyebrows at the woman in disbelief, "I have trouble believing that he couldn't recognize you back then if he realized it was you so easily the other day." 


Maria went to defend her position only to stale. How did Elijah recognize her so quickly on Saturday, but had mistaken her for Katherine years ago. Sure, she had been trying to replicate her doppelgänger, but that didn't mean she was any good at it. Had he really thought she was Katherine back then?


"Don't think about it too much," Iris patted her friend on the back going to help her daughter place her backpack on, "Just keep an open mind." 


"There's nothing to keep an open mind about Iris, besides he would never," Maria was the one to open the door only to pause as she saw who stood right outside of it with his hand held up to knock. There stood the very man that the two had been talking about the entire time. Maria had never been so thankful for the sage privacy fireplaces in their building. 


"Mr. Mikaelson!" Kelsey was the first one to greet him running to he easily bent down ready to catch the small girl into a hug. He spun her around with a soft smile on his face. 


"Hello there Princess Kelsey." He spoke to the young girl not noticing the look that the two older girls shared between each other. Maria with a worried glance and Iris with a mischievous smirk. 


"Man, why didn't you come yesterday? I have school now." Kelsey whined to the original vampire her lip puckering out as she gave him the puppy dog eyes. Elijah simply smiled at the child making sure to properly hold her as he stood still. 


"I apologize your highness, I had other business to attend to yesterday. I give you my word I'll make it up to you." Elijah spoke and Maria couldn't help but watch how good he was with her. She never would have expected it out of the original, why she had no idea. 


"Alright you're highness, you have to go to school but I'm sure you'll see Mr. Mikaelson again soon." Iris took her daughter from Elijah rolling her eyes at the puppy dog face the little girl gave her mother. Elijah smiled and nodded to Iris who gave a small grin back. 


"Have fun you two!" Iris quipped to the two vampires as she carried a whining child in her arms away from them. A smirk on her face the entire way. 


"It's good to see you again, Elijah." Maria spoke looking up at the original through her eyelashes seeing the crinkle next to his eyes as he smiled. 


"I did tell you that it was not good-bye the last time we saw each other, lovely Maria." Elijah emphasized her 'name' as he moved aside a bit allowing her to close the door and walk beside of him. 


"Yes I suppose that you did and while I'm glad that your here Elijah," Maria paused watching as his smile widened at her statement causing her to roll her eyes at him, "I have a class this morning from 9 to 10:30."


Elijah glanced at his watch seeing that it was nearing 8:30 meaning that the girl would have to get to class sooner than later. He almost let out a small sigh through his lips but instead he simply nodded at the young vampire. 


"Yes, I imagine that's my fault for not getting your number last time." Elijah responded tilting his head as he walked alongside the woman. 


"Are you asking me for my number Elijah Mikaelson?" Maria teased continuing to walk down the hallway not noticing that Elijah wasn't following her.


Elijah stood watching her walk away from him with a confidence that only came from time. She had begun to dress differently since he had last saw her. Swapping her teenage wardrobe for blazers and dark jeans. 


The amount of relief he had felt when he locked eyes with her Saturday evening had been intense. He had not searched for her and yet there had always been a need to in his being.


He had been shocked when Rebekah had told him that she never returned to the Salvatore's. Even more so when she seemingly had disappeared from the world entirely. 


"Would it be so hard to believe that I would enjoy staying in contact with a friend of mine?" Elijah responded watching carefully as she turned around realizing he wasn't walking beside her. His tongue flicked out to lick the rim of his lips and teeth. 


"So quick to call us friends Elijah? It's been four years surely-" Maria teased him with a soft smile as she took a step towards him. Biting her lip, not hard enough to draw blood, as she looked at him. 


"It could have been four centuries and I would still call you a friend lovely Maria." Elijah spoke his chin tilting upward ever so slightly as he walked towards her once more. His eyes went down to her lips that she held between her blunt teeth. His eyes flashed back up not to be caught starting at her lips in such a way. 


She was not his to have. He could not allow any feelings he had for her years ago to run like a wild horse. So he gathered his restraint and control before she could see how on edge he was from her merely biting her lips. This woman would be dangerous for his health.


"I'm honored." Maria responded the edge of her mouth rising up a centimeter. Pulling her phone from out of her pocket and handing it to him.


"The honor is all mine." Elijah quipped back as he took the phone from her hands. Easily putting his number in and sending a text to his own device.


"Maybe I'll see you later?" Maria stepped closer with a boldness that she didn't recognize. But all she could think about was the dreams, the memories, that seemed to be haunting her. 


"Perhaps we could meet after your classes today? I feel as though we still have much to talk about." Elijah responded watching as she tilted up her head to fully look at him. He stared down at her trying not to smile sweetly at her. He raised a single eye brow.


"I'll text you after I get out." Elena looked at him through her eyelashes as she looked at his lips once more unconsciously. Iris had gotten than damn kids stuck in her head once more.


"Perfect." The word had barely passed the original's lips and then the girl was gone. Vamping out of the building leaving the original alone in the hallway. 


He let out a small laugh to himself as he thought about her. She had grown up into a fine baby vampire after all.



In another part of the city Elijah now stood over a werewolf who was now crying out in pain as he rolled on the floor. Elijah waited, not so patiently, for the man to stop wailing. Bending down into a a squat-like position Elijah placed his finger on the open wound in the man's chest. 


"We can prolong this little party as long as you fit," Elijah spoke glancing at the clock on his watch, Elena would be getting out of class in roughly 15 minutes which meant he didn't have much time to get the information he needed from him, "Or this could all stop right now. All you must do is tell me what my brother has you doing in Toronto."


"He'll kill me." The werewolf groaned in pain as Elijah stuck his fingers farther into the man's cavity. Blood pouring around them and for a moment Elijah allowed the fangs to come out. For the veins in his eyes appear.


"As opposed to I whom will torture you to death? Yes, I suppose I can see how that is a much better alternative." Elijah spoke sarcastically gripping his finger around a muscle in the man's chest. Ripping it apart with a simple tug. He pulled out the tendon holding it up so that the wolf could see what was once in his body. 


The man let out a scream as Elijah went to his arm next easily popping it out of socket causing more pressure to go to his open chest. The wolf closed his eyes leaning his head back as he tried to imagine a better place. A safer place. 


“Please lord!” The wolf coughed out every word shooting bullets through his chest. He took in a deep shuddering breath causing his blood to spill out onto the cold concrete. 


“I can assure you that you will not find a savior here.” Elijah spoke to the man as he leaned down baring his fangs to the man. He watched as the wolf shivered like a new born pup his eyes wide with fear. 


Elijah bent down his fangs latching onto a main artery in the mans neck. He drank leisurely taking long sips of blood bringing him to the edge of blood loss. He opened the wolf’s mouth cutting his own wrist. The boy looked at his wrist like a savior and opened his mouth willingly. 


“Now dear Joshua this can all end at any time need you only tell me what I want to know.” Elijah held his wrist over the man’s mouth watching as his skin slowly pulled itself together healing his wound on his wrist. Elijah ‘tsked’ with a shake of his head. 


“I will only injure myself for you for so long Joshua. If you do not comply by the time this wrist is healed I will leave you here to rot.” Elijah spoke calmly moving his finger down his wrist hard enough to bring blood to the surface. The wolf would only have a few seconds to decide. 


“There’s a woman, Elena something. There’s people looking for her and the tracked her to-“ Joshua stuttered out as his eyes moved rapidly to the wrist that Elijah held over him. 


Elijah nearly snarled in rage at the thought of someone coming after his Elena. In his rage as he tipped over his wrist, delivering the wolf his saving grave, he ripped through his neck decapitating him in one swift blow. Giving the wolf the greatest mercy that he could afford. 


He remained crouched low looking at the dead wolf as he took out his handkerchief. He removed the blood from his hands and mouth leisurely as he thought about the information he had just acquired. Someone was looking for Elena, someone who very soon would be dead. 


Whoever was looking for Elena wouldn’t be getting their little spy back anytime soon. Elijah picked up the body walking to the drop hatch that remained in the old fisherman shack. Dropping the offending thing into the lake below not to be found in a long time. As he left he looked down at his suit which was stained red. 


“This was a ten thousand dollar suit.” 



Elijah was leaning on Maria's door with a fresh new suit by the time she arrived. He was the picture of Grace as he leaned there looking over at the approaching baby vampire. He tried not to think about the knowledge he had learned merely thirty minutes ago. Elena had spoken about how she had found a family here, one that she was unwilling to part with. 


Until he found the source of the werewolf he would not bring her the worry of her family and home being in danger. 


“I feel like it’s been at least a thousand years since I last saw you Elijah.” Elena quipped at the man as she walked towards him a smirk-ish smile on her face. 


“Yes, it has certainly felt like ages.” Elijah remarked back licking his lips with his tongue slowly as he grinned at her. His eyes never left her form as she easily slipped her key inside and unlocked the door for then. Not even when she turned on the privacy fireplace did he waiver. 


He felt guilty keeping things from her knowing fully well how much she cherished this place.  


“Learn anything interesting in your classes today?” Elijah questioned as he leaned against her countertop watching as she moved around the room until she was behind him in the kitchen. 


“Not too eventful, no talks of hybrids or things that go bump in the night.” Elijah’s lips turned upright in a smirk at the thought even though she couldn’t see it. 


“Yes, I imagine your an expert in those subjects.” Elijah turned his head so that he was looking over his shoulder at her watching as she ripped open a bag with her blunt teeth that looked suspiciously like a blood bag and poured its red contents into a goblet looking cup. 


Elijah didn’t know why he was surprised to see such a mundane action coming from her especially considering it was as if she was preparing herself dinner. But the thought of her drinking blood was in stark contrast to the girl he once knew. He couldn’t say that he minded that she had become a vampire, if not just because losing a friend like her would have hurt him tremendously. But he also knew how much she had originally clung to her humanity. 


“What’s your preference?” Elijah looked down to her cup and back at her wondering what was her favorite type. All vampires had a preference as each different type of blood had a slightly different taste. Most believed that the positives had a sweeter taste while the negatives had a saltier taste. 


“AB negative.” Elena raised her eyebrow at the original at the question but answered nonetheless, “You?”


“A negative.” Elijah replied turning his head away from her giving her enough time to have her meal in privacy. However, Elena began to move until she was once more in his eyesight and sat down on her couch. 


Elijah watched in fascination, not that it was showing on his face at all, watching as her fangs descended and she drank the liquid. Closing her eyes to enjoy her favorite kind of drink, some of the rarest kind of blood humans could give. A delicacy. His eyes roamed her face watching the amount of control she had as a baby vampire. It was impressive, but not all a surprise. 


Since he had seen her she has not had an adverse reaction to blood, Kelsey was always hanging around her after all. She also attended college classes which must mean she can control herself. 


“Was Iris the one to teach you control?” Elijah stepped towards the couch not sitting down but towering over her as he tilted his head. Not smiling, but not frowning either, simply thinking. 


“No, I didn’t find my way to Toronto for almost a year.” Elena replied thinking about her travels through the US under the tracking of the Salvatore brothers. 


“Do yo mean to tell me you remained undetectable for a year without your emotions.” Elijah’s eyes sharpened on her as he thought about the usual events that occurred whenever a baby vampire without their emotions ran around unattended. 


“Ironically without a vengeful spirit towards the Salvatores emotionless Elena is kind of, peaceful.” Elena shrugged her shoulders as she took another drink her eyebrows rising. 


“You taught yourself control that some vampires can only hope of having, while you had your emotions turned off?” Elijah questioned still standing above her as he continued to look at her with a unbelieving face. 


Elena simply shrugged her shoulder once more giving him a small smile from behind her goblet of blood, “Yeah?”


“At some point you’ll have to regale me of your tales during that year lovely Elena.” Elijah spoke as he sat down on the side of the couch that he had two nights ago. He supposed it made sense though, he surely would have heard about mass casualties that normally came from a vampire with their switch off. 


“I’ll think about it.” Elena was grinning a smile behind her goblet that was infectious. Elijah couldn’t help the one that raised to his own lips. 


“Oh you’ll think about?” Elijah hummed watching as Elena let out a small laugh that reminded him far too much of the human he once knew. It was difficult to distinguish between the human she once was and the vampire she was now. Most of his interactions with her had always been as a human, except that one time. 


He unconsciously licked his lips thinking about the way she had been so numb when he had last kissed her. His eyes raised up to hers, he wondered what it would be like to kiss her with her emotions on. 


A small ping that sounded in the apart broke his thoughts. He watched her pull out her phone a small blush settling onto her ears. He narrowed his eyes wondering who had caused such a reaction in the girl. 


Elena looked at the message feeling the blood rush to her ears as she read it. 


Remember what I said, keep an open mind.



Iris had sent her a text message that caused her to roll her eyes. Only she had forgotten she was not completely alone in the apartment. She looked at Elijah seeing that he already had one eyebrow raised at her.


"Iris, I presume?" Elijah asked watching as the red seemed to spread down her neck at her words. 


"Just checking in making sure I'm taking care of myself and all that." Elena replied turning off her phone and slipping it back into her pocket. She did not want to explain to him what that text message meant. 


"You two really care about each other don't you." Elijah observed thinking back to the words the werewolf had spoken, "Enough to share everything with each other I imagine."


Elijah wondered if Iris would stand with her if someone was coming. She had a small child to worry about and knowing Elena he imagined she would want them to leave quickly. Always thinking of others never thinking of herself. 


"She doesn't know about me being a doppelgänger or how exactly I knew you in the past." Elena responded looking up at him with doe eyes that he hadn't seen from her since they reconnected. She continued figuring he was worried about her outing him to Iris, "I would never tell her about us Elijah."


Elijah's lips quirked up knowing she had no idea how that sounded. His eyes lit up as he watched her look at him so innocently. So he decided to tease her just a little bit, "You make it sound like such a torrid affair."


"You know that's not what I meant." Elena rolled her eyes in mock annoyance, while she hoped that he couldn't see her blushing ears. They had been burning since Iris’s text and she hoped he wouldn’t notice. She didn’t even think about the words she said next  “Shut up.” 


Elijah's tongue peeled out between his teeth as he tried not laugh. Elena Gilbert of all people telling him, an original, to shut up, "Yes Ma'am."


"Originals." Elena scoffed leaning her head back drinking the last of her blood sitting it on her coffee table. She leaned her head back closing her eyes, “I swear your giving me a headache ‘Lijah.”


The nickname had easily rolled off of her tongue, Elijah didn’t think she had even noticed it. Still he was glad she wasn’t look at him because his smile had widened as he shook his head in disbelief. 


“What a pity.” Elijah mocked her and he could imagine how she would have rolled her eyes if they had been open. 


"So, are you going to tell me how you ended up here in Toronto for business?" Elena asked raising her head to look at the original with one eye. 


"How much time do you have?" Elijah echoed her words from two nights before smirking as she rolled her eyes at him. He didn’t know why or how…


But even with all the troubles they had four years ago. Through all the distance and time. Somehow they had become closer friends than they ever had when she was human. 


“I’ve got the time.” 


I’m glad everyone is enjoying it so far! It’s so hard because I want to jump directly into the romance while at the same time I want to have plot. Lol. I’m trying to keep it going slow, just to have tension at the skim of the surface.

I don’t think Elena is going to question him about the kids for awhile though.

Anyways keep commenting! It helps me want to write more which is what I’m sure you want lol.

What do you think about what the werewolf said about Iris and Kelsey?

Chapter 4: This was the worst one.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Ooo, are you texting your boyfriend again?" Kelsey made kissy faces at Maria as she plopped her head into her lap. Maria didn't even acknowledge the six year and instead turned her head to the mother. Her lips in a flat line as she squinted at her with one eyebrow raised. She was not impressed with the child's teasing, especially, knowing who had taught her such things. 


"Why are you teaching her these kinds of things?" Maria responded with a sigh rolling her eyes at the snickering pair, like mother like daughter. 


"Come on even a six year old can see that there's something between you to." Iris made a point to look at her daughter and then back to her vampire bestie. Maria on the other hand looked anything but amused at it all. 


"He's calling, oh my gosh!" Kelsey bounced up trying to grab the phone from Maria's hands after seeing the contact name, Elijah, was in fact who was in fact calling her. Instead, the apartment became quiet as Maria had fled her own home just to get away from the teasing pair. 


It had been a week since Elijah had left Toronto, but only an hour since the pair had last talked. Maria had to admit that it felt good talking to someone who had known her before. Before the ritual, before her death, before she turned her emotions off. In the past week the two had texted, and occasionally called, frequently. Enough where the mother-daughter duo had noticed. 


"Hello Elijah." Maria spoke into the phone a smile coming onto her face as she walked out of the apartment complex and onto the busy streets of Toronto. Or at least, as busy as it could be on a Monday night. 


"Hello, lovely Maria. I apologize for calling you without prior notice. I hope I didn't interrupt anything important." Elijah spoke into the phone as he leaned on the railing of his penthouse in London, England. He felt the summer breeze against his skin as the last bit of light left the city's skyline. 


"You know you can call me anytime Elijah, don't worry about it." Maria spoke as she moved to sit down at a sidewalk bench watching the humans walk around her home city. It was so different compared to Mystic Falls, so much bigger, so little gossip. 


"And if I decide to abuse that statement to the fullest, dear Maria?." Elijah spoke into the phone with a smirk on his face as he imagined the reaction he wished he could see from the woman. He could imagine a blush settling on her ears and nose, much like the one she had tried to hide from him a week ago. Those doe eyes looking at him while he-


“Elijah!” Maria shouted at him clearly annoyed with the fact that he was not listening to anything she had said. A small almost scoff-ish laugh came out of his mouth as she began to berate him for not listening to her. 


“You do realize that I have plenty of other things I could be doing right now ‘Lijah instead of just talking to the air.” Maria ranted skipping through the vowels of his name settling for slightly shorter version. Elijah could hear as she puff out are in mock anger. 


“Ah yes perhaps you could go study for those dreadfully tedious classes of yours,” Elijah responded a smirk falling on his lips as he tilted his head down looking at those who walked underneath him, “Or perhaps you could go and chat with Kelsey or Iris about me.”


“That’s not all I do.” Maria retorted not even hearing everything that the he had spoke her mind jumping straight to the defensive. 


Elijah’s lips twitched noticing her slip-up even though it appeared that she had not. It had been a joke, mostly, since she had mentioned that Iris had talked about her before she knew it was him. It had never crossed his mind that she possibly could have talked about him to the mother-daughter pair. 


“You-“ Elijah spoke wanting to tease her about the fact that she had clearly talked to Iris and Kelsey about him before now. But apparently he had already taunted her enough for one day. 


“Besides what’s wrong with me wanting another life? The moment the Salvatore’s came to town my life and my family were torn apart in front of me. I will not apologize for living a quieter more peaceful life when I deserve it.” Elena bit back the tears that threatened to come down her face as she thought about all the people she had lost. 


She had watched as the members of her family were picked off one by one by fate’s cruel hand. The supernatural world had done nothing but kill, steal, and destroy the life she had cherished so passionately in her youth. She had lost those she had left behind to, Bonnie, Caroline, even the Salvatore brothers. She willed the tears to stay in her eyes as the few people left on the dark streets of Toronto passed her by. 


“I apologize,” Elijah’s face went back to a frown his lips pursed together as he heard the way her voice had broke, “You are right, you deserve everything that this world has to offer my lovely E-“ 


Elijah stopped himself before the name past his lips, but even with his slip he hoped that she would not disregard the words he had spoke. 


“I know I have played a part in your world’s demise not too long ago and for that I will always have regrets.” Elijah spoke again his voice heavy with emotion as he thought about the atrocities that he had once committed against her in the name of saving his family. 


“Your passion is a gift Maria, carry it with you as I will carry my regrets, always and forever.” Maria softly spoke into the phone leaning back on the bench as the tears finally fell from her eyes. She might not have truly spoken her name, but there was one thing that was abundantly clear, “You know I remember reading that in a letter once.”


“Those words will always remain true no matter how much time has dear Maria.” Elijah had closed his eyes the moment he hear her speaking the words he had written to her so many years ago. His teeth clenched in his jaw as he held in all the words that wanted to pour out. 


“And yet they still remain as unnecessary as they did that day Elijah.” Maria spoke softly but firmly as she could already hear the rebuttal on his tongue, “No matter the horrible things we’ve done to each other we’ve always understood why. I have always understood your loyalty to your family, there’s never been a reason to apologize for that.”


“I would never have forgiven myself if I had not wrote you that letter back then,” Elijah spoke just as softly as her amazed at the capacity of forgiveness that she had. The acts he had committed against her were vile and Monstrous, yet she continued to speak of how she understood him., “I am undeserving of your never-ending forgiveness.”


“Yet you have it all the same.” She snapped back as she tried to make him see that she did not hold any resentment towards him. Never him. 


“Mar-“ Elijah let out a breathe but she interrupted him. 


“You talk like I have never broken your trust time and time again Elijah. If I have endless forgiveness then that means you must to. Otherwise how are we still talking together, joking with each other, just being friends.” Maria growled out as she shook her head even though he couldn’t see her. 


“You have always had a reason to break it,” Elijah was shaking his head to for completely different reasons, “I do not have your forgiving heart Maria.” 


“Elijah.” She snapped taking him aback. His eyes snapped open wondering how one simple word, one saying of his name could hold so much emotion. Her eyes were stinging as she huffed into the night air. How could he-


“I’ll talk to you tomorrow Maria.” Elijah breathed trying to keep his emotions at bay. He heard the girls protests but still hung up the call. 


His arms hung over the railing of his London home his head hanging low. He could not compare wrong-doings with her. He had always protected his family, his blood, without any regards for the consequences that those around him had. Always and forever is what he had claimed with only them. His siblings. 


Why had he wrote that in her letter. He could have signed it to a close in a million other ways, yet he had chosen to write his family’s vow. She had no idea how far that single vow went, what it meant to his family. His hand raised to pinch the bridge of his nose, could originals even get headaches. 


He knew that part of the reason for his harshness towards her was due to the dead ends that he had found in London. He would have to apologize for hanging up so abruptly in length to her tomorrow when he finally returned to Toronto. 


“Coward!” Maria threw the phone towards a nearby building, shattering it instantly. She simply looked the broken phone tears in her eyes. 


Why did she care so much about this. She had barely started to get to know him again after all this time. Only a week and a half of talking. She had cried more today than she had in the past four years and yet the thing that unsettled her the most. 


Was the pit that had settled in her stomach. 



When Maria was once more at home, she saw that while the daughter in the mother-daughter duo had vacated her apartment to sleep the mother remained.The fireplace of privacy had already been turned on and Iris waited patiently for her friend.. Maria walked in slowly wondering if she should just bolt instead of dealing with this. 


"How was Mr. Mikaelson?" Iris gazed sweetly, sarcastically, at Maria as the girl plopped down in her usual spot. Only this time, Elijah was not there talking to her. Only Iris. 


“He’s fine.” Maria spoke lightly hoping that Iris wouldn’t notice the scratch in her voice or the redness around her eyes. 


“What’s that in your hand?” Iris raised from the counter her eyes zeroed in on the broken phone that was slowly being crushed into her friend’s hand. Then she smelt it. Blood. On a closer inspection she could see small dribbles of blood peeking out from the hand that held the phone so tightly. 


“I don’t want to talk about it Iris.” Maria bit out as she placed the phone on the coffee table, not sparing it another glance as she went towards her rooms. 


“Maria!” Iris spoke her voice going up in panic, she had never seen her friend like this. Especially never after she had just talked to Elijah. 


But Maria wasn’t listening instead she slammed the door shut, much like she would have years ago when she was still a teenager. Though that could be because while time had past, she had not. Forever an eighteen year old no matter what life threw at her. She locked the door to her room, not that it could truly keep anyone out if they wanted in. She jumped into her bed willing the tears away. 



While it was only midnight in Toronto it was nearing the morning light at four am. Elijah was still standing on his balcony thinking about the reason he had come here in the first place. No matter what he said he still would always protect her as her shield. Even if she was angry at him. He had only managed to find more lackey’s in Londons fair roads for the majority of his trip. Until finally this afternoon he had gotten a lead on a witch who may have known the identity of those who pursued Elena. 


Elijah strolled into the little shop which remained all but empty except for an elderly woman who sat at the counter in the back. Her eyes raised up to his, the recognition was almost immediate. 


“Your kind isn’t welcome here.” The woman crowed while she made no moves to stand. Still, he imagined if he was a normal vampire that she would have the means to make him leave permanently. 


“You will find that my kind is welcome whenever they please if the whim arises.” Elijah spoke his hand touching one of the many potions she seemed to have in her shop with a uninterested expression. A sigh waiting on his tongue waiting to be released. 


“Why because you’re an original?” The witch snarked with a roll of her eyes watching as Elijah’s eyes rose up to hers once more this time with a malicious smirk.  


“Because you have something that I desire,” Elijah responded his eyes darkening as he strode closer to the woman his voice razor sharp, “And I’m sure you’re smart enough not to start a fight that will end in your untimely demise.”


The old woman laughed straight at his face. He stood there his face completely blank all except the subtle raise of his right eyebrow. He was not amused. 


“Very well Vampire, let’s get on with it so I can be rid of you. You’re bad for business.” The woman quipped and then, and only then, did she raise from the stool she had been perched on. She was a foot shorter than Elijah and she had to crane her neck up to simple look at him. Still her eyes held a fire that strikingly reminded him of his sister. 


“A friend of mine has been targeted by someone,” Elijah responded staring at the woman, “I simply need to know the name of who desires her.” 


A friend? Hm? Didn’t know your family was capable of having friends.” The elderly lady quipped back as she rummaged around the story for a few moments. 


“I don’t have friends, just one particularly persistent woman who has a incessant need to get herself into trouble.” Elijah quipped back watching as the smallest of smirks rose onto the elderly witches face. It was gone in a moment, to fast for a human to see. But child’s play for an original. 


“Do you have something of the woman in question? It’s easier for me to locate-“ The woman spoke while simultaneously Elijah gripped her throat pinning her to the nearby wall. Her eyes did not show any distress nor and surprise at the attack from the original. 


“Where is he?” Elijah seethed his eyes darkening as he continued to crush the woman’s windpipe slowly in his grasp. He may not be a witch, but he knew what would be required of this task and something of Elena’s was not required. 


“He will find her Elijah Mikaelson, he will find Elena Gilbert. I almost pity the girl who has capture his attent-“ The woman smirked at the original her teeth showing as she spoke. A garbled laugh coming from the very throat he was crushing. 


It was swifter than he had wished upon the woman who dared speak his Elena’s name. He easily crushed her windpipe her head sagging unnaturally hanging to the side. Her lifeless eyes staring back at him, that grin still remaining on her face even in death. 


He dropped her body unceremoniously to the ground watching her head contort into a unnatural position. A bag of bones beneath his feet. 


“I suppose you never learned that the customer is always right.” 




I think I’m getting better at writing Elijah, understanding more of the internal struggle. The desires he had held back years ago are full force now… I imagine its very difficult for him to accept Elena’s thoughts from their phone call.

What do you think Elena will have to say when he finally returns?

Also, I edited chapters 2 and 3 a little bit (added like three thousand words in total) so you might want to re-read and check those out to!

Chapter 5: How could it be


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Maria had not heard from Elijah in three days since that last phone call. She tried not to let it get to her, friends did not have to speak to each other every day... Or at least that was probably true. Even back in mystic falls growing up she was playmates with Bonnie, Caroline, Tyler, and Matt. There was rarely a time when a day could pass that they would not speak to each other. Things had not changed since moving to Toronto. She talked to Iris and Kelsey everyday with ease. But she thought that she might be the exception in this matter. 


Friends did not have to talk everyday. 


Except she had also been recently short with the Moore family, more specifically Iris. She still chatted and played with Kelsey, helping her feed the returned cats on the roof. It had taken them longer to come back she must admit, but nonetheless they had returned several nights ago hungry and meowing. 


Maria was currently coming back from class her mind in the summer sky above. Her head tilted down as she tried not to think about the stubborn original. It didn't help that the night before another memory had resurfaced in her dreams. An unwanted annoyance that only fed the fire in her. 


A heavy sigh shattered the silence she once had, the normally bustling college was nearly empty. Finals were next week so everyone was either holed up in a coffee shop or a library to study. Not that she was worried about her own. She was just ready to finally finish her degree. Soon she would be a college graduate with a degree and diploma in her hands. 


"You doing alright there Maria?" Her head snapped up at the voice, it was one of her classmates in her history in literature class. His face held a boyish smirk, dusty blonde hair that shined red in the sunlight, tall towering over her. His voice had a bit of a country twang making her think about her old home. 


"Yeah, just ready to graduate Kaleb. How are you?" Maria spoke to the human boy, for a moment she could see her past self in his bright eyes. 


"Yeah, I can't wait to go out and teach. I mean it's really exciting you know?" Kaleb responded a smile on his face as he tilted his head.


"I'm sure you'll be a great teacher Kaleb." Maria spoke giving him a light smile before taking a step to move away.


"Ah, Maria-" Kaleb spoke again a red color coming to his cheeks and his heart began to beat fast. Maria was listening intently to the sound.  The heart always spoke the truth and his was a freight train coming her way. 


"Yeah?" She tilted her head halting her footsteps listening as his heart drummed faster underneath his chest. 


