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The Hope Particle


These are prompts/drabbles/One-shots/WIPs
Please take one, make it your own and write and write
All are Shenny
Leave me a message with your story if you were inspired so I can read it. Please.
I love you.

Edit after 123 chapters: Wow, I never expected this to grow into this size. I get that it's a lot of chapters so if you feel intimidated to start reading this, please check my profile for my completed one-shots, if you enjoy reading those then you can come back here and read the draft/incomplete versions that were born here. I also have AU's that have not been extracted into their own stories. You might find something you like among my many Universes.

If you gave this a shot, thank you.

Edit after 162 chapters: Still can't believe I've been able to write so much. For better navigation, all related Universes are tagged differently than one-shots. Go check the Chapter Index-Full Page Index. I hope it has made it easier to read and/or return to an specific chapter you liked.

Love you guys.


Hello there, so before anything because this will be a long note, here are the cliff notes:

These are prompts/drabbles
Please take one, make it you own and write and write
All are Shenny
Leave me a message with your story if you were inspired so I can read it. Please.
I love you.

Now, onto the bigger and more wordy note.
I loved the Big Bang Theory. I adored the first 2 seasons, this was the show that introduced me to Fan Fiction as a whole and I couldn’t get enough of it. I was there in Livejournal, FFnet, Tumblr, etc reading and consuming as much as I could. I couldn’t believe how much I loved the pairing of Sheldon and Penny and was really happy to see other like minded people, it was such a fantastic time for Fan Fiction. And then Season 3 happened and I was appalled and as the season continued I was honestly infuriated with it, I stopped following the show, I would still catch an episode here and there but this lessened as well, each episode I would watch would only make me sadder and angrier and by Season 5 I completely left the show, I was angry that Penny only existed so Leonard could put his dick in her, I was angry that Sheldon became a cartoon of himself and I was particularly angry that Leonard was framed and painted as our hero to root for when he in fact represented all the negative parts of Geekdom. Adorkable misogyny indeed.

I think I was not the only one that felt this way, I unfortunately saw many fantastic authors disappear from the fandom entirely and the number of works trickle down and this was what hurt the most, I was lucky to be able to interact with so many amazing people because these stories, the fan fiction became a haven, Penny could be successful, free and loved in the way she deserved. Sheldon could be more than a punching bag for the writers and Leonard could actually be a decent human being.

So, what is this? Why more than 10 years after the show first aired? Well, this is going to sound silly but it was actually thanks to a short clip from Young Sheldon that my passion/love for Sheldon and Penny was reignited.

I don’t think I’m the only one that thought Young Sheldon would be bad, a cash grab from greedy showrunners. And I’m glad that I was wrong. Now, don’t get me wrong, it’s not a perfect show, but it’s a fun show. And for some reason I couldn’t stop thinking about Sheldon and Penny so I went back and reread all of my favorite stories, but it wasn’t enough, so I came here to AO3 in search of more and I’m so glad that I did because I’ve been reading like a possessed man and even lost one full day of sleep reading stories, made me feel like I was 15 again.

But, it somehow still wasn’t enough, I needed more. I don’t think myself a particularly good writer, I think I can write a pretty decent DnD campaign but I have never truly tried Fan Fiction so this is me yelling into the void of possible writers/authors out there, those that abandoned the fandom, those that are here for the first time. I am able to come up with a story/prompt but I know my own limitations and so I want to see what you come up with, please grab one of my orphan children and raise them, change POV, first person, third person, make it longer, make it shorter, make it a one-shot, make it a multi part story, grab the concept and make it your own, all I ask is two things, make it a Shenny Fic and that you let me know so I can read it.

Forever grateful

Ps. I own nothing but my dreams.

Chapter 1: Branches (Bizarro)


The prompt for this story was:

Canon Penny meets an alternate universe Penny, she’s surprised by how full of life, happy and even younger looking the other Penny is despite them being the same age.
They talk and Penny is ashamed that this other Penny was able to make her dreams come true while she gave up on them, she can hear a happy undertone in every word this other Penny utters and is shocked to discover that Other!Penny (as she started calling her in her mind) never dated Leonard, she instead never gave up her crush and ‘courted’ (Other!Penny says making air quotes and with a wistful smile on her face) Sheldon until he actually got it that she wanted to date him and they’ve been going strong ever since.
Penny ask other questions and realizes that she gave up more than her dreams

Chapter Text

Penny looks back at the man sleeping in the bed, guilt heavy on her mind, she still remembers her talk with the girls about a boring kind of love, Leonard is…not the worse guy she could end up with but still, she thinks that she deserves better, He deserves better but her gut clenches with apprehension every time she thinks about breaking up with him, she’s in her thirties now and the voice in her head telling her that she won’t do better sounds suspiciously like her mom.

She sighs and shakes her head stepping into the hallway, she can hear her Wackadoodle is already watching cartoons and she is in the mood to join him. Had Penny opened her eyes she might have hesitated to step into the portal of the door as the hallway had disappeared, replaced with shining blue light but with her eyes closed all Penny could see is darkness, however, she did notice that something was not right immediately after she walked through the door, her ears popped and for a moment she felt herself float before finally touching solid ground again.

As Penny braces herself against the wall because what the hell was that she looks back to see if Leonard felt it as well and that’s when her brain goes blank, the room she was just in is gone, instead she can see clothes, as if someone had transformed it into a closet. In shock and morbid curiosity she went back into Leonard’s room and found it transformed, one half of the room was dedicated to clothes and shoes (in a detached way she was super jealous of whoever owned this wardrobe because it was as if someone took her wishlist right out of her heard) while the other half of the room was dedicated to comics and a life size cut-out of Spock, right in the middle of the room there was a wooden bench that looked well worn but cared for, she stepped back quickly and closed the door, a little harder than she wanted and froze at the voice coming from the living room, she knew that voice, it was her own.

"Sheldon? Sweetie? Are you okay?" The voice was warm and teasing and Penny wondered if she could still sound like that, she knew that she was no longer the bubbly girl the guys first met. Curious she walked towards the voice, maybe Sheldon would be right and meeting oneself would make the Universe implode, had she traveled back in time?.

"Moonpie? Are you stuck again and need my hel-" the voice trailed off and now Penny could see the other her as well, no explosion so she took the time to study Bizarro Penny (Sheldon was rubbing too much on her). Bizarro Penny looked good, she was wearing Hello Kitty shorts and an orange tank top and Penny was sure that she had traveled back in time, that is until she walked fully into the living room and saw the Hello Kitty calendar on the side of the fridge, Nope. No Time travel, it was the same year and same day if her memory served her right which at this point she was more willing to think she was dying of a stroke and this was her final vision. But no, no time travel, dimension travel.

Bizarro Penny was also studying her and Penny suddenly felt insecure, she was wearing the pants of one of Leonard’s pajamas and an old ratty Princeton T-shirt. She wished that she had known this would happen so she could wear her best clothes you know? And she was perfectly aware that she was joking so the panic threatening to overwhelm her would stay at bay. She was debating on what to say when Bizarro Penny sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, took three calming breaths and then opened one eye as if to check if she was still there, Penny felt that a handwave would not be out of place so she did just that, Bizarro Penny simply sighed again and in a tone of voice that she herself had used often simply asked "Sheldon?" Penny shrugged with one shoulder in what she hoped was enough of an answer.

Bizarro Penny suddenly yelled "Sheldon Lee Cooper! If this is one of your jokes I swear that you will be sleeping in the couch for months you hear me!" Penny felt her jaw hit the floor, that couldn’t be right, Bizarro Penny made it sound like she and Sheldon were together and because the Universe has a sense of humor she heard that unmistakable voice that she both loved and hated, "Penny? I thought you would be watching that dreadful show of yours, I was just reading about this new-" Penny still with her mouth open turned and looked at Bizarro Sheldon, expecting to see…well, she was not sure what she was expecting but he looked just like her Sheldon, plaid and comic book shirt included, he had a bundle of papers in one hand and trailed off when he finally looked up and saw her standing there.

Bizarro Sheldon was just Sheldon, no tattoos, no leather jacket, no evil spock goatee, no nothing outwardly noticeable that she could see or explain why Bizarro Penny was apparently boning Bizarro Sheldon. As for the man himself he stood there and watched her in the same way he would watch his whiteboard to try and understand something and Penny crossed her arms in front of chest because she forgot to wear a bra and while this might be a version of Sheldon it wasn’t her Sheldon and she wasn’t totally comfortable with the idea of him looking at her so closely, not especially after it seemed this version had a deal and that deal was Penny.

Sheldon finally stopped studying her and then turned his head slowly to look at Bizarro Penny, he raised an eyebrow and asked "Is it my Birthday?" Bizarro Penny just laughed like it was the funniest thing ever but Penny felt herself flush, she must have misunderstood, there’s no way, there’s just no way that her Wackadoodle just made a sex-joke or implied one about a threesome or whatever, alternate Universes were stupid and dumb.

Sheldon just raised the corners of his mouth into that smirk he gave her whenever he successfully made her laugh and went to sit at this spot and she idly noted that the couch was different but he still sat in the spot, in his 0,0,0,0 and that more than anything else made her keep her cool.

Sheldon finally spoke after a moment "Fascinating, multiverse travel is beyond my ken at the moment but the me from that universe must be brilliant!" Penny had to quickly burst his bubble and explain that she a) did not know how she got here, b) as far as she knew the other Sheldon was watching cartoons and not working on any device or machine and c) was kinda freaking out about the entire thing.

"Seriously Penny, there is nothing to worry about, Sheldon and Penny Cooper are here and we’re going to get you back home" Bizarro Penny had prepared a cup of coffee and handed it to her, she nodded in thanks and took a gulp and almost spit it back out when Bizarro Penny took a seat on Sheldon’s leg and in a move that only comes from year of familiarity she saw in disbelief as his hand went to her hip and then Sheldon did that thing where he starts planning things in his head and ignores the rest of the world, except this is the first time she had seen him do that with a lapful of Penny, she went to gulp more coffee when her brain finally caught up to her and she muttered "Penny Cooper?" Bizarro Penny in a very Sheldon manner raised an eyebrow and lifted her left hand to show the ring that sat there and Penny could only stare, she jumped when Sheldon exclaimed "I got it! I need to go to the university for some equipment to make sure but I will be right back" and if Penny wasn’t freaked out enough she saw as Sheldon patted Bizarro Penny’s butt to get her to stand up and quickly kissed her before dashing out the front door.

Bizarro Penny seemed to finally take pity on her and asked "Want a drink?" Penny couldn’t answer fast enough "Oh god yes!" After they both had glasses of wine (it was the good stuff even) and sat on the couch looking at each other, Bizarro Penny in Sheldon’s spot and Penny on the other end, neither said anything but while Bizarro Penny was happy to stay quiet the silence was eating at Penny, she had so many questions, Penny and Sheldon? Sheldon touching her? Married? So Penny tried to vocalize these questions in an eloquent and casual manner but all that came out was "So you and Sheldon huh" and cringed at the end result.

Penny wished that she could be as composed as Bizarro Penny was, maybe she had to deal with this often, maybe this was normal for them and yeah right she was grasping at straws here. Bizarro Penny simply nodded and said "Sheldon and me" and offered nothing more than a teasing smile, it was weird looking at the other Penny, like a mirror, except the mirror looked brighter and happier. Penny was already in deep so she decided to go for broke "Can I ask why you didn’t chose Leonard?" she hated how sad her voice sounded.

Bizarro Penny finally looked surprised "Leonard? Sweetie, I don’t know any Leonards" it was time for Penny to be surprised, no Leonard? Without intending to, she told her story to Bizarro Penny, dropping out of college to pursue acting, meeting the guys, how Leonard was Sheldon’s roommate on the other Universe and how she and him had a complicated on/off relationship, to her credit Bizarro Penny did not interrupt her even once until she was done.

"Okay Sweetie, I know you don’t want to hear this but you deserve better, you know that right?" Penny suddenly feels her throat constrict and her eyes burn. Bizarro Penny is looking at her and the fact that she’s not judging her or making faces finally breaks the barrier and huge sobs escape her mouth, Bizarro Penny is instantly there to hold her and in the back of her mind she thinks ‘I knew that I gave great hugs’.

Penny takes a while to recover but by the time Sheldon returns she’s nursing her second glass of wine and her eyes are dry. Sheldon brought several devices that she’s not even close to knowing what they do but he seems to be happy to do whatever he’s doing and she catches Bizarro Penny’s face and her breath stops, the way she’s looking at Sheldon makes her feel guilty because she’s pretty certain that she’s never looked at anyone in this way, not Leonard for sure. Bizarro Penny catches her staring and just gives her a slow smile.

Penny needs to know so she asks the working Sheldon "Sheldon? Do you know a Leonard?" Sheldon stops his tinkering to turn and look at her "I know of several Leonards but I’m guessing that’s not the nature of the question?" He turns to look at Bizarro Penny and she gives a thumbs up to which Sheldon smiles a real smile, not his joker smile and Penny’s heart breaks because her Sheldon doesn’t smile as much or as sincerely, "Yeah, it’s uh, Leonard Hofstadter." and she can almost see the loading icon above his head as he searches his memory but then suddenly he straightens up and looks at Bizarro Penny and there’s some communication happening there that she’s not getting but she doesn’t know why and when Bizarro Penny gives her a one side arm hug she knows that whatever it is, it won’t be good.

"Leonard Hofstadter was a experimental physicist working for Caltech until 9 years ago," Sheldon’s voice is steady but he’s looking at her in concern and it takes everything in Penny to not cry again as Sheldon continues "However. he was found removing experimental military grade fuel and providing it to a North Korean Spy" she’s not sure if she gasped or if it was a sob but the arm around her tightens "He’s currently serving a sentence in a Federal prison."

Penny can’t help it, she laughs and then cries, how fucked up are their lives, she remembers this story, Sheldon had accidentally saved Leonard and destroyed their elevator, she had laughed at the time but now she wasn’t laughing. She knew that Leonard had issues and at first they were sort of cute if you squint really hard but as the years pass she finds it harder and harder to squint and it seems that in this Universe Leonard’s luck ran out.

Sheldon returns to tinkering and she can see that he’s pointing something that looks like a wand at their closet/Leonard’s room door and she doesn’t want to think about Leonard so she blurts out a question to the Penny holding her together so she doesn’t break further "Did your Sheldon also mistook your vibrator for a chew toy?" Bizarro Penny instantly loses her shit and starts laughing so hard that she’s worried she might fall off the couch and Sheldon turns so quickly to give her a glare and it’s just like her own Sheldon that she can’t help but laugh alongside Bizarro Penny.

After being all laughed out Sheldon informed them that the readings were consistent with what he had initially theorized which reduced to basically having to wait, the energy readings were still pretty high so he was sure that in any moment a new portal would appear to take her back, how was he so sure she didn’t know but it was Sheldon telling her that so she would trust him.

Pizza was ordered and Penny found it funny that it tasted the same as the one in her own Universe, as they ate she finally asked the question that had been burning the tip of her tongue and now that she knew she could go back well what better way to spend the time, "So, how long have you been married?" she hopes that it sounded as casual as she wanted.

Bizarro Penny immediately brightens and answers without hesitation "13 years!" she can see Sheldon give that little smile and he looks at the Bizarro Penny in a way that makes her heart hurt and then her brain restarts and she starts doing the math in her head and it doesn’t add up, ti doesn’t make sense, maybe she had too much wine, she actually stands up from the couch and holds her hands in front of her as if warding off the information she just got.

"13 years?" a nod from both of them "And you turned 30 this year right?" She says pointing to Bizarro Penny, another nod from the both of them and Penny is sputtering trying to make sense of things and she can see Bizarro Penny smirk, oh no, "But I’ve been ‘courting’ tall and clueless here since I was 10 so in my book we’re closer to 20 years" and Penny sort of deflates and falls back on the couch and can only gape in surprise and ask "How?"

She can still remember how Sheldon, her own Universe’s Sheldon spoke of the multiverse, how in some the changes are so miniscule that it might just be about the color of the car you’re driving and how in others the changes are so big that you might not exist in it at all and Penny thinks that this Universe is a nice mixture of both.

Bizarro Penny explains that her parents divorced, her father cheated and always called it a small mistake, she wryly says that her Father’s favorite phrase was "Are you going to give up on all of our years together for one mistake?" and one day her mother had enough, she refused to be manipulated further and divorced her dad, then they all left Nebraska for Galveston Texas for a fresh start and Penny met and befriended Missy which in turn meant she went to the Cooper house to ‘do homework´ (the quotes are from Sheldon) and she met Sheldon and the rest is history, they’ve been together ever since, she was also able to learn a couple of things further, Bizarro Penny graduated college and is now a writer for TV, Bizarro Sheldon confidently says he’s going to win the Nobel Prize in one or two years depending on if they cancel their annual (more like every 3 months Bizarro Penny claims) Disney trip or not and that Bizarro Penny recently stopped taking anticonceptives and they’re actively trying for a baby. That one makes Penny’s eyes sting because they look so happy together that she starts seriously (not really) considering staying here with them and just as she thinks that they hear a suction sound from the hallway and just like that there’s a shining portal in the door and Sheldon is pushing her to go because they don’t know when it will appear again if ever and before she goes through she launches herself at Bizarro Penny and Bizarro Sheldon "Thank you" she tries to tell them but by this point she’s sure it came as a sob through her tears, they still both pat her on the back and say "There, there"

And then she’s running through the portal and the feeling of free falling is back and as she fears that she will fall forever she’s back in Leonard's room and Leonard is still sleeping, she can hear the cartoons on the other side of the apartment, she’s back, she’s back!, Penny runs as hard as she can to the living room where Sheldon is watching cartoons but also meddling with a metallic box on the coffee table and he doesn’t know it yet but he just earned himself a glimpse on what Junior Rodeo means but for now she just wants to hug her smart but stupid Wackadoodle.

Chapter 2: Instinct/Intuition


What if you don't listen to your gut?


A little bit of Angst

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny knows that this is not a stomach bug, she’s been having morning sickness and waiting for it to go away, except, it doesn’t and she knows she’s in trouble.
She doesn’t know what to do so she tells Leonard and a feeling in her gut tells her is a bad idea when he suggests that they go to Vegas and get married, she doesn’t want this child but he looks at her with those puppy eyes and just so much expectation that she mutters ‘okay’ and that feeling in her gut is now full on screaming and she ignores it completely.

The guys are happy when they hear the plans, everyone is in and Bernadette and Amy are already telling her how lucky she is and that they’re so happy for her and it isn’t until Amy turns to Sheldon for confirmation that she notices he hasn’t said anything, he is in his spot and looking down at his hands. Penny was dreading his reaction the most, she knows that he will belittle their relationship or otherwise be rude because this will affect his routine and she wonders how often people get what they expect because Sheldon doesn’t say anything directly to her, still looking at his hands he addresses the room "I suppose congratulations are in order" a pause and she wishes that he would look at her, yell at her or just be her regular obnoxious wackadoodle but he just stands up to go to his room and with his back to everyone he says the last words Penny will hear directly from him "Please don’t interrupt my REM cycle, I will see you all when you’re back" his back looks wrong, like a tree about to topple and she extends an arm to grab him because she can feel it in her gut, she needs to grab him now, except Howard and Leonard are already moving everyone out of the apartment and she tries to go back to Sheldon "Sweetie, Ple-" she’s cut off by Leonard telling her that he’ll be fine, he just needs time. The feeling in her gut is wailing at her to go back but then she’s in the car and her friends are around her and she lies to herself ‘it’ll be okay.’

They’re gone for 3 days and when they return it’s to an empty apartment, Sheldon’s things are missing and it’s enough to freak everyone out, their calls go directly to voicemail, emails are bouncing and Raj is the first to think to call the university. Sheldon took a sabbatical and they don’t know where he is.

They search for a week straight before Penny thinks of calling Missy, they’ve kept in touch and Penny is beating herself for not thinking of this sooner, she’s expecting Missy to not know that he was missing at all or that she will join their search efforts, she’s not expecting the short and clipped "Shelly’s fine, he’s gone back to Germany" her mouth forms an O and she’s about to ask Missy if he was truly okay and if he needed anything but Missy hanged up and trying to call her back only gives her a busy tone, she cries herself to sleep and Leonard doesn’t understand why she doesn’t want sex which makes her feel worse.

She shares the news with everyone and it seems to quell their curiosity, even Amy seems satisfied by it and they all respond to her requests of trying to find more information with the same answer "He’ll be fine, he just needs to get it out of his system and he’ll be back here in no time."

The feeling in her gut is boiling, it’s as if an infinite number of snakes were moving at once all and each and everyone of them was angry at her. Sheldon never comes back.

It’s been two years since Sheldon left and Penny and Leonard have moved away from Pasadena. Leonard was offered a position in Princeton and he happily took it, she wishes that he had discussed it with her beforehand but she doesn’t want to rock the boat, things are going great between them and she thinks that maybe a change of scenery will be good for them.

The feeling in her gut goes quiet, not in a peaceful way but in a suffocating and stifling way, something was about to happen and she could only wait.

She has made friends with other moms in the neighborhood but in that detached and almost coworker kind of way, she is not invited for tea and she doesn’t invite people over and since Leonard asked her to not return to work she doesn’t know what to do with her time, so her weekly calls with Raj are a breath of fresh air and he’s the one that tells her about Sheldon first "Oh Penny, he’s publishing again! And it’s…beautiful, I don’t have any other word for it." Suddenly serious he continues "Penny, his name will be right there with Einstein, he is *that* brilliant" and her eyes prickle and her throat constricts because she knew her wackadoodle could not be stopped.

8 months later she’s cleaning the house when Leonard comes home and slams the door closed, the face he is making is exactly the same that Beverly makes whenever she visits, she can hear him slamming the door to his study and she knows, she knows that she should go and ask what’s wrong but she remembers all those nights he comes home smelling of cheap hotel soap and too much cologne that still isn’t enough to cover the smell of a woman’s perfume and Penny decides instead to get ready for her video call with Raj.

Raj is immediately bursting with joy, Sheldon made it, he got the Nobel Prize, Penny is holding her sleeping son in her arms but she dances in her place as best as she can without waking him. She’s so proud, she knew he was going to get it, it was a matter of when not if. Quickly, guiltily she thinks about Leonard and his reaction earlier, so that’s why.

Penny is happy and asks Raj if there’s a video of Sheldon accepting the award or giving a speech and Raj is happy to comply, he’s still gushing about how Sheldon has changed the world of Physics when she notices the way he stiffens and trails off, he tries to claim that sadly there’s no videos but she channels some of her lost fire and says warningly "Raj, show me"

So he does, it’s a YouTube link from the official Nobel Prize channel, she is not sure what she expects to see but it’s definitely not this. The feeling in her gut remains oddly quiet, no, it’s holding its breath, waiting.

Sheldon was always thin but the man on the video is only bones, his eyes have huge and dark bags, he is sitting so still that for a moment she thinks he’s a statue.

Penny had imagined how this moment would be, she was a dreamer and she knew that Sheldon was as brilliant as he claimed to be so she thought about what dress to wear to see him receive his award, how he would be surrounded by friends and family and how proud he would look, how he would reverently hold the medal and give a long speech, she knew for a fact that the last time he told her that speech was already 8 pages long.

Instead, what happens is that Sheldon is alone, no one is sitting around him, a huge table and only him in the middle of it, the person presenting the award is talking about how the world will change thanks to him and Sheldon simply looks indifferent, she watches as he is given the award and is asked to say a few words. She doesn’t realize that she is holding her breath until it’s physically painful and she has to pause the video because she can see what’s left of the video duration and the feeling in her gut is now boiling in anguish telling her to run, to get up and run, to move right now. But her son is heavy and rooting her in place so she instead presses play again.

Penny can see that Sheldon is holding the award in one hand, he is looking at it and at the same time not, he looks up at the camera and Penny can feel her heart break, Sheldon looks lost. And in the voice of a stranger he simply says "Thank you" and leaves the podium to go sit down again and the video ends. The feeling in her gut is now boiling oil and she cries herself to sleep for a week straight and one morning she wakes up and has to run to the bathroom because she’s puking her guts out.

That same morning she thinks that it might have been actually true because the feeling in her gut is gone, no roiling, no burning, no push to make her run and she thought it would make her feel relieved that there was nothing there now, except, that’s not true, she can feel the loss of it, whatever it was, like a tooth falling out, it’s the absence of something. Of something important.

8 months later and heavily pregnant Penny decides that enough is enough, she needs Sheldon back in her life and is building herself a head full of steam because how dare he leave her alone and she threatening the Sheldon in her head when he phone rings, it’s Raj and suddenly she doesn’t want to pick up the phone but she still does.

She doesn’t understand at first what Raj is saying, because it’s ridiculous and impossible but Raj is crying and she is wondering why Raj is taking this prank so far, doesn’t he know she’s pregnant? And then it hits her like a hammer, Sheldon is gone, they find him slumped over his desk, nothing that could be done. She’s waiting for the feeling in her gut to react, she wants the pain that it brings, except, there’s still nothing there, her gut is silent and Penny wishes for something to feel, and that’s funny she was standing up just a moment ago and now she’s looking at the ceiling, she tries to say something to Raj but all that comes out of her throat is sob after sob and she curls in the floor of a house that is not a home.

Howard, Raj and Bernadette travel to see her, Amy is in Saudi Arabia and can’t come. She’s about to give birth any moment now but all that matters to her is to find more information, to know where Sheldon will be put to rest, to go to his funeral, to see him one last time. No one has received information. She tries calling Missy but all she gets is a busy tone, all others except Leonard are calling their contacts to try and find more information but nobody knows anything and it isn’t until Raj is threatening Dr. Gablehouser that she thinks about a phone number she called once before, Mrs. Cooper picks up on the third ring.

The last thing Penny wants to do right is talk but she forces herself, she talks about how they’re all sorry to hear about Sheldon and her voice cracks but she’s proud of herself for not breaking down and she is direct, asking where the funeral will be so they can attend. There is a long pause on the other side of the line before Mrs. Cooper, not unkindly replies "Oh darling, I’m sorry, it will be only for friends and family, now you have a good rest of your day." and the line cuts off.

Penny is not sure she can ever breathe again, Mrs. Cooper words hang heavily in her soul and she breaks down in front of her friends. Her gut is fully silent now and she’s learned to live with it but it doesn’t make it any less painful, especially when her water breaks alongside her and there’s no more time for her to grieve, her second son is on the way.

Life continues, an undergrad student comes knocking on her door a year after her second son was born, young and full of guilt the undergrad whose name is Martha confesses that she’s pregnant and it’s Leonard’s. Somehow it doesn’t feel bad, instead Penny thinks "Ah, there it is." and of course Leonard is full of scrunched up faces and sad eyes and Penny doesn’t know how she ever found it cute, she asks him to leave and true Leonard comes out to play "And then what?! You are not working, do you really want to give up on us so easily? Over a silly mistake?! You’re not being fair!" He whines and cries and somehow he’s in her bed again grunting away, Penny meanwhile thinks about how ugly their ceiling is.

Penny loves her sons, she really does, they are a spitting image of their father, rim glasses and lactose aversion included. But some nights, most nights, she dreams of blue eyed children that smile like the sun. And her heart breaks all over again each morning.


Update 04/29/24

This became a One-shot:
The Instinct Repudiation Eventuality

Chapter 3: Nanoparticle


Full on Prompt mode (with my notes included)

This is a concept/prompt/idea that I love but after struggling with it I found myself unable to give it legs. So it’s my hope that someone can take it and build it up to something. Fingers crossed.

Chapter Text

Pilot Episode but when Penny is moving in and meets the guys for the first time a blonde 7 year old girl is also there (Jo? Cute sounding name and very Penny-like), Penny might have not been able to escape the teen mom curse of Nebraska but she was not going to stay back, now with a child she was more than motivated to make something out of her life. Her daughter is immediately taken to Sheldon and Sheldon seems surprisingly okay with that.

Penny with a daughter is more wary of men in general since it’s not only her so she’s not very impressed with Leonard’s attempts to be a nice guy.
Penny can immediately see the disappointment in Leonard’s eyes as her daughter shows herself and is kinda pissed at the way he quickly ignored her daughter in order to talk to her.
Penny’s daughter is a good judge of character and seems to want to get to know Sheldon more.
Penny is properly pissed at the way Leonard tries to use her daughter to get a date with her.
Penny’s daughter is equally as unimpressed as her mom.
Sheldon has absolutely no issues helping Penny’s daughter with her homework because ´knowledge seeking should be encouraged’.
Penny’s daughter quickly latches onto Sheldon’s hobbies and Sheldon is more than happy to educate her on how awesome trains, comics and Halo are
Penny is still trying to become an actress.

Chapter 4: Delusional (Bondage)


Leonard has to get used to Penny and Sheldon dating but he's still holding out hope.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Leonard doesn’t want to be mad, he really doesn’t but when Sheldon and Penny ambush him one night to inform him that they’re going to try dating, well, that just stings, Penny and him tried but she claimed that there was ‘something’ missing and he tried to move on from her but he could still remember the first time he saw her and they became friends and, and, and he just felt like maybe the world was finally rewarding him for being a good guy and when they ended their relationship he could console himself by saying that it was fine, because he knew that one day a handsome, tall and muscular guy that can talk about football would appear and take her right out of his hands but! Sheldon. Of all people it had to be Sheldon?.

He got angry and yelled at both of them for betraying him and he was getting a head full of steam when Sheldon disarmed him with just a few words "Leonard, Penny is not a thing." after that he lost all fight in him and just asked them to not rub it in his face, they had his blessing or whatever and asked that they don’t hold it against him if he made himself scarce for a few days.

He didn’t even make it to 2 days, he missed Sheldon and Penny and wanted to get his friends back, they both understood and claimed that they would be discreet and he tried to smile but did ask Penny to not hug him for a while.

And if he kept a flame inside of him with the hope that maybe, just maybe one day he and Penny could give it another try, no one had to know about that.

A month later Leonard had to admit to himself that Sheldon and Penny going strong was not something he expected but they kinda made sense if you tilted your head and blurred your eyes and it helped that he never saw Sheldon arrive late at night or sneak out at night, after all they were not even sure if Sheldon had a deal. Leonard was trying to keep the venom out of his thoughts but really, how could Sheldon ever have something close to even resembling a sexual relationship with anyone, much less the big ol’ five herself.

Maybe it was just a matter of time and all he had to do was wait for the inevitable end of their relationship and then maybe, just maybe Penny would turn to look at him again.

The night after he thinks that it’s the first time it happens, a little piece of the flame of hope he harbors dies inside of him. Penny and Sheldon had just come back from doing laundry that he noticed something off, the weather took a turn and while not sweltering the heat was certainly uncomfortable but yet here they were sitting side by side and both were wearing layers, he was about to comment on the absurdity of it when Howard gasped and loudly announced "Sheldon! Is that a rope burn on your arm?"

Leonard could see the way his roommate flushed red and attempted to deny it but his eyes immediately went to the other one person that was suspiciously wearing long sleeves as well and seeing Penny with her own blush of embarrassment made his stomach lurch as if he had eaten ice cream, cheese pizza and yogurt all at once. It didn’t help matters that Raj was able to convince her to show him the marks on her arm and Leonard was glad that he was sitting down already because his legs felt cold and like jelly, he could only observe in shock and disgust how Sheldon reluctantly showed Howard a burn very close to the collar of his shirt, ´A slight miscalculation on the type of rope that was used. But I can assure you this mistake will not repeat itself, silk ropes as well as the needed oils to treat them have been ordered post-haste."

Leonard could hear the other guys tease Sheldon and Penny but he could not focus on that, no, he was focusing on trying to keep breathing, this couldn’t be happening, he and Penny were meant to be, their babies would be- And after that he knows nothing more, sweet darkness takes him away and he wakes up still in the chair, there’s a blanket on him and the apartment is dark. A quick look at his phone shows that it’s almost 1 AM and he rushes to bed, still feeling light headed and wants the nothingness of sleep to take him, maybe it’s all a nightmare, a horrible, horrible nightmare.

That night he dreams of Sheldor the Conqueror and a bound Queen Penelope because he can never catch a break and his own brain is against him.

The second time it happens it’s his fault, no two ways about it really. Since the nightmare day as he had taken to call it in his head Leonard made sure to never spring a surprise on Sheldon or Penny and on Laundry night he made himself sparse not only from the apartment but from the entire building, except, this night, he had forgotten his inhaler and he only remembered in the middle of their DnD game and any other night he would have not minded but Howard and Raj wanted to go out to a club and Leonard didn’t want to just up and die in the middle of the dancefloor as he tried to get a date so very reluctantly went back to 4A.

He knew he would probably find Sheldon and Penny cuddling in the couch or lightly kissing but he was willing to bear it, he wanted to move on from Penny, she and Sheldon have been dating for a little over 3 months and he was getting used to the idea of seeing them together. Penny had even given him a one armed hug on last Halo night and Leonard had not flinched (much) so he was going to man up, walk in, greet Sheldon and Penny (His girlfriend a nasally horrible voice taunted him), go to his room, pick up the inhaler and then go back down to the car and drive to the club. Easy, 3 minutes tops, he can do this, you got this Leonard Hofstadter he hypes himself up.

When he opens the door to the apartment Leonard has a full blissful moment of ignorance as his brain tries to makes sense of the scene in front of him. He takes his glasses off and cleans them with the edge of his shirt before putting back on, nope, still there and that flame of hope in him gets reduced to smoldering ashes.

Sheldon and Penny were in the apartment as he had planned, that’s the only part that matched his imagination for the rest he doesn’t think he can ever actually forget it. Sheldon was shirtless but still wearing his pants (mind you, those are the same plaid pants he always wears) and had his hands on the kitchen island ‘stalking’ towards Penny on the other side, he was glaring and Penny was smiling as bright as the sun but if it had only ended there he would have been able to simply walk to him room as he had planned but when both Sheldon and Penny were wearing animal ears headbands and more importantly each was holding a leash that lead to each other’s collar, well, Leonard feels justified in covering his eyes, yelling "Arrrghhh!" and basically throwing himself to the hallway and into his room.

5 minutes later he is still trying to gather the courage to go back out, inhaler now safely in his pocket when an angry text from Howard finally makes him go out into the living room. If he didn’t know any better he could have swore that it was a hallucination (or even better a stroke) because Sheldon was on his computer typing away and Penny was in the middle cushion reading a magazine and while he didn’t see any collars anymore the both of them were still wearing their animal ear headbands. He quickly left the apartment while loudly saying "Learn to lock the door!", he couldn’t wait to get to the club and try to erase the image with some very slutty Cuba libres.

The moment he feels all hope die inside of him for a romantic relationship with Penny is six months into their relationship. It’s the middle of the morning, everyone took a day off from work to help Leonard move his things into 4b and to help Penny move her things into 4a. Yeah, he didn’t see that coming but he could honestly now say that he was happy for both Penny AND Sheldon. If he was honest with himself he saw how they brought the best out in each other so he had joined the other guys in teasing the couple and even going on a couple of double dates with them and while it no longer brought a heartburn-like feeling he was still not going to admit out loud that they were actually pretty cute together.

He was just coming from a quick run to purchase more cardboard boxes when he arrived to an empty apartment, when he left Sheldon and Penny they were eating breakfast and in fact he could see their bowls of cereal still in the Kitchen Island, thinking nothing of it he went to the only other locked door in the hallway "Hey Sheld-" and he trailed off at the sight that greeted him.

Sheldon sat in his bed, thankfully fully clothed but that’s where Leonard’s luck ended because right there on Sheldon’s lap was a topless Penny straddling him, if that was all then Leonard would have just ducked away right away but his eyes were focused on Penny’s arms, her arms were crossed behind her back and seemed to be bound by a leather bracer that restricted her movements and as Penny turned to look at the door he could see that she was also wearing a ball gag with leather straps and for some reason she seemed to be drooling in the extreme.

Leonard was many things, but a prude wasn’t one of them, he was perfectly aware that normal couples have their own bedroom dynamic and to put it shortly he shouldn’t ‘kink shame’ but this was a step too far. While usually he would be thrilled at a topless Penny (he wasn’t blind or a eunuch after all) all he felt at this moment was disgust, this was, it was, he struggled to find an appropriate comparison, it was, it was like walking in on your parents! "C’MON! I left for 15 minutes, 15! c'mon!"

So Leonard backed out quickly and closed the door while rubbing the bridge of his nose. He was glad to be moving away because he definitely did not want anything to do with Mr and Mrs Wackadoodle -oh sorry- Dr and Mrs Wackadoodle. Whatever kinky games they were playing he was hoping they would limit them to 4a and when no one but them was there, he was even tempted to call his mother for a consultation "God, I can’t catch a break".


The prompt for this was:

Leonard tells his experience on how he finally felt all hope of a relationship with Penny extinguish and die as she and Sheldon try and fail to keep their sexual escapades a secret.
Rope burns
Both wearing collars and holding each other leashes
Penny in Sheldon’s lap wearing restrains and a ball gag
Leonard at the end thinks if this is the same feeling as when walking in on his parents having sex

Chapter 5: A river in Egypt


I had fun with this one, Penny is not happy about people trying to kiss Sheldon.

Chapter Text

Penny was not a jealous person, oh sure she gave Veronica Miller a black eye for necking JJ after he had asked Penny to Prom, but she was not blind, she saw the way JJ was being as enthusiastic as Veronica herself so she made sure to make things even and also gave JJ a black eye to match…bastards ended up marrying each other after highschool, lovely wedding, Penny cried at how beautiful Veronica looked.

So, in short, Penny is confident that she’s not a jealous person, even when Kurt cheated on her she was upset about the break of trust (and of her heart) but not because someone else had ‘taken’ Kurt from her. Once a cheater, always a cheater, she cried for the lost time, for trusting in him.

When she started to take notice of Leonard and then he dropped her like a sack of moldy potatoes for Alicia (and Priya, and the girl that smiled at him giving him a cup of coffee, and that cougar lady that did jazzercise around the building block), well, she was disappointed, she had thought that Leonard was different but no, he was just like the rest, just better at hiding it. She had to sit him down and explain that to him, that no, it wasn’t jealousy and that she deserved to be treated better and in a moment of genius that even Sheldon would be proud of she had declared to him "Even if we do end up going out, I would have to wait a year before we slept together". She tried to keep the hurt from her heart when he looked at her as if she was crazy and proclaimed they were better as friends. She did cry a little that night because she had been certain Leonard was different, that they were friends, what a mistake she almost made.

And thus, Penny can happily conclude that she’s not a jealous person. So she’s not sure where that feeling of hot and cold on her face, the shaking fists and the sudden stone in her gut is coming from. Because Penny, as established before, is not a jealous person. But that and other beliefs start shaking when she sees Sheldon being assaulted by that redheaded floozy. She still can’t say the name Ramona without hissing and wow, okay, she’s not jealous, she’s just a very good friend that hated seeing her friend being pawed at. Besides, this was a fluke, a one time occurrence, those feelings will go away because this won’t ever happen again Penny proudly thinks.

The next time it happens, Penny was having such a great day, she got the lead in a play! She couldn’t wait to tell her guys, so she quickly went home, changed into her comfy Hello Kitty pajama shorts and a yellow tank top and put on her robe and entered 4a without knocking as usual and with a greeting that died in her throat.

You see, Penny was not a jealous person, she was 100% confident in that assessment so when she entered 4a and saw a brunette woman that looked as tall as Sheldon, built like a Victoria Secret model (wearing some pretty nice shoes) trying to kiss Sheldon in his spot while he resisted, well at that moment Penny had to reassess that stance because she was sure that the tingling in her arms, the feeling of sudden heartburn as well as the way her stomach was churning meant that either she was jealous or having a heart attack and she didn’t know which one she would prefer at that moment. Putting that thought aside for a moment (she was not avoiding it, truly) and making a quick analysis of the current situation she came to some conclusions:
-Sheldon was in his spot and the brunette jezebel was in Penny’s spot
-Leonard was in his chair looking very proud of himself (Penny decided right there and then that he was guilty of whatever was happening)
-Bombshell brunette had not noticed her yet
-Sheldon was actually losing the struggle
-Sheldon DID notice her entrance and looked at her in a way that makes Penny want to put this brunette hussy in the hospital
-Penny had to act NOW

While Penny wasn’t a jealous person, she was a very athletic one so jumping over the coffee table she quickly put herself between Sheldon and this girl and holy crap on a cracker, the girl was strong. Finally getting enough leverage she was able to push the girl off from her Sheldon and in order to prevent her from trying to approach Sheldon again Penny did the only thing that made sense. She sat in Sheldon’s lap while keeping her arms out warding her off.

Penny wanted to scream at this girl to stop, to get away and to leave the apartment but what came out was closer to "Whawhawhawhawhawahwahwa" not one of Penny’s most eloquent moments but she hoped the intent was communicated.

Several things happened that made Penny aware of her position. First, Sheldon actually held her, not in a ‘You’re my shield now’ kinda way but in a ‘You’re my teddy bear’ kinda way, one of his arms went around her tummy and the other around her shoulders so Sheldon was basically trapping her against him. Second, Sheldon’s hug (because there’s no other way to call it) actually puts her flush against his chest and more importantly on top of Sheldon Jr if you catch her drift. Third, she still couldn’t believe it so she shimmied a little on top of him and maybe that was a bad idea because she could feel Sheldon Jr react to her movement and grow to say hi. Fourth, Sheldon was hiding his face against her neck so she could feel his breathing against her and all of this made it very, very hard for Penny to concentrate on anything else.

"PENNY!!!" Of course Leonard would be the one to focus on the fact that she was on Sheldon’s lap and not on the fact that his roommate had been assaulted not 2 feet away. Leonard stood up and was trying his best to imitate a tomato as he glared at them, or maybe just at Sheldon, she couldn’t actually tell.

"Leonard, shush!" she knew that her usual bravado was somewhat diminished by Sheldon currently using her as a life-size teddy bear but the way Leonard flinched she hoped that it was enough, because Penny still had an undergrad brunette hussy to send home.

When she turned to lay it on the would-be assaulter Penny was confused, instead of the woman looking ready to brawl or being shocked or on the verge of tears she instead looked proud? What the hell…

Nevertheless, Penny had a job to do and by golly she would do it "Now, listen here! Dr. Cooper doesn’t need your assistance or your manistrations-" Sheldon quietly intervened "Ministrations" and Penny quickly nodded and patted the arm around her tummy "That too!, so you can go back home and-" Penny trailed off as the other woman began to belly laugh with so much mirth that Penny just wanted to go over there and show her why she was the Junior Rodeo champion but all those violent thoughts disappeared in a moment when Leonard decided to interrupt again "That’s his sister!".

We have established that Penny is not a jealous person but she was the type of person that was good at jumping to conclusions (and on Sheldon’s lap a treacherous part of her mind added) but she was also good at dealing with unexpected situations but the relief of the situation might have made her a little too glad that Sheldon was not being assaulted by a stranger that she forgot exactly where she was and instead went into ‘meeting a new friend’ mode.

"Oh my godI'm so sorry!, it’s just that We’ve had to deal with some persistent undergrad students that can’t take no for an answer and -oh- I’m Penny by the way the next door neighbor" and she offered her hand to Sheldon’s sister (thank god for that) trying to smooth over the situation.

"Oh darlin’ you’re precious! You were trying to protect Shelly, how adorable, I’m Missy darlin’." this coming from anyone else would have made Penny get on the defensive because someone might be trying to bully Sheldon but his sister, Missy, had none of the teasing in her voice, she was truly happy that Sheldon (Shelly) had someone in his corner and was honestly happy to meet Penny. Missy shook Penny’s hand and the both of them started to chat, about their lives, about Sheldon, about waitressing and it wasn’t until she adjusted herself that she remembered exactly where she was, and that was because Sheldon Jr knocked on her door and ringed the buzzer, but it was fine, she was an actress, she could cover her moan with a cough which she almost immediately recognized was a bad move because coughing just made her body shake on top of Sheldon’s lap and it was a bad angle (or very, very good her horny mind provided).

Penny decided that she might need to invest a little more in acting classes because Leonard suddenly squished his face in a way that made him seem eerily like his mother and left the apartment not without first slamming the door on his way out.

Thankfully Missy was someone that could read a room so with a quick "I’ll go check on him." she left right on the heels of Leonard, leaving her and Sheldon (and Sheldon Jr).

She patted Sheldon’s arm "Sweetie, I think you can let me go now." good, her voice didn’t tremble.

"Penny?" Sheldon looked around and down at her on his lap, like he couldn’t understand how that had happened "Penny!" and then Sheldon stood up but he either didn’t realize or didn’t care that she was still on his lap and when he stood up suddenly like that something very interesting happened and that was that he pushed her with his hips and Sheldon Jr ringed her bell once again but this time someone answered and oh god it had been a while, she stood there bent over with one hand holding for dear life on the middle cushion while her legs tried to remember that they were in fact not jelly.

Penny had made up her mind, she was going to pretend nothing happened, this was normal, what’s a little second base stealing between neighbors, she was going to go back home, take a long hot bath and NOT remember this evening while using her shower head and all of that flew right out the window when she turned to look at Sheldon.

Sheldon’s eyes had always been the clearest shade of blue, electric and bright but now they were so dark that they might as well be the ocean itself. "Sheldon?" Her voice came out husky and it made Sheldon’s eyes darken even further.

Penny was not a jealous person, but she was good at jumping to conclusions. And to Sheldon’s lap, she kissed him and it was desperate and awkward but Sheldon quickly adapted and thank god for his beautiful brain because he was learning on the job and he was excellin to the point that she felt like jelly again and they were just kissing!

Of course that was the moment that Leonard and Missy decided to return but thankfully Missy is a no nonsense kind of girl and quickly dragged Leonard back out as he whined about how the universe was not fair "Have fun Penny!" Missy’s voice ranged out. She should take Missy out for lunch in thanks, Penny thinks absentmindedly and then Sheldon bites her lip and Penny can’t think of anything else.

Penny is not a jealous person but you better stay away from her Moonpie or she’ll go Junior Rodeo on you.

Chapter 6: Unyielding (Bondage)


Sort of a Prequel to ¨Delusional¨


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny is already having second thoughts about this, she had accepted to go to this Gala thingy with Leonard but now, on the actual night of the event she was getting cold feet and the reason for that was the tall and geeky physicist that was still changing in his room. She had helped the Wackadoodle to purchase a suit and it was just unfair how good it looked on him, Penny thought that she had already smothered that thought when the guys told her that Sheldon was asexual, so she didn’t pursue him, instead she accepted Leonard’s invitation and she knew that she shouldn’t do this because she liked Leonard as a friend, but just as a friend.

Penny was also feeling kinda bad because she was wearing a black dress with heels that she knew perfectly matched Sheldon’s suit but that not only clashed horribly with Leonard’s plaid atrocity of a suit but on the count of her heels also made her feel that she was taking him to one of those ‘mommy and me’ dances.

"Okay Raj, you ready? Remember, we’re going to strut -no- we’re going to swagger in there you get me?" Raj just nodded as he nursed a bottle of beer in one hand and Howard’s hand on the other.

Howard and Raj were in the middle of the guys’ apartment practicing some sort of walk (at least she hoped it was a walk) while holding each other’s arms and even Leonard looked at them strangely "Eh guys, were you unable to find dates and are going, you know, together?."Leonard finally asked and she half expected Howard and Raj to jump away from each other but instead they gave Leonard a very smug look, Raj’s smile looked more drunk than smug but still.

"That’s where you’re wrong Leonard," Howard announced "This is not just any Caltech Gala, but THE Caltech Gala. Everyone will be there so Raj and I prepared something special for the occasion and in fact, we’re waiting for our dates."

"Right…" Leonard looked like he didn’t want to know more but in the end his curiosity got the better of him "Okay Howard, spill, don’t tell me you’re taking your cousin again."

Penny laughed and because she felt bad tried to pretend that she had coughed when Howard turned to glare (that quickly turned into a leer) at her, moving quickly to the kitchen and pointing to her throat she went to grab a glass of water as she listened to Howard’s explanation.

"No Leonard, we had the best idea ever!" Which meant that it was a horrible idea, she really couldn’t wait to see how it would come to bite him in the ass. "We hired high end escorts for the gala!." Howard even pushed his chest out and Leonard just shook his head "You guys are telling Sheldon, not me." he finally said.

Maybe she should try and find Howard and Raj actual real dates, sure all of the guys could be a handful one way or another but they were still her boys and she found it sad that they had to resort to this, and she was sure that Sheldon would flip his shit once he found out and because he was going to be riding in the same car as her and Leonard she could already imagine the rant waiting for her (and Leonard) on the way to the event and back.

Penny had nothing against sex workers, hell, if she was honest with herself there was a time where she wondered about it but for her it felt like giving up so she just grinded harder at The Cheesecake Factory and maybe if she hadn’t met the guys that could have been her so she was not going to judge and was going to be friendly and kind.

"Sheldon, are you still not ready?" Oh he is ready, ready for- No, bad Penny.

As usual Dr Wackadoodle did not reply and she could imagine that he was sulking while looking at himself in the mirror all tall and dark while saying ‘I look ridiculous’ and not knowing he looked like a freshly baked pie that she could just eat up. Oh wow, this whole thing of giving up on her attraction to Sheldon was working perfectly!. Sarcasm.

A knock at the door finally took her away from her dirty thoughts and she could see Howard and Raj teetering with barely contained glee and even Leonard looked nervous as he opened the door.

Penny wasn’t sure what she was expecting but the 2 gorgeous ladies wearing long beautiful dresses wasn’t it. One of them looked young, younger than Penny and was a beautiful redhead with a peppering of freckles across her cheeks and with a teasing smile that made even Penny herself do a double take because Wow! That was one gorgeous lady. Her companion was equally beautiful but a brunette that looked a little older than Penny and she was breathtaking, she smiled and Penny (and the guys) all gasped because hot damn, that was the most beautiful woman she had ever seen.

"Hello, we’re Agatha and Gemma," she said as she pointed to herself and then to the other girl respectively "We’re looking for Howard and Raj." Even her voice was hot and sensual! This finally lit a fire under the aforementioned guys and they quickly tripped over each other trying to introduce themselves and to invite the girls in while they waited for Sheldon to appear.

Penny was confident about her own body but both of these girls were as close to perfect as one could get and she allowed herself to hate them just a tiny bit for that because damn.

"I still insist that I look ridiculous in this, Penny can’t I just wear my usual suit?" And here he comes, the man haunting her dreams. He is looking down at himself as he complains, Penny just hopes that whatever rant he will undoubtedly give them is short so they’re not late to the gala so she hopes to stop any arguments in the bud "You look great Sweetie! Isn’t that right?" Penny turns to the other 2 girls in the room and damn if she’s not proud of her work because the both of them are looking at Sheldon like he’s the last steak at the buffet so to hide her smug grin she takes a sip of her water.

"Dr. Cooper?" Agatha says in delight and suddenly walks up to Sheldon and everyone that knows Sheldon takes a sharp intake of breath because she didn’t just approach Sheldon but she’s also touching him, well, not exactly, Penny can see that she is holding Sheldon’s sleeve in between two of her delicate fingers but she still cringes and closes her eyes waiting for the Sheldon explosion but it doesn’t come right way so she opens her eyes to see if maybe Sheldon went into shock or something and first she looks at the other guys and she’s sure her face matches theirs, all of them are shocked. Not only does this girl know who Sheldon is but she’s also touching him (kinda) and he’s not blowing a gasket. Maybe this is one of those massive hallucinations thingies..

Focusing her attention on Sheldon brings her up short because he’s not looking ready bolt or like he’s going to Purell himself into next week, no, he looks surprised but then he gives Agatha that lift of his lips that means he secretly happy and the water still in her mouth suddenly tastes like vinegar. "Ah Martha, good evening." Sheldon nodded at ‘Agatha’ in greeting and Penny swallowed the suddenly bitter water and it burned the whole way down to her stomach. "It’s Agatha tonight Dr. Cooper" the brunette hussy replied, even her voice had changed, it went from sensual to happy and Penny wanted to punch something.

Sheldon nodded as if that made any sense at all and okay, maybe Penny wasn’t as smart as him but this didn’t make sense because Sheldon was acting as if, as if he knew this Agatha…


Penny is not sure how but suddenly she’s there in between them and taking Sheldon’s hand to drag him out of the apartment " Let's go, we’re gonna be late!" and her voice sounds high even to her ears but she needs to get out of there, she needs to get him out of there and get some answers because nuh-uh, this was Sheldon, he didn’t have a deal right? There’s a perfectly reasonable explanation to this, she might be an undergrad that is paying for school or, or, or maybe she is Sheldon’s dentist and just happens to moonlight as a escort, or maybe she’s a fan of his work and Penny is aware that she’s grasping at straws but she needs to because the other possibility is that Sheldon knows Agatha -sorry- Martha in the biblical way and she stops that line of thinking because her eyes start to burn and her throat constricts a little so she turns to look at Sheldon and he looks so innocent, so Sheldon-like, that her look becomes a glare because her Moonpie had some explainin’ to do. They stop at the lobby and she finally lets go of him so he can face her.

Of course Sheldon is complaining about her wrinkling his suit and how he bruises easily as if he hadn’t just turned her entire world upside down just a moment ago.

"Sheldon, shush!" and he clams up, good, still the same Sheldon she knew "Okay Moonpie, dish, how do you know her?" hands on hips so he knows it’s serious.

"Penny, only Meemaw may call me-" Finally looks at her face and something clicks in that beautiful mind of his and realizes that this is serious talk time. "You mean Agatha?" Her jaw clenches.

"No Sheldon, I meant Martha" she hisses the name and it’s only because she’s looking at him closely that she catches the twitch of his mouth. Unfuckingbelieveable. He was thinking about lying to her, to her face!

"Okay Sheldon, spill." Penny pointed a finger right at him and she could almost see his thought process, look up, look down at her and then look away, bring his hands up to his chest trying to grasp at a strap that was not there and then he finally sighed and opened his mouth. Of course this is the moment that the rest of the party chose to join in and Penny wanted to weep in frustration because as soon as Sheldon saw the others he started taking charge and maneuvering everyone to their own cars (Raj, Howard and their dates on one while Leonard took Dr. Look-I’m-full-of-surprises and her on the other) but she didn’t miss the way Sheldon was holding himself he probably thought he was safe from her question but he had another thing coming.

Thankfully, once in the car she wasn’t the only one curious "So buddy, Agatha, uh, you know her?" Leonard also looked as if he had been punched so she felt a little vindicated in her reaction, yes, this was normal, Sheldon freaking Cooper knowing a escort, that was the weird part and she could kiss Leonard (she won’t tho) for bringing up the subject, she was going to get her answers now.

"Ah, yes, I know her. Leonard please keep your eyes on the road, I rather you not kill us due to your lack of attention." And then he clammed up while pretending to fuss with the sleeves of his jacket and hell no, he was not getting away with it, she could already see Leonard back down from his roommate glare but Moonpie had still to look back at her even once, the audacity.

"No sweetie," she could see him freeze up at her extra sweet tone of voice "What we want to know is how, how do you know…Agatha" it took a lot of her to not hiss out Martha instead and wow, she wasn’t sure where all of this anger was coming from but it was clear that she was not doing a great job at hiding it, even poor Leonard was giving her a weird look. Okay, calm down Penny, you accepted this date because you had decided to give up on Sheldon, he didn’t have a deal, he was not interested in women or men. Except. It seemed that she was wrong and looking back on it, it was always someone else telling her that about Sheldon, but the man himself never said nor confirmed that, so Penny had two options, stick to her guns, forget about this and move on with her plans to at least give it a try with Leonard…or, go after the Wackadoodle and deal with the consequences.

Said Wackadoodle seemed to have decided that silence was the better part of valor (Yeah, she knows that’s not the right quote but she’s too pissed to care right now) and was doing his best to look out his window and pretend that there was no one else in the car.

Penny could forget all about this, pick Leonard, he was the safe choice, he knew how to behave in public and was not driving her crazy due to his eccentricities BUT, was that fair to him? To herself? Penny was no quitter, she once broke a pinkie in the middle of rodeo and she still came first.

Letting out a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding and making the two nerds on the car jump as if she had just shot a gun, she looked amused but then her face crumpled a little, she hated being a bitch, but she was going to have to be one to poor Leonard and ensure he knew she was making a choice, a choice he would not understand but one he would have to accept and live with and she hoped they would come out friends afterwards. Goddamn Wackadoodle with his piercing blue eyes and innocent face, fine, he was a baby deer but she was a goddamn Huntress. Penny is no quitter.

No one brings up again the subject of Agatha/Martha for the rest of the night, but that is not to say that it was a smooth night, first, her heels made it so Leonard was basically talking to her boobs and Penny just wanted him to look at her face and more importantly now Penny was hyper-aware of Sheldon and every time Penny would see that Agatha would approach him she was suddenly right there by his side and she knew that by the end of the night it looked more like she had been Sheldon’s date and not Leonard’s which made her feel bad, maybe she could set him up with that new waitress at the Factory, Bernadette was cute as a button and also blonde, plus she had that nerdy but hot vibe going on and she was sure Leonard would love her.

Sheldon probably thought that she had forgotten but oh no, she was biding her time because she was fully aware that Sheldon Cooper was a creature of routines and tomorrow night was Laundry Night™. Penny already knew where her baby deer was going to be, she just needed to follow him there.

The night ends and she successfully prevents Agatha from approaching Sheldon which fine she technically didn’t have a reason to do that, yet, but…shut up.

And of course things are never easy so when they all go back to the building, Howard and Raj are excited because they basically made Kripke lose his shit in the middle of an event and everyone was congratulating them and she really needed to get these boys on a real date ASAP, or maybe get them to accept that they were adorable together and to give it a shot but she’s tired so she’ll leave that decision for Future Penny to deal with, the both of them are talking in quiet tones with their dates and Penny doesn’t want to hear the contents of that conversations so she grabs Sheldon’s arm and moves to the lobby so they can go to their respective apartments.

Penny doesn’t miss the longing look Agatha shoots Sheldon and is forever grateful that Dr. Oblivious is the way he is because he is already talking about his REM cycle and Penny is just feeling inner peace knowing her Wackadoodle is in here and that Agatha is out there and just as she thinks that everything will be okay she hears a voice "Penny, can I talk to you?" and Penny might truly be a bitch because she doesn’t want to talk, she knows what Leonard will ask and she knows that it will suck plus her feet are hurting because the heels made her look amazing but they were hell on her feet, but better to deal with this right now than having it hang over their heads. She lets Sheldon go up and stays in the lobby waiting for Leonard to make up his mind on how he wants to approach this, it doesn’t take long.

"So, did I do something wrong?" Leonard shuffles from one feet to the other and he looks up at her with kicked puppy eyes, any other night, any other day she might have caved in but tonight she still had some of that rage in her gut and she had made up her mind so no, Penny was not going to play along tonight but that didn’t mean she had to be cruel.

"Okay, stop. Leonard sweetie…just stop. I know I was a sucky date tonight" She didn’t liked how his eyes filled with hope "But I think this is a sign that we’re not meant to be." one of her hands reaches out to grab Leonard’s shoulder because she needs him to understand this "Sweetie, I don’t feel that spark with you." her voice was gentle but firm. She then took a breath expecting the return serve.

"But you feel it with Sheldon?!" She knew that he was mad, and that her response would only make it worse but no hiding for her, she made sure he was looking at her before nodding and firmly saying "I think so, at least I want to give it a try."

"But I love you!" at that she finally let go of him and took a step back, the L word was a big thing for her and she never said it unless she meant it, so hearing Leonard saying it so easily after 1 Not-date and now this sham of a date made Penny feel thankful that she had not given in because this was sad, he barely knew her, never even asked about her life and they did not share anything in common other than living in the same building and liking Tarantino movies and that was not enough to build a relationship out of, she was not going to build castles in the sand, not after Kurt.

"No Leonard, you don’t." She raised a hand to stop his next words "You can’t love me because you don’t know me, we don’t have anything in common and you have to respect that I can say ‘No’ for whatever reason I want." She could see his shoulders sag at this, but she wasn’t done yet "Leonard, sweetie, I want to believe that I am your friend, that you respect me as one and that we’ll be okay. That I was more than the girl you wanted to bang." Shit, that came out harsher than she intended "I’ll give you time but I still want to be your friend Leonard." The effect of her words was clear in the defeated posture but she had said all she needed to say so she started to climb up to her apartment.

"Penny?" she looks down at him still rooted in the same spot, guilt overwhelming his face and eyes "I’m sorry" There are worlds contained in those two words.

Ah, that still hurts just as much as the first time she realized that the boys in high school were not hanging out with her because they liked her but because they wanted to get in her pants and once she made it clear it was not happening they all cut her out of their lives, silly Penny, did you really think it was going to be different this time?. Giving Leonard a watery smile she managed to say "Thank you."

Maybe they will be okay after all.

She made it all the way to her apartment without crying but allowed herself to cry until she fell asleep, tomorrow she had some Hunting to do.

Penny hated that first moment of waking up right after you had a good cry because it felt like a mini-hangover that was totally unfair, excuse her for being an emotional person. Whatever, she had a shift today and also had a Moonpie to catch. Suddenly feeling better Penny went through the motions of her day, by this point she was an expert waitress so she could spend time thinking about how to approach Sheldon in the Laundry Room without messing up orders or tripping over her own feet.

She was not having much luck unfortunately because all the usual tactics would go right over his perfectly combed head. Giggle and smile? He would look around scared of a prank. Touch her hair and throw it over her shoulder? Probably would make a comment about her split ends. No, Sheldon was different so she needed to think differently, she almost went to Bernadette to ask ‘How do you tell a guy that you like him?’ but she was not a 14 year old girl and she had some pride dammit.

At the end of her shift she decided that the best approach would be a direct attack, Sheldon would probably try to wiggle out of it otherwise because his stupid brain can only think science and not the fun Discovery Channel science that Bloodhound Gang sang about.

Now with a plan (sort of) she was ready (sort of) to meet her not so innocent neighbor, she took a shower, debated between shorts-shorts or pajama pants and finally chose pajama pants with Hello Kitty print, she thought that maybe it would make her look casual but no too casual…goddam it, she was a 14 year old girl.

Finally hearing the 4a open she peeked and sure enough there was Sheldon with his basket, okay, deep breath, you got this Penny. Taking her own basket she waited until Sheldon had walked down and judging enough time she went after him, heart beating wildly.

The laundry room had no one else, probably because everyone in the building knew to steer away when Sheldon Cooper was on a mission. Seeing that he was separating his clothes Penny decided to bite the bullet and implement her plan. Penny entered the laundry room and before Sheldon could utter his regular greeting she closed and locked the door behind her and for good measure she leaned against it so he would have to go through her if he really wanted to leave.

"Hi Sheldon" Okay, good, her voice was normal.

"Hi Penny?" He sounded confused and was glancing around the room as if he were looking for the reason that I closed the door. Time for the truth Penny, get you that baby deer.

"Hi Sheldon" Or not

"Hi Penny" eyebrow going up, not a good sign (but very sexy looking) "Is there a reason why you’re currently blocking the entryway?" he even stopped sorting out his clothes so you know it’s serious.

"Hi Sheldon" Please say anything else, just anything else before he thinks you’re having a stroke.

"Hi Penny, are you feeling ill?" Okay, the way he scooted back and used his shirt to cover his mouth and nose hurt a little but that was enough to get her to reboot and remember her plan.

"Sheldon, I must parlay with you on paramount subjects" there, it’s out.

"Penny," he finally lowered his shirt and she could see the slight lift of his lips and it just wasn’t fair, no one should look that cute "seeing as you have trapped us in the laundry room I think we can discuss these important -ah- paramount, sorry, paramount subjects." He looked amused and even went back to sorting his clothes.

Okay Moonpie, game on.

"I am attracted to you Sheldon" She saw as his body froze and he turned to quickly look at her.

"Bazinga?" Oh poor baby, he looked as scared as she felt. But it wasn’t time to approach him, you got this Penny.

"No Bazinga Sheldon," c’mon, spit it out, if he rejects you then it’s better to get it over with "Last night I realized that I was still attracted to you," like a Band-Aid, all at once "I actually held onto these feeling since I met you, but then you never showed anything back and I tried to forget about it," No, don’t cry! Ahh fuck that’s a sob "I tried to bury my feelings because you became my best friend and I didn’t want to lose you but seeing last night how you flirted with Martha or Agatha or whatever her name is made me feel as if I would lose you and that’s why I spent all night with you because I wanted you to look at me! And I already told Leonard because I’m done running away!" There, the full truth and even some things that she didn’t want to reveal.

Sheldon looked like a deer caught in the headlights and she was sure that he wasn’t breathing, she was watching him closely and jumped when he took a deep breath, there it is, she can see it now, the panic, he’s looking around the room for an exit but no luck Moonpie no running from this.

He starts moving his mouth but for once in his goddamn life Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper is speechless. If this goes to hell at least she’ll always have this image. No! Bad Penny, no assuming, no running. She is wiping her tears but refuses to look away from him, she’ll face this head-on.

"Penny, I…I don’t know what to say, I-" and he clams up again, okay Penny, give him a nudge.

"Sweetie, I just want to hear the truth, that’s all." Voice watery but at least she’s not sobbing anymore.

"Ah, the truth, yes," big beautiful brain is working overtime there "Forgive me, I’m not familiar with the customs for this type of situation, but," rises to his full height and licks his lips in nervousness, his eyes still refuse to focus on anything, at least until he focuses them fully on her, blue meets green and her breath is gone "I have also felt a physiological pull towards you, in the same manner as you mentioned a moment ago, I tried to suppress these feelings thinking them unwelcome and then Leonard began his incessant and unpleasant courting of you and…" He trails off, unsure on how to continue "And I was unable to suppress them, each time you prance into the apartment I can’t help but stare at the way the light plays with your hair, when you smile at me I-" he finally looks away, a blush on his cheeks "feel like I can do anything. Your optimism is contagious and on days where I’m unable to see you I find myself angry and saddened. You were a distraction in the beginning, you brought chaos into my life and foolishly thought of banishing you from our lives, but," he takes a deep breath, c’mon Moonpie, please "but I found your absence unbearable and even more distracting. I have never felt this for anyone Penny, I don’t know what the correct protocol to follow is." and he extends his arms to show how truly lost he feels but for her it’s an invitation and dropping her basket she runs into him and is only the wall being there that prevents him from being bowled over.

Penny can’t speak right now, because Sheldon feels the same, that’s enough for her right now, they can figure this out later, one day at a time. She’s sure that it will be difficult, for the both of them, but as his unsure arms surround her in a hug that shouldn’t feel as good as it does she feels that things will be okay, they got each other.

An unsure hand comes up and touches her cheek, she looks up at Sheldon and the blue of his eyes swallows her, to the point that she almost misses the way his lips hesitantly touch hers in a chaste kiss and right there, at that moment she knows. She’s a goddamn 14 year old girl because she can feel her face flush red as if he had just proposed. He’s going to kill her and he doesn’t even know it.

They still have a lot to talk about, but it can wait, for now she’s happy to just be here in his arms.


The prompt for this was:

Caltech gala, Penny is invited as Leonard’s date, Howard and Raj fail to find dates so they decide to hire 2 high-end escorts, Penny and Sheldon disapprove but can’t stop them.
Penny finds that she likes the girls until one of them greets Sheldon as if she knows him and then is shocked when Sheldon greets the woman back af if he knows her which leads to Penny having a wild imagination as well as needing to talk to Sheldon about this.
The woman seems to know he doesn’t like being touched and that he likes to be addressed as Dr Cooper
And for Penny the glass of water she was drinking suddenly tastes like vinegar

Chapter 7: Disclosure (Bondage)


Didn't want to leave you guys hanging after last chapter.
Sequel to Unyielding. Penny learns about Martha.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny woke up feeling great, she can’t actually remember the last time she felt so rested. The events of last night seemed impossible just a month ago but she had done it, Penny got her baby deer. She stayed in bed enjoying both the warmth of the covers and the memories.

She shouldn’t feel as giddy as she did but she had decided to fully embrace the 14 year old girl side of her. For all they made fun of Sheldon’s lack of experience she had come to the conclusion that she was not much better actually.

The things that carried her previous relationships were lust and alcohol, she skipped right over the teenage awkwardness into second base and sex and never looked back but now she didn’t want to do that, and that was a scary thought by itself, Penny didn’t do commitment, except, she knew that this thing between Sheldon and her was not going to be a fling and she was weirdly okay with that, mainly because she knew that if anything it would be her leading the way forward, Sheldon would not tell her that he loved her unless he actually meant it, he would not try to get into her pants right away (she’s the one that has to learn to be patient, especially if he’s wearing that suit, yum), no playing games with him, she needed to learn to be direct with what she wanted and how, and this last part was something that she had a hard time letting go of, she knew that Sheldon would never be that guy that brought her a dozen bouquets of roses and surprise her with a trip to Cabo…but, she didn’t want that guy, she wanted Sheldon, to see that small tug of his lips when he’s proud of her, to know she’s the only person that can touch him without him flinching, she just needed him to be himself. Besides, it might be fun to be the one to surprise him, the one that makes him smile, that adorable little smile that makes him look 10 years old again.

But there was still something weighing heavy in her and that was the subject of Agatha/Martha. She didn’t want to be THAT girl but she had to know more. Penny was not happy about this because she knew that Sheldon would not really care if their roles were reversed but…and in a moment she gets it but wishes she hadn’t, Martha had looked at Sheldon the same way that Penny looked at Sheldon, and that brought all those uncomfortable feelings from that night back to the front of her mind. She needed to talk to Sheldon so she could finally let go of this.

Looking over at her alarm clock it showed that it was only a little past 9 am so she might as well go shower and eat something, Sheldon had agreed to come by around noon (meaning exactly at noon) so they could discuss how to approach this subject with Leonard as Sheldon didn’t want to lie to him, she only hoped that her talk with Leonard would at least take some of the heat from the upcoming argument, because she knew there was going to be one.

Trying to mess with her Moonpie Penny opened her apartment door at 5 minutes to 12 and just waited there with a cup of coffee and sure enough 4 minutes later Dr. Wackadoodle came out from his own door and seeing there waiting for him lead to his eye twitching and his brow furrowing because of course, she was the weird one in this relationship so she smiled at him and took a sip of her coffee moving to sit on her couch and letting him to follow her inside.

Once inside he sat on her couch but didn’t seem inclined to talk.

"What up Moonpie?" There’s that eyebrow twitch again.

"Cute. As always your grammar leaves much to be desired and only Meemaw may call me Moonpie."

"Nope," She made sure to pop the word "Non-optional social convention. You’re my Moonpie now as well." She allowed herself a smile behind her cup, waiting to see how he would react to that.

Sheldon looked at her suspiciously for a moment but then his face cleared and he nodded "I suppose that is true," small blush comes to his cheeks and he looks at his hands "And I do like it when you say it." Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck, it’s not fair, she’s not going to make it past 1 week without wanting to jump him, he’s too adorable.

Because she can, she decides to give him a peck on the lips and she’s jumping for joy when he responds, awkwardly but eagerly and she can’t stop the smile that comes to her face.

Deciding that it was best to get the uncomfortable parts of the conversation out of the way first Penny reigned in on herself "Sweetie, are you sure you want us to tell Leonard first? Without the other guys there?"

Sheldon sadly lost that small smile on his face and turned serious "Yes, I feel that this is the appropriate path to take, Leonard will have a hard time accepting your decision so it’s best that we’re alone so Wolowitz and Rajesh can’t influence or feed into the negative emotions that Leonard will undoubtedly display."

"I agree Sweetie, plus Leonard is our friend and he deserves to hear it from us first." Okay Penny, time for the other subject, scooting closer to Sheldon so their legs touched she reached out to grab one of his hands "There was also something else that I wanted to ask you about…remember how I told you about Martha flirting with you?"

"Penny, I have an eidetic memory, I rem-"

"Not the point Sweetie," She held his hand and made sure he was looking at her "I told you how I was afraid of losing you and that is because when Martha looked at you, well, she looked like a woman in love."

Sheldon paused and looked at their joined hands, he rubbed his thumb on top of her fingers and nodded thoughtfully.

"Do you have romantic feelings for her?" And her lungs stop working, she didn’t want to hear the answer to that because she remembers the way Sheldon looked at Martha, that smile and the not flinching away from her touch.

"No." Not a single facial twitch in sight and she’s able to take a breath again, but we’re not done yet Penny.

"Could you tell me how you know her?" Her voice is soft because she doesn't want to spook him, and she can feel it, there’s more to the story.

"As you know, I have excellent hearing, so often I’ve been able to hear Wolowitz and the rest joke about my sexuality when they think I can’t hear them. My mother and Meemaw raised me to, as is so often colloquially put ‘To not kiss and tell’ so I was never tempted to correct their beliefs as I found their posturing and bragging in bad taste." He stopped and then looked at her "Having said that, I believe that it’s important that I share the following story with you due to the recent change in our social and relationship paradigm." He looked nervous and stopped talking.

"Hey Honey, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, I think I got my answer about Martha." Penny lied but she didn’t want to make him feel bad and force him to spill his guts out, she could live without knowing, but Sheldon shook his head and she squeezed his hand in reassurance.

"It’s not a story that makes me relive negative emotions if that was your fear, however, it’s something I have only voiced to a few individuals. This takes place before Leonard ever became my roommate, as you know I spent some time in Germany during my formative years and met several acquaintances, one of them was my last research partner, a brilliant young lady by the name of Nana, she was to be wed and I received an invitation which I, after much thought, decided to accept. Mostly so I could enjoy the sights of Germany once again."

Penny sat on the couch watching as Sheldon went into his story. She liked the way he moved his hands and had to laugh a little to herself when Sheldon mentioned enjoying the sights, because for Sheldon that probably meant a laboratory or classroom and not exactly a forest clearing or a tourist spot.

"Once there I was forced to attend and endure the ‘stag party’" yes he did the quotes with his fingers and rolled his eyes "despite me not being acquainted with the young man that was being celebrated. Initially it all went as it’s often portrayed in popular media, we were taken to a bar where alcoholic beverages were consumed and several small speeches were proclaimed for the young couple to be, as well as some only meant for the groom."

She really, really enjoyed the way his throat moved and wanted to give him a little nip, just a tiny nip but forced herself to stay put. She had no idea where Sheldon was going with this but she was going to be a good listener and not miss anything.

"After this, we moved to a club, that was the word used to describe it, but I was confused, clubs were usually indicative of loud and ear damaging noise but this club was quiet, private." Clears his throat "We were directed to a room that had several chairs pointed at a small stage and I thought that we might actually get to see a theater performance or perhaps someone reciting poetry and the curiosity to know what it would be kept me at my seat."

She could see the blush that started from his neck all the way to his face and she held her breath..

"After a few moments a woman and two gentlemen entered the stage, each of them was wearing a raincoat that covered them so I thought it might be a modern art presentation. I was mistaken. Without anyone talking the people on the stage disrobed themselves, the woman was wearing leather underwear and the men were bare chested and each of them had a length of rope in their hands which they then proceeded to tie and restrain the woman in ways I never thought possible."

Penny thinks that if it was the middle of the night she would be able to light up her entire apartment with Sheldon’s blush alone. She’s riveted by Sheldon’s tale, she can imagine a younger Sheldon mortified but curious at what was happening in front of him, but she has to wonder how this will connect with Martha.

"I wanted to get up and remove myself from the building but strangely found my body unwilling to comply. I sat there until their presentation had ended, the men never touched the woman inappropriately, there was no coitus but I still found it terribly stimulating, the manner in which the ropes restrained yet also enhanced the female form, how the rope seemed to guide the woman to present herself, the look on her face was…fascinating."

Holy fraking shit. Penny had her mouth open because whatever she was expecting, this was not it. Sheldon had a look of amazement on his face and she imagined that this must have been the face he was making at that time.

"After returning to the US I found myself unable to forget what I had seen and decided to do some research on what I came to learn was called ‘Bondage’, this research also revealed that a similar club existed in Pasadena and…"

Penny couldn’t believe it, her Sheldon, her innocent Wackadoodle had visited a sex-club. Wow. But wait a second. Her eyes opened wide and her jaw hit the floor but no sound came out. Martha.

"And I found that they could teach me how to safely perform this activity on one of the personnel hired by the club. The place I visited was very receptive to all of my cleaning standards requests and Martha was assigned to guide me in this endeavour." He finally turned to look at her and even he with his ‘can’t see when Penny upset’ knows that something is up because he quickly adds "I never engaged in coitus with Martha. She just helped me to learn Shibari, Sukaranbo, Karada and Shinju. I always wore gloves and never touched her directly."

Making a note to google those words later she took hold of Sheldon’s hands to reassure him "Hey, hey, it’s fine. Thank you for sharing this with me." She saw him relax, he was probably terrified that she was going to run out screaming or something. Ropes huh…

"Sweetie, is this something you want to do with me?" She could see that his eyes went as wide as possible and she tried to make her face as open as possible.

Very hesitantly he replied "In time, yes"

What the frak? She could feel her hackles rising, so he would still go to Martha? "In time? So you don’t want to teach me?"

"What? No, I mean, yes, but…Penny, I am perfectly aware that this is not ‘normal’ and I’m not an expert and I don’t want to scare you and I just thought that we could gradually-" Sheldon continues to ramble and her anger disappears immediately, He was concerned for her, He wasn’t trying to exclude her. Goddamn it Penny.

"Sheldon, Hon. I’m sorry, I thought you meant that you wanted to keep seeing Martha and I…I got jealous and insecure. If this is something you like to do then I would like to experience it alongside you. You’re not scaring me, to be perfectly honest this might be the most ‘normal’ thing about you." she smirked and hoped that he would get the teasing note in her voice.

The relief in Sheldon could be seen from miles, she continued "You just said that you’re not an expert right? So that means we can learn together!"

She was sure that Sheldon would never hurt her, besides she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t a little bit interested. So they sat there holding each other’s hands when a noise from 4a brought them back to the now, there was still something pending before they could explore their relationship and now that Penny knew that Sheldon was interested it removed a weight off her shoulders. Maybe Sheldon would like to be tied as well, 'there’s an idea' she thought with a smile.

"C’mon Moonpie, we got us a homunculus to battle."


Can't promise that I'll be back to this Universe but we'll see.

Update: 02/22/24

This became it's own One-shot:
The Bondage Thermalization

Chapter 8: Reflection


Funhouse Mirror

Chapter Text

There are an infinite number of Universes, for every choice presented to you that you did not take there exists a version of you that did take it. These choices are terrible and wonderful and you will never know what is on the road not taken, perhaps that’s the kindest result.

Out of the infinite number of Universes ever-present we find two that are similar and yet very different. In both exists a Penny, an aspiring actress with a broken heart and a penchant for spending too much on shoes. There’s also a Sheldon, a genius physicist whose life needs to be surrounded by routines. And there’s also a Leonard, a good man that allows the worst parts of himself to take over until there’s nothing good left.

In both Universes these three individuals meet and become involved with one another, in both there is a prank war, in both there is Halo and Thai food and whiteboards, in both Leonard chases after Penny but this is where we find the first truly important decision that will define these two Universes, and the glimpses that we can catch, each moment is light reflecting on the waves of a river bank, gone before you realize it fully.

In one Universe Penny doesn’t give up, she’s scared because despite her misgivings, moving into Los Robles has been a great experience, and she doesn’t want to mess it up but she can’t live without not knowing, she knows that she’s burning a bridge with Leonard but Penny doesn’t want fear to rule her life.

"Hey Moonpie, I like you."

In another Universe Penny is scared, she doesn’t want to rock the boat, she finds Leonard’s crush a little cute and she looks longingly at the tall scientist working on his laptop and convinces herself that it will never happen so she finally accepts Leonard’s invitation.

"Uh, yeah, we can do Dinner."

Some occurrences happen almost identically in several Universes at once, though the characters in these plays orchestrated by the Universe might not be the same.

In one Universe Penny is happy because Sheldon in his own way admitted to liking her back. Leonard was unhappy but eventually learned to accept their relationship and even started dating Leslie Winkle, this time he would not let his fear of her fierceness get in the way of being happy.

For this Penny the fact she was able to overcome her fear makes her want to start taking acting seriously, because Sheldon appreciate and enjoys her company but she knows that there are no free rides in the Cooper train, she can’t stagnate because he will always move forward and she doesn’t want to be the one that holds him back. She stops going out clubbing and starts going to acting classes recommended by Sheldon, she limits her drinking because she finds it easier to run lines, Sheldon is there to help her and even if she feels like strangling him sometimes she knows that he’s happy for her. He wants her to be happy succeeding in her career of choice because he doesn’t care that she’s Penny the actress, or Penny the waitress, he cares that she’s Penny and that’s all he wants she thinks as she runs up the stairs.

"I got it!! I got the lead!!" Penny bursts into 4a right after getting the news, she got the lead for a play, it was a decent sized theater and the role just felt right. A struggling young woman working as an assistant to an old disabled writer that was still trying to finish her last book.

Sheldon looked up from his laptop and gave her a small smile before going back to his work "You were the obvious choice, had you not gotten it I would have seriously put into question the sanity of the casting director."

Penny felt her smile diminish a little, sometimes she wished he could remember that celebrating was more than just acknowledging the event. Shaking her head Penny went to kiss the side of his head and then hug him from behind. It had taken a long time for Sheldon to be comfortable with touching but they were able to reach the point where she could touch him spontaneously and he would not freak out, it was one thing to touch his arm and it was another to hold him like this and even though he would harrump and complain she knew that if he truly minded he would move away or ask her to stop. Because that had happened, the sting of it was removed when he would shily touch her hand afterwards.

"Are you proud of me Moonpie?" she said softly against the side of his face.

He moved his face to face her a little better but to her it felt like he had snuzzled "I’m always proud of you, I was certain that if you applied yourself that this would be the natural result. Good job Penny." She held him tighter and tried to keep herself from crying. Sheldon Cooper did not ever say something he did not mean. He probably didn’t even realize how much he had helped her, running lines with her, watching Youtube videos on how to act (because she didn’t always had enough for her classes, helping her come up with a plan on how tackle auditions instead of just winging it and he did those thing just to help her, not because he wanted to get in her pants but because to him that was the right thing to do for your girlfriend. He still wasn’t allowed to clean while she slept tho.

"Penny?" his voice was soft

"Yeah?" her voice came out hoarse with unshed tears but it was equally soft.

"Only Meemaw may call me Moonpie." Wackadoodle, she couldn’t help but laugh. Only Sheldon would fail to read the mood but still make her laugh.

Now wiping tears of laughter from her eyes she kissed him again "Let’s go celebrate!"

"I suppose it is Anything-can-happen-Thursday." a lift of his lips matched by her.

"Wackadoodle" came out more wistful than she thought but yeah, she was happy that she decided to give it a try with him. He still frustrated her to no end but she really couldn’t see it any other way and he always managed to surprise her in the most endearing ways.

In another Universe, that Penny was trudging up the stairs tiredly but with a pep on her step. She hadn’t wanted to audition for the play but strangely enough it was Sheldon that had looked at her and just asked "Why not? Aren’t you an actress?" and it felt enough like a challenge that it lit up a fire under her ass and she auditioned out of spite alone. Of course she didn’t get the lead but they liked her enough to play a minor role, it was better than nothing and it would show Sheldon that she was an actress. She hoped that Leonard was in their apartment, maybe they could celebrate with a bottle of vodka and then have some alone time. She wanted to shut off her brain for tonight.

Going to her apartment to change, she took a moment to consider if she should even say anything, it was a minor part and she was hoping that it could lead to more opportunities but…maybe it just wasn’t in the cards for her. Shaking her head she decided to tell them if just to show Sheldon.

Walking into the boys apartment she was happy that only Leonard was there at the moment "Hey Hon, I have some good news." She tried to inject cheer into her tone.

"Hey Penny, did someone leave a big tip?" Leonard said as he turned away from his desk and smiled at her.

"Nope. Remember that play I auditioned for? They casted me!"

"Oh, that’s great! You’ll do great as the lead. Err, will you have to kiss someone?" Leonard scrunches his face in worry and Penny really tries to not let it get to her, of course that’s what worries him.

"No Sweetie, and I didn’t got the lead, I am playing the editor which is a small role but I can put it in my resume now!"

"Ah, cool, cool, so no quitting the Factory just yet, waitress by day and actress by night." Leonards laughs but Penny feels the sting of tears. Leonard was a nice guy but sometimes he acted as if her dream of acting was nothing more than a hobby and it sometimes made her feel small, especially when he compared their jobs and tried to show her how much of a big deal he was.

"Yeah, not quitting just yet." She said quietly. Leonard picks up on her tone and not knowing how or why she’s not happy anymore he immediately changes the subject hoping she’ll be distracted.

"I got just the thing to celebrate you moving up the world." He says moving to the kitchen and pulling a bottle of something, she doesn’t care what it is but she hopes it will make them drunk enough to have sex but not drunk enough to puke, she had missed lunch and the last thing she needed was puke in her carpet.

She nodded and smiled at Leonard, he looked so happy, as if he had passed some sort of test or won a prize.

"Let's go, before Sheldon and the rest come back." He practically drags her across the hallway and Penny swallows the sigh threatening to become a sob. Maybe she’ll be enough one day.

Another wave and the light moves in unexpected ways, again the same moment flashes in two places. A scared Penny sits on the toilet looking at a pregnancy test, the enormity of missing 2 pills doses is not lost on her, the last time she was in this situation was back when she was 16 and she still feels the same way as she did back then. She’s not ready for this, maybe she’ll never be.

In one Universe Sheldon enters her apartment and finds Penny in her bathroom, his mind takes but a moment to analyze everything in the room, including the pregnancy test and the distress on Penny’s face. They been dating for 2 years and the topic of children had come up, he was not averse to the idea but knew that she was not receptive so this must be a shock to her, especially with her career taking off recently, Penny found a love for theater and live performance and Sheldon agreed that she thrived in it, TV and Film only stifled her potential and failed to capture her brightness.

Taking a seat on the bathtub (thankfully some of his cleaning habits had rubbed off on her) he waited for Penny to look at him but her eyes seemed glued to the little stick in her hands.

Finally only one line appears and Penny takes a breath so deep that if he didn’t know better he could swear that she was coming up from being underwater.

And she finally looks up at him with a wan smile "I’m so relieved." a shuddering breath and only because he is familiar enough with her he knows to expect the ‘glomp’ and he adjusts his body so as to prevent himself from falling into the bathtub.

"There, there" Sheldon rubs her back "We’ll be more careful and perhaps we should plan a visit to Planned Parenthood just to be sure, and they also have the necessary expertise to perform an abortion should it be necessary."

Shocked green eyes turn to look at him "Ar-Are you sure Honey?"

Sheldon nods and holds her hand. His eyes never leave hers "If we ever are to become parents then it should be a decision taken after careful consideration and where we both agree to it. I was a witness to what happens when 2 people stay together ‘for the kids’" a grimace of bad memories crosses his face.

Penny sags in relief between his legs and finally gives him an honest and tired smile.

In another Universe Leonard is the one to enter her apartment, he leaves the bottle of Vodka in the coffee table for later and goes in search of his girlfriend, finding her in the bathroom just sitting there quietly. Maybe she had started early and Leonard smiles because that means Fun Penny comes out to play. It isn’t until he’s halfway into the bathroom that he notices the stick in his girlfriend’s hands.

Leonard gasps and then smiles, ‘I’m going to be a dad’ he thinks happily. He knew that his girlfriend had said she didn’t want kids but this was a sign, they were meant to be together and this would only make her closer to him. He would not be like his own parents, he would love his child with everything he got. He could picture it now, He would purchase a house near the University and his girlfriend would finally stop working to take care of the children, he would arrive home after work and have his beautiful wife waiting for him. Their kids would not be left wanting for love and affection, she would make sure of that. She didn’t know it yet but she would make the perfect mom for his children.

A shuddering breath from the other occupant takes him back to reality and he see that his girlfriend is crying and he can’t stop himself he jumps in joy and exclaims "I’m going to be a dad!"

"No. You’re. Not" her voice is cold and he finally takes a look at the stick in her hand, one line. Oh, so that’s why she’s crying, poor thing.

"Hey hey, it’ll be okay, we can keep trying" his hug gets rejected and she’s suddenly in his face.

"What the hell is wrong with you Leonard?! You know I don’t want kids. You told me that you understood."

He shifts in place, giving her the look, the one that got her to go out with him in the first place. "But, I thought that you would change your mind," he whines "We got back together and things have been going great, so I thought this would be good."

His girlfriend is standing there, her mouth is open in shock and what he really hopes is not disgust.

"Fuck. You. Leonard." she spits out and leaves the bathroom, he can hear the bedroom door slam close and muffled sobs from beyond it.

"I just can’t catch a break, god!" he mutters in frustration. When was Penny going to realize that he only wanted what was best for her? She was always too emotional and failed to see the big picture. He would give it a few minutes before going out, he had left the Vodka bottle in the coffee table and it was only a matter of time before his girlfriend cracked it open to drink directly from it. He would go out and apologize and if she was in the mood maybe he could apologize with his body as well.

This time the waves move and the moments are similar but not the same, too many things have changed, the similarity only in intent and you know this is the last time.

In one Universe Penny is happy but anxious. She has been doing theater for a couple of years now and their play had finally picked enough steam for her to be noticed in the big leagues. Broadway. The only snag in this plan was that she had just moved in with Sheldon, he had his entire life here in Pasadena and she really couldn’t see her life without him in it. Maybe she can travel to New York and then back. She has the money to do that now, She really doesn’t want to do long distance.

"Sheldon? Honey?" Blue eyes turn to her and give her his full attention. After explaining how she appreciated that, Sheldon had adapted once again. Penny took a deep breath and explained it all, this was huge for her career, she could finally reach that unattainable dream but she also didn’t want to leave him, she wanted it all and she wanted Sheldon to not give up on them, on their relationship.

After her explanation, Sheldon just sat there without an expression and then nodded to himself. "When are we moving?"

"Wha- Sweetie, hold on" she looked at him in disbelief "Did you hear me?"

"Penny, Penny, Penny" how could he sound so arrogant she could never know "I can work from anywhere in the world. I can open my email and find several offers from Universities to Private companies all wishing to ‘poach’ me. I am sure that adapting, finding new acceptable restaurants as well as a properly stocked comic book store will not be an easy task and I find myself already dreading it. However, the alternative, of losing you is simply not acceptable and one I refuse to even entertain for a moment or to put it in colloquial terms ‘you go, I go’"

Penny couldn’t keep the smile off her face, leave it to Sheldon to be sweet, condescending and then right back to sweet. Going to where he was sitting she rounded on him and hugged him from behind, she found it soothing and she knew that he thought so as well even if he covered it with big words to try and explain how it was actually good for his health when she did this. Wackadoodle.

"Thank you Sweetie. For everything."

In another Universe Penny gave up on acting, Bernadette had been nice enough to find her a job as a sales rep for the pharmaceutical company she was working at. Leonard had made a joke about how the shorter the skirt the bigger the sale and she had felt cheap. But she didn’t have any other options and Leonard had been not so subtly telling her that it was time to grow up.

She was actually great at this job and was going places. Except she could never win with Leonard. She had just explained how her boss wanted her to travel to the Texas offices for 6 months to train a new team and Leonard just about lost his shit, he had accused her of wanting to go and cheat, to wanting to leave him behind and before she even knew how or why She was the one apologizing to him. She couldn’t forget the face of disappointment her boss had given her when she rejected the opportunity. Maybe by the time she got to the end of this bottle of red wine she would be able to forget not only about that but also about her shitty life. Maybe Leonard was right about her.

Some people are mirrors, reflecting and enhancing your light.

"Love you Moonpie."

And some people are voids that consume all of the light in their grasp.

"Pass me the bottle Leonard."

Chapter 9: Introduction (Bondage)


Sequel to Disclosure

Penny and Sheldon explore ropes


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny happily skipped up the last flight of stairs to her apartment, this was the happiest she had been in a while and it was all thanks to Sheldon. She had been wary of how their relationship could actually work but in a weird way it was easy, they already had a lot of activities together and they simply added a new one, dating (and kissing).

They were still sniping at each other, teasing and not backing down but it never had an edge, it was never aimed to hurt each other and she was happy that Sheldon was who he was because she was never bored. Of course there were growing pains, Sheldon still was the arrogant genius that had hung up her panties on the phone line…she stops for a moment, so that means he had already seen her good luck panties, well, she needed to go buy something nice anyway, she wonders if they make Green Lantern themed panties, maybe Flash as well?. Shaking her head and focusing back on her original train of thought.

Sheldon could be, was and will be frustrating, but that's the thing. He learned. As soon as she explained clearly why something made her feel bad or upset her and it clicked in that big brain of his, it was there forever. He would adapt and adjust, she was perfectly aware that Sheldon was never going to be ‘a regular guy’ and it was surprising her how easy it was to be honest ‘I like that you kiss me goodbye because it makes me feel that you care.’ and boom, her Wackadoodle boyfriend did it almost naturally by this point. And of course, sometimes it could be right down mortifying ‘Moonpie, I don’t want to hear about your bowel movements just like you don’t want to hear about mine…you do?, No. Just No. I’m vetoing this subject’.

Penny quickly enters her apartment and goes through the motions of getting rid of her uniform and preparing to take a quick shower. Today was Anything-can-happen-Thursday and she had already informed Sheldon that she wanted him to join her for dinner. She had even cleaned, somewhat.

Her Wackadoodle had surprised her, she knew that he disliked change but he still rose to the challenge every time. He hated losing and they were both mule-headed to a fault. He was getting more and more comfortable with touching and now they could even cuddle on her couch. The other occupant of 4A was still sore about her and Sheldon so they mostly kept all activities to her apartment…and the laundry room.

But she was happy about Leonard, he could have been a bigger a-hole to Sheldon and her but after Sheldon basically tore him a new one for insinuating she was an object Leonard had chilled significantly and she truly believed that they could start to build a friendship now. Leonard was not avoiding either of them (though he would still stare at her wistfully when he thought she wasn’t paying attention), he still drove Sheldon to work and back and he even paid for her dumplings last week without boasting about it, so she would take all progress as positive.

Finally done cleaning herself she went about to prepare dinner, eye-talian style.

Sheldon had come over perfectly on time as always and she saw as he surveyed her apartment and frowned at her. She cocked her hip and raised her chin (she was secretly pleased that she had to actually look up at him, she wasn’t sure why but it did it for her), Sheldon raised an eyebrow and Penny knew he had her. "Yeah, yeah, I’ll clean more thoroughly but between work at the Factory and the new classes you recommended I haven’t exactly had a lot of time to clean."

And that was true, Penny can’t remember ever being so busy since moving here. She had confided in Sheldon about her lack of success, her fears of never amounting to anything and how she wished she could do more which lead to him simply saying "Well, why don’t you?" and it had sting but this was Sheldon so she knew he was not being mean but genuinely asking her which made it worse because he looked at her in a way that made her think Sheldon truly believed she could achieve her dream, so she would not disappoint. They worked together to create a plan for both improving her budget but also for her to take new classes and Sheldon also pushed her to get a new agent. She already had 3 auditions lined up so maybe Moonpie was onto something.

Dinner was a success and she still had a hard time believing that Sheldon loved her Spaghetti and hotdogs so much but he still insisted that it was even better than his mother’s and hey she’s going to take that as high praise (and hope he doesn’t repeat it to the woman’s face).

Penny was really happy that Sheldon was now comfortable making out, even if they did have to brush their teeth and floss first. She now had her own UV light on which their toothbrushes sat under side by side.

She sat straddling him as they took a breather and Penny thought that this was a good time to discuss something that had been on her mind for the last week "Hey Moonpie, so I’ve been reading a little about this BDSM thingy and, well, does this mean you want to do things to my butt?"

Full face flush and a squawk of "PENNY!, if you must know, I enjoy the B/D part of BDSM which is a different-" and off he goes as she laughs. Penny doesn’t miss how he actually didn’t say no though.

Still laughing a little she kisses his neck and mutters "Bazinga"

Sheldon immediately stops talking and tries to give her an indignant look but the flush on his face is not from anger and his eyes are laughing, god, his eyes. She felt so dumb for ever thinking he was unable to express emotion, all she had to do was look into his eyes and she would know what he was feeling.

"I actually wanted to ask you, do you own any of that stuff that’s needed for bondage? You know the ropes and leather?" She had been curious for a while because for the few times that she had been in his room she had never noticed anything out of the ordinary.

"Ah, I don’t" He looks uncomfortable "The club would take care of everything like that, I didn’t want to carry around such a long rope and," hesitation in his voice "And Martha would wear her own und-ahem-clothes" He really was trying to not look at her, Sheldon knew her feelings on Martha and was trying to spare them so she did her best to reassure him that it was okay with a kiss, slower and more intimate.

"It’s okay Honey, I know. Just- don’t keep me out, this is a part of you that I would like to get to know as well." She was aware that these feelings towards Martha were unreasonable because the one on the lap of one Dr. Sheldon Cooper was her and no one else, however, a part of her that refused to disappear whispered about how she was only a waitress and Sheldon was the big shot Physicist and he could be with anyone and he would leave eventually. To be fair, Sheldon needed to learn how to reassure a girl better but Penny knew, he only said what he meant and he had said that her, Penny, the waitress, the failed actress, the runaway daughter, the hot blon-no- she needed to stop thinking like this. Sheldon only wanted Penny, he liked her and it was time that she started liking herself as well.

Giving Sheldon a lingering kiss, Penny let go of these negative thoughts to focus on the man under her, she was not going to miss any opportunities for Sheldon-kissing-time.

"Okay, so when can we give it a try? Not anything hardcore but, I dunno, like beginner friendly" Penny asked Sheldon as they both sprawled on the couch after taking a break since the kissing was getting intense and Sheldon was still not there (well, she did, he was sitting somewhat properly and watched her disapprovingly while dropping comments about lumbar support), but he was getting there, she could feel it, literally.

"I would have to order the needed equipment. I have already found an online store that carries everything needed but I haven’t placed the order yet." It was so unlike Sheldon to not have everything ready but she guessed that until they had entered this relationship he really did not have any need of keeping his own equipment at the apartment where it could be found by Leonard or his mother if she visited.

"Well order it up Moonpie, meanwhile," she stood up and went to her closet to rummage through it "I think I left it here, oh, here it is. Does this work?" She said walking back to the couch, pulling a thin blue nylon rope from when she thought climbing could be a hobby she’d be interested in. Not a mistake she would make again.

Sheldon took the rope and examined it closely, she always found it kinda hot the way he could hyperfocus on things, his eyes would brighten and dance as if he was trying to see through whatever it was that held his attention. He gave her that look after she used her tongue in one of their makeout sessions for the first time, right before he dove in to keep going. She really loved that look.

"I think this could work as an introduction, but I am concerned about the roughness. It certainly feels coarser than what I would normally use." A pause and he tilts his head "Perhaps it would be wiser to wait for the proper equipment Penny."

"C’mon Moonpie, there has to be something you can show me right?" She looked up at him and batted her eyelashes.

She could see him considering it and was glad when he nodded and asked her to hold out her hands palms together as if she was diving into a pool. She could not really tell how he did it, it was really fast. One moment he had the length of rope folded in two and the next her wrists and hands were bound, it wasn’t painful but it wasn’t exactly comfortable either, she could still move her fingers around but otherwise her hands were bound. Moving her wrists to and from she tried to get free but he had done a good job.

"Wow Sheldon, you were so fast and this looks so complicated, I don’t know how you did it." She was truly surprised by his work and wanted to compliment him as she still inspected his handiwork but not hearing a response made her look up at him and whatever she was about to say died in her throat. His usually clear blue eyes were dark now, oh so dark, and it rooted her in place. She licked her lips and saw him do the same, the entire mood had changed suddenly and she was all for it.

"Can you show me another one?" Her voice was husky and holy crap, this was happening.

Sheldon didn’t speak, almost like a magic trick, he pulled on the rope and her hands were free. But she could still feel the rope, like a ghost, it lingered on her skin and it made her shiver a little. Okay, maybe this was for her as well, She didn't tell Sheldon but when she was researching this stuff she came across several horror stories from people doing this with strangers or hookups and how it had gone horribly wrong, on the same place the one thing that everyone agreed on was ‘you need to trust your partner’, trust them not to hurt you, to not abuse you, to not take advantage of the vulnerable position you are in. And she trusted Sheldon, he found something in this and it feels that she will also find it.

With slightly trembling fingers Sheldon put the rope around her tummy and then brought it up until it was directly under her chest, he adjusted the rope until she felt it tighten and her breathing started to come in a little bit faster.

As Sheldon was behind her she couldn’t see much of his work but when he asked to put her arms up his hands came around her, his fingers almost touching her breasts as he looped the rope around her. He wasn’t even touching her and she felt ready to explode, there was something about this that was intimate, she was allowing herself to be bound and that right there made her shiver, she was giving up control.

Just like before, without really noticing how, Sheldon had bound her. The rope was now under and above her breasts, the rope was tight around her body and as she looked down at herself she could swear that she was 1 or 2 cups than what she actually was and she moved a little she could feel the rope restricting her movements, almost forcing her to push out her chest to show to the world. It was a weird sensation, not bad, but she knew at that moment that she didn’t want anyone but Sheldon to see her like this.

"I’m afraid that’s all I can do with just one length of rope, usually one would use several lengths of rope. This is only the first step of a more complicated tie." He came around her to see his handiwork and as he watched her with that damn look, she had the odd urge to cover herself but she also felt the goosebumps on her skin and she wasn’t sure when it happened but there was a noticeable dampness between her legs.

Sheldon was not immune either, she saw the flush starting from his neck, the way his eyes moved to capture every detail and how his fingers grasped at nothing. She wasn’t hating this new vulnerable feeling, but she was still Penny.

Pouncing on Sheldon she kissed him deeply and felt him reciprocate with the same enthusiasm and she started to pull on his clothes as he did the same to her.

Later, much later she would thank that blue rope for making Sheldon take that final step in their relationship…and she would also curse it, rope burn was not a fun thing. Both she and Sheldon were sporting several and obvious marks on their bodies (She also wanted to learn how to tie him up and he was a willing participant) and she was sure that she was smiling like a loon so it would not take much to connect the dots on what they had been up to. It was Laundry night so they would be able to spend time rubbing some Aloe Vera in peace but they would need to go to the boys apartment for dinner eventually, maybe she could borrow a page from Sheldon’s book and just wear layers?.

She just hoped that Leonard would not make a scene if the guys noticed something was off.

In a weird way she got what she wanted. Of course Raj and Howard had noticed the rope burns and had to comment on them and her boyfriend, the genius scientist, the top dog of the physics world either was an idiot or post-sex Sheldon was just that relaxed because he admitted to the rope burn immediately as well as letting everyone know that he was buying the correct type of ropes to prevent this from happening again in the future.


At least Leonard had taken it well. And by that she means that he passed out in his chair after mumbling something about babies.

She was the only sane one in the group sometimes.


I know I said I didn't know if I would visit this Universe again but the idea didn't leave my head and I had to excise it by putting it to paper.

Chapter 10: Verity (Bizarro)


Sequel to: Branches

Penny is back from meeting Bizarro versions of her and Sheldon. Very AU


My best friend asked for more of this Universe and I had to oblige.

Hope you like it Dragon.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny had been so happy to be back in her own universe that she ran to Sheldon and basically bowled him over, his head in the middle cushion and her body on top.

"Penny?" he didn’t even sound upset, just worried.

"Hey Moonpie, look at me." Her voice was soft but her eyes were sharp as knives.

Sheldon looked at her and something in her face made him bring up a hand and cover his throat.

"Now Sheldon, you’re going to be very honest with me, okay?" He nodded. Good.

"What the hell is that?" she pointed at the metallic looking box which Sheldon had been fiddling with.

"It’s an experiment." Sheldon answered right away.

Penny nodded and smiled sweetly at him "Want to tell me why your experiment just sent me to another universe where I could have been trapped forever?!" Her voice raised with each word, she knew that it was mostly the shock and then the relief of being back home, that is if she hadn’t hallucinated the whole thing.

"WHAT?!" She had forgotten that he actually had a weight and height advantage, so when he stood up she ended up on the floor looking up at him. Her ass hurt and she was going to make sure he paid for that as well.

Setting her fists on her hips she glared up at him "You heard me, are you going to deny that’s what your experiment was supposed to do?" She saw as Sheldon collapsed on the couch and some of her anger was replaced with worry. He was already pale but now he might as well be transparent.

Okay, first question answered. It hadn’t been on purpose.

"Well?" she demanded as she tapped her foot. He turned to look at her but he was not there, the light was on but nobody was home. ‘Goddammit Sheldon’ she thought as her anger dissipated to manageable levels in order to make sure he was still breathing.

A slammed door made her jump and she looked to the hallway, expecting Leonard she was more surprised when he didn’t show up, peering closer revealed an empty hallway and closed doors. ‘So he only got up to slam the door closed because we interrupted his sleep, well, fuck you too’, she really wasn’t expecting much but was it crazy to want her boyfriend to come out and at least check out why she was upset?.

Turning back to Sheldon she saw that he was coming back, his eyes looked more alert and his body started moving. She yelped when his face was suddenly right in front of her and was about to step back when he held her face with his hands and looked right into her eyes. She could feel the blush creep up, she had always found his eyes to be very pretty and this was not helping, she had tried really hard to not imagine their Bizarro counterparts getting it on but this damn Wackadoodle had to come and break through. She licked her lips and Sheldon’s eyes followed every movement like a hawk and he finally noticed their closeness.

Sheldon took a very deliberate step back and only because he had been so close she was able to make up the light blush of his cheeks.

"I was trying to create a ‘projector’ of sorts" so we’re ignoring what just happened?, fine. "It was meant to show a glimpse, just a peek of alternate universes." He was getting excited, moving his hands in the air, tracing something only he could see.

"Yeah well, it did a little bit more than that." Her anger was returning, the grabbing of her face, Leonard being an ass and almost getting trapped in another reality made a girl cranky.

"Fascinating." He looked awed.

"No Sheldon. It was terrifying." Finally it clicked for him that she was not sharing his enthusiasm and to his credit he went about preparing her a hot beverage as well as explaining that he would have noticed her missing and put two and two together and he would have made sure to bring her home. He said it with such confidence that she couldn’t help but believe it, believe in him.

"Now Penny, I understand you need time to process your experience but this is unprecedented, this can change the world. Please tell me everything." He really looked like a kid on Christmas morning so she told him, the only thing she left out was the romantic relationship between their counterparts. She was not ready to open that can of worms.

Sheldon listened intently and didn’t interrupt. Somehow, telling him about it made it all the more real and the fear was being replaced with excitement.

"-and then I ended up back here, Leonard was still in bed so it looks like only seconds or minutes passed here but I must have been gone for 5 or 6 hours." She was exhausted but didn’t relish the thought of going back to Leonard’s room. The words of Bizarro Penny weighing heavy on her mind ‘You deserve better’.

"Penny, I need to do some work. I can finally see my Nobel again. Can we talk later tonight? Leonard and the rest are going to that awful club again." He was already distracted and working on his whiteboard, the metallic device forgotten on the table and she avoided it like she would a snake.

"I don’t know sweetie…a drink sounds really nice now." And it did, so many things happened today and she knew how easy it would be to just slip into oblivion.

Sheldon didn’t even stop working "I think I can get it open again."

Her breath was stolen. Of course, he activated it by accident so it would stand to reason that he could activate it purposefully now. "Is that safe Honey?" Her voice was breathy and faint.

"I’ll make sure it is safe and I’ll accompany you this time." Blue eyes met hers, he was so confident, so sure of himself.

Could she really do this? Go back? Yeah, she could. Because Sheldon would be by her side now and that means that whatever happens he has her back. "I’ll be here Honey." Her voice showed a confidence she did not feel, but it was okay because Sheldon would be there.

Rejecting Leonard’s offer to go to the club shouldn’t have felt as good as it did. He looked so disappointed in her that she just wanted to punch him. God, when had things turn so sour, she really didn’t want to hate Leonard but he made no secret of how much he disliked her and the things she liked, she even stopped wearing her favorite type of clothes because he couldn’t control his jealousy, same for dancing with her girlfriends, she had even rejected going out with a group of girls from work because she knew it would be just easier than to argue with Leonard. Was this really how life was supposed to be? When had she become someone so afraid of everything?.

She spent the afternoon just taking care of herself, eating cheese fries and ice cream without worrying about Leonard’s whiny recrimination. She even went out window shopping and when she saw a cute pair of denim shorts she bought them, if for nothing else than to shut up the voice in her head that said ‘Leonard would not like that’.

Going back to her apartment she went to prepare herself, she took a hot bath, wore cute makeup and put on her new shorts with a bright blouse and looking at herself in the mirror she had to wonder how she had lost herself so much. This was her, life had taken a lot out of her, the bubbly attitude was almost gone, she was meaner, less naïve, the world looked harsher now. She wants some of the old Penny back.

Hearing voices from 4A she moves and waits by the door, she can hear someone -maybe Amy- ask if Penny will be joining them. Leonard’s voice comes through clearly "No, she’s being a bitc-" and someone laughs and then the voices fade away.

She waits for the pang of pain, of her boyfriend referring to her as a bitch, of her friends laughing at it, except, it doesn’t come. She’s just so tired of it all. After Bernadette married Howard she started taking Leonard’s side more and more often and treated Penny like a crazy person for wanting to be treated better or wanting more. Amy seemed to waver between admiration and outright disgust and referred to Leonard’s opinion first. Howard had mellowed out since Bernadette and him got together but he was still a little creep and she knew that he would always take Leonard’s side no matter what, and Raj, poor Raj, he was a sweetheart when not drunk and when not influenced by Howard which sadly wasn’t often.

And then there was the Wackadoodle himself, she always felt close to him. With him it was always easy, like 2 pieces of broken glass that fit too well with one another. He was an ass but he was an ass to everyone. Sheldon was never purposefully hurtful, he was the perfect example of honesty without mercy and some days he was the only one that would tell her the truth. But he also admitted defeat when she got him good, He challenged her to be better. He was her best friend. And then she started to pull away, she knew he was aware of it and yet he never mentioned it, giving her the space she seemingly wanted. No more spaghetti dinners, no more soft kitty, no more Halo. No more requests for her to drive him somewhere. No more sets of three knocks. No more Penny’s spot. Because she had abandoned it.

Taking a shuddering breath she had to admit how lonely she had felt without Sheldon, because sure, they were still together in the group, but they no longer interacted with one another, just the two of them. At least not like they used to. To her it seemed that he was forcing himself to be with Amy…the same way she forced herself to be with Leonard. Two lonely people surrounded by people that didn’t give a shit about them.

What the hell was she doing with her life? Sure, she liked having that extra income from her new job but that feeling of wanting to act did not go away no matter how many times she tried to drown it in wine.

She had to find herself again, and more importantly she had to like herself again. Getting her best friend back sounded like a good place to start. And it wasn’t until her hand was on the doorknob that all of the anxiety, fear and nervousness came back, it hit her like a wave and she had to rest her head against the door. It was all too much.

"C’mon Penny, you got this." she muttered repeatedly. She wanted to stop fear from running her life, every decision she had made in the last few years had been born out of fear. Screw that.

Deep breath and she’s out of her door and opening 4A before any more second guessing can haunt her.

She had to hand it to Sheldon, when he had time to prepare it was hard to beat him. As soon as she was in 4A he had started to move, he had a note written ‘I’m feeling sick Leonard, can you get me some soup?’ and asked her to write something about her taking care of him and to tape it on the door to 4A. Then he locked, deadbolted and barricaded the door.

"We can’t risk being interrupted or anyone else going through that portal. The ramifications are too big to leave it up to chance." He said to her look and she had to admit that it did make sense.

"So what’s the plan here Moonpie? Are you simply activating it and we’re walking through it?"

"Don’t call me Moonpie. Essentially, yes. However…" his hesitation brought a new wave of anxiety "one of the components in the machine is basically a very expensive gemstone called Painite and earlier, after investigating the ‘camera’ (although I suppose I need to find a new way to call it) I noticed that the mineral had for the lack of a better word ‘crumbled’. I fortunately had the foresight to have a spare of each component but this means this is most likely the last time we can activate the machine (Perhaps ‘The Cooper Portal’?) so we should take full advantage of the time we have available to us. You mentioned 5 to 6 hours of time spent there and that should be our benchmark for this excursion." He stood in front of her, serious and business-like.

"How expensive a gem are we talking here?" That part had caught her attention, especially knowing this could very well be the last time they could use it before Sheldon proudly revealed it to the world, because she had no doubt that he would.

"Painite is an extremely rare mineral. These two specimens were provided to Caltech for identification and study but if you were to try and buy these in the open market then you would have to pay 80,000 to 100,000 per carat if not more. There are not many known deposits and the few that are known are heavily controlled."

She tried to close her mouth but it was hard, 100k for a single carat? These scientists were loaded. ‘Waitaminute’.

"Sheldon, does the university know that you have these rocks?"

"Of course they do!" She can breathe again "They were small and held no particular interest for study. I went through the proper channels."

"Okay, okay, just making sure Honey." She knew that sometimes Sheldon was happy to ignore the law in order to obtain something he wanted and in this case she had to wonder how many headaches he caused before whoever was in charge just gave in to his demands.

"I need a few minutes to double check everything, then I will once again point it towards Leonard’s door and we’ll know if the Nobel is within my grasp." He glared at the box, willing it to work and then took a seat in his spot.

She was going to sit in Leonard’s chair before stopping herself. In a deliberate move, she sat in what had once been her spot.

Sheldon stopped tinkering with the machine and turned to look at her in confusion and that look hurt her far more than Leonard’s dismissive words earlier. "Hey Sheldon," she reached to touch his arm and he flinched away ‘double ouch’, she knew it wasn’t unwarranted, she had stopped touching him. Something about the way Leonard was meaner to Sheldon after she touched him made it easier for her to simply stop. Like she had stopped being his best friend. She felt like crying but not yet ‘No fear Penny’.

"Sheldon. I’m so sorry." He was looking at her closely now, she knew that in the time it took her to open her mouth again he had already reviewed their past interactions and was now trying to find a reason for her apologizing and most likely was coming up blank, simply because they no longer had that many interactions.

"I’m sorry for not being there." And it’s only because she’s looking at him so closely that she catches the full body flinch, as if she had shocked him with a live wire. "I was so stupid, you were my best friend an-" She can’t stop the sobs and tears now so she doesn’t even try. She lets go.

The hand on her shoulder and the mechanical ‘There, there’ feel undeserved and she only cries harder.

‘Enough Penny, no easy way out. Talk to him’ She gets her emotions under control little by little and between sobs she explains it to him. How she felt alone, how she knew it was her fault for stepping back from their friendship. He was her best friend. She cried her way through the explanation of how Leonard would act whenever Sheldon and her shared hobbies or activities and she stupidly thought it was easier to not rock the boat, to pretend everything was fine and then Amy was there and Sheldon could talk science with Amy and at one point she felt like Sheldon didn’t need a Penny in his life anymore, not when there was an Amy there, occupying the spot she had left, in this couch, in his life.

Sheldon simply sat and listened as she bawled her way through an apology long overdue and it wasn’t until she was done that she realized that his hand had not left her shoulder, it brought a smile to her face and she hoped it was a sign that they would be okay.

"Penny, I-" There were very few times that she had seen Sheldon speechless but she was happy for it this time, because he was taking her seriously, he was not dismissing her words or feelings out of hand.

"I thought…Penny," He ran a hand over his pants frustratedly, anxiously and he finally looked her in the eye. Bright clear blue pools showed her what his face wouldn’t or couldn’t. The pain, the anger, the hope.

"Penny, as you must know by now, I’m not a sociable individual. I’m brilliant and always have been but this has always put a barrier between me and the rest of the world. Even with Leonard and the rest, they make no secret of the fact that they tolerate me at best and actively despise me at worst." Her heart broke at his words, because she knew. Sheldon Cooper did not lie and there were no twitches on his face.

"And I was content with this knowledge. But then you came barreling into our lives and I found myself floundering, you were chaos incarnate. You brought disruption into my life and yet I found that your presence was desirable, you quickly carved your own place in my life. You were my best friend." She smiled at his words, but her smile disappeared at ‘were’.

"You left." It was not an accusation, but stating a fact. "You stopped spending time with me, stopped playing games, stopped giving me rides and stopped sitting next to me." The way he was so business-like in his delivery would have made her upset any other time, he was acting as if he didn’t care, his words and tone were clinical. But she never took her eyes away from his and it made her feel horrible. There was a mountain of pain and she was only seeing the bottom of it.

"So I assumed you had finally had enough of me like everyone else." A punch to the chest would have hurt less. He thought she was tired of him. "As you resumed your ill-fated relationship with Leonard, it became abundantly clear that you had made a choice. Despite this I found myself looking forward to your continued presence in my life. And then Amy joined our group and you looked relieved when she did and removed yourself even further from our interactions until they were left to the bare minimum possible." She deserved every bit of pain that his words were causing, he said that she had made a choice and the pain in his eyes was deep. He had never been anyone’s choice.

"Sheldon, I’m so sorry." She held his hand in hers, hoping, willing her body to transmit how sorry she truly was. She wanted to wind back the clock, to go back and shake the past version of herself until she stopped being stupid.

"I never realized that you were in so much distress as well, so I believe that this brings us back to zero." He gave her a small hesitant smile and her heart soared.

"We can start over Sheldon. I want to be in your life, I want to be your friend again."

"That is acceptable." She inhaled deeply and held it until it hurt. They were going to be okay. Letting go of the breath she allowed her body to relax into the middle cushion. This was a great start, she was lucky that Sheldon forgave her and wanted to give their friendship another shot. This time she would not mess it up.

As for step two, it could wait until after they came back from this alternate world excursion. She needed to break things off once and for all with Leonard.


Working on another part for this.

Chapter 11: Impetus (Bizarro)


Sequel to: Verity

Sheldon and Penny go visit their Bizarro counterparts.


For Dragon.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny had to refresh her makeup in the boy’s apartment, she spent enough time here that it was no surprise that she found everything needed.

After crying her eyes out and talking it out with Sheldon she was feeling much better. They had the opportunity for a fresh start and she was not going to let it go to waste. And she made a vow to herself to not allow Sheldon to feel like he was no one’s choice. Penny had already left him behind once and it was not going to happen again.

Coming out from the bathroom she saw Sheldon was in his spot and was focused on the metallic box in front of him. Not fiddling with it or modifying it in any way.

"Are we ready for launch Honey?" Sliding into the role of his friend once again comes easy to her.

"Penny? This is not a rocke-oh-, I see." Breathy little laugh. "Yes, we’re ready. I was waiting for you."

Time to come clean about the one thing she has not revealed "Hey Hon, can we take a seat for a moment? There’s something I need you to tell you."

Sheldon sits in his spot and he gives her his full attention.

"Remember that I told you about the Other Penny and Sheldon being roommates?" And before he can interrupt "And yes, I know about your eidetic memory it was a rhetorical question."

He looks a little upset at being interrupted but otherwise gives no other reaction.

"Iwasn’tfullyhonestwithyouasIdidn’tknowhowyouwouldhandleitbutsince-" and she has to take a deep breath or risk passing out. ‘Okay, calm yourself’

"Sorry, sorry, I meant to say that I didn’t share one important detail. That the Other Penny and Sheldon are together."

He looks at her blankly and she wants to facepalm, of course Sheldon needs it to be spelt out.

"As in, romantically involved with one another." She can see him process this information in real time and is a bit let down that his only reaction is the squeak of an ‘oh’. Sheldon might as well be frozen for all he’s moving.

She had been worried about how he would handle this information, she expected doubt, confusion or even disbelief. But this quiet shocked Sheldon is not the reaction she expected, not at all. She’s still studying him so she catches the flush and how his hands are bunching up his shirt.

"I see." He finally says and it still sounds like a squeak that she can’t help but giggle and shake her head. He’s probably imagining that the other version of herself hogtied her version of Sheldon and dragged him in front of a justice of the peace to make an honest man out of him.

"Yes, well, thank you for telling me Penny." He is refusing to look at her and instead is pretending to work on the machine, he can be so innocent and cute sometimes.

"So, we’re ready now?" Best to move this along or they’ll never go.

Sheldon simply nods and for the first time since this whole thing began he looks nervous, but before she can ask if he’s sure about this, he presses a small button on the side of the machine. She can hear that same noise, something being suctioned, and suddenly there’s a shining portal where Leonard’s door should be.

She didn’t have time to really appreciate it before but, this is huge, this is going to change the world in ways that she doesn’t even know and Sheldon’s face and reaction only reinforces that idea. It’s like his body can’t contain the excitement and happiness he’s feeling, he turns to look at her and the unrestrained joy in his face is enough that she feels a grin break her face because this is just pure untainted joy, ‘Sheldon should always have this expression.’ She sighs knowing that neither of them had been happy for a long time.

"C’mon Honey, let's go meet…well, I suppose you’ll meet ‘Us’ or a version of us." Her earlier apprehension is gone and now she’s excited for this trip. Last time she was worried about not knowing if she was going to make it back home so she couldn’t ask questions, she wanted to ask Bizarro Penny ‘Are you happy?’ and she wanted advice from a version of her that seemed to have her life together.

"Penny, we should hold hands, I don’t know if otherwise we’ll be taken separately but I rather not risk it." His hand looked big but there was no way she could miss the shaking. She could have teased him, or complained but instead she simply held his hand. She had forgotten how big his hands actually were.

Taking one last calming breath and then they were both falling, she knew that this feeling was temporary but her stomach still did flips. And just as suddenly they were touching solid ground again. She didn’t even notice her eyes had closed, Sheldon’s hand felt solid and fortifying so she opened her eyes and was excited to see the same room as that morning.

One half of the room had superhero paraphernalia as well as toys, figurines, etc and the other side had shoes, bags and she hadn’t noticed the first time but there was also a collection of care bears carefully sitting at the top of the shoe closet. Looking back she saw the hallway leading to the living room, no portal. This time she didn’t freak out and tried to enjoy this trip, judging by the sunlight coming from the window. This was either morning or early afternoon in this Universe, how much time had passed for this version of themselves?.

It finally clicked for her that Sheldon had remained suspiciously quiet so far so looking at him she saw an extremely shocked Sheldon Cooper, open mouth and wide eyes trying to take everything in front of him. She had to snap her fingers several times in front of him until he finally reacted and turned those wide eyes at her.

"It worked, it truly worked." His voice was just a whisper and just as she was about to tease him a little he started crying, huge fat tears ran down his face. Before she could react he pulled her to him and crushed her against him.

Penny was not a delicate flower, but even she was surprised by the amount of strength that Sheldon’s skinny body had and just as she was about to push against him she caught him still whispering and it broke her heart, "I’m not a failure." he kept repeating this like a mantra and she decided to respond to his hug in the same way and held him tightly against her. Two broken individuals embracing each other in a different universe.

Penny wasn’t sure how long they spent embracing each other but Sheldon finally pushed her away and gave her one of his small but sincere smiles. She smiled back and squeezed his body one last time before letting go.

"C’mon Honey, let’s go see if anyone’s home." She held his hand and guided him outside.

The apartment looked pretty much the same as it had that morning. She was much calmer this time so all of those little details she missed the first time now were clear. Throw pillows, the blanket on the couch, the cabbage patch doll sitting next to Sheldon’s Green Lantern figurine, the post it notes in her girly chicken scratch littering the side of the fridge, an astrology calendar, a pink border whiteboard filled with ideas for a show sat right next to another plain whiteboard that contained formulas. She could see herself living here, there was a longing in her for this place. A home she never knew.

They both stood in the middle of the living room and took everything in, she wished that she could pick open his head to know what was going through his mind at that moment.

"Moonpie? You forgot something?" The voice coming from the bedroom made them jump and they turned just as Bizarro Penny stepped into the hallway adjusting her robe. Penny felt that a tiny cute wave was the right course of action.

Bizarro Penny didn’t even stop in her stride, she kept going to the kitchen, "You’re not getting the satisfaction of surprising me, I told Shelly this would happen but does he listen to me? Nope." She started to fill a tea kettle to boil, "But what do I know right? I'm just his wife and my hunches are always right. ‘Penny, don’t be silly’ Hah, who's silly now Moonpie." She finally turned to look at them and sighed, "Sorry, it’s just, hormones, you know how it is." She waved a hand as if blowing away smoke.

"Hormones?" Penny felt herself asking.

Instead of answering, Bizarro Penny opened her bathrobe to show a small and perfectly round baby bump and Penny’s gasp was echoed by Sheldon beside her.

Ignoring how she and Sheldon were stunned into silence, Bizarro Penny pulled out her phone, pressed a couple of buttons and then put it on the kitchen island, they could hear it ringing. "Dr. Sheldon Cooper." Of course he replied like that in this world too.

"Hey Moonpie, you owe me that Cabo vacation AND the Cheer Bear."

"Penny? What are yo-oh-" a groan of pure frustration comes through the phone "I’ll be right there, keep them occupied meanwhile please."

"Will do. Love ya."

"I love you too." And the call ends.

She’s not sure what she finds the weirdest. The fact that the Bizarro versions of themselves obviously loved each other very much or the fact that their banter was pretty much the same as theirs had been in the past…without the love you’s…and the baby making.

Bizarro Penny went about preparing herself a cup of tea and something in Sheldon finally reacted because he directed her to sit down while he took over the task. Bizarro Penny’s light pat on the cheek and muttered ´Thank you Shelly’ made him freeze for a moment and Penny could see the tension in his muscles, he didn’t know how to handle this and if she was honest with herself, neither did she.

It was one thing to know Bizarro Penny and Sheldon were a couple but that baby bump made it all so much more real. Penny took the time to really observe Bizarro Penny and was once again struck by how this version of her was so much different. Bizarro Penny was obviously tired but she seemed to have a permanent smile on her face.

"So…baby?" She squeaks and Sheldon turns to look at her as if she was crazy.

Bizarro Penny laughs, thanks Sheldon for the cup of tea and takes a sip before answering. "I always liked your tea better. Thanks Shelly."

Sheldon colors a little and mutters a ‘You’re welcome.’ and Penny feels…something. She is not sure she can put it into words and she’s not sure that she wants to. She’s weirded out at how not weird it is that this Penny sounds so at ease and in love, it’s a small thing but it carries a significance that she can’t fathom but Bizarro Penny starts talking and Penny gladly backs from this line of thinking.

"Yep," popped word and everything "baby. For us it’s been 6 months since we last saw you. How about for you?"

"It was literally this morning for me, Sheldon figured out that we could return and he couldn’t wait, neither could I to be honest and," she pauses, unsure "and here we are." tries to smile and is happy that Bizarro Penny smiles back.

"I knew that you guys would be back. My Moonpie was sure that you would not return but I had a gut feeling. And you guys got me my vacation and my Care Bear so I’m a happy duck."

While they wait for Bizarro Sheldon to get home Penny decides to tell Sheldon about meeting the other version of him and is stumped when he asks "But why would two Penny’s imply that it is a birthday?" honest confusion in his features and Penny can feel the blush creep up when Bizarro Penny decides to be helpful.

"Oh Shelly, you know, having your cake and eating it too…and then seeing your cake eat another cake." Bizarro Penny frowns at the lack of understanding in his face and glances at her. Penny can only shake her head hoping she gets it. She does not.

"Um, inviting a guest star to the show?." She buries her head into her hands, this can’t be real.

"Having a three-piece meal?" She’s mortified and looks up at Bizarro Penny to ask her to stop when she sees the shit-eating grin on her counterpart’s face. She’s enjoying this.

Finally having enough she whispers the answer to Sheldon and he turns to look at her uncomprehendingly for a moment before his face literally flushes tomato red and he gives her an outraged "PENNY!" and then turning to the other version of her "PENNY!?"

Of course Bizarro Penny finds this to be the funniest thing ever and can’t stop laughing while Penny is trying her best to sink into the kitchen island stool. Alternate universes were dumb.

Still wheezing, Bizarro Penny tells Sheldon "I’m sorry Shelly but that was way too funny." wiping tears from her eyes she continues "And don’t worry, I don’t share and neither does he. It was just a joke." Sheldon just mutters something and Penny is too mortified to pay attention to it but Bizarro Penny just chuckles a little more at him.

A phone ring interrupts them "Whatup Moonpie?" She can see Sheldon's eyebrow twitch in annoyance, Penny is not sure if it is because of the nickname or the grammar.

"Oh! Yeah, that sounds great, hold on, let me ask." Turns to them and stage whispers ‘Thai food good for you two?’ She turns to look at Sheldon and hesitantly nods alongside him "Yeah, it’s fine. Oh, don’t forget some of those prawn spring rolls, and the sweet chilli sauce. Okay, thanks. Love you too."

Penny is suddenly jealous of the soft smile on Bizarro Penny’s face, she looks so happy and content. Why couldn’t she get that? Did she really fuck up so much her choices that it lead her to be in a loveless relationship with a man that barely even likes her and the part that he likes is just because she’s blonde and hot. She can’t even enjoy football anymore without it somehow making Leonard feel, she doesn’t even know what, emasculated? Disappointed in her? As if she failed some girly test that only he knows the answers to, and she can never pass.

Bizarro Penny catches the look and holds her hand and it makes Penny feel worse. It’s not Bizarro Penny’s fault, there’s no magic button, no time machine. She can either be jealous and wallow in self-pity or do better, take control of her own destiny. Yeah, she likes the sound of that much more and it gives her the strength to return a watery smile at the woman in front of her, this woman who is her and yet is not.

"Penny?" Sheldon's usually confident voice is now guarded, this is freaking him out more than he expected. And when two blonde heads swivel at him at the same time he doesn’t know where to look and just points to Bizarro Penny quickly before bringing his hand back down "Ah, Penny, you."

"You can call me Queen P if it’s easier." Bizarro Penny says teasingly and Sheldon brightens now being sure of how to address this version of her and completely missing the teasing tone.

"That is acceptable. Queen P," he starts and Penny sees the fond exasperation in Bizarro Penny’s head shake and smile. "I was wondering, Penny, I mean, my Penny, she mentioned that you knew your Sheldon since you were kids. Could you perhaps tell me more in detail how this occurred? I must admit to be baffled at what events would need to take place for it to happen." Penny turns eagerly to Bizarro Penny, this is a story she wanted to hear in full, last time she was in no place to listen to it, but now? She needed the details.

Bizarro Penny hums and looks up, "Well…I suppose the biggest thing is that we moved to Galveston, Texas. I remember you mentioned growing up in Nebraska." Points at Penny and she nods once to confirm. "But when I was 9 things got difficult at home. My father always was an insecure man. You know the type, he was always hounding mom about where she was going and who she was talking to. It was bad. I don’t know why but my father loved to cheat on mom and then brag to her about it." A grimace of disgust crossed her face at the memory.

"And when mom threatened to leave or started packing her bags, he would always try to guilt trip her into staying. ‘Think of the kids, do you really want them to grow up without their dad?’ or his favorite, ‘Are you really willing to throw away all our years together for one silly mistake?’." Bizarro Penny’s head shakes as if to rid it of the memory by force alone.

"Anyway, it was bad. Mom started drinking heavily by that point, Timmy was already well on his way to juvie, Maggie was looking for any means to leave home even if it meant marrying the first asshole that crossed her path and I was trying so hard to impress my dad. I thought that if I became the son he always wanted, that things would be okay. He could stop whoring and mom would stop drinking and then one night I walked past my parent’s bedroom on the way back from Junior Rodeo and saw my mom crying. It wasn’t like the other times, she looked sober, I was hesitant if I should talk to her or not, our relationship by this point was not the best. But in the end I went in and sat next to her on the bed." Bizarro Penny swipes at a couple of tears but her voice is steady.

"I don’t exactly remember what we talked about, but I’ll never forget the face she made when I told her why I was doing Junior Rodeo. She had this horrified look and she held me so tight that it hurt. A month later we were on our way to Texas. I don’t know why mom chose Texas but it was the best thing that could have happened to us. Timmy actually went back to finish High School and found that he loved shop, while he never cared much for engines back in the farm, now he couldn’t get enough of them. Maggie was pissed at first, she was acting all brat-like but she and mom started going to church and Maggie started changing…apparently one of the boys in Sunday school was very hot." The wry grin on her face is more fondness than anything else.

"As for me, I have to admit that while not as bad as Maggie, I was still a little shit. I was a daddy’s girl and even though mom had explained to me the reason why we had to leave, well, it didn’t make it any easier. I befriended the girl that sat next to me on the first day of school. One Missy Cooper." Sheldon gasps. "We had a lot in common. She was also a little shit back then. We bonded over our frustration for our family situations and by the end of that first month of being in school we had become inseparable. Missy would always come to my house, she never wanted me to go to hers but one day that Maggie and mom were fighting more than usual Missy actually dragged me to her house, and I met the love of my life." She sighed fondly before smirking at Sheldon "Georgie Cooper."

Sheldon sputtered and even Penny found herself laughing.

"I’m kidding Shelly, I’m kidding. I love your brother but he’s as sharp as an obtuse angle at times. I mean, yeah, I had a crush on Georgie but then he opened his mouth and well, there was a reason why Meemaw didn’t let him balance the books." Penny is assaulted again by that feeling, this woman in front of her, she’s lived a full life alongside these people. She talks of Sheldon’s family with the ease and familiarity of years. Penny’s heart breaks a little for what could have been.

"Wait." Sheldon interrupts and he tilts his head in thought. "You said you met Missy in class." Waits for Bizarro Penny’s nod before continuing. "But Missy is the same age as me and we’re five years older than Penny."

Bizarro Penny’s eyebrows go high and turn to her in question. Penny simply nods to confirm. Bizarro Penny’s jaw drops in surprise. "Wow, well, here you and Missy are only 2 years older than me. Missy was held back a year and that’s why I was able to be in the same class as her." She explains sounding off put for the first time.

"Missy was held back?!" Penny snaps her fingers in front of him and chastises him "Sweetie, not the point." Penny makes sure he is paying attention to her. "Is this possible, that in one universe we’re different ages. Maybe even one where I’m older than you?" Sheldon listens to her but doesn’t seem to be registering her words and she’s about to snap her fingers again when he nods at her and simply says "Everything is possible." Good enough for her.

Bizarro Penny continued with her explanation, "Er, yes, so I met Sheldon the first time I visited Missy’s home. He was cute in an annoying way and always needed to be the smartest person in the room. He was the mad scientist and I became his assistant…Poor Snowball. And somewhere between us having shooting competitions and prank wars I fell in love with the Wackadoodle."

The sound of keys followed by the door opening interrupts the tale. Bizarro Sheldon walked in and was instantly frozen in place at seeing Sheldon, who himself is equally frozen in place. Rolling her eyes, Bizarro Penny grabs the bags of food and moves to the couch motioning to Penny to follow her and then points to the loveseat where in another universe Leonard’s chair sits. "Just give them a second." And she’s handed a take-out container. ‘Huh, Pad See. Score’.

"Fascinating." Penny is not sure who said it but the Sheldon’s are finally reacting. Seeing them side by side like this makes it easier to tell the differences between them. Bizarro Sheldon has laugh lines and he is not as jerky in his movements, there’s also a confidence in the way he moves that is missing from her Sheldon.

"Hey Moonpie, kiss me before you kiss your doppelganger." Both Sheldon’s turn to glare at her but Bizarro Sheldon complies and before sitting in his spot, he gives Bizarro Penny a chaste but sweet kiss, Penny doesn’t miss the way his hand moves to lightly touch the baby bump and in one interaction she can see the love and care they have for each other. It makes her eyes water and she takes a bite of her noodles to drown the sob trying to escape as her Sheldon joins her in the loveseat.

"I was telling our guests how you shouldn’t gamble against me." A teasing grin that is matched by Bizarro Sheldon.

"I will win one day Woman." The grin takes all the bite from the response. And Penny’s heart squeezes a little.

"Anyway. As I was saying, I fell in love first with my Moonpie here first but he fell harder for me."

Bizarro Sheldon is suddenly very interested in finding the right container for him, "There was no falling involved. We simply made the logical choice for our respective partners and came to the only logical conclusion that I was the ideal mate for you and you for me." The tone is clinical and detached and is fully ruined by the blush in Bizarro Sheldon’s face as well as the small twitch on his cheek. Bizarro Penny’s soft smile makes Penny think that they are used to telling this story in this exact same way.

"He was head over heels in love with me by the time it came for him to get his first doctorate…I was also fourteen so both Mom and Mrs. Cooper forbade us from getting married. We had to wait three years, but then I was able to join him here in Pasadena so I could attend college."

Penny can’t believe what she’s hearing. This version of her wanted to get married at fourteen?. She tries to remember what it was for her at that age and can only remember that she dated 4 different boys right before turning fifteen and then discovering sex and never wanting to get married.

"It must be nice to be each other’s first kiss huh?" Penny asks them. And it’s the sudden silence that makes her look up from her food. Bizarro Penny is still smiling but there’s an edge to the smile now, her eyes are hard as she looks at Bizarro Sheldon, and he’s looking at Penny like she just said that Batman was overrated.

"…or not?." Penny says into the silence and even her Sheldon is looking at her like she’s crazy.

Bizarro Sheldon seems to have more common sense or at least is able to handle situations better because he tells Bizarro Penny to go finish their food in their bedroom while he and Sheldon talk science and boring stuff as he very skillfully directs his pregnant wife.

Once they’re alone in their bedroom Penny takes the chance to look around and is not surprised to see that the closet is divided in two, with the half containing women's clothes being slightly messy. Without so many of Sheldon’s things the room was actually spacious, there was a cute looking vanity with some very expensive products on it. ‘Damn, she has the good stuff’ A quick and guilty thought crosses her mind.

"Hey, sorry about that, earlier, I mean. It’sobviousthere’ssomehistorythereand-" Bizarro Penny sighs and waves her hand.

"It’s nothing, don’t worry. But!," and she turns serious and points a finger at Penny, "If you ever meet a Paige Swanson, don’t let her get her grubby little paws on Sheldon. Capisce?" Penny can only nod and make a mental note to ask Sheldon about this Paige.

"So, we’re not a fan of Paige?"

"No. We’re. Not."

"Got it." ‘Sorry Paige’.

Bizarro Penny shook her head and gave her a forced smile "Enough about me, tell me what you didn’t tell me last time. I know there’s more to the story and those two out there will take forever." For some reason Penny is more focused on the fact that they’re eating in Sheldon’s room than anything else. Like she’s doing something naughty. She voices these thoughts and chokes on her noodles at the response. "Just let him knock you up and you’ll see he adapts quickly."

Penny knows she can be blunt but being on the receiving end is not fun.

Once she recovers she tells Bizarro Penny as much as she can. How Leonard was a nice guy and it was a nice change of pace from her usual dating pool. He wasn’t a meathead and was actually smart and could be sweet. Except. He wasn’t actually. He started treating her differently, tried to change her, made her take psych classes and it wasn’t until Sheldon pointed out how he was basically trying to turn her into his mother that it clicked and she broke up with him. Only to be back with him when her father turned up and basically told her she would not find anyone better and she should hold on to him. How Leonard went from this sweet guy to a controlling and manipulative stranger, she stopped wearing shorts and tops, she stopped trying to act, she stopped spending time with Sheldon, she stopped sitting next to Sheldon, she stopped going out dancing…she stopped being Penny. All to please him, because she was afraid of ending up alone and unloved. But it didn’t matter, because she was still lonely, she was still feeling unloved, she no longer enjoyed sex, it became a chore, the only moment her acting classes came in handy.

She cried her way through how their friends were basically just tolerating her and Sheldon. Bernadette acted like Penny was spoiled for wanting to feel loved. Amy praised and insulted her in the same breath. She did not even bother telling Bizarro Penny about Howard and Raj.

Penny held onto Bizarro Penny as if her life depended on it, she told how she had abandoned Sheldon, how they had reconciled but she was still afraid, of not being good enough to be her friend, of regressing to the same relationship. Their group of ‘friends’ was bad for her and Sheldon but she didn’t want to leave without Sheldon.

Bizarro Penny listened to it all without interrupting while rubbing small circles on Penny’s back and once Penny finally said all she needed to say Bizarro Penny sing ‘Soft Kitty’ to Penny and it made her cry again but this time there was laughter as well, because of course it had to be that song.

A yelp of pain from the living room made both Penny’s scramble for the door, each trying to reach their respective idiot.

Penny was the first to reach the living room and she was shocked that it was exactly what she expected for once in her goddamn life. Bizarro Sheldon was standing and looking at his hand like he couldn’t believe he had just slapped someone else. Meanwhile, her Sheldon was still in the loveseat holding his cheek with both hands and looking up in disbelief at Bizarro Sheldon. Penny went to check on her Sheldon and he looked at her like a lost deer. She tried to be angry but she had kind of expected this outcome.

Bizarro Penny was checking on her own Sheldon and once she knew he was fine she started to question him "What the hell was that? Does this Sheldon believe in loop theory? Did he say the Flash sucks?"

Bizarro Sheldon finally reacted and pointed at her Sheldon, "He gave up on his Penny!."

"She said NO!" Sheldon stood up and glared at his Bizarro counterpart and Penny was feeling lost, she didn’t know what they were talking about.

"So, the ‘great’ Sheldon Cooper took the easy way out, is that it?" Bizarro Sheldon was also glaring back and she was thankful Bizarro Penny was in the way as it looked that was the only reason he hadn’t taken a step towards her Sheldon.

Penny decided to copy her own counterpart and put herself in front of her Sheldon, this was quickly moving in a direction she didn’t want. What the hell had happened here.

Bizarro Penny took hold of Bizarro Sheldon’s face and forced him to look at her, her words were quick and angry, "Explain. Simple terms."

Bizarro Sheldon vibrated in his place and with a sigh all of the tension in his body left and he collapsed into his spot. Bizarro Penny quickly took a seat in his lap and Penny suspected that it was because she knew he would not get up while she was there.

While Bizarro Sheldon no longer looked like he wanted to slug it out his words still carried a certain amount of tension and anger "We were discussing several topics when I asked why he hadn’t asked Penny out yet." Penny’s mouth went dry and she kept her eyes in her hands, currently pushing against her Sheldon’s chest.

"He claims that he asked her out and was rejected." Wait. What. When.

"I requested clarification on the matter and Sheldon said that he allowed Penny to believe the invitation had been a childish attempt at making Amy Farrah Fowler jealous as he didn’t want to face further humiliation." Penny’s hands were trembling now, she didn’t know if it was rage or anxiety.

She remembers that day, Sheldon had asked her out and she had said that Sheldon was only doing it to make Amy Jealous, that…that he didn’t care about her in that way. Fuuuuuuck. Penny closed her eyes because she couldn't believe she really was this stupid. Sheldon only says things that he means.

"I inquired if he was happy to make Penny believe that and he confirmed that it was his course of action as Penny was in love with his roommate Leonard and her rejection was further proof of this, as such he could give up on courting her."

Penny’s hands are still on Sheldon’s chest but they’re no longer to keep him away, but to keep her steady.

"I rejected his conclusion as he had arrived at it with false data. Even I, with my limited experiences in human emotions, can understand that Sheldon is giving up and not giving Penny the chance to respond honestly and thus denying her a choice. I…reacted poorly to this information and was further provoked when Sheldon admitted to not wanting to rectify the situation." Shame crawls into his voice "I acted impulsively, I apologize. I never expected my reaction to be so visceral." Looks into Sheldon’s eyes "I disagree with your conclusion and findings but should not have acted in this manner. Would you like a hot beverage?"

Penny finds herself turning to look in disbelief at Bizarro Sheldon. Bizarro Penny is giving him an equally incredulous look.

"That would be acceptable. I accept your apology." Penny turns to look at her Sheldon, still in disbelief. ‘That’s it? They’re back to being friends?’. Turning a pleading look to Bizarro Penny she finds a mirror of her current expression.


Bizarro Penny threatens the boys to behave and reminds them that the time is short so they need to limit their talk to geeky stuff and science. Both Sheldon's quickly agree and promise to play nice.

And it’s not until she’s back in the bedroom with Bizarro Penny settling in the bed that her brain replays the conversation ‘She said NO’ and Penny groans as she settles next to Bizarro Penny.

"He asked me out. I said no, because I assumed that he only did it to make another woman jealous." Penny feels like crying again, today she has cried more than in previous years, but she guesses that’s what happens when you realize how fucked up your life is.

"Well Honey, that’s dumb. Sheldon never says anything he doesn’t actually feel. So yes, we can agree that was dumb, the question now is, what are you planning to do about it?."

"I don’t know. I mean, I’m still dating Leonard and he’s still dating Amy. And we’re just now recovering our friendship and there’s all this other bullshit. Howard, Raj, Amy and Bernadette will never let us be ourselves and-" Bizarro Penny puts a hand on her mouth to stop her rant.

"Okay, first of all, breathe. Second, forget all that BS, I asked what you were planning on doing. I’m not telling you to go back to your universe and marry the man. In fact, it might be a good idea to stay single for a while and just try taking it one day at a time with Sheldon."

Penny hesitates, wanting to ask if she thinks she and Sheldon can make a relationship work but then her eyes rest on the baby bump of the other woman and she swallows the words.

Bizarro Penny takes her hesitation for something else, "And don’t you tell me that it’s because you’re both dating someone else. I can already see it, you are going to break up with your goblin and he’s going to break up with this Amy girl and you will both dance around the issue and pretend it’s normal because you’re both cowards and you’ll start dating in 5 years expecting the time be right for everyone but yourselves." And the worst part was that Penny could picture that exact scenario happening.

"So what should I do?" Maybe this is what it felt like having an older sister that gave a shit about you?.

"Look, the environment you both are in is super toxic. You told me all about your friends and not one thing was good, Bernadette wants to make you into a stepford wife and Leonard only wants you as a dick-warmer. Amy wants to change who Sheldon is by vetoing every single of his hobbies and the guys just treat him like a thing with no feelings instead of a fellow human being. I think you need to get out of there, if Sheldon was alone I don’t think he would do it. But, he has you right?. Sheldon does best when you are direct with him. Be blunt and just go ‘Do you have a plan for you and me to escape this environment?’ and I’m 99% sure that he’ll have like 3 plans in place and each and every one of them accounts for your presence."

Bizarro Penny made it sound so easy.

They spent the rest of the time talking about what Penny wanted to do with her life and she had to agree that now with her new job she had disposable income to invest in acting classes as well as improv classes. Bizarro Penny gave her a few tips on how to read scripts and find the clues left behind by the writers on the character they had in mind.

Penny was having fun when the now familiar suction sound interrupted them. Before Bizarro Penny could react Penny hugged her while muttering "thank you’ over and over. Opening the bedroom door revealed the pair of geniuses inspecting the portal.

"It’s time." Her Sheldon remarked, he was back to his usual demeanor and you’d never know he was slapped by a younger version of himself.

Penny hugged Bizarro Penny again and then gave a big hug to Bizarro Sheldon while whispering into his ear "Don’t touch my Moonpie again." the wide eye glance he gave her felt pretty good.

Not wasting any more time Penny held onto Sheldon’s hand and jumped through the portal. She was feeling pretty good about this entire trip. She’s got new determination, a new plan to move her life forward and got her best friend back. All in a day's work.

Landing into Leonard’s room felt bad. Not because of the travel itself but because she found she had an almost violent reaction to this room. It smelled of her dad’s cologne, of disapproval and barely concealed disgust.

She walked out into the living room, still holding onto Sheldon’s hand.

"I’ll go remove the note." He was avoiding her.

Just as he reached to unbarricade the door she hugged him from behind and felt him tense up.

"Penny wha-" He cutoff as familiar voices sounded behind the door.

"Crap, Sheldon’s sick. God, we can never catch a break."

"Look, Penny is with him, that’s her writing." Sounded like Bernadette.

"Haha, that’s what she gets for bailing on us." Howard is always lovely.

"Shhhh, don’t make noise. We’ll pretend to not have seen this. Raj you still have my emergency bag right?"

A pause.

"Then I’ll stay with you for a couple of days and come back once Penny begs me to. Lets go."

Footsteps going down and then silence.

Still hugging Sheldon from behind Penny goes for broke "Moonpie? I don’t want to live here anymore. Can we go? Together. I think we’d make pretty kickass roommates."

Sheldon instead of tensing sort of goes slack, as if a huge weight had been removed from his shoulders. "In my desk, the blue folder is for apartments in California, the gray one is for apartments in Texas and the red one for apartments in New York."

"Okay." She mumbles against the fabric of his shirt. And she means it.

They are going to be okay.