"Would you want to get coffee or something, sometime. If you're not busy with finals and everything." The boy rambled and Maria was struck wondering if this is how she had seemed when the Salvatores and the Mikaelson's had first come to town. 


It was so easy to hear his heart drumming in his chest. So easy to see how he really felt. 


Maria hesitated, she didn't need any complications in her life. Especially not a human complication. When the Salvatores had come into her world bringing the supernatural with them it had ruined her life. She refused to do that to anyone else if she could help it. 


She flashed in front of him her eyes locking into his as his eyes widened at the speed she possessed. He didn't need her complicating his life, vampires only brought death when they entered your world. She watched as he fell under her spell and then she spoke. 


"You will forget that you ever knew the name Maria Landon." Maria compelled him her eyes not leaving his watching as the compulsion had the desired effect. 


"Forget Maria." His voice, monotone and blank, spoke to her in response a single tear falling from his face. Maria tried not to allow his emotions to phase her. 


"You will forget any feelings that you may have had for her and you will forget everything that happened here today." Maria compelled him once more watching as his pupils widened and then narrowed to the size of a needle. 


"Nothing happened here today." He droned as he stared into my eyes and I gave him a soft smile. 


"Now leave." Maria spoke gently to him watching as the command clicked in his mind. She watched as his eyes closed, when he opened them she had already started to walk away.


She turned her head back when she was far enough looking to see him heading to where he most likely lived. Her fist clenched in her hands. 


"You'll be a great teacher someday, Kaleb." She whispered to the summer wind as she sighed heavily. 


"Yes, I imagine the boy will have a stellar career in education." She heard him speak her head whipping towards the sound like it was a beacon. She clenched her jaw at the sight of him. That it seemed like she so easily gravitated towards him. A man apart of her old life, of her old world full of torment and death. 


Elena ignored him stalking off towards her home, hearing the sound of footsteps behind her. She continued on, she didn’t want to talk to him. After all, he had made it abundantly clear that he had not wished to talk to her for the past three days. That he did not want-


It did not matter what he wanted anyways. She had a life here. One that she loved and she didn’t need him to ruin it for her. 


“Maria,” She heard him speak from behind her his voice held a heavy sigh, “I owe you an apology.”


Elena did not stop, she had told him before that he was at least as equally forgiving as herself. No, she continued to stalk on until she heard a whistle. Then he was in front of her causing her to barrel into his chest. He easily caught her steadying her by her shoulders with his hands. 


“I don’t want to hear it Elijah.” She whispered looking down at the street. She had a right to be angry with him. Her eyebrows scrunched together and Elijah couldn’t help but bite his lip to keep himself from laughing. 


“And yet I will say it all the same, Maria.” Elijah slowly took a step back to give the young vampire room his eyes flitting over here. He knew he would have to tell her what was going on, but first he had to apologize. 


He hadn’t meant to stay in London for two more days, nor did he mean to leave such a large amount of time of silence between them. He believed that an apology was always better in person and he had already done so once through a letter before. He utterly refused to go so low as to apologize through a phone call. 


“I apologize, lovely Maria for shutting you out. I fear my reason may not be-“ Elijah spoke his hands coming up as he spoke as the so often did. 


“You always have a reason Elijah that was my point before. You are just as justified to make decisions as I was.” Elena looked up snapping the words watching with an odd sense of satisfaction was she saw his eyes widen. Then they narrowed on her tilting his head to look at her more clearly. 


“You are not angry about my absence of phone calls.” Elijah spoke lightly as if he was understanding the reason for her outburst. 


“Oh, I’m plenty mad at that but only because of how our last call went.” Elena rolled her eyes at the man as she began to walk once more, this time allowing him to fall into step with her. Or maybe she was the one who fell into step with him. 


“Yes, I-“ Elijah spoke another apology on his lips but Elena held up her hand to stop him. 


“Don’t you dare apologize to me Elijah Mikaelson.” Elena gritted out of a clenched jaw, she tried to calm herself wondering where these feelings of possession and anger were coming from. She couldn’t remember a time as a human that she felt as if she deserved to monopolize his time. 


“As you wish, lovely Maria.” 



When they finally arrived into the apartment complex instead of going to the fifth floor Elijah asked if they oiled make a stop at the fourth floor. Before Elena could question Elijah about the unexpected stop he pulled out a small set of deep forest green keys his lips twitching as he watched her dumbfounded look. 


“You rented 209?” Elena asked her eyebrows scrunching together as she watched him unlock the door to apparently his new home. 


“I am operating under the assumption that I will be here for business for quite some time. I thought it to be suitable to be near Iris since we will be working for the near future and,” Elijah paused his eyes looking straight into hers and she sharply breathed in cursing herself directly after. 


“I thought you might enough a cup of coffee in a different part of the building from time to time.” Elijah refrained, barely, from grinning as he watched the woman begrudgingly walk into his apartment. When her back turned to him he let it slip on his face and followed her in. 


“I suppose I could be persuaded to a cup or two. After all, I have finals soon.” Elena replied watching Elijah lit the fire that settled the privacy spell over his knew home. She wondered how she hadn’t heard the movers for the apartment, unless he had moved in while she had been in class for the last four hours. 


She felt her lip twitch in amusement as she looked around the room, it was exactly as you would imagine. For a vampire who trotted around in a suit all day at the very least. She managed to keep her lips into a frown, she was supposed to be mad at him. 


“Yes, I imagine you’ll need the caffeine to take on your final tests.” Elijah responded watching as she looked around his home, going to the bookshelf that he had placed in the living room. While he had not brought his antique collection with him there had been plenty to by in the local bookstores of Toronto. 


“You are free to take any that intrigue you.”  Elijah spoke gently his jaw clenching as his gaze tried to lower, he did not allow it. He would not, as they said nowadays, ‘ogle’ her without her permission. 


He could laugh at the irony though. Here he was so easily walking right back into the trap he had stumbled into so many times before. He had to admit, Elena was nothing like her predecessors. She was kinder than Tatia and Katerina- Katherine could ever be. She had been right years ago. Katherine continually betrayed him and that ‘little peasant girl’ was long gone. 


“Perhaps I’ll do some light reading while you make me a cup of that coffee?” Elena quipped back failing to hold back the smirk that rose to her face. 


“As the lovely Elena decrees.” Elijah snarked back a smirk playing on his own lips as he began to brew a cup in his new Kitchen. He wouldn’t tell her that he had previously bought another apartment overlooking the city in a penthouse nearby. Nor would he tell her that he had been waiting for her near the coffee shop for over an hour till she finally showed up. 


All he could say was that he found a unequivocal satisfaction in having her in his home bossing him around. 


“You mentioned that there was a reason you hung up with me before?” Elena pipped up holding a first edition of Alice in Wonderland, one of her childhood favorites and one of the few stories her Aunt Jenna could read to her being so young at the time herself. She rubbed her fingers over the cover a soft smile coming on her face. 


“Yes.” Elijah replied his eyes watching her carefully as she gently carried the book. He wondered what she was thinking about to cause such a look on her face… and if it somehow had to do with a loss that had been caused by his family. As there were few that were not. 


“What was it?” Elena tore her eyes from the book her doe eyes looking at him with such an innocence that it made him pause. He had the tendency to forget her age, whether as a baby vampire or how long she had been in this world, and how little it truly was. 


“Perhaps we should discuss it later.” Elijah spoke his throat tightening wishing that he had been able to simply neutralize the threat without having to involve her. Never letting her know of the dangers that had lurked so closely nearby. 


“Elijah.” The name rolled off of her tongue so easily and she was increasingly finding it harder to not take notice of the man. Friends. That is what she had said. She didn’t need ay attachments, especially when there was so much betrayal between them already. Besides, he had vowed that he would never let it happen again. 


He would never love another doppelgänger. 


“I heard of a werewolf causing some trouble in the area a little over a week ago.” Elijah spoke moving to sit the coffee in front of her as he sat down on his chair, she had taken upon herself to take up the entirely of his couch. Stretching out much like a cat would do. Her long legs, bare from the shorts that she wore, tempted him more than he would care to admit. Still he kept his eyes firmly on her face. 


“He gave me some unsettling information for the reason of his being in Toronto.” Elijah paused watching as her eyes looked up from the book to him noticing his hesitation. 


“Elijah you don’t have to tell me I’m sure it has something to do with your family,” Elena spoke softly shaking her head at the man a gentle smile on her face. 


“There’s someone looking for you.” Elijah spoke watching as her spine seemed to snap stiffly as she began to raise from her laying position, “Not Maria Landon but Elena Gilbert. They know you’re in Toronto somewhere.” 


“How is that possible Elijah? It’s been four years, why would anyone still be looking for me?” Elena rose to a sitting position as emotions raged through her body. Was it truly so unacceptable to the universe for her to be happy? After taking everything she loved from her why did it have to take away her new home. Her new family. 


She’d have to leave. She couldn’t put Kelsey or Iris in danger. She refused to watch either of them, especially little Kelsey die because of her own transgressions. 


“I went to London after receiving a lead on a witch who had tracked you for someone.” Elijah could hear the uptick in her heart beat as it went faster and faster. He had a strong desire to return London simply to dismember and maim the body of that witch who had deserved a more drawn out punishment. 


“And you couldn’t find out who was looking for me.” Elena stood her voice heavy nearing a crack Elijah stood immediately after her his jaw clenching as he took a step towards her. She stepped back from him shaking her head. 


“Is it really such a sin for me to wish to be happy Elijah? Have I committed some atrocity to be banned a good and simple life?” Elena shook her head closing her eyes tight to keep the tears from forming. Elijah took two steps towards her quickly reaching her with ease. 


“No. Elena you deserve that more than anyone I have ever known.” Elijah spoke watching as she continued to shake her head at him, her eyes still closed. He brought his hand up to her hair near her temple. In one breath he heard his name on her lips and the next she was crashing into him with the strength of a baby vampire. 


“Then why, why-“ Elena choked out into his suit burying her head into his chest as he right hand came up to hold her head while the other wrapped itself firmly around her waist. He held her close closing his eyes tightly himself. He felt when the first tear Mae its way from her face to his suit. 


Not that he cared about the suit. He would burn them all to ash if he could take away this threat to her life. 


“I’m sorry Elena.” Elijah spoke his voice deep, she could feel its timbre down on his chest. Her hands hesitantly wrapped around his torso pulling him closer. 


“Don’t apologize when it’s not your fault ‘Lijah.” She spoke softly hiccuping into his suit as she turned her head to put her ear to his chest. She could hear the slow steady heartbeat of his dead heart. Still, it soothed her gently with its soft rhythm as a few more stray tears made its way down her face dropping to the floor. 


“Then I’m sorry for not making it any better.” 


And Elijah knew, that no matter what had happened in the past, no matter how his family had a hand in her loss of happiness…


He would help her protect it this time.  


Elijah and Elena are certainly getting closer, but both of them are determined to remain friends. Elena knows that he swore he would never love another doppelgänger. While Elijah believes she could never see him as an option.

So, what did y’all think? Do you think she’s still made at ‘Lijah?

Chapter 6: that we are drowning in memories?


Elijah and Elena come to an agreement.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Elijah finally let a heavy sigh fall from his lips as he listened to Elena's soft heartbeat. She had cried in his arms for nearly an hour before finally settling down and succumbing to the rest she craved. Now she laid sleeping peacefully on his couch curled up with a blanket and a decorative pillow. He sat across from her on the other side of the couch the fireplace flickering every so often shining its light onto the pair.


He had known that she would take the news badly, after all he was telling her the life she had worked for so long to cultivate was slowly eroding around her. But he had also known that she was mad at him and thus he believed that she would never cling to him as she had before. 


No even more than just her being mad at her. If someone had predicted this moment and had told him such years ago he would have given them an unforgiving death. 


"Hm?" Elena moved in her sleep slowly rolling over to face the back of the couch her arms curling around the blanket burying her nose into it. Elijah's lip twitched up as he watched how her body relaxed further at the smell of it. Of him. 


Elijah took a sharp breath as something completely territorial and possessive made him want to. He closed his eyes his fist clenching until it drew blood. He buried the feelings deep inside himself and when he opened his eyes his face was bake to its usual inexpressive form. Still his eyes were drawn to her form like a moth to the flame.


He rose moving towards his own room to grab his phone to check on his siblings. They had been unusually quiet the past few weeks and it was beginning to put him on edge. If Niklaus or Rebekah caught wind of his residency in Toronto they were sure to start sniffing around. 


"Sorry." Elijah's head snapped back towards the baby vampire hearing her whimper softly. He began to walk back towards his living room where she laid certain he had misheard her. 


"Li-" She mumbled sniffling in her sleep as she turned over once more breathing out another syllable, "jah."


His eyes fell to the lips that had mumbled out his broken name in her sleep. He bent down until he was next to the girl, anguish in her features. He slowly reached up placing his hand on her head to sweep the hair from her face. She shifted and he stopped his breath freezing. She unconsciously moved closer to his hand until it was flat against her temple and in her hair. 


In one breath Elijah was in his new living room and the next his vision was filled with Stefan Salvatore of all people. As he saw the surroundings he knew that he had entered her mind. Or more so that her mind had pulled him in while she was sleeping. No matter the reason for all purposes Elijah was now reliving a moment of Elena's life through her own eyes. 


"Stefan there has to be another way, I trust Elijah he wouldn't break our deal." Elena was at the cabin with Stefan he could feel the anger that the young girl felt. The betrayal that she felt as she looked at a man she had loved. 


"He's an original Elena, come on do you really think he won't kill you the moment you are no longer of use to him." Stefan replied his eyebrows scrunched as he took a step towards Elena. She took a step back away from him shaking her head. 


"No, you don't believe that. That's what Damon's been telling you but-" Elena continued to shake her head as tears began to well up in her eyes. 


"He's on his way here Elena." Stefan spoke stepping forward again and this time Elena didn't move. She squeezed her eyes shut and a single tear fell from her eye down to her chin. 


"We can't risk him taking you away Elena. He will break your deal and I can't watch you die." Stefan was in front of her now his hands coming onto her shoulders holding her so she wouldn't run away. 


"Please Stefan, when he's here we can talk and-" Elena heard the vampire scoff at her and she opened her eyes to look at him. The man she loved was looking at her like she was some naive little girl. Not a woman he loved, but a little girl who had no idea how the world worked. 


"Men like him don't talk Elena." Stefan's eyes captured hers and she felt a pang of fear go through her. She tried to backtrack to move out of his arms but he kept her in place. She tried to move her eyes from his but found she couldn't. 


"No Stefan, Stefan please!" Elena felt more tears fall from her eyes as she began to shake. 


"You will do whatever it takes to dagger Elijah Mikaelson in the heart." Elena felt the words come down on her like a wall as they stared at each other. Her breathing shallow as a single, final tear fell from her brown orbs. 


"Say it." Stefan commanded her his jaw clenching as he watched her register the words. 


"I will do whatever it takes to dagger Elijah Mikaelson in the heart." Elena parroted back to him her and for the first time she felt like a prisoner in her own mind. 


"You will not warn him." Stefan compelled the girl his hands gripping her shoulders tighter. He was saving her from herself. His brother, while typically misguided, for once was right. 


"I will not warn him." Elena replied back slowly shrinking away into the depths of her mind. She didn't want to betray Elijah. She didn't want to watch. She couldn't watch as he realized that she had betrayed him. 


"You will not remember any of this. It was all your idea, that's all you need to remember." Stefan spoke slowly letting go of the girl watching as she closed her eyes. The next time she opened them they were steeled with determination. 


He smiled softly at her, as if he hadn't just compelled the woman he loved, and she smiled back at him. She slowly stepped into his awaiting arms and they held each other close. Elena leaned her head against her chest her smile only widening.


"This will all be over soon. I promise." Stefan spoke at last and Elena only nodded finally feeling relaxed. 



Elijah let out a low breath as he came out of her mind as if he had never been there in the first place. In fact, he was positive that he was never meant to see that particular memory. Considering the limited information she had shared about the things the Salvatore brothers had done. His thumb rubbed gently across her forehead watching as she slowly settled down still sleeping, but more peacefully this time. 


He would have expected such a move from Damon whom seemed to have no problems in robbing Elena of her decisions with his arrogance. But to know that a man whom had claimed to love her had robbed her of such a thing. He had not expected it from Stefan Salvatore. No doubt it was his brother’s wishes. 


"What else did they do to you Elena?" Elijah whispered to her not expecting an answer instead his eyes hardened and his jaw clenched. 


In response Elena unconsciously snuggled into his hand her lips tilting up with a hint of a smile. Elijah smiled softly down at the sleeping vampire slowly retracting his hand and standing up. He wanted to track down the Salvatores to find out just how many times her betrayals had been against her will. How many times had his anger towards her been unwarranted. 


How many times had the people who had 'loved' her betrayed her trust. 


Between being a compellable human and being sired bonded how often had she had her choices stripped away from her? How many times had she been forced into something she did not wish to do. 


He breathed heavily knowing that he would not be able to obtain the information he seemed until she deemed it so. He would not push her for the information as it seemed as though the Salvatores had already done so enough. He finally went to retrieve his phone to see what his siblings has been doing to keep them so utterly silent. 



It was another hour when Elena finally woke from the couch, drool on the pillow as she blinked sleepily. She looked around the room wondering why she could smell Elijah when he was so far away. Images of her dreams came to the forefront of her mind, flashes of her stabbing Elijah with that damned dagger. She blinked a little bit more finally looking at her surroundings. 


Her eyes shifted as she jerked upright realizing she was not in her apartment. She stood the blanket falling from her form as her eyes darted around the room. Her head went to the left as she heard the soft patter of footsteps and then he walked into the room his head tiled but face blank. 


Her eyes widened a fraction as she remembered the events that had led to her staying in the Original's apartment. She gave him a tight-lipped smile and a nod. 


"Thanks for the," Elena looked back to the couch and then to the original vampire, "nap." 


"Of course, I could hardly fault you for needing a moment of peace Elena." Elijah spoke slipping his phone into his pocket and striding into the room with a different suit from before. Elena couldn't help but notice how while most of his suits were either a gray or black color this one was a deep brown color that resembled his eyes. 


"I'm not mad at you Elijah," Elena spoke watching as Elijah's eyes went to hers, his eyebrow raising at her, "Okay I was but I told you before we've always understood each other's motives for things. Right?" 


Elijah felt the refusal on the tip of his tongue, but Elena had no idea that he had seen her dreams.. her memories. As far as he had been aware before they both were very loyal to their respective families. Now, he was unsure of what moves had been her and what had been forced upon her. 


Though he imagined that no matter the case her loyalty to those she cared about was something he truly admired about her. 


"Yes, I suppose we do Elena." Elijah responded his gaze softening slightly towards the baby vampire. 


"Let's make a deal." Elena pipped up walking over to Elijah watching as his eyebrows raised at the words in wonder. He took a step forward meeting her in the middle of his home. He looked down at her seeing that fire that he remembered seeing the first time she had struck a deal with him. 


"What do we have unsettled that requires a deal?" Elijah responded watching the smile that she tried to keep at bay. He felt his traitorous lips follow suit until both of them were smiling at each other like fools. 


"I want you to protect Iris and Kelsey." Elena spoke and Elijah tried not to show his confusion at her statement. However, he must have not hidden it well considering her next words, "If it comes down to me or them I need you to protect them." 


"You're asking quite a lot out of me Elena." Elijah knew he was a selfish man, especially when it came to those he held dearly. Elena was a good friend of his and while he liked the Moore family he couldn't see himself sacrificing Elena for them. 


"They don't deserve to have their lives destroyed because of a doppelgänger Elijah. I need you're word that you'll give them every opportunity to live the lives they deserve." Elena inched closer to him her eyes softening as she thought about the two girls that were her family now. 


She refused to be the reason they lost each other. The reason why Kelsey grew up without her mom. Or something worse...


"And what do I get in return?" Elijah spoke the words feeling like salt against his tongue as he schooled his features on his face. He did not like where this deal was leading them. 


"My unwavering loyalty?" Elena questioned shrugging her shoulders speaking a second time before he could respond, "What is it that you want Elijah?"


Elijah breathed in sharply as he felt a word on the tip of his tongue that did not belong there. A word he would never speak. 


"I would have thought by now you would no to make a deal you need to have something equal to offer Elena." He drew out her name a smirk settling on to his lips watching as she rolled her eyes at him. 


"A favor." Elijah spoke before Elena could say anything else watching as her eyes scrunched together in confusion. 


"A favor?" Elena questioned him tiling her head in wonder. She never thought Elijah would barter for something as trivial as a favor, although she did know that numerous times people had mentioned owing him one. 


"Although, I would appreciate some loyalty as well if you are giving it out so easily." Elijah put his hands in his pockets watching as the woman's eyes went down at the movement. Her eyes rose back up to his quickly as if not to be caught. He refrained from smiling at such the innocent interaction. 


"I don't know I might have to think about it." Elena put her finger to her lips tilting her head in response until finally holding out her hand towards the original. 


"I suppose I could give out a little loyalty if you're lucky. Do we have a deal?" Elena quipped the smile turning into a full out grin. Elijah nodded his head taking her hand into his own. Her hand was smooth and light to the touch. He gently tugged her arm until the palm was near his lips. He placed a small peck on the palm before lowering it back down. A blush settled onto Elena's face. 


"Yes, I imagine we do Elena." Elijah spoke before speaking the words he was dreading the most to say, "I give you my word."


What did you guys think of this chapter? I will admit it is a bit shorter than most of the other chapters at about 2,500 words. It’s a bit more fluff and revealing a few things to Elijah for the time being.

That being said, Elijah is in a unique position of not having all the answers. I imagine he’s itching to know what else the Salvatore brothers caused.

But for now I’m willing to bet that he will remain patient for her. Even if he’s convinced they will only be friends.

How long do you guys think it will take until one of them finally admit their feelings? Or at least how long until one of them admits their feelings fully to themselves?

Chapter 7: Yet, I find myself


The next player in our lovely story enters.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Since it is what Princess Kelsey perhaps I will allow it just this once." Elijah spoke lightly to the small child watching as she leaped from the top of the chair into the awaiting originals arms. She let out a gleeful laugh as he swung her around the room fast enough for her enjoyment but not vamping. 


Kelsey giggled all the way until Elijah sat the child onto the couch tossing her slightly watching as she squealed once more. A small tender smile graced his features that was rarely showcased in his thousand years. 


"Thanks Eli." Kelsey stood up on the couch wrapping her small around his waist mumbling a thank you using the nickname she had picked up recently. Elijah's hand went to the top of the small child's head until she was ready to let go of him. 


"When do you think Maria will be back?" Kelsey moved back her heading tilting as she looked up at the original vampire, her eyes twinkling and she flopped onto the couch. 


"She should be back soon." Elijah spoke watching as the child rolled her eyes at him her shoulders dropping slightly. 


"How long does it take to finish a final anyways?" The child pouted and Elijah tried to keep the laughter from coming out. As a human the village children had always been a fun experience to be around. Though his mother often had pressured him to marry and have some of his own he had remained single until Tatia had come around. But as a vampire he very rarely had the pleasure of spending time with children. 


"While I'm sure she will be done soon I must say I thought we were having a lot of fun ourselves." Elijah moved away from the girl shaking his head while trying to keep his lips at a frown. His lip pouting a small bit as he spoke again, "I suppose I will just remain a simple court jester instead of milady's valiant knight like Lady Maria." 


"No wait! I didn't mean to make you said Eli!" Kelsey jumped up once more launching herself at the original where he barely had enough time to catch her. He let out a small laugh at the endearing little child who was looking at him with such an innocence that he had lost long ago even before he had been turned into this creature. 


"You're both my knights, I can have two right?" Kelsey spoke looking at the man whom she clung to and smiled at so sweetly. 


"Yes, yes you can Princess Kelsey." Came Elijah's response as he once more twirled her around the room. It had been four hours since Iris and Maria had left the apartment complex. Iris, being on called, had been called into work unexpectedly while Maria had her last final. 


"Elijah, can I ask you something?" Kelsey spoke her big doe brown eyes looking up at the man that had him nodding before thinking about what a child could possibly be curious about. 


"Do you like Maria?" Kelsey asked watching as the man seemed to freeze at the question his mouth opening for a moment. He wanted to outright deny the accusation but thought better of it. A half truth would be better to tell than an full lie. 


"Of course, we are good friends." Elijah responded and watched as the little girl seemed to tilt her head opening her mouth once more. He could guess what the next question would be but before he could worry about what he would reply with the pair could hear the jingle of keys. 


Kelsey shot off like she had been shot out of a cannon so when Maria opened the door she was greeted with a flying Kelsey. She easily caught the young child a bright smile replacing the tired eyes that she had before. 


"Maria! You're back!" Kelsey yelled happily her hands wrapping around the woman's neck and her legs going to her waist. Maria easily held the girl up as she gently placed her backpack next to the door. 


"And how is the lovely Kelsey today?" Maria spoke bringing the small child into the room where Elijah was. She wondered how he still look immaculate in the suit after spending four hours with the child. Every time she baby sat she would return looking like a storm had come through. 


"Good! Eli's a real fun knight." Kelsey chirped smiling as she looked over at the original in question giving him a little head nod. 


"Ah you've finally been promoted to knight then Elijah?" Maria quipped watching him roll his eyes. She couldn't help but tease the man. She never would have thought he would be so amazing with kids. Considering he had been alive a thousand years without having the ability to ever have any of his own. 


"Yes, the gracious Princess Kelsey has decided to take pity on me and allow me to be her second knight." Elijah quipped back as he looked at the little girl in question with open adoration. Maria felt her breath catch at the innocence of the action. She had never seen Elijah so open with something that could be seen as a weakness. 


"Say, as my knights does that mean your in charge of my dinner?" Kelsey turned to Maria never having been cooked for by Elijah but had by Maria many times before. 


"Of course, what does my liege wish?" Maria spoke watching as the young girl's eyes scrunched together squinting them at her. 


"Lie-" She struggled to mimic the word to ask its meaning, "Lige?" 


"Liege," Maria spoke gently correcting the young girl and explaining, "It's another word for Princess." 


"Oh!" She replied tilting her head tapping her pointer finger to her lips in thought, "I want a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with chips!" 


"Coming right up milady." Elijah spoke before Maria could heading over to the kitchen to make the child her dinner. It was nearing five in the afternoon and she had ate before he had arrived. Iris had frantically called him after realizing that Maria wasn't home and was taking a final. 


"Thanks Eli!" 



"Goodnight my princess." Maria pressed a soft kiss to the sleepy child who looked up at her blinking. Kelsey smiled softly at the vampire trying to fight the sleep that threatened to overtake her. One blink. Two blinks. Three blinks. Then Kelsey was out dead to the world as she snuggled into her purple bed covers. 


Maria reached up gently sweeping the hair back towards the pillow her gaze softening. She wondered if this was how her mother had felt every night when she had put her to bed as a small child. A small sigh slipped past her lips. While she would never take the cure that the Salvatores had hoped to give her... She did wish there was a way for her to have this. 


"Are you alright El-," Elijah paused looking at the small child from the doorway. He stood his hands in his pockets leaning against the doorframe. Maria's eyes went to the original having not realized that he had been there for goodness how long. 


"Yes Elijah, I'm fine." Maria spoke not mentioning the stumble of his words. She was sure it was hard for him to alternate between Maria and Elena. It had been easy for her to strip away the name when she had left mystic falls but now with him here it had become more and more difficult to not think about her past life. 


Maria walked over to the man her gaze softening. There were many things she couldn't help thinking about when comparing her past life to now. Namely, the original vampire who always wore a suit. Without the Salvatore brothers or Care or even Bonnie to influence her Elijah and her had become easy friends. 


Sure they had always understood each other's motives that had never changed. But, there always had been a certain level of distance because of her friends. Because of the things they did, the things she... did. Or at least the things he believed that she had done. Not that she would ever tell him otherwise. 


She refused to cause the inhabitants of Mystic falls anymore misery. 


She leaned her back against the other side of the doorframe watching how Elijah's eyes followed her. She gave him a smile while tilting her head towards the living room. She lifted her eyebrows and Elijah nodded following her out of the child's room. They closed the door lightly behind them not to disturb the sleeping child. 


"Thank you for taking care of Kelsey today Elijah." She walked into her friend’s quiet living room, only the crackling fire place could be heard as both vampires silenced their footsteps. 


“Of course, she’s a good kid I understand why you protect her so fervently.” Elijah responded watching as she poured two glasses half with bourbon and half with blood. 


“Can I ask you something Maria?” Elijah spoke as she slid the glass to him mulling over the glass swirling the mixture gently. He knew he should talk about those who were coming after her. That he shouldn’t mention the Salvatore Brothers to her, especially considering she didn’t know what he had seen of her dreams. Still, this was the second time she had given him bourbon and he could see wine peaking at the top of the fridge so it wasn’t as if it was her only option.  


“Of course.” Maria replied taking a sip of the mixture relishing in the A- blood with the malt and earthy tones of the bourbon. She drank it slowly, deliberately breathing in its scent deeply before speaking into the glass, “But I want to ask you one in return.”


“I suppose that’s an equal trade,” Elijah paused his tongue running over his teeth and the bottom of his upper lip. He watched as a little of the blood stained her lips, “You have a deal.”  


“Always wheeling and dealing huh Elijah.” Elena smirked at the man leaning on the counter across from him her gaze sharpening on the man, “What do you want to know?”


Elijah tipped the drink up to his lips smirking at the baby vampire, his gaze never leaving hers. Her eyes went down to his lips where the amber and red mixed drink hit his tongue. She breathed in deeply taking a drink of her own to try to mask indifference. 


“I believe that bourbon was the favorite drink of a certain,” Elijah paused remembering they were not in one of their own homes but that of Iris, “brother.” 


“Sometimes the past stays with you no matter how badly you wish to ignore it.” Elena shrugged her shoulders but Elijah tilted his head slightly and then shook it. 


“No thats not it.” Elijah wasn’t asking a question this time, he could tell that she was holding something back from him. He leaned forward on the counter setting his glass down gently on the counter. 


“Sometimes we don’t have a choice when something stays with you.” Elena responded wondering if he would be able to understand her cryptic answer. She also was very aware that her friend had no idea of what she really was. She wouldn’t reveal anything about her past in Iris’s home no matter how much she trusted her. 


“I see.” Elijah spoke through gritted teeth, even all these years later the sire bond was effecting her. It was a testament to the lasting effects and distance that the bond could go. How deep it could run through a vampire… and how deadly to one’s self it could be. 


“And what of the others of your past?” Elijah asked his eyes watching as she licked her lips nervously her gaze looking away from Elijah. 


“What of them Elijah?” Elena responded shortly not liking where this conversation was heading. Flashes of her brother’s corpse came to the forefront of her mind forcing her to close her eyes. She would not cry again in front of the original. 


“I remember of a time where you were willing to die for them Maria.” Elijah responded his hand itching to reach out to comfort the young woman. He stopped himself instead gripping the glass even tighter only barely holding back his strength to stop from shattering the glass. 


“There’s always casualties in war.” Elena responded her voice tense and strangled. She could feel her voice dying in her throat as her body robbed her of the air she normally didn’t need. 


“I can’t imagine the girl I knew believing in that.” Elijah responded prodding further as his gaze sharpened on hers. Her eyes were open but they refused to look at him. He clenched his jaw, he understood her abandoning the Salvatore brothers. But why the others that she had held onto for so long. 


“That little naive girl grew up Elijah.” Elena threw out the words before realizing they weren’t entirely her own. Damon had called her that before, once. She drew a sharp breath her heart beating wildly in her chest. Elijah tensed not believing that those words were her own. 


“Odd, the woman I meet was one of most fearless and compassionate people than I ever had the pleasure of meeting.” Elijah stood drinking the rest of the mixture feeling an odd sense of satisfaction as he watched Elena flinch at his words. 


“Fearless is just another word for stupid Elijah.” Elena responded not even noticing until he was upon her that he was beside her. Elijah towered over her his displeasure evident in his facial features. She always knew when he was upset with her. She didn’t know how she knew, she just did. 


“Maria,” Elijah growled out the name as his gaze burned into her, “I assure you that is not how I see it.” 


“Really because every back home had no trouble believing it.” Elena growled out her eyes widening as she realized what she had said. She shook her head taking a step away from the original and he let her move slowly out of his space. 


“When faced with death your first thought was not your own well-being but those who you talk about now.” Elijah responded his voice deep and heavy. Those she talked about so carelessly now were those she had sought to protect when she first faced the sacrifice. 


“Just because,” Elena sighed her head going back and forth as she tried to figure out what to say, “What do you want me to do Elijah? They don’t want to hear from me.” 


“Do you really believe that those who cherished you, whom you grew up with, would not wish to hear that you are okay?” Elijah took a single large step towards her his hand coming to the front of her on the counter. 


“I abandoned them Elijah.” She whispered staring at his hands and for the hundredth time in his presence she closed her eyes trying to keep the emotions at bay. 


“I have lived for over a thousand years lovely Maria,” Elijah spoke gently her gaze slowly rising to meet his face with those big chocolate doe eyes of hers, “Broken Bridges between family can always heal.”


“I guess you would know something about that, huh?” 


And only then did a small tearful smile make its way onto Elena’s face. 




Maria slipped out the burner phone that she had stashed in her nightstand clenching it in her hands. Her jaw tightened at she stared at the small thing that could hold so much power. In the four years she had spent away from Mystic Falls she had only ever thought about the burner once. After her humanity turned back on she desperately wanted to talk to Caroline and Bonnie again. But she never had the courage to call them. 


"They can't find me." Maria assured herself as she turned the phone in her hand. They couldn't track the burner even if they tried, but she still hesitated. 


Would they even want to hear from her?


The phone clattered to the floor and only then did Maria realize she was shaking. She looked down at the phone watching as tears fell from her face to the floor. She shook her head closing her eyes as she thought about everything they had been through together. Only for her to leave them without so much as a good-bye. 


"I miss them." She whispered admitting something she had not admitted in the four years she had spent away. More tears gathered in her shut eyes as tremors wracked through her small frame and only then did she mutter the words Elijah had told her, “Broken bridges can heal.” 


"I miss them so much." She whispered to herself falling to her knees as she picked up the fallen device. She looked over the device making sure that it still worked. Then she dialed a number that she knew by heart. 








"Hello?" The call was picked up on the third ring and Elena felt her breath catch as she heard the voice of Caroline for the first time in years. She felt a few stray tears fall and she closed her eyes steadying her breathing. 


"Hello? Klaus if this is you again I already told you I don't want to talk right now!" Caroline's voice demanded and Elena heard a scoff come from the other side of the phone. She thought about leaving it at that, letting Caroline think Klaus was messing with her or something. She didn't realize that the two were still in contact let alone enough for her to be scoffing so comfortably at the original hybrid. 


"Hi Caroline." Elena spoke gently into the phone hearing the gasp that came from the other end. 


"Elena? Is that you?" Caroline whispered in disbelief tears welling up in her eyes as she heard her best friend's voice for the first time in so long. 


"Yeah its me Care." Elena responded finally opening her eyes and moving her feet so she rested her back against the side of her bed. Caroline slide down from her bed to the ground her head going to the side of the bed. The girls a perfect mirror of each other as tears welled up in both of their eyes. 


"Oh my gosh." Caroline whispered a smile making its way onto her face, "I can't believe it, its really you." 


"I'm sorry it took me so long to call you Caroline." Elena apologized breathing out a heavy breath as her heartbeat began to slow. Her tongue darted out to lick her lips nervously as she tried to think of what to say. What do you tell someone that you abandoned?


"No, no don't be sorry I'm sure its not your fault." Caroline spoke feeling more relief then she had in a long time, "I can't wait to tell Bonnie and Stefan, gosh Damon will be so excited to here from you."


"Care-" Elena spoke up fearing that her friend was quickly unraveling before she could have a chance to explain. 


"There's so much that I need to tell you about." Caroline rambled her smile lifting up even higher not hearing Elena's protests through the phone. 


"Care-" Elena tried again only for Caroline to interrupt her once more. Elena gritted her teeth refraining from letting out a sigh as she heard her friend ramble on. 


"Damon's been searching for you this entire time, I think he's in California right now but I have no doubt that he'll come right back when he finds out that-" Caroline kept rambling on assuming that Elena would want to come back. That is what this phone call meant right? Surely she wasn't just calling to say hi-


"Caroline!" Elena shouted hearing how Caroline paused realizing that she had been talking far to fast. Caroline stopped her eyebrows furrowing together as she stopped her mouth still open. 


"I don't want anyone to know that I've called." Elena spoke gently knowing how confusing it all must be for Care, "Well I might call Bonnie but I don't want anyone else to know. 


"What do you mean Elena? Why wouldn't you want everyone to know that you're okay?" Caroline shook her head in confusion her eyebrows furrowing together even more. Why wouldn't Elena want to everyone to know that she was okay? Everyone had been so worried when she had disappeared in Willouby, convinced that someone had taken her. 


"I-" Elena paused trying to think of how she wanted to explain this, "A lot can happen in four years Care. There's so much I remember now that I couldn't after I first turned." 


"What do you mean, I don't understand Elena. You love Damon and he's been searching for you this entire time. Why wouldn't you want him to know you are okay?" Caroline rose from her spot pacing around her room as she talked to the doppelgänger vampire. She may not have been the biggest Damon fan, well ever, but she thought that Elena loved him. 


"I can't really explain it all right now Care, but please promise me you won't tell anyone else. Especially Damon." Elena pleaded her voice going up an octave in fear. She didn't know what her Sire would do if he found out where she was. Between Iris, Kelsey, and Elijah she feared he would do something rash. 


Like he always did. 


"Yeah Elena I promise I won't tell anyone." Caroline nodded to herself as she swore to Elena that she wouldn't tell anyone. She didn't like it. It didn't make sense, Elena would never want to hide from the people she cared about yet she had done it for four years. 


Not only that but no one had helped teach her how to be a vampire and goodness knows when she had turned back her emotions on. Wait...


"You turned your humanity back on? By yourself?" Caroline whispered in surprise, she had heard of how hard of an experience it could be for a vampire. 


"Yeah a couple years ago, I'm okay now." Elena softly spoke into the phone her head leaning back to rest on her bed. She closed her eyes as she tried not to think about the dark times she had spent in her first years hiding away. 


"You'll call again right? To tell me everything?" Caroline spoke hesitantly into the phone hearing her mom call for her from down the stairs. She didn't want to hang up if it meat that it would be another four years until she heard from her again. 


"Yeah I'll call you tomorrow Caroline." Elena spoke smiling as she heard the sigh of relief that Caroline let slip past her lips. 


"It really is good to hear from you Elena." 


"Yeah Care, I'm really glad I called." Elena responded back still feeling the tears in her eyes that threatened to spill over, "I've missed you so much."


They said their good-byes and only then did Elena let all of the pain, tears, and joy wash over her. She let out a strangled sob cupping her mouth with her hand to muffle it. She couldn't help it. She had blocked that part of her world ever after she left and ever since Elijah had come back she felt like she had been slowly dipping her toes in the water of her old life. 


"Dammit Elijah.”


What do you think about Caroline being the first person she calls? Do you think Care will be able to keep her promise? How will she feel about Elena becoming friends with Elijah?

And an even better question, What is Care doing with Klaus?

Hope you guys enjoyed this much longer chapter!

Chapter 8: drawn to you


Elijah slowly begins to realize something that he had vowed to never happen.


Elena’s been a bit weepy recently, I promise she’ll be back to her strong and fearless self soon. She’s just going through a lot right now lol… I say that as if I am not causing her to do so.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"Caroline it's no big deal-" Elena spoke gently but stopping as soon as she heard the blonde scoff through the phone. She could picture the anger and disappoint so clearly in her mind. 


"You're graduating college Maria, that's not nothing!" Caroline half-yelled as she paced in her room trying to talk some sense into Elena. Elena had asked Caroline to call her Maria from now on, which was an easy jump for the blonde considering it was Elena's middle name. Which she had taunted her with for the majority of her childhood. 


"Caroline you know I can't tell you where I'm at." Elena spoke to her friend hearing a knock on her door. Her eyes went to it calling out to the person at the door as she peaked her head out of her bedroom, "Who is it?"


"I should hope you were expecting me Maria considering we have a prior engagement." Elijah's voice came through the door clear as a bell causing Elena's eyes to widen. Her gaze went to the forgotten oven clock finding that it was in fact 11 at night when she was supposed to be going with Elijah to track down a lead he had found out. 


"Is that a guy? Is that why you can't tell me where you are? Oh my gosh you have to tell me everything!" Caroline's eyes brightened as endless possibilities filtered through her mind at who the guy could be. Could he be the reason why she didn't want Stefan or Damon to know where she was? It had been four years and Elena had rarely been single since she was a freshman dating Matt. 


"Give me a sec Care," Elena muted her mic opening her door to see Elijah standing there his eyes already on the phone that she held in her hand. When his gaze lifted he gave her a single eyebrow raise. She waved him off mouthing, 'Give me one sec.' 


Elena did wait for Elijah's response simply hearing the door close behind her as she headed back to her room. While she wasn't wearing her pajamas, thankfully, she was wearing a crop top and joggers that definitely didn't fit with Elijah's suit. 


"Maria! Don't you dare hang up on me you have to tell me everything!" A squeal came from the phone just as Elena unmuted herself wincing realizing that Elijah could in fact hear every word that was and had been spoken about him so far. Not that Care knew that of course.


"Care, you should be aware that he can hear you-" Elena responded hoping that would deter her friend from causing damage between her and Elijah's... friendship. 


"Good, then he should know that I absolutely have to approve him one-hundred percent for him to date my best friend." Caroline spoke heatedly into the phone wondering what they guy was like if he had caused her to move on from the Salvatore brothers. 


"Caroline-" Elena sighed trying to deny the claim that her Elijah were dating only to be cut off by the rambles of one of her oldest friends once more. 


"I'll let you two love birds get to it! Remember just because we can't get pregnant doesn't mean you can go without protection. Love you Lena!" Caroline chirped into the phone with a mischievous smile and a laugh, hanging up the phone before her friend could say anything else. 


Elena stared at the phone in her hands feeling the blood rush to her head and she was sure that she bright red all over. She turned slowly towards Elijah who was standing near the fireplace, having lit it moments before, who was smirking at her with such a maddening expression that she could hardly bare it. 


Elijah on the other hand was struggling to keep the wolf grin off of his face as he looked fascinated by the red that colored her cheeks and the tip of her nose. He took a step forward watching as her eyes widened a fraction at the movement like a scared little rabbit. His grin only widened further. 


Elena could kill Caroline in this very instance and she couldn't help the snap that she gave Elijah, "Well are we going or not?" 


"Of course lovely Maria, after you." Elijah watched as she huffed through her door frame without him his eyes never leaving her frame. 


Elena was burning alive under his gaze trying her best to keep a brave face. But how was she supposed to do that when he was looking at her like a canary that would soon be in his clutches. She had no doubts now that while Klaus may be only his half brother, that they both were related all the same. 


She watched as his tongue peaked out as he tried to contain his mirth when she passed. A shudder went through her body as Caroline’s implication and Iris’s thoughts went through her mind once more. Absolutely. Not. 


She pushed everything from her mind as she strode out the door knowing her would have no trouble catching up to her. Hopefully by then she would be calmed down. 


He closed his eyes shaking his head as he tried to get rid of the smile. Caroline didn't know that he was the mysterious man that Elena was speaking with. Nor did she know that they were in fact not dating. At the very least though, Elena didn't seem displeased by the accusation. 


Which made it impossible to take his grin off of his face. 


They settled into his car, him driving while she fiddled with his radio. He watched her from the corner of his eyes while that sat with the music being changed every few seconds. He could tell that she was nervous, he gently raised his hand turning off the music and taking her hand in his own for a moment. 


He probably was mad he thought. He had sworn to her many years ago that he would never fall for another doppelgänger and-


He watched as her gaze burned into his hand that had held hers and he couldn't help the laugh that he tried to disguise as a cough. No, he had lied to her all those years ago when he swore that he would never care for another doppelgänger. Perhaps that could have remained true, if only she had been like her predecessors. 


But she was far kinder, even as a vampire, she was more compassionate and- Elijah's jaw clenched his hands tightening on the steering wheel until his knuckles had turned white. Not that he noticed. No because he could not believe how oblivious he could have been. 


"I am pleasantly surprised that you called Caroline." Elijah spoke almost 'tsking' hearing how deep his voice sounded to himself. He needed something else to focus on, something else for her to focus on until he had time to process the thoughts and images that had began to trickle into his mind. 


They were on their way to question, and possibly maim, a werewolf that had been a friend of the one he had killed. He needed to be focused on the task at hand and yet all he could think about was the way her hand felt in his own like he was some pubescent teen with a crush. 


"Broken Bridges between family can always heal.” Elena threw the words back that he had spoken only a few days ago hearing the small uptick in his heart rate causing her to scrunch her eyebrows together leaning closer to the man. 


“I am glad that my words had the desired effect.” Elijah spoke his voice distant causing Elena to lean back to her original spot in the seat farther away from him. She didn’t know what had happened in the few minutes between him arriving with a sarcastic comment at her door to now. But she knew better to press the original, or at least this time she did. 


“Yeah, we’ve been talking for the past few days and,” Elena paused biting her lip to keep herself from tearing up because damn it she refused to ever cry in front of this put together man again, “It’s been like a breath of fresh air.”


“Should I expect a certain Salvatore to be making his way up to Toronto anytime soon?” Elijah questioned distaste in his throat as he spoke the words, feeling them coat his mouth like sandpaper. 


“No.” Elena spoke sternly her teeth clenching together as she tried not to think about Damon and how Caroline had talked about how distraught he had been. So distraught in fact that he had killed twenty locals in the next town over. She licked her lips her eyes narrowing at the thought. 


With her humanity off for the span of a year Elena had killed only ten people and every single one had been horrible human beings. While she didn’t love that her emotionless self had played judge, jury, and executioner, knowing that she hadn’t killed innocent people had made it easier. 


But Damon managed to kill twenty in the span of a single weekend. 


“Very Well.” Elijah spoke parking on the side of the rode a couple houses down from their target. He got out first opening Maria’s door before she could even think about opening it herself. 


He watched as she got out of the car and could see the moment she shifted from the woman he had grown to… like into something darker. Her face grew cold as she walked in step with the original her eyes narrowed as she followed him to a house where a werewolf was getting out of his car. 


Elijah made his way over leaning onto the 1995 mustang watching as the werewolf’s face became enraged at the sight of someone on his precious car. 


“Yo bud, get off the trim you’re gonna buff Betsy.” The man growled out not even noticing the woman, Maria, who was walking around the back stalking the man like he was her prey. As far as Maria was concerned the man was coming after her family and she refused to allow Kelsey or Iris to get hurt because of her. 


“You know I met a man once who absolutely loved his car so much that he decided that he would rather die with it then watch it get thrown into a scrap yard.” Elijah leaned further back onto the car adjusting his cuffs not looking at the wolf instead listening to the nearly silent footsteps of the baby vampire. 


While it wasn’t a full moon and he was sure that she was quite capable of handling herself he would rather not have to call Niklaus in need of his blood anytime soon. 


“Yeah that’s great man, do you mind?” The man, whom Elijah had said his name was Tony, spoke his voice thick with a jersey accent which had Maria even more confused. 


“He met his end by driving himself and the car off a cliff, his body was never found but the car,” Elijah rose from the car his fangs coming out as he looked at the man, “Well now the car sits at one of my estates in Rome.” 


“Who the fuck are you man?” Tony back up straight into Maria’s awaiting arms his face turning white as he turned to the female vampire as she gave him a toothy grin. 


“Hello Tony!” Maria spoke brightly keeping her hands firmly on his arms so he was unable to move, “I believe you’ve been looking for me?”




“Look I don’t know who the you are but if you let me take the girl then I’ll never mention you to the boss.” Tony tried to wiggle out of the bonds that Maria had tied him up in. Elijah watched the pathetic fool try to barter with him as his heart rate continued to climb higher and higher. 


He already had landed several solid punches to the wolf’s stomach, splattered blood staining the beige carpet. He would have to have someone deal with the aftermath of this event. But that was no matter. He landed another swift punch this time to the mans jaw. He groaned i pain his eyes rolling to the back of his head everything spinning around him. 


“What makes you think you’d be able to live long enough to get me to your boss Tony?” Maria pitched in as she leaned against the couch back of Tony’s home that he had begrudgingly let them both into. 


Elijah couldn’t help but compare her to Katerina no matter how hard he tried not to. He knew how Elena truly was and that this was just her way of protecting her family from an attack. But he too had been on that path for quite some time and he knew how muddled the line between protection and pure darkness could get. 


He worried that it had been a mistake to include her in this part of the investigation. But he refused to take away her choices like the boys of Mystic Falls had. 


He also couldn’t admit, at least aloud, that the darkness inside the baby vampire called to him. He found her all the more fascinating as she protected those she Carrie about with such rigor. A trait that he had believed to be lost in time to all but his own self. Until he had come across her that was. 


“Please, the boss says you’re a baby vamp that’s got a naive bleeding heart.” Tony’s words froze Maria she stopped picking at her nails as she tried to process the words that he had just spoken. A Naive Bleeding Heart. Maria closed her eyes swallowing tightly. 


“Damon Salvatore.” Maria whispered the words and while she wasn’t watching the wolf Elijah had been. Tony flinched his eyes widening as he realized that he had screwed up. He moved his feet backwards trying to get as far away from the original as he possibly could. His little heart beating rapidly against his chest. 


Elijah’s face darkened as he heard the insults that the Salvatore brother had used to describe Elena’s compassionate that was so wrongfully placed in the man. 


“Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.” He muttered over and over as he shook his head his persona cracking ever so slightly. Tony could see the blinding rage in the man and he frantically backtracked, “Wait, wait-“


Elijah’s hand plunged through the man’s chest hold his hand in his heart waiting for him to speak his final words. If he had nothing more to say then he would meet his end by Elijah’s hand, just as the Salvatore soon would follow. 


“He’s working with someone else, he’s not alone-“ The man rambled quickly out feeling as the vampires hand began to tighten around his heart. 


“Yes we are aware that there is another Salvatore.” Elijah spoke his gaze sharpening on the man listening though to the quickening of Maria’s heart beat. He didn’t look at her, fearing that he would be unable to keep himself from torturing the werewolf until he had his fill. 


“No, not him. Someone else, I don’t know who-“ Tony realized that those were the wrong words to say the moment they left his mouth. But there they hung, out in the open. In one breath Tony was looking towards Maria, the so-called bleeding heart, and the next his head was tilted back his heart ripped from his body. 


“Then you are of no use to us.” Elijah spoke to the corpse pulling out his handkerchief slowly wiping the blood from his hands as he finally turned to Maria. Gone was the coldness and the dark that threatened to spill from her at the thought of protecting her family. No instead pure unbridled devastation filled his vision. 


But Maria didn’t even notice the man’s death instead the grief that filled her lungs was overcoming her. She didn’t see Elijah, she didn’t see anything except Kelsey and Iris. 


“Maria-“ Elijah spoke walking towards her only for her to shake her head rapidly on the verge of tears. 


“NO!” She shouted standing up as she tried to keep her fangs from peeking out for the pure rage that she felt, “Elena, Elena Gilbert. That is who I am.” 


Elena could feel the person she had become begin to crack as she tried to keep her breathing under control. How dare he? How dare he bring danger to her home! To her family! After everything, after every danger that Damon Salvatore had brought into her life what gave him the right to her. 


“Elena.” Elijah took another step forward using her true name watching as she began to shake from pure rage, dark veins appearing as she tried to keep the beast within her contained. He often forgot, considering her exceptional control, that she had no teacher and a useless sire to get her through everything that came with being a vampire. 


“What gives him the right to come after those I love Elijah!” Elena seethed as she thought about how much time she had lost with those she had cared about, “I gave up my friends, the only home I’ve ever known for what? To stay away from such a poor excuse of a man that-“


“Elena darling I need you to calm down.” Elijah cut her off his hand coming up to cup her jaw and bringing her gaze to meet his own. He did not compelled her, he would never do that, but he did his best to soothe the waves of outrage that wrecked her small frame. 


“Why do they think they own me, that they have the right to make my decisions-“ Elena tried to pull away from Elijah shaking her head rapidly only for Elijah to firmly keep her in place not allowing her to get very far from him. 


“They have no rights to you Elena, if you do not trust anything else I say trust that.” Elijah spoke heavily watching as her brown orbs finally looked at him apprehension evident from her face. His face remained stern as he spoke his heart yearning to draw her closer to him. 


As if she heard his heart she inched closer to him, drawn in by his presence naturally, sighing heavily as his thumb rubbed soothing circles on her temple. She breathed in deeply trying to calm her raging heart that threatened to beat straight out of her chest. Her eyes closing feeling the warmth of his calloused hands. 


The noble original who always wore a suit had such rough hands that she imagined reflected the life he had once lived centuries ago. Her tongue peeked out to like her nervous lips as she blinked her tired eyes up at Elijah. 


“I need to tell them who I am don’t I?” Elena spoke softly in disbelief as she said the words that she had hoped she would never have to. 


And she couldn’t help and think that he was always seeing her at her most vulnerable. Always watching her break down. But here he stood grounding her to the earth like an anchor, not making her decisions for her but instead simply helping in any way she allowed. 


That she allowed. 


“They’re your family.”  


Thanks for reading! Btw if you haven’t checked it out there’s a new Elejah fanfic called Visceral Dear: Deliberate Devotion by borchrtslab6 and rangosmango is amazing.

What do you guys think of this chapter? I feel like Elijah is really close to realizing that he doesn’t want Elena to be just a friend. While I feel like Elena is currently just coming into herself after hiding who she was this entire time.

We still don’t know what Care’s been doing talking to Klaus nor do we know how she’ll react to Elijah being the mystery man that she wants Elena to rail.

And Who on earth has Damon gotten himself involved with?

Anyways, hope y’all enjoyed this chapter! The more you comment about how you are enjoying it the more inspiration I have to write so its always appreciated. (The longer the comments the better lol) I need motivation to stay sane mostly.

Chapter 9: with every breathe in my lungs.


Elena comes clean, at least partly, to Iris. Elijah has come to a startling realization. And Elena… well she still is confused with how she feels.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Iris and Maria sat on the couch together, Kelsey playing with Elijah in his apartment while the pair had a 'girl' talk. Maria didn't want to do this, in fact she could name about a hundred different things she would rather do right now then tell her closest friend that she had been lying to her for years. 


"Do you remember when we first met?" Maria asked Iris her voice tense and Iris could tell that she was nervous. The older girl nodded a small smile on her face with a laugh on her lips. 


"Yeah, you sure were a little spit fire with your emotions off." Iris laughed thinking about the first words the younger vampire had ever spoken to her. 


"To be fair you didn't know they were off at the time." 



Elena walked through the busy streets of Toronto in search of something very specific. One of her sources told her there was a woman who sold powerful magical items for a price. If she was finally to be rid of those searching for her she needed to be able to hide herself from a locator spell permanently. 


Elena did not have enough acquaintances that were willing to protect her and hide her away from a locator spell. She had been bouncing from city to city for nearly a year. She had tried to stay Cincinnati for more than a week when she heard of a dark-haired vampire sniffing around. Hunting her like a dog. 


She tried not to scoff at the thought of that man. Damon Salvatore. She could hardly believe that she had ever loved such a controlling and toxic man. She supposed her teenage self was just too naive to realize that his behavior was not healthy. But the more time she had spent away from him the weaker the sire bond had gotten. 


She barely noticed its pull now, every now and then she could feel it lightly tugging her. She didn't pay it any attention. 


All she knew was that there was a tiny clinic on a back street that the woman worked at. She didn't know if the woman was a witch, human, vampire, or werewolf. There was also the risk that her source had misled her in which case she would be heading back to Seattle very soon. 


She opened the door of the small clinic, people were bustling around like ants scurrying to prolong their suffering. Elena put on a fake worried smile approaching the front desk. A boy, around seventeen or so, greeted her with a cheerful smile on his face. 


"Hello Ma'am, its a pleasure to meet you! My name's Steven, how may I help you today?" The boy, Steven, chirped happily from his seat Elena leaning forward ever so slightly batting her eyelashes. The boy flushed his eyes darting down and then back up. 


"Hey there Steven, I was hoping I could talk to Dr. Iris Moore?" Elena compelled the boy only for him to tilt his head at her oblivious to what she had tried to do. 


"Do you have an appointment? If not, I am afraid that Dr. Moore is fairly busy. We do have plenty of other doctors though, if it doesn't have to be Dr. Moore." The boy brought up his chart a cheeky smile on his face, "What's your name, I can check?"


Elena scanned the names on the page, clearly the boy wasn't very intelligent, and picked out a name. Landon, Margaret Landon. A new patient. Perfect. An appointment in ten minutes and most likely, an easily compellable human. 


"My name's Margaret Landon, I should have an appoint-" Elena spoke watching as his eyes quickly scanned all the patients names until coming upon 'hers'. 


"Ah yes, Dr. Moore's two o'clock, perfect. Just sign this paper work and she should be able to see you shortly." Steven handed her a chart to fill out, which she filled with fake information, and had her sit in the waiting room. 


Elena excused herself to the bathroom, waiting outside the clinic until a short squirrelly sort of woman came into view. She pretended to trip in front of the elderly woman. 


"Oh dear, are you alright sweetie? I'm sorry I must not have seen you!" The elderly woman, as she tried to help Elena steady herself. 


"Oh its no worries ma'am," Elena looked into her eyes watching as her pupils blew wide as she fell into her spell, "Tell me your name."


"Margaret Landon." The woman parroted back a small smile still on her face making Elena scrunch her eyebrows together. Bizarre little human. 


"Margaret you will leave immediately, you think you left the stove on." Elena began to compel with ease, something she had practiced since those stupid Salvatore's had not taught her anything about being a vampire. Too concerned to get her back to her previous human status to actually help her in her vampire one. 


"I left the stove on." Margaret replied back nodding her head before turning to most likely go and check her stove but Elena grabbed her arm. Couldn't have her remembering anything after all. 


"You'll forget that any of this ever happened and will call the clinic tomorrow." Elena compelled and the elderly squirrel-ish woman headed out after nodding. Elena rolled her eyes, humans. How pitiful. 


Then she entered the waiting room once more only to find Steven calling her name. She easily strode over to the desk holding out the 'filled' out data chart and a young female nurse led her into the waiting room. 