Not sure if there's more to explore but I'm not going to deny the possibility.

Also, I really like Paige as a character but this is Shenny country.

Chapter 12: Detached (Polarization)


Sheldon looses his footing.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Sheldon considered himself a rather patient individual. After all, he had not proceeded with his scorched earth plan on his ‘friends’ after the mess in the Arctic, as was his initial plan. Rather he took care to listen to his mother and decided to forgive them, to put his other cheek.

To forgo his Nobel dreams in the name of friendship.

His mother was rather proud but Sheldon felt that he lost something important. He no longer found the same joy in the things and activities he had ingrained into his routine for years. For the first time in his life, Sheldon Cooper PhD was lost. Of course he still went through the motions, laundry night, Halo, Thai food, orange chicken (that should be tangerine chicken), and Penny.

And yet, this feeling of emptiness never goes away. Once Amy joins the group he starts getting anxious. These people, his supposed friends want him to stop being himself, they want to change him, to make him ‘Human’. Sheldon scoffs at that, Howard, Raj and Leonard confound emotions with wanton abandon of their baser desires.

And now, those same people have dragged him from his safe place, his home, with lies and deception about a Train exposition in Vegas. He should have known that there was no real possibility that they would present the East Indian Railway No. 22 in this supposed Exposition.

To add insult to injury, it was revealed to him that the purpose for this trip was in reality to witness the culmination of the train wreck that is Penny and Leonard’s relationship in a cheap Vegas chapel. Utterly humiliating.

He demanded that Leonard stop the car and let him out. He would rather walk in the desert than participate in this sham of a wedding. This was the last straw. He couldn’t be around these people, already making plans, contracts and letters in his head, Sheldon walked into the Nevada desert and was followed closely by an anxious Penny, an exasperated Leonard and an angry Amy.

"Moonpie, please, let’s go back to the car." Penny’s voice was pleading. Sheldon usually found Penny’s voice to be attractive, the tone would set him at ease, but this occasion he didn’t want to hear her.

Walking faster up a dune his longer gait gave him an advantage. Why couldn’t Penny understand that this wasn’t okay? It was beneath her, it was beneath him. "Don’t call me Moonpie!" The anger in his voice sounded more George than Mary and that only made him angrier.

Finally reaching the top of the dune he needed to vent, so turning and looking down at Penny, the rest were rather behind, Penny was the only one truly making the effort to reach him, and thus would be the recipient of his anger.

"Penny! Please stop, I expect nothing from the rest. But you? You were supposed to be my friend. I have made no secret of my feelings about you and Leonard’s relationship and now you want to make me complicit in it? In a cheap chapel that smells of vomit, smoke and alcohol no less. You deserve more, you deserve better." He’s panting now, due to the physical effort and the emotional outburst.

"Sheldon, I…" Penny raises her hands up in defeat "What do you want me to do? I lo-love Leonard and want to marry him." She once again pleads, "Please come down and let’s go to the car."

"Like hell I will. I will no-" Sheldon takes a step back in the middle of his sentence, he can feel the sand shift under him and suddenly a familiar feeling of being weightless so he closes his eyes and waits for the impact.

It never comes.

Penny scrambles up the dune as fast as she can. The sand burns her hands and legs but she doesn’t care. One moment Sheldon was there and then she saw the panic in his eyes as he tumbled backwards. She’s hoping and praying he hasn’t hurt himself by falling down the other side of the dune.

Except, there’s nothing there once she makes it up. There are no marks or trails in the sand, it looks undisturbed. A snake of anxiety and fear coils around her spine.

"Sheldon?!" She waits for a response. Silence.

"Hey Moonpie, where are you?!" Silence is the only response. That snake of fear now makes her body a home.

The others arrive soon enough, she explains the situation and everyone is searching alongside her, but they turn up empty handed. It’s as if he had just disappeared.

Amy mentions quicksand but even she doesn’t sound sure of it. They still end up calling 911, in less than 12 hours they get an excavator there and they only find sand.

Penny is shocked and doesn’t know what to do. She’s trying not to cry, to have hope. But her gut is telling her that Sheldon is gone.

The same gut that told her marrying Leonard was a bad idea. She refused to listen and look where it led them.

Sheldon said she deserved better. She was going to listen.

Sheldon woke up with a start, his mind already bringing his last moment of consciousness at the forefront. He expects pain, scorching heat, maybe a hospital bed, but the feeling under his fingers is that of blades of grass, his back is not hurting but he is wet, no, not exactly.

Opening his eyes Sheldon sees the early morning sun. Looking down at himself he finds his body and clothes covered in a light layer of dew, as if he had spent the night outside.

Further observation shows that his fingers were right, he is lying in grass. It’s a clearing, dense forest surrounds this clearing and he can hear birds, critters and nature all around him. The temperature is warm, probably Summer. This is…odd.

He tries to dig deeper in his memories but there is nothing, examining his own body reveals a change but not one he expected, or wanted, or even thought possible. He compares his hands to the ones he used to write an email this morning and they’re different. They’re still his hands but a quick search of his memory brings him the image he needs to compare them to, these are the hands he had at 22. He was now 35.

Focusing on the strangeness of the situation kept the panic at bay. Focus on the sensations and not the emotions he repeated to himself.

The clothes were the ones he was wearing in the desert. He checked his pockets, nothing. He still had his belt and belt buckle, the belt buckle had a small hidden stainless steel knife, custom made to his specifications.

Sheldon could feel the panic now, on the outskirts of his consciousness. Where was he? The empty pockets and the change in biome meant that someone or something had moved him. The fact that his body was younger made him more likely to believe that this was an extraterrestrial force.

But if that was the case, why leave him in the middle of a clearing like this?.

Long archived memories of his father and Meemaw teaching him how to survive in the wilderness as well as his own planning and education coalesced in one simple plan:
-Find where you are. Solution: Wait until nighttime in order to navigate using the stars.
-Find a safe spot to sleep. Solution: A tree should offer enough distance between most predators
-Find water and food. Solution: No sound of running water, needs further investigation. Belt can substitute as a sling. Belt buckle knife opened possibilities for food. Alternative, locate edible berry bush.

With a plan in mind, Sheldon set off towards the forest.

Sheldon was definitely not having a good time. He was thankful for the hunting lessons, it helped him avoid the tracks of bigger animals, he was also thankful for the lessons on how to navigate the forest. He was thankful for his acute hearing as an hour into his walk he was able to find a decent sized river and was moving upstream to try and find any signs of human life.

He was not thankful for his large frame, it made it harder to move silently. He was not thankful for the way his feet hurt and he was certainly not thankful for having to climb a tree just as the sun was setting.

The tree was decent sized, he found a branch that would hold his weight and sat to wait for the night to fall. He was running through different ways of how to contact his family once civilization was in sight, when all his plans came crashing down. He did not recognize these stars, no North Star, no little dipper, no Orion’s belt. Sheldon had a panic attack.

He tried to control his breathing but it kept coming fast, he was alone, he tried to not shiver and stay in place, he was crying, he was going to die. He wanted to live.

Morning came but it brought no respite to Sheldon. He had not slept for more than a couple of minutes at a time. He was now feeling dirty and that brought a new panic attack as he hyper focused on how long it had been since his last shower, the last time he used soap.

Sheldon was unable to leave the tree. Every time he tried to climb down fear would grip him and a new wave of panic would assault him. It was hunger that ultimately forced him to climb down but he was anxious and would jump at any noise and he wanted to climb back up that tree, but Sheldon had no one now, shivering and whimpering he forced his legs to propel him forward.

Each step felt jarring and wrong. How many times had he been compared to Pinocchio? Now he truly felt like a puppet, jerky and halting steps, one after the other. Keeping track of time was no longer a concern, he just knew that he needed to keep moving or he would die.

It was the sight of the berry bush that brought him back to the moment, his mind given something else to focus. ´Ribes uva-crispa or commonly known as Gooseberry, native to Europe but can be found in North America as wel-’

While his mind worked, Sheldon’s body acted. His long and deft fingers carefully avoided the sharp spines. He wanted to devour his small bounty but he wanted to at least run them under the stream of the river.

Sheldon resolved himself after the taste of the first berry. ‘ I will make it."

Sheldon continued to walk, the river his only guide. Gooseberries were plentiful but by day 5 he wanted something else. He hadn’t gotten sick so far and he needed to start considering the real possibility that he would not find another human anytime soon.

He had killed game before, had knowledge of how to make traps, knew how to clean and dress the kill. But he didn’t have a way to cook the meat, knew that the smell of blood and cooking meat would invite the larger animals that so far had been happy to ignore him. He needed to make a decision soon.

A plume of smoke in the distance takes his breath away. He can’t move fast enough towards it.

His feet are hurting, he is exhausted and he is almost at the point of origin of the smoke. But he found a dirt path and he can see that up a small hill there’s a sturdy looking wooden fence. A small isolated village most likely.

Sheldon can almost weep with relief when he sees someone is walking down the path, towards him. He tried to fix his appearance a little, but the stubble, bags under his eyes and red rimmed eyes makes it harder for him to feel confident. He feels his stomach lurch when the person he saw gets closer, he knows her.

It’s Penny.

Penelope was pissed. She had been training all her life to become an adventurer like her dad, she never made it a secret that this was her goal. She trained, trained and then trained some more until she could kick everyone’s butt in the village. Even Kurt was no longer a challenge. But her parents still refused to let her go in the next convoy to Safral.

It was the closest city to their village, she wanted to start small, just hunting goblins and picking up herbs and work her way up to orcs and bodyguard jobs until she could join a prestigious Guild. She knew that her parents loved her and worried about her, that was the only reason she hadn’t just ran away during the night, but she was turning 19 soon and didn’t want to stay here. She didn’t want to just become someone’s wife and pop out kids every year.

Wanting to clear her mind she decided to go down to the river and light the torches for the night patrol.

She’s so focused on her thoughts that she almost collides with a young man, her training kicks in and she easily sidesteps while grunting in apology. Except, the man doesn’t let her, he steps in her way again, and she can feel a headache start ‘Not another one.’

Penelope knew that she was beautiful, but this always invited creeps to think her beauty was some sort of invitation. Last year a merchant moving through their village kept asking her to become his wife, promised to love her, to give her everything she wanted and yet he never even looked up from her bosom when talking to her. She had to break his nose so he could understand she didn’t want anything to do with him. And now another one joins the list.

She’s already preparing her speech when the man talks. "Penny?" His voice is a whisper. And it’s the…broken and miserable tone that gets her to look up at his face. He is a handsome man for certain, if unkempt, he is wearing strange clothes in strange colors and she guesses that he had a rough day and might even be possibly sick due to his extremely pale skin.

He’s not looking at her bosom or at her legs, his eyes are on her face. Penelope has seen blue eyes before but the eyes on this man were as clear as a lake on a sunny day.

And then his hands are on her shoulders, boney fingers squeeze her but there’s no strength left in his hands. Still, she doesn’t appreciate being touched like this and she’s preparing to teach him a lesson when he drops to his knees and starts weeping. Penelope is not sure how to act, she had assumed he was coming onto her but this felt different.

Still keeping distance between them she puts a hand on his shoulder and asks him if he’s okay. His eyes are back on her face, he says "You’re not Penny." and she can see his eyes roll up and his body pitch forward, only her hand keeps him from a mouthful of dirt.

Penelope looks around, wondering if this is some sort of joke but they’re alone, no one is watching them. She should let the village leader know and let him handle this strange man, she should go back to her task. Instead she easily picks him up and throws him across her shoulders, for some reason she can’t just leave this to anyone else.

It’s while she’s halfway to her home that she remembers the soothsayer’s words ‘No man will pick you. You will be the one to pick him.’

‘Maybe mom is right and it’s just the fermented alcohol speaking and not the gods.’ Penelope thinks as she carries the strange man she picked up.

Sheldon awakes slowly, for a moment he thinks that he’s back in his bed and that the strange nightmare is over. Then his eyes adjust and sees an unfamiliar wooden ceiling, runs his fingers on the blanket covering him and the coarseness of it reinforces the reality. It wasn’t a dream.

Sitting up on the bed he looks at himself, he’s no longer wearing his filthy clothes, the shirt and pants he’s wearing are obviously handmade and made to last. Farmer’s clothes he thinks idly. His fingertips and feet hurt, but not as bad as they did before, someone bandaged him and guessing by the smell wafting from him the bandages were soaked in medicinal herbs.

Not a dream.

He covers his face for a moment, takes a deep breath and forces himself to face reality. He had met someone, no, not someone. Penny. Except, it wasn’t his Penny, this stranger was younger, tougher, her toned muscles and slightly height advantage over his Penny would make it that if they were side by side you could not mistake one for the other. This Penny had brighter and greener eyes.

Sheldon’s not sure how much time he spends in that position, trying to come up with plans for the future and coming up empty when the door into his room opens and Penny walks in. He can’t help it, he stares, he tries to find every single detail that makes this Penny unique.

A snap of fingers in front of his eyes forces him away from his examination. Penny is flushing in anger, her hips locks and her fists rests on them. "Eyes up here Stranger".

Sheldon tries not to laugh, he really does try, but the mannerisms, the tone, everything is just so Penny that he can’t help himself. A moment later he’s sobbing into his hands. He’s never going to see his Penny again. His Meemaw or his mom.

Sheldon has no illusions, whatever force brought him here is so beyond him that it might as well be a god. He was de-aged, transported to another world and put close to a place where he ended up meeting a version of Penny. He is but a dancing monkey.

Penelope couldn't understand this stranger, he woke up and the first thing he did when seeing her was to run his eyes over her body and when she demanded answers he started laughing and the next moment he started crying. She could only shake her head at him. Crazy, that one.

"Are you okay? I found you on the road here."

The man manages to control himself enough but now looks defeated. As if he just lost something very important. "I will be fine. Thank you for your assistance. I fear that without it I would have perished."

Wow, he talks like one of those wizard guys. Penelope still remembers that he called her Penny, it sounds cute but no one has ever called her that before. "I’m Penelope. What’s your name?"

"Sheldon. My name is Sheldon C-...just Sheldon."

"Nice to meet you Sheldon, do you need us to help you find this ‘Penny’ you were calling for?" He looks sad again but he shakes his head.

"No. She was my friend. You remind me a lot of her." A shy smile appears on his face for the first time and her heart jumps a little. No, she’s not going to fall for this tall stranger.

Caroline and Wyatt had been worried about Penelope. Their daughter had always been bullheaded and kept asking to go to Safral to become an adventurer, Caroline and her husband knew that they would have to agree at some point. Their daughter was capable of running away with only the clothes on her back.

But one day she brought home a young man, he was skin and bones and looked to have had a rough time in the forest. Penelope bandaged him up and once he woke up they would sit outside and talk for hours.

This young man who introduced himself as Sheldon was extremely serious and neurotic. He reminded Caroline of the priests in Safral and soon came to learn that Sheldon did not care for religion one bit, which already put him in her good graces.

As Sheldon recovered, Penelope started teaching how to use the sword. He was a fast learner but not very muscular which Penelope took to remedy. It was always a fun sight to see Sheldon help around the village while Penelope was behind him, following him like a lost puppy.

Oh, she could see the signs from the start. The way Penelope stopped talking about going to Safral. How she would spend all of her free time with Sheldon and scared off any girl that came sniffing around him. She could also see the way Sheldon’s eyes would soften at the sight of Penelope, he looked at her in the same way you looked at a sunrise, with awe.

Six months after Penelope found him, Sheldon started showing his true worth around the village. One night as they had dinner Wyatt mentioned how the village couldn’t afford an engineer from Safral to build a water wheel for the mill and they were trying to come up with the funds for next year when he was interrupted by Sheldon who promised he could build the village a water wheel. He was not joking.

A water wheel, a better wall, better roads, a way to pump water from the well, so easy to use that even children could do it. Almost like magic.

Sheldon became a hot topic around the village and she was not surprised by every family with a daughter of age making a play to get him married into their families. Caroline was surprised however, when Penelope declared in the middle of a festival that Sheldon was hers and everyone else should keep their hands to themselves.

Wyatt had to build the young couple a room separate from their house and even Caroline had to admit that she was afraid that Penelope was going to exhaust that young man to death.

A year after Sheldon first came into their lives her daughter announced that she and Sheldon would be traveling to Safral to become adventurers together. Sheldon had really grown into his frame, while he would never be a barbarian, you would think twice before messing with him. Not to mention he was deadly accurate with his rapier.

Thanking Sheldon in her head for giving her another year with her daughter Caroline gave the couple her blessing and asked them to write often and she hopes they come back soon.

Because Caroline has not given up on the idea of blond blue-eyed grandchildren.

Five years later Caroline is happy to temporarily move to Safral. Because she’s going there to help with the newborn twins.


Yes, this is Sheldon getting Isekai'd

Chapter 13: Fortune (Polarization)


Sequel to: Detached


Sheldor finds more than he expected, or wanted.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Sheldor was not a patient man. You don’t get to become the youngest Wizard ever at 8 by being patient. You don’t become proficient at silent casting and earn the title of Archmage at 12 by being patient. You don’t earn a second Archmage title at 16 for mastering a second school of magic by being patient. You don’t become ‘The Only Triple-Archmage’ at Age 25 by being patient.

Sheldor was not patient. But seeing the unconscious woman in the middle of the summoning circle makes him think that perhaps he needed to learn to be patient.

Last month he had visited a Warlock school out of curiosity for the school of magic (He found it rather superfluous and redundant with far too many drawbacks) and while he felt overall disappointed by the showing of magic, there was one young warlock that surprised him, he would never tell him this of course, the young warlock who insisted on being called Wolowizard despite not being an actual Wizard was accompanied by a wooden nymph. Wolowizard told him that there was a pact for companionship with a nature spirit and Sheldor purchased the knowledge right then and there.

Sheldor would never reveal this to anyone but he was lonely. 35 years in this world and the only people he could call close were his mother, and his twin sister. Due to his desire for knowledge and learning he was rather separated from even those that called themselves his peers.

This spell for a companionship contract should help with that. Nature spirits were easy to get along with, they were comprised of Nature Mana and as such didn’t need to eat or defecate. If one were to be crass about it they could even be called pets, though it depended on the level of sentience of each spirit. Nymphs were wise, Pixies were quick-witted, Lamias were wonderful assistants for people like healers, shop owners, etc. Succubus were a favorite for lonely old men…which Sheldor was not. If he wanted that type of companionship he could always visit ‘Coming of Page’, a rather exclusive bookstore that also offered pleasure services. Sheldor would never tell his mother but he had been a member of this establishment since he was 16.

He liked to read after all.

Focusing his thoughts on the matter at hand, Sheldor examines the woman currently occupying his floor. He quickly discards possibilities for the nature of this spirit. It can’t be a Nymph, no leaves or bark visible in extremities, too big to be a Pixie, normal human legs so no Lamia, Mermaid, etc. For all intents and purposes she looked like a Human. He briefly considered the possibility of her being a Succubus but there were no horns, no prehensile tail and opening her eyelid revealed a Human green pupil and not the classic Cat-like red eye of the Succubus.

Feeling a little disappointed, Sheldor moved to his spot to wait for the woman to react. If Wolowizard had sold him a defective spell he would come to learn why so many nations refused to go to war with Sheldor, because it was true, he had his ‘Triple-Archmage’ title, but he was rather fond of the one given to him by the regular folk, ‘Sheldor The Conqueror’.

Penny was not having a great week. And if she was honest with herself, she hadn’t really had a great anything since Sheldon disappeared behind that dune a year ago.

Leonard still wanted to get married even after Sheldon had disappeared so she told him to suck an egg. She went to the boy’s apartment and picked up everything labeled as Sheldon’s and mailed it to Mrs. Cooper and Missy, alongside a letter that explained that everything was a collectible and probably worth a lot of money. She also provided them with Stuart’s phone number.

Sheldon’s work and home PC, laptop, backup phone, social media accounts, cloud storage accounts and even his Youtube channel were all nuked after a week of Sheldon’s disappearance. Howard explained that Sheldon had a killswitch system and without him there to put the password everything was burned. Sheldon was paranoid. But then again, after seeing the disappointment in Raj and Leonard’s face at the news of Sheldon’s files being gone, maybe her Moonpie had the right idea after all.

She moved out of Los Robles into a hole in the wall studio apartment close to her office. Penny even tried to go out dating again but she was feeling empty inside, Sheldon was gone, Leonard, Howard and Raj were people she wasn’t sure she wanted to see again. Bernadette and Amy had pretty much cut contact with Penny after she refused to stop searching for Sheldon. She briefly considered going home to Nebraska but she would rather jump in front of a bus than put herself through that.

Feeling truly alone she logged in to the only place where Sheldon still existed in one way. Age of Conan. She would use the DM function to ‘talk’ to Sheldon and today, a year after he disappeared she simply wrote: ‘I miss you Moonpie, I wish I could see you Sheldor.’

Closing her laptop she went to get a glass of wine when she was overcome with an unexpected vertigo feeling, her shitty apartment suddenly turned into a carousel and darkness took her consciousness away.

The feeling of cold stone underneath her brings her back to the world of the living. She’s thankful that she had opted for comfy and fluffy pajamas rather than skimpy because this floor is not very warm or welcoming. It is strangely clean tho.

Looking around her she notices that she’s in stone building, for a panicked moment she fears that she was kidnapped and thrown in a basement ‘Fucking Leonard’ the thought is in her head before she can stop it. Leonard had not taken their breakup well. But she sees that wherever this is, there is a huge window looking outside, she can hear birds chirping so she’s not trapped.

She does a triple check once she notices a man sitting on a huge chair a few feet away from her. He’s completely focused on the book in his lap but the part that makes her brain screech to a halt is that this is Sheldon. Her Moonpie.

A second look makes her question that, this man looks like Sheldon but there is something that stops her from calling out immediately. This man has the same features but he’s more muscular, his hair is longer but is neatly brushed and he actually has a short beard.

Her third glance shows that he’s not wearing a comic book tee, or plaid pants. He’s actually wearing what she imagines Sherlock Homes would wear to impress Irene Adler in that Robert Downey Jr. movie. Stylish and hot.

She knows that it’s not him, not her Sheldon, but not having any other alternatives Penny decides to call out to him.


Sheldor really needs to pay more attention to his surroundings, but he was home, he was in his spot and he was in the middle of a particularly interesting theory of how the current classification of dark vs light magic was wrong and they were both parts of the same energy. And then a voice yanked him out of it.


Ah, this was interesting. This woman was clearly a nature spirit since she almost got his name right. That was a sign from the spell that the spirit was open for a pact. Well, this certainly made things easier, maybe he had discovered a new type of spirit.

Standing up to his full height and adjusting his clothes, Sheldor approached the summoning circle and the spirit within, and recited the speech as indicated in the book.

"Oh Spirit, I beseech you to listen to my request. I seek companionship and friendship, you will remain free to wander this world and I will provide hearth and shelter. I require that you acquiesce or reject my offer verbally and magically. I shall await your answer."

Sheldor felt that the speech was much too candid but he didn’t want to ruin this chance. The foci used for this spell were both expensive and rare. He had the funds to try again but would rather not have to wait months for all of them to be sent to his tower.

Sheldor also made sure to keep his eyes on the ground in front of him, some spirits would take eye contact as a challenge and try to attack him. Thankfully the summoning circle acted as a protection measure as well, the spirits couldn’t leave its confines unless they accepted the pact, and if they rejected the path they were immediately banished to their realm of origin. Sheldon knew that the protection runes in the circle could even stop a high grade demon so he was not worried if the spirit truly turned violent towards him.

When a pair of bare feet suddenly appeared in his vision Sheldor started to get a little worried. This was not supposed to happen, it was unheard of. Sheldor could feel cold sweat running down his back and he refused to look up at the face of the woman. She must be a demon king like this realm has never seen before to so easily break the protection runes.

"Hey!." He couldn’t stop his body from jumping "Sheldon, look at me." The tone was angry but also strangely wistful?.

"I would not dare do such a thing My Lady. Lest my eyes be burned by your beauty and splendor." Sheldor knew he was done for if he displeased her so he decided for full honesty. Sheldor had never had a lot of interest in demon summoning but even he knew that those high ranking demons usually had powers that allowed them to see into the hearts of men.

"Sheldon, what the hell are you talking about? And why are you dressed like that? It’s me, Penny. D-don’t you recognize me?" Her voice broke at the end and Sheldor finally looked up.

He only saw a sad and lonely young woman.

Penny’s day truly went from not great to possibly horribly bad. It took a while but this version of Sheldon had thought she was some sort of demon king at first as he had attempted to summon a nature spirit and well he got a Penny.

Sheldor, as he asked to be called, was a Wizard-oh sorry- The Wizard. Even in this version of the world he was an overachiever. Once he understood that she was just a woman and not a spirit of any kind she could see him get a little sad. Sheldor was more expressive than Sheldon so Penny had an easier time understanding his mood.

Penny also spent a good amount of time explaining alternate universes to Sheldor though she fears that her explanation was not a good one. But he at least understood that she knew a version of him before he disappeared.

"Was this other version of me at least the equivalent of a Triple-Archmage?" She hesitantly nodded because she truly did not know how to compare the two and Sheldor smiled, satisfied with the answer.

"Okay Sweetie, this was great (if it’s not a dream), I am glad that I got to see a version of my friend. Now, how do I go back?" She saw him pause.

"…go back?" Oh no.

"Yeeeeeaaaaahhhhh," it came out slowly, her gut already filling with dread "You know, go back to my own world."

"Ah, of course." Nothing more, he just stared at her. One minute, Two minutes, Three minutes."I have no idea." He finally said.

Of fraking course.

"Can’t you just, Idon’tkno, do your magic thingy?"

"That’s a great idea Penny, let’s try the rejection chant for this summoning spell. Give me a moment to review the book. Ah, here it is. Ready?"

Penny nodded and closed her eyes, she tried to stay still, afraid that moving would somehow mess it up.

"Spirit, I reject your companionship. Begone, return to whence you came forth!" His voice was sure and confident.

After not feeling anything Penny opened her eyes and she was still in the same place, looking up at an embarrassed Sheldor.

"Allow me to try the most powerful banishment spell I know. I have never had to use this spell before and it’s actually in a different language, one long dead."

Sheldor started chanting and she couldn’t understand the words but she could feel the power. She could feel winds surrounding her and she closed her eyes in preparation of being transported. She didn't know if it would hurt or not but closing her eyes seemed like the best idea.

Sheldor’s chanting got more intense and she actually felt as if she was flying for a moment, the winds were carrying her, she heard a thump noise and then Sheldor’s voice stopped and her feet were touching the ground again.

No luck, she could still hear Sheldor gulping air as if he ran a marathon, but, no, she did feel different, she felt cold. A breeze between her legs made her open her eyes in shock and look down at herself. She was naked.

Her pajamas were strewn across the room and her panties were hanging from a chandelier above her.

Sheldor had not stopped looking at her so while glaring at him she kneeled and turned her back at him, trying to cover herself as much as possible. This finally seemed to make Sheldor move and taking his coat he used it to cover her. She still glared at him.

"Ah, my apologies. From everything that I have read this was not supposed to occur." He was flushing and couldn’t meet her eyes.

Penny took a deep breath, Sheldor, just like Sheldon was not a creep. He literally was just trying to get her home, even if she no longer knew what that word meant. Be patient Penny.

"Penny, were you aware that someone doodled on your buttocks?."

Then again, patience was overrated. Sheldor needed to learn about Junior Rodeo.

Mary was a devout follower of Helio (May his light purify the world). So when her little Shellybean started taking an interest in the books at church she was elated, he was only 5 and already reading.

She didn’t realize that the church doubled as a communal library in their little village so it came as a shock when her little Shellybean suddenly summoned a fireball one day when playing outside. Poor Snowball, at least he didn’t suffer.

While she tried to push Sheldor to study about Helio and his light he instead chose to keep learning about Wizard stuff, which wasn’t exactly against Helio’s teachings but she still felt that it was wrong. It was only because George told her to not limit their child that she relented.

But she feels it’s a little unfair, she lost her child. He was praised as a prodigy and was taken all the way to Adilin to study under the Archmages there. They told her that being a Wizard was a lifetime commitment, that it would take all of his lifetime to try and reach Archmage.

Sheldor was one at 12.

Mary had hoped that meant he would be back home but then her little Shellybean decided to travel all the way north up to Allebelle to continue studying. She received a similar speech as last time. Mastering a second school of magic was a lifetime endeavor, there were only a handful of Wizards that had done it and all were older than 50.

Sheldor was back in her house by the time he was 16.

Mary tried, she really tried to understand her youngest son but what hope she had when not even Melissa could, and she was the boy’s twin. They did show him love, because as much as he denied it, by the time he was 20 she could see a loneliness set deep in her son’s soul.

The boy could end a war with a wave of his hand but was clueless about how to approach someone for small talk. Mary worried about him, so she prayed and prayed and prayed some more to Helio to show her son the way. She even prayed to her dead husband (May Helio have him in his corn fields.).

So when her Shellybean showed up on her door one day with a blond woman by his side Mary almost jumped from joy. She couldn’t understand much but it seemed her boy had somehow dragged this young woman from her home without meaning to.

So of course Mary made him apologize properly, in front of her.

Sheldor had brought her here for a full wardrobe since the garments she was wearing looked well-worn and the girl, Penny, admitted they were used only for sleeping. Since Sheldor started earning money (just by existing it seemed) he had made her little seamstress shop into the biggest clothing store in the village, which had also seen a dramatic growth as the home of the ‘Triple-Archmage’. He had even taken Melissa to learn under actual high-class seamstresses and then dropped her right here with her and told them to run the shop. That boy had more of his daddy in him than he ever cared to admit.

As she measured and planned Penny’s clothes she didn’t miss the easy banter her son had with Penny. Penny was a no-nonsense kinda girl and to her it looked like it was exactly what her high and mighty son needed. Later that night Melissa shared her opinion that maybe Shellybean had found someone just for him.

She was lucky that Sheldor had built his Wizard tower in the village so she could see him and Penny often.

And if she does a fertility offering at Helio’s temple, well now, no one has to know.

Things are going well for three months. Penny is a wonderful young woman and she actually had a knack for performance. While Sheldor looked for a way for Penny to return home she made fast friends with Alicia, the bard. And soon enough both Penny and Alicia would perform two man acts and plays out in the city square.

Her Shellybean, the boy that said ‘The arts are a waste of time and talent.’ went ahead and built a theater for Penny. He claimed it was to protect her from the elements and for added security but Mary didn’t miss the way he looked at Penny, she had seen that look before, when he first summoned that fireball. But this time both his eyes and smile were as soft as silk.

She didn’t miss the way Penny would look at her boy as well. That girl looked at him like he was a tree full of fruit and she was a monkey. She made another fertility offering the day she catches that look.

And then it happens, she is walking up to Sheldor’s tower when she hears the screaming.

"I looked everywhere! Every school of magic, every Archmage, every avenue leads me to nowhere! I don’t want to lie to you, that’s why I told you. There’s no way back to your home." Mary has reached the door but she’s not opening it. Her son’s voice breaks at the end and he sounds truly heartbroken to be unable to help Penny.

"I’m not mad about that! I know you’ve been killing yourself trying to help me!"

"Then why are you mad?!"

"Because I don’t want to leave!"

Mary decides that it is better to leave them for now. On her way home she stops by Helio’s temple and makes a small offering, this time for Penny. That she finds peace and a new home.

The next time she sees the both of them there’s a closeness between them and the looks they give each other are not done in hiding. And Mary is happy for the both of them.

Mary’s hands are full, each hand holds the tiny hand of a 5 year old.

"Meemaw? Why are we staying with you tonight?" A blond girl asks her and she looks down at eyes that remind her of her son.

Penny had been the one to teach the children to call her that, Mary loved it.

"Well my little Honeybean, that is because your parents are going to be busy today."

"Busy doing what?" This boy looked so much like his father that Mary had already called him Shellybean several times, much to the boy’s displeasure. But his eyes and attitude were all his mother's.

"They’re…praying so you can get a little brother or sister."


"That’s why you’re coming to Helio’s temple with me, I’ll teach you how to make an offering so you can have a healthy baby brother or sister."

Both of her grandchildren nod and Mary smiles at them. Her heart has never felt fuller.


I couldn't leave Penny on her own.

Also if you know where this Helio is from then you're an intrepid hero as well.

Edit: 01/18/24
This prompt/story evolved into it's own story. I hope you can read it and enjoy it:


The Accidental Polarization

Chapter 14: Eudaimonia (Bizarro)


Sequel to: Impetus

Changes come, good and bad.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny really should know better by now. Sheldon Cooper is prepared for everything. And yet, she’s still surprised, her Wackadoodle would never stop surprising her.

"Okay Sweetie, I get California. But why Texas and New York?"

"Austin actually has a growing acting industry, while of course New York offers several options including a bursting Theater scene."

"Wait, you chose those places while thinking of me?"

Sheldon gives her a very unamused stare, "Of course, you’re my best friend." And he shuts up as if that explains everything.

And maybe it did. Penny knew that Sheldon was different, he did not give out his friendship easily and everyone, including her at one point, had taken that friendship for granted.

It’s been only a few moments since she hugged him near his door. Sheldon is now at his desk and is making plans, he already has a moving company that does last minute work. He has their landlord on speed dial and after a rather short back and forth they’re both free from their leases but without their safety deposit. It stings a little but she’s ready to go.

And of course Sheldon has an approved hotel list. The Glenmark, Glendale is booked for a week (for now). Sheldon waves away her protests to pay for her part.

While he’s handling all of that she’s looking at the folders in front of her. He’s leaving this decision to her.

"Hey Sheldon, is this really okay? For me to decide I mean. What about your work?"

He looks away from his computer, "Penny. I can with full confidence tell you that it doesn’t matter where I work from. Caltech will bend over backwards to keep me, but should I wish to, I can close my eyes and select a random country in a map and find an offer to go work in said country in my email." He points to his machine "All I need is that machine. And you." He’s facing his computer again before she can even react to that statement.

A small flutter of something in her belly and Penny is fighting a smile.

Focusing back on the folders she thinks seriously about each of them. California is big and Sheldon has options for everywhere, but maybe she’s not made for California. It's been heartbreaking to see other girls get at least a recurring spot in a sitcom while Penny is left behind with commercials and porn offers.

Austin looks tempting. She didn't know that it was even an option but Sheldon had marked all the TV shows and movies filmed in Texas and she was pleasantly surprised, Transformers, Dallas (of course), Top Chef, Supernatural, Cheaters (so she liked trashy TV, sue her) and more. The city looked wonderful as well.

And New York, well, it was New York. Penny did love doing theater, the few chances she got it was always so exciting. Sheldon’s compliments on her theater performance are seared in her brain and heart. She shouldn’t make a decision like this based on one compliment Sheldon gave her a couple of years back. And yet.

Taking a deep breath she decides to let go of the fear trying to hold her back. New York sounds like a great place for them to start from scratch.

"Hey Moonpie, I heard New York has some great Thai restaurants."

They spent the rest of the night packing things. The landlord was more than willing to take their furniture and Sheldon is able to haggle a fair price. The next morning while she’s running on crappy coffee and DK donuts, Sheldon looks fresh and she hates him a little.

The moving company quickly takes all the boxes to the truck and will take them to storage until they are in their new place. They also take their furniture to the basement for the landlord to sell or use.

And that Sunday afternoon she’s taking a nap in a luxury hotel. She’s uprooting her entire life and couldn’t be looking forward to it more than she already is.

That night, after a shower and some wagyu beef tacos she’s in Sheldon’s room looking over his shoulders as he writes a long and detailed letter that basically amounts to ‘Fuck you all, don’t contact us.’ She adds that at the bottom and signs it, just to drive the point home.

She had wanted to confront the group. To yell at them but Sheldon refused to participate, he didn’t want to waste any time on them. She still wrote several emails. One for Leonard, she poured her anger, her disgust at his actions and asked that if he ever truly loved her, he would leave her alone. She still planned to block him.

Bernadette and Amy basically received the same email. They had both confided on their experiences with bullying, how it had marked them, how they hated themselves and how, now, they were the bullies. They made Penny feel bad for being herself, for not having a masters, for not going to college, for not being smart, for wanting to feel loved. Penny ended the email by wishing them well and that she hoped they could find a type of happiness that didn’t involve making someone else miserable.

Howard got a simple message. ‘You don’t deserve Bernadette. You deserve Leonard.’

Raj was the only one of the group that received an invitation to continue in communication as long as didn’t share anything with anyone else from the group. Penny liked Raj, the Raj that was not trying to imitate Howard, the Raj that liked chick flicks, the Raj that had borrowed her copy of the notebook and in exchange had lent Penny his copy of Twilight. She missed that Raj and she hoped he would reply.

They would wait until Monday night to send these emails, late at night.

Monday morning had Penny show to work and present her resignation. Her supervisor was shocked and requested to know more. So Penny told her the truth, her relationship had failed, it was toxic and she needed to get away. She was leaving for New York. Penny didn’t expect to be asked to hang around while her supervisor tried to find her a transfer for the New York branch.

Penny was actually surprised when it was approved and told her supervisor as much.

"Penny, you are our best sales rep. ZanGen wants to keep you." Huh, you could be great at a job you hated.

The transfer still needed time to go through and she had 2 weeks to get her shit straight before they were expecting her in New York. Penny was left feeling oddly touched.

She also asked that her information be kept private due to her ex-boyfriend, something that they readily agreed to.

She spends the rest of the day looking at the apartments and houses that Sheldon approved of. Penny already knows which place she wants, it’s the first on the list so she’s hoping this is Sheldon’s first choice as well.

A beautiful Town House on 8th street, Brooklyn. A stone throw away from Prospect park. It’s huge and definitely more room than they will ever need, but it’s perfect. It even has a backyard with a garden and there are white rose bushes everywhere. There’s even a room overlooking the garden that she can see Sheldon using as an office. The windows in the bedrooms are huge and she can see herself waking up to a face full of sunshine. This is the one.

Sheldon agrees with her and gives a small smile. It was his first choice as well. He actually has plans to turn one of the five bedrooms into a collectibles room, her Care Bears already factored in his plan.

Sheldon bought them new SIM cards, otherwise he suspects they will spend a large amount of time blocking number after number. They send their emails, block everyone they need to block and go have dinner.

During dinner Sheldon explains that Caltech had been more than happy to buy out the rest of his contract, against every expectation he had, they were happy to let him go. He still made them sign a release form with his lawyer present where Caltech forfeited any rights to his research. Penny could see the hurt in his eyes. She held his hand as they talked of their upcoming move, Penny promised to help him find a new comic book shop and she made him promise that he would help her find new acting classes, she wasn’t ready to give up on acting just yet.

Maybe she could get Sheldon to agree to get a cat.

Leonard couldn’t believe what he was reading, he was with Raj and Howard playing DnD when suddenly Bernadette bursts into the room and starts yelling at them to check their emails.

Leonard’s stomach drops when seeing the email from Sheldon, subject line ‘Termination of friendship and roommate agreements.’, his heart almost stops when the next email is from Penny, no subject. He opens Penny’s email first and quickly reads over it, he then reads it a second time, and then a third.

He can’t believe that Penny is ending their relationship because he left her to take care of Sheldon. It was going to take a lot to get her to forgive him. He leaves Howards’ house without talking to the others, he needs to stop by the liquor store to get Penny her medicine and try to calm her down from whatever shitfit this is. Maybe Sheldon finally pushed her over the edge and that’s why she’s acting like a brat.

Leonard doesn’t read Sheldon’s email. He can wait.

As he’s driving to his apartment after getting a couple of bottles he tries calling Penny but his calls go straight to voicemail. And he rolls his eyes because of course Penny has to be dramatic and block him. He was still practicing his best contrite look by the time he set foot on the 4th floor landing. For a moment he hesitates but he knows that talking to Sheldon right now is a bad idea, Leonard will just buy him something shiny and he’ll calm down.

Moving towards Penny’s apartment he rumples his clothes a little, makes sure his face looks sad and miserable and then knocks. Nothing. He knocks again and he shifts on his feet a little. No answer.

‘Of course.’ He thinks bitterly.

He’ll deal with the consequences later, pulling his copy of the apartment key he plans to open the door, find Penny, apologize, get her to drink half the bottle and then they can have make-up sex and things will be back to normal by morning.

The key doesn’t work. He looks confused at it, he is pretty sure this is the right key. He tries again to the same result. Could have Penny changed the locks? She wouldn’t do that…and then his mind focuses on who could do something like that. Sheldon.

Leonard would deal with Penny later, he now had a roommate to yell at. He enters 4A already yelling for Sheldon when his breath is suddenly gone. ‘We were robbed again’ it’s his first thought. But no, only Sheldon’s things are missing, running to the man’s bedroom shows an empty room.

Finally sitting down in his chair Leonard finally decides to read Sheldon’s email. He thinks he’s going to pass out. His brain focusing on certain parts only ‘Immediate dissolution of both friendship and roommate agreements’, ‘As per the agreement I Dr Sheldon Cooper have paid for 3 months of rent to grant the new leaseholder enough time to find a new roommate should they desire to’, ‘Due to the dissolution of the friendship agreement I have also sent proof of Leonard Hofdstater, Howard Wolowits and Rajesh Koothrappali’s involvement in academic tampering of Dr Sheldon’s Cooper Arctic Experiment.’ and then finally in what he can hear in Penny’s voice, the last line on the email is ‘Fuck you all. Don’t contact us. - Penny’.

What the hell had just happened?.

His phone rings and looking at the screen shows that it’s Howard.

"Hey Howard."

"No, they’re not here."

"Penny changed the locks to her apartment and blocked my number so I haven’t been able to talk to her."

"No Howard. I don’t know."

"I haven’t tried to call Sheldon yet."

"He broke up with Amy? Wow"

"Yeah, he went rogue it seems. Haha."

"No Howard, I’m sure he’s just angry and bluffing. He’ll need us to bail him out after he realizes this tantrum won’t work."

"Penny said that to Bernadette? What did Bernadette say?"

"Haha, wow, Bernadette has a mouth on her."

"Yeah okay, I’ll talk to you later. I’ll try knocking on Penny’s door again. Maybe learning that Sheldon is missing will get her to open the door."

"Wait what?"

"Yeah, I just read it, what about it?"


"Yeah I guess, if Penny signed it then she knows Sheldon is gone."

"I get it, I get it. God, Howard. I can’t catch a break."

"You too. I’ll talk to you later."

Leonard is not sure what to do now. According to Howard Penny had also sent emails to Amy and Bernadette calling them bullies. Maybe learning about Sheldon leaving had made Penny drank herself to oblivion and was now sleeping it off. He’ll try again tomorrow.

Before standing up Leonard catches the stack of papers left neatly in the middle of the coffee table. He is the new leaseholder and the landlord already approved and signed on it.

It isn’t until he’s in bed and about to fall asleep that he remembers the last line of Sheldon’s email. ‘ Don’t contact us.’, not Sheldon, not Penny, but ‘Us’.

He is not able to sleep.

The next morning as Leonard is having a cup of coffee he hears the door to 4B open and he almost drops his cup in his haste to go and talk to Penny.

And he does drop it when the open door to 4B shows an empty apartment. The landlord is there to make repairs and re-paint it so it can go up in the listings.

Leonard feels cold. The only heat coming from the coffee still in his belly slowly turning into bile.

Penny is gone.

Penny was happy. No, Penny was bursting at the seams from happiness.

The last week was a whirlwind of activity. By Wednesday Sheldon had confirmed that the Town House was theirs. She had asked how much rent would be and Sheldon had looked at her like she was a child that asked if the tooth fairy was real.

"Penny, the house was not for rent. It was for sale." And he went back to eating his dumplings.

A familiar fear started sneaking down her spine at this. This was big, this was commitment, she needed to run. So she stomped on the feeling. Sheldon was not trying to trap her. He called it theirs because for him it was that easy, she would talk to him later about it, she could pay for the services so it didn’t feel like charity and she was sure that once she explained it to Sheldon, he would agree without issues.

Penny told Sheldon that she would handle everything related to their trip to New York. She already had some counterarguments prepared so she was a bit surprised when he just agreed.

"I trust you Penny. We won’t be able to move into the new place until Friday morning. Our things in storage plus the bulk of our closets are already on their way and it’s scheduled that they will arrive on Tuesday afternoon, next week. We have time."

And he sounds so much more relaxed, so confident that Penny hadn’t realized that she missed this side of Sheldon until it was back. He is certain that his work will get him the Nobel so he feels no pressure to prove himself number one. He knows it, he’s just waiting for the rest of the world to catch up.

She’s looking at plane tickets when a sudden thought crosses her mind. She changes websites and makes some quick math. If they leave tomorrow night then they’ll arrive at Penn Station On Monday early afternoon. She hesitates for a long moment, 4 days in a train, from what she is able to gather the wifi is spotty at best, the food looked damn good though. She goes to book two first class tickets on Amtrak and is pleasantly surprised to see there’s an option for a private room. It looks like a studio apartment almost, they even give you a couch. Not to mention your own bathroom and shower. Feeling more confident (especially because she can afford it) she books the tickets and starts downloading movies on her laptop.

The next day was a hectic one, Penny woke up early to go and sell her car, Sheldon insisted on going with her until she reminded him that selling the car meant they would have to take the bus or a taxi to get back to the Hotel. He wished her a safe trip and he would handle everything related to checking out meanwhile. Wackadoodle.

Penny feels that she got a good deal on the car and before going back to the Hotel she decides to visit the mall. All of her pajamas felt too much like Leonard’s and she wanted to feel like herself again. A Hello Kitty shorts and tank top set, Care Bear lounge pants, and a My Little Pony cami make her feel closer to who she was. And right before leaving the store she sees it, a pink Care Bear onesie-bodysuit, this looks to be more for sexy times than for you to actually sleep in, but it’s so cute! It even has bear ears, and a cute bow!. But the cut reminds her of a Playboy bunny suit. But it’s really cute. No, she couldn’t. It’s too much. She doesn’t even have someone to show it to, well… there’s Sheldon, but no. Penny leaves the store.

A few minutes later she’s back in the store.

After they have an early dinner and make a stop to buy snacks, water and other small stuff. Sheldon doesn't understand why they need snacks and is getting cranky and she cracks, she tells him why and Sheldon goes from cranky man to excited boy once he realizes they’ll be traveling by train.

Arriving at the station Sheldon took charge and he had them on the platform before she knew it. She’s ready to board the train when Sheldon surprises her again with a crushing hug that takes her breath away. Before she can ponder on it he’s already moving and she struggles to follow him.

She hadn’t been aware but it seems because they’re in first class they actually get their own attendant and the meals are free. This train also had something called a quiet room but it was moot because they had their own bedroom. They were warned that even with their own room they should be mindful of other people and wear headphones when watching movies or listening to music.

Penny is kinda disappointed, the pictures online made it seem much bigger than it actually was. But they do get a couch (that becomes a bed), a reading chair, their own bathroom/shower, a pretty cute sink as well as a bunch of towels and linens. Sheldon is super excited about it all and she thinks that this a small price to see him so happy.

The attendant shows them how to unfold the beds and Penny is nicely surprised by the size, she’s going to be super comfy there, poor Sheldon will have to shrimp himself to fit but it looks like he doesn’t care.

They’re informed that the train will make a stop in New Orleans for refueling and checking the breaks, they will have 11 hours to do some sightseeing, shopping, etc. or they could stay in their bedroom but they were warned several times that they need to be back before the 11 hour mark or the train would leave without them.

Once they’re alone she sprawls into the couch and Sheldon joins her, still with that little smile on his face.

"Thank you Penny." He sounds so sincere and so honest. Her heart felt like bursting.

"You’re welcome Sweetie. Now, I don’t know about you but I’m too tired to explore the train right now. According to the itinerary the train is not leaving for another 2 hours. Want to join me on the bed and watch a movie? A girl at work recommended me this movie, ‘Rio’."

Sheldon nodded and yawned, it seems she wasn’t the only one feeling the last few days catching up with them here. In this tiny bedroom, she had to admit she felt safe. Even with them staying at a Hotel she had been dreading running into one of the guys/girls. Here, they were finally on their way to a new life.

"Good, let me go change." It wasn’t until she said the words and started rummaging through her bags that she realized there was nowhere to change. She could feel a funny little thing start in her stomach, she refused to acknowledge it as excitement as she looked at her bag and the bodysuit’s pink taunted her.

"Good idea Penny, I’ll go change in the bathroom." Sheldon quickly grabbed his bag and went into the bathroom.

Of course, the bathroom could also work as a place to change. She was super conscious of Sheldon, they had literally seen that a relationship between them could work but neither was willing to take that first step. Neither had acknowledged Sheldon’s confession in the Bizarro world. Grabbing her new Hello Kitty pajama she quickly changed and feeling a bit chilly adjusted the thermostat of their bedroom until it felt right.

She set up the laptop and soon Sheldon joined her, they lied side by side on the bed with the laptop between them, and when she was about to ask him to share one headphone each, he had produced a splitter, because of course he had. Sheldon Cooper was ready for everything.

The movie was actually funny but Penny was exhausted and found herself nodding off more and more and turned to Sheldon to tell him that they should go to bed, only to find him slumped dead asleep.

Penny put her laptop away, tried to adjust Sheldon as best as she could, but he still ended up on his side and with his back flush against the wall of the train. Opening the miniscule closet she found a pretty decent sized blanket, but just one. Looking at the man sleeping in the bed Penny recalled the words of another version of her ‘You’re both cowards and you’ll start dating in 5 years expecting the time be right for everyone but yourselves."

Very deliberately Penny lied next to Sheldon and covered him with the blanket and before she could reconsider she hugged him and tangled her leg in his. Sheldon was warm, she used the blanket to cover her head and she wasn’t sure if the thumping noise was the train or her heart.

Penny fell asleep with a man in her arms and for the first time in a long time did not feel lonely when doing it.

Sheldon felt warm, even with his eidetic memory he can’t remember the last time he felt this warm, and safe.

Opening his eyes reveal a mass of messy blonde hair, he frowns a little, this is obviously Penny as indicated by the way the sun played with her hair and the vanilla scent of her shampoo. He could feel her soft breathing somewhere between his neck and chest.

Trying to recall last night revealed that they were watching a movie when Sheldon, finally caught up with exhaustion, fell asleep a few minutes into the animated movie.

He could wake Penny up. He could move himself away. But, there was no schedule to adhere to, this train bedroom would be their home for the next 4 days. He had nowhere to be at.

Sheldon decided to go back to sleep. ‘Fascinating.’ was his last thought before Penny’s warmth and soft breathing lulled him back to sleep.

Neither acknowledged the event. Each pretending that nothing out of the ordinary had happened. They opted to have lunch in the appropriate car instead of in their room and Penny was happy that the food was amazing, not to mention that the coffee was heavenly and they could even make her an Irish coffee which she enjoyed in their bedroom as she read a paperback novel she bought on an impulse. Sheldon was working on his laptop as he drank a cup of tea. And Penny couldn’t remember the last time she had been so happy and content.

When it was time for bed, neither said anything but as Sheldon prepared to unfold the upper bunk bed Penny grabbed his wrist. They looked at each other, Penny’s eyes begging him to understand.

Sheldon lowered himself on Penny’s bed and Penny followed him soon after. They would only use one bed for the rest of their trip.

While Penny was finding the train to be much more tolerable than she expected (even enjoyable). The break they had when reaching New Orleans was a welcome one. She dragged Sheldon to try new food, to go shopping and they even found a pretty tiny but cool comic store. Sheldon bought her the first 3 volumes of Sailor Moon and she was already planning on buying the other 7 when they got settled in New York.

The rest of their trip was peaceful. Well, that is, if you don’t count Penny realizing that they found one of Sheldon’s new favorite dishes. The man couldn’t get enough of Club Sandwiches and had already gathered a list of potential new restaurants close to their new home that had the best reviews.

The trip from Penn Station to their Town House was uneventful. The realtor was waiting for them outside the place and he was all smiles and pleasantries, he kept referring to Penny as Sheldon’s wife.

They didn’t bother correcting him.

Once the realtor had left and they were left alone Penny made it her mission to explore their new home, it was even better than she expected, and more spacious.

"Sheldon, where are we going to sleep without beds?" She can see him freeze in his inspection of the doors facing the garden.

"It might have slipped my mind."

And that’s how they find themselves trying to find a furniture store that is open and fate is on their side as only a couple of blocks away there is a store with fantastic reviews. They walk there using Sheldon’s phone as a guide and for a store simply named ‘#1 Brooklyn furniture’ Penny has to admit that it wasn’t empty boasting.

They get there with an hour to spare before they close. Sheldon defers all decisions to her and Penny lets her inner shopaholic out to play. The Cappuccino and Chocolate Sofa set basically choses itself, she can see Sheldon’s new spot as soon as her eyes land on the couch, the loveseat and chair can be used for when they have visits.

She had almost given up on finding a good Ottoman when an oversized gray Ottoman caught her eye and she had to have it. Same for the coffee table, it’s a beautiful walnut color and it has an open storage space which will be perfect to put the laptops or controllers away in a moment plus 4 drawers.

Penny continues to pick random furniture pieces that will fit their home when they get to the Bedroom section. She is suddenly very conscious of Sheldon. They should get two beds. Because they’re sleeping together, but not sleeping together. Penny is not sure what they’re doing but they haven’t really discussed it yet. The train was one thing, but this is a big decision and she’s sure Sheldon will talk about Lumbar support and how he needs his own roo-

"Please make sure to pick a queen bed so we can have enough room." Sheldon is looking very intently at a nightstand and she can’t see his face, but she’s pretty sure his ears are never that red on their own.

"Okay." Her voice comes out as a whisper.

She chooses a Platform Ireland Queen Bed that has a small bookcase in the headboard as well as several drawers. It comes in a beautiful Espresso color and it’s quite tall that she thinks she’ll need a stool to get in their bed.

Their. Bed. ‘Holy Crap on a cracker’. This should feel weird, this should feel wrong. Instead it feels like the most normal thing in the world.

Sheldon pays for it but she’s already done the math and knows how much she has to give him. She'll pay for half of everything, even if she has to force the money down his pants…she takes a moment to enjoy the mental image.

They sleep on the floor that first night in their new home.

Sheldon didn’t tell Penny, after he sent out his email containing proof of the sabotage done to his experiment, Caltech had been sending him emails almost daily, asking for him to return. Sheldon deletes all of them and instead clicks on the email from Columbia University.

Penny decides to get a car. She’s with Sheldon on this one, the subway sucks balls.

Her Care Bear onesie-bodysuit finally makes an appearance when they celebrate their first month living in New York. Sheldon approves. She’s not wearing it for long tho.

Penny’s first big break comes in the form of a music video. Her new agent insists that she listens to the proposal but Penny is not sure. She’s received those offers back in Pasadena and it always involved getting her in the skimpiest clothes they could legally get away with and have her and 6 other women gyrate and grind. But she listens to the proposal and she’s hooked.

She’s not playing a hot blond, she’s playing a mom running away with her daughter. Then she’s asked to appear in another music video, this time she’s a daughter mourning her father while fantasizing about running away with her boyfriend.

She then gets a role as a supporting actress in a small theater play. She’s still working her regular ZanGen job but Penny starts believing that she can make it as an actress again.

She can’t wait to get home to her Wackadoodle.

Howard is not sure how they are all still employed but he thanks his lucky stars. Sheldon left a year ago but not before throwing a live grenade behind him as a parting gift.

Since the Arctic incident Howard had been earning accolades on his own merits and that was what saved him from the worst of it. JPL had vouched for him and his work.

His buddy Raj had made a name for himself but was told in no uncertain terms that he should not apply for tenure any time soon.

Leonard was probably the one that was hit the hardest, his role as leading experimental physicist was given to Leslie Winkle and he was reduced to assistant and told to not make waves or his ass was grass.

Howard looked at Leonard eating lunch across from him and had to admit that he was concerned for him, truly concerned. Leonard had decided to move out from 4A as the rent would be too expensive to pay on his new salary…but for some moronic reason he decided that it was a great idea to move to 4B instead. Even for Howard this was a creepy thing to do.

Penny, their beautiful corn goddess had up and left them but Leonard was struggling to let the idea of her go. When Howard confronted him about moving to 4B Leonard had claimed that it was due to his new salary, that he didn’t have to pay movers which sounded perfectly logical. But Howard didn’t miss the way he would stare wistfully at the stairs, as if Penny would come prancing up the stairs and into her old apartment any day now. It’s been a full year and Howard is starting to get concerned that they might need to stage a friendly intervention for Leonard.

And it’s not like Leonard isn’t trying to date, but-

"Woxanne?" They hear Kripke and all three of them turn to him, but he’s looking at one of the TVs that litter the cafeteria. It takes a moment for Howard to understand what he’s seeing, a music video.

Penny looks good, she no longer has that air of defeat around her, she’s playing the character of a woman in love and Howard is already cringing before turning to Leonard, afraid of his reaction. But the man is lost, he has a goofy smile on his face and Howard doesn’t want to know what goes through his mind at that moment. He shares a look with Raj and his buddy catches the meaning immediately.

And then the credits are rolling, ‘Girlfriend - Penelope Cooper.’

Howard is not at all surprised by the sound of Leonard yelling "WHAT!" but the throwing of his lunch tray to the floor is unexpected and causes everyone, including Howard and Raj, to take a step back.

Leonard looks like he wants to murder someone and you don’t need to be a genius to know who that someone is.

Howard shares a grim look with Raj.

Raj has kept it a secret that he’s been emailing with Penny since she left. He knows about her weird relationship with Sheldon where they treat each other like husband and wife but neither will actually acknowledge it. Raj is convinced it’s an odd form of foreplay for them.

And Raj knows that ‘Penelope Cooper’ is a stage name, just like ‘ Marylin Monroe’. Her agent suggested it and to the surprise of everyone Sheldon agreed that it sounded sophisticated and he approved. Raj is pretty sure he knows the actual reason why Sheldon doesn’t mind.

Raj knows all of this but he won’t say anything. He’s not sure what Leonard would do with that information, and that scares him.

He’s still hoping he can escape Pasadena next month when Penny debuts as the leading lady in ‘Gigi’; he wants to be there on opening night.

After her second music video blew up Penny had to field calls about the whole ‘Penelope Cooper’ thing, not only from her mom and sister but also from Mrs. Cooper, Missy AND Meemaw.

"Honestly Sheldon, it would be easier if we just got married."

"I agree."

And it had been as easy as that. Penny sometimes was frightened by how easy this entire relationship with Sheldon was. And the idea of ‘Penny Cooper’ filled her with a sense of joy and excitement while before, the idea of being ‘Penny Something’ would have made her run for the hills.

Howard invites Leonard and Amy to have dinner. This is mostly so Bernadette can break the news gently to Amy. Raj decided to take a rain check on this whole thing and Howard can’t blame him.

Amy takes the news as well as Leonard did.


He lets Bernadette take care of it, he has his own deranged individual to take care of.

"Hey man, talk to me." Leonard looks bad, after his episode in the cafeteria he can’t blame him. People started whispering, synapses making connections, Leonard was never a shy one, he bragged about Penny to everyone that would listen, and even to those that didn’t.

And the last name ‘Cooper’ was still talked about in Caltech hallways, 1+1=2

"Why did it have to be him, Howard?" Leonard’s voice is grounded glass.

Howard wants to be honest, even at his most neurotic Sheldon was always the one that girls flocked to. Instead he says "I don’t know man, it sucks but it’s not like the world is over. You were doing pretty well with that Kate chick right?"

"I guess, but she’s not-" And Leonard shuts up but Howard still hears it ‘ She’s not Penny’.

Howard let out his breath in a violent burst. " Let's get drunk. I think Amy will be happy to join us."

The next morning Howard wakes up in his garage with Bernadette in his arms. No sign of Leonard or Amy, at least until they get to their bedroom.

Howard was going to have to burn those sheets.

Penny loves their gigantic bed. Sheldon had requested it because he wanted the extra room but it didn’t matter. Even when asleep Penny would find Sheldon and wrap herself around him. He had wisely admitted defeat. Though, their cat loved the extra room to laze around.

"Hey Moonpie, why haven’t you revealed your machine? It’s been almost a year and a half." She loved to listen to his heartbeat like this.

"Ah, it was something that I discussed with that other Sheldon. Giving someone unlimited access to basically raid an unsuspecting universe will only lead to bad and worse outcomes. I will not be another Oppenheimer." His fingers played with her hair. She had noticed that Sheldon loved her hair and teased him about it, only to have him say that her hair was the inspiration he needed to come up with the formula for his machine. Sheldon Cooper got game, who knew.

"That makes sense, so you’re basically trying to get it to do the thing you wanted in the first place, the projector thingy?" She felt him nod.

"Basically. I no longer find myself plagued by thoughts of failure or recognition. Being here in our bed, I find myself satisfied. I know I will succeed but I am in no rush."

She squeezed him and gave him a kiss. "I believe in you."

"I know." And he pulled her up to give her a smoldering kiss.

Bizarro Penny was wrong. It only took them a 4 day train ride for Penny and Sheldon to stop dancing around each other.

But Penny can’t shake the feeling that Bizarro Penny had played her. But with Sheldon in her arms she finds that she doesn’t truly care.



This prompt/story evolved into it's own story. I hope you can read it and enjoy it:


The Bizarro Paradigm Shift

Chapter 15: Odd one out (Bizarro)


Sequel to: Eudaimonia


Raj sees things

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Raj was an outcast. He arrived in America and thought that he would be freed from the yoke of tradition and expectations, only to be met with racism, intolerance and hate.

Meeting Howard was lady luck herself giving Raj a break. The other man wore clothes that were a little too tight on him and he failed to understand why women found him creepy. But, he had accepted Raj as he was, and Raj for the first time found someone that understood that overbearing parents did not equal loving parents.

And then Raj was sucked into the orbit of Sheldon Cooper. The Physicist was brilliant, there was no other way around it. Raj devoured his papers and attended his (very) rare classes. The man was eccentric, Raj got sucked into comic book night, paintball, Thai food. Friends.

And then Penny joined their group, she was the Sun, Sunshine incarnated to this earth. She never made fun of his heritage, nationality or skin color. She would not make fun of him for his other hobbies, The Notebook, Twilight, 50 Shades, The Bachelor. She was a friend he did not know how to appreciate.

While he harbored a not so secret crush on Penny, the one from Leonard’s bordered on obsession. He brought it up once and Leonard whined and compared himself to the protagonists from those ‘chick things’ that Penny likes and Raj’s stomach twisted.

But Leonard was his friend. He ignored the voice that pointed that Penny was his friend as well.

Then the Arctic happened and it became easier to make fun of Sheldon. To reduce him to a cartoon, a child having a tantrum. It made it easier for Raj to ignore the pain in the other man’s eyes.

When Sheldon created the position for Raj, so he wouldn’t be deported, that’s when the first cracks appeared. Sheldon didn’t need to do that. Raj was aware that Penny was now in a higher totem position than himself, Sheldon would move heaven and earth to keep Penny in his circle, and yet he extended a hand to Raj.

Raj rationalized it, Sheldon was selfish, he’s only doing to keep you here. Raj should have focused on the fact that Sheldon wanted him to stay.

And then Raj’s own career started taking off, no longer his success would be tied to Sheldon’s name. It made it easier to regress to previous behaviors. ‘Ignore Sheldon’, ‘He’s special’, ‘He’ll be a real boy one day’

After working so closely with Sheldon it was easy for Raj to catch the small cringes, the twitching hands and blink-and-you-miss-it frowns that showed how their comments hurt Sheldon. But Howards was doing and looking expectantly at him. ‘Howard is my friend.’

But Sheldon had been his friend as well.

When Leonard finally was able to successfully date Penny, Raj had been jealous. How could he not be? But he remained her friend…at least for a while.

Raj had spent enough time around Penny to learn her moods and habits.
-Penny sat next to Sheldon. (Until a disapproving look from Leonard put a stop to that)
-Penny went out dancing. (Until Leonard guilt trip her into staying at home)
-Penny did things with Sheldon. (Until Leonard started being cruel and nasty towards Sheldon after he had been out with Penny)
-Penny smiled a lot when she got laid. (She didn’t smile as often now, only a forced smirk that made her look older)
-Penny joked around with all of them. (Her jokes had an edge now, cruelty right around the corner)
-Penny liked spending time with them. (More and more night she was alone or with the girls)
-Penny liked drinking a glass of wine with dinner. (After Leonard and her started dating, this became a glass with every meal and then Raj caught her smelling like alcohol during her shift at The Factory)
-Penny liked acting. (Penny stopped going to auditions after Leonard accused her of wanting to cheat)
-Penny dressed comfy and in bright colors (She only wore long sleeved blouses and pants in muted colors. Leonard whined if she wasn’t wearing his clothes, even though they didn’t really fit Penny as she was taller than him)
-Penny liked to watch Football and have parties. (Penny only hangs out with them and Leonard now)
-Penny hugged everyone. (Penny now looked to see if Leonard was around first)
-Penny is a happy person by nature. (Penny is no longer happy)

Raj could see how Penny became…less. A muted version of herself.

Leonard argued that Penny was doing better than ever, she had a better paying job (and that also seemed to rankle him), she abandoned acting, she was growing up, she ‘stopped being foolish’. And Raj was certain that Leonard didn’t realize how much like his mother he sounded like in that moment.

And then Penny and Sheldon left. Raj, like everyone else, was shocked, until he stopped to think about it. Sheldon had become withdrawn, just taking the punches from everyone else, including his girlfriend. And Penny was becoming someone Raj refused to recognize.

Sheldon was more than his eccentricities and Penny was more than the wine in her pantry.

The week after Sheldon and Penny were gone was the hardest for Leonard. Raj stopped going to Los Robles altogether when Leonard moved into 4B. He didn’t know how, but the man had purchased the same furniture that Penny had and was basically memorializing the place. One tense pizza night was enough for Raj to never want to return.

Seeing the way Leonard was acting was the wake-up call that Raj needed. He started going to Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) -he wasn’t sure why Howard snickered every time he mentioned it- and was happy to see results. He was able to talk normally to the new waitress at The Cheesecake Factory and was able to make small talk with the mail lady.

Two months after Penny had left, he decided to reply to her email. He apologized for not saying anything to Leonard. For failing as a friend and for not appreciating her enough. He did not mention Leonard, or Howard, or Amy, or Bernadette.

Hitting the send button Raj felt a sense of relief. He hoped that it was enough, he had purposely waited to reply in the evening so Penny could reply after she got home from work and mayb-

The Skype ringing sound makes Raj jump in his seat. It’s Penny.

Before being able to think it twice he clicks to accept the video call and there in all her pixelated glory is Penny. She looks fantastic, much more like the Penny in his earlier memories than the stranger that tried to take her place.

Her smile is back and is soft on her face as she gazes into the camera. "Hey Sweetie." She says softly. She’s clearly in bed and lying on her side, a small orange kitten is lying next to her head on the pillow.

A smile grows on his face as well and tears prickle at the edge of his eyes. Raj now understands what it feels like to see the sun after it has been hidden for years.

They talk and apologize to each other, for missed chances, for broken friendships and they both talk about starting over. Raj is about to ask Penny where she is and if she wouldn’t mind if he went to visit when an arm snakes across her front and she’s pulled back against someone.

Raj freezes at the suddenness of it all, he knows that she’s the one that called him but it still feels like he intruded in something intimate. He’s not sure why but he’s about to apologize when Penny beats him to it.

"Oh, sorry Raj, Sweetie. It’s almost midnight for us and Sheldon is a sleep-cuddler."

He’s having trouble processing any part of that sentence, but he sees the fond exasperation on Penny’s face, how her smile didn’t diminish and more importantly, that she’s sober.

Raj squees in pure excitement and soon Penny joins him. "I know right? But it’s been fantastic." and Penny sighs in pure happiness.

That night Raj goes to bed happier than he has been in a while and it’s all because he knows Penny and Sheldon are okay. Raj and Penny organized a call for next week, he wants to properly apologize to Sheldon and hopefully recover a semblance of a friendship.

Raj is able to talk things out with Sheldon, there’s too much baggage there for things to go back to normal but Sheldon still wants to try, Raj is floored by the offer. Penny later messages him to tell him that Sheldon was happy about starting over and was even considering inviting him to their home.

Penny and Sheldon are in New York. Penny’s social media went private when she left, but he’s lucky to be invited in again to see what their life has been.

There’s pictures of a train, of them eating beignets, Penny posing next to a Sailor Moon cutout, Sheldon in the middle of biting a sandwich, Sheldon with the softest expression ever holding a tiny orange kitten, Penny in a beautiful garden smiling widely with her arms stretched towards the sky, Penny struggling to get up on a gigantic bed, Sheldon and Penny in front of Columbia University, Penny laughing in what looks to be a Chinese restaurant, Sheldon giving a class, Sheldon and Penny sitting side by side on a couch and the orange kitten sitting between them.

They were happy. Maybe it was time for Raj to find some happiness of his own as well. Howard and Bernadette were together and Raj loved his buddy but things were not the same, he had different priorities now. Amy only hangs out with Bernadette, and Leonard dithers between being fully depressive to almost manic, plus there’s an edge there now. Whenever they go out Raj doesn’t miss the way Leonard’s eyes swivel and focus on every blond head.

A few months later Raj is happy to know that Leonard is in a somewhat serious relationship with an undergrad student named Kate, he brings her around for drinks one night and when he sees Kate for the first time he can’t help but share a look with Howard. Howard looks just as put out as him and even Amy makes a small comment. Kate could be Penny’s little sister.

Raj can see history repeating itself, the drinking, the manipulation, how Kate seems scared of Leonard’s reactions. He pulls her aside and tells her the truth. He’s happy to hear that she broke up with Leonard the next day.

And then it finally happens. They’re in the cafeteria when Kripke makes a noise, Raj has been thinking about his PTO days and when he should travel to New York next month when his brain finally catches up to him and he sees Penny on the screen. He has already seen this music video, Sheldon proudly showed it to him on their last call.

He knows there’s a credits roll and what it will say.

Turning to Leonard, Raj is dumbfounded, the man looks as if it’s his girlfriend on the screen. Raj still remembers how Leonard told Penny to grow up and give up on acting and this is that same man?. And it’s because he’s focused on Leonard's face that he sees how it changes, the way he scrunches up his features, the pinched lips that remind him of Beverly, and Leonard is suddenly yelling and throwing his lunch tray on the floor like a toddler being denied something.

He looks at Howard and he can see a similar fear on his face. Leonard is not okay.

New York is really fun. He was already fully crying when Penny came out with the rest of the cast to bow and he had never imagined that Sheldon could clap so much.

He spends a week there and the Coopers open their home to him. There’s Halo, and Pizza, the new addition is Club Sandwich night. They go and visit their new Comic Book Shop, and Raj is pleasantly surprised by the cozy atmosphere and attached coffee shop.

Raj makes small talk with the barista which he initially thought to be an Indian expat like himself but her French accent captured his attention immediately. Her name was Naeema and she was from Mauritius. Penny pulled Sheldon to explain that they should give Raj some space and Raj made a note to buy her a gift basket.

This first trip makes him look at New York and wonder ‘What if.’

By the time Penny and Sheldon announce their pregnancy a year later, Raj is living only 20 minutes away with his girlfriend, Naeema.

Verum Finis.


You got me dakotaawolven, I read your comment and inspiration hit me immediately. For you.

Chapter 16: Concupiscence


Sheldon doesn't appreciate losing sleep and he takes matters into his own hands.


Okay, lads and lasses.

This is the chapter that finally pushed the rating of the fic. And this is also outside of my comfort zone. We've got some graphic depictions of sex, so if that's not your cup of tea, I'll see you in the next chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny knew she shouldn’t do this, but she was so close, so close. Just a little push and she’d be golden and be able to go to sleep, satisfied and sated. Sheldon just needed to give her that push over the edge.

"Danger!, Dang-oh, it’s you again Penny." Sheldon looked tired and Penny kinda felt bad about waking him up again.

"I know, I know Sheldon but I’m so close to leveling up. I am so close to level 30 that I can taste it. But the NPCs are not talking to me and I’m in Semira and don’t know how to reach that peak without grinding Pastun mobs and that’s boring. Can you help me reach level 30?, pretty please"

"Penny, you’re already at Semir-no, no, no. This is the fifth night in a row that you interrupt my regular REM cycle requesting assistance with your Age of Conan character." Sheldon looked at her exasperated and Penny felt bad again because he did look tired.

"Sheldon, I swear this is the last tim-" He interrupted her.

"Would me assisting you in reaching orgasm, make you go back to sleep instead. And allow me full uninterrupted sleep from now on?"

"What?" Her breath is gone and it comes out as a breathless squeak. She must have misheard him. There’s no way he just said that.

"Penny. It has become abundantly clear that your new found obsession with Age of Conan comes from what you described as a ‘dry spell’. I am willing to assist you to reach orgasm without coitus so that you can return to your regular routine while still enjoying the game with moderation. Do you agree to these terms?" He looked at her expectantly.

Holy crap on a cracker. He really did just say that.

Penny flushed with anger. How dare Sheldon insinuate that the only reason she was playing AoC so late into the night was because she was sexually frustrated. Penny shook in anger and opened her mouth to tell Sheldon to go to hell, that she was fine, she didn’t need this so-called ‘help’ . Thank you very much.

"Okay." Penny was also horny.

Penny was 99% sure that Sheldon was just joking. He wanted to play chicken until Penny freaked out and called off the whole thing so he could go back to bed and not help her get to level 30. Well, Penny was an expert at playing chicken, she grew up playing chicken with the tractors on the farm and she never lost, not once.

And a tiny, really miniscule part of her brain was curious. She wasn’t blind after all, Sheldon was tall, he had really nice hands and forearms. He was skinnier than her regular choice of date but he had some good muscles under the superhero tees. ‘Okay Penny, stop.’ Maybe she did need to get laid if Sheldon Cooper was looking like a good option.

"Very well, do you have hot water in your shower?"

Huh? "Yes…" Penny answered hesitantly, unsure on where he was going with this.

"Excellent, then let us depart to your apartment. I’ll feel more comfortable if we do this under the shower, AFTER, we both clean ourselves of course." Sheldon got up and put on his robe, like they were going to have tea or something. His face didn’t even looked anxious or worried and that gave Penny courage ‘So you think I’ll chicken out just because you put on your robe huh?"

Penny opened the door and walked back to her apartment, careful to not make too much noise. She didn’t think she could explain what was happening to Leonard without sounding deranged.

Sheldon followed right behind her and Penny started feeling the first signs of anxiety. Sheldon was not backing down, but turning to look at his perfectly peaceful and innocent face made Penny’s resolve strengthen. She was not going to be the one to back down.

Once Sheldon was inside her apartment she made sure to lock it. The click suddenly very loud in her ears.

"Oh dear lord, Penny. I’m making an additional addendum to our deal. You will let me clean your apartment after I’ve helped you achieve orgasm."

Penny flushed, he sounded so very matter of factly, so business-like, and it rankled something inside of her. ‘That’s how you want to play Moonpie? Okay’.

"You’re sounding very confident that you’ll make me cum, for a virgin I mean." Okay, that came out meaner than she intended.

"A virgin? Ah, yes. I suppose my lack of ‘bragging’ compared to the horned up monkeys I call friends might have given you that impression. But no, I’m not a virgin." He had the same posture he did as when he lectured her on why one detergent was better than the other. "Shall we?." He gestures with one arm to her bedroom.

Penny can’t seem to close her mouth. In one sentence Sheldon just changed her entire perception of him. The anxiety in her stomach is suddenly much more present, ‘maybe he wasn’t joking?’, but then she takes a look at his regular smug face and Penny is not going to back down.

"We shall." She’s already removing her robe and throwing it on her bed.

She hears Sheldon click his tongue and looks back to seem him pick it up and fold it properly on top of her dresser. Sheldon is not backing down. The anxiety in her belly is suddenly joined by another feeling, excitement.

Before she can think twice about it Penny quickly removes her clothes and throws them on the floor. Then picks them up and throws them in the hamper instead. She walks into her tub and is debating on closing the curtains or not and if this will be enough to make Sheldon fold when the man himself walks into her bathroom.


Not wearing anything.

Not a stitch of clothing on him.

Penny’s mouth is suddenly dry, ‘That Sheldon is really good at playing chicken.’, the feeling in her belly is now red hot and moving south.

Sheldon’s eyes don’t wander, he’s looking at her face, and for some reason that makes her want to cover herself. Penny has never been shy about her body. She knows she has great boobs and a fantastic ass, and whenever she brought a date home she would relish in the looks she received once clothes were off.

But Sheldon’s eyes don’t stray down further than her face. She knows she’s blushing and she’s the first to look down at him.

Sheldon looks good, he’s got that swimmer thing going on. All sinewy muscles and long limbs. She follows the line of hair from his bellybutton to his dick and she’s not sure why she’s surprised that he’s hard, but she is. He’s not the largest she’s ever seen but he’s packing heat. Her mouth is drier than the desert while her crotch is making up for the difference. ‘Maybe he wasn’t playing chicken.’

She’s not sure who this man is but it’s so unlike the Shel-

"Really Penny?, you need to invest in some adhesive stickers for your bathtub. For 99 cents you ensure proper safety while enjoying your shower."

Ah, no, this was still Sheldon. And that makes her calm down. He was still the same Wackadoodle.

Sheldon then gets into the shower, turns it out and tells her ‘Please shower’. And Penny is once again gripped in the vice grip of her pussy…metaphorically speaking of course.

As she washes her body and watches Sheldon do the same, Penny's brain is a mess of thoughts. She of course knew that Sheldon was tall, but now in the shower with her she was more aware of that fact than she ever had been. He could cover her with his body, she would need to climb him like a tree if she wanted to kiss him properly.

The way the muscles in his arms moved and rippled as he cleaned himself made her want to take a nibble of him and see the skin redden and bruise as he moaned her name…

Maybe Sheldon was right, she was too horned up for proper thinking.

"Would you like to start now?" How could he sound so normal when she was coming apart at the seams?

"Yeah" Her voice was deep and husky. She decided to just let go. The water spray was warm and she had a warm body next to her. Most likely this would be a disaster, he might try to jam two fingers into her and just wiggle them around expecting things to happen and she would be even more frustrated bu-

Sheldon’s hand is suddenly on her hip and her brain goes blank, he runs his fingers delicately over her skin, making her shiver. His other hand goes to her side, right below her breast, his thumb rubbing circles that almost touch the underside of her breast and she needs to close her eyes.

The hand exploring her hip suddenly grows more confident and runs down to her asscheek giving it a squeeze, harder than she expected.

There’s a moan and Penny takes too long to realize it came from her.

And then his hand is suddenly gone and Penny opens her eyes, desperately wanting to ask for more but when she sees the hand moving towards her crotch she thinks ‘Shut up and let the Doctor work’.

He doesn’t touch her aching pussy much to her displeasure, he instead is touching her tummy, running his thumb down the landing strip and frustratingly stopping before actually touching her pussy.

Penny holds onto Sheldon’s arms and mewls in disappointment. ‘I’m going to kill him.’

She turns to look up at him and demand that he touches her when he’s suddenly there. His hand is in her inner thigh caressing her and the length of his finger is suddenly rubbing her in a way that makes her knees weak, and then his thumb is dancing on her clit and Penny sees stars.

She’s always been vocal when coming. But the guttural growl that comes out of her is new.

Penny’s panting and holding onto Sheldon for dear life. She looks up at him to glare, this shouldn’t be happening. Sheldon is looking down at her and if it wasn’t for his raging cock and full body flush she would not be able to tell that he was affected at all, and that made her angry.

She sees one of Sheldon’s perfect eyebrows go up and he asks, "Would you like another one?"

Damn him, he sounds like he’s asking her if she wants another dumpling. She should tell him to fuck off, to go back to his apartment and leave her alone.

Instead she manages a shaky nod.

This time he’s more confident and plays with her lips. Penny finds it easier to moan this second time around. He takes his time, and she suspects that he’s keeping her on the brink of her second orgasm on purpose, his fingers teasing that they might slip into her only to pull back at the last second. She’s almost sobbing when Sheldon finally takes pity and plunges his fingers in her, he then hooks his fingers and does a c’mon sign twice.

This time Penny swears that she passed out for a second. She’s still holding onto Sheldon, barely. A part of Penny’s mind still actually offended, here she was, a nubile and fertile young woman in the arms of Sheldon Cooper and he had not touched himself, made suggestive remarks or even tried to rub his dick on her body. For all intents and purposes he was a gentleman (Ha, right.).

She looked up at him and this time she could see his slightly faster breathing. He is being affected by this. She wants to offer to help with his hard-on, to be sexy and inviting.

Instead Penny manages a very drunk sounding "Third’s time's the charm."

She passes out in his arms this time.

Penny wakes up feeling very relaxed. She can’t remember the last time she woke up feeling this good, the smile on her face was there since before she woke up.

She stretches her arms and the sheets shift slightly making her freeze. She’s naked. She never goes to bed naked. And the events of last night hit her like a freight train.

‘It was a dream.’ But the state of cleanliness of her room tells her otherwise.

Penny lets her head hit the pillow again and she just stares at the ceiling.

"Well…crap." She says to no one. "Now what?."

It’s still rather early, Sheldon and Leonard must be having breakfast right now. It would be normal for her to go get the milk for her coffee, right?

Putting on some cute (and clean) pajamas as well as fixing her hair and putting enough makeup to seem natural, she walks into 4A.

Sheldon is in his spot eating cereal and watching TV. Penny freezes at the sight of him. He looks very normal, very Sheldon-like, he’s not acting flustered at her entering his apartment. He offers a good morning and warns her to not use all the milk before going back to his cereal and show.

Maybe she did dream about it. But the way her body is hyper relaxed, the permanent smile on her face and more importantly the slight tingling in her belly reassures her that she’s not crazy and that it did happen.

Leonard is in the kitchen island with his own cup of coffee and newspaper. He’s trying to talk to her but she’s too distracted for conversation at the moment. She feels like a bitch but Leonard finally gets the hint and goes back to his newspaper.

Penny’s observing Sheldon. He shattered a lot of ideas she had of him last night. And yet here he was sitting down and eating cereal like it was the most normal thing in the world to do after giving Penny 3 earth shattering orgasms without actually fucking.

This. Was. Not. Fair.

She needed a plan. Leaving 4A with a quick goodbye Penny went back to her own place, she had a shift in a couple of hours and needed to think.

Penny was currently a very happy but confused girl. She knows that with everything that has happened this is not the correct thing to focus on but she can’t help but only think about one thing.

Why didn’t Sheldon ask for anything from her? Not like the ‘cleaning the apartment stuff’, but last night in the shower he was obviously very aroused. Penny would have happily helped him.

Wackadoodle. He had a deal after all and unfortunately for him Penny was now ready to get to the bottom of this. (And of his pants.)

Her shift went by rather quickly and she was happy to see it was a very good day for tips. She now needed to go back home and talk to Sheldon, maybe offer her help in the same way he had helped her.

It takes her 3 days to gather the courage to approach him. She can’t exactly blurt ‘Can you give me another orgasm?’ during dinner, so she waits, and waits, and waits some more. And then, after a long shift she’s entering 4A and only Sheldon is there.

"Hey Honey, where are the rest of the guys?"

"Hi Penny. Good evening. Leonard and the rest are partaking in the dreadful event that is Anything-can-happen-Thursday, and previous evidence suggests that this is actually Let’s-go-drinking-until-it’s-morning-and-we-realized-that-we-failed-to-find-a-partner-to-achieve-coitus-with-Thursday." Sheldon is shaking his head like this is the saddest thing he has ever heard. "This is why they will never be successful in their fields."

Sheldon looks at her, "I took the liberty of ordering your regular Chinese takeout order, I hope that’s acceptable?." He really had clear eyes.

And Penny is suddenly nervous, they’re alone. "Yeah Honey, thanks."

Sheldon nods and goes back to reading a handful of papers. Penny feels hyper aware of everything and she can’t just stand here in the entrance all night, but she’s not sure how to act. Since that night in her shower Penny has been trying to find the best way to approach him to talk about this, but he’s just been acting like the same ol’ Sheldon. Penny has been trying to catch him checking her out or see if he’s nervous about her being present, but no, he’s acting cool as a cucumber.

And that pissed her off.

Feeling that she was moving like a robot, she took her regular place in the middle cushion next to Sheldon and she tried to be discreet about observing him but his ‘Penny, what’s so fascinating about my hands?’ comment makes her realize she’s not successful.

The anger makes it easier to get the words out, and just as Penny opens her mouth, to demand that he tells her the truth on how he felt, if he enjoyed it, why he wasn’t bothered or acting differently. That’s the moment Sheldon chooses to speak.

"If you’d like another orgasm, can it please wait for after we have dinner?." And he doesn’t even bother looking up from the papers he’s reading.

Unfrakingbelieveable. The nerve of this man. No Moonpie, it doesn’t work like that. So she’s not sure why instead she answers with a "Okay, sounds good."

Sheldon nods and tells her "Thank you."

Maybe she fell in the shower and she’s hallucinating this entire thing? She’s bleeding out after knocking herself out on the edge of the tub and her brain is feeding her this fantasy…her brain was one sick puppy if that was the case.

Penny turns on the TV and is not even watching it, she’s high strung and coiled tightly. She keeps telling herself that she’s not looking forward to it, that she’s not counting down the minutes until the food gets there. And she’s failing miserably.

There’s a knock on the door and she jumps from the couch, grabs the money off the coffee table, launches herself to the door, takes the food, pays the delivery guy, closes (and locks) the door, and is back on the couch in seconds. Sheldon hasn’t even looked up yet.

"Oh the food is here, goody." Sheldon starts going through the bag and Penny can’t help but stare at him. He sounded more excited about the food than about making her cum, and okay, ouch. Penny’s resolve only hardens ‘We’ll see if you’re so calm later Moonpie."

Penny forces herself to eat at her regular pace, she almost chokes when Sheldon asks, ‘Would you like another one?’ and points to the dumplings. She’s ruined, he said that in the most innocent way possible and her panties are flooded. Penny can only close her eyes in mortification.

Sheldon was killing her and he didn’t even know it.

She gets that second dumpling, blushing for the entire rest of dinner.

Penny still finished before Sheldon did…and everything sounds dirty to her now. She can’t settle down, because she didn’t have to ask, Sheldon offered, and she’s feeling as horny as a Chihuahua with a plushie.

Sheldon is in no rush to finish his dinner, because of course he’s not. It’s not like he has anything to do right? Penny meanwhile is looking at his arms and hands, fantasizing about how his hands will feel on her which is made easier now that she’s not actually imagining it, but remembering it.

Penny has had enough. "Uh, are we doing this in your shower or mine?" She’s not sure if she managed the nonchalant tone she was going for.

"If you don’t mind, I think it would be safer for the both of us if we used my shower. I have whimsical ducks stickers that will keep us from slipping and cracking open our skulls." The calm way he was acting about this should not be getting her this bothered, he was not trying to be sexy or mysterious or anything like that, and his calm and quiet confidence was making her squeeze the cushion in a death grip and press her thighs together. Maybe Penny was the Wackadoodle.

"Okay." Penny said happily and was already moving to the bathroom before Sheldon reminded her to get a change of clothes as well as her own towel and robe, and Penny wants to scream in frustration. This was too much like orgasm denial for her liking and her suspicion that Sheldon was doing this on purpose grew.

Once again he asked her to go first while he got rid of the trash, disinfected the table, etc. but he did join her after a couple of minutes. She felt more confident in looking now so while she washed herself she made it no secret that she was ogling him and he did not seem to mind.

This time he doesn’t say anything, he just touches her sides, gently, softly. His huge hands are touching her like she’s something precious and the thought brings tears to her eyes. She’s had guys touch her like she’s a thing, manhandle her, painfully squeeze her and desperately touch her as if she would disappear. This feels new and good, the heat that made her think she was going to cum at his first touch is still there, but now it’s boiling slowly. Penny is going to enjoy this the second time around and not rush to the goal line.

Her hands grab ahold of his arms as she leans into his touch. She closes her eyes to enjoy the sensations more, one of his hands moves to her crotch and he starts playing with her scant pubic hair, he rubbing it between two fingers and she can feel the slightest of pressure as he pulls on the fine hairs. She’s really digging this, it feels slow and she’s going to be able to drag this feeling out.

And then Sheldon’s other hand lightly pinches her nipple and she’s undone in a moment. Sheldon must be cheating, there’s no way this just happened. Her mouth is still open from groaning and she looks up at the calm man lightly caressing her still and just says "How?"

She’s expecting him to not know what she’s talking about, to play dumb. But he answers her honestly. "I have an eidetic memory Penny. I can recall every caress that made you shiver, clench or jump at a moment’s notice. Analyzing this information to find the most efficient way for you to achieve orgasm and then creating and now implementing the plan was as easy as solving the issue of rockets retro-propulsion and reentry to earth."

And maybe you could catch crazy after all. Because that was the hottest thing she’s heard in months.

"Huh, that is actually very hot and cool."

Sheldon tilted his head, like a puppy. "How can one thing be two separate extremes at once?"

Penny can’t help it, she laughs and she hugs him fully and for the first time since this whole thing began she feels Sheldon freeze. Suddenly very conscious of the hardness pressing against her tummy she is about to step back when she feels his dick rub the smallest amount against her, but for Penny is triumph. ‘Got you Moonpie.’

"Penny, while appreciate the sentiment behind this gesture, perhaps we should disentangle so I can continue providing my assistance." His voice is no longer confident, the slight shake of it feels monumental to Penny.

Penny’s head is exactly the right height to bury her face in his neck and Sheldon’s arms go around her as if in response. She’s not sure if it’s to stop her or to push her closer to him but when her lips find that pulse point on his neck and kiss it, Sheldon lets out a quiet hiss.

"Hey Moonpie, why didn’t you ask for my help the other night? It was obvious you were also very horny."

"Penny, I find you incredibly appealing and I feel sexually attracted to you, however, please don’t use the name my Meemaw uses while we’re in this position. I implore you."

Penny laughs low and dirty because yeah, this is happening. It’s weird but it’s still very Sheldon. "Sorry Sheldon." And she kisses his neck in apology.

The sudden hand on her ass makes her jump a little and Sheldon’s voice is in her ear, low and husky. "To answer your question. It was not part of the deal. I simply assisted you, dried you off and put you to bed." A pregnant pause "I then retired to my room so I could satisfy my urges and once I had cleaned myself I returned to your apartment to attempt to clean it."

Penny doesn’t know why the thought of him returning to his room to masturbate makes her want to cry. She’s moved because it never even crossed his mind to take advantage of her, they made a deal and he stuck to it simply because it was the right thing to do. She’s also feeling proud because it means that she did affect him, the great Sheldon Cooper was attracted to her (she hadn’t missed THAT part). And she’s also feeling a bit sad because he was alone.

"So…can we alter our agreement? You help me, I help you."

"Penny. I-"

But she’s already making room between them and touching his dick, running her nails lightly on its length before taking a hold of it and starting to pump it.

Sheldon sort of folds on top of her, his face is now in the crook of her neck, his breath makes her shiver, and the hand on her ass grips her a little bit tighter while his other hand is splayed over her back.

Penny is in no rush. She doesn’t want this to be a competition to see who can make who cum the fastest. She’s always had a soft spot for Sheldon, even at his most neurotic, and this is another thing that they share. Penny is really unsure about what this thing between them is, but she can see it working. She can see herself falling for her tall neighbor and it’s not a scary thought. He drives her crazy but as this last week has shown, he can also drive her crazy in bed. She wouldn’t have to worry about him checking out other girls, much less cheating on her.

She can hear his breathing get more labored and erratic so she stops, she doesn’t want this to be over just yet, the groan of disappointment from Sheldon makes her smile.

"I’m also attracted to you. But you never showed interest, you seemed happy without being involved with me." Sheldon frowns slightly at her words, considering them seriously.

"Your hair." She’s the one frowning now, Sheldon is not looking at her, his eyes are far away deep into himself.

"The way the light played off your hair was the first thing I noticed. The way you smiled, fearless and brave made me want to see you smile at every waking moment. How, unlike me, you have a way of dealing with people and try to see the best in them. I was certain that your kindness was faked, that you would tire of us, of me. The moment I realized your kindness was true, I…" Sheldon shuts up and he’s back in the moment.

The emotion in his eyes threatens to swallow her. She’s not sure that she wants to identify it and yet, she’s longing for it. She should stop, this is getting too real, he wanted to explain that he was attracted to her and instead it sounded like a love confession. She needs to take a step back, the pain from her relationship with Kurt is a dull pain now, but she doesn’t want to commit again…does she?. Penny swallows the lump in her throat.

She can put a stop to this. She should.

It’s quiet in the bathroom but for the sound of the cooling shower spray, the soundtrack to this intimate moment.

And then Sheldon’s hand on her back pushes her to him. And she lets it.

She kisses him. And he answers in kind.

It’s awkward, he’s too tall, the shower is too small. And yet it’s perfect. The kiss is slow and gentle. She feels him slide down the shower wall until he’s sitting on the edge of the tub and she adjusts herself, straddles him.

Penny is not drunk, she’s fully conscious of what she’s doing and with whom, and it feels right. So she doesn’t hesitate to guide him into her. His length stretches her folds.

Her arms go around his neck and their foreheads meet, her hair forming a curtain around them. And nothing else exists in the universe.

Just Sheldon and Penny.

Hours later, Penny is laying in Sheldon’s bed. Her head on his chest and she’s watching him sleep.

After they had sex in the bathroom, the shower spray was suddenly too cold. She guided him to his bedroom and while she expected some sort of protest Sheldon just followed her quietly. Once in his bedroom Sheldon grew confident again, his kisses a little more intense and Penny lost herself in him.

The intense energy he used for Physics now focused on her.

He did not lie, even seemingly lost in passion Sheldon kept learning, once he found an angle that made her curl her toes he would hit it time after time. The right way to pinch her nipple or how much she liked when he caressed her ass.

Sheldon Cooper did not stop until he was the best at something. Penny was more than willing to help him along the way as she also learned what made him hiss in pleasure, what made him close his eyes to not be overwhelmed and what hip movement made him moan. Penny also wanted to be the best.

Penny is not sure what to call what they did in his bedroom. To call it sex seems insufficient, it was more intimate, more passionate, it left her feeling satisfied in both body and mind.

It was making love.

She’s expecting to want to cringe once it crosses her mind but she’s feeling pretty at peace with it. She’s not sure if she loves Sheldon, but she can see it. She can see herself falling in love with the big Wackadoodle.

She’s kissing the spot right below his nipple when Sheldon’s door is opened and Leonard’s head appears.

"Sheldon? Was Penny here? I think I saw her clothes in the bathr-"

Leonard freezes in place and his mouth is moving but not making any sounds. Strangely enough, Penny thinks that he looks like he’s about to cry.

"Hi Leonard, Sweetie. I’ll be staying the night, hope you don’t mind." Penny’s voice is soft and she gives him a friendly wave.

She can see Leonard swallow with difficulty and nod a couple of times. "Okay, ‘night." he squeaks and quietly closes the door.

Penny knew that Leonard had a little crush on her, so she’ll try to wake up early tomorrow to clear the air with him.

But for now she’s tired and she’s in the arms of a man she can love.

Penny has the best sleep of her life.


The prompt for this was:

Penny wakes up sheldon for the 5th time in a row for Age of Conan advise
Sheldon has enough and offers to give penny an orgasm if it will settle her down and allow him to sleep properly again
Penny agrees being curious and thinking Sheldon will bail
Sheldon asks that they do it in the shower after they both have cleaned themselves
Penny agrees and they go to her apartment
Sheldon is a quick learner and in no time is able to give Penny an orgasm
Once she calms down she realizes that Sheldon is very hard but is not touching himself and even she half expected him to ask her to touch him, he does not
Sheldon simply asks ¨Would you like another one?¨ as if he was offering another dumpling
Penny is upset because despite the evidence that he is affected, his voice is very calm
She still nods because that felt great
Sheldon gives her another orgasm that leaves her breathless and basically hanging off from him.
She slurred that a third one would be great and he complies.
She passes out and wakes up in her bed next morning thinking it was a dream.
Except her body is super relaxed and she can see evidence that Sheldon cleaned up her room
Penny is now super aware of Sheldon and ends up asking for another orgasm a few days later and he agrees as long as it doesn’t affect his REM cycle
Penny is a very happy girl but also a very confused one.
She asks Sheldon why he doesn’t touch himself and he replies that he does, once he is alone.
Penny feels that’s unfair and wants to help him as well

Update 01/04/24:
This was expanded into its own one-shot:


The Climax Alternative

Chapter 17: Upend


Penny hits her head and has a surprise waiting for her when she wakes up.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny was feeling pretty stupid. As she waited for the moment for her head to hit the stone bench she wondered if they would make this moment a part of that TV show ‘1000 ways to die’. The girl that died on her wedding day because one of her heels broke.

She never thought that this moment would give her the time to think so much. But time was moving slowly and she just knew that once her head made contact with the stone bench behind her, that would be it for her. Kaput.

Penny is also pretty relieved to not have to go through the whole wedding thing. She had proposed to Leonard, he had said yes…and here they were. Penny knew that her entire attitude towards this wedding thing had been less than enthusiastic but she kept waiting for that moment of ‘I’m happy’, except, it never came.

She kept going through the motions, picking flowers, a wedding cake, calming Sheldon down by reassuring him for the 100th time that ‘Yes Sheldon, I do want to get married…yes, to Leonard.’. She did the whole pony and dog show while feeling pretty empty inside. She wanted to call off the entire thing but Leonard looked so happy that, well, she just played along.

Maybe her mom was right and Penny was going to hell.

Leonard just wasn’t it. She had been scared of ending up alone, he had been there, she had gotten used to him, it was just easier to pretend. She had reached her mid-thirties and everyone else was getting paired up, even Sheldon. So she took what she had and ran with it.

She does hope that Leonard finds someone nice after she’s gone. Here, moments away from her death she can be honest. They were terrible for each other. She found him boring and dull, he found her boring and dumb, the sex was okay most of the time…when he didn’t had to stop in the middle of it to take a hit of his inhaler, she missed eating cheese and ice-cream and resented him for it, they had nothing to talk about, most nights they ended up drinking way too much and she feared they were well on their way to become alcoholics. She lied about the spark. He cheated on her.

It felt good to let go of things. If she could go back in time, she would do things differently, be a better friend to Sheldon. Not date Leonard. Take acting seriously. Stop drinking. Not hook up with that guy that gave her a UTI.

Then her world fills with pain, she can hear a sickening snap and someone yelling her name. Then darkness.

Penny’s world is still full of pain for a moment after she wakes up. She keeps her eyes closed both because it makes it easier to handle the pain but also to try and keep the nausea under control.

‘Fuck, I survived.’ Penny knows that she should be grateful to have survived but she can’t, she’s probably going to be recovering for months, she might not walk again, she…is kicked out of bed.

Penny lies on the floor in utter confusion because she's fine. The fall from the bed makes her open her eyes and she automatically moves to stand up, noticing that her arms and legs are working fine, more than fine actually, she hasn’t felt this good in years. The pain that assaulted her when waking up is gone, now only a bad memory.

‘Can’t remember the last time I was kicked out of bed. The last time it happened it was when I was still with Kurt’ Looking around, Penny notices that this is not a hospital room. She’s in a room she thought she would never see again.

She’s at Kurt’s apartment and he just kicked her out of bed in his sleep.

It was a bad habit of his, born out of living in a house with 5 other brothers. She found it cute at first, she found it infuriating after 3 years.

Penny is feeling cold, like her limbs have been replaced with icicles. Nausea threatens her again but she loses this time, her body knows exactly where the toilet is and she just makes it in time before she’s vomiting whatever was in her stomach.

This was impossible. ‘You mean improbable.’ A memory surfaces, Sheldon.

On shaky legs Penny goes out to the kitchen, she always kept a calendar on the fridge, she needed to see the date. Her lower lip trembled, this was all too much, what was she supposed to do?

The calendar is exactly where she remembers and the date on it takes her breath away, 14th of December, 2002. Two months since they’ve been in Pasadena. Two months since Penny started working at The Cheesecake Factory. Two months since she left home and never looked back.

Penny is hyperventilating now, she can’t do this. She’s going to have to spend 4 years with Kurt knowing that he is already cheating on her? Once their relationship broke down he was not shy about telling her who he had fucked and when. Looking at the clock on the microwave showed that it was 5:23 am. Kurt probably had arrived here about an hour ago from the club, he would be dead to the world until 2 or 3 pm, she could be shooting buckshot next to his face and he would not wake up.

She was not planning on being here when that happened. Making a decision she grabbed the same bags that she used to escape Omaha and once again filled them to the brim and the stuff that didn’t fit she just put into garbage bags and carried it all to her car, she did not forget the TV this time.

Taking a moment to write a note for Kurt, she makes sure to burn that bridge thoroughly, Kurt will be pissed and also scared that she knows so much about his shitty behavior.

By the time 10 am rolled around Penny had emptied Kurt’s apartment of her things and was driving to Los Robles.

Penny is not sure what to expect when she gets to the building. She knows exactly why she’s here, because she needs her 0,0,0,0.

For the first time ever she thanks Sheldon for being his thorough self. The first thing she sees when approaching the lobby doors is a printed paper with the words ‘Roommate required’ and is signed by her Wackadoodle.

The elevator is actually working so her legs are spared the climb. While she waits to arrive at the 4th floor landing Penny takes a moment to check her appearance. She doesn’t own anything remotely business casual at this stage of her life so she goes with skinny jeans and a flowery blouse with no cleavage, her vans also received a quick wipe with Clorox and too many napkins.

She was nervous, she could admit that. Leonard told her horror stories of how bad Sheldon was before he arrived, but she was not the 21 year old Penny that would have balked at the Wackadoodle once he opened his mouth. She was the 35 year old Penny that had been friends with Sheldon for over a decade.

She was about to knock when Penny had a fun idea.

*knock, knock, knock*
*knock, knock, knock*
*knock, knock, knock*

Sheldon opened the door as soon as she finished with the third set and was looking at her with his eyebrows raised in pleasant surprise.

"Hi, my name is Penny. I saw the announcement on the door. Are you still looking for a roommate?"

"Hello Penny. I’m Dr. Sheldon Cooper, and yes, please come on in and I’ll ask you some questions to determine if you would be a good fit."

She entered the apartment and was surprised to see the couch missing and instead there were two lawn chairs, one in Sheldon’s spot and the other where Leonard’s chair would usually sit. Sheldon was now carrying a clipboard and had what she recognized as his ‘serious face’.

‘Bring it on Moonpie.’

Penny shouldn’t have been surprised by some of the questions he had, Star Trek, Paintball, Halo, Batman, Flash, if she knew how to use a gun, how she would act in a zombie apocalypse scenario, if she could drive him to work. Honestly, this was just regular Sheldon and not the robot described by Leonard.

"Last question. When would you be able to move in?."

"Right now."

"Excellent." He didn’t even bat an eye at that. Wackadoodle. "Here is the roommate agreement, once you sign it I’ll provide you with your own key. And since you’re moving in the middle of the month, as stated on the Roommate agreement you only have to pay for half of the rent and services, for a total of $208.50, which you have until December 28th to provide."

"Ah, no need, here you go." Penny was glad she arrived before her past self had spent it all on shoes.

"Excellent, allow me a moment to find the exact change." She didn’t bother arguing with Sheldon, she was perfectly aware of his views on owing anything.

Back at her car Penny realized that she had no idea when her next shift in The Factory was and she was thankful that her binder had the whole week planned. She didn’t have a shift today by pure luck but tomorrow she had the breakfast shift and experienced or not, Penny still hated that shift…which, now that she thought about it, she hadn’t had to work it in like 5 years.

In fact, she had already made a big change. She took the room from Leonard, which was fine, Leonard would still meet Sheldon at work and they’d hit it off so she didn’t feel bad about it.

One big change done, so why shouldn’t she also make other changes? Other decisions, better choices.

To start, Penny made an oath to never date Leonard. That was just a disaster waiting to happen and she wanted to do better this time around.

Take acting seriously, maybe go to UCLA for acting.

Find a better job.

She should listen to some of Sheldon’s ideas and suggestions from time to time.

Maybe try playing a Necromancer on Age of Conan.

Definitely drink less.

And...not be so focused on finding someone to be with. She’s explored that road and it's taken her to some bad places.

Yeah, all of that sounds great. Maybe she can even prevent Bernadette from meeting Howard. ‘There’s an idea’

For now though, she’s got a Wackadoodle in her life and that’s all she needs. And also tonight is new comic book night, if she remembers correctly.

Penny, feeling happier than she had in years, skipped towards her new apartment and roommate. ‘You got this Penny.’


I like the idea of Penny being able to go back and do things differently.

Chapter 18: Permutation (Little Sister)


Penny is not the youngest child. She has a little sister that is now moving to Pasadena.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

It’s been 6 years since Penny moved out to Pasadena. True, it’s not what she expected her life to be at 24, but overall she’s been lucky. She got out of her relationship with Kurt, she’s expanded her worldview thanks to her genius neighbors, she got a small role in a play, she was dating around and even had a little thing going with Leonard.

Which, okay. It wasn’t exactly exciting and maybe she was a little unfair but it felt nice to be wanted by a nice guy…and you could never pry this out of her mouth under torture but Penny had to admit it fed her ego in an ugly way. But as time passed she found herself considering saying yes to the date invitation that seemed to always be present on Leonard’s face.

She flirted with Sheldon a couple of times but the man was oblivious and Penny had her pride, she was not going to chase after a man, not after Kurt. Was it so bad to want to be chased? Yes, Sheldon had those pianist hands, and the baby blues, and the height, and the confidence, and that little shy smile that turned her to mush, and he would always try to find ways to get under her skin, and she could read his eyes to know exactly what he was thinking about…But, he needed to express his emotions better, he could be more than a little condescending, he needed to have his way every time, and he was not a flexible person. But dammit, he was her friend and she didn’t want to mess it up. He would never go for someone like her, and it wasn’t the not having a degree thing, unlike the others she knew Sheldon couldn’t care less, she impressed him with her wit and not backing down from a confrontation and Penny was fully aware that the pecking order in the group was changed from ‘just Sheldon’ to ‘Sheldon and Penny’. She chose as many activities as he did now and he would grumble but in the end would go for it.

And it was because of this man that she was sitting on her couch trying to find a way to break the news and keep him from freaking out or offending her little sister.

Penny was not the baby of the family. That honor went to Mindy who was 4 years younger than Penny and was moving to Pasadena in order to attend UCLA and get an English major, but in order to save money she had asked Penny to move in with her and Penny loved her little sister so she agreed without much thought.

Mindy was cute as a button, they shared the same dark blond hair and green eyes, but Mindy inherited more from their mother than Penny did. Mindy was already a couple of inches taller than Penny and worst of all, Mindy inherited their mom’s boobs, which, fine, Penny was proud of her rack but when your little sister of 4 years needs bigger bras, you can’t help but feel a little envious.

And not only that, Mindy was smart. That bitch. Penny loved her sister to pieces but while Penny struggled in school and eventually dropped out of college, Mindy was the complete opposite, she breezed through school, never struggled between keeping good grades or an active social life and worst of all, she was gracious and humble. Penny couldn’t even hate her because her little sister was a cinnamon roll that needed to be protected.

And Penny took on that role seriously. When Mindy was a Senior in High School she got together with one of the neighborhood boys, Little Thomas. He was always so nice, he wasn’t a football player or anywhere close to being a jock, he was a Mathelte for frak’s sake, and everyone was super happy that they were together. So it came as a shock that Mindy broke up with him after 4 months. Penny heard it all from her mom over the phone but she didn’t want to jump to conclusions yet, because she trusted in her little sister’s judgment. And then Mindy called her that night, sobbing, Little Thomas wasn’t so nice after all, he would try to control how Mindy dressed, who she could talk to, was pressuring her to have sex and overall being a creepo that thought he owned Mindy.

And so, Penny away from home did the only thing she could. She called Kurt’s big brother Lance, explained the situation and asked him to visit Little Thomas on her behalf so the creep understood that he needed to keep his distance. Lance didn’t like Kurt, but he liked Penny.

Little Thomas never bothered Mindy again.

And Penny was happy that she would get to live with her baby sister, but she also had a Texan eccentric that drove her crazy but could no longer picture not being in her life. She worried about these two meeting. Sheldon was, well, he was Sheldon. Mindy had a pure midwestern attitude, meaning that just like Penny she was a touchy person and was kind to a fault.

Maybe it’ll go okay. Mindy had her own shitty car, and was going to start working at the The Factory because of the flexible shifts. ‘Maybe Mindy and Sheldon could become best friends’, she thought and immediately discarded the absurd thought.

Mindy was going to be okay. Sheldon would simply have to learn to deal with the change.

Wackadoodle. Penny refused to admit the wistful tone.

Said Wackadoodle surprises her by just acknowledging that her sister is moving in and nothing else. Okay, this was good. She expected a fight of some sorts but maybe she should start giving him more credit.

"Penny, did you wash your hands before touching my plate?."

And we’re back to square one.

Penny had some very strong Deja vu vibes when Mindy pulled into the Los Robles parking lot. It was like watching a younger, happier, taller, curvier…Penny refused to finish the thought.

Penny really shouldn’t have worried about if it was going to be awkward to meet with her sister after 5 years but they just fit together nicely. Unlike Maggie, the relationship with Mindy had always been good.

So helping her sister carry her things into her apartment Penny found herself actually looking forward to living with Mindy.

"I can’t wait to meet Sheldon in person." Mindy said excitedly and Penny didn’t have the heart to break it to her. She only got to hear the funny parts of their adventures.

"You will, and I’ll ask if you’re still eager after talking to him once." Penny rolled her eyes.

It’s when they’re moving the last box into 4B that Penny gets another wave of Deja vu, she can hear the guys coming up the stairs and as they arrive on the 4th landing she sees that Sheldon is complaining about his Arctic expedition being canceled and Leonard is just pretending to listen while nodding. Of course Sheldon is the first to notice them, so she attacks first.

"Hey guys, remember how I told you that my baby sister was coming to live with me, this is her. Sheldon, Leonard, this is Mindy. Mindy these are the guys."

She’s about to tease Leonard about another tall girl when she catches the look of pure unadulterated lust that he’s giving her sister. Mindy doesn’t share Penny’s fashion choices, she’s just wearing some tight fitting jeans and cute top with a cardigan to finish the look, so she’s not sure why he looked at her like that. But as sudden as it was, the look is gone and Leonard is doing his shifting feet dance and puppy dog eyes at Mindy and welcoming her to the building.

Penny’s stomach churns.

Penny is disgusted at Leonard, because yes, Mindy was a beautiful young woman, but she was also Penny’s sister, the woman he currently was trying to actively date. This brought back all kinds of memories that Penny had conveniently swept under the rug. Alicia, Priya, Missy.

Not wanting to think about this right now Penny turns to her sister and sees the guarded look on her face. She noticed the look too. Ever since Little Thomas, Mindy has been careful around men and Penny can already see it, Leonard was immediately moved to the ‘Do not trust’ category. And Penny is trying to defend him in her head but is coming up empty, because Penny might be willing to risk herself, but she’ll never risk her sister.

‘Goddammit Leonard’ Because Penny knew, at that moment. Things had changed.

She needed to talk to Leonard. To set boundaries, she needs to have the same talk with Leonard that she has when a meathead approaches her at the gym, when a handsy bastard at the club thinks she’s too drunk to notice, or when a customer from The Factory is waiting for her after her shift. She really doesn’t want to do it but there’s no other option, she can see that. As much of a horndog Leonard is, she knows that he can be better. But she’s not doing this game anymore with him.

Sheldon moves to introduce himself after Leonard and Penny focus on that, because as much as she loves the Wackadoodle, he can be too intense when you meet him for the first time.

"Hello Mindy, I hope your trip here was safe and uneventful." He’s not smiling, but he does that half-smirk and nods once.

"Hi Sheldon, it was, thank you!" And Mindy is smiling up at Sheldon.

Something cold and heavy settles in Penny’s stomach at the familiarity of the greeting. But, she has to be wrong, they are just meeting for the first time, right?.

Her ‘Huh…’ is said out loud and Sheldon is oblivious about why she’s confused. But Mindy isn’t.

Mindy gives her a small smile and it’s for a moment but there’s some wickedness in that smile. The weight in Penny’s stomach gets heavier and colder and she doesn’t know why.

"Sheldon here, and I have been email buddies since your prank war. Who do you think gave him the idea of dressing your favorite Care Bear in your underwear and hang it from the telephone line?." And this time Mindy’s smile is teasing and full of sisterly love, her eyes are shining in mirth knowing she got one over Penny, even if indirectly.

Penny feels her stomach unclench and clear of that weird feeling. Last time she was having 2 day old enchiladas, it did weird things to her tummy.

Sheldon nods. "A fantastic idea I admit, although it did lead to Penny calling my mother on me." A glare but without any heat behind it, is directed at Penny.

"Don’t worry Sheldon, now I’m here and next time we’ll face her together." Mindy’s hand quickly taps Sheldon on the shoulder in commiseration. And while Sheldon flinches a little, he doesn’t reprimand Mindy or give her a strike, he just nods at her words.

Penny feels that weight settle back into her stomach with a vengeance and if it was cold before, now it’s freezing. She’s not sure what’s happening but she doesn’t like it.

"Yeah, yeah, you wish. Let’s finish unpacking Mindy. We’ll meet you guys for dinner later alright?" Not waiting for a reply she pulls Mindy by the hand into 4B.

Something weird was going on here and Penny was going to get to the bottom of it. Even if it was the last thing she did.


Will probably write more for this Universe.

Chapter 19: Recognition (Little Sister)


Sequel to: Permutation

Penny has a long overdue conversation with Leonard.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Dinner with the guys went pretty well. Now the couch consists of Mindy, Penny and Sheldon in that order. Howard and Raj didn’t mind sitting on the floor and Penny was pretty happy…until she realized that it was so they could ogle her legs.

Thankfully nothing weird happened, until she excused herself to go get her mail and Leonard offered to go with her (even though he had already picked it up earlier), she was about to call him out on it but decided against it. It was the perfect moment to have that conversation with him. She did not miss the look of concern on Mindy’s face.

Leonard kept talking about his work and how he was getting some new funding and his laser experiment was actually a cool thing and Penny should be excited about it. Penny kept a neutral face and she would nod from time to time just to show she was listening but did not engage with him like she usually would do.

By the time they reached the mailboxes Penny could see Leonard getting desperate, twisting himself for her attention.

"Leonard, Sweetie. Stop." Penny held a hand up. "We need to talk."

"Oh! Sure, I love talking, you know me."

"Actually, I don’t think I do." That finally makes him stop shuffling.


"Look Leonard…I don’t even know how to start so I’m going to take a page out of Sheldon’s book and just be brutally honest." She can see in his face that he truly has no idea what this is about. "I have a speech prepared for when someone approaches me just because I’m a hot blond. They mistake my kindness for an invitation to be sexually crude or downright rape-y with the way they address me or even try to touch me. You have never heard it, because even as creepy as Howard is, he’s always known where to draw the line." Deep breath because this part is going to be hard. "However, I think that you need to hear it now."

Leonard is looking confused, but he’s smart, it takes him a second to get it. And when he does, she’s happy to see the recoil in disgust he takes, because he was standing way too close to her. Maybe there’s hope.

"I am more than my ass or tits. I have feelings. I am not arm candy that you can parade around or someone that you can sleep with for bragging rights. My name is Penny, I have dreams, aspirations, and I am a human being."

The guilt on Leonard’s face doesn’t feel great. She refused to see it but she had always been aware that Leonard saw her as some sort of trophy. He was always so willing to twist himself into knots of whatever he thought was the right answer, so willing to leave everything he was behind. Comics? He reneged them until she showed interest, Star Trek? Claimed to have never watched it, Paintball? He always seemed so embarrassed to admit that he liked it, Star Wars, Chess, Cello, Board Games, that weird Klingon word game. There was no facet of his life that Leonard wasn't willing to betray and/or abandon if he thought it would give him a chance with Penny. She was the prize for finally getting the answer right.

And Fuck that.

"Look Leonard, I don’t know if you noticed but my sister is not exactly a fan of yours right now. Do you want to know why? Because the first time you saw her, she was not a human being to you, she was just ass and tits. She noticed the way that you looked at her and it made her feel shitty. Why do you think she looked worried when you followed me out here?."

Frustration makes her run a hand through her hair. As if untangling her hair could make all of this disappear.

"And it also didn’t make me feel great, Leonard. You’ve been asking me on dates since forever, but the moment a good looking woman passes in front of you, you forget that I exist until you get rejected or bored and then you come back sniffing my way."

Leonard’s face is a mask of guilt, far too many truths that have stripped away at him.

"Did you ever like me? Not as someone you could fuck, but as a person?"

"I did!, you’re beautiful and-"

"NO! Leonard, please! Tell me that you liked me for more than my body." Penny pleads "Tell me something that you like of me that’s not due to me being hot."

As Penny waits for his answer, she wonders why these emotional confrontations always happen in places where someone else could intrude at any moment and yet, they have the lobby for themselves.

"I like that you’re kind." Leonard finally says, but his posture is defeated. He realizes that he took too long to answer. He told the truth but either he had to think about it or for the first time ever realize that Penny existed as more than his fantasy of the hot blond.

"God. Leonard…" She wants to cry for him. He’s probably broken in a way that she truly doesn’t want to know. And she doesn’t know what else to say because she never expected for it to be this bad.

"Do you think we can still be friends?" His voice is on the verge of tears and Penny hopes it is because he realized how messed up he really is and not because he might have missed his shot with her.

"I don’t know Leonard. Can you be friends with me knowing that I’ll never sleep with you or date you?." And there’s the truth, because Penny can’t afford to take risks now that her little sister is here. In another life she might have given this relationship thing with Leonard a shot, to try and fix him just because he wasn’t her usual type of date, but this is no longer that life.

Leonard grimaces but seems to catch himself. "I…I didn’t have the best childhood, my mom is-no." Runs a frustrated hand over his face and removes his glasses. "I always wanted to be one of the cool guys, I thought that maybe you coul-no." Leonard shifts in place and looks intently at his feet. "I never really knew what-no." He exhales loudly and hesitates. "I fucked up." Leonard finally looks up at her, "I fucked up, that’s the truth. I am afraid of therapy. I kept telling myself that I didn’t need it. That I was fine. I was expecting a girlfriend to fix things for me. I loved Leslie but I broke up with her because I was afraid of committing to her…because I thought that would mean I was abandoning my chances of being with you."

Penny wipes a couple of angry tears from her eyes. Leonard needed major help, as in monumental size help. She’s now glad to not have said ‘yes’ to the date invitation.

"Penny, these two years since you’ve been living across from us it’s been great. We’ve -Howard, Raj, Sheldon and me- had more fun since you’ve been here. I know that I fucked up and couldn’t appreciate your friendship. But, yeah. I think I’d like to be your friend eventually, for real."

Leonard is not crying but Penny can tell that this took a lot out of him. Penny nods at him.

"I’d like that as well Sweetie." And she’s telling the truth, she’d like to know the true Leonard eventually.

"Can you tell Sheldon that I ran for an errand or something?" He doesn’t wait for her to acknowledge his words and leaves for his car.

Penny is exhausted. This was a long overdue conversation. Over two years overdue.

She trudges up the long way to the 4th floor.

Leonard finally parks his car. He is ashamed, and can feel it in every part of his body, so much that he fears that shame will become a part of his DNA, although he suspects it already is.

He wanted to refute Penny, to lie, to manipulate, to make himself into the victim, the good guy. But he couldn’t, the thought that Penny’s sister had clocked him as someone to not trust in their first meeting was a horrifying thought. He had always made fun of Howard because of his lack of tact, but he had to wonder if he himself wasn’t actually worse.

The fact that his first instinct upon being confronted was to lie and to try and play the victim card made him feel much worse, the same old excuses were already out of his mouth before he could actually think it through. Blame your mother, explain how you were unloved, play the kicked puppy. But he was almost 30 now, he couldn’t keep going through life like this.

With Penny in front of him he saw two roads. The first, he kept going as he was, hoping to manipulate a girl into loving him enough that he feels less broken. Or the second, take responsibility for his life. Leonard really, really, really wanted a hot girl to make everything suddenly right for him. He had hoped that Penny was that girl, but he didn’t understand her, she was a beautiful blond and yet she watched football, she was hot but she liked the same geeky things they did. It’s why when Penny was dressed like a slob during her Age of Conan phase Leonard didn’t pay any attention to her, he didn’t want THAT girl. He wanted the hot blond.

He wanted someone he could put in and out of storage to soothe his ego. He didn’t care if it was Penny or not, he can admit that now. He was trying to fool himself into thinking he loved Penny, but he didn’t even know her well. In the 2 years she’s been living in front of him Leonard hasn't ever bothered to know anything about her, he doesn’t know what her favorite color is.

The truth is, he doesn’t care.

And accepting that he doesn’t care comes at a high cost, because it goes against everything he believes himself to be. The nice guy. The guy who can’t catch a break. The victim.

A knock at his car window startles Leonard, he looks who it is and he takes a deep breath before lowering the window.

"What are you doing here Hofstadter?"

"Hey Leslie. I wanted to talk to you."

Leonard wanted to make things right. He knows that means taking therapy. But he owes Leslie an apology first.


I like my Leonard bashing as much as the next guy. However, I do think there is a clear before and a clear after. A moment when the character became irremediable. That being of course The Arctic.

I believe that S1/S2 Leonard is still a very flawed character but one that can take a hard left towards being a decent human being.
I believe that S3 and onward Leonard is irremediable, and in fact only became worse and worse with each episode,

As you've probably noticed, I like to set stories during the first seasons and mostly ignore later ones or remove Penny and Sheldon from them as fast as possible. As such, for this story I didn't want to take the easy way out with Leonard...having said all of that, also don't expect a lot of redemption arcs for him because I hate Leonard, all my homies hate Leonard.

Chapter 20: Terror


Leonard is scared of Sheldon and Penny


Dark themes ahead. You've been warned.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

*knock, knock, knock*
*knock, knock, knock*
*knock, knock, knock*

Leonard wakes up with a gasp. ‘Not again’ He wants to weep. He’s not sure when was the last time he actually had a good night’s sleep. And now Sheldon was here, it was impossible. He had come to Howard’s house to seek shelter. He was sure that Sheldon wouldn’t be able to find him here.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Leonard yells through the reinforced door. "JUST *hic* shut up." A sob escapes him and his voice loses all the strength it had. ‘I can’t do this anymore.’

The sickness had started innocuous enough. They had joked about ‘Code Milky Green’. Now they were here in Howard’s house, doors and windows barricaded.

"Really Leonard? Is that the proper way to react to a friend knocking on your door? Why, if you must know, in the past the rules of hospit-"

"Shutupshutupshutupshutupshutup" Leonard can’t listen to him any longer

""Tsk, tsk." Leonard can hear Sheldon clicking his tongue in disapproval, and for a moment it’s all so normal. Maybe things can go back to the way they were before. "Really Leonard? For that, I will eat you slowly." And then reality comes crashing down.

Leonard can see Howard tensing up next to him, the man’s beard was now wild looking, but Howard refused to shave. Leonard himself doesn’t look much better, not even in the Arctic he felt so crummy.

"You know I don’t like to nitpick, but is this really your plan Leonard? You will simply barricade yourself and hope for the best? Maybe that’s okay for now, but one day you will run out of food and bullets. And then what? Have you thought about that? I'm not surprised to see you haven't thought it through enough. You never had the head for seeing the big picture and planning accordingly. But Leonard, that's what I do."

Leonard closed his eyes and slammed his head against the wall. He can see the effect of Sheldon’s words on Howard, the other man is about to have a panic attack. Leonard is not doing much better. It’s been weeks and Leonard knows that their time is running out.

"Penny? Can you talk to them? Leonard is refusing to see reason."

"Of course Sweetie." Oh nonononononononono God, why?

"Leonard? Sweetie. You know that Sheldon is right. You and Howard will die screaming."

Leonard bites the strap of his bag, hard enough that for a moment he fears he will bite it all the way through. He could barely handle Sheldon and now Penny was here as well. Her tone of voice was the same, but the words would make sure that Leonard can never have a good night’s sleep again.

"I know! Maybe we can reach a compromise, how about you open up the door and We’ll all come inside and eat your brains?. Doesn’t that sound good? It’ll be over fast."

No one should sound so cheery when saying those words.

"Well, I tried Moonpie."

"Only Meemaw can call me Moonpie. But, thank you for trying Penny. It’s not your fault that they’re being unreasonable."

Leonard can almost fool himself into believing that this is a bad dream. That his best friend and girlfriend are not Zombies trying to eat his brains.

"I know. Perhaps you can attempt to convince them Koothrappali."

Howard tenses up and Leonard can see tears in his eyes. This is torture. They wait for a moment but no sound comes from beyond the door, they can hear distant groaning but nothing else.

"Honestly Raj, you need to overcome this weakness of yours. Simply because Penny is present should not mean that you’re unable to communicate clearly."

Howard is laughing but it becomes a sob and Leonard goes to hug him. They can’t afford to break down, they need to survive and make it out of here.

"Yes, well. Moving on. Leonard, I know why you hesitate to accept our offer to open that door and I want to assure you that all we want is your brains. No one here is going to do something as barbaric as eat your eyes. We’re not Monsters."

"Sweetie, I think technically we are."

"What? Oh, yes, of course, I meant…well, you know what I meant."

"I know Honey."

Leonard considered just ending it all. They still had bullets, he could simply put an end to his suffering. From what they were able to gather, Humanity was doomed, they were done. They’ve been trying to hold on to something, but city after city has fallen.

There was no one coming to save them.

"I’ll think it over Sheldon." Leonard is surprised by how calm his voice is. Howard is looking at him like he just went crazy. But, what else are they supposed to do? Sheldon, even as a zombie, was a force to be reckoned with.

"I’m glad to hear that Leonard. I appreciate the way you’re working with me. I know we’re all busy so I’m happy to hear you taking feedback so well."

"Don’t worry Sweetie. I’ll make sure you don’t suffer."

"Leonard, I really appreciate the way you’re working with us. And don’t worry, we’ll finally put this issue to rest once I bash your head in. Now, if you don’t mind. Penny and I have another meeting."

"Take care Leonard, Sweetie. We’ll be back tomorrow."

"I’m really proud of you Leonard. I hope you don’t mind we leave Kurt here watching over the house. He’s not the brightest but he’s fast and strong and will keep others from chewing through your doors."

A loud and guttural groan comes from beyond the door. If Leonard had to guess, that was Kurt.

"No Kurt, no bashing just yet. Leonard (and to a lesser degree Wolowitz) are reasonable men and will see that we’re in the right. Eventually."

Leonard settles back against the wall and wonders for the hundredth time if it wouldn’t be easier to just shoot himself.

Because he knows that Sheldon and Penny will be back tomorrow.


Got this idea after listening to Jonathan Coulton's 'Re:Your Brains' song

Chapter 21: Amaurotic (Little Sister)


Sequel to Recognition

Penny overhears Mindy say something.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

For the next few days things are weird between all of them, apparently Leonard came clean to the guys as well. But then Leonard takes vacations and flies back home to New Jersey. He doesn’t want to but he needs to, he tells her. His mom knows someone that can help him. She hopes that he can find the help he needs.

She’s sure that he can do better. Be better.

And without Leonard there the group still finds a way to keep things ‘normal’. Mindy’s addition helps with that. And Penny doesn’t voice this to anyone, but she can see how Sheldon is worried about Leonard, he just doesn’t know how to express it.

Her Wackadoodle had a bigger heart than he’d ever admit. He even stopped worrying about the canceled Arctic thingy.

Howard tells them during Pizza night that Leslie and Leonard are giving it another try after he returns from New Jersey and Penny is happy for him. She’s not sure how healthy it is to jump into a relationship after those revelations, but who is she to judge? Besides, he did admit to loving Leslie. That has to count for something.

And while the Leonard situation is something to think about, Penny's got her own bowl of weirdness to deal with.

Living with Mindy is great, more than great actually. Nothing like when they were younger, Penny is the messy one of the two, but not wanting to look bad in front of her baby sister makes her want to pick up after herself. That’s not the weird part.

The weird part is how well Mindy fits in the group.

Howard gets hit with the "I didn’t know you liked young girls. Do we need to notify the high schools around here?" and has been a perfect gentleman ever since. He still ogles Penny but as soon as Mindy is around he only has eyes for his shoes.

Raj and Mindy bond over Twilight and The Notebook. Penny comes home from the lunch shift to find the pair bawling on her couch, each has a blanket on their legs and a mess of snot and tears stained tissues on their laps while ‘I’ll be seeing you’ plays loudly. Penny starts bawling too. Howard tries to tease Raj about his love for Twilight and Mindy jumps right in "Switch the genders and you have one of those weird Animes that you love." Penny doesn’t understand what that means but it shuts Howard up and apparently gets him to read the books.

Sheldon is the one that surprises her the most. Her Moonpie has not complained once about Mindy’s presence. It’s…odd.

Penny hasn’t decided if that’s a good or a bad thing. On the one hand it gives Penny more free time, Mindy sometimes also gives Sheldon rides, Mindy sometimes works the shift when Sheldon goes to The Factory, Mindy sometimes joins Halo night. Which is great, Penny has time to go out dancing again, to try dating. But there’s still something weird going on and it gives Penny heartburn because she’s sure there’s something she’s missing.

Three weeks go by like this and then Leonard is back. He looks rough but the smile on his face is a good one, he joins the group again and one night after Halo he asks Penny and Mindy for a moment.

They get a long overdue apology about the way he treated them. It’s not perfect, but it gets them to the starting line.

Later when they’re alone, Mindy admits that Leonard looked genuine and Penny has to agree. Things are looking up.

Of course, because life has a sense of humor, that’s when things take an even weirder turn.

Penny is tired and cranky, she had to work a double shift and was expecting Sheldon and the rest but they never showed up. A quick message to Raj and she’s got more questions than answers. ‘Ramona didnt let Sheldon go’

‘Who the frak is Ramona?’ Was all Penny could think, and why the hell was she deciding where Sheldon could go or not. She was initially looking forward to a long bath but after that message she thought it would be wiser to visit 4A first.

Penny is on the 3rd landing trudging up the stairs when she starts hearing the yelling. It’s angry and fast, and more importantly, Penny recognizes one of the voices, Mindy.

Running up the rest of the way to her floor and the door to 4A is open wide. Penny doesn’t even hesitate to go in but stops at the scene in front of her.

Sheldon is in his spot and looks frightened, which would be funny, except he looks honest to god scared. He looked frozen even. Mindy is standing in front of him, as if shielding him from the fuming redhead that looked like she wanted to slug Mindy.

"You are a distraction to Dr. Cooper!"

"Shut the fuck up. Sheldon and me are going out to have dinner and that’s that."

"No! He needs to work!" Redhead takes a step forward and Penny is already preparing to serve a can of whoop-ass, because no redhead stringbean is going to threaten her sister.

"I told you to shut up. We’re going to have dinner an-"

"Oh, I see now, I see how it is!!" That girl had some pipes and she was gathering breath.

Mindy looks done, she was never one to slug it out behind the baseball field but Penny knew the girl could throw a punch, Penny taught her after all.

"You like Dr. Cooper and want to sleep with him!. You hussy! Well, he would never lower himself to be with someone like you!!."

Penny could see Mindy recoil as if she had been slapped. ‘That’s it, time to go Junior Rodeo on Pippi Longstocking here’

"Well, we already fucked, so you’re wrong!"

‘What?’ Penny felt funny, Mindy had just said something that made no sense. Her and Sheldon? No. Sheldon didn’t have a deal, he didn’t have any interest in the opposite sex. Poor Moonpie, his face must be a mess of tics and twitches.

Focusing on Sheldon so she can see his face, and there are no tics, no twitches. ‘Huh’

She can hear the redhead shout something but Penny can’t make out what it is, blood is rushing through her ears and she’s trying to remember how to breathe. Her eyes feel like they’re going to pop out of her face but try as she might, she can’t close them, no, she’s looking at her baby sister push and shove the redhead out of the apartment, the redhead is crying and all the fight seems to have left her.

Sudden pain in her hands and Penny takes the breath that had escaped her, she was clenching her hands so hard that it hurt a little. ‘Okay Penny, breathe, there must be a mistake here.’

And it’s not until she takes a couple of breaths that she’s able to hear again, Mindy is reassuring Sheldon. She’s sitting on the coffee table and her hands are barely touching his knees. He’s not flinching away. ‘Oh’

"I’ll go get you something for dinner Sheldon. Your usual BBQ burger is fine?" Mindy sounds so concerned and Penny has the sudden urge to slap her in the back of the head like when they were kids and sitting on the couch watching TV without paying attention to their surroundings.

Sheldon finally seems to restart at the dinner offer "Barbecue Bacon Cheeseburger with the barbecue sauce, bacon and cheese served on the side. Please."

"I know Sheldon. Be right back, and don’t worry about Ramona. She’s not coming back."

"Oh…good. I fear she was becoming far too intense for my taste."

‘So you have a taste now Moonpie? Did you also taste my sister you moth-’

"Yeah, bitch was crazy. I’ll be right back." And Mindy finally notices Penny. "Oh, you’re here Pen."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’m here. What did I miss?" Penny wants to cringe, her voice is high and frantic.

"O-kay" Mindy dragged the word out, unsure on why Penny was acting this way. "I’ll fill you in later, for now I gotta get Sheldon something to eat, he hasn’t eat since morning, all thanks to this stalker, tha-you know what, it can wait. Be right back." And off she goes.

Leaving her alone with Sheldon. Penny runs back to her apartment.

She’s still feeling weird, oddly light headed and with a clenched stomach. She also feels tears threatening to spill and is not sure why. That night she goes to bed without returning to 4A or talking to Mindy.

For the next few days she’s avoiding both Sheldon and her sister. She’s not completely sure why. Until one night she can’t avoid Mindy any longer, they both have the night off but it’s not an accident, Mindy changed one of her shifts and Penny didn’t realize.

"Okay Pen, what’s got your panties in a bunch?"

"I don’t know what you’re talking about." Penny is pretending to be painting her toes.

"Yeah right. You’ve been avoiding me, so, c’mon, spill, we literally have all night." Penny hated that Mindy perfected their mom’s tone of ‘I’m not joking young lady.’

"Look Min-"

"If you say it's nothing then I’ll go and sleep with the first guy that walks by the lobby" Penny can see that Mindy is trying to keep things light, this is a joke, her voice is teasing. But for Penny it only brings back memories of that night when Mindy confessed sleeping with Sheldon.

And Penny tries, she really does try to not say it, but she can’t help herself, "Like you slept with Sheldon?" Penny can’t even look up from her toes, she’s embarrassed. Her voice was soft and hurt and Penny hated it.

"Pen…What the fuck are you talking about." Mindy sounds exasperated, like Penny just said the stupidest thing in the world.

And that makes Penny mad.

"What I’m talking about? What I’m talking about?!" She finally looks up from her feet to glare at her baby sister, "I heard you!"

"When?!" Mindy is also raising her voice.

"The night that redhead girl was in 4A trying to make Sheldon work!"

"Oh!" Mindy doesn’t even look embarrassed, just confused.

"Oh? Just oh?"

"Pen, I love you but you’re a dumbass."

Penny could only stare in disbelief at her baby sister.

"I was lying, you idiot!"

"Wha-no, but Sheldon. He wasn’t twitching!"

"Wow, no wonder you haven’t picked up on the fact that Sheldon likes you. You’re fucking blind."

"Hey! Since when you curse so much?"

"You’re right, sorry." Mindy drags a hand across her face in frustration. "Look, the point here is the following. I didn’t sleep with Sheldon. I don’t want to sleep with Sheldon. I like girls Penny."


"Yeah, oh."

"Wait, you like girls? Why didn’t you tell me?" The hurt was back in Penny’s voice.

"I wasn’t ready, until you decided to be all dumb and emo. You honestly never noticed that Sheldon likes you?"

"He does?" And Penny hates the hope that creeps out in that question.

"Yeah, he does. I was teasing you a little, you know, trying to get you to act. And see where that got us."


"I mean, it’s not all your fault. Sheldon needs to get his big boy pants on and just ask you out, but you know how he is."

"Yeah, I know."

"So…we good?"

"We good…but wait, why wasn’t Sheldon twitching that night?"

"Sheldon frozen-in-fear Cooper wasn’t moving? Who could have guessed?"

"…Sarcasm?" Penny tried to fight the smile. She failed.

"Just get your ass across the hall and deal with this before we all grow old and wrinkly."

"Wow, someone’s touchy."

"Someone had to give up a shift tonight to deal with their dumbass big sister, so yes, touchy."

Penny gave her baby sister a hug.

"Hey, I’m here for you. Do mom and dad know?"

"That you like Sheldon? Yeah, I told them."

"You told the-no, you know what I mean."

"No. I’m not ready yet."

"Okay. I love you brat."

"Love you too Pen."

Penny was feeling much better now. She knew that she had a bad habit of jumping to conclusions and was trying to curb that habit of hers, but man, she needed to do better.

She now had a Wackadoodle to deal with. And as she prepared to walk into 4A she wondered if maybe Sheldon and her were dumbasses, it would explain so much.

‘Okay, no more misunderstandings Moonpie. Time to come clean."


That's it for now in this Universe. Have learned not to say no to coming back to previous works so for now we'll see if my brain comes up with more for this story in the future.

Chapter 22: Observation (Cop)



Penny is a cop and Sheldon is trouble


For CRed1988

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny wasn’t really sure why she hadn’t just quit. This job was not for her.

She had dreamed of making it out of Nebraska, she didn’t want to follow her parents plans for her. Marry a cop and pop kids that will be cops down the line. She’d been preparing to drop out of the police academy and run to California with Kurt when her dad had the heart attack.

She knows that the heart attack is not her fault, but it still made her stay. Kurt left and she had never heard back from him. Penny graduated and became a cop and 2 years later here she was, a police officer in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, Nebraska.

Penny’s dad was not the sheriff, he was just another grunt, just like her big brother, just like Penny. When he had his heart attack she stayed and joined the force because she knew that her parents would need all the help they could get. Tommy was helping of course, but Maggie was a stay at home mom and she could only help by going to see their mom and dad, maybe cook something.

But Penny still dreamed of doing more. Here she was at 22, driving alone patrolling farms because in their little town there was no crime, she didn’t need a patrol partner. She always liked acting, maybe she could go in secret and audition for CSI?. Her cell phone interrupts further dreaming. Checks the ID and it’s Wallace, their dispatcher, this could only mean one thing. ‘Sheldon’

"Hey Wally."

"Hey Pen."

"Sheldon again?"

"Yeah, I didn’t want to use the radio for this."

"Thank you Wally. Where’s he at?"

"The Johnson Farm called, he’s sitting on their fence. They know he don’t bother no one, but the weather is turning up and they’re scared he’s gonna get heatstroke. A farmhand went out to talk to him but got no response."

"Got it. I’ll be there in 15. Thanks again Wally."

"No problem Pen, I like Sheldon, he’s always helping them kids in the library."

"Yeah…I like Sheldon too."

Penny hangs up and starts driving towards the Johnson Farm. Sheldon sometimes got so lost in his own head that folk worried about him, Penny heard them whisper about him.

Sheldon had arrived at their little slice of paradise 6 months ago. He rented a room for a month, and then started going to the farms just to watch the fields. So far it seemed like Corn was his favorite entertainment, that’s how Penny got acquainted with him.

Some poor farmer came to check on his crops and was half scared to death by the tall man in the Batman tee. He had called the cops and Penny was the lucky one to get cleanup duty.

He looked like a lost boy and it tugged at Penny’s heartstrings. He wasn’t there to cause trouble, she knew. So Penny sat next to him to watch the corn and asked him if he was okay. She didn’t expect it to work but he had turned those soulful blue eyes on her and told her.

Sheldon was apparently a big deal scientist from California. He had gotten lucky and gotten money for an Arctic expedition, but then his friends stabbed him in the back. They messed with his experiment and Sheldon was publicly humiliated.

He couldn’t stay there so he went back home to Texas. Except, his momma got tired of him moping around and told him he needed to git. And Sheldon took off, he’s been drifting everywhere ever since. But he says that looking at the corn makes him think of Physics, he talks about string thingies and how the corn is going to give him an answer.

Penny is about ready to call the hospital because he’s not making any damn sense.

Sheldon is carrying these notebooks that are filled to the brim with formulas that she can’t make sense of, but he’s looking so proud of himself and for the first time since they started talking he smiles, a smile that makes him look 10 and that gives her a glimpse of the man that existed before the betrayal.

Penny drives him to his motel room and says goodbye.

She sees him the next day. The librarian had requested help, a strange man had commandeer a whiteboard and was giving a class to the town’s children about math. Penny got there and saw it was Sheldon.

She waited for his class to end. Her nephew was 7 and hated math, but here he was asking Sheldon when the next class was going to be.

"He makes math fun Aunt Penny." And that’s all she needs to hear. Mickey needs to do better, she doesn’t want him to be a cop like Tommy. Penny talks to the librarian and manages to convince her to let Sheldon give those classes. She’ll come and watch to make sure nothing bad happens. She says that she’s doing this because of Mickey but she’s not really sure herself.

She had run his name last night after getting him back to his room and sure enough, Dr. Sheldon Cooper PhD was a big time scientist from California. Though the Caltech website said he was currently in a ‘sabbatical’. According to Sheldon his career was ruined, Penny thinks that Sheldon has a flair for the dramatic.

She starts joining his classes and at some point she takes him out to lunch after. Sheldon is actually a twin, has a sister, his mom is religious, he likes comic books and star trek.

Penny memorizes his order, Barbecue Bacon Cheeseburger with the barbecue sauce, bacon and cheese served on the side. Penny makes sure his order is right every time.

There’s something about Sheldon that keeps Penny coming back. He’s arrogant, a perfectionist, talks down to people and yet…she can see him. The Sheldon Cooper that is easily hurt, that loves his Meemaw, the one that is lonely.

A month goes by and his time at the motel is up. Penny offers him the spare bedroom in her apartment. Sheldon takes it.

Her apartment has never been so clean before.

Penny makes sure that he learns about Junior Rodeo though, no matter how good his intentions are, it’s never a good idea to organize her underwear drawer by color.

And despite wanting to strangle the Wackadoodle from time to time Penny finds herself having fun. It’s good to live with someone and that there are no expectations. Sheldon is not a perv, he’s not ogling her and barring that one instance with him organizing her panties Sheldon has never been inappropriate.

Six months pass like that before she knows it.

Sheldon has become one of them, he teaches classes in the library and sometimes he’ll go and watch the corn for hours. But he also cooks for Penny, has dinner with her parents, helps Penny practice the how-to acting videos she watches on YouTube. And it’s nice.

They’re having breakfast when Penny’s cell interrupts them, it’s Wallace. And Penny is confused, she can see Sheldon sitting in front of her so it can’t be about him.

"Hey Wally."

"Hey Pen."

"…I’m guessing you’re not calling just to catch up."

"Ah, no…the thing is, we got a missing person report reach here, and…"


"Well, it’s for Sheldon. His family is looking for him."

"Ah, got it, thanks Wally. I’ll tell Sheldon."

"No worries, take care Pen."

Penny glares at Sheldon. "You didn’t call your mother like you promised."

She can see the twitching start "It might have slipped my mind."

"Uh hu, right." Gives him her phone. "Call her. Now."

He’s grumbling but starts dialing, puts it on speaker and goes back to his cereal. ‘Wackadoodle’

"Hello?" The voice is young, can’t be Sheldon’s mom.

"Hello Missy."

"Shelly Oh. My. God.!" The relief in her voice is very real and it makes Penny’s eyes sting. "MOMMA!, SHELLY’S ON THE PHONE" There’s some horrible thundering on the other end and then a teary voice.

"Snickerdoodle?" The hope is unbearable. Penny is going to kick Sheldon for making his mom worry so much.

"Yes mother, it’s me." Yes, definitely kicking his ass.

"Oh thank the lord!, Where are you Shelly? Are you okay? Are you eating well? Do you need money? Do you need us to go get you?"

"No mom. I am doing well. I am currently in Nebraska and thanks to Penny I am doing perfectly fine."

"Penny?" Uh oh.

"Uh, hi, yes. That’s me. I’m a police officer and found Sheldon 6 months ago or so and I’ve been keeping an eye on him ever since."

"…" A thud is heard.


"Hey, hi, sorry, momma just passed out." Missy is back on the line. She sounds unconcerned, like this is just something that happens. Sheldon is also looking pretty damn calm.

"Uhhhhh is she okay?"

"She’ll be fine." Wackadoodles, the lot of them. "Now, what I need to know is where in Nebraska are you Shelly."

And that’s how Penny finds herself organizing a visit from Sheldon’s family.

Maybe it’ll be okay…Who is she kidding?.


One of those Universes where I'm not sure when I'll be back.

Chapter 23: Action (Cop)


Sequel to: Observation

Sheldon's family come visit him.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Sheldon’s mom and sister were interesting to say the least. Oh, they were lovely, but they were…intense. Yeah, that sounds like the right word.

Penny had taken her own car to go and pick them up from the Motel. Sheldon had wanted her to go pick them up in the patrol car, but he had that little smirk on his face that meant he was pulling a prank. Penny put a stop to that.

She had been surprised at how natural Sheldon was able to hug his mother, this was the guy that took 2 months to stop flinching at Penny touching his arm and here he was giving a hug like it was the most natural thing. That’s it, pursing her lips Penny made a decision, she was going to get Sheldon used to hugging her.

When Sheldon told her he had a twin, she had imagined Sheldon but with lady bits. The statuesque gorgeous brunette had been a little surprising. The same way the Hulk is a little bit green. ‘You gotta stop letting Sheldon influence you.’ The hug Sheldon gave his twin was just as natural.

And that was when things got weird.

"Oh Penny, thank you very much for taking care of our little Shelly." ‘Ma’am, your son is almost thirty and taller than some professional basketball players.’ Mrs. Copper couldn’t stop thanking her enough. "You even took the time to pick us up. Let us buy you dinner as thanks."

"Oh no, don’t worry. It was my pleasure."

"No, no, I insist." Mrs. Cooper really did, she didn’t look like the kind of person that was used to hearing no.

"Wel, okay. Let me go change to something less farm-y." Penny walked to her room and closed the door. She quickly changed out of her flannel and mom jeans into a cute blouse and skinny jeans with open-toe flats. Basic, but very cute.

Coming out of her room reveals a frozen in place Mrs, Cooper and a smirking Missy. ‘Oh no.’

"So Shelly, you told me that you live here right?" Missy really was enjoying this.

"Yes, that is correct." Sheldon was examining one of the notebooks that Missy had brought from his room back in Texas.

"Huh," Missy knew how to act, she even slapped her knee. "Then where does Penny live?"

"Here of course."


Sheldon and Missy simply looked at their mother on the floor, Missy holding back laughter but Sheldon didn’t even look concerned. And Penny was still in her doorway, she might not be a genius like Sheldon but she knew when she was being played. Marching up to Sheldon she poked him in the chest and glared up at him. "You didn’t tell your mother."

Missy was finally helping Mrs. Cooper off from the floor.

"Tell her what?" Sheldon was rubbing his chest dramatically.

"That you were living with me, Sheldon!"

"Oh." Honest confusion on his face. "Was I supposed to?"

‘Don’t kill him Penny, that’s what he wants.’ Sheldon had done wonders to make Penny a more patient and understanding person. "Yes Sheldon, you were supposed to."

Penny moved to help Missy but Mrs. Cooper seemed to have recovered. Missy was still trying not to laugh.

"Are you okay Mrs. Cooper?"

"Wha’ Oh, yeah, yeah darlin’. Don’t you worry about me. Also seeing how things are, I think it’s best you start calling me Mary."

"Call you Mary?" And Mrs. Cooper's heavy look makes Penny get it immediately. "Oh! Oh. Nonononononono, we’re not like that. Me and Sheldon, no. We’re just roommates!"

"We are only roommates?" Penny and the Cooper women turn to gape at Sheldon. Missy is no longer laughing. "I thought we were friends."

And Penny hears her sudden intake of breath echoed twice besides her. Sheldon was really trying to kill her.

"Oh Snickerdoodle." Mrs. Cooper sounded resigned.

"Snickerdoodle?" Penny hadn’t commented on it before but it was such a unique nickname.