"Now, why don't you tell me what's been bothering you?" The Nurse spoke happily, her name tag said Riley, as she opened up her laptop. 


"If you don't mind could I wait until Dr. Moore came in? It's kind of," Elena pretended to be worried rubbing her arms with her hands pausing her words with a notable break before continuing, "Personal."


"Of course dear, she'll be in here in a few minutes." The Nurse, Riley, placed her hand on Elena gently giving her a light squeeze. 


"Thank you." Elena spoke meekly though the moment the nurse left the room her face darkened. She scoffed as she stood from the chair and began to look around the examination room. She knew there was nothing that could help her, but she did snag a toothbrush she found in one of the cabinets. Just in case this doctor was a witch. 


Around ten minutes later she heard a knock on the door and then in walked a decently tall woman with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. She held out her hand to 'Margaret Landon'. 


"It's nice to meet you Ms. Landon, I hear that you're having a 'personal' problem?" The Doctor spoke lightly her eyes trained on Elena. Elena went back to her meek persona biting her lip nervously as she darted her eyes around the room. 


"Well, you see I've been having a hard time conceiving children." Elena spoke lightly, and to be fair she would have a hard time having children considering she was dead.


"I'm sure you are." Doctor Moore leaned forward a small smirk playing on her lips her eyes flashing in a way that made a wall come down on Elena. She shifted in her seat this time her face falling blank. 


"What gave me away?" Elena asked her eyes narrowing at the woman, she still didn't know what she was. But she was aware of the supernatural and she doubted that she was human. 


"Well, for one you tried to compel poor Steven," Doctor Moore spoke lightly as if she was talking about a grocery list. Turns out the idiot front desk boy wasn't as stupid as she thought, "Then of course there's the fact that Margaret was coming in for Osteoporosis." 


"Yeah, I suppose that would cause some issues for me." Elena nodded leaning back putting her hand in her pocket, grasping the toothbrush tightly in her hands. 


"Then the biggest thing would be that I know Margaret Landon personally, she may have been a new patient but she's a dear friend of mine." Doctor Moore revealed watching Elena carefully seeing that she was concealing something in her pocket, "I suggest you don't use whatever's in your pocket, Child." 


Elena scoffed at that but pulling out the toothbrush nonetheless setting tossing it into the sink beside her. Elena slowly stood walking over to the window. 


"Someone told me that you had a knack for acquiring objects, particularly magical artifacts." Elena responded looking out into another alleyway, this one empty and bare. 


"Perhaps." Dr. Moore leaned back and she couldn't say that she wasn't intrigued, it was rare for a vampire to have the gall to come into her clinic with so little regard for the danger they might face. Unless, of course, the person was unaware of the danger that lurked in the first place. 


In her clinic every single faculty member was a member of the supernatural community, from werewolves to witches,  from vampires to siphoners. They didn't discriminate in their hiring process for everything expect two requirements, you could not be a regular human due to their clientele and that you have to be at least twenty years of age. 


"Is that all you have to say?" Elena huffed to herself turning towards the woman once more looking at her with narrowed eyes. Standing tall and straight her body tensed ready to strike. 


"I don't give out artifacts to just anyone who breaks into my practice." Dr. Moore responded almost laughing at the other vampire. 


"What do you want, money?" Elena questioned her knowing very well that she had very little to her name. She would have to find some other way to-


"Your story." Dr. Moore responded her lips tilting up into a small sincere smile, "Tell me your story." 



"There's a few things you should know about the story I told you all those years ago." Elena looked down at her feet trying to figure out the best way to word what she needed to say. 


"How much of it was true?" Iris asked her gaze softening at the young vampire watching as she fidgeted more than she had around her ever. 


"It's not about what was true, its about what I left out. The," Elena tried to think about what exactly to call the Salvatore Brothers or Klaus Mikaelson in her story, "Catalyst of how I ended up here." 


"How much do you know about the original family?" Elena asked Iris watching as she tilted her head to the side in confusion. Great, that meant she had no idea who Elijah was let alone Klaus. However, she couldn't fault her for not being aware. While both of them were baby vampires, Elena had direct contact with the Originals. She doubted that Iris had a history lesson after she was turned. 


"The original family? Should I know who that is?" Iris asked watching as a small sigh slipped from her friend's mouth. 


"The original family is what most people call the first vampires who walked the earth. They are some of the most feared and powerful beings to ever walk the earth." The words felt like sandpaper against Elena's tongue as she spoke them. Since she had befriended Elijah again it was rare for her to think about the power he truly had. 


He was just Elijah. Nothing more. 


Iris simply nodded understanding that there had to be more to the story than just that. 


"There's five siblings in total, however, the main one that I need to tell you about is Klaus." Elena didn't say his last name, she wouldn't be the one to tell Iris Elijah's secrets. He deserved to be able to tell his own story to her. 


"He, he was different from his siblings. Part Vampire but also part Werewolf." Elena heard the small gasp come from Iris as recognition passed through her eyes. 


"I remember, I heard about him right after I got turned. Apparently he had built an army or something." Iris raised her eyes brows looking at Elena closely, what had they said about him back then? There were talks of-


"My name's Elena, Elena Gilbert. I'm a doppelgänger and-" Elena spoke but she didn't get to finish a shuddering gasp came out of Iris her eyes as wide as a cartoon as she looked at Elena with awe. Elena nodded ever so slightly, as if to tell Iris that she was right in her suspicion. 


"He sacrificed you!" Iris whispered and she could feel the tears begin to well up. It wasn't as she didn't know that her friend must have died when she was young. But it had been something that she had put out of her mind, honestly. But to know that she had died at the hands of someone so powerful, sacrificed like a pig at a slaughter house.  


"He tore through my town like a plague. The supernatural world took everything that I loved and killed it so... I turned it off." Elena finally looked at her friend tears welling up in her own eyes. 


"Oh honey." Iris pulled Elena into her arms gripping her tightly as both woman tried not to cry, "Thank you for telling me everything, Elena." 


Elena felt the first tear fall at the sound of her true name. A sad smile making its way onto her face as she grabbed fistfuls of her friends jacket on her back. As the woman listened to the others heartbeat they both made a silent vow. 


Iris would destroy anyone who tried to hurt this poor girl again. 


Elena would burn anyone who tried to come after the family she had forged. 




"Hello, Mr. Mikaelson." Iris smiled at the man not noticing the single eyebrow raise that he gave in return. But her gaze was already focused on Kelsey who was already bounding towards her mother with a smile on her face. Elena had no doubt that the young girl would have plenty stories of her time with Elijah. 


"Hello Ms. Moore." Elijah spoke in response his eyes going over to Elena's awaiting ones. She smiled softly mouthing the words, 'I'll tell you later.' Which Elijah simply nodded to. 


"Thank you for watching Kelsey while me and," Iris looked over at Elena and then back to Kelsey, "Maria talked."


"Anytime." Elijah spoke his eyes never leaving Elena's his face totally blank as he tilted his head at her. What had she told Iris about her past, more specifically about their past. He knew their lives had become intertwined many years ago in a complex way. Not many good things had come from them knowing each other until recently, "I assume everything is out in the open now?"


"There's probably a few more things that we need to talk about." Elena spoke lightly her eyes boring into his own, "But we can talk about it all at length later. Besides,"


Elena squatted down tapping her finger on Kelsey's nose, "This one needs to head to bed soon." 


"I'm fine! Besides, Lijah promised I could go and see our cats upstairs. He gave his word!" Kelsey chirped in protest her voice stumbling over the nickname 'lijah' but she had heard Elena use the name once and had taken to calling Elijah that from now one. 


She defended her stance by saying if her knights could call each other by nicknames, then as princess, she could call them by their nicknames to. 


Elijah vowed not only to talk to Elena about her conversation with Iris, especially since the woman still seemed relatively at ease in his presence, but also to teach the small child about lying. Especially about his word. 


"I'll take you to see the cats only if you thank Mr. Mikaelson and go brush your teeth." Iris bargained with her daughter watching the young girl's eyes light up in joy as she quickly approached Elijah. 


"Thanks 'Lijah for taking care of me!" Kelsey replied smiling brightly at the original vampire and then running out of his apartment with Iris following at her heels. Muttering something about how her daughter was going to be the death of her. 


"So then, you're talk went well I assume?" Elijah spoke calmly not looking at Elena but hearing as she turned to close the door of his apartment so that the silencing spell from the fireplace once more settled over his new home. 


"Why don't you ask what you want to ask me Elijah?" Elena replied turning towards the original vampire and walking near him, not close enough to be inappropriate but close enough for anyone to be able to tell that they were close. 


Elena couldn't blame Elijah for his trepidation considering how much of a history they had. She still could hardly believed sometimes that they two of them were friends, close friends at that, considering all they had done to each other. It was confusing, but she unwilling to put it in jeopardy by digging up any old wounds for the time being. Not while her family was being attacked. 


"What did you tell her about us?" Elijah phrased it and watched as a shiver went down Elena's spine. He couldn't help the cruel pride that he felt in that moment. In every step of their new found friendship he had felt as if he had less and less power every day. He welcomed the feeling back like an old friend, no matter how unfair it was. 


"Nothing." Elena spoke watching as his shoulders tensed and she knew he was listening to her steady heartbeat. So she repeated, "Nothing Elijah." 


"I do not understand, you led me to believe that you wanted to explain everything to her." Elijah responded finally turning his eyes towards hers having heard her heart and knew that she wasn't lying. 


"It's not just my story to tell Elijah." Elena replied easily as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Elena stepped so that her body was angled towards him, just a breathe closer to him. She tilted her head to look up him more clearly, looking from underneath her eyelashes. 


Elijah tried to calm his heart, making sure that there was no noticeable difference in its dead steady beat. He shifted where his body pointed towards her not falling from her unconscious challenge. He looked down at her trying to remember when someone challenge him like this without wanting to kill him. 


"It wouldn't be fair for me to only share my side of the story, although I did tell her about Niklaus. I just happened to omit his last name." Elena shrugged her shoulders but she was starting to regret being so close to him. Even now, Iris's words continued to haunt her. 


She wished she could say that she hadn't thought about it. But she was not, in fact, immune to the original vampire's looks. He was incredibly handsome and it almost wanted to break her vow that she had made the moment she had regained her emotions. Her no dating rule. Although, what she wanted from Elijah was less of dating and more of—


"I appreciate you allowing me the opportunity to tell her my part in our history." Elijah responded breaking Elena's train of thought as he moved back a step, he couldn't stand being that close to her with the urges that had begun to build inside him. Since they had returned from their outing he had time to process what he had felt. 


He regretted moving back the moment that he had, but he could not in good conscious act upon any wishes that he had. Not because they were mere whims, he rarely ever gave into a whim especially not to those close to him or around him, but because of the exact conversation they were having. 


He had played a part in her death the first time, his sister the second. He counted himself lucky that she was willing to be friends, even to talk to him, considering all that had happened. No matter how frequently she argued that they both understood, he could not allow his feelings to cloud his judgement. She may be a compassionate soul, but he was still the noble original. 


And Noble he shall be. 


"Maybe tomorrow we could talk about everything together?" Elena responded, she felt bad to not tell Iris everything, but she had told the woman as much that there were something's that she still needed time to work through. 


"Of course, lovely Elena."



Two days ago right after Elena and Elijah confronted Tony.


Elijah had dropped Elena off at her apartment, declining when she asked if he wanted to come in for a drink. Quite frankly he could hardly watch her drink the bourbon that she seemed to favor considering whose favorite it was first. He wondered if it was the remains of their sire bond trying to keep its fragile strands tied to her. Or if it was a way for her to remember how far she had come. 


Regardless to see anything from her past, especially from those Salvatore dogs, always managed to bring a mixture of rage and annoyance he rarely felt. 


He sat in his own apartment now debating calling his sister, like he had promised when she had texted him this morning, and thinking about everything that had transpired today. He poured himself a wine and blood mixture, settling down in his Italian leather chair as he looked into the fireplace. 


He recalled the feeling of her body being close to his. Her hand being in his own. The strong protectiveness he had around her and those she held precious. He couldn’t recall the last time he had been a child’s protector in his life time. But perhaps that was more of a Kelsey thing then an Elena one. 


The small child was a brightness that was rare in his world. 


A brightness that Elena also exuded, while less than she once was as a human, she was still a bright star in a world of darkness. Her compassion often confounded him, ever since he had first met her he had been bewildered by her shows of strength. But even more so in her shows of forgiveness. 


She had forgiven him numerous times and yet she argued that he had done the same to her. Perhaps she was right, but he didn’t dare to admit it allowed. 


She certainly gets away with more than anyone else.” He had broken the necks of his dear siblings for quite less than Elena Gilbert had ever done. Yet, she still lived and he—


He remembered how she felt in his arms when her lips met his in Willoughby. He had kissed her believing that he would never have the opportunity to be close to her again. He had left Mystic Falls and he had the distinct impression she would never leave her little town. 


But then she had turned off her emotions, a little fact that he had picked up on almost immediately. She had played Katerina well, but she still had lacked that bitterness that she carried with her. She had paced underneath the gazebo with her arms crossed, she had talked to herself muttering under her breath where even he couldn’t hear her. 


But when he had finally stood in front of her he knew who she was. Katerina would never dye her hair. She would never have gasped in surprise at her presence, in fact she would never gasp in surprise at all. She would never hesitate. She was always sure that she was making the right move. 


“What caused her to be so different from the rest.” Elijah muttered to himself, there were features and characteristics of course that all the doppelgängers shared. Survival. Charisma. But Elena carried Compassion and a sense of a noble-like sense that called to him. 


What he had always longed for from the ones that had come from before her. 


Perhaps he was a fool. To fall for a doppelgänger three times over a thousand years. To expect a different outcome from his feelings would be a fools errand.  


When he had realized that it was her, not Katerina, but Elena. He knew that he would never get the opportunity again. Perhaps it was selfish. Perhaps it was unjust. But he couldn’t resist the opportunity. 


He had been willing to step aside, to not be a further complication in her life. She was happy with the Salvatore and he would not ruin another thing in her life. That was always what he had operated on. While he had only had an interest in her back then. She had captivated him certainly. 


Now he knew that she was vastly different. She had grown so much and he craved her. He could not admit to whether or not he loved her yet. But he differently have been enchanted by her since their first meeting and now he had a fondness for her that was growing. 


“You can not complicate her life again.” Elijah spoke to himself wondering if perhaps he was mad after all. But he couldn’t complicate her life, now that she was finally happy. She was on the fringe of a war with the Salvatore as she protected her family. 


He could only stand by and protect her from the shadows. 


Besides he was sure that there was absolutely no possibility of her feeling the same way. A light like that would never chose a darkness like him. 


What do you think? I apologize for the slow update, I was stuck for awhile on what Elijah and Elena would say for a while. It was a small bout of writers block but I’m alright now. This chapter also somehow ended up to be almost 4500 words, totally unintentional but a happy accident nonetheless.

I feel like while Elijah has realized his feelings, Elena has a long way to go. What do you guys think? Is Elena just in denial? Also, is it just me or is Iris kind of awesome in the flashback? Like, turns out shes got a tough side lol.

I hope you enjoyed the update!

Chapter 10: I can’t help but


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text


  Elena's heels shoes tapped against the old concrete as she stalked her prey. Her lips turned up into a vicious smirk as she watched the man run from her. Yet still, she did not quicken her pace not even when he turned another corner out of her view. She didn't need to. She could here his quickening heartbeat like a little rabbit running from the wolf. His blood was racing, but she would wait. 


Where was the fun in the hunt if they didn't try to survive. Besides, blood always tasted better with an elevated heart rate. 


She turned the corner seeing that he was almost to the end of the alleyway making another turn to the left. Elena's tongue darted out to run over her sharpened teeth, pricking her tongue and sending the sweet taste of blood into her mouth. Her eyes flashed as the veins became darker over her pale skin. 


She still did not run. 


She met the man trying to run back into the alleyway, having discovered that the one he had turned into was a dead end. But she was already there, in her red heeled shoes and her black dress. Looking like a black widow who had caught her prey in her web. 


"It's alright darling. Isn't that what you said before? Not very comforting is it?" Elena's voice was like a siren's call as she walked towards the now frozen man until her breathe was on the nape of his neck. Her tongue licked up from the base of his collarbone up to his ear. 


"You're reckoning is coming, Harold Smith." She whispered into his ear her arms wrapping around his waist like a lover's embrace. Then finally she sunk her teeth into his neck as viciously as she could. Her arms kept the struggling in place as he groaned in pain. 


His blood was sweet as she drained him of his life's energy. The red liquid hitting her tongue as her hands gripped his waist further. Her nails digging into his flesh causing him to choke out a sob but her fangs did not move from their place in his neck. He continued to scream pleading for anyone to save him. But no one could hear him over the sound of the bustling people in the city that never sleeps. 


She tasted his fear. His agony. Perhaps she would have released him had he regretted anything. But his Pride is what she tasted most of all. 


Which is why she didn't stop. 


Until his body sagged against her getting heavier and heavier. But still, she continued to drain him of his life. His screams stopped his eyelids growing heavier as he looked up into the clouded night sky. His Reckoning she had said. 


He looked at her through his lidded eyes his head leaning against hers. Yes. He supposed this was a fitting end for him. 


But still there was no regret. No guilt. Just acceptance. 


Finally his eyes shut, never to open again. When Elena felt the last thread of life fall away she finally pulled her fangs from his neck licking her lips. She took a step back watching as his dead weight crumbled immediately slumping to the ground like a bag of bones. 


"Now what to do with you, I wonder." Elena spoke to the silence bringing her hand up to wipe the remaining blood off of her chin. 


It had been nearly a month since she had last drained someone dry. She had missed it. 



Elena shot up from her bed her heart beating furiously against her rib caged as she let out a shuddering breath. The images that flashed through her mind sickened her as she thought of the people that had once been her prey. She sat up in her bed leaning against her head rest trying to calm her racing dead heart. 


"Harold Smith." She wondered if this was the first time someone had uttered the man's name since she had killed him three and a half years ago. 


He had been a serial rapist who had been at a bar she was looking for answers in. She had watched him flirt with women and eventually pick one off from the herd. Perhaps if she had, had her emotions she would have stopped him from doing so. But once she realized what he was doing she began to follow him. 


For nearly three days she stalked her prey, giving him glimpses of things that didn't seem right. Slowly driving the man crazy as she did so. 


Even with her emotions off Elena had a strong morale code, she had only ever drained people who were evil human beings. She had become the judge, jury, and executioner. Which while still wrong, she could argue it was better than what other emotionless vampires did. 


Or even certain ones with their emotions intact. 


She wasn't proud of what she did when her emotions were off. But she knew that it could have been a lot worse. She imagined it would have been if there hadn't been people looking for her. But to stay off the radar Emotionless Elena had only killed one person every month. Which had been successful after all. 


Her head lulled to the side as she looked at the clock on her nightstand. The glowing red numbers read 6:27 am. She wondered if Care would be up yet, or if she was still sleeping. Mystic Falls and Toronto shared a time zone so there was no difference between them. 


But she couldn't imagine Caroline Forbes getting up before 8 am any day of the week. 


A small sigh slipped past Elena's lips, she couldn't in good conscious wake anyone up. Especially considering that she really didn't feel like talking about her time before she got to Toronto. She knew that eventually she would have to face what happened and actually talk about it with someone. But she really, really didn't want to. 


Elena slowly shuffled out of bed grabbing a robe, not because she would be cold but because she would be showing far too much skin without it, and made her way up to the roof. It was quite as the sun slowly rose higher and higher. Finally Elena could breath easily, with the slightly polluted yet still fresh air in her lungs. She could breath. 


She leaned her elbows on the brick ledge putting her head in the palm of her hands. It was weird, some days Mystic Falls seemed millions of years away and other times... It felt like she was still that young teenager facing death with every turn. 


"I'm sorry Harold." Elena whispered to the wind her heart heavy as her mind went through all the people she had killed, "I'm sorry Albert." 


"I'm sorry Yasmine." With every name that fell from Elena's lips the more her heart scream in pain and yet she needed to do this. Even if she wasn't telling anybody but the wind, she needed to apologize, "I'm sorry Alex, I'm sorry Nick." 


She knew that they were horrible people, that they had damaged others with no regard and yet still. She couldn't help but feel sorry because in her pursuit to not feed on innocents, she had become like them, "I'm sorry Abigail, I'm sorry Ulysses." 


"I'm sorry Jack, I'm sorry Kate, I'm sorry Reginald." She continued saying each of their names as if any of them could hear her. Not a single on of them was supernatural, so they were most likely at peace already. Elena wondered what that was like. Peace. She imagined it was close to her past three years with the Moore Family. 


But she couldn't imagine peace without Caroline or Bonnie or Jeremy... or without Elijah. 


"I'm sorry Paul." Elena whispered the name knowing that there was only one more left. The one that had been her bloodiest kill of them all. The first, and while they hadn't been a kind person... She still felt the guilt that came with killing someone who had done nothing wrong to you except exist. 


"Elena? Is everything alright?" His voice came like a low baritone guitar shocking her from her thoughts but she didn't turn around. She felt her eyebrow twitch the name on her tongue. But she couldn't help but wonder how much he had heard. Had he heard every name she had uttered or had he just appeared. 


"Yeah, just thinking about some things I guess." Elena spoke softly silently promising to herself that she would apologize to that final, and most important name, later. She turned leaning her back against the brick ledge facing Elijah. 


"Hello, Elijah." Elena quipped stressing the syllables of his name but still his face remained in a frown. He tsked against his teeth quietly causing Elena to tilt her head in a silent question. He walked to stand beside her, him facing the auburn sky. 


"I am reminded of an old sailor phrase that I once heard when traveling to New Orleans for the first time." Elijah spoke not looking at Elena instead watching the sky turn to a darker shade of a red-orange. 


"Oh yeah, and what's that?" Elena smarted trying to deflect attention away from herself. 


"They say 'red in the night sailors delight, red in the morning sailors warning.' It's an interesting phrase, rooted in the holy bible though that's been lost to time I suppose." Elijah spoke his voice slowly soothing Elena, his deep tones lulling her gently. 


"There's a storm coming Elena," Elijah spoke knowing that she wasn't going to say anything in response to his previous saying. He turned his face to the side looking over her tired features, "If you're not prepared it could swallow you whole."


"I'm fine Elijah." Elena retorted her body turning stiff, with a name bubbling up in the depths of her throat. Just banging to be released. One final apology. 


"You're heart rate was elevated and you were whispering apologies in the wind Elena." Elijah pointed out making Elena aware of just how long he had been listening to here. 


"I'll make you a deal Elijah." Elena spoke her voice filled with defiance as she turned her own head to look at him. Both of their bodies facing different directions, but their faces looking, analyzing, each other's. Elijah didn't speak, allowing Elena to continue to explain. 


"You tell me why you came up here to the roof and then I'll do the same." Elena pressed inching forward so that they were looking at each other at eye level. Something on normal occasions she couldn't do. He was so damn tall. 


"I heard a noise a wished to investigate." Elijah smoothly spoke but Elena shook her head an unbelieving laugh on the tip of her tongue. 


"I can tell when you're lying Elijah. Don't take me for a fool." Elena responded letting a sigh fall out of her lips, she turned away from him looking around the rooftop. For a moment she thought she heard Kelsey's stray cats shifting around but she disregarded them. 


Elijah shifted to look out at the sky once more his own heart heavy. In good conscious he could not tell her what had kept him from sleep. Considering it was in fact her. He felt as if he was a common school boy with what they called a 'crush'. He couldn't keep his thoughts from straying to her for more than an hour.


His dreams had been plagued by her giving him no reprieve from his thoughts of her. When he awoke she was the first thing on his mind. Not the incoming threat from her scorned lover. Not his family. Nor the other dozen reasons he had come to Toronto in the first place. But her. His first thought and his last thought for the past couple days had been her. 


And if he was being truthful, she had been the majority of his concern since he stumbled upon her. 


"I'm afraid I can't make a deal with you knowing that any answer I give you would be a lie." Elijah spoke softly closing his eyes and feeling the cool summer breeze on his face. He continued, "I really would rather not lie to you, Elena."


"I'll tell you someday Elijah." Elena turned so that she was facing the sky once more leaning beside Elijah who kept his eyes closed. 


Elena brought her hand on top of Elijah and smiled, even though he couldn't see it, and spoke, "I give you my word." 


Elijah opened his eyes looking at her soft hand that was placed on top of his larger one. He held onto it moving up her hand until her knuckles rested against his lips in a small peck. Elena felt her ears turn pink as they turned fire hot. She hoped her hair hid the blush on her ears and prayed that her heart beat remained normal. 


"Perhaps I will tell you mine one day as well, lovely Elena." Elijah responded not letting go of her hand for a moment longer, relishing in the smallest amount of contact she allowed him. That he allowed himself. 


Neither of them mentioned how he neglected to give his word. Even though one of them was begging to. 




"Caroline-“ Elena once more sat in her room now finally talking to the awakened Caroline Forbes. Whom had rose at the graceful time of 11:30 to finally start her day.


“Elena, I promise I’ll tell no one where I’m going besides,” Caroline reasoned as she tried to bargain with her friend, “You said that Damon’s got involved with some ugly people to find you. That means he probably already knows where you are.”


“He only knows I’m in-“ Elena groaned having almost spoken the city where she was currently residing in. She rolled her eyes, “Clever.”


“I try.” Caroline smirked and while Elena couldn’t see it she knew it was there.


“Still it’s not fair Elena, I don’t want to miss you getting you’re degree. We’ve been dreaming of this since we were kids.” Caroline poured her tone soft and sad.


“I’m pretty sure you were dreaming about marrying rich while I dreamed of graduating college.” Elena quipped back hearing the outraged gasp that came from the other side of the phone. Elena simply laughed in response.


“I’ll have you know that I plan on going to college… eventually.” Caroline retorted tilting her head at her own proclamation. She just had no idea what she wanted to do with her immortal life. 


Perhaps she could just get a bunch of degrees.


Elena rolled her eyes at her oldest friend as she fiddled with her daylight ring between her fingers. She didn’t want to put her family in anymore danger than she needed to but… if she met Caroline and took precautions. Maybe she could avoid anyone following her back home.


She really should’ve asked Elijah what he thought on the matter.


“Toronto.” Elena whispered her voice unsure and heavy, “I’m in Toronto.”


She heard a loud squeal come from the other end of the phone and while she was still worried about putting Iris and Kelsey at risk. 


The smile on her face made her know she had made the right choice. But all she could think is that…


“He’s really going to kill me.” And while she didn’t say his name…


She absolutely meant Elijah.


What do you guys think of Elena with her humanity off? I feel like once the Scooby doo gang was gone that she would kind of have a code. Like how there’s a thief’s code. I feel like Elena would still only kill those who wronged her or hurt people.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Originally so wanted to draw out Caroline’s part at the end (and I may tomorrow) but I have to go to sleep but I wanted to make sure to post a chapter and it was basically done so. Yeah!

Enjoy and let me know in the comments what you think.

Chapter 11: want my family back.


After the last chapter where Elijah decided that his feelings had to be put away he begins to push Elena away. Meanwhile, Caroline steps foot in the great city of Toronto.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Caroline Forbes was currently flying over countless states with more luggage than most people could count. She hadn't felt this excited in years and as she approached her destination her nervous energy increased by the tenfold. She wasn't nervous per say, it just had been so long and she still didn't know the full extent to why Elena had left. Why she had avoided everyone's efforts to bring her back. 


But she was also incredibly intrigued to meet this mystery man that her friend was always with. 


It seemed like every other time they talked on the phone they were getting interrupted by the mysterious man. Elena had yet to tell Caroline the name of her suitor and to say that Caroline was excited to meet him was the understatement of the year. 


Meanwhile in another part of the continent a day before in Toronto, Elijah and Elena sat across from Iris. Kelsey was playing in her room banned from exiting her room for the time being. Not as punishment, but because the adults needed to talk. 


"I don't understand Elena," Iris spoke still trying to get used to the new name, "Why does Mr. Mikaelson need to be here, I thought this was about your past?"


"Everything I told you yesterday was truthful, but I did leave something really important out because I didn't think it would be fair to only tell you my side of the story." Elena spoke gently looking over at Elijah seeing that his eyes were already on hers. He gave her a reassuring nod, a the briefest hint of a smile on his face. 


"I told you about Klaus and everything that happened with him." Elena still couldn't help the tension that took control of her body at the mention of the hybrids name. It was a reflex at this point, she could understand why he did what he did. 


Now that's she so close to Kelsey, she imagined if anyone cursed her that Elena would go to the ends of the earth to break it. 


But he killed Jenna, someone innocent, and thats what she couldn't understand. 


"Yeah, I remember. He's the one that..." Iris couldn't say the word sacrificed, it seemed to brutal in the same sentence as her friend. In the same sentence as the god mother and the closest thing her child had to an Aunt. 


"Yes," Elena replied not saying the word knowing that she's had more time to process this bizarre life of hers, "But what I omitted was his last name." 


"Why would that be important?" Iris questioned her eyes going between the pair watching as they looked at each other in hesitation. Her eyes widened and a small gasp slipped past her throat, "No."


"His full name is Niklaus, Niklaus Mikaelson. He's my younger brother." Elijah was the one to speak his eyes tearing from Elena's to look at Iris. His jaw clenched as he say the shock quickly turn to anger and dear. The emotions evident on the young vampires face. 


"If I had known, my god Elena." Iris spoke in a shocked whisper her eyes turning like the blazes of the sun. The anger she felt was monumental and she didn't know what to do with it, "I would have never pushed you. How can you even stand to sit next to him?" 


Elena shuffled her feet for a moment her teeth pulling on the inside of her cheek. She knew her friend wouldn't treat Elijah with much kindness when she found out the truth about Elijah's family. But it was much more complicated, Elijah and her had always been... friendly with each other. 


She doubted how she explained it to Elijah would work with Iris. 


"Klaus made his own decisions Iris, you can't blame Elijah for them. I just want you to listen to his side of the story with a bit more perspective-" Elena explained knowing that Elijah could show her the events that had transpired between them. But Iris just rapidly shook her head. 


"No, no I." Iris froze as if her brain was buffering right in front of them, "I need some time to process this before I can hear from him." 


She said the name with shut disdain that Elena had ever heard the woman speak for one other person. The person that had turned her into a vampire, and it was never a name. She always called him, Sir, and every time she mentioned him it was short. Her voice filled with injustice and rage. 


"Iris." Elena moved to comfort her friend and to once more ask her friend to just listen to her and Elijah. But before she could move to her now standing friend, Elijah had placed his hand on her thigh. 


She held her breath every muscle in her body tensing as she felt his large hand there. Heat flashed through her body and she prayed that neither of them could smell the wave of arousal that had gone through her. If either noticed then neither made mention of her reaction. But he held her in place not allowing her to get up. 


"I believe it would be best for me to go for now, lovely Elena. Ms. Moore." Elijah understood the reaction completely half the the time he wished her could strangle his brother for his actions. He rose from his chair making a move towards the door and Elena looked towards him her face scrunched together in worry. 


She did not need him to blame himself for the sacrifice again. 


Iris watched her friend carefully analyzing her body language as they both watched the man leave her apartment closing the door behind him. Elijah retreated to his own apartment tension filling his body as his regret and guilt peaked. He was a fool to believe that he could ever possibly have feelings for someone when all he had done was hurt her. 


So, he decided that he would no longer allow himself to take liberties with Elena Gilbert and instead... that he would considered himself lucky to even be able to talk to her occasionally. 


Once he was gone Elena still looked towards the door wondering if he would be alright on his own. A sense of longing to go and to comfort the original was overwhelming, which was ridiculous considering he was a thousand years old. He didn't need comforting from a barely twenty-four baby vampire. 


"You really care about him." Iris spoke softly, too soft for a human to pick up on, but Elena heard her causing her head to swivel to her friend. She had forgotten for a moment where she was. 


"We're friends, of course I care about him." Elena retorted easily looking into her friend's eyes who were slowly starting to soften. 


"That's not what I mean Elena." Iris responded moving to sit beside her friend trying to process everything that had happened in the span of thirty minutes. 


"What do you mean Iris?" Elena asked titling her head and scrunching her eyebrows at the woman in question. She didn't understand what Iris was saying. 


"How long have you loved him for?" Iris asked wondering why her friend was acting like she could hide the feelings that she clearly had. It would take a blind person to not notice how close the pair had become in these past few weeks. But as she watched Elena's eyes widen to the size of saucers she couldn't help feeling shocked. 


Had Elena herself been that oblivious? 


"I don't know what you mean? Elijah and me? That's ridiculous!" Elena's heart raced in her neck the blood pumping like a racehorse inside her. She breathed in and out through her mouth which suddenly felt as dry as the Sahara desert. 


She didn't understand why the accusation made her feel like this. It was ridiculous. 


"Is it?" Iris pressed not knowing why she was helping her friend realize her feelings for the monster who allowed his brother to sacrifice a teenager, "Your always together."


"Yeah because we're friends!" Elena retorted far too quickly her hands balling up into fists. 


"Your attached to each other's hips Elena, you see him even more than you see Kelsey and I." Iris replied back watching as her friend quickly shook her head. 


"You know my rule, I don't have time for men in my life right now Iris. Besides, he's an original there's no way-" Elena stopped immediately at the look Iris gave her. Her teeth clenched together as she realized that wasn't an argument on how she didn't love Elijah. 


But still it was ridiculous she couldn't love him. He had sworn off doppelgängers. 


"I wouldn't be surprised if he loved you after seeing how he looks at you Elena." Iris responded wondering when she had jumped onto team Elijah. But the more she thought about how the two had acted together the more her anger lessened. The more she saw the signs of more than platonic feelings between the two. 


"He doesn't love me Iris." Elena rolled her eyes at the accusation. There was no way that Elijah Mikaelson loved her. There was no way she loved him. She shook her head moving to get up from the couch but Kelsey grasped her wrist keeping her down. 


"You can't run from this Elena. I know you've been hurt and honestly I feel like there could be a hundred men that are better for you then him." Iris spoke her voice turning a little bit sarcastic, "But if you can look past well, your past then doesn't he deserve a chance?" 


"He doesn't love me Iris, and I don't love him." Elena retorted with a sigh, she really didn't need to deal with this. Caroline was coming tomorrow for her college graduation and she needed to talk with Elijah about it. She didn't have time for this. 


"Fine. Just let me ask you one question and then I'll let you go." Iris bartered watching as her friend hesitantly nodded in confirmation and acceptance. 


"Forget love, maybe that's too strong of an emotion." Iris spoke carefully wondering if she had used the word too quickly when their feelings might still be in the early phases, although she doubted she was wrong, "Do you ever just think about him? Even when you have no reason to? And you just can't seem to shake him?"


The next few moments were silent as Elena thought about the questions. She tried to be honest with herself, to answer these questions with true honesty. But she feared what would become if she didn't keep Elijah in the box she had placed him in. The neat little friend box that had taken them so long to get to. 


The more she thought about it, the more she realized she couldn't say no. It would be a lie. She did think about Elijah, her mind often drifted to him even at the most inconvenient times. When she was babysitting Kelsey she would wondered where Elijah was o business. Or when she tried to sleep she would wonder if he was still awake. If he wasn't burning himself out. 


She couldn't say no. 


"Yes." Elena couldn't say that she loved the man but... she also couldn't say that she didn't. She was stuck and she didn't know how to free herself. 


And while Iris still wished her friend hadn't chosen someone who had cleared caused her trauma... She knew that out of everybody on this earth this girl deserved love the most. 



Caroline Forbes landed in the Toronto airport at six in the morning and while she was utterly exhausted at this point she was running on pure adrenaline. Elena had sent her an address of a coffee shop to meet at and while she understood her friend's caution. She was really just ready to see her already. 


Little did Caroline know that her appearance was in fact being watched diligently. From her first steps out of mystic falls to her first steps into Toronto. Those looking in the shadows watched with the taste of victory in their grasps. 


Meanwhile, between a startling revelation curtesy of Iris and needing to tell Elijah about Caroline still was starting to cause a war in Elena's mind. It had nearly been eighteen hours since everything came out. More importantly it had been eighteen hours since Elena had talked to Elijah, who was holed up in his apartment for the time being. Apparently he needed to deal with his siblings as he had been 'neglecting' his duty. 


But Elena had never known the man to neglect his family, so she thought it was just an excuse. 


In the Eighteen hours she had analyzed every interaction with the man since he had found her in Toronto. How they had called each other so frequently while he was away. How he had chased down her enemies and the threats to her life like a hellhound with a ravenous energy that she had only ever seen for his family.  


They had gotten far too close far too quickly. It’s been what, a month? A month and a half? 


For once in her life Elena was thankful that Caroline seemed to understand men. Perhaps, her best friend could give her some insight… But she couldn’t tell her about Elijah. In fact, she didn’t know if she wanted Caroline to know about Elijah being here at all. Which was yet another thing she needed to talk to Elijah about, if he would, at the very least, pick the damn phone up. 


It was nearing the time that Elena would have to meet Caroline at the Coffee shop. So, Elena began to make her way to Elijah’s floor and his apartment. If he refused to speak with her she would have to figure out things on her own. Just like she always had since she left. 


But she knew the risks of Caroline and to be honest she was terrified that it might have unforeseen repercussions… 


“Fuck, I’m starting to sound like him.” Elena muttered the curse under her breath, when had that happen? When had she started to think like the man? Did he really have that much of an influence on her. 


“Elijah? You there?” Elena knocked on the door loud enough that the original would be able to hear her, but not loud enough that if he was on the phone with his siblings that they would be able to pick it up. Then she waited, not hearing any movement but that was hardly out of the ordinary. 


He probably had his sage fireplace on. 


It was another five minutes, just as Elena was debating whether she should leave and give up or not, when Elijah opened the door. His face steeled in tension and a fake smile. Elena’s jaw clenched immediately, something was wrong. 


“Elena, what do I owe the pleasure?” Elijah’s voice sounded ‘normal’ if you were dealing with the noble original that is. But it was not the voice that Elena had gotten used to hearing every single day. She almost decided to run for it, surely she could outrun the original, and deal with the consequences later. 


But she needed him to at least know about Caroline. 


“Caroline Forbes will be staying with me in my apartment for the unforeseeable future. Whether you want her to be aware of your presence here or not is entirely up to you.” Elena spoke swiftly deciding if she was going to think like him she might as well act like him to. 


Elijah noticed how Elena’s jaw had clenched almost immediately when she noticed something was off. He wondered briefly where she had honed this ability to understand his mannerisms so easily. An ability, an annoyance, that she had always seemed to posses after their first meeting. 


However, he couldn’t help the frown that took over his face breaking just a crack in his mask. They were still searching for the co-conspirator of Damon Salvatore. Bringing in someone, who very likely was being watched, was a high risk and she hadn’t even asked for-


No. Elijah could see it in her eyes. The flicker of anger that she held for him. Good. It would be easier for him to remove his feelings if she was angry with him. 


“I see.” Elijah spoke simply watching as her eyebrow twitched, but it was gone so quickly that he almost missed it. Almost thought he had imagined it. 


“So then, do you want her to know you’re here or not?” Elena snapped tension wracking her body as she felt like her teenage self again. It had been years, she had grown, and yet she felt like she was battling toe-to-toe with the original again. 


What had their friendship lost its benefits? 


“Did you just scoff?” Elijah asked tilting his head and narrowing his eyes at her. Watching as her own eyes widened realizing that she had scoffed out loud at the thought. 


“Forget it, I don’t have time for this Elijah. If you want her to know that’s fine. If not, just call me if you need me.” Elena sighed deeply not looking at Elijah. She didn’t understand what could cause such a change in the man in such a short time. Surely he wasn’t angry with her about Iris’s reaction. 


Elijah watched her leave without another word. He stood at his door until she entered the elevator and the doors closed. Not once did she look back at the original vampire. 


“What am I going to do with you?” Elijah muttered to himself as he closed his door shaking his head. Whether he was speaking about himself or Elena was anyone’s guess. 



Elena showed up at the designated Coffee Shop, which was a good mile from her home, five minutes late at 6:35 am. Her eyes immediately went to the young vampire that she had not seen in years. She had grown, her muscles more tones just like Elena’s, but her eyes looked so much wiser. 


Caroline was the first to break the frozen spell the pair had seemed to be under. Quickly walking, but not vamping, to her friend bringing her into a hug. Elena’s arms wrapped around Carolines neck as the girl buried her head into her neck. Wet tears beginning to well up in both of their eyes. 


Elena couldn’t believe it. Caroline couldn’t believe it. After four long years. 


“I’ve missed you so much.” Caroline was the first to speak her voice heavy with emotion as she pulled back to see her friend. She knew that Elena had turned back on her emotions ages ago. But to see her with tears in her eyes made everything seem more real. 


“I’ve missed you to. I’m sorry it’s taken so long.” Elena moved with Caroline to sit at the table, two cups of coffee on the table. By the smell she could tell that hers was two sugars, one creamer, and a splash of vanilla her favorite. Elena took a deep sip of the coffee allowing it to warm up her body. The final bits of tension from Elijah finally leaving her. 


“I honestly didn’t expect you to be in Toronto of all places.” Caroline spoke watching her friend give a small laugh. But it was true, she had believed if her friend was hiding out of the country it would be in Europe, or at least somewhere with a beach. She had never been big on cold weather. 


“Yeah that’s kind of a long story.” Elena never expected to settle down here either, but those Moore’s really had done a number on her. Even before she had her humanity on, “I’ll tell you it when we get back home.” 


“Home?” Caroline didn’t dare to hope that her friend would return to Mystic Falls with her. That time had past, for the both of them. 


“Yeah, I own an apartment a couple blocks away.” Elena replied looking around the room to see if anyone was listening to their conversation. She really wished that Elijah hadn’t chosen now to seemingly cast her aside. 


“Man, I’m still living with Mom until I figure out if I want to go to college or not.” Caroline hadn’t moved out or gone to college, that was true, but that also didn’t mean that she had been idly spending her eternity. But she would have to tell her friend about everything that’s happened with her later. 


“Yeah, it’s nice living here. Though maybe I’ll get the chance to travel somewhere warmer for a vacation soon.” Elena spoke wistfully wondering if she would get that opportunity. But she really wasn’t paying attention to the conversation as much as she wanted to. 


She continued to survey the area trying to figure out the best course of action she could take. They would need to take alleyways, but that ran the risk of someone cornering her and attacking them. While she was confident that she had trained well, both of them were still baby vampires. No matter how well trained, age still played a factor. 


“Ooo after you graduate we could go to Paris! Or Greece, it’s so beautiful this time of year.” Caroline slipped her eyes widening at the mention of her last statement. But her best friend didn’t even seem to notice the slip, and as Caroline watched her she noticed the tension in her. 


“You’re worried someone followed me.” Caroline pointed out watching as all of Elena’s attention turned to her. Had her friend always been like this? Caroline couldn’t help but wonder how long Elena had been looking over her shoulder. Everyone had assumed that she had been kidnapped and needed saving. 


But had it really all be in vain?


“There’s people here I need to protect. If it was just me I wouldn’t worry too much but-“ Elena shifted nervously not sure what she could say without the safety of sage, “I’ll explain everything once we get back to my home.”


“We don’t have to Elena, I don’t want cause you trouble.” Caroline responded her hand coming across the table to cup Elena’s both of the girl’s looking at each other with soft understanding eyes. 


“It’s too late for that.” Both of the girl’s voice whipped to the sound their eyes widening at the person. 


They both gasped. 


Oh my gosh, this was quite the chapter. I just want to hit Elijah and be like ‘why are you like this?’ Then i remember I’m writing this lol. But honestly I think that Elijah has the habit of pushing people away, so honestly I’m shocked it took this long. But oh my gosh, Elena realized that there might be something there… just in time for Elijah to be like this. *Cues evil author laugh* No but seriously this is a big developmental chapter. I feel like its a pivotal point in this story.

Which means things are going to start to heat up here soon!

Which leads me to our cliffhanger: Who do you think is the voice at the end?

Chapter 12: You are so infuriating,


Elena and Elijah continue to butt heads, Caroline finally gets to hear some of Elena’s story. Some flashbacks of Elena’s time before she turned her humanity back on.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text


"I fear that it's too late for that now." The man's voice broke the two girl's serenity as he looked between them with a single eyebrow raised. Both of them had let out a gasp, Elena's much softer while Caroline's had been quite loud. 


"Oh my gosh, I had no idea he was following me Elena. I'm so sorry!" Caroline blurted out her eyes going to her friend who was still looking at the man closely. But strangely enough, she didn't see fear in her friend's eyes. Just surprise. 


"No it's alright Caroline, he wasn't following you." Elena turned to her friend giving her hand a gentle squeeze letting a small sigh fall from her lips. She guessed that he made his choice then. 


"While this is heartwarming, we need to make a swift exit." The man's voice spoke and Elena couldn't help the eyes roll which had him speak again, "Did you just roll your eyes at me?"


"Elena maybe we shouldn't provoke him?" Caroline shivered at the man's tone watching him from the corner of her eyes. Sure, he was an original, but she would try to escape with Elena if she had to. If he moved even an inch in a bad way towards her. 


"Elijah, stop you're scaring her." Elena retorted as she took another drink of her coffee relishing in the warmth it provided. 


"I apologize Ms. Forbes. It was not my intention." Elijah turned to the young vampire holding back a smirk at the rebellious look in her eyes. He had never talked to the girl before, all his deals had been made through Elena and even when the martins had saved her he had never met her. 


Perhaps it had been his intention, just a little bit. But he wasn't going to tell them that. 


"Lena will you explain all of this to me when we get home?" Caroline didn't move her eyes from the original, still determined to protect Elena if needed. Which was why she was surprised when Elena pulled her hand from Caroline's and stood up to stand next to Elijah. 


"He's not going to hurt me Care." Elena had watched her friends movements and was reminded all too well of a time where everyone was convinced that she couldn't take care of herself. She drained the last of her coffee before speaking again, "I'll explain everything later, I promise." 


"I imagine you have a plan, oh noble one?" Elena smarted off turning to the original vampire watching as his eyebrows shot up at the patronizing nickname. Never would he have imagined that she would be this furious with him this fast. 


His gaze dropped down to that little mouth of hers wondering what she would do if he claimed them in front of her friend. Would she still mouth off or would she submit to his will. He paid no mind to the other baby vampire as he licked his lips, Elena's eyes going to the action immediately. 


"Perhaps, but I may need something in return for such." Elijah spoke his eyes going to hers only to find that she was still looking at his lips. Her eyes focused in on them, evidently forgetting where she was at. 


Elena couldn't help but stare at those lips, between the new revelations and that past single kiss sent her mind into overdrive. What would it be like to kiss him with her humanity, and the feelings she seemed to harbor for the 'noble one'. 


"Isn't it a little bit time sensitive to be making a deal, 'Lijah." Elena spoke the usually endearing nickname with an air of rebellion making Elijah wishing even more to grab her and claim that infuriating mouth of hers. 


"I've got the time." Elijah responded knowing that this was the farthest from the truth. In fact, he worried that more than one thing had been compromised from this little meeting. But he refused to give Elena that satisfaction of this, besides, he did so enjoy their deals. 


"What do you have in mind then?" Elena spoke angling her body towards the man looking at him through her eyelashes. A careful smirk on her face. 


Caroline watched the entire interaction with satisfaction as she watched her friend openly provoke the original with no fear. She didn't even hesitate. And every time she moved towards them Elena would send her a look that pinned her to the spot. Leaving Caroline stuck to be a simple bystander in this battle of wills. The moment they started to stare at each other's lips was the moment that the tension in Caroline's body started to disappear. 


"You're the mystery man?" Caroline whispered, more to herself, causing both Elena's and Elijah's eyes to go to her immediately. Caroline took an unconscious step back as their paired gazes made her feel like a doe in the woods instead of the predator she was. Turned from predator to prey. 


"Another topic I'm sure you'll both speak at length about." Elijah sighed putting his hands in his pocket watching the figure outside from the corner of his eye. Then looking to the barista that was not so subtly trying to listen in on their conversation, not a vampire then. 


"Well discuss the price of my plan later Elena, we need to move." Elijah began to lead the two girls out of the coffee shop noticing the stiff posture of the barista as he did so. Just before they were out of view the barista sent a nod to a patron who slowly began to rise from their seat. 


He almost cursed under his breath, he had missed one. 


But there was one indisputable fact, there were two different parties following Ms. Forbes and he was positive that one was going to be more trouble than it was worth. 




"Thank you for coming Elijah." Elena spoke leaning against her door frame while Elijah leaned on the other side. The two had their heads turned to talk to each other, Elena's arms crossed while Elijah's hands remained in his pocket. 


"Had I been made aware of this development sooner I could have minimized the risk of your actions today." Elijah spoke thinking about the second party that had tried, and failed, to follow them through the alleyways of Toronto. Had he not been there he was positive that the vampire would have attacked the two baby vampires. 


But he made no moves the moment Elijah arrived, aware that he had been made. 


"Had you been talking to me then I would have." Elena snapped back her jaw tense as she cast her eyes away from him onto the ground. 


"Yes, I apologize dealing with my family took more time then I originally thought." Elijah responded watching carefully as Elena seemed to visibly sag before him. A heavy sigh that seemed to one from the very depth of her being came out. 


"I'm really tired Elijah and I'm sure Caroline's going to want to know everything before the sun comes up so." Elena moved from frame her posture wavering a little bit. 


"Elena are you alright?" Elijah moved from the door with her his hands ready to catch the uneasy baby vampire if need be. 


"Yeah I," Elena tried to think back to when the last time she had fed, he brain seeming to come up completely empty. She replied, "With everything going on I guess I forgot to feed." 


Elena looked up to she a disapproving gaze from Elijah and she could already here the lecture that was about to fall from his lips. She placed her finger onto his lips before she could think about it, "Don't even start, I have some in the fridge that I can use." 


Elijah resisted the urge to take that little hand of hers and pull her flush against him. His eyes went briefly to her wrist his eyes zeroing in on the beating of her dead heart. But she was already too weak, he rolled uncuffed his suit and rolled up the suit then the shirt underneath. 


"Wh-what are you doing?" The words came out as a stutter as she watched the man roll up his sleeves with such a stern look in his eyes. 


"My blood will work faster than the blood in your fridge." Elijah explained holding out his wrist to her watching her eye it with apprehension. 


"I'll be fine Elijah." Even now after all these years she remembered how Stefan had called blood sharing 'personal'. She could barely believe that the original was offering, unless it didn't effect him she guessed. But she couldn't risk that. 


Elijah watched as he could practically hear the gears turning in her head and smiled wistfully at her. He nodded once turning his suit back down, "I apologize, I figured you would want your strength to talk to Caroline since it's been quite some time."


Elena was starting to regret her decision as he took a step away from her but found herself saying instead, "I promise I'll be fine Elijah." 


"I have no doubt lovely Elena." The term of endearment came out before Elijah could stop himself, the doppelgänger had a habit of pulling him in without seeming to try. 


"Elijah." Elena's voice came as she watched him start to walk down the hall, she had peeked out the door frame, and watched as he turned to face her again once more. 


"I don't know what's going on with your family but," Elena hesitated for a moment wondering if she should even mention this at all, "Thank you for taking the time to come and help us." 


"I still plan on making a deal with you about it." Elijah raised his eyebrow at her in challenge watching as she rolled her eyes at him with a smile. 


"Whatever you say 'Lijah." 



Elijah leaned against the shut door of his apartment his head leaned against the door with a heavy sigh on his lips. His shoulders sagged as he tried to recall the last time someone had challenged him like she did and lived to tell the tale. He closed his eyes thinking about that fiery little mouth of hers letting out a quite but low groan. He ached for her. 


"That damn woman's going to send me to a grave." Elijah muttered to himself as he tried calm himself down but every time he did his mind went right back to that kiss. 


Then he thought about how she had looked him today, how she had seemed entranced by his lips just as much as he had been with hers. 


The decision he had made yesterday seemed to be more and more of an annoyance than anything else. How was he supposed to keep her at an arms reach when she was so— He had offered her his blood for god's sake. An offer he had almost immediately regretted and had been both happy and disappointed that she said no. 


Elijah opened his eyes turning somber as he thought about the other revelation he had today. He spoke into the darkness of his home one single question that he feared the answer of. 


"Why are Niklaus's men watching Caroline Forbes?"  



"You have to tell me everything!" Caroline's voice rang out the moment Elena closed the door rushing from the guest bedroom that came with the apartment. It didn't have bed, but a small sleeper sofa, a work desk, and the painting station that Elena had picked up through the years. 


"Where should I start?" Elena asked as she moved to her kitchen to make herself a drink before she started to feel weaker than she already did. She had an inkling that her friend would want to start with Elijah, she was sure it was confusing for Care.


Heck it was confusing for her. 


"How did you end up here?" Care surprised Elena by asking about the farthest topic then Elijah Mikaelson, but from the glint in her friend's eyes she was sure they would get to it tonight. 


"For almost a year I searched for a way to make myself untraceable permanently. I didn't know many people and anytime I did they always believed that I was Katherine." 


Elena stood talking to a burly woman and a skinny looking man, one a vampire the other a warlock, as she tried not to roll her eyes at the pair. 


"As I already said I'm not Katherine, I'm her doppelgänger Elena." Elena responded watching as the two people gave her disbelieving looks. 


"You don't have to believe me, I just need someone to do a blocking spell so no one can use a locator spell to find me for the time being." Elena continued watching as the vampire rolled her eyes at her. 


"Yeah, and yet you say you aren't Katherine? Still running from Klaus I see. But, I suppose I can pretend to believe whatever your saying girl." The woman spoke as she nodded to her warlock friend who sagged his shoulders and began to chant. 


"There, you should be invisible for the rest of the month." The warlock spoke and Elena's eyes immediately raised. It was February 20th, there were only eight days left in the month. 


"The end of the month? That's only eight days!" Elena growled out moving towards the man only to be blocked by the burly woman who stared down at her. 


"We don't owe you anything else, now leave before I call Hosea." The woman growled out towering over Elena as she threatened her. Only Elena didn't have any clue of who this Hosea was. 


"Who the fuck is Hosea and what do they have to do with this!" Elena cursed out the woman still not backing down yet, she was sure that she was faster than the woman and if she needed to she could escape. 


"Don't remember your little boy toy Katherine? He's pretty made about how you left him tied to his bed." The woman taunted watching as Elena once more rolled her eyes. 


"I already said I'm not Katherine." Elena replied taking a step back as she looked towards the warlock whose mouth was open as if ready to cast a spell the moment Elena moved. 


"Whatever, thanks for nothing." Elena replied vamping away before the warlock could utter a spell. The warlock looked towards the vampire who waved her hand. 


"She's not worth it, besides, better not to get involved in originals drama."


"After that I decided to change my appearance, it was becoming a hinderance to look like Katherine all the time." Elena spoke watching as Caroline's eyes went up to her hair. Elena hadn't cared with her humanity off about what she looked like. But it had become increasingly hard to avoid those who had hunted her while looking like Katherine. Plus it made her easier to track. 


"I had noticed that, gotta say I'm surprised that you chose strawberry blonde." Caroline replied understanding where her friend had come from regarding the change. 


"Well, I already had bits of red in my hair anyways. I figured why not go for it." Elena responded nonchalantly shrugging her shoulders as she took a deep drink of her cup of blood feeling the strength already begin to flood through her. It was a simple pleasure of life. 


"So then what happened? Why Toronto?" Caroline asked leaning forward smelling the blood but her nose curling up in disgust. How could she possibly enjoy AB negative, "Ew, you like AB negative?"


"It's definitely my favorite by far." Elena's lips quirked up in a smirk as she watched her friend shake her head in disgust. Her lips curled up in disgust, "Do you want something else? I've got every kind of negative and a few positives."


"You don't have O positive by any chance do you?" Caroline asked watching as her friend's lips turned up in disgust much like hers had but a few moments ago. 


"O positive, really? Out of all the options you chose that watered down drink." Elena hated O positive the most out of all types of blood, which was annoying because it was also the most common to find. Which was why she preferred to drinking out of blood bags instead of people. She had sunk her teeth into more than too many O positives for her liking. 


"It tastes the most like animal blood." Caroline shrugged her shoulders remembering all the lessons Stefan had taught her. She guessed it stuck with her even though its been years. 


"Your in luck though, it's Iris's favorite so I always keep some in stock." Elena watched as Caroline's eyebrows scrunched ever so slightly at the name. But she continued to get the O positive blood bag and pour its contents into a cup, careful not to breath in the scent. She didn't want it to turn her appetite. 


"Speaking of Iris she's the reason that I came to Toronto, at least sort of." Elena began to explain about how she had searched and eventually found out about someone in Toronto who sold witch artifacts. That's how she met Iris and eventually settled down here. 


"It was Iris's daughter who got me to turn back my emotions on." 



Elena was walking back to her apartment while the winter breeze blew against her, the sun was going down the city getting darker with every passing second. She walked at a slow pace, she had no purpose and for once she didn't have to look over her shoulder. It had been two months since she had settled into the apartment complex in Toronto. 


Two months since Iris had given her that artifact to keep herself hidden. 


Iris was talking to a man outside of the building her face contorted in discomfort. He grasped his hand around hers and even from a block away Elena could hear the crunch of the bone popping and the low hiss of pain that Iris gave. While she didn't care if the woman got hurt or not, she did owe her for her freedom. 


As Elena walked, at a fast enough speed that the humans wouldn't think anything was out of the ordinary, she noticed that Iris wasn't alone. 


"My baba!" A two year old Kelsey toddled after a floating balloon her chubby hands trying to grasp after the yellow object. Yellow was her favorite color and her momma had given her the balloon. She couldn't lose it! It was important! Or at least that's what Kelsey thought. 


Elena's eyes widened as she watched the semi-truck head towards the little girl everyone oblivious to the threat. Before anyone could blink, or before Elena could think about the repercussions, she vamped to the small girl narrowly dodging the truck. She felt the sting of the concrete as they slide across it. Elena kept her arms securely around the girl protecting her from the pain. 


Her heart raced and her breathing was heavy as fear flooded her. She let out a shuddering breath as she stood with the child in her arms. As she looked around though, no one was the wiser, the truck driver hadn't been able to see the tiny toddler. Iris was still battling the unidentified man. 


"Momma!" Kelsey cried out tears wetting her face as she held on tighter to Elena, still crying out for her mother. Her chubby hands shaking in Elena's grasp completely unaware of what was going through the young girl's mind. 