"That’s nothing, our Meemaw calls Shelly ‘Moonpie’, because he's nummy-nummy and she could just eat him up." The mirth was back in Missy’s voice and Sheldon threw her a glare which only seemed to amuse her even more.

"Moonpie huh?"

"Penny. No one but Meemaw may call me Moonpie."

"Right. Whatever you say Moonpie. Let’s go get dinner."

Dinner goes great. And she means that, Missy tells them the story on how she was worried about Sheldon but he had just disappeared so she went to Pasadena to try and figure out what happened. Sheldon’s eyes crinkle with anger and pain and Penny holds his hand under the table.

Missy keeps going, she meets Sheldon’s roommate and his friends and they just confess to messing with his experiment. No shame, no guilt, nothing. Missy records the whole thing because even if she doesn’t fully understand what happened, she knows that something is wrong in this picture.

Next day she brings it to Sheldon’s boss. Everyone ignores Sheldon’s complaint of ‘He’s not my boss.’

And Missy’s hunch was right. They request the recording and they tell her that they will handle everything but that she should contact Sheldon to let him know he was welcome with open arms. Sheldon is still holding her hand and Penny feels him squeeze, she’s not sure if it’s distress or happiness.

Missy while in Pasadena had been staying in Sheldon’s room and that day Leonard had come home drunk, he, Howard and Raj had just been fired and their names were blacklisted. Raj would have to go back to India. Howard yelled at Leonard to never talk to him again, and Leonard didn’t know what to do. He passed out in the middle of the living room. The next day he made plans to go back to New Jersey.

None of them seemed to connect it back to Missy.

"And that’s when we started searching for you Shelly. If you don’t go back to your apartment soon then you will lose it. None of Leonard’s things are there, he even took the couch. He did pay for that month so at best you have 2 weeks before you have to go back."

Sheldon nodded and Penny could see that he was conflicted. She had heard all about the betrayal, but these people were also his friends.

Sheldon remained quiet for the rest of dinner and it wasn’t until they were back in the apartment, his mom and sister safely back at the Motel, that Sheldon spoke.

"Penny. Would you like to go back with me to Pasadena?"

"Haha, very funny Moonpie." Penny was pouring herself a glass of water but turned to look at him when she didn’t hear his breathy little laugh or the ‘Bazinga’.

"It’s not a joke." No tics on his face.

"Wait…for real?" Penny was floored, and a little angry.

"Yes. I like being roommates with you."

"Sheldon! You’re asking me to uproot my life to go with you!" She slammed her glass on the counter. Sheldon could be clueless but this one took the cake.



"Penny. Forgive me for being frank but you hate your life here. In the last 6 months you have stated several times your wish to run away to California so you can try living your dream of acting. Your father has recovered fully and returned to active duty. The debt you incurred to support your parents has been paid in full."

Penny wasn’t sure what to say, that was true, all of it. But her parents wer-

"And since I met you, you have expressed at least once daily your wish to ‘leave this place’." Damn, photographic memory was not fair.

"Sheldon, I don’t kn-"

"Penny. You were there for me when I felt that I had lost everything. You and the people of this town showed me more understanding and kindness than I ever experienced in Pasadena. I wanted to stop thinking about Physics but I couldn’t, and it was only because you accepted me and my weirdne-" No "Your quirks." They were working on not using negative language towards themselves.

Sheldon smiled at her "I apologize. I meant, my quirks. It was only because of that I was able to continue working, I believe that I have found the beginnings of a new research that can prove String Theory. I am confident, but I will need access to the labs and resources that only Caltech can provide."

He really had come a long way from the broken man she found in a corn field all those months ago. She much preferred this confident Sheldon.

"That’s great Honey. But where do I fit in there?"

"Penny! I thought it was obvious. I want you to also reach your dreams."

Tears pricked her eyes, Penny knew that it wasn’t a good thing for a cop to cry so easily.

But Penny didn’t want to be a cop.

"Honey. I…" She was getting choked up. Could it really be this easy? "I need to think about it Honey."

The next day Sheldon is out with his family and Penny decides to stop by her parents house. Her dad is sitting out on the porch relaxing as much as an old cop can.

Penny doesn’t even greet him, she jumps right into it. She tells him how she doesn’t want to be a cop, it’s killing her. She never stopped wanting to become an actress and now there was a chance, a real chance. She didn’t want to look back and regret not taking this opportunity.

Penny wouldn’t be alone.

Her dad did not say a word, he listened intently, at her words, her watery voice. He didn’t frown or scowled as she expected, he just listened. Once she was done she could feel her words hang heavily between them. Penny didn’t want to fight, but she would.

"Good luck Slugger. I love you."

Penny cried and jumped into his arms, it’s sad that she can’t remember the last time he actually held her like this. She goes inside and tells her mother but her response is less impactful…until she mentions Sheldon.

"You’ll do great Sweetie." Penny is already moving to hug her but stops at her next words. "Just make sure you and Sheldon use protection, with the luck in our family you’ll get pregnant as soon as you land a big role."

"MOM!" God, her mom never believed that Sheldon was just a friend.

Sheldon is happy but of course, he doesn’t know how to express it like a normal human being. "I knew that you would see reason."

And this is how Penny finds herself with only one week to pack up her life and drive to California.

This is the most freedom she has felt in years.


See? This is why I don't predict which universes I'll visit.

Chapter 24: Detour (Detour)


Some Universes are a little darker


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"I see. Thank you for the update Georgie." Sheldon sat in the cabin of the truck and for the first time in a long time felt like he could relax. This was the news he had been waiting for, 7 long years finally coming to an end.

"No." His brother wouldn’t understand but Sheldon didn’t care.

"Yes, still the same plan." Sheldon was already making plans. He had saved basically all the money he ever got, he was more than comfortable. Freedom, it felt nice to say it.

"You too Georgie. Take care." A moment’s pause. "Send my regards to Missy as well."

After hanging up the phone and putting it away, Sheldon allows himself to relax fully in the seat of his truck. ‘Finally’

He was hungry and tired but suddenly feeling much better. Deciding that his hunger had priority Sheldon got out of the truck and walked to the apparently clean Truck Stop Diner ‘Flying J Travel Center’ a sign displayed proudly over the gas pumps and store, but it looked like the Diner itself was named ‘Max’s Highway Diner’.

The place seemed clean which was enough for Sheldon, after 7 years on the road he had seen all kinds of places. At least here it looked like they killed the vermin and not made it part of the menu.

It was still pretty early in the morning and as such there were only a couple of patrons inside. Ordering some tea (it still drew funny looks) and a bacon sandwich Sheldon opened his notebooks and started working. He would be able to return to his life, dedicate himself once more to science. Once he would have dismissed the idea of Fate, but both his mom and his Meemaw had been believers. Maybe it was no coincidence that his last delivery would be to Sacramento, a stone throw away from Caltech.

Sheldon still didn’t dare to pray to his mom or Meemaw, but he hoped that some of the energy that had composed them still lingered in this world in what other lesser minds would call ‘Watching over him’.

The tea and sandwich were decent, before setting back on the road later he would have to stop and buy more food and snacks for the road. Walking by the store he had seen that they had a decent selection of snacks and made-to-order food. But that could wait. He now needed to sleep.

This truck cabin had been his home for the last 2 years, the company giving him the top of the line truck thanks to him never being late on deliveries and hauling more than regular truckers. A trifle use of physics to determine the maximum load that could be safely delivered. As much as he had made this cabin his ‘home’, it still felt too much like a prison. He couldn’t wait to leave it behind.

Sheldon wanted to sleep but before moving to the back of the cabin he placed one important call. He had to announce that this would be his last delivery and he’d be leaving the truck in the company’s headquarters in Sacramento.

They tried to get him to stay, but nothing could move him now to do that. Some of the old arrogance is now back. A truck driver with a PhD? No, he needed to go back to being Dr. Sheldon Cooper, even if killed him.

Hanging up the phone and another weight had been lifted off of him. Almost free, he just needed that message from Georgie.

Setting up his alarm for 9 hours Sheldon moved into the back of the cabin and basically threw himself on the bed. ‘Soon.’

Sheldon woke up to his alarm and the first thing he did was check his phone. No messages. ‘Drat’

It could never be that easy.

Seeing the time, almost six in the evening and Sheldon sighed heavily. He really didn’t want to do the next part of the routine. But no message from Georgie means that his promise is still valid. He can see other truck drivers already leaving their cabins and moving towards the store, the diner…and the rooms in the back.

He could pretend. But no, He had given his word.

Walking out of his cabin and shouldering his bag, he walked towards the ‘sleeping rooms’ . Sheldon was glad that this would be the last time. He could at least use the time to work on formulas.

Already knowing what he was looking for, he was pleased to see that the person in charge was an older woman. He preferred to deal with madams than pimps. Asking for a room and companionship he was given a key and directed to room 4.

Sheldon was glad to have picked up the habit of wearing leather gloves. He didn’t want to touch anything directly, especially here. Opening the door, the room was standard fare, with poor lighting as these rooms were prone to have. ‘To hide the poor hygienic conditions no doubt’.

Pulling a plastic bag from his back Sheldon unfurled the splash blanket and put it on top of the only chair in the room. This had been a tip from a rather understanding woman in Arkansas, this way he could sit in peace and not worry about what might have been on the surface of these places.

He was already deep in his notebook when a knock announced his ‘companion’ had arrived.

"It’s open." Sheldon didn’t even look up from his notes as the other person entered the room, he could hear the rather decrepit bed creak as she took a seat and it made him cringe internally. That bed could not offer anyone proper lumbar support.

"Hi Sweetie, I’m Jewel, and you are?" Sheldon found her voice appealing but still did not look up.

"Sheldon." Page turn. "Please don’t mind me, this is something that I promised my father I would always do at rest stops. I will pay for your time all the same. You can simply use this time to rest or read or watch TV. As soon as the 2 hours are up, you can leave. Nothing more and nothing less."

"Wow, aren’t you a romantic one?"

At that Sheldon finally looked up. The woman, or perhaps girl was more accurate. She couldn’t be a day over 20, blond, aesthetically pleasing and with a fierceness in her expression that made her look like a warrior. Sheldon tilted his head.

"Excuse me?"

She had a pleasant laugh "Nothing. You don’t look like the usual kind of truck driver that we get around here."

"I should hope not. I have a PhD."

Once again that laugh "Oh wait, you’re serious?"

"Of course."

"Oh…so you’re like one of those ‘beautiful mind’ guys?"

"I suppose." He can’t make eye contact, the comment made him feel warm.

Jewel sat against the headboard and watched him. It seemed he would not be able to get back to his work. Sheldon was used to this as well, companions that preferred to chat to pass the time.

"So, why are you working as a truck driver then?" Her green eyes alight with curiosity.

"I suppose it could be called ‘bad timing’." Sheldon had told this story exactly 19 times, tonight would mark the 20th time and the last one, at least the last one told in a cheap room.

"By the age of 16 I had already obtained my first Doctorate and was preparing to move to California in order to attend Caltech and obtain my second one. However, my mother and Meemaw were involved in a fatal accident. Leaving only my father, my brother and my twin sister." Talking about his mother and Meemaw always brought out the pain in him, the best and worst part of having an eidetic memory, he could remember in detail the pain.

"My father was already a…well, an alcoholic. Losing my mother simply made it worse, my brother already had his own family and my sister eloped with her high school boyfriend. Leaving me as the sole caretaker of my father."

Jewel looked at him with such intensity that he couldn’t look away from her.

"I take my promises very seriously. And I promised to listen to him, he got it into his head that he needed to make a proper man out of me. He had already taught me to shoot, but now he also included hunting lessons, skinning and dressing the kill. How to drink. How to properly play football, how to punch and how to fight. All the while drinking like there was no tomorrow." Sheldon looks away from Jewel to take a look at his knuckles under the gloves, he knows they’re no longer the knuckles of a man of science.

"When I turned 18 he made me promise that as long as he lived I would have a ‘true man’s job’, after some short deliberation I decided that truck driver would be the ideal solution. It would limit the amount of time spent needing to be social, pay relatively well as well as allow me enough time to work." He shows her his notebook.

This is usually where he ends the story. But, it’s the last time, so he shares his plans.

"I never expected my father to live for so long. I took this job expecting the cirrhosis to take my father in 2 years…He managed to hold on for 7." Sheldon shakes his head in amazement. He loves his father, but the stranger that took his place after his mother’s death was just alcohol and rage.

"Perhaps if my mother or Meemaw had lived I would have been able to go to Caltech at 16, but now at 25 doesn’t sound so bad. My brother called me yesterday, and my father is in hospice care. He will not make it to the end of the week. As such, this is my last job." There’s something liberating in being able to vocalize his thoughts.

"I’ll drive down to Sacramento, buy a decent car and then drive down to Pasadena and continue with my life." Sheldon had refused to talk to his father after leaving Galveston, at some point he had become a ghost, someone Sheldon had already mourned.

Sheldon noticed how Jewel’s eyes were bright with unshed tears and he thanked her in his head, it felt good to be able to say all of this.

"You’re my last too, you know?" Jewel speaks up in a watery voice. "My ex-boyfriend, Kurt, he took out debt on my name and then bailed town. My parents are farmers, they don’t have money. I couldn’t do that to them." Sheldon doesn’t think that she belongs in this room, she’s too bright to be here.

"I was only 18 at the time, and very stupid and naive. A friend recommended this job, her mom is the lady out front so I got lucky…or maybe I didn’t. Anyway, I’ve been doing this for 2 years and I was able to make the final payment on the debt last week." Jewel looks determined and even in this cheap room she has a regal look.

"But this place doesn’t feel like home anymore. I’ve been saving money so I can go to California. I want to be an actress." She laughs but it’s not a pleasant sound, it has too much pain. "Stupid right?"

"I think you’d make a fantastic actress." And he meant it, there was something about her that captured his attention.

"Aw, thank you."

Sheldon tilts his head and considers it, she was going to California as well. She was saving money. ‘Perhaps…’

Once again he thinks about his mother and Meemaw, they believed in Fate.

"Would you like to come with me?" Sheldon is not really sure why he made the offer, but he doesn’t regret it.

Jewel is looking at him, as if she can’t believe he had offered. "Is tha-I mean…why?"

Sheldon considers her question seriously. "I do not believe in Fate. I believe in probability." A pause "But my mother and Meemaw believed in Fate, I think that instead of believing in Fate, I rather believe in them. And that they would have wanted me to make the offer." Sheldon doesn’t have to lie, so he doesn’t.

Jewel looks at him intensely. He doesn’t flinch, if she doesn’t accept then that’s that.

"Okay." She finally nods "My family doesn’t want me here anyway, everything I own is in a duffel bag and California is waiting."

Sheldon nods, feeling oddly satisfied. He tells her which truck is his and that he’ll meet her outside of it. Jewel stands up to leave the room but before stops with her hand on the doorknob.

"Penny. My name is Penny." And she’s out of the room. Sheldon thinks Penny fits her much better.

Before going back to his truck Sheldon makes a stop by the store. Water, snacks, antibacterial gel, alcohol wipes, red vines, mountain dew and 2 brisket sandwiches. Before leaving he sees the shoe cleaning and shining machine, he pays to use it.

By the time he gets to the truck Penny is there waiting for him, she looked anxious until she caught sight of him. He hands her one of the sandwiches.

Getting on the truck Sheldon thinks that things are looking up.

He’d like to think that his mother and Meemaw would be proud of him.


This idea wouldn't leave my head, so it had to be written down.

Chapter 25: Correction (Detour)


Sequel to Detour

Penny's side of things

Chapter Text

Penny wanted to be in love. And Kurt came along, he said the right things, did the right things. They've been dating for a year and Penny was happy, she knew it wasn’t perfect but what relationship was? Her parents could barely stand each other and they were still married.

And one day Kurt told her that they could make their dreams true. He would make sure of it.

Penny thought she was in love. So she signed the papers for the bank loan. And the next day Kurt was gone.

Penny was left broken hearted and broke.

She could never pay back the loan, she went to the bank and begged and of course they laughed at her, the silly girl that had ruined her life. She hated her parents but she would still not run in the middle of the night like a thief to let them deal with the fallout of her stupid choices.

Right before dropping out of college she confided in anyone that could listen, Penny just wanted to vent. A girl that she had seen around the dorm a couple of times pulled Penny aside and told her about what her mom did for a living, that if she needed money fast then this was an option.

Penny was in a hole so deep that the offer felt like a match had been lit.

For a year and a half she did it. She was careful, never meeting anyone outside of the rooms. Truck drivers are a good choice, a face you will never see again. Make sure you see the money. Always bring your own condoms.

And of course, because things couldn’t ever go her way. Her parents found out. Penny doesn’t want to remember that fight, it might as well have been the last time she would ever speak to either of her parents. Tommy perhaps for the first time ever acted like a big brother and took her in.

She only had a couple of months more before she paid off the debt in full, so she crashed on her brother’s couch, until he was arrested for dealing meth. She had to learn to live off a duffel bag, and when she made that final payment it felt like she could breathe again. Only to find herself broke again, not even enough to pay for a goddamn ticket to California.

Penny had to sell her body, one last night. She’s sure that god finds it funny.

And then Penny met him. She entered the crappy room already dreading it but instead of the usual customer there was a young man. He looked well kept and wasn’t drinking or smoking anything, he was just reading on a chair.

He spoke and it reminded Penny of a doctor, his voice clinical and detached. And it turned out that he actually was a doctor.

They started talking and Penny felt for him. He was someone that didn’t belong in this room. But because just like her he refused to give up on the only parent he knew, he got screwed. But she can see the relief in him once he tells her that this is the last time he’s doing this. His eyes are bright and looking somewhere she can’t see.

Penny tells him her own story. She can’t help but laugh at her dream of being an actress, she had received offers to do porn before, but she wanted to keep this dream intact. Acting was her haven.

And then he offered to take her with him to Sacramento. Her chest filled with happiness and hope because she didn’t want to keep doing tricks, she would go be a waitress or a saleswoman but no matter what, this night would be the last.

But she didn’t allow her face to reveal any of that hope. She asked him point-blank why he made the offer. If he thought that she would be his squeeze for the duration of the trip then it was best to leave things clear now.

She did not expect the answer he gave. A part of her brain was telling her that this was a bad idea, this guy could be a serial killer or a rapist. The thought was dismissed just as quickly.

Sheldon paid for her time as promised and then they made plans to meet outside his truck. Penny went to pick up her duffel bag and in a few moments she was outside the truck he had mentioned but there was no sign of Sheldon.

Just as her anxiety was getting the best of her she heard footsteps and looked up to see Sheldon approach her. As a greeting he gave her a brisket sandwich and told her to get on.

The cabin of the truck was incredibly clean, almost brand new. The only thing out of place was a small blue shirt and pointed ear bobble head doll sitting in front of the steering wheel, it was doing a gang sign or something.

Looking at the back showed the bed and it was just as clean, she put her duffel bag in the back and turned to Sheldon. He was going through some sort of checklist and she remembers it as part of the ‘Learn to drive’ checklist that all newbies get in driving lessons.

"Uhh, didn’t you say you’ve been doing this for seven years now?"

"That is correct."

"Then what’s with the newbie checklist thing going on here."

And off he goes, he tells Penny about statistics of accidents due to carelessness and how proper procedures will ensure a smooth experience and Penny thinks that Sheldon is just a tiny bit particular.

It’s late, almost 10 in the evening if not later, so she asks if she can use the bed. "Hey Sheldon, do you mind if I crash in the back? I’ve been sleeping on couches for a long time and need some real sleep."

Sheldon tilts his head and looks at her like she just spoke in a different language and he’s trying to remember 5th grade Spanish, he takes long enough that she’s about to speak again but he interrupts her.

"You meant that you wish to sleep on the bed in the back of the cabin because you have only been sleeping in places that offer no lumbar support?"

"Errr yes?"

"Fantastic! It only took me a moment to decipher the local slang. I am getting better at this. And yes, you may use the bed to sleep."

Smiling and not really sure why Penny moves to the back, she takes off her shoes and is under the covers in a second.

"Penny, I will drive for 9 hours. At which point we’ll arrive at Salt Lake City where we’ll refuel the truck and take the chance to purchase food and snacks. If you’re still asleep when we arrive I will wake you up once I have located appropriate parking. Is this plan to your satisfaction?"

"Thank you Sheldon, yes it is."


And here she was, lying down on a proper bed without someone expecting her to open her legs. Sheldon didn’t turn to look at her even once as he drove, he put on classical music at a low volume. She wanted to keep watching him drive (and also in case he tried anything funny) but the exhaustion was too much. His bed is large and the covers are warm, Penny feels safe, the sounds of the cabin relax her and the next thing she knows Sheldon is shaking her awake. They’re in Salt Lake City.

Sheldon drags her still groggy ass to a diner, this place looks much more upscale than the one back in Nebraska. The restaurant is huge and even the napkins have the diner’s logo and name ‘Sapp Bros."

Sheldon orders tea and a roast beef sandwich and she gets the strongest coffee they have alongside eggs and pancakes. And it’s in the middle of their breakfast that Sheldon’s phone pings. He takes a look at it and because he’s in front of her she can see the sag of his shoulders, he even drops the phone on the table, he has a smile on his face and for lack of a better word, he looks liberated.

Penny knows she shouldn’t, but she peeks at the phone in the middle of them. It’s a rather short message. ‘Pa is gone. -Georgie’

Sheldon finally got his freedom back.

Penny expected him to maybe cry a little, or jump from joy but after a few minutes Sheldon just went back to his breakfast. Her heart ached for the man in front of her, she had no idea how deep his pain went but she thought that he deserved to smile a lot more.

"Penny, I would like to sleep. I usually try to get 9 hours of sleep. However, I find myself wanting to reach Sacramento in haste. Thus, I think I will go back to the truck and sleep for 6 hours, afterwards, do you have anything to do during that period of time?"

"Hmmm, I suppose that I need to do laundry, I saw a sign for the laundromat they have here and it looks okay. I would also like to buy some sneakers and then maybe browse the bookstore section of the store. So yeah, go to sleep, I’ll entertain myself."

Penny went back with Sheldon to grab her duffel bag but before going to the laundromat she decided to hit the bookstore first, that way she’d have something to read while waiting for her clothes.

Even after all the punches life had thrown her way Penny refused to stop believing in romance. Books were an excellent way for her to indulge in that. She picked up a random book, ‘A Knight in Shining Armor by Jude Deveraux’s’, paid for it and moved to the laundromat. Once her clothes were done Penny wondered how she was going to pass time quickly, getting new sneakers would take a second. Hopefully the book will be good.

The book was amazing, it was torture for Penny to stop reading to move her clothes to the drier and then once it was done she basically shoved it all back into the duffel bag in order to get back to her book.

Penny was thinking about when it would be her turn to get a Knight in shining armor when Sheldon’s voice interrupted her.

"Ready?" He didn’t look any different and looked rested enough, even if his clothes were a little rumpled.

Penny cringed. "Sorry, haven’t gotten my sneakers, got caught up in a book."

The look Sheldon gave her made her feel like a chastised student. Quickly going to the shoe section Penny grabbed the first pair she liked while Sheldon went to buy water and food.

One snack run later and they were back on the road.

"It’ll take us 9 hours to arrive to Sacramento." Penny liked this relaxed version of Sheldon…well, as relaxed as he could get. "Once there I need to deliver the load which should take only 1 hour. I will then return the truck to the headquarters, this should give us plenty of time to visit a used car dealership, take the car to be professionally washed and cleaned while we eat. And by evening we should be on the road to Pasadena."

Penny was honestly flabbergasted, she thought that Sheldon was dropping her off in Sacramento and cleaning his hands off from her. She was moved to tears, this man was nicer to her than even her own family had ever been.

"Sounds great Honey." Penny couldn’t fight back the smile breaking her face.

They talked for a couple of hours. Sheldon had plans about working at Caltech and also obtaining a second PhD, he loved Physics and from what she was able to gather, he seemed to think that he had been born for it. Penny was able to hear some of his less painful memories, his mom chasing him around when he thought germs were going to kill him. His Meemaw’s illegal casino. Poor Snowball. Mandy and Ceecee. His time in Germany. And Penny was able to get a much clearer idea on who Sheldon Cooper was, she liked what she got.

Penny also told him about trying to be a good son for her dad and never being able to do it. Her slugger nickname. Junior Rodeo. Her love for Care Bears. Cheerleading. Getting drunk for the first time on peppermint schnapps in her best friend’s basement. Finding out that she loved Acting thanks to losing a bet and having to be Juliet in their High School’s play, it had been a joke, and after the first rehearsal it was no longer a joke to her.

It felt nice to be able to just talk. Sheldon became a better friend in 24 hours than her childhood friends had ever been.

Arriving in Sacramento early in the morning, Penny could see that Sheldon was just as excited as she was. He was basically vibrating in his seat.

They soon were in the lot of a place called ‘CarMax’, it was huge and the selection seemed impossibly large. But Sheldon was Sheldon and he already had a very specific set of parameters of what he considered acceptable. Not even an hour had passed since they arrived and they were already driving away in a Silver Toyota Camry.

While they waited for the car to be washed and cleaned they had lunch in a very nice cafeteria. Penny was drinking some pretty nice coffee when Sheldon once again surprised her.

"Would you like to be my roommate?"

Sheldon had quite enjoyed the company of Penny. She was chatty and overly excitable but he had to admit that it was appealing instead of being annoying.

Without meaning to, he had included Penny in his new plans. He didn’t want a studio apartment, after living in close quarters for so long he wanted a large apartment, a place where he could have a living room, a kitchen, a bath (He still remembered a time when that thought would have made him jump in fright, but after countless cold rest-stop showers he was ready to give baths a try), and maybe shelves, so he could start collecting things again.

Maybe Penny would like to be his roommate.

So he asked.

After choking on her coffee Penny was able to breathe again and she glared at Sheldon. ‘He’s trying to kill me.’

"I’m not saying no, but I’m also not saying yes. I need you to explain why you made the offer." Penny didn’t want charity, if he was asking because of some misguided sense of wanting to protect her then she would walk away right now.

"Well, because I want to." And he explained what he meant, he wanted to live in a place that he could call home. Oh he said a hundred words more but Penny had to wonder if Sheldon realized how…normal that dream was. Penny herself was looking for a home. And having a bigger place would be great, Penny didn’t have a lot of money, a roommate would go a long way for her.

This could be a mistake.

"Okay Honey, let’s be roommates."

Then again, it could be great.

Sheldon gave a smile that was pure joy and Penny felt more confident in having said yes.

Penny had noticed that Sheldon had a thing for driving at night. They were on their way to Pasadena and Penny was feeling pumped.

"Are you sure that you don’t need to check the map?"

"I already memorized it Penny, there’s no need."

"Wait, for real? So you have a photographic memory?" That would be so cool.

"No. I have an eidetic memory. I can remember everything, not just images, but I can recall sounds, sensations, emotions etc."

"Oh! That includes bad memories?" Maybe it wasn’t so cool after all.

Sheldon just nodded but she noticed that his grip on the steering wheel was tighter than it had been a moment ago.


"Let’s make some good memories then Sheldon."

A small smile directed her way is all the response she needed.

Pasadena is not quite what Penny imagined, it’s just another city. But this is where her dreams can come true.

They arrive very early in the morning, it’s barely 6 am. Sheldon drives them to a Denny’s and while they wait for their food Sheldon is using his phone to look for apartments. He wants something that’s close to Caltech but not crazy expensive.

When Penny is done with her pancakes Sheldon shows her what he thinks will be an ideal choice. Los Robles 2311.

The apartment is on the 4th floor but there’s an elevator and Penny has a feeling about it. She can see Sheldon and herself living in it.

It’s only a 10 minute drive to Caltech. They go check it out and both agree that it’s a good place. The elevator is working and the building doesn’t have any weird smells. They have their own laundry room.

Driving there showed that the neighborhood was pretty nice. The landlord was a no-nonsense kind of guy and just showed them the apartment right away. It was just as great as Penny expected, so much room. The rent was a little steep even divided in two, but after checking with the landlord how much a single bedroom would cost Penny had to admit that they were getting a deal.

Single room -850 USD
Two bedrooms -1300 USD

So Penny shut up and was thankful that it was only 650 for her rent. They also split the safety deposit of 1k.

And Sheldon and Penny now had an apartment.

They had no chairs, no beds, no TV. But they were ready to start living their lives now.

Chapter 26: Destination (Detour)


Sequel to Correction

Penny and Sheldon find a home.


I think I wasn't too clear with the timeline of the story so just to make things clear:

Sheldon and Penny initially met circa 2000 in this Universe

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Sheldon was able to get two lawn chairs from a store nearby and well, it was better than nothing.

"Okay Sheldon, we’ve got a lot of things to do. Getting beds should be at the top. BUT, priority number 1 is getting jobs."

Sheldon simply looked at her expectantly and with a tilted head. ‘That’s cute.’ But he didn’t say anything else.

"As in, any ideas are welcome…"

"Oh! Well, I will go tomorrow to Caltech and present my credentials as well as express my interest in pursuing my second PhD there."

"Okay, awesome, that’s great!." He really did look proud. "But I was asking for help. To be more precise, I don’t know what job would be good for me."

"Oh, then why didn’t you just say so?"

"…" Okay she liked Sheldon a lot but she was not a fan of this. "Yeah, this is me asking?"

"Well, do you have any special skills?"

"Uhhh, like being able to ride a horse?"

"Exactly like that."

Penny has to take a moment to think it through thoroughly "I can do that, ride a horse. Ummm I did Junior Rodeo so I know all of that, tie-down roping, bareback riding, breakaway roping. I know how to shoot. I can disassemble and reassemble the engine on a tractor…I can drive a tractor. I know how to castrate sheep. I can do any farm work." Penny has to sit down as she continues thinking about her skills.

"I did some baton twirling as a cheerleader. And…I think that’s it."

Sheldon nods along with every thing she listed. She was about to list the sex stuff, but doesn’t want that to define her. Penny is not in a place to have sex at the moment, it’s tied to bad memories, she doesn’t want to date either. Not after Kurt. And if she were to date…She very deliberately doesn’t look at Sheldon.

"What is your goal? Do you want to act or do you want to be famous?" Sheldon’s face is honest, he’s not baiting her.

"I like acting. I wouldn’t mind being famous but I guess that I can say that fame isn’t exactly my end goal. I would like to be able to make a living from acting and just be happy."

"I see." Sheldon had this very intense face he made when focusing and Penny really liked it. "There are several avenues that you can explore. Voice acting is at the top of the list, you have a very appealing voice. There is an entire industry for background actors which would also expose you to directors and producers. Theater is an underrated avenue, though it requires more effort. Videogames have a budding acting industry."

"Wouldn’t voice acting and videogames would be the same thing tho?"

"Not necessarily, while it’s true that some people lend both their likeness and voice to characters, there’s still people that are needed for body tracking, stunts, etc. After all, someone has to play the ‘bad guys’ as well."

"And what do you think it’s the best approach?"

"I believe that excluding Theater, you could try for all other avenues at the same time. Theater requires a commitment of time and effort, trying to focus on Theater and another avenue would lead you to not excelling at neither." Sheldon rubbed his knuckles as he thought seriously about her situation. She had noticed him do that when focusing deeply on something.

"I see. Thank you Sheldon."

"You’re welcome." A small happy smile sat on his face.

Penny needed to think about this, she didn’t have a problem with just getting a customer service job or maybe waitressing, but it didn’t feel like it would necessarily bring her closer to her dream. And Sheldon was always so happy to help.

She really was one lucky girl.

Sheldon was happy, it had been 4 months since they moved in to Los Robles and so far his plans were well underway. Caltech had been happy to receive him, more than happy, they had even set up a whole event celebrating ‘The return of Dr. Sheldon Cooper to Academia.’

He didn’t want to attend but Penny told him that she would be his date and that made the evening more tolerable.

Penny had also made strides, she had been surprised at how easy it was to get a job as a background character in sitcoms and movies. She liked how for one show she would wear many different shirts, dresses, wigs, all to try and make her look like a different background character.

Thankfully the jobs were plentiful and recently she was able to break through in voice acting as well. A small role in a cartoon called ‘As told by Ginger’ but Penny was beyond ecstatic, Sheldon hadn’t mentioned this but he was hopeful this would be the start to a great career for her.

His own efforts had not been any less successful, he was well on his way to earn his second PhD.

Sheldon had never neglected his education and Caltech was more than happy to accommodate him, and while he didn’t exactly love teaching, he only had 3 classes to teach a week which made it more tolerable than if it were 3 classes a day like some of his colleagues.

Not having the yoke of his father around his neck made Sheldon appreciate life more. He allowed himself to be dragged by Penny every weekend to throw a football at the park, while before football would bring memories of his father shooting at the TV as his team lost, recently he found himself thinking instead of how Penny would throw the ball while laughing.


Penny was fidgeting in the elevator, it couldn’t arrive on her floor soon enough. She had to tell Sheldon the great news or she would explode. This was it. It’d been a little over a year since she arrived in California and her efforts were paying off.

As the elevator doors opened to the 4th landing Penny was already running on her feet, quickly opening her door. Sheldon was standing in the kitchen and he was serving two plates, he had found a love for cooking and she encouraged it.

"Sheldon!!!!!!!!!!" Penny knew that the squee was so high that it might hurt his acute hearing but she couldn’t contain herself.

Sheldon simply raised an eyebrow and calmly replied "Penny?" Wackadoodle.

"I got it!!!!!" Penny started jumping in place before launching herself at Sheldon and hugging him tightly with all 4 limbs, she probably looked like a monkey but she didn’t care. Sheldon on his part only held her by the hips.

"The role of the recurring enemy girl?" He was also getting excited, she hadn’t stopped talking about how she really wanted this show. She had found a love for voice acting and this would be her first big recurring role."

"Nope" Penny popped the P and her smile was as big as it ever had been.

"Forgive me Penny, but I’m confused, I thought you wanted this role?"

"I did. Until they offered me the role of the protagonist. You have in your arms the voice of Kim Possible!" Penny couldn’t stop squeeing, she was just so excited.

Sheldon finally hugged her properly and twirled her for a moment "Congratulations! You’ve worked really hard for this. I’m proud of you."

Penny knew that Sheldon only said things that he meant and him saying that he was proud of her made her finally start crying in happiness. She buried her head in Sheldon’s shoulder and babbled incoherently, wanting to thank him for being there and just being himself. Sheldon simply held her and kept saying "There, there. Sheldon’s here."

She loved him.

Sheldon didn’t doubt for a second that Penny would do great things. Obtaining this protagonic role was just evidence of that. She had been working hard, sometimes she would not come home for 3 days as she was running between acting jobs.

He was proud of her. So he told her.

With arms full of Penny, Sheldon felt that while their courses might have derailed due to circumstances outside of their control, they now had course corrected and were on their intended roads.

Sheldon only hoped that Penny wouldn’t lea-

Penny kissed him.

He tasted her tears, it shouldn’t have made for a pleasant experience.

He kissed her back.

Penny had been scared. She had known for a bit that her feelings for the tall scientist were no longer Platonical. But she was scared.

Penny had done a lot of things she wasn’t proud of, selling her body was number one on that list. It hadn’t really been her decision, but she was forced due to circumstances. She knew of girls that did it and loved it, but she was not one of them.

She had been scared of Sheldon rejecting her. He had never shown any aversion to her due to her past job, he didn’t flinch at her touch. He allowed her to touch him when she had witnessed Sheldon tearing the head off a sales girl for being a little too familiar with his person.

She had been scared of her feelings not being returned. Sheldon deserved someone better, someone that wasn’t tainted, someone that could understand his work.

Penny had been scared of all of that, until Sheldon kissed her back.

Penny thought she would die from happiness. Maybe Sheldon didn’t believe in Fate, but she did. And it was Fate that put her on the same road as Sheldon Cooper.

It was 2003 and the year had already started on a bad note. Louis/Louise moved away, Penny loved her neighbor and was sad about it but they were being transferred to LA.

Because of this Penny had been trying to get Sheldon to agree to move. She had found an amazing place for sale on E. Del Mar Boulevard, literally 5 minutes within walking distance from Caltech (And a gym, and a grocery store, and even more).

It was a beautiful Victorian style house, 5 bedrooms and 2 baths. Not only would they have a front garden, but also a backyard AND a huge plot for gardening if they wished to. But Sheldon was a little reluctant, he had a soft spot for Los Robles and she did too, but with Louis/Louise gone, it felt like the right move at the right time.

Arriving at the 4th landing, she saw that their new neighbor would be moving in. There were boxes around the entrance to 4B and Penny could see 3 young guys moving stuff inside the apartment. She was on the phone with Sheldon and trying to convince him while looking for her keys inside the mess she called a purse when a whiny voice was heard clearly.

"She’s perfect." Penny refused to turn around, she could feel the weight of lustful eyes and even without looking she knew the type. ‘Where are those damn keys.’

"Our babies will be smart and beautiful." Penny was ready to bring down her door but the only thing that stopped her was the idea that it would remove a barrier between her and this asshole.

Talking louder on purpose Penny wanted to make it clear she didn’t appreciate the comments "Honey, did you also hear that?"

"I did." Sheldon sounded upset as well and she was willing to bet his acute hearing was more of a curse right now.

"And this is why I want to move. I don’t want an asshole treating me like a piece of meat." Penny was finally able to find her keys and to start opening her door.

"I concur, let’s call the realtor."

"Thank you Honey. Love you" Penny locked the door behind her and stopped for a moment before putting the dead lock as well.

"I love you too."

Sheldon had been great at this relationship thing, he never pushed her for more than she was ready to give, and she was thankful for that. Penny was rediscovering sex with Sheldon and it felt nice to have someone actually care about you and not just your body.

Penny knew that they were both broken but strangely enough they fit together. The Penny from 3 years ago wouldn’t be able to believe that this would be her life after leaving Nebraska. There were a lot of things she still needed to do, like Tommy. He was getting out next year and during her phone calls with him she had floated the idea of him moving to Pasadena and finishing school and he seemed happy to try.

And this place, this apartment had been the first true home for both her and Sheldon as adults. But she was ready to start thinking long term.

She wanted to own her home.

Penny ignored the knocks at her door and the whiny voice accompanying them, she needed to contact the realtor as soon as possible.


I really like this Universe.

I might come back later to it.

Edit 01/04/24:
This spun into it's own story:


The Detour Equivalency

Chapter 27: Hard


Things don't always go as planned.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

There comes a point in your life where you have to accept that this is it. That’s all there is to it. Nothing more and nothing less.

Penny comes to that realization at the ripe age of 28.

She had to give up on her dream of acting and now she has a soul-killing job as a sales rep, which apparently she’s really good at. So, yay or whatever.

Several things happen that make Penny finally say yes to marrying Leonard…none of them are good, sadly. Penny wakes up one morning with pretty bad back pain, Leonard calls her an old woman and she can’t let go of that comment for an entire month. Leonard starts hinting that she’s losing her ‘prime child years’, whatever the fuck that means. Penny is not turning as many heads, which is a hit bigger than she expected. And of course, her parents start asking about grandchildren, as if Tim didn’t already have 11 children with 5 different women.

So Penny says yes.

And then the shit really hits the fan after they tell the group. Howard and Bernadette act relieved, like Penny marrying Leonard will make their own marriage better. Amy calls dibs on the maid of honor role and Penny is too tired to fight her, besides Bernadette doesn’t exactly feel like her friend anymore. Raj is openly weeping and he can’t stop hugging them. Sheldon acts…strangely, and not in a Sheldon way.

He takes a good long look at Penny, like he’s seeing her for the first time and then tell her, quietly, so only she can hear, "My door is always open for you." which honestly freaks her out, because his intense look is replaced by pity.

Sheldon breaks up with Amy the next day. Of course the group is not going to let him get away with it. Penny is pissed because Amy has been non-stop crying since Sheldon broke up with her and while her feelings for the woman might be mixed, she’s still a friend.

Unfortunately, they all seem to have forgotten how stubborn and honest Sheldon really is. As Penny confronts him about breaking up with Amy he stuns the whole room with his response.

"Seeing as Penny and Leonard have decided to tank their current relationship in an ill attempt to deceive themselves that they love each other, well, that forced me to look at my relationship with Amy. She deserves someone that can love her, and that person is not me. I am not attracted to you Amy, I in fact find you sometimes intolerable." Amy only cries harder.

"It would be a disservice to our friendship to continue with this sham of a relationship. I refuse to become my father and have to reduce myself to constantly consume alcohol just to tolerate my spouse." Sheldon turns a glaring look at everyone in the room. "You trying to force me and Amy ‘back together’ only reinforces my decision. I will not be Howard constantly hitting on other women despite my vows. I will not be Leonard not caring who I marry to as long as they’re ‘hot’. And I will not be my father, tied down to a marriage he hated just ‘for the kids’."

Sheldon enters his room and leaves the group to handle the ugly truth grenades he just threw.

Howard and Bernadette excuse themselves and neither can look Penny in the eye. Raj offers to take Amy home, the woman had stopped crying at some point and instead looked pensive.

Leaving only Penny and Leonard in the apartment.

Penny can’t deny what Sheldon said. Leonard had several times in the past abandoned her like yesterday’s lunch if a new hot woman paid any attention to him. She had found that he still had intimate photos from his time with Priya, and Penny might have hated Priya but Leonard keeping them wasn’t cool. She deleted everything and asked Sheldon to do the same with any backups. Penny had refused to send Leonard any pictures after that.

"That Sheldon is crazy. It’ll be a relief once he leaves and you move in." Leonard can’t look her in the eye but still sounds confident somehow.

It takes her brain a moment to catch up with his words "What do you mean when Sheldon leaves? I thought it was his name on the lease?"

"Oh, that. He made a bet. He said you would never agree to marry me." Leonard looks smug "So he bet that if you said yes, he would be the one to leave. It’s in the roommate contract and everything."

"Huh." It doesn’t make Penny feel any better.

The group ignores Sheldon’s words.

Sheldon moves out rather quickly from 4A, he moves to a townhouse on Oakdale street. He’s able to walk to work now, 5 minutes only. He doesn’t invite them to his place.

Penny gets an email saying she’s welcome as long as she doesn’t bring anyone else. She keeps it a secret.

Routines are hard to shed, they’re all in the apartment for Thai night, except Sheldon. Penny calls him pretty pissed.

"Hey Sheldon, where the hell are you?"

"Hello Penny. I’m at home having Thai food. Why?"

"What do you mean you’re at home? Why didn’t you come to 4A?"

"Oh! I wasn’t invited. I sent Leonard a message but he never replied so in accordance with hospitality rules, I assumed that I wasn’t invited."


"Besides, you are the only one that contacted me at all. Could I hazard a guess that the rest of the group didn’t concern themselves with my absence?"

Penny looks around and the other guys are playing some videogame while Amy and Bernadette are talking on the couch.

"I believe your silence is answer enough."

Penny wants to tell him that she misses him, that he needs to be here. But before she can get the words past the lump in her throat, Sheldon hangs up.

They get married pretty quickly after that.

Penny is shocked that Sheldon is not Leonard’s best man. No, it’s Howard. Sheldon never makes an appearance at the wedding.

Penny is not sure why this hurts her so much.

She’s in the reception and instead of dancing or sharing a fun moment with her groom, she’s near the entrance trying to call Sheldon. But he never picks up.

He still sends them a gift with Raj.

Later, much later, she’s opening Sheldon’s gift and Penny doesn’t know what to think. It’s a bottle of wine…an empty bottle of wine. There’s a piece of paper glued to the bottom of the bottle and reading it only makes Penny more confused.

"The bottom is always dry."

Penny is not sure what Sheldon is trying to say, she still saves the bottle. She puts it in the bottom where Leonard never checks, he only grabs the first one at the top.

They don’t see much of Sheldon after that. Penny is too busy with her honeymoon and then she’s exhausted once back in Los Robles.

Penny still texts Sheldon, he’ll send her beautifully worded messages and she’ll reply with a GIF of a show or movie that Sheldon has never watched. He never tells her to stop.

Howard and Bernadette announce their pregnancy a month after Penny’s wedding. Penny doesn’t miss the longing looks that Leonard throws her way.

In for a Penny, in for a pound, or whatever that fucking saying is. Penny stops taking her contraceptives.

Penny is turning 29 soon and she’s miserable.

She can’t get pregnant. They haven’t even had a scare so far. It’s as if she’s still taking the pill. Leonard’s look gets sharper, his words meaner. He’s not outright saying it but he’s blaming her.

He’s made some snide comments about Penny taking the pill in secret or somehow purposely sabotaging their chances. She doesn’t want to go to the doctor because going to the doctor will make it real.

Penny asks Sheldon during one of their weekly lunches.

"Penny, there are many reasons why couples can’t conceive. You will need to visit your regular OB GYN before assuming something is wrong."

And because Sheldon told her to do it, she does it.

"So what’s it look like Doctor?"

"Mr and Mrs Hofstadter. I’m afraid I don’t have great news."

Penny can feel a pit open in her. She never wanted children, not really. But getting pregnant is a thing that can happen to anyone right? She never hurt her tummy or crotch during Junior Rodeo.

"Have either of you heard about ‘Impaired ovarian reserve’?" Two headshakes. "This is a condition where-"

And Penny can feel blood rushing through her ears. Just a bad roll of the die for her, her eggs are not good enough to sustain life. They might never be, they might never have been. Penny is feeling pretty numb, she doesn’t know how to react. Should she cry?

And then Leonard is crying for the both of them.

There’s treatments and in the worst case scenario they can try IVF. Of course TRY being the key word. There were no guarantees.

And Penny tries it all, injections every day for two weeks, nothing. Synthetic estrogen with progesterone plus a pill, nothing. Hormone replacement therapy, nothing.

The doctor offers an experimental treatment with ‘high dose gonadoropins’ and Penny accepts out of desperation because it’s been 8 months since this whole treatment started and SOMETHING has to work. Still nothing.

They finally try IVF, the doctor promises a 90% chance of success. It fails.

Just like Penny’s marriage to Leonard.

From the start Leonard was the desperate one. Constantly reassuring her that thing would work out, that they could have a family.

Month after month and treatment after treatment, and Leonard became meaner and meaner with each failure. He resented Penny, as if she was somehow at fault for this. Her suffering and pain both physical and emotional not counting for even a little bit of sympathy.

She starts spending more and more nights in Sheldon's guest room.

Penny is about to turn 30, still no pregnancy. She’s preparing a nice dinner to ask Leonard that they try IVF again, but he never makes it to dinner. Or for breakfast, or lunch.

She’s getting ready to call the police when Bernadette calls her, Penny quickly explains that she doesn’t have time, Leonard is missing and she needs to call the cops but Bernadette stops her.

"Penny. Leonard is here with us. We need you to come here, Leonard has something to say to you." And Bernadette simply hangs up, as if Penny wasn’t freaking out.

Her head is a mess all the way to the Wolowitz house. She can’t think properly, has no idea what this could be about.

Once Penny is ushered in she sees Leonard sitting in the middle of the couch surrounded by all of their friends sans Sheldon. Her heart stops, maybe Leonard is sick, he could have cance-

"I got a girl pregnant."

It takes Penny a long moment to understand that the words came from Leonard. She has to repeat them to herself a couple of times before they fully sink in.

"…what did you said?..." Her voice is a whisper. She couldn’t have heard correctly.

"It was an accident!!" Leonard finally stands up and moves towards her but Penny doesn’t want him touching her so she backs away from him as quickly as possible.

"How?" Maybe this will be her voice from now on. This hurt whisper.

"Penny, you have to understand!" Leonard grabs his glasses in frustration and rubs at his eyes. "You were always in pain, we didn’t even have sex anymore!." Put the glasses back on and glares at Penny. "What was I supposed to do?"

Penny wants to tell him all sorts of things. He could have kept it in his pants. Could have not betrayed her. Could have been faithful. Could have divorced her. Could have been a good human being. Could have spared Penny the pain of all those treatments. Could have been less of a piece of shit.

Instead Penny removes her ring and throws it between them. Not a word.

She leaves the Wolowitz home and ignores everyone calling for her. She turns her phone off once it starts ringing.

Penny doesn’t even know where she’s going, she’s been driving without really paying attention and it’s a miracle she didn’t crash into anything. It’s not until she’s parked in front of Sheldon’s house that Penny starts crying. She stumbles to his door and pounds on it.


And Penny is crying in his arms, she cries until she knows nothing but darkness.

Waking up on Sheldon’s couch with a massive crying hangover makes Penny remember that this is real. Leonard did get someone else pregnant.

Sheldon is there when she wakes up and gives her a cup of coffee, she almost rejects it with the well practiced line ‘No, thank you.’ There’s no need to worry about caffeine affecting her chances of getting pregnant after all.

She tells Sheldon everything, and she can’t stop once she starts. Penny tells him about her fear, the pain, how they prodded her and poked her, how the doctor and nurses looked at her in pity, how Leonard would imply she was somehow defective, how she wasn’t sure that she wanted children even after all of this, how she never expected Leonard to betray her.

She talked and talked until it was late. Sheldon ordered Pizza and forced her to eat a slice. He insisted that she could stay in his house for as long as she needed it. He then went out and came back 2 hours later with a duffel bag full of her clothes.

Her Wackadoodle was always her Knight in Shining Armor.

In the next week things move fast. Leonard doesn’t want to fight her, he signs the divorce papers but has the gall to ask ‘Can we still be friends?’ and it’s only Sheldon’s presence that stops her from beating Leonard to death.

She moves out all of her things into Sheldon’s house until she can find her own place. None of the others in the group reach out to her. Not even Amy. They had made their choice.

Penny finally has her first drink of wine in over a year and she cries herself to sleep that night and the next, and the next, and the next, until Sheldon throws away all the alcohol she brought.

Penny finds it easy to slip into Sheldon’s life. There’s comfort in the routine, they still have Thai night, Pizza night, Halo, and even Laundry night…of course it’s just them talking in Sheldon’s basement as their clothes spin around. There’s no one here to steal their clothes, they should go upstairs, and yet they stay right there.

Penny smiles again.


Working on another part for this. Originally I wanted to post it all together but got sick and writing felt like a chore, so posting this will help me keep the motivation alive.


Ps. This chapter grew into something bigger, it's now it's own fic called: The Embryo Capacitance


I hope you like it!

Chapter 28: Unexpected (Happenstance)



Penny is not happy in college, a chance meeting starts changing the way she sees things.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny is not really sure she wants to stay in college. She’s currently a freshman at UNO, looking to major in fine/studio arts because she thought it would involve acting…which it didn’t do that exactly, they could eventually teach her to teach other people about acting but Penny was finding this whole college thing to be a bit of a bust.

She wanted to act, wanted to be the next Julia Roberts. But she was starting to think that if she stayed here in Omaha it would never happen. It was still her freshman year so Penny was perfectly aware that she was being impatient, but her 18th birthday was coming up in 6 months and it was just too tempting, she might just drop out and go to California in her shitty car.

The only thing that Penny liked about college so far was that she felt like she’d be able to find her true love here.

Tamika had told her that Kurt from the Athletic training program was asking about Penny and that her boyfriend Jack had confirmed he was going to ask Penny out. She couldn’t wait, she had a good feeling about this Kurt…yum yum, those muscles.

"Hey Pen." Penny liked Tamika, the girl was in the Physics department but looked like a damn supermodel. She was being wasted in the sciences building. Penny got lucky to get Tamika as a roommate.

"Hey girl, ready to go out clubbing tonight?"

"Ugh, can’t." Tamika really looked disappointed. "The Physics department is preparing to host a welcome party for the boy genius himself and we all have to be present. Can’t wiggle away."

"Boy genius?"

"Oh yeah, you probably don’t know. There’s this guy in the Physics world that is basically the second coming of Einstein. He got his first PhD at 14, the second at 16 and his name is attached to pretty much every award available, almost always followed by ‘The youngest ever’-something."

"Oh damn, sounds like a fun guy at parties."

"You have no idea. He’s also pretty famous, or rather infamous for being a pain in the ass. It doesn’t help that he’s almost always right, I heard he caused several researchers to quit after meeting with him for a couple of minutes."

"And he’s coming to UNO, why?" Penny had no illusions that their little University held any sort of importance.

"He’s actually on loan from Caltech. He’s staying for 3 months to give some lectures and do research using our equipment."

"Huh, how old is he?."

"Just turned 18, it’s actually a little creepy at seeing all the older ladies go gaga over him."

"Haha, poor guy then. Anyway, since you can’t come tonight, how about we meet on-" And Penny kept going with her life, this conversation soon forgotten.

As Penny worked her shift at The Cheesecake Factory she kept thinking about her future. College so far had made her feel like a failure, she felt stupid for choosing a Major without really understanding what she was signing up for and just because she thought it had something to do with acting. Sure, college life was fantastic, she loved living on campus and not having to worry about the farm anymore. Having clubs, coffee shops, and shoe stores within walking distance was a game changer.

And yet…Penny wondered if she should keep going. Was college really going to get her closer to her dream? For that matter, what was her dream? She enjoyed acting but if she was honest with herself she wanted the fame as well, she didn’t want to be a background character in a sitcom, she wanted to be in movie posters so that the bitches from high school would froth at the mouth when seeing her.

Maybe it was a better idea to drop out and go try her luck in California.

That idea was only reinforced by the book in front of her. It was a slow afternoon and her manager didn’t mind Penny doing homework at an empty table, Penny knew she wasn’t the only waitress that did that. Glaring at the book Penny had to wonder why learning to design clothes required her to know math, and it’s because someone replies to her that she realizes she actually said that outloud. ‘I need to stop that habit.’

"It’s to ensure the piece of clothing you’re designing actually fits correctly. You would also need it to calculate how much to charge for that piece of clothing." A boy her age is standing next to the table she’s using. He’s tall, way too tall and wiry, like one of those swimmers she loved to go and watch practice. And for some reason he’s dressed like one of her professors, a red plaid shirt over a light blue tee, khaki pants, and a tweed jacket. At least he was wearing cool sneakers. For some reason he looked really happy to be answering her question.

"As you’re probably aware, the clothing designing process always starts with a sketch. This sketch will contain shapes, patterns and sizes as well as how they relate to one another in space, in simpler terms, Geometry. Which is one of the fundamental branches of math." Without being invited to, the boy takes a seat in front of her.

"Of course, that is a vital part of the design process," points to his shirt "Squares, triangles, circles and other designs are always present in our clothing and can be easily defined as mathematical in nature, however, even those designs that can be defined as abstract still use geometry to ensure they’re aesthetically pleasing." Penny is not sure that he has taken a breath since he started talking and the way he’s talking to her reinforces the idea of a professor, he’s probably a freshman as well and trying way too hard.

"Math is also used by stores in order to determine stocking rates. And it goes without saying that return on investment is something present at every step of the way to determine that everyone will stand to gain from it. And it’s all thanks to…" He trails off and looks at Penny expectantly.


"That’s right! Excellent. And that’s why you need Math in clothing design." He looks so proud of himself that Penny can’t help but laugh.

"Okay, okay, thank you for the explanation. Can you then help explain how this formula becomes a graph? I’m not getting it, how is this a circle according to the book?" Penny shows him her book and the formula (x−h)2+(y−k)2=r2.

"Do you have your graphing calculator?"

"My what now?"

"Oh boy. How did you pass your SATs?"

"Hey! Don’t be mean."

"I’m sorry. Let me show you how to do it without a calculator."

And the boy did just that, Penny realized that all of this was stuff she had seen in High School but this boy took the time to show her how to solve formulas but also how to graph them on paper. It wasn’t exactly fun but she could tell he had experience tutoring people.

"Oh! That’s awesome, that makes so much more sense now."

"Yes, math is a wonderful thing."

"Thank you so much. Oh, your food must have arrived at your table by now. I’m sorry for taking so much of your time."

"No worries. I haven’t ordered yet. I was approaching you for that reason when I heard you pose your question about math."

"Oh gosh, I’m sorry. Thank you again. Let me get you a menu, don’t move from there."

Quickly going through the familiar motions she cleaned his side of the table and got him a menu.

"Don’t order dessert, as thanks for helping me understand this. I'll get you a slice of cheesecake after your meal. My treat."

And for the first time he looks uncomfortable "Oh, is this like a gift?"

"No, it’s just a way to repay the help you already gave me."

His face clears "Ahh, like Quid Pro Quo?"

"Sure, let’s go with that."

"Then, I accept. Thank you." His attention now on the bible of a menu in front of him.

Penny had to smile, this boy was weird but not in a bad way. It was probably his first time away from home and college had been scarier than he expected, and he wasn’t being a creep, he hadn’t even ogled Penny or tried to make a pass at her. In High School she wouldn’t have been friends with him but here it was perfectly normal, maybe they could help each other out with homework. ‘I mean, he can’t be good at every subject.’

After almost ten minutes of him going through the menu Penny is getting a little impatient. "All of it is good."

"Highly unlike. But this is my first time at this establishment so I suppose that asking for recommendations would be the next logical step. Is there anything that you recommend?"

"Hmmm, how about a burger? I just had the Smokehouse B.B.Q. Burger a few days ago and it’s really good."

"I’ll have that please, and a glass of lemonade."

"Coming right up."

Penny got him his burger and went right back to work on her assignment, thanks to this boy’s help she was getting it and didn’t want to stop. If he needed something then he could just ask her.

As Penny worked she took notice of this strange boy, he ate carefully, methodically. Her first thought was that maybe he was feeling awkward eating in front of her but he was ignoring her, completely absorbed in enjoying his burger.

She made good on her promise and got a slice of cheesecake. She got a gut feeling that he had a sweet tooth so she made it a slice of the Peanut Butter and Chocolate Cheesecake. She was not disappointed, he basically devoured it.

"Thank you. You were correct on the hamburger and your selection of Cheesecake was equally pleasing. I might make this a weekly visit after today."

"Oh you’re welcome Sweetie. I always work this shift so you can find me here." Penny winced, it sounded too much like a come on. But the boy simply nodded and moved to stand up. And okay, Penny had at least been expecting for the boy to ask for her number but he didn’t seem interested in her. ‘Maybe he’s gay.’

"My name is Penny by the way, just realized we never introduced ourselves." She extended a hand to him.

He looked at her hand for a long moment and when she was about to put it down he reached out and shook it.

“My name is Sheldon. Pleased to meet you.” He gives her a small shy smile and Penny smiles back.

“I like that, Sheldon. It fits you well. I’ll see you around Sheldon.”

“Likewise.” And he’s gone.

Penny likes Sheldon, he’s a little high strung and talks like an old timey professor, but he’s a good boy, maybe he and Tamika can hit it off, talk science at each other.

After her shift Penny wanted to take advantage of the knowledge still fresh in her brain so she decided to finish all of her math work that same night. She might like this geometry stuff after all.

Tamika entered their dorm and went to slam face first onto her bed.

“Not a great party I take it?” Penny asked seeing the exhausted woman.

“Oh no, fantastic. Simply fantastic.” Tamika’s voice was slightly muffled but the sarcasm still shone strongly. “Boy genius is everything they claim and more. And he’s an ass, not five minutes into the party and he’s already offended everyone. I don’t know how he plans to lecture with that attitude.” Tamika laughs suddenly “And you know the best part? He left his own welcome party halfway through to go eat lunch." Tamika finally sat up to face Penny "Can you believe that?. And his first lecture is in a week."

"Wow, sounds like a fun guy.”

“I think it’ll be an interesting lecture…want to come and see?”

“Me? Why?.”

“C’mon, you owe me one.”

“Nuh uh.”

“I’m going to get Jack to organize a double date with Kurt. So you owe me.”


Penny really wanted that date, she’ll go and get bored for an hour and maybe even work on her homework. She’s also hoping that Sheldon will help her again.


Really like this idea.

Still feeling a little sick, so writing will slow for a bit.

Chapter 29: Friends (Happenstance)


Sequel to: Unexpected

Penny would like to be Sheldon's friend.


Trying to get back into writing as I'm feeling better.

This Sheldon doesn't have a lot of set routines yet.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny was kind of getting the hang of this geometry thing. They were teaching them how to sketch correctly and Penny loved it, she could see how it all would come together into a design. And she was thrilled.

It was as if for the first time something clicked about college. She was having fun.

It had been a few days since Sheldon had helped her and she had tried to pay attention around campus to see if she could find him but she hadn’t had any luck so far. Maybe he was too shy and only went to classes and then back. He could use a friend and Penny could be that friend.

She didn’t see Sheldon until her Thursday shift, she was working the dinner shift and this time the restaurant was a little more active. She still had her notebooks on an empty table at the back but she had less chances to work on it. Penny was really liking the design classes and she had been taking them more seriously.

One moment the table with her stuff is empty and the next moment she looks, Sheldon is sitting there reviewing one of her notebooks. A smile comes to her face because he’s once again dressed like a mini-version of a professor…well, not so mini, the boy was tall as heck.

Making her way to him she prepared her notepad, technically this table wasn’t at her section but whatever. “Hey Sheldon!”

“Good evening Penny.” He gave her a small shy smile and Penny had to resist the urge to say ‘Awww’ out loud. “I see that you have made strides in your school work. Excellent job.”

“Aw thanks Sweetie.” Penny blushed a little, it felt nice to hear someone complimenting her progress. “Let me get you a menu.”

“No need, I have already memorized it. Thank you.”

Penny laughed but Sheldon only looked at her confused. “Wait, you’re serious? It’s like a bible sized menu.”

“I possess an eidetic memory. The menu is forever in my mind now.”

“Oh! Wow, that’s really cool. So that’s how you remember all that math stuff!” Penny pointed a finger at him.

“Yes, it’s also fun.” Of course he would find it fun.

“Well then Mr. Photographic memory, what can I get you then?”

“Eidetic, not photographic. I can remember sounds, feelings, smells, etc. not just images.” He corrected her “And can I please get a California Omelette and a glass of Lemonade please.”

“Coming right up.”

Just like last time she took peeks at Sheldon while he ate, he once again ate in a very deliberate and methodical manner, like a machine. The smile he had after tasting the omelette though, was very human.

As her section cleared she went to Sheldon. “Can I get you anything else Sweetie?”

“A slice of…” He trailed off frowning in thought, it was the first time Penny had seen him with this intense look and it was because of Cheesecake. ‘Wackadoodle’ The smile on her face was genuine, Sheldon was really cute. Hopefully no one was bullying him. “A slice of the Fresh Banana Cream Cheesecake please.”

“Be right back.”

After getting Sheldon his slice of Cheesecake, Penny sat in front of him and watched as he once again devoured his dessert. Sheldon could eat like a beast, maybe he was a swimmer after all.

“Is there something on my face Penny?”

“Oh, no. Sorry, I was lost in thought. Hey Sheldon if it’s not much of a bother, can you help me understand this please.” Penny pointed to her notebook.

Penny liked how Sheldon explained things. She did not like how he assumed things tho. He talked to her like she should know everything, but to be fair, once she explained that she needed a simple explanation he would make sure to adjust his tutoring.

Sheldon could come off as arrogant but Penny thought it was a defense mechanism. He was probably sheltered his whole life and school was the one place he always did well at so he most likely has a pride thing going on.

“Awesome, thank you Sheldon. I get it now.”

“You’re welcome Penny. I shall retire now.”

“Before you go! I wanted to ask you, what building are you in? Arts, Sciences or Sports?”

Sheldon tilted his head, like a puppy trying to understand something. “Sciences of course.”

“Of course, how silly of me.” No reaction at her tone. “Well, you know if you are free, on Friday mornings I go and watch the swimming team practice. So if you wanna hang out or something you can find me there.” Penny was no longer worried about Sheldon getting the wrong idea.

“Hang out?” He said it as if tasting something for the first time. Unsure if he liked it.

“Yeah, we can talk about stuff, school or life, or do homework together.”

He looks confused but then his face clears “Do homework togeth-Oh! Missy told me about this, is this an activity to determine if we can become friends?”

“Yeah, that’s right.” Missy huh.

“Very well.” Sheldon looked really proud of himself, like he just figured out something super important. “I shall see you tomorrow.”

“Bye Sweetie.” Penny gave him a small waive.

The next day she didn’t have to look for Sheldon, he was in the bleachers, near the bottom and had 2 notebooks on his lap. Apparently he was working on both of them at the same time. ‘Definitely trying too hard.’

Penny doubts that she’ll be able to provide any assistance with his homework.

“Hey Sweetie, morning.”

“Good morning Penny.” He finally looks up from his notebooks and gives her the now familiar smile. ‘He needs to smile more.’

"I am unsure on what we should do to determine if we can become friends. Missy was unhelpful in this regard as she was not in her dorm room when I called her." Sheldon did look confused but eager. Penny took a seat next to him.

“Okay, that’s a start. Who’s Missy?”

“Missy is my twin sister.”

Penny was relieved. Sheldon was a sweet boy and she knew girls that would take advantage of that.

“Oh! You’re a twin, that’s cool. Where does she go to school?”

“She is currently attending the Nursing program at Galveston College.”

“Cool. Oh wait, why Texas?”

“What do you mean?” Honest confusion on his face. Sheldon didn’t do great with indirect questions Penny noticed.

“As in, why is she in Texas and you’re here in Nebraska?”

“Ah, I see. I’m from Galveston, Texas. Missy’s grades limited her scope of options so Galveston College was the best option for her. As for me, well I am-” A shrill whistle and a shout interrupt Sheldon.

“Penny!” Kurt is jogging towards them and he’s smiling. He was not part of the swimming team so seeing him here was a nice surprise for Penny. She could already feel herself blushing, Kurt was wearing a white undershirt that exposed a lot of his muscles, red shorts, and a whistle around his neck that completed the lifeguard look.

Penny was already smiling like a fool, but her smile was ripped out of her face by Kurt’s words. “Beat it creep. If I see you harassing Penny or any of the girls from the swim team I’ll beat your ass.”

‘Oh God no.’ Why did Kurt have to be an idiot and harass Sheldon. Penny had liked Kurt a lot and now she was going to have to beat his ass. Penny was already turning to apologize to Sheldon, expecting to see him frightened but against her expectations he looked as cool as a cucumber.

“Fascinating. You and Jason Davies must share a common ancestor. Though I suppose it stands to reason it was from the Neanderthal branch seeing your protruding forehead.”

Penny gaped at Sheldon, he had just insulted Kurt without any kind of fear. Now she most definitely was going to have to kick Kurt’s ass if he tried to hurt Sheldon. But Kurt only looks confused, she’s not sure if at the words or at the lack of fear from his would-be victim.

“What did you just say to me?” No anger in Kurt’s voice, just honest confusion.

“Language is both a blessing and a curse. I suppose in your case it’s more of the latter than the former. Allow me to try and simplify this so even you can understand-” Sheldon’s words are cut off by Kurt hauling up by the front of his jacket and Penny has seen enough.

“Let. Him. Go. Kurt.” Penny comes between them and she tries to remove Kurt’s hand from Sheldon’s jacket but Kurt is built like a brick house and she's not having much luck.

“Wait, Penny? You’re on this freak’s side?” Kurt can’t understand why she’s getting in the way, he’s supposed to be the hero.

“He’s my friend Kurt, now let him go before I kick your ass.”

Kurt doesn’t get the chance to respond. A heavy hand on his shoulder and a very unamused voice interrupts him. “Young man, let go or I will make you let go.” Two campus security officers are flanking Kurt and one even has a baton out. Kurt finally lets go of Sheldon.

Sheldon is not even looking anxious, he is more concerned about his jacket being crumpled than being moments away from being punched.

“Are you okay Sheldon?” It was way too early for this.

“I am. Thank you for your concern Penny. And for defending me.” Shy smile directed her way.

Penny looks back at Kurt and the officers but he’s already being escorted away. ‘Goddammit Kurt’ It seemed that Kurt hadn’t quite figured out that this was no longer High School. Penny made a mental note to let Tamika know that Kurt was no longer an option.

“No worries Sweetie, I got you. Now, how about we go somewhere else? Oh! I know, I’ve been meaning to go to the Aquarium, wanna go?” Penny shakes her car keys at him.

They spend the first half of the day at the aquarium and Penny has to admit that she had a great time. Sheldon was like her own walking encyclopedia, he had knowledge about seemingly every subject.

She also learned that Sheldon loved fish, but he was particularly fascinated by the glowing jellyfish. He talked her ear off about how very soon in the future people could have fish that acted as night lights and Penny could only shake her head at him. He was really cute in an innocent way.

They had a quick lunch at a McDonald’s and since the Zoo was right there, they might as well spend the rest of the day there. Penny refused to acknowledge the flutter in her at seeing Sheldon smile at the baby koalas. Nope, no flutter there.

“Hey Sheldon, want to go grab dinner before breaking off?”

“Oh my, it’s already this late. Yes please.”

And that’s how they end up at the only Chinese restaurant near the University. Penny thinks this is a great time to continue with some of the conversation from earlier.

“So, Sheldon, since your family is back in Texas, where are you living at right now?" She was curious about this, he seemed like a sheltered boy.

“I have an apartment at the Swivel building.”

“Wait, the one next to the Target? And you live alone?”

“That is correct, on both accounts.”

Sheldon liked to surprise Penny a lot. The Swivel building was a high end apartment building. Penny had gone there once for a party and it was an amazing building…and expensive as heck.

“Wait, who is paying for it?”

“The University.” And he went back to this Orange chicken like it was the most normal thing to do.

“Sheldon…are you smart-smart? Like super smart?”

For the first time since meeting him Penny can see Sheldon blush and look away shily. “...yeah.”

Damn, if she had been a better student she could have gotten a scholarship and an apartment like Sheldon here but no, she had to be dumb.

“That’s awesome Sheldon.” And it really was, he was so sweet but he looked lonely. Well, he now had Penny as a friend and wouldn’t have to be alone anymore. “Hey Sheldon, I was going to invite you to my dorm room tomorrow to ask for your help on some math stuff, but since you live alone can we meet in your apartment? I’ll buy us lunch as thanks.”

“I suppose that is acceptable.” And just like that she had a date with Sheldon. ‘No. Not a date-date. A study-date, as in friends studying together.’

Penny dropped Sheldon off at his building and made plans to meet him the next day at 2 PM. She kept smiling on her way to the dorm. It was fun to simply go out with a boy without him trying to grope her inappropriately or try and convince her that her car is the perfect place to hook up.

She was looking forward to Saturday already.


Working on more for this Universe.

Chapter 30: Studying (Happenstance)


Sequel to Friends

Penny gets to know Sheldon a little bit better.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Coming back to her dorm Tamika jumped on her as soon as she crossed the door.

“Have you heard?!” Tamika had her ‘I’ve got good gossip’ face.

“About what?”


Penny grimaced “Ugh, no thanks. No longer interested in that double date.” Penny waved her hand and moved out of Tamika’s grasp.

“What? No. Kurt is gone.”

At that Penny stopped and turned to look at the other girl “Gone?”

“He got himself expelled!”

“Holy crap! How?” Kurt must have attacked the officers or something, damn, she dodged a bullet.

“Apparently he attacked a faculty member!” Tamika looked happy to be able to be the one to break the news.

“No way!” Penny was shocked. Kurt really was that dumb, after his confrontation with Sheldon he must have gone berserk and attacked a professor or something.

“Yes way! And Jack says that Kurt was weeping and apologizing.”

“Nuts. I actually saw him this morning. I was with a friend sitting on the bleachers you know?”

“Of course, Friday morning.”

“Exactly, so we were there and Kurt comes and pulls my friend from the front of his jacket and next moment I see Campus security dragging Kurt away, he must have been brought in front of the dean or something afterwards for him to get expelled.”

“Holy shit, he caught you ‘macking with someone?”

“Errr, no. We were just talking and I don’t like how that word sounds, don’t use it.”

“Why not? My dad uses it.”

Penny shudders “Ew, no, it sounds gross. And not the point. We were just talking and Kurt was trying to, I don’t know, be an Alpha male or something. And my poor sweet friend almost got punched.”

“Oh damn, that’s who you were out with? Your ‘friend’?” Tamika did air quotes and had a shit eating grin on her face.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. It’s not like that. This is a sweet boy from the science courses, if you weren’t dating Jack I would have played matchmaker with you two so you could talk science to each other. Poor guy is all alone.”

“Oh wow, I was joking but it sounds like you’re crushing on this guy.”

“Nah. I could never, he’s too sweet for me.”

“Does this mystery friend have a name?”

“His name is-” A pounding at the door interrupts her.

“Baaaabe, c’mon, let’s go!”

“Coming!” Tamika had a set of pipes. “I had a date with Jack, but do you want to come with us?”

Penny really loved her roommate but she couldn’t miss the look of ‘please don’t actually say yes’ on her face. Someone was getting busy tonight and it wasn’t Penny.

“Go, have fun. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Yay! You’re the best. Don’t wait up.”

A quick kiss on the cheek and Tamika is gone. That girl was falling in love and didn’t even realize it. Jack was from the Athletic training program as well but unlike Kurt was taking school seriously. He wanted to be a rehab specialist…and Tamika was falling head over heels for him.

Why couldn’t Penny find that as well? Was it really so hard?.

Before going to bed Penny made sure to put everything she needed to do work in her bag. Sheldon was already willing to help her so it was better to be prepared. Right before falling asleep Penny realized she never agreed on a time to meet with Sheldon. Good thing she had at least asked for his apartment number.

‘You got lucky Penelope. You dodged a bullet with Kurt and made a friend.’ That was Penny’s last thought before falling asleep.

Ever since coming to college, Penny would try to sleep in as much as possible. No longer being in the farm meant she no longer had to wake up at ungodly hours to help around with chores. Not having the breakfast shift at the Factory meant Penny slept in until noon. And today was no different, she woke up at 11 with some change and by 11:45 she was ready to start her day.

And yeah, Sheldon was not interested in her in that way but she still has her pride so she’s wearing cute jeans and a blouse with some cleavage…because, okay, she was just curious and wanted to see if Sheldon would take a peek. Just healthy curiosity, that’s all.

Penny is debating whether to buy something to eat or not but the grumbling in her tummy makes the decision for her. A short stop for a donut and crappy coffee and she’s ready to finally go to Sheldon's apartment. She’s glad that they never agreed on a time because by the time she arrived at his apartment door, it was closer to 1 than to 12.

*Knock, Knock* And the door opens a moment later.

“Good afternoon Penny.” Sheldon was still dressed the same way as the other times she saw him. Penny was hoping that during weekends he would be a jeans and tee kind of guy.

“Hey Sheldon!”

The apartment is immaculate, as in scary clean. Poor guy must be afraid of dirtying the place up. She puts her bag on a chair and looks around for any pictures or posters but there’s nothing like that.

“The walls look a little bare there, Sheldon. Not one for decorating?”

“Ah, this is only a temporary residence. I will not be using it after 3 months so I find it unnecessary to decorate.”

Ouch, so he was not here permanently, it made sense, it was the start of the year so the dorms were full to the brim, Penny had gotten lucky and scored hers pretty early on. And if Sheldon was as smart as she suspected then that meant the school was probably waiting for one of the single dorm rooms to become available for Sheldon to move in. Lucky bastard, those dorms had their own showers. ‘Maybe I can convince him to let me use his shower?’

“I see, too bad, this is a fantastic apartment.”

“It is satisfactory I must admit. Would you like a beverage?”

And that’s how Penny finds herself doing homework and advancing on her sketching class on a Saturday afternoon instead of going to a party or getting drunk. This is the shocking part, Penny is having fun.

Sheldon truly made for a great tutor. Penny was getting the hang of how to ask him questions. He did horribly with indirect questions or requests, but if you told him straight up what you needed, he immediately adjusted. It was a nice change of pace.

She only made him mad once while he helped her and it was for a very unexpected reason.

“I don’t get it. Maybe I am really stupid.”

“Penny.” It’s his serious tone that makes her look up from her notebook “You are not stupid.” Sheldon’s blue eyes are bright and full of something she can’t identify. It makes her laugh nervously, she hadn’t really noticed how blue his eyes were.

“Sorry, bad joke.” Penny mumbles.

Sheldon makes sure she gets it. He is very intense when helping her but Penny likes it, if only her teachers were like this she wouldn’t feel like a failure so often. So what if needs a little more help than others, it didn’t make her less.

And it’s because it’s on her mind that she blurts out the question to Sheldon.

“Sheldon…Do you think there’s a place for me here, in college?”

Sheldon’s face focuses on her fully, he is frowning in confusion. “What do you mean? Everyone has a place in College.”

“No, no. I meant…well, it’s just that, I feel like I struggle more than others at this stuff. Even now I’m asking for your help when I see all my classmates just do this without any concerns. And, and, and I chose this Major because I thought it would help me become an actress but no, and…I just wonder if I should keep going.”

Penny can’t look at Sheldon directly, she’s doodling nonsense on her notebook. She’s not even sure why she asked him.

“Why wouldn’t it help you become an actress?” She finally looks up and Sheldon is not looking at her funny or giving her pitying looks. Sheldon is giving her his full attention and taking her seriously.

“I mean, it can?”

“Of course it can, a BFA or a MFA can go a long way in helping you, or you can join the drama club and get theater experience which can be invaluable for obtaining future roles. As for options outside of college you can go to acting classes, there’s also summer programs that foster upcoming actors.” Sheldon’s intense look makes it impossible for Penny to look away. “Experience is important, and University can give you that room to obtain it, while also giving you the opportunity to network with people in the acting business. Many actors have been discovered thanks to theater. You are already on the correct road.”

Penny felt like crying, this is all she wanted to hear. Not her mom calling her stupid for wanting to act, not her dad looking at her in disappointment. Not her high school friends laughing at her dream and not the condescending looks of boys that just wanted to get in her pants.

“Thank you Sheldon.” Penny’s voice was watery but the smile she gave him was all happiness.

Needing to take a break she offered to go pick up lunch and Sheldon agreed. Since she was buying she told him it would be a surprise but seeing him start to get uncomfortable Penny cracked and told him she was going to get Italian subs which seemed to calm him down.

As she went to pick up lunch Penny had to admit that Sheldon was more mature than what she had given him credit for. He didn’t laugh at her dream and reassured her that she was doing the right thing, maybe she could stick with college for a little longer.

Sheldon liked the sandwich enough to ask her where she got it from, so that’s a win in her book. After lunch Penny is not quite ready to go back to studying.

“Hey Sheldon, don’t you miss your family?”

“I miss my Meemaw and my mother.”

Penny frowns slightly, “What about your twin sister?”

“Missy and I have drifted apart. Same with my older brother and his wife, and their daughter.” There’s a tone of something in his voice.

“But you miss them.”

“...I find myself thinking about them.” Now Sheldon is the one having difficulty looking at her.

“My mom isn’t a great person. She keeps drinking until she passes out, my dad resents her for it but does nothing. Coming to college was like a breath of fresh air, I was finally free from them. And even with all that, I find myself missing them at times.” Penny usually needs to be drunk to tell someone this. “They were shitty parents, but they still are my parents.”

The silence in the room is heavy.

“Missy and Georgie both resented me from a young age. It was easier to breach that gap when we were younger, however, as we grew older we were unable to do the same. My brother had his own family to worry about of course, but Missy…I miss what we had when we were younger.” Sheldon looks resigned and sad.

“Can you tell me about your Meemaw?”

Sheldon’s face immediately brightens and he tells her about his Meemaw, the woman with the underground casino, about her love for cigarettes and R-rated movies, teaching Sheldon how to shoot, teaching him how to bake cookies and how she tried and failed to teach him how to lie.

Penny can see it, a young Sheldon sticking to his Meemaw’s side in a house full of people that couldn’t understand him.

Penny told him about growing up trying to be the perfect son until her breasts started growing and her dad basically stopped talking to her. About Junior Rodeo and how even to this day she sort of misses it. And how she didn’t miss the farm work but did miss the animals.

And Sheldon told her about his father. Sheldon had loved his father, but then he lost his job and that changed him. It made him drink a lot more and it made him cruel, his mother the recipient of most of it. When his dad died it had come as more of a relief for the entire family, but that only further fractured it.

Penny had been right about Sheldon, he was lonely.

But not anymore, he had Penny.

They would kill it at UNO and college life.


You guessed it, I'm working on more for this Universe.

Chapter 31: Burrito (Happenstance)


Sequel to Studying

Penny learns more about Sheldon.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Studying and homework goes out the window after that talk.

They simply get to know each other. Penny tries to teach Sheldon the greatness of Rom-coms while Sheldon tries to get her to give Star Trek a chance. They end up watching The Lord of the Rings on Sheldon’s couch and Penny hates to admit that she’s into it.

Sheldon got her good, she loves the friendship between Frodo and Sam, it’s unfair how hot Arwen is and once Aragorn and Legolas come into play that’s all Penny needs to love the movie. She’s heartbroken to find out it’s only the first film of a trilogy that is not even fully out yet.

“Sheldon! We need to go watch that movie when it comes out!”

“Funny that you mention it, it’s slated to premiere next month in cinemas.”

“Yay, then we gotta go.”

“Very well Penny.” Sheldon gave her another shy smile. This boy needed to smile more.

“Thank you very much for today Sheldon, I’ll get out of your hair now.”

“Out of my hair? But you haven’t touched my hair.”

“No, I mean, I’ll go back to my dorm now.”

“Ah, I see. I’ll walk you to the door.” Penny made sure to not forget anything and was soon standing outside of Sheldon’s door. “So, thank you again Sheldon. Goodnight.”

“You’re welcome Penny. Goodnight.” And he closed the door on her face.

Penny pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes at the closed door. She wasn’t expecting Sheldon to invite her to spend the night, but he hadn’t even peeked at her cleavage. It didn’t sit right with her, made her feel like she was losing. ‘Okay Penny, kinda messed up thinking there.’

Maybe Sheldon just wasn’t interested. Maybe he was gay.

Penny didn’t see Sheldon again until Tuesday morning. It was another practice day for the Swimming club and when penny arrived at the bleachers Sheldon was already there writing something on a notebook.

“Hey Sheldon, mornin’ “

“Hello Penny. Good morning.”

Penny smiled at him, she was glad he was looking for her. Maybe Sheldon could be her gay best friend.

They sat side by side, Sheldon working on his notebook while Penny watched the male members of the club practice. As soon as they were done Penny tapped Sheldon’s knee. “Hey Sheldon, let's go get breakfast, my treat. I want a breakfast burrito.”

Sheldon jumped a little at her touch but did not say anything about the tap. At least he finally looked up from his notebook. “A breakfast burrito does sound…” and he just trailed off looking at where the pool was.

Penny turned and the first thing she saw was the women from the club walking towards the other end of the pool. Sheldon was looking at them. Well, to be more exact, he was looking at their asses.

‘Huh, so much for a gay best friend.’

Feeling a bit annoyed, Penny snapped her fingers in front of Sheldon’s face until he looked at her. The blush on his face meant he knew he was caught.

“Enjoying the view?” Penny raised her eyebrows.

Sheldon grimaced, blush still on his face. “I apologize Penny. I got distracted. We were discussing going for breakfast burritos.”

“I mean, I was. You were trying to-” Sheldon yelped.

“A breakfast burrito sounds like an excellent idea. Let’s go.” And he grabbed her by the hand to pull her towards the parking lot, his face red all the way to her car. ‘Wackadoodle.’

Once they had their respective breakfast burritos and they were sitting on a bench outside the McDonald’s Penny decided to mess with Sheldon.

“So…you’re an ass man.” Not a question.

Sheldon glared at her but Penny just glared back. “Penny. Liking women with good birthing hips is a biological response and-”

“That’s a yes then.”

Sheldon glared at her and she could see a small twitch on his cheek. He did not reply to her and took another bite of his burrito.

“I mean, that’s perfectly fine. I was just wondering why you weren’t-”

“Penny. I will be more than happy to assist you with your next assignment if you let this matter rest.”

Penny put a finger to her chin, pretending to think it over. Sheldon did look embarrassed and she had gotten her answer about why he didn’t peek at her cleavage, Sheldon was an ass man.

“Okay Sheldon. Deal.” Penny stood up and dusted off her jean-clad butt more forcefully than it was necessary, but she never took her eyes off from Sheldon and sure enough, his eyes were on her butt as she dusted imaginary dirt from it. ‘Oh yeah, an ass man.’

“Hey buster! My eyes are up here.” Penny couldn’t keep the laughter out of her voice. Sheldon simply glared at her.

Penny had dropped off Sheldon at the sciences building, he said that he had a class to prepare for and that was fine, Penny was meeting Tamika at the cafeteria. Even with Kurt gone the other girl had forced Penny to go with her to the ‘Boy Genius’ class.

It was fine, Penny could lose one hour of her life on this. Not to mention that it would make Tamika owe her one.

‘Dammit, I should have brought Sheldon over. The class he was talking about must have been the Boy Genius one.’

Finding Tamika was easy, the girl was a damn supermodel, you only had to follow the drool marks. “Let’s go girl. Boring class time.”

“Ugh, don’t remind me. This most likely will be a disaster. At least it’s only one class, the rest of his lectures will be for undergrads.” They walked together to the sciences building and Penny was not so discreetly looking for Sheldon. “What are you doing Penny?”

“Looking for my friend, he most likely will be attending this class as well and I wanted to see if he would sit with us.”

“Okay, cool. At least with someone else we can gossip.”

No signs of Sheldon on the way to the classroom and neither in the classroom itself. Sheldon was tall and not easy to miss. ‘Huh, maybe Math majors don’t have interest in this class.’

Giving up on finding Sheldon, she and Tamika found a place near the back of the classroom. If this guy was as much of an asshole as Tamika had described him then it was best to stay away.

Little by little the classroom filled until there was no place to sit, but even that didn’t stop people, they were standing up and pressing close to each other like sardines.

“It’s a shame you couldn’t meet Sheldon, he’s crazy for this type of stuff.”

“Yea-wait, you said Sheldon?”

An authoritative voice interrupted further talking. It was rare for the Dean to address them, this only reinforced that this was not a normal situation. “Listen up everyone. I want you all to pay close attention. UNO was very lucky to be able to get Dr. Cooper for these 3 months. Take advantage of it and don’t waste Dr. Cooper’s time.”

‘Huh, Cooper like Sheldon, small world.’

“Dr. Cooper. The floor is yours.”

And there, emerging from the back of the dean Penny saw her new friend, the boy that had helped her with homework, that introduced her to Lord of the Rings and the boy that was checking her ass this morning.

“Thank you Dean. My name is Dr. Sheldon Cooper and I’m here to try and teach you the wonderful world of physics. I am certain that my lectures will be wasted on you, but alas, I will still provide them.”

Holy crap on a cracker. Sheldon was an asshole…


Super short chapter.

I had to host my company's EOY party so couldn't write as much as I would have liked.

Chapter 32: Lecturer (Happenstance)


Sequel to Burrito


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny was having a rough time trying to fit the Sheldon in front of her with the Sheldon from her memories. He was always arrogant, yes, but to her it was never more than a front.

But the guy lecturing a room full of people was an asshole. No other way around it.

Penny knew that this lecture wasn’t aimed at her, but seeing Tamika’s confused and awed expression meant that she wasn’t getting it either. And Penny was getting pissed. She knew that Sheldon hadn’t lied to her, he had never told her that he was a Freshman or something like that, it was her bad habit of assuming things.

If Penny was honest, she was trying to find a reason to be pissed at Sheldon. But she was coming up empty…present lecture not counting of course. Who knew that Sheldon could speak with so much derision and smugness.

“Hey. Are you getting any of this?” Penny whispered to Tamika.

“Like 10% Maybe, at best.” Her friend sounded frustrated and Penny didn’t like that.

Penny pursed her lips and tried to think how was this the same Sheldon that had been so patient with her, could it be possible for someone to change so muc-

A hitch on Sheldon’s breath and a small widening of his eyes as he noticed Penny sitting in the back. But what got Penny’s attention was that his tone of voice lost the smugness. He now just sounded like the Sheldon she knew.


Scribbling quickly on the back of her notebook she made sure her chicken scratch was legible before pointing at Sheldon, she was sure he would be able to make out the words without problem ‘I’m not getting it Sheldon.’

She wasn’t sure if it worked or not but seeing Tamika start taking notes like her life depended on it made Penny think that it might have worked.

“How much are you getting now?”

“Like 70%, he made it easier to understand.”

Penny smiled and blew a kiss at Sheldon. He didn’t react, but she knew he normally didn’t have such rosy cheeks.

The lecture was supposed to be 1 hour long, Sheldon went on for 2. Penny’s ass was starting to hurt and she was hoping that Sheldon would wrap it up. But it took the Dean to finally step in and interrupt Sheldon for the dang lecture to be wrapped up.

Penny wanted to go and talk to Sheldon but everyone and their mother had the same idea and a line was starting to form to meet Sheldon. Like he was a long lost member of NSYNC. Penny simply waved at him and went about her day, still thinking about this discovery of hers.

She wasn’t worried about not seeing Sheldon, he had mentioned going later to the Factory for his dinner, during Penny’s shift. They would get the chance to talk later. But for now, she had a best friend to deal with while they walked back to their dorm.

“Dr. Sheldon Cooper is your Sheldon?”

“Not mine as in mine. But yeah, he’s my friend.”

“Wow, how can you deal with such an asshole?”

“Hey! He’s not an asshole. I mean, yeah, I wasn’t a fan of his tone at the start of the lecture but he adjusted pretty quickly right?” Penny was fiercely defensive of her friends and yeah, Sheldon was her friend. He might have been an arrogant ass, but he was her arrogant ass friend.

Sheldon just got too much into his own head.

“Uh huh, right. Whatever you say.”

“He is pretty nice once you get to know him. He likes Lord of the Rings and Star Trek, he knows how to shoot, he really loves his grandma and he is a little particular about food but nothing out of this world.”


“Don’t look at me like that.”

“I’m not looking at you in any way.” Tamika lied.

“Well, don’t. Sheldon is nice but it’s not like that.”


“I mean, of course he is cute and tall. And he’s really passionate about stuff and he gets this intense look in his eyes that makes them look even more blue. But it’s not like that.”


“I mean, we barely know each other. So it would be crazy right?”


“And you know what? He’s an ass man.”


“Oh shut up.”

Penny kept thinking about Sheldon for the rest of the day. Even as her shift at the Factory started, she just couldn’t focus on anything else, and yet for all of that thinking the same question kept popping up over and over.

Did this change things?

And she didn’t have an answer. Sheldon hadn’t lied to her, it was literally bad luck that she didn’t find out until now. The Kurt thing now made more sense, and Sheldon hadn’t been the one to push for his expulsion, he’d spent the entire day with her and he never brought it up again.

No wonder he was so good at Math…shaking her head to clear it, Penny decided that she needed answers to a couple of questions and they could take it from there.

As if reading her mind, Sheldon walked through the doors of the restaurant and made a beeline towards her.

“Evening’ Sheldon.”

“Good Evening Penny.”

Penny sat Sheldon at the table containing her school stuff. It was in the back and they could talk without anyone getting in their way, Tuesdays were slow so she could take her time. Sheldon once again ordered his burger and lemonade.

Sheldon ate and Penny worked her tables. She had a good idea on what to ask him and weirdly enough she thought that she had the answers, but assuming had burned her before, so this time she would not assume anything and just be direct with Sheldon. He thrived with direct questions anyway.

“Hey Sheldon, mind I ask you a question?”

“I assume that you are referring to me answering the question you ask and not the fact that you are asking me a question?”

“Err, yes.”

“Amazing, I’m on fire this month. Yes you may ask me a question that I will answer.”

Penny had to laugh at how proud of himself he looked, this was the Sheldon she knew.

“Why didn’t you tell me that you were a visiting…lecturer?” Penny wasn’t sure if to call him a professor or not.

“Oh. You never asked. Was it an oversight on my part?” His puppy head tilt was back.

“No, I just assumed that you were another freshman like me.”

Sheldon ponders her question seriously “Ah, I see. Thinking back on our interactions I can see how this misunderstanding occurred.” He ran his hand nervously on his pants and his face was suddenly cautious. “Is this an impediment for us to continue being friends?” His voice was calm but Penny didn’t miss how his hand was trying to wear out a line on his pants.

“Oh no, nononononono Sweetie.” Penny reached a hand across the table to stop Sheldon’s hand from hurting his leg. “We’re still friends.”

Sheldon sighs in relief and even he looks surprised by it. Her friend didn’t want to lose her and it warmed Penny’s heart.

“Good. The idea of no longer interacting with you is strangely distressing.”

“Aw, you would miss me?”

“I believe I just said that.” Okay, Sheldon was still a little bit of an ass but she could live with that.

“Sometimes you use too many words, Sheldon.”

“Penny, I have not mentioned this before but proper grammar-” And off he went, Penny didn’t really pay attention to his lecture, but at the way his throat moved and how his eyes shined.

Penny kept holding Sheldon’s hand until he asked for his slice of Pie.

“Can we still meet on the pool bleachers, Penny?” Sheldon was polishing the last of his pie but he refused to look Penny in the eye. ‘So cute.’

“Of course Sweetie.” Sheldon smiled at her “Even if I know you only go there to ogle the girls' butts.” Sheldon’s smile turns to a glare. “I’m joking! I’m joking!”

Penny was fully aware that Sheldon was only going to be here for 3 months so she’d make the most of it.


Really like this Universe so all ideas recently have been for it.

I hope I can get more time to write this weekend.

Chapter 33: Graphing Calculator (Happenstance)


Sequel to Lecturer

The world keeps moving


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny found that being friends with Sheldon was both cool and exasperating. She loved the boy but he could be really particular about stuff that didn’t matter.

Penny had wanted to study for a test and decided to switch her dinner shift for the breakfast one, she forgot to tell Sheldon and that night she had an angry texan boy knocking on her dorm door. Apparently he would only eat at the Factory if Penny was the one serving him. Which was cute but also a little too much.

And this same Wackadoodle also managed to be super sweet without meaning to. She confided about her fears of not being good enough to become an actress and Sheldon simply said “Penny. Your presence is magnetic and alluring. I’m starting to question your cognitive abilities if you are unable to see that and how invaluable it is for someone trying to become an actress.”

Not exactly the rousing speech at the end of a Romantic movie but she knew Sheldon meant well. And the one thing she learned during the last 2 months was that Sheldon couldn’t lie, like at all. If he tried to lie his face would become a twitching mess and he would end up blurting out the truth a moment later.

“Sheldon, pop quiz! Do I have a nice ass?”

“...” Sheldon’s face twitched like a machine about to pop. “Yes.” He said it through gritted teeth and his face cleared of twitching.

“Aw thanks.”

“Penny. I fail to see the amusement in my reactions to that question. Today marks the eleventh time you have asked me this.”

“Sheldon, sometimes a girl needs to feel appreciated without being harassed. I know you can’t lie and it’s sweet.”

“Oh…so you’re obtaining reassurance from my answer?.”

“I am.”


And two days later it comes to bite her in the ass.

“Sheldon, pop quiz! Do I have a nice ass?”

“Yes Penny. One of the best I have personally seen.”

Penny could feel her face erupt in flames at his sure and confident tone. Sheldon’s face was clear of any twitching. She was confident in her body but to hear him say it like that made her feel like a 14 year old holding hands with her crush.

She had to bring her hands up to her face, she glared through her fingers at Sheldon. “Okay, you win Sheldon.”

Sheldon just looked confused.

Damn Wackadoodle.

“Hey Pen, not to be the bff that gets in your business but are you sure about this?” Tamika looked at Penny with some apprehension.

“What do you mean?” Penny didn’t have to fake the confusion on her face, she didn’t have a clue about what Tamika was talking about.

“...I don’t know if you’re this dense or if I’m the one overthinking this. But…are you sure you want to go on that date with Dean tonight?”

Penny stopped putting on makeup to turn and look at her roommate and best friend “Why?...” she dragged the word.

“Well, I’m all for girl power but…”


“But you’re dating Dr. Cooper right? And now you’re going on a date with another boy. I just feel like I should say something before you go through with this.”

Penny shook her head “Wait, what? Nonononononono, I’m not dating Sheldon! We’re just friends.”

“Penny.” Tamika’s face was unamused “I’ve been witness to you asking him about your ass and him complementing it. That’s not something ‘just friends’ do.”

Penny tried to talk but she could only open and close her mouth without any sounds coming out. Eventually, breathless, she said “No. No. No. Sheldon and I are just friends.”

“Does Dr. Cooper know about your date tonight?”

“Yes. I told him because I had to switch shifts again and I don’t want a repeat of last time. Especially if I get lucky and Dean comes back here at the end of the date.” Penny wiggled her eyebrows at Tamika in the reflection of the mirror.

“And he’s fine with it?”

“Yes!” Penny was getting tired of this 3rd degree “He’s fine with it because we’re just friends.”

“Okay.” Tamika said in a tone that expressed that no, it wasn’t okay.

“Look, Sheldon doesn’t have an interest in dating. Anyone. He said so himself when I asked.”

“Okay.” That same tone “I’ll get out of your hair, I have a date with Jack.”

Tamika grabbed her purse and left their room. Only to return a moment later “I just think you’re making a mistake. That’s it. I’m not saying anything else. Take care, have fun, bye bye.” And the door closed gently behind her.

As she finished getting ready, Penny considered her friend’s words, but still thought she was mistaken. Of course she’d thought about Sheldon in that way, but to start, he really wasn’t her usual type. Sure he was tall, but he was wiry. Penny preferred men like Dean, he was a friend of Jack from the same course and from everything Jack had told her, he was a good guy.

‘Pfffft me and Sheldon. Right.’

Sheldon himself had pretty much told her that he wasn’t interested in dating. He was going to win a Nobel and he lacked the necessary emotions. Called himself a robot. Of course Penny had to smack him in the back of the head and tell him “Would a robot love his Meemaw?”

So, no. Nothing between Sheldon and her.

Even if he no longer flinched when she touched him. Or that on those cold mornings when they met by the pool and then walked to get donuts, Sheldon would allow her to grab his arm as she nuzzled into his side.

‘Goddamn it.’

If only Sheldon would love her like that. But Penny couldn’t think about this right now.

She had a date to get ready for.

Dean was a nice enough guy. He wasn’t as smart or funny as Sheldon but who was?

That third month was a mess for Penny, she needed to keep her friendship with Sheldon while at the same time dating Dean. Thankfully Jack had pulled Dean aside and explained the tall geeky boy was actually a faculty member (temporary) and NOT dating Penny.

It was rough, but Penny didn’t want to just ditch Sheldon. She had made a promise to herself that he would no longer be alone and she kept her promises. Also, one time she had to cancel an outing with Sheldon because Dean wanted to go watch a movie and while for everyone else Sheldon didn’t show any emotions to those news, Penny could see it, the way he slouched a little, how his tone became a little more emotionless. Sheldon had been hurt. ‘Never again.’

Penny had also asked Sheldon for help to set up an email so they could stay in contact even when he went back to California and he had happily agreed. She hadn’t told him but she was starting to save money so she could go and visit him in California eventually. Sheldon didn’t do well with surprises but she was confident he wouldn’t mind…she hoped.

Almost like that first time she met him, the day he was supposed to leave he had dinner at the Factory while she worked. Well, not exactly worked, she was on the floor but as soon as Sheldon arrived she stayed at this table talking to him.

“I’m going to miss you a lot Sheldon.”

“I find myself oddly reluctant to return to Pasadena. The idea once brought me comfort but now it’s a source of distress.”

“So you’re going to miss me as well, huh?”

“I believe I just said that.”

Penny laughed, it was easy to do that instead of crying. She didn’t want to cry, she could do that later in her bed.

“You have to promise me, you will email me at least once a week.”

“I promise.” Maybe it was her imagination but Sheldon looked quite sad as well. He was writing something in one of her notebooks. “Penny. I think you’re my best friend.”

Goddamn tears. Penny had to hug Sheldon after he said that, she squeezed him and buried her head in the crook of his shoulder. “You’re my best friend Sheldon.” She sobbed.

Sheldon left for California that night, and he emailed her as soon as he was back in his apartment.

Penny would forget about what Sheldon had written in her notebook until it was pointed out to her by a classmate: (x^2 + y^2 – 1)^3 = x^2 y^3

‘Wackadoodle, always with the math.’


Don't be like Penny. Graph that formula that Sheldon left her into a free online graphing calculator.

Chapter 34: Island (Happenstance)


Sequel to Graphing Calculator

A surprise invite


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

‘Hello Penny,

Meemaw has requested that I ask if you would like to join us for Christmas dinner and festivities in our home in Texas (from the 18th of December to the 28th of December)

I personally was not meant to attend this year, however, after I talked to Meemaw on the phone and told her about you, she insisted that the both of us ‘had to attend’.

Of course, do not feel pressured to attend this gathering. Meemaw is perfectly aware that you have your own family and might already have plans in place that can’t be rearranged.

Your friend.
Dr. Sheldon Cooper PhD.’

Penny had read Sheldon’s email like 400 times already and she was still baffled. Sheldon was inviting her to his home back in Texas. This was huge. What did Sheldon tell his Meemaw about Penny?

It’s been only a month since Sheldon went back to California. Her relationship with Dean had crashed and burned just last week. She had liked Dean, but there was something missing, Penny found herself not having anything to talk about with Dean, he wasn’t dumb. Not completely. But Penny couldn’t connect with him, she had tried to show him The Lord of the Rings but he fell asleep right when Frodo gets stabbed. Penny had felt offended for Sheldon’s sake as well.

Reading Sheldon’s email once more, Penny has to admit that it’s an interesting option. She wasn’t planning on going back to the farm for Christmas. She could do without her mother’s drinking and her father’s recriminations. Her brother and sister did not even cross her mind for her decision, they were all separated by more than physical distance.

Hitting the reply button and Penny sends him a quick reply.

‘Sure Sheldon, I would love to.

Ps. Stop signing your emails like that, we’re friends, you Wackadoodle.’

And well, if anything, Christmas should be fun this time around.

Penny didn’t expect Texas to be warm during winter, Nebraska was a blanket of snow when her flight left and now here she was outside the airport and the weather was pleasantly warm. Penny had to remove her snow jacket because she was starting to sweat.

It was a good thing that Sheldon was so tall, he was easy to spot.

Penny’s greeting died in her throat as she got closer to him. A stunning brunette was standing next to Sheldon. If Tamika was beautiful, this girl was gorgeous. Long legs flowed from under the really cute green flannel dress, legs that seemed to go for days. Penny had never been one to worry about her own height but for the first time in a while she wished that she was as tall as this girl.

Silently she moved towards Sheldon, all the while looking as this girl tried to poke Sheldon’s side. ‘Doesn’t she know that he doesn’t like to be touched?’ The bitter tone clear in her head as she approached the duo.

“Shelly, I might not be a genius like yourself.” Sheldon scoffed, “But I’m willing to bet good money that this little blonde thing is your Penny.” The brunette woman smirked at Sheldon and then Penny.

“Missy, while your observation powers are usually lackluster at best, in this case, you are correct. How could you tell?”

“She looks like she’s ready to break me in half.”

Penny was mortified and Sheldon was confused. This was Missy, his twin sister. And judging by the smirk directed her way, this Missy had her number. Penny could only close her eyes in shame.

“Well, that doesn’t make sense. Hello Penny.”

“Oh, it does Sheldon, trust me.” Missy was really having fun.

“Hi Sheldon…Hi Missy.”

At that Missy finally laughed and pulled Penny into a hug. Missy seemed to be wholly different from Sheldon, she had expected different but she didn’t expect to be met with a freaking supermodel.

Penny had missed Sheldon so as soon as Missy let her go she went and hugged him tightly, he had gotten better at hugging and Penny felt tears threaten to spill at being in close contact with Sheldon again.

“Hi Sheldon. I missed you.” Her words were muffled against his plaid shirt.

“Hello Penny. I missed your presence as well.” His voice was calm as always but Penny thought she heard a small hitch of emotion somewhere in there.

“Sweet. Baby. Jesus.” Missy’s voice was full of disbelief and Penny, still in Sheldon’s arms, had to turn her head to look at the other woman. At least Missy was no longer laughing but she now looked shocked into next week. ‘Huh, wonder why?’

Letting go of Sheldon, Penny went to grab her bags but Sheldon beat her to it and quickly stashed them in the back of the truck. A moment later they were on their way to the Cooper household.

Missy kept looking at Penny through the rearview mirror and it was starting to freak Penny out, she hadn’t done anything wrong, at least nothing to make Missy look like she was the second coming of Jesus.

“So Penny, Shelly here tells me that you’re studying to become an actress?”

“Ah. Yeah, I’ve always enjoyed being in the school plays and that eventually led me here. Thanks to Sheldon I’ve been having an easier time with my classes. He’s always ready to help me.”

Missy’s eyebrows went up and she turned to look at Sheldon in disbelief. Sheldon looked at her confused and simply told her “Missy. I do not wish to die a fiery death, please keep your eyes on the road.”

Missy asked no further questions after that. After a 40 minute drive Penny was delighted to see that they were driving into an island. ‘Holy crap, Galveston is an Island!’ Penny had been crap at geography.

The Cooper Household was a beautiful two story house, like the kind you’d see in Reba.

“Wow Sheldon, this is an amazing house!”

“I agree. After my father died we moved back to Galveston, though I spent very little time in this house I still have a room set up for me.”

“Yeah, our Meemaw wanted to get away from Medford and once Shelly bought this place, she just bought the house next door.” Missy really had a nice smile.

“Wait. You bought it, Sheldon? Weren’t you like fourteen when your father died?” Missy looked surprised that Penny knew that much.

“That is correct. By the age of sixteen I had won enough awards to be able to afford this house.”


“Medals, achievements, etc. They all come with monetary prizes as well.”

Penny nodded as if that made sense. Sheldon was amazing to be able to do this.

“Let me go tell momma that we’re here while you and Penny grab her bags.” Missy said that and left for the house without waiting for a reply.

“Hey Sheldon, why is your sister acting so weird?”

“Weird? I don’t follow.”

“Yeah. Like she was acting shocked when I hugged you.”

Sheldon frowned and gave serious thought to her question. “I don’t know.” He said it slowly, as if he didn’t like the taste of not knowing something. “The only thing I can think of is that you’re the first friend I’ve invited back home.”

“Oh!” Penny felt warm and it had nothing to do with the weather. “Lucky me. Thank you Sweetie.”

“You’re welcome?” Sheldon had tilted his head once again like a puppy. ‘God I had missed that.’

Taking advantage that they were alone, Penny decided to hug Sheldon again. He smelled like Tide and something she couldn’t identify right away, but it was very Sheldon.

“I really missed you Sheldon. Movie nights over the phone just aren’t the same.” Penny no longer felt like crying, she just wanted to make the most of this visit and the ten days they had together.

“I missed you as well.” Sheldon’s arms hesitantly, awkwardly hugged her back. But the warmth in his voice made this the best hug she had received in years.

Penny could have stayed like this for hours but the voices coming from the house forced her to step back and face his family.

“See momma? I wasn’ lying.” Missy looked smug.

“Thank the lord!” The woman fist pumping like her team had just won the Super Bowl had to be Sheldon’s mom, Mary Cooper.

“Way to go Moonpie.” And the older woman cackling like a hyena had to be Sheldon’s Meemaw.

Sheldon sighed like an old man, “It’s hard to be the only normal one in this family.”

Penny could only gape at him.

Thankfully things calmed down quite a bit after that. She was quickly introduced to everyone and Penny got to meet Sheldon’s mom and Meemaw.

Sheldon’s mom was everything Sheldon had told her but dialed down to 2. She thought that Sheldon had been a bit unfair in his description of his mother, like sure, the woman was religious but not a bible thumper. And she had hugged Penny like she had known her for years.

Sheldon’s Meemaw on the other hand tho. That was a surprise, Sheldon would have made her believe that the woman was a saint. So the smoking, cursing and drinking older woman comes as a shock. Penny gets told immediately that she should call her Meemaw as well and Penny can’t fight back, doesn’t want to. Penny wonders if this is what having a Grandma feels like. Her dad’s parents died before she was born and her mom’s parents had disowned her.

“You’ll be staying in the room across from Shelly. You’re both adults so I will trust that there’ll be no sinnin’ in this house.” It takes Penny a moment to get what Mrs. Cooper means and her face flushes red.

“No, no, no, no. No sinning.” Her voice is high and Mrs. Cooper looks like she doesn’t believe Penny.

“Don’t worry mother. Penny and I will not engage in coitus under this roof.” How the hell can Sheldon look so calm as he says that Penny will never know.

Besides…couldn’t he hesitate for a moment?

It’s not until they’re all having dinner than Penny replays Sheldon’s answer in her head and almost chokes on a dinner roll ‘under this roof’

‘Get your mind out of the gutter Penny.’

Thankfully the rest of the dinner went well. They all seemed to know about Penny, how she wanted to become an actress, that she had come in third place in Junior Rodeo, that she found a love for clothing design. Which warmed Penny’s heart and face, she was sure that her face was pink as Sheldon told his family about how Penny could do anything.

Penny couldn’t take it, it was too much. She needed to change the subject.

“Sheldon! Pop quiz time.” Penny just wanted to ask him about ‘Meet Joe Black.’, it was the last movie they had seen together in their phone movie nights, sadly, she never got the chance. Before she could ask him ‘What nationality Claire Forlani is?’ Sheldon had replied already.

“Yes Penny. Your posterior is still one of the best I have ever seen.”

Utter silence fell on the dinner table while Sheldon kept eating like nothing was wrong. It was Meemaw’s cackling that finally forced Penny to stop gaping at Sheldon and to try and bury herself in her seat. ‘Goddammit Sheldon’

Penny was afraid to look at Mrs. Cooper but risked a peek, Sheldon’s mom was frozen in place and only her eyes moved, from Penny to Sheldon and back. Missy had a shit eating grin on her face and whispered something in her mom’s ear that made the woman look at Missy in shock and disbelief. Missy simply raised an eyebrow in a very Sheldon-like move and gestured with her head to Sheldon and Penny. Mrs. Cooper went back to eating looking pensive.

No one commented on Sheldon’s words and that was what weirded out Penny the most. Meemaw’s insane cackling did not count.


More to come

Chapter 35: Sweater (Happenstance)


Sequel to Island

Christmas in Texas.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“I can’t believe you Sheldon. You had to say that in front of your entire family?” Penny was in the room Mrs. Copper had assigned to her and Sheldon was helping her with her bags. Now that they were alone she felt that this was a good time to hash this thing out.

“Say what?” Not even his cute head tilt could save him this time.

“You know mister. About my butt.” Penny still couldn’t believe that had happened. Mrs. Copper had acted like nothing was wrong but she did mention that Sheldon and Penny couldn’t be in the same room and have the door closed. Missy spent the rest of dinner winking at Penny and Meemaw couldn’t stop laughing. Sheldon was oblivious through it all.

“I thought you received reassurance from my words?” Clear and honest confusion on his face makes Penny’s anger deflate a little.

“Yeah Sheldon, I do. But…okay, let’s do this. No talking about my ass in front of your family.”

Of course that’s the moment Mrs. Cooper chooses to walk past the open door, gives Penny a scandalized look before moving away. Penny has to close her eyes ‘I just can’t win today.’

“Understood Penny.” Sheldon didn’t look put out at all. And Penny didn’t want him to stop completely.

“When we’re alone like this, it’s fine.” Penny shouldn’t do this, not with his mother so close. But… “Sheldon, do I have a nice ass?” Her voice is soft, not wanting Mrs. Cooper to hear her.

“Yes Penny. One of the best.” Sheldon was serious like always and Penny could feel a blush creep up all the way up to her hair.

“Thank you Sheldon.”

Penny wanted to hug Sheldon again but Mrs. Cooper's loud and fake coughing made her think better of it.

Penny liked the Cooper home. Meemaw was amazing and Missy was someone she could talk fashion and reality TV with, she could already tell they’d be great friends as well. Mrs. Cooper was weird, she swinged from being aloof to super warm. She was never rude but Penny got the feeling that something was brewing in that head of hers.

She also got a shock out of Sheldon’s room. It was bare.

No posters, no DVDs, no books, no comics, nothing. There were several whiteboards but it didn’t look like the room belonged to anyone and that thought made Penny want to hug Sheldon. Penny has never been one to hold onto things for long, she ends up blurting out her question about his room. The concern would be clear for anyone else but Sheldon doesn’t take notice of it.

“Ah, that. As mentioned before I only spent a limited amount of time here. This will be my longest stay in this house since I was sixteen. My apartment in Pasadena contains all of the paraphernalia that you’re inquiring about. When you visit California and stay with me you will see it.”

Penny was relieved to hear that, she’d been afraid that Sheldon didn’t have anything setup. She knew he was a bit peculiar but the thought of him sitting all alone in an empty room made her want to cry.

Also she’s thrilled by the ‘When’. When, not if.

The days leading up to Christmas were a lot of fun as far as Penny was concerned. Sheldon’s Meemaw brought out a side of him that Penny hadn’t seen yet. Sheldon was still himself but there was an ease to his movements, the way he carried himself was a little bit more confident and less arrogant.

Penny meets Georgie and his family 2 days into her stay. Ceecee is as cute as a button and Mandy reminds Penny of herself. Georgie is still living in Medford and the 4 hour drive is not one he does often. Sheldon mostly ignores Georgie but plays with his 4 year old niece. Mandy looks sadly between Sheldon and Georgie and Penny immediately knows that there’s a lot unsaid between the brothers. Penny doesn’t say anything but she joins Sheldon in playing with Ceecee.

Missy takes her shopping one day and gives her the first shock of her stay.

“Penny, darlin’. Listen, I love that you and Shelly have your little thing going on, but I thought it was fair to warn you.” Penny’s stomach does a flip, “Shelly…doesn’t do Christmas. You look like the kind of person that loves the season, but yeah, just so that you’re aware that he might not be up for the whole dog and pony show. Momma will invite him to church and mass but he won’t go.”

Missy doesn’t elaborate further but Penny is already thinking how to approach Sheldon. Meemaw talks to her first.

Penny can’t sleep one night and she goes out to the backyard, only to find Meemaw sitting in the middle of the yard drinking a beer.

“Hey there Girlie, come, join me.” Meemaw points to one of the rusted chairs and Penny sits down. Meemaw asks her about her life and Penny finds it easy to spill her guts to the older woman.

Penny tells her how she was planning on dropping out of college and taking her shitty car to California because she simply didn’t know any better, that is, until she met Sheldon. He reassured her that she was on the right track and that she just needed to be patient. That for some reason led her to talk about her parents, how her mother was an alcoholic, her father might as well be a statue for all he talks to her. She mentions her brother and his newfound success in dealing meth and how it was just a matter of time before he got himself caught. Her sister followed their mother’s footsteps, getting pregnant as a Senior in High school and dropping out to get married, her husband was a nice guy at least.

Meemaw listens without judging but looks proud that Sheldon was able to make her give college another try.

“Your parents Girlie, they are just kids pretending to be adults. We all are. They will realize their mistakes too late to do anything about them. I’m not telling ya to forgive them because yeah, they’ve been shit to ya. But keep in mind that even after all, they still sent ya to college. I have a hunch they just don’t know how to talk.”

Penny doubts it but doesn’t retort anything. There was still a lot of resentment inside of Penny, a pain that couldn’t be washed away. Even now she was hoping to hear from either of her parents ‘Good Job’. In a lot of ways Penny was still that lost 9 year old searching for her Father’s approval as the Son he always wanted.

The comfortable silence is interrupted by Meemaw and she gives Penny the second shock of her stay.

“Ya got my Moonpie a present didn’t ya?” Meemaw is not looking at her, she’s looking at the few visible stars. Her voice is calm and certain. The smell and sound of the sea makes Penny think that the older woman belongs in a movie.

Penny nods, not wanting to add her voice to the scene. Meemaw is not looking at her but she nods as well as if Penny had spoken.

“My Moonpie doesn’t like Christmas or gifts. People will often misunderstand, call him weird or worse things. But ya see, my Moonpie has a heart as big as Texas. He feels too much.”

And so Penny hears about Sheldon’s Pop-Pop, how he encouraged Sheldon to pursue science and knowledge…and how when he died, the young Sheldon did the only thing he could think of in order to bring him back. He asked Santa.

Penny cries as Meemaw tells her how this soured Sheldon on Christmas ever since. A wound so deep that time hadn’t managed to heal it.

“So Girlie, don’t be too disappointed if Shelly doesn’t get you a gift. Just like his Pop-Pop, he can be as stubborn as a mule.” Meemaw gave her a sad smile and went back into the house.

Penny stays out and listens to the sea. Thinking of the gift wrapped bundle at the bottom of one of her bags, she wasn’t sure what to get Sheldon, but she knew she wanted to get him something. The gift basically chose itself, she was in the mall and walked past a comic book shop and sitting right there on the display was a Christmas Sweater, a Lord of the Rings Christmas Sweater. It was black and white with golden details of the one ring and Sauron's tower, and in the middle of it was Gandalf and Saruman facing off. It was perfect. It was expensive. Penny didn’t hesitate to buy it.

If Meemaw hadn’t talked to her, Penny would have been furious if Sheldon didn’t get her something, but after hearing that story she couldn’t be mad.

Christmas eve and sure enough, the family is getting ready to go to church. Everyone but Sheldon and Penny that is.

“Now, we’ll be back after midnight, so no shenanigans under my roof.” Mrs. Cooper was not one to let sleeping dogs lie.

“On the other hand, my house is open. Just air it out if you do use it.” Meemaw said these things more to mess with Mrs. Copper than with Penny but the result was the same, Penny flushed and laughed nervously as they all went outside to Missy’s truck.

“Would you like to watch a movie Penny?”

“Sure Sheldon. Lead the way!”

They ended up watching ‘Pitch Black’ and Penny loved it, she didn’t know Sci-fi movies could be like this, the action was out of this world and Penny made a mental note to grab a copy of the DVD once she was back in Nebraska.

Sheldon had made them cocoa with little marshmallows and sitting next him on the couch Penny felt content. She had missed movie nights with her friend.



“Thank you for inviting me. I’ve been having a great time here.” A pause “With you.”

“You’re welcome Penny. I must admit that coming here was not the dreadful experience I was expecting. Of course your presence has been invaluable. I was looking forward to seeing you again.”

Penny shouldn’t do this. She still does it.

“I like you Sheldon.”

“I like you as well Penny.

“No. I really like you.”

Maybe Sheldon detects something in her voice, finally turns his body on the couch to face her. He’s giving her a cautious look, unsure on what the difference is, but doesn’t say anything.

“I think you’re becoming my best friend.” It’s not what she wanted to say, but the relief in Sheldon’s eyes makes her think that she did the right thing. He’s not ready for this.

“You’re my best friend Penny. I really enjoy spending time with you.”

With a heavy heart Penny hugs Sheldon goodnight, lingering for a moment too long in his arms.

Christmas morning comes, gifts are given and sure enough, Sheldon didn’t get her anything. She knew this could happen. It still stings like a bee. Some of the sting is removed when Sheldon is left speechless by her gift, the hug he gives her is almost crushing but Penny wouldn't change it.

Missy, Meemaw and Mrs. Cooper try to make up for Sheldon not getting her anything, Penny is not sure how she will fit all of these new clothes into her bags.

And soon enough her time in Texas comes to a close. She still spends a lot of time with Sheldon and they even manage to create a MSN messenger profile for her. Email is nice but she’d like to be able to have a more instant form of communication with him.

Penny basically spends the last two days in Texas glued to Sheldon’s side. He never complains.

Her flight leaves Texas and Penny feels like a part of her stays behind, with the tall scientist whose blue eyes will haunt her dreams.


Because sometimes things aren't that easy.

Chapter 36: Summer Break (Happenstance)


Sequel to Sweater.

Penny is on Summer break.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“No Sheldon.”

“But Penny,” She interrupts him before he can start.

“No Sheldon, it’s my turn to pick the movie and I want to watch ‘Clueless’”

“Very well, if you insist.” The sigh that comes out of Sheldon could blow cities away.

“C’mon Moonpie, I bet you’ll like it.”


“You want to tell me to stop calling you that, right?” Penny could hear the smirk in her own voice.

“...I still insist that Meemaw should not have given you permission to call me that.”

Penny laughs at the pout in his voice. She loves these weekly calls with Sheldon, it always makes her feel lighter somehow.

It was May and the weather should be in the mid 50°s but for some reason the termometer didn’t go lower than 74°. At least finals are over. Penny was only wearing a tank top and her hello kitty panties. It was just her in the dorm, Tamika was on another date with Jack, she still insisted that they were taking it easy but Penny knew that look in her friend’s face, she was head over heels in love.

“No Moonpie, Tai wants to date Josh, but that made Cher realize her feelings.”

“Well, that’s convoluted.”

Sheldon still couldn’t get the appeal of rom-coms but Penny would not get tired of explaining them to him. Ever since spending last Christmas together they had been getting closer and Penny knew that she was in trouble.

She was halfway in love with him.

Not just him, but with his family as well. Meemaw had been sending her letters and Penny was more than happy to write back. Missy was always game for celebrity gossip talk and Penny really liked the other woman, she was also waitressing while going to school and in a way Penny found the sister relationship she never had with her own blood sister.

But Sheldon didn’t seem to want a relationship. Penny had been dropping hints but Sheldon was either ignoring them or they were going over his head.

Penny was still dating around but none of the guys were Sheldon and instead of getting drunk in their dirty dorm rooms she much rather stay in her room and speak with Sheldon over the phone. She did miss sex, and Penny was seriously considering getting rechargeable batteries because she was spending a fortune on disposable batteries.

“That movie was interesting Penny,” Translation, I didn’t enjoy it but I don’t want to make you sad.

“No worries Moonpie, we can watch it again next time.” Teasing him was always fun.

“Oh, no, no. Perhaps we should focus on movies we haven’t seen yet.”

“Yeah yeah, no worries, I already have our next movie in mind.”

“Oh goody.” For someone that didn’t do sarcasm, that was a good one.

“How is the new roommate doing?” Sheldon was having a hard time finding a roommate that sticks, apparently they all couldn’t deal with his idiosyncrasies.

“Not successful I’m afraid. He leaves dirty towels on the bathroom floor and has already ‘forgotten’ to wash his own dishes for the 4th time this week.” An exasperated sigh tickles her ear “At least he’ll be gone by the end of the week.”

“Aww I’m sorry Sweetie. At least that means that there’ll be no one there to cramp our style when I’m there for Summer break.”

“Are you certain that your parents won’t be upset with you for not going back to see them?”

“I’m planning to go see them for a day before I fly out to California.”

“Oh! Okay.”

Penny doesn’t feel bad about the lie. She did try to reach out to her parents, her father picked up the phone, greeted her cooly and then passed the phone to her mother. Her mother was drunk and started calling her a ‘little whore’ and mockingly asked if she was calling because she got knocked up and needed help. Penny doesn’t really want to talk to either of her parents, but Sheldon couldn’t understand, so he doesn’t need to know.

“I can’t wait to see you again Sheldon.”


Penny doesn’t fill in the silence. There’s been more and more of these silences lately, maybe she’s too optimistic but Penny thinks that they’re happening because Sheldon wants to tell her something. It’s just that he can’t or won’t voice it.

“Moonpie?” She says after the silence has dragged on for long enough.

“I have missed your presence as well Penny.” Penny thinks that his tone is heavy with unsaid words but she’s being too hopeful and quickly dismisses the idea. “And without a roommate you will be able to make use of the extra room instead of the couch.”

“Yay for me.”

“Yay indeed.”

California is everything Penny wanted it to be and more, and she hadn’t even left the airport yet. She’s trying to take everything in as she walks out and she’s able to spot Sheldon easily. No strange woman by his side this time.

Sheldon is sort of leaning against a car and he’s sweating something terrible. He looks like he just ran a marathon and Penny can even see him shake a little.

“Sheldon! Are you okay?!” Just her luck that Sheldon is sick as soon as she lands.

“Hello Penny.” Sheldon is the one that pulls her into a hug this time. The first hug he ever initiated, and Penny is worried because it feels a little frantic. She dreamed of him hugging her first but now she was worried about him. “I’m okay. California’s public transportation is a sure way to get sick or killed so I decided to rent a car for the length of your stay, but I had to drive it here. I don’t enjoy driving Penny.” Sheldon seems to calm down with each word coming out of his mouth, his shaking is almost gone and he’s no longer as pale.

“Awwww Honey, you did that for me?” Penny is touched, she knew how Sheldon felt about driving and yet he still did it. “Thank you!”

“You’re welcome Penny. Now, I hope you don’t mind driving us back to the apartment.”

“Not at all, Sweetie. You’ll have to give me directions tho”

They were still holding each other and Penny was in no rush to end this particular hug.

“Perhaps we should move.” Sheldon’s voice is calm now.

“Yeah, we should.” But neither move. What forces them in the end is the loud klaxon of a taxi.

The drive back to Sheldon’s apartment is uneventful, Penny is looking around at the streets and trying to burn them into her memory. In another Universe she had dropped out of college and was trying her luck as an actress. Like in that movie Sheldon showed her ‘Run Lola Run’. She hopes that the Penny in that other world also gets to meet Sheldon.

Sheldon’s apartment building is huge, at least to Penny. He’s living on the 4th floor and Penny is glad there’s an elevator. Her bags have enough clothes but she’s not fooling herself, she worked so many double shifts to save enough money to buy clothes and shoes and not feel guilty about it.

Sheldon shows her around the apartment and Penny is surprised by how big it is, it’s like a proper home. Living room, Kitchen, bathroom with a bath, storage closet and a second bedroom. Not to mention all of the geeky stuff, figurines, models, trains, etc. This felt like a lived in place, a home. Not bad. Well, except he didn’t have a couch, he had lawn chairs for some reason.

“Thanks again Sheldon, for letting me stay here.” Penny told him once they were back in the living room. “Too bad you don’t have a couch tho.”

“You’re welcome Penny. Yes, the couch belonged to my previous roommate.”

“Maybe you could get one? You know we could sit there together and watch movies.” Penny wonders for a moment if she should say more, she shouldn’t. “And you know, we could cuddle.”

“...I see…” Sheldon frowns in thought and Penny sighs her hopes away. She should just give up, this trip was also a way for her to finally let go of her feelings for Sheldon. She was going to be staying here for a month and a half and if Sheldon didn’t give her any life signs that they could be more she’d be giving up on her feelings for him. They could remain friends, best friends.

Penny hoped that Missy was right about Sheldon also feeling something for her.

“Penny, would you please drive me to the furniture store? We need a coach.”

And maybe Missy was onto something.

That first week in California feels odd. Not in a bad way, but Penny felt more like a girlfriend moving in than a friend just staying for a while.

Sheldon and Penny go to pick a couch. They end up picking up a pretty cute green couch and matching chairs…and a coffee table…and a shoe organizer…a closet…a vanity, and okay, Penny might have gone a little shop-crazy and Sheldon just let her buy anything she wanted.

That second bedroom, well, more like the entire apartment, now looked like Penny lived there with Sheldon. It wasn’t helping her feelings.

Penny made good on her promise about cuddling with Sheldon on the couch. If it could be called cuddling, that first night on the couch it took Sheldon almost an hour to feel comfortable. But he never asked her to move away.

By night five Sheldon was holding her back and Penny was thrilled.

Sheldon still had work so Penny had the mornings free to do whatever she wanted. For the first few days it was just sleeping in, but then Penny started to hit the stores, as if she needed another reason to love California. The stores alone would make moving worth it.

Missy also called the apartment and squeed in delight when Penny was the one that answered the phone.

“Have you bumped uglies yet?”

“Missy! You know he has superhero hearing. He’s taking a shower but I bet he can hear from there.”

“Sweet. Baby. Jesus…”

“Not like that, just his regular after work shower.”

“Oh. Well, what are you waiting for? Just jump him.”

“And make him hate me forever? No. Thank you.”

“...look…I’m not supposed to tell you this but Shelly called me a couple of days ago. He asked me about-” Of course that’s the moment that Sheldon comes back from his shower.

“Penny. Who is that?”

“Oh, it’s just Missy.”

“Ah, I shall retire to my bedroom while you two talk. Please knock on my door once you’re done so we can talk about what to have for dinner.”

“We can make Hotdogs on a stick?”

“Oh Goody!” And he went back to his room.

Missy’s voice brings her back to the other conversation “See, you should get married already.”

“Nuh uh. You were about to tell me something big. Spill.”

“Okay darlin’ I don’t always like Shelly but I have seen the way you make him happy so I’m going to tell you this only once.” Penny is holding her breath, her heart beating quickly “Shelly called and asked what was the best way to ask you out. I told him to just be direct with you. I didn’t tell him how you’re about ready to throw your panties at him though.”

Penny can’t refute that statement.

“He asked you that?”

“On my momma, I swear.”

Hope burns brightly in Penny’s chest, the last time she felt this way she was about to face a rodeo. This time she would break more than her wrist if it went wrong.

That night, as she and Sheldon are cooking together she can’t help but steal glances at him through the night. He had really clear blue eyes and she noticed how the corners of his eyes would soften when looking at her. She loved how long his eyelashes were. How the muscles in his arm moved when he wrote on his whiteboard…and yeah, she was screwed.

Week number two brings two important events, one really good and one really bad.

One morning, out of curiosity she goes to UCLA, it’s only a 40 minute drive. She hasn’t told Sheldon yet but Penny has floated the idea of transferring to her advisor and while annoying, the process was actually simple. Simple, but not cheap. She hoped to talk to the Financial aid admin after visiting the office.

Penny sings and dances on the entire drive back to Los Robles. All of her credits could be transferred and if she wanted she could basically transfer next fall. Financial aid is not so great, she knows that her EFC is basically zero, so she’ll need to take out student loans…but she loved UCLA and its campus. And she had read that the students here attend auditions on the regular which also made her want to transfer ASAP. But before making any decisions she needs to talk it out with Sheldon, he’ll be brutally honest but she needs that right now, to know she’s not screwing herself for life. And she’s late for dinner, she stayed there far longer than she expected.

Penny is so thrilled that she doesn’t even wait for the elevator, she prances up the stairs and is already calling Sheldon’s name as she opens the door, but her voice dies as she sees the scene in front of her.

A strange girl is kissing Sheldon on their couch.

That’s the really bad thing.


I know! I didn't intend for it to end on a cliffhanger.

Chapter 37: Rodeo (Happenstance)


Sequel to Summer Break

Sheldon and Penny need to talk.


Didn't want to leave you hanging for too long after that last (unintended) cliffhanger.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny feels hot and then cold. Time seems to be moving slowly and she’s not sure that she’s breathing anymore.

She wants to close the door, go back to Nebraska and cry for a year. Of course Sheldon didn’t love her, he was a bigshot scientist and she was just Penny.

Before leaving she needed to look at Sheldon’s face for one last time, she takes a step into the apartment.

“Penny, help!” Sheldon notices her and his face is a mask of terror, not of Penny seeing him with another woman. But of the woman straddling him.

Paying closer attention Penny can see that Sheldon is trying his best to glue himself to the couch, trying to put as much distance between him and the woman. His arms go up to his face in an attempt to cover himself and she can see tears falling from his eyes.

Penny is now feeling hot again. Hot red anger fuels her.

Before making the conscious decision to move her body is already in front of the couch. The other woman is finally turning to look at her. Penny doesn’t give her a chance.

Penny is tiny, she knows this. It has never bothered her. She’s got good muscles, farm work will do that for you. The other woman is not a challenge, Penny pulls her off Sheldon easily, throws her towards the still open door.

“Dr. Cooper!” The woman tries to say more but Penny is already there and pushes her out of the apartment. Slamming the door on her face feels really good. Penny is still not sure she has taken a breath since she first opened the door. “I didn’t know he had a girlfriend!” The muffled voice is accompanied by a slam on the closed door.

Penny has to close her eyes to try and calm herself, pressing her forehead to the door. She just experienced emotional whiplash in a level she never thought possible. Her heart is still beating wildly and now that the…hussy is out of sight, Penny starts to calm down. She can hear panting and it takes a moment to realize it’s her own breathing. Opens her eyes and sees her chest heaving.

It’s then that she remembers Sheldon, turns to the couch but he’s gone. She can see the door to the bathroom is open and water is running. Taking a deep breath to try and calm herself further she then moves to where Sheldon is.

The image that greets her both breaks her heart and fans the flames of her anger again.

Sheldon is bent over the sink and frantically brushing his teeth, she can see red splotches in the blue foam sitting at the bottom of the sink. Any other time this would be a funny image, but not today. Sheldon is crying and Penny is not sure he’s aware of it, he looks lost and even though he’s looking at himself in the mirror his eyes are empty and unfocused, there’s no more foam left in his mouth, he is brushing his mouth raw. This was more than an unwanted kiss for him.

“Sheldon. Honey. I think that’s enough.” He turns to look at her, but he’s not really seeing her, but at least he stopped hurting himself. But he doesn’t answer.

Penny takes a step into the bathroom “Moonpie?” At that his eyes finally focus on her. He still looks miserable and terrified. “Hey, it’s me.” Penny’s voice is soft, hand stretched out to him.

The look in Sheldon’s eyes doesn’t change, he’s almost back but not quite there yet. His eyes are wild with fear looking at her outstretched hand and then at her face.

Penny loved horses, she always did. But Junior Rodeo really allowed her to indulge in that love. There’s a wild freedom in riding a horse that can’t be compared to anything else. Penny loved Sugarcube, a beautiful chocolate Palomino mare, she was Penny’s partner for her entire time in Junior Rodeo. Penny loved horses so much that she would help around the stables just for the sake of it and to make sure Sugarcube was taken care of. The look on Sheldon’s eyes is the same look that spooked horses would have before trying to buck a rider, try to bite at you or before someone finds out why you shouldn’t stand behind a horse.

Sheldon has that same look.

“Hey Moonpie. It’s fine, that lady is gone. It’s just us.” Penny’s voice cracks, she’s terrified that Sheldon is somehow gone forever. It’s a stupid idea, one stupid lady can’t rob the world from Sheldon Cooper. Can’t rob Penny of her Moonpie. “It’s me.”

“Penny?” Sheldon’s voice is faint and it breaks her heart.

Penny gulps the heartbreak in her throat before replying “Yeah, I’m here.” Tries to sound stronger than she feels.

Sheldon's eyes finally focus, he grimaces in pain and looks down at the toothbrush in his hand in distaste. Throws it into the garbage can with more force than needed. Goes to rinse his mouth with water and Penny cringes at how red it comes out.

“I…” It’s rare to see Sheldon speechless but Penny doesn’t interrupt him, “She joined me for lunch at the University’s cafeteria.” Sheldon is holding onto either side of the sink, knuckles white, and he’s frowning at the foam still in the sink, “She’s an undergrad student and she wanted to talk about Physics. I had seen your message, as such I was aware that you wouldn’t be able to come pick me up so her offer to drive me home was ideal for the situation. Or so I thought at the time.” The grimace on his face is pure revulsion.

“She asked if she could see the apartment and while an odd request, I saw no reason to deny it. She had been respectful so far.” Sheldon laughs but not his breathy laugh, this one is ugly and Penny doesn’t want to hear it ever again. “I offered her a hot beverage but she then manhandled me into the couch and forced herself on me. I feel dirty. Even now, the urge to keep brushing my teeth is gnawing at me.”

Penny can’t hold herself back anymore and she walks fully into the bathroom to hold Sheldon, he is tall and her head is buried between his shoulder blades. She wants to fuse herself to him, to make him stop hurting. He flinches a little at her touch but soon relaxes.

“You know Sheldon. I never told this to anyone but the real reason why I quit Junior Rodeo is because one of the judges kept making passes at me.” Her voice gets watery right away, “Until one day, backstage, he forcefully kissed me and grabbed my butt so hard that it bruised.” She’s glad that Sheldon is not facing her. It took her a long time to come to terms with what happened to her and she’s pretty sure what’s running through Sheldon’s mind right now. “It’s not your fault Sheldon.”

Penny is not sure how long they stayed in the bathroom, with Penny holding onto Sheldon. But it was Sheldon’s stomach rumbling that finally made them move. Penny laughed at the suddenness of the sound and then Sheldon followed. It felt good to laugh after all that.

They ordered Pizza because neither felt like going out or cooking. It was Sheldon’s turn to choose the movie but he instead put on Star Trek TOS, Penny didn’t say anything but just cuddled with Sheldon on the couch.

She knew there were a lot of things unsaid, but for now they were safe on Sheldon’s couch.

Penny was starting to feel cold, her right side was cold and that’s what forced her to open her eyes. Batman’s logo is what greeted her.

Sheldon and her were lying side by side on the couch. She was between Sheldon and the backrest, they had turned the lights off to watch the TV, which was still on and that was what allowed Penny to make out Sheldon’s sleeping features.

Taking hold of the blanket on the back of the couch Penny covered them both.

“Thank you Penny.” Sheldon’s soft voice surprises her.

“You’re awake.” Her voice is just as soft. It’s only them in the apartment but it feels wrong to raise her voice. “Don’t you want to go back to your room?” She’s using his arm as a pillow and turns to look up at him.

“I find myself unwilling to move at this moment.” Sheldon’s chest rumbles a little with each word and Penny finds that it does funny things to her tummy…and lower.

“Okay.” Penny’s neck is a little uncomfortable in this position and Sheldon is using one of the throw pillows as a pillow. She shimmies up until she’s facing Sheldon, his arm moves lower and is under her waist, maybe she imagined that he had pulled her against him. “Hey there Moonpie.”

“Thank you Penny.” Getting this close to him was a bad idea, her hand moves on its own. Her thumb is lightly caressing his jaw. “For everything.”

“You’re welcome, Sheldon.”

“I’ve always been called weird. A freak. Almost a real boy. Among many other things. But you treated me like another person. You were nice to me.” In the dark Penny could only see some details of Sheldon’s expression and she wished that they had left the lights on, she wants to see what kind of face he is making right now. “I am unsure of when my feelings for you grew. Missy was less than helpful when I requested her assistance to analyze them.”

Penny held her breath, could it be. After a few moments of Sheldon not talking she had to know “How do you feel about me Moonpie?”

“I find myself wishing to hold you. Penny, you have to understand. This is a new feeling for me. I have experienced physical attraction before, but I have never experienced this…want to hold another person. Imagining myself in this position with someone else is almost painful. But…”

Penny hates the silence, and needs Sheldon to keep going. “But?” She prods him.

“But I’m separated from the average human experience regarding relationships like this. I don’t want to lose you.”

Penny’s heart is soaring. Sheldon hadn’t actually said the words, but she knew what he was talking about, knew what it meant. “Why would you lose me?”

This time she definitely doesn’t imagine it, the arm around her pulls her closer to Sheldon. “Because I have never been in a romantic relationship before. I don’t want to screw up. I don’t want you to hate me.”

“Aw Moonpie. We will screw up. You will say the wrong thing, I will do the wrong thing. The important part is that we don’t stop being friends. That you don’t shut me out. Remember that time you called me to ask why you had to play nice at the fundraiser gala? Or how you helped me plan for my acting career? We have each other’s backs already.”

“But Penny. What if I hurt you?” Penny remembers that night talking with Meemaw. Sheldon had a big heart, there was just a lot of science and geeky stuff around it.

“Then I’ll tell you. You’re always bragging about that eidetic memory of yours. You’re telling me that you’re not going to learn?”

“I would hate to lose you.”

Penny closes the distance and kisses him. She’s very conscious of what just occurred earlier and this might be a bad ide-

Sheldon is kissing her back. It’s unsure, awkward and it’s the best kiss she’s ever had.

This thing between her and Sheldon will not be easy, Penny is fully aware of that. But it can be amazing. Sheldon is a whole lot of difficult, but Penny is not scared of that.


So yeah, this is going to become it's own fic eventually like others in the past. Posting it here allows me to get the main plot out of my head and then be able to go back and expand on it.

I'm not sure how much of this Universe I have left in me but I am still enjoying it quite a lot.

Chapter 38: Learning (Happenstance)


Sequel to Rodeo

And things begin to move


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny is over the moon with happiness. She and Sheldon decided to give dating a try.

With her previous beaus that would mean making out and then jumping to bed, but Sheldon doesn’t work like that. And sure Penny misses sex, but she’d rather wait for Sheldon to be ready than to go out with some rando for a one-night stand.

Sheldon wants to write a contract, which is immediately shutdown by Penny. This will also be Penny's first actual grown up relationship and Sheldon chimes in that it will be his first romantic relationship. Penny wants them to talk about stuff.

She ends up regretting it a little when their first day as boyfriend and girlfriend is spent doing a verbal contract with Sheldon. At least it’s a conversation and not a piece of paper.

Penny asks that Sheldon must ask her directly if he has any questions about the relationship and Penny promises to not be mad if he accidentally offends her.

Sheldon asks that Penny be direct with him. Subtleties and indirect social queues make him anxious. His mother was fond of answering his father’s questions with a simple ‘I’m fine.’ but even Sheldon knew that she was in fact not fine.

Penny asks that Sheldon doesn’t accept random invitations from both women and men without checking with her first, she’ll be able to tell if it’s an actual friendly invitation or if they’re asking him on a date. Sheldon can’t agree fast enough to that.

Sheldon asks that Penny not try to make him jealous. Penny asks the same.

They agree on several things rather quickly. Penny has never been a fan of PDA and Sheldon is fine with that, but Penny does like holding hands and arms. She already does that with Sheldon as a friend so this is not a huge change.

Other things take longer to agree on. Penny wants to jump Sheldon’s bones but she knows he needs to take it slow. Penny balks at his timetable of a year for sex (or coitus as he calls it) and puts her foot down. They will go at their own pace but Penny is a physical person and it’s part of what she needs to feel loved. Sheldon eventually agrees to go by feel.

They kiss, and it takes Penny back to 9th grade. Chaste but somehow thrilling.

Penny calls Missy and there’s way too much squeeing from the both of them. Penny can hear Missy yell out once she calms down enough “Momma, it finally happened!!” Penny can hear a distant ‘Praise the Lord!’.

The call to Meemaw is somehow stranger.

“Oh Girlie! You made an old woman’s year. Now you listen to me. My Moonpie is a wonderful man, but he’s a man nonetheless. He’s going to mess up, he will say something he shouldn’t have and most of all, he will forget to tell you he loves you way too often. I like you Girlie, I know you’ll keep the boy in line.” Meemaw’s teasing voice turns serious, “But if you break his heart, I’ll run you down and shoot you like a rabid raccoon. Get me?”

Penny can only stammer “I get you Meemaw.”

Meemaw’s voice is warm again and full of teasing “Good! Now, I’ll be expecting the both of you for Christmas this year as well. Shelly already knows so I’m just telling you.”

Who knew that Meemaw could be scary like that.

“Hey Moonpie, why did you never wore your Superhero tees while you were in Nebraska…or Texas for that matter?”

“Ah, for Nebraska, I was going in my role as a visiting professor. My mother said the Superhero Tees would give the ‘wrong impression’. And Texas is too hot for layers, I prefer a simple shirt to avoid sweating.”

“I see, well I like your layers, but I wish you used jeans more.”


“I like looking at your butt in them.”

And on their next date Sheldon wore a pair of jeans that Missy had gifted him last Christmas. His butt really did look great in them.<

Sheldon starts reading a lot about dating online. It somehow leads to him patting Penny’s butt in what she can only assume is meant to be a playful spank.

Penny is preparing herself a cup of yogurt with cereal when she feels Sheldon move behind her. She doesn’t think anything of it, assumes he’s going to grab a box of cereal. His hand makes gentle contact with her behind, not hard enough to be a proper spank but solid enough that it makes a small sound.

Penny is surprised and delighted but she’s also shocked, because this is Sheldon. And this is huge, like she knew he had a thing about butts but she was preparing herself to have to wait months before Sheldon was able to be the one to make a move.

Turning reveals a thoroughly embarrassed Sheldon, there’s a flush from his neck to his hairline and it’s really cute. His face is unsure but he’s not twitching and he’s trying to not look at the bundle of papers in his other hand.

“Hey there Moonpie” Penny goes back to preparing her cup of yogurt, as if nothing out of the ordinary happened.

“Hello Penny.” Sheldon sounds nervous.

“More dating guides?”

“Yes. This one says that physical contact is a good way to increase affection. Playful touches of an intimate but not sexual manner are a good way to demonstrate interest in your partner.”

Penny hums like this all new information to her. “No way. Maybe you should do it again. A little bit harder tho.”


“You heard me.”

Sheldon doesn’t respond but Penny will let him make this decision all on his own. Penny smiles at her cup of yogurt at the almost proper spank she gets. Sheldon is a quick learner.

Penny is not thrilled to learn that Sheldon is apparently a chick magnet, she asks about the grad student and Sheldon very proudly says ‘The other girls are not letting her get closer.’ Penny has to close her eyes for a moment before asking “What other girls?”

She learns that apparently everyone knows that Sheldon always takes his lunch at the same time every day, so it makes it easy for people to find him. There’s a group of women that sit near Sheldon but not with him and apparently they veto who can sit with him. Sheldon doesn’t mind because he likes to eat his lunch alone for the most part.

It doesn’t sit well with Penny but apparently it’s actually keeping girls away from Sheldon so she doesn’t say anything else. Penny only reminds Sheldon that he must answer to any invitation with ‘I need to check with my girlfriend first.’

Sheldon kisses her goodbye before he leaves for work, she’s still in bed and it’s only a peck but it makes Penny smile. It’s been only a week of them dating but it’s been great so far.

The kisses and touches are chaste but Sheldon is a fan of patting her butt and Penny has started to reciprocate, at first he jumped in fright but he has acclimated since and if her hand lingers for a moment too long Sheldon doesn’t mention it.

Penny doesn’t mention it to Sheldon, but she’s going to try and transfer to UCLA. She’s been having so much fun with him, she loves Pasadena and Penny is not willing to give up on her dream.

Nebraska is home, but Sheldon is also home. And Penny is aware that despite what Meemaw believes, her parents have already given up on her. Her dad gave up on her the day she needed to wear a bra and her mom gave up on her almost right away. If she stays in Nebraska Penny is certain that she’ll never leave, she’ll graduate and go back to live in the farm and then start popping out babies.

Babies are another subject that’s been on her mind. After seeing her parent’s relationship she had promised herself that she would never have them. Of course she had that pregnancy scare at sixteen which prompted her to start taking the pill religiously, because Penny didn’t want babies.

Sheldon doesn’t make her change her mind, she hasn’t even talked about this with him. Still too soon. But down the line, in 10 years, the idea of a little boy or girl doesn’t sound so bad.

Penny is in trouble, and she kinda doesn’t care as long as Sheldon is by her side.

Saying goodbye to Sheldon at the airport is hell. Especially because the last week they had together Sheldon was the one pushing for more physical contact, they even started French kissing, which yeah, it freaked him out a little at first but soon he became a very willing participant.

Penny doesn’t want to let go of him. This past month and a half came to an end way too soon.

“Penny. I know this is early, but would you like to spend Christmas with my family again?”

Penny’s voice is muffled against Sheldon’s chest. “I thought you didn’t like to go back home for Christmas.”

“Yes, well. Recent events have shifted my perception.”

Penny laughs because this is just like Sheldon, but Penny is now an expert in Sheldon-speak and knows what it means ‘I want to spend more time with you.’

“I would love it, Sheldon.”

“Oh good!”

Her flight is called over the PA and she feels Sheldon tense up. He might not show it but he’s as reluctant as she is to separate. Penny is thinking about whether to kiss Sheldon or not. They kissed back in the apartment because Sheldon didn’t want to do it in public, but she needs to kiss him one more time.

Sheldon kisses her.

It’s desperate, he’s holding onto her like she’s about to disappear and Penny takes a moment to wise up but she’s holding him just as desperately and kissing him back.

She’s not sure how much time passes but by the time her flight is called again she’s dizzy and she’s also pretty sure that her lips are bruised, but she doesn’t care.

Penny doesn’t start crying until her plane is in the air. This feels too much like a permanent goodbye and she hates it.


Most likely won't be able to update until after the Holidays. (If I do it will be between Christmas and New Year's)

So, Happy Holidays peeps. Thank you for making this an awesome end of year.

I'll see you back in a few but if you're getting antsy about not having something to read, check my other stories for the stories that have spun from this fic, if you haven't already. And if you already have, you rock.


Chapter 39: Driving (Happenstance)


Sequel to Learning


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Long distance relationships suck ass.

Penny knows it’s been only a week since she’s been back in Nebraska but it honestly feels like much longer. She’s been busy preparing for her transfer to UCLA, she’s only got a limited amount of time if she wants to start her next year of college in the fall and in Pasadena.

Tamika was very smug, telling Penny ‘I told you so’ over and over again when Penny told her she and Sheldon were finally dating. Only to turn into a crying mess when Penny admitted she was transferring to UCLA, Penny was crying alongside her, but this was something that she needed to do for her future.