Elena gritted her teeth trying to stop the emotions flooding her. This wasn't the time, she needed to get Kelsey to safety and get rid of this man before she could fall apart. She needed to get to her apartment, she needed to breath. 


Elena shakily walked back across the road now that there was no traffic. Iris was watching her child now having heard her cries and struggled to get out of the mans' grasp. 


"I suggest you let go of her if you know what's good for you." Elena narrowed her eyes her fangs coming out as she bared down at the man. He seemed to laugh at her looking down at her size, when his eyes came back up Elena was already there with the pocket knife she kept in her pocket. She twisted it into his temple listening to the satisfying squelch that the blade made. 


His body dropped to the ground immediately and Elena was thankful the small child was currently hiding her face in her bosom. Her shirt was wet with tears, but all Elena could now feel is relief. Relief that another child didn’t die in front of her. That she had been able to save someone. 


“Who is this guy Iris?” Elena turned towards Iris seeing that the young mother only had eyes for the child in Elena’s arms. Elena moved to hand over the toddler, but Kelsey held onto Elena not willing to let go of her. Still she rose her head and Iris got close enough to allow the young child to put her head on her shoulder. 


Elena looked around still feeling her heart beat erratically in her chest as she tried to keep her cool. No one had noticed him yet, but she knew that they would soon. 


“Do I need to burn him?” Elena asked watching as Iris hesitantly nodded her head. They both looked down at the body, which would come back to life eventually if not dealt with. 


“I’ll take care of it.” 


Elena had  dealt with the body that she would later find out was the man who had killed her when she was human. His blood hadn’t turned her, but he had been the one to kill her. It had brought her great satisfaction to rid the world of his evils. But later everything came crashing down around her. 


But she wasn’t going to tell Caroline the repercussions of her saving Kelsey that day. It had long passed and she would give up anything to protect Kelsey. So it was all worth it in the end. 


“She kind of reminded me of Jeremy, of Vickie,” Elena couldn’t help about all the people who had been younger than her when the Salvatores had come to town, “But most of all she reminded me of you.” 


“Of me?” Caroline asked her eyebrows scrunched together, what did she have in common with a two year old toddler. 


“You both were so filled with life and light. Whenever she smiled I was always reminded of you, I still am.” Elena replied shrugging her shoulders, it wasn’t that big of a deal. 


“So, in a way you helped me get my humanity back to.” 


The two talked well into the night but one topic remained untouched the entire time, Elijah Mikaelson. As much as Elena had believed her friend would poke her about it she never did. That was because Caroline had watched her friend closely and saw the exhaustion that was evident. 


She decided she could ask her friend about the two of them tomorrow. So, instead, they both slept in Elena’s bed like they were two children at a sleepover. For a moment, they both forgot everything they had been through. 


They were home. 


Man! I can’t believe I’ve post two chapters in the past twenty-four hours. I’m sure y’all just feel so spoiled. Surprise though! It was Elijah! Someone commented about it being Klaus, and I almost decided that I liked that idea better. Almost. I’m still not positive that I made the right choice. But I think I’d like to draw Klaus out for just a few more chapters.

But just know he’s definitely got something up his sleeve. Also, we will eventually see the immediate response to Elena’s emotions being turned back on… just not quite yet.

Anyways! What do you guys think? How long do you think Elijah will actually be able to hold back his feelings for Elena? Who do you think will confess first?

As always I hope y’all enjoyed this chapter.

Chapter 13: And I have to leave


Elijah makes a move that will have lasting repercussions. Caroline voices her dislike for Elijah. And a letter… that might change things forever.

And a new player enters our little game.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Caroline was the first one to awake by a few hours, but the young blonde didn't bother her friend. Instead, she decided to explore her friend's home. She had barely had a moment to look through the photo album that showcased Elena, a slightly older woman, and young child which led her to assume these people were Iris and Kelsey. Then a knock rang through the apartment startling Caroline to dropping, and vamping to catch, the photo album. 


Caroline walked over to the door looking through the peep-hole to find Elijah Mikaelson standing in the doorway. Yeah, there was no way that this wasn't weird. Nonetheless, Caroline opened the door listening to her friend's steady heartbeat. Good she was still asleep. 


"How can I help you Elijah?" Caroline raised her eyebrow at the man who had his hands in his pocket while he looked at her. He tilted his head in mock surprise at the hostility. 


"Have I done something to offend you Ms. Forbes?" Elijah watched as the woman put the fakest smile on her face that rivaled even his sister's. 


"What would ever give you that idea Mr. Mikaelson?" Caroline switched to his last name considering that he had done so first. Her eyebrow raised at him her chin tilting up a little bit her eyes narrowing a little bit. Still the smile remained on her face. 


"Elena is rather fond of your company and she's very glad that you were able to reconnect." Elijah spoke taking a step forward dropping the mask that he had been wearing. He watched as the young vampire faltered, though to her credit it was only for a split second, "However, I do not take well to hostility when it's unwarranted." 


Caroline scoffed before she could help it rolling her eyes at the original. His eyes narrowed at her tilting his head but he did not move past the threshold even though he was fully able. 


"I'd say it's very warranted considering everything that's happened to her." Caroline argued taking up a defensive stance as if he was going to attack her. As if she could do anything to stop him if he decided to. 


Elijah didn't speak for a moment contemplating what had caused everyone in Mystic Falls to consider Elena Gilbert inferior. Someone that was in need of their protection considering she had protected them all far more. She understood more, while she had been naive sometimes considering her age, she had been the greatest rival to that of himself. 


Certainly not the Salvatores whom had lived multiple lifetimes over Elena and yet seemed to have gained no knowledge of how the world worked. 


"You are, of course, entitled to your opinions." Elijah responded reaching into his jacket pocket causing the young vampire to freeze, "Do no worry I will not hurt you simply for disagreeing with me." 


Elijah did not mention that he had killed for far less. That was beside the point. 


He pulled out an envelope holding it out to Caroline who looked at him with a bewildered expression. Her eyes going down to the envelope and then back to his eyes. He raised his eyebrow and then let out a sigh realizing she wasn't going to accept the envelope. 


"This is for Elena, I trust that you can give it to her when she wakes? She seemed exhausted earlier and I would hate to wake her to give it to her myself." Elijah asked watching as the young vampire cautiously took the envelope from him wordlessly. Debating if she would in fact give the letter to Elena later or if she'd be better of to burn it. 


"Ah, I see we won't have to option to be civil then." Elijah tsked although there lacked any real bite to the words. He understood why she was angry with him. He could not fault her for it when he was still keeping things from Elena. No matter how good the intentions. 


"Nope." Caroline piped in watching as the original's eyes seemed to dance in amusement... it reminded her far too much of another original vampire for her own liking. 


"Very well, good-bye Ms. Forbes." Elijah gave her a nod and headed off into another direction towards the elevators. Caroline made quick work of shutting the door, quietly, and locking it so there would be no more unwelcome visitors for the time being. She looked down at the sleek envelope in her hands. 


Her gaze went from the envelope to the open flame considering how angry Elena would be with her. Perhaps, if things were how they used to be she wouldn't hesitate. But she had just gotten her friend back, and she wasn't risking it for anything. 



When Elena woke up roughly around 11:00 am, the bright red letters of her clock startled her immediately. She jumped out of bed vamping around her room to get ready for the day, donning her usual blazer, and went out into the kitchen. Caroline was leaning on a barstool sipping a goblet of blood. She was scrolling on her phone but the moment Elena entered she turned her phone off and put it to the side. 


"Did you sleep well Lena?" Caroline asked face breaking out into a smile and then she looked at the outfit the girl was wearing, "Since when did you get so spiffy?" 


"Geez thanks Care." Elena rolled her eyes with a smile as she moved to her fridge to get her own goblet of blood ripping the bag open with ease, "But when I started taking classes at the University I started to dress the part." 


"I like it, it oddly fits you." Caroline responded taking another drink of the blood relishing in its feeling in her veins. She laughed when Elena threw a spoon in her direction catching it with ease. 


"What's that?" Elena nodded to the envelope that Elijah had left her on the counter. Caroline tensed, she had hoped that she wouldn't notice it for awhile, but she masked it the best she could. Perhaps she shouldn’t have laid it on the counter next to all the other mail. 


"Elijah left it for you." Caroline explained, short with her answer. Elena recognized it immediately, she leaned on the counter top across from Caroline an easy smile on her face. 


"He's a good guy Care, you don't need to fight him over the past. I've moved on." Elena knew immediately what Caroline must have been thinking. But she really didn't want two of her closest friends to be at odds with each other. Besides, what she said was true, she had moved on. 


"You've always trusted him and look what happened Elena!" Caroline's voice got louder but it wasn't quite yelling yet. Neither girl wanted to fight the other, but neither could let go of how they viewed Elijah. Both Good or Bad. 


"You can't blame him for what happened Care. Besides I betrayed him more than anybody else." Elena retorted grasping the envelope  and ripping open it. She unfolded out a piece of paper and a small clang could be heard in the apartment. 


"I certainly can blame him and will! He's not good for you Lena." Caroline argued oblivious to the small key that had just fallen out of the envelope. 


Elena froze at the sight of the small key her heartbeat rising quickly as she looked at the small metallic object. She rushed to read the words her stomach turning anxiously at every word. Her jaw clenched. The words burned the insides of her mind as she read them over a second time. 


Caroline’s eyes went straight to the letter hearing the frantic beating of her friend’s dead heart. She had never heard a vampire’s heart beat that fast. What had he told her?


"When did he bring this here?" Elena whispered ferociously and Caroline immediately sat up straight their previous argument long forgotten. She had never seen Elena this angry before. For a moment she saw the beast inside her that was more... instinctual. 


"A little after seven, why?" Caroline asked but her question went unanswered and she only had the emptiness for company. Elena had vamped out of the apartment taking the key and the letter with her unable to accept them. 


She took the stairs knowing they would be faster than the elevator and she arrived at Elijah's apartment. She jammed the key inside busting through the door. She felt her heart race as she vamped to each of the rooms, his study, his kitchen, and until finally she arrived to his bedroom. Every single piece was spotless as if no one lived here at all. She walked out to the middle of his living room her hands shaking as she read the letter one more time. 


My lovely Elena, 


    Not long ago I swore that I would never write you another letter as I had once before. I am saddened to say that today I must break that vow. After our outing yesterday certain players came into light that I must handle myself. For this, I beg your forgiveness and I hope you will give me a chance to explain myself when I return. 

    Because I will return, my lovely Elena. 

    If you do not believe anything that I say then all I ask is that you believe that. Until then, just know that I will carry your friendship with me. Always and Forever. 




And Elena couldn't help the sob that came out of her. 



In another part of the city Elijah was stalking his prey with a ferocity rarely seen of the original. He watched as the vampires scurried from one alleyway to the next. He had no clue of the city, and while only here for a couple months Elijah had memorized the maps early on. Once he had realized someone was after Elena he had begin to studied the city just in case. 


"If you believe you can run from me then you are sorely mistaken." Elijah spoke plainly knowing fully well that the vampire would hear his words. 


"Can't blame a guy for trying." The vampire stopped turning to face Elijah his face breaking out into a grin as he held his arms out with a shrug. Elijah's face remained blank as he stalked towards his prey. The man did not move, not even when Elijah stood within striking difference. 


"I am quite sure you are aware of who I am." Elijah spoke to the man watching him nod in confirmation so Elijah continued, "I also imagine you know why I have followed you." 


"You're looking for my boss." The man replied his eyebrows raising ever so slightly then continued, "What, can't call you brother?"


Elijah's eye twitched at the clear attempt to provoke him his eyes narrowing at the man vamping to him his hand around his neck. One second they were in the middle of the alley the next Elijah had the man pinned to the nearby building. One hand around his neck as he scoffed. 


“I’m an original, show a little respect.” Elijah spoke his voice deep and gravely, his prey didn’t struggle against him. In fact, he seemed entirely at ease in the clutches of Elijah Mikaelson. 


“Your brother is coming to Toronto.” The man spoke his gaze never wavering from Elijah, his heart never skipping a single beat. He was steady and calm the entire time… and Elijah couldn’t tell if he was lying or not. 


“And you would give up this information freely? Without bargaining for anything in return?” Elijah interrogated the vampire who simply smirked at the original. 


“I’ll be dead the moment he arrives and quite frankly he pisses me off.” The man spoke and Elijah’s grip around his neck slackened enough to allow him to drop to the ground. He let out a few coughs, it wasn’t as if the original had crushed his throat. He had only used it as a way of restraint, as he was able to talk freely. 


“Yet you do his bidding.” Elijah looked down at the man waiting for him to collect himself. Elijah took a step back allowing the man to rise from the ground. 


“Been compelled mate, I don’t have much of a choice.” The man shrugged his shoulders looking away from the original, “I was only to watch Ms. Forbes arrive and report with whom she was meeting. Told the boss it was some strawberry blonde named Elena.” 


Elijah muttered a curse under his breath, they shouldn’t have used her name out in the open. Even if Iris and Kelsey knew her true name. He had allowed himself to grow careless in his pursuit to bury his feelings. To care less. 


“What were the parameters of his compulsion? If you can talk freely about it then he must not be worried about you saying too much.” Elijah asked the man who was still smirking at the original he nodded his head towards the exit of the alleyway. 


“Care for a cup of coffee mate?” The vampire began to walk towards the end of the alley, Elijah still standing in the same spot watching him carefully as if he was trying to escape. The vampire held up his hands in mock surrender and spoke once more, “I’ve got quite the story to tell you and I still have a few hours to live.” 


And thus entered another player into the game. 


And not once did Elijah’s mind wander to the reason his heart burned. 


Well well well… It’s been a few days, thus is the life of a teacher I suppose. I hope to post another chapter this weekend though… hopefully. But! What did everyone think? Elijah leaves Elena in the care of well Care, lol, and goes off to face his brother. I wonder who this new vampire is and how he will impact our story.

Who knows!

But as always I always appreciate the comments, it gives me such a zest to keep writing. So, please let me know what you think!

Chapter 14: Those Damn Letters


Elena recalls moments from her past that remind her of her present.

Elijah discovers new information.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Elena open the door, come on you can't stay here. You have to come home." Caroline called through the mahogany door, leaning her head against the original's apartment which laid bare from all except for one crying doppelgänger. Caroline had at the door for nearly an hour with no answer from her friend. 


"I don't understand what's going on Elena," Caroline spoke through the door still oblivious to what the contents of that damned envelope actually contained. All she knew was that she should have burned the thing when she had the chance, "What did Elijah do?"


Caroline's eyes burned as she thought about that man hurting her friend. She could feel the fangs burning against her closed lips and the veins around her eyes grow darker. She knew letting him stay around Elena would be a mistake, why she always seemed to let him in was beyond her. 


He was a mistake. 


"You can't just shut me out 'Lena." Caroline spoke to the door breathing out deeply as she continued to receive no response, unbeknownst to her Elena was leaning against that same mahogany door hearing every word she said. 


The same door Elijah had replaced a few weeks ago. The same door she had mocked him for. 


"Really Elijah? You're replacing the door too?" Elena spoke from his couch watching as he directed the compelled humans to do his bidding. He didn't even turn around to respond instead he simply spoke under his breath so that only she could hear. 


"You must realize by now that I have expensive taste, lovely Elena." She could hear the humor in his voice when he replied to her and she could image the quirk of his lips. That damn spark in his eyes that would only appear when he was amused. More specifically when he was amused with her. 


"You must realize by now that I have expensive taste, lovely Elena." She mocked back pretending to do his accent hearing the small chuckle that escaped from him. Watching the way his shoulders moved at the action and then how he turned to her. 


"You know few people mock an original and live to tell the tale." He spoke his voice deep and teasing his eyebrow raising ever so slightly. 


"You know few people die at an originals hands and live to tell the tale." Elena shot back her lips threatening to quirk up to match his own. She held back, just barely, and watched as his teasing smile seemed to drop, "I'm kidding 'Lijah."


"Oh I know," Elijah's lips lifted up to a smirk his eyes dancing as he moved to face the workers once more, "I just wondered how quick you would be to give in." 


"Ah!" Elena gasped in indignation as she let out a disbelieving laugh, "You prick!"


"A Prick with a nice mahogany door." Came his reply which only sent Elena further into a giggling frenzy on his couch. Her eyes closed from laughing at the uncharacteristically joking manner she had discovered the original in. 


Elijah peeked his eyes over watching as she so gleefully laughed on his couch... and he fell for her just a little bit more. 


Whether he was aware of it or not. 



Elena could not help the silent tears that etched against her pale dead skin. Her eyes shut as she tried to keep the flood gates closed drowning out her friend's words, instead focusing on the hushed sounds of the crackling fire. Everything was becoming too much to bare for her...


It was reminding her far to much of a time where everything was crumbling around her. 


A sob ripped from her throat before she could stop it, primal and animalistic. As if she was a wounded rabbit who had just been caught in a snare. As if she wasn't the predator that she was, once more turned into the prey at the will of those who wanted to hurt her... and those who sought to protect her. 


She hunched over bringing her face into her knees as she screamed against the silence. Both blessed and cursed by the fireplace that silenced her scream to all but herself. Her whole body shuddered attempting to get air into her long dead lungs, tears dripping onto his pristine floor still refusing to open her eyes. 


She tried to calm herself and not allow herself to let the feelings overwhelm her, but all at once she was back in her own apartment three years ago... 


Elena watched the fire lick against the body of the man she had just killed. She couldn't scream, she couldn't cry, she could only watch as his body burned in the alleyway behind the trash cans she had used to block some of the light. Iris was with her daughter and as Elena sunk against the alley floor that was what she held onto. 


As the feelings that she had kept at bay for the last year threatened to suffocate her that little girl was what she held onto. The relief that she hadn't died just like everyone in her life. That for once she had managed to save them. Instead of burning someone else she loved she was burning the one who threatened her family. 


And it felt good. 


"I just killed someone." Elena muttered to herself in shock her eyes widening as she tried to fathom the act that she had committed tonight. 


Every kill had always been with her emotions off. Every kill until him. This man that she didn't even know the name of. This man she knew nothing about except that he had been a threat to someone who had been kind to her. The mother of the child she had saved. 


"Why don't I feel guilty?" Elena spoke to the ashes watching as slowly the flames began to die without anything around it to burn. 


She began to move the trash cans back to their original spots stumbling as another wave crashed over her. She closed her eyes her weight going against her hands on the trash can as she tried to keep herself balanced. Flashes of death plagued her mind as she did everything she could to calm herself. 


"Not yet." She muttered to herself finishing her task and zipping from the alleyway leaving the ashes of the vampire. Forgotten, forever. 


She tumbled into her apartment her eyes blurring as everything seemed to sharpen and dull at the same time. She fell sideways her hands coming against her counter just in time to break her fall. The strain on her muscles screamed as she held up her entire body with them. 


She struggled to stand up grasping on the edge and finding the flower vase that was awaiting her rage. She grasped it throwing it across the room letting out another blood curling scream. The shattered glass flying everywhere into a million pieces that shredded her skin like razor blades. Blood seeped from the wounds as her vampiric blood healed them but doing nothing for the beads of blood that fell around her. 


“WHY!” She yelled to the silence of her apartment as she lost her balance again slamming against the chair nearby, “Fuck!”


She cursed as she felt her leg snap beneath her and hit the cold floor her head dizzy. She couldn’t help the tears that fell from her face as she laid on the floor her eyes fighting to stay open. To stay awake. Waves of pain from time lost, of people lost flooded her entire being. 


The price for a year of avoidance.


“I can’t, please, I can’t.” Elena muttered to the floor her hair sticking to her face with the tears as glue. She shuddered on the ground as her leg slowly healed at an awkward angle that she would have to fix. 


Her muscles screamed in protest, her head spinning, as she tried to rise from the ashes. But instead she fell once more her head hitting the floor making her sob in pain. She could only wallow in the pain, the emotional and the physical, as it wrecked her. 


“Did they know?” Elena couldn’t help the whispered words that her voice had found. The place that her mind had taken her as she laid unable to move, to just accept her fate. 


Had the Salvatores known what turning off her emotions would do to her?


"Why!" She tried to scream not carrying that her fireplace wasn't on, not carrying that anyone or everyone could hear her. Her mind didn't even register it. But the words only carried as a whisper.


“I don’t know how to do this.” Elena turned her head to the floor whispering to it as if it was a old friend. Her forehead resting against the cool surface as she bitterly smiled. Just like the floor she was a cold person who people only walked all over. Simply to achieve their own happy ending. 


She didn’t know how to get through the mountains of emotions that towered over her. For a moment she considered bashing her head in just to silence the noise. Just for a second. But she couldn’t help but think of that little girl that she had saved, the cost of it all. 


"Kelsey. I need to think of her." Elena pushed the images her mind had been flooding her with slowly pushing Kelsey Moore to the forefront of her mind. She hadn’t meant to come to care for the kid when she was without her humanity. Maybe there really was no switch she didn’t know. 


No. One. Had. Ever. Taught. Her. Anything. 


But the more she thought about the smallest of the Moore family, the more she could feel her strength returning. So, she laid and she focused on the moments that she had with the child in the past. And the moments that the child could have in the future because of her actions. 


"Kelsey's alive, that's all that matters. That's all that matters." Elena muttered to herself trying desperately to pull herself from the depths of despair. The child was alive. She was safe. She had saved her. She had a future. She was alive.


And that was all that mattered. 


Elena slowly opened her eyes feeling the streaks of tears that must have double as she thought about that time all those years ago. No one knew just how Elena Gilbert turned back her emotions. They don’t know what that night had costed her. But as Elena opened her eyes she could feel the tension in her body leave her. 


She had survived. No matter how badly she hated Katherine for turning her world into what it was. There was one essential thing that all doppelgängers shared. 


“I’m a survivor.” Elena muttered to herself her eyes going to the letter that was still clutched in her right hand. She went to straighten it  out but hesitated. Then she continued to open the letter once more rereading the words of the original. 


She could not help but feel betrayed that he had once more disappeared with nothing more than an apology letter. Always those damn letters. She didn't know what the threat was, but she couldn't find the urge to care. She heard Caroline sigh from the door as she walked away. 


"It's not fair." Elena mumbled to the silence of the apartment her jaw clenching her teeth as she looked around the room. 


She knew it wasn't fair to Caroline either though, especially knowing how the blonde felt about him. She knew that there was no logical reason for such a reaction to it all. She knew it wasn’t fair to leave her friend at the door for however long in silence. But she still couldn’t help but feel betrayed. 


"He said that he would come back." Elena reasoned aloud to the room hiccuping as she tried not to overly think about how she would not be able to see the original vampire for an extended length of time,  "and he never breaks his word." 


Then her eyes fell to final bit of the letter her lips curling up in a small smile, “Always and Forever, huh? Oh noble one.” 


And then there was a knock on the door. 




Elijah Mikaelson prided himself on several things in his very long life. One of those things was that very few could every truly confound him. When you have lived as long as one of his status had there was very little he did not know. 


But he genuinely was confused, by his brothers motives, and surprised, once more by his brother’s motives. He watched as the vampire he had been talking with for the past hour, whom he learned was named Archer, rolled up his sleeve to reveal a werewolf bite. 


“Like a said mate, I don’t have much longer left.” Archer spoke looking at the mark that had him sweating and slowly, not pleasantly, dying. 


“My brother did that to you?” Elijah questioned trying to piece together the timeline of this man’s arrival and being bitten by his brother. The only main details he had gathered was in fact that he was not told to watch Elena, but Caroline Forbes. Apart of some deal the two had, which the details was not privy to. 


For the past two months I have been tailing and watching Ms. Forbes. Your brother told me that as long as she stayed safe then those I care for will remain safe.” Archer spoke the the original thinking about those he was determined to protect. He had never deviated from Niklaus’s orders before. 


“A noble deal I am sure,” Elijah spoke not caring for the details of  that part of the deal between the two vampires. Instead he spoke once more, “So, then what did you report to Niklaus recently.” 


“That Ms. Forbes had been happier than usual. Taking secret calls with someone more frequently.” Archer spoke then pausing for a moment watching as the original’s eyes darkened. He hesitated to continue but he feared that not speaking would be worse in this moment, “Someone named Maria and then someone named Elena as well. He seemed particularly interested in the second name.”


“That does not surprise me in the least.” Elijah kept his face blank fighting to keep himself from rolling his eyes at the man. He then urged him to continue, “Continue please.’”


“Then I reported that she was going to Toronto.”


Elijah watched as the man seemed shift underneath his gaze his eyes narrowing into his soul. Elijah was becoming more and more unnerved by the entirety of the situation. He knew where this conversation was going, subconsciously or otherwise. He stood waiting for the man’s answer. 


“About thirty minutes before you came to that little coffee shop-“ Archer didn’t get a chance to respond, instead a small vial of blood was left on the table in front of him and his apartment once more free of an original. 


Archer looked down at the small vial of blood in wonder. He picked it up with careful hands, he hadn’t expected a reward for what he knew. He was most likely a part of the reason the original was so on edge. But nonetheless, whether it was a trick or a treat, Archer tipped back the blood allowing it to go down his throat. 




But in more danger than he could have possibly have imagined before. 


Alright, I know Elijah hasn’t been gone that long… but I don’t plan on having them seperated forever. Just because well… I want to see them together lol. Besides I already have written the chapter where they finally get together. I just gotta write the chapters in-between, not that I know how many there need to be.

Lot’s of flashbacks in this episode, plus a really awaited one.

But anyways who do you think is at the door?

I hope y’all enjoyed this chapter so sorry it took so long. I’ve been a little under the weather.

Chapter 15: And your always and forevers


Well… I think you’ll just see on this one. Hehe.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Two leisurely knocks echoed in the silence of Elijah Mikaelson's apartment causing Elena to look towards the door. The knocks were steady and firm, one's that couldn't come from the dainty hands of a woman. Which eliminated everyone she knew and considering Elijah was gone...


Elena crept towards the door her eyes going to the fireplace that remained unlit. The floors creaked underneath her light footsteps, something that only a vampire could hear. If that's what lied outside Elijah's door. Elena didn't know what to expect, she had no clue what was Elijah's original business was in Toronto before the original became entangled in her life. 


"I'd appreciate kindly if you would open the door love." Elena's breath caught at the voice her inner seventeen shrank away from the door. The voice of the monster who had haunted her like a plague of death came from the other side. Elena kept her face blank steeling her expression. 


"Why would I invite a snake into my home, Klaus?" Elena quipped back not looking into the peep whole to see the snake that resided outside. She heard a sharp laugh come from the other side and she could image a smirk resting on his face. 


"Don't under estimate the allure of the most dangerous fruit, sweet doppelgänger." Klaus's voice deepened as his eyes glinted dangerously as he heard the woman scoff. 


"You think too highly of yourself." Elena replied leaning against the door safe, as long as she didn't open the door. Tenants of the complex had barriers against someone breaking the door down, a necessary requirement with the supernatural. Since many occupants were vampires and it was a communal space all were welcome if the doors were open. 


"I wish to discuss something of great value to the both of us, doppelgänger before unnecessary forces seek us out." Klaus spoke his face falling to a blank state. Anger flickered underneath the surface, but he needed her to open the door. So he masked it. 


"Since when do you ever discuss anything Klaus? I think you're thinking of your brother, he's the only one in your forsaken family who can 'discuss' things." Elena's retort came causing Klaus to clench his fist as he wished he could simply break down the mahogany door. His jaw ticked ever so slightly as he tried not to scoff at the woman. 


"I am able to make deals when they benefit me." Klaus replied as he rolled his eyes at her, "It just so happens that this one benefits me." 


"I've only ever known you to take what you want, no deals necessary. What's to say this time will be any different?" Elena smarted back from the safety of Elijah's apartment. She was safe, all things considered, for the time being. But she couldn't be positive how long that safety would last. 


"I am standing here asking for a discussion love, instead of, as you say, taking what I want." Klaus replied off handedly growing more impatient by the moment. If he could take what he wanted then he would, no deals necessary just as she said. 


But there would be a price to do so. One he was unwilling to pay. 


"What is it that you want Klaus? My blood is no use to you now. I have nothing for to let you take." Elena replied confidently, she couldn't let him know that she had any weaknesses. Iris and Kelsey could not be dragged into this. 


"Ah, but that's not true now is it?" Klaus's voice came from beyond the door as he listened to the small misstep in her heartbeat. Barely recognizable, she had hidden it well, but still he could hear it. He had spent a thousand years learning how to read people. Life times upon life times of experience in such matters that she could only dream about. 


"I have no clue of what you're talking about. Regardless, I will not be opening this door to you. Not now, not-" Elena began her eyes burning in fury, but the man cut her off. 


"Caroline." One single word was spoken as Klaus quietly whispered her name. Elena's eyes softened microscopically. Hearing no sound from her Klaus continue spitting out the words and taking a step closer to the door, " It's about Caroline love. Please, I assure you I want nothing more to continue this battle of wills. However, we both know that I've done my homework on the Moore family. As well as every other person you've come in contact with while you've stayed in Toronto."


"I imagine my word means nothing to you, but I swear that no harm will come to those you call your own as long as you open this door. I give you my word." Klaus spoke his jaw clenching as he tried to get through his little 'speech' to get the doppelgänger to let him in. 


"Your word means nothing to me Klaus." Elena spoke weighing her options as her hand twitched beside her. Even if she couldn't guarantee that they would be safe. 