And she wasn’t even talking about Sheldon and her. Penny wanted to act, wanted to be in TV and movies, and wanted to impress people in a theater. Penny wanted all of that plus Sheldon.

Sheldon was already on top of his field and he was only climbing higher and if Penny was fully honest, Sheldon’s worst enemy was himself. Penny loved the man but he didn’t know when to shut up. And because Sheldon was on top, Penny was going to try her darndest to climb right there next to him.

“And what does Dr. Cooper think about you transferring to UCLA?” The weather sucks ass and Tamika was the best friend ever by going out to buy ice cream sandwiches for the both of them.

“I haven’t told him yet. I want it to be a surprise.”

“Wait. Didn’t you tell me that he hated surprises?”

“...shut up…”

“Oh boy.”

And Penny knows that she should have told Sheldon about the transfer but she wasn’t sure if it was going to be possible until the last moment and by then she just wanted to surprise him. Which might go horribly wrong.

But Penny doesn’t believe that he will mind all that much, hanging up on Sheldon after their regular calls takes a toll on Penny now and the reluctance in Sheldon to hang up as well makes her think that he’s going through the same thing. Penny can’t wait to be able to hug Sheldon again.

Long distance relationships suck ass.

Maybe once she’s in California she can find a better job than being a waitress. Her feet are hurting and this is the fourth time in this shift alone that some grabby asshole tries to pinch her butt.

“Hey toots, more coffee here!”

Definitely getting a different job in California.

Penny gets the confirmation letter sooner than she expected. And she’s over the moon. She goes out dancing with Tamika and Jack to celebrate and at the end of the night punches some guy that thought it was a good idea to try and kiss her.

The next day brings her up short. She needs to tell her parents.

‘Maybe I can pretend that I’m an orphan?’ But no, Penny is no coward. She needs to tell her parents because it’s the right thing to do. Sheldon is rubbing too much on her.

The farm brings back good and bad memories. Penny loved taking care of the animals and she also hated taking care of the animals. Brushing? Yes please. Cleaning manure? Heck no.

But the memories are also about her family. Her mother drinking from so early in the morning that by the time Penny walked in on the kitchen for breakfast the only thing waiting for her was her passed out mom. Penny had to learn to cook from a very early age, her siblings not giving a shit about her.

Her father had been her idol for much of her life. He would roughhouse with her, take her to games, taught her how to shoot, how to throw a football. And once her breasts made themselves known her father dropped her like it all didn’t mean anything to him at all. Penny still hadn’t forgiven him.

She takes a deep breath before entering the farmhouse, something she’s done countless times but Penny is perfectly aware that this might be the last time she does it. This can go to hell in a moment.

Penny’s parents are in the living room, neither talking, her father was reading a magazine and her mom was watching TV, a glass of something in her hand.

“Hey mom and dad” Penny doesn’t sit, she leans into the doorframe and crosses her arms, she’s not looking forward to this but she still tries to project a strength she doesn’t feel.

“Penny?” Her mother is squinting at her and then turns to look at the glass in her hand.

“...” Her father doesn’t even grunt an acknowledgement, for that matter, he only glances at her and then goes back to his magazine.

“Yeah, good talking to you guys. I just came here for some stuff from my room…I’m moving to California.”

Her mother starts laughing mockingly “I told you Wyatt! She’s not smart enough for college. So what? Are you going to work as a porn star?” Penny is used to the mean streak, it doesn’t make it hurt any less.

Her father finally closes the magazine and pinches the bridge of his nose. “Still with that acting bullshit?” His voice is equal parts exasperation and resignation.

Penny’s eyes fill with tears, she was expecting this but it still hurt. Takes a moment to compose herself, doesn’t want her voice shaking for this next part.

“No. I’m moving to California because I’m transferring to UCLA. I’ve already completed all the paperwork. I’m not here to ask for anything from you, from either of you. Not permission. Not money. I’ll go pack a bag and get out of your hair.” Penny hates that her voice breaks at the end.

She’s half dreading, half hoping that either of her parents will follow her to her room. Only silence follows her across the house. Penny packs a duffel bag while big fat angry tears blur her vision, her Junior Rodeo ribbons, her Care Bears, the Hello Kitty plush, her favorite sweater, her photo album, the glove her dad gave her on her 6th birthday stays on the shelf.

Packing her childhood takes too little time and there’s still only silence from the rest of the house. Penny walks through the halls of the only home she had known until a few years ago while uselessly wiping her eyes, it’s muted and gray, at least compared to her memories. She leaves out the front door unimpeded.

Penny says goodbye in her heart. She’s not sure if to her parents, to the farm or to the hope.

It hits her on the drive home.

Penny has to stop on the side of the road, corn surrounds her and she lets it all out. She hits the steering wheel in frustration, screams out in pain and grief. She can’t stop crying.

Once she’s able to compose herself Penny is surprised by how dark it is. She’s all cried out and her eyes hurt, but it’s a first step. Maybe one day she can move forward without this hurting.

But even with it hurting like hell right now, she’s not going to stop.

“Penny. I quite enjoyed this film.” Sheldon sounds surprised.

“Yeah? What did you like about it?” Penny is lying on her dorm bed and trying to pretend that the rolled up cover across her waist is Sheldon’s arm.

“While usually the films of this variety can’t wait to make the ‘main couple’ meet and enter into a romantic relationship. In this film the viewer never gets the catharsis of seeing them enter into such a relationship. It’s only hinted at. I found it refreshing.”

“But?” Penny knew Sheldon, he had something more to say.

“No buts…just that some of Annie’s actions could be considered a bit stalker-adjacent.”

“Hey! It’s romantic. She is searching for Sam and okay yeah, some of the things are a bit too much but…shut up.” Penny is not really upset but she was surprised that Sheldon saw it that way.

“I still enjoyed the film.”

“Yeah, me too. This is a favorite of mine along with ‘You’ve got mail.’ Hey! We can watch that next.”

“Of course.”

They stayed talking on the phone for a long while. Penny still hadn’t told Sheldon about her transfer, she knew he hated surprises but she had a feeling that he wouldn’t really mind this one.

Tamika helps her pack stuff, Penny wants to just throw everything into her car but the other woman looks horrified when Penny suggests the idea.

Even with stuff properly packed and organized it takes more than a little wrangling to make it all fit into her car.

“Well…I guess this is it.” Penny has her hands in her pockets and is awkwardly shuffling on her feet. Tamika was her first real friend in college and if there’s one thing that Penny will truly miss is Tamika herself.

“Come here you dumbass.” Tamika pulls her into a fierce hug and Penny is already ugly crying before Tamika is even able to get her arms fully around her frame.

“I will miss you so much!” Penny is probably ruining the other girl’s shirt with snot and tears but she can’t seem to stop crying. “You have to keep writing to me, and you have to call me every week. I better be invited to your-”

Tamika is simply saying yes to everything that Penny is asking and patting her in the back. They were supposed to be the same age but Tamika always acted like Penny’s big sister.

It takes Penny 10 minutes to compose herself and Tamika is right there next to her until she does and she never lets go of Penny’s hand.

“I love you Pen, can’t wait to see you on TV.”

“You better come to Caltech for your PhD.” Penny sounded like a petulant child but she didn’t care.

One last long hug and Penny is driving to California in her too battered car. It’ll be a long drive but Penny is looking forward to it.

Penny’s car was so shitty that it didn’t even have a CD player. No, she had to make do with the ol’ reliable, a cassette player, which was fine by her, it made it easier to record music. She had paid 10 bucks to one of the AV girls for a cassette with her own personal mix of Radiohead’s songs.

‘How to disappear completely’ played and Penny had to fight back tears thinking about her parents. Was Penny somehow in the wrong? She tried her best to be what her father wanted and yet he still stonewalled her when it was clear that Penny was a regular girl. Penny lost her dad from one moment to another.

‘Fake Plastic Trees’ is next and Penny thinks of her mother. If she could be called that. The woman was a mystery to Penny, a complete mystery. She seemed to hate being married to a farmer, resented living on a farm and refused to help with any of the farm work. And yet, there she was, on a farm and married to a farmer. Maybe it all was a personal type of hell for her mother, maybe that’s why the only good memory that Penny has of her mother is being 7 years old and sick as a dog, to the point that her parents thought she might not make it through the night. Her mother had fed her noodle chicken soup, caressed her face lovingly and even sat all night with her…then again, maybe Penny’s feverish mind had hallucinated the entire thing.

‘Creep’ began playing and Penny sang along with it. Letting out all of her frustration along with Thom Yorke’s yell of ‘What the hell am I doing here?’. There was always something so liberating about this song and Penny loved it, by the time she finished yelling ‘Run’ she was back to feeling excited about moving to California. Nebraska had been home, but it was too small for Penny and her dreams.

‘Let down’ plays as the ‘Welcome to Wyoming’ sign comes into view and Penny sighs in relief. She had the irrational fear that Nebraska would keep going on forever.

Gas station food is really as bad as it sounds, she sticks to bags of chips and beef jerky.

Driving through Salt Lake City is intimidating, especially at night. It doesn’t help that ‘Rabbit in your headlights’ starts playing, and yeah this wasn’t Radiohead but it had Thom York in it so Penny included it. A decision she was regretting now, the song always gave her the creeps and raised the hairs on the back of her neck.

Penny at least gets a decent meal at a Diner.

Vegas comes into view just as ‘Everything In Its Right Place’ is wrapping up and ‘No Surprises’ is starting to play. Vegas means that California is just up ahead, a stone's throw away and Penny can’t stop smiling, she sings along “No alarms and no surprises, please!”.

Penny stops to eat something at Vegas…and she also loses 30 bucks in the slots.

There isn’t enough space in her car for Penny to lie down when taking naps, she curls up as best as she can in her front seat. By the time she’s driving past San Bernardino National Forest her back is killing her and she can’t wait to sleep in a proper bed again.

Thom Yorke is singing about black eyed angels when Penny finally turns into Los Robles Avenue. She turns off the cassette player, seeing Sheldon’s building makes her tear up because she’s finally here. This is finally happening.

Penny gets on the elevator and tiredly presses the button for the 4th floor. She can’t help but lean against the wall, the gentle movement of the elevator threatens to make her fall asleep.

The door to 4A is the most beautiful thing Penny has seen. Her knock is tired and bordering on lethargic.

No answer.

Penny checks her clock and grimaces, Sheldon is at work. It’s a Thursday at noon. Of course, just her luck. Penny lets herself into the apartment. Sheldon had forgotten to ask for the spare key back and she’s so tired that there’s no guilt in using it.

Even as tired as she is, Penny makes sure that Sheldon didn’t got a roommate, the spare room looks exactly as she left it…but better to be safe, she goes into Sheldon’s room and crashes on his bed. She’s asleep in seconds.


Surprise update.

Love you guys, I know this isn't always an easy time of the year for some of us, but I hope you're doing okay and I also hope this update can make you smile.

Chapter 40: Math Rock (Happenstance)


Sequel to Driving

Sheldon reminisces about Penny


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Sheldon watched Penny walk to her gate. She would occasionally glance back at him and he had the irrational urge to wave at her. He resisted it and once he couldn't see Penny anymore regretted it, he should have waved.

Watching her walk away to get on a plane made his chest constrict in a way that at any other moment in his life Sheldon would have run to the ER fearing a heart attack. It was irrational, it was nonsensical and it was very real.

Penny had come to stay with him for the duration of her summer break and Sheldon was perfectly aware that they spend all of their time together, time moved just the same but looking back it felt as if time had moved faster. He wanted more time with Penny.

Sheldon hated driving and yet here he was, driving to return the vehicle that he and Penny had used this summer. He had found himself doing a lot of things outside of his regular routine when it came to Penny. Trying to put it into words was beyond his skill, not that he hadn’t tried, he owned three notebooks filled back to back with his observations and theories about what was it about Penny that moved him so, only to come up blank.

Penny was the reason he had bought a couch despite faring well without one before. She was the reason his apartment now had throw pillows and blankets and yet it was not a source of distress for him. That second bedroom in his apartment now belonged to her, she didn’t know it of course, but how could he get a roommate when that room now had Penny written all over it. Figuratively of course. He couldn’t allow anyone else to use it.

As he sat on his couch Sheldon reflected on the night that he allowed himself to voice his feelings. That afternoon was still fresh, the disgust and anger he felt towards that handsy undergrad still made bile rise to his mouth. But Penny had saved him, she had seen him at his lowest and yet she did not balk or ran away. No, she instead ran towards him. She comforted him and patiently waited for him.

Sheldon wasn’t sure what romantic love actually was. But he was sure about what he felt for Penny. And he was certain that he didn’t want to lose her presence in his life.

He had asked Missy about his feelings of course, while nowhere near his intellect, Sheldon could admit that Missy was far more capable in social nuances and situations. She had immediately told him to ask Penny out…in a far cruder manner of course.

“Shelly, that girl is about ready to throw her panties at you. Just tell her genius.”

Missy had made it sound all so easy but nothing in life ever was, therein lies the beauty of the sciences and the unraveling of life’s mysteries. So he instead called Meemaw.

“Moonpie. This ain’t rocket science. Ya care for the girlie right?”

“Of course.”

“Then why don’t ya tell her that?”

“...She could not feel the same.”

“True. Or she could feel the same.” He heard her inhale deeply, a cigarette no doubt. “Are you telling me that my Moonpie is so scared of the result of the game that he won’t even get on the field?”

“I…don’t like sports.”

“But ya like Penny.”

“I do.” It had always been easier with Meemaw, she might not understand him but she accepted him fully.

“There ya go. That’s all ya need. I have a hunch that she does feel the same though and when she says yes I want ya to invite her back for Christmas.”

“Yes Meemaw.”

And in a way it truly had been as easy as that.

Sheldon had awoken to find himself lying next to Penny on his couch, the flickering light of the TV allowed him to watch her features, the rise and fall of her chest. He had intended to wake her up so they could go to their respective rooms. Instead, he muted the TV and he watched Penny sleep. Sheldon fell asleep without knowing how or when. The next time he opened his eyes it was because Penny had covered them with a blanket.

And there, in the dark of the living room, at an unknown time in the night Sheldon tried to convey his feelings. It was nerve wracking, but by simply having Penny close to him he got the necessary courage to continue.

Kissing had always been one of those things that Sheldon thought he would be unable to enjoy. Seeing it only as an activity that spreads germs, his parents never kissed, Georgie and Many rarely kissed, as such it was something that he never thought much about.

Kissing anyone was something that caused him to feel nauseous. Paige had kissed him by surprise right before he moved to California and it was a distressing event. He had ranted at her about germs, breaches of personal space and more until Paige left crying. No, kissing was not something Sheldon was interested in.

Until Penny.

Kissing Penny was exhilarating. Every kiss made him feel like he had just won the Stevenson award all over again. Sheldon took notice of Penny’s movements and copied them, learned what made her sigh, what made her fingers curl into his shirt, what drew that cute little squeak out of her. Sheldon always loved learning new things.

Sheldon was having dinner at the local Cheesecake factory and he was struggling to not say something to the waitress. But it was hard to stay calm knowing that Penny would not have made the same mistakes as this woman did.

She got his order wrong, touched his fries, and reluctantly replaced a fork that had a stain.

It was when she brought him the wrong type of cheesecake slice that Sheldon couldn’t contain himself anymore, he was about to go on a tirade about the woman’s incompetence when he saw her closely, she had nothing in common with Penny, this woman was a little older than Penny, she was a redhead, tall and with a line of freckles across her cheeks. And yet, Sheldon’s words died in his throat.

For a moment he had seen Penny and his stomach clenched at the thought that someone like him would have lost their patience and yelled at her. Sheldon usually wouldn’t care. No, he only started to care once Penny came into his life.

It had been a week since Penny had left and he found himself thinking about her more often than not.

Taking a deep breath Sheldon calmly explained that he had ordered a Peanut Butter Cheesecake slice and not the Strawberry one sitting in front of him. The waitress apologized and quickly brought him the correct slice. As he took a bite of his dessert Sheldon noticed a small piece of paper under the plate, torn from a notepad, pulling it out showed writing on it.

‘I’m really sorry, it’s my first day.’ The writing is frantic and messy. Chicken scratch as Penny calls it.

Sheldon stares at the note for far too long. Look up at the waitress, the hurried way she’s running from one table to the next, how the manager scolds her in a low voice, the tears threatening to spill and he has a sudden uncomfortable moment of realizing that he had almost been part of it.

This woman was someone’s Penny. Sheldon’s stomach clenches and he has to blink quickly to stop the onslaught of emotion that this simple thought brings him.

Sheldon always carries with him a blue ink pen, he carefully writes on the back of the piece of paper. ‘Persevere and succeed’. Puts it next to the tip and he hopes that she’ll be here next week.

It’s highly illogical but he hopes Penny runs into the same kindness at her own job.

“Penny. Can you explain again why Kathleen kissed Joe in the end? One would think she’d resent him for years to come.” The movie had been entertaining but Sheldon couldn’t reconcile the ending with the rest of the movie.

“Well Sheldon, you’re right, I’m not going to lie. It is a little unrealistic, but in my head I think it’s because as much as she loved her little shop, it was never truly hers. It was her mom’s and it was stopping her from pursuing her real dream of writing children’s books. Like…it was still shitty. But she was able to move on with her life because of it. She also had feelings for him from two different perspectives, as Kathleen towards Joe, but also as ‘Shopgirl’ towards ‘NY152’. That’s why she kisses him in the end.”

“I see. So despite Joe being the catalyst for change in her life, she was able to accept it due to the inherent need to move away from her mother’s shadow?”



Sheldon stared at his whiteboard intently. He was supposed to be working on integrals but instead his mind kept drifting to Penny.

He had wanted to approach Penny about the idea of transferring to UCLA. But he was unsure how to do that or even if he should, their relationship was still new and while for Sheldon there really was no one but Penny, he was perfectly aware that this was not the case for everyone, Penny included. Missy and him had been talking more often since he and Penny started going out, and while Sheldon would never admit this to anyone, he enjoyed those conversations with his twin.

Not that they were terribly stimulating, but they made him feel closer to his childhood home.

Shaking his head Sheldon tried to focus on work again but it was not to be, he needed to reset himself. Penny had introduced him to Radiohead and while Sheldon could admit a certain partiality towards the band, he still couldn’t ‘feel the lyrics’ as Penny had indicated.

Moving towards his desk and the portable CD player on it, Sheldon removed the Radiohead disk and safely stored it in its case. No, Radiohead had not been for him, it was a band for Penny.

Carefully removing another CD from the drawer Sheldon went through the now familiar motions of removing the disk from its case and putting it on the tray. It had been by chance that he found this band, he had been playing ‘Let Down’ on repeat in his office for hours when a rather disgruntled janitor had knocked on his door and shoved this CD in his hands.

“Here, listen to some real rock.”

And the man had left just like that. Sheldon had been tempted to simply throw the CD away, but he had to concede to getting tired of hearing the same song over and over. The cover on the CD was rather unique, evoking perhaps an Alien abduction, opening revealed a generic brand CD and cheap paper with penciled ‘Don Caballero 3’ on it. A bootleg. The urge to simply throw it away returned, but Sheldon decided that there was no harm in listening to it at least once.

Sheldon was hooked from the moment he pressed play. It was only music, no lyrics. And it was perfect. There was something about it that made his mind able to focus and work.

Before fully focusing on his whiteboard Sheldon had one last thought about Penny and how she had opened up his life to countless possibilities.

Sheldon entered his apartment and immediately noticed that something was off.

His acute hearing soon picked up the noise of snoring, snoring he knew. With that mystery solved, he took his time removing his bag, taking out his notebooks and storing them properly. Went to grab a glass of water, washed the glass and set it to dry. And he finally moved towards the ajar door of his bedroom.

Penny slept peacefully face down in his bed. He made a mental note to ask Penny if her septum had been damaged during her Junior Rodeo days, her snoring might be related to it.

Taking a quick glance around the room Sheldon was able to notice the regular bag and duffel bag now adorning his floor. There were many things to focus on, but try as he might, Sheldon couldn’t move past the reality that Penny was in front of him.

Questions could wait.

All that mattered was the fact that Penny was in Pasadena…well, maybe he should order dinner. Penny would appreciate that.


Another update? I know, I'm shocked as well.

This was supposed to be my time to relax and play games, but the writing bug got me and I couldn't step away fully.

I'll see you guys and gals next year. Have fun but not too much fun.


Chapter 41: Roommates (Happenstance)


Sequel to Math Rock

Penny and Sheldon are reunited in Pasadena.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny was having the best dream. Sheldon was dressed as a professor and she was dressed…well, she wasn’t actually dressed in anything anymore at that exact moment in her dream and just when Sheldon was about to switch from spanking her to something far more interesting, that’s when the smell of garlic bread hit her.

‘Wait, garlic bread?’

And her dream leaves her immediately making her groan in disappointment and frustration. Penny is face down in the bed and she’s almost fully awake, she can feel sleep trying to claim her again but she knows the dream is a bust, no going back to that.

Moving her face to one side she reluctantly opens an eye and thankfully the room is dark, but Sheldon’s door is open and some of the light from the hallway is spilling in, making it much easier on her eyes.

The smell of garlic bread is still strong and it’s making her tummy remember that the last thing it had as food was half a bag of beef jerky and some Cool Ranch Doritos.But the bed is warm so she stays for a couple of minutes longer, unable to go back to sleep and unwilling to stand up. The sounds of the apartment are much clearer, Sheldon must have the TV on at a low volume because she thinks that she can hear Spock’s voice. Sheldon’s footsteps are faint but Penny is reassured by their presence.

Rolling over to her back makes Penny groan like a petulant child and she’s already missing the warmth of the spot she was lying in.

Sheldon must have heard her because suddenly he’s entering the room and turning the light on. Penny has to close her eyes at the sudden brightness. “Hi Moonpie.” Her voice is husky with sleep.

“Hello Penny.” She had missed his voice.

“Surprise!” Penny said weakly, her eyes still closed. “I was in Nebraska when I realized that I had forgotten to pat your cute butt, so I had to come here in a rush.” Her tone is light.


“Nope.” Penny popped the word. “A joke.”

“Drat. I was doing so well. This is why you should start using Bazinga as a-” And the sound of his voice soothes Penny in a way that she did not expect. It makes her feel like things will be okay.

“I missed you Moonpie” Penny interrupted his rant.

“I missed you as well Penny.” And it’s the touch of his fingers on her cheek that makes her finally open her eyes. The brightness is still too much but Sheldon is touching her. It’s just two fingers, running across her cheek delicately, Sheldon is tracing some line that only he can see, and it’s not sexy, it’s not meant to be comforting but it still makes her eyes sting, she can feel the onslaught of tears threatening to break through.

She was home.

Sheldon’s finger’s freeze as the first tears spill out of her eyes. Penny quickly grabs his hand before he can take it away.

“I really missed you Sheldon.” Her voice is watery and weak, she’s probably crushing his hand with how hard she’s holding onto it. She’s expecting Sheldon to complain, to freak out about her tears.

“I have missed you terribly as well Penny.” Sheldon’s voice is soft and he takes a seat on the bed.

Penny can’t take it anymore, she tackles Sheldon against his headboard and crushes him in a hug and she’s thrilled that Sheldon is hugging her just as desperately.

It takes her an embarrassing amount of time to calm down but Sheldon stays with her and doesn’t complain about her ruining his shirt.

Calming down takes her a moment, Sheldon still doesn’t say anything about her being practically on his lap and it’s a beautiful moment.

Of course her stomach decides that the comfortable silence needs to be broken with a loud growl.

“I ordered dinner. I hope you don’t mind pasta.” Sheldon sounds like always, straight and to the point.

Meanwhile Penny is mortified, yeah, she’s not super girly but still, she’s got her girl pride which means this is one of the big no-no’s, alongside with Sheldon hearing her fart or hearing her pee. Penny’s thankful for not being a snorer because she couldn’t live with that.

“Dinner sounds great Honey. Thanks. Let me refresh myself.” Penny can’t look him in the eye, she can feel her face grow hotter and hotter and quickly runs to the bathroom to calm down and splash her face with water.

A quick bathroom break and Penny feels more awake now. She’ll just ignore what happened a moment ago and hopes that Sheldon will do the same.

Thankfully he says nothing and dinner goes swimmingly. They haven’t discussed Penny suddenly being in California of course, conversation was kept light about movies and shows. Sheldon made her watch Buffy and Penny is instantly hooked, she had seen Sarah Michelle Gellar in ‘Cruel Intentions’ and liked it well enough but to see her as the butt kicker of the group is what made her keep watching…and then Angel showed up and Penny never looked back.

“Penny, have you made arrangements for your stay in Pasadena?” Sheldon’s voice brings her out from her musings about sexy vampires. And this is the moment of truth, she could lie and say yes and go sleep in her car, but this is her first grown up relationship and she needs to start being more truthful. If Sheldon already has a roommate moving in in a couple of days then she’ll deal with it maturely.

“Ah…no, I was kind of hoping that I could stay here again?” Her sentence ends in a question and she’s smiling awkwardly at Sheldon.

“Penny, do you have gas? Your face seems to indicate so.” And he has the gall to look proud of himself.

“What?! No! Sheldon, why-” She has to stop herself, her Moonppie asked because he thought that was appropriate. “No Sheldon. Just no, no talking about gas. Especially after dinner.”

“Oh! Okay.”

Penny is holding her face in one hand, willing her blush to fade. ‘You knew he was special Penny.’ She reminds herself.

“And you haven’t answered my question Sheldon.” Her voice is muffled, she still can’t look at Sheldon directly.

“Of course you can stay here Penny.”

“Well, that’s the thing Moonpie. I actually transferred to UCLA and I’m starting classes in the fall.” At that she finally looks at him and she’s rewarded by one of his honest to god smiles, not the creepy one his mom forced him to wear at church, but the one that made him look 10 years younger.

“That is fantastic news Penny!” Sheldon actually hugs her, kinda. They’re sitting side by side on the couch and Sheldon puts an arm around her shoulders, it’s much better than it was at first but it still feels boney and awkward, but after a long moment he adapts and it’s nicer, warmer.

“Thanks Honey.” Penny leans her head on his shoulder and he only flinches for a moment before pulling her closer. “That’s why I was wondering, if you haven’t found a roommate yet of course, if you wouldn’t mind me taking over that extra room.”

“Oh!” She can’t see Sheldon’s face and can’t quite make out the tone in which he says it. But she’s already dreading the worst. She really was looking forward to living with Sheldon again. ‘You’re an idiot Penny, you should have told him about moving here. Now because you’re a dumba-’ She’s so busy feeling sorry for herself that she almost misses the rest of what Sheldon is saying.

“Of course. I haven’t searched for a new roommate. To be perfectly honest, since your stay last summer I have felt distress at the idea of someone else habitating in the space you had occupied.” Penny finally turns to him, sees that Sheldon is frowning at nothing. “It has been a disconcerting feeling.”

Penny gets it. Being in a relationship with Sheldon is both exciting and scary, it’s like they match each other’s crazy. Sheldon is not threatened by Penny’s forwardness and he’s not sulking because she doesn’t need protecting and he’s not put off by her drinking beer and loving football. And she’s not scared by his intensity to everything, understands that he is so smart that sometimes he circles back to stupid without realizing it, and the hardest pill to swallow is that he doesn’t do romantic, not in the traditional way at least, no, her Moonpie is subtle, he’ll put his hand near her and only put his pinky on top of hers, blushing like a schoolgirl all the while. And Penny is learning to see all of those subtle ways that Sheldon shows that he loves her, like allowing Penny to take a bite of his food (with a clean new fork of course), or taking her recommendations for movies seriously (Penny is aware how big a deal this actually is after one call with Meemaw where she mentioned it by accident), and not to mention going back home to Texas for Holidays.

“It’s okay Honey, I really missed you as well.”

“Yes, I suppose it can be put quite succinctly like that.”

Penny has to smile at how relieved Sheldon looks to finally be able to put a label on the feeling.

“So, ready to have me as your roommate Moonpie?” There’s teasing in her voice.

“Oh yes! I have already updated the roommate agreement.” Sheldon looks really happy about that.

“Err…” Penny was not a stranger to the agreement, she had helped Sheldon write it when he first got a roommate. And truth be told, it stinged that he wanted her to sign it. ‘No Penny, this is fine. Grown up relationship remember.’ Penny was going to ask why she had to sign it but instead changed it to “What kind of changes? I remember the whistling clause.”

Penny was afraid to be presented with the book sized agreement that Sheldon had made all previous roommates sign, as such she was pleasantly surprised to see only a handful of paper and the first piece of paper was only the words ‘Roommate agreement’ with a Lion underneath it for some reason.

“Wow Honey. When you said you had made some changes I thought that meant you had added more clauses, not less.” Penny leafed through the agreement and she was shocked that all the clauses about accidental super powers, time travel, robots, zombies, etc. Are simply gone.

“Well yes, I discussed the possibility of this scenario with both Missy and Meemaw and after they found out that for our relationship we had a policy of discussing things with no contracts, they both individually suggested that I follow that same method for our cohabitation. And I agree that our verbal relationship agreement has been a boon due to the trust shared between us, so this abridged agreement is only outlining the basics of cohabitation, rent, maintenance, laundry, dishes, etc.”

As Sheldon spoke Penny continued to read through the agreement. Everything seemed pretty reasonable, that is until she got to clause 9.1 and clause 12.3.

“Okay Moonpie, it all looks great, except for this one and this one.” She pointed to the clauses “For 12.3 I only have a question, what happens if we both have to use the shower at similar times? As in, let’s say I have class at 8 and you have to be at work at 8 too?.”

“Ah, I have actually taken that into consideration, if you take a look at the bottom, as long as I receive at least 8 hours notice I will concede to moving my shower earlier in order to accommodate for this break in schedule. Should this change be permanent we both need to schedule a roommate meeting to create a new schedule beneficial to the both of us.” Sheldon smiles at her and okay, that’s cute.

“Sounds great Honey, thank you for clarifying that. Now for 9.1” Penny takes a deep breath, this one is going to be a hard one. “I’m not always going to be available to be able to drive you.” Her voice is gentle, because she doesn’t mind driving Sheldon around, but she’s not really sure about her new school schedule, and she still has to find a new job. “I think you need to learn how to drive.”

“But Penny!” Honest to god panic in his eyes.

“It’ll be fine! I’ll teach you.” She takes a hold of his hand and Sheldon squeezes it. “It’s going to be okay Honey.”

Sheldon still has a bit of a wild look in his eyes but he nods at her and attempts a shaky smile. “Okay, okay.”

Penny smiles at him and because she can, she straddles his lap and kisses him. The roommate agreement can wait.

Penny had missed her boyfriend.


Happy New Year!

Wanted to start the New Year by posting a chapter.

Chapter 42: Breakfast (Happenstance)


Sequel to Roommates

Penny starts a new chapter in Pasadena


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Living with Sheldon was easy…yeah right. Her Moonpie was what one could call a little neurotic, which was fine by her. She already had that experience last summer so this was not a surprise.

Some things were always easy to adapt to. Penny is happy enough that Sheldon makes her breakfast everyday, back in UNO she would get breakfast burritos in batches and then put them in the freezer, 45 seconds in the microwave and she had her breakfast to go. So the tinfoil covered plate in Sheldon’s fridge that has a carefully placed omelet with a couple of slices of ham feels a lot like love.

Other things are a bit harder. Sheldon’s bathroom schedule taunts her every time she walks by the fridge and she doesn’t mind the little squares that say ‘Shower’, it’s the ones that say ‘BM’ that she struggles with. She’s happier pretending that the entire thing doesn’t exist.

Penny is flexible, she can adapt to Sheldon and she knows for a fact that the same applies to him.

That first week back in the apartment is all unpacking and printing the syllabus and then printing a comprehensive schedule with Sheldon’s help. College starts in 2 weeks and it’s not enough time for Penny.

Feeling like her options are limited she breaks and asks Sheldon for help.

“And that’s why I want to find a different type of job. Not to mention that it was hell on my feet.”

“I see.” Sheldon always frowns when thinking. It makes him look unfriendly and for a moment Penny wonders if this habit of his has prevented him from making friends…and then she remembers how Sheldon spoke to Kurt and the thought passes. “Have you thought about another type of customer service job? Last week when I was visiting the board game store, I saw a sign on the boutique next door requesting help.” He writes a phone number on her notebook “It’s on 1775 East Colorado Boulevard, right next door to my preferred board game store as well as only 17 minutes away from Caltech and 5 minutes away from Pasadena City College.”

And because Penny has nothing to lose she calls the number and scores an interview. The Boutique is actually more of a Thrift store, but it’s the cleanest and fanciest thrift store that Penny has ever seen. The owner meets her and tells her the story of the place, it’s actually a non-profit thrift store that aims to give back to the community and Penny loves it.

Penny is upfront about her school schedule and the owner’s eyes brighten when Penny tells her that she’s trying to become an actress. Penny brought a copy of her schedule and the owner agreed to give Penny a chance. She's going to be working 4 shifts a week and the pay is slightly more than she was making in tips in a regular week with a full shift schedule, so she’s happy about that. Also, employee discounts are a godsend.

UCLA is amazing, no other way to put it.

Meeting Sheldon made Penny appreciate school a whole lot more and now having actual classes about acting made it all feel so much more real. She could feel her dream be closer with each new class. Penny was also going to invest in singing classes because Sheldon had not so subtly said that it would be a good idea. Ouch. One of the downsides of having a boyfriend that was all about honesty.

Most days she had to leave school as soon as her last class ended in order to make it to her shift so all partying and socializing had taken a backseat. She still found an awesome group of girls to have lunch with, they were all from different courses so Penny got to expand her group of friends.

“Seriously Penny, you need to let me hook you up with Brad Mulligan. He’s in the Football team and he’s here on a full-” Penny interrupts her before she can finish.

“Sorry, not interested. I’m taken.” This is the third time this week that Penny has to field one of the girls trying to set up a blind date.

“Really?!” Something about the other girl’s tone makes Penny stop focusing on her lunch and look up at the girl. Monica? Marissa?

“Yeah. Really.” Penny narrows her eyes at the girl. Her tone is a little hard.

“Just sayin’ Brad is someone with an actual future you know?” The girl is playing coy “Much better than-”

“I don’t give a fuck.” Penny’s voice cuts through the conversation. “You don’t talk shit about my boyfriend. Period.” Penny picks up her stuff and storms out of the cafeteria. She’s got one more class before she can leave, she has a shift today and Sheldon will go pick her up after her shift. She can’t wait to see him, she needs to hug him.

“Are you certain that you’re okay?”

“Yeah. Why?”

“I’ve observed that when you have a ‘bad moment’ during your day, you require this type of cuddling.”

Sheldon and Penny were lying on the couch, in the exact same way as when Sheldon kissed her for the first time. There was something very comforting for Penny being wedged between Sheldon and the back of the couch. Of course it brought good memories from that first kiss, but it also made her feel protected, as if the world only consisted of Sheldon and her.

“A girl during lunch made me angry and it ruined my day until I could see you.” Penny had considered for a moment to lie, but there was no reason to do it. Sheldon was happy to cuddle with her and the arm under her waist felt loving. With anyone else but Sheldon she’d probably feel trapped as hell in this position.

“I see.” Sheldon frowned and Penny was distracted for a moment by examining the way his forehead wrinkled, it was different than when he was focusing. “Did you go ‘Junior Rodeo’ on her ass?” He says it so seriously that she can’t help but laugh.

“No, no, Honey. Maybe next time if she continues to be rude.”

Sheldon lets out a huge sigh “I’ll have the bail money ready.”

Penny is so shocked that she almost misses the way his mouth is twitching and sure enough, a moment later he does his breathy little laugh and he can barely get the Bazinga out.

“Ha ha, very funny Moonpie.” But she loses the fight and a smile breaks through her face.

It felt good to be home.

“Hey Penny, I’m really sorry about what Marsha said yesterday.” Penny was sitting with the girl group again, but this time she sat on the other side, far away from that pushy girl from yesterday. However, the girl currently apologizing was not one that Penny was familiar with.

“Is that right?” Penny doesn’t want to be confrontational but she’s still a bit cranky about yesterday.

“Yeah, we have already told her to tone it down. Just let me know if she bothers you again.” The girl extends her hand and Penny considers leaving her hanging but she looks honest and it would be a good idea to make more friends, so she shakes the offered hand. “I’m Kelly.”

This Kelly girl turns out to be rather funny, she’s studying Sociology and she moved to California from Georgia when she was twelve. She didn’t laugh at Penny’s dream of being an actress and they bonded over growing up on a farm.

“No way! Your boyfriend is THAT smart?”

“Swear to God. He’s already the top dog of the Physics world.”

“The top do-OH! Your boyfriend is Sheldon Cooper?!”

Penny has to gape, because not many people should be able to make that connection so easily. “Yes! How did you know?”

“Are you kidding me? My boyfriend can’t shut up about him, I swear that if I didn’t know any better, I could swear that my boy has a thing for yours.” Kelly’s face is full of fond exasperation. “My boyfriend, Fred, is studying at Caltech. Apparently Sheldon Coop-oh sorry-Dr. Sheldon Cooper is the next best thing since sliced bread and Fred has been unable to actually make the cut to one of his classes. He thought becoming a sophomore would make it easier, but nope, only seniors get that privilege.”

Penny is still in shock, she knew that Sheldon was a big deal but here she had the perfect example of how that looked for others. Kelly was exasperated by her boyfriend gushing so much about Sheldon and his papers.

“Huh. So are you going to tell your boyfriend that you have an in to meet Sheldon?”

“Are you kidding? I’m taking this to my grave, I don’t want to lose my boyfriend.” But Kelly smiles as she says it and Penny knows that she’ll use the fact that she knows Sheldon’s girlfriend sometime in the future.

“Yes, well. Trust me, one night with my Sheldon and your boyfriend won’t want to enter his class anymore. He’s a genius but he’s not the best at meeting people. I love the man but I ain’t blind.”

“Love huh?”

Penny freezes for a moment but blinks and then nods happily. “Yeah, I love my Moonpie.”

It’s been a little over a year since she first met Sheldon and Penny is able to accept it. She is in love with Sheldon Cooper. They’re still learning a lot about each other, but she’s in this for the long run.

Sure, he wasn’t what she imagined as a little girl. No, he was somehow better.

Penny still missed sex tho. Now that things had calmed down, maybe it was time to start on her next plan.

Get Dr. Cooper out of his pants.


I recently found here on AO3 one of the stories created by a prompt I made waaaaay back in 2011-2012 in another website.

The story is Sheldon Junior by trbl

It's a wonderful short story, I recommend that you go read that and show it some much deserved love.

Thank you!

Chapter 43: Clash


Penny has another pregnancy scare.


Sorry, no sequel to last chapter.

I was in an angsty mood and needed to get it out of my system.

Be warned, this one deals with some dark themes regarding pregnancy and abusive partners. We'll be back with lighthearted for the next chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny hates being called Mrs Hofstadter
It takes the nurse calling her name 5 times before Penny reacts at all.

She hates it, it makes her cringe in embarrassment. She knows it shouldn't but she can't help it.

“Yeah, that’s me.” Even admitting this outloud is torture. It’s nails on a blackboard.

“The doctor will see you now.”


Waiting for the doctor is hell, shouldn’t she be already inside the office? And Penny knows it’s her nerves talking, the doctor goes in after a couple of minutes that felt like hours.

“Penny! Great to see you.” The doctor is an older woman and Penny usually liked her, she had the kind of bedside manners that made her regular visits painless.

“...Yeah.” Her own response is muted and the doctor adjusts her tone, she’s probably seen a million women like Penny before.

“Right, let’s get to the point. I have your results right here.” Penny is looking intently at the papers in the doctor’s hands and for a moment wishes that she had x-ray vision. “Okay, so you’re not pregnant.” The doctor’s tone is neutral and her face is calm.

Penny starts bawling in relief, huge sobs with laughter mixed in make her body shake. “Thankgodthankgodthankgod.”

The doctor simply hands Penny a box of tissues and it takes Penny five minutes to calm down enough to be able to talk again.

“Penny, have you heard about Nexplanon? I was taking a look at your insurance and it’s covered.”

And so Penny hears about the wonders of modern medicine. An implant the size of a matchstick and Penny is protected for five years. Penny hates her sales rep job but apparently the health insurance is great.

Penny is all for it. They can do it right away if Penny wants it and she does want it. It’s a bit weird to have it inserted into her upper arm but the doctor says that Penny doesn’t need to do anything else, that was it. She has to wait a week before having sex or use condoms, but that’s fine, Leonard and her don’t have sex that often anymore. It’s a chore.

Last month was his birthday and that’s what landed her in the doctor’s office.

Penny didn’t want any children, especially with Leonard. She needed to do her best to ensure it didn’t happen.

Leonard was confused. He was certain that he had swapped the placebos in her birth control, thankfully Penny used the all white ones and not the ones in a gradient.

He had been hoping that Penny would be pregnant by now, he was certain that his math was correct. His birthday should have been the last day of her ovulation.

It didn’t matter, he’d try again. He knew that his marriage to Penny was in the rocks, but he knew, he could feel it in his bones that if they had a baby, it would fix everything. He and Penny would be better parents than his own, and once he made it happen he could rub it in his mother’s face, that he, Leonard, was not a failure.

Leonard loved Penny. She was his one. She completed him, fixed all of those bad parts of himself.

She didn’t need to know about the undergrad he was seeing on the side, she was just a distraction, a way to get rid of his urges. Leonard was not a bad guy, he wasn’t cheating on Penny, he made sure to always wear a condom. It was just stress relief.

Leonard was still afraid that Penny would leave him. And he loved Penny, he didn’t want to let her go.

If you love something, you have to let it go?

No. Leonard vehemently refused that conclusion.

If you love something, cripple it so it can’t leave you.

This was more to his liking. A baby would make everything better and Leonard would do everything to make it happen. Penny would learn to be a good mother, he’d also make sure of that.


Yeah, angsty and incomplete, I know. Don't expect more of this Universe.

But work has been hard this week and was in a mood.

Chapter 44: Emission (Happenstance)


Sequel to Breakfast.

Penny puts her plan into action.


Back to more happy themes.

Nothing too explicit here, but fair warning about sex adjacent activities and discussion.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny was in UCLA, she had a job that paid well and she was living with her boyfriend. Life was good.

The only thing missing from her life was sex. No other way around it, she just needed that, and not just any sex. She needed sex with Sheldon.

Sheldon was more than good with kissing. He didn’t even freak out (much) when Penny introduced tongue to the game and it was great, Penny had always been one for kissing, she enjoyed it immensely.

But she was starting to get very frustrated. As in back to puberty frustrated.

So she started small, as they kissed on the couch she pulled his hands to her waist and then once the kissing got a bit more intense she put his hands on her ass. Fantastic success, after a couple of sessions like that Sheldon soon learned that he could touch her like that on his own.

And oh yeah, Sheldon had a thing for her butt.

All of that was perfect. The issue occurred when he stopped there, he’d caressed and fondle her butt, squeeze it while kissing her and…that’s it, they would stop kissing and go out, or go eat dinner, or watch TV. And it was killing her, not to mention that Sheldon didn’t understand why she had to go change after a kissing session.

Enough was enough.

Penny had prepared for this night, she was wearing a cute pair of sleeping shorts, they were loose and ‘innocent’, she had a large tee stolen from Sheldon and wasn’t wearing any underwear. Penny was ready.

The night went on as usual, Sheldon didn’t mention her attire and they had dinner, watched TV, and then washed their teeth. Sheldon didn’t like to kiss after eating without washing his teeth first, and Penny could live with that.

The kissing started innocently enough, Sheldon was in his spot and Penny was kneeling on the middle cushion, Sheldon was leaning half against the back of the couch and half against the armrest. As their kissing deepened and grew more intimate, Penny started pushing Sheldon more and more, until she was almost lying on his chest. Some adjusting from Sheldon’s end and they were making out with Penny between his legs and yeah, she could feel the effect she had on him, it was one of her favorite parts of making out in this position.

Sheldon’s hand began their familiar slide towards her bottom but once it got there he gasped and pulled back his hand. “PENNY!” He looked scared, as if he had done something wrong. The material of her shorts was thin and silky, he was used to there being at least two barriers of clothing.

“Hey, Sheldon. Look at me. It’s fine. You can touch me. No, I want you to touch me. It’s okay, I want this.”

Sheldon looks at her and Penny can see the conflict on his face. One part must be him being raised a good southern boy and another part is all Sheldon Cooper original. She’s still musing on Sheldon when she feels a tentative hand on her hip. Penny smiles at him encouragingly and then plants a kiss on his jaw. “That’s not my butt.” She murmurs.

Sheldon’s hand freezes and Penny fears that it’s too much, but she’s thrilled when his shaking hand makes contact with her ass. And Penny decides that more kissing is a good idea, so she does just that. Pulls Sheldon in for a kiss so he can’t focus on anything else and after a moment she can feel him loosen up again, he’s back to being an active participant in the kiss and the hand on her ass grows more confident, squeezes and makes moan. Doesn’t let Sheldon stop the kissing.

She can feel the material of her shorts start to stick to her lips, she’s also most likely getting Sheldon’s shirt wet but at this point she doesn’t care, she needs the friction as much as the kissing and a bad idea pops in her head, a really bad idea. Well, maybe not bad, but naughty.

Penny stops kissing him “Sheldon, trust me.” Sheldon looks a bit lost from the kissing but he nods and that’s all the confirmation she needs before grabbing his hand, turning it palm up and shoving it down her shorts. She never lets go of his hand because she knows he will try to pull it away.

Sheldon takes a sudden intake of breath and Penny joins him at feeling his hand, he’s frozen and not moving but Penny is moving for the both of them.

“It’s okay Honey.” She says between breaths. Penny doesn’t want to just rub one out using Sheldon’s hand, so she forces herself to stop and look at him. “Please Moonpie, touch me.” Penny is whimpering but she hopes that Sheldon can do it.

“Penny…you’re so wet.” Sheldon’s voice is an awed whisper and it makes Penny laugh.

“Yeah, you did that.” He looks at her in surprise. “Penny I-” Maybe his hand got tired of not moving, but his fingers move, it’s a small movement, just his hand clenching and then relaxing again but for Penny, it’s enough to drive her over the edge. Maybe it’s how innocent Sheldon looks with his hand down her shorts but Penny doesn’t care.

Penny is a happy girl.

Coming back to herself and she’s still basically straddling Sheldon’s hand while catching her breath and Sheldon is looking at her like she’s a formula he needs to decipher. She’s about to ask him if he’s okay when he moves his fingers in a more decisive manner and steals Penny’s breath.

“Fascinating.” Penny hears him whisper.

Sheldon spends the rest of the night learning what makes Penny whimper, gasp, moan and more. When she’s finally able to go to bed on shaky legs Penny only has one thought in her mind.

‘Eidetic memories rule.’

And next morning Penny wakes up annoyed. Sheldon hadn’t climaxed. He had been focused solely on her and that was great! Penny was overall thrilled that they had become more physical, but being fully honest, after that first orgasm she was a goner, Sheldon wanted to learn and Penny was happy to teach him.

Even as annoyed as she’s feeling, Penny can’t help but smile remembering Sheldon’s face when her tee hit the couch. He was looking at her naked chest with an intensity that made her nipples harden even more.

Sheldon spent a lot of time touching her, learning about her body. A shiver goes through her body remembering it, looking at the alarm clock shows that it’s still early, she doesn’t have school today but she does have a shift later in the day and Sheldon has gone to work.

Penny bites her lip, hesitating. ‘Might as well go for it.’ Penny thinks as her hand goes into her shorts.

Sheldon was conflicted. Not about last night’s activities. He didn’t subscribe to his mother’s religious ideas.

No, the conflict in him originated because he thoroughly enjoyed it. Penny’s skin had always been soft and smooth but last night it had felt incredibly smooth, warm and…Sheldon put a stop to that thought as he felt his body react to the memory.

He was thankful for his eidetic memory but he had a suspicion that even without it, last night would have been seared into his mind.

His mind was still full of Penny. He had yet to leave his office even once, the whiteboard sat forgotten in the corner and Sheldon had no motivation to change that any time soon.

Sheldon Cooper PhD had enjoyed physical contact of a sexual nature.

He can easily recall the first time he learned about sex, his lab partner in Germany had shown him magazines and like all things, it was something new to learn, so Sheldon did. He learned about the exchange of fluids, about orgasms and most importantly, he learned about diseases. That is what made him swear to never have sexual contact with another being.

Until Penny.

Penny smelled like vanilla, her skin shone golden and her eyes were improbably bright. And every time she touched him, his stomach clenched, not in disgust or rejection as it did for other people. No. In anticipation, the scent of her shampoo made him want to smell more of her. Penny had haunted his dreams ever since he first met her. Sheldon engaged in masturbation once a week and while he had been attracted to Penny, it wasn’t until he was back in California after that first trip to Nebraska that she made an appearance in his thoughts during that intimate time.

Sheldon had felt ashamed, Penny was his friend. It didn’t stop his treacherous mind from conjuring images of Penny bending over to pick up a dropped notepad, of her tousled hair and slightly puffy lips in the morning when they met by the bleachers, of the tight jeans she so favored as she walked to her car in front of him.

It was maddening.

Sheldon was born for science and physics. It’s something that he has never doubted, until last night. He had thought that masturbation was enough to keep those urges at bay, but he had been wrong. Last night only made him want more of Penny.

Of course Sheldon had considered to refrain from any sexual activities, to tell Penny that he, Sheldon Cooper, was above carnal urges. But that would be a lie. Sheldon Cooper was also a man.

And he was Dr. Sheldon Cooper PhD. He could conquer both sciences and emotions. With Penny’s help of course. He was a man, but not just any man. He was more, greater. If lesser men than him could have both science and relationships, then Sheldon would not be left behind. He was Sheldon Cooper and he would not have to choose between science or Penny.

A memory of Penny writhing and moaning on the couch comes clear to him and he doesn’t stop it this time. The way her mouth parted, the grimace of pleasure as she neared her climax, one of her hands holding onto his arm for dear life…this needed further study.

Last night after Penny had gone to bed, Sheldon had stayed up and using the hand still covered in Penny’s fluids, he had pleasured himself in the bathroom. It was wrong, he knew, but that orgasm had been earth shattering for him. His emission of semen had been significantly larger than in previous occasions and still his desire for Penny was not decreased. He still took a shower before going to bed and yet another one in the morning, but he had the illogical sensation of still feeling Penny on his fingers and member.

‘Dear lord.’ Sheldon thought as the pain of epididymal hypertension hit him. He needed to talk to Penny.

And also cancel his afternoon classes, there was no way in hell he would go up on that stage with Penny running through his mind.


Just a little bit of heat and fun.

Chapter 45: Simplicity (Happenstance)


Sequel to Emission

Friday night comes and it brings good things.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny has a new routine for her Fridays, sleep in and then eat the breakfast that Sheldon left for her in the fridge while reading a magazine. Take a shower and then prepare her school stuff for her shift later that day, she can do homework while manning the counter at the boutique. Drive to work and park her car in the almost always full parking lot two blocks away from her job. Work her shift while working on homework and handling customers, do the closing tasks and call the Chinese restaurant to make their order while waiting for Perry the security guard, to close the boutique at 8PM sharp. Walk to the board game store next door and pick up her boyfriend.

This was her favorite part of the day.

Sheldon was usually in the middle of a Magic game. Ever since the new Odyssey set had been released, Sheldon hadn’t missed a single FNM, he wanted all the promos…and yeah, Penny now knew what all of that meant. No one was more shocked about that fact than Penny herself. But love makes you do crazy things.

Like how Sheldon now knew who Ethan Zohn was, and not only that, he had opinions about him! Her Moonpie surprised her every time.

Sheldon was in his praying mantis position as he focused on his current game. She knew better than to startle him.

“Hey Sheldon.” Penny stood next to him and said softly. She saw as he came back from whatever place he was in, he shuffled the cards in his hands and gave her a quick smile.

“Hi Penny.”

Now that he knew she was there, Penny sat next to him and watched the rest of the game unfold, this was his last game of the night because they had to go and pick up their order.

As Sheldon tapped lands, played creatures with far too many teeth and discarded cards from his hand, Penny had to smile at the thought that this was her life now. Penny from high school would have never believed it. She had always been a bit boy-crazy, trying to find the perfect man for her. She had imagined someone tall, muscular and blonde…basically Fabio. But she had found tall, lanky and brunette instead and she couldn’t be happier.

Sheldon finished his game, got his promo card and they walked to her car, which took her to another favorite part of her Friday nights.

Sheldon had to drive them to the Chinese restaurant and then back to the apartment. He had recently acquired his adult driver’s permit and this was one of the ways he could get experience without too much risk. From the parking lot to the Chinese restaurant, it was 8 blocks and then from the restaurant to the apartment it was 6 blocks. Easy.

It was supposed to be easy.

“C’mon Honey, you can go a little faster.”

“Penny, I’m driving at an ideal speed.”

“Ideal for making babies fall asleep.”

Sheldon was learning but he lacked confidence which was weird, but then she had already heard about Georgie being the cause for his fear of driving so maybe it wasn’t that weird.

The entire drive should have taken them 30 minutes tops, with Sheldon on the wheel it takes them 1 hour. Which, to be fair, it’s an improvement over that first drive of 2 hours.

“You got this Sweetie. Next time I won’t even have time to write an essay while you drive.”

“Sarcasm?” He questions.


“Sarcasm.” He decides.

Dinner is great as always, Penny is glad that they gave this new restaurant a try. Penny preferred the Orange chicken but Sheldon was gaga for their Tangerine chicken and Penny could see why, but she preferred sweet over spicy.

“Penny?” Sheldon had been watching TV but he muted it and turned to look at her.

“Sheldon?” Penny had been balancing her weekly expenses in her checkbook (Sheldon had taught her how to do it.)

“May I touch you?”

Penny sucks in a breath. She hadn’t brought up their actions from last night, because yeah, she was thrilled but also was kinda scared of pushing Sheldon for too much and too soon.

“Touch me? As in last night touching?” And she can’t look away from his face, he is blushing and is struggling to keep eye contact, his fingers are clenching and relaxing and that movement makes her crotch tingle in excitement.

“I…yes?” Sheldon gulps nervously but more confidently repeats “Yes.” He is facing this head on and Penny is all for it.

“Of course Honey.” Penny smiles in what she hopes is an encouraging way but it might be more Cheshire Cat than anything else.

She still has to brush her teeth, but honestly, she doesn’t mind. Not when she knows what’s about to happen.

“Sheldon, give me 2 minutes to change and I’ll be right back.” Penny doesn’t wait for an answer and runs to her room. Her room is not as messy as back in UNO but she doesn’t have anything sexy to wear. Yesterday’s shorts were all but ruined (not really, but she’s not wearing them until she washes them) and because laundry night is not until tomorrow, the only clean things she has to wear are not meant for sexy times. Period panties? Out. Boxers? Out. Baggy gray sweatpants? Oh yeah, so sexy. Not.

Standing in front of her closet Penny comes to the realization that she has nothing clean to wear. The only thing that is clean is definitely not sexy. ‘It’s not like you can go out there naked’ The thought crosses her mind but it makes her stop.

‘Well…why not?’ And Penny can’t come up with a counterargument, eyes the beach towel that is the size of a house.

Sheldon can hardly believe that he got the words past his mouth. His hands had been shaking as he pretended to watch TV, it had been maddening and he could hardly breathe.

But Penny had simply smiled and agreed to his request.

He needed to feel her skin again, touching her was the closest he’ll ever be to being able to touch sunlight directly…not good, Penny made him illogical. Soon enough he’ll be writing poetry. Sheldon has to laugh at himself for the ridiculous thought.

At least Sheldon could breathe again. He had brushed his teeth and was now waiting for Penny to come back from her room.

Last night had made him aware of the many ways he could give Penny pleasure, but he had also discovered that he received sexual gratification by the act. Penny had been improbably wet and he was aware of both men and women creating their own lubrication but he hadn’t expected that it would be so much.

It was an interesting sensation, and one he wanted to feel again.

‘Deep breaths Sheldon.’ Penny was still not back and Sheldon was already aroused. He had to remind himself to breathe.

“I’m back Honey.” Penny’s voice instantly draws him back to the moment.

For some reason Penny has covered herself with a large towel and Sheldon is about to ask her if she’s okay when Penny throws the towel off her body and onto the couch.

Sheldon can’t breathe.

Seeing Sheldon’s expression makes Penny proud of her decision to bare it all.

The apartment is warm, thanks to Sheldon’s almost obsessive calibration of the thermostat. But her skin still breaks into goosebumps and her nipples harden, and it’s all because of Sheldon’s intense look.

He’s looking at her with dark eyes the color of the ocean during a storm and it makes her want to giggle hysterically. They have come a long way from that first meeting.

“You can touch me Honey.” Her voice is deep and it comes from deep within her chest and it makes Sheldon jump into action, Penny’s not sure it was a conscious decision but suddenly he’s right there and Penny has to look up at him. ‘He’s so tall’ A nervous giggle escapes her.

“Penny.” Sheldon’s voice rumbles in her chest. “You’re fascinating.” His right hand is suddenly on her hip and the initial contact makes her jump a little. His touch is hesitant at first, as if Penny would suddenly have a change of mind.

Penny makes sure that Sheldon can see her smile before putting her hands around his neck and kissing him slowly. She’s hoping that it will help him relax and as his hands grab her with confidence she smiles into the kiss. Her hands travel down to his chest, go around his body and under his tee, she moans in disappointment at feeling the undershirt and not his skin. ‘Of course’

She jumps again when Sheldon’s hands find her bottom and squeeze.

“Take this off!” Penny growls and tugs at his undershirt and Sheldon moves to comply. Maybe he’s just as horny or maybe something in her voice bypassed all the smart, but whatever it is, she’s glad once Sheldon is shirtless.

Sheldon truly looks like a swimmer and the chest hair does funny things between her legs. Penny kisses him again and she takes his hands and places them back on her bottom. The following squeeze is all Sheldon tho.

Penny has had enough, she needs to feel his hands on her. “Come here.” She moves to the couch and fixes the towel on top of it. Penny is not sure how far this will go but the towel will help with the cleanup if things do get out of hand.

She lies down and Sheldon is on top of her. All he needs is her hand guiding his to her crotch for Sheldon to take over.

Penny first learned about shaving from a Cosmo magazine and it became part of her regular care, leaving nothing but a small triangle of fine hair leading to her vagina. And now that small triangle was like a target for the tall scientist still kissing her.

Sheldon caressed, rubbed and pulled at her pubic hair. And it was driving her crazy. He had yet to touch her directly and she was already leaking as much as yesterday. Lubrication had never been an issue for her, on the contrary, she had been a bit embarrassed about it with previous boys, one had even implied that she might need to see a doctor before leaving without touching her. Which she did, after that mortifying one-night stand, but no, everything was fine with her, she just happened to produce a healthy amount of it. Sue her.

Besides, if yesterday was anything to go by, Sheldon was more than fine with the healthy lubrication. She hadn’t missed the way he not so subtly played with it, spreading it and rubbing it between his fingers.

Penny’s train of thought is interrupted by Sheldon finally giving her poor neglected pussy some much needed attention. ‘Eidetic memories rule!’ Sheldon is able to quickly find the same spots that make Penny purr in pleasure. She opens her eyes after they flutter closed on their own to find Sheldon looking at her intently.

“Here.” She pulls Sheldon by the back of the neck to her chest and he allows himself to be pulled until his mouth is a whisper away from her nipple. “No biting, just use your lips.” Her voice is desperate and hurried, Sheldon is too good, she doesn’t have long.

But Sheldon doesn’t move and Penny stops looking at the ceiling to look back at him. He looks unsure, of what? She doesn’t know. “It’s okay Sweetie. I-” Penny is unable to finish her sentence because Sheldon Cooper is sucking on her nipple and it makes her groan in pleasure.

It doesn’t take long for Penny to come undone into a satisfied puddle.

Sheldon is not sure why he put Penny’s nipple into his mouth. It doesn’t make sense, it’s unsanitary and…he wanted to taste her. That’s the reality of it, he wanted to taste her skin, to feel her. Of course she didn’t taste of anything in particular, skin and salt and yet, he kept doing it. Her moans somehow increasing his own satisfaction. Maddening.

“Sheldon, Sweetie, stop. I’m too sensitive.” Penny pants and Sheldon stops sucking on her breast and stops moving his fingers. He quickly rubs his fingers and spreads her fluids on them, he’s fascinated by it all, the amount, the viscosity, the smell.

Sheldon wonders about the taste.

It’s that thought that stops him fully. He knew this was a very real possibility once he started dating Penny. Had assumed that intercourse would mean their genitals touching and achieving penetration.

He had been mistaken. It was so much more.

Sheldon had kissed Penny several times and never gotten sick. He of course had been concerned that kissing could bring influenza, infections and other countless numbers of bacteria and viruses. So far it has only brought him pleasure and satisfaction. Looking at his hand Sheldon only has one thought ‘Perhaps’.

Penny is still panting and recovering from her climax. Her tousled hair, the light sheen of sweat as well as the smell makes him push the words out past his mouth.

“Penny, may I taste you?” Her eyes widened and she nodded immediately. Penny seemed to be holding her breath.

Sheldon adjusted his position and moved down between her legs. Any other time this position would have embarrassed him, but his curiosity far outweighed his embarrassment.

The smell of Penny’s arousal was so much stronger in this position and Sheldon had the illogical impulse to breathe deeply, he had a hard time describing the smell even to himself, he just knew that he liked it quite a bit, a part of him knew that it was just an evolutionary response to finding an ideal mate. But he didn’t care about that, he just cared that it was Penny.

Sheldon licked Penny’s thigh first, still just tasted like skin and salt, though the smell of her arousal made the experience agreeable. Next he focused on Penny’s vagina, she obviously shaved, the small triangle of pubic hair was there for aesthetic reasons and Sheldon had to agree with her that it was a sound choice. His mind quickly conjures a now familiar graph formula and Sheldon wonders how challenging it would be to transform that triangle into a heart. Shaking his head Sheldon goes back to his initial query.

What does Penny in a state of arousal taste like?

A fortifying breath and he is licking her nether lips, just twice. He can hear Penny gasp and giggle. Her hands are now on either side of his face and she looks…worried?, anxious?

“Well?” Penny asks and her eyebrows go up in question.

“Well what?” He can’t understand the question.

“...” Penny glares at him but the blush on her face makes the image arousing rather than fearsome. “Well, did you like it?” She finally says, her tone is one of nervousness.

“Oh!” Sheldon takes a moment to think about his answer. Penny’s vagina tasted like skin and salt and her arousal added a slight tangy or acidic taste. Not unpleasant at all. He wouldn’t mind tasting her again. “I believe that I enjoyed it.”

Penny smiled like the sun. 'Dear lord, she’s turning me into a poet.’ Sheldon really liked that smile on her face. Still, no poetry.

Penny had worried that Sheldon would taste her and run to the bathroom screaming about germs. But her Moonpie kept surprising her time after time.

“My turn Honey.” Penny had been able to recover and now was ready to keep going.

“Your turn? For what?” Sheldon truly looked confused.

“My turn to touch you.” Before Sheldon can refuse she maneuvers him into his spot and she’s halfway unbuckling his belt when his hands stop her.

“Penny.” Sheldon looks anxious “I have never done this” His arms cross over his chest and for some reason Penny has the strong mental image of herself as the Sheriff of Nottingham and Sheldon as Maid Marian from that scene in ‘Men in Tights’ with the chastity belt, and she wants to laugh low and dirty but fights the urge because Sheldon is still looking scared. ‘But put a pin on that Penny, costumes and role-play.’

“Hey Honey, it’s fine.” She continues to work on his belt and this time Sheldon doesn’t stop her. “It’ll be fine, I just want to feel you in the same way.”

“But Penny, I-Oh dear lord!” Sheldon throws his head back against the couch at the feeling of her hand on his dick.

Sheldon hadn’t been shy about admitting that he had never experienced sex before, apparently there was a girl back in Texas that stole a kiss but nothing further than that.

Penny wants to take her time with Sheldon but she knows that he might not last long. She’s not pumping him, she’s just caressing his length slowly before getting as close as she can to his ear to whisper “May I taste you Sheldon?”

Sheldon finally opens his eyes in shock, his mouth is moving but no sounds are coming from it. He looks overwhelmed by the entire experience but her Moonpie doesn’t disappoint, after only a moment he simply says “Please.” It’s low and soft and it makes Penny tingle in pleasure.

Sheldon was hers.

Penny doesn’t waste any time and places herself between his knees. This is no time for teasing or slowness. She takes him into her mouth, it doesn’t take long for Sheldon to grab her head and exclaim “Penny, I-” but it only makes Penny move faster, and it doesn’t take long for Sheldon to explode in her mouth.

‘One step at a time Penny.’ She repeated in her head, but she no longer feared that Sheldon wasn’t interested in sex. Oh no, this train was moving.

Sheldon couldn’t believe what just happened.

He had seen photos and videos about fellatio before. He had visited blogs about sex and found people praising fellatio as their favorite bedroom activity.

He now understood why.

Penny was still sucking on his member and she didn’t stop until Sheldon had softened somewhat, she looked up at him and smiled. Sheldon branded that smile into his memory as ‘Penny’s naughty smile’. He wanted to see it again.

“I love you.”

Sheldon was startled by the words. He hadn’t meant to say them.

“I love you.”

Penny was in the middle of swallowing when Sheldon shocked her again. She thankfully didn’t choke. Penny couldn’t help but laugh a little and had to stop herself from a full blown guffaw at seeing Sheldon’s pleased expression.

It was the first time she had seen him so relaxed.

Before he looked panicked at his words, at least there was no twitching on his face. She knew he meant it.

Straddling him on the couch she kissed him on the jaw.

“I love you too Honey.” It was as simple as that.

“Oh. Good.”

Penny finally laughed at that.


I told myself that there would be no more smut...and here we are.

Chapter 46: Landscape (Happenstance)


Sequel to Simplicity.

Penny is back in Texas.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny woke up early, not for a good reason, no, she had to pee. And she hated it, it was getting colder during the mornings and she would have to leave the warmth of the bed and of Sheldon below her.

Ever since that Friday night a month ago they had made it a habit for Penny to spend the night in Sheldon’s bed during the weekends. Because Penny loved Sheldon but being woken up at 5 AM was not fun.

That’s why having to get up at…she looks at Sheldon’s alarm clock, 4:43 AM. ‘Oh Man.’ Penny groans into the pajama clad chest she’s using as a pillow. She hates waking up early, she had to do it for the farm and she wasn’t a fan then either.

Penny tries to get up but Sheldon’s hand on her ass tightens for a moment before relaxing and she stays a little bit longer, enjoying the warmth and his scent. Sheldon used the same fabric softener that his mom used to buy, which apparently he had a hard time finding in California. It wasn’t until he visited a Mexican bodega that he found it again and has been purchasing in bulk ever since. It was called Suavitel and apparently it was a Mexican brand. He liked the soft scent and that it didn’t irritate his skin. Penny had switched from Downy to his fabric softener and she had told Sheldon it was just to make things easier during laundry but the truth was, that it made her think of him whenever she got a whiff of the scent throughout her day.

The pressure in her bladder stops her train of thought and Penny finally gives in and quickly moves to the bathroom. She does her business quickly and washes her hands which only makes her feel colder.

The apartment is silent and Penny is hit with a sudden wave of…Nostalgia? No. Longing, yeah, that sounds right. It’s almost November and her life has been great and so different from where she was 2 years ago, she’s scared that this whole thing is a dream.

Diving back into Sheldon’s bed and feeling his chest and breathing breaks her away from that line of thought.

This is real.

Sheldon starts making plans for their trip to Texas. They will leave on the 17th once all her finals are done and this time they’ll stay until January 4th and this time the bedroom arrangements are different.

“What do you mean we’re staying with Meemaw?”

“Apparently Missy met a young man that she wishes to introduce to the family.” Sheldon looks far too calm. “For that reason she will use my room and her-I suppose we should call him ‘boyfriend’-her boyfriend will stay in her room. Mother doesn’t trust Missy.”

“And you’re okay with that Honey? I know you don’t like people being in your room.”

“Yes, as I mentioned before, that room in Galveston was never really ‘my’ room” He did the air quotes. “There are no valuables there for me to worry about.” Sheldon pauses thoughtfully for a moment. “And I would be lying if I said I don’t want to spend more time with my Meemaw.”

“Awww Honey. That’s cute.” Penny goes up to hug him. “Are we getting rooms across from each other?”

Sheldon has been getting better at hugging and Penny enjoys it immensely.

“No. Meemaw only has 1 guest room.” Penny freezes, he wouldn’t.



“Does Meemaw know that we’re living together?”

“Yes, I’ve informed her.” One down.

“How about Missy?”

“I have mentioned it during our calls.” Two down.

“And your mother?” Penny holds her breath.

“I am unaware. I suppose Meemaw or Missy could have told her.”

Penny exhales loudly.

“Penny? While I usually enjoy your hugs, the current pressure you’re applying is slightly uncomfortable.”


“Penny?” He squeaks.

“I think I need to show you what Junior Rodeo is, Moonpie.”

Finals suck ass. That is all.

Flying alongside Sheldon was a new experience for Penny. He didn’t make things easy and Penny was about to snap at him because he had been adapting to change so well, she wasn’t sure where this extra-neurotic Sheldon was coming from. He only acted like this when…

Oh, Sheldon was scared.

Seeing things from that perspective made it easier for her to deal with his requests. Holding his hand during the flight is not a chore and it makes him able to even nap for a bit. And before long they’re landing in Texas.

Sheldon called a rental service ahead of time so they take an overpriced taxi to the car rental place and 30 mins later they’re driving away. Sheldon had just obtained his full fledged driver’s license so he’s the one that’s driving them.

They get a Nissan Pathfinder so while not a full truck they still fit in with the rest of the cars on the road. Penny thought that Sheldon would pick a Sedan but when she asked for the reason behind his choice he had simply said “It’s Texas. Trucks are non-negotiable.” And if that made sense to him, then it made sense for her.

The drive itself is calm, Penny is tired from having to wake up so early for their flight but Sheldon could not be moved. Not even a very enthusiastic blowjob had made him change his mind so Penny had to wake up at 4 AM to go to the airport.

Seeing the landscape passing by Penny relaxed into the seat, it would take another 30 minutes before they were even close to Galveston. She took the time to enjoy the Texas view as well as seeing Sheldon driving, the sight of seeing him be so confident now behind the wheel made her want to finally take that final step with him.

They still haven’t had sex. For now they were having fun with touching and using their mouths on each other, those weekends when she stayed in his room were her favorite. They would not fool around right away because Sheldon needed to take a shower first, but he didn’t mind if she joined him during his shower, which made it so Penny was much less frustrated during the exam season.

Kelly had also become a great friend, they had lunch together most days and she had even met Fred, her boyfriend, once. He was a tall and lanky redhead that reminded Penny of Conan O’Brien. He was head over heels in love with Kelly and yeah, they were pretty cute.

She had also stayed in touch with Tamika, unfortunately not as often as she would have liked but they still emailed each other weekly. Apparently Kurt had been allowed to return last fall with his credits still counting and hearing that made Penny glad she was not there, she would have decked the SOB.

Next thing she knows Sheldon is shaking her awake.

“Penny. We’ve arrived.”

Penny squints and looks around her, Sheldon had parked on the street and not in the driveway. The park in front of Meemaw’s house had children playing.

“Thank you Honey.” A yawn escapes her. “Let’s go say hi to your mom first.”

Sheldon simply nods and yawns as well. Flying coach tired even the great Sheldon Cooper.

Penny gets out of the truck and checks that the keys haven’t been left in the ignition, Sheldon hadn’t quite mastered not to do that. Sheldon notices and simply shows her the keys before slipping them in his jacket. She simply smiles at him.

Penny takes a hold of his arm and they walk to Mrs. Cooper house.

“Do you think your mom has cereal? I could go for something to eat.”

“If I know my mother, she must have a full lunch ready for us.”

“Nice.” Penny says and because she feels like it and she can, she nuzzles into his side. Sheldon never responds, but she looks up at him and sees the full smile on his face, his baby koalas smile.

Sheldon tries the front door but it’s locked, before Sheldon can start his knocking routine Penny simply rings the bell.

A moment passes and then Missy is opening the door. She looks amazing and Penny feels that she somehow got taller and more statuesque. Penny hates Missy for a moment before launching herself at the Amazonian and hugging the stuffing out of her.

“Hi Missy, I missed you.” She says into Missy’s dress.

“Hi Penny, darlin’, I missed you as well.” Penny can hear the smile in Missy’s voice and it makes her smile as well.

“Hello Missy.” Sheldon’s tone is dry but Penny can hear the affection he tries to hide from everyone else.

“Hiya Shelly.” Sheldon’s eyebrow twitches and Penny grabs a hold of him before he can start ranting about grammar.

“C’mon Moonpie, you promised me lunch.” She drags him into the kitchen and sure enough, Mrs. Cooper is cooking up a storm.

“Penny, darlin’,” She gives Penny a quick but fierce hug and moves to Sheldon to do the same “Good to see you both.” She goes back to the stove.

“Smells wonderful Mrs. Copper.” Penny grabs a cup and moves towards the coffee pot.

“None of that Mrs. Cooper. You can call me Mary darlin’.” Penny smiles at Mrs. Cooper but doesn’t reply, it feels daunting to just call her Mary.

“Mother, where is Meemaw?” Sheldon always has his priorities straight.

“She’s smoking in the yard. Go fetch her Shelly, now that you’re here we’ll have lunch.”

Sheldon moves to the backyard in search of his beloved grandmother. It gives Penny time to gossip with Missy, who also has her own cup of coffee.

“Sheldon told me you’re bringing a ‘young man’ to introduce to the family.” Penny takes a sip of her cup and forces herself to be patient waiting for the food.

Mrs. Cooper snorts in a very unladylike manner but doesn’t actually say anything.

Missy sighs and Penny immediately knows that this young man has been a topic of conversation around this table.

“Yes, yes, yes.” It’s uncanny how very Sheldon-like Missy can sound. “We know momma, you don’t approve.”

“I haven’t said nothin’ “ Mrs. Cooper can act coy.

“Anyway, yes Penny. He’s coming in on the 21st and staying until the 26th.” Missy looks excited despite Mrs. Cooper disapproval.

Mrs. Cooper has her back to them so Penny tries to whisper “Why doesn’t your mom approve?” She hopes it low enough.

“Momma is upset because Jonah is a Catholic.” Missy answers in a low voice as well.

“I’m not upset.” Mrs. Cooper claims as she beats the heck out of the eggs in the pan. “I’m simply worried about the poor boy’s soul.”

Missy rolls her eyes and Penny decides to stay out of it. No need to let Mrs. Cooper know that Penny’s last visit to church was…huh, well, it was a while ago.

Sheldon finally returns with Meemaw and Penny gives the older woman a huge hug which is reciprocated with as much force.

Breakfast is amazing. Mrs. Cooper can cook, but Penny will need to work out a little extra after she goes back home.

Everyone is at the table and Penny hates to do this but better sooner than later. She grabs Sheldon’s hand under the table and points with her head to his mother. Sheldon simply looks back confused.

She mouths ‘Tell her’ but Sheldon still looks confused and she’s about to try again when the silence around the table brings her up short. She can already feel something settling in her stomach and it’s not the eggs.

Missy and Meemaw are smirking but Mrs. Cooper is pale as a ghost. The feeling gets worse. ‘Oh no.’

“Mother. I have something important to tell you.” Because life is never fair, it seems that Sheldon finally got it, but Penny still has a bad feeling about this whole situation.

Mrs. Cooper pales even further “Oh Snickerdoodle. You’re going to be a daddy.” She somehow manages to sound both distressed and delighted at the same time.


“WHAT?!” Missy and Meemaw are freaking out. Penny turns to look at Sheldon and he just looks confused by the whole thing but he also doesn’t look like he’s about to correct his mother.

“NO! People, I’m not pregnant!” Penny stands up and makes sure her voice is clear. “No Mini-Coopers here. Stop freaking out.” Penny is freaking out because this entire thing derailed super quickly.

“Aw” Strangely enough the one to voice her disappointment so clearly is Mrs. Cooper herself and Penny just presses the bridge of her nose. ‘This is your new family Penny.’

“Moonpie, don’t let go of this one. I really like her.” Meemaw is already laughing about the entire thing.

“Don’t worry Meemaw, I don’t intend to.” Okay, that was super sweet but not the right time for it. “No, mother, I was not announcing Penny’s pregnancy.” Sheldon is back on topic. “I simply wanted to inform you that Penny has transferred to UCLA and is currently living with me.”

“Oh. Your Meemaw had already told me that.” Mrs. Cooper looks nonplussed by what Penny had assumed would be a bombshell.

“Yeah Moonpie, your mother knew right away, I knew she would need time to adapt to the idea.”

The look Sheldon gave her made Penny understand that Sheldon understood the concept of ‘I told you so’.

“Yeah, yeah. Let’s go unpack Moonpie, we need a nap.” Penny says it without thinking and cringes before looking back at Mrs. Cooper but the woman is doing her best to pretend she didn’t hear it.

Whatever worked for her, worked for Penny as well.

Leading Sheldon by the hand they went back to the truck for their stuff.


Work has been busy but in good way, if I'm happy then I'm productive, so I was able to write this quickly.

I was recently reminded of this series and I want to hype it up, if you haven't already, I recommend you go and check out muaaimoi's Night Life Series. It's a fantastic AU and one I can't recommend enough.

Chapter 47: Eve (Happenstance)


Sequel to Landscape

First night in Texas


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny was walking towards their truck still holding onto Sheldon’s arm but this time she was pinching his ribs.

“You little shit. You knew your Meemaw would tell your mom.”

“Penny! I bruise easily, stop it.” Sheldon tried to evade her but Penny was undeterred.

“It was so embarrassing Sheldon.” Penny stopped messing with him and buried herself in his jacket “I was so scared that your mom would hate me.” Her voice is muffled but he has Vulcan hearing.

“That’s ridiculous Penny! My mother appreciates your presence and she would not have invited you here if she hated you.”

“No Moonpie, I know your mom likes me…but, you know, things are different now. We’re in a relationship and living together and your mom, well, she can be a little intense with the church stuff.”

“I’d say. Were you aware that after the entire town found out about my father cheating on her she still went to church that next Sunday? She had to endure the stares of all those people.”

Penny hears something in his voice and turns away from the comfort of his jacket to look up at him. “Is that why you moved your mom back to Galveston?”

Sheldon frowns and his mouth twitches a little but he sighs and nods. “Otherwise she would have stayed there suffering the same thing over and over.”

“Aw Moonpie, that’s cute.” Penny hides her face again in his jacket, Meemaw was right, he had a huge heart. People just failed to see it.

“Penny. The children are watching.”

Penny turned to look at him again and noticed that he was looking across the street. Sure enough, a group of 5 boys and 1 girl were watching them intently from the park. None of them must have been older than ten.

“Kiss already!” One of the boys shouted. “With tongue!” The only girl added after a moment.

“Yikes. Let’s go take that nap Moonpie.” Penny dragged Sheldon back to the truck as the children groaned and booed. They scattered back to keep playing.

“Penny, should I bring this bag inside as well or do you prefer we keep it in the truck?” Sheldon hefted a large bag that contained all the presents she got for Sheldon’s family.

“Oh! Let’s bring it inside, the last thing we need is for someone to take it.”

Meemaw's house was comfy and smelled like cigarette smoke. Sheldon, her wonderful boyfriend that complained about cigarette smell at every restaurant they went to, said nothing.

The guest room was plenty big, Penny had been worried that the bed would be a single but it was a Queen. She loved spending the night with Sheldon but almost three weeks sleeping in a single, sounded like a bad idea all around.

“C’mon Sheldon, I’m tired.” Penny removes her shoes and lies on top of the bed, motions for Sheldon to join her, the yawn it's unintended but it highlights how tired she is.

“Just a moment Penny.” Sheldon is fiddling with the alarm clock next to the bed but after a moment he also removes his shoes and lies next to her.

Penny is tired but she’s also a cuddler so she drags her sleepy ass over to Sheldon and uses the crook of his arm to settle in for a nap. They didn’t even remove their jackets but she’s comfortable and doesn’t want to move anymore.

“G’night Moonpie.” Another yawn almost interrupts her.

“Goodnight Penny.” Sheldon’s arm goes around her side and Penny knows nothing more.

The alarm clock is hell and wakes them up. Penny is now on her own side of the bed and she can feel sweat cover her sides, sleeping with a jacket on wasn’t her greatest idea but she had been dead tired.

Opening one eye she looks at the alarm clock and it’s a little past five in the afternoon.

Sheldon looks like she feels but he’s getting up from the bed without complaining and looks down at her. Penny raises her arms and opens and closes her hands in her best ‘I’m baby, pick me up’ impression. Sheldon laughs his breathy little laugh and helps her up.

“Ugh, I’m still tired.”

“I must agree with that sentiment.”

“Early dinner and we go to bed?”


They move downstairs and Meemaw is watching the TV, horse racing of all things.

“Hiya Moonpie, Girlie.” At least she’s not smoking.

“Hi Meemaw.” Penny takes a seat next to her on the couch and like it’s the most natural thing in the world, Meemaw opens her arm and Penny leans against her side and closes her eyes. It felt good.

“Shelly, your mom has a church thing tonight and she’s taking Missy with her. So it’s just us for dinner.”

Sheldon nods and takes a seat next to Penny. “We were discussing having an early dinner. Penny and I are still quite tired.”

“Sounds like a plan Moonpie.”

Penny has to get up from her comfy position because she was about to doze off, rubbing her eyes and yawning makes Meemaw chuckle for some reason.

“Alright kiddos, my treat. Ya drive and I pay for dinner.”

“Meemaw, we couldn’t-” Meemaw is having none of it.

“Moonpie, are ya sassing me?” Sheldon is most likely missing the teasing in her voice.

“No Meemaw.”

“C’mon, let's go. Penny darlin’ what are ya in the mood for?” Meemaw slaps Penny’s knee lightly.

Penny hums thinking it over “Seafood any good?” She could go for some crab cakes.

“Ohhhh nice choice Girlie, there’s this place that has a great Po’boy and Beignets.” Meemaw is already moving to the door only to double back to get her purse.

Penny laughs a little, Meemaw has more energy than Sheldon and Penny together. She takes hold of Sheldon’s arm and starts following Meemaw. “C’mon Moonpie, let’s go. I’m already hungry again.”

“Penny, what if the restaurant is dirty?” Some anxiety in his voice.

“I’ll scope the place first, excuse myself to go to the restroom and peek in the kitchen, make sure they have their cleaning schedule posted and everything. Meanwhile you check the table, cutlery and all that jazz” Penny pats his arm.

Sheldon could be a little particular about where to eat. He would usually visit a place first take a look at how clean it was before deciding to stay to eat or bailing out. But he trusted Penny, she worked as a waitress enough to spot how truly clean a place was and yeah, ever since meeting Sheldon she was definitely more careful about where she ate. Except McDonald’s, you can pry the breakfast burrito out of her dead, cold hands before she stops visiting.

“Thank you penny. That would be acceptable.” Sheldon smiles at her and a little flutter of something in her stomach makes her go up to kiss him. She’s scared that he won’t kiss her back since they haven’t brushed their teeth but Sheldon simply kisses her back, it’s chaste and quick. Penny is smiling at him as they separate.

“But you’re driving.”

Sheldon groans “If I must.”

Meemaw is already waiting for them near the truck, and throws the house keys at Penny. “Lock the door Girlie please.” Penny makes sure the house is locked and returns the keys to Meemaw. “Thank ya Girlie. Now let’s go People!”

Meemaw jumps into the passenger seat of the truck. Penny climbs into the back and Sheldon is the last one to get in.

“Now Girlie, I’ll give ya the directions, it’s pretty close by.” Meemaw is looking for something in her purse, it’s starting to get dark out so she’s having issues. “For now, just back out and drive to the right, just around the corner, we’re going straight into 19th street until ya hit the beach and then another right and ya can’t miss it.”

Sheldon starts driving following Meemaw’s directions. All of that time practicing worked wonders, while still a little paranoid on the road, Sheldon was a perfectly normal-speed driver.

“Where did I leave that gosh damn lip balm.” Meemaw still had no luck with her purse.

“Here Meemaw.” Penny extended her hand.

“Thank ya darli-” Meemaw froze while handing Penny the purse. Her eyes were locked on Penny sitting in the back.

“Meemaw?” Penny didn’t want to freak out but the older woman was not moving.

“Girlie.” Meemaw’s voice was a harsh whisper. “Whose driving?”

“Umm Sheldon?” Penny didn’t see the reason for Meemaw’s sudden attitude. “Are you okay Meemaw?”


“Yes Meemaw?” Sheldon was none the wiser about the freak out happening inches away.

“When did ya learn to drive?” Meemaw still looked anxious but she was trying to keep it cool.

“When Penny moved in. Due to our conflicting schedules, it would have been impossible for her to drive me around.”

“Improbable.” Penny mutters and she just knows that Sheldon wants to turn and give her a look but he won’t take his eyes off the road.

Sheldon keeps going “Because of that, Penny took it upon herself to teach me and allowed me to practice under her supervision. Penny is a very effective teacher, Meemaw.”

“Is she now?” Meemaw is no longer freaking out, instead looks pensive.

In the time it took for Sheldon to explain his new abilities, Penny was able to locate the lip balm and she handed it over to Meemaw alongside her purse.

“Penny.” So far Meemaw had only used ‘Girlie’ to refer to her, and Penny liked it. Meemaw was the grandma she never had. So this sudden serious tone and Meemaw using her name makes Penny nervous.

“Yes Meemaw?”

Meemaw turns in her seat and holds Penny’s hand tightly, looks her in the eye and even in the darkened interior Penny can see her eyes are bright. “Ya take care of him, ya hear me?”

There’s an intensity in her voice that scares Penny. Not scared because she basically just gave them her blessing, but because it sounds like a goodbye and yeah Penny is reading too much into it but her throat closes and her eyes sting. Penny doesn’t want to lose Meemaw.

Penny can only nod and give her a watery smile. Meemaw returns her smile and turns back to look at Sheldon again. She’s looking at him differently, she looks proud but also…content, like a huge weight has been lifted off her shoulders.

“I’m proud of ya Moonpie.”

“Thank you Meemaw.” Sheldon is unsure of why he was suddenly praised but he still smiles happily.

The Diner is all functional, not one of those fancy restaurants. For some reason the sign at the front says ‘Welcome Jeep People’.

Thankfully the place is clean and even Sheldon approves of the cutlery.

Meemaw seems to be a regular here, or at least she seems to know all the waitresses and the guy behind the bar.

The shrimp Po’boy is amazing as promised, Sheldon’s shrimp and grits also get praise and Meemaw devours her Gumbo.

Dinner goes by quickly and soon they’re back at Meemaw’s.

“Go to bed, kids. It’s too early for me but y'all been traveling and need the extra shut eye.”

They say goodnight and move upstairs. While Sheldon is using the bathroom for his night routine, shower included, Penny grabs the bags containing gifts and moves them to the closet.

A fantastic pair of Jimmy Choo Heels that the boutique had and that thanks to her employee discount she was able to afford. For Missy.

Mrs. Cooper will get a pretty cute but conservative sweater in a wonderful pastel blue. Penny didn’t want to risk getting her something she would never wear.

Meemaw was a bit harder to shop for. Sheldon hadn’t been too helpful either, according to him the perfect gift would have been a box of bird shot. Instead she got Meemaw a charm bracelet, it had stars with blue and green details. Penny knew it was childish and she might not like it but it just felt right for some reason.

The Final Boss. Moonpie PhD. Penny got stumped for a long while, basically because Sheldon bought himself anything he truly wanted. She had wanted to buy him a camera and boom, he arrived one day with his new Canon EOS 1Ds. After researching what board games he enjoyed she was going to order the English version of ‘Prophecy’ only to find out he had pre-ordered it months ago. Sheldon buys video games on Day 1. He doesn’t use jewelry or accessories. So she did the only thing that was available to her. Ask for a favor.

Kelly once during lunch had said ‘Leonard Nimoy often goes to the bar where Fred works at.’ For her it had been an offhand comment. Just a fun piece of trivia that no one would think about twice. For Penny it was salvation. It had taken her to agree to introduce Fred to Sheldon but after all was said and done she had a professionally framed A4 piece of paper with ‘Live long and prosper my friend. To Sheldon Cooper from Leonard Nimoy. Ps. You have a great girlfriend.’

She was sure that Sheldon was going to love it.

As for Missy’s catholic boy, well he wasn’t in the plans but still, Penny would go to Walmart or Target and get him a novelty pair of socks or something.

Sheldon returns to the room and Penny quickly moves to do her own nightly routine. She debates on not showering but in the end she decides to go for it.

The queen bed feels amazing, her last thought before drifting off to sleep in Sheldon’s arms is that they need to buy one for their apartment.


I already have outlined most of this Universe and started to prepare for the rewrite. It looks like it will be my longest work to date so that will be daunting but I'm looking forward to it.

Thank you very much to all of you, comments and kudos make my day.

(x^2 + y^2 – 1)^3 = x^2 y^3

Chapter 48: Porch (Happenstance)


Sequel to Eve

Christmas approaches

Chapter Text

Waking up that first morning in Meemaw’s guest room is heaven. Texas never really gets cold, at least not like Nebraska, but the morning is a bit chilly.

Sheldon is still in bed with her and despite the larger bed she woke up on top of him like back in Pasadena. Squinting her eyes at the alarm clock reveals that it’s only 5:55 AM and she lets her head drop back on Sheldon’s chest.

“I know you’re awake Moonpie.” Penny mumbles into Sheldon’s pajamas.

“Go back to sleep Penny. The alarm won’t sound.” Sheldon sounds properly awake.

“Nah. Not sleepy anymore. But we don’t really have plans either.”

Sheldon hums in thought. “We could always go visit the Railroad Museum.” He almost manages the casual tone.

“Yeah, don’t think I didn’t notice your mom’s house just happens to be really close to that particular museum.” She had looked into the stuff to do in Galveston and the first thing to pop up was that little fact.

“Just a coincidence. I assure you.” Penny doesn’t even need to look up at him to know his face is twitching.

“Uh huh, right, just a coincidence.” She finally looks up at him and rests her chin on his chest. “How about the Moody Mansion? I heard it’s a must.”

“Oh! I had wanted to go there.”

They make plans in bed as the sun rises higher, neither is in a rush to move.

They talk about their plans, about what his mom will cook for Christmas dinner, Missy and her boyfriend and if Georgie, Mandy and Ceecee will come for Christmas.

“Oh crap! I forgot to buy something for Ceecee.” Penny moans.

“Penny. Ceecee will turn twelve soon. I believe she has outgrown Santa Claus.” Sheldon never failed to be a Grinch.

“Nah Moonpie. We gotta make a mall run to find something for her.” Penny bites her lip in thought. “She was really into videogames last time we saw her, right?”

“You are correct. She had a Pink Game Boy Color and was playing Pokemon Gold. She also requested your assistance with a boss battle in her The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening playthrough. Which you were able to help her clear thanks to my assistance.”

“There’s a new version of the Game Boy right?”

“Yes. The Game Boy Advance.”

Penny bit her lip in thought. “Do you think your brother would be mad if we got her that for Christmas?”

“I…am unsure.” Sheldon says slowly and it’s only when his brother comes up that he acts like this.

“Hey Moonpie, what happened with your brother? Why do you two walk on eggshells around each other?”

“I don’t know.” His face is clear of twitching so he’s being truthful. “After our father died, he changed.”

“Did you two have a fight?” Penny could see that this topic ate at Sheldon, not only because it was something he didn’t understand but also because as much as he griped about his family, Sheldon loved all of them.

“Our last conversation was terse but not confrontational.”

“Huh, what did you talk about?”

“Georgie asked that before Mother could move to Galveston that her mortgage should be paid first. I agreed to it but that only seemed to upset Georgie more.”

“Wait, I feel that I’m missing a lot of context here.” Penny was trying to wrap her head around this issue, she was sure that Sheldon had missed something. “You paid for the mortgage in full?” A nod from Sheldon. “Who was making the payments before that?”

“My father was.”

“Umm okay Moonpie, help me with the math here. Your dad passed away when you were thirteen right?” She waits for him to nod. “And you moved your mom here when you were fifteen or sixteen.”

“Fifteen. Correct.”

“So that means that for two years no one was making payments?”

Sheldon blinks in surprise and looks pensive.

“That is not possible, the house would have been seized by the bank…unless Georgie was making the payments.”

“Were you making money at the age of thirteen?”

“No. Yes. I had earned some awards but I always allowed my parents to manage it. It wasn’t until the age of fifteen that I truly was able to make my own financial decisions.”

Penny was taking a shot in the dark.

“Maybe Georgie feels that his efforts in making sure your mom kept the house were not appreciated?”

“I…” It was rare that Sheldon was left speechless, but Penny was not going to intrude in this realization. “I assumed that Meemaw had taken care of the mortgage but, this conversation has brought new information that I believe would make the action of buying Mother a house seem unappreciative of Georgie’s effort to not lose our childhood home.”

“And I know you’re special Honey, but still, it must have been frustrating to see his younger brother pay a mortgage and then go buy a house.” Penny’s voice is soft. Sheldon can be frustrating, he does things without looking at the people around him. And that worked perfectly for him in his job, but in his personal life, it left something to be desired. Penny was used to it and she had her Sheldon translator on all the time so it was easy to understand why he did something, but she also had to put her foot down and tell Sheldon outright why something was not a good idea or even veto some of his plans. Like leashing himself to bus seats.

But Sheldon was more than capable of understanding other people, you just had to guide him a little.

“I believe that I need to speak with Georgie.”

They go to his mother’s house for breakfast and it’s another amazing meal. Mrs Cooper made some mean pancakes.

After breakfast Penny goes with Sheldon to the backyard, they sit on his mom’s porch swing and Sheldon calls his brother.

It’s slow going, both Sheldon and Georgie are stubborn. It takes them a while to actually start talking about important stuff, Penny lies down and uses Sheldon’s leg as a pillow. His accent grows stronger when he’s stressed and that call is all Texas.

They manage to clear the air somewhat, it’s clear that they will never be the best of friends but maybe they can start being brothers again. Sheldon looks tired but happy after the call ends.

“Georgie says it’s fine if we buy Ceecee the Game Boy Advance, but it must be clear that it’s from the both of us and that it counts as two gifts. We can get her one game as well, but only one game.”

“You did good Moonpie.” She smiles up at him still laying in his lap and he smiles back at her.

Sheldon is not perfect, but he’s pretty damn great.

Turns out that Meemaw also needs to go to the mall and then Missy also tags along.

Penny wanted to make this into a sort of date but Meemaw and Missy are too much fun and she wishes she could have had this type of relationship with her own sister and mom.

“Missy, you take Penny and go buy that boy of yours something that he’ll actually wear.” Penny had voiced her plan of buying Jonah some funny socks and Missy was all for it. “Moonpie and I will go buy that darn Gamesomething and we’ll meet you in front of the Jamba Juice.”

Sheldon’s face is twitching a little but before Penny can question him Missy is pulling her towards the clothing stores.

They still end up buying Jonah a pair of socks, they’re really cute, mostly black with white stars all over it and some yellow sparkles but what made Penny get them is the white and red spaceships that travel around the socks. She does get him a pretty decent sweater that is approved by Missy. The store does gift wrapping so she makes sure the card says it’s from both her and Sheldon.

By the time they get to the Jamba Juice both Meemaw and Sheldon each have a cup in their hands. Sheldon is holding a bag and she looks in to make sure but all she sees is the gift wrapped box, at least the card does say that it’s from the both of them.

“The closest color to pink was fuchsia so I bought that one. I also bought her the new Pokemon game.” His face twitches “And a new RPG game that has been receiving a lot of praise, it’s called Golden Sun and-” Penny simply shakes her head and goes to order a smoothie.

Penny loves the Moody Mansion, especially because she has her own tour guide in Sheldon. Sadly they still have time to visit the Railroad museum…no man should look that excited at the idea of trains.

Jonah appears and Penny is not sure what she was expecting but the short (he’s the same height as Penny) man is not it. He’s handsome and seems to always have a smile plastered on his face and even Sheldon can’t help but like the guy.

Jonah is studying to become a pediatrician and he’s so in love with Missy. He also has the heaviest Boston accent she’s ever heard.

Penny can see Mrs Cooper doing her best to dislike Jonah but even she ends up throwing the towel and by the end of dinner Mrs Cooper has extended him an invitation for next Thanksgiving and Christmas.

That same night, Penny can’t sleep. Being surrounded by all of these people that became her family makes her think of her family back in Nebraska. She goes to the backyard.

Just like last year there’s someone already there but this time is Mrs Cooper.

“Penny, darlin’. Come, come.” Mrs Cooper pats the space next to her in the porch swing. She’s smoking and the floor at her feet is littered with cigarette butts. Mrs Cooper takes a drag of her lit cigarette as Penny takes a seat. “Don’t tell my children about this. It’s my one cigarette a year.” Penny doesn’t refute it.

“I couldn’t sleep. I hope I’m not bothering you.”

“Nonsense darlin’, you’re family.” Mrs Cooper covers Penny’s legs with half the blanket she was using.

“You know…” Penny hesitates for a moment, decides to push through. “I’m really thankful for your son. I really don’t know where I would be if it weren’t for him.” She plays with the blanket, Mrs Cooper has been the only one that Penny has felt some sort of barrier with and she knows it might be just in her head.

“The Lord works in wonderful ways.” Mrs Cooper is smiling kindly. “I love my Snickerdoodle but I have to admit that, well, I was afraid he would be alone.” It looks like she wants to say more but settles for “I’m glad he found you.”

“Me too.” The silence is comfortable, the distant waves are a welcome sound. “Umm, I don’t know when or how. But I am certain that your boy and I are getting married.” Penny turns to look straight at Mrs Cooper. She is as certain of this as she is of the sun coming out tomorrow.

Mrs Cooper takes another long drag and nods slowly “I figured that was the case.” A long pause “My Shelly was always special. But that also made him lonely, we loved him but couldn’t understand him.” another drag “He was always able to pick up things quickly. He plays piano, you know?”

Penny had seen the Yamaha keyboard in the apartment but had never seen Sheldon play it.

“He stopped playing when the woman teaching him called him a robot. ‘All technique and no feeling.’” Mrs Cooper laughs but not in amusement. “Should have decked the bitch.” Throws the cigarette butt to the floor and lights a new one. “May she rest in peace.”

“Most people will never know how big of heart he really has.” Penny had already made peace with this fact. More Sheldon for her.

Mrs Cooper nods “You take care of each other now. Don’t let anyone get between you.”


“This is your home now as well you hear me?”

Penny doesn’t respond but she lets her head rest on Mrs Cooper's shoulder.

Texas was home.

Chapter 49: Christmas (Happenstance)


Sequel to Porch

Christmas brings many things


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The days leading up to Christmas are calm. Penny doesn’t want to think about school, because while it was true that it was no longer a pain point for her, it didn’t mean that she had to focus only on it.

Shopping with Missy, Mrs Cooper teaching her to cook and Meemaw’s baking lessons fill her days and she knows it’s useless to think about what ifs, but Sheldon introduced her to the subject of alternate universes. Ever since she’s wondered if there’s another world where she doesn’t meet Sheldon, she hopes that world doesn’t exist.

Penny helps a little with Christmas dinner and by that she means that she’s staying with Sheldon in Meemaw’s house watching movies.

Mrs Cooper is a woman on a mission while cooking and you don’t want to get in her way. Missy is out with Jonah and they’ll be back in time for dinner…after the church service. Jonah is not the religious type but he knows his presence will cause more issues.

Penny and Sheldon will also not go to church and Penny is glad that Mrs Cooper isn’t pushing them. Church doesn’t hold a special place in her heart and she’s more than happy to skip it. Meemaw will go though, so they only have one mission while everyone else is out of the house.

Keep an eye on the turkey and baste it.

“Remember darlin’ every 30 minutes.”

“Got it.” It was the 6th time she reminded them.

“Now, we’ll be back at nine at the latest.”

“Yes mother.” Even Sheldon was annoyed by this point.

“Mary, leave the kids alone and move! You know I want to sit upfront.”

“Mom! That pastor is married and-”

Their voices fade as they leave the house and Penny has to chuckle, Meemaw liked going to church since ‘Reverend Yummy Pants’ as she called him, became the pastor of their church.

“Is your Meemaw going to be like this when we help her with the brisket?”

Sheldon shakes his head and Penny is relieved “No, she’ll be worse.”

Of course, she should have known.

“Come here Moonpie, I know a way we can spend 30 minutes.” Penny goes up on her toes and kisses Sheldon.

He’s gotten better at this sudden kiss thing. He doesn’t even hesitate before kissing her back. Penny is the one who deepens the kiss. They’ve been on their best behavior while in Texas and have been unable to do anything more than kiss chastely.

It was driving her mad.

She had intended for this to just be a couple of kisses and then they could go watch a movie, but now her hands were in his hair and Sheldon was pushing her hips against him and it was kind of getting out of hand.

Penny tries to stop, she really does, but Sheldon bites her lip and she stops thinking with her brain. Somehow she’s on the kitchen counter right next to the sink and she knows that she should stop this because Sheldon is not saying anything about it.

She doesn’t, she just keeps kissing him.

Penny moans into the kiss when Sheldon’s hand makes its way under her shirt, he’s just touching her back but there’s something great about feeling his hand splay on her back.

‘Ah fuck it.’ Penny knows that they might regret this but she starts working on unbuckling his belt and Sheldon doesn’t protest.

Sheldon’s wristwatch rings an alarm and it makes them stop. Both are panting and neither understands why the alarm sounds, until Penny remembers their one task.

“Fuck, the turkey.”

Penny tries to shake some of the fog in her mind and like a robot she goes through the motions of basting the turkey while ignoring her brain’s comment of ‘If only Sheldon basted you like that.’

She can hear Sheldon moving to the living room and it makes her breathe a sigh of both relief and disappointment. It’s fine, they were getting too into it anyway.

Turkey safely basted, Penny moves to the living room expecting Sheldon to be watching TV but instead he’s just sitting on the couch and watching her. A little shiver goes through her.

‘Well, maybe just a little more.’

“I can’t believe that I messed up.”

“Calm down darlin’ We’ll just go watch it tomorrow, the tickets are for the evening anyway. Plenty of time for gifts and family.”

Missy had been looking forward to the movie. She always liked Leonardo DiCaprio and rumor was that in ‘Catch me if you can’ he did a full front nudity scene. No way she was missing that. And she was fine with waiting a day but Jonah kept beating himself up. Momma would joke that it’s all that Catholic guilt.

Shelly and Penny were in charge of watching the turkey so she knew they were at home.

“We can watch a movie with my brother and Penny.” Missy opens the front door and is frozen in place.

“Missy?” She’s taller than him so she’s covering the view.

“Argh my eyes!!” Missy is being dramatic but she doesn’t care, she just saw her brother's junk and that’s just not alright. “We’re going to Meemaw’s! And fuck’s sake, open a window!” She yells behind her and drags a confused Jonah to Meemaw’s house.

Penny is honestly not sure how it got so out of hand.

One moment she and Sheldon are making out on the couch, the next they’re both shirtless, a kiss and like magic they’re not wearing pants anymore.

She’s straddling him and then Sheldon is holding her by the hips while she guides him inside of her.

It’s frantic and not as romantic as she thought their first time was going to be. Penny still kisses Sheldon and he’s the one that deepens the kiss this time.

He soon finds the right angle that makes her go weak and she tries to move but she’s close so she lets Sheldon take the wheel. His hands feel huge on her hips, like he can cover her without effort.

Penny can’t kiss him anymore, she’s so close. Instead she bites his shoulder, hard. She can’t help it, she’s coming. Sheldon buries his hand in her hair, maybe to pull her off from his shoulder, but his own climax hits and instead he’s pulling her closer, trying to make them one being.

They’re both panting, exhausted and all fucked out.

Of course that’s the moment Missy makes an appearance. Penny can’t help but laugh as Sheldon starts freaking out.

“I don’t want to move but we have to clean.”

“Penny! Missy saw us!” Sheldon was blushing tomato red.

“Yeah, we should have locked the door.” Penny is still resting her forehead on his shoulder.

“What if she tells our Mother?”

“Relax Moonpie. Trust me, she won’t.” Penny was getting sleepy and she was not looking forward to having to put back on her panties before cleaning herself up. But all of her clothes were in Meemaw’s house.

“How do you know?” Sheldon was too wired for someone that had just had sex for the first time.

“I just know. Now, pass me my panties unless you want to explain to your mom why we had to burn her carpet.”

They clean themselves up as best as they can, which is better than nothing. They do open all the windows they can and Penny is able to find a couple of incense sticks that she hopes are enough.

They also baste the turkey again, definitely not within the schedule set by Mrs Cooper but Penny hopes she won’t notice.

They’re two steps into Meemaw’s house when Missy and Jonah start clapping and whistling.

Sheldon is so embarrassed that he doesn’t even argue with Missy about the whistling. Penny walks all the way upstairs with her head held high knowing that she’s blushing just as much as Sheldon.

Penny showers first and changes clothes, maybe Mrs Cooper won’t notice the change. She goes back to Mrs Cooper's kitchen ignoring Missy and Jonah on the way out of Meemaw’s house. Basting the turkey is easy.

Making sure the living room doesn’t smell like sex…it’s a mixed result. Maybe there’s a fan somewhere in here?

Missy comes to the rescue with a bottle of Febreze from somewhere and Penny hopes it’s enough. The windows stay open even though it’s getting chilly.

Mrs Cooper and Meemaw come back from church, neither mention anything. Not even the fact that every single window was open.

Penny is ready to pretend that nothing happened and that they’re getting away with it. The rest have different plans.

“Smells like the back of Pop-Pop’s van in here.” Meemaw is on the verge of cackling and Penny can see her vibrate with all the energy of a toddler in a sugar high.

“Shelly always liked stuffing.” This from Missy accompanied by a horrible eyebrow waggle.

Jonah was acting like a damn kid, every time he glanced at either Sheldon or Penny he would start giggling in what he thought was a discreet manner.

Sheldon has been unable to look at his mother’s face and every time she talks to him he starts twitching something wild.

Penny thinks she’s handling herself very well but the heat in her face tells her otherwise. The dinner is amazing but Penny can hardly taste anything.

But Mrs Cooper doesn’t mention anything and Penny can almost believe that she’s getting away with it. That is until everyone is saying goodnight and Mrs Cooper hugs her and whispers “Babies can wait” And holy shit, that just about kills Penny.

Of course Meemaw can’t let them go to bed without a parting shot “I’m a heavy sleeper, so ya kids feel free to go plum wild.”

Penny has never blushed so much in her life.

It’s not until they’re cuddling in bed that they talk about it.

“We’re just two horny monkeys.” Penny grumbles against Sheldon’s chest.

“As much as I would like to disagree…yes, we are.” Sheldon sounds just as upset as her.

“Never having sex again.” Penny wants to crawl into a hole.

“...I would like to voice my disapproval towards that course of action.”

Penny finally laughs because yeah, she is not stopping either. It had been great and pretty close to mind blowing. ‘Thank God for eidetic memories.”

“Yeah, just kidding.” But Sheldon lets out a sigh of relief.

“Wackadoodle.” Penny can’t help the fondness from bleeding through. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

It’s weird how easy the word comes for her. She had been ready to fall in love but she hadn’t said those words to any of her past boyfriends. It just didn’t feel right. Love was something precious.

Penny is really happy to have found it.

Christmas morning goes amazingly well. Georgie is there first thing in the morning to have breakfast with them and also to open gifts.

Missy and Mrs Cooper’s gifts are met with great praise and the hugs Penny receives feel like all the Christmases she never had with them.

She’s handing Meemaw her gift when Penny gets hit with a wave of embarrassment so big that it threatens to swallow her whole. ‘This was dumb, it’s so dumb!’ Penny is already regretting it but Meemaw takes the box from her hand before Penny can snatch it back and make an excuse. Sheldon takes a hold of her, a shy smile is on his face and it takes a moment to realize he’s trying to encourage her, to make her feel better.

She squeezes his hand back and lets herself fall back into the couch, pressing herself tightly against Sheldon’s side. His presence is a soothing balm against her embarrassment.

“Oh Girlie, this is wonderful.” Meemaw’s voice pulls her back into the now. Meemaw is looking at the bracelet and admiring it as if it were something precious.

Penny wants to speak up, to justify herself. She knows it’s a childish gift. But before she can say anything Meemaw is pulling her to her feet and hugging so tightly that Penny can’t do anything but cry, she’s not even sure why she’s crying. But Meemaw is there to hold her while she calms down.

Jonah lightens the mood making a big fuss about the socks and how much he loves them. He also surprises Missy with a beautiful silver cross.

Ceecee can’t wait any longer and asks if she can open her presents now and Mrs Cooper tells her to go ahead. That kid tears through wrapping paper like a racoon and soon has clothes, a new barbie doll, a colored pencil set that makes Penny jealous and finally she opens the Game Boy Advance and immediately goes to give Sheldon and her a huge hug while babbling thank you so fast that it sounds like she’s speaking tongues.

Mrs Cooper’s voice breaks through “All right, all right, let’s go have breakfast.” Everyone moves to go to the kitchen but Sheldon speaks up.

“Mother. I actually have a gift for Penny as well.”

Anyone that knows Sheldon Cooper just had their world destroyed. Which means only Jonah is left wondering why everyone looks so shocked.

Sheldon clears his throat “Penny. Meemaw informed me that people in a relationship give each other gifts to show affection and that it’s not about reciprocity.” He’s nervous. “Here.” From his pocket he produces a small velvet box and the room takes a collective surprised breath.

‘HOLYFUCK!!’ Penny doesn’t want to freak out, but she’s freaking out. She knows that she told his mother that they were getting married but this is too sudden, they haven’t discussed it. ‘HOLYCRAP!’ Penny can see herself marrying Sheldon but isn’t this too soon?

Her eyes are locked in the box and she knows it's not possible but that moment right before Sheldon opens it feels infinite.

‘Do I want to marry Sheldon?’ She doesn’t even hesitate. ‘Yes, yes I do.’

The box finally opens to reveal…earrings?

Meemaw’s laughter is so much like Sheldon’s that Penny knows right away she’s behind this entire thing.

The earrings are beautiful emerald and gold studs. She will be able to wear them to school and not look out of place. Part of her is relieved and another part is disappointed, she doesn’t want to investigate to know which part is bigger.

“Sheldon, Honey. They’re gorgeous.” Penny takes the box from his hands and truly looks at them. Ignores Mrs Cooper in the background telling off Meemaw and her pranks.

“Wait here, one second. I actually got you something as well.” Penny runs to Meemaw’s house, grabs Sheldon’s gift and then books it back. She’s panting ‘I need to exercise more.’

“I wanted to give you this in private because I know how you feel about gift giving.” Penny says panting “But I couldn’t wait after this.” She hands him the wrapped frame.

“Oh! I wasn’t expecting an-” Sheldon’s long fingers make quick work of the wrapping and he freezes once he catches sight of the framed paper.

Penny had been so confident about the gift but now she’s having second thoughts “I thought that-” She’s not able to finish her sentence. Before she can react Sheldon has already grabbed her and kissed her.

It’s slow and deep and it makes her toes curl. Penny is stunned for a moment but soon enough she’s responding in kind and it’s only Ceecee’s awed ‘Wow’ that brings Penny back to the present. That and needing oxygen.

Her Moonpie was a pretty fast learner.

“Okay, break it up you two. No need to show Ceecee how babies are made.” Meemaw’s joke makes the adults groan, and it makes Ceecee look back and forth between Sheldon and Penny like she could really see it happening.

Overall, one of Penny’s best Christmases.


I wanted to focus less on the smut and more on their intimacy.

Chapter 50: Museum (Happenstance)


Sequel to Christmas.

A chance encounter and an important conversation.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Paige started 2003 on a good note. Working.

She was working as an assistant to the curator in the Red River Valley Museum. The same museum she and Sheldon visited all those years ago.

Paige was perfectly aware that her parents, teachers and everyone else thought that she was wasting her life, but this job made her happy. Being a child prodigy is a curse, having to bear everyone’s expectations and not being able to live her life like a regular person, always having to look in and never be able to participate.

Sheldon was different from her and all other other child geniuses. He didn’t need people.

She’s not sure why but she’s still following his career closely and just as she suspected, he’s a trailblazer, debunking and confirming formulas, theories left and right without concern for what people might think.

Sheldon left Texas and didn’t look back. He did what she couldn’t do.

How could he so easily abandon everything in his life? Paige wonders if she can become like him but just the thought of all those expectations makes her want to curl up and cry.

And yet, some days she wonders…what if she had stayed with him?

A memory of him spitting and retching after she kissed him comes unbidden to her. The humiliation and shame are fresh. No. She would rather be normal, Sheldon could never be with a regular person, he most likely would stay alone for the rest of his life AND be okay with it.

She’s arranging a display of Quanah Parker and thinking about Sheldon when a childish voice breaks through her thoughts.

“Uncle Sheldon. Why are some so big?” A kid is in front of the flint points display.

Paige almost laughs, here she was thinking about Sheldon and someone just happens to be named Sheldon. Her mirth dies as soon as the person responds to the question.

She knows that voice, the almost arrogance always present. The tone of indifference makes Paige remember the tall gangly teenager she had a crush on.

The tall and wiry man that stands next to the child is handsome and Paige rages a little in her head, of course he had to be handsome as well. The familiar tingle in her belly reminds her that she hasn’t gone on a date in 8 months, hasn’t gotten laid in almost a year.

Of course Sheldon is not bothering to look her way, but Paige still stays hidden behind the displays. She wants to know more about the boy she once knew, or at least the boy she thought she knew. Very recently he published a paper about antimatter that got a lot of buzz and some of the people she still knew in those circles claimed it would be a breakthrough, but Paige refused to read it. She had left that part of her life behind.

Sheldon looks happy, which isn’t what she expected. Didn’t he know how many people looked up to him? How many expectations and hopes sat on his shoulders? He’s just standing there explaining basic history to his niece?

“Wait. So people can mistake flint for fossils?”

The voice belongs to a young blond woman standing next to Sheldon. Poor girl, she’s in for a surprise, Sheldon is being kind to his niece but that doesn’t extend to strangers.

“Correct. You can see more about this in the next display.” Sheldon points to the correct display and Paige sucks in a breath when that hand is pulled by the blond girl. Except, the blow up never comes, Sheldon allows himself to be led by the hand like some pre-schooler.

Paige is working, she shouldn’t be following guests around. Tries to remove the image from her mind, but it’s impossible, she needs to see more.

She follows them discreetly, it’s obvious that Sheldon and the blond girl know each other, but Paige is too far away and can’t listen in on them. Decides to risk it and moves closer, pretending to adjust the display next to the one they’re watching.

The little girl is between Sheldon and the blond girl, holding onto their hands and the image is that of a happy family. Something ugly churns in her stomach.

“Penny, could you hogtie a Polar bear?” The little girl turns eyes full of adoration towards the blond woman. Penny.

“Of course Sweetie.” Paige is close to snorting out loud but holds it in, Sheldon will not let that comment go unchallenged.

“Is that true Uncle Sheldon?” The same eyes turn to Sheldon.

“It is. Penny can do anything.” Sheldon’s face has never been as expressive as it is in that moment, the fond smile and bright eyes make Paige grit her teeth.

‘What the hell is going on?’ This can’t be Sheldon Cooper.

The blond woman. Penny. Is delighted and goes up to her toes to kiss Sheldon.

And. He. Allows. It.

‘What the fuck?’ He not only allows it, he kisses her back like it’s the most natural thing in the world.

Paige is not really paying attention to what the girls are saying. She only has eyes for Sheldon, because this is not possible, he had gagged at her kiss, not the one where she tricked him to kiss her fingers, no, the one in his college dorm.

She had been honest, and had been rejected.

It isn’t until one of the tour guides asks her if she’s okay that Paige moves, and she realizes that Sheldon and his group are gone. She does a basic sweep of the museum but they’re no longer there. In a way it’s a relief, she can go back to her life.

Can she?

Paige remembers that her phone has a number saved that she hasn’t called since Sheldon left for Germany.

Missy is waiting for dinner alongside everyone else.

Jonah is actually helping her Momma in the kitchen so Missy is busy watching Shelly and Penny sitting on either side of Ceecee while she plays with her little Game Boy. They’re guiding and helping her and bantering with each other, it doesn’t help that Ceecee is blond like her mom, but Missy has the sudden image of an older Shelly and Penny doing the exact same thing for their own blond little girl.

Life does have a sense of humor. Missy was all for it, Penny was able to bring out a side of her brother that none of them even knew was there.

Her phone vibrates and interrupts her thinking. Checks the caller ID and grimaces a little, she had been half expecting this call when Shelly told her they were going to the Red River Valley Museum. No one notices her slipping to the backyard, she accepts the call but keeps moving all the way to Meemaw’s log bench in the back, she doesn’t want Shelly’s freaky hearing to pick up on this call.


“Hi Missy, it’s Paige.”

They go through the motions of small talk and pretending to care about each other’s lives. Paige has never been a patient person and it doesn’t take long for the actual reason for the call to come through.

“So…how’s Sheldon?” Paige doesn’t manage the casual tone.

“He’s good. I’m gonna assume you’re calling because you saw him at the museum with his girlfriend.” Missy ain’t a genius like her brother but she’s not dumb and she’s also not a very patient person.

Paige makes a noise, it’s half hum and half groan. “Yeah, I saw them…” The silence might bother other people but Missy ain’t gonna help Paige with this. “How?”

“Don’t know. Shelly claims it started because he helped her with Math homework and she gave him cheesecake.”

Paige makes a sound over the line that Missy can’t identify. “She doesn’t seem like his kind.”

Missy really didn’t like the tone or the words. “His kind?” She deadpans.

“You know what I mean. Sheldon’s not like the rest of us.”

“Yeah well, he reproduces like the rest of us so there’s that.”



“I don’t know why I called. To get closure maybe.” Paige really does sound exhausted.and confused.

“Don’t kno’ what to tell you Paige. She is it.”

“Just like that?”

“Just like that.”

The line is silent and Missy has to check her phone to see that the call is still going.

“It’s not fair.” Paige sounds like that tween from all those years ago.

“No, it’s not.” Missy is not even going to pretend that she doesn’t feel for Paige, at one point she seemed like the only girl that could get the best out of her brother…right before Paige spiraled into whatever the fuck she became. Missy doesn’t like to think of Paige as less, but well, that’s the closest she can find that fits. Paige started losing her star and Shelly left her in the dust.

“I’m sorry for calling.” Paige doesn’t wait for an answer and hangs up.

Missy lets out a frustrated breath. That girl ain’t right. But even after all she hopes that Paige can get her head out of her ass and start living.

“Aunt Missy! Dinner!”


Missy shakes off the remnants of the conversation and moves to have dinner in a full house. There are not many days left of this and she’s going to enjoy the ones she has left.


What's this? 2 chapters in a day?

I was watching a clip from Young Sheldon and I had to write this chapter, no more Paige in the future but I want to think she was able to move on.

Chapter 51: Bite (Happenstance)


Sequel to Museum.

2003 happens

Chapter Text

The moment that Sheldon and Penny close the apartment door behind them is the moment that the both of them collapse on the couch. Sheldon is in his spot and Penny is right next to him.

“I love your family Moonpie, but I’m glad to be back home.”

“I concur. Though the fact that we only need to do this trip once a year makes it easier to accept.”

Penny nods tiredly, she was sure that come August they would be already looking forward to going back.

Way too soon for Penny’s liking classes start again and their life returns to normal. Well, almost, they now add sex to their routines and Penny couldn’t be happier.

A hard day at school? Boom, Sheldon blew her mind and she was suddenly feeling much better.

Sheldon was stuck on a problem? Wham, Penny made it so he could only think about her.

Life was good.

Penny has to make good on her promise and introduce Sheldon to Fred.

Sheldon agrees after hearing this is the guy that made his autograph happen. They meet at The Cheesecake Factory and Sheldon is not even fully seated before Fred explodes in pure fanboy energy and starts talking science at Sheldon.

She and Kelly let the boys geek out while they talk about school, clothes and jobs.

The meeting goes so well that they have another one soon, and then another and soon it just becomes hanging out. Fred is able to tone down the fanboy in him and it turns out he also plays Magic. Sheldon is super stoked because he now has someone to play double headed giant with…Penny didn’t even bother to ask.

Kelly and Penny manage to strike a true friendship and Kelly manages to introduce Penny to the wonders of smutty books. Penny in kind teaches Kelly the wonders of an employee discount. It’s fun to have a friend in school and even if they’re not in the same courses Penny feels content.

They get a new neighbor in 4B.

He? She? Is a police officer that also happens to enjoy dressing in drag. Sheldon feels more secure in the knowledge that there’s a police officer in the building and Penny is happy to have someone that knows even more than she does about makeup.

Either way, both Sheldon and Penny love having Louise/Luis as a neighbor.

She prefers to be called Louise and she makes a mean banana bread.

They also have their very first big fight.

Sheldon is helping Fred with homework and Fred is just not getting it. While not as much of a fanboy he still tends to take every word out of Sheldon’s mouth deathly serious. So when Sheldon makes an offhand comment about Fred’s intelligence, something snaps in Penny and in mere moments they’re screaming at each other.

Kelly has to step in and tell them to calm down. Fred looks guilty and that only makes Penny angrier.

Kelly and Fred leave so Sheldon and Penny stare at each other. It doesn’t take long for the yelling to start again.

“-happen if you weren’t such a fucking robot!”

Penny wants to hurt Sheldon. She sees him reel from her words and is preparing for his comeback. Instead his face crumples for a moment before an imperfect mask of indifference goes over his face, and without another word he leaves to his room.

Penny is left alone in the living room, her chest is heaving, she’s waiting to hear the slam of his door, but the only thing she hears is the click of his lock.

In frustration she scratches at her head, suddenly upset that her hair is so long. This is bullshit, she’s so tired, she decided to take classes from the Acting Major but it was all so close to being too much. She was almost late in one of her payments for her student loans (Sheldon had designed a plan so she could pay them early) and just yesterday her car had stalled, the ‘check engine’ light was almost permanently on nowadays. She had broken a nail and she dropped her coffee this morning, literally moments after buying it.

It was all too much, she just wanted time for herself.

‘Maybe just one drink’ She eyes the bottle of wine in the cupboard but the face of her mother flashes in her mind and Penny shakes her head in disgust.

Really, she just wants to cuddle with Sheldon.

And like a bucket of cold water, realization comes. She had called him a robot. Penny can only close her eyes in shame. She knew better, but she was hurting and wanted Sheldon to hurt too. There’s no easy way out of this, she’s suddenly feeling very tired, like her body is only moving due to some magic she’s not familiar with. Dragging herself she plops down right next to his door and slams her head against the wall.

“Sheldon.” Her voice breaks right away “I’m so sorry. I know it’s not enough, but I am.” Penny wants to slam her head against the wall again but she knows it won’t help anyone. Instead she grabs her head and it feels like it’s the only thing holding her at the moment.

“I know you appreciate honesty, so I’m going to be honest. I’ve been under a lot of pressure, so many things happening at once…it’s not an excuse.” Waits for any sort of acknowledgement.

“Please Moonpie. I’m so sorry.” The pain is making way to numbness. It’s all too much.

Sheldon doesn’t come out of his room for the rest of the night. Penny goes to her own bed for the first time since coming back from Texas. She’s sleeping alone for the first time in 6 months and she hates it.

Next morning Sheldon is gone to work as usual. Her breakfast plate is in the fridge in the usual place and the sight of it makes Penny break down.

She eats her breakfast, sobbing all the while.

Penny can’t allow this to go on any longer. She makes sure to wash the dish and then cleans herself up. Just a few moments later she's driving to Caltech.

Penny doesn’t have an actual plan, there’s no magic word to fix this. No one is coming to her rescue, she has to do this alone. She has to be better than her parents.

She’s able to find a parking spot easily, she knows the way to Sheldon’s office already. Not that long ago the cafeteria had closed and they had arranged a lunch date in his office. Soon enough his office comes into view and she can hear the sounds of ‘Chavez’ playing loudly. Sheldon had found an affinity for Math Rock and really, that just made sense.

Penny takes a deep breath before entering.

The music stops abruptly and Sheldon’s unbelieving voice greets her “Penny?”

She thought that she could talk, apologize, explain it to him, but seeing Sheldon makes her body act on her own. Penny strides towards him and before he can act she’s sitting in his lap and holding onto him for dear life.

“I’msosorrysorry” Penny is babbling but she can’t stop. She can’t stop the tears either and she only cries harder when Sheldon’s arms go around her and hold her.

The last time she cried this hard was when she was still a kid, she had wandered by accident to a different stable and had to witness a veterinarian putting an old horse down. Penny could only think about Sugarcube.

“There, there.”

Sheldon is holding her tightly, he sucks at comforting people usually. But right now, all that Penny needs is Sheldon.

It takes her an embarrassing amount of time to be able to calm down.

“I’m so sorry Moonpie. I’m a fucking idiot.”

“Penny.” His voice is harsh. “Don’t call yourself that.”

“I hurt you. I was so overwhelmed and I don’t even know why I reacted like that. I’m just like my mother.”

“Penny. You are not like your mother.” Sheldon rests his cheek against her forehead, she’s leaning against him. If anyone were to come in, they would see Dr Sheldon Cooper PhD at his chair with his girlfriend on his lap.

“I’m sorry Moonpie. I should know better. No. I KNOW better.” Penny can’t see his face, she’s playing with the hem of his shirt.

“I don’t enjoy fighting with you. I was often witness to my parent’s fights and last night was a stark reminder that I was not as separated from George Sr as I had previously imagined.” Sheldon cups her cheek and forces her to look up at him. “I am not my father. And I will not become my father.”

His face is impassive, but his eyes are bright. Sheldon blinks several times in quick succession. Penny can see tears gathering in his eyes but they don’t fall. Penny grabs his face and runs her thumb under his eye, her thumb comes away wet. Somehow it’s worse than if Sheldon had just cried.

Penny pulls his face down and kisses him, trying to convey her love for him. Penny hasn’t prayed in years, but she prays that Sheldon knows how much she loves him.

As Sheldon kisses her back, Penny makes a promise to herself.

‘Don’t make Sheldon cry again.’

That night they also have makeup sex for the first time.

It’s slow and intimate. Penny tries to convey her feelings and she knows that Sheldon is doing the same.

Penny locks her legs behind his back and Sheldon’s arm never stops embracing her. Their kissing on the other hand is hungry, far more intense than usual.

Sheldon, in a move that she never expects, bites down on her shoulder. Hard enough that she feels the pain without fearing he broke through her skin. Penny arches her back in pleasure and that only makes their bodies fuse together even more.

Penny returns the favor and bites him as well, enjoying the way it makes him push into her.

They will be fine. They have each other.

It takes them little time to go back to normal.

Kelly and Fred come around and Sheldon apologizes for being rude. Physics is his life’s work and seeing someone struggle with it, frustrates him.

“Penny advised me to teach you as if I were teaching her. That is, if you would like to continue with it.” Sheldon gives Fred a shy smile and maybe only Penny can see the hope behind it.

Fred has all the energy of a puppy and is quick to forgive Sheldon.

Kelly in private admits that she thought Sheldon was being rude but when she brought it up to Fred he said that it was good natured ribbing, that there was no heat behind his words. Still, Penny made a note to let Sheldon know that Fred wanted to be his friend and not his student.

Life goes back to normal except they now have friends to hang out with as a couple.

Summer comes around and Penny has the pleasure to attend Comicon, she didn’t realize it but Kelly was a geek and she’s the one pushing for them to do Cosplay.

Fred had wanted him and Kelly to go as Fry and Leela but Kelly vetoed that immediately. She wasn’t a fan of Futurama. In the end Fred still got his Futurama wish, he went as Zapp Brannigan and he had the smile to pull it off.

Kelly was apparently a different type of geek, she was more into Japanese stuff and Penny didn’t get it but both Sheldon and Fred were freaking out over her costume and how good it was. Sure, Kelly was super cute but to Penny she just looked like a very cute doll with weird ears. It was from a cartoon and the character was named Chii.

Penny didn’t even have to ask Sheldon. Spock was the only logical option.

As for herself Penny didn’t want to over complicate it, ever since helping Ceecee with her games Penny had been borrowing Sheldon’s Game Boy to play Pokemon and she loved it. So her costume was simply the female trainer avatar. She has a lot of fun putting the costume together and the final touch is a Torchic plushie that hangs from her waist.

The convention itself is not what Penny expects but she still has a lot of fun with Sheldon, Kelly and Fred. By the end of the day her feet are killing her, she doesn’t even want to think about poor Kelly in her light slippers, she had initially wanted to go barefoot but Sheldon and Fred had advised against it.

Penny wouldn’t be against going to Comicon again. Maybe next time they can do couple costumes.

“Girlie, I know you can’t travel due to school so we’re coming to you!”

Penny can’t even reply before Meemaw has already ended the call.

“Uh Moonpie, I think we’re having visits for Thanksgiving.”

Sheldon tilts his head and looks at the phone in her hand.

“Did I not tell you? Meemaw had informed me since last week.”

Penny purses her lips and sucks on her teeth “For someone with an eidetic memory, you forget a lot of things.”

“In my defense. It was the same night that we tried the position you found in that magazine of yours.”

“Oh! Yeah, that was fun!...Okay, we were both not in a state to remember stuff I’ll admit.” Penny looks at Sheldon “...maybe we can do it again?”

Thanksgiving dinner at the apartment is not a very traditional one. Meemaw and Mrs Cooper arrive on Monday and they will be the ones doing the cooking, they’re also teaching Sheldon and Penny how to make proper fried chicken, so they have that to look forward to.

They're having breakfast and Penny asks why Missy didn’t join them. “Missy is visiting Jonah’s family.” Mrs Cooper sounds normal and not upset which is great. Jonah and Missy make a great couple. “Oh by the way, we’re having Jonah and Missy’s wedding on New Year’s”

Penny chokes on a spoonful of yogurt and even Sheldon drops his spoon. Meemaw starts cackling in glee. “Told you it would be fun!”

Mrs Cooper has a tiny devious smile on her face but it's soon replaced with a more…mournful look “My kids grew up too quickly.” It’s weird how sad and proud she can look at the same time.

“Is Missy pregnant?” Sheldon is always the tactful one.

Meemaw cackles again and Mrs Cooper holds her head.

“Oh boy.”

Penny is still too stunned to talk, at least she’s not choking anymore.

Penny takes Mrs Cooper to the boutique and lets her go wild with her employee discount…which means Mrs Cooper buys 2 pairs of shoes, 1 blouse and 1 sweater. Penny has to basically shove the cute dress in her bag, Mrs Cooper had loved it, she looked great in it and it was super affordable, it’d be a crime to NOT get it.

Meemaw’s fried chicken is basically a heart attack on a plate. But it’s so, so, so freaking good.

Finals suck ass. Penny will never get tired of saying it.

Missy looks beautiful in her wedding dress, and you can’t even notice she’s pregnant.

The wedding is rather small, but it’s because they will have a second wedding in Boston for most of Jonah’s family. This one is for Missy and her family.

Jonah is smiling like a loon the entire time and Missy is simply glowing with happiness. It was pure luck that Missy finished school last fall, Penny couldn’t imagine being pregnant AND going to school at the same time.

The groom’s family looks like a cast reunion of ‘The Boondock Saints’ and Penny kinda digs it.

Thankfully the wedding is not dry, but they won’t serve her a thing because she’s not twenty one. Her protests of her Birthday being in February fall on deaf ears. Luckily she has a boyfriend that is over twenty one.

“No. I will not participate in your crime”

Penny’s eyebrows try to escape her forehead and she can’t close her mouth.

“Bazinga.” Breathy little laugh.

Penny narrows her eyes but she can’t fight the smile and ends up laughing a little. She still makes him get her a Cuba libre.

2004 starts with Missy’s wedding and Penny has a good feeling about it.
It will also be her last year in UCLA and she’s already preparing to start going to auditions. Her counselor is a wonderful woman named Laura, she’s teaching Penny about how to manage expectations and how auditions are not as straightforward as Penny once thought.

Casting Directors were your best and your worst friend. Just because you might have worked with one of them in a previous project, it meant little for your next audition.

Ruthlessness was the rule of the game.

Penny was looking forward to it, she was scared shitless of course. But it felt like getting on that horse right before a rodeo. It made her blood sing.

Chapter 52: Callback (Happenstance)


Sequel to Bite


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny goes to her first audition, and she blows it, like huge chunks, whale sized chunks. Everything she has been working, studying and preparing suddenly flew out of her head as soon as the audition started.

Laura laughs a lot and tells Penny that’s the reason why the first audition should not be for your dream role.

Penny’s second audition goes better. It’s a part for a commercial, she just needs to look like the teenage daughter in the background, which she nails, it’s just a local commercial but Penny feels wired all week long after the shoot. They will air it sometime in March so she mentions it to Sheldon so he can remind her about it.

School is somewhat easier to manage, last year of college and for the first time she’s not playing catch up. Laura also has been a godsend and Penny is taking advantage of her presence as much as she can.

On the recommendation of Laura, she’s also attending improv classes and singing lessons.

The improv classes are fantastic! The singing lessons are…well, they’re singing lessons.

Kelly asks for help with a project and Penny can’t say no to her. Sheldon is the hard sell.

“I refuse.”

“Please, please, please Sheldon. It’s for my sociology project.”

“I understand, howe-”

“Penny will do that thing you like that she doesn’t.”

“Hey!” Why did Kelly have to drag her into it?

“Is that true?” Sheldon was suddenly all business.

Kelly turned puppy dog eyes at her and Penny couldn’t hold out “Yeah, yeah, okay. But only once!”

Sheldon nods satisfied “Very well then, I’ll participate.”

Later Kelly has the decency to apologize at least.

“I mean, he’s a guy, so I thought that would break his defenses. Which it did!” Kelly looks triumphant before looking subdued again. “Look, I’ll owe you one.”


“I’ll even buy you the lube myself.”

“...what the hell are you talking about?”

“Oh, I thought that since he was so into your butt…that you know.” Kelly wiggles her eyebrows and it takes Penny a second to get it.

“OH!” Penny starts laughing hysterically “You thought he?” Laughter doesn’t let her continue. Kelly looks putout so Penny tries her best to control herself. “He was talking about a Star Trek TOS Marathon.” Laughter still bubbles out of her.

“Oh, well, that is less fun.”

“Not for him.” Her laughter reduces to a smile.

“So…you two never, you know?”

“And that’s my cue to leave.”

“Aw c’mon.”

Kelly’s project is supposed to be easy. Penny will emcee a small Q&A forum where the guests will be men in committed relationships. One of those men is Sheldon, another one is someone in their mid-fifties and the last one is someone in their sixties. Sheldon is sitting between the two older men and he makes for a striking figure, the other two were not what you would call ‘conventionally handsome’.

The attendants will be able to submit anonymous questions that Penny will read out loud so that the guests can reply to them. Kelly will also provide the attendants with a questionnaire where they will be able to submit their thoughts at the end of the event.

Also, all of the attendants will be women, students from UCLA.

Everything was going fine until the second question, as Penny reads it she can feel her eyebrows go higher and higher in disbelief.

“Thank you, now for our next question. This is for…’The cute one’, ladies, please remember, these men are in committed relationships. Especially Sheldon!” Her voice was hard. “Anyways, the question is: How did you meet your girlfriend? Sheldon?”

“I met her as she struggled with her math homework, I assisted her and she provided me with cheesecake.” His tone is clinical, nothing romantic about it, and still the women in the audience let out a collective ‘Awwwwww’ which just makes Penny narrow her eyes at the audience.

“Moving on, next question.” Her tone of voice is no longer warm. “For…’The Hot one.’” Penny smiled woodenly at the audience and in a sweet voice repeated “Remember ladies, committed relationships. We also have two other guests. The question is: What is your girlfriend’s worst trait? Oh that’s a great question. Sheldon?”

“She doubts her own skills far too often despite repeatedly showing proficiency.”

This time Penny wants to join in the ‘Awwwww’

The next 3 questions were for the other two guests and things seemed to be back to normal.

“This question is for Dr. Cooper, glad someone listened to his title.” Penny feels better so she’s back to joking. “The question is: My name is Maureen, would you like to have dinner with me? I give a mean blow-HEY!” Penny is fully glaring at the audience now, trying to find this Maureen. “Committed relationships Ladies!”

The rest of the night doesn’t go any better and Kelly agrees that this is the last time she asks for this type of favor.

Penny fumes while Sheldon thinks it all went swimmingly.

“So, let me get this straight. You want to propose?”

Sheldon is in his office and Fred is sitting in front of him.

“I believe that I have been clear about my intentions.” Sheldon is close to fidgeting, he is not sure on how to proceed with this matter, Fred was the obvious choice to ask due to him being his closest male friend while also knowing Penny.

“No no no, don’t get me wrong, I think it’s great!” Penny had once said that Fred had the same energy as a Golden Retriever, Sheldon had to agree with that assessment. “But what is your question?”

Sheldon sighs annoyed, he liked Fred, but the man was easily distracted. “My question is, how to proceed? Penny does not enjoy public demonstrations like those shown in movies and shows.”

“Ohhhhhhhhh I got you, I see. Well…first of all, you should get a ring. Can’t propose without having a ring.” Fred scratches at a non-existent beard. “Also, girls like being surprised. So, make sure to do that. And since she doesn’t like doing it where people can see you, do it in a private place.”

Sheldon nods, a lot of what Fred is saying he had already considered. “I see. Thank you.”

“Anytime man!”

His Meemaw gives him similar advice. With the only difference being that he needed to go to Galveston to pick up Meemaw’s engagement ring.

“Are you sure Meemaw?”

“Boy, don’t ya sass me and come pick this thing up.” Even through the phone Meemaw’s voice was full of strength.

“Yes Meemaw.”

Penny was 99.99% sure that Sheldon was about to propose.

Fred had been acting funny around her, trying to not spill the beans most likely. And then Sheldon took an unexpected and spontaneous trip to Galveston.

Penny was 100% sure she was going to say yes to him.

But it’s been a month since that trip and nothing.

Sheldon hated surprises. Both being in the receiving end and the one planning them. He was certain that so far he had been successful at hiding his intentions from Penny.

But he knew his limits, it would not be long before his face started twitching and there was no way to prevent Penny from noticing that.

He was unsure on what counted as a sufficient surprise, which led him to create and run a survey.

Fred: “A romantic dinner at home, and then propose as you toast.”
Kelly: “Take her to a fancy restaurant and order champagne, once it arrives hide the ring in the flute.”
Tamika: “How did you get my number? Anyway, just tell her, she doesn’t do over the top romance.”
Laura: “Pack a picnic, take her on a hike and propose around sundown. Just the two of you.”
Missy: “Shelly, just tell her and then screw her brains out.”
Mother: Unintelligible
Meemaw: “Cook her something nice, tell her how you feel and just let it happen.”
Georgie: “Do everything Meemaw tells you.”
Mandy: “Whatever you do, don’t do a Bazinga.”

That feedback kills his favorite plan. He was planning on deceiving Penny into thinking he had fallen in love with someone else only to reveal that it was actually her all along. She was sure that Penny would have liked it and laughed alongside him. Alas.

Penny graduates.

Her family is there for her. Not her blood relatives, but the family that she found with Sheldon. Meemaw, Mrs Cooper, Missy and even Jonah are there. It makes her cry and thanks god for her luck.

Sheldon is still unable to find the right time.

Auditions are brutal. Penny is thankful for Laura’s advice because otherwise she’s pretty sure that she would have flopped down into a depressed blob.

She’s got a callback and it went great. It's for a small part in ‘Scrubs’ but Penny is happy because it’s for a patient, not for the hot cousin or the hot girlfriend but for the patient of the week. The role at least has some depth.

Penny has never been so anxious, the call confirming if she got it or not takes forever. At least it feels like it does.

“Ohmygodohmygodohmygod-” She chants after hanging up and once Sheldon comes home from work she tackles him against their door, not even giving him a chance to remove his jacket.

“IGOTIT!” She can’t stop jumping and squeeing.

“Congratulations Penny.” Sheldon hugs her, it’s the only way that she stays still, but she grabs the lapels of his jacket and runs in place. “I was confident in your acting skills.”

“I can’t believe this!” Penny looks up at him. “This day can’t get better!”

Penny sees Sheldon freeze for a moment before he slowly asks “If another event were to happen today, a happy event, would it add to your current level of happiness?”

It takes her a moment to run the words through her Sheldon filter. “Yeah. Of course it would.”

Sheldon nods satisfied and moves away to start putting his jacket away as well as his bag. “One moment.” Sheldon goes into his room and Penny is left alone in the living room. ‘Weirdo’, but the fondness can’t be hidden even in her own head.

Once he comes back, he’s carrying a towel for some reason.

“Er, everything okay there Moonpie?”

“Yes, Penny, could you please stand here?” He points in front of his whiteboard.

“Okay?” She does as he asks but he’s definitely acting weird.

“Excellent, one moment.” Off he goes, he rarely uses the dimmer but for some reason he makes sure the lights are low, the light from the early afternoon comes through the window and the apartment glows amber in her eyes.


“Almost done.” Sheldon adjusts the lights one last time and then goes back to stand in front of her. An idea starts forming in her head and she can feel her eyes start to sting.


“Penny.” He stops for a moment and puts the towel at her feet. The vague idea is now picture clear. Sheldon goes to one knee and her breath is gone. “Penny. You are t-”

Before Sheldon is able to finish she’s tackled him to the floor and is kissing him fiercely. Once her need of oxygen can’t be ignored any longer, she stops, grabs his face, makes sure that his eyes are focused on her before saying “Yes.”

“But Penny, I wasn’t able to-”

She kisses him again. Technicalities can wait until later.


Hey there, I had to step back from the fic for a moment because I felt like I was rushing through some moments. And it helped! I was able to get back into the right rhythm for it.

Related subject, I just posted another rewrite of one of the prompts from this fic, so if you haven't already, I would really appreciate it if you could go read it The Accidental Polarization

Also, I like Reba, I borrowed the setup of an episode for this chapter.

Chapter 53: Family (Happenstance)


Sequel to Callback

Chapter Text

Sheldon is asleep under her, even having upgraded their bed to a double they always ended up wound up around each other. Penny is still admiring the ring he gave her. Eventually.

Penny knew that she could be a little impatient at times but yeah, this one took the cake, no way they can tell their hypothetical grandchildren that Sheldon popped the question while they were in the middle of sex because their grandma was impatient. Yeah no.

The smile on her face might as well be tattooed. This getting married thing was weird, when Penny was thirteen she had made the very conscious choice of not getting married, sure, she was a sucker for romance movies and books. But she never actually thought she would be doing it herself, it was something for everybody else to do. But not for her.

It wasn’t that she was jaded…well, it wasn’t just because of that. Growing up in her household didn’t exactly show her healthy marriage dynamics, her mom was a mess for sure, but her dad wasn’t exactly a saint.

And young Penny was smart enough to put two and two together and decide that marriage wasn’t for her. Of course, like any kid she thought this was normal and that all other kids lived like this, so she had quite the shock when finding out that no, not all moms got drunk at 2 in the afternoon and that the occasional screaming matches during dinner wasn’t something everyone experienced.

Young Penny had made that decision to not marry, and then Teen Penny discovered sex. It’s a hard lesson to learn that sex does not equal love.

Penny learned that in a gas station bathroom while crying and hoping the pregnancy test didn’t show a second line. Matt Robinson had promised that he loved her, that he would marry her and then he had told her to fuck off once her period was late. Not ideal, as Sheldon would say.

High School had been fun, she had kept her grades high enough to not ruin her chances at College, but mostly, she had fun, parties, boys and alcohol. Her mom would be proud.

And then Sheldon had come into her life, tall, gangly and cute as heck.

That Penny in 2000 had no idea how much her life would change just by meeting Dr Moonpie. She’s glad that it happened tho, otherwise she’s not sure where her life might have gone. That Penny had thought that acting was easy, that all she needed to do was smile and people would be lining up to offer her roles.

But that Penny is lost to time.

This Penny has a degree, is starting her acting career and very shortly will be married to over six feet of crazy. She can’t wait.

Sheldon had told her about multiverses, how every choice created a new possible universe. Penny doesn’t want to think about the universes where she and Sheldon never meet. They must be incredibly dull and sad.

Sheldon mumbles something in his sleep and Penny smiles at him. Her own eyes feel heavy, cuddling closer to Sheldon she closes her eyes.

Maybe she can dream of the other universes, the good ones, where a Sheldon and a Penny meet.

“It’s too early, Moonpie, I don’t want to move.” Penny whines and buries her head in the crook of his arm.

“Penny. It’s the same time I always get up.”

“And you get up way too early.” Her voice is muffled but she doesn’t doubt that he can hear her perfectly.

“I can stay in bed with you for another…11 minutes before I have to get up.”

Penny finally leaves the safety of his arm and places her chin on his chest to look up at him. “What do you say about marrying in Texas?” Penny yawns in the middle of her question and rubs at her eyes.

“I find the idea agreeable.” Sheldon tries to resist it but he ends up yawning as well. “Do you want to invite your parents? Though I believe I know the answer.”

“God no!” Penny shakes her head. “I don’t want them there.”

Sheldon nods, he already knew she would answer like this. “I am not a fan of elaborate and large events. But should you desire a larg-” Her hand covers his mouth before he can finish.

“Nah, I don’t want anything super lage, just your family and our friends and that’s it.” She removes her hand and continues. “In fact, if I didn’t know for a fact that it would break your mother’s heart, I would be happy just by going to the courthouse.”

Sheldon grimaces, reluctantly nods “Yes, I do believe that would be the case.”

“I liked Missy’s wedding, it wasn’t big or flashy.”

“Do you have a preferred date in mind?”

She actually did. Even before Sheldon proposed, she already knew the date she’d like. “Yep.” Penny popped the word and smiled brightly at him.

“Missy got New Year’s. We get Christmas.”

Sheldon hums “I suppose it’s fitting.”

“Yeah, that first Christmas at your mom’s was special and every Christmas since I’ve felt accepted by your family, it means a lot to me.”

“Christmas has been much better since you’ve been part of my life.” He gives her one of his authentic smiles. “I’ve come to appreciate Christmas again.”

Penny smiles up at him. Her Moonpie has-

Before she can finish the thought, Sheldon stands up and lets her face fall to the mattress “Time’s up, I need to get ready.”

Penny chuckles, and here she was about to say he had gotten better at intimate moments. “Have fun at work Honey.”

“Thank you Penny. I always do.”

It wasn’t long before Penny fell back asleep.

When Penny informs her (new) family and friends about Sheldon proposing, the lack of real surprise makes her realize that she was the one playing catch up.

Skype is a wonderful tool, most of the time.

Having the 3 Cooper women on a call would usually be great, except when they’re trying to organize your wedding. Penny had feared that Missy would move to Boston but Jonah’s disbelieving ‘I wanted sun, why do you think I moved out?’ is enough to make everyone laugh in relief. They bought a house in Galveston, close but not that close to Mrs Cooper home.

“Okay, stop, stop!!!” Penny wishes she could be in the same room as them. “We don't want anything big. We both liked Missy’s wedding and would like the same treatment.”

“Practical, I like that.” Meemaw agrees right away.

“We can start by booking the church and the hall. I’ll handle that.” A heavily pregnant Missy promises.

“We’ll get our pastor to do it.” Mrs Cooper hasn’t stopped smiling since she broke the news.

“I would love to get my dress while I’m there, but time-wise it’s going to be tight. So I’ll buy it here.”

“Nonsense Penny, we’ll travel to you and we can do it together.”

“Er, that would be lovely Mrs Coop-Mary, but Missy is due any day now and I’m sure a baby will be hard to manage.”

“Don’t you worry about that.” Mrs Cooper didn’t look worried. “Jonah’s mom is already here and she can sub in for a weekend.”

“Yeah Girlie, we do this together.”

Penny feels her eyes sting, she really got lucky.

Missy safely delivers a gorgeous boy that makes even Sheldon admits that he is really cute. Shane is a Virgo like his dad. Hopefully he’ll be just as jolly.

Her role in Scrubs is amazing! Zach Braff is a little full of himself but he’s never rude or impatient towards her, he’s directing the episode which makes Penny panic for a moment but he’s good at it and soon Penny is in the groove of things.

The hardest part of the entire shoot is makeup, she has to sit for 2 hours while they make her look sick, but not sick enough that the audience can tell how sick she really is. That’s the twist after all.

It’s all over far too soon for her liking. On the last day of shooting she cries on the way back home, but they’re happy tears.

Penny loves acting.

Mrs Cooper and Meemaw make good on their promise and they go dress hunting for an entire weekend. Penny finds her perfect dress on the second day.

It has long billowed sleeves which make it look dreamy, Penny loves the pleated waistband and bodice, it has a slit that ends at the knee and the keyhole back is conservative enough that even Mrs Cooper approves of it.

They still try more dresses but Penny is confident that she has found her dress.

Meemaw pays for it and it blows Penny’s mind.

“Nonononono, I can afford it, Meemaw. I just got my firs-”

“Girlie.” Meemaw’s voice is sharp and her face is serious. It makes Penny shut up right away “Ya’re family.” Suddenly her face broke into a very Sheldon-like smile. “I got ya Girlie.”

“Thank you Meemaw.” Penny choked out.

“Come here you big baby.” Meemaw laughed and pulled Penny into a hug.

Yeah, Penny had found her family.

“Buddy, did you watch Scrubs last week?”

“Oh man, the blonde?”

“I know buddy, I know, So hot.”

“Why can’t we get girls like those?”

“Because we’re short and nerds?”

“It was rhetorical Howard.”

“I know, I know. Your microphone sounds great by the way. Better than whatever crap you were using.”

“Thanks, I decided to replace my old headset.”

“I can’t wait for you to get here. Mobs at three o'clock.”

“Got them. Me too, just half a year before I’m done and get my PhD.”

“That’s awesome buddy. Your mom still the same?”

“Ugh, yeah. Watch my back, healing.”

“I got you. Well, soon you’ll be able to forget about her buddy. You and Me. Friday night. Clubbing. We’re gonna score so much.”

Before Leonard can react to that statement Howard is yelling.


“Everything okay Howard?”

“Oh yeah, yeah, all good. By the way, have you thought about what I told you? We got that extra room and I think you and I could make for pretty badass roommates.”

“I don’t kno-”

“I’M TALKING TO LEONARD! Sorry, you were saying?”

“I think I want to try living on my own, you know?”

“Ahhhh I get you buddy, you want the bachelor pad, good thinking.”

Leonard couldn’t wait to get out of Jersey.

Chapter 54: Phonecall (Happenstance)


Sequel to Family.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny had thought that after her role in Scrubs it would be slightly easier to find her next role but Thanksgiving came and went without another role materializing for her.

She’s trying really hard not to let it get to her, but it’s really hard. Last month she auditioned for a sitcom and Penny really thought she had nailed it, but no callback. Laura had already told her that the rough part would never end, you would always wonder about what you could have done differently or better. The secret was in not stopping, not letting yourself stop trying.

There was always the next role.

“Fred. You can untap your Lob-”

“Sorry! Sorry, got it, almost forgot.”

“It’s rude to interrupt.” Sheldon saw Fred impish smile and could feel his eye twitch in annoyance, ever since they became friends Fred had taken upon himself to ‘tease’ Sheldon. Part of being friends. Usually he would only allow Penny to have that privilege, but Fred had an annoying way of being endearing.

“I untap my Lobber Crew due to casting-”

Their opponents could already see their end approaching and rather than face the humiliation of dying by a barrage of 1 damage pings, they simply scooped.

“GG guys, better luck next time.” It was amazing how Fred could easily disarm people with a smile, the Indian man in front of him seemed to have even blushed due to it.

Their opponents grumbled a response but Sheldon didn’t care enough to pay attention to it, he was carefully packing his deck and ensuring his cards remained in an ideal condition.

“Fred, Sheldon, let’s go!” Every head turned to look at the door, including Sheldon and Fred. Penny and Kelly stood there. “We’re running late for the movie.” Penny waved in apology to Summer whose turn it was to man the counter.

“We just finished our game and we’re ready to go.”

“Chop chop Moonpie.”

Sheldon narrowed his eyes at Penny who only smiled wider. He said nothing, he’d get even later.

“Dude, stop hitting me.” Raj rubbed at his shoulder.

“The blonde, the blonde!”

“What blonde?” Even though they had met not too long ago, Raj liked Howard quite a lot, but he could be way too excitable at times.

“The girl!” Howard gestured towards the door. “Scrubs!”

“Dude, breathe.”

“I could swear that’s the girl that appeared in Scrubs!”


“Ah, forget it. Leonard would have gotten it.”

“Is this Leonard your imaginary friend?”

“He’s not…You know, you sound like my mother.”

“Low blow dude.”

“Let’s go find another game before we hit the clubs.”

“Nothing like Magic to prepare you for clubbing.”

“Howard, c’mon, let's go. I’m tired.”

“I was so close to getting her number!”

“You were close to getting a kick in your giblets.”

“Look, 10 0’clock, two girls. You take the chubb-nevermind, they have boyfriends.”

Raj shook his head in disbelief. “Dude, Monday it’s my first day. I would rather not have to spend my weekend in jail.”

“Okay, okay, but I’m only going along with this because I’m your friend and not because we couldn’t score anything.”

“Whatever dude.”

“Nervous about your first day?” Howard at least started moving towards the entrance and Raj followed him.

“A little bit. I heard Dr Cooper is quite intimidating.”


“Dude! You’re kidding!”

“Woah woah, I’m not. Don’t squeeze my arms so hard, I need to drive us home.” Howard rubbed at his biceps.

“Sorry, but dude! Sheldon Cooper is the one that wrote that paper about string theory and dark matter.” Unfortunately the only response Raj got was Howard’s blank face. “You need to get out of your Engineering cave more often. You’ve been working at Caltech for almost a year and you’ve never heard or seen Dr Cooper?”

“Hey, unless Dr Cooper is a hot chick, I don’t really care.”

“Is that the only reason you like Lynn Conway?”

“That woman is a national treasure and Caltech would be lucky to have her.”

“Well, that’s Dr Cooper for the Physics world.”

“I know you like your old and crusty old men but-”

“Dude!” Raj laughed “Dr Cooper is younger than you!”

“Wait, what?”

“Take us to McDonalds first and I’ll tell you what I know.”

“Weren’t you tired?”

“Never too tired for a cheeseburger.”

“Hey Howard, I just got my mount to-”

“Shut up Lenny! I got some fricking news for you! I SAID FRICKING, MOM!”

“Oh, okay?”

“Guess who we saw at the game store last Friday?”


“Raj and I, remember Raj?”

“Is he-”

“No he’s not imaginary. We saw that blonde chick from Scrubs!”

“No way! Are you serious?!”

“As serious as my mom’s blood sugar levels.”




“Too real?”


“My bad. But yeah, man, she’s even hotter in person.”

“What was she doing in the game store though? That doesn’t sound like a thing a girl would do.”

“Oh, she was picking up her boyfriend, this redhead guy that kicked our asses at Magic. Have you ever watched Conan? This guy looked just like him and he was just as charismatic. I wanted to hate him, but I just couldn’t. They make the perfect couple.”

“Aw man, she has a boyfriend?” Leonard had the whine down to an art.

“Buddy, they always have a boyfriend.”

“When is it going to be our turn huh? Don’t we deserve a hot girlfriend as well?”

“I am actively working on that Bud, soon enough you’ll see me with a hot chick hanging from my arm.”

“So is your mom okay with me staying until I find a place?”

“Sure is Bud. Plan is still the same?”

“Yeah, I’ll apply to Caltech and hopefully be able to find a place of my own soon after.”

“Speaking of, does the name Sheldon Cooper mean anything to you?”

“THE Sheldon Cooper? You’re joking right? I’m a Physicist Howard, you can’t take a class without Dr Cooper’s name somehow showing up.”

“Oh wow, okay, I thought Raj was exaggerating about this guy.”

“He’s the reason I’m applying for Caltech. This guy is going to change the world Howard.”

“He can’t be all that-”

“Sheldon Cooper was the one that solved the issue of rocket retro-propulsion and reentry to earth. He was eleven.”

“...holy fuck…” Howard could hear his mom yelling at him for cursing, but he was too shocked to yell back.

“Yeah. He’s THAT good.”

“You suck Sheldon.”

Her Moonpie glared at Fred. Fred and Kelly have been helping them practice how to dance and while Sheldon was usually a fast learner at everything he did, it looked like dancing was his one weakness.

“Don’t listen to him Moonpie, he’s just jealous because Kelly actually can wear heels to dance with you and still look up and not look down like with him.” Penny pulled Sheldon’s face to make him focus on the dancing again.

“Ouch, okay. No more teasing Sheldon.” Fred acted as if someone had shot him after Kelly swatted at his arm. “You guys are still going to Kelly’s graduation right?”

“Yes. Our flight is scheduled for the day after her graduation, which should give us more than enough time to assist with the wedding preparations.” Sheldon talked as if they weren’t in the middle of dancing.

“Yep. We couldn’t miss it.” Sheldon had said he didn’t dance but maybe they could take dance lessons together, Penny wanted to learn how to Salsa. “And you guys already have your tickets right?”

Kelly answered happily “Yep. We were able to get some pretty cheap tickets thanks to Fred’s mom. We’ll fly out on the 22nd and then come back on the 27th. Leave you guys to your Honeymoon.”

Sheldon froze and Penny almost went tumbling. “Penny! A Honeymoon! We haven’t planned it!”

“What are you talking about? We’re going to Texas, doesn’t that count as a Honeymoon?”

“Oh. I see.”

“Nonononononononononononononono. NO!” Kelly was shaking her head at them and raised her voice at the end. “What do you mean that’s your Honeymoon? There’s no way you’re spending your first night as a married couple in your Mom’s house” She pointed to Sheldon.

“No of course no.” Sheldon looks offended. Kelly looks relieved until he talks again. “It would be Meemaw’s house.”

Penny wants to laugh at Kelly’s expression.

“That’s it, neither of you can be trusted with this. Penny, may I have your phone for a moment please?” Kelly extends her hand.

“What for?”

“I need to speak to someone with common sense and Missy seems to be the only option.”

Turns out that Missy was also scandalized about Penny and Sheldon not having made any actual Honeymoon plans, after much back and forth and several calls later, Sheldon and Penny have a 4 days and 3 nights stay at the Grand Galvez Hotel…In Galveston, a 5 minute drive away from Meemaw’s house. Sheldon grumbles about it until Penny points out they can have sex and not worry about his family bursting in unannounced.

Penny is reading a script. She’s got the option to audition for an upcoming sitcom, ‘How I met your mother’ is a weird title but the script is golden.

She’s so focused on it that when her phone rings, she doesn’t check the caller ID before answering.


“Hey Pen.” Penny freezes at hearing the voice. Frowns in disbelief and takes a look at the phone screen ‘Dad’.

“Heeeeeeey dad.” This feels weird, it brings back all sorts of feelings. “Uh, how are you?” This is awkward, this is so awkward.

“We’re okay. So, uh, listen. We saw you on that doctor’s show.”

Penny can feel her throat close, the script now forgotten on her lap. “Oh.” She tries to say more but it won’t come out.


An awkward silence fills the static of the call. Her dad is the first to speak.

“I just wanted to call you. To congratulate you, that is.”

“Thanks.” Penny hates the warmth that fills her chest at her father’s words. “Dad.” She adds hastily.

“Uh, also, your mother says hi.”

Penny scoffs “No she doesn’t.”

“...Yeah…” No point trying to deny it. “Anyway, I’m proud of you slugger.”

Penny has to close her eyes, tears sting at her eyes hearing her father use her nickname again. “Thank you Dad.” She’s trying to keep herself under control but her dad must be able to hear Penny starting to break.

“I’m sorry.” His own voice breaks. “I’m so sorry.” And for the first time in her life, Penny hears her father cry.

“Daddy.” Penny says it in the same voice she did when she was five.

Her father gasps, she can hear him trying to get himself back under control. “I love you slugger.” He manages to say and Penny feels something inside of her dislodge, a weight she didn’t know was there is suddenly gone.

Slowly, painfully, they start talking about things they kept inside for far too long. Things that shouldn’t have been pushed to the side. Recriminations and apologies are now on the table, unable and unwilling to be ignored further.

Things are not okay, they’re both too bruised for things to be okay…but Penny can see a future where they’re okay, eventually.

“Dad, I’m getting married.”


“Do you think, you could mak-”

“I’ll make it.” Her dad doesn’t hesitate. “I’ll make it.” He repeats it.

“Uh, mom…” Penny is unsure on how to finish the sentence.

“I don’t think she will be able to make it.”


Neither mentions that Penny hasn’t told him the date yet.

Plans are quickly made and her father promises to be there once again. After the call with her father, Penny has to take a shower. She knows that it’s silly, but as she’s drying herself she feels so much lighter.

Now to call Missy to make some changes to the wedding.


The sections with Howard, Leonard and Raj will probably feel weird, I had a hard time connecting with them so I kept it to dialogue only, for the most part.

Chapter 55: Nuggets (Happenstance)


Sequel to Phonecall


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Kelly’s graduation is so loud.

Her family from Georgia wouldn’t miss her graduation and once her name is called it’s like a stampede happened, there’s whistling, clapping, yelling and she’s pretty sure they’re stamping their feet.

Kelly looks proud as heck.

Fred and Penny join in making noise, and even Sheldon claps a little more enthusiastically while cringing all the while.

They all go have lunch with Kelly’s family and Fred ends up proposing in the middle of lunch much to the delight of everyone present.

As soon as the plane lands in Texas, Penny feels at home.

This place holds so many great memories and the family she didn’t know she needed. Meemaw and Mrs Cooper have been more of a mother figure than her own flesh and blood. Not to mention that she actually feels loved.

She’s the one driving to Galveston this time. She sings along with David Bowie’s ‘Starman’ and even Sheldon is tapping his finger to the rhythm.

Penny loves the view as they drive down I-45, it’s magical in a way she would have a hard time explaining to anyone else. Life is good.

They’ll be staying with Meemaw again right up to the wedding and then it’s off to the Hotel and then back to Meemaw’s house. Maybe down the line, when Penny has a steadier role they might go on a second Honeymoon.

Meemaw’s house soon comes into view and Penny loves the feeling of home it brings her. “Ready for a nap Moonpie?”

Sheldon yawns. “Perhaps we could have lunch first.”

Penny nods and tries to stifle her own yawn. “Hopefully your mom made pancakes.”

Sheldon brightens. “That would be ideal.”

Sadly Penny doesn’t get her wish, when they enter Mrs Cooper kitchen she’s prepared a breakfast casserole, and while it looks super good, Penny mourns for the pancakes that weren’t.

Mrs Cooper crushes Penny in a hug and she’s not sure why but she can feel tears start to gather, Penny hugs her back just as fiercely.

“Welcome home darlin’.” Ah this is why. She's tearing up because this is home.

Meemaw hugs her even harder and repeats the words. Penny doesn’t think she’ll ever get tired of hearing that “Welcome home.” Just two words and yet they hold so much.

Sheldon asks about Missy, but she’s with Jonah and Shane, they’ll come to Mrs Cooper’s house for dinner, Meemaw tells them.

The casserole is amazing and Penny regrets thinking it wasn’t as good as pancakes. Mrs Cooper is a magician when it comes to cooking, this is the last time Penny underestimates her.

Sheldon’s alarm pulls her out of her sleep.

Penny doesn’t know why but napping after a flight just feels really good, she wipes her mouth and hopes Sheldon doesn’t notice the wet spot on his jacket.

Squinting at the alarm clock shows that it’s still early for dinner. Sheldon looks tired still, but he still sits up on the bed.

“Come back to bed Moonpie, I’m tired.” Penny mumbles as she plants her face in the warm spot left by Sheldon.

“If we sleep for longer than we already have, our circadian rhythms will be affected.” He sounds way too reasonable for having just woken up a moment ago.

“Don’t wanna.”

“Missy mentioned in one of her emails that a new McDonalds recently opened up a couple of blocks away.”

“...I guess I could go for a McNugget…”

“A single McNugget?”

“...because of that, you’re driving.”

They eat their McNuggets in the car, Sheldon doesn’t want his mother to find out.

“Are you nervous Moonpie? About the wedding I mean.” Penny adds that last part, otherwise Sheldon might take it too literally.

He had just dipped his nugget in the BBQ sauce, stopped and faced her. “No. If I hadn’t been a hundred percent sure, I would not have proposed.”

Penny snorts, how could she forget, her Moonpie was the romantic between them. Sarcasm.

“I know Shelly, but, you know…” Penny looks down and pretends to be interested in dipping her nugget. “Maybe there’s someone better for you out there.” She has to close her eyes, shame creeps up her neck until she can feel her face flaming.

“Penny.” Sheldon’s voice is unusually serious. But Penny can still feel the shame burning itself on her skin and she refuses to look up at him. “Penny.” He repeats, but this time it is softer, warmer.

Against her better judgment she opens her eyes and is mortified at her blurry vision, on top of everything she was about to cry. ‘Stupid, stupid, stupi-’

Sheldon’s hand on her cheek stops her internal tirade. Carefully, his thumb moves back and forth on her cheek, it makes her close her eyes again and lean into his hand.


“Sheldon.” She still has her eyes closed and shame still burns at the edges of her consciousness. Her voice is heavy with too many emotions.

“I’ve been physically attracted to people before. Some of my baser urges that I seem unable to rid myself of. However, not once did I ever feel the desire to share my life with anyone.” Sheldon’s voice is still soft, for anyone else it might seem like he is just speaking normally. But Penny knows him, she can hear the emotions in his tone.

“I found the idea of romantic relationships baffling and nonsensical. Until I met you.” Penny finally opens her eyes, she blinks quickly to try and clear her vision. Her hand covers his, still on her cheek.

“I didn’t expect…You.” Sheldon says it in a way that she knows he’s having a hard time putting into words. “You accepted me as I am. Offered your friendship and you were (and still are) never intimidated by my work or what I do. Your presence pushed me to do more, to be more. I wanted you to look at me.” A shy smile grows on his face. “I wanted you to look at me, the same way you’re looking at me right now.”

Penny smiles at him and her own hand goes to caress his face.

“I love you Penny.”

“I love you too Sheldon.”

Sheldon’s voice grows serious again. “There is no one better than you to stand by my side. Penny, I subscribe to the "Many Worlds" theory which posits the existence of an infinite number of Sheldons in an infinite number of universes, I assure you that in every single one of them I love you.”

Penny can feel heat on her face again, but this time it warms her from the inside out and turns her into goo.

Turns out that Sheldon was the romantic one.

That same night, Penny is too wired to go to bed, she has all of these feelings inside of her and if she stays in the same room as Sheldon for a moment longer she’s going to jump his bones. Which usually wouldn’t be an issue, except that Penny can hear Meemaw and Mrs Cooper out in the backyard.

If Penny can hear them, then they can hear Penny and Sheldon.

Since she’s already up, Penny decides to walk downstairs and join them. The night air is crisp and cool, before moving to join the Cooper women at the porch swing, Penny takes a big breath of night air and lets it out slowly.

“Couldn’t sleep, Girlie?” Meemaw is nursing a beer.

“Yeah, I thought you wouldn’t mind if I joined you.”

Meemaw laughs and motions for Penny to sit between them.

“Penny, darlin’, what is it? Are you nervous about the wedding?” Mrs Cooper also has a beer.

“No, no, well, yeah. I mean…yeah. I was feeling something but Sheldon reassured me and I’m feeling better now.” Penny sits between the Cooper women and this time Meemaw covers her legs with her own blanket. Penny smiles at her.

“Good, good. I would hate to have to dust off my old shotgun.” Meemaw jokes…well, Penny hopes it’s a joke.

“Darlin’, Missy mentioned something about your dad coming to the wedding. Is that right?”

“Oh, yeah. I…don’t know if I can say that things are okay between us, but, well, you know, I just…it just felt right to tell him.” Penny nods to herself. “Maybe one day we can be okay again.”

Mrs Cooper makes a noise in the back of her throat, Penny isn’t sure if it’s an approving noise or not but the hand on her leg is solid and supportive.

“If your daddy messes up, I’ll set him straight. Don’t you worry.”

Warmth fills her chest. “Thank you Mrs Cooper.”

Mrs Cooper smiles but it quickly turns into a frown. “Now, I remember telling you to call me Mary.”

“Ah…sorry, it's just-”

Mrs Cooper continues talking, as if Penny hadn’t said anything. “But I can see that it’s a bit hard for you.” Mrs Cooper's arm goes around Penny. “So, how about instead, you call me Mom.”

Penny freezes, but then slowly, allows her head to rest on the solid shoulder beneath her.

“I think I can do that.” her voice is choked up with emotion.

“Every day, I give thanks to the Lord for bringing you to us Darlin’. You’re exactly what my Snick-ugh.” Penny is already crying but she needs to be closer to this woman, to her mom. Penny hugs her suddenly and tightly, making the older woman squawk.

Meemaw laughs at the sound.

It feels weird to say it. Mom. But not bad weird. Her Mom hugs her back and rests her cheek atop Penny’s head.

Penny would never get tired of saying this. ‘I’m home.’

Kelly and Fred soon come to join them, as well as Tamika and Jack.

Fred and Sheldon pull Jack aside and the forever jock is treated to a crash course on Magic The Gathering. Soon enough Jack is playing against Fred and the both of them are hurling good natured threats and insults at each other, while Sheldon looks approvingly at the cards on the kitchen table.

Tamika looks confused at her boyfriend and Penny doesn’t have the heart to tell her that he was just converted to a new religion.

Her dad arrives on Christmas Eve, alone, thankfully.

“Penny, Darlin’. Why don’t you and Shelly go and check on Meemaw’s brisket.”

Penny wants to argue, but Sheldon takes her by the hand and they go to Meemaw’s house. They check on the brisket and perhaps it takes them 10 minutes total, when they’re back, her dad is red eyed and can’t look her in the eye.

“Penny, why don’t ya show yar dad the backyard?” Meemaw offers.

She knows it’s a setup of some kind but she still does it, they sit on the porch swing and neither says anything for a long while.

“You found some good people.”

Penny smiles and nods at her dad, she’s proud of this house and the people in it. “I did.”

“I’m glad…I’m glad…” Her dad trails off.

“Didn’t mom ask why you weren’t home for Christmas?”

“Ah, she’s spending it with Tim up at the joint. Apparently he found Jesus and he’s been doing okay, so they gonna let him have dinner with family.”

Penny nods but doesn’t say anything, her brother was a stranger so she didn’t have an opinion.

“Pen…I’m sorry.” Her dad deflates, he always looked so strong, but right now he just looks like a thin and tired old man. “I owe you an explanation.”

This was the rest of the conversation they left pending it looked like.

“Tim was always a mess. Ever since he was but a sprout, I could see it. I tried to set him straight, but your mother would just baby him. Maggie was never interested in the farm or anything that could get her dirty. And then you came along, I’ve always loved you Slugger.” A watery smile appears on his face. “You came out to the world swinging. Ever since you learned how to walk you were following me around on the farm, you wanted to learn how to fix the tractor, you played with the animals and you weren’t afraid of getting dirty.”

Her dad has a faraway look on his face. “You wanted to play all the sports too and I could teach you, we spent hours outside just playing with a football.”

Penny remembers it all, as much as she hates to admit it, those are her fondest memories.

“But, I was stupid. I had tricked myself into believing that you were a boy, my boy. So when it became obvious that you weren’t one…I rejected you.” His voice breaks but he harrumps and doesn’t break further. “It was a shitty thing to do to you.”

Penny is looking straight at her father. She’s trying to make as little noise as possible.

“You…I…” He huffs. “I was selfish. That’s the truth of it.” One of his hands scratches at his face in frustration before moving up to his hair and then to the back of his head where it scratches him violently before pulling it back down. “I’ve been a shitty parent. Your mother and I, we…we loved each other at one point. She wanted to be an actress, you know?”

Penny’s eyebrows go high on her forehead, she knew her mom resented being married to a farmer but she didn’t know this.

Her dad nods as if she had voiced her thoughts. “Yeah, I thought she would grow out of it. I was also a shitty husband…still am.”

His hands rub at his mouth, as if he was trying to remove something from it. “Seeing you on that TV show just made it clear. I failed to support you.” He looks at her and the pain in his eyes mirrors hers. “I don’t deserve it. But I’m glad you gave me a second chance, Slugger.”

Penny reaches out and grabs his hand.

“A second chance sounds good.” She smiles at her dad. His hand squeezes hers and Penny remembers they were in this exact same position when she was only nine and struggling with understanding why the vet had to put down that old horse.

“I know I missed a lot, but this boy you’re marrying. Tell me about him.”

Penny does, she talks about Sheldon and how he encouraged her to be better just by being himself. How he never doubted that she could make it. She talked and talked and then talked some more, until the day grew dark and Meemaw called them in to have dinner.

It might take years for them to have a normal relationship, and they might fail. But they were going to try. Penny hoped that her dad would stay in her life from now on.

Many, many years down the line, she hopes that her children will meet their grandpa.


Next chapter might not be for this Universe, I got an idea running around in my head and it's not going away.

Chapter 56: Extraction (Assistance)


Sheldon is in the hospital and needs Penny's help.


Okay, so, this is not a continuation of the previous chapter. This was an idea running around in my head and I needed to put it down so I could focus back on the other Universe.

I got this idea while scrolling Reddit and seeing a manga that had a similar premise. So, fair warning, this is basically porn. If that's not what you like, fair, I'll see you on the next chapter. If you're sticking around to read this, keep in mind that Penny and Sheldon are using 'porn logic'.

Tried to keep it humorous as well.

Happy reading.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny was almost at the end of her shift when she received the call that Sheldon was in the hospital. For some reason she was set as his emergency contact, which was sweet in a way, that he trusted her so much. Especially after her messy break up with Leonard, of the group, Sheldon had been the only one to stay in touch and make time to meet with her.

Since her shift was almost over, her manager let her go without too much of a fuss but a Friday afternoon shift cut short still meant losing out on some tips.

Knowing that Sheldon’s life was not in danger, she decided to go to Los Robles first, both to take a shower and pick up a change of clothes for Sheldon. He despised hospitals already, so it would go a long way to calm his mind knowing he had clean clothes and that she was clean.

In less than twenty minutes Penny was on her way to the hospital, a Sheldon-approved transparent bag with his clothes neatly folded in it sat in the passenger seat. On the drive Penny had to wonder what could have led Dr Wackadoodle to land in a Hospital bed, all the nurse would say is that he was fine but he needed a family member there with him. ‘Guess that means me.’

She also spent the drive debating whether to call Leonard or not, he hadn’t been at 4A and things were still a little weird between them, she did hear that he had rekindled his relationship with Leslie Winkle so maybe he was on date.

The hospital comes soon into view and thankfully she’s able to find a parking spot easily. This is the same hospital that Sheldon drove her to when she had her shower accident, so maybe life did have a sense of humor.

Penny had been a little self conscious by coming to the hospital wearing her ‘Juicy’ sweatpants and a large hoodie but seeing everyone else in the waiting room looking pretty much the same, makes her shrug off the last of those feelings.

The reception is easy to find.

“Hi, I’m here for Sheldon Cooper. I got a call earlier.”

“Are you his girlfriend?” The nurse does not look amused and she’s staring straight at Penny.

Penny takes a moment to think, if she says no then they will most likely ask her to leave because she’s not a family member which will mean that Sheldon will have to stay here until someone can come get him out.

“Yes. I’m his girlfriend.” The lie comes out easily, no one will know.

“Thank god!” The relief in the nurse’s voice staggers Penny. Seems that she’s already encountered the wall named Sheldon Cooper personally. “Follow me.” The nurse motions to another nurse that takes over the reception and Penny has to move quickly to keep up with her.

“Mr-I mean, Dr Cooper suffered an accident at work.” The nurse hasn’t even looked back to make sure Penny is following. “He claims that another colleague of his was performing an experiment with liquid nitrogen.”

“Oh my god!”

“Don’t worry, he’s fine, it’s just some frostnip on his fingers. He could have treated this at home, but insisted on being treated here. He was also becoming disruptive, as such we moved him to his own room to prevent any incidents.”

Meaning that Sheldon was freaking out and that was causing other patients to freak out. ‘Great.’

“We gave him something to settle his nerves, but because of that he can’t leave on his own.” The nurse truly sounded relieved. Penny wanted to reassure her.

“Don’t worry, I’ll get him out of your hair in no time.”

“That’s not all I’m afraid, but let’s wait until we’re with Dr Cooper.”

Penny doesn’t question the nurse any further and simply follows her. After a couple of minutes walking they reach the open door of a room. The room is rather small and there’s only one bed in it.

“Penny!” Sheldon brightens in relief when he catches sight of her. He is more expressive than usual but that’s most likely due to whatever they gave him to calm him down.

“Hey Sheldon.” She smiles at him but her smile falters a little at seeing his bandaged hands. Before she can ask anything the nurse tells her again that he’s fine.

“I got you a change of clothes Moonpie.”

“Thank you Penny. We can finally leave this infernal place.” Sheldon is already moving to stand up but the nurse stops him.

“Not so fast Dr Cooper, you remember what the doctor asked, don’t you?”

“I have an eidet-”

“Here you go. Once you’re done you can call a nurse and we’ll sign him out.” The nurse doesn’t even listen to Sheldon, she hands Penny a plastic bag and quickly tries to leave the room. Looking down at her hand she sees a plastic cup, like the ones you have to pee in.

“Wait, wait, wait, wait!” Penny chases after the nurse “What’s this, what do you mean? I have to help him pee?” She’s freaking out a little because this just took a turn she wasn’t ready for.

“What? No.” Penny almost sighs in relief but freezes at the nurse’s next words. “The Doctor requested a sperm sample.”

Penny must have misheard her. There’s no way she just said that, but before Penny can move again the nurse is already gone, leaving Penny standing alone in the hospital hallway.

Returning to Sheldon, she could see him blushing fiercely and he had his eyes closed. ‘Oh right, freaky hearing.’

“So…uh, how are you Sheldon?” Penny decided the best way to approach this was to ignore it completely.

“I knew that wack of a doctor didn’t know what he was doing!” Sheldon said through gritted teeth.

“Wait, you told the doctor how to do his job?” A pinprick of suspicion starts to form in her mind.

“Penny. The man was a neanderthal that suggested I use aloe vera and ibuprofen to treat what’s clearly a severe case of frostbite.” Sheldon fumed and Penny’s suspicion was true. Sheldon made the doctor so upset that he requested a sperm sample, when the patient couldn’t use his hands.

Penny puts her face in the palm of her empty hand and sighs deeply. “Honey. You can’t go around offending people like that.”

“You don’t understand Penny, my-” Penny interrupts him.

“I understand. I understand that the doctor asked you to provide a sperm sample and you can’t use your hands. Do you see how this has ‘Fuck you’ written all over it?”

“Penny! There’s no need to curse, besides, I don’t see how that neand-...oh!”

“And there it is. You called him that to his face didn’t you?” Penny asks despite already knowing the answer.

“I…might have.” Sheldon at least looks ashamed.

“And that’s the reason for this.” She shakes the plastic bag containing the cup.

“Could you please ask the nurse if we can go?”

“Sure Honey, I’ll tell them you’ll apologize to the doctor.” Sheldon looks ready to protest but Penny raises an eyebrow and he grumbles an agreement.

Ten minutes later and Penny is back in the room. The nurses were adamant, Sheldon couldn’t leave unless they got their sample, and the doctor would not be back until tomorrow night, so it was either the sample or waiting for the doctor. She’s sure that the nurses were grinning.

“Sorry Honey, no luck.” Sheldon groans in disappointment once she explains that it’s either the sample or waiting for the doctor.

“This can’t be happening.” Penny agrees with Sheldon on that, it was so bizarre.

“Can’t you? I don’t know, hump the mattress or something?”

Sheldon glares at her. “You want me to…hump?” He looks offended that she dared to ask him that.

“Okay, okay, okay.” She placates him. “Do you have any better ideas?” Penny sits on the edge of the bed.

“Maybe, I could use my hand.” He lifts his right hand. “Can you help me remove the bandage?” A pause. “Please?”

Penny helps him, it’s not tightly wrapped so it comes undone easily. She gasps at seeing his fingers, the skin looks slightly bruised and swollen, she thought that Sheldon might have been exaggerating but it does look painful. Sheldon flexes his fingers cautiously and Penny doesn’t miss his grimace of pain.

“No. Just no. Sheldon, you’ll hurt your hand.”

“It’ll have to do Penny. I can’t stand to stay another moment more in this dreadful place.” He looks so miserable.

Penny bites her lip, looks up at the ceiling. ‘Ah fuck it.’ She’s single, he’s single. And this is to help him get out of this place. She gets up to close the door, sadly it doesn’t have a lock, but it will have to do for now.

“Listen Moonpie, not a word of this to anyone. Capische?”

“Of whaAAHH! Penny!” Sheldon screams because she’s unbuckling his belt and then his pants. His hands go to try and stop her but he doesn’t actually touch her. “Penny, what are you doing?”

Penny stops because she’s wondering the same thing herself.

“Look. This is the only way you’re getting out of this place. I’ll help you out or I can call Leonard and have him do it?”

“Leonard, Leslie, Koothrappali and Wolowitz are camping out in the desert again. Leslie promised them ‘the good mushrooms’.” Sheldon’s voice is still high and he explains this in a single breath.

“So you’re stuck with me. Actually, you’re not, I can easily just return tomorrow night when the doctor is in and leave you here.” She wouldn’t, not really.

Despite the pain it causes him, Sheldon takes a hold of her arm. “Please don’t leave me.” It breaks her heart.

“I won’t.” She puts her hand on top of his. “Now, can we get a move on this?” She gestures to his crotch.

“Can you sanitize first? Please.” He gestures to the bottle of sanitizing gel on the bedside. Penny doesn’t want to drag this any longer so she just does, dropping the bag with the cup next to his leg, she grabs the bottle and squirts a big dollop and rubs her hands until it’s gone.

“I also took a shower and brushed my teeth before coming here.” She says sarcastically but Sheldon actually looks relieved. ‘Wackadoodle.’

Suddenly feeling nervous again, Penny goes to sit back at the bed. Sheldon’s pants are open and she can see his underwear, as well as the bulge sitting there. She goes to grab him but the sleeves of her oversized hoodie get in the way, she tries to pull them but it’s no use, they fall back down.

Sighing in frustration she takes off her hoodie and puts it on the chair. The room is quiet, the only noise is the hum of the crappy AC, because of that she’s able to hear Sheldon’s sudden intake of breath. When she turns to look at him, he’s looking at her intently.

To be more precise, he’s looking at her chest.

Penny wasn’t expecting to remove her hoodie anywhere that wasn’t her apartment, so she didn’t put much thought about what she was wearing underneath. She had chosen a pretty comfy but ratty white undershirt, one that she had for years and that was pretty much see-through.

Not helping matters was the fact that the room was pretty cool, so her body reacted and now Sheldon was trying to make eye contact with her nipples, of course her nipples seemed to preen at the attention and now Penny could feel her own blush creep up to her face.

Just as she’s about to say ‘My eyes are up here.’ She can see that she’s having an effect on Sheldon. His underwear strains and she can see Sheldon Jr pop out the top. Her mouth is suddenly dry.

‘You can do this Penny.’

The last time she was this nervous around a dick, was when she was sixteen and in the back of Matt O’Brian’s pick up truck, not knowing what to do with her hands. ‘Holy crap, this is Sheldon.’ Her mind reminded her helpfully.

“Penny, perhaps we should give your idea of ‘humping’ a chance.” Sheldon finally stops looking at her chest and instead turns his eyes towards the ceiling, she can see he is flushing all the way down to his neck.

Shaking herself Penny draws a deep breath. “Too late Moonpie, we’re doing this.” Penny was not a coward, she once finished a Junior Rodeo competition with a fractured wrist, she can do this.

With a shaky hand she pulled down his underwear.

Sheldon gasped and his dick bounced for a moment before settling back down against his groin. Penny wasn’t sure what Sheldon would be packing, but damn, he was fine. Of course because he is Sheldon it means his dick is properly cared for and clean, she would go as far as to call his dick ‘cute’

Of course it was less cute because it looked like it was trying to escape and attack her. Maybe Sheldon hadn’t realized that he was moving his hips, probably trying to rub himself against anything at that moment.

It’s the itch between her legs that finally breaks her from the staring contest with Sheldon’s dick. Pressing her legs together confirms that she’s also being affected by this…bizarre situation.

Finally gathering up her courage, she reaches for his dick. It’s hot against her cool skin and it makes her squeeze it twice, it makes Sheldon groan in a way she’s never heard before. Her hand moves up and down but her hands are dry and it’s hard. ‘No pun intended.’ She laughs in her head.

Sheldon isn’t talking which is freaking her out even more. She was kind of expecting him to tell her how to do it and then berate her for doing it wrong, but the only sounds coming from his mouth are small grunts every time her hand moves up. It does something to her, to hear him like that, makes her feel in control, he’s making those sounds because of her. The great Sheldon Cooper is nothing but putty in her hands. She’s the one that’s making him close his eyes, her hand moving is what’s making him frown and grimace in pleasure.

She’s so focused on his face and the sounds he’s making that the feeling of his precum covering her fingers makes her flinch in surprise and focus on the dick at hand. ‘You’re hilarious Penny.’ Joking makes her not focus on the way her own body is reacting to this entire thing.

Thanks to the lubrication her hand has an easier time pumping him, she twists her hand on the upswing and right on the head of his dick which makes him buck his hips and fuck her hand.

“Penny! I-” His voice is frantic and panicked, the way he’s bucking his hips and pressing his back against the bed makes it clear what’s about to happen. Still pumping him she looks for the cup…and realizes it is still in the plastic bag, a bag she’s not going to be able to open, remove the cup and then open the cup before Sheldon cums.

“Sheldon, waitwaitwaitwait.”

But he’s too far gone, she can already tell he’s past the point of no return. She has a second to find a solution.

“You SO owe me for this!” Sheldon is not paying attention to her but she still says it loudly.

And then puts the head of his dick in her mouth. Sheldon finally looks down at her in shock and they make eye contact, she glares at him, daring him to say anything but Sheldon simply grunts and then her mouth is filled with semen.

‘I bet this is not covered in our friendship contract.’

Waiting for Sheldon to finish cumming, Penny has enough time to wonder how they did end up in this situation, how Sheldon is going to repay her, is he going to be remembering this the next time he jerks off and why the hell is he still cumming?

After what feels like an hour, Sheldon finally is done. Penny carefully removes his dick from her mouth and not wanting to keep using her mouth as a makeshift cup, she quickly breaks open the plastic bag, removes the cup and the lid and spits out the semen still in her mouth.

Sheldon gasps again, Penny turns to look at him and she can see his dick is trying to come back to life.

“Seriously? This is getting you hard again?”

“Ah. No?” So Sheldon after cumming was an idiot like every other man out there, that was good to know. Not.

Penny makes sure to put the cup away after putting the lid on it, she puts on her hoodie and does her best to ignore both the taste in her mouth and the way her panties are drenched. Of course she has to help Sheldon back into his underwear and then into his pants, which is not easy with him at half-mast.

Another huge glob of sanitizing gel and they’re ready to leave.

“Not a word to anyone Sheldon.” They’re walking towards the reception, Sheldon is holding onto the bag containing the change of clothes he never even used.


She side-eyes him but he looks to be slowly composing himself into the usual Sheldon.

They reach the reception quickly and with the cup now containing the sample they finally allow Sheldon to check out. The nurse grinning all the while.

Once they’re almost out the door, Penny glances back at the nurse and witnesses the nurse throwing Sheldon’s cup into the trash. ‘Motherfucker!’

“Let’s go Moonpie, you’re buying dinner.”


Not going to lie, I was laughing while writing this.

Chapter 57: Collection of Prompts


Several small prompts


All of these prompts are ones I made way back in 2011 on the now defunct Paradox prompt forums over at fanfiction.

I recently found them again and I was surprised that the forum is still up at all, so for preservation's sake, I decided to post them here as well.

Thank you to 'chromeknickers' for originally opening and maintaining that post.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Hanabi's Sick Sheldon Jealous Penny Challenge:

Prompt: Sick Sheldon means most rules don't apply as long as he is being taken care of. So what happens when Sheldon gets sick and Penny is out for the weekend? When Penny returns, how will she react to not only finding out that Sheldon was sick but was being taken care of by someone else - e.g. a female grad student (though not crazy like Ramona), Martha (the girl Sheldon met as Raj's wing man), or Bernadette?

Penny walks into the apartment to see that girl being a little too friendly with Sheldon (sitting too close to him, cuddling with him on the couch and/or bed), and is actually going as far as to sing Soft Kitty. In turn, Penny becomes jealous of the other woman and tries to compete with her.

Hanabi's Jealous Penny Challenge:

Prompt: Penny's POV "Who's that girl Sheldon's hugging like it's the most normal thing in the world? . . . Oh! And more importantly: why do I care?"

The other girl could be a relative of Sheldon's, a colleague he "respects", or simply an OC of your choice.

Hanabi's 'Sheldon Wants A Baby' Challenge:

Prompt: As a joke, Penny tells Sheldon that she wants to have his baby. But she's shocked when Sheldon not only agrees but shows her plans to live with her and raise their child. He even provides kindergarten options and monetary plans for Penny and their child - and even a plan to conceive a second and possibly third child.

Prompt: Penny is Sleepwalking, but the Place she chooses to return to Rest is Sheldon's Bed . . . With Him in It

Hanabi's Sheldon Meets Fantasy World Challenge

Prompt: What if Sheldon (because of a weird experiment) is suddenly launched into an alternate universe that resembles a familiar fantasy world (Age of Conan, WOW, LotR, Suikoden, Dragon Quest, Eternal Sonata, etcetera)? In this AU, Sheldon meets Penny (a Barbarian or Warrior Woman) and the gang, and Penny doesn't understand what "no" means... and she wants Sheldon! Remember, though, that Sheldon is a physicist visiting this AU, not a part of it. This is about a-dorkable Sheldon finding himself in a new world without soap, toothpaste, comic books, or take-out - and he's meeting a more than assertive Penny.

Challenge: Later in the story, find a way for Sheldon to return to his normal world in Pasadena, bringing "Barbarian" Penny with him - if only for a day or two. There, Sheldon introduces Barbarian Penny to the rest of the gang.


Can't believe I had forgotten about most of these.

Chapter 58: Dance (Happenstance)


Sequel to Nuggets


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny is ready to get married.

Last night they all had a nice family dinner and Penny was fine. She was joking around with Meemaw, playing with Ceecee, holding Sheldon’s hand and bringing her father into this little slice of heaven that was the Cooper house.

Then this morning Missy did her makeup, helped her get dressed and all around made sure that Penny looked stunning. Sheldon and Georgie were in charge of making sure that everything was in place at both the church and the hall which meant that he still hadn’t seen Penny in her full bride glory.

Penny gets a little sentimental when Meemaw gives her a beautiful brooch to wear, it’s handcrafted and depicts three tulips, red, yellow and white.

“I made this Girlie. When Charlie and I got married, we didn’t have a lot of money.” Meemaw’s voice is wistful. “For our wedding day we simply wore our Sunday’s best, except for two brooches, that one you’re holding. I made it for him to wear on that day. The other one, my momma made it for me, that one went to Missy.” Meemaw’s hand is soft on her cheek. “One for each of my girls.”

Penny can’t stop the tears, she crushes Meemaw in a hug and weeps on her chest.

“There, there. Meemaw is here.” Meemaw pats her in the back.

Missy is not impressed at having to redo her makeup but Penny doesn’t miss that her own makeup looks fresh. Meemaw was the only one that didn’t need her makeup redone.

In what feels like too little time, Penny is taken to the church where everyone is already waiting. Her dad fixes up real good in his tux and he looks nervous, keeps looking at his shoes and practicing walking. The sight of it makes her relax and even laugh a little.

Mrs Coope-No. Mom comes to give a hug and a kiss before she has to walk down the aisle. “Penny. Darlin’ you look gorgeous.” Before returning to her place she gives her dad a pointed look and her dad simply nods.

“Ready Slugger?”

A deep breath “Ready.”

At some unseen cue the double doors in front of her open up and Penny is facing a church full of friends and family, but the moment she lands eyes on Sheldon, the rest disappears.

Sheldon is standing tall in his custom-made tux, it makes him look handsome but he still keeps that boyish charm of his. His eyes are also focused on her, she’s seen that face before, it’s the face he makes when he’s had a breakthrough, when nothing else matters but the formula in front of him, except, there’s no formula this time. It’s just her, Penny.

Ceecee is the flower girl and she’s doing a fantastic job, except Penny wishes that she could just run up at the altar, kiss Sheldon and drag him back to their hotel room.

She’s halfway through when Sheldon starts tapping his feet and she can’t help but smile, it looked like her Moonpie had the same idea as her.

Her dad tears up once he has to hand her to Sheldon, she hugs him and whispers a ‘Thank you.’ which breaks him and Meemaw has to drag him back to his seat because he can’t see through his tears.

She can hear Jonah snapping picture after picture and makes a mental note to ask if he was able to capture a good shot of her and her dad.

When she’s finally next to Sheldon, she’s surprised to see Fred occupying the best man spot, he looks pretty damn proud and she guesses that some of that hero worship is still there.

“Penny. You are breathtaking.” Sheldon whispers to her.

“You also clean up nicely Moonpie.” She teases him.

The rest of the ceremony goes without a hitch, Penny refused to have them write their own vows. She was barely holding on as it was and didn’t want to become a crying mess (again) right in the middle of her wedding. Corny was fine for movies and shows, but she wanted this to be an amazing memory they could look back on and not have to see a picture of Penny looking like a racoon.

“You may kiss the bride.”

And just like that, she was now Penny Cooper. She never really had a great attachment to her last name, everywhere she went, she was just Penny. Maybe it’s because she never felt any attachment to it that now that she’s Penny Cooper, it feels right. A piece of a puzzle finally fitting it.

Penny Cooper. She liked the sound of that.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, family and friends, it is my pleasure to present, for the first time anywhere, Dr. And Mrs. COOPER!!”

Fred has a way with words and he’s able to hype up their entrance to the hall.

Penny is thankful for her family, thanks to Meemaw, Mom and Missy, Sheldon and her are able to enjoy their party without worries. They have their first dance while Jonah snaps away at what feels like five pictures per second.

Fred is a dear and he’s able to emcee the entire thing. They need to buy him something nice…maybe get Kelly to finally dress up as a Futurama character.

She’s glad that other people are dealing with this party thing. Penny is in no mood to focus on anything else at the moment. She dances with her dad and he cries again, he apologizes again and again, but Penny focuses on the feeling of being in his arms again and she feels six again, like when she ‘danced’ but in reality she was only standing on his shoes as he gently swayed and moved to the music.

And she knows why her dad is crying so much, because this dance feels too much like goodbye.

They will rebuild a new relationship, but they can never recover what was lost. Now she’s Penny Cooper, an adult, a married woman that is chasing her dreams.He’s saying goodbye to his little girl, the one he had rejected for so long. As the dance ends, Penny kisses him on the cheek and whispers “Thank you for being here dad.”

She’s able to maintain her composure, at least until she’s dancing with Sheldon again. He holds her closer and nuzzles the side of her head, a silent acknowledgement that he’s there for her. At some point they stop moving with the music and simply stand there holding each other.

“I love you Moonpie.” Her voice is shaky.

“I love you Penny.” His voice is steady, he’s telling her that grass is green. He’s telling her that the earth is round. He is stating a fact.

Penny grins up at him and kisses him, he is quick to reciprocate.

Penny flops onto the hotel bed, her feet are killing her and she’s dead tired. She had imagined her first night as a married woman having nonstop sex, but she just wants to cuddle with Sheldon and sleep for their entire stay.

Sheldon is not doing much better, he had sat down to remove his shoes but she can see that he’s closed his eyes as he tries to not fall face first into the carpet.

Groaning, she sits up next to him and bumps him with her shoulder. “C’mon Moonpie, let’s go to sleep.”

“I’m trying to remember the last time I felt this exhausted…I am unsuccessful to do so.” He is usually so energetic, but now his voice is slow and careful.

Penny snorts “Right there with you Honey.” She lets her head fall on his shoulder, the silence of the room makes it easier for Penny to hear his soft breathing, the inhaling and exhaling of air fills her with so much joy that she can’t help but smile.

Penny pulls Sheldon down with her onto the mattress, their legs are still hanging off the side.

“Penny. We should change.” Sheldon still has his eyes closed.

“I’ll get up if you get up.” Penny closes her eyes.

With a lot of groaning Sheldon sits up and pulls her up with him. They finally change out of their stuffy clothing and into their regular pajamas, when her head nestles in the crook of his arm Penny is fully gone, asleep in the arms of her husband.

The next morning they go eat breakfast, return to their room and don’t come back out until midnight.

McNuggets are the only thing they can find for dinner. They eat them in their car because their hotel room is a mess, they left a couple of windows cracked and Penny made a mental note to tip the maids extra generously.

Way too soon for her liking they go back to Pasadena and Penny decides to finally bite the bullet and get an agent, Laura has been a fantastic help but agents can be magicians and get you auditions you never even thought were possible…according to the internet at least.

She gets Sheldon to help her with the search and after a month they both decide on Paula Rossin. She’s got a great reputation and word on the street is that she’s a fierce protector of her actors.

Almost immediately it pays off.

Paula is able to nab an audition for Penny, a real audition, it’s for a cop show and Penny would audition for the main cast, not a one-off, but the main cast!

The role is for Jennifer "JJ" Jareau, Penny studies the script front to back, goes on the internet to see how real cops act…and then realizes the character is an FBI agent, so she changes her approach. She finds out about Susan Roley Malone and Joanne Pierce Misko and reads as much as she can on them.

When the day of the audition comes, Penny is feeling the same butterflies she did whenever she was about to get on the horse for Junior Rodeo.

She’s ready to kick ass.

Penny is so wired, she’s waiting for the elevator to arrive but it’s taking so damn long. It finally arrives and she’s dancing from one foot to the other. Sheldon already went to pick up dinner and he’s just waiting for her.

The ride up to 4A has never felt this long before, Penny is getting antsy.

Finally after what she swears is an hour, the door opens and she’s sprinting to their apartment. Sheldon is in his spot and he’s reading something but before he can even greet her, Penny has already tackled him.

“I got a callback! I got a callback!” She’s so excited. “The casting director liked my audition so much that they want me back for a live reading!” Her voice is high and excited, she’s talking so fast that she wouldn’t be surprised if Sheldon didn’t actually understand what she was saying.

“Congratulations Penny.” He somehow manages to keep a cool tone of voice, he’s holding onto her strongly. Penny squees and returns the hug.

She had a good feeling about this.

Fred is the last to graduate from their group.

In what Penny considers the ultimate friend move, Sheldon not only decides to give a speech during the graduation ceremony. Something he’s doing for the first time ever, despite being in Caltech since he was 16. But, he is also the one that gives Fred his diploma.

Honestly, they've been friends for over a year now and Fred still has Sheldon on a pedestal. At least Fred teases Sheldon now, but seeing the redhead smile like a child on Christmas morning reveals how much this truly means to him.

Also, Sheldon looks kinda silly up there with so many ribbons on him.

On the other side of the country, Leonard is also graduating. But when his name is called there’s only silence, the places dedicated for his family are empty.

His mother had to go and attend a lecture being given by his brother. His dad never even replied to his email. His sister was in Japan.

As he trudges back into his seat, Leonard is only thinking about moving to California. There, things will be different, he will not be the runt of the litter, he won’t have to beg for scraps of attention, he’ll find a beautiful girl that will make it all better.

Leonard will finally be ‘One of the guys.’

They’re all in the middle of playing ‘Railways of the World’ because of course Sheldon had to get this board game as soon as it came out, when Paula’s call interrupts them.

“Penny dear. You got it. You’re ‘JJ’.” Penny had set the call on speaker and the response was immediate. Penny lets out a huge sob of relief, she had wanted this part so badly. She was so sure that she rocked it, but the silence after the live reading had been deafening.

“WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!” Kelly and Fred bounce on their seats and holler loudly.

Feeling a hand on her cheek, Penny looks up. Sheldon’s smiling face greets her, and the softness and happiness in it makes her start crying in earnest. “Congratulations PennUHG” Sheldon can’t continue because she pulled him into a hug.

Yeah, life was good.

Filming is fun, it gives Penny a unique feeling. Sheldon was made for Physics and Penny was made for acting.

Funnily enough, in the show there’s a character that reminds her a lot of Sheldon. Dr. Spencer Reid was basically someone taking Sheldon and turning him into an FBI agent. It was a bit scary at times to see how similar the character was to her Moonpie.

Maybe one of the writers was a fan of Sheldon?


“I HEARD MA! -oh!- Hi Leonard, why didn’t you tell me you were coming? I would have gone to pick you up from the airport.”

Howard pulls Leonard into a one armed hug and it’s sad how happy that makes him feel. Leonard needed to get out more if that hug almost made him cry.

“I didn’t want to be a bother, you’re already opening your hom-”


“IT’S LEONARD MA! -what were you saying?”

“...Just that I’m happy to be here in California.”

“It’ll be amazing dude, as soon as you get hired by Caltech we’ll go out every weekend. You’ll see, we’ll be the hottest bachelors out there.”




As Howard and his mother argued, Leonard started having second thoughts about moving to California.


Not a lot left, I believe. And then it will be rewrite and edit time.

Chapter 59: Greener (Happenstance)


Sequel to Dance


A bit of an unusual chapter, but I hope you give it a try.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


Leonard woke up with a start. He was never going to get used to Mrs Wolowitz’s voice. He’s been staying in the spare room for the last week and honestly, it’s been okay. He had been afraid that Howard’s mom would be too much to deal with, but other than being loud, she was a perfectly reasonable human being.

“I’M NOT REHEATING THE PANCAKES! HOWIE! LENNY!” She was a reasonable human being, most of the time.

Glancing at the alarm clock showed that it was seven in the morning, Leonard groaned a little to himself. He didn’t mind waking up early, but Saturdays were his ‘sleep in’ days. However, he didn’t want to upset Mrs Wolowitz so he tiredly went to eat his pancakes.


Maybe it was time to find his own place.

Leonard liked Raj, the Indian man was a nice change of pace from Howard’s constant horny energy.

“Dude! What do you mean you don’t eat Cheesecake?” Raj gaped at him.

“I’m lactose intolerant. It’s not that I don’t want to eat it. I literally can’t.” Leonard tried to keep the whine out of his voice.

“Lactaid? Hello?”

“I’m allergic to it, trust me, I tried.” Leonard shuddered, that particular ER visit had almost been his last.

“Oh dude. That sucks.” Raj truly looked sad for him.

“That’s fine, I prefer chocolate cake anyway. Reminds me of my childhood.”

“Okay ladies, shut up.” Howard told them. “We’re about to arrive at the club. Leonard, remember, you’re a hunter, feel free to roam the wilderness and sink your teeth on good game.”

“Dude, stop it with that, that’s why you’ve been going home alone for years.” Raj looked queasy.

“I don’t know Raj, I kinda like the metaphor.” Leonard tried to puff up his chest, the weather in california was mild but he still had a hard time letting go of his layers.

“Ugh, I can’t say I’m fully on board with this.” Raj still looked dubious.

“Look, buddy, you’re with the Alpha Males now.” Howard said with a straight face. “This is how we roll, we’re the hunters and the women are prey…okay, I’m hearing myself now. I know Raj, I know, you were right, we need to find a better metaphor.” Not even Howard could keep the whole ‘predator’ thing going and not cringe himself into oblivion.

“Look guys, I just want to celebrate being accepted into Caltech, please nothing crazy tonight.” Leonard knew his own luck, he didn’t want to end up passed out in a back alley somewhere.

“It’ll be fine buddy. Oh! Did you see that new Folgers commercial?” Howard said excitedly.

“The blonde!”
“The blonde!”

They both said at the same time.

“She’s so hot Howard, you gotta take me to that store. I can learn to play Magic.” Howard shot Raj an apologetic look while Raj simply glared at him. “...Or not.”

“Buddy, I said I was sorry.” Howard groveled.

“We can’t go back to that store anymore because Howard here decided that it was a good idea to hound the girl behind the counter about any and all information on ‘blonde girl’.” Raj looks properly pissed. “They threatened to call the cops if they saw us again.”

“Raj, look, I still say they overreacted.” Seeing Raj widen his eyes in shock, Howard quickly adds “I’m sorry, I’m really sorry, how was I supposed to know the girl had mace behind the counter?”

“You think that’s the issue?” Raj’s accent gets more pronounced when he’s upset.

Leonard doesn’t say anything while Raj and Howard argue, but he has to admit to himself that he would have done the same thing as Howard, even at the risk of a facefull of mace.

Leonard’s clubbing experience isn’t great. Whenever he approaches a girl to try and chat they always cover their drink and quickly claim their friend is calling them.

What was it about him that repelled women? He was a nice guy, if they gave him the chance he could show them. Why did they have to choose the dumb guys over him? When would it be his chance to get the girl as a reward? Didn’t he deserve a girl?

What took the sting of the whole thing was seeing his fellow geeks have the same luck he was having. Howard actually received looks of disgust and even a slap, but the man acted like it didn’t matter, as if they slid off of him. Raj on the other hand…well, that was a revelation, the man sober was a wonderful and shy person, but drunk? He was an asshole to put it bluntly. So why did he decide to drink in the first place? Because he couldn’t talk to women otherwise. Quite a group they were.

And as a group they went back to Howard’s house to play WoW until 5 AM the next morning.

At least his first day at work goes swimmingly.

The labs at Caltech are amazing, he will be able to recreate experiments and even make some of his own. He also talked a little with Leslie, she is another experimental physicist and Leonard thinks that they really hit it off, she likes emo rock as well, plays WoW and her staunch belief in loop theory makes him think she might be onto something, he had agreed to help her with an experiment later that week.

She was amazing…except, she was also very opinionated and aggressive.

But she was great! He could see himself talking to her for hours and hours, and she might be into him as well, which was already more of a win than he could say about his entire dating experience since, well, forever.

And Leslie was…plain looking. Leonard cringes at himself once the thought comes up.

He doesn’t think of himself as a shallow person, he is not. But if starts dating Leslie, no one will high-five him like the jocks did in High School when they scored the top cheerleader or hottest girl. No one will turn to look at him like he’s the man, no one will be impressed. Leslie looks like someone that should be dating Leonard.

Didn’t he deserve better? Hadn’t he suffered enough? Was a hot girlfriend really that much of an ask out of life?

He pondered those questions as he waited in line at the University's cafeteria. Raj and Howard were already moving towards a table but Leonard had to make sure his lunch didn’t have dairy, nuts or wheat so he stayed back until he was satisfied he wouldn’t die after a bite of his food.

“How’s your first day going, Bud?” Howard looked happy.

“Oh, it’s great. I met Leslie Winkle and she showed me the newest laser that was installed.”

Raj nods as he eats his meatloaf. Howard nods as well “Ah, Leslie Winkle, that’s one fiery beast Lenny.”

“Dude. You agreed no more animal metaphors.” Raj does not look amused.

“Sorry Buddy, it slipped out.” Howard at least does look apologetic. “No more of that, I swear.”

Raj mumbles a thanks and goes back to his food. Leonard couldn’t understand the relationship between his two friends, he had suspected that they might be dating in secret, but Howard was way too horny about women for that to be true.

“Yeah, she’s really cool.” Leonard dips his head and smiles shyly at them.

“Good for you man, I asked her out once and she almost tore my head off without reason.” Howard looked confused.

“Dude…seriously?! You said ‘Did you just fart? Because you blow me away!’” Raj gaped at Howard. “I still don’t know how you didn’t end up meeting with the Ethics team after that one.”

Leonard laughed at his friends, Raj looked back at him with his eyebrows raised. “I wasn’t joking.”

“Oh…” It will probably be a good idea to not Leslie know he’s friends with Howard then.

“Whatever. People take things way too seriously, so I can’t flirt with a hot girl because it’s called harassment?” Howard looked offended. “People are too sensiti-OH! Gentlemen, please direct your eyes at the back of the line, that tall redhead is the man dating our blonde goddess.” Leonard almost got whiplash from Howard’s sudden change of topic.

Turning to look at where Howard mentioned he can see a tall and handsome man, but before he can notice anything more about him, Leonard’s eyes were focused on the man behind the redhead.

“That’s Sheldon Cooper!” He whispered to the other two.

“Where, where?” Howard moved his head frantically.

“Behind the redhead, the even taller man.”

“Oh dude, you’re right. That’s Dr Cooper.” Raj’s tone was wistful and Leonard had to turn to look at him. Raj was, well, there really was no other word for it, Raj was swooning. “I was able to attend his latest lecture on dark matter, the man is an artist.” Now also Howard turned to look at Raj.

“Whatever man, I still say he’s not that big of a deal.” Howard pouted.

“He is.”
“He is.”

Both Raj and him corrected Howard which only made him pout more.

“I wonder who's the redhead then? They’re talking like old friends.” Leonard had heard the rumors about the infamous Dr Cooper’s behavior to those he deemed lesser.

“I had never seen him before.” Raj is just as clueless.

“Man, if only I had a face like his. Look at him, he’s making the cashier girl laugh effortlessly.” Howard focused on the important part.

The trio observed as Dr. Cooper and his friend moved to a corner table to start eating and continue talking.

“That lucky bastard is also dating our blonde Goddess. Life is truly unfair.” Howard viciously stabbed at his food.

“Maybe we can ask someone if they know who this guy is. Do any of you have any friends in other departments?” Leonard turned to look at them expectantly.

Howard turned an inquisitive look at Raj who shook his head and said “Yeah no, you guys are my only friends.”

“Same here.” Howard shrugged. “Kripke is an acquaintance at best…and if you think I’m creepy, wait until you meet him.”

“Dude, maybe Leslie will know?” Raj offered.

“I don’t know, but it’s worth the shot.” Leonard wanted to know more about this guy, it was their only connection to the stunningly hot blonde. “Oh, but what if they’re not dating anymore?”

“He will still know who she is, and if they ended up on bad terms he might be willing to, you know, sell us pictures of her or something.”

Raj groaned in disgust and threw his fork on his plate. “DUDE! C’mon”

“Not like that! I meant her headshot or a selfie!” Howard started to apologize and try to calm Raj down. Hopefully Leslie will know who that guy is.

“Wait, did he look like a Conan O’Brian clone?” Leslie said as she calibrated one of the lenses.

“Yeah, now that you mention it, yeah, he did.” Leonard stopped writing to frown at himself.

“Ah, that’s Dr Frederick Chadwick.” Leslie said with a grin. “Protégé of one Dr Cooper.”

“Protégé?” Leonard asked, confused. If that were true then everyone in the scientific community would know about him. “Is he also a theoretical physicist?”

“Astrophysicist actually.”

“Huh…wait, what?”

“I don’t know what to tell you Hofstadter, that’s all I know. Rumor has it that Dr Chadwick was even Dr Cooper’s best man.”

“Dr Cooper is married?!” Leonard’s jaw couldn’t close.

“Yep. Haven’t met the Mrs yet, I’ve only been here for half a year.”


So even the infamous antisocial and caustic Dr Cooper had been able to marry someone. Ouch, on top of everything else he also had to beat Leonard at that, and he was a year younger than Leonard. Double ouch.

“Now, enough yapping Hofstadter. Focus.”

“No way dude! Married?” At least Raj had the appropriate reaction.

Howard blew a raspberry. “Big deal, he probably married a female version of himself.” Howard made a jerking motion with this hand. “The important part is that now we know the name of our target. Watch the wizard work his magic.”

Howard started typing on his laptop.

“Hmmm, no. Not here either. Nothing here.” He kept muttering to himself as he typed. “Either this Frederick guy doesn’t have social media or I’m just dumb and can’t find him.”

“Can you find Dr Cooper’s page?” Raj suggested.

“Hmmmm…here it is.” Howard showed them, but there wasn’t a lot to see. Just a couple of posts regarding his published articles but nothing about his personal life and his friend’s list was empty. “No dice.”

“C’mon Howard. You’re supposed to be good at this, this is our only clue to find that blonde girl.” Leonard whined.

“Hold your horses, We just need to approach this from another angle, we need to be smarter. We need to talk to this guy directly.” Howard said smugly.

“Wow…” Howard said slowly.

“Shutupshutupshutupshutupshutpshutup.” Raj was holding his blushing face in his hands.

The plan had been easy. Raj was going to approach Dr Frederick, as fellow astrophysicists it should be easy to strike up a conversation. Except, the moment Dr Frederick turned his smile on Raj, it was all over. Raj flushed so much that everyone could tell even with his dark skin tone, he also lost the ability to speak and once Dr Fredrick laughed, Raj had run back to their table.

“Er Raj, are you gay?”

Howard turned to look at Leonard, an offended look on his face, but before he could say anything, Raj very softly said. “I don’t know.”

Leonard cringed away from Howard, he liked the man but he feared what his reaction might be. But Howard was frowning at nothing while his hands fisted on his legs. Leonard didn’t have anything against gay people, Raj was still Raj. However, Howard’s relationship with Raj might change forever after this revelation.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, Howard took a seat next to Raj and put his arm around the still blushing man. “Raj, buddy. You’re going to be the perfect wingman.” Howard grinned and squeezed Raj against him.

Raj had been oblivious to Howard’s reactions. He finally looked up from his hands to roll his eyes at Howard. “Of course, that’s what you’re focusing on.” But Leonard didn’t miss the relieved expression on Raj’s face.

Leonard and Leslie had a thing going on. He didn’t know if he should call it a boyfriend-girlfriend thing, but it was a good thing as far as he was concerned. They worked together, played in the University’s band together, and more importantly, they slept together…as in, they had sex.

Leslie was a fierce woman and honestly, it scared him a little.

Wasn’t he supposed to be Alpha male? Sometimes it felt like it was the other way around. Leslie didn’t like it when Leonard paid for her stuff, she drank as much beer as he did and she hated girly stuff.

Leonard was happy. BUT. That damned ‘but’ kept him from being truly happy. What if there was someone better out there, someone that was girly, that liked nerdy guys. Someone that he could brag about, that he could show around and have everyone be jealous of him.

Leslie was great! But she wasn’t exactly…a bombshell, yeah, that worked.

He was happy with her, but…was it enough? He still didn’t feel like one of the ‘In’ guys, having a girl should have made it all better. Should have fixed that hole inside of him that craved love.

Because he liked Leslie. But…what if he could find someone better?

Comic Con was a bust for all of them, except for Raj.

Raj was able to hook up with a guy dressed as a female orc and they made plans to stay in touch. His friend looked genuinely happy.

As for Howard, the man was thrown out on the second day for touching a girl’s butt. He claimed it was an accident, but security didn’t care, they were lucky that the cops weren’t called.

For himself, well, Leonard started this whole thing with the left foot. He had assumed that Leslie would want to come, but she didn’t. He had assumed so much in fact, that he was paying for 2 tickets to everything plus a stay in a more expensive hotel that was not getting the use he was hoping for.

He and Leslie had finally put a label on their relationship but he still felt at odds. Never truly committing to anything. He hoped that the upcoming Caltech Gala would go a long way to solving some of that hesitation he still felt.

Leslie would dress up and he would be there showing her off. At least he hoped that he could show her off, he was slightly afraid that she would show up in her regular clothes.

The Caltech Gala was a success so far. Leslie had dressed up and she looked great, Kripke almost had an aneurysm when he saw her. Leonard was feeling pretty great, maybe this whole thing was just what he needed to strengthen his commitment to Leslie.

And then the blonde woman of his dreams was there.

Leslie hated this entire pony and dog show but attendance to the Gala was non-optional.

At least Leonard had finally shut up about her not dressing up enough. She liked the guy, but he could be rather meatheaded about things. Some days it seemed that he didn’t want a girlfriend but rather wanted a mother.

She also hadn’t missed how he tended to have wandering eyes when they were together. Blonde Barbie-like women seemed to be his achilles heel. He would then notice that she had noticed which of course would lead him to give her his kicked puppy look.

He wasn’t perfect, but Leslie wanted to give this relationship a try, it wasn’t all bad, he could be rather sweet, not to mention that he shared her passion for experimental physics and classical music. She was sure that with some work, he could be a great boyfriend.

Except. He dropped her like a bag of flaming poop.

They were standing and she was holding onto his arm, her heels were conservative so they were the same height instead of her towering over him. The Geology guys were in the middle of a lame joke when Leonard suddenly dropped her arm like it burned him.

Leslie was so shocked that she immediately turned to see if he was okay…only to find him drooling over some blonde girl. A Barbie. Leslie had to close her eyes to calm herself, she didn’t care about the sudden silence in their little group. She cared about her boyfriend dropping her arm like he didn’t want to be seen with her.

“Leonard.” Her voice was strong and restrained. She would not make a scene. “Leon-”

But it was of no use, he had already moved towards the blonde girl, completely ignoring her.

Leslie didn’t usually cry, but she was really close to tears now. Instead she laughed a little, of course, the night that she feels closer to him is the night he does this shit. She should have listened to her mom. ‘Workplace romances are a bad idea.’

“Leslie.” Turning her head revealed Wolowitz and Koothrappali. Their faces contrite “We’ll go get him.”

She shook her head. “Don’t bother. I’m going home. Tell him we’re through.” And with as much dignity as she could muster, Leslie left.

‘Fuck Leonard Hofstadter’

Leonard heard Leslie say his name, but he couldn’t miss this chance. He just needed to talk to the blonde girl for a moment. He left as Leslie called his name a second time, it was fine, he’d apologize later.

The blonde girl was talking to an older woman but otherwise was alone. Leonard looked around and saw that Dr Chadwick was in the middle of a large group of people, telling a story. Dr Cooper was there as well.

Leonard stayed back and waited for the right moment to move in. He knew he probably looked like a loser right now, pining over a girl that didn’t even know he existed, but he didn’t care.

Hearing a communal groan he turned to Dr Chadwick’s group and saw that Dr Cooper was saying something which made Dr Chadwick cringe a little. He quickly returned to look at his original target and saw that she was holding her face, embarrassed.

This was his chance, he quickly approached her and in his smoothest voice said “Embarrassing isn’t it?”

He tried to grin but it quickly disappeared at her frosty tone and hard eyes. "Excuse me?" He needed to recover quickly.

“I meant Dr Cooper. You know, he’s an embarrassment? He doesn’t know how to be a regular person.”

“Is that right?” Her tone was neutral.

“Yeah!” Leonard was excited, this seemed to be working finally. “He’s also overrated and not as good as people think he is.” Trying to puff himself up Leonard offered her his hand. “I’m Leonard. Dr. Leonard Hofstadter.”

The girl looked at his hand and frowned in distaste.

“I’m Mrs Cooper.”

The grin on his face froze. “Cooper?” He managed to get out.

“The wife of Dr Sheldon Cooper.” She was openly glaring at him now. “If you excuse me, I have to go meet my husband.” And she moved towards the larger group where she whispered in Dr Cooper’s ear and then in Dr Chadwick’s ear.

Leonard saw the two tall men glare at him and his stomach did an unpleasant flip. He might have just screwed up big time.


I have been writing and rewriting this chapter for the past few days, I would usually not do this, but I think this is a special case that warrants a bit of a deeper diving into what I wanted to convey and show in this chapter.

1. Raj: Let's be honest here, the show treated Raj horribly. All around. The actor did the best he could with the shitty material he was given, but Raj's wings were clipped from the start and a character that could have been interesting instead became a laughing stock for the writers.

2. Howard: I'm not a fan of Howard, I get why the show had to give him so much leeway and I will admit that he had some funny lines. Now, it doesn't make him any less of a creep. He's the type of person that uses the word 'female' to refer to women. And with all of this said, I think his interactions with Raj are super interesting, it's obvious that they care for one another and this was yet another facet the show left unexplored in order to make some shitty homophobic jokes. He's still a creep tho and says creepy things.

3. Leonard: I think by this point I have made my dislike for Leonard pretty clear. I still stand by that. But as I mentioned before in another note, I think S1/S2 Leonard was redeemable, he was still toxic AF and had a pretty huge 'Nice Guy' problem, but you could see the inkling of a likeable character. That is what I wanted to show here, a dislikeable character but not a monster. Someone that was a shitty person with shitty opinions but who you could see growing out of it and eventually becoming a better person.
S1/S2 Leonard is someone that would cringe at the Manosphere while S3 onwards Leonard would embrace the Manosphere. That's the simplest way I can put it I think.

So, yes, this was a chapter that took a lot out of me for several reasons. Howard and Leonard are shitty people and in this chapter they're shown doing shitty things. Raj is trying to do better because I want to think he grew a spine at one point.

PS. Leslie was a fantastic character that wasn't given enough time/credit/love. I actually see her kicking Leonard's ass into shape to turn him into a decent person, but instead the show decided she needed the boot.

Chapter 60: Premiere (Happenstance)


Sequel to Greener


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny tiredly opened the door to 4A and yawned as she tried to make little noise. It was a little past four in the morning, Sheldon would still be asleep and she wanted to give him that extra hour. So despite wanting to throw her backpack and bag noisily to the ground she carefully removed them and put them near the door.

Filming was really fun but it could be so exhausting, she hadn’t considered that shows using soundstages didn’t depend on natural lighting, so they could be used for filming at any time of the day and their studio seemed to love to film from the afternoon and into the early morning.

They had just finished filming up to episode eleven, which was slated to premiere September 22nd, if the show had good ratings by episode 8 then CBS would greenlit the second back half of the season and Penny would have to go back to filming around October or November. She was hoping that the show would be a hit.

She sat tiredly on the couch and closed her eyes.

The next thing she knew it was already bright out, somehow she was lying on the couch and not sitting on it, her shoes were off and a blanket was covering her. She squinted against the light for a moment before standing up and walking to Sheldon’s desk. She knew that he hated when she walked barefoot but she loved the feeling of the hardwood floor, plus Sheldon made sure the floors were pristine. The digital clock on Sheldon’s desk showed that it was almost one o’clock in the afternoon.

Checking the fridge, Penny was happy to see a tinfoil covered plate.

Filming was fun, but there was nothing like coming home.

After filming Criminal Minds, Penny was able to land a commercial for Folgers. She played a young mom and while the commercial did lean a bit too heavy on the ‘hot soccer mom’ angle, work was work. She was hoping that her show would be a success, but until she knew, she had to keep working. Of course she was on retainer, but one and done jobs like commercials were thankfully okay, her agent made sure to check.

Her dad had called her to congratulate her on the Folgers commercial, apparently it wasn’t a regional commercial but a nationwide one. It also led to an interesting conversation with her dad.

“Your mom says she’s proud of you.”

Penny scoffed. “You don’t have to lie, dad.”

“No, no, she really did say that.” Her dad sounded just as surprised as she was.

“Mom said that?” Penny frowned at the phone in her hand.

“She did…look, Penny, I know she wasn’t the best mother, but…I promised I wouldn’t say anything but, she’s been going to these AA meetings and it might stick this time.”


They moved on from that subject but once the call had ended and Penny was left alone with her thoughts, she was surprised and shocked by finding out that she didn’t care. She was happy that her mom was apparently finding the help she needed, but she can’t lie to herself. She’s indifferent to her mom.

She had tried so hard to please both her parents as she grew up, and while she had some good years with her dad, the truth of things is, she never had that with her mom. The one good memory she has with her might not be real at all and might have been a fever dream.

Hearing her dad say that her mom said she was proud of Penny made her confused, not angry, not sad, just confused. Did her mom even know that Penny was now a married woman? Did it matter?

At some point, the anger she had felt towards her mom had transformed into indifference.

Life returned to normal while they waited for her show to premiere. Caltech had a gala and it would be Fred’s first, Kelly was super nervous about being in a room full of bigshots, her dream had been to be able to help troubled kids and that’s why she became a guidance counselor. It took Penny, Fred AND Sheldon to get her to calm down enough to agree to go to the gala.

Penny took her shopping and to a spa. Kelly and her were going to stun people.

Penny had already attended several of these events, enough that she became one of the ‘faculty wives’ which was an amusing title for their group because it also included the husbands of several professors.

She knew the drill, several wealthy people would attend the gala, talk with the people there and then throw money at the University. (Sheldon still got upset when she described it like that.)

Sheldon hated these things but he was not blind to the fact that these people were what made experiments, grants, expeditions and more happen. He simply had to grin and play nice, and this time around he would have Fred with him, so it should be a piece of cake.

Well, that is if he didn’t tell one of his dad jokes. That was a thing he had recently discovered he liked, dad jokes. His favorite joke was “What do you call a factory that makes okay products?" "A satisfactory. Bazinga.” And he would do his breathy laugh.

She loved the man, but he could never read the room.

The gala had been going great. Kelly was nervous but she was able to mingle and make nice with people, Fred was keeping an eye on Sheldon to make sure he wasn’t too rude and Penny was able to catch up with people. All in all, it was business as usual.

And then an asshole had to come ruin it.

She had just said goodbye to Marissa Hooke, a lovely lady that worked as a theater director, they had hit it off almost immediately when they first met 2 years ago and ever since they made sure to make room for each other during the night. As soon as Marissa had walked away, she heard Sheldon’s voice “-sfactory. Bazinga.” and the group of people with him groaned good-naturedly at his lame joke.

“Embarrassing isn’t it?” A whiny voice said, she looked up from her hand to see a short geeky looking man in a horrible plaid suit, pointing with his chin at Sheldon.

“Excuse me?" He hadn’t just said what she thinks he said, right?

“I meant Dr Cooper. You know, he’s an embarrassment? He doesn’t know how to be a regular person.” He actually looked proud saying that.

“Is that right?” Her tone was neutral but she wanted nothing more than to deck the asshole.

“Yeah!” He looked excited, as if she had agreed with him. “He’s also overrated and not as good as people think he is.” He did a funny looking dance jumping on the balls of his feet, probably trying to look taller and extended his hand to her. “I’m Leonard. Dr. Leonard Hofstadter.” He put extra emphasis on the word doctor.

Penny looked at the offered hand in disgust and did not shake it. “I’m Mrs Cooper.” She made sure to say it loud and proudly.

The self-satisfied grin on his face froze and he squeaked out. “Cooper?”

“The wife of Dr Sheldon Cooper.” Penny was openly glaring at him now. “If you excuse me, I have to go meet my husband.”

Stiffly due to her anger, she walked up to Sheldon and Fred who immediately noticed she was beyond pissed off, she quickly whispered an explanation and pointed at the short man in the horrible suit, she had already forgotten his name.

“Dr Hofstadter. To what do we owe the…pleasure of seeing you here?” Dr Chadwick didn’t have his signature smile. Dr Cooper sat at his desk and looked at Leonard in an inscrutable way.

“I wanted to come and apologize.” Leonard knew this song and dance very well, make yourself smaller, look pathetic and make a pained face. “I drank a little too much on the night of the gala and said some things that I deeply regret.” Wring your hands together and shuffle on your feet. “I’m sorry.” Sound sincere.

Dr Chadwick glanced at Dr Cooper but then turned to focus on Leonard once again. Neither man spoke which made Leonard start to sweat.

“So, uh, yeah, that’s all I wanted to say.” Leonard could feel himself start to flush in actual embarrassment. Dr Cooper looked back down at the papers in his hands and did not acknowledge Leonard’s presence in any way.

“Uh, I read your latest paper on-” Leonard tried to tell Dr Cooper but Dr Chadwick interrupted him before he could say more.

“Dr Hofstadter, please close the door on your way out.” Still no smile, just a serious face.

“Ah, yes.”

Leonard closed the door and stood on the other side. He removed his glasses and rubbed at the tears in his eyes. Dr Cooper had been the main reason of why he had moved to Caltech, and now he might have just fucked up his chances to be able to collaborate with him in the future.

“God, I can’t catch a break.” He muttered to himself.

He doesn’t want to go to the lab, but he works there so against his better judgment he starts walking, like a man to the gallows.

Howard and Raj had told him that Leslie had told them that they were through, the night of the gala he had been too preoccupied with thoughts of his blunder to really think about the reason why Leslie was gone. Which only made him cringe at himself.

He had tried calling her, but his calls went straight to voicemail. He had tried going to her apartment, but she never answered the door. She had even blocked him on Wow.

Arriving at the lab he saw that the other two girls in the team were giving him the cold shoulder, he tried to ignore how that stinged and instead moved towards Leslie.

“Leslie.” He waited for her to acknowledge him but she kept fiddling with the vials in front of her. He knew how dangerous this could be so he waited until she was done before trying again. “Leslie.”

“Your tasks have been clearly marked in your logbook Hofstadter. There’s nothing that requires you talking to me.” Leslie was frowning as she wrote something down.

“Leslie, I know I fucked up. I really like you and like spending time with you. Please give me another chance, I swear to you that it won’t happen again.” He knew that his tone of voice was whiny, but he didn’t care. He had been too scared to commit to Leslie, but he wanted to do better. Be better.

Leslie laughed at him. “You can’t be serious.”

“I’ll do whatever it takes to prove it to you.” He wanted to avoid his eyes, wanted to look down at his feet, but he knew that if he did that, it would be over.

“You can’t expect things to-”

“I’m not!” He interrupted her, uncaring of the looks given to him by the rest of the people in the lab. “I’m not. Let’s start over.”

Leonard had been stupid, he had a good thing with Leslie, but because of his own hangups he had screwed it. No one else but him was guilty of this. He was working at Caltech which was the dream of many and he had been dating a great girl, he hurt her because he was an idiot. He needed to do better.

“Let’s start over. Let me show you that I mean it. You can kick me to the curb if I mess up.”

Leslie looked up at the ceiling, as if refusing to watch him. “It’s not that easy.” Her voice trembled a little, and that killed him. Leslie was always so strong, so composed and he had caused her this pain. He wanted to hold her hand, he wanted to fix this somehow.

“Leslie.” His own voice was soft and trembling, he hated showing this level of emotion. He could hear his mom’s dismissive voice calling him overemotional. But Leslie was worth it. “Leslie, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry to have hurt you.”

“I swear Leonard. This is your fucking last chance.” She refused to let the tears fall and looked him straight in the eye.

“I know. I will do better.”

That’s a promise he made to himself as well. Leonard Hofstadter needed to do better.

Because of that promise it’s that later that week, when an undergrad named Joyce Kim approached him and started flirting with him rather openly, he quickly excused himself and told her he was seeing someone. Joyce Kim was beautiful and past-Leonard would most likely have gone along with her advances, but not his current self.

Leslie was waiting for him.


And this is the last we'll see of Leonard. I know that some of you were expecting a worse outcome for him (looking at you jacksonja and andromeda543) but this Universe is overall a brighter place where even he can get a second chance (even if he can't let go of his manipulative nature fully). I'll put a 'Leonard stomping' in an I.O.U for a future Universe.

Also, final stretch for this wonderful Universe, I really liked it quite a bit.

Ps. Literally today I just found this wonderful story Lost by muaaimoi

It's a beautiful short story, I usually don't like stories dealing with soulmates but the author managed to do it in a wonderful way that left me truly satisfied and happy. If you haven't already, please go show it the love it deserves.

Chapter 61: Shower Head (Assistance)


Sequel to Extraction


Same warning as for the previous chapter of this series.

There's nothing too explicit here, just mentions of sex.

Oh and remember 'porn logic'

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“We’re going to McDonalds and that’s final.” Penny was annoyed, especially after witnessing that nurse throwing away the cup like it was nothing, like it hadn’t cost Penny.


“And you’re paying too.” And all because Dr Wackadoodle was too much of a know-it-all and offended the doctor.


“I want a damn Big Mac, nuggets AND an Oreo McFlurry.” She could still taste him because of course she didn’t have gum or mints in her car.


“I don’t care if it’s not our regular Friday night food. I just gave your little buddy a handshake and a kiss that it had not earned.” Penny motioned with her hand to his crotch but didn’t turn to look at him, focusing on the road as she drove.


“What?!” She finally turned to look at him but Sheldon motioned to the road.

“Please keep your eyes on the road. I don’t want to return to the hospital. I simply wished to capture your attention to inform you that due to my routine being already thrown out of the window-figuratively speaking of course-that I’m more than happy to purchase dinner for us from any establishment of your choosing.”

“Oh…well, good.” Now she felt silly. Finally turning to look at Sheldon, he seemed rather relaxed but still very much his regular Sheldon-self. Of course the relaxed part was probably due to him cumming in her mouth, but who could really know?

“How did you hurt your hands anyway?”

“Given that Leslie, Leonard and the rest took the day off work in order to drive to the desert. I thought it would be a good opportunity to make use of the lab. Leslie tends to hog lab hours. What I had not counted on, was that Leslie would leave an undergrad student in charge of her current experiment.” Sheldon sighed in annoyance. “When I entered the lab, the undergrad student was alone (this already was a huge breach of the safety protocol), and due to some miscalculations on his part, the liquid nitrogen was reacting in a rather volatile manner, but panic made him freeze, seeing as the experiment was quite literally about to explode in his face, I reacted by grabbing the experiment and throwing it into the waste disposal bin.” Sheldon grimaced in distaste. “A less than ideal solution, but one that was necessary.”

Penny was shocked. “Honey, you saved that kid?”

Sheldon looked uncomfortable. “No, had the experiment exploded then I would have been affected as well. It was an attempt to salvage my own life.”

Penny frowned at him but then focused on the road again. “Well, from what you’re telling me, it sounds like you did save that kid’s life.”

“An unintended consequence I assure you.” Sheldon suddenly brightened. “This also means that Leslie will have to restart her experiment, so I suppose there is a ‘bright side’ to this incident.”

Penny shook her head, Sheldon would never pass up an opportunity to laugh at Leslie.

After a quick stop at McDonald’s they were soon back at the apartment eating their burgers. Sheldon put Star Trek on the TV and Penny didn’t mind one bit. She had food, she was relaxing in her spot and it was a Spock episode, which was always great in her book.

Sheldon had to eat his burger and fries with disposable plastic gloves, that of course he already had in stock at the apartment. It kept the bandages clean and that was all that mattered.

Things were going great, the night might have started a bit rocky, but it was looking up. Penny was actually looking forward to going to bed early. Of course, because this was Penny’s life, life had to throw her another curve ball to deal with.

“Excuse me for a moment Penny.” Sheldon stood up to go to the bathroom and she didn’t think much of it. But a moment later Sheldon returned, blushing. Penny knew that meant trouble. “Penny, excuse me, I require your assistance.”

Penny put the palm of her hand over her eyes and squeezed them shut. “Of course you do Honey.” She sighed in defeat. “Does it involve me touching your junk again?”

“...” At Sheldon’s silence she finally looked up at him. He was fidgeting in place and looking everywhere but at her.


“Ah! No.” He closed his eyes and was able to squeeze out “I just need your assistance unbuckling my belt and the button on my pants. I can take care of the rest.”

Penny looked at him, he looked uncomfortable as heck. Like he wanted to be anywhere else but there at that moment. ‘Okay Penny, he wouldn’t have asked if he truly didn’t need help.’

“Okay Sheldon, come here, I can do that for you.” She tried to keep her voice neutral.

“Can’t you stand up to help me?” A pause “Please.”

“Look Sheldon, I’m comfy here, just come here and I’ll have you out of those pants in no time.”

“Perhaps it woul-” Before he could chicken out more, she grabbed him by the belt buckle and pulled him to her until his crotch was in front of her face.

“Honestly Sheldon, I don’t know what the big deal is with you coming over here.” She grumbled as she started to work on his belt.

“No, Penny, this position is…” He trailed off, and that more than anything else made her stop, the belt was undone and she was starting to work on his pants, but Sheldon never got quiet, he always had something to say.

“This position?” Penny looked up at him and instantly got it. Here she was at eye level with Sheldon Jr, grabbing a hold of his pants, literally. Sheldon was blushing heavily. “Seriously? This is doing it for you?” Penny was more than a little surprised, Sheldon had always been so uninterested in sex, and yet here she was, making him hard just by existing it seemed.

“Penny.” He grounded out, still not looking at her. “I’m a healthy adult man, it’s only natural that my body has certain reactions to external stimuli.”

“Right.” She laughed a little because this was just so unexpected.

Penny finished unbuttoning his pants. She kept fighting a smile because yes, this was so very weird, but it was also very fun. This was Sheldon at his most ‘regular joe’ possible. Feeling playful, Penny said “All ready Honey.” and then pantsed him.

Sheldon would be a little embarrassed but that’s it, it was meant to be a harmless prank. A little payback for earlier.

Instead, when Penny pulled his pants down, she must have also gotten a hold of his underwear, because next thing she knew, something slapped her across the face. Sheldon screeched something at her and she was vaguely aware of him moving towards the bathroom. But she couldn’t move.

Sheldon had just cockslapped her.

It was an accident of course, and if you looked at it in a certain way, it had also been her fault. Penny didn’t move from her seat as she tried to digest what just had occurred. As she sat there, she could hear Sheldon moving from the bathroom to his bedroom and she squeezed her eyes shut, fearing that she had traumatized Sheldon or damaged their friendship.

Also, why could she still smell his dick?

“Thank you for your assistance Penny. I shall think of an appropriate method to pay you back.” Sheldon had returned, he changed into his pajamas and was looking very interestedly at the ceiling.

“Nonononono, don’t worry. This is me paying you back for the time you took me to the ER.” Penny was also trying to not look at him. He hadn’t brought up what just happened and she sure as hell was not going to be the one to bring it up.

“I see. I suppose that’s an acceptable outcome. Goodnight Penny.”

“Goodnight Sheldon.” Penny quickly left 4A and entered her own apartment, she made sure to lock the door and deadbolt it.

Penny sat on her couch, looking at nothing. Suddenly she put her face in her hands and screamed into them, embarrassment finally assaulting her. She could have kept going but the feeling of moisture on her hand and face made her stop to look. Her palm was smeared with liquid, she could also feel her cheek was equally smeared.

Moving to her bathroom, she opened the faucet to clean herself but before she could do it, her reflection greeted her as she looked at the mirror. It wasn’t that large of a smear, if it wasn’t for the smell you’d never know what it really was.

The tingling between her legs reminded her that it had been a while since she had some.

Quickly shaking her head, Penny went to wash her face and hands. Sheldon’s craziness must be contagious because her thoughts suddenly took a turn, the smell of him made her remember the taste of him, which made her frustrated because she was NOT going to touch herself thinking of Sheldon.

She would not.

“For fuck’s sake!” She growled at her reflection.

Quickly undressing herself, Penny turned on her shower and grabbed her pulsating shower head.

Sheldon had to pay for this, somehow, she was going to make sure to return the favor twofold. Her next thoughts were only about what a great investment her shower head had been and if Sheldon had always smelled so good.


These type of works are like palate cleansers, I find myself being able to work better on other Universes after writing something fun like this.

Chapter 62: Fan Support (Happenstance)


Sequel to Premiere


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny was still very pissed off, how dare that goblin badmouth her Moonpie. Sure, he wasn’t the most social person, but he had come a long way to try and understand other people. She swiped at the angry tears on her face.

Penny had kept her composure for the rest of the gala but as soon as she got home and started to remove her makeup in their bathroom, the tears started. Of course she was perfectly aware that not everyone was a fan of Sheldon, she thought she had made peace with that, but to hear some asshole reduce Sheldon like that…it pissed her off.

Sighing, she let go of the feelings, Sheldon was still doing his routine of securing the apartment and preparing for bed. He would be waiting for her and no doubt notice how pissed she still was. ‘Inhale’ Her Moonpie was amazing. ‘Exhale’ He could be frustrating as well, but that didn’t make him less of a person.

And most important of all, Sheldon had Penny.

It was them against the world. He taught her that her efforts were not being wasted, that College was not a bad choice. That her dreams could come true. She loved her Moonpie, and he loved her. They had found each other and neither was letting go.

“Now Penny,” She said to her reflection. “Go screw your husband silly.”

Sheldon watched the short man close the door behind him.

“I still don’t understand why you and Penny bother so much with this insignificant man.” He told Fred. Both Fred and Penny had expressed a desire to cause bodily harm on the short man, Penny had also been upset for the rest of the night, even if she tried to disguise it.

Fred sighed. “Because you’re my friend, as simple as that.”

Sheldon nodded, before Penny he would have deflected and even minimized the other man’s feelings, but he wanted to make an effort in not only acknowledging the feelings of others, but also appreciating them. “I see, thank you Fred.”

“I still say we should make him pay more.”

“What worse punishment than being unable to work with me in the future?”

Fred laughed and smiled at him. “Yeah, you’re right Sheldon.” Fred stood up and stretched. “I’ll come pick you up at lunch time. Oh! Before I forget, Kelly wanted me to confirm that we’ll be there on the night Penny’s show premieres.”

“Excellent, I’ll inform Penny even though I suspect she already knows.”

“You know what’s faster than light?” Before Sheldon could respond Fred quickly said “Our girls talking to each other.”

Sheldon frowned and shook his head, he quite liked Fred but some of his comments could be nonsensical.

Penny sat in her spot as the credits rolled on the TV. She had her face in her hands and couldn’t look up to face her friends and husband.

“Well, I quite liked it.” Sheldon said.

“Yeah, it was pretty good.” Fred added.

“I wonder how much of it is-”

“Okay! I forgot that my character doesn’t appear until episode two!” Penny threw her hands up and blurted out.

Silence and then Fred’s laughter broke through, full belly laughter filled the apartment. Kelly also joined in and even Sheldon did his breathy little laugh. Penny had to join them, she couldn’t believe she had forgotten about that.

“So…same time next week?” Kelly was able to finally say after laughing her ass off.

“Maybe this could be our new Wednesday routine.” Sheldon mused.

“Yeah, that would be great!” Fred quickly agreed.

The following week Penny finally appeared in her role as ‘JJ’, and the group praised her acting. She had refused to check ratings for the show but she was hoping that it would be a success. Which is why the call to return to filming ASAP was a surprise, a welcome one, but a surprise nonetheless. CBS greenlit the rest of the season and they would start filming again on October 12th.

Her life was about to get really busy but Penny wouldn’t have it any other way.

Penny had been half right, someone at the show was in fact a fan of her husband. But it wasn’t a writer, but a producer/showrunner. It was always weird (but in a nice way) when someone went full fangirl because of Sheldon.

Maybe Sheldon would like to come to a shooting.

Shooting doesn’t go as fast as with the first half of the season, now that they have room to breathe and that everyone is employed the mood is more relaxed. There’s talks of CBS ordering 3 more seasons already but at the moment they’re only rumors.

She always dreamed of being the next Julia Roberts, of acting in movies and being a super star. But reality wasn’t as kind, back in UCLA, Laura had made it clear that the people that made it like Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, etc. were the lucky ones, it might have been a breakout role or they captured the audience film after film. But, that was not the reality for most actors, for most of them a long term contract was the dream, to know you would be employed for the next 6, 7, 8 years.

It was a sobering thought.

Of course Penny had applied for movies, but she wasn’t blind. Some of the girls in those auditions were drop dead gorgeous, and more importantly, Penny had already beaten them. These gorgeous ladies had been in competition for the role in Scrubs and the one to get it had been Penny. Same for the Folgers commercial and Criminal Minds.

These jaw dropping women might never appear on screen once.

As such, when her agent was presented with the 4 year contract, Penny didn’t hesitate to accept it. Of course her agent made sure that the contract was more than fair, Penny would be free to star in movies and commercials as long as it didn’t interrupt regular shooting for Criminal Minds.

The interviews were a pain. She had never needed to do a press run but now that their names were out there, it was needed. Thankfully most of the interviews were done as a group and her time was shorter than for the older and more well known actors, which was perfectly fine with her.

Her dad calls her gushing about the show, she knew he liked Law & Order but wasn’t expecting him to get hooked on Criminal Minds. It feels nice to be able to talk with her dad about normal stuff, it feels mundane and normal, without all of the baggage they had been lugging around.

The Cooper family is also a big fan of it, even Georgie sends her a gift basket to celebrate. Ceecee is still too young to watch it but she’s in the spirit of things and sends her a drawing of her as a cop.

As promised, Fred and Kelly go over on Wednesdays to watch the show, even if Penny isn’t there because she’s filming the aforementioned show. They also get a double punch with bad and then good news.

The bad news is that Louise is moving away, she was promoted to Detective but it means she has to move away. She gives them one last banana bread loaf. Even Sheldon looks like he wants to cry.

The good news is that Fred and Kelly take over the apartment, so their best friends will now also live right across the hall. Penny and Kelly squee in delight while Sheldon tries and fails to suppress his pleased smile.

All in all, 2005 was a fantastic year.


“What?” Penny couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

“Just what it says there, they’re not picking up your contract for season 6” To be fair, her agent looked even more pissed than Penny felt.

“What do they mean with budget cuts? Thomas and Shemar get paid double than I do!”

“I know Penny, I fought for it…you’re going to hate this next part too, they’re offering you a ‘recurring’ contract instead.”

“Fuck that!”

“Look Penny, this is just how the cookie crumbles sometimes. In my expert opinion, I think it’s smart for you to accept it. Go home. Talk it out with Sheldon. It sucks, I know, but you don’t want to slam the door on CBS’ face.” After a pause she adds. “This could be the perfect time for that baby you’ve been hinting at.”

THAT shut Penny up. Her rage melted away as she blinked a couple of times and then hesitantly smiled. “It would mean more time at home…”

“Go, talk with Sheldon.”

“-that’s what happened. Thoughts?”

Sheldon looked at her and tilted his head, like a puppy. Penny had calmed down quite a bit on the drive home. It's true that it was a slap in the face from CBS, but on the other hand, it would mean more time for other projects. Namely, a baby.

They had discussed the possibility of having a kid and both of them felt ready, Penny was about to turn 30 and the timing just seemed right.

She had been getting steady work thanks to her face getting more and more recognizable, heck, she had even been in a Stevia commercial with Jamie Lee Curtis. Overall Penny was pretty satisfied with her professional life.

Her relationship with Sheldon was still as strong and since Kelly had her baby last year, well, it had made Penny wonder.

Right before meeting Sheldon, she had been convinced of never wanting children. She didn’t want to punish a kid to suffer what she suffered. The neglect and loveless marriage of a kid pretending to be an adult.

But then Sheldon had come along and it was so different to what she expected out of a relationship. At some point without even knowing how or when, Penny had opened herself to the possibility of becoming a mom. It was frightening of course, but like with most things, knowing that Sheldon was by her side made it all the easier to face.

“I believe that we can make it work.” Sheldon finally said. “Fred mentioned that he had seen those new condos on East Glenarm Street and was quite satisfied with their quality. We can organize a visit to ensure they fulfill our needs.” Sheldon nodded to himself.

Penny laughed. “I mean, yeah, we can make the baby thing work and find a new place to live. BUT, I meant, the offer from CBS. Do you think I should take it or tell them to beat it?”

“Oh! I think you should take it. I have no doubt that this is the best move for your career moving forward, it might not be the road you would like to take, however, having someone as big as CBS as your enemy would be ill-advised to say the least.”

“Tsk, I hate it when you're all rational like that.” She went to hug him so he would know she was joking. “Well, baby here we go.”

Ceecee was lazily browsing the TV, it was a Sunday afternoon and there was nothing to do. She had wanted to go to the mall with Shane but he got the mumps and now couldn’t leave the house.

She kept changing the channel until a familiar face appeared on the screen. “MOM! Aunt Penny is on TV again.”

Her mom loved seeing Aunt Penny on TV, it didn’t matter what it was, she would watch it. Sure enough, a moment later her mom jumped on the couch next to her and Ceecee chuckled.

“-of a beautiful baby girl, Penelope Cooper!”

“She doesn’t like being called Penelope.” Her mom shushed her and turned the volume up.

“Thank you Ellen.”

“Before anything, congratulations on returning to Criminal Minds as part of the Main Cast for Season 7” The audience clapped and hollered. “After a massive outpour of support from fans as well as thousands of letters and petitions, your character is returning.”

“Thank you to all of you!” Aunt Penny gestured to the audience who once again hollered. Aunt Penny talked about her character, how much the support of the fans meant to her and what they could expect to see from JJ in the upcoming season.

“Fantastic!” Ellen said. “But that’s not the only thing to celebrate, you’re now the proud mom of a gorgeous little girl. What’s the name of the baby?”

“Yes, she’s a sweetheart and her name is Ella.”

“And here we have a picture of baby Ella.” Ellen pointed to the screen behind the chairs where a picture of her cousin was shown.

“Mom, when are we meeting Ella?” Ceecee had only seen the pictures that Aunt Penny had sent them, but last Christmas the baby was still too small to travel so they only saw her through Skype.

“Your Aunt says they’re definitely coming back for this next Christmas, so you’ll see her then.” Her mom replied but her eyes were stuck on the screen.

“Now, who is that handsome man holding the baby?” Ellen said in a teasing tone.

“Sorry ladies, he’s taken. That’s my husband, Dr Sheldon Cooper.”

“I’m gonna go see if Shane wants to play Age of Conan.” Her mom simply nodded but said nothing.

“Are my notes correct here? He’s a Nobel Prize Winner?!” Was the last thing Ceecee heard before going upstairs to her room. She had heard that story so many times already. She much rather level up her barbarian character.



Now to get ready for the editing and rewrite into it's own fic.

This was definitely a favorite of mine, a much brighter and kinder Universe than I expected but one I really loved. In it's own fic I think I will expand a little bit more on baby Ella, though I liked the way we learn about her. Makes you want to know more, doesn't it?

Anyways, thank you very much for all of your support for this Universe.

I still have an idea for third part for the other Universe, the smutty one, so I have a feeling that will be the next to be posted.
Edit 02/06/24:
This spun into it's own story:


The Happenstance Reaction

Chapter 63: Laundry table (Assistance)


Sequel to Shower Head


Same warning as before, it's a smutty chapter so if you're okay with that, read on. If not, I'll see you on the next chapter.

Chapter Text

“Penny.” Sheldon’s voice was lower than usual. Authoritative. It made her break into goosebumps, still, she didn’t reply to him.

“Penny.” She might have imagined it, but she could swear there was a little growl in his voice now. She had to clench her legs together and couldn’t stop the shiver that went through her.

“Penny.” There was definitely a growl in his voice as he repeated himself again. Almost against her will she turned to face him, he stood next to his whiteboard. The apartment was dark and for some reason she couldn’t make out his features, the only thing visible through the darkness were his eyes, heartbreakingly blue, clear and so bright. “You made me repeat myself three times.” He told her, the promise of payback now in his voice.

Penny shivered again but also smiled at him, defiant. “And what will you do about it?” She was eager and didn’t care if he noticed it, she was not going down without a fight.

She saw as his eyes closed and despite not being able to see him, knew that he was shaking his head in disappointment. “Penny, Penny, Penny.” Blue and now stormy eyes are visible again. “Come here.” It’s an order.

“Make me.” She spits back.

Suddenly, his hand is tangled on the back of her head, Penny gasps, it’s not painful but she didn’t see him move, her sight is now only those blue eyes and despite being so close, she still can’t make out his features.

“I suppose further training is needed.” Sheldon says casually. She knows what he wants, wants her to kneel in front of him, to make her unbuckle his belt and release her favor-

A shrill noise interrupts her thought process. Sheldon disappears. Another hellish sound and she’s not in the apartment any longer.

She wakes up.

Groaning, Penny moves to turn off her alarm and she’s startled by the state of her body, her nipples are rock hard and she’s definitely going to have to wash this pair of panties.

“Fuck!” She says to the empty room. A wet dream.

A fucking wet dream. Her first ever wet dream to be more exact. And it was about Sheldon, usually she forgets her dreams as soon as she wakes up but not this one, oh no, for some reason, she could remember every single detail of this dream.

All of this was Sheldon’s fault. She had been feeling weird since she had to act as his temporary semen cup. Her brain grounds to a halt and her body flames with desire.

‘Oh nonononononononononono. No. No.’ This was all a bad joke, her body was playing a prank on her. She was never into swallowing or tasting cum, of course she sometimes pretended to enjoy it, but to get horny on the thought of it? Never. Until now. ‘If Sheldon gave me a new fetish I swear I will kick his ass.”

That morning she takes a cold shower, she’s got the brunch shift and this is not the time to focus on her weird dreams…or her reactions to that weird dream. As she leaves her apartment she eyes the door to 4A, chews her lip but moves to go to work, it can wait.

Her entire shift is a nightmare. Not because of the people, not because of the lack of tips, not even because she dropped a tray of dirty dishes. No, it was a nightmare because she couldn’t stop thinking about Sheldon.

To be a little bit more specific, she couldn’t stop thinking about what sex with Sheldon would be like. If that was the only thing on her mind she could ignore it like many of her impossible crushes. Except, it wasn’t only that.

She kept thinking about her dream and her reaction this morning. Thought back on her previous dates and…nothing, Kurt, Zach, Tom, Abel. Nothing. Remembering them brought memories of great sex but thinking about how they tasted? Nothing.

Thinking about tasting Sheldon again? It was like a switch was flipped. It was an Instahorny button. Honestly, it was throwing her for a loop.

‘Okay Penny, relax. This is just a phase, it will pass.’

Penny tried to convince herself of it, it was all a little fresh on her mind. It would all go away.

Right?. Right.

Her shift took a turn for the worse and all thoughts of Sheldon were slowly replaced by thoughts of murder. How could old ladies be so mean? Why did parents refuse to do any actual parenting on their little crotch goblins? And by the time she had lemonade spill on her a third time she had all but forgotten about what had been plaguing her waking mind.

She arrived in Los Robles a cranky mess, the walk up the stairs felt more tiring than usual.

“Good evening Penny.” Sheldon’s voice startled her. She had been looking down at her feet and not paying attention to the rest of the world.

“Hey Sheldon.” Penny said slowly, she frowned when seeing the way he was carrying his laundry basket in his arms, cradling it against his chest and it was the glimpse of his bandaged hands that made Penny remember exactly why she had been so frustrated earlier. “Do you need help?”

“Thank you, but I can manage. I’ll see you downstairs.”

Penny saw him descend down the stairs and she chuckled to herself a little, the others might not give Sheldon enough credit but he could take care of himself. Suddenly feeling better she hurried up the stairs to go pick up her own laundry basket, she needed to wash her current uniform as well.

Five minutes later she was on her way down to the laundry room. Hair in a messy bun and wearing her comfy pajamas, no going out for Penny tonight.

Sheldon was already sorting his clothes into piles, he nodded at her as she started her own sorting next him on the table.

“You know what? I’m too tired for this tonight.” She declared to the room and went to chuck everything into a machine.

“Penny. Stop.” Sheldon’s voice was firm and it made Penny stop in her tracks. Her dream from this morning is now suddenly present in her mind. Sheldon was frowning at her but soon he blinked in confusion at seeing a shiver go through her body.

Her body was reacting to him. ‘This is bullshit.’

“Sheldon, c’mon. I had a rough day at work.” By some miracle her voice is steady. She’s trying to stay in control, this is the same old Sheldon.

“I see. Allow me to help then, it’s part of the Quid Pro Quo between neighbors.” Sheldon’s face twitches a little and it’s cute, he’s trying to help her without outright saying it.

“Okay.” She agrees easily, because her feet hurt and Sheldon is being sweet in his own way. Penny sits on the table next to her laundry. Sheldon goes back to his own clothes first and Penny tells Sheldon about her upcoming auditions, which ones she’s more excited about, Sheldon doesn’t even pretend to be interested but he still listens to her.

“I do believe your midwestern charm should give you an advantage over the others.” Sheldon is done with his clothes and moves to her laundry.

“My midwestern charm?” Penny laughs as she says it, only Sheldon could say something like that with a straight face. “What, something like -Oh for sure I’m gonna eat you up like a hot dish you betcha! Ope, my panties are off dontcha kn-” She can’t even finish saying it because as soon as she had mentioned her panties Sheldon just happened to grab a pair from the pile and it’s all too funny, she laughs so much.

She expected to hear a scandalized ‘Penny!’ from him, or maybe he dropping her panties like they burned him, but Sheldon is quiet. She tries to stop laughing to look at him and her laughter dies immediately.

Sheldon is holding her panties and looking at them intently, like they’re holding some sort of answer and he’s not going to stop until he finds it.

“Uh, Sheldon.” She hates that her voice is a little husky, she can feel her nipples start to harden against the fabric of her pajamas.

Sheldon turns to look at her, his blue eyes are almost black now and Penny finds her mouth dry. Things have been getting a little weird between them but she’s also never felt this aroused just by someone holding her panties and she doesn’t know if it’s because it’s Sheldon or something else entirely.

“Penny.” Sheldon’s voice sounds exactly as it did in her dream. She knows that she’s going to need to change her panties before going to bed.

Penny is having a hard time looking away from Sheldon’s eyes. It’s as if they’re the only people in the world. She doesn’t know what to say or do, because this is Sheldon. He wasn’t supposed to get this sex thing. He was always talking about being a Homo Novus and how he was above baser urges.

But then his bandaged hand is on her thigh and Penny starts to suspect that he does get this sex thing after all.

“Penny.” His hand moves up a little higher and she slides up closer to him, her legs opening a little wider than they were before. Sheldon squeezes her thigh, his thumb is on the inner side, really close to her aching pussy.

Because they’re so close she can see the small grimace of pain that comes across his face, his hands must still hurt. But that’s all it takes, Sheldon focuses back on the moment and he’s looking at this hand on her thigh trying to figure out how it got there. His eyes come back up to meet with hers and she can see the panic starting to set there. Maybe because he’s afraid she’ll be mad, or because he did it at all and is afraid of his own reactions.

He’s preparing to run.

Before she can fully process the thought she’s gotten ahold of his pants. He’s wearing his pajama pants instead of his regular khakis. He looks down at her hand and opens his mouth but before he can say anything her hand has already snaked in through the front and is rubbing his length.

Sheldon groans and his hand goes back to her thigh, in this position it’s easy to maneuver him around so he’s standing in front of her and between her legs. He’s tall so even if he’s flushed against the table she can still rub him easily.

“Penny?” This time his voice is hesitant.

She shushes him and keeps rubbing him lightly, uses her other hand to slide down his pants and underwear a little, baring his dick out to the world. It looks exactly as she remembered it, and to her eyes it looks like it wants to jump at her, making her want to let out a dirty laugh.

Soon enough Sheldon is leaking and she’s able to gather his precum so she has an easier time pumping her hand on his dick, she’s taking her time. Her eyes glance at the open door. ‘Anyone could come in and catch them.’

That thought somehow makes her even wetter.

“Penny.” Sheldon groans her name, it somehow pulls at her insides, the way he’s saying her name. She hurries her pace, sometimes letting her nails graze him lightly and enjoying the way it makes him shake.

Sheldon gasps. “Penny!” Maybe he will only be able say her name from now on, the only word left in that big beautiful brain of his. He will beg her to touch him. “Penny!” He repeats with more urgency, he’s not going to be able to hold on for much longer.

Her panties are still in his hand, they’re cheeky and purple. She takes them and puts them on the head of his dick as she keeps rubbing, Sheldon boggles at her but almost immediately he lets go, his eyes close and the hand on her thigh squeezes painfully.

Penny is fascinated by the expression on Sheldon’s face, it’s only the hot liquid in her hand that makes her finally look away and down. The fabric of her panties is covered in Sheldon’s cum, some of it has leaked through the fabric and covered her fingers.

She shouldn’t.

Sheldon looks at her, his eyes dark with lust again. He’s panting softly and looking into her eyes.

Penny licked her fingers.

Chapter 64: Dreams (Assistance)


Sequel to Laundry Table


Same warning as previous chapter

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“No, Sheldon, stop.” Penny said in a harsh whisper, her eyes focused on the entrance to the kitchen. Her husband or any of their friends could enter at any moment.

Sheldon didn’t listen to her, his hands were on her waist and moving towards her ass, they were rough. Possessive.

“You’re mine.” He growled into her ear.

Penny shivered in delight, both at the tone and the words. She should push him away, go back to her husband and pretend this never happened. But she didn’t want to do that.

“Sheldon, we can’t.” She tried again. “This isn’t right.”

Sheldon let out a sound of frustration. “You’re mine.” He repeated.


“No. Say it.”


“Say it.” It was an order.

“I’m yours…” Penny said softly. She shouldn’t be doing this, she was married, she had made a promise to love and resp-

“Good girl.” Sheldon said and suddenly nothing else mattered. Sheldon had praised her.

She’s the one to kiss him first. It’s hungry and frantic, her earlier worries of someone entering the kitchen are now forgotten, the only thing that matters is the man kissing her back.

The hands that were kneading her ass cheeks move away and she mewls in disappointment, only to gasp and break the kiss. Sheldon had sneaked his hand into her yoga pants and was rubbing her panty-clad pussy, slowly, firmly.

“You’re so wet.” A pleased sound from the back of his throat made her shiver again.

In fascination she watched as Sheldon brought the hand he was using to rub her, up to his face. His fingers were wet. Sheldon looked her in the eye as he licked his fingers.

“Your turn.” Sheldon gently but firmly pushed Penny to her knees. She knew what was about to happen. Her mouth watered in anticipation, she couldn’t wait to taste him.

Penny woke up.

She stared at the ceiling, trying to gather her bearings. She was so horny that the usual itch between her legs was starting to get painful.

“What the hell Penny?” She said out loud.

She was freaked out. This was the second time in a row that she had a wet dream about Sheldon and this most recent one was…weird. In the dream, she was married but she was also cheating on her husband with Sheldon. Her brain was one sick puppy.

Penny closed her eyes in frustration. This was all because of last night, she had given Sheldon a handjob and licked his cum and now she was haunted with wet dreams.

Trying to not think of what her dream meant, she instead focused on the memory of last night. After licking her fingers clean, Sheldon had grunted her name and she was pretty sure that he was going to kiss her or at least do something to her, but then the rusty door to the basement creaked and the spell was broken. She tucked his softening dick into his pajama pants and threw the cum filled panties into her laundry basket. There was nothing they could do about the smell but she hoped whoever came in would just assume it was bleach.

Sheldon went back to sorting her clothes and in no time he was putting them into two separate machines. Penny stayed where she was but she kept her eyes on the door. Thankfully, no one actually entered the laundry room, they could hear someone open one of the storage cages and after a few minutes the sounds of the rusty door echoed again.

Penny let out a relieved breath. Sheldon did the same and he started talking about how soap became the fastest growing industry in the 1800’s, how enzymes changed soap forever and how by 1953 detergents actually surpassed soap sales for the first time ever.

They both pretended nothing had happened.

Penny almost believed it herself, but her dreams would not let her forget.

“Now what?” She said to her room.

Nothing and no one answered her, so she did the only thing that made sense. She touched herself to last night’s memory.

Sheldon panted as he stood under the shower spray. This was the third time he had masturbated to climax and yet, his desire did not decrease in a significant manner.

Last night Penny had touched him until he climaxed in her underwear and hand.

The experience had been both exhilarating and terrifying. The reasons for it to be exhilarating were obvious. Penny was a sexually attractive woman in his eyes. As much as he liked to deny it to others, he rather enjoyed the act of masturbation, having Penny assist him had been an eye opening experience.

In that horrible hospital room he had been unable to focus too much on the present, Penny’s warm hand was all he could think about in the moment…until the warmth of her mouth enveloped him.

It was an enlightening experience to say the least.

And then last night she had once again touched him. He was terrified because he wanted to do it again. He was supposed to be above these urges, but one touch from Penny and he was another man.

‘Biological responses such as these must be investigated further.’

Cleaning himself up, Sheldon prepared as best as he could, his hands were no longer hurting and he could perform regular tasks. ‘Such as masturbation.’

It was time to go see Penny.


Okay, so I had a harder time writing this and I think it's because of the marathon that was getting 'The Happenstance Reaction' edited and ready to publish. I feel a bit burned out.

So, what I'm going to do is that I'm going to step away for a little. I have BG3 installed on my PC and haven't been able to play even once. I will go do that.

Time away from writing will feel weird I'm sure but I need to recharge so I can come back and write more of the ideas I still have.

I'll see you in a bit. Much Love.

Chapter 65: Pacing (Assistance)


Sequel to Dreams


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny paced in front of her couch, she had been trying to get the courage to go across the hall to 4A and deal with this Sheldon stuff.

She was very nervous and talking outloud to herself helped, The only witnesses were the Care Bears on her shelf.

Pace right. “This is silly, that’s what this is. You DON’T have a new fetish.”

Pace left. “Thinking about sucking previous boyfriends?” A pause. “See! Nothing.”

Pace right. “Thinking about sucking Sheldon?” Penny had to close her eyes, her body betraying her. She stopped pacing.

“Okay, this is just because of what has happened these past few days. Things will go back to normal.” Penny said through gritted teeth. It was ridiculous, she couldn’t have an instahorny button, it was something that had not ever happened before.

“Yeah, yeah.” She took and released a deep breath. “Yeah, things will be fine. Just ignore Sheldon for a week and it’ll be as if this never happened.”

*Knock, Knock, Knock.* Penny.

Oh no.

*Knock, Knock, Knock.* Penny.


*Knock, Knock, Knock.* Penny.


Penny knew that she shouldn’t open the door, it was a bad idea…She opened the damn door.

“Hey Moonpie. Whatup?” She tried to project a confidence she did not feel and hoped that Sheldon couldn’t tell how off balance she really was.

“...wonderful grammar as always.” He deadpanned.

“What do you want Sheldon?” This was more like it, this banter. It was how it was supposed to be between them.

“May I come in?”

Wordlessly she moved aside and Sheldon moved to stand in front of her couch, in the same place she was pacing a moment ago. Usually Sheldon would have mentioned the state of her apartment, which wasn’t dirty, but it wasn’t clean to Sheldon’s standards, but he did not. Sheldon simply stood there awkwardly.

“So…how are your hands doing?” Penny closed the door and leaned against it, trying to keep some distance between them. Her hands nervously went behind her back to rest in the pockets of her shorts.

“What? Oh. I’m feeling much better. Thank you for asking.” Sheldon flexed his fingers to show her and she had to admit they did look much better than on Friday night, the nurse must have been right about the actual severity of the whole thing.

“Good. Good.”


An awkward silence settled between them. Sheldon kept looking at the ceiling and she didn’t want to look at him for too long, dreading that her body would suddenly become a ball of horny thoughts.

Sheldon swallowed nervously and opened his mouth but after a moment nothing came out, he simply cleared his throat and shuffled on his feet, his eyes darted to watch her face but soon he was facing the ceiling again.

Penny pressed her lips together and was sure she was making a funny face but she didn’t know how to start this conversation. ‘Sorry I jerked you off while doing laundry’. Yeah no.

“Uh…So…” She trailed off.

“Ah yes, the purpose of my visit.” Sheldon nodded to himself, overall he looked far more composed than she felt. “I wished to discuss recent events with you.” He looked nervous but serious.

Penny felt a hole open up in her stomach, this was it, Sheldon was going to tell her he had ruined their friendship or that he was disappointed in her.

“Look Sheldon, I’m sorry.”
“I would like to repeat our activity from last night.”

It took Penny a moment to process Sheldon’s words. Not only because they had spoken at the same time but because she could swear that he said he wanted to do it again.

“Come again?” Penny asked because she wanted to make sure.

“Well, yes. Basically.” Sheldon said

Penny couldn’t help but laugh. “No, Sweetie, I meant…well, you wanted me to…touch you again?” She hoped that he couldn’t hear the eagerness in her voice.

“I…have been feeling something that defies identification. It started that night in the hospital and ever since I have felt this…pull, yes, that works. This pull towards you.”

Penny felt her nerves disappear, the hole in her stomach filling with heat. “A pull?”

“I suppose lesser minds might call it ‘attraction’,” Sheldon made the air quotes while grimacing in distaste. “A base urge tha-”

“You want me to touch your dick.” Penny knew she shouldn’t be smiling but she couldn’t stop herself.

“Penny!...” He didn’t say anything else and for her it was as good as if he had screamed yes.

“I need you to say it.” Penny took a very deliberate step towards him.

“Seriously Penny. I want to perform an experimen-”

“Say it Sheldon.” She knew that he hated being interrupted, but this was groundbreakingly big and she had never been a very patient person.

Sheldon gulped and looked everywhere but at her. “I would like…” He trailed off.

“You would like…” She encouraged. Another step closer to him, one more step and she’d be right in front of him.

“Penny, please. These sensations are very disconcerting to me. I would appreciate a little seriousness.” His voice was starting to grow frantic.

“What sensations?” She was right in front of him now.


Of course he decides this is the moment to shut up. But Penny was having none of it.

Her hand moved forward and carefully, almost tenderly, cupped his groin. Sheldon finally looked down to make eye contact with her and she simply smiled and raised an eyebrow in question.

“Penny?” His voice was soft.

“Sheldon?” Her voice was husky.

“Please touch me.”

Penny only smiled wider.


Hey peeps.

I'm starting to get back into the groove of writing. Resting did help quite a bit.
Unfortunately my PC was too weak to run BG3 so that part of my rest was a bust. But I replayed Kingmaker and even some new games, so I am less burned out.

Not making any promises, writing and posting will most likely continue at a slow pace. Inspiration juices are still at a low.

But, I'm glad to be back to writing.

Chapter 66: Shorts (Assistance)


Sequel to Pacing


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Sheldon had been haunting her dreams for the past few days…payback was sweet.

Penny was sitting on her coffee table and in between Sheldon’s legs. As for the man himself, he was basically sprawled on her couch as she played with his dick. His pants pooled around his legs alongside his ridiculous underwear.

“Penny!” He panted.

As soon as Penny had touched his dick, Sheldon had covered his face with his huge hands, she’s not sure if it’s in embarrassment or pleasure and at this point, she doesn’t care. Once again he was putty in her hands and it made her feel powerful.

“Do you like this?” Penny said as her hand moved up and down his length, she was doing it slowly and carefully. She wanted to take her time and enjoy this as much as he was, the feeling of his precum covering her fingers, the smell of him, his voice and the sounds coming out of him mixed together to make her horny beyond belief.

“Penny!” Sheldon twisted his face to the left in desperation and that was as much confirmation as she was going to get.

“Tsk tsk, I know for a fact that you know more words, use them.” She teased him.

“Please, I-” A gasp and he twisted his face to the other side.

Penny couldn’t help herself, Sheldon was too cute, she needed to touch herself. So she did. Her shorts were too tight to be able to sneak a hand through the front so she made do with desperate rubbing against the denim fabric, it wasn’t enough friction. The feeling was dull and muted, it was only making her more frustrated but it was as good as she was going to get at the moment.

“Penny! I’m cl-” Sheldon tried to warn her but his words dissolved into a growl.

She was ready however, in fact, she had been waiting for this. She was too horned up to care about it being a new fetish or not. Penny dove in and swallowed the head of his dick.

“What?!” Sheldon asked before grunting, she didn’t look up to see if he was looking at her or if his reaction was due to the feeling of her mouth on him.

As the first rope hit the roof of her mouth, Penny shivered in delight. A tiny orgasm shaking her core. ‘Fuck! It IS a new fetish.’ She thought in despair and delight. She kept her mouth on him and swallowed the salty liquid until he started to soften a little.

She had her in a messy bun, but a few stray strands of hair had escaped. She let go of his dick and combed the hair back into place as best as she could.

“Thank you.” Sheldon said breathlessly, he had a look of wonder on his face and Penny couldn’t help but laugh.

“You’re welcome Sweetie.” Her voice was sweet and happy.

They said nothing else and thankfully the air between them remained the same, no real awkwardness or regret. Penny was trying to think of a way to ask Sheldon if he would like to do this again in the future when a knock at her door startled them both.

“Penny? Do you know where Sheldon is?” Leonard’s voice signaled that fun times were over.

Penny patted Sheldon’s knee and pointed a thumb at the door. “That’s for you Sweetie. I’ll go wash my teeth and I’ll see you for dinner?”

Sheldon nodded. “I’ll order your usual.”


Penny went to her bedroom and listened as Sheldon answered her door, he said something to Leonard and then her front door closed, the voices growing faint.

She sighed in disappointment, Leonard had come back at the worst time. Now her fingers would have to do.

Her shorts hit her bedroom floor.


I know, I know, I know. Super short.

To be honest I think this is it for this Universe at the moment.

Chapter 67: Lamy


Leonard goes on a date.


I don't know, I had to put this to paper.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Leonard adjusted the neck of his shirt for the ninth time in the last 5 minutes, it had been a dumb idea to agree to this blind date. He removed his glasses and cleaned them again. Just because Penny was dating Sheldon didn’t mean that he had to jump into a blind date.

Penny and Sheldon…that had come out of the blue and surprised everyone. Leonard most of all. He thought that he and Penny had something going on.

Sheldon had received funding for his Arctic Expedition and immediately broke his ankle jumping for joy. Because of that, Leonard Raj and Howard had gone on his stead, which yeah, the experience was amazing and even as Sheldon’s helpers it would be an amazing thing to add to their resume and records. Sadly the experiment didn’t reveal anything new and even Sheldon had to admit (over spotty Skype) that there was nothing more they could do but return.

Leonard should have known that something was wrong by Sheldon asking him to remember that they had been gone for 6 months.

The three intrepid explorers had arrived in Pasadena and then into 4A and had been met with the image of Penny straddling Sheldon while she did her best to check if he still had his tonsils.

Leonard could still feel his heart break.

Which fine, Penny didn’t owe him anything, but…he had seen her first. He had already named their hypothetical children and envisioned a future with her. All of that was gone, like smoke.

A flush of shame makes him remember the words he had hurled at this roommate and neighbor, he was truly ashamed of them and wished he could take them back. It was the first time he thought Sheldon would actually deck him, as for Penny, she did deck him before yelling in his face ‘I’m not a toy Leonard! You can’t just call dibs on me like a thing.’

That hurt.

Not only because of the punch, but because Penny’s words went against everything he believed himself to be. Had he really treated her like a thing? Looking back at their interactions made him cringe more and more until he was a ball of shame and regret. Every time he paid for her dumplings, he had done it expecting her to put out for him. He had thought that because he had treated her nicely that he deserved to sleep with her…

It’s a horrible thing to look at yourself in the mirror and not recognize your reflection.

He had apologized to both Penny and Sheldon, but not only that, he also started going to therapy. His natural response to anyone suggesting therapy had been to react defensively and to deflect the subject, but he couldn’t do that anymore. Not if he wanted to be the kind of person he thought he was before.

He had to destroy Leonard Hofstadter ‘The Nice Guy’ and rebuilt himself into Leonard Hofstadter the nice guy.

It wasn’t easy, of course he could see how his mother influenced him, but at what point did it become routine to simply blame her for everything and not take responsibility for his actions? To sweep it under the rug of his mother’s shadow. And now he had to take them back out one by one until he could no longer hide behind it.

Manipulating girls to be kinder to him by offering stories of hugging machines, funeral chocolate cake, being ignored for his siblings. Being ashamed of who he was and always being ready to leave it behind. Being snarky and sarcastic all of the time in order to not be vulnerable.

It all felt like learning the way you walked was wrong and you had to be conscious about how you’re stepping, how long your stride is, what shoes you’re wearing. At times you unconsciously went back to walk the same way. But as his therapist said “It will soon feel normal, you won’t have to worry about all of that stuff and you will be able to live the way you want.”

The flush of shame had almost disappeared by now but he helped it along by downing his second glass of water. He was glad the waiter had left the pitcher at the table because Leonard was thirsty.

He had arrived at the restaurant thirty minutes before the agreed time because old habits are hard to kick and he was nervous. This would be his first date in…a year. Leonard froze with the glass to his mouth, huh, he hadn’t noticed it had been quite so long. He’d been focused on his own personal improvement that dating was left behind.

In fact, he had only agreed to this because Howard and Raj had pushed him to it.

His friends had apparently set up a dating profile for him and arranged this whole blind date. He still wasn’t sure if this was a prank or not, Howard had been smiling a little too enthusiastically.

“Excuse me, I’m Amy Farrah Fowler. You’re Leonard Hofstadter.” A strong and firm voice interrupted his thoughts.

“Hi, yes…” He trailed off after seeing his date.

Oh. It had been a prank. Amy was a nice girl but she was dressed like his grandma and the way she had spoken, well, that was a perfect impression of Sheldon. Man…he hadn’t expected that, not really.

Howard could be such an asshole at times.

“Raj! Buddy! You don’t understand!”

“I understand. Leonard has been doing his best to become a better version of himself and you wanted to prank him?!” Raj wasn’t exactly yelling, but was very close to.

They were outside of Howard’s house and were about to enter with their takeout but before they could do it, Howard couldn’t contain his glee anymore and told Raj of his ‘prank’.

“No buddy, no. It’s not like that! I just-”

“Howard! You better hope that Leonard forgives you.”

Leonard nervously shifted in place and looked up at Amy’s face. Her expression was the same as it had been for most of the night but she had a small blush on her cheeks.

Much to Leonard’s surprise, the date had NOT been a prank.

Amy was a wonderful and sweet girl, and much like Sheldon she was way too smart for her own good. She wasn’t imitating Sheldon, that was her own way of speaking plus nervousness.

Just like he had been afraid of being pranked, she had also shared the same fear. And after she shared some horror stories from her high school years, Leonard couldn’t blame her. Teenagers could be such cruel assholes.

“I believe that it’s customary for a date to end on a kiss.” Amy said, her voice was level and calm but her blush had intensified.

“Ah, yes.” He said smartly. Deciding that talking was not the best course of action at the moment, Leonard gave Amy a chaste kiss on the lips but almost right away Amy grabbed him by the back of the head and deepened the kiss.

“Woah…” Leonard said after Amy had let him go.

“I’m free next Friday night and will be expecting a call from you.” How could she sound so calm after that kiss was a mystery.

“Uh, yes.” Leonard gave himself some grace on his lack of eloquence, lack of blood to the brain does that to you.

“Goodnight Leonard.”

“Goodnight Amy.”

“Woah…” Leonard repeated once her apartment door had closed.

He touched his lips and looked at his feet, he felt like a teenager in the best sense. The cat was alive.

On the drive back to the apartment he kept thinking on the best way to thank Howard for introducing him to Amy. Maybe he could convince Sheldon to remove one of Howard’s strikes?


Once again, I don't know. I was listening to 'Love like you' from Steven Universe and for some reason it inspired me to write this.

Chapter 68: Lamy Part 2


Sequel to Lamy



(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Leonard took a hit of his inhaler and tried his best to smile and signal to Amy that he was okay. His naked chest heaved with the effort until the medicine relaxed his airway muscles and he was able to gain control of his breathing.

“Allow me to go fetch a glass of water for you.”

“Thank you, love.” He said breathlessly and enjoyed the way Amy blushed at his words.

Amy put on her robe and left his bedroom. Thankfully Sheldon was spending the night at 4B which meant Leonard and Amy had the apartment to themselves. Leonard relaxed against the headboard and enjoyed the sounds of Amy moving through the empty apartment, the sound of the cupboard opening and closing…it felt nice.

Being fully honest with himself, he had to admit that he hadn’t seen his relationship with Amy develop the way it had.

She was as smart as Sheldon but didn’t have the same hang-ups that he did about physical contact and sex. Pursing his lips he sucks on his teeth in annoyance. ‘Although it seems he doesn’t have those same hang-ups when it comes to Penny.’

Leonard shakes his head and tries to move away from those thoughts. Sheldon and Penny were happy and he was honestly happy for them as well. But it was a work in progress to try and stop the negative thoughts.

‘Focus on Amy.’ He reminded himself and it works. Amy had a very dry sense of humor that matched perfectly with his, she was actually very sweet but had trouble expressing those feelings, honestly their childhoods had been somewhat similar which also helped them bond.

Amy was also a very sexual being…and he could barely keep up with her. He thought he had wanted a girl that liked sex, but Amy was challenging that idea. In short, she was insatiable.

“Here you go Leonard.” Amy’s voice startled him out of his musings.

“Thank you.” He accepted the glass of water she was offering, took a couple of sips and once his throat was feeling better he took a big gulp. The water was cool and it helped to calm him down even more.

“So…ready for round two my sexy Hobbit?” Amy was also very direct.

Leonard almost choked as he drank, not due to shock, no. He was used to Amy’s somewhat inappropriate comments when she was feeling horny. No, he almost choked in laughter.

“Yeah.” Leonard pounced on his sexy girlfriend, they had the apartment to themselves for once and he was not going to waste this chance.

Later, as he laid between Amy’s arms, Leonard had to wonder if this position would have embarrassed the ‘Leonard from before’.

If anyone would have barged in on his room at that moment, they would have found Amy on her back and Leonard laying on top of her, his head nestled right underneath her breasts and her arms resting protectively against his back, surrounding him lovingly.

Leonard had always wanted to be the one that protected his girlfriend, to be a manly man. But therapy had helped him see how it also led him to see women as things without autonomy. He had been afraid that someone could come along and ‘take’ girls away from him, like they were toys. He’d been scared of that when introducing Amy to Sheldon…He’s glad that she’s sleeping because he can’t face her at the moment, he nestles his head closer to her chest.

A part of him, a part he hadn’t wanted to face had been afraid that Amy would have dropped him as soon as she met Sheldon, but he had been a fool. Amy hadn’t left his side all night and even kissed and openly showed her affection towards him. A bubble of laughter almost threatens to burst out of him. ‘If anything, I should have been wary of Penny.’ Amy almost instantly latched onto their neighbor, the trademark kindness of the blonde was a bonfire that Amy couldn’t ignore, even going so far as to declaring Penny ‘her bestie’.

It felt good to be in a relationship and not having to feel like he was competing against some invisible contender. Amy wanted to be with him and that was all there was to it.

And yes, he’s certain that if Howard knew about their sleeping positions there would be much teasing about Leonard being the girl in the relationship, but he honestly couldn’t care less what Howard, or anyone else for that matter thought. Amy loved to cuddle with him and the way she held him was loving and made him feel safe.

Leonard is sure that he loves Amy.

But he’s still in therapy and doesn’t want to scare her off, it’s only been 6 months since they’ve been dating which yeah, before, he would have been ready to move in with her, but Amy had her own circumstances with her mother and these weekends that they would spend at the apartment felt like a nice practice run for the future. There was no need to rush, they’ll get there when they get there.

His eyes felt heavy with sleep but he refused to go to sleep yet. He wanted to enjoy more of this time with her, the apartment was quiet and the only noises were coming from beyond the window.

For this moment in space and time, only Leonard and Amy existed in his consciousness. And then sleep took him and he dreamed of brunette children with square rimmed glasses. Although by morning he would not remember his dream, only the feelings of longing it left in him.

“Sheldon, stop fidgeting.” Leonard whispered to the man on his left.

“I do not fidget, Leonard.” Sheldon lied.

“Then what do you call this…” Leonard tried to discreetly show that Sheldon kept moving in place.

“It’s my first time being a ‘Best Man’ and I’m simply nervous. I want to perform my role correctly.” Sheldon avoided admitting he was fidgeting.

“I’m the one getting married, Sheldon. As long as you don’t lose the rings you’ll be fine.” Leonard saw Sheldon freeze in place and a pit of dread opened in his stomach. “Sheldon…the rings…” He trailed off not knowing how to even ask Sheldon if he still had them.

A breathy laugh “Bazinga. Honestly Leonard, I have an eidetic memory, I would never-”

Ignoring the rest of what Sheldon said Leonard took a deep breath and closed his eyes in consternation, he would tell Penny later about this inappropriately timed Bazinga so she could take care of her Wackadoodle husband.

At least this had calmed down his own nerves significantly.

Hearing the music swell and start to play, Leonard opened his eyes and like magic his eyes found Amy’s eyes across the church. She looked breathtaking in her white dress, the glasses he loved were absent which meant her eyes were shown fully to the world and he couldn’t help but smile at her.

Leonard Hofstadter was one lucky SOB. And he was ready to marry the love of his life.



All I can say is that listening to Steven Universe music made me want to be more empathetic towards these two characters that I dislike. Also, I checked and there doesn't seem to be an actual Lamy fic on AO3, they're always in the background of other pairings, so I wanted to add my 2 cents and who knows, maybe give Lamy shippers a couple of drabbles about these guys with Shenny as background for once.

Update 02/22/24:

This became it's own One-Shot:
The Lamy Hypothesis

Chapter 69: Closet (Assistance)


Sequel to Shorts


Same warning about adult content.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Any lingering fear that Penny might have had about things between her and Sheldon getting weird was squashed down during dinner that night.

Sheldon treated her the same as always, he sniped at her, got annoyed, corrected her and otherwise behaved normally which strangely enough was comforting. Just because they had added a sexual part to their friendship it didn’t mean that they had changed.

She wasn’t suddenly in love with him and he wasn’t fawning over her like so many guys in the past had done, expecting that doing so would make her more likely to play with their funny bits.

It was nice.

Once, before she started dating Kurt, some jock thought that he could sweet talk her into bed by saying that they needed no labels in their relationship…and here was Penny now, happily throwing the labels out the window. Maybe it was easy because it was Sheldon.

That night, no more wet dreams, which Penny took to mean she was doing something right.

It was amazing to think how often you can sneak in a quick blowjob or fingering between Sheldon’s busy schedule, but you could. Penny now had a copy of the actual schedule in her email, they synced their calendars and everything…Honestly that was more commitment than she ever had after Kurt. Leonard included.

20:00 Laundry night starts.
20:25 to 21:15 Sheldon and Penny time.
21:15 to 21:30 Fold clothes.

And that was it, even if someone caught a glimpse of their calendar no one would be able to tell at a glance what was going on between them.

One of Penny’s audition’s messes up with their weekly schedule and then Sheldon has to give a rare class which means that they don’t get any alone time until the boys’ scheduled dinner at The Factory.

They had 10 minutes, more than that and the rest of the group would be suspicious.

The supplies closet would have to do since Sheldon didn’t use public restrooms, not even to get a blowjob. Thankfully Bernadette, a cute new waitress, was spotting for them and pretending to arrange cutlery at the entrance of the hall leading to the room. She'd let them know if anyone was coming…Penny wants to make a joke but she’s too horny for it.

Things then got weird.

Penny was licking Sheldon’s dick in that way she knew he loved when the door to the closet opened and almost gave them a heart attack. Penny could swear that she could feel Sheldon’s rapid heart beating through his dick.

It was Bernadette. She had a look of intense curiosity on her face and before Sheldon or Penny could ask the obvious question, Bernadette herself told them.

“Do you guys mind if I join?” Bernadette’s mousey voice didn’t fit the situation at all.

“Uhhh…” Penny glanced up at Sheldon but the man was frozen in place. Penny turned to look at Bernadette again but by now her fellow blonde was kneeling right next to her and looking intently at the dick in Penny’s hands.

Penny was no prude, she liked sex and made no secret about it.

Having said that, she had never actually been in a threesome. Kurt had insisted but it wasn’t for Penny, she didn’t want to share her boyfriend. But Sheldon wasn’t her boyfriend.

“What do you say Sweetie?” She asked Sheldon.

“...” He looked down at her and then looked at Bernadette who was still looking at his dick. Sheldon’s dick jumped in her hand which was answer enough for her.

“Go at it.” Penny smiled and told Bernadette.

Right before standing up she could see that Bernadette was very enthusiastic but not very experienced. She kept bumping her teeth on Sheldon’s dick and it took her a moment to find the right rhythm.

“Uh uh, I’m still here Moonpie.” Penny said and guided his hand under her skirt.

Thankfully he got the hint and started rubbing her over her panties in that way that made her knees wobble. Mr Eidetic Memory was not lying about remembering everything.

But she was still feeling frustrated, these 2 weeks with Sheldon had been great and she had found an…appreciation, yeah, that worked. She had found an appreciation for blowjobs that she didn’t have with her previous partners.

Sheldon kissing her interrupted any further musings. They had never kissed before. Some sort of unspoken rule that he had now broke. Kissing was intimate in a different way. Kissing was for feelings. Kissing was a no-no. Kissing could only lead to trouble.

Penny kissed him back.

Sheldon got more frantic, in both the kissing and in fingering her. Way too soon for her liking he had her at the edge of an orgasm and she shuddered in anticipation. But Sheldon’s fingers stopped and he also stopped kissing her, a small grunt from him and a panicked noise from Bernadette meant that Sheldon had cum first.

Penny wanted to laugh but stopped when she turned to look at the other girl. Bernadette was doing her best to swallow but she was struggling and some slipped from the corner of her mouth.

It should have made for a funny image, but she didn’t feel like laughing anymore.

“Penny?” Sheldon asked.

She turned to look at him and he frowned at her and then blinked in confusion. He tilted his head to one side and watched her closely.

“Are you okay?” Even his voice sounded concerned now.

“Yeahyeahyeahyeah. Let me help Bernadette up, you should go back to the guys before they get suspicious.” Penny basically shoved him out the door and refused to look him in the eye.

She helped Bernadette up and made sure that both their uniforms were clean and in place. Bernadette kept thanking her for letting her join but Penny only half listened, she nodded when needed but otherwise kept to herself for the rest of her shift.

Penny kept a frozen smile on her face until she got in her car.

“FUCK!” She slammed her hands against the steering wheel, over and over until her hands hurt.

Hot fat tears threatened to spill from her eyes and she angrily swiped at her face using the back of her hands.

Seeing Bernadette at Sheldon’s feet and with his cum running down her mouth made Penny irrationally angry, she had wanted nothing more than to slap Bernadette and fuck Sheldon silly.

“FUCK!” She slammed the wheel again.

She was screwed.


Man...this was supposed to be the fun smut Universe. But the muse guides me and I obey.

Chapter 70: Whiplash (Assistance)


Sequel to Closet


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Worst moment to realize you have feelings for someone?

When he’s getting head by another girl.

Penny still had a hard time coming to terms with this entire thing, they were just having fun. When did feelings get added into the mix? Sure, she loves Sheldon, he had a way of worming into your heart and she liked those moments of the real Sheldon that he only seemed to share with her.

And yeah, they didn’t have sex or even kissed until tonight but Penny felt a closeness to Sheldon now that made her weak in the knees.

“Fuck.” She said softly and let her head rest against the steering wheel. She had just arrived at Los Robles but didn’t feel like going up the stairs just yet. “Fuck…”

It was supposed to be a fun thing, they had successfully fooled around for weeks and it hadn’t been awkward but now she would not be able to face Sheldon. Sheldon…it would destroy her if he no longer wanted to be friends after tonight.

Penny scratched at her head in frustration.

She wanted to kiss Sheldon again. That was the simplest truth she could face head on at the moment. She just wanted to kiss him again. Her fingers rubbed at her lips absentmindedly.

“Fuck.” Penny whispered softly.

Taking a deep breath, holding it for a moment and then letting go she finally felt ready to go up to her apartment. She made sure to lock her car, grabbed her mail and started the long climb up the stairs.

She didn’t have the mental endurance to deal with this tonight, she’d just take a warm relaxing bath and go to sleep. She didn’t have a shift tomorrow nor any plans and it was Anything-Can-Happen-Thursday so she’d be able to talk to Sheldon without the other guys there.

Arriving at the fourth landing she eyed the door to 4A, there was only silence behind the door and a part of her hoped/dreaded that Sheldon would open the door. But after a moment nothing happened and the hallway remained silent.

Dragging her feet to her own door she fumbled with the keys for a moment before finding the correct one and opening her door, her eyes never leaving the floor.

“Hello Penny.”

Startled, she dropped her keys and mail. Sheldon was sitting on her couch, he had been waiting for her. Penny quickly squashed the fluttery feeling in her belly.

“Sheldon! Oh, hi, hello.” She said quickly after picking everything up and throwing it on the coffee table. She closed the door behind her and leaned against it.

Sheldon stood up and faced her. He was nervous and kept touching his body, his hands would rub at his sides before trying to grasp at a bag strap that was not there before moving to rest behind him but after a moment he would scratch at his earlobe with one hand. He was avoiding meeting her eyes.

“I would like to discuss tonight’s events with you.” Sheldon said firmly despite his nervous appearance.

“Honey…can it wait? I’m dead tired.” It was true, but Penny also wanted to avoid having Sheldon break their friendship tonight. She wanted to go to bed and be able to dream that things were okay between them.

“I’m afraid not.” Sheldon finally looked at her. “Penny. After much consideration, I think that we should stop our current relationship.”


Penny just nodded, she couldn’t talk, her throat had closed and she needed to close her eyes to stop the tears from flooding her apartment. The door at her back the only thing holding her up.

“I see, I’m glad that you agree.” Sheldon said and the relief in his voice could not be mistaken for anything else. “While physically I enjoyed the act, I have to admit that emotionally and even perhaps mentally, I found myself rejecting the act. I only enjoy it when it’s you.”

Penny has to open her eyes at that , she needs to look at him. He’s a blurry silhouette so she swipes at her eyes until she can see him clearly, her emotions no longer threatening to overwhelm her and something very close to relief now calming her heart.

“Wha? Do you?...” She takes a moment to collect herself. One of her hands comes up as if to ward him off. “You…still want to do it with me?” Not even Sheldon would be able to miss the hope in her voice.

Sheldon doesn’t say anything but he nods and Penny’s knees almost give out under her.

“Good.” She says after a moment and she hates how it sounds like she’s about to cry. She is, but she hates how it sounds. “Good.” She repeats, a little more confidently.

“Penny…excuse me if I’m mistaken, but after your coworker joined us and before you shoved me outside, I believe that you were experiencing distress.” Sheldon frowned in confusion. “I do not enjoy seeing you like that.” He finished slowly.

Penny could lie to him, misdirect him, avoid the subject, evade this entire thing. Perhaps she should.

“I hated seeing you with someone else.” She told him the truth. “Hated it.”

“...I believe that I would have experienced a similar reaction, had our roles been reversed…” Sheldon said after a moment. “Perhaps we should alter our current social and interpersonal paradigm.”

Penny was getting tired of leaning against the door so with a grunt she pushed off herself, took a couple of steps and collapsed on her couch. “What kind of alteration?” She said after making herself comfortable.

Sheldon gingerly sat next to her, took a long moment to adjust himself and then turned to look at her sprawled form. “Would you like to go on a date with me?”

Penny gaped at him before bursting out laughing. She moved so her head rested against Sheldon’s leg, she was still chuckling when she answered. “I would like that Honey. But I think we’re way past a first date.”

“Oh…Then I’m afraid that I don’t know what is the correct protocol to follow in this situation.”

“Me neither to be honest. But, we can figure it out.”


Penny felt really sleepy, all of this emotional whiplash exhausted her, but she was on her couch and Sheldon was with her. The rest could wait.


You try to write smut and the muse says no.

All joking aside, I think I would like to explore this Universe in a One-shot down the line, but for now this is it.

I got an idea rattling inside my head that needs exploring.

Chapter 71: Glimpse


Communication is important.


This was the idea I had rattling around in my head.

Chapter Text

Penny would never tell Sheldon that she’s just at the boy’s apartment so she doesn’t have to have her own AC on. She was trying to keep her power bill as low as possible.


Penny dropped the magazine she was reading and stood up quickly from Sheldon’s spot to look around, the voice had been young, but not that young.

“Hello?” She said to the empty apartment, the boys were at work.

Silence was the only answer she received. For good measure she checked the apartment, even going as far as entering Sheldon’s room, but nothing was out of the ordinary. She did end up closing the window, maybe it came from another apartment she thought, even tho she could swear it had come from right next to her.

Warily looking around, she grabbed her magazine again before taking a seat, but this time on her own spot. Maybe it was something Sheldon had done to keep her from sitting in his spot while he was gone…yeah, it sounded like something he would do.

She went back to reading and soon forgot about the strange incident.

“Drat! I was so close.”

“I don’t know Connie. Maybe we shouldn't be messing around with your dad’s stuff.”

“C’mon Lenny, I want to meet my mom. I know dad does too. He told your dad that he thought he had cracked the right frequency.”

“...I don’t know…what if we get grounded? What if our dads forbid us from watching the season finale of Mistborn?”

Connie gasped. “They wouldn’t!...right?”

“I don’t want to find out.”

“Drat…why must you always be the voice of reason?”

“Dad says it runs in the family.”

“No one runs in your family.”

“...we have asthma…” Leonard Jr deadpanned in a very Amy way.


The tweens made sure to leave no traces of their presence before locking Sheldon’s lab door.

Penny was relaxing in her bathtub, making sure not to jostle her arm too much. The cast had been removed that day and while the pain was no longer unbearable, it was still very present and she only had over the counter stuff to deal with it.

The warm water made her muscles relax and it made her sleepy.