It was at least a chance. 


"Then I swear to you on my brother's word. I swear to you on Caroline. Whoever I need to swear by so be it-." Klaus responds and before he could utter any other swears the door was ripped open revealing one strawberry blonde doppelgänger. 


"Klaus." Elena spoke looking at the man in disdain he looked surprised, if not for a moment, that she had actually opened the door to him. 


"Doppelgänger." Klaus replied taking a moment to look over the woman, his eyes narrowed in on the strawberry blonde locks that she now adorned, "You know even after running for five hundred years Katerina never changed her appearance." 


"Yeah well, she didn't have people judging her for her previous doppelgängers actions." Elena moved aside watching as the big, bad hybrid made his way into the apartment looking around the place. 


"No, but she did have a certain original family hunting her." Klaus replied sitting in the armchair leaning back to look at her more closely. His sources hadn't mentioned the change in appearance, in fact, if he had not already known where she was he wondered if he would have recognized her at all. It was a smart play, one that he would not be admitting to the baby vampire. 


No matter how impressive. 


"What do you want Klaus?" Elena spat not moving towards the man, just in case she needed a head start, instead she crossed her arms and watched him with a blank face. 


"I imagine you are aware of those have been employed by a certain Salvatore to find you?" Klaus spoke watching as the woman's posture stiffened. He sighed tilting his head before speaking once more, "While you may not believe me, I do in fact have more pressing issues than a baby vampire playing family with some other baby vampire." 


"We're not-" Elena moved to deny the fact her face switching to anger easily, breaking her mask. 


"Don't worry love, I don't judge. In fact, I find certain activities may be enjoyed even more so with two women." Klaus interrupted her with a smirk that was uncharacteristically... not frightening. In fact, it almost made her want to laugh. Which scared the crap out of her. 


"Regardless, the Salvatore is now in league with forces that he should have never mixed with." Klaus spoke harshly his eyes hardening as his causal demeanor turned sharp. 


"I know he's working with someone but I haven't been able to discover who." Elena replied giving up the information freely, Klaus was speaking as if he already knew so-


"An old acquaintance of mine that goes by the name of Marcel Gerard. The Salvatore recently met him during his stint in New Orleans." Klaus spoke watching as Elena took a few steps towards him as if the knowledge was luring her in. 


"Why am I not surprised that you're somehow mixed in all of this." Elena rolled her eyes at the hybrid still keeping a small amount of distance between them. She withheld the scoff that welled up in her throat not daring to do so in front of the man who had killed her less than a decade ago. 


"I did not plan to get involved, quite frankly while I am curious as to the why to your disdain to the man you love, I would rather not be mixed into all of this." Klaus waved his hand around in a circle as he spoke flippantly. A small sigh fell from his lips. 


"Then why get involved? I see no reason-" Elena spoke her arms crossing over her chest as her jaw clenched. Had the original been lying about Caroline after all?


"I imagine Caroline hasn't mentioned anything about our deal since she came here?" Klaus asked his eyes meeting hers and for the first time in her life Elena heard something from him that she never imagined she would. Hesitation. She wondered if she had in fact imagined it but as she studied his face she could see it. 


"No." Elena's voice came out much softer this time as she thought back to the conversations she had with her friend. The only instance of anything was her first phone call, it had seemed like Caroline was expecting someone else. Perhaps a certain original? 


"I asked her to be honest with me and in exchange I would leave Mystic falls. Only to return if she asked me to." Klaus spoke carefully not to reveal too much to the doppelgänger. By the time he had returned to Mystic Falls few of those who opposed him remained. The Salvatore's had begun to hunt Elena who was also gone, the witches had fled the city, only a few supernaturals were left. 


"What does that have to do with anything?" Elena kept her arms crossed as she narrowed her eyes at the hybrid who simply smirked at her. His eyes went up and down her frame as he held back a laugh at her defiant stance. As if she could do anything. 


"While I honored her wishes," Klaus didn't pause at the scoff the baby vampire gave simply rolled his eyes and continued, "I did place a known colleague in Mystic Falls to alert me to any problems that arose." 


"And let me guess, something came up?" Elena spoke not even surprised by where this was going, if you were in mystic falls then there were bound to be issues. She loved it growing up, there was always some sort of drama and something to do. But once it's directed at you its a lot less fun. 


"For now all that you need to know was there was a threat to her. There's still a threat to her and as an extension you." Klaus rose from his seat and Elena's body tightened as it was locked in a battle of wills. Her body desperately wanted to flee from him. But she refused to give in. 


"So you just traveled goodness knows how far to let me know?” Elena scoffed rolling her eyes and when her eyes met his once more there was a smirk of mirth on his lips. 


“You know it’s no wonder my brother is so taken with you now. You’ve changed so much since I killed you.” Klaus spoke with such a noncommittal and flippantly as if he was not talking about how he had killed her. But she supposed she shouldn’t expect such a man to have a conscience. Not after a thousand years of bloodshed. 


“My friendship with Elijah is none of your business Klaus.” Elena spoke her eyes narrowing slightly at what he was insinuating, “However, I imagine it would be impossible for someone to change considering how much has happened since that day.”


“You speak as if you do not harbor ill will towards me for it.” Klaus observed her body language closely, she didn’t even flinch at his comment, he didn’t know everything that happened to her. But he was becoming increasingly more curious to the nature of this change in the doppelgänger. 


“I’ve watched Kelsey grow up without her father and what that can do to a child.” Elena spoke thinking about Kelsey’s fears of abandonment even though she had been a baby at the time, “I can’t imagine that an abusive father would be any better for a young child.” 


Klaus’s jaw clenched and as he opened his mouth instead there was a whistle that echoed through the room. In one blink Klaus was on the couch the next he was pinned to the wall by his neck. She couldn’t see the person’s face, but she didn’t have to. She would always recognize his frame, his stature regardless of what he wore. 


“Elijah.” Elena’s voice came out forceful but the name fell on deaf ears. All Elijah could focus on was the fact that his brother had found her. That her secret was out all because of him. Perhaps if he had simply left her world wouldn’t be in so much danger. His hand tightened around his brother’s neck as Klaus simply smirked at his brother. 


“Tell me your intentions with her Niklaus.” Elijah’s voice was deeper than Elena had ever heard him speak and for a moment Elena felt the fear that she had felt so much as a young woman when she had been around him. But now instead, he was fighting for her. 


“I’ve no idea what you mean brother, I was just acquainting myself with your newest paramour. Maria was it?” Klaus didn’t even flinch at the increase of pressure at his neck his eyes flashing deviously. 


“Klaus, stop antagonizing your brother.” Elena spoke walking closer to the pair until she could place a single hand on Elijah’s shoulder. He flinched underneath the touch and Elena’s gaze softened. He didn’t look at her and she knew it was because of that note. She doubted that when had wrote it that he had any notion of returning the very same day. 


“There’s nothing to forgive Elijah.” Elena whispered even though she knew that Klaus could still hear her, 


Elijah did not turn around immediately. However, the grasp around his brother’s throat lessened dropping the hybrid to the floor. 


“My my brother-“ Klaus went to speak but he was silenced by a sharp kick by Elena. 


Only then did Elijah face her his eyes searching every inch of her body for any signs that his brother had hurt her. That he had harmed her. He let out a sigh of relief closing his eyes trying not to allow his emotions to get the best of him again. To take those lips of hers that offer such sweet apologizes and consume her. 


“Klaus, leave.” 


I am so sorry that it’s been so long. I started and finished student teaching. I’m graduating tomorrow! I had almost all of this chapter finished before I sat down to write tonight. hopefully my life will settle down some this summer and I can write more of my fanfics.

Anyways what did everyone think of this chapter? I wrestled with it, considering the letter he left. But, I also thought that it would be fitting the moment he did that, that Klaus would show up.

Chapter 16: Damn you!


Some words are said and some things are put in motion. The train rushing straight ahead. But is it sacrifice or salvation that lies in the future.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Come now surely we can all talk like civilized-" Klaus began but in instant without hesitation another swift kick was thrown in his direction. He stood holding his hands up in surrender smirking as he looked towards his older brother. 


"Who knew this one would be such a firecracker once she got out from under the Salvatore's." Klaus quipped his eyes gleaming in amusement facing her once more, "You will have to tell me love sometime what caused your little change in heart." 


"Niklaus-" Elijah went to speak taking a step towards his brother but Elena's hand stopped him. She did not even look at him though his eyes burned into her hand. 


"Your brother and I have some unfinished business Klaus so if it so pleases your highness," Elena was getting pissed off right now though Klaus was only slightly aggravating her. No it was her original who always wore a suit that was putting her in a pissing contest with the original hybrid, "I'm sure we can discuss strategy and whatever the hell you want tomorrow."


"As the lovely doppelgänger wishes," Klaus smirked his eyes going down to the hand that still resided on his brother's chest. She was taking so many liberties with his brother. As such, he couldn't help but send one final jab towards his brother as he walked out the door, "Do try not to break anything brother."


Elijah remained silent as if he had never heard the words from his brother instead looking towards the woman finding her eyes at last. She let out a soft sigh her eyes softening just ever so slightly her hand on his chest grasping onto his suit and drawing him closer to her. He followed as if being called by a siren his steps slow and calm. Still, he couldn't stop even if he had wanted to draw away from her. 


"You left me." Elena's voice came out as a whisper her eyes looking towards his accusingly watching guilt begin to dance in his eyes. 


"To uphold the deal you once begged of me." Elijah threw back his reply taking her hand in his and pulling her causing her to stumble to him. His other hand was at her waist in a moment to steady her against him. She breathed in sharply, something that he did not miss, and just the tiniest of smirks made its way onto his face. 


"Oh? This I have to hear, do tell me Elijah what deal did I make that entailed you leaving me with yet another letter." Elena shot back her eyes darkening veins just barely visible coming to them. The anger, the hurt was evident but still he couldn't help but push her. If it was to keep her safe. 


"I saw a threat to the Moore Family, I was protecting them just as you had asked." Elijah growled back feeling her hand twist in his grip as she tried to break free of him. Her hand while in his grasp still held a fistful of his suit jacket. He held fast to her his eyes scanning her face watching as the barely visible veins began to disappear. 


"But a letter?" Elena whispered her voice breaking ever so softly, "Really Elijah? You could have just told me instead, I thought we were able to talk to each other." 


Elijah looked at her down casted eyes feeling a tightening in his chest as a single tear went down her face. She shook her head her eyes going to the fire in the corner of her eye trying not to look at him. She would forgive him, she would always forgive him, but why... why did he have to leave another damn letter. 


"I apologize lovely Elena." Elijah spoke softly his grip relaxing instead resting over hers, just over the place where his heart was her palm against his chest, "I see now that while it was easier for me to write you that letter that perhaps it was not the best course of action." 


"Never tell me your leaving with a letter again." Elena demanded weakly her voice quiet as she still refused to look at him, her heart burning her alive, "I can't stand it."


"Never again." Elijah vowed watching as her shoulders sagged in relief and he blamed himself for lowering his guard when he asked her what he did next, "But I can not imagine why my writings cause you so much grief." 


"What?" Elena questioned her eyes snapping up to his watching as he tilted his head in questioning his gaze analyzing hers as she blinked rapidly in surprise. He did not answer her instead waiting for her to absorb the question to be able to answer him. 


She couldn't explain it, especially not to him, she couldn't tell him how the thought of him once more disappearing from her life like he had done before. She couldn't express to him how the mere thought of him no longer being in her life made her heart burn like a forest fire. 


"I- it just doesn't bring back the most joyous memories for me. Okay?" Elena shifted stepping away from him his hand falling from where it had been on his chest with hers. His eyebrows narrowing as he frowned at her his gaze disapproving watching as she took another step out of his reach. 


"Elena." Elijah took a step forward only for the woman to take another step away from him. 


"I need to go check on everyone but uhm," Elena shifted unsure before going up to him.


 "I'm glad you had to come back." She moved slowly, deliberately giving him plenty of time to move away from her. Her lips brushed against his cheek both of there eyes closing relishing in the feel of her soft lips against his smooth skin. Her fingertips on his chest as she stretched to reach him. 


Then she was gone like a wisp leaving Elijah once more alone in his home. 


Elijah could not help as his mind was launched to a time long before now. He closed his eyes breathing in deeply as his fist clenched by his side. He could recall the way her lips had moved against his, yet there was more fire in her now than there had ever been that day. She hadn't been herself. 


Now she was kissing his cheek so easily, as if she had done so a hundred times over, on her own volition. Elijah could feel the subtle shift in him, the fire that she had lit inside him.


As he looked at his now closed door, even with all the uncertainties that their lives currently held, he couldn't help the smirk that came upon his face. His eyes dancing in amusement as his tongue licked the rim of his teeth. He had recognized the look on her face when he had arrived. 


He had believed the tear stained face had been because of something that his brother had done or said. However, she would not have taken such liberties with Klaus, kicking him out both literally and figuratively, had he done something. No, he had sensed very little fear in her even before he arrived to 'rescue' her. 


"What am I going to do with you, lovely Elena?"



When Elena walked into her apartment she was immediately greeted by a worried Caroline who looked over her like a mother hen. Elena rolled her eyes at her friend walking into her apartment trying to keep her rushing heart at bay. If Caroline noticed anything about her quick heartbeat she didn't mention it. Nor did she have time to. Elena turned to her friend with the door securely shut and the sage fireplace lit. 


"Klaus." Elena spoke the name and almost instantly she watched her friend's face turn paler as if she was a ghost. Elena waited a moment watching as Caroline's eyes left hers and how she looked towards the ground. 


"The first time I called you, you thought I was Klaus calling you... again." Elena spoke her eyes narrowed in on Caroline as if she were her prey. Caroline shifted underneath her gaze her jaw tensing as she tried to think about what Elena could have figured out. 


"No you know what!" Care stood tall her voice final and resolute, "You want me to explain myself fine! But you have a lot of explaining to do to! You make deals right, that's your two's 'thing'." 


"You want to know about Elijah." Elena spoke though it was not much of a question. That was the only thing that she hadn't spoken to Caroline at length about and then there was the not so subtle jab at their deals. 


"You tell me about Elijah and I'll tell you about Klaus. That's my deal." Caroline spoke confidently but Elena still knew all of the young woman's tells. The subtle tick in her jaw and the way she flipped back her hair as if to feign indifference. She wasn't about to tell her that though. 


"Deal." Elena replied even though she knew the majority about Klaus in the first place she knew it was only fair to get Care's side of the story to.


"One day I was walking through the city just like I had thousands of times before," Elena moved deliberately like a predator stalking its prey in her apartment. She watched Caroline carefully as she moved to sit on her barstool.


Maria left her apartment building with a smile on her lips and sunglasses on her face. She shuffled through the crowd glad that the daycare was only a few blocks away. While vamping would be a lot easier Maria would never jeopardize the home that she had made here in Toronto. Not for anything in the world. 


As she walked she saw a man with dark chocolate hair in a suit that made her do a double take. Her eyes snapped towards the man and before she could stop herself the words had already been spoken into the world...




"I couldn't help but take notice of him out of everyone in the crowd. It's not as if he was the only man wearing a suit that day. There was something that drew my eyes in." Elena explained trying to put into words why she noticed him out of everyone one that street that day. 


"I think you always took notice of him even in Mystic Falls." Caroline replied her eyes softening a fraction as she braced herself on the counter her hands clenched on the granite, "I think that Damon and Stefan saw it to."


"I thought I had gotten away safely from him, besides its not like I look the same from far away." Elena replied brushing off her comment about Damon and Stefan. She knew all too well what they thought about her and Elijah's friendship all those years ago. But no one would know the extent and the damage they had done. 


Maria knew the moment his name feel from her lips that she had fucked up. His head began to snap to her direction trying to locate who had spoken his name. Maria tried to control her breathing as she moved her head where she could no longer see him. She continued to walk not quickening or slowing her pace. Instead, she calmed her raging dead heart and tried not to think about the fact that she had dreamed about him that night...


And now he was here. 


Maria didn't hear him coming towards her so she could only hope that he was unsuccessful in picking out her voice from the crowd. That he didn't recognize it as her voice but was only shocked that someone knew his name. Then there was the biggest questioned that remained. Why was he in Toronto in the first place?


“It was quite the surprised when I walked into Iris’s apartment later than day and found him there. He was a customer of hers and it was by chance that our paths met.” Elena explained her lips quirking up into a hint of a smile as she drummed her fingers on her thighs. 


"Hi Maria!" The young girl chirped happily as she looked up from Maria's legs that were grasped in her hug smiling widely, "There's someone here I want you to meet! He's really cool!" 


Maria let go of Maria's legs and ran back into the apartment leaving the door wide open for the baby vampire to follow. Maria stood in shock for a second, Kelsey never had hugged her so quickly. The child had always been latched to her hip since they had met years ago even when she was but a toddler and couldn't speak. Her hand had always clutched onto Maria like she was her lifeline. 


"Well he must be something if I'm not your favorite anymore." Maria spoke with a fake sigh shaking her head as she entered the apartment, "Whatever will I do with myself now that Princess Kelsey has chosen another knight."


Maria turned to look into the living room to see whoever Iris's newest friend was only to freeze. He was sitting with his back to the door, but even from where she stood she could see the same suit and chocolate hair from earlier in the day. She tried to keep her heart at a calm pace, there was always the chance that he wouldn't recognize her. 


He was over a thousand years old surely he could forget someone he had barely known. Except her face was not only hers, and Maria had no idea if dyed hair and contacts would be enough to erase Elena Gilbert from her. 


"Maria, this is Mr. Mikaelson! Mr. Mikaelson, this is the best person in the world Maria!" Kelsey peeked her head over from Elijah's lap with a smile waving Maria over. She stiffly walked to where Elijah could see her. 


"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Mikaelson." Maria held out her hand to him watching as his eyes landed on her face. The recognization was instant, she could see the subtle shift in him. In his eyes. He knew who she was, "I'm Maria Landon."


“I was so worried that his presence was going to destroy my world again just like the first time.” Elena shook her head her teeth clenched together as she looked at Caroline, “That it would be mystic falls all over again.” 


“But it wasn’t.” Caroline pipped in as she tried to fight the smile that was threatening to rise onto her face. She had to admit, this seemed so different to how she described Stefan and then Damon back when. As if those were nothing more than her teenage loves and now she was talking about-


“I don’t know if I can properly explain how he makes me feel Care. Even back then there’s always been this easy respect and understanding between us.” Elena described licking her lips as she tried to imagine either of her first loves treating her like that. Stefan had been more understanding and respected her decisions more than Damon. But in the end, “Stefan cared more about what Damon thought was right then me.” 


“What?” Care’s eyes squinted at her friend looking at her with new found interest. 


“Elijah doesn’t belittle my choices or make me think I’m naive though… I’m definitely not that seventeen year old girl being sacrificed anymore.” Elena spoke her voice tense and she watched the hesitancy in Care’s body language. 


“They were only trying to protect you Elena, Stefan esp-“ Care moved to speak but Elena quickly rose her eyes flashing violently as she cut her off. 


“Stefan is not the person you think he is Care.” Elena’s voice was on the precipice of yelling and Care nearly flinched at the loud boom of her friend’s voice. She frowned shaking her head. 


“I can’t understand if you don’t tell me what happened.” Care spoke walking until she placed her hand on Elena’s shoulder but Elena shook her taking a step away from her. 


“Some things need to be laid to rest Care.” Elena sighed moving towards her kitchen opening her fridge to find her yogurt covered shortbread cookies, yes she knew she didn’t have to keep them there. But they were better like this. She placed one in her mouth turning to face the blonde. 


“Obviously you’re not over it.” Care retorted her eyes squinting at her friend watching as she stood with such ease, “Damn you even stand like him!”


“What?” Elena questioned twirling her strawberry locks around her finger her other hand holding the box falling to the side. 


“Elijah. You stand like him, hell you even talk like him sometimes.” Care pointed out watching as her best friend shook her head. 


“I’m not Elijah,” Elena replied sighing, “But I can’t deny that he has rubbed off on me.”


“I don’t mean it as a bad thing Lena.” Care spoke softly her tongue running across her teeth as she thought about her next question, “You’ve been on your own for years. There’s never been anyone else that you might have…”


“I had a pretty strict no guys policy.” Elena remarked offhandedly placing her cookie box on the counter talking with her hands, “Besides I didn’t want to ruin what I have here.” 


“You had a strict no guys policy?” Care couldn’t help the small smirk lifting up on her face watching as as subtle blush settled on Elena’s ears at the top. She smiled sheepishly looking away from Care. 


“He’s always drawn me in. We just talked about that.” Elena remarked with a little bit though it lacked any heat. Her mind wandered to the small kiss on the cheek she had given him. She didn’t know what had compelled her to do it as if she had so many times before. 


But seeing him even though it had been mere hours and the thought of him leaving her with another damn letter. Klaus showing up and revealing that Care and him shared some sort of history in Elena’s abscess. His skin had been so soft against her lips, his chest a smooth plan that she could imagine running her fingertips down. 


He made her want things she hadn’t even thought about in nearly four years. Feelings that had once made her want to retreat from society now right under the surface waiting to be exposed. Then there was Klaus, if his last throw away statement was to go off of anything he recognized the tension between the pair to. Yet, he did not try to stop it from festering. 


“But this is more than just being drawn to someone Lena. We have one night stands with people were drawn to-“ 


“Like Klaus?”


Hello there! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I had half of it written weeks ago with Elijah but when it came to Caroline it was a bit more challenging. But now I think I’m pretty happy with what I’ve got. Let me know what you think! Big long comments always make me write faster lol.

Chapter 17: Good.


Elena and Caroline have a long overdue talk.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Imagine my surprise brother when I found you in Toronto of all places with a certain doppelgänger." Klaus spoke leaning back in the chair sending his dear older brother a toothy grin. Elijah sat in the chair across from him staring blankly at his brother.


"Albeit the change in her appearance did throw me off of her trail for awhile. But there are only so many people named 'Elena' that Caroline knows." Klaus quipped watching Elijah's body growing tense seeing a tick in his jaw. Subtle movements were his only tells that he was displeased. 


"Surely you've done enough to her to leave her alone, Niklaus." Elijah spoke his eyes narrowing his eyes at his brother slowly standing fixing his suit. He buttoned the jacket and made sure the cufflinks on his sleeves were secure. 


"While you may not believe me brother I truly do not wish harm on Elena Gilbert." Klaus replied picking up his glass of whiskey from the coffee table swirling around the liquid in the glass. His voice deep his eyes focusing on the glass.  


"Yes, you certainly seem more preoccupied by a certain blonde nowadays." Elijah smirked watching the grin fall from Klaus's face. Elijah continued, "Who knows what trouble the newest desire of the great hybrid might get into."


"You dare to threaten her to me?" Klaus seethed his eyes narrowing into slits rising from the chair the whiskey glass clattering to the ground shattering. Whiskey spilling all on the ground around them. 


"Pity that was one of my favorite glasses." Elijah's eyes were like a blazing fire as he took a step towards his brother. They stood toe to toe Elijah's face devoid of emotion as he spoke, "I would never dare to harm a precious friend of Elena's. So long as she remains unharmed by your own hands."


Elijah did not wait for his brother's reply already half way out the door by the time he had uttered his underlining threat. As the door shut Klaus shoved the lamp to the ground glass flying as he yelled out. His nails digging into his palm until blood dropped onto the carpet below. Whiskey and blood mixing together. 




"I didn't talk to Klaus for a long time after he left mystic falls." Caroline looked down at the cup of blood and whiskey a hesitant smile on her lips. She swirled the glass around biting her bottom lip. 


"After a year of searching for your and only coming up empty handed I had decided that enough was enough." Caroline didn't raise her gaze to Elena who sat on the barstool across from Caroline. Elena remembered, while Stefan had once gotten close she doubted he was even aware of it. 


"Stefan almost found me in Mexico City, I had just burned my trail when he showed up. Ten minutes later I was hitchhiking back to the states with a couple of werewolves." Elena remembered the trip, the wolves had been wary but still allowed her to travel with them. Their need for her compulsion to get over the border more important then their dislike for vampires. 


"What! Damon had told him that it was a waste of a trip! That you would never go that far down south." Caroline looked towards Elena then, Elena's lip quirked up ever so slightly leaning further on the counter. 


"I knew Damon really well Care, I let you see what you wanted to see. Allowed some trails to be uncovered when it was necessary. You never would have found me if I hadn't reached out to you first." Elena spoke her voice full of confidence Care didn't respond instead continuing her story.


"Damon was being... Damon. Stefan was always traveling trying to find you. Bonnie left. I still don't know where Tyler is. I was just by myself and-" Care looked down at her drink against her eyes glistening, she licked her lips, "I just wanted to talk to someone who, I don't know, who cared about me. Even if it was in their own twisted hybrid way." 


Caroline knew she would probably regret this decision, yet her fingers moved on their own accord dialing the number she knew yet had promised herself that she would never call. A number she promised she would never dial. It was ringing. 


"Hello, Love." His voice was smooth and soft coming through the phone after just two rings. Her shoulders sagged as she let out a small breath. 


"Klaus." Caroline's voice whispered looking over to the burning sage on her nightstand. A gift Bonnie had left her, along with an apology note for not giving her a proper goodbye. After Elena left, Care had moved in with the Salvatore brothers to work towards finding Elena. 


"Not that this isn't a wonderful surprise, I thought you vowed to never contact me again." Caroline could imagine the insufferable smirk on his face as he spoke. His tone light and seemingly not at all surprised. 


"Things change Klaus, sometimes at least." Caroline spoke pacing in her room hearing the floorboards creak above her, Damon must have brought home another woman again. Dick. Caroline continued, "Can a girl not Change her mind?"


"You're welcome to change your mind as many times as you want love." Klaus leaned against the railing of his porch in Greece, the wind blowing gently against his face. His hair rising and falling into his eyes. 


"Dammit, Caroline you home!" Care heard the yell coming from up top again, she sighed rolling her eyes. It had been an even bigger mistake letting the Salvatore's talk her into living at the boarding house with them. 


"Everything alright love?" Klaus's eyes narrowed his brows furrowed. Care bit her lip trying to decide if telling him the truth would make him angry or not. 


"Did you hear about Elena? How she disappeared last year?" Caroline ignored Damon's calls wondering if he would betray her privacy and outright bust down her door. She heard Klaus tsk through the phone. 


"I have many things to concern myself over in this life Caroline, the doppelgänger is not one of them." Klaus responded looking out towards the sea and the moonlight. Perhaps he should paint the scenery one of these days, "However, Elijah had mentioned that she had flipped her switch. About time if you ask me." 


"Elijah was the last one to see her, then she just... vanished. The Salvatore's have been trying to find her all year with no such luck." Caroline told him as he listened quietly a small smile coming to his face. 


"Do you wish for me to find her for you, Caroline?" Klaus asked his tongue rolling out her name making her fight back a shiver. Damn hybrids. 


"No, she'll come back when she's ready... or at least I hope she does." 


"Caroline." Klaus rolled out her name again and this time she couldn't fight back the shiver his voice caused. 


"Yes, Klaus?" Caroline spoke his name slowly as if savoring it her eyes becoming heavy as she tried to keep her voice normal. 


"Why did you call me tonight?" Klaus whispered his voice dropping his tongue darting out to lick his lips. Caroline sighed hearing more shouting coming from upstairs. If Klaus heard it, he didn't mention it instead waiting for the answer to his question. 


"Everyone's just... gone." Caroline whispered her jaw tightening as she tried to not let the emotions speak through her voice, "In a way, you're the only person I can talk to who actually cares about what I have to say." 


"You are always welcome to call anytime, Love. Or visit." Klaus let the silence hang between them, his offer out on the table for her to reject. Or accept. His lips were spreading wider without his knowledge his tongue running along his teeth. 


"Where are you now?" The words were out of Caroline's mouth before she could filter them. The had quickly flew from her mouth at the thought of leaving this town even for a day. Then there was the fact that... no she couldn't admit that. Not yet. 


"Greece." Klaus's voice had gotten deeper, or Caroline was becoming delusional, "Might I send the jet your way to pick you up?"




"Oh my gosh!" Elena cut through the memory, Care had almost forgotten that her friend had even been in the room, her eyes wide as she looked at Care. 


"You went to Greece! With Klaus!" Elena couldn't pick her jaw off of the floor as she stared at Caroline. She knew, of course, that Klaus had 'fancied' her when he had been in Mystic Falls. But she figured that he lost interest after he left headed goodness knows where. Though... It would be hypocritical for her to judge when it comes to the Mikaelson's. 


"Do you want to hear the rest of my story or not?" Caroline tilted her head her lips tilting up ever so slightly, but inside she was concerned. Her heart hammered against her chest. She didn't know how Elena would handle the next part, hell she still doesn't know how to handle the next part.


The wind blew through Caroline's pinned up hair making pieces fall out of the bun down onto her skin. She wore a red sunflower dress, that she had managed to grab from her mom's home before leaving. Care tilted down the sunglasses from her eyes glancing around the outside of the landing strip that Klaus's plane had taken her to. A shiver ran down her back against the warm morning sunlight when she finally saw him. 


She half-heartedly wondered if he always wore Henley shirts or if there was anything else in his closet. She also wondered if he always had to look so devilishly handsome. But she tried not too put to much energy into the thought. Still, with a pair of sunglasses on top of his head and a pair of high-end sandals, he looked a lot less menacing than he did in Mystic Falls. But maybe that was because of the country and less of his outfit. 