Her eyes immediately opened and she looked around her small bathroom. It was the same voice she had heard all those months ago. Strangely enough, she wasn’t scared…even though she was in a very vulnerable position.

“Hello?” She asked out loud.

“Mom!” This time the voice replied.

“Uhhh…wrong number?”

“...” A static buzz that reminded her of insects was the only reply and she got the impression that the person on the other end was seriously considering her reply. “Is this Penny Cooper?” Finally came through.

“Ummm…no? I’m Penny Quinn.”

“Do you know a Sheldon CoopAGH!” The voice couldn’t finish her question.

“Hello? Are you there?” Penny asked the air.

“Hello. Please ignore whatever my daughter might have said to you. Pretend this conversation never happened and carry on as you normally would…except, please remember that driving at night is dangerous. Farewell.” The voice of an older man replaced the young girl’s voice and the man sounded a lot like an older version of Sheldon. Well, not exactly, when he told her about driving at night there was a lot of emotion behind it that she’d only heard Sheldon use when it came to his precious Meemaw.

“Hello?” She asked the air but even the slight buzzing was gone.

Penny decided that perhaps it was time to get out of the bath and go talk to Sheldon about what she just experienced.

It was fracking weird.

Connie kept rubbing at her earlobe while her dad glared at her and at Lenny.

“Why would you think using my machine was a good idea?” Her dad was eerily calm which made her realize he was truly angry.

“I…just wanted to talk to mom…” Connie was never good at lying so she didn’t even try.

Leonard grabbed her hand and adjusted his glasses. He was terrified of her dad on a good day so she can’t even imagine what he’s feeling right now. But he was still doing his best to stand by her side.

“You…” Her dad trailed off. “I see. I suppose this is a result of my actions.”

“You never talk about her.” Connie pushed.

Her dad nodded and pulled out his phone, two presses and he was talking to Lenny’s mom. “Amy. Could you please arrange for Leonard to come pick up your son? He and Constance were playing in my lab and using machinery beyond their ken. Thank you.”

“Dad, they live next door, couldn’t you…” She trailed off at seeing her father’s calm face. This was new, when her dad was angry, he would be emotional and sort of funny. There was nothing funny about his reaction now.

A knock at their front door made her and Lenny jump.

“You. Stay.” Her dad told her.

Lenny squeezed her hand twice before letting go and following her dad. Connie had the same hearing as her dad but even with it she could only make out a couple of words.


“Drat.” Connie whispered. It was serious.

Her dad returned soon and sat at his desk, he rubbed the bridge of his nose and started talking.

“Your mother was…I don’t believe that I have the correct skills to describe her in a way that will do her memory justice. She was the brightest person I had ever met, until you.” He gave her a small smile which turned wobbly and watery almost right away. “Losing your mother was…” Her dad struggled to continue.

Connie approached him and sat in his lap, she hugged him and buried her face in his chest. She wanted to cry as well. Her dad hugged her back and rested his chin on the top of her head.

“Losing your mother was never a possibility in my mind.” His chest rumbled against her face. “A drunk driver took her instantly from this world while he came out unscathed. It was utter madness.”

“I remember her singing to me.” Connie said against his chest. The only memory she had of her mother.

She felt her dad nod. “Penny loved singing, even if it wasn’t her forte.”

And just like that, the floodgates were open.

Her dad told her all about her mother, moving to 4B, helping her get her TV back, Halloween, auditions, her shower incident, small chocolates, football games, dancing, Halo, Chinese food, laundry night, Soft Kitty and more. For the first time Connie was able to get a clearer image of who her mother had been, of course she had pictures and videos of her, but she needed to listen to this from her father.

He made her mother sound like she was the sun itself.

“We went on a date after your uncle Leonard dared us. Neither of us wanted to back down from it so we proceeded to go. And then we went to a second date, and then a third. Before we knew it, we were married and expecting you.” Her dad smiled softly at her. Connie is jealous of him, he has an eidetic memory so he’ll always have all memories of her mom fresh in his mind.

That’s why Connie clings desperately to the memory of her mother singing to her. It’s the last memory she’ll ever have of her own mom.

“Perhaps I should have never built this.” Her dad points to the machine. “It allows us glimpses into other universes, but our actions can disrupt the flow of those other universes. A butterfly effect.” He shakes his head. “I’ll have to think further on this.”

“I just wanted to see her…”

“I know…I think I would have done the same. Except I would not have gotten caught.” His Texas twang strong at the end.

“Can you tell me more about mom?”

Her dad did just that. He spent the rest of the night telling her about her mom, her love for Radiohead, how she loved quesadillas but always burned them, he even told her about what type of characters her mom loved playing in MMORPGs.

Connie was pretty happy and hoped that she hadn’t disrupted that other mom’s life in the universe she contacted.

Oh, and she was forbidden from watching the season finale of Mistborn. Lenny too, he cried.

“C’mon Moonpie, date me up if you dare.”

“Penny, just because you might be the only person that has made contact with an alternate universe does not mean that I will ‘go easy on you’”

“Huh…so you’re going to go hard at me?”

“I will most certainly wil-PENNY!”

Penny laughed without a care.

Chapter 72: Best friends (Bizarro)


Texas is not all fun but at least Penny found a friend.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny resisted the urge to roll her eyes at the teacher. She had promised her mom that she would try to fit in at the new school but these lectures about being a ‘proper lady’ were tiresome.

The girl to her left seemed to agree as well because she was doodling on her notebook instead of listening to the teacher.

Penny decided to imitate her classmate and started drawing as well, she missed the cows so her drawing was of a cute cow wearing a Bangora hat.


A hiss made Penny stop drawing and look at the girl next to her doing a bad job of pretending to whisper.

“I like your cow.” The girl whispered rather loudly but the teacher ignored them.

“Thanks. I like your cat.” Penny tried to be at least a bit more quiet.

“Thanks! His name is Snowball.” The girl grinned at her and Penny couldn't help but grin back.

“I’m Penny.”

“I’m Missy. You’re new at school.” It wasn’t a question.

“Yeah. I just moved here from Nebraska.”

“Cool, wanna hang out later?”


And that’s how Penny made her first friend.

“Melissa, Penelope. Detention for the both of you.” The teacher’s voice was loud and unforgiving.

That’s also how Penny got detention on the first day of school.

“I’m just saying, why does it always have to be at my house?” Penny grumbled good naturedly at Missy.

“Trust me, I live with crazy people. I’m the only normal one.” Missy immediately shot back.

“Are we actually doing homework this time?” Penny asked and Missy burst out laughing.

“Of course not.”

“For a seventh grader, you got a mean punch.” Penny looked between Missy and the would-be bully girl.

“I got held back a year so I’m actually supposed to be an eighth grader…and my Daddy taught me how to punch.” Missy said proudly while holding her hand.

“Should we help her up?” Penny pointed to the girl laying on the ground.

“Nah. Laura is tough, she can take it.” Missy started walking away.

“...okay…” Penny followed her friend.

“Sorry, no can do today.” Penny shrugged and pointed at the house behind her where screaming could be heard. “Maggie is being very bratty today.”

“But…oh man.” Missy complained.

“Can’t we just go to your house?”

“...don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

“Georgie Cooper, you get back here right now!” A brunette woman yelled at a dreamy boy. She was following him across the front lawn as he moved towards the garage.

“That’s my Momma.” Missy said pointing to the woman and then pointed at the boy. “And that’s my brother.”

“That’s your twin?!”

“What? No. He’s the dumb one. Georgie.”

“The dum-” Before she could finish her question, Missy’s mom continued yelling.

“You can’t just pee in the sink where you wash your dishes!!!” Missy’s mom threw her hands up in the air before crossing her arms in front of her as the boy finally turned to face her.

“But it’s my sink!”

Missy grabbed her by the hand and led her into the house before she could hear the rest of the conversation, which was probably for the better. Her crush was now dead before it could even start properly.

She was not gonna marry someone that peed in the sink. Gross.

Missy’s room was actually clean, unlike her own room and half of it was just what she expected while the other half was full of geeky stuff and Missy very seriously told her to not touch any of the stuff on the geeky side.

“And where’s your twin at?”

Missy was rummaging for something in her closet. “He’s still at college, he’ll be home for dinner.”

“Ha ha, no, for real.”

“I’m serious. Aha!” Missy pulled a board game box and proudly showed it to her.

“CandyLand? Weren’t we supposed to do homework?”

Missy didn’t answer and just shot her a look.

“I had to try, in case my mom asks.” Penny grinned as she took the box from Missy’s hands. "I'll kick your butt."


I had been running low on ideas for new Universes when inspiration hit me. I had mentioned Bizarro Penny and Sheldon before, but what about actually seeing them get to know each other? And thus, this was born.

Chapter 73: Recasting (Meta)




(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny checked their mail. Bill, bill, bill, another bill. Sighing she opened the door to 4A, she’s got a much better paying job now but the bills never stopped.

Before she could even look up from the mail she was pulled forward quickly, the door slammed behind her and she was shoved roughly against it. It took her a moment to react but before she could bring her knee up against whoever thought it was a good idea to manhandle her, she was free again and saw Sheldon move away from her.

“Sheldon? What are you…” She trailed off, seeing the state of the apartment. It looked like a hurricane had passed through but Sheldon kept opening drawers and throwing things on the ground.

“Honey…” Her voice was calm despite the fear currently racing through her veins. “Sheldon. Are you okay? You don’t live here anymore. Do you remember that? If you lost something then it must be over at your apartment” She gulped the knot of terror currently making its home in her body.

Sheldon ignored her and kept searching for something. She wasn’t afraid of him, but for him. They had all joked about him being minutes away from a mental breakdown but it looked like he was in the middle of one.

“I’ll just step out for a moment and go call Amy, okay?” She said slowly, but while he had been happy to ignore her before, now he reacted almost violently. He grabbed her shoulders roughly and pressed his face close to hers. His eyes were frantic and wild, he was covered in sweat and to put it quite bluntly, he looked ready to die of fear.

Like a rabbit.

“Don’t!” Sheldon’s voice was rough and hoarse, as if he had been crying for hours. “She’s not real!”

Penny’s heart broke for Sheldon, something had happened that pushed him over the edge. It would also break Amy’s heart.

“Honey, she’s real, she’s your wife.” Her first priority was to calm Sheldon down. Leonard would not be back until late and Amy must be over at 4B none the wiser to what was happening only a few feet away.

“She’s not-” Sheldon took a deep breath. “Why would I marry Amy?!” He begged her desperately.

“What? Because you love her!” This was silly, she should be trying to calm him down but hearing him say that made her recoil.

“Do I? At times I can barely stand her and the same can be said for her. Why would we marry each other?”

“Beca-” He interrupted her.

“Why would you marry Leonard?!” He asked her harshly.

“I love him!” She replied instantly and a bit defensively. A slight headache began forming in the back of her head.

“Why?!” Sheldon did not let up.

“Because…he’s not like the other guys I’ve dated before.” Her goal of calming him down is now forgotten. “He’s actually a nice guy.”

Sheldon laughed dementedly “Is he? IS HE?!”

“Honey, you’re scaring me.” Penny wasn’t lying. He looked on the verge of crying, she had never seen him like this.

“He cheated on you, he showed your topless pictures to his coworkers on the boat, he asked for your advice on how to best cheat on Priya, lied about your first date, stole your mail, left you for Alicia, fail-” Penny interrupted him this time.

“Wait, wait, wait, wait.” The headache moved from the back of her head to the front and was jackhammering her skull.

“I will not. Penny, I have glimpsed beyond the veil. We’re words on paper, puppets on invisible strings, victims of someone else’s whims!”

“Wait, Sheldon…” She slurred, it felt like her head wanted to break in half.

“Penny. Why would I ever abandon Physics?”

“...” Her hands grabbed at her head. It was breaking in half, her mind an egg slammed against a wall.

“Why would I abandon everything that makes me, Me?” He pleaded with her but she could barely stand up, much less reply to him.

“-my-” She tried to say.

“Why would you abandon your dream of acting?” Sheldon said softly.

Like a failing dam, his words caused her mind to break.


Ÿ̷̗͕̳͙̗̜͙́̒͒͑̊o̴̢̬̼̮̖͖̫̯̼̝̱̪͌͐̓̂̈́͌̏̉͋̎̐̍̉̀u̶̺̹̙̜͎̘̟̺͍͆̋͐̂̅͂̓͌́̂̋͘͘͝ͅŕ̸̨̛̩̱̼͎̠̤̜̗̠͔̘̉̀̏̎̈́̂͗̀͘͝͠͝ ̵̧̡̱̭̜̳͕͚̞̞̖̫̗̜͗ĺ̴̨̹̜̭͍̜̳͉̖͙̔̈́̓̎̔̑̌̈̂͂̚̕̕ḯ̸̯̌̆̔̑̈́f̷̛̘͂̅͆̍͒͛̒̓͒̏͊͘ę̶͔̪̙͑̿̑̃̈̿́͠ ̴͈͎̜̮͉͒̀̇͂̓̈̃͘͠ị̸̡̲̲͖̘͍̼̝̲͙̼̺̙̪̜̾̍͐̾̈̎̾s̸̬̤͑̏͝ ̷̝̘̼͔̿̔n̴̫̣̝̬̫̭̰̰̟̤̻̼̄̑̀̐̈̎̒̄̂͗̈̃͊̕͝ǭ̴̪͇̺̳͇̲̺̻̹͈̙̯͆̎̽̃̍̃̄̐̀̕͜͝t̶̨̖̩̹͓̪̏̋͛͂̀͒̕̕ ̷̥̪͇͕̍͆͑̿̎̒͌̀̍͊̚͝y̴̨̖̘̱͕̤̋̎̅̀͆́͒̏̎̀ǫ̵̨̞̰͇̬̝̫̹̤̹͕̀̇͛̉̑̇͊̈́̕̕̕͠ͅu̶̠̟̜̦͙̼̯̝̩͉̺̍̃r̴̼͓̥̠͔͔̜̳̘͊̓̆̚ ̴̢̹̼̳̪̦͖͔̑́͂́̾̓o̶̡̢̝̯̤͈̥̩͛̓͊̇̊̓̇͌͘w̵̧̨̢̜̯͚͉̠͉̘͎̗̰̜̿̆͠n̵̛̞͖̈́͆̏̒́̊͛̄͛͑͂̂͂̚.̸̙̬͔̯̮̬̇̀͋̂̏̈́̾̀̾̃ ̴͈̝̫͓̹̾̆̉̀̾̂̆̽͂̍̍̌̇̓͘͠D̴̙̣͎̯̬̤̙̮̖̮̝̠̪͚͍͔̀͆̒͂̀͋̀̆̓̏͋͘͝͝ȧ̴̢̝͈̬̹̯͈̮̥͍̘̖̍͛͝ṅ̸̼͇͖̻͕̟͍̹͖̪͎̭̼̈́̂́́̽̓͌̔̈̈́̌͌͛͑̐c̶̢̯̮̯̫̊̈́̂̕ë̷͓́̆̌̄̀́̈́̾̎̿̀̚͘͠͝ͅ ̴̻͔͇̘̘̦̯͕̩̹̳̱̯͊̊̈́̄̾͛͌̇̾̃͛̈́͊̑̚̚ͅm̸̨̟̲̻͇̖̭͒̾͝ͅȏ̷̧̨̬͎͕̗̝̗̞̪̱̯̤̍̔͛͛̈́͛̓̀͘̚͜n̴̛̟̟̤̖̱̠͇̩̄̈͌͘͜͝k̴̢̧͔̬̞̞͔̥͓͍̤̲̭̅͗̎̊̒̑̽͛̐͆͝͝ę̵̢̛̟͍̯̤͍̦̓͐̈́̅̂̈́̏̔̏̔͐͛̓ẙ̶̡͓̟͖̰̭̗̹̥͚̬̈́̀̄̕͜,̵̡̛̤̹͔̲̹̬̱͙̞̐̈͗͐̆͛́̉̅̍̊ͅ ̴̧̫̲̰͍̝͍̣̟͛͊̅d̵̨̲̭͕̫̫͚̟̎̃̈́̏͘ͅą̷̡̢̝̖͚̫͉͖͔͇̫̾́̔̕n̸̻̱͔̪̫̍̽̽̈́̿c̶̗͋̐͗̓̔̓͐̈̀͐̌̚e̸̼͎̕.̸͙̭͚͙͉̙̈́


Penny screamed. Terror filled every inch of her body, the body that was and wasn’t. She was not real, the memories of her childhood, her friends, her feelings, all fake, created by someone else. She was not a person, she was a thing.

Penny was created solely so Leonard could use her.

“There, there, Sheldon is here.” She was vaguely aware of Sheldon rubbing her back as she threw up on her floor. Was this real? Was her vomit merely words on paper? The heat of the hand on her back is just a trick from her brain?

Mustering as much strength as possible she pushed Sheldon away and stood up to sit tiredly at the couch. She wiped at her eyes but the tears would not stop.

She had gazed at the abyss.

“Now what?” She asked Sheldon. Her voice hoarse and the taste of vomit still very present.

“I don’t know.” Sheldon dropped tiredly in his spot. Did it matter?

“I’m…a thing.” Penny said softly while looking at her hands.

“No! We’ve broken from whatever thing was holding us. We’re people. We’re real.” Sheldon said passionately. “We need to go.”

With her help they were able to quickly locate Sheldon’s backup stash of cash and files. The people that had surrounded them for over a decade were puppets for whatever force was out there and Penny didn’t want anything to do with them anymore.

Whatever fog had occupied her mind was now gone and she could see clearly the actions of her ‘friends’. Whoever had created her to live in this hell was one sick bastard.

Leonard couldn’t believe that Sheldon and Penny had run away together.

It had caught them all off-guard…and now that he thought about it, what had happened with their respective marriages? Were they still…

Shaking his head, Leonard moved on to think of other things. Like that new neighbor that had moved into 4B after Amy left.

*Knock, knock*

Speaking of, he opened the door and there she stood. A preppy and gorgeous blonde girl that could have passed as Penny’s sister.

“Thank you so much for letting me use your shower.” Her name was Katie and Leonard was pretty sure that he loved her already.

“No problem.” He smiled shyly at her.

[Audience Awwwws]

“Leonard, a moment please.” Leonard looked up at the ceiling in exasperation.

“Yes Kenny?” He turned to his new roommate. The gangly man had his arms crossed and gave Katie a look.

[Laugh Track]


"Kevin Can F**k Himself" is an interesting show.

Fun fact. Katie and Kenny were Penny and Sheldon's original names.

Update 03/05/24:

This became it's own One-Shot:
The Meta Realization

Chapter 74: Betrayal (A new start)


Sheldon can't sleep


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Sheldon laid awake. The bed was made perfectly to be as comfortable as it was humanly possible, the room was dark and he was wearing earbuds to dampen his sensitive hearing.

All of these things through the years made it easy for him to fall asleep, and yet, here he was. Awake.

He didn’t have to turn to look at the alarm clock, his own internal clock knew that it was three in the morning. Other people would most likely turn and toss in bed, but he was Sheldon Cooper PhD and he did not do such a thing.

Instead he laid awake and stared at his ceiling.

It’s been a month since the Arctic, a month since the betrayal was revealed. His ‘friends’ continued living as if everything was fine, as if they hadn’t destroyed his career. Leonard even achieved his goal of entering into a relationship with Penny.

But Sheldon laid awake, staring at the ceiling and thinking.

Betrayal. Such a curious word. Sheldon thought that it lacked something, it did not do justice to the feeling under his ribs, to the anguish that plagued his mind. Sheldon liked creating new words but even he found himself lacking trying to come up with a word that captured all of these feelings into a proper single word.

Ein Vertrauensbruch.

Sheldon hummed, something he rarely did before the Arctic event. German always seemed to have a word for everything and it was the closest word that felt satisfactory.


Japanese seemed appropriate as well, to cut another in the back.

Sheldon let out a breath in frustration. Here he was, losing sleep while the rest of the world kept moving forward. His friends were more than happy to let him fall on his own sword. Sheldon did not miss anything…a bitter laugh forces its way through his mouth at his own lie.

He had missed the electric can opener.

Sheldon shook his head at the hubris he still showed despite knowing it had been his downfall. Habits are hard to break and Sheldon Cooper was a creature of habits. But no, he had not missed the way his friends not so subtly tried to make him accept all the fault so their career would not be jeopardized.

His mother might have been proud of him for forgiving his friends but now Sheldon couldn’t sleep. Couldn’t work. Couldn’t find satisfaction in his hobbies.

So, he laid awake at night and stared at the ceiling.

Something had to change or he would go insane. Sighing he closed his eyes and tried to force himself to sleep.

‘I need to talk to Meemaw.’

Sheldon opened his eyes in surprise. The thought had been errant, there before he could fully realize it…but it wasn’t a bad idea. His Meemaw did not have the same religious compulsions that his mother had.

She’d be a fair judge of the situation.

Penny smiled as the guys entered 4A, she knew that things were a little tense between them still but she was hoping that soon things would go back to normal.

“Sheldon, Honey. I got your Tangerine Chicken, I made sure the chicken was diced and-”

“Thank you Penny. But I’m not hungry at the moment.”

Sheldon moved to his room, never looking up from the floor and Penny’s words died in her throat. Her eyes watered at seeing him so defeated. She turned to the other guys in concern.

“Guys, we have to do something, Sheldon is not acting like himself since you went to get him back from Texas.”

“I know!” Howard said gleefully. “We have been able to have lunch in peace, we can eat burgers on pizza night and we don’t have to watch Star Trek on loop anymore.” He threw himself against the couch and sighed in exaggerated joy.

Raj nodded but his smile was shaky.

“Enjoy it while you can guys, soon Sheldon will be back to his normal self.” Leonard smiled wryly and went to kiss her.

Penny kissed him back chastely but she would not let herself be distracted.

“I’m serious. Something’s wrong.” She put her hands on her hips and glared at the group. “You’re sure that you told me everything about why Sheldon went to Texas?”

The guys shared a quick look but before she could judge if it was a guilty look they were already nodding and telling her how Sheldon took things out of proportion like always and he couldn’t take a joke.

Penny glanced at the hallway and decided against going to see Sheldon.

She’d do it later.

“...Moonpie.” Meemaw’s voice lost all teasing. “Why in the hell would you listen to your mother? Did you even explained it properly to her? What these bastards do to you?”

“No. Mother refused to listen and said that whatever it was ‘It couldn’t be that bad.’ so I stopped trying.”

“I will go and deal with her later. Now listen to me, Sheldon Cooper. I didn’t raise no bitch.”

“Meemaw!” Sheldon removed his phone from his ear and gave it a scandalized look.

“Shush! Now, listen to me very well. Our family, and yes, that includes your Pop-pop, our family doesn’t stay quiet. We get even.”


“I know your dad taught you how to fight. Why didn’t you swing at the bastards that did this?”

“Violence is a primal response and I’m an intelle-”

“You’re the one losing sleep.”


“You’re the one throwing away everything you worked for.”

“I’m no-”

“Are you really happy with the way things are right now?”


“Sheldon Cooper. I asked you a question.”

“No.” He muttered against his phone.

“I know you don’t like change. But Moonpie, things have already changed.”

“I…I will think on this conversation.”

“You better do that. Your Pop-pop would be terribly sad to know you let some no-good goblins bring you down to this level.”


“You’re Sheldon Lee Cooper. Don’t you ever forget that.”

“I won’t.” Sheldon said quietly.

“I love you Moonpie.”

“I love you too Meemaw.”

Penny laughed at something Leonard said, she wasn’t sure what it was but the alcohol made it so it was the funniest thing she had ever heard.

They were flirting and making out against the door of 4A after a successful date. Leonard was struggling to open the door but after a couple of attempts he was able to do it.

His laughter died right away once they entered the apartment.

“We’ve been robbed!” He yelled and ran to his room, leaving her in the middle of the apartment.

Her buzz was quickly leaving and she looked around, it was true that things were missing, but weirdly enough the place wasn’t cleaned out. The TV was still there, but the Xbox was gone. Half of the figurines were gone. Leonard’s desk was still as cluttered as it ever was but Sheldon’s was cleaned out.

Soon after Leonard returned with a confused look on his face. “My room is fine.”

“What about Sheldon’s?” She asked as she moved towards it. Sheldon would freak out if something was missing from his room.

An empty closet, a bed frame and a single piece of paper was all that waited for them.

Penny picked up the piece of paper and her eyebrows tried to escape her face. Leonard was still looking around Sheldon’s room.

“Uh Leonard, I think you need to see this.” She handed him the piece of paper.

Leonard took it from her and she could see his eyes dart across the page before he paled and passed out, hitting the floor hard. She tried to catch him but alcohol made her slow and she only succeeded in slamming her knees against the hardwood floor.

Sheldon was gone and he had apparently stopped wanting to protect his friends.

Joyce Kim, military fuel, a broken laser, misuse of Caltech’s labs, sabotage of a Caltech funded expedition among other things.

Sheldon had kept thorough proof of everything. And he had emailed everything to Caltech’s president, to the NSA and to Leonard’s mother.



I'm sick as a dog. So that means angst and dark places.

I truly, really hate the Arctic episode and that it was made at all.

Chapter 75: Options (A new start)


Sequel to Betrayal


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny arrived at the fourth landing and her eyes landed on the door to 4A. From the outside everything looked the same, but on the other side of that door now was a different world from the one she had grown to love for the past couple of years.

Sighing, she moved to her own door.

4A was now home to a very cute gay couple that had moved in as soon as the listing went up. Tom and Kai were super friendly and even lent her some fabric softener when she ran out.

It’s funny to think about how fast life can change. One moment Penny has her guys and the next she’s all alone.

Sheldon took off in the middle of the day and no one knew where he went. She hoped that he was doing okay.

Penny removed her uniform and started on her bath as well as preparing for bed. No going out for her tonight.

Raj had to go back to India, apparently Sheldon had also emailed Raj’s parents. She was still in touch with him over email but he had kept mum -ha!- about how things were going for him. She was sure that his parents were being a pain in the butt.

Penny grabbed a yogurt cup out of her fridge, whenever she had the dinner shift she made sure to eat her fill at work, but she was still feeling a bit hungry.

Howard had punched Leonard twice before storming off from 4A forever. He had also lost his job but the part that truly drove him to violence had been losing his buddy. Howard had threatened Leonard that he would cooperate fully with the investigation from the feds.

Penny chucked the empty cup into the trash and moved towards her bathroom, the tub was almost full and the water looked amazing.

Leonard…poor Leonard. She wasn’t sure if he had truly messed up so much or if Sheldon was just that vindictive, but he had it worse than the other two. He lost his job and was arrested on the same day. She went to visit him at jail but all sympathy flew out the window when he asked her to lie to the feds and claim that Sheldon was crazy. She might have decided to give this relationship thing a chance but no way in hell she was lying for him.

Penny sighed and willed her body to relax even more in the hot water.

Leonard’s mother had come then and okay, Penny broke up with the guy while he was in custody but man…Beverly was something else, every word that came out of her mouth was a stab to Leonard.

“I should have known that this is all you would amount to.” And then Beverly sighed, honest to god disappointment in that sigh.

Penny is glad to have washed her hands of the whole thing. She hoped that Leonard would be okay but she was not going to be part of that circus.

In fact, she wasn’t doing so great either.

She hadn’t realized how much the guys were a safety blanket. They helped her cover expenses, she ate their food and overall they were a huge support beam under her roof. A support beam that crumbled and threatened to leave her homeless.

Penny had to not only increase her shifts at The Factory but also grind harder in order to get an acting role. It had truly become a life or death situation.

She was alone now.

Sheldon was alone.

He had taken a scorched earth approach and not looked back. And now here he was, on a train going back home. He wasn’t sure of where to go, Caltech with egg on their face had begged him to stay, but California was no longer home, it had too many bad memories.

Penny was the one bright spot but she was in a relationship with Leonard and mainstream media was clear on where her loyalties would lie.

Sheldon shook his head and focused on the topic again. Perhaps New York would be an ideal choice…if it weren’t for the terrible public transportation. No, not New York.

This topic could wait.

At least he had been able to sleep now, it wasn’t on his bed, but in an uncomfortable train seat. It was the best sleep Sheldon had experienced in a long while.

Sheldon had always been a good boy and listened to his mother. But, maybe it was time to listen to his Meemaw instead.

He couldn’t wait to see her again.

Medford was still as dusty and hot as Sheldon remembered.

At least his Meemaw had hugged him and made him cookies.

“No Moonpie, New York is not right for you. They won’t even let you carry a gun to kill the rats that roam the subway.”


“Here, let me show you a video.”

Suffice to say that New York was no longer an option.

“Dr Cooper. While we thank you for your cooperation in this case. Are you aware that not reporting this can also be considered a crime?”

“I was emotionally manipulated to remain quiet, however, I understand that you might want to press charges. If that were the case then please state it clearly so I can obtain legal counsel.”

The two agents shared a look that Sheldon couldn’t identify.

“No. Thanks to your thorough report we have a clear understanding of what happened and how your roommate contract was used against you.” The agent yawned. “This is just a routine visit. The NSA will handle everything from this moment onward.”

Sheldon hadn’t been truly worried about this, he still kept in touch with the two agents that originally had come to visit him as a child and he had created a nuclear reactor.

He wasn’t above calling them.

“How about Austin?” Meemaw was looking at the papers on the table. Sheldon had printed all of the options he would consider as his new academic home.

“Austin…” Sheldon picked up the piece of paper containing the information for the University.

An average of 230 days of Sunshine. The food selection was more than adequate. No state income tax. All great points in favor.

No public transportation, a car is a must. The temperature. High rent prices. Traffic. All cons.

“You could come and see me on weekends…” Meemaw pretended to be reading something while egging him on.

“I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to go and see the University.” Sheldon conceded.

Penny was dancing in her apartment, she had just gotten a part and was celebrating the best way she could without money. Dancing by herself in her apartment.

The last six months had been hell for her, she had almost ended up homeless several times and more often than not gone hungry if she wasn’t working the dinner shift.

Which ended up being a blessing in disguise.

Since she was working late shifts it gave her more time to go to morning auditions and finally, finally, after six long months she had landed a part.

Penny stopped dancing and stood in the middle of her apartment. The smile on her face slowly changed as she panted due to the effort.

She was so lonely.

She started crying in earnest soon after. She missed the guys so much. She missed being able to go to 4A and play Halo while eating takeout, she missed bantering with Sheldon, she missed watching chick flicks with Raj and she even missed Howard and Leonard. Before things got complicated.

Raj had come clean to her about what they really did to Sheldon with that electric can opener stunt.

It had been utter betrayal.

Not only of Sheldon but of science, of the University, of ethics, of so many things. No wonder Sheldon had acted the way he had.

Penny grimaced a little, she had tried to comfort Sheldon but it was too little. She had been busy thinking about Leonard and her. She thought things had been fixed…

And now here she was, with no one to celebrate. Ever since Rak got married, or better said, ever since his parents forced him to get married their emailing had all but stopped. Leonard was in a federal prison and she had no idea what had happened to Howard.

She couldn’t wait to start filming Dallas. Funny enough, it was filmed in Austin.

Penny needed a change.

Sheldon liked Austin well enough. True, he had been forced to finally get his driver’s license, but his new apartment was within walking distance to the University so he was rarely forced to use it.

31st Street Condominiums were his new home and he had taken the time to truly make it one. Little by little he started filling the bookshelves with his new comic books, with old and new figurines, his old DNA model was now joined by a new globe.

He even had found the perfect spot in his new apartment. It only took him 49 hours.

Sheldon liked his new life. He just needed company.


Still sick. Pretty sure I'm dying, just very, very, very slowly.

Chapter 76: Email (A new start)


Sequel to Options


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Sheeeeeeeeelyyyyyy!” Emily pranced into his office and Sheldon sighed in annoyance. He had been at UT Austin for a month and so far she was the only ‘friend’ he had made.

‘Friend’ That was a funny word.

“Emily. I’ve asked you to stop calling me that.” Sheldon capped the marker he was using a moment ago to write on the whiteboard. True, he had only been playing with vectors but still, the point stood.

“C’mon Shelly, it’s lunch time. Let's go!” Emily ignored him and smiled at him.

Sheldon narrowed his eyes at her but the young woman simply smiled at him. After a moment he relented, “Very well. Let us go to the cafeteria.”

“Yay!” Emily did a little jump.

As they walked to the cafeteria, Sheldon pondered on his current friendship…it’s odd how different it was from the one he had with Leonard and the rest.

Except perhaps Penny. He could admit that out of everyone she was the one he missed the most. She had treated him like a friend even at the worst of his…eccentricities.

Emily was bubbly and overly friendly but she seemed to honestly enjoy his company. She was an experimental physicist and despite Sheldon’s remarks about her choice of career it only seemed to make her want to try harder to get close to him.

Emily was half Korean but didn’t speak a word of it. She was fluent in Spanish though. She liked soap operas and anime. Loved spicy food. And more importantly, she didn’t mind driving him from time to time.

“Oooooohhhh black rice!” How could she tell without actually looking at the food, Sheldon would never know. They were at the entrance to the cafeteria. Her nose was as good as his hearing.

“I just hope they have jello.” Sheldon added.

Soon they had their trays and sure enough, the cafeteria made black rice. Sheldon and Emily ate as they talked about Kingdom Come and the art by Alex Ross which in turn led Emily to insist that Sheldon needed to watch Ergo Proxy and Sheldon countered talking about the upcoming adaptation of Meathouse Man into a graphic novel.

The banter during lunch felt nice.

Friend. What a funny word.

“I don’t know how you can watch Star Trek.”

Then again, maybe ‘friend’ was too strong of a word.

Penny was thrilled about Dallas. She was playing Emma Brown and she was loving it.

She had been worried about not being good enough, about everyone hating her, about the showrunner regretting choosing Penny.

Thankfully she was wrong on all accounts.

And while it was true that her contract was only for three years, but c’mon, she had stable work for three years and this role could open so many doors for her.

Her new agent was already telling her about a couple of commercials.

If she were to complain about something tho, it would be that she was lonely. A new city meant having to start from scratch, new friends, new neighbors. On the other hand, it also meant a fresh start.

She emailed Raj updating him on all this and then started to write an email to Sheldon that would end up simply saved in her drafts.

It was a habit she picked up when getting the role. She was scared of calling, texting or emailing him, scared that her call would go straight to voicemail, scared that her email would bounce. She still felt guilty for not doing more for him, not understanding the gravity of the situation.

‘Hi Moonpie,

Today I filmed episode 8 and it was supposed to be this big dramatic-’

Maybe one day she’d actually send it.


“Boom! You’re dead.” Emily laughed.

“Pure luck I assure you.” Sheldon’s face twitched and he put the controller down to take a sip of his glass.

Halo night was one of the routines he had been able to keep thanks to Emily’s presence. Now, if he could only figure out how she was so good at the game.

Emily sprawled on her side of the couch while dropping the controller on the seat between them. Sheldon simply raised an eyebrow before shaking his head. “I do not envy the back pain you will experience later.”

Emily laughed at him “My back already hurts. Because of these.” She cupped her breasts briefly. Sheldon only glanced at her chest for a moment before looking back at Emily’s face.

“Perhaps you should consider a reduction.” Sheldon grabbed his controller again and faced the TV. “Now, let’s keep going.”

“I’m glad I stuck with you Shelly. Us asexuals should stick together.” Emily sat back up and grabbed her controller.

Sheldon froze for a second before turning a confused look at her. “Asexual? I’m not asexual.”

Emily gaped at him, confused as well. “You’re not?” She said slowly before a smile broke her face. “Oh I get it, it’s one of your Bazinga’s right? Right?”

“Emily. I find coitus to be a messy and unhygienic activity, but I experience attraction even if at times I wished I didn’t.”

“...Oh…OH!...” Emily raised her hands to her cheeks. “Sorry, sorry. I just assumed, I mean, I’ve never seen you with a boy, but it makes sense, you just moved here.”

“I’m not gay either.”

“Oh…then…is it the trains?” She cringed as she asked him softly.

“...I’m not even going to answer that.” He sighed.

Emily laughed and Sheldon realized she had been joking. Drat, he had been doing so good.

“So if I’m not your type, who is?”

Before Sheldon can stop it fully, his brain conjures the scent of vanilla, of tanned skin and blonde hair. But he closes his eyes and focuses on the moment before the memory can fully materialize.

“No one.” His face twitched.

“Right…forget I asked.” Emily said with narrowed eyes and Sheldon knew that she would bring it up again in the future. “Now, let’s play, I need to kick your butt.”

“You can certainly try.”

Emily must have cheated because there’s no way he would lose so thoroughly.

Hi Moonpie,

We just wrapped up filming for the season. I wished you were here to make fun of the show because very few people actually have Texas accents. The director told me to not even try, it wouldn’t matter. Isn’t that funny?

The cast and crew have been really nice to me and I’m learning a lot from Linda Gray.

While the show will be on hiatus before we shoot season three, I’m not going to be on break. I got 2 commercials to shoot and I’m traveling back to LA to shoot a horror indie film. I'm playing the little sister of the lead actress and my character dies on the first 15 minutes lol.

I also found a new Thai place near my apartment that I think you would love. I checked the kitchen and everything is up to your standards.

I miss you.

A lot.

I’m also seeing someone, after Leonard I wanted to take a break but this guy is truly nice, he’s also an actor and while we’ve only been dating for a month, I have a good feeling about him.

Take care Sheldon.

“Shelly, can I stay here for a while?” Emily only peeked her head into his office, he hadn’t even heard the door open.

“If you must.” Sheldon agreed and turned back to his whiteboard.

“Yay, thanks.” Emily closed the door behind her and moved to the small couch resting under the only window in the room. “I’ll be quietly reading here. I promise. The school is shooting a commercial in my lab and I just can’t deal with all that.”

“Understandable.” Sheldon focused back on his formula, he was certain that even the failed experiment could help advance his work.

Sheldon’s thoughts were derailed by Emily’s soft singing voice which while not unpleasant was not part of ‘quietly reading’ promise.



“No singing please.”

“Oh! Sorry. Since we’re already talking, do you want to eat lunch here or want us to go somewhere?”

“It’s Thursday, we always eat at the cafeteria on Thursdays.”

“Ah, silly me. How could I forget?” Emily shook her head and went back to her phone.

“Perhaps you should review your calendar, I have already added our lunches there.”

“Yay.” Came the enthusiastic response.

Thankfully Emily didn’t interrupt him again until it was time for lunch. By this time he was used to her rather bubbly attitude to anything food related so he didn’t scold her for prancing next to him as they moved to the cafeteria. His long strides easily matched her dancing steps.

“Ohhhh banana pudding!”

Sheldon turned a confused glance at her. “We’re not even at the door yet.”

“You can’t get between me and banana pudding.” Emily tapped her nose and winked at him.

Sheldon shook his head at the nonsensical response but he couldn’t hide the small smile on his face.

Sure enough, they had banana pudding but Sheldon made sure that Emily also had more than just pudding for lunch. She pouted a little as he put a small plate of roasted veggies on her tray.

Their table was thankfully clear, it had only taken a couple of tries before people knew that this table belonged to them during lunch. Sheldon was pretending to listen to Emily as she listed all the reasons he should watch a new cartoon named Steven Universe when an unexpected voice interrupted them.



Well...I got Covid.


No, but for real. Yesterday was the worst day so I went to the doctor, they did the test and it was positive, I was pretty much a zombie for most of the day after that. At least this time I didn't ended up in the hospital on the edge of dying like the first time I got it. Thankfully I got all I got my shots so this time it's just ibuprofen and Gatorade.

Today I felt better and was able to write, so now lets move on to the story itself.

I've only watched a couple of episodes of Dallas 2012 and I like the angst but it just didn't click with me. Something I found funny is that of the young cast, only a couple actually had southern accents. The character of Emma certainly didn't, so I thought it fit Penny.

Ps. Also, some of this might seem disjointed, I wrote it in bursts of not feeling like I was about to pass out.

Chapter 77: Laser (A new start)


Sequel to Email


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Sheldon could recognize that voice anywhere, even if he wanted to forget it, his eidetic memory would not allow it. He closed his eyes and suppressed the sudden rush of anger that coursed through him.

He was still his daddy’s son and anger ran deeply in the Coopers.

It was only a moment but he successfully mastered himself, opened his eyes and addressed the person interrupting his lunch with a slight nod of acknowledgment.


Emily startled, looked at the short man standing by their table and narrowed her eyes while not so subtly buttoning up her coat. Sheldon didn’t like talking about the Arctic but Emily wore down his defenses and she was fully aware of the reason why he no longer called Caltech his home.

“Heeeeeey buuuuuudyyyyy!” Howard exaggerated his greeting, even to Sheldon’s eyes it was obvious that he was uncomfortable. Howard shuffled in place, adjusted the neck of his too tight shirt and combed back his hair.

Sheldon could almost see the specter of Koothrappali in Howard making room for someone that was no longer there.

“What a coincidence right? I swear th-”

“Wolowitz, you should be fully aware that I don’t enjoy small talk. Please state your business so we can both go back to being strangers.”

Howard looked angry for a moment before deflating and taking a seat next to Emily and across from Sheldon. Emily quickly moved to sit next to Sheldon and no one missed the pout Howard shot her.

“Look buddy. I get it. No! I truly do!” Howard raised his hands stopping Sheldon from talking. “We screwed you over. No way around it.” Howard paused for a moment to see if Sheldon would interrupt him but Sheldon simply nodded and gestured with a hand that Howard should continue.

“I’m sorry. That’s the first thing I should tell you. I should have told you a long time ago…I…I get why you were-are?-whatever so angry at us. Leonard is in jail, Raj was sent back to India and I had to take a job at a private company installing lab equipment across the country.” Howard rubbed the back of his neck.

“That’s why I’m here. We’re installing some new equipment and filming a promo for it. It’s a new type of laser that uses-”

“I’ll be sure to let the University know that it should be checked so it doesn’t blow in anyone’s face.” Emily interrupted Howard. She looked really unhappy and loathe as he might be to make the comparison, she looked like an angry terrier ready to bite Howard’s face off.

“Uh…Hello-” Like a switch, Howard went from apologetic to flirty.

Sheldon snapped his fingers in front of Howard’s face. “Focus.”

“Right, right, right. Where was I? Oh, yeah. Look, I know what we did to you sucked and we all lost our careers because of it. I was about to work with JAL!...And then I listened to Leonard…and now I’m here.” Howard rubbed at his face with both hands. “So, I just wanted to apologize to you.” It looked like Howard wanted to say more but he stayed quiet and waited for Sheldon.

“I appreciate the-” Sheldon couldn’t finish because Emily jumped in.

“He doesn’t forgive you! You betrayed science you, you, you, you, you…pendejo!” Her hands immediately went to her mouth and she looked regretful.

“Huh, that means asshole right?” Howard turned to Sheldon.

“Essentially.” Sheldon was still looking at Emily amusedly before turning back to face Howard. “Anyway, as I was saying. I appreciate the apology. Though I feel that I should make use of the popular phrase ‘Too little, Too late’.” Sheldon made the air quotes.

Howard sighed but did not look surprised. “I know. But you left and your number changed, I only had your work email so, my options were limited, plus having to find a new job, dealing with the NSA and immigration. I had my own disaster to control.”


“Well, I see my crew is waiting for me. I’ll let you to have lunch with your?...” Howard led on and wiggled his eyebrows.

“Thank you Howard.” Sheldon ignored the question. “Though it might be hard to believe, I wish you success on your next endeavors.”

“Thanks buddy. I’ll see you arou-no. Sorry, force of habit. Good luck to you buddy.” Howard waved at Emily and moved back to the table filled with strange people.

“You’re okay Shelly?” Emily looked like she wanted to touch him but was holding herself back knowing of his boundaries which Sheldon appreciated.

“Strangely enough. I think I am.”

“WOAH! You’re kidding!” Even though Howard had just woken up at an ungodly hour to talk to Raj, all sleep left him at the news he just received.

“Nope! I’m going to be a dad!” Raj couldn’t contain his excitement and had to call Howard right away.

“Congrats buddy!”

Howard was truly happy for his friend. He had been worried about his friend for so many reasons but in a weird twist of fate, going back to India had been a catalyst for incredible change.

First, his parents refused to let him wallow inside their home so he was sent to work at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research. How they got him a job? Not even Raj knew.

Second, if he wanted to keep living with his parents then Raj had to attend therapy so he could talk to women without drinking alcohol.

Third, he wasn’t being forced to marry, but he needed to go to a “Marriage Bureau” which was basically a Matchmaker, just under a different name.

Fourth, he met a wonderful Mathematician girl that was just the right amount of bossy and Raj was smitten right away.

And now Howard could add Raj becoming a dad.

The pair continued gushing about Raj’s news and organizing a visit from Howard so they could hang out again. Right before hanging up Howard remembered his own news.

“Waitwaitwaitwait, don’t hang up!”


“I wanted to tell you, I ran into Sheldon.”

Howard heard Raj gasp. “Wait, weren’t you installing a new laser at a University in Texas?”

“Yeah, it almost gave me a heart attack.” And so Howard told Raj everything.

Penny ran.

She had just landed back in Austin and was dog tired.

But she still ran.

As soon as she landed she had read Raj’s email and was so happy that her friend was going to be a dad. He had confided in her that it was both a dream and a nightmare, he was scared of screwing up.

This place was unfamiliar, she read door plate after door plate but each wrong name just filled her with more frustration. So she ran.

Penny had gotten to the bottom of Raj’s email and there, like an afterthought, was something that made her heart stop for a second.

‘I know where Sheldon is.’

So, Penny ran.

The drive to UT Austin was torture for her. Had Sheldon really been so close? Hell, the University wasn’t even that far from her apartment. They might even go to the same grocery store!

Her car still had her suitcase in the trunk, her previous tiredness forgotten.

Penny ran.

Penny grabbed the first person she saw in a lab coat to ask a very important question.

“Where is Sheldon Cooper’s office?”


Today was a good day. I was able to breathe normally and didn't feel like I was about to pass out just by cleaning the litter. So, while I'm not back at a 100, I'm getting there.

Covid is not fun, take care of yourselves peeps.

Now, onto chapter stuff. I know most of you were probably expecting Penny to be the one to meet Sheldon...but where would be the fun in that? I wanted to make their meeting deliberate and not by chance.

Ps. Go watch 'Spaceman' It's really good.
Pss. Don't watch it if you have arachnophobia.
Psss. Yes, really, the Adam Sandler movie.

Chapter 78: Dream (A new start)


Sequel to Laser


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Thankfully the lab person knew where the office was and it took no time for Penny to be able to find the right hallway and the last door had the nameplate she was looking for.

Penny was in good shape but she was panting lightly as she stood and faced the door.

Apprehension took a hold of her. Here she was now without a real plan, she had been just so excited knowing that Sheldon was nearby that she rushed here without thinking it through.


Penny shook her head and slapped her cheeks lightly. No time like the present. She’d deal with the consequences later. She took three deep breaths and fixed her clothes as best as she could, it had been almost a year since she’d actually seen Sheldon.

The door opened easily and she gulped as she pushed it. The office was decent sized, several whiteboards lined up one of the walls and right across from them sat a cute and comfy looking couch. She hoped that Sheldon didn’t have to use it to sleep in his office, she knew his neck would not appreciate it.

Unfortunately the office was empty.

Penny sighed in both disappointment and relief, she felt suddenly drained at the rather anticlimactic situation and went to sit on the couch to wait for Sheldon to get back.

What will she even tell him?

An apology will be good, she didn’t betray him. But she could have done more to understand him, she had been too caught up in Leonard being back to truly realize how much Sheldon was suffering or how it had affected him still.

Yeah, that sounded good.

“You have to admit it was very good right?” Emily needled him as they walked back to his office.

Sheldon tried to keep a stern face but the meal had been really good. “I admit that the Mexican dry noodles were much better than I expected, HOWEVER, I still don’t appreciate the break in our usual lunch routine.”

Emily laughed. “I’ll tell my mom you liked them so she can make them again for us.” She swinged the nylon bag carrying the Tupperware her mom had sent them like a happy kid.

“You and your mother speak fluent Spanish, love Telenovelas, cook more Mexican food than Korean food and your family even goes to a Mexican church. It’s fascinating.”

“It’s really not. When my mom moved here to live with my dad they didn’t have a lot of money, my uncle was a roofer and pulled my dad to work for him. Then my dad became best friends with one of the other roofers who was Mexican and so my mom started hanging out with his wife too and soon they all became really tight yaknow? My parents moved into a Mexican neighborhood and I grew up surrounded by the culture and well…it just kinda stuck.” Emily always spoke quickly but Sheldon was used to it by now.

“I see.”

“Besides, you also speak Spanish.”

“And German, Japanese and some French.” Sheldon pointed out.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, you’re amazing.”


“What do you think?”

“...sarcasm.” He finally decided.

“I’ll give you a treat for getting it right.” Emily teased.

Sheldon glowered at her but she kept walking.

“Stop.” Sheldon’s voice was serious and Emily immediately complied.

“What?” She whispered harshly and looked around.

“Something is different.” They were almost in front of his office door and Sheldon looked closely. Something had changed. “We closed and locked the door but now it’s ajar.” He pointed with one finger.

“Ah, I forgot to lock the door.” Emily cringed a little and shot him an apologetic look.

Sheldon sighed. “Of course you did. Look at the carpet, there’s an indent there that wasn’t when we left. Several threads of unknown origin as well as long blonde hair now litter the front of my office.”

“Man…we really should go to one of those murder mystery things, we would kick ass.” Emily opened the door and entered without fear.

“No! Stop!” Sheldon raised a hand but also followed her in.

Emily stopped in front of the couch where a familiar figure was sprawled in a way that he knew she preferred over proper resting.

“Wow, look at all the drool.” Emily said in mock awe…at least he hoped it was mock awe.

“Yes, a terrible habit of hers.” Sheldon said distractedly.

Penny was here.

Penny was here, in Texas, sleeping on his office’s couch.

Why was Penny here, in Texas, sleeping on his office’s couch?

Sheldon ran through several different scenarios in his head but none of them explained why Penny would be here.

“Emma!” Emily gasped and pointed at Penny in true shock.

“No, her name is Penny.”

“No, no, no, no, no.” She said while pawing at the air like a drunk cat. “She’s Emma. Emma!”

Sheldon looked blankly at her which only seemed to upset Emily even more.

“Emma! From the TV!” She pulled out her phone and after a couple of clicks showed Sheldon a picture of Penny in what obviously was a soap opera or tv show set. “From Dallas!”

“I still think it’s nonsensical that the show called Dallas is not actually filmed in Dallas bu-”

Emily snapped her fingers at him. “NOT THE POINT! You know Emma!”

“She’s Penny, not Emma.”

“Actually I’m both.” A slurred voice interrupted them. “Hi Moonpie”

Sheldon wished he could measure the brightness in Penny’s smile. He could feel his own smile grow at the sound of her voice.

He had missed her.

Penny dreamed.

She dreamed of the time before things went wrong for their little group. She had tried to move on and continued living normally but that was no longer an option for her. Penny had quit The Factory right as a new wave of waitresses were coming in. She had seen a blonde girl with cute glasses who probably wanted to be an actress as well and now there she was, about to start her waitressing career.

It only made Penny try harder in auditions.

She dreamed of Leonard.

Poor Leonard, so many wrong steps taken just because he couldn’t like who he was. She had been dumb as well, to try and force a relationship with him. But that was her, the girl with terrible luck at love.

She dreamed of Kurt.

She had been so young and naive. Allowed him to step on her over and over and over just because she thought that was how relationships worked. And now, years away from him she could admit to having been a little scared of him at times.

She dreamed of alcohol and drugs.

Who knew that being a working actress meant that she would have access to so much of it. So, so much. She never touched the coke when it was passed around, but she definitely grabbed the bottle, she grabbed it so much that during hiatus from the show there were days she ate nothing more than Vodka and Tequila.

She dreamed of almost getting fired.

Alcohol almost took her career away. Penny messed up her calendar and didn’t realize that the call was for earlier. She arrived at the studio, well, more like she stumbled into the studio. The showrunner and one of the producers had noticed and it had led to a not so subtle reprimand and threat of cutting her from the show.

She dreamed of Sheldon.

The rehab center was a nightmare and the only thing that kept her sane was to write in her journal how she thought Sheldon would react to the situation. It was cold comfort, but comfort nonetheless.

She would have continued dreaming but bickering voices slowly brought her back to the waking world.

“NOT THE POINT! You. Know. Emma!” A really cute Asian girl said to Sheldon as she pointed accusingly.

“She’s Penny, not Emma.” Sheldon said stubbornly.

Her Moonpie looked exactly the same as she remembered. Well, no, he didn’t look as tense or as neurotic as he had after the expedition.

“Actually I’m both.” She said slowly while squinting at the pair. “Hi Moonpie”

Penny tried to subtly wipe the drool from her cheek but Sheldon clicking his tongue and giving her a wet wipe from his desk told her that she had failed.

“Moonpie?” The girl asked while grinning like a loon.

Sheldon closed his eyes in consternation and what Penny thought was resignation.

“It’s good to see you, Sheldon.” Penny said before standing up and hugging him fiercely. “I missed you so much.” Her voice was watery.

Sheldon flinched and Penny was about to step back before he relaxed and woodenly returned the hug. “There, there. Sheldon is here.”

Penny laughed-cried because it was just so like him. A puzzle piece sliding into place and Penny felt like she could breathe easier.



Something I just realized, a lot of K-dramas and J-dramas have a very Shenny dynamic. An A-hole but lovable male protagonist and a fierce and bright female protagonist and both help one another grow into better versions of themselves....or maybe I'm coping too hard and just want some goddamn Shenny in my life.

Chapter 79: Filter (A new start)


Sequel to Dream


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Hey, Shelly doesn’t like being touched.” The bubbly girl tapped Penny on the shoulder, not upset but firm.

“Oh, yeah. Sorry Sheldon.” But still Penny didn’t let go.

“It’s understandable so I will allow it for another 15 seconds.” Sheldon said snootily but Penny knew it meant he was happy as well. The bubbly girl looked surprised and even a little upset at Sheldon’s words.

Taking a deep breath and inhaling Sheldon’s scent of dry markers and Tide, she finally let go of him after squeezing one last time. She smiled up at him, suddenly feeling much happier and hopeful than she had felt in months.

“Hi.” Penny smiled up at Sheldon. “Are you one of those beautiful mind geniuses?”

Sheldon’s eyes widened for a moment before he dipped his head and smiled shyly at her. “Yeah.”

Here they were, almost 5 years away from that initial meeting and in another state, but they were still Sheldon and Penny.

Bubbly girl cleared her throat but neither Sheldon nor Penny looked away from each other.

“Emily. Would you please allow me a few moments?” Sheldon finally looked away from her and addressed the other girl.

Bubbly girl, now named Emily only gave Sheldon a suspicious look before nodding hesitantly, she rummaged in the bag she was carrying and pulled a Tupperware container before handing it to Penny.

“Can I please have your autograph?” Emily said. Penny borrowed one of Sheldon’s markers and signed the Tupperware. It wasn’t the strangest thing she had autographed, body parts not counting.

“Thank you! Shelly, it’s your turn to drive me home, don’t forget.” Emily left, cell phone already to her ear as she closed the door behind her. “Mom! You’re not going to believe who I just…” Her voice trailed off and Penny had to smile at that, she would never get used to being famous.

The sudden quietness of the room brought Penny back to the now and the fact that she was now in a room with Sheldon again.

“So…” She started, unsure of what else to say. Putting her hands in her back pockets and turning to face Sheldon. He had moved to sit behind his desk and his face still had that pleased smile.

This conversation should be easy.

“So..” Penny said nervously as she faced him again.

Sheldon had gone to sit at his desk. While he was happy to see Penny again, he was most assuredly off balance and his desk made him feel back in control.

“While I am most certainly pleased to see you again, I do have to ask. What are you doing here?”

Sheldon took notice of the way that Penny’s face fell at his question before a familiar flush of anger covered her cheeks. Penny narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips.

“I missed you! You, you, ass!” She said after a moment. “You simply up and left!” Her voice broke for a moment before returning to her usual fierceness.

Sheldon furrowed his brow, he hadn’t expected this.

“Oh, don’t look confused. We were friends and you just left like my friendship didn’t mean anything at all to you. Not a goodbye, not even an email!” Penny had started to pace his office, like a caged tiger. “Do you have any ide-”

He interrupted her tirade. “But I did send you an email.” Sheldon said calmly.

Penny sort of deflated and widened her eyes. “What?” She said breathlessly.

Sheldon quickly moved to his computer and pulled up his personal email, a couple of clicks and he soon had the email he had written to Penny. He motioned for her to move behind his desk, rolled his chair away and gave her room to read for herself.

Penny looked at him suspiciously but complied. She leaned in and Sheldon forced his eyes to look up at the ceiling. Penny was wearing jeans that accentuated her form rather positively.


A sniffle interrupted his thoughts and he saw Penny cry, but before he could do anything else she sat across his lap and hugged him tightly.

“Penny!” Sheldon raised his hands and worried that if anyone were to come in at that moment, a slew of rumors would certainly circulate about what he did in his office.

“I thought you hated me.” She said it so quietly that even him, with his acute hearing, might have missed it. But he was Sheldon Cooper and he did not miss anything. Arctic incident notwithstanding.

“What are you talking about?” He was baffled by this entire situation.

Penny sniffed and with one hand swiped at her eyes in a futile attempt at cleaning herself. Sheldon wanted to start disinfecting his office right away but didn’t want to upset Penny even more.

“I never saw this. Or I would have never lost contact with you.” She was slowly gaining control of her emotions.

Sheldon’s mind quickly went over all possibilities before narrowing it down to only one. The same thing he had been victim of.


“Penny. May I look at your phone please?” A small but intense anger settled in his stomach. Surely, he would be mistaken.

Penny didn’t even hesitate before handing him her phone.

Sheldon’s deft fingers navigated through the screens until reaching his objective which made the anger in him become heavy and real. A hot and cold flash and a conscious effort to not grind his teeth.

“Penny, I know it might not be easy to remember but did anyone else have access to your phone, laptop or email before I left California?”

She squinted her eyes in thought before widening them. “Leonard did! Right before the Arctic thingy. He said he was going to put his itinerary on my calendar.” Penny said happily before looking at his face.

“Are you familiar with email rules or filters?”

Penny didn’t think that she could ever be so disgusted. She was even shaking, with anger and so many emotions she couldn’t name. Only Sheldon’s presence grounded her.

“Let me make sure I understand this completely.” She said far too calmly. “Leonard set a filter so that any email sent from you would be marked as read and sent to the spam folder?”


Penny closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Her hands were shaking, she had never felt this much anger.

“That bastard!” She spit out as angry tears ran down her cheeks. “Why in the hell would he do something like this?” She asked aloud.

“I find myself at a loss as well.” Sheldon truly looked lost but resigned, like he could expect anything from Leonard. Hell, she should be on the same boat, how could she ever have thought that Leonard was a nice guy.

“If he wasn’t behind bars I swear I would go and kill him!” Penny couldn’t stop the shaking.

To her surprise, Sheldon nodded.

Penny sighed and slumped against Sheldon and the arm of his chair, suddenly feeling exhausted.

“Now what?” She looked up at him and yawned.

“I have already removed all filters from your email, unfortunately emails in the spam folder get automatically deleted after thirty days so there’s no way to recover them.”

“Can you send me that email again please? I want a copy.” Penny pointed to Sheldon’s computer screen.

Wordlessly he moved them closer to his desk, clicked twice and sure enough she received a notification on her phone. She stared at it for a long time and leaned closer against his chest.

“Thank you Moonpie. Oh, and to answer the question in your email. I would love to stay in touch with you. We’re friends and it doesn’t matter who I’m dating or not, that will not change.” Her arm went to his neck and she pulled him down for an awkward and uncomfortable one armed hug.

He tolerated it for a moment before clearing his throat. “Penny, if you don’t mind. My leg is going numb.”

She smiled up at him and teased him. “Are you saying I’m heavy?”

“You are in perfect balance for your height and-” Penny stood up as Sheldon talked and talked, she stretched her back while he kept talking, she didn’t really listen to him but simply enjoyed the sound of his voice. She had missed it. Had missed him.

But no more.

“Hey Moonpie. I’m actually living in Austin as well.” She interrupted him. “Over at Presidium Waterford Apartments, do you know where?”

“Research Boulevard?”

“Yes!” Penny gave him her full address.

Sheldon nodded and she was certain that he had filed it away in that brain of his.

“I’m currently residing at 31st Street Condominiums.” Penny pulled out her phone to check the address and to save it.

“Hmmm, Google says it’s only a 15 minute drive!” Penny smiled at her phone before turning that smile on Sheldon. “We can do Pizza night?”

“That would be acceptable.” While the words were lackluster, the small smile on his face more than made up for it.

Penny almost said goodbye, but she still hadn’t apologized.

“Sheldon…I’m sorry. I should have tried to understand the situation better. I was too caught up in Leonard being back and…yeah, I should have done more. Reached out to you. I’m sorry.”

“I accept your apology. Although I should point out that you were not part of the betrayal. You and Leonard were dating as such your loyalty lied with him an-”

“NO!” She made sure he was looking her in the eye. “No Sheldon. It doesn’t work like that. No matter who I date, my loyalty lies with my friends. I fucked up before but no more. You’re stuck with me now Moonpie.” She smiled at him.

Sheldon tried to fight the smile forming on his face but it was a losing battle and she was rewarded by a true, honest to god smile from him.

“Now that we’re back together…that girl that was here.”

“Emily.” He supplied.

“Yeah, Emily. Are you dating her?” Penny waggled her eyebrows at him.

Sheldon let out a frustrated sigh and it was as if no time had passed at all.

“No, she’s my friend in the same way you are my friend.”

“I was joking Moonpie.” Penny laughed.

Yeah, things were finally back to normal.


No thoughts, head empty.

I'm gonna go rewatch Doona, the angst is so much and so good. I need angst.

Chapter 80: Dreamwalking (Somnia)


A different world


Not a sequel for last chapter.

And well...this is an experiment. I hope you enjoy.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Sheldon was almost five when the world changed forever. Not just his world, but the world in general.

“Dear lord…” Mary Cooper said, horrified at the information being shown in the news.

Sheldon sat with his Pop-pop on the old recliner chair he loved and didn’t allow anyone else to use, well, almost no else could use it. Sheldon was allowed to sit in his Pop-pop’s spot.

“Pop-pop, what does that mean?” Sheldon asked innocently while pointing at the TV.

His Pop-pop didn’t reply, busy staring at the breaking news on TV.

‘Fairy tales are real!’ The banner proudly stated.

And the world changed.

While in similar but wholly different worlds this announcement led to wars, bloodshed and genocide, in this particular world cooler heads prevailed and a previously hidden world now could walk freely under the sun.

Except for the vampires of course.

Sheldon Cooper grew up in this world and surprisingly his life did not change much, he was still forced to go to church by his mother, his Pop-pop still set him on the road of science, his Meemaw still ran an illegal casino, George Jr met Mandy and had Ceecee.

Life continued to move on in the same way it had for many different versions of Sheldon across the multiverse.

Lamia, Vampires, Werewolves, Dullahans, Goblins, Succubus, Oneiros, Somnia, Kappa, Kitsune, Banshees, Centaurs, Unicorns and more joined the everyday world.

Prejudice still existed of course, but as the two worlds got closer and adapted to each other, it became clear that coexistence was possible.

Centaurs thrived as cattle ranchers, others found success in the newly founded race circle. Vampires became the workforce of the dark, police officers, hospital workers, bakers and any work and profession needed to keep a city running 24/7. Goblins and Orcs were happy to join existing construction companies and eventually create their own. Elves preferred to remain hidden for the most part and only a couple of them have made their way into the world of man as poets, writers, painters.

Of course, this was an overgeneralization as Goblin Death Metal became a popular genre of music and Yolmar the Orc was a popular newscaster loved for his smooth voice and passionate delivery.

Other fairy-folk were able to find their own way in the human world. Like the Oneiros and the Somnia, whose expertise with dreams and nightmares were able to offer those previously haunted by their own dreams a way to find peace during sleep.

And it’s in one of these families that we find Penny.

In other worlds she’s the child of corn farmers, but in this one she’s the child of dream farmers. She grew up in a world in the first steps on integration and as such was able to make friends with both humans and fairy-folk, too young to notice the prejudice and hate she was able to have a relatively normal childhood in Nebraska.

Penny didn’t just want her fairy abilities to define her, just because she descended from Somnus didn’t mean she had to spend her whole life in Nebraska as a dream farmer.

Like many versions of her across the multiverse, Penny decided to run away to California in order to chase her own dream of becoming an actress.

And it’s in this new and weird world that Sheldon and Penny will meet once again as countless other versions have in the past and will do so again in the future.

“New neighbor?”


So the wheel turns once more.

Penny brushed her hair and tried to keep the apprehension at bay.

She had left Kurt in a hurry and hadn’t been able to take everything with her. Her TV and her warding array.

The TV she could do without, but the warding array was a must. As much as she tried to step away from her dream abilities, the reality of it was that they came naturally to her, it was like breathing, something she did simply by existing.

And here she was, in a new building with people surrounding her from all sides. She knew that the moment she closed her eyes in bed it would be the moment that all of the dreams around her would materialize like bonfires in the dark.

Her new neighbors seemed like nice people…but she knew better. Dreams always brought their innermost desires to the front and she was forced to experience them just by existing in the same building.

She stopped brushing her hair and looked at the bottle of vodka sitting on her coffee table. It could help…

But no, she had just broken up with Kurt and alcohol was a bad idea in her emotional state.

Sighing, she put her brush away and went to bed, better to get it out of the way. Pulling the covers back she stopped and went to make sure her door was properly locked and deadbolted. She knew how easy dreamwalking became sleepwalking and wanted to avoid wandering the building in only her cami and sleeping shorts.

Penny loved her glittering hair, a proud statement that she was a child of Somnus, but it and her pupiless green eyes had also attracted the wrong type of attention more than once.

Better to be safe and put a chair as well against the door.

Finally feeling confident enough, she went to bed, made herself comfy and closed her eyes. Like an explosion, stars were birthed right behind her eyelids and her dream form took shape and suddenly she was aware of both the Penny sleeping and the Penny standing among the countless stars.

Penny looked around at the stars that shone against the darkness. Each one a dream.

Almost against her will, her dream self started walking towards the closest stars. One was a regular dream and the other was a star so bright that it hurt to watch directly.

A brush of her fingers and the regular dream revealed itself to her and almost immediately she closed it again. Her hand shook against the dream and she struggled to control herself.

This was Leonard’s dream, and he was dreaming about her.

It made her sick, it brought back memories of learning to control her dream abilities, of how boys saw her only as an object.

She wanted to rip out Leonard’s dream open and turn it into a nightmare but she managed to stop herself. She was the one peeking into dreams, as sick as it made her feel, she’s the one that shouldn’t be looking at this.

Still, Penny made a note to get back her warding array ASAP.

With a steadying breath she let go of Leonard’s dream and moved towards the supernova that could only be Sheldon’s.

She knew it was impossible but she could swear that it was radiating heat. Her hand went up to peek and it’s only for a moment but there’s warmth against her hand.

Sheldon is dreaming of winning the Nobel Prize.

Everything shines with a golden light, confidence or arrogance, she can’t tell. But what she can tell is that this is a good dream to bunker in.

The dream welcomes her in easily and eagerly.

Penny walks as Sheldon dreams, she doesn’t want to peek in too much, she just makes sure to chase away the shadows he can’t see. Penny makes sure that this dream stays on course and that the darkness of nightmares doesn’t corrupt it.

It takes her but a moment, however she doesn’t want to leave. There’s comfort here, so she sits just outside of Sheldon’s consciousness and listens to him giving an acceptance speech.

Before she knows it, her flesh and blood body is waking up.

She feels a strange sadness leaving Sheldon’s dream. She thanks him in her head and moves to leave the dream that became her refuge for the night.

Penny kisses her fingers and presses them against the wall of the dream. A small gesture of good luck that her mother taught her.

Penny wakes up and stretches. She feels fully rested, nothing like spending the night in a beautiful dream to recharge her batteries.

Now it was time for coffee.


I don't know why this came to me while listening to 'Symphony No. 5 by Gustav Mahler' but it had to be put into paper.

I honestly liked this Universe a lot. I think I will write more for it.

On other notes, finally Friday. Stay safe peeps.

Ps. Seriously, go watch Spaceman, it's good.
Pss. Don't go watch it if you have arachnophobia.

Chapter 81: Warm Milk (Somnia)


Sequel to Dreamwalking


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Sheldon woke up at his usual time feeling more rested than usual.

Even more strange, he could recall his dream perfectly. But none of the usual doubt crept in, no questions of whether he was good enough or not. Just a wonderful dream of him winning the Nobel Prize.

He had heard rumors that living close to a Somnia would make your sleep better, he had dismissed these rumors as hogwash but perhaps he needed to reevaluate his stance.

For some silly reason Penny had allowed Sheldon and Leonard to try and recover her stuff back from Kurt.

It didn’t go well.

But at least it gave her the motivation to finally get off her ass and go herself, she threatened Kurt and he begged for another chance but the half-Orc never used force which is what she had been afraid of, those last 6 months of the relationship had been rough.

She even managed to get back the pants that the boys lost on that first visit.

Penny was able to set up the TV easily but the warding array took most of the afternoon and night and it still wasn’t ready by midnight. She had an early shift and couldn’t fiddle around for much longer trying to cover every square inch of her new home.

Once again she made sure to lock the door, bolt it and set a chair in front of it.

Sleep always came easy to her, she just had to close her eyes and an entire universe of bright dreams unfolded in front of her.

This time she moved a little more confidently towards the two bright bonfires.

Leonard’s dream was what she expected after the day’s events. The dream version of him was tall, muscular and knew how to fight. Dream Leonard beat up Kurt and swooned Dream-Penny off her feet. Chuckling she closed the dream again and turned to the supernova that was Sheldon’s dream.

Would he dream of something similar?

Her hand is warm for an instant as she opens a window into Sheldon’s dream and…it’s not what she expected.

In the dream Sheldon is a boy and he was being tormented by 3 other boys. Sheldon was taller than his tormentors but he didn’t respond to the jeers or the shoves. He just kept walking along a creek and to what Penny hoped was safety.

“Neeeeerd!” The voice of one of the bullies was crisp and clear in its cruelty as he shoved Sheldon with enough force to make him drop to his knees.

Penny stepped into the dream without a second thought. She looked around for shadows and darkness but found none and she frowned in confusion.

Sheldon stood up and kept walking, ignoring his tormentors, but this only seemed to make the boys angrier.

Penny wanted to intervene, to do something but somehow, this wasn’t a nightmare. She frowned at the dream itself, just like last night, Sheldon’s dream was vast and detailed but…perhaps a little too detailed. She kneeled down and touched the blades of grass at her feet, it felt real.

Sheldon’s gasp forces her to stop inspecting the grass, by the time she has looked up, Sheldon somehow is in the creek now. He’s in no physical danger, it’s shallow enough that he’s sitting with his knees poking out of the muddy water.

Cruel and childish laughter fill the dream, and it makes Penny want to kick Sheldon’s bullies.

“There they are, go Georgie!” A girl’s voice interrupts the laughter.

An older boy is sprinting towards the laughing trio who notice and start running away. The older boy passes by Sheldon but doesn’t spare him a glance as he chases after the boys. The girl, who looks to be around the same age as Sheldon runs to his side and does her best to pull him out of the water.

“Shelly! Why the hell won’t you fight back?!” Pure annoyance in her voice but Penny can hear the concern as well.

Sheldon turns a lost look on her and Penny wants to cry.

“Missy. Mother has always told me to not hit people that are smaller than me.” No emotion in his voice.

The girl, Missy, lets out a breath and she opens and closes her mouth without any words coming out. After a moment with pure venom she spits out. “Mom doesn’t know shit!”

Sheldon’s eyes widen before he looks around, as if his mother would suddenly materialize out of thin air. “Missy!” He hisses in consternation.

“Whatever, let’s go home.” Missy starts walking and doesn’t look back to see if Sheldon is following her.

Sheldon looks back at where the bullies ran, as if looking for something.

But after a long moment he starts following Missy.

Penny stays put and waits for the shift, waits for the dream to change to the new location. But it doesn’t. Confused, she starts following Sheldon, keeping an eye out for any signs of a nightmare.

It never comes.

She walks behind Sheldon and with each step a feeling of dread starts growing inside her. She didn’t want to accept that this wasn’t a nightmare, because…

That would mean it was a memory.

Holy crap on a cracker.

Life continues to move forward. Soon Penny learns why Sheldon’s dream was so detailed. His eidetic memory is both a blessing and a curse.

No wonder his dreams are so vast and detailed.

Penny finishes setting up her array and soon life in Los Robles echoes the multiverse. Prank wars, Halo night, Laundry night and Penny learning about Sheldon being called Moonpie.

Once every two months or so, Penny liked visiting Sheldon’s dreams.

It was nice to be able to walk in such detailed dreams. She could now easily say that Sheldon was a Dreamer. No matter what his friends thought, Sheldon Cooper dreamed big.

That’s why Penny was confused one night when she couldn’t find Sheldon’s dream. She was so confused that she forced herself awake, sat up in bed and frowned at her wall. Grabbing the spare key to 4A and making her way in, she almost shrieked as a tall pale figure loomed in the middle of the room but it took her brain a moment to recognize it as Sheldon.

“Hey Sheldon, everything okay?” He was expressionlessly staring at a whiteboard and did not react to her question. “Honey?”

Finally he reacted, taking a deep breath as if he had just come out from diving the deep end of the pool.

“Oh, Penny. Wait…Penny?” Sheldon looked around at the darkened room and then back at her. “What time is it? What are you doing here?”

“Oh, you know, emergency milk run. Having trouble sleeping so I thought some warm milk would help.” She lied.

Sheldon frowned at her and then at himself, he was still wearing his regular clothes and no pajamas.

“I will overlook this infraction if you also prepare me a glass of warm milk, I fear that my schedule has been affected beyond any repair.”

Penny nodded at him and Sheldon moved to his room where she suspected he would change into his sleeping clothes. In the meantime she went to the cupboard where she knew his little pan exclusively for milk was so she could prepare 2 glasses of warm milk.

Soon Sheldon returned and she found out that the reason for his lack of sleep was because Sheldon was stuck, for lack of a better word. One of his formula thingies didn’t make sense to him and he was trying to figure it out.

Penny sat on her spot on the couch as Sheldon monologued and lectured her on physics.

Spending the night with Sheldon like this while not in her plans, certainly wasn’t unwelcome. In this apartment it felt like the entire world only consisted of them.

Penny laid down her head on his spot and Sheldon narrowed his eyes at her but didn’t ask her to move which made her smile.

This is why she loved Sheldon.

As the realization comes, her eyes widen.



This is it for now.

Inspiration ran dry for this Universe.

I'll try to recover this weekend so I can write more either for this or the previous Universe.

Chapter 82: Statistic


Just another number


Warning about implied domestic violence.

Dark chapter, if not your thing please skip it. I promise next chapter will be lighter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Hernandez hated these types of suspects, they always thought they were smarter than everyone else.

“Mr. Cooper.”

“Doctor Cooper.”

“Right. Dr. Cooper.” Hernandez sighed in annoyance while sharing a look with his partner. Anderson looked ready to throw this guy in a cell as well. “We just need you to tell us if you know the location of Leonard Hofstadter.”

“Cooperating with us will go a long way Mr. Cooper.” Anderson added, while her good looks and smooth voice usually endeared her to the suspects, on this occasion it seemed to have the opposite effect.

“I’m not Mr. Cooper. I’m Dr. Cooper.” The suspect narrowed his eyes and ground out.

“Of course, my apologies. Dr. Cooper, do you know the location of Leonard Hofstadter? You were one of the last people that saw him.” Hernandez thought that Anderson was being too soft. Security cameras show that Dr. Cooper and Leonard Hofstadter were the last two people in the Physics wing of the university that Friday night. Leonard and Dr. Cooper were seen entering in the morning and only Dr. Cooper left late at night.

There were security cameras at every entrance but sadly none inside the actual building.

“Could you please loosen these?” Dr. Cooper lifted his handcuffed hands. “I bruise easily.”

Hernandez had enough and he slammed both hands against the interrogation table. Anderson flinched but Dr. Cooper remained calm. “Okay, that’s it you son of a bitch! You clearly know something and you’re going to tell us or I swear that you will never see the light of day again!”

“I know something? Well that’s true. I know that I had my right to make a call. Which I did, and now we’re just wasting time until someone with more authority comes and lets me go.” Dr. Cooper looked bored as he boasted that.

Anderson laughed and Hernandez knew that she had switched from good cop to worse cop. “I’ll enjoy seeing you break.” True venom in her voice.

Dr. Cooper blinked at her. “Detective Hernandez.” It was creepy that he addressed him while looking at someone else. “Allow me to tell you something that I know.”

“Go ahead smartass.” Hernandez spit out.

“Did you know that last year, in 2015, in just one day there were over 2000 adults and children seeking support due to being victims of domestic violence? Less than 50% of those cases received timely support. And in those cases that do make it to court, over 75% of them fail to receive a restraining order in the first hearing.”

Hernandez turned to look at Anderson and saw that she looked as confused as he felt.

“Don’t you think it’s disgraceful that 35% of women in California suffer from some form of abuse? That’s 1 in every 3 women.” Dr. Cooper shook his head in disgust.

“Dr. Cooper, what are you-”

“1 in 4 women suffer severe physical violence from their romantic partner and only about 30% seek medical attention for their injuries.”

Hernandez felt like the shoe was dropping, he turned to look at Anderson and she pointed at the file in her hands.

Leonard Hofstadter had been dating his neighbor until she requested police intervention due to violence. The responding officer claimed it was a lover’s quarrel and refused to detain Leonard.

“Dr. Cooper…is…was?...” Anderson didn’t have the words and she turned to him for help.

“Dr. Cooper. Sheldon. Was your roommate abusing his girlfriend?”

Dr. Copper glanced at his wrists and ignored his question. “Intimate partner violence accounts for 15% of all violent crime. Isn’t that a ridiculous number?”

Anderson was reading Leonard’s file in more detail. The cops were called a second time on Leonard, this time because of stalking. His ex-girlfriend claimed that Leonard was harassing her at work.

Once again the police failed to act.

“Dr. Cooper…what did you do?” Anderson didn’t sound angry, just shocked.

The door opening suddenly prevented Dr. Cooper from answering.

“This interview is over.” A rough looking guy wearing an FBI windbreaker entered the room and turned off the recording. “We’re taking over this case. I’m agent Cohle and that’s my partner, agent Hart.” He pointed towards a smirking older man that entered the interrogation room.

“Now, hold on a minute!” Hernandez tried to protest but agent Hart shoved a bunch of papers in his hands.

Agent Cohle removed the handcuffs from Dr. Cooper and the man rubbed at his wrists while grimacing a little.

Hernandez skimmed the contents of the papers and then passed them over to Anderson.

“Dr. Cooper. Your friend is waiting for you, we took the liberty of calling them.”

“Thank you agent Cohle.” Dr. Copper glanced at Hernandez and gave him a short nod before moving towards the exit.

“Everything’s in order.” Anderson muttered low at him.

“That man is a suspect in a missing person’s case!” He yelled at the FBI agents once Dr. Cooper left the room.

“We’ll take your concerns into consideration for our investigation. Now, drop it before you suddenly find yourself without a pension.” Cohle told him bluntly.

“We’ll also be taking everything you have on Dr. Cooper.” Hart added still with that smirk on his face.

Hernandez wanted to tell them to go to hell but he thought of his children, of his bad knee and about how close he was to finally pay off the mortgage. “Goddamn it.” He spat out and moved to go smoke a cigarette on the rooftop.

He didn’t need to look to know that Anderson was following him.

Once at the rooftop he struggled to light his cigarette until Anderson did it for him. He was shaking in anger and impotence.

“Look.” Anderson leaned against the wall and pointed towards the parking lot.

Taking a drag of his cigarette he did just that and saw Dr. Cooper and a blonde girl talk as they walked towards a car.

The girl suddenly turned and even as far away as they were, both Anderson and Hernandez couldn’t mistake the yellow-green bruise that adorned half the girl’s face.

Hernandez sighed and crushed the cigarette under his shoe. “Let it go Anderson.”

“But we know he did it!” She argued.

“Did what? There’s no body, no evidence, no crime scene, no confession…we got nothing.”

“So we’re just supposed to let go?”

“Yes. You don’t want the feds as your enemy. Trust me.”

“I…This isn’t why I joined the state police.”

“Think of your kid, Anderson. You don’t want her to live in a world where you’re behind bars.”

Anderson sighed. “This is bullshit.”

“Another day, another dime.” Hernandez moved to head back into the building. He was getting too old for this shit.

“But…” Anderson started and he turned to look at her. She was looking at where Dr. Cooper and the girl had been. “But I guess that I can understand why Dr. Cooper did it, if some asshole touched my daughter I truly don’t know how I would react.” A conflicted look on her face as she turned to face him.

“I know. I don’t…I don’t know either.”

“I thought growing up would mean things would get easier…what a fucking joke.” She spat and moved to follow him.

“Tomorrow is another day.”


Update 04/29/24

This became a One-shot:
The Statistic Infuriation

Chapter 83: Nightmare (Somnia)


Sequel to Warm Milk


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny sat next to Sheldon as they glued rhinestones into the petals of Penny’s new hobby/side job. Penny Blossoms.

She hadn’t expected Sheldon to help her fulfill the order she got from a boutique. Out of all the guys he had been the least likely to stay and help, but lo and behold, here he was. The rest had flaked and left.



“May I ask a question related to your Somnia heritage?”

Penny smiled in confusion. “Suuuuure?”

“I have been researching this but the information available online was conflicting and dare I say, misleading. So I believe the only way to get a straight answer is asking you directly.”

Penny raised her eyebrows and wondered what he had to ask for him to look so serious. “Go ahead Honey.”

“Are Somnia and Oneiros different types of Fairy-folk?” His face was earnest.

“Oh wow. I wasn’t expecting that. Hmmmmm, I would say yes…but not because we’re different in terms of dream abilities or even appearance. Somnia believe that we’re children of Somnus and to be exact we have different…forefathers? Ancestors? Depending on that we also have cultural differences between the Somnia. My family claims that we’re descendants of Morpheus but growing up I had a neighbor that claimed her family descended from Phantasos.” Penny shrugged.

“She could still do the same things that I could so I don’t think there’s an actual difference. “ Sheldon was listening intently and Penny had to smile. Not a lot of people were actually interested in learning about her history and people.

“As for the Oneiros, they believe that they are children of Nyx. We have the same abilities and even use the same warding arrays but culturally we’re distinct from one another. We celebrate different Holidays, use different symbols for our families, our names are also different so overall I would say we’re different people.

“I see.” Sheldon nodded and Penny smiled at him knowing he would never forget this talk. Literally. “Penny.”


“No, I mean…You said different names. But Penny is not a Roman or latin name. In fact, it’s Greek, as it comes from Penelope.”

Penny narrowed her eyes at Sheldon. She might have feelings for the tall Wackadoodle but she wasn’t sure if she wanted to share this with him yet.

“It’s not diminutive of Penelope…” Penny sighed. “My birth name is Plotina.” She closed her eyes and waited for mockery or laughter.

“Oh! Okay. Thank you Penny, that was very informative.” Sheldon went back to making Penny Blossoms.

Penny’s eyebrows tried to escape her face. Sheldon was the first person to not make fun of her because of her name.

It was nice.

She was glad that Sheldon was busy making more Penny Blossoms because she was smiling like a fool and couldn’t stop.

“Penny. One more question if you don’t mind.” This time he didn’t look up from his work.

“Sure, shoot.”

“How does your warding array work? Without dreams do you…well, do you sleep?”

“Oh…huh…I guess it can be a bit hard to understand but, within the warding array I don’t manifest my dream abilities. It’s not like a void, I just sleep and then wake up.”

“Do you have your own dreams?”

“I want to be an actress.” She said cheekily.

“Har, har. I meant that-”

“I know, I know. In short, yes, but I can’t walk in my own dreams and I will never remember them.”


Penny trudged up the stairs, a soggy mess.

“No rain at all!” She said mockingly trying to imitate the weatherman from channel 4.

Her night out with her friends had been canceled unexpectedly by the sudden and heavy rain. Quick goodbyes and the group had dispersed after only visiting one club, Penny had wanted to dance and maybe find a warm body to spend the night with. She was frustrated to hell and back.

Penny had been trying to flirt with Sheldon but either the man was oblivious or he wasn’t interested…and she was too much of a coward to ask him outright.

It wasn’t even midnight and here she was returning home.

Quickly making her way into her apartment, Penny removed her mess of a dress and dropped it in the hamper with a heavy thump. Running a warm bath took no time and soon enough she no longer felt grimy and gross. In fact the warm water was relaxing her into sleep, she really shouldn’t, but just for a moment Penny closed her eyes and stars bloomed behind her eyes.

Almost immediately her real body made a huge splash as she jumped out of the bath.

Sheldon’s usually golden bright dream was now a dim sickly yellow, like a cracked old bulb ready to give out.

Drying herself off as best as she could and still with wet hair, Penny made sure her array wasn’t active as she changed into sleeping shorts and a ratty old tee she had stolen from her brother. Finally, after what felt like an eternity Penny lied down on her bed and closed her eyes.

Usually, Penny loved seeing all the dreams explode into makeshift constellations, but this time as soon as her dream self came into being she ran towards the very familiar dream. She ignored Leonard’s as she ran towards her friend.

Sheldon’s dream looked even worse up close.

All of her early frustrations now forgotten, Penny simply wanted to help Sheldon get out of this nightmare. She had seen dreams in this state before and it only meant that the dreamer was definitely not having a good time.

Pressing her hand against the dream, she noticed that the usual warmth was missing. A window formed and all she could see was rain. Black, cold and infinite it fell mercilessly against a small concrete building where a window shook and rattled with every thunder strike. A lone flickering light barely illuminated the interior and Penny knew that the small shivering figure was Sheldon.

This time the dream fought her as she made her way inside.

Freezing cold rain pelted her as she finally made her way inside, the rain roared and it even muffled the sound of thunder, it was as if a thousand people were screaming in agony.

Penny tried to chase the shadows away but it was useless, as soon as she got rid of it, the rain brought more shadow to replace what had been sheared off.

No. She couldn’t do anything here. Gazing at the lonely building she began to walk, small golden footprints marked where she walked, but even those were soon swallowed by the hungry, dark rain.

Time in dreams was always wonky, Penny could have sworn that she walked for hours before finally reaching the building, she expected the door to be locked but to her surprise it gave in easily and she was able to make her way inside.

Unlike the real world, the water clinging to her body quickly evaporated, almost as if it was trying to escape her presence.

The rain in this room was muffled, the roaring was distant but not any less intimidating. The room was simple, a bed sat against the wall and a desk served as a makeshift night stand. Sheldon stood by the window and in his hand was a flickering lamp, it wasn’t connected to anything but it still worked. Barely.

“You shouldn’t be here.” Sheldon’s hollow and haunted voice startled her. All previous times she had visited his dreams, she had stayed in the background, never interacting with him directly.

“The rain was scary.”

Sheldon finally turned to look at her. In the dream he must have been around fifteen, he still had that baby fat that made him look younger. Sheldon blinked at her and nodded. “Storms are scary.”

Slowly, with short and careful steps she approached him. “Would you mind if I share your light?”

“Does it make it less scary for you?” His voice still sounded hollow and far away.

Penny nodded at him. “Yep.”

“I suppose that the gentlemanly thing to do is to share the light.” Sheldon extended the hand holding the lamp at her.

Penny reached him and covered his hand with hers. Immediately the lamp shone brighter, the light changed from yellow to golden, shadows backed away from Sheldon’s feet and the window didn’t rattle and shake as much.

But Sheldon didn’t notice any of this, he had turned to look out the window again.

Penny stood there with him for a long time, not saying anything. She, unbeknownst to him, was clearing the room from any lingering shadows.

Sheldon yawned and rubbed at his eyes. “I’m tired.”

“Do you want to lie on the bed?”

“I…” Sheldon stopped and looked at her closely. “Could you stay with me?” He finally said.

“Of course Honey. I’ll watch over you.”

The bed was a single but Sheldon made room for her and she sat next to his pillow, against the headboard. The lamp still in her hand and resting in her lap.

Sheldon closed his eyes and tried to sleep but she knew he was awake, he still flinched with every thunder strike.

Penny adjusted herself to be more comfortable but Sheldon must have misinterpreted her movement as her trying to leave because his hand shot up to grab her arm firmly and in a shaky voice he begged. “Please don’t leave me!”

Penny wanted to cry, but she simply lied next to him and put her head right next to his on the pillow.

“I’m not going anywhere.” She reassured him.

Sheldon woke up, stiff and anxious but not as much as he expected.

Storms always made him have horrible nightmares. He had expected that having Penny nearby would mean he wouldn’t experience a nightmare but alas, it was not to be.

At least he didn’t feel on the verge of a panic attack even if he did feel pressure on his chest.

Sheldon carefully removed the covers and froze.

Penny snored peacefully on his chest.

This was unexpected.

But not unwelcome.


Yay, more for this Universe.

I think for now these are sort of glimpses rather than an actual narrative but it helps to keep the inspiration going.'s been a while since I made a fic recommendation so here you go, this is a great fic, show it some love if you haven't already:
The Magic of What Could Have Been (or, Blink, and You Might Miss It) by bixgirl1

Chapter 84: Lawyer


Leonard goes to see a lawyer


Not a sequel to anything.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Leonard adjusted his glasses nervously before sitting down in front of the huge desk. He knew that he looked like shit and probably smelled like it as well, but a baby didn’t leave him with a lot of time to take care of himself. Not as a single dad anyway.

But he was hoping that today’s visit would change that.

If today didn’t work then he was totally screwed over. This was the best lawyer he could afford. He put his hand in the pocket of his hoodie and grimaced at the feeling of something wet, of course.

‘I just can’t catch a break.’

And because god hated him, that was the moment the lawyer entered the office right as Leonard pulled his snot covered hand and due to a lack of a better option he rubbed it against his hoodie, it was a dark color so hopefully it wouldn’t be noticeable.

“Mr. Hofstadter. A pleasure to see you.” The lawyer, Jacob Sawhill, must have been around Leonard’s age but he was tall and fit with a perfect tan and a bright and friendly smile.

“Likewise.” Leonard extended his hand to offer a handshake.

“No, no, don’t worry. Now please tell me about your case and why should I take it?” Jacob rejected the handshake and moved to sit behind the desk.

“Ah, yes, I have a situation that I hope you can help me with.”

Jacob raised an eyebrow and motioned for Leonard to continue. “Mr Hofstadter, you’re paying me for 30 minutes of my time. I recommend you make it count. I’ll listen to you first and then I’ll ask any questions I might have, please continue.”

“Ah right. Sorry. I…uh…sorry, I wasn’t ready to be put on the spot like this. I don’t know where to start.”

Jacob let out an annoyed breath and gave him a forced smile. “Start from the beginning please.”

“Ah yes, that’s a good idea. Two years ago I had a fiancee and we were set to marry but she suddenly got pregnant. She had always said that she didn’t want any children so she wanted to get an abortion but…well, I didn’t want her to get one.”

Jacob frowned and leaned forward.

“We had a huge fight about it and even our friends got involved. It even led to my former roommate to break up with his girlfriend. She was on my side about Penny not getting an abortion. Oh! Penny is the name of my fiancee…ex-fiancee. In the end we broke up and my former roommate, Sheldon. He tried to talk her into going through with it but somehow I was able to convince her to not get one by promising that she didn’t have to raise him, that I would be the sole parent.”

Leonard dragged a hand across his face tiredly.

“I kept hoping that she would bond with the baby during the pregnancy and maybe even give our relationship another shot but she was fully disconnected from the baby and me and even when it came time to give birth, she was so drugged out than she didn’t even knew the day or time our son had been born. She refused to hold the baby even once and after the birth she moved in with Sheldon and soon after they both moved to New York.”

Leonard wanted a drink of water, his throat felt parched. It didn’t help that he had to relive all those emotional moments again.

“I see. So you want Penny to pay for child support right?”

Leonard widened his eyes in shock. “What?! No! She is already paying child support. Her name is on the birth certificate and she pays 125% of the court ordered child support. But she has no custody and no visitation rights and she can’t make medical decisions either.”

Jacob rubbed the bridge of his nose and Leonard felt that he was getting annoyed again. “Okay…why don’t you tell me then what is it that you want out of this?”

“I thought it was clear. I’m raising our son all on my own. He is about to be 20 months old and he has never met her! She even deleted all of the pictures I had of her so I don’t even have that to show our son. I’m burned out and I hate being a single parent! My family might as well not exist and my friends are getting tired of helping babysit.”

Leonard rubbed the back of his neck. He was so tired.

“I tried to take her to court before to give her joint custody but she had records of wanting an abortion and of my offer of taking all parental responsibility and she had also made it clear that she wanted no part of our son’s life! Can you believe that the judge sided with her?!”

A few tears escaped.

“I’m so damn tired. I love my son but I resent him. I didn’t know that agreeing to the child support payments and making a notarized agreement meant that she would just up and disappear from our son’s life! How could she say that she’s okay if I marry someone that wants to adopt him?! I’m so damn exhausted all the time. She’s a deadbeat mom and the courts won’t do anything to help me and they’re forcing me to be a single parent!”

Leonard deflated and sprawled on the chair as he let out all of his frustrations. Jacob seemed unmoved however.

“Right…Let me see if I get this straight. You both agreed to certain demands, both before and after the pregnancy. They were notarized and submitted to the court as proof. But now you want to force her to be a mom to a child she didn’t want to have in the first place?”


“Oh and of course, it’s important to add. She’s paying 125% of the court mandated child support.”

“I didn’t think it would be like this…The entire pregnancy she refused to admit that she was a mom and called herself an egg donor. She was supposed to love our baby and me.”

“Mr. Hofstadter. You’re wasting my time here.”

Leonard sat up in surprise. “What?!”

“From everything you’ve told me. Penny has done everything correctly, she is protected by the law and more importantly, she’s fulfilling her legal obligations. Has she ever been late with a support payment?”

Leonard shook his head. Stunned.

“Then you have no case Mr. Hofstadter. The only reason I’m still listening to you is because you already paid for 30 minutes of my time.” Jacob checked his wrist watch. “Which you only have 10 minutes left of.”

“Wait…you’re not taking my case?” This couldn’t be happening.

“I thought that was clear. You don’t have a case. I recommend that you hire a nanny if you need help with your son…and please, for the love of god, seek professional help.”

Leonard was still stunned. He hadn’t expected this, this lawyer was supposed to take almost any case. He sat in that chair as the walls closed in.

Penny was happy with Sheldon and they were both gallivanting in New York while he was stuck here taking care of his son.

“Time’s up Mr. Hofstadter. You already know where the exit is.”

Without a word Leonard stood up and moved to leave Jacob’s office.

He was screwed.


IDK I've been in an angsty mood and just read a reddit post about a POS that asked what Leonard asked above.

I don't know if it counts as Leonard Stomping, but if it does, this is for jacksonja and andromeda543 who I owed some Leonard suffering.

Chapter 85: Routine (Somnia)


Sequel to Nightmare


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Time in dreams was always wonky.

One moment Penny was watching the dream version of Sheldon sleep as the rain pounded against the building and the next the bed was empty.

Penny frowned in confusion before the dream broke apart and she was suddenly lying on the black void surrounded by fewer dreams than when she first went to bed. Leonard’s dream was still there as well as the ones for the downstairs neighbors so it meant that Sheldon had woken up way too damn early.

But after a nightmare like the one he had perhaps waking up early was the wisest choice. But not for her, she wanted to stay in bed for as long as possible but maybe she would wake up to fix her array.

“Penny.” Sheldon’s voice suddenly broke through and Penny groaned, of course he would go see her just as she was trying to sleep in. She waited for his triple knock but it never came.

“Penny.” Sheldon’s voice was strangely soft, like he didn’t want to speak too loudly. She considered not waking up but he just had a pretty terrible night so she’d be nice to him.

“Penny.” The transition from dream to the waking world was always seamless and she immediately snuggled closer to the warmth of her lumpy bed.

Sheldon could wait a minute.

“Penny. I need to prepare for work. You may stay in my bed but I do need to get up.” Sheldon’s voice was crystal clear now and more importantly, coming from right above her head.

Hot and cold rush and she could feel herself start sweating like she just did 40 minutes of cardio. She refused to open her eyes but did stop hugging Sheldon so he could get up.

Carefully and slowly, Sheldon moved and tried his best to not touch her too much, after a moment only Penny remained in the bed and she dared a peek. Sheldon was trying to smooth out his pajamas and Penny had to close her eyes again at seeing the drool spot on Sheldon’s shirt from where her head had been resting.

‘Goddamn sleepwalking habit.’ All Somnia struggled with sleepwalking in one way or another but Penny was particularly bad about it.

“As you know, I usually have a ‘No people in my room’ policy.” Sheldon sounded calm and composed. “However, I remember you, you were in my dream last night…Thank you.”

“Sheldon, I…” She struggled to find the right words for the situation. “I’m just glad you’re okay now.” She said lamely.

Sheldon gave her that same smile he gave her on the day they met. “While I appreciate the gesture and help. Please don’t make this a habit.” He moved to leave his room.

Penny face planted on the bed and laughed, because of course, he was still Sheldon.

“Got it. Don’t worry Moonpie.” Her voice was muffled.

Sheldon didn’t reply and Penny listened as Sheldon prepared for his shower, she didn’t go back to sleep, she simply enjoyed the warmth from the bed until the boys left for work.

She was feeling super happy and in the mood for waffles…maybe Sheldon had a waffle maker somewhere in the cupboards.

Sheldon tried to control the smile that wanted to burst out of him but even Leonard noticed it and made a comment about it.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about Leonard. Now, please keep your eyes on the road.”



“You seem to have woken up on my bed yet again.”

“Yep, sure looks that way.”

“In the last month since that first occurrence, on average, you have spent the night on my bed four nights a week.”


“I do believe that I had requested this to not become a habit.”

“Call it payback for changing your Big Boy Burger night for Cheesecake Factory Burger night.”

“...I suppose that despite what I had previously believed about sharing a bed with someone, the actual experience with you has resulted in much better quality sleep as well as no nightmares even during storms…”

“You’re welcome by the way.” Penny said teasingly.

“Perhaps it can be a new routine…”


I think this is it for this Universe fr, fr.

Although I always say that and I end up returning so who knows, not me for sure.

Update 04/29/24:

This became a One-shot:
The Somnia Variable

Chapter 86: Misunderstanding (Misunderstandings)


Penny's friends think she's dating Sheldon.


For Sasusc

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“No Sheldon.”

“But Penny…”

Penny raised an eyebrow and motioned with her head to the other four girls sitting around her coffee table.

“I have company Moonpie, I can’t and I won’t leave them to go play Halo with you.” Penny shook her head and tried to smother the smile that wanted to break through. “You can play with Raj.”

“Koothrappali will be a lackluster replacement for you but since you have company it will have to do. Ladies.” Sheldon nodded at the group and left to go back to 4A.

Penny finally smiled a little as she closed the door and then moved to sit back down between Dani and Erica.

“Okay, you guys are too cute.” Dani pretended to gag. “You’re there flirting right in front of us with your boy toy and I just got dumped. Life sucks.” She took a long drink of her wine glass.

Penny froze as her brain tried to make sense of what she just heard.

“I know!” The other girls said in unison before Erica slapped Penny’s leg and laughed as she said. “We’re just teasing. You’re still in that honeymoon phase so it’s fine.” She sighed fondly. “I still remember when Brian and I were like that.”

“Oh god no, you guys were waaaaaay worse.” Toni groaned. “I’m so happy we’re no longer roommates because I was this close to killing you both.” Toni squinted and pressed two fingers together.

Carly laughed and nodded. “Yep, yep. At least Penny still complains about her boyfriend, but you thought the sun shone out of Brian’s ass.”

Erica gasped in disbelief before laughing along with the rest. Penny was still trying to restart her brain.

“Waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait.” She interrupted the still laughing girls. “I’m not dating Sheldon.”

Silence before Erica bursted out laughing followed by the others. “Good one Pen.”

“I almost believed you.” Carly downed the rest of her glass and moved to serve herself another.

“Honestly. And I say this from the bottom of my heart. Fuck you.” Dani was also doing her best to down her glass of wine.

Toni just gave her the middle finger while drinking out of her own glass.

“No, no. Guys, I’m serious. We’re not dating.”

Erica frowned and shared a look with the others. “Penny…you told us that you had started dating your neighbor.” She said it slowly as if Penny had hurt her head.

The rest nodded.

“Yes! But not Sheldon! I’m dating Leonard!” Penny felt as if she was taking crazy pills.

A blank look on everyone’s face and Penny felt some dread in her stomach.

“Who?” Carly said finally after frowning in thought.

“Sheldon’s roommate…you know, the guy from the Halloween party.” She told them.

A look was shared between the girls before Erica asked. “Cute Indian guy?”

“That’s Raj.”

Dani raised her hand as if they were in class. “Oh, oh, oh! I know, the guy that was wearing the kid’s sized robin hood costume!”

“Ew, hell no. That’s Howard.”

Carly frowned in thought before shrugging. “No idea then.”

“No, no wait, I think I remember him.” Dani said. “Even shorter guy with glasses?” She waited until Penny nodded in confirmation. “Yay, an even shorter guy with glasses and he was dressed as…a forest fairy? No, as a…I don’t know man, he was dressed as something green.”

“Yeah, he was a hobbit.” At the blank look she tried to explain. “It’s from The Lord of the…you know, it doesn’t matter. But yes, that’s Leonard.”

“Huh.” Erica said and shared a loaded look with the other girls. “That’s nice…”

Penny knew that tone and look, she had used it herself more than once. “What? C’mon, you have something to say.” Penny didn’t want to be a bitch but her relationship with Leonard was still only a month old and she felt like she needed to defend it.

“Look Pen, forget it. We were just surprised, now, tell us about that new audition you have coming up.” Dani always acted like the older sister of the group.

“No, no, no, I saw the look. Tell me.” For some reason Penny couldn’t let bygones be bygones.

Carly being drunker than anyone else easily took the bait. “Well…how come you don’t talk about him then?” She pointed with her glass at Penny and sloshed some wine on her sleeve.

“What? I talk about him. Right?” Penny asked more to herself than to the girls.

“Okay, since we’re airing this now for some reason.” Erica started. “You can’t blame us for assuming it was tall and crazy who you were shacking up with. Hell, this week you told me that you couldn’t go shopping with me because you had to take Sheldon to the mall to buy underwear. And I quote ‘No adult man should still wear tighty whities.’ What was I supposed to think?” Erica’s face was confused.

“I…it’s not like that…” Penny tried to defend herself but she wasn’t sure how. “We’re just friends.”

“Friends don’t see each other in their underwear.” Erica raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah, yeah, and you don’t go dancing as often with us! It’s always ‘Sheldon this’ and ‘Sheldon that’.” Toni picked up the thread.

“...” Penny had nothing to say to that.

“Okay Hon, I don’t want to pile on you but, remember that Superbowl party you threw? Sheldon was the only one of the guys there that could talk Football.” Erica continued. “I mean, did you know that Sheldon is running a Fantasy Football League game for Brian and his gym buddies?”

That finally made Penny react. “Wait, what? He’s what?”

“Yeah. I thought you knew?”

“No, I had no idea.”

“Huh, well anyway, the point is. Sheldon was the only one that tried to fit in with the others.”

“No he didn’t. He just wanted to prove Brian wrong.”

“The point is. I thought he was the obvious choice. He makes you crazy, you have your little flirting or teasing whatever thing that is. Every single conversation that we have, his name comes up for some reason.”

“Wait, what superbowl party?” Carly was fairly drunk now.

“You were with that Puerto Rican guy and couldn’t make it.” Toni reminded her.

“...oh!, yeah, I remember now. Diego was a sweetheart. I should call him.” Carly said wistfully.

“Anyway.” Erica said. “You see now?”

“Holy crap on a cracker…”

“I think she’s seeing it now.” Dani said helpfully.

Soon the conversation moved to other topics but that night once she went to bed, the conversation would replay over and over in her head.

“Now what?” She said to her empty room.


I really liked this idea.

Chapter 87: Party (Misunderstandings)


Sequel to Misunderstanding


Who knew that this would be the Universe to capture the muse?

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Erica stayed the night at Penny’s because there was no way she was driving with two bottles of wine under her belt. Maybe she shouldn’t be drinking so much anymore, it was getting harder and harder to bounce back after one of these nights.

“Hey babe,” Brian was sitting at the kitchen table as she entered their apartment, and she felt like crap but he still gave her a huge smile. “I was about to message you. I went to get us a couple of breakfast sandwiches.” He pointed to the bag sitting in front of him.

“Oh god, yes! I love you!” Erica went to give Brian a kiss before pawing through the bag. Brian chuckled and waited for her to be done before grabbing his own sandwich and biting into it. Neither spoke, Erica was engrossed in her sandwich and Brian simply watched her as he ate.

“HMNGRH BENNY GRMHMMH.” Erica suddenly tried to tell her boyfriend, still with a mouthful of a pretty great breakfast sandwich. She made a mental note to ask him to get food from this place again.

Brian laughed. “If you’ve got gossip to share then chew and swallow first.” He smiled as she quickly chewed, she looked like a hungover hamster, a really cute hamster.

“I said, ‘Penny is not dating Sheldon’.” Erica said after her mouth was free of food.

“Wait, what?!” Brian wasn’t expecting that. “...Does Sheldon know that?”

Erica gave him a confused look.

“No, I mean. You know how he’s running that Fantasy Football game for us right? Well, he sort of started telling us about Dungeons and Dragons and me and the other guys are kinda interested you know?. But, well, Sheldon said he can’t do Saturday nights because those are ‘Laundry nights with Penny.’ Which I assumed meant it was sort of their date night right?”

“Holy crap…yeah, let me tell you about last night.”

In between bites of their sandwiches Erica told Brian the whole story, including the dumbfounded look that Penny had shown them once the shoe had dropped that she only ever talked about Sheldon.


“What?” Erica didn’t like the look on his face.

“I thought they were dating so I invited Sheldon for the Football game in two weeks. You know we’re going over to Toni’s and her brother is manning the grill so we thought it was a good chance to talk about that Dungeons and Dragon game that Sheldon wanted to run, after the game…and he said yes because Penny was also coming…so…”

“Well…shit.” Erica needed to talk to Penny.

“Sheldon. Why did you accept Brian’s invitation?”

“Last week, during our weekly call to discuss the Fantasy Football League status, it was mentioned that the group was interested in learning more about DnD. Jon mentioned that they were holding a barbecue party to watch the Steelers game to which I was invited to, so we could discuss it in person. So, you see, it was actually Jon who invited me.”

“And If I’m not going?” Penny put her hand on her hip.

“I suppose that Jon, Keith, Brian and the rest of your friends might be disappointed. Hmmm, I wonder if Brian would be able to pick me up.”

“Okay, I was bluffing. I’ll take you. But Leonard is coming with us.”

“Why would he do that?” Honest bewilderment on his face.

“Because he’s my boyfriend.” A challenge in her voice.

Sheldon sighed sadly. “I suppose that your stubbornness can be both a good and a bad trait. Alas, in this case we shall all be witness to the slow and painful death of your relationship with Leonard.”

“Hey! You don’t know that.”

“Perhaps. But all of my calculations indicate that due to your lack of feelings for him, his oedipus complex as well as a general lack of confidence which will transform into possessiveness will make it so your relationship will crash and burn. Of course, this is not including the fact that in order to be intimate at all, you need to be intoxicated which is leading you down the road of alcoholism.”

“...You can be such an asshole.” Penny fought back tears and stormed off.

“Hey dweeb, why did you invite Sheldon to the party?” Toni kicked the back of her brother’s chair.

“Woah, stop that. I’ll tell mom you’re the one messing up her chairs.” Jon didn’t even turn to look back at her, he kept playing on his phone. “And he’s dating Penny so he was going to come anyway. So what’s the deal? Don’t tell me they’re already fighting. Sheldon can be an ass but-”

“They’re not dating.”

“Already broken up? Man, I’ll make fun of him during our weekly call.”

“Nah, Penny says they never dated.”

“Wait, what?” He finally turned to look at her. “For real?”

“She swears by that. Oh! Apparently she’s actually dating Sheldon’s roommate.”

“Wild…That’s so wild!...Does Sheldon know?”

Toni didn’t reply but gave him the look she had inherited from their mother and that she used whenever a dumb question was asked.

“C’mon, it’s an honest question. He is always talking about Penny so I would have never guessed.”

“Penny is bringing her actual boyfriend to the party so you have to uninvite Sheldon.”

“Hell no, Sheldon is running our league and he’s also coming over to help us set up a Dungeons and Dragons game.”

“Jonjon.” She used her serious voice.

“I’m serious. What kind of scumbag would I have to be to uninvite him?”

Toni chewed her lip, she knew he was right but she didn’t want Penny to feel awkward. She had seen the look on her friend’s face when she realized that she hadn’t talked about her boyfriend in like…ever.

“Okay…but, make an effort to make her boyfriend feel welcome.”

“As long as he’s not an ass then it won’t be an issue.”

*Knock, knock, knock.*
*Knock, knock, knock.*
*Knock, knock, knock.*

“What?!” Penny wrenched the door open and glared up at Sheldon.

Sheldon avoided her eyes and nervously ran his hands on the front of his shirt. “I believe that I might have upset you. It was not my intention to do so.”

“...That’s not an apology.” She wasn’t going to make it easy for him.

“Really Penny?”

“Really Sheldon.”

Sheldon let out a frustrated breath, still avoiding her eyes. “While I’m sorry to have upset you, I am not sorry for telling the truth.”

“Sheldon! You!...” She took a calming breath. “You still don’t get it! You’re supposed to be happy for us.”

He finally looked at her straight in the eye. “Penny. While initially I was not confident in our friendship, in these past two and a half years you have become an integral part of my life and now I fear that your absence would cause me a great deal of inconvenience and distress. I am simply trying to avoid a scenario that will cause the group to break down.”

“But you don’t know that!” She insisted.

“Evidence points to one inevitable result.” Before she could reply Sheldon raised his hands. “However, I will not express my opinion in this matter in the future and I will not tell you ‘I told you so’ if my prediction does happen.”

“Always so self-sacrificial.”


“What do you think?” They were not fully okay but they were going to get there.

“Jonjon!” Carly called out as he was drying off the sweat from his last set. While usually he really enjoyed that their group was part of the same gym, this time he already knew what she was going to ask.

“Barley, I know, I know. I shouldn’t have invited Sheldon. But I really thought he was dating Penny!”

“What?” Carly’s face was full of confusion. “Oh, yeah I don’t care about that.”

“Wait, really? My sister was acting like it was the end of the world.”

“Yeah, I mean, we don’t even know Penny’s boyfriend right? He might be cool.”

Jon nodded after a moment. “Yeah, yeah.”

“See! No, I wanted to ask you if I could bring Katia to the party?


“Brunette, olive skin, Italian accent and you were drooling as she was doing yoga?”

“Shhhh hey man, not cool. I wasn’t drooling.” Jon kept his voice low and looked around making sure no one had heard Carly.

Carly laughed without a care. “Yeah right, but that’s Katia.”

“I mean, sure. The more the merrier…so…is she single?”

“Thank you Jonjon!” Carly walked away without answering his question.

“C’mon Barley! That’s not cool.” He told her back.

“Sheldon, please! This is the first time I’m meeting Penny’s friends, I need to make a good impression. Don’t embarrass me!”

Leonard was pacing their living room as Sheldon typed away at his laptop and ignored him.

“I still don’t understand why you’re going to the party at all. There’s going to be alcohol, food not pre-approved by you, loud music and you know, socializing.”

Sheldon simply kept typing away while occasionally looking at an open book on the side.

“I mean, you don’t even know anyone there.” Leonard returned to pacing and wringing his hands. “Buddy, please, these people don’t know that we’re nerds.”

At that, Sheldon finally turned to face him.

“Don’t look at me like that. These people are going to be talking Sports and, and, and, and, and Football and clubs! And who knows what else. They’re not going to be interested in Halo or Comic books or Anime or even Star Trek!” Leonard pleaded with him. “I need them to like me, Sheldon.”

“I see. And you feel my presence will somehow reflect negatively on you?”

“Yes!” Leonard was happy that Sheldon seemed to get it.

“And me not attending will make it so you feel more comfortable around this new group of people?”

“Yes! Thank you!”

“Leonard, I was personally invited to this event. I can’t just-”

“I’m invoking clause 9.3 of the roommate agreement!”

Sheldon froze for a moment before nodding slowly. “Understood.” He carefully and methodically put away the books and notebooks he had been working on. “If you excuse me, I need to make a call.”

Leonard grinned and patted himself in the back. The 9.3 clause was one that he never thought he would use but he was glad that Sheldon had included it.

‘As a best friend, you are entitled to one request per year. This request can’t be denied.’

Of course this was Sheldon so there were pages upon pages on what type of requests were acceptable and which weren’t.

Leonard could breathe easier now. This party was going to be a success.

Jon looked at the screen of his phone and frowned in confusion before picking up the call. “Sheldon?”

“Hello Jon, that is correct. This is Sheldon Cooper.”

“Oh, what’s up man?”

“I am calling you to inform you that unfortunately I will be unable to attend next week’s party.”

“Wait, for real?”

“Oh, this is very real.”

Jon chuckled a little at Sheldon’s serious tone of voice. “Nah man. I meant…why?”

Jon’s smile disappeared little by little as Sheldon explained the reason. He put his phone on speaker before asking Sheldon to repeat what he had just said.

Sheldon’s crackly voice was heard clearly. “I dislike repeating myself. As I said, my roommate has requested that I don’t attend the party as he fears that my presence will impact his image negatively. Because of this I would like to schedule a meeting so we can further discuss your introduction to DnD.”

“Sure man, listen, we’ll work around your schedule, just let us know what time works for you.”

“Excellent, have a pleasant evening.”

Jon clicked to end the call and turned to look at the group of friends sitting around his couch. Clicking his tongue Jon told no one in particular. “Well…I think it’s safe to say Penny’s boyfriend is a dick.”

Brian was frowning. “What did he mean by ‘impact his image negatively’?”

Jon shrugged and shook his head but Keith spoke up. “Hey, you know how Sheldon is in the spectrum right? So maybe the roommate thinks that we’ll make fun of him for being friends with Sheldon?”

“Nah…right?” Jon didn’t like the implications of that.

Brian was quiet before standing up and poking his head out the door. “Babe! Could you come here for a moment?”

Erica and Toni made their way into the living room and the guys explained what had just happened and asked for their opinion.

Toni let out a frustrated breath and ran a hand through her hair. “Okay, initially I was all for Sheldon not coming but now I’m pissed off. But! I still think it’s a stretch for your guys’ theory.”

“You did say that Kurt was being an ass at Penny’s party right? Maybe Penny’s boyfriend thinks that we’re like that?” Keith was always the more level headed one.

“I mean…if that’s true, can you blame him? Kurt acted like an ass after his breakup with Penny.” Erica said, now having occupied her boyfriend’s lap.

The boys nodded.

“Okay, so we should keep an open mind. This might be a big misunderstanding.” Brian quickly added.

“And who knows, maybe Penny’s boyfriend thinks that he’s doing Sheldon a favor. He’s afraid that we’re going to bully him or something.” Toni offered her own theory.

“That’s all fine and dandy but that still leaves us with the heart of the matter. What do we do about Sheldon no longer coming? It don’t sit right with me.” Jon wanted to make sure the rest knew what he was thinking.

“How about this? You invite Sheldon to dinner so that you guys can talk about your geeky stuff, maybe bust out a board game or something and just in general spend a nice evening together.” Toni took charge and started giving orders. “We girls don’t need to be here so maybe we can go dancing or something and let you have the house to yourselves.”

“I don’t know…it doesn’t feel right, but yeah, Sheldon is not dating Penny so…” Jon shrugged and reluctantly agreed.

Penny barreled into 4A, her shift had just ended and she needed to bring Sheldon to the mall ASAP. Said man was currently sitting on his spot and writing away on his laptop, while Leonard was drinking a glass of water at the kitchen island.

“C’mon, let’s go Moonpie. Chop, chop. Time’s a wastin’ Let’s go buy you a real pair of pants.” Penny stayed by the door and clapped twice while pointing at the hallway.

“Penny? Why would you take me to buy pants?” Sheldon looked bewildered.

“For Sunday’s party. C’mon, let’s go.” Another pair of claps.

“I don’t appreciate your clapping, it makes me feel like some sort of show horse that is expected to perform. Besides, I am no longer attending the party.” Sheldon returned to his laptop.

“What do you mean you’re no longer going?” She was confused, he had been adamant before because Jon had invited him personally.

“Leonard asked-”

Leonard loudly cleared his throat and moved towards them finally. “Ahem, what Sheldon is saying is that I asked him to be honest about wanting to attend the party or not. There’s no need to force Sheldon to go if he doesn’t want to.”

“Is that true?” Penny asked Sheldon but before he could answer, Leonard was pulling her towards the door.

“But I’ll be happy to buy new pants for the party, let’s go.”

Before the door closed, Penny could swear that Sheldon’s face was twitching.


More to come soon.

Chapter 88: Sports (Misunderstandings)


Sequel to Party


I wanna say that in this Universe the Arctic didn't happen.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny entered the kitchen, leaned against the counter and let out a breath.

Almost from the start things had gone south.

They had arrived at the party and Leonard was a mess due to nerves. For some reason he had ditched his usual layers and decided to wear a jersey. Which would be fine as this was a Football party, except, it was a Hockey jersey…from a Canadian Team.

‘Hamilton Tigers’ His Jersey proudly displayed. The black and yellow colors that were meant to represent tiger stripes made him look like a bumblebee instead. Not to mention how awkward he was in it, adjusting it every five seconds.

And then he introduced himself to her friends…as if it were the first time he’s meeting them.

“Uh, we met before, at Penny’s superbowl party.” Brian looked confused.

“What are you doing?” Jon asked as Leonard tried to do some sort of complicated handshake.

“Nice to meet you.” Carly very subtly covered her cleavage after Leonard stared for a moment too long.

Not a great first introduction as her boyfriend.

Leonard adjusted the neck of his jersey again and smiled. Things were going surprisingly well.

Everyone else was wearing jerseys as well, even some of the girls. Though the girls’ jerseys were modified to be more fashionable. One of the girls, Carly, was wearing a pink jersey with a lot of cleavage and Leonard had been careful to sneak peeks at her because he didn’t know how the jersey stayed in place but he was certainly enjoying it.

One of Penny’s friends was sitting on her boyfriend's lap and Leonard wished he could do the same with Penny, but his girlfriend was taller and heavier than him. Everyone around the table was smiling and joking around, Penny also came back from the kitchen with a new drink, so he tried to tell them a joke.

“Why was the best footballer in the world asked to tidy up their room?” Leonard waited excitedly before revealing the punchline. “Because they were Messi!” He had googled that joke and it was the most upvoted one about Football.

Utter silence.

It’s not like they were angry at him, but the group looked confused. Penny included. He was starting to sweat because he was sure that the joke would kill. He had visited like eight different websites just for that joke.

“Oh! You mean Lionel Messi?” The girl in the pink jersey asked. He needed to remember her name.

“Err yes?”

“Oh…but he plays soccer, not football.” She said slowly, confused.

“Oh! Oh! I know of that guy. But I’m surprised you know him, Barley.” Jon said.

“Diego loved soccer and I remember him mentioning that name before.”

Soon the conversation moved but Leonard felt like his joke and he had been largely ignored. He took a drink of his glass to try and swallow the feeling of humiliation but his face was burning and he was sure that the back of his neck was covered in sweat.

He turned to look at Penny and was scared of seeing her cringing or look disappointed in him but she smiled at him before returning to talk to one of her friends and her smile felt like a reassurance that he hadn’t messed up.

“Hey, Leonard right?” Keith? Yeah, Keith. Keith talked to him. “I see that you’re a Hockey fan but what do you think about the Steelers? Do you think they really overlooked the Jaguars because they were anticipating a rematch with the Pats?”

Very few times in his life he had experienced panic like this. He didn’t know that they would ask him about the game.

“Oh, mark my words, Juju Smith is going to get that ROY award.” Brian jumped in.

“Suresuresuresure but did you see how they scored in this game? Roethlisberger found Brown easily! Antonio is going to be MVP this season.” Jon added.

Leonard looked from one man to the other, lost. He had no idea what they were talking about, shame, panic and self-loathing roiled in his belly. He nodded to whatever they were saying, hoping that it would prevent him from answering.

The men bantered with each other and despite everything, Leonard longed to be part of the group. He wanted to be able to make jokes about football, to be able to talk about the game…but he didn’t know how.

“C’mon, let Leonard talk.” Keith once again tried to draw him into the conversation.

For a moment he considered lying, to pretend to know what they were talking about, but he knew that they would catch him.

“I…actually don’t like Football that much.” Leonard muttered.

“Oh, so what sports do you like?” Keith probably thought he was being nice but to Leonard it felt like bullying, as if Keith was shining a spotlight on him.

“Oh you know, normal sports.” Leonard said and even as he said it, he knew it was stupid. He couldn’t raise his eyes from his drink, he was afraid that they would laugh at him, make fun of him or even worse, ignore him completely.

“Ha, ha! You’re so funny sweetie.” Penny interrupted their conversation. “Leonard is not a sports guy. He’s a Physicist.”

“Oh! Like Sheldon?” The girl that was talking with Penny asked and something inside him coiled around his heart. This was his chance to be normal, to be one of the guys and he was being compared to Sheldon.

Fuck that.

“No! I’m nothing like Sheldon! I’m smart but I don’t go around rubbing it in other people’s faces. I don’t need people to call me Doctor every single time. I don’t need to have my food made to microscopical detail and I can drive myself places without having a meltdown!”

HIs chest heaved with the effort of trying to stay calm but even in this state he didn’t miss the looks shared between the friend group.

It wasn’t until he started coughing that he realized the trouble breathing was not because of his anger but because of his asthma. Taking his inhaler and doing a couple of shots was another arrow to his ego, what normal guy needs an inhaler?

“Excuse us.” Penny pulled him into the hallway and into a bedroom.

His face was flaming and he could hear his heartbeat beating loudly against his ears, he was hot and cold and he was pretty sure that he was sweating out of every pore in his body.

To her credit, Penny waited until he was breathing somewhat normally before laying onto him.

“What the hell was that?!” She was fuming and had her hands on her hips.

“I…I don’t know. I’m sorry. I just heard them compare me to Sheldon and I didn’t want them to think that I was anything like him. This was my chance to just be another guy but…I don’t know, I felt like I was not good enough.”

“Leonard…” Penny stopped talking and took a deep breath. “Sweetie, if you wanted to be able to talk about Football with my friends, why didn’t you research or try to learn about it?”

“I didn’t think that ALL conversation would be around the game. I thought they would be talking about something else and…well, Football is kinda boring.” Leonard sat on the edge of the bed and shrugged.

Penny squinted at him. “So you wanted to fit in and be one of the guys but don’t want to learn about the one thing this party was about?”

“I…it’s not like that. Girls like you usually don’t date guys like me okay? I’m doing my best here so you don’t get tired of me and go back to one of the meatheads you usually date. I want to be here so people know you have a good boyfriend.”

Penny breathed in sharply and closed her eyes. “Leonard…are you saying that you’re only here because you were afraid that if you weren’t that someone would have flirted with me and I would have gone with them?”

That was certainly something he had been afraid of. He finally got his shot with Penny and a part of him was scared that she would get bored and leave him when a muscular and handsome guy appeared in front of her.

He tried to find a way to voice his thoughts without putting his foot in his mouth but was coming up blank.

After a long moment Penny opened her eyes. “Well Leonard?”

“I just don’t want to lose you.”

Penny sighed. “We’re not done talking about this. For now, we’re going to go back to the party. My friends are regular people Leonard, not creatures you have to decipher, just tell them about your sci-fi shows or comics or something and you’ll find a common interest, I’m sure.”

“But I don’t want to talk to them about nerdy things.”

Without another word, Penny left.

“Yikes…” Carly said once Penny and her boyfriend disappeared down the hallway.

“Yikes indeed.” Toni said and she downed her drink.

Jon rubbed at the back of his neck and then pulled on his earlobe, trying to think of a way to word his thoughts.

“Okay, what just happened?” Erica asked out loud. The game now forgotten.

“I don’t know but…the reaction to being compared to Sheldon was weird right?” Jon finally said. That was the part that stuck out to him the most.

Everyone nodded.

“Look guys, I know that it was weird, but this is also his first time meeting us as Penny’s boyfriend and not just her neighbor so let’s cut him some slack.” Dani was always the voice of reason.

“We’ve all done dumb shit when nervous, right?” Keith added.

Jon reluctantly nodded but Brian pushed against it. “Look, I’m all for second chances but we’re here trying to talk to him and he’s just stonewalling us. And I don’t know about you guys but the way he was ogling Carly while Penny was right there by his side didn’t exactly give me a good feeling about him.”

Carly had ended up covering herself with a light sweater borrowed from Toni because Leonard couldn’t stop looking at her chest.

“I kinda wish Sheldon had come instead.” Toni joked.

“Katia is also going to be here any moment now.” Carly piped up.

“Yeah, and Penny is not going to be much longer I bet. Look, just try to make sure the rest of the day goes smoothly. You guys, talk to him about your Dungeon game you’ve been talking about so much, I’m sure once he relaxes it’ll all be okay.” Dani took charge like always but no one fought her on what she said.

The doorbell rang. Carly looked at her phone and went to answer the door.

Penny sat on the passenger seat and she looked intently out the window as Leonard drove them home.

“So…that went well I think.” Leonard said and even without looking at him she knew he was giving her an awkward smile. “I like your friends.”

Penny didn’t reply and Leonard kept yapping away about how much fun he had at the party.

She had to close her eyes and try to tune him out because it seemed that they had attended two different parties.

After their conversation in Toni’s guest bedroom, a new girl had arrived at the party. Katia, she was a new friend of Carly’s. It was just one more person, nothing special, except Leonard spent the rest of the night following Katia like a lost puppy.

“I think they liked me too.” Leonard continued.

Jonjon tried to talk to Leonard about Dungeons and Dragons. Her boyfriend’s self admitted favorite game, and what did her boyfriend said at Jonjon’s simple question?

“Ah, no, I don’t, I’m not into that nerdy stuff. It’s kinda childish right?” He said while trying to smile confidently. Somehow missing the frown on Jonjon’s face.

“Maybe we can do it again.” Leonard kept talking.

“...yeah, maybe…” She finally said and pretended to fall asleep.

“I’m so sorry.” Carly was holding hands with Katia as she apologized.

“It’s okay, but maybe next time if he’s going to be here it’s best that I don’t come, yeah?” Katia smiled weakly.

“No, no, don’t worry. He’s the boyfriend of our friends but I don’t think he’s going to be a regular here. Right?” Carly asked the group.

Grimacing, Dani had to agree. “Yeah…I think we had enough for a while.” She rubbed at her face with both hands. “Okay, I’ll talk to Penny.” She paused before addressing everyone. “Are we the assholes? Please tell me we’re somehow to blame for this shit.”

“Sorry, but no.” Toni served herself another drink. “Also, what was with that macho attitude, everything was childish?”

“Yeah, that was not cool.” Jon had deflated after Leonard shot down the Dungeons and Dragons talk.

“I wasn’t a fan of the Sheldon freakout either.” Brian had Erica on his lap as she dozed off. “Honestly, what was that?”

“Oh yeah.” Keith said with a mouth full of chips. “Sorry. But yeah, that was weird as hell.”

Dani shook her head as if trying to clear it by the action alone. “Please tell me Sheldon is not like that. I’ve only seen him a couple of times.”

Jon grabbed a handful of chips while replying. “Nah, Sheldon is direct. He doesn’t do subtle or false. Because of that he can seem a bit of an ass until you realize he’s the most direct person ever. Just tell him what you want or need and he’ll do the same.”

Brian nodded. “He rubbed me the wrong way at first, not gonna lie.”

“Besides, he really is as smart as he claims. He’s got two Doctorates.” Keith added while trying to recover the bowl of chips from Jon.

“When are we meeting him anyway?” Brian asked, yawning.

“He said we can do Thursday night. I’ll go pick him up and then drop him back at his apartment." Jon stretched after replying. “He doesn’t drive.”

“Okay, we’ll go dancing or something.” Carly said while searching for her keys.

“It’s a plan.” Dani confirmed. She wasn’t looking forward to her conversation with Penny but knew that she couldn’t just ignore it.

Penny sighed tiredly as she basically threw herself on the couch.

She didn’t have the energy to deal with Leonard tonight, as he dropped her off at her door he was still smiling proudly but she didn’t want to deal with him at the moment. Maybe that was wrong of her, but she just wanted to sleep.

Sheldon was watching TV when Leonard walked happily into the apartment.

“Hey Sheldon, buddy. Once again, thank you for not going. I think it went well.”

“I wish I could say ‘That’s nice’ but the reality is that I don’t care.”

“Thanks buddy.”


Leonard didn’t reply but gave him a thumbs up.


I wanted to make Leonard cringy in that way that sometimes people looking for approval from everyone are. Can't wait to read your comments to know how successful or not I was.

Chapter 89: Bard (Misunderstandings)


Sequel to Sports


This took me far longer than I expected.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny woke up with a headache.

Which was only made worse by the message on her phone from Dani. ‘Can we talk?’

Cursing, Penny mashed her face against the pillow, she knew what this talk would be about and she hated it. Yesterday’s party was still too fresh on her mind. But she knew that she needed to face the music.

‘Sure, want to call me? I’m going to make breakfast.’ She replied and went to do exactly that.

Shitty coffee with no milk, because there was no way in hell she was going to 4A this morning. An even shittier donut and a cup of yogurt with granola and she was set for the morning.

It didn’t take long for her phone to ring. After greeting each other and dancing for a couple of minutes around the reason for the call, Penny finally bit the bullet.

“So…you wanted to talk?”

“...Yeah…” Dani cleared her throat and her ‘mom voice’ made an appearance. “Sweetie, I just wanted to call you because of what happened at the party.”

Penny took a drink of the scalding hot coffee, trying to mask the burn of humiliation with the burn of the coffee.

“We know he might be nice to you but…well, Katia felt very uncomfortable, not to mention Carly before that. I don’t think he could answer what color her eyes are.”

Penny stayed quiet, she didn’t make any noise, hoping that the building would collapse and take her along.

“Jon was also put off because of his macho attitude. You know how he feels about that because of his dad…and not to mention how he reacted to Erica’s comment about Sheldon and him being similar.”

Penny eyed the bottle of wine on top of the fridge. Just one drink. But Sheldon’s words about her becoming an alcoholic ring in her head and she decides against it.

“We’re just worried. Just know that we’re here for you. Okay?”

Penny knew that Dani meant it. She initially met her and the rest through Kurt but they soon became more of her friends than his. And after the breakup it became more obvious whose side they were on.

“I…I’m so confused.” Penny choked out. “Leonard is not a bad guy, I swear!”

“I believe you Honey. I do.”

“He’s nicer than some of the guys I’ve dated, he’s smart and he’s got a stable job.” Penny started to ramble. “Sure, he can be a bit boring and usually we drink too much when we’re together but-”

“Woah, woah, slow down there cowgirl.” Dani interrupted her. “Look, I do believe you. But from what we saw he doesn’t seem that great of a catch…specially when he’s ogling and chasing other women while you’re there in the room with him. If he’s like that in front of you then I can only wonder how he is on his own.”

“It’s not-” Penny tried to interrupt but Dani kept going.

“Which makes me wonder. Are you dating him because you want to date him? Or because you feel sorry for him?”

Penny couldn’t reply.

“Or is it that you felt obligated to date him?”

Silence on the line.

“Honey, I’m no therapist, but I’ve been in enough shitty relationships to recognize when others are in the same boat and Penny, darling, your boat looks creaky as shit.”

Penny still couldn’t say anything.

“Also, some people are wonderful as friends but become nightmares when dating. Boundaries are a fantastic thing.”

“I am so confused.” Penny finally said.

Dani let out a breath. “Now cowgirl, I’m going to send you a link to a website. I want you to take a quiz. And don’t worry, you don’t have to give me the results. But maybe it’s time for you to take a closer look at your relationship.”

“Okay.” Penny said in a subdued voice.

“Love you cowgirl.”

“I love you too and…thanks Dani.”

“Anytime. You’d do the same for me.”

The call ended and Penny was left feeling raw. Dani’s questions hurt, because Penny couldn’t answer them herself.

She didn’t truly know why she said yes to dating Leonard.

Her phone pinged and it was a message from Dani with only a link to a site.


“Sheldon Cooper speaking.” Sheldon answered his phone as he put away his markers and notebooks. It was almost lunch time and he was preparing to leave his office.

“Hey Sheldon. I’m just calling to confirm that we’re still up for tomorrow night.” Jon’s cheery voice answered him and Sheldon could easily picture the smiling young man.

“Hello Jon. That is correct. Can you confirm that you will pick me up?”

“Yepyep, I’ll meet you at four thirty outside your building.”

“Excellent. I have already prepared all the materials needed.”

“That’s great! We can’t wait. I was also calling because I wanted to know if you had a favorite soda? I’m doing a grocery run.”

Sheldon paused. He shouldn’t…but it was not very often that he could indulge in soda. “Mountain Dew please.”

Jon laughed. “Same as Brian. Okay cool, we’ll be well prepared then. Do you need any healthy snacks or something?”

“Healthy snacks?”

“Yeah, we’re going to have chips, pretzels and such, but if you don’t eat that I can buy you some bagel chips or baby carrots or something.”

“No. Regular snacks will do. Thank you.”

“No worries man. Also we’re going to order pizza, you cool with that?”

“From where?”


“Excellent, Thursdays nights are usually pizza nights from Giacomo's, so while my usual schedule will be disrupted, a familiar dinner will help maintain a sense of normalcy.”

“Great to hear that, I'll see you tomorrow man.”

“Goodbye Jon.”

Sheldon hung up his phone just as Leonard and the rest approached him outside his office.

“Hey buddy, who were you talking to?” Wolowitz asked him.

Sheldon titled his head. “Do you really want to know?”

“Great question and the answer is no.” Wolowitz admitted. “Let’s go people, I hear we have a new cute cashier at the cafeteria and it’s a crime to deprive her of my charm.”

Sheldon followed behind the group as they bantered among themselves. He ignored them and instead focused on his plans for tomorrow.

He would teach them all the basics of the game, but Brian would need special attention. The man was certainly more creative than the rest and seemed to like telling stories. He was the one that had created a scenario for the Fantasy Football league which had prompted Sheldon to tell them about DnD. Brian would make for a good DM.

“Sheldon!” Leonard snapped his fingers and Sheldon realized he was holding up the line.

“Forgive us people, we forgot to change the battery of the robot this morning.” Wolowitz told the people behind Sheldon.

Leonard snickered and even Raj smiled somewhat.

Sheldon ignored them and picked his food. By this point in his life, these types of comments no longer affected him.

Lesser minds needed to try and put him down so they could feel better about themselves.

Penny ran a hand through her hair as she went up the stairs.

She had been putting off her talk with Leonard as well as doing the quiz that Dani sent her and instead focused on her auditions and shifts.

Today was Anything-can-happen-Thursday and Leonard had told her that he, Raj and Howard would go play laser tag and then eat burgers. He had invited her but she needed to cover the afternoon shift.

And here she was now, tired as hell and carrying a bag with 2 BBQ burgers. She was certain that Sheldon didn’t have dinner yet and she just wanted to spend time with her friend, he always made her feel better.

“Hey Moonpie…dinner…is…here…” Penny entered 4A and trailed off as she looked around at the empty apartment. “What the hell is going on here?” She muttered.

Ever since the guys implemented Anything-can-happen-Thursday it had sort of become ‘Penny and Sheldon’ night. Except there was no Sheldon.

Quickly checking her phone for any messages and finding none she frowned. It was almost eight thirty in the evening and a sliver of worry made its way into her heart. She dropped the food bag on the counter and sent a quick message to Leonard.

‘Where’s Sheldon?’

She put her phone away and nibbled at her fingertips thinking about where he could have gone. Laundry? She scoffed, yeah right. Maybe Stuart would know. Her phone interrupted her train of thought.

It was a selfie of Leonard and Raj as they ate burgers with only one piece of text.

‘Don’t know.’

Penny looked at the selfie again and at Leonard’s smile and had the urge to yell at him to get his shit together, his roommate might be missing and there he was eating burgers like it didn’t matter to him.

Another ping, but this time from Raj.

‘U kall him yt?’

Penny had to close her eyes at that, how could she have forgotten. Making a mental note to thank Raj, she dialed Sheldon’s contact and waited.

And waited.

Hearing the ringing stop and someone pick up she let out a breath of relief.

“Sheldon Cooper.” He sounded fine, in fact she would say he sounded kind of happy.

“Thank god you’re fine! Where are you? Do you need help? Are you still at work?” She said quickly.

“I’m fine. I’m at Jon’s house. No. No.” Sheldon said calmly.

“Wait? Jon’s house? Jonjon?”

“I believe his friends call him that. Yes.”

Penny’s brain stalled because why the hell was Sheldon doing at Jonjon’s house. “But you’re okay?”


“....I thought you were going to be here so I got you dinner…” Penny suddenly felt embarrassed. Like she had done something wrong by getting him dinner.

“I appreciate the gesture but Jon ordered Giacomo's pizza.” Something shifted in his tone of voice and Penny pounced on it.

“Wait, you’re not drinking Mountain Dew right?”

“I have to go now. Jon will drive me home.” And he hung up which meant he probably was drinking way more than it was healthy. She could only chuckle.

Grabbing the food she went to her own apartment. It looked like she was having a burger for breakfast. She carefully took out one of the styrofoam containers and set it on her coffee table before moving to put the other one in the fridge.

She went on to open the container and took a bite of the burger, but as she chewed the silence of her apartment started to get a bit too much. When it finally got to be too much she pulled out her phone to watch a video before the high number of unread messages taunted her.

“Ah damn it.” She said softly, the girls had tried to contact her.

The initial plan was for them to go dancing but they kept waiting for Penny to reply but she never did so they stayed at Toni’s and watched the guys learn to play Dungeons and Dragons.

She quickly finished her burger before calling Dani.

“Hey there stranger, you finally decided to call us huh?” Dani’s cheerful voice greeted her.

“Sorry, sorry, sorry. I had a double shift today and at one point I forgot I owned a phone.”

Penny could hear laughter in the background.

“So the dancing plan was a bust?” She asked.

“Yeah, we didn’t want to go without you and then Sheldon started teaching the guys and it was kinda fun so we stayed. Carly is a bard!”

Hearing the laughter while Dani spoke made Penny feel even more alone at that moment.

“So a fun night all around?” Penny asked in what she hoped was a cheerful tone.

“Oh yeah. Sheldon said he’s free on some Thursdays so the guys are making plans to make this a regular thing, but Brian is going to help Sheldon run it or something.”

“Cool, cool. Listen, I gotta go to bed, I have an early shift tomorrow. Sorry about missing the fun.”

They quickly said their goodbyes and Penny could have sworn she heard Sheldon’s breathy laughter at one point. She let herself fall backwards against her couch. She should be happy that Sheldon was making friends but at the same time she felt sad? And the worst part is that she didn’t know why.

Looking to the side she saw her laptop, she pulled it and set it on her stomach before opening it up and right there it was the link that Dani had sent her last week.

“This is stupid.” She muttered before clicking on the quiz.

Your partner is very supportive of the things that you do.

Penny has to stop to think about it. While Leonard has never told her to quit acting he has made a couple of comments that make it clear he thinks she’s just a waitress. But he does ask a lot about her auditions. She clicked on No before thinking it twice and selecting Yes. She scrolls to the second question before returning and selecting No.

Your partner encourages you to try new things.

Penny frowns in thought, unsure on how this question applies to her. So far Leonard has not acted negatively if she wants to do something. She clicked on Yes.

Your partner likes to listen when you have something on your mind.

Almost on instinct she went on to click Yes but stopped herself. At times Leonard only seemed interested in getting drunk and jumping into bed with her. And after last week’s party, it seemed he truly didn’t notice how upset she was. She clicked on No.

Your partner understands that you have your own life too.

She clicked on Yes.

Your partner is well liked by your friends.

Penny chewed on her lip before clicking No.

Your partner says that you're too involved in different activities.

Leonard did mention that lately he felt that they were not spending as much time together because of her schedule, but she had her work, auditions, acting classes, gym, her friends and she felt like they spent a lot of time together already. She clicked on Yes.

Penny spent the next 20 minutes answering the quiz and agonizing over every answer, until finally, it gave her a score.

37 points.

She blinked. Okay, that wasn’t so bad, she had been afraid of seeing a super high number. Clicking onto the next slide made her rethink her position.

‘If you scored 5 or more points, you are definitely seeing warning signs…’

“What the hell…” She muttered, this couldn’t be right.

It had to be a mistake.

Sheldon nodded at Jon before entering the building.

Despite what he initially feared, the reality was that he quite enjoyed himself. In a way it had felt like that first time he had learned to play DnD at college.

The group was eager to learn and even some of the girls joined them.

His schedule was terribly ruined beyond any repair…but, it was an acceptable sacrifice.

Sheldon enjoyed playing DnD but his friends refused to play with him as he didn’t care much about roleplaying to pretend to seduce a bar maiden or save a princess that would pay with her body. Two of Leonard’s favorite tropes.


He wanted to be a warrior. To allow the dice to dictate his fate as he faced monsters and horrors that only existed in fantasy. He wanted to overcome the odds, to get that improbable Nat20 that would make Sheldor a living legend.

His friends didn’t know that he kept a journal on his computer as if it was written by Sheldor himself, every adventure, every battle, every failure was there and he was proud of it.

Or he was, until they refused to play with him. But now Sheldor would ride again.

On Anything-can-happen-Thursday.

“That was fun. I honestly wasn’t expecting to enjoy it so much.” Brian said as he kept reading his copy of the DM book that Sheldon had brought him.

Erica grabbed his sleeve and when he turned to look at her she pressed a finger to her lips and pointed to Carly and Brian had to smile. Carly had been really into it and she had taken seriously the part about creating a background for their characters. Even now she kept writing on the back of her character sheet with a focused look on her face.

“Yeah, I can also see what you guys meant by Sheldon being too direct.” Dani grabbed a slice of pizza. “He would make for an awful teacher.”

Keith laughed. “In a way he is, he told me that sometimes his University forces him to give classes to undergrads.”

“Oh god, those poor souls.” Dani grimaced. “Sheldon gets an F on bedside manners but an A on infodumping. I now know far too much about Orcs, Eves and Owlbears.”

“You should have accepted the offer of a character sheet. It’s really fun.” Carly spoke up.

“Nah, not for me. I prefer to watch you guys.” Dani took a seat next to Carly and smiled at her.

A comfortable silence fell on the group and it wasn’t broken until Jon returned, grabbed another slice of pizza and started talking with Keith about how cool his Paladin was.

"I can't wait for the next session." Jon told Brian as they were saying goodbye.


I think I know what direction to take from here to focus more on the Shenny aspect of things. But at the same time it's something 'new', so hopefully you'll come along for the ride.

Now, if you're only here for the Shenny, then you can stop reading this note at this point because I'm going to bring down the mood somewhat.

I'll see you on the next chapter.


So...I wasn't sure if I should address this or not but having checked my DMs on another site I think that I need to. This will be the first and only time I address this (this includes in comments) and moving forward I'll simply block people that reach out with condescending messages about how I write.

To the people upset about how I write Leonard:

I'm glad that you enjoy my writing. I really am. I still can't believe that so many people enjoy what I write. But, I don't appreciate you telling me how my writing is wasted 'bashing' Leonard nor the thinly veiled condescension saying how I would be a better writer if there was no bashing.

Look, if Leonard is your favorite character, then great, that's awesome.

He's not my favorite character and I think I'm being fair in how I portray him.

If you want to read a story where he gets redeemed, or he's the hero, or his actions get excused somehow then you're looking into the wrong place, here you're not going to find that. I don't want to sound mean so I hope this comes across as the honest advise it is:

If you want to see something, write it yourself.

Write the story that you want to see, but please don't try to force your ideas on me. There's a huge difference between 'suggesting' and 'telling'.

Hope you find what you're looking for, elsewhere.

Chapter 90: Breakup (Misunderstandings)


Sequel to Bard


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The fighting started innocuous enough.

In the end Penny refused to follow the advice of the website, she also didn’t have that conversation with Leonard about what her friends had mentioned. Which looking back on, was a terrible idea, it festered inside her.

“I’m NOT going to stop going to the gym!”

“I didn’t mean it like that. It’s just that…other men look at you too much.”

Penny wasn’t innocent either.

“Could we please talk about anything else other than your laser or your work or whatever you think it’s interesting?”

“Sure, how about we talk about your auditions? Oh, what’s that? You haven’t had one in a month? Maybe if you were a real actress!”

Drop by drop the cup filled with poison.

“Maybe you could change? We’re going to the movies, not to a strip club.”

“Fuck you Leonard.”

Until they forgot how to even be friends.

“I hate you so much!”

“Then why don’t you break up with me huh?” Leonard looked smug as he asked her that.

Penny dropped heavily on her couch and looked at the floor.

“God Leonard…what happened to us?” She covered her face with her hands. “I’m not happy.” She looked at him.

For a moment it looked like Leonard would start yelling again but he deflated into a chair and rubbed his eyes without fully taking off his glasses.

“I don’t know. I’m sorry…But we can try again! We can’t give up!” He animatedly told her that. And he sounded so convincing that she almost believed him.

“No Leonard, we can’t.”

“Yes we can! Look, I know that things haven’t been great these past couple of months, but-”

“Leonard.” She said seriously. “We’ve been dating for 3 months.”

He looked confused, he couldn’t see why that was important.

“3 months. Only our first month was without issues and I’m stretching the truth there. C’mon Leonard! We’re going to end up hating each other.”

“No we’re not! I can swear that.” He faced her with a determined look on his face. “I know that we can make this work. I know it as I know the sun will come out tomorrow.”

“How?” Penny asked, honestly.

“I…We can try again, from scratch!” He looked desperate. “Let’s reset this to zero, we can pretend as if nothing happened, except this time whenever an issue arises we can talk about it so we can compromise and-”

“What's the compromise for you not wanting me to go to the gym anymore?” Penny felt exhausted, is this what a relationship is supposed to be? She never felt this drained of life, not even with Kurt.

“That’s a good example!” Leonard stood up and started pacing. “You can…you can…you can find a girl’s only gym!” He dared to smile proudly as if it was a real solution to the issue.

“I will not. How about instead you go to therapy to deal with your jealousy issues?” She said as gently as she could.

Leonard’s face turned ugly before he schooled his features back into a quasi-smile. “I don’t, I don’t think it’s an issue. I just want-What’s wrong with not wanting other guys to hit on you? Could it be because you like it?” He said challenging her.

“This is the shit I’m talking about Leonard. Who is hitting on me exactly? Huh, who?”

“Don’t be naive! Guys, the sweaty neanderthals that go to the gym.”

“My friends you mean?”

“Ah…no, not them. You know what I meant.”

“No I don’t. In the six years I’ve been going to the gym, do you know how many times I’ve been hit on?”


“Four times. Four fucking times. And each and every time I’ve said no. Because that’s what this is about right? You think I will say yes to someone hitting on me.”

Leonard grabbed his glasses and rubbed at his eyes before settling the glasses back on his face. “You don’t get it.”


“You don’t get what it is to be me! I have to wonder every time you go out if you’re going to find someone to replace me with. Someone that can go to the gym, that likes football, that is not a nerd.” His chest heaved.

Penny’s heart broke, for the both of them.

“God Leonard…that’s messed up.” She had to close her eyes to not cry.

“Penny. Girls like you don’t go for guys like me. I…I thought you would understand…” He said pathetically.

“What you’re-” Her voice broke and she had to clear her throat a couple of times before continuing. “What you’re telling me, is that you expected me to stop dressing the way I dressed, stop doing the things I liked, stop going to places where anything with a dick might be…so that YOU could feel secure?”