"Hello, Love." Klaus gave her a loop-sided grin his eyes twinkling in mirth, "I worried you would change your mind yet again." 


"Please, I'm sure your minions called the moment we took off. I doubt even you could survive a jump from thousands of feet in the air." Caroline quipped rolling her eyes as she moved her own sunglasses from her eyes and onto her head like he had. Her lips tilted up into a small smirk, "Maybe we should have tried that years ago." 


"While not a pleasant experience, I can assure you love I am truly immortal. As you well know." Klaus stepped towards her make her breath hitch, he smirked at her taking her bag out of her hand. His voice was smooth against the warm breeze, "A true gentleman carries a woman's things, Caroline."


"I didn't realize I was in the presence of a true gentleman." Care quipped back biting her bottom lip looking up at him through her eyelashes. 


Klaus rolled his eyes the smile not falling from his face, "Come, love. I have someone to introduce to you." 


"Who?" Caroline easily fell into step with the hybrid her long leg matching his wide stride, they were the only ones on the airstrip. She wasn't sure where exactly in Greece he had flown her to, she hadn't asked questions. But she had assumed that they would be alone. 


Within a few more steps they reached the top of the hill and a gasp was ripped from Care's throat. Her eyes went wide her mouth open as she took in the view before her. Wide blue skies and beautiful crystal blue oceans. White and blue hues dancing on the rooftops. 


"Welcome to Greece Caroline."



"Man, what did you do to the man Care to make him so whipped for you?" Elena tilted her head the hairs falling from the ponytail with a lopsided grin too much like Klaus's for Care's own sanity. It was different, Elena was different now. Thought Care was too, meeting new people and seeing new places could do that when you were stuck in the same small town your entire life. 


"You make him sound like some lost puppy Lena." Caroline breathed out rolling her eyes, "Besides he was in fact a gentleman... for the most part." 


"And you were the picture of polite?" Elena quipped back a gleam in her eye, she noticed Care's hesitance and spoke again, "It's okay Care, I was gone and... it's not like I haven't been thinking about a different Mikaelson in that way for awhile now."


"Ah ha! So you finally admit it. There’s something between you and Elijah.” Caroline pointed her finger at Elena like she had revealed some big secret. But to the blonde’s surprised the strawberry blonde just sent her a small smile her eyebrows raised… It was very… original.


“He came back into my life at the right time, when I was seventeen,” Elena sighed looking away from Caroline shaking her head, “I was lost Care.”


“There was always a threat looming over my head, one of which being his brother. I was a human in the midst of chaos. I was impressionable. I was in danger. I was compliant, willingly or forcibly.” 


“Forcibly?” Caroline’s voice cut through the fog of Elena’s mind, the fog that always appeared whenever she thought about her time with the Salvatore’s, “ What do you mean forcibly.”


Elena forced herself to looks towards Caroline, her eyes narrowing like slits. For a moment she was reminded of Klaus, the irony wasn’t lost on her… About how people began to act and talk more like those they spend large quantities of time around. 


“I was Human Caroline.” Elena watched the recognition flash through the Blonde’s eyes, then she saw the anger quickly replace it. She could tell that she was clenching her jaw, that her body practically shook with anger. But Elena’s body language didn’t show the same reaction. 


“Does Elijah know?” Care whispered quietly her eyes casted down to the grow, her fingernails digging into her hands. She had thought that Elena was safe. That even though Damon had done it to her… They loved Elena. She was supposed to be different. 


“Some.” Elena sighed biting her lip, she hadn’t meant to take the conversation in this direction. This was supposed to be talking about happier things, “I think he suspects that there’s more to it than I have told him so far.” 


“What did they do Elena?” Care took a step towards Elena her voice tight her face pinched together in distress. 




“No Elena! Why didn’t you tell me! Why didn’t you come to me!” Tears rolled dow Caroline’s eyes, she blinked them away her heart breaking, “They were supposed to be different for you! They were supposed to be better!” 


“What?” Elena blinked her face looking like she had been slapped, “Better for me? What do you mean Care?”


Both of the girls looked at each other, their guards were up. Secrets that no one knew were about to spill like crimson across the floor. The crimson they relished in so often would be their own, as the fractures in their facade cracked. Caroline’s chest heaved as she tried to get more air into her dead lungs. Her pupils were blown wide. 


Elena was still the picture of grace. Only if one looked closely would they be able to see the widening of her pupils. Her breathing was steady and even, her feet had barely shifted since they had begun speaking. Her back was arched, her chin up, her posture perfect. Caroline didn’t understand, how she wasn’t falling apart at the seams.


“He… Damon… He did it to me to.” Caroline whispered her throat tight tears welling up in her eyes. She was breaking, fracturing into a million pieces in front of her long lost best friend. She couldn’t stop it. She hadn’t told anyone… She never. She wanted to, but why couldn’t they just see. Why couldn’t they have noticed that something wasn’t right? 


Why did she have to be the forgotten one? The one who was always left behind?


“Care.” Elena took a step forward, it was the first break of many. She tried to think back, to all those years ago when Damon and her had been… Elena hadn’t known about Vampires yet and Stefan wasn’t on speaking terms with Damon. Why? Why hadn’t he?


“He compelled me-“ A shuddered gasp was ripped from Caroline’s throat the tears rolling down his face, “I was nothing more than livestock to him.” 


Elena knew the moment Caroline’s body gave out and before she ever had a moment to stumble Elena was already there. She lowered Care to the floor wrapping her arms tightly around the blonde. Her heart shattering as tears welled up in her own eyes. Caroline’s hand clutched onto hers her eyes closing. Flashes, memories coming to the surface, unwanted memories. 


“He… he raped me. He compelled me to make me want him. I was like his little puppet, he thought it was entertaining watching me after it lifted. Then he would just compel me to forget again until the next time.” 


Elena Gilbert had been angry many times in her life. 


When her brother had stolen her doll as a young child she had kicked him in the shins until he gave it back. When Tyler wouldn’t give Care back her Diary she had tattled to her teacher and he was put in detention for two days. She had been made when Matt had blew off their date for a night with the boys. When Stefan kept secrets from her. When Damon used the sire bond to get what he wanted. 


Black veins encased her face her hands clenched her jaw locked. Her eyes dark and her mind even darker. Elena had been angry many times in her life. But this time? 


There would be a price to pay… 


And she would be the judge, jury, and executioner. 


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I feel like it’s a very necessary part of this story. The more they talk with each other the more they realize that their stories aren’t too different from each other.

Chapter 18: Graduation


It’s time for Elena to Graduate and we all know not everything goes to plan on graduation day.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Elijah stood in front of the mirror fixing the sleeves of a suit, his hands nibble but they twitched every so often, he met his own unwavering gaze in the mirror. His eyes looking down at his suit scrutinizingly, he tilted his head his eyes narrowing at his own reflection. 


"Brother, I am positive no matter what you wear for the occasion that the lovely Elena Gilbert will wish to jump your bones immediately." Klaus quipped from Elijah's living room down the hallway, he rolled his eyes at his older brother. He was thankful that Caroline was still unaware of his presence in Toronto. Otherwise, he would be willing to bet she would talk him into coming along to.


"Must you be so vulgar Niklaus?" Elijah smiled to himself in the mirror happy with his appearance, he walked from his room into the living room where his brother was sprawled out on his Italian leathered sofa. He looked down distastefully at his brother, "That is a ten-thousand dollar sofa." 


"Might want to get one comfier next time, this one would be awful to shag on." Klaus quipped again his lips tilting up into a smirk as he looked at his brother.


"It's as if you are in fact a Child Niklaus." 



Caroline watched her best friend put on her earrings one at a time as she stood in a beautiful Maroon dress. Her face, once tear stained from hours of crying in Elena's arms last night, had been transformed by the power of make-up. They still had more they needed to talk about. More things they needed to unpack after all of these years. But they had taken a first step in the right direction. 


"You look beautiful 'Lena." Caroline smiled coming up behind her to fluff her hair, "Elijah's going to love the color." 


Elena was sporting a deep forest green dress, but as both of the gazes rose in the mirror it finally settled on the color Elijah would truly adore. For the first time in nearly four years, Elena Gilbert was a brunette again. Enough had been stolen from the girls' lives, she would not let anything else be taken from them. 


The brown chocolatey locks fell to her shoulders in loose curls that framed her face. Emeralds lacing her wrist and ears complimenting the dress perfectly. A black Graduation Robe with several honor cords around her neck. She didn't let the tears well up in her eyes, didn't even give them a moment. She shoved down those emotions. She tried hard not to imagine her parents standing behind her. Proud smiles on their faces. Jenna. Jeremy. Bonnie. 


"I am about to Graduation College Care, I'm not worried about what Elijah thinks." Elena rolled her eyes at her friend but Caroline just shook her head. She did. She cared about what he thought, more specifically she worried about how he would react to seeing her face again... Or well the ghost of his past. Since they had reconnected she had looked different, at least a little bit. 


She worried... But she tried not to think about it too much. 


"You wouldn't have dyed it if you didn't care at all 'Lena." Caroline pointed out smiling into the full mirror Elena smiling back at her. She didn't tell Caroline that she hadn't done it for Elijah. She didn't voice how she refused to let Damon take anything more from her. She had lost four years, living a lie. She wouldn't lose anymore. 


"Okay, would it be so bad for me to admit that I wish something would happen between us?" Elena sighed still smiling, "We deserve to be happy Care." 


"Then I do declare," Care spun around her smile only widening, "That today will be a happy day!"


She knew Caroline was still in pain and she knew eventually she would tell Klaus about everything that had happened. That would be the day Damon Salvatore's death warrant would be signed. She almost felt guilty. But that guilt was overpowered by her own want, to get to him first. 


"You're Crazy." 



"You never know what life will bring your way or why things will always seem to go sideways when you need it to the least. I never imagined that I would be graduating college, let alone giving a speech to all of you. I grew up being told that I would never amount to anything. That the circumstances I was put in would determine my fate forever... forever is a long time. Rarely, is anything so finite." The beginning of the speech began as a young man, an engineering graduate, with rusty red hair and bright blue eyes spoke passionately. 


"I have found in my four years here, that the word never should be used rarely and the word yet should replace it. You haven't figured out things yet. You haven't learned it yet. My grandfather pushed me to be better every day of my life. I am standing up here today because of him." He raised his fist into the air, "This is for you Gramps." 


"If you remember nothing about my speech except for one thing. Please, I implore you to remember this," He shuffled a card on the podium his face lighting up into a smile, "As cliche as it is, you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Don't let the never sayers in you life keep you from being a yet seeker. Don't fall into the trap of helplessness. Don't miss the opportunities that present themselves. Live your life like you have only a day left, because rarely do you ever get a forever. Thank you." 


Time ticked by slowly as Caroline Forbes, Iris, Kelsey, and Elijah Mikaelson waited for the moment Elena Gilbert would walk across the stage. An hour went by and finally did that moment arrive. Elena walked slowly across the stage, her mentor who had been with her every step of the way there to greet her. She held out Elena's diploma in one hand with tears in her eyes. 


As Elena went to grab it the mentor pulled her into a quick hug whispering into her ear, "I am so proud of you kiddo." 


Then she walked across the stage holding up her diploma to take a quick picture. She paused before stepping off of of the platform. She looked around the stage, the audience, the college she had spent her time at for so long. She imagined her parents out in the crowd, tears in her mother's eyes. Aunt Jenna's great big smile. Maybe she hadn't gone into the medical field like her dad had wanted. But... I'm proud of you Kiddo.


Her eyes settled upon Kelsey, Iris, and Caroline whose eyes were glistening. She might not have her parents, but she still had a family. Then there was Elijah, the moment her eyes locked with his she breathed in sharply. She had thought he would be bored, though she knew he wouldn't show it, but surely something as benign as getting a diploma wouldn't be interesting to someone whose lived as long as he has. 


But there he was, looking at her like he had ages ago in Willoughby as he leaned against the wall. His eyes never left hers, they hadn't looked away from her since he had spotted her hours before. He watched every movement, every facial expression, how she fiddled with her thumbs rubbing them gently to ease her nerves. He had watched it all with raptured fascination. But she didn't know that. She only knew that he was looking at her now so softly. 


She was without her emotions back then and she wondered how seeing a man looking at you like that didn't stir something back then. But they were different people then. Now, "Elijah." 


She whispered his name under her breath and while a normal vampire wouldn't have been able to hear here from that distance. She watched as his lips tilted up ever so slightly and he tilted his head minutely. It was then that she knew, no matter what happened, that they would be okay. 


So she stepped off that stage with the widest smile she had, had in a long time. 





"ELLIE!" Kelsey ran two steps down the stairs at a time and jumped off from the fourth step knowing fully well that Elena would catch her. Elena caught the flying child, not even noticing the knew nickname, and spun them around careful not to trip on her robes. 


She held the young child close smiles wide on both of their faces. The rest of the 'grown-ups' followed down the stairs at a slower pace trying not to shove anybody else who was trying to get to their graduate. Unlike a certain child who had bulldozed her way past dozens of people to get to her favorite 'Aunt'. 


"You did it Ellie!" Kelsey smiled happily at the vampire wrapping her hands around the brunettes hair, her eyes squinted at the brown locks, "You changed your hair."


"This is what I normally look like." Elena spoke looking up to the others, seeing Elijah smiling at her, she turned back towards the child trying not to blush, "What do you think?"


"It's pretty!" Kelsey played with her hair tilting her head a bit, "Now that you don't have school does that mean you can play more?" 


"I guess we will just have to see." Elena hugged her a bit tighter, she didn't know what she wanted nowadays. She loved teaching and helping others, but she couldn't imagine working right now. Not with all the destruction that was bounding to come. She had dyed her hair back. She looked like Kathrine again. 


"Elena!" Caroline was the first of the adults to make her way down her smile wide, "I can't believe it! You actually graduated!" 


"Actually? What does that mean? You literally came up here for my Graduation Care." Elena squinted her eyes at the blonde who rolled her eyes. 


"Well, after all that's happened it's just crazy you know." Caroline shrugged her shoulders coming closer to hug the pair, "I have the smartest best friend ever!"


"Let's go home! Momma made cake!" Kelsey pulled on the pair her smile still shining, all the adults heard Iris sigh. 


"Kelsey that was supposed to be a surprise." Iris spoke softly moving to take her spoiler of a child out of Elena's hands. Caroline hid a snicker as Kelsey shrugged send a 'What are you going to do?' Look back at them. Caroline looked back seeing that Elijah had finally made his way down the steps. She sent Elena a reassuring smile and made her way towards Iris and Kelsey, who she had only officially met today. 


"Elijah." Elena spoke softly stressing the 'jah' of his name taking a step towards him. Her robes flowed around her wind sweeping her hair leaving her neck bare. 


"Lovely Elena." Elijah stepped forward his shoulders back his posture perfect his eyes raked over her form from head to toe. When his eyes met hers against his pupils had darkened, "You look enchanting." 


Elena breathed in deeply causing her chest to rise against her dress, Elijah refrained from lowering his gaze. She however was not as noble as he and took her time looking him from head to toe. She was slow with her perusal and her heartbeat thundered in her chest. 


"And you look very dashing today Mr. Mikaelson." Elena took a step forward until they were in each other's space, breathing the same air, and she straightened his suit. Her hands resting against his chest. 


She was getting bolder. 


His hand reached up pushing back a stray brown lock both of their eyes going to the action for a moment. Their eyes meeting again even more charged. 


He was getting bolder to. 


"You are remaining as Elena Gilbert then I see." Elijah's smooth voice held many unspoken questions, Elena's tongue swept over her top lip breathing through her mouth. 


"I'm tired of hiding who I am." Elena tilted her head towards his hand speaking again, "Does that bother you?"


"I will never tell you not to do something that you truly wish to do Elena." Elijah slowly let his hand fall until his hand encased her own. They both knew that friends did not act this way. They both knew that friends don't look at friends that way. They both knew it could be all in their heads. That they could be burned. 


But oh wouldn't it be a glorious fire.





"I can't believe you made this Iris!" Caroline chirped and then proceed to get her third piece of cake, she was very happy that as a vampire she no longer had to worry about her weight. She could eat whatever she wanted without feeling guilty about it. 


"Baking is just a science, not too far off from my own job." Iris replied as she looked over to her bouncing daughter who continually hoped from Elijah's lap to Elena's then back to Elijah's. Back and forth her little girl giggled as she jumped. Just as Elena's family had grown, so had her own. 


"You need to tell me again how you knew Elena wasn't the patient she said to be. I can't imagine how surprised she was." Caroline tried to imagine her friend without her emotions. She still couldn't believe she had made it all the way to Toronto, that she had built a home even without them. That she didn't go on murderous Rampages that could led back to her. 


"I just observed." Iris smirked at the young vampire taking a swig of her bloodied drink. She wasn't about to tell her all of her secrets just yet. Besides she didn't know how much Elena had told the girl. Four years is a lot to unpack in just a few days, Iris didn't want to say anything she shouldn't. 


"Fine then tell me something about me." Caroline huffed angrily, Iris almost laughed. It was interesting to meet Elena's childhood friend. She could tell that the blonde had been turned at a younger age then Elena. Even if only by a little. 


"You weren't turned willingly." Iris pipped in looking closely at the woman, "You don't drink from the vein ever, causing you to have some signs of malnutrition though in the starting stages. Must have been years since you've fed from the vein." 


"You can tell all of that just by looking at me?" Caroline was starting to not love talking to this woman. She seemed to be able to tear down walls far too quickly.


"I can tell that you've cried in the past 24 hours. I can tell that a burden that's been on your shoulders has lifted." Iris was pushing but it was the way that Elena flinched that caught her eye. She hadn't meant to push the young blonde. But she had noticed the tell tale signs of a night of crying from both of the girls. 


Getting the information out of the blonde seemed easier than Elena. Caroline's guard had been down. Unsuspecting.


“That’s just because we talked about Damon.” 


And the moment the words left her lips, Caroline knew she had made a grave error.





"What was Caroline talking about Elena?" Elijah could feel the anger seething, the anger she had been hiding since he had entered her memories on accident. He knew that the blond most likely felt guilty letting such a secret slip. But he was relieved, relieved that he could finally ask. 


They were in his apartment now, no being able to talk about this in her own where everyone else was. Elijah had excused them both and led her upstairs to discuss what had been said. Elena wanted to snap Caroline’s neck for goading Iris right about now. 


"It doesn't matter Elijah, it happened a long time ago." Elena tried to leave his apartment but he blocked her she huffed gritting her teeth together, "Elijah!"


"No you do not get to sweep this under the rug anymore Elena." Elijah could tell that she was getting angry, angry that he was pushing her to tell him. Good. He took another step towards her, "You do not get to lie about this. 


"So much for not pushing me like the Salvatore's." Elena snarked, it was petty and a low blow, and they both knew why the filth had left her mouth. Her shoulder shook. No. No. No. No. She couldn't tell him. She couldn't tell him about how weak and naive she had been. Trusting those men into her heart. 


"You do not mean-" Elijah whispered the words but she didn't let him finish, her words were practically growls. She didn't care that he was an original who had slaughtered hundreds of thousands. She didn't care that he was a thousand years old. That was a different Elijah, her Elijah would never hurt her. 


"You don't know what I went through every single time-" Elena stopped entirely her body nearly falling forward at the abruptness. Elena snapped her mouth shut, but it was already too late now. Elijah had heard her words and he needed answers. And by god he would get them. 


"Every single time what Elena?" His voice came out as a growl as he towered over her his eyes pinning her down. He wasn't going to let her get away from him and when she tried to move away his hand grasped her wrist pulling her flush against him. She stopped struggling looking into those brown eyes that she had gotten used to. 


Her mind flashed to all the moments she had seemingly betrayed him. When Stefan compelled her to dagger Elijah at Damon's command. When Damon compelled her to dagger Rebekah because she 'wasn't good' for her. To when her sire bond made her believe she had to do anything to protect her sire, even kill. 


"No Elijah." Elena's voice broke and she felt his grip on her wrist loosen ever so slightly but not completely, "You don't get it." 


"Then explain it to me, if you tell me then—" Elijah pleaded with her his eyes turning soft at the break in her voice. He was barely holding it together now, the normally put together original was falling apart right before her eyes. No... No... But, she couldn't resist. Not him. 


"I'll make you a deal Elijah," Elena she felt the words slip past her lips quietly looking him straight in the eyes leaving him no room to misunderstand her words, "I'll tell you, but in return you have to answer one question." 


Elijah looked at her closely listening to her steady heartbeat as he tried to decipher the deal. He did not understand why she would give the information so freely, for the price of one single question. She had never had any problems asking him before. His mind was suspicious but his heart...


"I imagine that is fair." Elijah replied nodding for her to continue but she shook her head at him. 


"Give me your word Elijah, I want your word." Elena pressed making Elijah only more uneasy about this whole ordeal. How had they even ended in this position. 


As his silence lingered both of them were breathing heavily. She was still in his grasp pressed against him, his face angled down to hers. Their breathes mingled together while they fanned the flames of the other. 


"I give you my word." Elijah muttered his gaze dropping to her lips unconsciously, she licked them in nerves at what she was about to say. 


"I never wanted to betray you Elijah," Elena spoke heavily her own eyes going down to his lips which were part to breath. Her eyes grew heavy as she could only focus on him, "Every single time was against my will." 


"Say it." Elijah spoke to her his voice deeper as the growl in his chest vibrated over her own. She felt every inch and couldn't stop the shiver that went through her. 


"They compelled me. To dagger you, to dagger Rebekah, and if that wasn't enough the sire bond forced me to kill Kol." Elena threw caution to the wind her hands coming to grasp his suit jacket's lapels. She didn't want to dwell on any of it. Sweep it under the rug like he had said, at least until tomorrow. So she whispered, "It's my turn." 


"What do you ask of me, lovely Elena?" Elijah responded watching as her lips parted and then hesitated, his eyes went up to hers watching as those brown orbs sparked in uncertainty, "I will answer anything truthfully." 


"Did you know it was me in Willoubhy," Elena whispered watching as his eyes widened in alarm the second time she spoke sounded less of a question and more of a demand, "Did you know it was me when you kissed me." 


Elijah knew now why she had demanded he gave his word to her. Why one simple question was worth everything she had just admitted to him. Elijah attempted to move away but this time Elena held him in place by his suit. 


"Why did you sign always and forever in your letter to me?" Elena held onto his suit for dear life in fear that for the first time he would break his word and flee. She had him cornered and they both knew it. Her fists tightened around the material as she tilted her head up towards him. Closer to him. 


Honorable. He had always held himself to this impossibly high standard of Honor even before he was turned. But that honor was hold on by a thread. He wanted to break their deal. He didn't want to tell her. 


"I believe that was three questions Elena-" Elijah spoke diplomatically his uncomfortable stance his eyes piercing hers as she interrupted him saying his name. 




"Yes," His answer came out as a whisper, a whisper that had been ripped from him unwillingly. That whisper was a melody to Elena's ears. A shiver went down her entire body and she lost her grip around the suit lapels that had held him in place, "I knew it was you. It has always been you." 


He attempted to flee from her but being a young vampire had its advantages. Elena grasped onto him again vamping them to a nearby wall pinning him against it, "You don't get to run away from this Elijah, you can't do that. Not to me."


"You deserve better than me Elena." Elijah bit out the words dejectedly closing his eyes staying still knowing he could break free from her at any moment. 


"Are you trying to take a play from the Salvatore's? You don't get to decide that." Elena yelled at him noticing his closed gaze and how his head fell to face the ground, "Look at me Elijah."


Elijah's gaze rose, his eyes now open, as he looked upon the woman that he held in such high regard. Tears were welling up in her eyes as she shook her head in disbelief. 


"I deserve to love whoever I want to love Elijah." Elena vowed watching as Elijah seemed to come alive at her words. In one breath she was gazing at him with disbelief, the next she was the one pinned to the wall with his body. 


"As you wish." Elijah spoke his voice the deepest she had ever heard it. Both of Elijah's hands were wrapped around her waist where her shirt had bunched up leaving him to her velvety skin. Her head tilted up as his mouth tipped down and claimed her own. 


His lips were soft and burning against her own as they move slow yet firm coaxing her to open her mouth and let him in. She stubbornly left the gates of her abyss closed causing a displeased growl to rumble from Elijah. His hands that were on her bare waist pulled her closer to him as he let one of his fangs barely scratch her lip. 


"'Li-" Elena moaned against his mouth unable to get more than a syllable out of mouth as his tongue entered her mouth deepening their kiss. Elena's hand running up his suit until they were wrapped around his neck and into his hair. 


He needed to let his hair grow back out Elena thought with a small growl. 


Elijah swallowed her growl with a groan of his own at the small amount of blood from her scratched lips. The sweet tangy drop of liquid sent his head spinning and his breathing labored. His fingers dug into her waist causing her to moan into his mouth her head tilting back allowing him to swallow her whole. 


"My sweet." Elijah moved from her mouth to her jawline pressing one hot kiss against it's skin then moving to the higher part of her neck, "lovely." 


Elijah pressed another kiss to her neck moving farther down pressing a kiss to the skin over and over like a blaze, "Elena." 


"Elijah." Elena whimpered freely shifting her legs to relieve the ache that she felt between them. Her breathes came out in hot little pants near his ear that drove him to a frenzy. 


"What am I going to do with you, Elskan?" Elijah hummed into her skin with a smile feeling the shiver that went through her at the words. 


"Hopefully something more then kissin-" Elena smarted off smiling in victory when the desired effect occurred. Elijah used his hands to bring her up until her legs wrapped around his waist and she was completely corner between him and the wall. 


"You just love to use that mouth of yours." Elijah gave a smirk-ish smile back at the woman watching as she squirmed under his gaze his eyes dipping down to drink her in. When he finally looked her back in the eyes they were set ablaze, "Don't worry, I'm sure we'll find a good use for it." 


Elena breathed in sharply involuntarily tightening her legs around Elijah's waist causing his dick to brush against her clit. Her head tilted back and she let out a low moan unable to say anything back to his words. Elijah shifted his hips once more drinking in the delicious sounds her mouth made in response to him. 


"E-Elijah!" She stuttered out her grip around his neck hairs tightening and pulling slightly causing him to groan into her ear. 


"That's it Elskan, let me hear the pleasure I bring you." Elijah spoke against her throat in a whisper hearing the whimper that came from the depths of his love. 


"Tell me what you want, Elena." Elijah commanded scrapping his fangs against her neck drawing a bead of blood that went down her collarbone to beneath her shirt between her two breasts. 


"Please!" Elena whimpered shifting her hips to get more friction between them only to groan in frustration. Elijah's tongue swept down collecting the trailing aphrodisiac his eyes closing relishing in the taste that hit his tongue. 


Oh how he longed to drink from her. 


"You have to use your words Elena, put that little mouth of yours to good use." Elijah tutted against her neck nipping it with blunt teeth this time. 


"Why don't you put your mouth to use, Elijah." Elena snarked bringing her hands to his face making him face her once more. She seized her opportunity her lips finding his allowing her own fangs to swipe over his lips like he had done to her. The moment his blood hit her tongue her head swirled causing her to get hazy. 


"Elskan?" Elijah questioned noticing the hesitation in her next movements. He pulled back looking at her heavy lidded eyes as she seemed to battle against herself, "If you do not wish to continue we can leave things here, you don't need to feel pressured-"


"No its not that Elijah." Elena was quick to stop his gentlemen behavior, she much preferred him the other way, shaking her head slightly cupping his face in her hands, "Just for once, I'm glad I can let go." 


Elijah tilted his head licking his lips his eyes watching her with adoration, "Yes, I am quite glad that we both can let go for once my darling Elena." 


The moment Elena said it she regretted it her blush, if it was possible, got deeper and she looked away from Elijah. Elijah's gaze softened at her bringing his hand to her chin gently tugging it to make her look at him once again. He could see to uneasiness in her eyes, he moved slowly giving her a small peck on the lips. 


"I adore you Elena." Elijah spoke softly his hand cupping her jaw gazing lovingly at her, "For as long as I have known you I have adored you."


"Oh." Elena could feel her entire face burning and she shifted nervously in his arms. 


"I have waited a thousand years for you Elena Marie Gilbert." Elijah pressed his forehead against hers softly his thumbs rubbing circles around her sides, "I can wait a little longer if you are not ready." 


She didn't hesitate to stop him from leaning away from her. She shook her head keeping him close to her. She breathed deeply through her mouth her eyes lidded, "I've only waited a couple years... I don't want to wait anymore." 


"As my lady wishes."


I will say… I have had the second half of this chapter written out for months. It was one of the first things I wrote. I knew how I wanted this to play out but there hadn’t been a time to use it yet. I thought, now 18 chapters in, it was finally time. Something had to snap between them, I love slow burns but you also don’t want it to get annoying. I feel like this is the perfect time for them.

It’s almost like a resolution. She has graduated, its an end. Now she’s starting a new beginning. But…

Why don’t you just tell me what you think instead?

Was it finally time for them to give in?


I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this story! I also have an Elijah/OFC story that I’m currently trying to get a timeline for so I can continue writing it. That’s why this one is so fun! I don’t have to worry about the show or getting stuff correct from the timeline of the show. So, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

And might I just say… I wish I had an Elijah Mikaelson in my life.