“When you put it like that it sound bad, but-”

“You wanted me to be a doll. My only purpose would be for you to parade me around and once back here I needed to open my legs and then I would go right back into my box for the next time you wanted to play with me.”

“I didn’t say that!” Leonard threw his hands up.

“But that’s what you expected right?”

Leonard once again removed his glasses, sat down tiredly on the chair and looked at her with unfocused eyes.

“What do you want from me Penny? Tell me and I’ll do it. But don’t tell me that I should not react when someone tries to take something of mine.”

“SomeTHING of yours?” Penny laughed in disbelief. “Are you listening to yourself?”

“Don’t try-”

“No, no, no. Listen to yourself Leonard. Please, for the love of god, listen to yourself.”

To his credit, Leonard actually stopped talking and seemed to be reflecting on the conversation so far. After a long time he sighed and put back on his glasses.

“Penny. I…I didn’t mean it like that. You know that.”

“That’s the thing Leonard, I no longer know.” She wanted to curl up and cry. “We should break up. Try to recover our friendship.”

“Break up?! Don’t give up on us. Love can conquer everything, we can go to-”

“I’m tired Leonard. I’m tired of walking on eggshells around you. I can’t mention that I got a tip without asking if it was a man. I can’t go to the gym without dreading your reaction. I can’t even smile randomly without you looking at me suspiciously.” She covered her eyes with her hands. “I’m not happy Leonard.”

“’re not happy with me, you mean.” He sounded defeated.

“...yeah…” She couldn’t lie, not about this.

“But I love you!” He sounded desperate.

“I don’t think you do.”

“Excuse me?! How dare you?”

“Leonard…I took a quiz about our relationship that made me rethink some of the things I had overlooked. One of my friends put me in contact with a counselor…I’ve been talking to them and-”

“Of course! It was your friends! Can’t you see that they’re trying to separate us?”

“I used to like you Leonard. I really did, I miss the you that was my friend.” Penny felt calm.

“So after all I’ve done this is it?!” Leonard went back to pacing. “I had to watch from my door as you had a parade of endless one-night stands while I wished you would turn to look at me! But no, you prefer to be treated like shit by people like your ex-boyfriend instead of someone like me.”

“What does Kurt or my dates have to do with this?”

“Everything! Why would you sleep around so much if you weren’t looking for Mr. Right? Well, let me tell you, he’s me, I’m right here!”

“My sex life was never a secret Leonard.”

“Oh trust me I know, I still have the calendar where I marked each night you didn’t bring a man home.”

Penny began feeling something she had never felt towards Leonard. Disgust.

“If you think I’m a slut, then why did you want to date me?”

“Because I love you! Why can’t you understand that?!” Leonard had tears in the corner of his eyes. “I deserve you. After all the shit I’ve gone through, I deserve the hot blonde girl!”

Penny reeled back, as if he had slapped her.

“So I’m a prize? Because of what you went through. Because you think life somehow owes you my pussy?”

“Yes! No! I mean…fuck, that’s not what I meant.” He took a deep breath. “This is not coming out the way I want it to. Look, all I’m saying is. Don’t throw away our love. Our future. I’m certain that in twenty years down the line you’ll be looking back on this moment and will thank god that you didn’t give up on us.” He smiled encouragingly at her.

“Get out Leonard.” Penny felt like an idiot. “We’re done.”

The smile fell from Leonard’s face and he shook in place, she didn’t know if it was in anger or impotence. Tears fell from his eyes one after the other but he didn’t make a noise. Using the sleeve of his jacket he swiped at his face.

“You’re making a huge mistake.” He finally said in a shaky voice.

“I think I’m finally correcting it.”

He left without another word, slamming her door on the way out and slamming his door on the way in.

She sat there for a moment, feeling too much.

Her head hurt like a bitch and she was sure that once the shock wore off she would be crying her eyes off. She didn’t want to move, the sounds of her apartment loud now in the sudden silence.

The ticking of her Hello Kitty clock loud and clear. The rattling of her window imitating the way her hands were shaking.

She had wanted to recover their friendship, but after that talk, well, she wasn’t sure that she wanted him as a friend at all.

Penny let her head fall backwards against the backrest and just stared at the ceiling, little by little her vision got blurry until she was crying in earnest.

What a goddamn mess.

Sheldon sat at his desk, he was preparing for next week’s session and Sheldon was ready to hand over the campaign entirely to Brian. These would be the last notes Sheldon would prepare for him.

If he were to be honest, Sheldon was looking forward to it.

He had been right, Brian had all the makings of a great DM and the young man thrived in the role. In the last 2 sessions Sheldon had taken a step back and Brian stepped up fully on the role.

His musings were interrupted by the slamming of his front door. Sheldon jumped in his chair and turned to look at a recently arrived Leonard.

Red eyes, tears, ugly twist of the mouth, shaking hands.

Sheldon sighed.

“Not a fucking word Sheldon.” Leonard said testily.

“I’ll wear my ear plugs so you can play your ‘emo’ music in your room.” Sheldon turned back to his computer.

“You think this is funny? You want to rub my face in the fact that you knew this would happen, don’t you? Because a nerd like me could never get a girl like Penny.”

“I’m confused, you want to discuss this?”

“Forget it…” Leonard moved towards his room.

“Oh, before you retire. Allow me to clarify that your so-called ‘nerd’ status has nothing to do with the reason for your breakup.”

“What? How?!”

“Well, the reasons for your breakup are rooted in your insecurity complex, jealousy issues, oedipal complex as well as your unwillingness to address the aforementioned issues in therapy in a useless attempt to spite your mother.”

“...I…” Leonard chuckled darkly. “Yeah…you might be right.” Leonard moved to go to his room before stopping again. “I think I need to move out.”

Sheldon was startled but before he could say anything, Leonard moved further into the hallway and into his room.

Leonard softly closed the door behind him.


I had to redo the second half of this chapter, it went into a really dark place that I wasn't satisfied with.

Chapter 91: Cosmetic (Misunderstandings)


Sequel to Breakup


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Buddy, are you sure you want to move out? I mean, I’m happy to have you here but it just seems…” Howard trailed off.

“Drastic?” Raj added.

“Yeah, that’s it. Drastic.” Howard nodded in thanks to Raj.

Leonard was sprawled on the plastic covered couch in the middle of the Wolowitz’s living room. After telling Sheldon he wanted to move out Leonard had wanted to stay in his room but the temptation to go and beg Penny to take him back was too much, instead he had grabbed some clothes and drove directly over to Howard’s.

“You don’t get it Howard, you’ve never truly ever been in love.” Leonard took a swig of beer. “Penny was the one for me. Why can’t she see that?”

“Okay, first, ouch. I’m going to find someone, don’t worry. And second, c’mon man, she was never going to stay with you. You’re a nerd! Penny is a golden haired goddess that lost her reason for a moment and dated you, but she belongs with muscle heads like that ex-boyfriend of hers.”

“I don’t know dude…it sounds like you brought out the worst in each other.” Raj added.

“So you agree with her. I’m an asshole for not wanting her to be hit on?” Leonard narrowed his eyes at Raj.

“Yeah. That’s a ‘You’ issue, not a Penny issue. She told us time after time how much it messed her up to find out that Kurt cheated on her. For over two years we saw her date and never cheat. Why would you think she’d cheat?” Raj didn’t back down.

Leonard huffed. “You don’t get it. You can’t even talk to girls.”

“No, no. Raj has a point. Why were you with Penny if you thought she was going to cheat on you?” Howard pushed back as well.

“Et tu? C’mon Howard, you know how it is.”

“I truly don’t. Please tell me.”

Leonard downed the rest of his beer before replying. “Girls like Penny never lack options, okay? Me? I’m lucky if the mail lady gives me the time of the day. I needed to protect Penny.”

Leonard didn’t miss the look shared between his friends and it only made him angrier.

“Don’t pretend that you don’t know what I’m talking about!”

Howard raised his hands in defeat. “Then why were you never like this with…” He trailed off, probably trying to remember a girl that had stayed with Leonard for longer than three months. “Oh, Leslie. Why were you never like this with Leslie?”

Leonard grabbed another beer from the coffee table and took two big gulps before replying. “Because it was Leslie.” He said it in a mocking tone of voice. “Leslie is like us, she knows it…also she’s not parading around in tank tops and pajama shorts.” He muttered the last part bitterly.

“Woah, woah, not cool dude.” Raj stood up and looked at Leonard in shock. “You and Leslie had a good thing, that you gave up due to your obsession with Penny.”

“I thought you liked Leslie?” Howard asked.

“I did. I do…but…Leslie is never going to turn heads, if I enter a room with Leslie no one is going to bat an eye. But man…you should have seen the looks on people’s faces when they saw me enter with Penny.” Leonard raised his hand with the bottle in a mock salute. “I was the man.”

“So I’m guessing you never knew about Leslie’s little fan club?” Howard asked.

“Wait what? What fan club?” Leonard frowned.

“Oh you know, some of the guys from Engineering as well as some of the Geologists have this little fan club for Leslie. It’s not creepy or anything, they actually celebrate when she posts a new paper and they’re the ones helping her hog all of the lab time so Sheldon doesn’t get anything.”

“Who is in it?” Leonard asked.

“Davidson, Sanchez, Hunter-”

Leonard scoffed. “Hunter is delusional if he thinks he can get with Leslie.”

“I heard they’ve gone on a couple of dates actually.” Raj said casually.

“What! Hunter? Ha ha, very funny guys. Hunter is a glue eater that can’t even fix a laser.” He narrowed his eyes at nothing while thinking.

“Okay, so it’s not just Penny that brings this side of you out.” Raj shook his head. “You were thinking of calling Leslie or going to her house or something right?”

“…” Leonard said sullenly.

“This is what I’m talking about dude!” Raj said exasperatedly.

“Whatever.” Leonard downed his beer. “I thought you were supposed to be my friends.”

Howard and Raj stayed with him all night and didn’t let him call anyone.

*Knock, knock, knock*
*Knock, knock, knock*
*Knock, knock, knock*

Penny had just finished washing her face and was moving to grab the bottle of vodka hidden behind a cereal box when Sheldon’s knocks startled her. She chewed on her lip and considered not opening the door but in the end she thought that Sheldon deserved to tell her ‘I told you so’.

“Whatup Moonpie?” Penny said, trying to sound cheerful.

Sheldon blinked at her, frowned for a moment, glanced at the cupboard where she kept the alcohol and then turned to look back down at her, all done in a second.

“Would you mind if I brew a cup of tea? I seemed to have run out.” His face twitched and Penny couldn’t help but smile.

“Sure, knock yourself out.” She moved out of the way and dropped heavily on the couch.

Penny entertained herself watching as Sheldon quietly moved in her kitchen. Even as oblivious as he was, he must have noticed her puffy face and slightly hoarse voice.

In no time she had a hot cup of tea in front of her. She hadn’t asked for one but it made her happy that Sheldon in his own way showed that he cared.

They sat in silence and Penny enjoyed the company and the warm drink.

“Penny. Do you know why I enjoy routines so much?” Sheldon suddenly said, breaking the comfortable silence.

She shook her head.

“The natural state of the universe is chaos. Both in macro and micro, chaos reigns supreme. Even now as we sit here there are stars exploding and being born. Black holes eating away entire star systems. It’s…maddening. At a young age I was faced with this truth and the only way I found myself less terrified of it all was to control as much as I could. If I had control over my life then I could keep the chaos at bay.”

Penny wished that Sheldon had sat next to her on the couch instead of at ‘his spot’ in her apartment. She put her feet up and curled as best as she could while listening to Sheldon.

“Chaos happens every day in our regular lives. People appear and disappear.” Sheldon looked into his cup and she wished she could glimpse at whatever memory he was seeing. “As much as I would like to not be part of it, I have to accept that humans as a whole are a part of this chaos process. Even now, how many people are leaving each other, due to break ups or death. How many more will be born that will never know about you or me? It’s terrifying. But routines help me focus on the things I have…on the friends I have.”

“Am I your friend Moonpie?”

“Of course.” Not a moment of hesitation. “Penny. We face chaos every day. For a long time I thought I was facing it alone. But not anymore.”

Penny cried again that night. His words shouldn’t have been as comforting as they were.

They were going to be okay.

Leonard moved out pretty quickly after that night. His name wasn’t on the lease and he didn’t want to be there for when Penny brought her rebound one-night stand. It would kill him.

Thankfully, Howard had let him crash in his spare bedroom for a couple of nights until he found his own place.

He had expected Sheldon to bitch much more about him moving out and not being there to drive him, but it seemed that he had somehow convinced Raj to become his new chauffeur.

Not living in Los Robles meant that he wasn’t a slave to Sheldon’s routine and now they could do whatever they wanted…which turned out to be not that much. They still went with Sheldon to the comic book store but other than that, Leonard was left adrift.

Howard only wanted to go out clubbing or play WOW for 10 hours straight. Raj wanted to go to McDonalds every night and if he had to sit through Twilight again then he was going to lose his mind.

In a weird way, he missed the routine.<

“Come here cowgirl.” Dani opened her arms as she stood up from the little cafe table.

Penny ran into the embrace like a little kid after falling down and hurting themselves.

“I’m so stupid.” She mumbled against Dani’s chest.

“We all are. Now, come, talk to me.”

Dani had already ordered a lemonade for Penny and she took a long drink before finally telling Dani what exactly went down last night.

“-and I don’t know…I guess I just feel like an idiot. I shouldn’t have overlooked so many things. I mean, how can we even continue to be friends after that?”

Dani hadn’t interrupted her at all but she did hold Penny’s hand.

“It sounds like maybe you weren’t even friends.”

“That’s not…I hope that’s not true. Me and Leonard, we had fun before. He liked Tarantino movies as well and…and I guess I want to think he liked me for more than my body.”

Dani sighed. “It would be really easy for me to tell you that you dated a monster and that he sucks and we should go kill him and bury his body in the desert. But he just sounds like a guy that never got over his mom not paying him enough attention and has an unhealthy view on what relationships are. He might have been an okay friend but he sucked as a boyfriend.”

Dani scratched at her chin in thought.

“I still don’t know why you dated him. Do you think you have the answer to that?”

Penny looked into her glass and shook it so the ice made a clinking noise.

“I don’t know…he…was there, and he seemed so nice, so harmless. I was flattered by the attention, I mean, two years had passed since we met and he still chased after me right? I was thinking that maybe it could work.”

“Did you have feelings for him?”

“I mean…no? But I thought they would appear in time after a while.”

“Okay Pen, you’re a dumbass. But at least that’s done with. I will kick your ass if you get back together with him though.”

Penny laughed, embarrassed. “Can’t say that it hasn’t crossed my mind since last night. Maybe I was too harsh, maybe I really did something bad…but then I remember how he basically called me a thing and it passes.”

Dani chewed her lip and looked at her hands before looking at her straight in the eye.

“Do you remember Patrick? I broke up with him around the same time you broke up with Kurt.”

Penny tried to remember and nodded slowly. “Yeah, I think I do. I was too much of a mess because of the Kurt thing so I think I never asked about it.”

Dani took a deep breath. “No one else in the group knows this but Patrick had started to be rough with me.”

Penny suddenly had trouble swallowing and she started sweating.

“Never in the face, but he would poke me really hard with his fingers like this and under the ribs.” Dani made the gesture and showed her. “It started as playful, just a couple of taps but then he started doing it when he thought I had done something wrong, or looked at another man.”

Penny could see Dani’s eyes mist and her voice break a little, this time it was Penny holding her hand.

“Most of the time it was good, you know. He made me laugh and everyone liked him, but when we were alone it was like a switch had flipped and I had to wonder if maybe it was because of something I had done or said. I started to think that it WAS my fault…”

Dani grabbed a napkin and swiped at her eyes.

“That counselor you spoke with? She’s the one that got me through. I had tried to leave him so many times but these people, they have a way of burrowing into your brain and eroding your self worth and confidence that makes you think you’re nothing without them.”

Penny moved her chair and put it next to Dani’s so she could hug her.

“Thank you for telling me.” Penny said softly.

“Thank you for listening.” Dani said just as softly.

Penny closed her eyes and thanked god for having amazing friends, who knows where she’d be without them.

Penny opened her door to see a fidgeting Leonard on the other side. She hadn’t expected this, it had been only a couple of days since the breakup and they were both avoiding each other like the plague.

“What do you want, Leonard?” She tried to keep an even tone of voice but it still came out more aggressive than she wanted.

“I just wanted to tell you that I’m moving out.”


“Just okay? I-no, no. I still think you’re being unfair and-”

“Goodbye Leonard.” She closed the door, gently but firmly.

Life without Leonard in it was strangely the same. It was mostly just her and Sheldon but Raj also made sure to come around often enough.

“Wow, I can’t believe that Jonjon’s character could die just like that!” Penny opened the door for their building. They were returning from Jon’s house, the first Anything-can-happen-Thursday since Sheldon started living alone.

“It is both the ugly and the beautiful side of the game, sometimes the dice just aren’t in your favor. But next game we should be able to revive him…if Brian allows it of course.” Sheldon nodded pensively.

“Man, I think I want to get in on the game.” And she meant it.

“I’ll be happy to show…” Sheldon trailed off looking at the elevator shaft. He then turned and looked at all the walls. “Penny, do you see a crack here?” He pointed.

“Hmmm, oh! Yeah.” She pointed at it.

Sheldon frowned but said nothing, he moved up the stairs to the next floor and looked at where the crack would be but she didn’t see anything.

“Sheldon, should we worry about the building suddenly collapsing?” She asked nervously.

“Highly unlikely, this is most likely cosmetic damage…”

“Most likely?” Her voice was high.

“...perhaps we should let the administrator know.”

Of course Sheldon had the guy on speed dial, one frantic call after and there were several people swarming their building looking for infrastructural damage.

Penny couldn’t sleep well that night, afraid that the building might collapse on her. “I was only joking god.” She muttered at one point during the night.

Next morning as she’s having her coffee at 4A she’s freaking out a little.

“I mean, what are we supposed to do if it’s not cosmetic?” She gestured with her cup. “It’s not like I’m going to be able to find a cheaper place, not this size, that’s for sure.”

Sheldon continued eating his cereal. Way too calm for her taste.

“Why aren’t you freaking out? You should be freaking out.”

“The administrator called. It’s cosmetic damage.” He said calmly.

“Oh…you should have told me.” She slapped his shoulder.

“Penny, may I remind you that I bruise easily?” He rubbed at his shoulder.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Okay I’m going to go, I have the breakfast shift and Raj is probably already on his way. I’ll see you later.”

“Before you go. This situation has made me consider a possible change. I had originally thought about proposing that we become roommates. However, Brian mentioned that it might not be a good idea due to your failed relationship with Leonard.”

Penny could only gape at Sheldon.

“My lease is almost about to expire so I was wondering. Would you like to be my roommate in a different building?”


I just saw a short for 'My dress up darling' and now my head canon is that they're an alternate universe version of Shenny.


On another note, I just found an amazing Shenny crossover that I can't believe I had never seen before. Go show this story some love. it's amazing:
The Uncertainty Principle by Ms_Informed

Chapter 92: Roomies (Misunderstandings)


Sequel to Cosmetic


I'm so sorry.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny frowned at Sheldon. “Bazinga?”

Sheldon shook his head. “It would make sense.” He yawned, as if this was just a regular conversation. “I don’t want to find a new roommate that has to learn the routine and you wouldn’t have to spend so much on rent.”

Penny moved to sit back down. She was trying to find a reason to not do it but was coming up empty. At least until she thought back on her dating life.

“I’m not saying yes, but how would it work. I might want to bring a date back at one point.”

“The roommate agreement accounts for such occasions. At least a six hour warning before someone spends the night and I will have no complaints.”

Penny gave him a look.

“I meant, no complaints about the arrangement, I will still complain if your date touches my things, sits in my spot or otherwise makes themselves a nuisance for me.”

She nodded, that sounded more like Sheldon.

“Given that the damage to the elevator shaft was only cosmetic in nature, I do believe that we’re not under a strict time limit. My lease expires in 45 days which should give you plenty of time to think it through.”

“And if my answer is no?”

Sheldon sighed. “I suppose I would start searching for a new roommate.”

Penny slapped her thighs and moved to stand up. “Okay, I have a shift and you need to get to work. We’ll talk about this later because I love you Honey, but I don’t know if we could live together.”

She left for work and spent the rest of her shift thinking about actually going through with it. It’s not like she’s not familiar with the Sheldon Cooper brand of crazy but this would be an entirely different thing.

On the other hand, would it really be that different? She’s already familiar with the routines, the requests, and driving him around. She knows how to calm him down and get along with him.

Two years ago? She would have killed him in the first week of them living together.

Her shift ended without her being able to reach a clear answer so she did the only thing she could. She called Dani.

“Hey cowgirl. Whatsup?”

“I need some advice. Sheldon asked me to move in with him and-”

“Woah! Woah! Woah! Hold on! You only broke up with Leonard last week. This is too sudden. I know he loves you but no! This is too much and too sudden.”

Penny realized how it sounded and she backtracked immediately. “Nononononono, not like that. I meant as roommates. His lease is about to run out and, well, he needs a roommate.”

“Oh! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh…okay, you almost gave me a heart attack there.” Dani sighed loudly.

She spent the better part of her afternoon on the phone with Dani while trying to figure out the pros and cons of living with Sheldon.

“I wouldn’t have to clean much, Sheldon does it for fun.”

“Wait, seriously?...And he has a stable job…”

“Don’t. He doesn’t work like that.”

“You’d be surprised. You know how they say nerdy girls are the kinkiest? I found the same applies to nerdy guys.”

“Then Sheldon must be the kinkiest. Now, be serious.”

It wasn’t until she was preparing for bed that Penny thought back on something Dani had said. ‘I know he loves you.’ She shook her head, nah, she probably misheard.

Brian pulled Sheldon aside and at the questioning look from Jon he said “DM business.” Which made everyone back down, it was one of their breaks in the session and Brian pulled Sheldon to the backyard so no one could hear them.

“So?” Brian asked.

“I’m sorry. I’m supposed to understand what that question is referring to?” Sheldon looked honestly confused and Brian almost smacked himself in the head.

“Sorry, forgot I was talking to you. I mean, have you expressed your feelings for Penny?” Brian tried to imitate Sheldon’s way of speaking.

Sheldon widened his eyes and looked around, afraid someone might have heard them. “I would rather we don’t talk about this in earshot of the rest.”

“They’re conspiring against us, don’t worry.” Brian waved his concerns away. “Penny is free now, she’s no longer dating your roommate and you have the chance to…yeah, I was going to say shoot your shot but it sounded wrong.”

“No. You yourself said that it was a ‘scummy’ move to approach a girl when she’s emotionally vulnerable.” Sheldon did the air quotes.

“I mean, yes. Yes it is. BUT! You gotta show your hand a little, let her know you’re interested…” Brian trailed off, a sudden realization making him freeze in place. “Wait. Have you ever been in a romantic relationship?”

“No. I always found them messy and useless.” Sheldon deadpanned.

“Until Penny?” Brian needed to make sure.

“...Penny is intriguing…” Not a declaration of love.

“Okay, I’m asking because I was about to give you unsolicited advice. But it sounds like you’re fine staying friends with her. So, I’m not going to butt in.” Brian stretched, sitting for so long was not doing his back any favors. “Let’s go back in.”

“Besides Penny, there’s only one other thing that intrigues me and that is Physics.”

Brian stopped and looked back at Sheldon. The tall man was looking up at the night sky with a peaceful look on his face. Okay, so maybe it had been a declaration of love after all.

“I’m going to need a straight answer here Sheldon because I want to make sure that I’m not going to mess up. You want to date Penny?”

“I suppose courtship is not as outlandish as I once thought.” His eyes were still focused on the stars above them.

Brian scratched at his eyebrow trying to decide if this was Sheldon-speak for ‘Yes, I want to date Penny.’ or not.

“Screw it. Alright, I’ll help you.” Brian hoped this wasn’t a bad idea.

“Very well. I do believe this concludes the drafting of the new roommate agreement.” Sheldon stood up from his spot and went to move towards the printer.

Penny rubbed at her eyes tiredly. She couldn’t believe that she had said yes to being roommates with the Wackadoodle, and she especially couldn’t believe they had just spent four hours crafting the new version of the roommate agreement.

She had feared that he would try to sneak in stuff just to mess with her but much to her surprise the document had been pretty straight forward.

She didn’t even have to be his driver, Raj had been granted that pleasure. Of course she still had to drive him to the mall and the supermarket and in case of medical emergencies but she thought it was fair.

“Please sign here.” Sheldon was back and he handed her the contract which she reviewed once more before signing it.

Penny suddenly laughed. “We already have a contract in place but haven’t decided on a place to live.”

“Oh, that’s right. Thank you for reminding me. Considering the amount of rent you currently pay, plus the services as well as the current distance to our respective jobs, not to mention the average expenditure in gas. I have selected these three options.” As he spoke, Sheldon moved towards his desk and removed 3 folders that he handed to her. “All three are approved by me. You can find in each file a report detailing the exact amount of rent we will have to pay, distance to our jobs, etcetera.”

Penny opened the first file and almost immediately discarded it. Eight floor. No thank you.

The second file held more promise. It was in Bellefontaine, a two bedroom apartment unit. Penny’s eyebrows went higher and higher the more she read. Just a block away from the hospital, it had a covered patio, it was larger than 4A, it had its own washing room and a pool that was shared with the other units, which were only four. Each unit held only two apartments and theirs would be the one on the second floor. Her rent would be pretty much the same.

Penny almost didn’t want to look at the third folder, but she forced herself to stop and moved to open the last file.

She frowned as she read. This apartment was at a basement level, it was a little smaller than 4A and while it was still pretty close to their jobs, it just didn’t make sense why Sheldon would choose this one. At least, it didn’t make sense until she got to a specific part ‘Built around the Del Mar Station of the Gold Line, Haven is the perfect intersection of convenience and comfort. Easily access greater Pasadena from the rail line on-site’

Of course, trains.

No, she had made her choice. Picking up the second folder she handed it to Sheldon. “This, it’s the perfect one.”

Sheldon nodded but looked forlorn at the third folder. “I’ll make the arrangements.”

Penny smiled cheekily at him. “We’re roomies now.”

She could have sworn that Sheldon smiled back at her, but it was gone before she could fully tell.

Moving sucked ass.

So many boxes and so much crap to throw away. How was it possible that she had five pairs of slippers and only two were in a wearable state, the others were ratty and smelled like hell.

As the movers pick up her couch, several empty bottles roll out and Penny quickly picks them up. It happens again with the bed and she makes a vow to herself to slow down on the drinking.

They’re going to be using her furniture because it turns out that most of the furniture at 4A belongs to Leonard, but according to Raj he still hasn’t found a place to move in to, so the movers are going to come back tomorrow and take it to the Wolowitz’s garage.

While moving out is hell, moving in is heaven.

Penny has fun decorating the place, making sure that the place says ‘Here lives Sheldon and Penny.’

She chooses the smallest bedroom, it makes her feel safe and she doesn’t have as much crap as Sheldon does.

His whiteboards go near the entrance to the kitchen, where the largest window is. Her couch fits almost perfectly in front of the heater disguised as a chimney, and once they purchase a wall stand for the TV, it will go right there.

They have a clear view of the balcony sitting on the couch.

She moves a chair out to the covered patio and simply admires the skyline while Sheldon fiddles with the couch, trying to find his new spot. No one can look in from the outside thanks to the high walls on either side of the patio and the only entrance is from their apartment so Penny feels safe to nod off outside. At least until Sheldon poked her so she could go to bed properly.

Home. What a funny word.

Nebraska had been home.

4B had been home.

And now this was also home.


What a nice word.

“Buddy, I appreciate that you’re paying me rent but…well, it’s been a couple of months and your stuff is kinda making the garage look like a hoarder’s paradise.” Howard was at the end of his rope.

“I still haven’t found a good place Howard.” Leonard muttered.

“C’mon buddy. Even Sheldon moved out into a new place and you can’t find a place you like?” Howard threw his hands up in frustration.

“Sheldon is not human, he’s probably living in a room surrounded by other computers.” Leonard rolled his eyes.

“I don’t know, Raj says that it’s really nice. Apparently Penny set up a little art corner on their patio and she’s been painting these-Ouch!” Howard pushed Leonard after he had grabbed his arms roughly. “What the hell man?!”

“You said ‘their’.” Leonard narrowed his eyes. “Not ‘Sheldon’s’ or ‘his’, you said ‘theirs’.”

Howard rubbed at his arms. “Yeah, theirs. They live together.”

Leonard dropped heavily on a chair and Howard had to roll his eyes at the drama happening right in front of his eyes.

“Cut the crap Leonard. It’s Sheldon and Penny. Nothing is happening.”

Leonard rubbed at his face in frustration. “You don’t get it yet. They always had their little thing. Sheldon had all these unbreakable rules and routines and who was the only one that was the exception?”

“Look, It’s been months since you broke up with Penny-” Leonard interrupted him.

“SHE broke up with me.”

Howard was in no mood for one of Leonard’s moods. “Whatever. The point is, even if for some unfathomable reason we slipped into a universe where Sheldon Cooper PhD has a libido, he’s not going to get it on with Penny.”

“...Where are they living now?”

“And that’s my cue to leave. I know you have issues, we all have, it’s why we’re friends. But yours are moving from slightly charming into ‘you’re going to end up on a list’.” Howard patted Leonard on the shoulder. “Let it go man. Go try and find a one-night stand or something.”

Howard quickly moved to his moped, he was meeting Raj and he was going to warn his buddy on the latest crazy news…and to tell him to never tell Leonard where Penny was living now.

Leonard watched as Howard left. His leg bounced quickly in frustration and his head filled with unwanted images.

Grabbing his keys, he left Howard’s home and drove aimlessly for twenty minutes before stopping to put gas on his car. After paying for a bottle of rum inside the gas station store he looked up to see a familiar face get into her car.

He froze in place and his heart stopped.

The person that had been behind him pushed him aside and that finally made him react. He quickly got into his car, dropped the bottle on the passenger seat and followed the familiar car. He didn’t want to miss her but he was too far behind.

He tapped his fingers against the steering wheel in a nervous dance, he cursed when he realized the stoplight was against him so he floored it and prayed there were no cops or cameras around.

His gamble worked and now he was closer, his heart stopped beating so hard, he would not miss her now.

Leonard looked at the streets surrounding him and tried to memorize them, finally after what felt like too long, the car he was chasing parked outside an apartment building, fate was on his side as was able to find a parking spot almost right away. He almost grabbed the bottle but decided against it.

She was locking her car when Leonard arrived in front of her, his breathing was a little short and he patted his pocket, making sure that he had his inhaler.

She looked confused and looked around before a familiar frown settled on her face, she didn’t look happy to see him.

“Ho-” Before she could finish her question, Leonard went up to her and kissed her. Hard.

He was afraid that she would reject him, push him away, punch him or knee him in the groin but Leonard smiled into the kiss when she was the one to deepen it. One of his hands moved to cup her ass and she moaned into his mouth.

One of her hands had grabbed at his neck and was trying to push them even closer. Finally, when the need for oxygen was too much, he broke the kiss.

“Wow, what got into you?”

“I’m just really happy to see you Leslie.” He tried to give her his best charming smile.

“Get back here Hofstadter.” Leslie grabbed him by the front of his jacket and kissed him again.


Gotcha, I pulled the ol' switcheroo on you.

The story is now going to move into Shenny territory. So, more fluffy stuff. I hope.

Chapter 93: Painting (Misunderstandings)


Sequel to Roomies


So the ending of last chapter ended up (inadvertently) being an April fool's joke. But we're BAU now.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny moved her brush carefully over the canvas. She wanted to make sure that Sheldor’s bravery shone through.

She had always loved painting and drawing, but the farm didn’t let her have much time for her hobby. Then in Pasadena she had a sketch book that she loved with everything but Kurt never gave it back to her so it was lost. 4B brought a different type of rhythm to her life and she always put it off, thinking that she could pick up the hobby at any time.

And then she realized she hadn’t painted or drawn anything in almost three years.

The patio of their new home slowly became her art corner, well, half of the patio. The other half now had a smoker and a grill. You can take the boy out of Texas, but you can’t take Texas out of the boy.

Thinking of Sheldon, she stopped painting and turned to look inside the apartment. Her Wackadoodle roommate was at his whiteboard and judging by the soft smile on his face, the physics was physicking.

Penny narrowed her eyes at him for a moment before returning to her painting. She was eighty percent sure that their friends were trying to set them up.

She first noticed it during the housewarming party, which took place a week after they had already moved in. Their kitchen was lovely but rather tiny, it could hold three people comfortably but any more than that and it became a sardine tin.

Penny was grabbing a beer out of the fridge, Sheldon was behind her and he asked her to give him another bottle of Mountain Dew, she refused and just as she closed the fridge’s door to let him know how unhealthy so much sugar was, they were suddenly pressed together.

Her head was pressed against his chest and one of his hands went to her back, maybe to balance himself out while his other arm went to the wall behind her head, pretty much trapping her between him and the wall.

Just as she was about to push him off, they were pushed together again. Straining to look behind Sheldon she could hear Jonjon’s laughing voice as he tried to open the fridge door. “Wait for your turn Barley!”

Carly pushed Jonjon again which in turn pushed against Sheldon’s back and pressed Penny further against the kitchen wall. She could hear Carly say something to Jonjon but for all the money in the world, Penny couldn’t tell anyone what she had said.

She was suddenly very conscious of the contact their bodies were making. Her breasts were squished against his chest, Sheldon’s leg had somehow ended up in between her legs and she was full on straddling it, which did funny things to her when Sheldon was pushed again and his leg sort of jumped a little.

Her empty hands went to hold on his waist and his shirt must have ridden up because she could feel the warmth of his skin against her fingers. His breath hitched for a moment and he looked down to look her in the eye.

Sheldon’s eyes were so dark.

Penny’s not sure how long they stayed like that, but it was Sheldon’s leg moving and the little noise that came out her mouth that finally made her react. She was tiny compared to everyone else in the kitchen but she had good muscles.

Two strong pushes and she was free to move back into the living room. Her face was burning hot and her nipples were trying to break a hole through her blouse.

Brian and Dani very deliberately were not looking at her and no one brought up the incident, which in their friend group was more than a little weird.

Sheldon didn’t stop blushing for the rest of the night but besides a quick apology he didn’t bring up the incident either and Penny would be damned if she was the one to bring it up.

During DnD Thursday Sheldon was the only one that had a regular spot at the table, the rest just sort of adjusted, but curiously enough, now Sheldon’s spot also had an empty spot to his right which was dubbed Penny’s spot by Jonjon and no one dared to sit there. Which was weird because she had never asked for a spot.

She had also caught Sheldon looking at her randomly during the day, he would pretend that he wasn’t looking at her but it was Sheldon, so he sucked at the whole being subtle thing.

Speaking of, she moved to clean her brush and turned to look at Sheldon and sure enough, he was watching her. He moved his eyes back to the whiteboard and she was caught between wanting to chuckle and wanting to kick his ass.


All in all, it felt like something was happening and she was the only one in the dark. It also made her feel like she was back in middle school and a boy had a crush on her but she was the only one to not know.

She finished cleaning her brush, looked at the canvas and hummed in thought.

It’s not like she hadn’t thought about Sheldon like that, but well, the whole Leonard thing for starters kinda occupied her attention for a long while.

Leonard didn’t exactly leave her feeling super optimistic about her love life, it was like the Kurt thing all over again, except not as bad…yet kinda worse at the same time.

Kurt was a cheating asshole, but that’s the thing. He hid it well. She met Kurt in College and while rough around the edges, she could see the guy behind the bravado. He was a farmer’s kid just like her, had shitty siblings just like her and they just clicked. She thought he was the one.

And then she got home one day to find him balls deep in a cocktail waitress or gym trainer or whatever that girl had been. And when she had confronted Kurt he had gone full mask-off and admitted to cheating on her several times over their entire relationship.

That had fucking hurt.

Shaking her head she poured some more paint and carefully dipped her brush and continued painting.

So, yes, Kurt was a piece of shit but he had pretended to be a nice guy. Leonard on the other hand…looking back on it, all the signs were there, she was just too forgiving.

Leonard got jealous when they weren’t even dating. Admitted to only pretend to be interested in things she liked so he could sleep with her. Trying to act like a macho because he thought that’s what she wanted. Being friends with Wolowitz.

Penny chuckled when thinking about that last one. Howard had actually behaved like a decent human being since she and Leonard broke up and yeah, it was also true that they didn’t meet as often as before but she thought that it was a good thing. Howard was good in small doses.

She did miss Raj, he came around more often but it wasn’t the same.

Penny stopped painting to look over at Sheldon once more but this time he was truly focused, he was frowning and looking intently at his whiteboard while tapping his fingers against his leg to some rhythm only he could hear.

Sheldon Cooper might like her…as in like like like. And that was scary in its own way.

Not because she was afraid that he was going to be Leonard all over again. But because she didn’t know what a relationship with him would be.

Since moving to this place she had brought over exactly two people, both spent the night and both she never saw again. Sheldon acted perfectly normal, or as normal as he could, with both of them. Never showed signs of jealousy. Never treated her differently.

It was messing with her head a little.

Because Sheldon hadn’t shown any actual interests and all of her evidence was just, well, the vibe she was getting. She had waited and waited, and then waited some more but it was getting close to three months since they moved here and so far they had the kitchen incident, heavy and meaningful looks like they were in a Victorian novel and…that’s it.

And she was tired of it.

But before talking it out with Sheldon, she had to make sure she wasn’t just seeing things. Tonight, Brian and the rest of the boys were coming to pick Sheldon up to go to a Lord of the Rings concert thingy which meant Penny had invited the girls over just to see if she was seeing things or not.

Penny put the final stroke in her painting and took a step back to admire it. She would take care of the cleaning in a moment but for now she smiled at her finished work.

Sheldor in dirty, broken and rent armor stood victorious over the body of an owlbear. Broken helm revealing a tired but smiling face.

This had been a nail-biting session. Brian had sprung an owlbear on the group and the dice had just not been in their favor. Everyone but Sheldor had been downed and that was just because of dumb luck. And then two critical hits from Sheldor had made the battle more even.

1 HP and a dream.

The table had been silent, watching as the owlbear attacked Sheldor…and missed. Everyone had held their breath as Sheldon rolled the dice and the sight of the 20 had made even Brian scream in shock and joy.

She had never seen Sheldon jump in joy, until that night. And now she had the moment that had caused it immortalized.

Time to clean.

Sheldon could hear the shower running as he stood on the patio admiring Penny’s painting.

He didn’t need more than a glance to remember it forever and yet he stood there, unable to tear his eyes away.

His life had changed far too much in the last couple of months, and yet, he was reluctant to quantify it as a negative.

Leonard refused to interact with him beyond polite greetings but he was no longer his roommate so these types of interactions were only limited to their lunch, which they only had lunch together two or three times a week. Leonard was now classified as an acquaintance.

Howard and Raj still spent time with him, more specifically on Halo night and Paintball during Saturday mornings. Raj remained as a friend while Wolowitz had been moved from valued acquaintance to friend.

Penny’s friends were also now his friends. In fact, he was waiting for Jon to pick him up so they could go to a ‘Lord of the Rings in Concert’ event.

As for Penny…she was his roommate, and yet he had not added the best friend clause in the contract he drafted with her. It felt somehow wrong. She was his best friend, there was no doubt about it.

And yet, he wondered how it would be if their relationship paradigm were to change to a romantic one. He had never been involved in a romantic relationship, the only other person he had considered had been Paige, but her identity crisis as well as self-loathing had cut short his feelings before they could grow into more.

Brian had helped him realize that when it came to Penny he did not have the usual reactions as he did for the others. If Penny touched him then he would not flinch, Penny could touch his food, Penny could get him to calm down.

He trusted her.

An unbidden memory comes to him. Penny’s green eyes looked up at him, her mouth slightly parted and the scent of her shampoo tickling his nose. It had been an accident, Jon and Carly being playful behind him and accidentally pushing him towards Penny. Her cold hands touching his waist and her pupils dilating until her eyes were pools of inviting darkness.

He stops the memory and focuses on reciting the Pi digits. His body had reacted, he adjusted his pants.


Penny sat in Sheldon’s spot because that was the compromise they had whenever they had visits and he wasn’t at home. As an exception, Penny could sit in his spot as long as she made sure that no one sat there.

Carly had made herself at home in their kitchen and whipped up some frozen margaritas as well as some strawberry daiquiris.

Penny was sipping her glass and waiting for the right moment to bring up the subject of Sheldon, but it was Dani that noticed her being more quiet than usual that brought the perfect chance for her.

“Hey Pen, you’ve been a little quiet there, you good?” Honest concern in her voice.

“So…I’ve…” Penny scratched at her nose in thought, unsure on how to voice her doubts. “Okay, so this is going to sound weird but…has Sheldon mentioned anything about wanting to date me?”

Carly froze with her drink to her mouth and shared a look with Erica who smiled in a constipated way but said nothing. Dani downed the rest of her glass, coughed a little and cleared her throat.

“Finally noticed it huh?” Dani said hoarsely, stood up and went to grab a glass of water.

“What do you mean I finally noticed?” Penny frowned.

Carly raised her hand. “We think he wanted to pound you since way back.” Erica slapped Carly in the arm. “Ow, why?”

“Don’t be crude…but yes.” Erica relented.

Penny frowned and shook her head. “Wait, you ALL knew?”

Dani finally came back from the kitchen and sat next to Penny. “The question is. How didn’t you notice?”

“No, no, no, no, no. Don’t turn this on me. Since when?” Penny asked the room.

The other girls shared a look before Carly shrugged and said. “I thought you two were dating so I was shocked to find out you were dating the short guy. So for me I think I noticed when I met him and saw him interact with you.”

“For me it was when Katia tried to touch his arm and he flinched and basically used you as a shield for the rest of the night.” Erica added.

“Wait, when?” Penny tried to remember but was coming up blank.

“I think it was during the second night of DnD that you joined us. But yeah, to me it gave a ‘This is my girl and she takes care of me’ vibe.” Erica said with a straight face.

Penny couldn’t close her mouth.

“For me I think it was when you broke up with short guy and you said that night he came over to see you and you had a like an intimate moment.” Dani added.

Carly whistled and waggled her eyebrows which made the rest laugh, except for Penny who still had a hard time coming to terms with all the information she was learning.

“I…okay…okay…I thought I might have been seeing things but this makes sense…was I blind?” She asked no one in particular.

Another look shared and this time it was Erica that hesitantly spoke.

“Okay Pen, we love you. A lot. But you do have the tendency of having blinders on. You focus on a guy so much that you kinda stop seeing the other men around you. You’re a heartbreaker. And you’re so damn nice that the men just accept it.”

Penny opened her mouth to deny it but Erica interrupted her.

“You broke Jonjon’s heart after your breakup with Kurt along with Carlo the gym instructor and that cute barista guy whose name I can’t remember.”

“Rick.” Penny muttered.

“That guy. So yeah, not that you did anything wrong because you’re not a tease but…” Erica shrugged.

Dani’s hand patted her leg. “You have been focusing on your breakup and the rebound guys. Also, don’t forget that this whole thing needs two people. Sheldon should have told you something.”

Carly giggled. “Yeah, something like ‘Why don’t you bounce on my d-”

Dani interrupted her. “ANYWAY. It’s not all on you.” She chewed her lip and looked at Erica before slowly saying. “I’m not supposed to tell you this, but Sheldon asked Brian for help on how to, well I guess the word would be woo you?”

Penny’s jaw almost hit the floor. “For real?” She breathlessly.

Dani and Erica nodded. “He’s never been in a relationship and he was scared of not being able to do it correctly. And look, I think it’s great he’s taking that step but I’m also thinking it’s going to take two years before he actually makes a move so this is why I’m telling you.”

“I don’t understand.” Penny felt really confused.

“You know. Go get him? Hmmmm hunt? Chop chop?” Dani tried to not smile as she said it.

Carly once again raised her arm. “Get you your man before Katia steals him?”

At that Penny’s brain restarted.

“Wait, Katia is after Sheldon?” Penny liked the Italian lady that had sort of joined their group but this was the first time she was hearing anything about her chasing after Sheldon.

Erica sighed. “Yeah, she asked if you two were dating and we told her the truth, which is you’re not dating. You’re dating adjacent…You’re the ‘I can’t believe they’re not dating.’ brand.” Erica giggled at the end and Carly joined her.

Penny blinked.

Katia was after Sheldon. She frowned and she took a swig of her glass.

“I need to talk to Sheldon.”

The other girls cheered and Penny wanted to believe that it was because they were happy for her and not because of all the alcohol.

Carly stripping naked and dancing on the patio five minutes later made her think that it had been the alcohol after all.


So this is the part where I want to try something new with the way the romance happens. It's most likely going to be slow but I want to give it a shot.

Chapter 94: Touching and stuff (Misunderstandings)


Sequel to Painting


This took a while to get out.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Sheldon enjoyed his ice cream as he listened to Toni and Jon.

“He has to tell her how he feels, just go up and tell her.” Jon argued while nodding in Sheldon’s direction.

“I’m not saying he shouldn’t do that. But Sheldon…well, you’re you.” Toni told him to which Sheldon only nodded, more interested in his cookies and cream ice cream. “And because he’s like he is, it’s better if he writes a letter. Pen doesn’t do corny, so he just needs to be honest. Okay, maybe Brian should check it first but I think this is the way to go.”

“No, but see-” Jon started but Sheldon tuned him out.

They were outside the Pasadena Civic Auditorium, having just left a rather fantastic concert. Keith had bought everyone ice cream because summer in Pasadena was hot and uncomfortable, not as much as it was in Texas but Sheldon was not going to pass up ice cream.

What Penny had dubbed as ‘The boys’ plus Toni were leisurely eating ice cream before going to Sheldon and Penny’s apartment to pick up the rest of the group and returning to their respective homes.

He only hoped that Penny and the rest had not overindulged in alcohol.

He turned his head to see Brian and Keith walking towards them, they had been the last to get their own ice cream which gave the twins enough time to offer their opinions on how he should approach Penny.

A pair of snapping fingers forced him to focus back on Toni and Jon.

“See, he’s not even listening.” Toni told her brother.

“Probably thinking about Penny.” Jon teased as Brian and Keith finally joined them.

Sheldon didn’t reply and continued eating his ice cream.

“We’ll get there Sheldon, don’t worry.” Brian assured him. “You’ve managed to identify your feelings and want to explore them in a relationship. It’s great!”

Keith nodded as he ate his own cone.

“Yeah, yeah, I just want them to shake both of them and make them kiss.” Toni said exasperatedly.

“Wouldn’t that make our teeth hit each other?” Sheldon asked earnestly.

Jon laughed and even Brian chuckled a little as Toni gaped at Sheldon.

“Not literally you goof.” She laughed a little which removed the sting of her calling him a goof.

“C’mon, let's go. You can eat your ice cream on the way. Erica just sent me a text asking me if I would still love her if she turned into a worm so that means she’s had enough to drink and that probably goes for the rest.”

Toni pouted. “Man…I missed margaritas for this concert. It was pretty damn good tho. We have to do this again.”

The group nodded and Sheldon joined. He had to admit that he’d been enjoying these activities with this group of friends. While they didn’t share his love for Star Trek or MTG, they had found common ground in DnD, Lord of the Rings and Age of Conan.

On the drive home, Jon once again offered him one of his gym’s free passes but Sheldon politely declined. He exercised his brain, not his body.

Toni eyed him from the backseat. “I don’t know Sheldon, he might have a point. Some meat on those bones and you’ll have Penny chasing YOU.”

“Why?” He asked bewildered.

Her response left him blushing slightly and looking out his window for the rest of the ride, he focused on reciting Pi digits again.

The apartment unit was still there when they arrived thankfully, but the loud laughter that could be heard all the way from the parking lot meant that alcohol had indeed been consumed in large quantities.

Erica jumped into Brian’s arms as soon as the door opened and Sheldon worried for a moment that they would run out of oxygen if they kept like that, but Toni herded him inside and instead he focused on a giggling Penny. She was sitting at his spot watching as Carly tried to do some sort of dance.

Sheldon shook his head and approached to reclaim his spot when Carly lost her balance and he was forced to hold her so as to prevent her from smashing her head open on the hardwood floor.

“Hey!” Penny yelled and he looked up in surprise. She didn’t say anything else but pointed at him and then at her eyes in the universal ‘I’m watching you’ sign and swiftly devolved into more giggles, leaving him utterly baffled.

Thankfully Jon came to his rescue and threw Carly’s arms over his shoulder to take her to Toni’s car. “Goddamn Barley, ease up on the protein. You’re putting me to shame.”

“Shut up, I’ll bench press you.”

“Yes, yes, let’s get you home.” Toni grabbed Carly’s other arm and moved towards the exit.

Dani swayed on her feet but otherwise looked unaffected as she waved goodbye at him and followed after the others. Soon it was only Penny and Sheldon left in the apartment and he started cleaning the admittedly light mess

By the time he was done, Penny was already snoring on the couch. He observed her sleeping form for a long moment before moving to his bedroom to retrieve a blanket to cover her with.

Had anyone else been present at the apartment, they could have said that Sheldon gently brushed Penny’s hair off her face and that his hand lingered for a moment too long on her cheek.

But no one else was there to confirm if it occurred or not.

Penny woke up due to the glare of the sun on her face, she squinted at the light and saw that the door to the patio was open. Last night’s memories finally trickled into her brain.

She was on the couch and had a light blanket over her body. Sheldon.

Sitting up she yawned and rubbed at her eyes. Her hair was a mess and she didn’t need to check a mirror to know that. Letting out a second yawn she stood up and scratched her stomach, she needed a shower, but food first.

Sheldon was nowhere to be seen so he must have gone to work already.

Penny grabbed a box of cereal but stopped before pulling it out fully from the cupboard. No, today was more of a grilled cheese kinda day. Too bad they didn’t have tomato soup.

As she made her breakfast, her head filled with ideas on how to approach the subject with Sheldon.

She wasn’t against the idea, but she needed to know where he stood on this whole thing before she jumped in…well, whatever this could be. Because if they did this thing, there was no coming back from it, their relationship changed forever.

It was a scary thought.

She didn’t have a shift today so Penny took a bath, made herself lunch and then spent the rest of the day painting until Sheldon came back. She was cleaning up when she spotted Raj’s car from the patio, it gave her enough time to clean herself and by the time Sheldon crossed the front door holding the takeout bag, she was more than ready to take it off his hands and dance all the way to the couch and the coffee table.

“Thank you Moonpie!” Penny sang as she rummaged through the bag of Thai food. “Raj didn’t feel like joining us?”

Sheldon was removing his bag and storing it away. “He claimed to have a double date scheduled.”

“What? Oh man, he didn’t tell me.”

“Wolowitz told him during lunch so he wasn’t aware either.” Sheldon went to wash his hands as Penny finished arranging the food on the coffee table. As they had dinner side by side while Star Trek played on the TV, Penny was hyper aware of Sheldon.

She was trying to catch him looking at her, or see if he was nervous about how close they were together but nothing, he ate as calmly as he always did, spoke to her like usual and if she didn’t know better she would have never suspected that he liked her.

Sheldon Cooper liked her.

Penny still had a hard time wrapping her head around that little fact. It was Sheldon Cooper after all. Mr I-don’t-need-human-contact. He liked her.

“So you like me huh?” She ended up blurting out when it finally became too much to hold it inside her. She cringed a little as she said it because this was definitely not the way she wanted to say it.

Sheldon stopped eating, sighed as if exhausted, muted the TV and calmly told her. “I will assume that Carly in her inebriated state blurted something out and then Dani or Erica confirmed it?” He kept watching TV.

Penny leaned back against the couch and let her leg make contact with his. “Something like that.”

Sheldon nodded but still refused to look at her. “If you will reject the idea of dating me, I ask that you wait for me to not be in the room before laughing. I would prefer to not look at your reaction so I hope you understand my insistence on continuing watching the TV.” He said it so seriously that she almost forgot to be offended at the idea that he thought she would laugh at him.


“Sheldon Cooper!” She stood up with her hands on her hips. “You think that I would laugh at you?”

Sheldon frowned for a moment and she could see him struggle trying to figure out why she was upset. Penny tapped her foot but she was wearing slippers so it didn’t make a noise against the carpet which made her huff in annoyance.

Sheldon must have misrepresented her huff because he finally looked at her and the open earnestness on it as well as his words made her deflate almost right away. “It was the reaction of the only other individual whom I considered entering into a romantic relationship with.”

“Oh…” Penny now was angry on Sheldon’s behalf but a small treacherous part of her brain knew that High School Penny would have laughed at the idea of dating Leonard or Sheldon. However, she was no longer that person. “Well, I’m not going to laugh.”

She sat back down and this time Sheldon at least looked at her.

“I just want to know why you didn’t come to me with this, so we could, you know, talk it out.” She needed to know.

“There are very few things in this world that intrigue me. Science, to be more specific, Physics, intrigues me. I believe that through it we will be able to discover all those secrets the universe is still holding.”

Penny listened and wondered how it would answer her question.

“Of course, it won’t be easy and scientists will make mistakes. Like the ridiculousness that is Loop Theory. But I digress. My point was, that as far as I believe Physics will take us, each and every one of us had to start from the beginning. We need to learn and the more we learn the more we understand, and the more we understand the more the universe opens up to us.”

Sheldon paused to gather his thoughts for a moment and she was more than happy to wait for him.

“Physics and science are logical. Relationships are not. Initially I suspected my feelings towards you were nothing more than physical attraction, something that while annoying to deal with could be ignored. However, soon it became clear to me that your presence in my life was not only welcome but desired. You have to understand that this was a new feeling for me.”

Sheldon licked his lips and for the first time looked nervous.

“I was unsure on how to proceed. This was new for me. Thankfully at the time something unexpected occurred, your friends welcomed me in. I was also made aware that Brian had successfully navigated a relationship for almost a decade with Erica and so I decided that before I approached you, I needed to learn.”

“Learn what?” She pulled her legs up and hugged them against her chest.

“Relationships. The reasons why people choose to willingly enter into a romantic relationship. What they entail. What I want out of one. Do I even want to enter one?” He shrugged but she was impressed. This was a huge step for him.

“And what did you learn?”

“That relationships are both more complicated and less complex than I had initially believed. I still don’t understand why communication seems to be so hard to achieve, most if not all issues appear to be related to poor communication.”

Penny hummed in agreement.

“As much as I call myself Homo-Novus, the truth is that I still seek companionship. I struggled with this realization but ultimately I came to accept that I need people.”

Penny gaped at him, this was huge.

“And this lead to the thought of romantic entanglements, only once before had I considered the possibility of one but she-”

“What’s her name?” She needed to know.

“Paige. I had considered that Paige would perhaps be an ideal companion but even as young as I was, I could tell that Paige was spiraling down, unable to deal with the burden of her brilliant mind. She desired nothing more than to be ‘normal’, to have no expectations set on her. Our roads parted and last I knew, she was satisfied working as a teacher.” Sheldon shook his head, disappointed in the fate of Paige.

Penny rested her chin against her knee. “But I’m not a genius.” A statement.

Sheldon nodded. “I know.”

“So why me?”

“I don’t need you to be one.” And he said nothing more.

“But you said that Paige was brilliant and that’s what made you consider it.” She needed to push on this.

“And I also said that I was quite young. I can see now how miserable Paige and I would have made each other. She would have resented me every single day for not buckling under the pressure of my genius and would have felt the need to rebel against a non-existent authority.”

Penny laughed a little at how humble Sheldon sounded. “But I will not resent you?”

“Allow me to answer that with another question. Do you feel that I’m superior or better than you?”

“Hell no!” She didn’t even hesitate.

Sheldon nodded as if he expected her answer. “Because of that. For everyone else I am Dr Sheldon Cooper double PhD. For you I’m just Sheldon. I admire that you stood your ground against me from the start and that you were never intimidated by me. I could be myself with you.”

Penny didn’t answer, mulling his answer until she realized he hadn’t said if he liked her.

“Wait, but do you find me attractive?”

“Penny, Penny, Penny.” He said condescendingly and her eyebrow twitched in annoyance. “I already said that I was physically attracted to you. How could I not? While crude, Wolowitz was accurate in describing you as a ‘Golden haired goddess.’ though I believe he also called you a ‘Corn goddess.’ but I prefer the former.”

Penny could feel her face warming up. “Bu-But you never said anything.”

“Unlike the rest, I am perfectly capable of controlling my impulses.” Sheldon continued to look calm.

Penny rubbed her face. “Okay, okay, so now what?”

“You are more experienced than me on these matters so I will defer to you.”

She started pacing in front of Sheldon.

“Okay, let’s take this step by step. You are attracted to me and would like to give dating a try?” Sheldon nodded. “You went so far as to request help from Brian because you wanted to be successful?” Another nod. “And you won’t mind…touching and stuff?” This was the most important part because Penny liked sex and she was not ready to give it up.

“I didn’t believe that I would be, but Brian pointed out that you’re the only person I allow to touch me and after further thought I have to agree, you have always been a very physical person and without realizing it you made it a regular part of our interactions. You often touch my arm when speaking to me, when we sit close together you will instinctively rub your leg against mine, you lean against me when taking my order at The Cheesecake Factory and touch my neck for some reason. All of these don’t cause me to flinch away in the same manner as with other people.”

Penny’s mouth made a noise as she closed it from when it had fallen open in the middle of Sheldon’s speech. He had a point there.

“Huh…I hadn’t noticed all of that actually. So…you’re open to…touching and stuff.” She still couldn’t say fucking for some reason.

“I am willing to try…touching and stuff.” Sheldon said carefully. It seemed he understood perfectly what she meant.

“Okayokayokayokayokay.” She said quickly. “Goodgoodgoodgoodgood.” She sat next to Sheldon again and very purposefully made sure her leg touched his. No flinching.

“Penny. I’m unsure about what this means. I answered your questions but now I don’t know what comes next.”

“Well…you’re right. But, I need to be asked a question so I can answer it.” She said teasingly.

Sheldon looked confused for a long moment before he blinked and tilted his head.

“Penny. Would you like to go on a date?”

“You know what Moonpie? I think I do.”

Penny didn’t have any idea of what dating Sheldon would be like. But the idea wasn’t as strange as it might have sounded once, hell, it didn’t give her the same reluctant feeling that she had whenever Leonard brought it up.

She did know that it wouldn’t be boring…Holy crap on a cracker, what had she gotten herself into?


Not going to sugarcoat it guys. This week has been rough for many reasons, money is tight, family issues and pet emergencies have made it so my mental health jumped off a cliff and unlike previous times, it didn't led to writing of any kind.

I am rewatching the TLOTR movies as they're my comfort media of choice but yeah, not doing great at the moment.

I hope to get back to my regular writing schedule but...dark times. I have spent more time writing and rewriting this note than I'd like to admit but I want to be honest on the reason for the lack of updates.

Take care of yourselves.

Chapter 95: Spark (Misunderstandings)


Sequel to Touching and Stuff


I wrote all of this today.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny applied some light makeup to her face, nothing fancy, just something to highlight her eyes. She had asked Sheldon to keep the fact that they were going on a date a secret from the rest of the group. She loved them but she didn’t need the extra pressure that their attention would bring her. Of course, she had to explain all of this to Sheldon because otherwise he would not get the reasoning.

They were already practicing this whole communication thing.

For his part, Sheldon admitted that he wasn’t sure what to do on a date. His research had shown him that first dates were for people to get to know each other but they were way past that.

Which, fair. He had a point. He wasn’t familiar with the ‘drink until your brain tells you it’s a good idea’ method and she didn’t want this to just be a hook up…not that it would ever be, not with him. She applied some perfume as well.

She honestly didn’t know where this would take them, because she was pretty sure that Sheldon didn’t do casual and despite her colorful dating history she was actually searching for love. Crazy to think that she might actually find it with crazy, but that was getting ahead of herself.

For now they needed to get through a first date without killing each other, the rest could wait. She checked the reflection on the mirror and smiled at how cute she looked. She was wearing a cute pair of jeans and an orange flowy blouse, she looked really damn good and hoped Sheldon would appreciate it.

It didn’t matter that their first date would be dinner in their apartment. She was going to take this seriously.

“Get ready, Moonpie.” She told no one before leaving her room.

Leaving her room she didn’t have to look hard to find her date. Sheldon stood on the patio and he was looking at her canvas, no, he was admiring it. He had made it no secret that he loved her Sheldor paintings. She smiled at seeing his intense look, he looked at her paintings in the same way he looked at his whiteboards and while it made her smile, now there also was an added feeling of nervousness? Not exactly, it was like butterflies in-No. Not going there.

“Hey Moonpie, ready for our date?” She tried to say cheekily but it came out more shaky than she’d like.

“Penny.” Sheldon nodded at her, took another look at her and she could almost see him trying to remember something, he frowned a little before his face cleared and he happily told her. “You look aesthetically pleasing tonight.”

Penny wanted to laugh but she was afraid it would make it awkward so she settled for a simple “Thank you.”

Immediately all conversation died and they just stared at one another, but while Sheldon looked perfectly happy to stare back at her, she was getting antsy. Shuffling on her feet she looked away and then at her wristwatch, cleared her throat and having nothing better to say she opted for asking when dinner would get there.

“I ordered twenty eight minutes ago, if previous occasions work as basis for-”

“How much longer?”

“Ten to fifteen minutes before our doorbell rings.”

“Okay, nice…” She trailed off and looked at the floor. This was not working.

Letting out a breath she decided to do things her way. “Okay Sheldon, come here.” She led him to his spot and pointed with a head movement that he should sit. He looked at her unsure but eventually sat.

She stood in front of him and grabbed his face between her hands. No flinching. Good.

“Moonpie, you were right, dates are for people to get to know each other. We already know one another, and we’re learning more about each other just because we’re friends. But dates are also learning about compatibility.” She almost brought up Leonard’s example of the alive and dead cat but she stopped herself. Bringing up Leonard felt wrong.

“I see. I assume that you will test this compatibility before our dinner arrives?” Sheldon said calmly and he looked unbothered by the fact that his face was in her hands. His eyes moved across her face and she wondered if he was analyzing her face for any imperfections.

“Yes. Have you ever kissed anyone?” She didn’t want to scare him away.

“No. Paige kissed me once but it was a ‘chaste’ kiss.” He looked ridiculous doing air quotes with his fingers. “After that I wasn’t interested.”

“Until me.” Her tone might have been more petulant than she liked.

“Until you.” He agreed. No face twitching so he was being truthful.

“Okay…just…try to do what I do, breathe through your nose and…I know you’re all about repressing impulses and whatnot but while we’re kissing, try to listen to your body. You can touch me, it’s more than okay.”

Sheldon’s eyes widened and for the first time since she had taken a hold of his face, he looked panicked. Not giving him a chance to chicken out, she pressed her lips against his and moved her hands to the back of his head. The position was awkward, she was sort of leaning down and he was leaning up and their necks would certainly not appreciate it but it was just a test kiss, a way to see if there was a spark.

Her eyes closed and she focused on the sensations. His lips were impossibly soft, for some reason she had imagined that he would have rough lips, but of course this was Sheldon Cooper so he probably had a whole routine to take care of them.

She felt one of his hands sprawl on her back and it sent a small shiver through her. She had a thing about big hands. Sheldon tried to lean back into the couch but she followed him. Still kissing, she let out a small breath as her chest collided with his. Sheldon had been awkward at first, but either it was true that he learnt fast or she was getting too into it.

With her eyes closed she could smell the barest hint of the dry eraser markers he always used. When she had first started hanging out with the guys, the smell had been unpleasant but she bore with it. And now it gave her a pang of homesickness.

Sheldon’s other hand found a home on her hip, not quite touching her ass but his fingers were almost there. She moaned into the kiss and it must have activated something in his brain because he was suddenly pulling her tighter against him until she was almost lying atop of him, one of her hands went to grab the back of the couch and was now supporting her weight awkwardly but Penny didn’t care.

She was straddling one of his legs, she was extra conscious of the movement of the knee between his legs, she didn’t want to turn this into a bad memory for him.

Her tongue made an appearance and maybe in shock, maybe in curiosity, his mouth opened. Slowly, tentatively, his own tongue made a shy appearance but for her it was a victory. The kiss deepened and she unconsciously grinded her crotch on his leg. His hand finally moved to her ass.

And then the doorbell rang.

Penny was the first to pull away and she was breathing hard. Holy crap…okay, there was a spark. She looked down at Sheldon, they had slowly moved and he was now lying on the couch awkwardly, he looked dazed but okay. She had never seen him like this.

The doorbell rang again.

Penny very purposefully gave him another quick kiss and moved away, she fixed her clothes a little, grabbed his wallet and went to get the food.

Holy crap.

Sheldon stared at the ceiling, trying to process the emotions, sensations and urges that kissing Penny had brought out of him.

He couldn’t think straight.

He blinked and frowned, it wasn’t a negative emotion nor an unwelcome feeling, just new. Her scent of vanilla still lingered on him and for some strange reason it was affecting his arousal. Curious.

After a long moment he finally sat up and looked around, Penny was nowhere to be seen. He needed to see her. Now that he was more aware of his surroundings he realized that he could make out her voice, he moved towards it.

Penny was speaking with a teenager and in one of her hands she was holding a bag. He blinked, the takeout, how could he have forgotten? Penny said something to the teenager and turned to close the door behind her but stopped when seeing him. The door to their new apartment opened outwards, she had her back to the door but he was too close to her. He needed to take a step back for her to be able to close the door.

Her face was flushed, her lips looked swollen and there was a light sheen of sweat on her forehead which made some of her hair stick in odd patterns.

“Um Sheldon, you’re a little too close, I know you’re hungry but-Urgh” Sheldon extended his arm and pulled the door closed, which pushed Penny until she was pressed against him, his arms on either side of her head. Her free hand went to his chest where it bunched his shirt, but he didn’t care.

“Honey?” Penny swallowed and he couldn’t stop watching her. Leaning down he kissed her the way she had taught him moments ago.

His world was immediately filled with her vanilla scent and the feeling of her soft lips.

This needed further experimentation.


Hey guys, before anything else, thank you all for your lovely comments. I love you guys.

Now as for the update, mental health wise I'm doing much better. For those of you that noticed, I started a new original story that is helping me channel some of those dark thoughts and voila, here we have a new Shenny chapter as proof. I don't think I'm back to my regular writing schedule or rhythm but I am happy to be writing for this Universe again.

I initially had planned for the Shenny in this Universe to be a slow burn, like glacial slow...except as you can read, it didn't exactly worked out that way. I still have stuff planned, the group finding out, etc. But what I can promise you is that there's going to be more exploration of feelings that in previous stories...maybe. Still working that out. Not super happy with that last scene in this chapter, I wanted to make it more impactful but I hope you liked it.

It feels like I came out from underwater so still adjusting.

Chapter 96: First date (Misunderstandings)


Sequel to Spark


Another quick chapter

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

If she was honest with herself, Penny was swooning. She had just picked up the food, turned around and found Sheldon standing right behind her. She had tried to close the door, expecting him to move back so they could have dinner but no.

Sheldon stood closely to her, moved his arm and closed the door. Pushing her against him, she was basically trapped between the door and him but she certainly didn’t feel trapped. No, she felt excited because this was a whole new side of Sheldon she hadn’t expected.

And then he kissed her.

It was still a little awkward, it took him a moment to find the right angle but she adjusted quickly and the hand on his chest soon moved to the back of his head. His hair was soft, she had seen the bottle of ‘No more tears’ shampoo in his bathroom and it made her smile into the kiss.

She would have happily kept kissing Sheldon but the arm holding the takeout bag was starting to hurt, reluctantly she moved her hand back to his chest and pushed him lightly, but it was all she needed. Sheldon stopped and finally took a step back. His face didn’t look as dazed as before but the flush of his face was somehow even stronger.

“I really, REALLY, enjoy this Honey, but my arm is hurting and I’m starving.” Sheldon blinked at her, frowned, looked down at the bag she was holding, as if he was noticing it for the first time. Wordlessly he took the bag from her, he kept frowning, suddenly his face cleared.

“Dinner. We ordered dinner.” Sheldon said and moved towards the couch, he kept glancing at her. She smiled at him which only made him glance at her more often. Penny followed after him and sat in her spot, rummaging through the bag she quickly took out the containers and set them in front of them. Sheldon turned on the TV and set some show to play but she wasn’t really interested in it.

They ate in comfortable silence and like teenagers they kept stealing glances at each other, smiling into their containers.

Sheldon tried to not smile but he found it extremely difficult. Kissing Penny was…exhilarating, the closest he could define it was the feeling as when he won the Stevenson Award. Yet, not quite.

Winning an award felt satisfying, but it also brought the realization of the next achievement. It was a never ending ladder, Stevenson Award, Abraham Pais Award, Lilienfield, Irving Langmuir and while Sheldon appreciated the recognition and to a certain level, the money. The reality was that not five minutes after winning an award or a prize, he would end up asking himself ‘What’s next?’ because as prestigious as all of those awards and medals they were not his end goal.

The Nobel Prize was the goal. His life achievement, barring an end of the world event, it would be the highest honor he could receive.

But kissing Penny had left him feeling bereft. No, to be precise, stopping had left him feeling bereft. Kissing her had felt right, he hadn’t been able to think about anything else but the softness of her lips, the scent of her hair, the feeling of her tongue, how his fingers had pressed against her skin, seemingly on their own.

He risked a glance at the subject of his thoughts, Penny was looking into her container and smiling at nothing. Had she felt the same? Were these feelings universally shared?

If yes, he could understand now why people looked for this feeling so desperately. Why Wolowitz and Leonard bent themselves over backwards just for a taste. Yet, at the same time…he doubted it. He didn’t want to become someone else just to be with Penny, he didn’t think she would like him to be someone else.

This led him to voice a question about a subject he truly didn’t understand. “Penny? Why do people cheat?”

Seeing the smile slowly disappear from her face, he suspected that he had made a mistake.

“Penny? Why do people cheat?” And just like that her good mood was gone. She tried to not to, but still a tired sigh managed to escape her lips.

“Why do you want to know Honey?” Sheldon didn’t ask random questions, something was brewing in that head of his.

Her disappointment slowly melted away at his explanation. He had really enjoyed kissing, but he sort of implied that he had enjoyed it because it was her and only her. Which was romantic on its own but still, the mood was shot.

“Well…there’s not one answer I think. When Kurt cheated on me he claimed that it was because I was working too much and not paying enough attention to him, but that was a lie. And later I found out that he had cheated pretty much from the start. I don’t know why he thought telling me ‘It was only physical, I didn’t love any of them’ was a good idea.” She shrugged and smiled sadly.

“I see. Do you think having a relationship contract in place would have prevented him from cheating?” He asked her seriously and she had to laugh a little to herself.

“You know Sheldon, I don’t think it would have. Some people just lack that self-restraint. Like I said, there’s not one true answer for this. Some people do it for the thrill, others because of their own insecurities, others do it because they can and nothing else. Kurt was like this, he did it because he could.”

Sheldon nodded and returned to his food. She did the same and finished her noodles and dumplings. The night had started so nice, took a strange and exciting turn and now it would end on a…thoughtful note. She didn’t care about Kurt anymore, but it was still a sore spot for her, four years of her life wasted just like that.

Just as she was about to start cleaning up, Sheldon spoke up. “Penny. I find myself strangely distraught at the idea of you being romantically affectionate, physically or emotionally, with anyone else. Curious. What is the correct procedure in these situations?” His face was serious.

Putting her container on the table, she grabbed Sheldon’s hand and ran her thumb over his knuckles, for all the talk he did about being an evolved existence, he was very human. “We trust each other. I’m going to trust that you won’t be looking for anyone else to be in a relationship with and you’re going to trust me with the same thing.”

He looked down at their hands and nodded. He turned his hand and she intertwined their fingers.

“I have no interest in other people.” He squeezed her hand. “And I understand that I can be difficult, please be direct with me so I can understand how to properly navigate this relationship.”

Her heart swooned again. Just like with everything else in his life, Sheldon was going to face this head on. He would not play games, make passive aggressive comments or even be jealous or possessive, because that’s not who he was. He was confident of the person he was and the rest of the world would have to deal with that.

“I can do that.” She smiled at him. “Maybe a relationship contract wouldn’t be such a bad idea.”

“Oh goody!”

Maybe this whole thing would come back to bite her in the ass, but despite their differences, she had a good feeling about this. Of course she regretted thinking that almost right away because the rest of their date night was spent working out a contract that both were happy with. It felt weird to put stuff like ‘We’ll talk about issues as soon as they come up and work out a solution.’ but then again, all her previous relationships had gone to hell. She was ready to give this a try.

Sadly, no more kissing happened that night and Penny went to bed frustrated but overall happy. They had DnD night in a couple of days and she’d try to bring up the subject of her and Sheldon going out naturally.

Leonard slammed the door of his car and sulkily sat on the driver’s seat. He and Leslie had been dating since that night he found her by accident, he thought that things were going great and that’s why he brought up the idea of him moving in with Leslie. He had still not found a place…okay, if he was being totally honest with himself, he hadn’t been looking for one so it wasn’t that he hadn’t found one. Howard didn’t need to know that of course.

But now, he had put himself out there and asked Leslie to move in with her only for her to laugh in his face!

“Leonard, we have a good thing going on. Let’s not ruin it.” He could still hear her voice.

“But Leslie! I love you, I thought you loved me too!” He begged her, begged!

Leslie let out an annoyed breath, crossed her arms in front of her chest and leveled a look at him. “Look, cut your losses while I still find your whining cute. We have a good thing going, I like this arrangement. This works for me. At one point I might have taken your BS, but then you left me for Malibu Barbie…something for which you haven’t apologized for, by the way. So leave it.”

And that’s why he was here now, sitting in his car instead of in bed with his girlfriend. He slammed his hands on the steering wheel before finally starting the car and driving towards Howard’s house.

“Ah fuck it.” He muttered and changed directions to one of Howard’s favorite bars. He liked it because the vibe was classy and there were a lot of older women that for a change hit on him. But Leonard only wanted a drink, just one drink and he’d go home.

Sitting at the bar he ordered a Cuba libre and pulled out his phone, he was deciding if he should call Leslie or not when the seat next to him was occupied by a gorgeous woman. She put even Penny to shame.

Bronze skin, perfectly silky black hair and a face that belonged in Hollywood. He stole glances at her from time to time as he sipped his drink. Sighing when he reached the bottom of the glass he stood up to pay when his seat neighbor spoke to him in a very sexy accent. “So that’s it? You’re going to look at me while you have your drink and won’t even buy me a drink afterwards?” She tilted her head and the smile she gave him was downright devilish.

Leonard looked down at his phone, he had Leslie’s contact open. He put his phone away and sat right back down while motioning to the bartender to get him and the woman a new glass. “Hi, I’m Leonard.” He hoped that he managed to sound confident and suave but her giggle was more amused than impressed, but he would take it.

“I’m Priya.” She smiled at him and he melted.

The next morning it was his cell phone ringing what woke him up, he clumsily put his glasses on and looked at the display. ‘Leslie.’

Trying to do as little noise as possible he moved into the bathroom and picked up the call. Leslie apologized and admitted that she had been too harsh on him, but she felt that moving in together would be too hasty. However, she did invite him to stay the night so she could make it up to him. Something which he wholeheartedly agreed to.

“I’ll see you later then. Love you.” Leslie could be tender and he was glad he was one of the few persons that knew this side of her.

“I love you too. See you later.” Since he was in the bathroom already he decided to wash his face before going back to the bedroom.

“Don’t tell me that was your girlfriend.” An unamused voice greeted him. Priya sat in bed and even hungover she looked amazing.

“No, no, no, no. No. Just my mom, I’m meeting her for dinner later today.” He laughed nervously. This had been a mistake, but no one had to know. He was a good guy that made a mistake. That’s all this was.


I'm as surprised as you are that another chapter is here already. I started working out again and it's helping my overall mental health. I had stopped doing it regularly when the pandemic began. "It's fine, just a couple of weeks and then I'll go right back." And I blinked and 4 years have passed. So yeah, feeling much better.

On another note, a wonderful Shenny story just posted its final chapter yesterday and if you missed it for whatever reason, here it is, show it some love:
The Sleep Partner Program by Letterhead

Chapter 97: Trivia (Misunderstandings)


Sequel to First date


The group finds out.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Remember, I’ll let the guys know, introduce the subject naturally and then we’ll deal with their questions and teasing. And yes, it’s teasing, they’re going to be happy for us.” Penny told him as she drove them over to Jon’s house for DnD night.

He nodded in agreement, Penny was well versed in these social matters and she’d know how to approach this correctly. He wasn’t even sure how one could ‘introduce the subject naturally’ but he would not say anything until Penny did. Although to him it would make more sense to do it at the start of the evening.

Once they arrived at Jon’s house, Sheldon was quickly ushered out to the backyard with ‘The boys’ as Penny enjoyed calling them, while Penny herself went into the living room where a pitcher of something, most likely alcoholic, was sitting on the table. Penny shot him a look that he didn’t understand, it wasn’t annoyed or angry.

While he wasn’t a fan of these pre-game sessions, he knew that the group used them to catch up and chit chat about banalities. He greeted everyone and nodded in thanks at Keith who handed him a bottle of water. Sheldon might be the only one without a bottle of beer in his hands but they never pressured or forced to drink which he appreciated greatly.

“Hey Sheldon, all good? It looks like you have something on your mind.” Brian was certainly perceptive.

“I have a question. Why do people cheat?” Penny’s answer hadn’t fully satisfied him and Brian was someone he could trust with these subjects.

Brian hummed in thought. He only did this when the subject was complicated. “Well-” Jon interrupted him.

“All you need to know is that cheaters fucking suck!” Sheldon blinked and frowned, Jon was a cheerful young man most of the time. It was off putting to see him without a smile on his face and if Sheldon was right, he looked enraged.

“I’m sorry. Did I ask something I shouldn’t have?” He directed the question towards Jon.

“No, no, no. I…I’m sorry. I…” He took a deep breath. “My dad wasn’t a nice guy. He cheated on my mom all the time and…Yeah…I’m just going to let Brian take care of this one.” Jon’s face scrunched up in either pain or awkwardness.

“My father cheated on my mother as well. One time, when I was thirteen and on spring break from college. I returned home early because they ran out of math to teach me. My mother was at bible study, I walked in the house expecting to find it empty…and I heard a sound coming from my parents’ bedroom.” He took a deep breath as the memory manifested itself. “When I opened the door…I saw my father having relations with another woman.” Sheldon frowned at himself, he hadn’t intended to share that memory.

“Dude!” Keith said in shock and approached him, it looked as if he wanted to hug him but stopped himself at the last moment.

“Holy shit man…” Jon looked on the verge of crying.

Brian said nothing but grabbed his shoulder, Sheldon jumped a little at the contact but he was oddly comforted by the gesture so he allowed it.

“Look Sheldon. There’s no ‘one size fits all’ answer for this.” Brian said gravely. “Cheating is breaking the trust of the person you’re in a relationship with. It’s a lack of respect and an insult, not only to the person but to the relationship itself.” Brian took a sip of his beer. “I’m not going to lie to you, some cases are hard to define because relationships can get messy but we’re not going to get into that. As for your question…Some people think that they’re missing out on something, what this something is, I personally think that they don’t even know themselves. Some claim that it’s sex, love, affection, etc.”

“But why enter into a relationship if you’re already planning to break the social contract?” Sheldon tilted his head.

“Now that’s the question. And the truth is that I don’t know, I can’t imagine making Erica go through something painful like that, because it’s not just the end of the relationship but also the end of the trust and friendship. After being cheated on, a lot of people blame themselves and have a hard time trusting future partners.”

“I don’t see the point of cheating. My mother suffered a lot.” He admitted.

The guys nodded, Jon looked angry again while Keith grimaced and Brian pressed his lips together in a bad facsimile of a sad smile.

“Just remember what we talked about, communication is the key to a healthy relationship.” Brian squeezed his shoulder once before letting go. “Now, let’s talk about something nicer.”

For the next couple of minutes they talked about the upcoming session and Sheldon was glad to see Jon’s smile make a return.

Penny was regretting not telling the girls right away about her and Sheldon. Especially hearing this conversation.

“Sheldon is special, I know you like him but unless you can deal with infodumps, I don’t recommend you going after him.” Dani was trying to discourage Katia from making a move on Sheldon.

And failing miserably.

“He can infodump all he wants in me, until I have trivia running down my leg.” Katia was very…forward.

Penny didn’t want to say anything so she opted for keeping her glass of sangria to her mouth. Dani laughed awkwardly while Toni and Carly absolutely lost their shit. Those two were one pitcher ahead of everyone else.

“I’m all for getting yours, but please don’t tell that to Sheldon. We don’t want to scare him.” Dani finally said and Penny could kiss her.

“Don’t worry, I’m being patient. But soon I’ll have him eating me o-” Penny had heard enough.

“Oh look! The guys are coming back into the house, it’s time to play. C’mon, let’s go.” Her voice was high and frantic and Dani looked at her weirdly.

Penny really liked Katia. Just not at that moment.

Unfortunately the rest of the night didn’t go much better, she was unable to find the right time and it all came to a head when Katia went all in.

“So Sheldon, I heard that you like trains. Did you knew about the Fairy Queen exhibition happening at the PMRRM?” Katia smiled at Sheldon in a way that had Penny grinding her teeth. “Perhaps you would like to go sometime?”

“That does sound like an activity I would enjoy. Penny, we’ll have to schedule a visit.” Sheldon wasn’t looking at any of them, he was making changes to his character sheet.

Katia laughed as if he had just told a joke. “No, no. I meant you and me.”

Sheldon frowned and finally looked up. The rest of the group was pretending that they weren’t eavesdropping and doing a terrible job at it. Carly and Toni didn’t even pretend, they were grinning and looking from Sheldon to Katia.

“I’m not well versed in these situations but…would this be considered a date?” Sheldon hesitantly asked Katia. Her eyes brightened and a hopeful smile broke through her face as she nodded.

Penny wanted to hogtie her so badly.

“Oh, I see.” Sheldon looked up for a moment before repeating a phrase from the relationship contract Penny had included for the both of them. “I’m sorry. I’m currently in a relationship and not interested.” And as if he hadn’t just dropped a massive bomb on the group, Sheldon went back to his sheet.

Penny could physically feel the weight of everyone’s looks as everyone present, even Katia, turned to look at her. She took another sip of her sangria and cleared her throat before speaking. “So, uh, yeah, we decided to give dating a shot.” She tried to shrug in a ‘What can you do about it?’ way, but Dani and Brian narrowing their eyes at her showed they didn’t find it cute.

Brian and rest quickly dragged Sheldon back to the backyard while Penny stayed to face two very drunk girls, one unamused girl and one very apologetic girl.

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t know you two were together. I would have never-Oh god, the things I said. I’m so sorry.” Katia couldn’t stop apologizing and no matter how much Penny tried to tell her that i was okay, she just couldn’t take it. It took close to ten minutes for Katia to finally understand that Penny wasn’t upset.

“So you weren’t planning on telling us?” Once Katia had calmed down, Dani pounced on the attack. She didn’t look amused but not mad.

“I…was planning to tell you guys in a subtle way, you know? Not make a big deal out of it.” Penny licked her lips nervously.

“Wow, good job bish.” Carly said and laughed.

Toni raised her hand. “Oh, oh, oh, have you guys done it already?” Carly made a surprised face and nodded enthusiastically.

“Okay, that’s enough sangria for the both of you.” Dani said and took the still half full glasses from the other girls. “Erica is going to kick herself for missing this.” She muttered loud enough that Penny was able to catch it.

“Look guys, we don’t want to make a big deal out of this. We’re just going to be giving this a try and we could do without all the pressure.” Penny pleaded with them.

Dani scratched her cheek and nodded slowly. “Yeah, sorry. It was just a big shock. We’ve been helping Sheldon to get acclimated to the idea of a relationship and here out of the blue it happened…We’re happy for you, we just didn’t express it well.” Dani grimaced. “Sorry.”

“No, no, no, I get it. I think I would have done the same but, well, this is kind of a big deal. I think I could love him.”

A chorus of ‘Awww’s was the response and Penny had to smile bashfully. It felt weird to say it out loud.

Dani sat next to her and pulled her into a one armed hug. “Okay Hon, we love you and really like Sheldon so we’ll keep our paws to ourselves and just root for you two.”

Penny didn’t fight the smile growing on her face.

“Holy shit man!” Jon said as soon as they were out of the house, he jumped high in the air in a rather impressive show of athletic prowess. “How did you keep it a secret? You suck at keeping secrets!”

“No one asked me.” He admitted. Brian and Keith laughed while Jon looked dumbfounded.

“How are you feeling Sheldon? I know we had talked about this but now that it’s here I want to know how you’re doing.” Brian leaned against the deck and looked at him directly.

“Yeah, do you need to talk?” Keith preferred to sit on a chair, his face looked honest and open. Jon said nothing more but sat right next to Keith, a huge smile on his face.

Sheldon found his usual chair and calmly sat down before he spoke. “While I must admit that this is new territory for me, I am not overwhelmed as I had initially feared. Is this what most relationships are like? My bond with Penny has not changed dramatically other than an increase in physical intimacy of course.”

Jon went to open his mouth but Keith slapped his thigh rather forcefully. “You take this one Brian.”

“Yeah.” Brian narrowed his eyes at Jon before focusing back on Sheldon. “It’s only been a few days right?” He waited for Sheldon to nod before continuing. “Then it’s normal to feel like that. You two were already pretty close and living together to boot, so there’s not much that’s going to change on that front. Give it time and your relationship will change little by little.”

“Is there something I should do?” Sheldon had wondered about this.

“Plenty! I know that it might not sound logical right now but you can be there for Penny when she needs you. That might mean not working on a project you wanted or skipping DnD night and she’ll do the same for you. You can show her that you appreciate her, you know, touch her cheek, kiss her just because, maybe use a pet name. Show that you care about her. A single word can mean the world.” Brian smiled at nothing. “Talk to her. Don’t assume that she knows how you feel, or that she’ll guess what you need. The worst mistake you can make is not communicating. Remember that you’re in a relationship because you wanted to share your life with that person. You’ve mentioned your dream of winning a Nobel right? Well, having someone by your side when it happens should make it taste that much sweeter. And lastly, don’t close yourself to these new feelings and experiences. I’m proud of you man, I know this whole thing wasn’t easy for you.”

Sheldon wouldn’t admit it out loud but he felt touched by Brian’s praise. He had been fundamental in removing a lot of the apprehension he initially felt at realizing his feelings towards Penny.

“Thank you.”

“Argh, c’mon, we’re getting too sappy. Let's go finish the adventure for the night.” Jon said, clearly uncomfortable. He moved towards the house. Keith laughed and followed him.

“Don’t mind him, he’s still a kid in a lot of ways.” Brian also laughed.

Sheldon took a deep breath and looked up at the night sky. Odd, he had never felt this camaraderie before. It was fascinating.

He followed the others inside.


I know I just made a recommendation last chapter but here's another one.

I don't think this story needs an introduction, but if you haven't read it, I assure you, it's amazing:
The News Article Significance by DefyGravity18

Chapter 98: Unfair (Misunderstandings)


Sequel to Trivia


I was inspired and had to write it down.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Leonard tried to make out the ceiling in the dark, but without his glasses it was impossible. Only the blur of darkness greeted him. As a kid he had been terrified of the dark, the inky emptiness haunted him, and if he were to be totally honest with himself, even as an adult he found darkness to be unsettling. But he refused to accept that thought as true, it wasn’t manly.

He could hear Leslie peacefully sleeping next to him. She was a very passionate lover but that didn’t translate into an affectionate one, he had tried to cuddle with her but she complained about it being too hot and most often than not they slept like this, each on one side of the bed.

Like an old married couple.

He hated it with a passion but Leslie wouldn’t budge. He had tried again earlier that night, still feeling guilty about last night he had tried to be more loving only for her to reject him. An unwanted thought crosses his mind. Penny also didn’t like cuddling. He tried really hard not to focus on that but it was hard, maybe it was him after all.

Fumbling blindly, it took him a long moment to find his glasses. He soon found his phone and despite Leslie being sound asleep he still made sure his screen was not visible.

That morning, Priya had taken his phone and saved her own number in it. Priya and a heart emoji. He had smiled like a fool at seeing that and even more when she kissed him goodbye. But as soon as he was back in his car, he changed her contact to ‘Pizza Hut’, no emojis.

He had told himself that Priya had been a mistake, but he still couldn’t delete her number. Last night was a mistake for sure, but he was one of the good ones, so he decided to never contact Priya again.

But now, in the darkness and missing the warmth of Priya’s body, he sent her a message.

‘Hey, would you like to go to dinner sometime?’

As soon as he had sent it, he regretted it. What the fuck was he doing? Leslie was his girlfriend and she was literally sleeping two feet away from him and what was he doing? Texting another girl literally after he had just slept with Leslie.

Like a real man.

The thought was shameful and he quickly buried it under a sea of justifications he didn’t believe. His recrimination was stopped short when his phone vibrated.

‘Sure :)’

Leonard stared at that text for a long while and smiled foolishly. Priya was so hot, he couldn’t believe that he had slept with her!

No, bad Leonard. He tried to smother the smile. He would see her and break it off for good. He wouldn’t be a scumbag that cheated on his girlfriend.

At some point he had fallen asleep and dreams of bronze skin haunted him. Feeling guilty he was extra nice to Leslie, making her breakfast and even running a bath for her.

The next time he saw Priya all of his resolve to break it off with her flew out the window. She was wearing a suit that had no right looking as sexy as it did. They went to a bar again and somehow he spent the night with her again, and again, and again.

After two weeks, it was obvious that he had no intention of breaking it off with Priya so he very seriously considered dumping Leslie. She wasn’t that great anyway. Priya loved cuddling and he actually felt loved, like he mattered.

Leonard resolved himself and decided to break off with Leslie…After Howard’s birthday party. He had already asked Leslie to go with him and didn’t want to show up alone, especially because Penny would be there and he didn’t want to be seen alone if she brought a Neanderthal with her.

Of course, he was Leonard Hofstadter so everything went wrong almost immediately because life was unfair.

They were having Howard’s party at a small club, he had invited almost all of Caltech, plus some of the guys from Stuart’s shop, the ones that showered at least. The party skewed heavily towards males but there were a good number of girls as well, he didn’t know how Howard had convinced them.

Leonard was about to take a sip of his mojito when Raj pulled him aside rather frantically.

“Dude, I’m going to tell you something and I need you to be cool with it. You have to promise me. I swear that if you ruin Howard’s party I will never forgive you.” Raj’s accent was heavy with stress.

“Okay? What could you possibly tell me that-” Leonard could never finish his thought.

“Penny is dating Sheldon!” Raj blurted out and looked at him with wide eyes.

Leonard’s brain froze for a moment before he started laughing, tears in his eyes. He struggled to get the words out due to how hard he was laughing and he even spilled some of his drink. “Goo-Good one Raj. Now tell me what you really wanted to tell me.”

When Raj didn’t burst out laughing or say Bazinga, a pit of dread began forming in his stomach. “Tell me you’re joking Rajesh.” Leonard wasn’t laughing, not anymore. His voice was harsh.

“We found out just minutes ago.” Leonard felt that Raj’s voice wasn’t sympathetic enough and it made him mad.

“What the fuck am I supposed to do?” He threw his hands up in frustration and paced in front of Raj. “Am I supposed to act like my best friend and my ex-girlfriend didn’t just betray me? Huh!”

“Dude. Stop.” Raj’s voice was equally harsh. “You don’t even talk to Sheldon anymore. During lunch you ignore him fully, do you really think he’s your best friend?”

Leonard felt a pang of regret but the anger quickly smothered it. He had stopped talking to Sheldon because he refused to tell him his new address and well, it sort of snowballed from there, it was easy to ignore the tall man.

“It doesn’t matter. He was my best friend for many years.” Leonard rubbed at his face. “And Penny! She goes and fucks my best friend! This is-”

“Stop it! It’s been months since you broke up with her. You don’t own her.” Raj frowned at him and it only made him angrier.

“Whose side are you on?!” Leonard wanted to shove Raj out of the way but he stopped himself.

“Not yours. Remember, this party is for Howard. If you can’t act reasonably then just go.” Having said that, Raj left him alone and Leonard couldn’t believe how little sympathy his friend had for him. Couldn’t he see how fresh this was for him? How much did it hurt him? Sulking, he went back to his table where Leslie looked at him weirdly, but he wasn’t in the mood to talk to her, he just waved her concerns away, but knew she would be watching him closely.

From his seat he watched the entrance like a hawk, unwilling to miss Penny’s arrival.

He didn’t have to wait long. Maybe fifteen minutes later Penny and Sheldon showed up. She looked amazing as always, she was wearing a sundress that made her look like a dream. He grimaced in distaste, he knew that men would be ogling her and sure enough as he looked around he was able to find more than one man that was staring a little too long. He wanted to yell at them that she was his…but then reality came crashing down. Penny was holding hands with Sheldon.

Sheldon looked the same as always, he was still dressed like a man-child and he couldn’t believe that Penny wasn’t dying of embarrassment by having to walk with him dressed like that.

He was considering approaching them when Raj suddenly made an appearance and dragged the couple somewhere he couldn’t see. He stood up to search for them when a new person arrived. All bronze skin and long legs, suddenly Priya was there.

He smiled at her until his brain caught up with him. He suddenly felt very cold and the dread in his stomach grew to an impossible level. But before he could move, Priya was there in front of him and kissing him.

“Hey love, you know someone at this party too?” She said after kissing him.

His body felt heavy, like he was underwater. He couldn’t hear anything else but his own heartbeat, he hoped that Leslie had gone blind and deaf for the last couple of minutes.

“Hofstadter, want to catch me up?” No such luck. Leonard closed his eyes and hoped this was a nightmare. “Who are you?” Leslie really wasn’t amused.

“I’m his girlfriend.” Priya matched the aggressive tone of voice.

“Funny, I thought I was his girlfriend.” He didn’t have to look to know that Leslie was looking at him now.

“There has to be a mistake…” For the first time since he had met her Priya’s voice sounded hurt and Leonard wanted to be swallowed by the earth.

“Fuck you Hofstadter. Don’t you ever contact me again.” Leslie’s voice broke down and he was glad his eyes were closed, he didn’t want to see her cry.

“Priya?” Raj’s voice joined the rest and Leonard almost laughed at how unfair everything was.

“You’re a piece of shit Leonard.” Priya slapped him and that forced him to finally open his eyes. Everyone was looking at him, even Penny and Sheldon. He felt like crying and he decided to run away from the club. Not looking back he quickly moved towards the exit and into the street.

Finding his car was easy, but starting it was another story, his hands were shaking badly and he couldn’t put the key in. After his twelfth attempt the keys dropped from his hands and the tears he was holding back finally fell.

“Fuckfuckfuckfuck. Why me?! Why is it always me?!” He slammed his hands against the steering wheel and slammed his feet. Why couldn’t life ever go his way? Was he really asking for so much?

Feeling his phone vibrate, he turned it off. Took a deep breath and fished his keys back. He didn’t want to go to Howard’s home yet. He just wanted to drive around.

The drive gave him no comfort.

He ended up driving all the way to Santa Monica where he spent the night in his car thinking about all the ways that life had screwed him over. He grabbed a pretty shitty coffee before deciding to drive back. Thankfully he still had his friends.

Raj would be pissed at the scene he caused but ultimately would forgive him. He had left the club to make it easier.

He arrived at Howard's house a little past noon and found his stuff in the front yard. Raj and Howard were busy moving his furniture from the garage. Parking quickly and probably incorrectly, he basically jumped out of the car.

“Woah, woah, woah, what the hell are you doin-” Raj sucker punched him. “What the hell man?!” He mumbled through his fingers.

“You used my sister to cheat on Leslie, you piece of shit!” Raj truly looked pissed and Leonard raised his hands in defeat when it looked like Raj wanted to punch him again. “Priya told me everything, you told her you were single. You made her part of your cheating!”

“Wait, your sister? Who-” Leonard wasn’t a genius but it took him only a moment to make the connection. “Oh…” Fuck, he had really messed up this time. “Raj, buddy, I didn’t know!”

Raj shook his head and went to the garage to keep putting his stuff out.

“Howard! You’re kicking me out?” He knew that Raj was too angry to listen to him. But he could always count on Howard.

“I used to like you Leonard. But I don’t think I recognize you anymore. Raj is my best friend and what you did was really shitty. You had even told us about you asking Leslie to move in with her!” Howard shook his head sadly. “You need help.”

“I can make this better.” He swore.

“How?” Howard’s face was sincere, he wanted to know if Leonard had a magical way of fixing everything. But the reality was that he had nothing, so he stayed quiet. “I thought so. Leonard…I don’t even know where to start. Do you like who you are right now?”

Leonard wanted to cry again. He knew that the bond between Raj and Howard was strong but he never suspected that he would lose both of them. “Howard…I’m sorry.”

“I’m not even in the top five of people you should be apologizing to right now.”


“You have until tomorrow to get your stuff off my lawn, otherwise it goes into the trash.” Howard said and turned to walk back into the garage.

Leonard was left alone.

Why can’t I catch a break? He thought as tears once again blurred his vision.


Most likely the last chapter where Leonard is the focus, but I wanted to show the consequences to his actions.

Chapter 99: Bench (Misunderstandings)


Sequel to Unfair


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny finished pouring the milk into her bowl of frosted flakes and moved to sit outside on the patio. The newest addition to their home made for a great spot to watch the skyline, she had floated the idea to Sheldon about buying a second-hand wooden bench from Craig's list, just a passing comment and not two days later he had bought a brand new wooden bench that could sit four people comfortably.

“Penny, I will not allow second-hand or thrifted furniture in our home.” She still chuckled at the memory. Wackadoodle.

Her laughter died almost as soon as it appeared, last night’s memory still fresh on her mind. She took a spoonful of cereal, hoping the sugar would help with the bad taste.

Her friend group found out on DnD night, great, fantastic. But they forgot about the other group of friends. Saturday night was Howard’s birthday party and Raj had begged them to come, well more like begged her to convince Sheldon to go. Which she somehow managed to do. But it wasn’t until they were driving to the club that she asked. “Did you tell Raj or Howard about us?”

“No. Was I supposed to?” Pure confusion on his face and if she didn’t love the guy she would have decked him.

A quick call to Raj and he was caught up to speed. He took the news very well…not.

“Koothrappali, stop that infernal noise!” Sheldon was holding his ears because as soon as he heard Raj started squeeing like a schoolgirl seeing The Beatles live.

“Raj, Hon. You have no idea how happy I am you’re so excited about this, but the reason we’re calling you is so you can tell Howard…and Leonard ahead of time.” As she said Leonard’s name she observed her Wackadoodle but there were no changes to his face or body language. She had heard how much of an ass Leonard had been to him, completely ignoring him during the few times they saw each other and Sheldon had assured her he didn’t care but she still wanted to keep an eye on him.

“Shit.” Raj had said and she agreed, Leonard could be a bit of a drama queen. “I’ll take care of it, don’t worry.”

And that had been that. Despite his assurances, she had been expecting Leonard to make a scene. Which, to be fair, it did happen. Just not in the way she had expected.

They had entered the club holding hands, because it turns out that Sheldon was more touchy-feely that he let on, but not the point. They entered the club and Raj immediately moved them towards a booth where Howard was, she had looked around for Leonard but didn’t see him and she sighed in relief.

Just as Sheldon was handing Howard the gift she had bought under both their names, raised voices made them all peek out from the booth.

Leonard was in the middle of the floor, in between Leslie and another woman. He had his eyes closed for some reason, until the woman she didn’t recognize slapped him.

“Priya?” She heard Raj ask and before anything else could happen, Leonard ran away, leaving an air of awkwardness as he did. Raj approached the other woman who she later learned was his sister and hugged her.

Howard tried to dispel the awkwardness by asking the DJ to put on music for dancing but it wasn’t until enough alcohol had flowed that people started partying for real. But Sheldon asked to leave and she couldn't agree fast enough.


Waking up the next morning she had a text from Raj explaining the situation more or less. It looked like Leonard had used Raj’s sister to cheat on Leslie, he had lied to her about being single and they’d been hooking up for a little over two weeks.

Penny ran out of cereal, so she drank the extra sugary milk left in the bowl. What a bullet she had dodged with Leonard, she wanted to hate him but her gut told him that he wasn’t a monster, he just allowed his dick to think for him. Raising the clean bowl as a salute, she let go of the feelings of friendship for Leonard.

She wasn’t stupid, she knew that he would throw a tantrum about her dating Sheldon and maybe even try to break them up. But she wasn’t playing games, later, when Sheldon came back from his walk she’d have a talk with him so he was aware that Leonard might try something shitty.

Leonard might not be a bad guy, but it didn’t mean he deserved a place in their lives.

“Hey buddy.” Sheldon stopped with his empty tray and turned to look at the speaker. Leonard grasped at his hands in a nervous manner and kept looking around the cafeteria. “Listen, I was wondering if we could talk?” Leonard licked his lips.

“What in the world would we have to talk about after one hundred and thirty three days of you ignoring me?" Sheldon was honestly curious, he no longer considered Leonard even an acquaintance.

Leonard grimaced in the same way as when he ate dairy. Sheldon decided to take a step back just in case. “I know Sheldon, but…my life is not in a good place. I need my best friend.”

“Oh, who that might be?” Maybe he needed help finding them?

Leonard gaped and then narrowed his eyes at him. “You! I mean you!”

“What in the world gave you the impression we were best friends?” Sheldon tilted his head as he tried to find the logic in Leonard’s thinking.

Leonard threw his hands up in the air in a dramatic fashion. “I don’t know, maybe the six years we lived as roommates and best friends?”

“But we’re no longer roommates or best friends.”

“Goddammit Sheldon, can’t you stop being such a robot?”

“No. Good day Leonard.” Penny had been right. Leonard would try to contact him and even as uninterested as he was in social interactions, he had noticed the insult. He ignored Leonard’s further attempts to get to talk to him. He suspected that Leonard would not stay for long in the cafeteria due to Winkle using it. And like usual, he had been right, one glimpse at Winkle entering the cafeteria and Leonard had scampered off like a raccoon that had just crapped itself.

“Penny.” Penny turned to look at Sheldon, they were on the patio bench, holding hands. They were enjoying the night breeze as they waited for dinner to arrive. “Could we try something?”

Her heart skipped a beat. Sheldon was a fan of kissing but that’s all they had done so far, not even in High School she’d been so patient. “Yeah, what?” She hoped the eagerness in her voice wasn’t too obvious.

Sheldon licked his lips and she followed the movement like a hawk. “I’ve noticed that Erica is rather fond of sitting on Brian’s lap…I would like to try that.”

Despite how innocent his request was, she couldn’t stop smiling. Fuck it, she was going to do the things she didn’t do during High School. “Sure Hon.”

Sheldon’s lap was actually big enough for her but for the first time in a long while she worried about her weight, what if he said something? She moved and adjusted until she was comfortable and ended up resting her head on his shoulder.

“You can touch me.” She had to remind him.

“Oh.” He always sounded so surprised whenever she told him that.

His hands hovered over her butt and thighs, as if he was deciding whether it would be truly okay to touch her or not. Shaking her head, she grabbed both of his hands, one went to her butt and the other to her thigh, right above her knee. “This is supposed to be comfortable for you too, well…mostly, find a good position and tell me if you get tired.” She needed to be direct with him.

She felt him nod but he was quiet, she looked up at him and noticed that he was fascinated with the hand on her thigh. He squeezed and then let go, watching as his fingers sank into her. Out of nowhere she felt something poking her and a shiver ran through her. She knew exactly what was poking her.

One of her hands went under his shirt and she hated that he was wearing an undershirt, she pulled on it until her hand met his skin. He jumped a little but said nothing. She always had a thing about the hair on men, she loved playing with it and looking at the way Sheldon shivered. He liked it when she did…or maybe it was because her hand was so very close to Sheldon Jr.

Leaning her head, she started kissing his neck, and she might have imagined it but she felt him adjust so she had easier access. Her fingers moved from playing with the hair under his belly button to play with the edge of his pants, she teased by putting one finger in and pulling at his pants, the way he bucked her let her know that Sheldon knew what she wanted.

“Penny.” He gasped and she sat up to kiss him properly. Sheldon responded in kind and the hand on her butt was now squeezing her hard, she moaned and…then the doorbell rang. It broke the spell and Sheldon broke the kiss. He was breathing hard as his forehead rested against hers.

“Damn, almost had you.” She said teasingly only to receive a confused look back. “I’ll go get dinner because I don’t think you’re in a state to walk.” Sheldon blinked, looked down and tried to cover himself which only made her laugh.

Despite what she had told him, she wasn’t in any actual rush. She was enjoying these moments immensely.

The doorbell rang again. She gave Sheldon a quick kiss and jumped off his lap to go pick up the food.

Sheldon was slightly upset, it was supposed to be DnD night but for some reason Brian and Erica were not present. This was highly unusual, he would be ranting about the importance of keeping a schedule but the fact that Brian’s phone was turned off and Erica didn’t answer any calls or texts led him to feel something he rarely did. Worried.

The group was sitting outside in the backyard and talking about nothing, he hated small talk so he simply enjoyed the feeling of Penny sitting on his lap as she talked with the group. This was an acceptable level of PDA.

Finally, halfway through their scheduled game time, Brian and Erica made an appearance. Any words he had for the couple died as soon as he saw them. Brian was pale and shaky and Erica looked as if she’d been crying for hours, she also refused to part from his side.

Taking one of Brian’s previous pieces of advice, he stayed quiet and listened.

“Hey guys, sorry, I know we’re late but I couldn’t leave until I knew each and every one of my kids was with their families.” Keith stood up and offered his seat to Brian, who nodded in thanks and took a seat. Erica immediately sat on his lap and hugged him close, he rubbed her back.

“What happened dude?” Jon had a worried look on his face and for him, it was always unnerving to not see him smile.

Brian rubbed at his face with his free hand. “Where to start? School went into lockdown, we had an active shooter situation and I was locked in my classroom with all my 6th graders, not knowing if I would be able to protect them.”

“Fuck…” Keith whispered but in the sudden silence he might as well have screamed it. Sheldon was at a total loss of words, he of course was aware of these situations but he knew that statistically it was unlikely he would ever meet with someone that had to live through it.

Penny grabbed his hand and squeezed it almost painfully. He squeezed back.

“It took hours for it to be safe for us to move, I managed to send Erica a message but then I was busy trying to keep my kids calm.” Brian nodded in thanks as Jon handed him a beer. “I don’t know guys…this isn’t why I became a teacher.” He laughed but to Sheldon it sounded wrong. Too sad to be an actual laugh.

When the laugh turned into a sob, he knew he had been right.

A strange feeling of loss assaulted him, it was odd. He put his arm around Penny and held her closer. It helped but still, he was left bereft with feelings he couldn’t process.

Jon hugged Brian from behind and the crying man patted the arm hugging him. Clearing his throat Brian spoke up again. “Thanks. I’m okay, I’m okay. I had already thought about quitting, but with Erica so close to getting her Veterinary degree, I wanted to wait…but I think I need to move on. I’ve been eyeing librarian jobs and the funny thing is that I would be making more than what I’m currently getting as a teacher.”

That night they spent the rest of the night talking about the future of Brian’s career, Erica never left Brian’s lap and even Sheldon could tell that the overall mood was thoughtful. Brian’s experience brought the reality of mortality into their fold.

“Hey Moonpie, I think I want to take acting more seriously.” Ever since Brian’s experience she had been thinking about this. At the moment she was comfortable where she was, but this isn’t why she had moved to California.

Sheldon looked at her, tilted his head and despite what she expected, he didn’t make a smart-ass remark or questioned her. He simply told her. “How can I help?” Which made her smile like a fool.

She hugged him, because she could and because she wanted. He was at his computer and the position was awkward but he still returned the hug as best as he could.

On Sheldon’s advice she dropped her agent and started taking more classes. He also encouraged her to try and expand her acting resume by taking more roles as an extra.

“Penny, how do you feel about acting on comedic sketches?” He told her one night and showed her an open audition for a Youtube channel.

“Hmmmm, I don’t know Honey, can you show me one of the sketches they do?”

In a couple of clicks he had a random sketch open and almost as soon as it started she had to stop it. “Yeah no, not for me.” Sheldon also had a face of distaste as he nodded.

“I agree. I will continue looking.” He promised.

Things were moving slowly but at least she had an actual plan this time, and perhaps Sheldon wasn’t off about the Youtube thing…just not comedic sketches.


Glad to see the reception that the last chapter got. I wanted to show how Leonard was his own worst enemy and he made the wrong choice every single time just to feed his ego.

As you saw, this chapter wasn't all fluff but it's setting up for more light hearted stuff down the line.

And remember, comments count as extra kudos. (Not just for me, for all authors)

Chapter 100: Adjunct (Misunderstandings)


Sequel to Bench


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Leslie stabbed her mac and cheese and wished she had chosen the green beans instead. It wasn’t as satisfying with noodles. She refused to look up and see the pitying looks directed her way.

Fucking Hofstadter, of course it had to happen in public and not only that, but also in front of everyone they knew at work. The only silver lining was that the Geologists hadn’t been present, she couldn’t have dealt with that humiliation.

She should have punched him that night when he followed her from the gas station. That shit was creepy but she had let it slide…mostly because she had been horny, but now that dumbass decision had to come to bite her in the ass. This would be the third and final time she broke up with Leonard Hofstadter.

The first time they dated, the both of them had been awkward as hell about it. She had kept him at arm’s length and he had used the L word way too quickly. The relationship ended because she sort of ghosted him, until he finally ambushed her in front of the lab and they broke up.

The second time she had been hopeful, here he was asking her out…and then she realized he was using her to make Malibu Barbie jealous. Not that said Barbie even cared, Leslie could tell. But the ego punch was rough and at one point she had attributed it to karma for ghosting Leonard that first time.

And now, this. Somehow, someway, probably because Barbie had been drunk off her ass, Leonard had managed to date the blonde monkey. Only for his issues to rear their ugly face and crash the entire relationship. Leonard had even moved out from Dr Dumbass’ apartment.

This is the part where she was the dumbass for agreeing to sleep with him. But she had thought that he was over his Barbie obsession, that he liked her because of who she was and not just because she put out. But now, she’s not sure if that wasn’t all there was to it.

Fucking Hofstadter.

Leslie liked to think of herself as a Physicist first and a woman second. To be in her current position she had to fight tooth and nail, had to swallow the bile from hearing so many passive aggressive comments about her skills, her smarts, her looks, her voice. She made her way up to the top and swore to herself to never let romance get in the way of her research.

Fucking Hofstadter.

Of course the man she gave a chance to had to go and be a scumbag. Tears pricked at her eyes and she angrily swiped at them, but she knew that it was too late, people must have noticed. Fuck it, she removed her glasses and used a napkin to clean her face. This was bringing back memories and feelings she thought had been buried.

Leslie was never one of the popular girls, she loved science even as a little girl and knew what she wanted out of life. This sadly meant that makeup, boys and all that other crap never really got her attention. She was one of the weird kids but thankfully not one of the bullied kids, despite her terribly shy nature and glasses no one had bothered to be mean with her, she had some friends who were just as nerdy as she was but overall she had a peaceful school life.

Once her hormones started wreaking havoc and she began noticing boys, she was too far behind her classmates. Her senior year was spent trying to figure out how to talk to boys…only to come to the harsh realization that boys didn’t want to talk to her. No, she wasn’t what the boys wanted. She wasn’t a Barbie.

Finally satisfied that the tears had stopped, she grabbed her tray with her half eaten lunch, stood up and threw it in the trash. She wasn’t that hungry anyway, no, she wanted caffeine. Heading to her car so she could go grab a cup of overrated and expensive coffee she resumed her previous thought.

No, Leslie wasn’t a Barbie. She had to spend her entire life seeing how girls like Penny got whatever they wanted just by smiling at the right person while she had to work her ass off just to be acknowledged.

Though maybe not standing out would have been a better option…

College brought many changes to Leslie’s life. It brought her out of her small and sheltered community into a bright and multicultural place, a place she loved, where she could learn as much as she wanted and not be the weird one out. How naive.

While she thrived in classes and her teachers praised her, she struggled to make friends. She had thought that everyone at college would be like her but no, college had its fair share of Barbies and no one wanted a Leslie.

And then she met him.

An adjunct professor took an interest in her and poor naive Leslie thought it was because of her smarts. Dumbass. She wasn’t even interested in older men, but he had been so kind, paid attention to her, called her beautiful…Bile rose in her throat and Leslie had to stop walking to spit.

He took so many things from her. So, so many.

After he left the college, she was left alone and bereft. Rumors started floating around that he had gotten a girl pregnant and his wife informed the school. Leslie pretended everything was fine.

It really wasn’t.

It took her a long time to put herself back together, and once she did, the shy girl no longer existed. Sarcasm and sharp words were her new armor, she made fun of people and little by little she started living again, made some friends and eventually ended up at Caltech.

She promised herself to never let a man play with her feelings again.

Fucking Hofstadter.

He had an annoying way of worming his way into her life one sad story at a time. It was her fault for dating a coworker. But he had seemed like such a nice guy…

Raj had never really liked his sister. She always made his life hell. But seeing her breakdown because of Leonard’s betrayal made him feel like a child again.

Priya was supposed to be strong, she was supposed to be the badass of the family. She had once beaten up a boy for being late to a play date. So to see her cry so much made him uncomfortable.

“Didi, why didn’t you tell me you were seeing someone?” Raj asked her. They were lying down on his bed and looking at the ceiling.

“It…wasn’t supposed to be serious.” Priya admitted. “But the more I got to know him, the more I liked him.” Her voice was full of resignation.

“I…never thought he could do something like that.” Raj admitted out loud. “We’ve been friends for a while now and…I didn’t think he could do something like that.” He was repeating himself.

Priya reached and squeezed his hand. “I’ll be fine. I guess this means I need to be more selective.” She tried to joke but Raj could hear the hurt in her voice.

He squeezed her hand back. He might not like his sister, but he still loved her.


I wanted to explore this side of things before moving on, I think it was important to sort of give closure to Leslie and Priya's stories.

Chapter 101: Blocked (Misunderstandings)


Sequel to Adjunct


Super short

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Sheldon skipped lunch this time around, it was not often that he felt this conflicted. This morning right after he had arrived at his office, he had been summoned to Gablehauser’s office. Initially he had been tempted to simply not go, but he knew that the imbecile would go as far as to visit his office personally and rather than disinfect his office after his so-called boss left, he just went to see what he wanted.

Congratulations and a large funding to go to the Arctic had not been what he expected.

This was enormous, this could prove String Theory. It was a dream come true…and yet, he hesitated. Now, alone and in his office the excitement had made way for another emotion.

Dread. No, not quite, it’s true that there was some of that but it wasn’t that. No, the emotion eluded him until he was able to isolate it correctly. Sad. He was feeling sad. He didn’t want to leave Penny behind.

Taking a deep breath he considered bringing this up with Brian, but the man was still dealing with the aftermath of his dreadful experience. No, he knew what he had to do.

He was just sad that he had to do it at all.

Emotions were messy, this is why he preferred to not experience them at all.

Penny stood in front of the canvas but her mind was blank, she hadn’t had issues picturing what she wanted to put into the canvas, until now.

Try as she might, she couldn’t pick up the brush. It was as if a weight was on it and lifting it up was the hardest thing she could do. It frustrated her to hell and back because it felt like she was right on the edge of knowing how to start her new painting but it escaped her at the last minute.

By the time Sheldon got home she was still staring at the canvas, usually she would go up to kiss him but this time she waited until he went out to see her, which only took a couple of minutes.

“Hey Hon, had a good…what’s wrong?” She had only glanced at Sheldon before noticing that he looked troubled beyond anything she had seen before.

“Penny. We need to talk.”

Sheldon looked so serious that a small feeling of nervousness made her way into her belly. She laughed nervously and started playing with her hair. “You’re not telling me you’re having an affair right?” She stopped laughing when Sheldon said nothing and the nervousness in her belly started burning. “Right?”

“I believe we need to break up.”



Okay, this is going to be a super long note, probably longer than the chapter was.

I already had this written and it was meant to be part of a longer chapter, way longer. But then life got in the way. As some of you might have noticed, I've rewrote and published 3 one-shots from this main fic, I had been in the mood to publish them separately since someone mentioned that it was kind of daunting to read through 100 chapters or more (BTW it's still kind of amazing I got to 100 chapters), as soon as I published the last and third one-shot and was preparing to answer comments, that's when life threw me a kidney punch.

Five minutes after I published it my grandma got really sick and I had to take her to the ER where we spent the night until she was put on a bed and got medical attention. I returned home at 3 AM that day and crashed, I was late to work the next day and I have been juggling all the responsibilities and chores as best as I can while we all take turns watching over grandma.

I wasn't able to write nothing. But I wanted to publish what I have as this is going to be a way to motivate myself to write as soon as I have time. Thankfully grandma is doing okay, so I'm not (totally) spiraling down like last time.

But tomorrow I'm going to spend the day at the hospital and won't be able to write so I wanted to get this out.

In case you missed it, these are three one-shots I published:
The Somnia Variable - I wanted to write more for this but nothing came, so I wanted this to live on it's own story.

The Statistic Infuriation - I felt that this deserved to be expanded a bit more and I liked this finished version a lot more.

The Instinct Repudiation Eventuality - This was the first angsty story I wrote and I wanted to do more for it. I need your help with this one as well, I don't think I tagged it correctly so I would welcome your advise on how to tag it so the correct people that want to read it can find it.

Chapter 102: Spaghetti Dinner (Misunderstandings)


Sequel to Blocked


TIL that you can't add recipes to AO3, well, I mean, you can, but they go against the TOS.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“I believe we need to break up.”

“Oh…” Penny couldn’t say anything else because this was not at all what she expected. There hadn’t been any signs, heck, this morning Sheldon was almost late because their goodbye kiss turned into a makeout session. Tears sprang to her eyes immediately and her throat closed up.

It didn’t make sense.

Wait. It didn’t make sense, that wasn’t a very Sheldon thing to do. Choking up, she managed to get out. “Why?”

Sheldon shuffled on his feet but he explained it fully. He had just obtained a grant for an expedition to the Arctic. Three months as a minimum and six months the longest. She would be laughing if she wasn’t so angry.

“That’s it?” She tried and failed to keep her voice down. “That’s it?! That’s the reason you’re breaking up with me?”

“You once mentioned that long distance relationships were doomed to fail.” Sheldon’s voice was subdued and if she wasn’t so angry, she’d feel bad.

“Okay ‘Genius’, answer these questions then. Are you planning to never return from the Arctic?”

“As I said a moment…” She narrowed her eyes and tapped her foot. “Yes, I plan to return.” He said after noticing her look.

Penny nodded. “Okay good, nice. Are you planning to move out?” She knew she was making her ‘Are you a dumbass?’ face which was the same face her mom used whenever her dad messed up.


“Are you interested in starting a relationship with someone else?”


“Then why would you break up with me?!” She threw her arms up in exasperation.

“I thought that due to your feelings regarding long distance relationships this would make the most sense…Penny, your eye is twitching.” Sheldon looked concerned as he took a step towards her but she raised her hand and with the other covered her eye.

“And once you came back from your expedition?” She was trying to stay calm but with each answer Sheldon gave her she just got more and more upset.

“If by the time I came back you were not involved in a romantic relationship, then I would ask you out again.” He said it so calmly and confidently that for a moment she just stared at him, hands on her hips. She wasn’t even sure what face she was making at that moment, but Sheldon actually took a step back. “I feel like I might have said something I shouldn’t have.”

“You think?” Her voice was calm and she could see him gulp when he heard her tone. “I’m going to go on a little drive, maybe eat a burrito or two. And when I’m back you better have the damn best apology of your life.” Not waiting to hear his response she grabbed her keys and still in her pajamas left the apartment.

Brian thought his kids were a handful, but now as he tried to massage the massive headache away he had to correct himself. He liked Sheldon, but the man still had a lot to learn about relationships.

“No no, I heard you the first time. I’m just trying to figure out the logic behind it all because this doesn’t make any damn sense to me.” He sighed in exasperation and kept rubbing his forehead.

“Penny implied something similar.” Sheldon’s voice came clear through the phone. “I am admittedly outside of my area of expertise so I deemed it necessary to contact you.”

“You did the right thing. I just wished you had talked to me first.”

“...duly noted.”

“Well, this one is not going to be easy. Give me five minutes and I’ll drive over to your place. Do you know how to cook?”

“Yes, my Meemaw taught me.”

“Okay good. Be right there.”

Penny sat on the hood of her car and watched the cars drive below. When she had first moved to Pasadena she had searched for great lookout points but most required some sort of hiking to reach them. No, she wanted the ones from the movies, where you could drive and just observe the city.

The Arroyo lookout point might not look like much to most but to her it was her magical place, this is where she came to celebrate getting her first audition, where she came to cry after a fight with Kurt and where she spent the night before moving to Los Robles.

Her new apartment was even closer now, just a five minute drive away.

She sighed before taking another bite of her beans and cheese burrito. She wanted to stay mad at Sheldon but the anger cooled off knowing that this was his first relationship. He didn’t have the experience on how to navigate his own feelings and he had a tendency to put his foot in his mouth, genius or not.

It didn’t make it hurt any less though.

For one horrible moment she thought he really was about to tell her he had fallen in love with someone else, and it made her insides freeze. She was halfway in love with the Wackadoodle if she was honest with herself. She wouldn’t be able to survive if he cheated on her.

She was still expecting him to apologize.

Of all the stupid ideas he could have, breaking up with her because he thought she would hate a long distance relationship…oh.

Penny groaned, she couldn’t be mad now. She finally got his stupid and twisted logic, he thought this is what she wanted and he wanted to make her happy. For a damn genius he circled back to stupid way too often.

This wasn’t fair. She wanted to stay mad for a bit longer.

Well, she still had a burrito left and the sunset from here was always magnificent, so she would enjoy the sunset, finish her burrito and then go home. They were going to talk about this whether he wanted to or not.

“Now, using the tongs make sure all the spaghetti is covered in the oil and chili flakes.” Sheldon followed Brian’s instructions. “Yeah, like that, we’re going to make sure the spaghetti is well covered before we add our tomato sauce.”

According to Brian, Sheldon’s apology needed to include a home cooked meal.

“Okay, so ladle four servings of the sauce and we’re going to let it reduce and char a little.” Brian instructed and Sheldon did as he was told. This recipe now lived permanently in his brain. “Excellent, now while we wait. Why did you think this was the correct approach?”

Sheldon kept his eyes on the pan, making sure to not miss when the next ladling was needed. “I thought it would release her from a burden.”

“A burden?” Sheldon didn’t need to look at Brian to know he was frowning.

“Penny had made it very clear that long distance relationships became a burden on the participants and that she wasn’t interested in them.” His voice was calm and analytical, revealing none of the distress that had led him to try and break up with Penny.

“I see. And why instead of discussing this with Penny, you decided to make the decision for her?” There was something in Brian’s tone of voice that made Sheldon think the other man was waiting for him to ‘get’ something.

“With the evidence presented at the time, this would be the ideal solution.” He thought it was rather obvious.

“Turn the spaghetti and ladle two or three servings of the sauce and let it reduce again. No, Sheldon, it wasn’t the ideal solution, but now what I want to know is why did you take her choice away? If Penny decided to break up with you because of it then fine, that would be her choice. But you didn’t let her make that decision. You removed her choice and autonomy from the situation.”

Sheldon said nothing, pretending to focus on the task of ladling more sauce onto the pan as he mulled over the question.

“Relationships are between two people…well, not always, but I don’t want to over complicate things. So, relationships are between two people. They both get a saying about what’s going on in the relationship. If you wanted to break up with Penny because you don’t love her or because your life goals differ too much then yes, that’s perfectly understandable. But don’t assume things about your partner. Treat them with respect and let them make their own choices.”

“I thought that I was doing the right thing.” Sheldon finally said as he turned the spaghetti once more.

“And you’re not alone. We all make that mistake at some point. But this is where that whole communication thing that we discussed comes into play. Talk to her, show her that you’re listening and treat her in the same way you’d like to be treated.”

“Understood.” It was rather vexing that he failed to understand this until this moment. While not the exact same situation, he did the same thing to Penny than his mother had done to him throughout his childhood. He took her choice away.

“Now, you don’t need to add cheese, this pasta is savory enough, but Penny can’t get enough cheese so take the cheese and put it on the table and she can add some if she wants.”

Sheldon nodded. He would not add cheese to his pasta but Penny might, so he would make sure there was cheese to use if she wished to add it.


And I'm back, somewhat.

Grandma is doing much better and we're expecting her to be released from the hospital sometime this weekend. It's been tough but things are finally looking up. Not surprisingly, the hospital is not a great place for writing inspiration to burst forward from my brain. On the other hand, I rewatched "Nobody" and got an idea for a fic with Sheldon as a casual badass that just doesn't care "Oh yeah, I beat up that guy, it's all physics Leonard. Anyone can do it."

We'll see if more comes from it.

As for this Universe, yeah, I'm not making them break up...or am I? No, I'm not. Or am I? No, this is not that kind of Universe.

Thank you to all of you for your well wishes and I hope you are all doing great.

Chapter 103: Oxygen (Terminal)


Penny is sick.


I guess something did came from the time spent at the hospital.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny watched the cloudless sky from her hospital window, she could turn on the TV and watch it but she wasn’t in the mood. She was thankful to Howard for creating the touch screen control just for her when she was no longer able to press the buttons.

Moving her sight from the window she looked down at her arm. Tan and golden skin was now sickly pale, her hard earned muscle now only a memory, she was nothing but bones.

Even turning her head away from the window to look at the door of her room was a monumental effort. But it was almost time for Sheldon and the guys to arrive and she didn’t want to miss it. Her boys…she was going to miss them.

Sheldon most of all. He was the one that took the news the worst as well. He was the reason she could die so peacefully in this fancy hospital room. She’s not sure but they might have committed some sort of fraud by marrying just so she could have access to his health plan coverage. Not that it really matters, she would never rat him out.

Leonard offered as well of course, but she knew about his crush on her and didn’t want to make it messier. That was before any of them knew how bad things truly were.

Raj was a sweetheart throughout the entire process and she couldn’t wish for a better friend to have. He still spent some nights with her just so she didn’t feel alone in the middle of the night. That uncomfortable looking chair next to her bed now got more use out of it than his own bed.

Howard was still Howard, something which she strangely appreciated. He still flirted with her even as her body broke down and she knew she wasn’t beautiful anymore, but it felt good to hear him call her that. Even if his smile had a sad turn to it.

Penny closed her eyes and listened to the gurgling of the oxygen and the beeps of the machines attached to her body. She wondered when the time came, would she be able to listen to that long beep before dying? It was always so dramatic on movies and TV.

At some point she must have fallen asleep because the next thing she knew was the light in the room was low, with effort she moved her head and found Sheldon at the foot of her bed, somehow he had been allowed to bring a whiteboard and he was scribbling something on it. The world outside her window was dark.

“Hey…Moon…Pie.” She wheezed slowly, the oxygen mask moving with each word.

Sheldon immediately moved to her side, his whiteboard now forgotten. She was still surprised that he came to see her everyday, especially knowing of his hatred for hospitals.

“Penny. Good evening. The others are in the cafeteria. When we arrived you were sleeping and we didn’t want to wake you up.” For a moment he reached towards her before pulling his hand back. She turned her hand and slowly motioned with it.

Slowly, carefully, he reached out and held her hand. He always touched her like he was afraid she would break like wet paper. She tried to squeeze his hand but knew there was no strength in it.

Sheldon sat in that awful chair and held her hand. He told her about the new waitress at the Cheesecake Factory, Bernadette. “Thankfully she’s able to do her job adequately but she still likes to argue with me about how clean the forks are.”

Penny laughed and then coughed, a horrible rattling in her chest that took her a long moment to recover from. “So…you miss…me” She said once the cough had passed.

Sheldon gulped and nodded. “I miss you.” His hand shook a little.

“Tell…me…about the…other uni…verses.” He had told her about the multiverse and the idea fascinated her.

“What would you like to know?”

“Is…there one…where I’m…not…sick?” It might be cruel to ask this but she wanted to know.

Sheldon looked surprised for a moment before he frowned in thought. “The existence of the multiverse posits that everything is possible. Meaning that yes, there might be a universe where you didn’t fall ill to aplastic anemia.”

She hummed. “Maybe…I can…still…dance…there.”

Sheldon closed his eyes. “In that universe you can dance. You are still stealing my milk and you’re still going to auditions.” His voice broke down a little at the end.

“Hmmm…that…sounds…nice.” She tried to squeeze his hand again. “Maybe…you’re…dancing…with me.”

Sheldon was saying something but she couldn’t hear it, suddenly her blood was pulsing in her ears and her breath failed her. She could see as Sheldon grew frantic but could do nothing about it.

The last thing she heard was a long beep before everything went dark.

She was floating in a sea of darkness. Dying wasn’t as scary as she had thought, no, it actually felt warm. Like being bundled under the covers during a cold morning. She could breathe easy again and her body felt whole and strong.

“Penny!” She was able to make out Sheldon’s panicked voice. Poor Moonpie, of course he had to be there when it was time for her to go. She hoped that he would be fine. “Penny!”

That was strange, his voice was louder now.

With a gasp she woke up, her body felt as if someone had stuck her with a lighting rod. The first thing she saw was an unfamiliar ceiling.

“Penny!” She heard Sheldon’s voice clear as day and easily turned towards it. A paramedic was holding him back but his arm was stretched towards her. Suddenly a bright light shone in her eyes and she recoiled back but the mattress kept her from moving back further.

“Mrs Cooper. I need you to listen to me, can you follow the light with your eyes please.” A woman’s voice told her and she complied, it didn’t sound like one of her nurses. “Can you try to stand up please?”

Stand up? She hadn’t been on her feet at all for the last month. But still, she tried it and was surprised at how easy it was. She stared at her legs in surprise.

Her toned and tanned legs.

“Excellent. Do you feel any pain anywhere?” Penny shook her head.

The questions continued for several minutes and she could see Sheldon grow more and more agitated with each passing moment, until finally the paramedic holding him back stepped back at an instruction from the other woman.

Before she could ask him anything, Sheldon kissed her with such intensity that her brain turned off for a moment. Her body reacted on its own and returned the kiss just as fiercely.

After a wonderful long lasting moment Sheldon finally broke the kiss and hugged her tightly to his body. Her hands were holding onto his back and she felt that it was only appropriate to hug him back just as strongly.

“Dr. Cooper. We still recommend that you take her to the hospital for a more thorough checkup. Your wife was dead for two minutes and then she woke up perfectly fine. I don’t need to tell you that’s not normal.”

“Yes. I understand. Thank you.” Sheldon finally let her go and he walked out the two paramedics from the bedroom. His bedroom? Their bedroom?

Penny looked down at herself and was surprised to see a healthy and whole body. She had muscles and boobs. It didn’t hurt to breathe and she could actually think without fog trying to take over her mind.

Looking around she tried to gather more information on where she was. The bed was a queen and both sides were obviously slept in. She was wearing her preferred sleeping shorts and cami. A pair of ratty bunny slippers sat right next to a pair of very serious looking brown slippers.

It took her a moment to find a phone that opened easily with her fingerprint and she had to take a moment to gather herself because the first thing that greeted her was a picture of herself and Sheldon. A wedding picture to be more exact. Leonard stood next to Sheldon and he held the hand of a bespectacled woman, a very pregnant woman. Howard was on her side with a tiny blonde pixie-like woman and Raj was holding the hand of a very handsome man.


“Penny?” She looked up to see a clearly worried Sheldon. “We need to go to the hospital and make sure you’re okay.”

She nodded and swallowed the bundle of questions that wanted to burst forward. “Okay Hon. I’ll get dressed.”

Holy crap on a cracker. Now what?


Is there more? IDK But I needed to get it out of my system.

Chapter 104: Anyone could do it (Anybody)


Pop-pop survives and teaches Sheldon something more than science.


As promised, here is this idea.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Sheldon listened intently to his Pop-pop. Ever since the man had survived a heart attack, Sheldon had taken to spending as much time as it was possible with him. He was set on science but his Pop-pop was also teaching him about family and how to protect it.

“And that’s why I’m going to teach you how to defend yourself and others.” His Pop-pop told him as he ate his pancakes. They had skipped church and gone to a highway diner. While Sheldon didn’t particularly enjoy his food, he did enjoy the time he was spending and learning with his grandpa.

“I still fail to understand why this is so important. Science is my-” Sheldon never got to finish.

“Boy, are you sassing me?” His Pop-pop’s voice was sharp and Sheldon simply shook his head. “Good. Besides, all of this is science as well, physics. You just need to apply pressure the right way, understand how torque works and that’s it.”

Sheldon doubted it but didn’t voice his thoughts.

“That’s it boy, keep running. Stamina is the most important part of this.” Sheldon said nothing, he focused on not dying. He was pretty sure that this treadmill was some sort of torture device. “Fights happen fast! You need to be ready and know how to use your energy correctly. Don’t waste your movements.”

It took Sheldon months to be able to find a rhythm that allowed him to run at the pace his grandpa wanted and still be able to breathe normally.

“Now, what are the rules? Loud so I can hear you.” His Pop-pop was sitting on an old chair on the other side of the room.

“Rule one, don’t start fights. Rule two, finish fights. Rule three, be quick and brutal. Rule four, no guns if you can avoid it.”

“Why no guns?” While he was teaching Sheldon how to defend himself, his grandpa used his sharp voice. Sheldon still had a hard time getting used to it.

“Because guns are loud, messy and lead to questions and bodies.”

“Good, good. Keep going.”

“Rule five, never fight for money. Rule six, never abuse your power.” And so Sheldon ran and recited his grandpa’s rules.

“Okay boy, look at this, see this thin bone? It’s really easy to break by applying pressure and your opponent won’t be able to use their hand.”

“Pop-pop, how do you know this?” That was the one question he hadn’t dared voiced until now.

“You know I was in the army right?” Sheldon nodded. “Well, there’s a reason why I don’t have any medals or ribbons. My unit and what we did…well, we’re not getting any medals for it. We were the last resort, if they sent us in, that was it. Now, go run boy.”

“Yes, Pop-pop.”

“Dad. I said nothing when you took my little Shelly-bean under your wing and taught him those horrible things, but I’m putting my foot down on this. If you want to keep teaching Sheldon he has to also attend Cotillion.”

His Pop-pop scoffed but nodded. “Sure, we want him to be ready for his debutante ball.”

Sheldon turned to look at his mother and she looked rather proud. “As a matter of fact, there will be one.”

“Dear lord…” His Pop-pop muttered and Sheldon had to agree with him.

“I hope you’re happy! Sheldon was banned from Cotillion because he broke another boy’s nose!” His mother was crying and yelling at his Pop-pop. Sheldon stood calmly with his hands behind his back.

“Boy, report.” There was that sharpness.

“Jared Hart kept bothering Cheyene McEntyre and I only intervened when he jabbed her in the ribs hard enough to bruise her.” Sheldon explained calmly. “Using the movement you taught me, I broke his nose and then jabbed him in the rib in the same manner as he had just done to Cheyene. I also warned him against doing it again.”

His Pop-pop narrowed his eyes. “Jared, is that Steve’s kid?” Sheldon nodded. “Good, little shit deserved it.”


“Oh get off it. Sheldon was only doing what I taught him. ‘Sides, isn’t Jared almost eighteen?” Another nod. “Hohohoho and he got beat up by a twelve year old. Well, I better go talk to Steve, he was never good at letting sleeping dogs lie.”

Sheldon never found out what happened, all he knew was that the Harts moved out soon after and his Pop-pop couldn’t stop grinning for a week straight.

“Leonard, I don't think this is a good idea. No matter how good looking our new neighbor is, getting beat is not going to endear her to you.” Sheldon sighed as Leonard drove them to try and recover Penny’s TV.

“C’mon, I’m sure it’ll be fine. We can have a civilized conversation and we’ll look like heroes once we return with her TV.”

“Oh boy.”

“I would tell you ‘I told you so’ but our current lack of pants makes this moment much less enjoyable for me.” Sheldon was glad that at least Leonard had the foresight of putting the car keys in his jacket.

“Shut up Sheldon. I almost-Oh no!” Leonard moaned in distress as a car stopped right behind them. Penny.

“Oh my god guys! I’m so sorry, I knew I shouldn’t have let you come here alone.” She said basically running out of her car to meet them. “Let me handle this.” She said moving towards the building they had just left.

“No, Penny, wait.” Leonard followed her and Sheldon sighed before doing the same.

Penny it had been stupid to allow the guys to come here on their own. She knew that Kurt was an ass and still did nothing to prevent it. And because of her poor choices her new neighbors, who were only trying to be nice, were pantsed as if they were back in High School. But enough was enough, she was marching towards her old apartment and while she could hear Leonard trying to talk her down, she would not.

“Kurt! Open the hell up!” She pounded on the familiar door. “I want my damn TV and my friends’ pants!”

“I don’t think this is a great idea, we should go back and-oh, the door is opening, of course the door is opening.” Leonard was a bundle of nerves. She was surprised to see Sheldon standing calmly next to Leonard…wearing tighty whities. She hadn’t noticed initially because she was so angry but damn, he needed to buy boxers. No adult man should be wearing those.

“Hey Pen, told you that you would come crawling back.” Kurt leaned against the door, smirking smugly at her.

“In your dreams. Give me my TV and my friends their pants back.” Penny crossed her arms and locked her hip in, trying her best to look intimidating.

“C’mon Pen, remember how much fun we used to have?” Kurt approached her but she didn’t move.

“That was before you cheated on me, asshole.” She wanted to say more but Kurt moved fast and grabbed her by the jaw. At one point she had found this hot and he knew it. But now it only pissed her off.

“It was just a mistake-Yes?” Kurt was about to launch into another half-hearted apology but was interrupted by Sheldon grabbing his wrist.

“Please let go of her or I will be forced to act. I would rather not send you to the hospital. They’re dreadful places.” Sheldon said calmly and Penny could only close her eyes in consternation, she was going to have to kick Kurt’s ass in order to protect her neighbor.

Kurt didn’t let go of her and she knew he wouldn’t hurt her, but Sheldon didn’t. “It’s fine-” Of course Kurt couldn’t let this go.

“So we got ourselves a little Superman here, well, what are you gonna do, dork? I can break her jaw if I want-” Kurt couldn’t finish his sentence before he started screaming.

Penny didn’t know what happened, one moment he was holding her and the next he was on his knees. Kurt hadn’t moved and she looked around trying to find the reason for his screaming but there was nothing.

Only Sheldon stood there. Wait.

“Sheldon?” She asked tentatively.

“Please turn your eyes while I finish here.” He hummed. “Perhaps grab your TV. Oh, and our pants.” Sheldon was calm, as if a whimpering six feet man at his feet was a normal thing.

“I’m gonna kill you. I swear.” Kurt sobbed out.

Sheldon didn't answer, he just grabbed Kurt’s arm and in what looked like a single smooth movement to her eyes he mangled Kurt’s arm into a twisted branch. She knew Sheldon had done more than move once, because she could hear several pops and her best guess was that it had been Kurt’s arm.

“I would rather if you didn’t. Now, I will need your verbal confirmation that you understand that you will stop bothering Penny.”

“Or what?” Kurt managed to say.

Sheldon sighed sadly and soon Kurt’s other arm crunched and popped just the same way as the first one had. Honestly her stomach was turning a little, the way his arm had crunched had sounded way too similar to when the dogs in the farm got ahold of a huge bone and cracked it in half. She wasn’t even registering Kurt’s screams anymore.

“Once again, please verbally acknowledge your-” Kurt didn’t let Sheldon finish.

“Fuck you man!” Spittle landed on Sheldon’s shirt and Penny saw him frown in anger. “I’ll get your ass for this. You will not-” Sheldon’s large hand grabbed Kurt by the jaw in almost the same way Kurt had grabbed her a moment ago.

“I suppose nodding would be just as effective.” Sheldon mused aloud before popping Kurt’s jaw. She could hear Leonard gagging but she couldn’t tear her eyes away from the scene in front of her. “Now, let’s start again. You will stop bothering Penny and me. Nod if you understand.”

Kurt made this horrible buffing sound but instead of nodding he shook his head.

“Shame.” Sheldon didn’t even hesitate before punching Kurt somewhere in the ribs. Kurt landed on his side and flopped like a fish for a moment before settling down and breathing hard. Penny looked around at the other two doors in the hallway but no one came out.

Finally, after what felt like hours, she moved. “Sheldon, I think he had enough.”

Sheldon tilted his head and then looked down at Kurt. “Have you had enough?” The way he asked that, so calmly, finally made fear show in Kurt’s eyes. Frantically he nodded, his jaw flopping in a disgusting display. “Very well, I will ask once more. Nod if you understand that you will stop bothering Penny and me.”

Kurt nodded quickly.

“Excellent!” Sheldon said happily. “I will drag you into your house, fix your jaw and then call 911 on your phone so you can request assistance. If the police come knocking at my door then I will come back here and show you my displeasure. Is that clear?”

Kurt nodded again.

Sheldon did just as he had told Kurt, for someone so skinny he was able to drag Kurt rather quickly into his apartment. Their pants were on the couch and Sheldon didn’t lose any time putting them back on.

At that moment Penny decided that Sheldon could wear whatever underwear he damn wanted.

“Leonard, please assist Penny in taking her TV back to the car while I speak with this gentleman.” Sheldon’s voice was calm and collected but he might as well have screamed with how fast Leonard moved. He didn’t even put his pants on before carrying the TV out of the apartment.

“Sheldon. I think he’s had enough.” Penny made sure to say.

“Oh I agree.”

“Okay…goodbye Kurt.” Maybe it was all the shitty things he had done but Penny didn’t feel too bad about his current situation.

She found Leonard back at his car, thankfully wearing pants again.

“So…can all Physicists do that?” She asked and only received a deadpan look in return. “I’ll take that as a no.”

They had enough time to put the TV into her car, realize she didn’t have enough space to drive safely and then move it into Leonard’s car before Sheldon reappeared.

“Sheldon! What the hell was that? Since when you can do that? Did you kill him?” Leonard immediately bombarded Sheldon with questions but she didn’t miss the way he moved so the car was between him and his roommate.

“I was protecting Penny. Since I was twelve. No, In order to appease his ego I moved him so it would look like he had fallen from the stairs and made sure 911 was on the line before coming back outside.” Sheldon answered just as quickly.

“Are you some sort of spy or something?” Penny felt that she needed to ask.

Sheldon scoffed. “You might be surprised to learn that I am unable to lie as such I would make for a lousy spy. Besides, I have dedicated my life to science and don’t need to waste my time with spy business.”

“Sheldon, but if you’ve been able to do this since forever, why the hell do you still put up with Kripke and his pranks?” Leonard grabbed at his hair.

“Kripke, while annoying, has never put my physical integrity at risk as such a violent response would be highly inappropriate. Not to mention that my Pop-pop made me promise I would only use this to protect myself and others. Now, We should return to Los Robles before the ambulance gets here.” Sheldon said and moved towards the passenger seat of Leonard’s car.

“Was that a martial art or something?” She asked before he could close the door.

“No. It was just Physics. Anyone with a basic working knowledge of Physics could do that.” Sheldon answered and then slammed the car door closed.

She followed closely behind Leonard’s car and thought about her new life in 4B, apparently one of her neighbors was some sort of mystical warrior, no, science warrior? Whatever, he could take care of himself and others from what she saw today.

It looked like her life would continue to be interesting.


Hope you enjoyed!

Chapter 105: Diary (Terminal)


Sequel to Oxygen.


I saw a lot of curiosity about this universe and wanted to expand on it.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny was used to being prodded by needles so she didn’t flinch when the nurse took her blood. She was a little freaked out by the MRI but it was over before she could truly freak out.

“Mrs Cooper, do you experience any discomfort or pain?” The doctor asked her.

“No but…I can’t remember stuff.” Thankfully Sheldon was not in the room.

“Oh, what kind of stuff?” The doctor frowned and made a note.

“Hmmm, like everything?” Penny smiled weakly.

“What is the last thing you remember?”

Penny tried to remember the last significant event that happened in their lives, besides her getting sick. “Oh, the Arctic expedition!”

“Would you mind if your husband joins us? Was he part of this event?”

Penny nodded and waited for the doctor to call Sheldon in. As soon as he entered the room he sat next to her and if it was the most natural thing in the world, he grabbed her hand. She stared at their joined hands and was amazed that when she squeezed, he squeezed back!

“Penny, can you hear me?” The doctor’s voice interrupted her.

“Sorry what?”

“I was telling Dr Cooper what you told me, that the last thing you remember is something related to the Arctic. Is that right?”

Sheldon looked anxious but she nodded to confirm and his face fell, he looked lost. Her heart broke when he tried to pull his hand away but she didn’t let it, instead she used her other hand to hold onto him tighter.

“Dr Cooper, I know that you might be experiencing some strong emotions but I need you to listen to me. We found evidence of a blood clot in your wife’s brain.”

“Wait, wait, I had a stroke?” Penny was reeling from the information. She still held onto Sheldon’s hand.

“From what we can see. Yes. To be perfectly honest, I don’t know how you’re sitting there. The test came back showing that your brain shows all signs of a stroke, or rather, it shows that your brain is healing from a stroke. I’m not going to lie to you, I have never seen this before. I’m surprised that memory loss is the only thing you’re experiencing.”

“Will she ever get her memory back?” Sheldon asked and she had never heard him sound so fearful.

“It’s hard to say. How many years have passed since her last memory?”

“Three. Three years.” Sheldon looked at his feet.

“Mrs Cooper. Penny. I don’t know if you were in the habit of keeping a diary or a journal, but reading it might jumpstart the memories.”

Penny nodded, knowing that it would jumpstart nothing. She was in the body of another version of herself. One that was married to Sheldon and healthy.

“We’re doing the full gauntlet of tests either way so we can make sure everything else is okay and-”

“Can you check for aplastic anemia?” Penny interrupted the doctor.

“We didn’t see any signs of BMF. Is there a history of it in your family?”


“Okay, let me get everything ready so we can take a sample. Excuse me.” The doctor left the room and suddenly she was hyper aware of the man sitting next to her.

“Sheldon, Honey…I…” She wasn’t even sure why she opened her mouth.

“You don’t remember. Us?” He looked at their joined hands and she couldn’t decipher the look on his face.

Penny pressed her lips together and shook her head. She couldn’t look him in the eye.

“We’ve been married for a year.”

“A year!”

Sheldon nodded and squeezed her hand.

“I think I want to read that diary.”

The doctor returned and prevented Sheldon from answering.

Penny thought she was used to pain, but the biopsy made her rethink that. She would never get used to pain like this.

Another surprise was that Sheldon drove them home and then helped her into bed after she took a pill to help with the pain. She fell asleep and dreamt of darkness which only made her wake up in fear, thinking she had died after all.

Not a very restful sleep to say the least.

After a couple of hours she stood up, tired of not being able to sleep well and carefully moved towards the living room. With all the excitement of not being dead she hadn’t really thought about not living in Los Robles. This new apartment looked a little smaller but it was obvious that her influence was all around it, from the pink and orange throw pillows to the pink border whiteboard that sported Sheldon’s formulas.

Speaking of, her husband on two worlds was in the kitchen and he was plating something.

“Hey.” She tried to be casual and failed.

“Good evening. I was about to go and wake you up.” Sheldon was even more rigid than usual. Of course that was the Sheldon she knew.

“This smells good.”


Fuck. Be casual Penny. Don’t mess things up. “So you and me huh?” Fuck.

Sheldon nodded. “Yes. You and me.”

“Maybe I can get that diary?”

“Oh right. It’s on your nightstand, the one on the left.”

“Cool, I’ll grab it and wash my hands so we can have dinner?”

“That would be ideal.” Sheldon moved towards the kitchen and she could hear him start washing dishes.

Not wasting any time she moved back to the bedroom and opened the drawer on the nightstand and immediately stopped. The diary was there, alongside a small and very cute baby onesie. Her hand shook as she grabbed it, it was soft and she ran her thumb across the forest green fabric.

Somehow she had stepped into the life of another version of herself. One that died and now she took her place.


Why did she get this second chance but the other Penny didn’t? Was she really supposed to step into this life and keep living like nothing was wrong? Should she feel guilty or happy?

Carefully she set the onesie back into the drawer and grabbed the pink diary, turning it over in her hand revealed Hello Kitty on the front and she couldn’t help but smile at it. The diary didn’t have a lock or even a clasp, it looked like this Penny had no secrets from Sheldon.

She opened it on a random page and started reading.

‘Sheldon had a fight with his mother, it seems Mrs Cooper isn’t too happy about us living in sin lolololol. I think she won’t mind much when we have our first kid.’

Penny gulped and quickly changed pages before reading the rest of the pages.

‘It was hard saying goodbye to Los Robles, but with Amy pregnant it made more sense for Leonard to keep 4A. I’m really proud of Sheldon for being such a good friend.’

Who the hell was Amy?

‘I’m also proud of Raj, I knew he had his issues about commitment but moving in with Matt was the right choice. Moving into 4B? Perhaps not the wisest choice, considering Amy and Matt are a hoot together. Howard and Bernadette are also trying for a baby, it just feels so weird, like we’re all growing up.’

Amy, Matt, Bernadette. She didn’t know these people. Tears sprang to her eyes, mourning for the Penny that wrote these words.

Swiping at her eyes, she put the diary back and stood up to go back to the living room. She needed to talk to Sheldon. His back was to her and she saw him add parmesan cheese to a plate of pasta. Hers. Somehow she knew it.

Almost on her own, her body moved to hug him from behind. It felt natural and as she inhaled the scent of his shirt she relaxed further into the hug. As she laid on the hospital bed for months, she had wished to be able to hug her friends again. She heard Sheldon take a surprised breath and stiffen for a second before relaxing.

“I’m sorry. I don’t remember us.” She mumbled against his back. “What if I told you that in another universe, there was a girl, a girl that got sick, really really sick. She had great friends that tried to help her as much as they could but the sickness was unusually aggressive and she only had a year left with her friends before the sickness took her away.”

She took a shuddering breath before continuing.

“And then, on the day the sickness took her away. Instead of dying she woke up somewhere else, somewhere she wasn’t sick…but the girl might have taken the body of another version of herself, maybe God felt bad for her and for the people that the other version of herself would leave behind.”



“What’s my nickname?”


“What do I call my grandmother?”


“What is my sister's name?”


“What do I do for a living?”

“You’re a theoretical Physicist.”

“What was the first Christmas gift you gave me?”

“A napkin.” Sheldon gasped.

“What was the reason for you to call my mother for the first time?”

“You hung my panties from the phone line.”



“No. I mean, you’re Penny.”

She couldn’t say anything to that, so she simply held him tighter.

Penny didn’t have all the answers about why this happened to her or what the correct reaction should be. But maybe this was her second chance, one that she shouldn’t throw away.


I don't think I have more for this Universe at the moment.

Chapter 106: Moon (Terminal)


Sequel to Diary


Yep, a little bit more for this universe.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Look, it’s a queen. There’s more than enough room in it for the both of us.” Penny insisted.

“I don’t know if it’s appropriate.” Sheldon didn’t let up.

“I might not remember it, but I’m still your wife right? And I’m not going to sleep on the couch and if you go to try and sleep there, then I’ll just follow you.” She was trying so hard to not make this awkward but was failing spectacularly. But the only way she knew how to handle awkward situations was to bulldoze right through them.

“Very well. I can see you haven’t forgotten your stubbornness.” Sheldon said and for a moment it was all normal. Until he moved to turn off the light.

“Wait!” She yelled with her arm stretched towards him, her body trying to reach him from across the bed. “I don’t think I can handle total darkness at the moment, can we just leave it on?” She smiled hopefully.

Sheldon stood still for a moment before answering in a voice full of forlorn. “Would a night light help?”

“I think so…” Penny wondered about the sudden shift in mood but didn’t pry.

She saw him take a deep breath before kneeling to pull and open a plastic box from underneath the bed. She observed the strange behavior and tried to take it all in, each hesitant move, his small frown and the shake of his lips.

Carefully, slowly, he opened the box and with a shaky hand he pulled a small box. Almost reverently he closed the plastic box and moved it under the bed. From her spot on the bed she couldn’t make out more than his actions, she couldn’t see the contents of the box or the night light itself.

With another deep breath, Sheldon stood up and moved towards his desk, there, she could only see his back but could hear him work on opening the box. After a moment Sheldon turned and showed her the night light.

It was the moon.

A beautiful imitation of the moon sat in his hands, she gasped in delight and it brought a small smile out of him. He didn’t waste any more time and plugged it close to the bed, she wasn’t expecting the beautiful and soothing silver light that it brought.

The light turned off and all that was left was the moonlight. Just for her and Sheldon, right there in their bedroom. A sudden and powerful feeling of loss assaulted her and she had to squeeze her eyes shut to prevent the torrent of tears threatening to spill out of her.

“Are you feeling ill? Should I turn on the light?” Sheldon’s soft voice helped her center herself. The feeling now just a ghost.

“No. No. I’m okay.” She could still make out his features thanks to the night light and hoped that he could also see her smile at him. “Thank you, it’s perfect.”

“Yes. Yes it is.” He said while looking at the night light. Something in his voice brought her up short. He sounded so lost.

Without another word, he removed his robe and got into bed. The bed was huge but he still laid himself on the edge, giving her as much room as he could possibly give her without falling off. It made her smile but it also made her feel lonely. Here she was on this ocean of a bed all alone.

“Hey Moonpie, can I ask you a question?” She said softly, as if her parents were in the other room and she was trying to be quiet.

“I believe you just did.” Sheldon said, his eyes were closed and he was in his dracula pose.

Penny ignored his snarky reply. “For a moment…when looking at the night light, I had this feeling. Like I had lost something. Do you know why?”

Sheldon huffed, but not in annoyance. No, it was more as if she had just punched him in the ribs. It was pain.

“Perhaps we should save this conversation for later, after your memories have started to return.” He still thought that she had lost her memories. Her story from earlier was ignored, she couldn’t blame him, it was easier to believe that it was caused due to fried neurons and not because of multiverse shenanigans.

“Hey, look at me.” She waited until he actually did before speaking again. “I might not get my memories back. For now I’m going to go with these gut feelings.”

Penny could see the gears turning in his head. He was debating whether to tell her or not and she hoped that he would. Finally, after a long stretch of nothing but silence he spoke.

“One hundred and fifty three days ago, you suffered a medical event. This event threatened your life and while ultimately you pulled through. You…We suffered a loss.” Few times she had heard Sheldon put so much emotion into his words.

She reached her hand and was thrilled when he met her in the middle.

“I’m sorry. I can’t remember…him?” She wasn’t stupid.

“Her.” Sheldon managed to choke out.

“Her. I can’t remember her. But my body does remember. I’m sorry.” He allowed himself to be pulled and soon she was holding a softly crying Sheldon. She rubbed his back as his tears soaked the crook of her neck.

Penny had never wanted children and then when she got sick, well, children were the last of her worries. But in this universe, this Penny had wanted them, most likely had planned for them and then life happened and she lost it.

Life was a bitch in every universe it looked like.

She still wasn’t sure about how to go on living here. But for now, she knew she could help comfort her friend.

Her first bizarre day in a new universe ended with her holding Sheldon while moonlight gently shone from a night light destined for someone that wasn’t meant to be.


I think this is it for this universe, fr, fr.

It took a turn into very angsty that I wasn't expecting. I'm as surprised as you are.

I think I'll return to the Misunderstanding Universe for now.

Chapter 107: Boxing (Anybody)


Sequel to Anyone could do it.


I thought I had written all I could about this Universe, but I was wrong.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny felt really cute in her kitty costume and best of all the party was a huge success, even if Howard kept trying to hit on Sandra. The same Sandra that had come to the party with her girlfriend Lana. She could see the girls smirk behind her drinks but decided to let Howard be Howard, at least this way he would not bother any of the other girls.

And because everything was going so well is why life decided to throw her a lemon, right at her head. She had turned to the open door seeing movement on the edge of her vision, only to see Kurt standing there.

He wasn’t wearing a costume at least, he had his work clothes on. A too tight shirt with the name of some bar emblazoned on it and ripped jeans.

The last time she had seen him was as he laid on the floor of his apartment after Sheldon had fucked him up. Because, yeah, there was no other word for what Sheldon had done to him. And six months later here he was again, seemingly fully healed.

Penny sighed and went to see him, hopefully he wouldn’t make a scene. Before she could take a step she saw someone quickly walk up to Kurt, not just someone, Sheldon.


Running ahead of Sheldon she pressed her back against his chest in an attempt to make him stop. Thankfully the Wackadoodle did but they were practically in front of Kurt already. Sheldon was wearing that ridiculous zebra or whatever outfit but he might as well have been wearing the scariest costume from looking at Kurt’s face.

“Hey man, I want no trouble.” Kurt took two steps back and raised his hands, making clear he wasn’t here for a fight. “I just want to apologize. That’s all, I swear.” Kurt’s face was fearful and honest.

“Apologize?” Sheldon asked calmly. His voice came from right behind her head and maybe it was the rum talking but feeling his chest moving against her back was making her feel funny in all kinds of ways.

“Yeah, to Penny and to you.” Kurt finally relaxed a little, lowered his arms and then scratched and pulled at his ear in what she knew was a nervous habit. “After…well, after ‘that’ I had a lot of time to think about things and the way my life was going. I’ve gone sober and went back to school. Nursing school.”

Penny wouldn’t be able to close her mouth even if someone paid her to. School?

“But as much as my life is moving forward, I still need to make amends with the people I’ve hurt.” Kurt tried and failed to make eye contact with her. Shame radiated from him in a way she had never seen before. “I know that I’m late but I’m sorry. I treated you like crap because it made me feel better. I can’t hide from that fact anymore. I’m sorry.”

Holy crap. It wasn’t often that she was left speechless but this did it. She allowed more of her weight to rest on Sheldon as she processed the information.

“I don’t know what to say. I’m glad that you’re doing this for you but I think it’s too late for us to remain friends.”

“Oh no, no, no. I just came here to apologize and to give you this.” Kurt pulled something from his back pocket and gave it to her. It was an envelope, opening it up revealed eight hundred dollars.

“Holy. Why?” Penny counted the money again just to make sure she got it right the first time.

“I know that I was late with the rent sometimes and you ended up paying for me. I probably owe you so much more but this is all I have.” Kurt looked ashamed as he rubbed at his face.

Before she could answer or give him back the money another voice joined them. Leonard looked ridiculous in his costume but the same could be said for all the guys. “Hey! Are you bothering Penny? Was last time not enough for you? Show him Sheldon.” Leonard put himself between Penny and Kurt and he tried to make himself look taller and puffed up his chest.

“Show him?” Sheldon sounded confused. “He came here with the intention to apologize and make reparations. Something he has already done towards Penny. He has shown no intentions of engaging in violence, but you have. Leonard, I believe I made it clear when I said I would only intervene to protect. As you are the instigator in this occasion I shall not intervene in your sought out fight. Good luck.”

Leonard turned a betrayed look at Sheldon and glanced at her unamused face before mumbling something and quickly stepping behind Sheldon.

“Hey little guy. I’m glad you’re here, I wanted to tell you sorry as well. It wasn’t cool of me to bully you.” Kurt seemed unbothered by Leonard’s outburst and apologized to him. “I’m sorry.”

She couldn’t see Leonard’s face but she did hear his answer. “Nonononono, that’s cool, you’re cool, we’re cool. Excuse me.” He moved towards Howard and she made a note to talk to him about that macho shit. She wasn’t a fan.

“And finally you.” Kurt looked Sheldon in the eye. “It took me a long time to gather enough courage to come here but I’m glad that I did. I hated you, I’m not going to lie. But I realized that you only acted when it looked like I was going to hurt Penny. Earlier that day I made you and the little guy give me your pants and you did it peacefully…I’m sorry. I don’t like feeling weak and growing up as the smallest of five brothers it wasn’t easy to not feel weak. But I’m rambling. Just…I’m not going to thank you for what you did to me, but I get it. It was the wake up call I needed, my life was going in a direction that would have killed me. Take care man, and take care of Penny.” Kurt quickly moved towards the stairs, glanced back at them quickly before disappearing from sight.

“Well, I’m glad this ended peacefully.” Sheldon said and moved back, almost making her fall on her ass before he held her up.

Penny watched as Sheldon moved back to check that no one had messed with the plastic cups and she shook her head. Wackadoodle. The envelope in her hand weighed in her mind and she debated on what to do with it, but in the end it would go a long way towards helping her with the bills. Heck, she might even take her car to be checked out. She unlocked her bedroom and put the envelope in a safe place before rejoining the party.

“Pen, pen, pen, who is that guy that made Kurt run away like that?!” Jane, a fellow budding actress asked her once she came out of her room.

“Who? Sheldon?” She raised an eyebrow at her friend.

“Sheldon. I like the sound of that. Sheldon.” Jane moaned the name and Penny considered that maybe she should cut the girl off from drinking anything more. “If you break up with him, send him my way.” Jane slapped Penny’s ass, making her jump and before Penny could reply the other girl was already gone.

Yep. Definitely needed to be cut off.

The next morning she woke up still in her costume and with smeared makeup. Thankfully she didn’t have a hangover but still, she wasn’t up because of her choice, but because of the noise coming from her living room.

Holding her head she moved to see what the fuss was but she already had a pretty good idea and yep. Sheldon was cleaning.

“Oh Penny, good morning! I will-eep!” Sheldon looked fresh and way too chipper for the early hour, he had turned to talk to her but as soon as he saw her he turned his face towards the ceiling.

“I know, I know, I know. Not my best look, but I haven’t had a chance to shower okay?” She grumbled.

“It’s not that. You seem to be missing your top.”

“My…” Penny looked down at herself and sure enough, her top was around her stomach and her girls were proudly greeting the world, and Sheldon. “It’s too early for this crap. I’m gonna go take a shower and when I come back some fresh coffee better be waiting for me, especially after the free show you just got. Capisce?” She didn’t bother covering herself. Sheldon kept his eyes on the ceiling. Of course, because he nodded at her question he still ended up sneaking a peek even though he probably thought she hadn’t noticed.

Fresh coffee was waiting for her after her shower.

“Leonard. Sweetie. While I appreciate the motives behind your actions, I gotta say that I wasn’t actually impressed.”

“Oh.” Leonard deflated.

“I thought that if Kurt had decked you I would have jumped in to defend you, but Sheldon did have a point. Starting a fight and then hiding behind your friend is not cool.”

“Yeah, it was probably all the alcohol talking. I really should cut back.” Leonard rubbed the back of his neck and he laughed nervously.

“Yeah, maybe.” She wasn’t laughing.

“I think I’m going to join the gym.” Howard shot him an incredulous look.

“Why? You need a place to shower?”

“Ha ha, very funny. No, but I’ve been thinking, what if one day I need to protect someone you know?” Leonard tried to sound as neutral as possible.

“Someone or Penny?” Raj called his bluff right away.

“Alright, it is Penny. But I mean, c’mon! I can’t have Sheldon be the badass.” Leonard threw his hands in the air.

“I still wouldn’t believe that story if I hadn’t seen the way that other guy cowered away from Sheldon.” Howard shook his head. “He truly is a robot, probably sent from the future to stop me from fathering a thousand children.”

“First of all, ew.” Raj scrunched up his face. “Second, you need to have sex in order to have children.”

“Ouch, Raj buddy et tu?” Howard grabbed at his heart in an exaggerated manner.

Leonard ignored his friends as he made plans, he needed to show Penny that he could also be reliable if it came to physical altercations. Maybe he could learn how to box or how to do MMA.

“Okay, stop, stop, stop, stop. We can help you learn Karate here but not if you just want to go and fight people.”

Strike one.

“Are you insane? I’ll teach you how to choke people and then have the cops come harass me? No thank you.”

Strike two.

“I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear you say that shit. This is for self-defense, not for beating people up. Join a regular gym, build up your self-confidence and maybe look women in the eye instead of at our breasts.”

Strike three.

Leonard stared dejectedly at the list of gyms he had compiled. All the best rated gyms had flat out rejected him after he expressed his desire to learn to beat people up. He wasn’t a psycho, he just wanted to be able to do the same thing that Sheldon did, to have Penny look at him in awe.

His last shot was at this boxing gym. The worst rated gym in miles.

“Sheldon! Buddy!” Leonard was bouncing in joy. That last gym had no issues with him joining and they were willing to teach him how to box. “I’m going to be busy in the evenings so I need you to make other arrangements.”

“Leonard, this is highly inappropriate and very last minute. According to the roommate agreement-” Leonard didn’t have time for this.

“Check your email.”

“Why would I…Oh! I see, my apologies, you have submitted the correct forms. Hmmm, Koothrappali will bring me home on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. This is acceptable. Very well, I will find accommodations for Tuesdays and Thursdays. And I see you have included a form confirming that you have relinquished four lab time slots this month for my own experiments, which will be granted monthly should you continue this arrangement. I have to admit I wasn’t expecting you to be this thorough.”

“I really want to do this so I made sure you had no complaints.” Leonard forced a smile.

“Oh don’t misunderstand, I will still complain.”

“I know.”

*Knock, knock, knock*

*Knock, knock, knock*

*Knock, knock, knock*

“Yes?” Penny glared up at the Wackadoodle, he had just interrupted a pretty great nap and she wasn’t in the mood.

“I need a favor.”

“And I need gas money but-”

“Then I believe our interests align.”



Yeah, I didn't want to write a shonen battle manga type story where each chapter there's a battle. So in this chapter the vibe changed a little.

Spoilers for how I envisioned this story moving forward, because I don't think I will really return to it any time soon:

So, I tried to set up that Leonard was so focused on learning how to fight that he actually gave up time spent with Penny and without knowing it he pushed Penny and Sheldon to spend more time together which would lead them to look at each other under a new light.

Chapter 108: Fruity Pebbles (Terminal)


Sequel to Moon


And more for this Universe, I wasn't honestly expecting it but hey.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny stood in front of the opened cupboards and was trying to decide what to have for breakfast. Sheldon must have been tired after crying last night because she was up before him and yeah it was a Sunday but she knew for a fact that Sheldon didn’t sleep in, ever, not even when sick.

She wasn’t in the mood for cooking anything so she decided to grab the box of Fruity Pebbles and served herself a bowl, opening the fridge in search of milk made her stop, the top shelf on the fridge was clearly marked ‘Sheldon’ and the bottom one had her name in glittery pink ink ‘Penny’, the rest of the fridge was free game from what she saw. Sheldon’s shelf had one large bottle of Mountain Dew and a chuckle escaped her, Sheldon loved his sugar in all universes.

Her shelf had exactly what she was looking for, her favorite brand of milk. Couple of minutes later she was eating her cereal as she walked around the apartment, trying to take it all in. This didn’t feel like a strange place even though it was her first time here, well, not first, but the first time she could actually just be on her own without all the pressure of stepping into a new life.

She recognized the Care Bear sitting right next to Sheldon’s DNA model as her childhood plushie, the Hello Kitty tear away calendar screamed ‘Penny’ no matter where you looked it from, miraculously a shirt sat on the back of a chair, it was one of her old radiohead shirts if she wasn’t mistaken.

How close did the life of this Penny matched her own? So far it looked like their lives were pretty much the same, except one of them was dead and the other took her place.

Frantic banging on the door almost made her spill her cereal and Penny was thankful she was almost done because otherwise the floor in front of the TV would have been a mess.

“Cooper! Open the door and let me see my beautiful golden amazonian goddess!” Penny turned a wide eyed look at the door, had the voice not been from a woman, she would have thought it was Howard himself screaming that.

“Okay missy, you need to relax, this is not how you knock on doors.” A mousy voice scolded the woman knocking.

“But Penny suffered an accident! She is probably distraught without my presence.” Penny frowned in confusion. That sounded too clingy for comfort.

“Amy! I know you’re worried, we all are but please calm down.” At least she recognized Leonard’s voice.

As she debated on whether to open the door or not, Sheldon made an appearance. He was grabbing his head and nodded at her in greeting before glaring at the door.

“Um, I was thinking about opening the door but you know, it sounded a little too crazy for me.” She admitted to Sheldon.

“Perfectly understandable. I recommend that you put at least one physical barrier between you and Amy Farrah Fowler.” She laughed a little but Sheldon didn’t. “I’m afraid I’m not exaggerating.”

Penny darted into the kitchen and threw her bowl and spoon into the sink before coming back to the living room and standing behind the couch. By the time she was back, Sheldon was at the door and he turned to look at her one last time before pulling the door open.

A tall and serious looking brunette was the first to step into the apartment and almost immediately her eyes zeroed on Penny. “Bestie!” She screamed and would have ran at her if it wasn’t for Sheldon putting himself in the way.

“Amy. I need you to listen to me.” Sheldon tried to reason with the woman, to no avail.

“Move it or lose it Cooper.” Penny wasn’t a fan of people being mean to Sheldon but she didn’t even know what her relationship to this woman was. She really needed to read more of that diary.

“Amy, calm down.” A cute blonde woman grabbed one of the arms on the tall woman. Amy it sounded like. Nice to finally put a face to the name.

“Yes, Honey. Let’s take a moment to calm down.” Leonard grabbed the other arm and shot her an apologetic look before trying to calm down his wife? At least according to the diary Amy was his wife, or babymama.

Howard calmly strolled into the apartment and closed the door behind him and if this was an everyday occurrence he simply took a seat on the couch and pulled out his phone, nodding to her.

It took several minutes but Sheldon and the rest were able to calm down Amy somewhat and she agreed to listen to him before trying to tackle Penny. Which no longer sounded like a metaphor.

Sheldon stood in front of the group and held Penny’s hand. “While it’s unfortunate that Raj and Matt are currently on Holiday, I decided to not bother them so while I dislike repeating myself, on this occasion I will make an exception and tell them about this when they’re back from their Honeymoon.”

Penny gaped at him. Raj was on his Honeymoon?

“Last Friday morning, Penny suffered a medical event.” Sheldon was looking at the floor so he missed the way every eye went to her stomach. She wanted to recoil and glare at them but the feeling passed quickly so she settled for putting her fists on her hips. “She woke me up at around four in the morning complaining about a headache, it quickly became evident that she was suffering from more than just a headache and while we were preparing to go to the ER she started convulsing.”

Everyone gasped and Penny could see that Amy was crushing Leonard’s hand.

“After making sure Penny would not bite her tongue I requested assistance from Paramedics which thankfully arrived quickly. They attempted to stabilize her so she could be transported to a hospital but unfortunately their efforts bore no fruit. Penny stopped breathing.” Sheldon was telling the story in a very detached manner and his voice remained calm but the way he was clenching his fists showed that he was being affected by it. “She was declared dead. However, two minutes later she gasped and returned to life.”

“Amazing…” The blonde girl whispered. Amy was crying and the boys were somber looking.

“Well, I’m glad that-” Amy swiped at her eyes and tried to stand up before Sheldon interrupted her.

“I’m afraid that’s not all. It appears that because of this incident Penny has lost over three years worth of memories. The last thing she remembers is us leaving for the Arctic.” Sheldon said gravely.

Which was true in a way. In her previous universe the guys left for the Arctic and she was healthy and when they came back she was struggling with her diagnosis and not-working meds. Everything else took a backseat as she focused on not dying.

“Waitwaitwaitwaitwait. This is one of your stupid Bazingas isn’t it?” Amy stood up and pointed at Sheldon. “You managed to rope Penny into it. Well it’s not funny!”

“Love…” Leonard tried to hold Amy’s hand again but she slapped it away.

“No! This has to be a joke! Tell me it’s a joke!” She begged while looking at her, but Penny could only look away, the pain in Amy’s eyes too much to bear.

“Wait, so you don’t know us?” The other blonde girl spoke up and pointed at herself and then Amy.

Penny took a deep breath, her turn. “I’m sorry. I don’t know you.”

Amy collapsed back into the couch, her face a mask of heartbreak.

“I..I’m Bernadette.” The blonde introduced herself with a very shaky and watery smile and Penny immediately felt bad for her.

“Um, nice to meet you?” Hearing Amy sobbing made her realize that maybe it wasn’t the best way to start this conversation.


So, a couple of updates.

First, grandma is home now, which is great. Of course she still needs tons of care so I haven't had much time for writing during the week.

Second, the little time I was able to use for writing I spent it rewriting a One-shot: The Porn-Logic Assistance Reasoning

Take care of yourselves and I'll see you next chapter.

Chapter 109: Plan (Misunderstandings)


Sequel to Spaghetti Dinner


Finally back

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny looked at her apartment door and took a deep breath, trying to settle her nerves. Sheldon wasn’t off the hook yet but her anger had cooled off significantly. After a couple of false starts she finally opened the door and called out. “I’m home.” Only for her nose to start itching, the air in the apartment was spicy. Had Sheldon cooked something?

“Oh Penny, please wash your hands. Dinner is served.” Sheldon was acting like his usual self which was weird considering the fact he had been all torn up about breaking it off with her right before she left to cool off.

“Okay…” She decided to play along, because she wanted to see where he was going with this and also because whatever he had cooked, it smelled amazing.

It took her a moment to go and wash her hands but before returning to have dinner she decided to at least change out of her pajamas and into jeans and a Radiohead shirt. Not the fanciest outfit but it would have to do.

Dinner looked amazing if she was being honest, the spaghetti smelled amazing and the scent only made her hungrier. Just as she was about to ask, she saw Sheldon bring out a plate with a chunk of cheese and a grater, setting it right next to her plate. She didn’t want to but the smile broke through before she could stop it.

“I know that you like cheese. This pasta doesn’t need it but you have the option to add it.” Sheldon told her before he pulled her chair out for her.

Penny raised her eyebrows in surprise. She wanted nothing more than to sit down and start devouring the pasta but she needed to clarify this whole thing with Sheldon before that.

“Honey, I haven’t heard any apologies yet.” She tried to joke but ended up cringing a little, it sounded a little too much like her mother.

“Ah, yes. Well. This homemade dinner is part of my apology. New information and insight has been brought to my attention that shows my previous actions robbed you of any autonomy or choice in the matter and instead I was being selfish.” He did look ashamed, his hands were behind his back but he fidgeted in place and struggled to make eye contact with her.

Penny hummed in thought. “So I’m guessing you no longer want to break up with me then?”

“For full disclosure, I never wanted to do it. I believed that I was doing the right thing. If you don’t mind, we can discuss what this opportunity means for me over dinner.” Sheldon gestured with his arm towards the table.

But she wasn’t letting him off the hook so easily. “Still haven’t heard that apology.”

“...I’m sorry. I will remember this and in the future bring all issues to the front so we can discuss them together.”

She narrowed her eyes at him and didn’t answer for a long moment before smiling and going up to him to hug him tightly.

“I’m going to hold you to that and if you break my heart again I’ll kick your ass.” She mumbled against his chest.

“Don’t you mean you’ll go ‘Junior Rodeo on my ass’?” He returned the hug.

“Nope. Fully kicking your ass.”


She pulled him down for a quick kiss. “I would kiss you more but the pasta smells amazing.”

“Shall we?” He stepped back slightly and once again gestured to the table, a small smile on his face.

“We shall.” She smiled and took her seat.

“Hold up.” Toni raised a hand to stop her from continuing. “He tried to break up with you because of that? And you didn’t break his legs?”

“Honestly, I was this close.” Penny put two fingers together until there was no room between them. “But then I remembered that this whole relationship thing is a whole new thing for him and I was able to calm down.”

“And the spaghetti helped, I bet.” Erica jumped in. “That’s a Brian specialty by the way. He makes that whenever he messes up.”

“Huh, well, it was pretty damn good.” Penny admitted and Erica looked proud.

“Nonono, wait, rewind a little. Sheldon is leaving for three to six months?” Carly had a modeling gig that weekend so she wasn’t drinking anything to avoid bloating, which made her more than a little cranky. “And he wasn’t planning on telling us?”

“I am the frontline here, we talked about this and since Brian already knows he’ll be able to help him break the news to the guys.” Penny pointed at the backyard where the boys were.

“And you’re okay with this?” Toni asked her.

Penny let out a breath. “Yes and no. We’re still testing this whole relationship thing and long distance will pretty much put this on ice. Sheldon isn’t exactly one for phone sex.”

“Ohhhhhhhhhh you already went all the way!” Erica squeed and Penny tried to shush her.

“No, no, not that far. Yet. He’s still getting comfortable with us touching each other but yeah, I thought we were close to finally going all the way.” Penny sprawled on the couch, she knew she was being overly dramatic but damn it, she liked sex. “And on the other hand, I know how important this is to him. He tried to explain it to me in detail but all I know is that this can give him that Nobel he wants so damn bad.”

“Holy shit. For real?” Erica asked wide eyed.

“For real, it is THAT big of a deal.”

“Damn.” Dani finally said, she had just been listening so far. “I hope you can rock his world before he leaves so he wants to return as soon as possible.”

“Here, here!” Erica said, raising her glass and sloshing some of her drink on herself as the rest cackled and Penny blushed.

“Do we want to know?” Jonjon’s voice made them stop, they hadn’t even heard the guys come in.

“So did Sheldon tell you guys?” Penny ignored him.

“About him leaving for an expedition? Yeah. Did you know that Sheldon can hunt?” Jonjon looked excited.

“Yeah, his daddy taught him to shoot.” Penny said proudly.

“My Meemaw did as well, she said my father couldn’t shoot fish in a barrel to save his life.”

Sheldon’s trip was scheduled for a couple of weeks later, so that night it didn’t really feel real and they were all able to have their regular DnD night. Questions and plans could wait, Penny thought.

“Did you hear?” Howard said excitedly as he barged into Raj’s office.

“No, what?” Raj kept working on his paper, only glancing briefly at his friend.

“Sheldon got a grant and he’s going to the Arctic!” Howard finally blurted out excitedly.

“Wait what? Really? But-No wait, why are you so excited?”

“Are you kidding me? We will finally be able to go have lunch at that new Greek restaurant! Without Sheldon here it means we can skip the cafeteria!”

Raj laughed at his friend’s enthusiasm. “We can also go to that new taco truck then.”

“My friend, we will eat like kings.” Howard threw an arm around Raj.

“We need to go have dinner with him and Penny to congratulate him.”

“I know, I know, I know.”

Leonard ate his shitty tuna salad sandwich on a bench. He hated tuna salad but the 7/11 had run out of everything else so this would have to do. Someday he would have the courage to go back to the cafeteria and eat his lunch at a corner table. But that day wasn’t today.

He never thought that he would relive his high school days.

Almost everyone he knew had been at the party and they all saw him get slapped for cheating on Leslie. Now he was politely ignored everywhere he went.

High school had brought jeers and bullying but now it was somehow worse, people pretended that he didn’t exist, gave him fake smiles and were overly polite to him. It burned at him.

He was never popular but here at Caltech he had been Sheldon’s roommate and that had given him some form of commiseration from others, he had friends, was part of a group. Sure, it wasn’t what he had envisioned, he wasn’t part of the popular guys but he was the coolest of the group.

Sheldon was Sheldon and was the crazy one. Raj couldn’t even talk to women and when he could was because of alcohol. Howard was even shorter than he was and he physically repelled women.

Leonard had been the normal one.

And now here he was, alone, eating a cold sandwich that he hated and living out of his car.

Living the dream.

To add insult to injury, he had just heard about Sheldon’s grant and expedition. For a moment he had considered asking Sheldon to join him but he quickly discarded that idea, he would end up killing the tall man.

Leonard ate the final bite of his sandwich. But there was a silver lining to Sheldon’s expedition. Penny would be alone. He was certain that if he was able to talk to her that they could give it another shot. She must be tired of Sheldon anyway and with him in the Arctic it would be impossible for Sheldon to interfere in their relationship again.

The perfect plan.

Of course, that meant he still needed to find Penny. He didn’t know where she lived but he did know where he could find her for sure. The Cheesecake Factory.

Leonard Hofstadter, you’re the man. He thought to himself and immediately felt embarrassed.


I felt really rusty writing this for some reason. Like I was starting over again.

Chapter 110: Spy (Spy)


Sheldon is scouted by the CIA


So this was born from me rewatching 'American Assassin' and re-reading HWFWM

I honestly don't think there's more to it but we never know.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Agent Estevez looked back at the house he and his partner had just left. That kid had built a goddamn nuclear reactor out of electronics and garbage.

“Estevez, c’mon, let’s go.” Richards called out to him from the car.

Estevez didn’t turn. No, this kid was special and they needed to do more than just keep an eye on him. His old supervisor was now working for the CIA and for the first time in a long time he felt like calling him.

“Yeah, I’m going.” He finally said and started moving towards the car, turning to give one last glance at the house.

Maybe he was wrong but if this kid could serve America, he should.

“Shellybean, this nice man is here to talk to you. You haven’t built anything dangerous again right?” His mother asked as he stood watching the sharply dressed man. He was dressed in the same way that the FBI agents had been.

“Thank you Mrs Cooper. Would you be so kind as to give me a glass of water while I speak with Sheldon here?” Sheldon tilted his head, the words sounded nice but the tone of the man was dry, much like Sheldon’s own.


“I don’t know if that’s a good idea.” His dad protested but the man in the suit only laughed.

“Don’t worry coach, I just need a couple of minutes with Sheldon here and then you two can join us again.”

His dad hesitated for a moment before nodding his head slowly. He made eye contact with him but the meaning was lost on Sheldon.

“Hello Sheldon. I’m director Mulligan.” The man took a seat on Missy’s bed. “I understand that last week was very exciting for everyone around here. One of the agents that visited you told me that you had a very sharp mind. A mind that the US Government can use.”

Sheldon tilted his head in thought. “You’re CIA.”

“I am.” The man wasn’t surprised.

“I don’t want to kill people.”

“What makes you think I want you to kill people?” The man still had the same smile on his face.

“You don’t?”

“It might be part of the job but it’s never the goal.” The man admitted.

“I will dedicate my life to science and win a Nobel Prize proving string theory. I don’t have time to waste on whatever this government job is.” Sheldon declared with as much passion as he could express. “In fact, I am planning on going to Germany next-”

“And how do you plan to do that with no money?” The man interrupted him and Sheldon felt anger before he suppressed it, damn hormones. “I took a long look at your file Sheldon. I know that your dad recently lost his job, your mom is trying to pick up the slack but she’s barely holding it together. Your grandma and your brother are running that video store and illegal casino and that helps, but what then?” The man shrugged. “How will you go to school if you can’t afford it?”

“I…” Sheldon’s mind raced, he could think of five different ways to create a steady stream of income but something told him to stay quiet. “I will manage.”

“Sure. I’m sure a smart kid like you would have no issues finding a way to survive and scrape by.” The man looked him in the eye and Sheldon froze in place. The man’s eyes were cold and calculating. “But is that all you want? The CIA has deep, deep, deep pockets. We have connections, there’s no door we can’t open. We can give you Lund, ETH Zurich, Yale, Heidelberg, Delft, Utrech, Cambridge, Southampton, Sapienza, and so on.”

Sheldon perked up and focused on the man. He would be able to attend any school he wanted.

“Oh, I see I have your attention. Very well. Let me be frank for a moment. Have you ever seen one of those cheesy spy movies?” Sheldon nodded, his Meemaw liked James Bond. “It’s all bullshit. Spy work is tedious, it’s about remembering a lot of things and then repeating that information back verbatim. No shootings, no fancy cars, no gadgets.”

Sheldon narrowed his eyes. “It sounds too easy.”

“It’s not. You have to be good at deception.”

“Oh. I’m unable to lie so I think that settles it.” Sheldon was relieved, he had almost been tempted.

“But you could learn.” The man was undeterred. “Wouldn’t you like to serve your country?”

“No. I want to serve science.” A pause. “No, I want to master science.” He nodded, it sounded closer to his goal.

For the first time since the conversation started the man looked surprised, but he laughed after and if Sheldon wasn’t mistaken it was honest mirth and amusement.

“Okay so I will skip all the king and country bullshit. We got money, we got influence and we got time.” The man leaned in to look Sheldon in the eye. “The entire science community at your fingertips.”

Sheldon’s fingers twitched and he swallowed a sudden mouthful of saliva. “I…I don’t want to kill people.”

“I’ll never ask it from you. But I do expect you to be able to defend yourself.”

Sheldon hesitated before nodding and offering his hand to the man. He might have been wrong but the smile on the man looked predatory, like a cartoon shark.

“You’ve got good natural muscles, kid, but you don’t know how to use them.” The instructor was a hard faced woman that reminded him a lot of his Meemaw. “I’m going to fix that.”

Later, as he laid on the mat breathing hard and sweating madly Sheldon wondered if he had made a mistake.

“Rest up, you’ve got two more minutes before we move on to fighting practice. Oh, and don’t worry, we’re following you to Germany so this is going to be your life for the foreseeable future.”

Sheldon closed his eyes and groaned. Definitely a mistake.

“Who are you working for?!” The bag covered his head, the heat of his own breath made the fabric moist and Sheldon struggled to control his breathing. He ignored the person interrogating him. “Nothing huh? I suppose you need encouragement.”

Sheldon knew what was coming next, panic gripped him but he remained calm. He was trained for this, he could do this.

Water hitting the bag made him rethink that.

They changed the team torturing him every time so no empathy developed by accident. He knew this was training, but it didn’t make it any easier.

“Stop.” Director Mulligan’s voice immediately put a stop to everything. The bag covering his face was gone before Sheldon could ask for it and someone was rubbing his face with a towel. The first half dozen times this had happened Sheldon had broken down crying but by this point in time he simply focused on breathing in deeply.

“Good job Sheldon. I think we can move on from these sessions, you’ve shown amazing resilience.”

Sheldon didn’t reply, too busy trying to take in as much air as it was possible.

“Professor, could I have access to the lab? I was fascinated by the experiments today and would like to try them on my own.” Sheldon’s German was flawless and he had purposefully endeared himself to the German teacher.

“Mr Cooper? Hmmm, I do have to admit you’ve shown great insight. Very well. I hope I don’t have to tell you how big of a privilege this is. Please be careful.” Professor Steinberg said while handing him a keychain.

“I understand. Thank you.”

Sheldon wasted no time in moving towards the labs. He hadn’t been particularly interested in attending Lund, but his job had needed him to be here. Rumor was that a researcher had made an important breakthrough into cold fusion. Of course, Sheldon thought it was hogwash but he had his orders.

“Dr Cooper, would you care for a dance?” The Professor’s daughter smiled at him and Sheldon swallowed the sigh that wanted to escape out of him. He had to admit that her heavy French accent was somewhat charming.

“Of course mademoiselle.” Sheldon smiled convincingly, he hated galas and balls but Sorbonne Universite seemed to love them.

Céline was a decent dancer and Sheldon smiled when appropriate. Told her the right words, held her a little too close and at the end of the dance he brushed his lips against her knuckles and licked his lips while making eye contact with her.

Céline Ferrier was the daughter of Professor Marcel Ferrier and an innocent victim in his mission of getting access to the Ferrier home, where the Professor had his fission research. Sheldon would make sure to write a letter for Céline once he had obtained what he needed, so she could move on and receive a clean break.

Director Mulligan often referred to this habit as “Breaking the whores’ hearts” and Sheldon always hated it. These women didn’t deserve to be played with or to be reduced to just conquests.

But it was his job.

A job that was getting harder and harder.

Sheldon was thankful that he had been allowed to rest. Compared to the rest of the world, Pasadena was small, but as a kid he had dreamed of working at Caltech and now that dream was a reality.

He even had a roommate now.

“I’m thinking about getting a tattoo. What do you think?” Leonard asked while looking at his arms.

“Why?” Sheldon asked, baffled.

“Well, they’re badass right? Maybe I can get a huge dragon tattooed on my back? Maybe in a metallic color?” Leonard twisted himself to try and look at his back.

“Leonard, you cried last time you needed a shot. I’m afraid tattoos might be a step too far for you.” Sheldon tried to talk him down from this insanity.

“Oh c’mon, it would be a huge chick magnet right? Maybe I can even tell them I’m some sort of secret agent!” Leonard said excitedly.

Sheldon rubbed at the bridge of his nose. “Leonard. What kind of secret agent has easily identifiable tattoos? That defeats the entire purpose of a secret agent.”

“You don’t know that. C’mon, we can get matching tattoos.”

“I promised my mother that I would never get a tattoo or piercing.” The lie flowed easily.

“Oh yeah, no tattoos or you might go to hell.”

Sheldon ignored his roommate and kept working on his string theory paper. Yes, this mundane and boring life was what he wanted. He didn’t need anything else, just him and science.

“New neighbor?”


That night in bed Sheldon finally understood why Penny made him anxious. She reminded him of him. And he was always right.

Standing up and moving to the living room he wasn’t surprised to find Penny already there, reading through his papers.

“The Sun Skink ate the Gecko.” Penny said without looking up from his papers.

“Dart frogs and Termites swim together.” Sheldon said tiredly, taking a seat in his spot.

“Mulligan said you needed a new handler, so here I am.” Penny, if that was her name, smiled brightly at him, at least it seemed as her personality was consistent.

“I got out.”

“You’re supposed to be smart right?”

So much for his boring life.


This helped me get back into the groove of writing. Thank you dakotaawolven for your advice.

Chapter 111: Tourist (Spy)


Sequel to Spy


The comments ignited the muse and this came out.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Sheldon closed his eyes and took a very deep breath. “I don’t need a handler.” He said, his eyes still closed.

“If that were true, you wouldn’t have delivered a North Korean spy to the agency.” Penny said dryly.

Ah. He knew that was going to come back to haunt him.

“As I reported, I was unrelated to the situation. She was after my roommate’s research.” He finally opened his eyes and turned a suspicious look at her. “Speaking of, why wasn’t he detained?”

“You’re too close, we don’t want anyone looking at you in detail.” She stared at him right back.

Letting out an annoyed breath Sheldon rubbed at his eyes. Of course.

“Fine, then why did they send a green agent as my handler?” He looked straight at her and was pleased to see the small flinch, confirming his suspicion.

“Shut up. I’m not green. I might not be a tourist like you but I can hold my own.” Penny glared at him and her body tensed. “I did Junior Rodeo as a kid and I only got better at hogtying once I got to the agency.”

“Yes, yes, very impressive.” Sheldon knew he was being dismissive but his mind was running with possibilities and theories.

“Oh I can already see that you and I will get along just nicely.” Penny said through a forced smile.

“Goodnight.” Sheldon said and stood up to go back to his room. He wasn’t worried about waking Leonard up, there was a reason the man needed three different alarm clocks.

“Sure, leave me here all alone.” Penny muttered. “Goodnight Honey.” She said out loud, way too chipper for the late hour.

The next morning Sheldon wasted no time as he got to his office. He put the ‘Do not disturb’ sign he had made himself on the door and then made sure the door was locked. Sheldon didn’t like using this method to contact Mulligan but he had no other options.

Thanks to his eidetic memory he didn’t need to carry around cyphers like many other agents, the information lived in his mind forever.

Picking up the landline phone he dialed a number and waited until an automated voice greeted him.

“Thank you for contacting Phillips audio solutions.” He waited until the machine finished listing the menu options before inputting a long sequence of numbers, making sure he didn’t rush.

The line went silent until he heard a familiar click, signaling the change to a secure line. Another automated voice ringed in his ear.

“One for two, three for four, five for six.”

Sheldon input another sequence of numbers. This is why he disliked this method, it was annoying and convoluted.

“Flightless bird.” The tinny voice said.

Sheldon input a final code and waited.

“Cooper, yes she’s your new handler.” Mulligan’s voice was rough as always.

“I don’t understand why.”

“Joyce Kim.” Mulligan immediately said.

“Well, that’s ridiculous. I had nothing to do with that other than apprehend her and flag it to our local recovery team.” Sheldon argued.

“Cooper…Joyce Kim, one of the top spies from the dear leader appears in Pasadena without anyone knowing, not one of our systems flagged it, we were blind until you delivered her to us. One of the most dangerous individuals in the world and you handed her to us like it was nothing.”

“She didn’t suspect me, it was easy.”

“Right.” Mulligan sighed. “Why did you have to break her legs by the way?”

“She spat at my face.”

“Ah, of course, totally reasonable response.” Sheldon was pretty sure the director was being sarcastic. “Back on the subject, I know you’re upset but consider this a personal favor to me.”


“Your new handler is the kid of a friend, she’s a spitfire but she’s not made for tourist work. Too kind of a heart. This gets her on the field safely, you’ve never been made, teach her some of the ropes and make sure she’s safe.”

“Wait.” Sheldon had learned to read in between the lines of what people were saying. “You’re saying that as long as she’s my handler I can stay in my civilian life.”

“If you want to be crude about it, yes.”

“Fascinating.” Sheldon’s mind ran with plans and ideas.

“Don’t get too hopeful there. We might need you in a couple of years, rumor has it that CERN is hiding something. Nothing but smoke at the moment but if the rumors are confirmed, we will need your skills.”

Sheldon wanted to hang up the phone but knew better.


“Oh, and if you lay your hands on her, you’ll have to marry her. Her father’s rules, not mine.”

“Charming.” Sheldon slammed the phone into the receiver.


Drink water peeps.

Chapter 112: Seagull (Spy)


Sequel to Tourist


And yet even more out of this Universe. Shocked Pikachu face.

Warning: Violence.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Sheldon had to admit that Penny’s presence in his life wasn’t as horrible as he had expected. Disruptive? Without a doubt. Messy? It was a given.

But overall she actually behaved like a normal friend would. It got to the point where he considered her presence a vital part of their group dynamic, she had even dethroned Leonard as his best friend.

Which is why on his regular Cheesecake Factory dinner night he sighed as soon as he sat down at the table. Of course, nothing was ever easy.

“What’s the problem Moonpie?” Penny heard his sigh.

“Only Meemaw may call me Moonpie. And nothing, I was just bemoaning the fantastic state of cleanliness of our table. Sarcasm.”

Penny smiled through gritted teeth and cleaned their table again. He would not warn her, if she hadn’t realized already then this would be a good learning opportunity. Besides, the odds that she would be involved at all were astronomically low.

After Penny took their order and on her way to the kitchen she stopped on the table next to them and Sheldon’s acute hearing was able to make out the conversation easily, which only made him sigh again.

“It’s clean Sheldon.” Leonard admonished him.

“I guess.” He stood up. “I need to wash my hands again.” Nobody questioned the lie as he moved into the restroom and placed a call from his secure phone.

It would be a learning opportunity then.

Penny couldn’t breathe. The man was too strong, he was choking her and there was nothing she could do about it. Had she been made? Was this someone from another agency? How?

Her shift had ended and she had used the employee door at the back of the restaurant. Like she always did.

Nothing interesting had happened during her shift, the guys came and went for their dinner and she had been planning to take a bath and then go to bed, but out of nowhere this hulking mass of muscle pretending to be a man had grabbed her and pulled her deeper into the alley.

She fought back but every punch, kick and knee seemingly had no effect on him. The man didn’t speak, he simply moved her behind a dumpster and started choking her, not hard enough so she couldn’t breathe but just hard enough so she knew he could do it.

His breath stank of cigarettes and rot, she could see that his tongue was swollen and a white greasy film covered it, she wanted to gag but couldn’t. The man had crazed bloodshot eyes and she realized she was going to die.

“Who are you working for?!” He screamed at her face, spittle covered her and she instinctively closed her eyes and tried to move back but the wall stopped her. “How did you find me?!” The man kept screaming. “Who told you I was here?”

The hands around her neck suddenly tightened, cutting off airflow, he asked her several questions but it seemed he didn’t want any actual answers.

How had she fucked up so badly? She didn’t even have her gun with her. This was supposed to be a regular boring shift. Her mind started getting hazy when suddenly she was able to barely breathe again, the man had loosened his hold on her.

“Answer me! Was it the aliens?!”

Penny didn’t have time to question what she had just heard, she needed to move. She was going to die here? Fuck no!

As quickly as she could she rummaged in the front pocket of her uniform, she had been so tired that she didn’t even take off the pocketed apron and she was glad that she didn’t. Earlier that night she had needed to change a lightbulb in one of the freezers and she had borrowed a heavy duty flashlight and forgotten to give it back. It wasn’t quite a policeman flashlight, but it was heavy and easy to wield. It was a comforting weight in her hand.

Gathering all of her remaining strength she swinged with the flashlight, once, twice, thrice until the hold around her throat loosened further. She didn’t stop swinging the flashlight, she only stopped because her body forced her to, she gagged and coughed as she tried to take in all the oxygen in the world.

The man didn’t move.

Tears were running down her cheeks and she couldn’t stop gagging, she tried to massage her throat but it was useless.

“Messy, but you pass.” A voice startled her and she swung with the flashlight, brandishing it like a gun.

Sheldon stood there, calm and collected. Like she hadn’t been about to die a few moments ago.

“Sheldon? What the he-gh!” She wasn’t able to finish her question, another gag forced her to focus on breathing.

“Take slow, deep breaths.” He commanded and as much as she wanted to tell him to fuck off she listened and slowly her breathing normalized.

“I’m approaching you.” Sheldon said and raised his hands in a peaceful sign. For some reason he was wearing leather gloves.

Penny realized she was still using the flashlight as a makeshift weapon and pointing it at Sheldon. She hesitated for a moment before lowering her arm to her side.

Still with his hands raised Sheldon kept coming closer until he was right in front of her and in a move she never saw coming, he hugged her.

“There, there. Sheldon is here. You did a good job.” She has never heard his voice be so soft and something inside her broke, she was holding her sobs at bay but his words destroyed the dam holding them back. She hugged him back fiercely and cried into his shirt.

The man groaning on the ground made her gasp and jump back from Sheldon’s embrace, she didn’t even realize that the flashlight was once again in front of her, as if just by holding it, it would protect her.

Sheldon didn’t move, he tilted his head and looked at the downed man. Carefully he kneeled by the side of the man and with one of his large and gloved hands grabbed him by the throat. She couldn’t believe Sheldon’s hand was big enough to take a hold of the man’s neck.

Sheldon squeezed and she could hear the man struggle to breathe. As if he wasn’t choking the life out of someone Sheldon turned to look up at her.

“This is Roberto Perez the Third. A freelance hitman for the Mexican cartels operating in US territory. He was sought after due to his total lack of empathy and success rate. At least until he started using datura to get high, it fried his brain and he became paranoid of everything, after killing several of his past employers he went on the run and the FBI believed he had escaped into Mexico.” Sheldon looked down at the man. “Obviously they were wrong.”

“Are you going to kill him?” She asked, maybe she should stop him but she didn’t want to.

“Goodness, no. I’m just making sure he won’t wake up in the next few minutes. Though I believe that’s no longer necessary.” Sheldon stood up and dusted his hands with a grimace of disgust.

A van soon came into view, it was almost as wide as the alley but the driver had no issues backing it all the way to them. Sheldon didn’t look wary or surprised so she did her best to try and stay calm.

The van doors opened and a masked man looked at Sheldon then at the man on the ground and he sighed. “Again Cooper?” Pure annoyance in his voice.

“Seagull, meet my handler. Penny, this is Seagull. And no, in this case Penny was responsible.” Penny gaped at him.

“Whatever. What do you need? Basic transport?”


“Got it.” Seagull jumped down from the van and approached the man and Penny watched as Seagull, without any hesitation broke her attacker’s neck, easily hauled him up and into the van. “Report will be out by morning.”

“Understood.” Sheldon nodded and just like that the van’s doors closed and it sped away.

Her breathing was back under control but a feeling was slowly filling her. Anger.

“You could have saved me.” It wasn’t a question.

“I could have, yes.” Sheldon didn’t look ashamed.

“Why didn’t you?” Anger creeped out.

“Should I have?” He looked confused. “I thought this was a perfect learning opportunity, you didn’t recognize him despite his face being shown in the most wanted list for the last twelve months. When you attempted to initiate small talk with him earlier you should have recognized his body language for what it was, yet, you still attempted to engage him in small talk which in his destroyed mind made him target you as one of ‘them’. Of course, I’m sure not even he knew who ‘them’ were. But the point is that there were several clues that you, as a field agent, should have recognized.”

“I…” Penny’s anger turned into shame. This was her opportunity to show Uncle Brock that she had what it took to make it as a field agent and she screwed it up. “Let’s go home.”

“I hope you have sanitizer in that death trap you call a car.” Sheldon started walking towards the parking lot, not waiting for her.

Penny shook her head, she needed to do better.


Fuck the Thistle Man!

Chapter 113: Fangs (Spy)


Sequel to Seagull


Haven't really had much free time. It's that time of the month when work becomes super busy.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Sheldon’s twin sister had come to visit and at first Penny had been all for it. Missy was a no nonsense kinda girl like her and she teased Sheldon as well so that was a win in her book.

Penny had invited Missy over to her apartment to get a break from the guys and to get a glass of wine but all thoughts of a fun night fled as soon as she closed the door.

“Euphoria plays tragedies.” Missy said as soon as the door closed and Penny stiffened for a second before replying.

“Wartime, peace, death.” Penny sighed. Of course, nothing was ever easy.

“Report agent.” Missy's face was hard and not the warm and welcoming smile it had been a moment ago.

“Ma’am.” Penny told her everything about last year, well, not everything but everything relevant to her mission of being Sheldon’s handler.

As she spoke, a small knot of anxiety started forming in the pit of her stomach. The truth was that she had quite enjoyed this year here, in Los Robles. Her initial goal of showing her uncle and father that she was capable of being a field agent was still present of course, but this also showed her a slice of the life she could’ve had if she’d chosen a different road.

She hoped that Missy being here didn’t mean that she was being relieved of her duties.

As soon as Missy disappeared with Penny out the door, Sheldon had moved to his room and moved towards his action figures. He knew Leonard was too scared to come in and snoop around but he still took precautions to make sure the fake shelf was secure and fixed in place.

It took him but a moment to remove the shelf cover and reveal the heavy looking phone behind it. This was probably the only truly secure line in the state if not the country.

Sheldon picked up the phone, no need to dial anything. This phone only connected to one place.

“Cooper, I’m guessing Missy is there already?” Mulligan’s voice was tired and he made no effort to hide it.

“You’re not taking Penny away.” Sheldon said without preamble.

Penny had become an integral part of his life, she was probably his only friend. His best friend. The others were always kept at an arm’s length, he knew that at any moment he could be pulled back into tourist work and didn’t want to get too attached. But Penny was different, she knew about his other life, she drove him to places, she took care of him when he got sick.

Sheldon wanted her to stay in his life and he would not let Mulligan take her away.

“What? Little baby Cooper is showing me his fangs?” Immediately after saying that Mulligan broke into uncontrollable laughter.

Sheldon waited until Mulligan stopped before speaking again. “I’m serious.”

Mulligan stopped chuckling and his attitude changed. “You know, anyone else would be shitting their pants right now.”

“Good thing I’m not anyone else.”

“...” Mulligan sighed. “You’re no fun, you know? Well, this call is costing the government quite a bit of money so I’m going to keep it short. I’m glad to hear you are so protective of Penny. I think this will make your next mission easier.”

“Next mission?” Sheldon was confused.


“Excuse me Ma’am, can you repeat that?” Penny was sure that she misheard.

“You and Shelly are going to get married.” Missy said with a warm smile.

So she hadn’t misheard. “Uh, how is this going to help Sheldon keep his cover?”

“Ah. Were you aware of the CERN rumors?”

Penny nodded, she had read the files but so far nothing had come out of it.

“Well, recently we received information that indicates CERN is certainly hiding something, we don’t know what, or where. But we do know it’s there.” Missy raised a hand to stop Penny from speaking. “Our source is reliable.”

“And how does that translate into me marrying Sheldon?” Penny knew she needed to be careful, one wrong move and she was back at her desk forever.

“CERN is being extra careful. We have tried to get Sheldon access but so far they have refused, not only him, but many others as well. So, how can we get him access? Because they can deny a regular request, we don’t want to push too hard.” Missy raised a finger as if an idea had just struck her. “But what then what about a world renowned Physicist and his new bride on a Honeymoon trip? Could CERN really afford to say no? Could they deal with the negative press if it were to leak? So, the plan is that in 6 months you and Sheldon will travel on your Honeymoon and visit CERN as part of your trip. Sheldon will do his thing and then you two will be out and CERN will be none the wiser.” Missy ended her speech with a one shoulder shrug. She should be a model or an actress, she was too scary as an agent.

“And I’ll still be married to Sheldon.”

“You catch on quick. Married couples get certain doors open, your Honeymoon will last for a month…more or less. During the duration of it you will visit Italy, France, Spain where we already have marks for Sheldon to extract information from and then you two can get back here, pretend to play the married couple for a year and a half and after that you can get divorced.” Missy looked her in the eye and smiled.

Penny gulped.

“Is this a joke?” It was rare for Sheldon to be baffled but this new mission certainly warranted it.

“No. I’ll make sure to send you a nice wedding gift. Your sister has the details.” And then Mulligan simply ended the call.

Sheldon stood in place and took several deep breaths. This was just another job, ever since Penny got here he knew this would happen. Well, not this whole marriage thing but he knew he would have to go on a mission again.

He could do this.

Sheldon then remembered what Penny considered as ‘clean’ and he paled. “Dear lord.”


I really like this Universe.

So after checking some comments and DM's on the other site I see two questions that I think I need to address:

1. Why I don't allow guest comments on here?
-Honestly, this is a habit that I picked up from Livejournal, I don't know how many of you were there at the time but the hate toward Shenny shippers was real ya'll, I didn't want to deal with that. I also researched about comment etiquette here and something I found was that bot commenters were common, I'm sure you've seen them in other fandoms, or scams or even just straight up bot comment harassments, so no, I don't want to deal with that and I don't want to moderate comments either so I'm happy with things as they are now.

2. Why I don't write about other pairings or fandoms?
-I'm not a young rooster, I thought my time in fandom had long passed. Around 10 to 14 years ago? Yeah, I was very passionate about other fandoms, Smallville, Batman, Katekyo, Naruto, HP, Buffy and more. But as those shows came to end I was less and less involved with the fandom itself until now where I'm only a casual enjoyer, I'll read something my favorite authors publish but I don't go looking for anything new.
Except TBBT. I don't know why this show grabbed me like a vice but my best guess is that compared to all other shows I mentioned this was the show that broke my hear the most, the one I thought about in the middle of the night as I looked for more Shenny fics.
Perhaps in the future I might branch out to other fandoms, but who knows.

Chapter 114: Jeans (Spy)


Sequel to Fangs


Ya'll, I thought the author curse was a lie. But with all that has happened since I started writing I have to agree that there's something weird about it. Last night as I sat down to write this new chapter my tooth started hurting like something else and I spent all night in pain until morning when I went to the drugstore and got the strongest painkiller I could get.

Thankfully my dentist was available and now I'm feeling much better, still on the good painkillers but I'll feel better tomorrow. I hope.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Sheldon, we’re about to watch season one of-” Leonard said to him but Sheldon had no time to deal with his nonsense.

“Busy, I need to talk to my sister.” He knew he was interrupting Leonard but he didn’t care. Soon he was in front of the familiar door to 4B.

*Knock, knock, knock* Penny.
*Knock, knock, knock* Penny.
*Knock, knock, knock* Penny.

Penny dutifully opened the door at the end of the third knock and looked up at him with an unamused face.

“Oh look, if it isn’t my husband.” Her voice was dry and her manner cardboardlike. “Please, do come in sweetheart.”

Sheldon grimaced, he had hoped Missy would have the decency to tell them both at the same time but he should have known better. “So you’ve heard.”

“Yep.” She popped the word.

“Shelly, come in and close the door, we need to talk.” His sister said with a fake smile.

Sheldon sighed and entered the apartment.

Penny ushered the twins from her apartment. They had spent the better part of the afternoon discussing how to do this whole thing and the immediate plan was to use Missy visiting as an excuse to spend more time together and claim they had grown interested in each other.


She wasn’t sure how they were going to pull this off but knew that it was going through with it or returning to a desk job for her entire career. She had already invested so much into this to just quit at this point. Besides, she liked Sheldon.


No, that was unfair, he had carved a spot into her life. Maybe it’s because they shared a secret that no one else knew or just because she didn’t let him get away with his BS and he in his own weird way respected her, but whatever it was he was fun to be around. She hadn’t been bored, that was for sure.

She really liked her life as Penny the wannabe actress, but she never lost sight of her true goal. Penny wanted to be a field agent and this was her chance to prove herself, not only to her uncle and father but to herself most of all.

The only thing she felt bad about was having to blow Sheldon’s life out under him. She knew how much he longed for normalcy and routine. She didn’t know much about when he entered the service but he must have been pretty young, probably right out of college…which for him was at age eleven or something.

And thinking about blowing things up. Leonard was going to be fun.

She was aware of his crush on her and yeah, she was a little to blame for playing along but she never expected the mission to take this turn. Her original mission was to stay with Sheldon for three to four years while he took a break, keep him out of trouble and then earn her field status. After that she would leave this life behind and keep going with her life. Her actual life.

“Wait, you’re going with them Sheldon?” Leonard looked more than a little surprised at hearing that Sheldon would go to the mall with Missy and Penny. “What about Paintball?”

Sheldon took a deep breath to start berating his roommate before Missy cleared her throat. She didn’t even look up from the magazine she was reading. Sheldon gritted his teeth and attempted to smile.

“It’s not often that my sister visits so I want to spend time with her.” He made sure that Leonard got a clear view of his twitching face.

“Oh man, well, have fun.” Leonard winced in sympathy. His roommate wasted no time in finishing his cup of coffee and leaving the apartment, he shot Missy a shy smile and a flirty wave goodbye which she returned.

“Don’t encourage him.” Sheldon admonished her.

“What? It’s harmless. You know I would never.” Missy returned to her magazine.

Sheldon scoffed. “If Jonah kills him I’ll never let you forget it.”

Missy froze and looked up at him with narrowed eyes. “You wouldn’t dare.”

Sheldon didn’t get a chance to reply as Penny bursted through the door.

“Okay husband of mine, let’s go get you some real pants.” Penny joked and Sheldon narrowed his eyes at her before turning the look to Missy.

“This is your fault.” He accused his twin.

“No, no. She’s got a point. You could use some real jeans.”

“Ooooooh yes!” Penny quickly agreed. “Washed out jeans and vans.” She suggested and Missy quickly nodded.

Sheldon sighed. “One pair of jeans.”

“Nuh uh. Two pairs, one washed out and one black. And a pair of vans.” Penny quickly rebutted.

“One pair of jeans, black.” Sheldon paused in thought. “And a pair of boots.”

“Deal!” Penny smiled at him.

“See, you two are naturals at this. Now, let’s go. We can look at engagement rings as well.”

“So soon?” Sheldon balked.

“I said look Shelly.” Missy stood up and moved towards the door. “Or you’re going to tell me you already know what ring to get Penny?”

“White gold band, single diamond flanked with small emeralds.” Sheldon answered right away.

Silence flooded the apartment. At least until Penny laughed nervously and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. For some reason she was hiding her face.

“I don’t get you Shelly. I really don’t.” Missy shook her head and looked at him with pity.

“I know. My mind is unfathomable.”

Penny was tired, they spent most of the day at the mall and they walked for quite a bit. For the most part she had fun. Penny had a feeling that Missy also used this trip as a way to pretend that they were regular twenty-something girls and not undercover handlers.

Sheldon got his jeans, both pairs actually. She somehow managed to convince him to get them both, he would not budge on the Vans tho. The boots were pretty cool, she had to admit.

But now as she sat on her couch she was getting nervous, they were about to go have dinner at 4A and Sheldon was supposed to start flirting with her in front of the guys, Missy would then play along and tell how during the mall visit Sheldon and Penny had a moment and she would handle Leonard if he got upset.

“Ready?” Missy said as she came out of her bedroom.

“Yeah, show time.” Penny never backed down and this was not going to be the first time.

At first everything was normal, they were having Chinese takeout and watching some low budget sci-fi show when she felt a tap on her knee. Sheldon nodded at her and she nodded back.

“Penny, would you like one of my dumplings?” Sheldon said louder than needed. Everyone turned to look at him and the guys were looking at Sheldon as if he was insane.

“Uh, sure?” She said dumbly.

Sheldon nodded and if it was the most normal thing in the world he used his chopsticks to grab a dumpling and moved it up to her mouth. Holy crap, he was feeding her?

Penny hesitantly accepted the dumpling and if she wasn’t busy chewing she would have gasped alongside the guys as Sheldon then used those same chopsticks to grab a dumpling for himself.

Holy crap.

Was this really Sheldon?

“Um Sheldon, want to catch me up?” Leonard stuttered out.

“What do you mean?” Sheldon’s face was a perfect mask of confusion.

Leonard sputtered and pointed at her. “You fed her! And then ate using the same chopsticks!” Leonard finally managed to get out. Howard and Raj nodded quickly which made them look like bobblehead dolls.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about Leonard.” Sheldon kept eating as if nothing was out of the ordinary.

“Shelly! That’s why you two were making eyes at each other all day long!” Missy jumped in and the guys turned astonished looks at Missy before they all turned to look at her.

Penny hoped her face was rosy, because she was honestly a little embarrassed. She avoided Leonard’s eyes and rubbed at her nose.

“Heck yeah!” Missy jumped up and did a fist pump. “We were worried about Shelly being all alone but Darlin’, we’re happy to have you in the family.”

“Woah, woah, woah!” Penny raised her hands “We’re just starting to date.”

“Date? Date?!” Leonard grabbed at his glasses. “What, what, what, what do you mean date?!”

“Ohhhhhh I can’t wait to be an aunt again.” Missy ignored Leonard and gushed about a nonexistent child.

Leonard’s eyes bugged out as he stared at Missy.

“Kids?” He said weakly before passing out.


I am a little loopy so the writing might be off

Chapter 115: Melted (Spy)


Sequel to Jeans


Still on this universe.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Sheldon calmly watched as his roommate hit the floor. Wolowitz and Koothrappali quickly moved to help Leonard up and they both glared at seeing he hadn’t moved, but he knew Leonard would be okay, he had fallen correctly, probably due to previous experiences.

“Howard? I just had the weirdest dream.” Leonard groaned out as he rubbed at his face, his glasses were in Raj’s hands. “Sheldon and Penny were dating.”

“Uhhh buddy. Not a dream I’m afraid. Right?” Wolowitz glanced at Koothrappali who only nodded and pointed at Penny and then to Sheldon.

“No, it must be a dream, I mean…” Leonard trailed off and looked at nothing before looking around for his glasses and Koothrappali finally handed them over to him. “Penny?” Leonard still had a lost look on his face as he watched Penny. His eyes roamed over her face, looking for something, he didn’t know what but seeing him grow frantic made Sheldon aware that he didn’t find it.

“Sweetie. It just happened.” Penny didn’t break eye contact with Leonard and shrugged nonchalantly.

Leonard stood up and moved towards Penny but he stopped a step away from her. “But I thought…” Leonard said softly and if Sheldon had to describe it further, he would call it defeated.

“You thought?” Penny’s face looked perfectly innocent and if Sheldon was someone else he would actually buy the innocent act. But he could see the micro expressions, the stiffness and fakeness.

“...nothing…” Leonard said after a long moment. Silence filled the apartment as he kept eating.

“Okay, let’s go out drinking and give these lovebirds some alone time. I’m sure you guys know some good bars.” Missy threw an arm around Leonard and pulled him towards the door. “You and you, c’mon!” She pointed towards Wolowitz and Koothrappali and they followed her like lost puppies.

Sheldon shook his head, amazed at how easily his sister could manipulate men. Jonah being an exception to that.

“Have fun kids!” Missy said leaving the apartment only to return a moment later. “I said have fun kids and not have fun making kids alright?”

“Ewww” Wolowitz said and Sheldon made a note to make him take the training again. Koothrappali waved goodbye and closed the door behind him.

Penny sighed once the door closed and rubbed at her eyes. “This is not the type of work I was expecting when I joined the agency.”

Sheldon nodded, having felt that way many times before.

“So…do you mind if I put on America’s next top model?”

Sheldon glared at Penny.

“Oh c’mon, I’m your wife!” Penny said with a mischievous smile, already grabbing the remote.

“I thought we had something!” Leonard said loudly as he slammed his glass on the table.

“Women. Man!” Raj agreed? At least Missy thought he did. Howard had disappeared at some point during Leonard’s second drink and she only caught glances of him.

The bar was decent enough and they had their own booth but the bar was packed to the brim. She had seen a couple of guys try to approach their booth but Leonard’s sobs and loud exclamations tended to scare them away, which was perfectly fine with her, he saved her effort in having to shoo them away.

“I mean, I mean, I mean. I just thought we had something. You know?!” Leonard downed his glass and served himself from the overpriced bottle he had bought from the bartender. “I thought I had finally gotten my break in life!”

Raj nodded and hugged Leonard tightly. Leonard tried to pat Raj on the top of the head but only managed to slap him in the face a couple of times, Raj didn’t seem to mind though.

“Is it because I’m short? Or because I can’t eat cheese?” Leonard asked her but she might as well not be there because he immediately answered himself. “Of course it’s because of that! Smelly Lenny can’t have nice things.”

Raj was the one that downed his drink this time. “Bitches be crazy.” Yeah, drunk Raj was not a nice guy.

“Okay guys, I think that bottle is almost out. Once that’s gone, we’re gone as well.” She warned them.

“Okay.” They answered at the same time and chugged their drinks before fighting to serve themselves with the remaining liquid in the bottle.

Outwardly she was smiling but inside she couldn’t help but sigh. Jonah was on a mission in Ireland and wouldn’t be back for another month. But this was part of her job and she would do it correctly.

“Guys, I think we should leave.” Howard’s voice surprised them and this time she felt justified in sighing out loud at seeing his rapidly swelling eye.

She grabbed a couple of napkins, put mostly melted ice in them and handed it over to Howard.

Work was fun.


It's been a while since I made a recommendation so here I go.

Now, fair warning, this is not a complete story and most likely it will never be completed but it's really good and I love it in a way I have a hard time putting into paper:
The Sliding Doors Hypothesis by lizwontcry

Chapter 116: Shame (Misunderstandings)


Sequel to Plan.


Back to the 'Misunderstanding' Universe.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny knew her dress looked fine and had no wrinkles but she still smoothed it out anyway. Sheldon only glanced at her in confusion before offering her his arm. She smiled up at him and took it.

He looked really handsome in the black suit she had somehow managed to convince him to get. The plaid monstrosity he dared call a suit was tucked all the way back in his closet now.

“What do I do if someone asks me a sciency question?” She asked him nervously.

“What? Penny, no one will test you.”

“Are you sure?”

“As much as I dislike to admit it, these dinners are not all about science. Half of the people in attendance are donors and their spouses, regular people.”

She somehow doubted it but instead of answering she focused on taking deep breaths, they were almost at the entrance and she was preparing herself in the same way as if this was an audition.

This was a dinner to celebrate and present Sheldon’s team for the Arctic expedition. Sheldon had wanted to avoid it altogether but she insisted that he should come and because of her big mouth here she was next to him.

“So why didn’t you choose to take Raj and Howard with you?” She asked when the silence became too much.

“Penny, this is an expedition that could change the future of Physics. While initially I had considered that approach, after seeing your own renewed efforts in your acting career made it so I was inspired to take a similar path. My team will consist of three other world class Physicists. This privilege should only be shared with those that deserve it.” Penny fought to close her mouth, she had rarely heard Sheldon be so passionate about it. She also felt her face warm at the idea that she had inspired him.

Penny smiled up at him and Sheldon hesitantly returned it.

Yeah, this was going to be a good night.



“I suspect that you’re upset about something.”

Penny gripped the steering wheel harder and looked ahead at the road. The night had started nice enough, her fears had been unfounded, people were lovely and she got butterflies in her stomach every time Sheldon introduced her as his girlfriend.

And then the expedition team had been introduced. Penny sucked on her teeth and in the corner of her eye she saw as Sheldon jumped a little.

Three other world class Physicists. All women. All hot.

Victoria Colquhoun, Welsh, redhead and so top heavy that Penny was surprised she didn’t have her own gravity field. ‘Oh hey! I learned something after all.’ She thought bitterly. Penny knew that she was being unfair but c’mon, it was unfair how hot the redhead was.

Sidney Tran, American, blonde from the Midwest and Penny kinda hated how similar their upbringings had been. She was closer to thirty than Penny but that didn’t make her any less beautiful.

Lin Li-Hui, Taiwanese, her skin was spotless and even among the other two women, she stood out by how freaking gorgeous she was. Hell, she looked amazing for someone supposedly in their late forties.

“Can you tell me again what the plan is if the power goes out?” She finally said after ignoring Sheldon.

“Well, it’s a contingency plan but should that occur then we will need to-” Penny didn't let him finish.

“If that were to happen, you all would have to get naked and snuggle into a single sleeping bag right? I read the plans.” Her voice raised a little at the end and she still refused to turn to look at him.

“That’s a rather succinct way to put it. Yes, that would have to be the correct course of action.”

Penny hummed and nodded.

“I’m going too.” She said after a moment.

“Excuse me? Going? Wait, to the Arctic?” Sheldon made the connection rather quickly.


Sheldon opened his mouth before closing it and frowning in thought. “I suppose it can be done.” His eyes moved, reading some information only he could see. “The accommodations are for up to eight people so your presence would not create a disturbance, we still have time to increase food rations and-”

Penny sighed, of course he would just roll with it.

“No, no, no. Don’t make new plans. I’m just…” She let out a breath in lieu of explaining.

“You’re just?” And he didn’t get it.

“I’m jealous, okay!” She refused to turn to look at him.

“Jealous.” Sheldon said the word as if he was tasting it for the first time. “Why?”

Penny’s eyes stinged, she knew he didn’t mean to make it sound like she was crazy but in her current emotional state she could only see it that way.

“Because I love you! You big goof!” She raised her voice and swiped at her eye.

“Penny! Perhaps you should park until your emotional state has returned to normal.” He said nervously.

She sniffed and nodded, they were pretty close to a gas station anyway.

This was another reason she loved their new apartment, she no longer had to go out of her way to get gas. As soon as she parked in front of the pump she left the car. Her anger and jealousy now turning into shame, she didn’t want Sheldon looking at her at that moment.

“Wait.” Sheldon’s voice was enough to make her body stop. She sniffed again and refused to look up. There she was in a gorgeous dress and crying in the middle of a gas station, what a sight she must make. “Wait.”

She heard him get out of her car and make his way over to her. She could only see his shiny shoes and nice pants. She swiped uselessly at her eyes. This wasn’t a nice way to cry, no, it made her feel congested, both physically and emotionally.

“I don’t understand.” Sheldon’s voice shook a little. “Penny, please.”

“I’m scared that you won’t want to be with me.” Her voice was low and she kept sniffing every few moments. “Those women are beautiful and they can talk science and they’re as successful as you are.” She shrugged petulantly.

Sheldon came closer to her and she stepped back until her back was on the door of the car. It didn’t stop Sheldon until he was right in front of her. She saw as his left arm raised and went to lean against her car door.

With anyone else she would have felt trapped, but not with Sheldon.

His right hand touched her wet cheek and she closed her eyes and took a shuddering breath. “I don’t want anyone else.” His voice was strong and confident.

Biting her lip she opened her eyes and looked up at his face. Not a single twitch showed. Her eyes searched for any hint of a lie but she already knew she wasn’t going to find any. Her mouth trembled, the shame getting to be too much.

“And I feel I should point out that no one is as successful as I am.” Sheldon said while looking her in the eye.

She couldn’t help it, she laughed. Here she was baring her heart to him and he had to make sure she knew no one was as good as him at Physics.

Penny let her head fall against his chest, feeling exhausted. No, Sheldon would not cheat on her. “I’m sorry. I thought I had worked the whole Kurt thing off but I guess ignoring it’s not the same thing.” Her arms went around him and she pulled him even closer to her.

“Brian has mentioned that trauma affects us in more ways than we’re ever aware.”

“Did you know Brian was studying Psychology?” She turned so her cheek was on his chest.

“I suspected as much.”

Penny hummed in what she hoped sounded as agreement.



“Do you have Purell in your car?”

Penny laughed again.

“No, but you can go in and buy one of those travel bottles plus telling the guy to put twenty on pump…” She finally looked up to see where she had parked. “Pump Five.”

“Very well.” Sheldon started to move away from her.

“But first.” And she pulled him in for a passionate kiss.

She was glad that Sheldon had gotten used to kissing. He really seemed to like it whenever she nibbled on his lip, she moaned into the kiss and moved the hand on her hip lower. Thankfully Sheldon got the hint and he squeezed her ass through the thin fabric of her dress.

Penny raised her leg and wrapped it around Sheldon, pulling him closer to her once again.

She smiled into the kiss once she felt his arousal, rubbing her hips against his in a very deliberate manner. Her efforts were rewarded with an even harder squeeze and Sheldon’s groan of pleasure.

She wasn’t sure how long they kept kissing for but it couldn’t have been for that long.

In the back of her mind she was aware of an annoying noise that kept increasing in volume but she ignored it in favor of more Sheldon time.

Unfortunately the noise wouldn’t go away so very reluctantly she separated from Sheldon, took 2 deep breaths and turned towards the noise. “What?!”

“Ummm hi?”

Penny blinked a couple of times. “Leonard?”

“Uh, yeah. I kept trying to get your attention guys but you were…” Leonard made a motion with his hand that she didn’t recognize.

“Yeah, we were. Thank you for interrupting us by the way.” The sarcasm was so heavy that even Sheldon should have gotten it.

“Leonard. If you excuse me, I need to go pay for the gas and to obtain a bottle of Purell.” Sheldon nodded at Leonard and in a move that made her smile like a loon, gave her a peck before walking towards the store.

“So…you and Sheldon huh?” Leonard shuffled on his feet.

“Yep.” She popped the word.

“I was thinking, if you don’t mind of course, that maybe, we could start being friends again?” Leonard was really nervous, grabbing at his hands and rubbing at the back of his head.

Penny wanted to sigh, either he thought she was stupid or he really thought he was that smart.

“Friends that bang each other?” She asked and there it was, he smiled before he hid it behind a facade of shock. “You’re really something else Leonard. You know that?” She put her hands on her hips and didn’t miss his eyes roaming her figure. “You have bigger issues than you think.”


“No, I don’t care. Look, I’m happy with Sheldon. I think it’s obvious for everyone what your true intentions are so let me put a stop to that right here. I don’t want to date you, I don’t want to fuck you, I don’t want to be your friend.”

“No Penny. I only wanted…” He trailed off and she didn’t speak, she only moved her head closer and twisted it to show him her ear. “Why couldn’t it have been me?” He asked softly.

This time Penny sighed out loud.

“You have issues Leonard.”

Sheldon’s footsteps made them both look. “The pump is ready.”

“Thank you Honey.” Penny moved to start pumping gas into her car. “Leonard was just saying goodbye.

“Oh! Goodbye Leonard.” Sheldon said pleasantly.

“Uh, yeah. Bye guys. I’ll guess I’ll see you around?” Leonard asked hopefully.

Penny pretended she hadn’t heard and Sheldon simply nodded. Leonard stood there awkwardly before he hesitantly moved towards the inside of the store.

“I never understood Leonard’s obsession with you.” Sheldon said once they were in the car. “Do you remember the combination of the gun safe?”

“I do and I don’t think that I’ll need it but I’ll still keep it in mind.”

As Penny drove them home she thought about what a bizarre ending this was for an overall weird night.


Gotta be honest here, this chapter kinda flew off my hands.

Chapter 117: Healing (Farming SIM)


Sheldon thinks about his guests.


Not a sequel to anything.

This is probably going to feel very disconnected. I had this idea after being on a huge amount of painkillers.

Basic premise is Sheldon lives in a world where magic took the place of science and he's trying to develop science while trying to avoid magic as much as possible. Honestly I pictured the world this Sheldon lives in like a Harvest Moon or Stardew Valley -like world.

Yeah, probably loopy AF but I had to write it.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Sheldon groaned as the warm water hit his back. He went through the familiar motions of cleaning himself, the only difference to his regular routine was the slowness of his movements.

His body ached something terrible and as much as he hated to do it, he spat a glob of blood and watched as it mixed with the water until it disappeared down the drain.

He knew it had been a bad idea to accept guests and now here he was suffering because of it.

Sheldon put his head under the spray of the water and hoped it would help with the pain. At least he hadn’t broken anything, as much as he hated magic he would have gone to town and paid for a healer if that had been the case.

Another groan escaped him as he tried to rub his back and failed. Giving in, he leaned against the wall and closed his eyes.

A quick knock on the door to this personal bathroom made him widen his eyes before narrowing them and glaring at the closed door.

“People are not allowed in my room.” He said loudly. “I believe I had made that clear.”

“I can do some basic healing magic.” The voice of one of his hated guests replied.

Sheldon scoffed. “Madam, I believe that you and your husband have done enough already. Please leave-”

“Please! My husband feels terrible. He was just trying to help.” Her voice sounded desperate. “This means a lot to him, he’s worried you’re going to ask us to leave.”

Sheldon took a deep breath to tell her to leave once again but instead he let out the breath and turned off the shower. Slowly and carefully he dried himself, or at least tried to. He put the towel around his waist and moved toward his room.

He hurt too much to be bashful so he simply opened the door and was surprised by the sudden armful of blonde woman he got. His first instinct was to throw her away from him but he was still his mother’s son.

“Are you alright?” He asked woodenly, repressing the shudder of distaste but he forced himself. He would return to his shower after she healed him.

“Oh yes, thank you. I shouldn’t have leaned against the door. Thank you.” Since he met her a few days ago she had been chatty, but now it appeared that she couldn’t stop talking. “Oh, you were really showering.”

Sheldon closed his eyes and took a steadying breath before making sure she was on her feet and moving towards the small wooden bench at the foot of his bed. He was too in pain to care about his state of undress.

“Please hurry with your healing.” He grunted, seating himself on the bench.

She didn’t say anything else before approaching him and putting her hands on his shoulders. The heat of her body made him uncomfortable but he endured it.

Soon he felt the familiar but hated feeling of energy running through his body. The pain and soreness slowly melted away. His breathing returned to normal and drowsiness overtook him.

He really disliked pain, he had taken care to not experience it as much and if it weren’t for Leonard Hofstadter and his wife he would not have been in so much pain. He had moved to his Pop-pop’s old farm because it wasn’t close to any major cities and he could conduct his research in peace.

At least that had been until one of the persons he had been maintaining correspondence with had requested to visit him. He had thought about denying the request but very few people trusted in his research and Hofstadter while mundane and simple had obtained a sufficient level of knowledge in the field of science.

Reluctantly he had agreed to the visit.

The first unpleasant surprise had occurred as he had gone to greet his guest, he wasn’t alone. No, he had brought his wife. The woman who he never bothered to learn the name of was loud, brash and quite frankly shrewd.

But being the reasonable individual he was, he had allowed her to stay as well. And ever since his life had gone terribly off course, the woman had no ability when it came to cooking and yet she insisted on cooking meals. She refused to listen to his instructions and overall was a nuisance.

And then there was Hofstadter himself. Sheldon didn’t know what sort of life the man had lived until now but he had never met a man so willing to change himself for the sake of others. On the other hand, that submissiveness made him an excellent assistant. The other characteristic that made Sheldon dislike the man was his puppy-like enthusiasm to try and please other people.

It’s what had led Hofstadter to try and feed his cows.

Thankfully Sheldon had heard the man’s cries for help and was able to corral the animals back into their pens. Not without taking a couple of hits himself, courtesy of the angry cows.

He had yelled at the man until the shock wore off and the pain assaulted him, at some point his wife had joined them and he had hurled some very unkind words her way as well.

Sheldon had then hobbled his way into the house and the shower and because of that here he was now, being healed by the man’s wife. He took a deep breath and was glad to be able to do it without pain.

“Do you feel any pain?” Her voice came from somewhere above his head.

“No.” A pause. “Thank you.” It grated him to have to thank her.

“You’re welcome. Um, would you mind moving your head?” She said nervously.

Sheldon paused. He hadn’t noticed but at some point his head had fallen and he had leaned it into her stomach, right underneath her bosom. Standing up quickly he put distance between them.

“I apologize. I-”

“Nononono, I know healing can have a relaxing effect on people.” She interrupted him.

He couldn’t face her, he kept his eyes on the ceiling. “I appreciate your help Ma’am. If you don’t mind, I'll finish my shower.” He moved back towards the bathroom.

“Penelope.” Her voice stopped him and he glanced at her. She didn’t look upset. “My name is Penelope.”

“Penelope.” Sheldon grimaced. “Would you be opposed to me referring to you as Penny?”

She smiled wryly. “That was my childhood nickname. You have permission to use it.”

“Thank you.” Sheldon didn’t tell her that the reason he didn’t want to call her Penelope was because one of his cows was named the same.

Without another word he moved back towards the shower.

He couldn’t wait until his life returned to normal and without all these interruptions.


I don't think I will continue it but in case you were wondering, yes, Sheldon would end up with Penny still.

Chapter 118: Gym (Misunderstandings)


Sequel to Shame


More of the 'Misunderstanding' Universe.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Leonard just wanted a quiet night. That’s all he wanted, he didn’t think it was too much to ask for but being basically homeless meant that he never had quiet nights. Not anymore.

At least he had found a passion in stealth camping.

Who knew there were entire communities around it? He hadn’t. And now he knew most of the great spots you could park your car and sleep in peacefully.

He had stopped at a gas station to buy some snacks and to use the bathroom when he thought life had given him a break.


She looked amazing in a form hugging dark red dress, he honestly would have watched her all night but of course something had to go wrong and in seconds Sheldon was there, in front of her.

He watched as Sheldon in a very not-Sheldon move approached Penny and basically cornered her against the car door. He had been gathering courage to try and go to defend her. Because she didn’t look too happy at first.

But then Sheldon grabbed her cheek and they shared an intense look. He had never seen Sheldon look at anyone that way, no, he had reserved that look for whiteboards and formulas.

And Penny had never looked at him that way. His stomach roiled.

He watched as they hugged and he suddenly felt lost. What was he doing? He had to fight for her, he couldn’t roll over and just let Sheldon take her.

Having finally mustered enough courage Leonard approached the pair and stopped cold at seeing Penny pull Sheldon down for a very intense kiss.

It had been months since he and Penny had broken up. But his heart broke all the same.

Not wanting to witness that any longer he approached and cleared his throat but the kissing pair ignored him. He tried again, and again, and again, but there was no response. He thought about going back to his car but in the end his need to talk to Penny was bigger than his embarrassment.

He cleared his throat one last time, loudly, almost cartoonishly so. But it did the trick, the kissing pair separated. Leonard desperately watched Penny’s face for any signs of longing, of regret, of anything that told him she had missed him.

There was nothing.

They made small talk until Penny basically blew up on him for no reason. He had gone inside the store and when he came back Penny and Sheldon were no longer there.

“You have issues Leonard.” That kept repeating inside his head, over and over.

He still didn’t understand where it all had gone wrong. Just a few months ago he had been on top of the world and now, well now he was sleeping in his car.

The next morning was a Saturday and he didn’t have work so he drove to Santa Monica. He didn’t particularly like the beach, but he thought maybe the change of scenery would help him. But the beach smelled like shit and there were no people around. It just made him feel worse.

Leonard sat on the hood of his car, glanced at the beach in front of him and pulled out his phone. He stared at it for a long moment and before he could chicken out he pressed a couple of buttons and put the phone to his ear. He hoped no one would answer.

The voice of his mother was cold and disinterested, like always.

“Hello Mother.”

Leonard hated his mother’s voice.

“Actually yes, I need help.”

She sounded so wooden, so distant and yet, there was something mocking about her voice.

“Mother! I’m being serious.”

Every word out of her mouth told him that he wasn’t good enough.

“I…think I screwed up big time.”

He wasn’t as successful as his siblings. Jennifer’s research was groundbreaking and according to his mother, she was pretty close to finding an actual cure for diabetes. Michael had just announced his engagement and his bride-to-be was just as accomplished as he was.

“Mother, please! I need you to actually listen to me for once!”

Maybe there was something wrong with him after all.

“I don’t know why I called you.”

How come his siblings were fine? Why was he the only one that seemed so starved for love and affection?

“Because you’re my mother!”

Leonard wanted to slam his phone on the ground but instead he ended the call with a trembling finger. That had been a mistake. He was a fool to think talking to her would fix anything.

He let his back rest against the windshield and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath and immediately regretted it, there was something rank in the air. Maybe this was how all beaches smelled and he just had to get used to it. Maybe that was the same thing with life, it would always be shit and he needed to get used to it.

His phone vibrated in his hand and he picked up the call without looking at the caller ID.


“Leonard, are you ready to listen to me now?” His mother’s voice was calm but he could detect the small amount of annoyance in her voice.

“Why should I? You’re just going to call me a failure.”

“Leonard.” Her voice was harsh. “You called me, I asked the reason for the call and you blew up on me. It’s obvious something big is happening but your very open resentment towards me keeps you from communicating your current situation.” He heard as she took a steadying breath. “I’m your mother as you so eloquently put it a few moments ago. I want to help you if possible, but I can’t do that if you take every word out of my mouth as some sort of attack on your person.”

“...why didn’t you love me?” His voice was a whisper.

“Leonard. I do love you.” For the first time in a long time he could hear something in her voice, some emotion.

He hated himself but hearing her say that made him break down into tears. He curled up and cried. The beach was empty and he was thankful for that.

“Talk to me.” And for the first time in a long time Leonard did just that.

He told her everything, not just about Penny, Leslie, Priya and moving out. No, he told her everything he had saved up for years, the bullying he had to endure, the lack for support, how lonely he felt in his own home growing up.

Like a broken pipe he spilled everything.

“Come home Leonard.”

“Okay…” His voice was hoarse and broken but he did feel better.

He had enough accrued PTO that no one batted an eye at him taking a full week off, of course, it’s not like he wanted to be around the lab at the moment. Leslie’s presence was a constant reminder of how badly he screwed up.

He doubted it, but maybe coming back home would help him find his way again.

Priya slapped her cheeks and smiled bravely at the mirror. She wasn’t ready to date again but she was ready to go back to her life.

It was her fault for falling in love so quickly with someone she knew nothing about. But Leonard had looked so harmless, like a nice guy.

And then he stomped on her heart.

Shaking her head she left those thoughts behind. Today was her first day at the gym and she didn’t want to still have this whole thing hanging over her head.

The gym was great, not that expensive and close to her brother’s apartment. She had been afraid of men approaching her while she worked out but thankfully it had been unfounded. She watched and saw that everyone kept to themselves for the most part and in fact she was the one that had to approach a guy.

She didn’t recognize one of the machines and instead of making a fool of herself she rather ask someone. The man she approached was kind and to the point, he showed her how to use the machine and after that moved to go back to his own workout but she stopped him.

“Thank you once again. I’m Priya. I just moved into the neighborhood.”

“Oh cool, I’m Jon, but my friends call me Jonjon. If you need any help just give me a shout.” He smiled at her and Priya smiled back.

It felt good to be out there again.

Leslie heard about Leonard’s PTO request and despite her best efforts she broke down and had to ask Howard about it.

“I don’t know. We’re no longer talking to him.” For once, Howard looked serious.

“Wait really? Because he cheated on me?” She knew about the little fanclub but she never expected Howard to be a part of it.

“What? No. The girl he was cheating with was Raj’s sister.” Howard shook his head. “I don’t know what happened to Leonard.”

She sniffed in disdain. “Yeah, I think he was always like that.”


And that had been that. She could have messaged Leonard directly, but no, she was not going to play that game anymore. Once a cheater, always a cheater.

Sighing she went back to work.

The worst part of this was losing someone she thought was a friend. Now she didn’t have someone to gossip with or to banter while they waited for results.

She didn’t want a one-night stand. She wanted someone to love her.


I bring you another recommendation but this story is not on AO3.

It's called "The Galahad Principle by Chezzles.ze.Great" and it's over at

It's a wonderful story but it does start rather dark so be warned.

Chapter 119: Calf (Farming SIM)


Sequel to Healing.


Yeah, more of this Universe. I think I want to replay Stardew Valley.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Penelope leaned back against the closed door. She put a hand to her heart and took several calming breaths. Feeling nervous she glanced down the hallway and to the door of the room she and her husband were sharing but the door was still closed.

She was a married woman, she shouldn’t have been alone with an unmarried man and much less in his state of undress. But she had seen how broken up Leonard was about the whole ordeal and the only thing she could do to try and fix it was to offer her healing services to Mr Cooper.

The man was insufferable and egotistic to a fault but her husband was infatuated with the man’s work.

She couldn’t see what was so great about this science. They all had magic and could do the same things faster and easier. As the thought crosses her mind she glances guiltily at the door of her room. Not everyone had access to magic.

Sighing she straightened up and started walking back towards her room before thinking it twice and doubling back to go to the kitchen. She was feeling really thirsty.

Her husband and Mr Cooper were in the minority of people that didn’t have access to magic. She knew that it caused her husband to feel useless but so what? He was a successful merchant and he didn’t need magic for that, he was extremely smart but he still was searching for a way to feel like an equal to her.

Reaching the kitchen she grabbed a glass and used the sink to serve herself a glass. She still had a hard time believing that this contraption didn’t use magic, according to Mr Cooper the water came directly from a tank in the basement which purified the water.

The entire house was like this, no water stones, no heat stones and no warding arrays. No Magic.

Penelope scoffed in a very unladylike manner. No magic. The arrogance of the man, and now he was dragging her husband along, giving him fake hope about being able to do the same things through mundane means.

After gulping down the glass of cool water she took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down. She had decided to follow Leonard here because she had been afraid that the Mr Cooper he talked so much about would be a scammer or a criminal.

Thankfully they would only stay here for a couple of weeks and then go back to Luvsi Town.

Looking down at her hand Penelope sighed, not that she really had something to return to. Her life as the wife of a successful merchant was boring. The only reason she had agreed to marry Leonard was because he had offered to pay for her mother’s resurrection.

Penelope didn’t hesitate to accept the offer.

And Leonard was a nice person, not exactly what she had been looking for in a husband but he treated her well and she wanted for nothing. If the price to pay for that was this dull life, then she’d pay for it willingly.

She rinsed off the glass in the way that Mr Cooper had shown her and set it to dry. She would go check on her husband.

Smoothing her dress, she was surprised by the feeling of wetness under her breasts. Looking down she saw a wet spot and immediately remembered that was where Mr Cooper had rested his head. His hair had been wet as he used her stomach as a makeshift pillow.

Heat rushed to her face again.

She had tried to not think of it but Mr Cooper had been half naked, covered only by a towel. He was surprisingly muscular for his frame and being wet had just added something that made the whole image that much more…appealing.

Heat spread in parts she refused to acknowledge.

No, the man was an ass on the best of days. And she was a married woman, she shouldn’t be feeling this way. Perhaps she needed to take a nap, yes, that was all she needed.

Moving back to the guest room she stood for a moment as she looked at Mr Cooper’s door, before she shook her head and moved to her own room. Leonard was still sleeping so she decided to go to the other bed and do the same. Thankfully the room had separate beds, just like they did back home.

Sleep soon took her into dreams she refused to acknowledge.

Sheldon pulled the lever on his automatic feeder and watched as his cows moved towards the bins on their own. This idea had come to him in the shower after the whole incident with his guests a few days ago. To be quite honest with himself, he should have thought about this before.

He walked calmly between the feeding bins and observed his cows as they ate, he looked for any signs of issues he might need to address or even call the animal healer for. But no, his animals were healthy. He paid extra attention to Penelope, as she was expecting and it would be her first calf.

“Are you feeling well Penelope?” He said to the cow as he ran a gloved hand over her head. Penelope stopped eating to moo at him and Sheldon couldn’t help but smile. “Eat, you need the strength.”

Penelope went back to eating and Sheldon enjoyed the moment. This was his last task on the farm before he could focus back on his science research.

“You’re a good girl Penelope.” She was the youngest of his cows and the one he had spent more time with, having obtained her as a calf. “Yes, you are. I’m proud of you.”

Initially he had felt rather silly talking to his animals but after a while he had noticed that not only they seemed happier when he did it, but his own mood improved as well.

“You’re such a strong girl Penelope. I love you.” Penelope mooed at him once more before returning to her feed. Sheldon smirked to himself and turned to leave the barn and go back into the farmhouse only to stop immediately.

Penelope Hofstadter stood at the entrance of the barn, her face was tomato red.

Sheldon blinked and in a moment understood why. He closed his eyes and turned his head to the side. This is why he hated guests.

“I just wanted to let you know that lunch was ready.” She stammered.

“Thank you.” A pause. “Penny.” He needed to make it clear, he did not think of her as Penelope.

“We’ll wait for you.” And just like that she was gone.

Sheldon shook his head and left the barn.


IF I write more about this universe, it will most likely be kinda disjointed.

Chapter 120: Mana (Farming SIM)


Sequel to Calf


I like the Rune Factory games as well but they kinda lost that charm that Harvest Moon had in spades.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Penelope wanted to leave this farmhouse as soon as possible. She had lunch with her husband and Mr Cooper but she spent the entirety of it trying to not glance at Mr Cooper’s face.

“You’re such a strong girl Penelope. I love you.” It rang in her head.

Who knew that he could sound so sincere? His voice was caring and soft and she could hear a smile in his voice. Why did one of his cows have to be named that? Now it made sense that he chose to call her Penny.

After that rather embarrassing lunch she decided that the best thing to do was to make herself scarce while her husband and Mr Cooper worked on their little trinkets.

Penelope rather liked this farm, she wasn’t sure how Mr Cooper kept it running without magic but she had to admit to herself that he was doing a great job. Thinking for a moment she made a line towards the coop.

She had been raised on a dairy farm, much larger and with less variety in animals. Her dad was a foreman and her mom a seamstress, their gift of magic was just enough to let them do their jobs comfortably.

They had been rather excited when she showed an aptitude towards healing magic. Of course she never actually finished her Healer school due to her mother’s accident and then her wedding.

It’s not like she had been enthused about becoming a Healer either, but she couldn’t break her parent’s hearts by telling them she didn’t want to go to her apprenticeship any longer. No, Penelope had a secret love for singing. Her initial plan had been to become a Healer and then travel under the pretense of searching for a job but in reality she would be searching for a Bard willing to teach her.

But all of that was in the past.

She had made a promise and she intended to keep it. Leonard was a good man, she could have done much worse.

‘Your sister certainly did.’ Penelope thought with a grimace.

She shook her head to clear her thoughts and focused instead of the small corral and coop in front of her. She smiled at seeing the chicks following behind their mothers as they pecked experimentally at the ground. Leaning against the wooden fence she lost herself watching the chicks.

‘Yeah, you could be in a much worse situation.’ She thought and ignored the feeling of restlessness in her.

“Coooooooooooooooooper!” A yell startled her and the animals.

Looking up towards the source of the voice she watched as a young woman walked briskly up the road towards the entrance to the farm.

The young woman had long fiery red hair that had been arranged into a beautiful braid. Her skin was tanned and freckles dotted her face in a rather cute pattern. She watched as the woman easily climbed up the fence and once again yelled.

“Coooooooooooooooooper!” Her voice was loud and cheery.

Penelope was already walking towards her when Mr Cooper appeared on the doorway of the farmhouse.

“Mana. How many times have I asked you to use the bell?” Mr Cooper sighed and walked up towards where the young woman was waiting. Penelope soon catched up and while Mr Cooper glanced at her in confusion, he did not ask her to go away.

“Oh, who is this?” Mana asked.

“A guest.” Mr Cooper answered before Penelope could open her mouth.

Mana blinked and Penelope noticed that her eyes were green, just like hers.

“A guest? Oh! Oh! Oh!” Mana jumped in place. “A guest like I’m sometimes a guest?”

Mr Cooper froze in place before he narrowed his eyes at Mana. “No.” And he said nothing more.

“Too bad, she’s missing out then.” Mana looked truly sorry for her. “Anyway, I just came back from dungeon crawling and was wondering if I could stay the night, the next caravan leaves in the morning.”

“As long as you’re willing to sell me some of the materials you found.”

“Deal.” Mana extended her hand.

Mr Cooper looked at the offered hand with an eyebrow raised and did not take it. After an awkward minute Mana lowered her hand.

“Wash my hands?” She asked and Mr Cooper nodded his head. “Beans, you’re always so uptight.”

Mana easily jumped over the fence and with the ease of familiarity she went into the house, not waiting for them.

“Wow, she’s…” Penelope trailed off, unsure. “Cheery.” She finally decided.

“That she is. Mana is an adventurer that sometimes sleeps here before taking the caravan to Luvsi City.”

Penelope nodded but before she could ask more questions Mr Cooper was already moving to get back in the farmhouse.

Mr Cooper was full of surprises it seemed.

The rest of the day went by rather quietly, she had hoped to try and catch Mana to ask her more about Mr Cooper but she didn’t catch sight of the redhead again until dinner.

Mana had no issues being the center of attention, she regaled them all with tales about encountering monsters in the dungeon. Bats made out molting lava, slimes so tough you couldn’t harm them, dog headed goblins that barked in some unknown language.

Her husband was thrilled and hung to every word out of Mana’s mouth and Penelope thought that Mana had the talent to become a storyteller. Penelope herself enjoyed the stories but knew the adventurer had to be exaggerating some of her tales.

Mr Cooper ate and paid attention to no one.

After the meal had been consumed Mana had produced a bottle of dungeon wine out of her bag of holding and Penelope couldn’t reject the offer of a glass. She had heard about this wine, it was a rare drop from alcohol slimes and it fetched quite a price. Her husband agreed and soon they were both unsteady on their seats.

“Mana, that’s enough.” Mr Cooper said as Mana tried to serve them yet another glass and for some reason Mana complied.

“Aw, you’re a spoilsport.” Mana pouted and Penelope did a double take, that looked a lot like flirting.

“Madam, I’ll clean here. You and your husband should retire to bed.” Mr Cooper ignored Mana and instead told her that. Her husband was practically snoring already so as best as she could she dragged him away and into their bedroom.

Penelope wasn’t a delicate flower but she still struggled to carry her husband to the bed, once there she just let him fall and she panted. Feeling sweat covering her she decided to clean herself up a little before crawling into her own bed.

The communal bathroom was thankfully next to their bedroom and she quickly cleaned herself with a moist towel.

Hearing footsteps she peeked from the bathroom door and watched as Mr Cooper entered his room without looking her way. Penelope frowned, she thought that Mana would come right behind Mr Cooper but there was no sight of the redhead.

Penelope closed the bathroom door behind her and stood awkwardly in the hallway for a moment before she heard footsteps again and watched as Mana approached. She smiled at Penelope and waved.

“Goodnight.” She said pleasantly and Penelope waved back.

“Goodnight.” Her hand froze when Mana, as if it were the most natural thing in the world, entered Mr Cooper’s bedroom.

Penelope gulped and waited for Mr Cooper’s screams but they never came.

Feeling like a naughty child she tiptoed until she was at his bedroom door and placed her ear carefully next to the door before feeling her face heat up before she quickly moved away and into her own room.

That night once again she dreamed of blue eyes and large hands roaming her body.


Yes he did.

Chapter 121: Crest (Farming SIM)


Sequel to Mana.


The world expands

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Penelope woke up early and went to prepare breakfast for everyone. Her head was pounding fiercely and she had to squint to try and control the headache. It didn’t work.

Arriving at the kitchen she was surprised to see that Mana was already there, drinking a glass of something. It might have been her imagination but it looked as if the blue liquid glowed a little.

“Hey, mornin’!” Mana said cheerfully.

Penelope cringed and closed her eyes, a small groan escaped her.

“Oops, sorry. Hangover?” Mana asked quietly and Penelope nodded. “Here, drink some of this.” Mana stood up and put the glass in her hand. Mentally shrugging Penelope took a long swig of the liquid. It was cold and she could feel it travel down her throat and settle in her stomach. The sweetness also helped settle the faint nausea she had been ignoring.

“Oh, that’s fantastic. Thank you. I think my headache is gone as well.” Penelope was surprised.

“Ah, don’t mention it. Dungeon wine gives you the worst hangovers, I forgot to mention that.” Mana cringed and smiled at her. “You can have the rest of that glass, I’ll grab a new one.” Mana moved to grab a glass and then went to Mr Cooper’s personal coldbox, grabbed a half filled jug and then poured herself a glassful.

“What is this?” Penelope asked before taking another sip. It was sweet and tart but she couldn’t identify the flavor.

“I dunno. Sheldon makes it. He says it helps us recover faster.” Mana took her own sip and she sighed contentedly sitting back down at the table.

“Oh, so is this like a healing potion?”

“No but I didn’t pay enough attention when he told me what was in it.” Mana laughed mischievously and Penelope couldn’t help but laugh alongside her.

Finishing her drink and feeling much better Penelope went to start cooking breakfast.

“None for me. I’m waiting for the caravan’s bell. Thanks.” Mana was happily sipping on her drink.

“You’re leaving already?” Penelope decided to keep things simple, eggs and toast.

Mana yawned. “Yeah. Gotta get home. I already spent a whole month inside the dungeon.”

“Wait, you don’t live here?” Penelope was surprised.

“What? No.” Mana looked baffled.

“But, last night you…you know.” Penelope blinked and turned back to the stove.

“Last night? Oh, oh, oh, oh. No, no, that’s just…” Mana suddenly got quiet and Penelope glanced back to make sure she was still there. “Look, it gets lonely in the dungeon.”

“So you two are engaged?”

Mana scoffed. “Me with Sheldon? I’d kill him if we had to live together. No, we just…blow off steam together. Yeah, that works.”

Penelope nodded as if that made sense. “And how did you two meet?”

“Don’t let his tall and lanky act fool you, he has some good muscles underneath the farmer’s clothes.” Penelope very deliberately did not turn to look at Mana. Her face must have been red and the other woman would be able to tell something was off. “He did some dungeon diving in the past, when the farm was starting out and money was tighter. He needs some of the materials for his research and before he could pay for them the only way to get them was to go down there himself.”

Penelope gaped at Mana. “He went down there without magic?”

Mana frowned but before she could answer a loud bell rang somewhere near the entrance to the farm.

“That’s me! It was great meeting you. Bye!” And just like that Mana was out the door and running out of the farm. Penelope smiled at seeing Mana rush out. The energetic girl was easy to like.

“Good morning.” Mr Cooper’s voice made her jump.

“Morning.” Penelope observed Mr Cooper, despite not drinking a single glass of alcohol he still looked dead tired. Trying not to think about the reason for his appearance Penelope took a big gulp of the blue drink.

Mr Cooper stopped walking toward his coldbox when he noticed what she was drinking. Penelope closed her eyes, expecting him to be angry. When no recrimination came she opened one eye cautiously and saw Mr Cooper had resumed his walk to the coldbox and was now serving himself a glass of blue drink.

“That drink is great to recover when you’re tired but please don’t drink too much of it. It has a high content of sugar and minerals which in large quantities can cause some internal issues.” Mr Cooper explained calmly. “I am rather partial to this wild berry flavor but I have been experimenting with limes and dungeon berries.”

Penelope made a noise of surprise and returned to cooking.

From the corner of her eye she watched as Mr Cooper downed an entire glass of the drink before he served himself another half glass. He rubbed at his neck and stretched his back, in the week she had been here, this was the first time she had seen him so relaxed.

“Why are you all the way out here?” Penelope asked without thinking.

“I enjoy the peace and quiet. It allows me to continue my research without too much interference and the people from around the town mostly keep to themselves. It’s ideal.” He sipped on his glass and she watched as his throat moved. “The nearby dungeon has the highest amount of drops that are useful to me.” Mr Cooper stopped talking and looked pensive, to her it looked as if he was debating on whether to tell her something or not. After a moment he sighed and kept talking. “This was also my Pop-pop’s farm and I found a great deal of satisfaction in restoring it back to working order.”

Before she could say anything, her husband came stumbling into the kitchen.

“Oh god, do you have anything for this hangover?” Leonard asked Mr Cooper in a painful groan.

Mr Cooper downed the rest of his glass. “No.”

Leonard groaned and face planted on the table. She discreetly finished her own drink.

After breakfast, her husband decided to go back to bed. Something that made Mr Cooper frown in dissatisfaction but he said nothing about it.

Penelope used this time to follow Mr Cooper around the farm and watch as he fed and petted the animals. He had quite the variety for running a farm by himself, several chickens, two goats and six cows.

She did not count the slimes he used for cleaning.

Penelope shuddered, slimes were something she hated with a passion. One time when she was seven or eight, her older brother had grabbed a forest slime and slid it under the back of her dress. To this day she could still remember the slimy and cold feeling of it running down her back.

Mr Cooper also had a small field where he grew vegetables, she wasn’t sure how it worked but he had a weird metallic contraption that watered the plants everyday without fail, he only spent time checking for pests or rabbits.

“I grew up on a farm as well, you know?” She got tired of the silence.

Mr Cooper made a noise in the back of his throat and she wasn’t sure if it was a sound to acknowledge her words or if he had just swallowed a bug, but she decided to go with the former.

“It was much bigger than this. It was a dairy farm. I liked it quite a bit.” She felt awkward.

“Is that why you’re not afraid of touching the animals?” She hadn’t expected him to talk back.

“Yep. I even learned how to ride a horse.”

“Impressive.” He didn’t sound mocking, which was a first.

“Yeah. I sort of miss it. Luvsi City is mostly boring for such a big place.” Penelope stood next to him and they watched the cows play around. She knew that cows could be as playful as dogs.

“I suppose being a merchant’s wife is a boring life.” He didn’t turn to look at her.

“It is.” She tried to be discreet and look at him from the corner of her eye but was having issues with him being so tall. “Did you know that we’re the only city without a Bard Guild representative? My husband says that merchants only care about art when they can profit from it.”

“A rather apt description for such a…distraction.”

Penelope groaned and she turned to look at him fully. “Don’t tell me you also think art is a waste of time?” Her hands went to her waist.

“Not as such. I can admit that art has its space and value. I am rather fond of Bards myself. I particularly enjoy Supermen songs and tales.”

“Oh, you mean about the people that can fly and save entire cities from gigantic monsters?” This was another surprising side to him.

Mr Cooper nodded and for a moment smiled. “Quite so. I find them fascinating. We actually have a small Bard Guild building in town, this is considered a ‘training’ town so we have a healthy rotation of storytellers.”

Penelope couldn’t close her mouth. This small town had a Bard Guild building?

“Maybe my husband and I can join you when you visit next?” She asked hopefully.

“Perhaps.” She could have sworn he had smirked but if it happened, it was so fast that she might as well have imagined it.

The rest of the day went by peacefully and she didn’t catch a glimpse of Mr Cooper again until dinner, when he emerged from his laboratory.

Her husband was back to normal and she couldn’t understand how her usually cutthroat and business minded husband turned into a blubbering mess in front of Mr Copper. Yes, the man was intelligent and inventive but her husband seemingly thought the sun rose and set with Mr Cooper.

“Have I told you how I met my wife?” Her husband asked Mr Cooper as they enjoyed a cup of tea after dinner. The night was cool and they were all sitting outside.

Mr Cooper didn’t reply, he only acknowledged her husband's statement with a brief movement of his eyes before he focused back on looking at his farm. But that movement was all her husband needed.

“It was all by chance! I was opening a small branch of my company in her town, when I happened to see her by chance. She was on her way to Healer School and I knew right away that she was the one for me.” Leonard turned to smile at her and she returned the smile though she hoped he didn’t notice the fakeness behind it, seeing him smile even wider made her internally sigh in relief. Seeing Mr Cooper focus on her face made her suspect that he had in fact noticed what her husband didn’t.

“I of course asked her to marry me right away but she rejected me.” Leonard had a self-deprecating smile. “Not once, or twice, but four times! But then her mother had an unfortunate accident and Penelope was the one to approach me. And like fate, we were wed.” Leonard smiled at her again and she smiled back, a little more honestly this time.

Mr Cooper hummed in what she was starting to recognize as him faking interest.

“And now I can’t wait for our children.” Her husband said dreamily and she suppressed a cringe by pure will.

Mr Cooper turned to look at her, confused. His eyes moved from her to Leonard, calculating. She was confused as well, unsure on why he was acting this way.

Thankfully the evening came to an end soon after and her husband moved to go inside but before she could follow her husband, Mr Cooper gently took a hold of her arm.

“Does he not know you have a permanent anticonceptive crest on you?” He asked her softly.

Penelope sucked in a breath, shocked.

“How?” She asked just as softly.

Mr Cooper gently touched her ring finger and pointed at the small almost unnoticeable magical crest under her wedding ring. She thought no one would notice.

“Please don’t tell him!” She begged in a harsh whisper.

“I dislike falsehood and lying.” Her heart dropped. “But my brother is a victim of a marriage similar to yours. Your secrets are yours to keep.” Mr Cooper let go of her and she felt cold. He nodded once at her and went into the farmhouse.

“Victim?” She asked no one.


You know what? I don't understand why the most popular Stardew Valley or Harvest Moon fics need to have a harem. Give me emotional depth!!!

Chapter 122: Handful (Farming SIM)


Sequel to Crest.


I really like this Universe. It's my love for farming SIMs.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


That word kept repeating in her head, over and over. Mr Cooper had called her a victim.

Penelope was sitting on the bed as she played with her wedding ring. She was happy to have gotten the crest and she thought it was small enough that no one would be able to tell what it was for. Hell, most days she forgot she had it.

But not Mr Cooper, she had never seen him pay much attention to her but apparently she had been mistaken.

She glanced back and saw that her husband was sleeping peacefully. It was still rather early in the evening and she could hear Mr Copper in the living room. Scratching her head she returned to play with her ring.


Penelope scoffed. Right. Victim. She had chosen this, she wasn’t a victim. Leonard was a good man.

Biting her lip she glanced back at her husband and decided she needed to clarify this with Mr Cooper and it couldn’t wait. Carefully she approached her husband’s bed and used a rather simple sleeping spell, the only one she knew. It was rough but effective, her husband might wake up with a small headache but hopefully he would attribute it to the dungeon wine.

Once she made sure he was asleep she stood in front of the door and took a deep breath.

Footsteps down the hallway made her stop with her hand in the handle. It had only been a couple of days but she could easily recognize Mr Cooper’s steps. He was moving towards his room.

Nervousness made her hesitate before opening the door but anger fueled her determination. Opening the door she could see Mr Cooper about to open his bedroom door and like all previous nights, he didn’t even glanced her way.

“Mr Cooper.” Her voice shook for a moment.

“Madam?” Mr Cooper glanced at her for a moment before turning to look at her fully. “Is everything okay?”

“No.” She walked up to him, shaking her head. “I have a matter I need to discuss with you.”

“And this matter can’t wait until morning?” Mr Cooper tilted his head, genuine curiosity in his tone.

“No, it cannot.”

“Very well.” Mr Cooper stood in front of his open bedroom door and looked at her expectantly.

Penelope opened and then closed her mouth, unsure on how to approach the subject.

“Give me a moment.” She told him and went back to her bedroom to close the door. The sleeping spell was strong, used for people that had a hard time falling asleep. Still, she didn’t want to risk having her husband wake up.

Mr Cooper watched her curiously but did not comment.

“Excuse me.” She said, returning to where he was and then moving into his room.

“No please Madam, make yourself comfortable.” Mr Cooper grumbled. “That’s sarcasm by the way.”

“Thanks, I could tell.” She liked this side of him. He had a small table in his bedroom with two chairs, she took a seat on one.

Mr Cooper sighed theatrically and took a seat at the other chair. “Now will you tell me what was so urgent?”

Penelope fidgeted a little until she forced herself to sit still. Making sure her face was serious she made sure he was looking her in the eye before she spoke.

“I’m not a victim.” Her voice was hard.

Mr Cooper said nothing, he only tilted his head and his eyes searched her face.

“I’m not a victim.” She repeated. “Even before my mother’s accident, we struggled with paying for her healer sessions. It’s why I studied to become a healer despite hating it. She has the regrowing disease.” Mr Cooper’s eyes widened before his face became grim and he nodded to himself, his eyes were distant. “So when she had an accident on the farm, we were all already pretty much broke. I knew that Leonard could help pay for her resurrection and…and I just needed to marry him.”

Penelope rubbed at her arms. She didn’t like talking about her mom’s accident.

“So, you can see that I’m not a victim. I was the one that went to him. I was the one that chose him.” She said with fire in her voice. “I’m not a victim.”

“Fascinating. I am familiar with the regrowing disease despite its rarity. In what part of her body does your mom show lumps?” His voice was still distant.

“What? Her chest…” She answered, more out of reflex than anything else.

“I see. How long does it take for the lumps to regrow after a full healer session?”

“Uh, it has been as short as four months and as long as a year and a half.” She really didn’t know why he was focusing on this part of the conversation.

“Do the lumps appear on one side of her chest initially or is it both sides?”

“The left side, but after a while it spreads to the other side.”

Mr Cooper nodded. “And after her resurrection, the lumps took over a year to reappear?”

“It’s only been six months but she has been feeling healthy…”

Mr Cooper leaned back in his chair and narrowed his eyes at nothing. “Fascinating.”

Penelope shook her head, remembering the reason she was here initially. “Yes, yes. But do you understand now that I’m not a victim?”

“Hm? Oh, apologies, I wasn't paying much attention to that part of the conversation.” He didn’t even look ashamed. “You’re still a victim of circumstance. If that makes you feel better?”

Penelope felt anger envelop her. She stood up and narrowed her eyes at the man sitting in front of her. “You’re insufferable!” Her hands landed heavily on the table between them. “I’m not a damsel in distress!”

“Mrs Hofstadter.” A pause. “Penny. Life is a very cruel thing. If you’re trapped between two boulders rushing towards you and you make a choice to get crushed under one or the other, does that choice give you freedom? Does making the choice of what boulder to die under makes you less of a victim?”

Penelope swallowed, his voice was gentle, the same way he spoke to his animals. She slowly sat back down.

“I acknowledge that you were the one that seeked out your husband due to his financial means, which would mean you going to him was your choice to use him. Would you agree?”

Penelope gave a shaky nod.

“However, in the same way, he is using you. Would you then agree that you’re both in the same situation?”

“Ye-Yeah.” She stuttered.

“Wrong.” Mr Cooper raised a finger. “Otherwise why would you feel obliged to hide your anticonceptive crest? You’re afraid that if he knows he’ll stop whatever financial support your mother is receiving.”

She glared at him but nodded.

“Then he holds all the power and you have none. He could divorce you tomorrow and leave you floundering.”

Penelope gulped the rising bile. She had of course thought about it, but Leonard wouldn’t. Would he?

“I can see on your face that the prospect is not one you’re unfamiliar with. You love your mother don’t you?”

“With all my heart.” She didn’t even hesitate for a moment before replying.

“Then, was there ever a choice in the first place? You would do everything within your power to make sure she was alive and well?” Mr Cooper shrugged at her nod. “And that’s the illusion that you ever had a choice. Had your husband not agreed to the marriage, what would you have done then?”

“Gone to another merchant. Or to the owner of the farm.” She had thought about it.

“Thus, you’re a victim of circumstance.” Mr Cooper extended his hand, as if to show her something. “From what I’ve seen since your stay here began is that your husband is truly infatuated with you, he treats you decently and seems to believe he found his one true love. A rather naive outlook if I can be so bold to say.”

Mr Cooper leaned back against his chair and looked at his ceiling. The lights in his home were not powered by magic but by electricity. He claimed to have found a way to domesticate thunder.

“I mentioned my brother before. He also had to choose his boulder. He is happy now, but he had dreamed of becoming an adventurer. Of discovering a new dungeon.” His voice was wistful. “But then our father died. We didn’t have resurrection money, so we laid him to rest and kept moving with our lives. Or so I had thought at the time. You see, my brother is a very responsible young man, he took upon himself every single debt that our father had accrued and then more.”

Mr Cooper looked away from the ceiling and gave her a sad smile.

“He’s the reason I was able to continue attending school. He’s the reason our mother still owns a home.” He closed his eyes and sighed. At that moment he looked really tired, not physically, but tired of even breathing. “The daughter of our local weather Magus had taken a liking to him…they married when he was fifteen and she was thirty.”

Penelope opened her mouth in surprise, she had heard about people marrying young but a fifteen year gap was not something common.

“As your face shows, this was unusual. But George insisted he was fine…” Mr Cooper trailed off, looking at something she couldn’t even begin to fathom. They stayed sitting in silence for a long moment before he shook himself. “He has a daughter now, she’s a handful.” He smiled with honest happiness on his face before the smile disappeared.

“But back to my point. It truly looks like you ‘lucked’ out with your choice of partner. I do wonder how long you will try to continue with the charade.”

“Charade?” She frowned.

“The charade of you pretending to love him.” He said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Though I suppose your husband doesn’t care if it’s real or not. I wish you the best in your marriage.”

Penelope opened and closed her mouth several times, she was unsure of what to say.

“Thank you.” She finally said, only for Mr Cooper to look at her in confusion. “For sharing that story. For your concern. You’ve given me something to think about.”

Mr Cooper nodded. “We all have to live with our choices in the end.”

“That we do. I shall retire to bed.” Penelope quickly stood up and left his room. “Goodnight.” She said before closing the door. This was the second time she was in an unmarried man’s bedroom as a married woman and that didn’t fully sit well with her. But nothing untoward had occurred so she could ignore the inappropriateness of it all.

As she moved under the covers and tried to sleep, she found herself unable to actually slip into oblivion. Her conversation with Mr Cooper being in the forefront of her mind.

Tears gathered in her eyes at one sudden thought. Ever since she got married, her mom couldn’t stop apologizing every time they saw each other.

“I’m sorry Penelope.” Her mom would smile sadly at her and pat her hair in the same way as when she was young.

“Are you happy?” Her mom asked her over and over to the point of annoyance.

“I wish that I was stronger and could work more. Then…” Her mom would then smile and change the subject.

Penelope sobbed until sleep took her away.


I bring you another recommendation. This one is all sweetness:


Don't Stop Believing by dashakay

Chapter 123: Abandoned (Farming SIM)


Sequel to Handful


Yep, still more from this Universe.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Penelope was glad that their time in Mr Cooper’s farm was coming to an end. The day after she spoke with Mr Cooper in his bedroom, a messenger arrived for her husband. One of his partners was being accused of public lewdness and he had requested Leonard’s presence and assistance.

Penelope had met the man once and that had been enough for her, he was younger than her husband and his manners left much to be desired.

“Sheldon, I’m so sorry. I have to return to deal with this.” Her husband couldn’t stop apologizing to Mr Cooper but the tall man looked unconcerned and if she were to be honest, he looked relieved.

She wasn’t sure why that thought stinged.

“I’ll deal with this and make new plans for after winter.” Her husband assured Mr Cooper.

Summer was ending so this meant her husband and her would not be back for several months. She gazed longingly at the farm, they had only spent a little over a week here but the place quickly made a place into her heart. It was so peaceful and she didn’t have to pretend to be happy here, she was rarely bored and she never got the chance to visit that Bard Guild Building.

“It was truly a pleasure to work with you. I can’t wait for next time.” Her husband said and shook Mr Cooper’s hand and either he didn’t notice or didn’t care for the grimace of distaste that the contact had caused on Mr Cooper.

“Farewell Mr Cooper. May you have a safe winter.” She curtsied to the man briefly.

“I suppose I should wish you safe travels.” Mr Cooper said before nodding to himself and turning to go back inside.

Her husband looked shocked but she smiled a little, Mr Cooper was quite the character.

As the carriage drove away she couldn’t help but glance back several times, she was already missing the farm.

Thankfully the travel was uneventful and way too soon for her liking the city she called home appeared over the horizon. Luvsi City had always looked gray and sad to her and returning after spending time on Mr Cooper’s farm only reinforced that idea.

Luvsi City was a Merchant City. Not to be confused with a Merchant Hub or a Merchant Route. No.

A Merchant City was where the merchants lived, safe and secure behind high walls. Access was heavily restricted and guards patrolled the city all day and all night. Caravans, carriages, horses and foot messengers left and arrived constantly and yet for all its movement, it was boring.

No Bard Guild because the Merchant Guild was afraid a spy might sneak in. That meant no theater, no songbirds, no plays. No fun.

No bars, because every house had their own private collection of alcohol.

No restaurants, because if you cook well enough that it sells then you can open a restaurant in another city and make a profit.

No stores, because everyone is a merchant, the shame in needing to buy stuff off the streets meant that your Merchant business was not thriving.

Merchants loved their money and hated spending it.

Penelope hated this Merchant city with all her might. She hated the fakeness behind every smile. She hated it all with a burning passion.

But when her husband turned to her, smiled and said, “Feels good to be back home right?” She only smiled and nodded back, she hoped he couldn’t tell she was faking it.

Penelope knew that her life would return to the same routine as before. She could leave the house at any moment but there was no point in it, the only park near their home was always abandoned, no children running around, no pets, nothing.

She made sure to fulfill her role as wife, she managed the people, confirmed the menus, made lists of what to move from storage and then she would move to the reading room to read a cheap novel and then go to bed alone and repeat it all over again the next day.

Her husband tried to be home as much as possible but even that was only two or three days a week, their trip to see Mr Cooper had been the longest they had spent together since getting married.

As soon as they had arrived home her husband had excused himself and gone over to visit his partner, no doubt doing his best to prevent the horny little man from stepping into prison. She saw him off with a fake smile.

On her second day being back at home she wrote a letter to her mother, her conversation with Mr Cooper still very present in her mind. She wrote to her mother about the trip, Mr Cooper’s farm and how despite not having magic he managed the entire farm on his own. She described the cows and how they played around as well as how cute the chicks were.

She didn’t know why. Maybe because she had been thinking about Mr Cooper’s farm so much in order to tell her mother.

But once she went to bed and in the darkness of her bedroom she remembered the soft and caring voice of their host.

“You’re such a strong girl Penelope. I love you.”

A small shiver went through her and she squeezed the covers tighter around her. No, this was bad.

“You’re a good girl Penelope.” She could still remember how happy he sounded. “Yes, you are. I’m proud of you.”

She knew that she shouldn’t. It wasn’t proper.

Her hand moved towards her groin and a small pleased gasp escaped her mouth.

Sheldon was both disappointed and pleased that his guests had to leave so soon.

Disappointed because he now had to do the menial work he had been delegating to Mr Hofstadter which took away from his actual research.

And pleased because he could now open his other workshop without worrying about nosy guests intruding in his other research.

Sheldon hated magic, but he loved the arcane.

Magical crests, curses, rituals, planar summoning and more were all infinitely more interesting than regular magic. Not only that, but they were so much more complex that it took regular folks years of research to even grasp the most basic of concepts.

Of course, he wasn’t regular folk.

Entering his secondary workshop Sheldon found his interest attracted right away to the large pink crystal sitting in the middle of the room. He had found this in the nearby dungeon, the only reason he was able to transport here safely had been due to his modified bag of holding.

Picking up a chisel he went back to carving a crest on the surface of the crystal, he was confident that he could channel the energy held inside of the crystal without any of the usual chanting and hand waving that those Magus loved so much. Not only that, he was certain that he would be able to make the crystal refill itself by absorbing the natural magic in the air.

Sheldon didn’t need to glance at his crest schematics, he had it all saved inside his head.

Little by little, carefully, slowly he chipped away at the crystal, one bad movement and it could lead to a burst of energy that could blow his head up. His floor soon began filling with crystal pieces. He wasn’t worried, they could be sold to crafters and armorers, even those tiny pieces were useful.

The familiar rhythm of the carving made his mind wander away.

Regrowing disease. He had told Mrs Hofstadter that he was familiar with it but that was an understatement. His Meemaw loved smoking, she particularly loved the dungeon grown tobacco.

Unfortunately for her, it had caused her to acquire the regrowing disease.

He had been unable to save his father due to his age and lack of money but when the healers gave them the news he was no longer that little broke boy. No, he had been working on the farm for years and was now turning a profit.

He paid for the healer right away.

But then eight months later his Meemaw started coughing again. He paid for the healer again.

It wasn’t good enough. Sure, he could pay for the healer then, but what if he had a bad crop season? Or what if his cows got sick? No, he couldn’t gamble.

He had poured himself into research, he paid for Arcane books, he exchanged letters with ritualists and curse breakers. He learned all he could. He even dabbled in the hated magic. It still wasn’t enough.

And then Science found him.

It opened his mind to so much! Why, why, why, why, why, why. He had always wanted to know why and science was a way for him to get answers.

Why did the regrowing disease occur? Was there a way to stop it from coming back?

He had found his answers and now his Meemaw lived happily without having to depend on healers. He had even bought her a house in the village which for some reason was an invitation for his sister and mother to move in as well.

Well, much better than to move in with him.

But now he was thinking about this again, because of his conversation with-

He had not been careful enough, one of his strikes was too strong and the chisel cut too deep. A burst of concentrated magic erupted from the crystal, it was a geyser of pure power and Sheldon could only widen his eyes before the burst hit him right in the face.

His body hit the floor, the chisel and hammer still in his hands.

Had anyone been present they would have seen his body shine for a moment before it started healing itself. Blood and brain matter slowly moved back into his body. The gaping wound soon closed itself and his body showed no signs of the violent death that it had just experienced.

With a gasp Sheldon sat up.

Grimacing, he rubbed at his face. What a stupid mistake.

He had allowed himself to be distracted while working and he paid the price. Now he was covered in crystal dust as well. Sighing in defeat he stood up and left his tools back at the correct table, he would need to take a shower. Again.

Walking upstairs and into the house proper, Sheldon thought about the Arcane Resurrection crest covering his back. He had been rather shocked at how expensive the materials for the ink were, but seeing the results he had to agree that they were well worth it.

He was going to take an extra long shower, he always hated how grimy he felt after resurrecting.


I bought a game because it was on sale and I've been playing it a lot. Wall World. Really fun game.

Chapter 124: Cheese (Farming SIM)


Sequel to Abandoned


Work has been hell. Truly hell. Writing has helped me relax but it does nothing for my exhaustion.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Penelope left the warmth of the carriage and glanced up at the falling snow. She looked at her childhood home and then the other houses. Growing up she couldn’t wait to leave this place and now the only thing she wanted was to come back.

She loved how the snow covered everything. If only she could play in the snow again, but she couldn’t. It wouldn’t be proper for a merchant’s wife.

The homes for the farm workers were on the edge of the farm so she knew she wouldn’t be able to see the cows, which made her sad. She liked the troublemakers.

“I’ll return in the morning.” Her driver’s voice finally drew her away from her musings. She nodded at him and walked towards her parent’s home.

Luvsi City was a day’s travel away from her little town. Well, her previous town.

While Leonard had no issues with her leaving her home inside Luvsi City, it was a whole different story when it came to other cities or even towns. He was afraid that she’d be kidnapped despite neither of them ever being in danger of such a thing. He would allow her to visit her mother so she could heal her from her regrowing disease symptoms and pain but he expected her back the next day, even if he wasn’t going to be at home.

She had scheduled the carriage to arrive in the early morning, just before her dad would have to leave for his foreman duties. Her mom was probably trying her best to cook breakfast despite not feeling great and she smiled at the mental image.

Penelope walked the small distance from the carriage to the entrance and enjoyed the way snow crunched underneath her boots. She took her time walking and by the time she was at the entrance she was already covered in a good dusting of snow.

Opening the front door she quickly patted as much snow as she could off her body before entering the house.

“Mom, dad! I’m home!” She shouted and felt like a kid again.

“Slime?” Her brother’s voice greeted her in confusion.

“Don’t call me that!” She always hated when he used that nickname. She finally looked up from cleaning herself and saw that her brother was sitting on their dad’s chair and putting on his snow boots. “Wait, what are you doing here?”

Her brother was working towards becoming a foreman himself, at the moment he was still a farmhand and living on the other side of the farm with his own family. It’s not that he didn’t visit their parents, but it was weird for him to be here on a working day.

“Nice to see you too.” Her brother looked ready to start working, he even had a small crystal necklace that she knew for a fact would help him stay warm out there.

“You know what I mean.” She was annoyed and in no mood for games.

“I’m taking care of the house and dad’s duties while he and mom are gone.” He bent down to tie his shoelaces tightly. “This could be great for me, you know? I can finally show that I’m foreman material.”

“Wait, wait. Mom and dad are gone? Gone where? I’m here to have a healing session with mom.” She frowned before gasping. “Is mom okay?!”

“What? Yeah.” He looked at her like she was crazy.

“Then where are they?” Penelope tapped her foot in the same way her mom did.

“I thought you knew…” He trailed off, looking concerned for the first time. “Wait, didn’t you send your friend to pick them up?”

An icy cold feeling settled in her stomach. “No. I…” Could this be a kidnapping? But why go after her parents, it was unlikely that Leonard would pay for their ransoms.

Her brother finished tying his shoelaces and stood up quickly to go to the other room, she followed him without hesitation. He moved to their mother’s sewing table and shuffled through several letters before finally stopping at one, he glanced at it and then wordlessly handed it over to her.

With shaky fingers she took the letter. It was dated a couple of months back.

‘Dear Clara,

My name is Sheldon Cooper and-’

Penelope closed her eyes at the sudden headache. Relief and anxiety warred in her mind. Why had Mr Cooper written to her mother? Taking a deep breath she opened her eyes and forced herself to read the rest of the letter.

Mr Cooper had extended an invitation to her parents, he was upfront about the motive, he had heard about her mom’s regrowing disease and wanted to offer some assistance. He claimed that he could help.

Anger filled her like never before.

How dare this man that couldn’t even do the most basics of magics try and heal her mom.

“Woah, I know that face. So you do know this guy?” Her brother cringed at the anger on her face.

“Oh yeah.”

“And you’re going to kick his ass?” He sounded amused.


“Nice. Well, I have work to do. I’ll be around in the afternoon before going back to Rebecca and the kids. Want me to bring you one of those cheese wheels you like so much so you can take it home?”

Penelope stopped fuming for a moment to think it over. “Make it two please.”

“You got it.” Her brother put on his hat and left the room, she could hear the front door open and close.

Finally without nothing else to do she decided to clean up a little so her mom would have an easier time.

Of all the dumbass ideas he could have had, why did Mr Cooper have to involve her mother? It had been months since they were at the farm. She was finally able to sleep peacefully without thinking about his voice and here he was again.

She spent the day bored out of her mind, it was still snowing so she didn’t feel like making the trek out into the main village square. Instead she cooked herself a small breakfast and afterwards decided to reread one of her favorite romantic novels while her brother returned from work.

Settling in front of the fire she opened her book and the next thing she knew was that her mom was shaking her awake.

“Mom?” She asked groggily before quickly shaking the sleep away. “Mom!” Penelope gave her a tight hug. “Are you okay?”

“She’s perfectly fine. More than fine if I do say so myself.” It took her an instant to recognize the voice. She had been dreaming about it before…well, before she did some private things.

“You!” Penelope pointed a finger at Mr Cooper.

“Me?” He asked innocently. He was still in his snow clothes and even had a ridiculous hat on.

“Why did you take my mom?” All pretenses of social etiquette were out the window. Her voice was still louder than it probably needed to be.

Mr Cooper blinked at her, as if he had just remembered that her mom was, well, her mom.

“Penelope! Why are you speaking like that to a guest!” Her mom had a horrified look on her face. “Apologize right now.”

“Mom?” Penelope felt eight years old again.

“Apologize young lady.” She knew that tone.

“I’m sorry.” She said through gritted teeth.

“I thought apologies were supposed to be sincere.” Mr Cooper said and she didn’t miss the way his eyes narrowed slightly. He knew what he was doing.

“Penelope, apologize properly.” Her mom sounded truly upset and Penelope closed her eyes.

“I’m sorry Mr Cooper, it was improper of me.” She swallowed the anger and channeled her inner bard.

“Well, I suppose that’s better.” Mr Cooper was insufferable.

Penelope just smiled while she planned ways to murder him. She could afford the resurrection after all.

“Brrr, it’s so cold outside the cows are giving icicles.” Her dad entered the room and moved to stand in front of the fire, unaware of what had just happened. “It’ll be just a moment Mr Cooper.”

“Thank you.” The tall man said to her father.

“A moment for what?” She felt the need to ask.

“Pen? Pen!” her dad finally noticed her. “As thanks for his help I want to give Mr Cooper one of our best cheese wheels.”

Penelope raised an eyebrow in question at Mr Cooper.

“I like cheese.” Mr Cooper shrugged as if that answered anything.

Before she could question him further a knock at the front door interrupted her. “Wyatt, I got the wheel, where do I put it?” She didn’t recognize the voice but it was most likely one of her dad’s workers.

“I believe I can direct the man.” Mr Cooper nodded at each of them before moving towards the front door.

“Hold on Mr Cooper.” Her dad followed after him.

“Penelope.” Her mom said and she just knew a lecture was coming.

“Hold on mom, just a moment.” Penelope moved to follow after the men, was Mr Cooper really going to leave just with a nod as goodbye?

Through the open front door she could see Mr Cooper and her dad loading something on a carriage. At least she thought it was a carriage, there were no horses attached. And furthermore a large pink crystal sat in the back of the carriage. She could see snowflakes fall on the exposed crystal only to immediately evaporate, in fact the entire carriage was clear of snow.

“Thank you again Mr Cooper, if we can ever help you with anything please don’t hesitate to ask.” Her dad’s voice finally pulled her away from her inspection of the carriage.

Mr Cooper shook her father’s hand and moved to enter the carriage.

“Wait! You’re leaving already?” She needed answers.

Mr Cooper didn’t reply, he just nodded at her again and moved into the carriage, to her shock the carriage moved, as if it were being pulled by phantasmal horses.

She gaped at the quickly moving carriage until her father pulled her inside. “You’re going to get sick girl.”

Penelope still had a hard time understanding what just happened, she blamed it on still being sleepy.

“Mom, I know I was rude. I am truly sorry about that but I need to know why you were with Mr Cooper.” Penelope knew her mom and if she didn’t mention that she was sorry then she would have to wait until the lecture was over to ask her questions.

Thankfully her mom let it slide, it had all started around the beginning of Fall, her mom had received a letter from Mr Cooper, the one her brother had shown her. They had kept communicating through letters.

Mr Cooper was mainly interested in her mom’s regrowing disease. He asked all manner of questions and because Mr Cooper had mentioned that he knew Penelope then her mom was more than happy to cooperate.

“Why mom?” Penelope couldn’t believe how easy it had been.

“Because you, my daughter, never tells me anything. He knew about your childhood nickname, about me being sick, my accident and he said he wanted to help.” Her mom didn’t even look ashamed.

“Wait! The healing session!” Penelope wanted to slap her face, they had already lost so much time.

“No need.” Her mom smiled brightly. “Mr Cooper did help.”

“Wait, how?” Penelope frowned.

“Look for yourself, use your magic.”

She did just that. Magical senses varied depending on what type of magic you had, some people could detect magical constructs like traps, others like her, healers, could see sickness and injuries, it helped to quickly locate areas to focus on as well in cases where the patient was too gone to accurately tell them where they were feeling pain.

Penelope thought she had made a mistake. Her mom’s body was healthy enough for someone her age. That was not the part that was confusing her, but her mom’s left breast looked clean under her magical senses.

The regrowing disease was easy to detect, a sickly black mass would always appear in her senses. Healing it was a challenge, you had to work backwards, start healing from where it had spread until you could reduce it to almost nothing.

Almost being the key word.

You could never get rid of the disease. You could spend all your healing magic to try and get rid of it and it would do nothing. You could only wait until the next time it appeared.

And Penelope was more than familiar with her mom’s disease. She had dreamed of being able to heal it away, of her mom not feeling exhausted, not feeling weird because the way her body morphed and changed. Penelope was more than familiar with the effect this terrible disease had on her mother’s body.

It was gone.

“How?” Penelope gasped softly as tears filled her eyes, she uselessly swiped at them but more followed. “How?” She repeated.

“Come here baby.” Her mother opened her arms and Penelope dived into them, sobbing.

Answers could wait.

Penelope couldn’t sleep. She stared at the ceiling of her bedroom, or what used to be her bedroom, she had shared it with her sister until she got married. Now it sat unused, the thought squeezed at her heart for some reason.

Earlier in the night she had hugged her mother for hours. Her eyes were puffy from crying and she had felt exhausted, but she couldn’t go to sleep. Not yet.

Her mom had told her that Mr Cooper had promised to be able to help her with her disease, of course her mother hadn’t believed him, who could? The regrowing disease could be controlled but never healed.

Except her mom was now free of it. Her magical senses confirmed it.

Mr Cooper had come to get her parents himself, in that odd looking carriage. Her father gushed about how fast and comfortable it was, how despite the freezing weather the inside of the carriage was comfortable. The trip from their town to Mr Cooper’s town should have taken close to two days of travel.

“Four hours! Can you believe that?! Four Hours.” Her dad told her, he was amazed and excited. “It was unaffected by the snow!”

Penny scrunched up her face, how did that carriage move if it wasn’t magic? It seemed Mr Cooper had more secrets than she ever thought.

Shaking herself, Penelope decided to try and sleep. Only to open her eyes the next instant.

Mr Cooper had cured her mother. Somehow he had cured her. Her mom wasn’t sure how that had happened. Arriving at Mr Cooper’s farm, her parents were quickly moved to the basement where a professional healer and his assistant were waiting.

Her dad excused himself while they checked mom so he wasn’t aware of the procedure. He had intended to return to watch whatever they were going to do but one of Mr Cooper’s cows had gone into labor and it seemed like it was a breech calving. The animal healer was already there but her dad had decades of experience and decided to stay in the barn and help. Thankfully the calf and mother were fine and healthy but it was quite the scary situation for a while there.

All her mother knew was that the healer’s assistant put her to sleep and then she woke up. She didn’t know what had happened or how. She did know that her breast stopped hurting and she wasn’t feeling exhausted.

Mr Cooper had then forced her to eat a hearty meal and the healer kept checking her mom throughout the meal. Mr Cooper drove them back to the farm as soon as the healer had cleared her.

That’s all she knew.

Her mom went to sleep and then woke up feeling better and now her body had no signs of the regrowing disease.

Mr Cooper was frustrating as hell, even when he was being helpful and amazing. The man was insufferable…but she did owe him.

“I like cheese.” She remembered the way he had looked with that ridiculous hat and she couldn’t help but snicker. Mr Cooper was frustrating but he was also funny. How could she ever truly repay him for what he had done? She had considered telling Leonard about this but…she knew her husband, the first thing he would try to do is find a way to make money off of this.

No, for now this was a secret between her and Mr Cooper.

“You’re a good girl Penelope.” This time she didn’t even try to pretend his voice didn’t bring her comfort.

Penelope sighed contentedly and before she knew it, sleep had taken her.


I know I have other universes pending to return to, 'Misunderstanding' and 'Spy' at the forefront, but I know that if I force myself to return when I have so many ideas for this Universe, I'll just do a half-ass job and I don't want this to feel like a job either.

Chapter 125: Goblin (Farming SIM)


Sequel to Cheese


Things are going to start taking a turn.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Penelope sighed as she left the carriage, she quickly gave instructions to the driver to put the cheese wheels in storage and moved inside the house.

As she walked through the silent house she mused about her recent experiences.

She wished that she could spend more time with her family, but Leonard had been clear about what he expected and she was his wife. At least now her biggest concern was quelled, her mom was healthy.

Not that she would tell Leonard of course.

He would take it as her not needing to visit her mom anymore and she would never accept that. And on the other hand it would involve telling him about Mr Cooper somehow healing her mom and she wasn’t even sure how to tell him that when she had a hard time believing it herself.

On the trip back to Luvsi City she had wondered a lot about the ‘How’. How had Mr Cooper done it? How had he removed the disease so entirely? How could he look so nonchalant after doing that?

But after hours of not getting anywhere the question changed in her mind. She shouldn’t be asking ‘How’, but ‘Why’.

Why had Mr Cooper healed her mom?

And the truth was that she was coming up blank as well. She didn’t have the slightest idea on why he had done that. Why go through all the trouble?

She had contemplated writing and sending a letter to him but thought better of it. She was no fool, any letter she wrote would be read by Leonard first, same for any incoming mail. She had noticed how letters addressed to her were always open by the time they arrived in her hands.

No, she couldn’t write him a letter.

Unfortunately she didn’t have any other ideas on how to contact Mr Cooper without her husband knowing about it. Even if the query was quite innocent she knew her husband would misinterpret it and then she’d have to calm him down and ensure his ego was not bruised. Another of her wifely duties.

Arriving at her bedroom, she shook herself and started changing clothes.

Much to her chagrin, her husband had taken the young lecherous man under his watch in order to keep him away from prison. Which sadly meant that he was home at the same time as his husband.

Not wanting to deal with the horny goblin she made sure her footsteps were light as she walked around the house.

“Howard, are you sure you will be able to deal with this large order?” Her husband’s voice traveled out the open door, he and his friend were in his study. Maybe she could sneak by.

“Yeah, yeah. Don’t worry about it, that young enchanter you hired has been amazing.”

“Glad to hear that. He came with the highest recommendations and he’s not cheap.”

“We will handle it. So you’re still insisting on going to that little mud village?”

“Mr Cooper is difficult but he can be such a source of wealth!” Her husband sounded excited and she stopped moving, adjusting herself to be comfortable as she settled to listen. Maybe they were going back to Mr Cooper’s farm?

“I still say you’re wasting your time. So what if he can make light without magic? Fireflies can do that.”

“You’re missing the point. I know that we’re few but those that can’t use magic still need to cook, clean and so on. If Mr Cooper’s inventions can achieve the same as magic, imagine how much we could sell! That island on the shore of Ferin, the one where magicless people live. Imagine, we can be the only store that sells what they want.”

“Oh right. I sometimes forget you can’t use magic.”

“Look, I know what I’m doing. Soon Mr Cooper will sign a contract with me and we can sell his inventions.”

“What if he wants that lovely wife of yours as his payment?” Penelope couldn’t see him but she didn’t need to, she knew he was wiggling his eyebrows in an indecent manner and she frowned.

Her husband laughed. “Not for all the gold in the world.”

“C’mon, I still say I should get to test her out. I’m your best friend after all.” Penelope did her best to not gag.

“Nope. She’s just mine. I was her first you know?” Penelope widened her eyes and put a hand over her mouth. He thought she had been a virgin? She wasn’t sure if she should laugh or cry. Penelope was a farm girl…she had been getting temporary anticonceptive crests since she was sixteen.

“Oh, lucky you.” The lewd man snickered.

Deciding that she had heard enough, she moved silently back into her room.

Much to her disappointment they didn’t get back to Mr Cooper’s farm until next Summer.

She smiled as soon as she stepped off the carriage and she took a deep breath. Penelope loved the smell of nature. Luvsi City was so sterile and cold.

“Oh hey. I know you!” A cheery voice pulled her from her thoughts.

Looking towards the voice she noticed Mana was coming out of Mr Cooper’s farmhouse. Penelope smiled at the loud woman and waved in greeting. Her husband was busy talking to their driver and only glanced and waved quickly before returning to his conversation with the driver.

“Are you leaving?” Penelope asked at seeing Mana adjusting her backpack and weapon’s belt.

“Yeah, gotta go into the dungeon. If you’re still here in a month we’ll share a bottle of dungeon wine!” Mana didn’t pause in her stride, choosing to walk backwards to address Penelope. “Byyyyyyyeeeeeee!” Mana turned and ran towards the town.

Penelope chuckled, there was something about that girl that made it easy to like her.

“Sheldon!” Her husband’s voice made her turn back towards the farmhouse.

Mr Cooper walked out, he was tucking his shirt into his pants and looked quite relaxed. She smiled at him and was about to greet him when her brain made the connection.


Penelope grabbed at her chest, a feeling of heartburn assaulting her. Weird. Anyway, it wasn’t her business what Mr Cooper and Mana had been doing before they arrived. She tried to remove the scowl from her face.

“Are you upset?” She looked up at Mr Cooper, he was looking at her with a curious look on his face.

“Not at all, just a small case of heartburn.” She smiled her well practiced fake smile at him.

Mr Cooper frowned for a moment before he blinked and tilted his head. “Curious.” He muttered, mostly to himself.

Thankfully her husband took Mr Cooper’s attention away from her but she didn’t miss the way his eyes followed her, analyzing her, searching for something.

She avoided both her husband and Mr Cooper by spending the rest of the day unpacking their bags into the guest room and then cooking dinner.

That night she laid awake, staring at the ceiling of the unfamiliar room. She glanced at the sleeping form of her husband and then returned to stare at the ceiling. She couldn’t sleep.

Her brain conjured images of Mr Cooper and Mana, together. She knew that she was making herself upset but didn’t understand why. Nothing had changed from the last time she had been at this farm.

It was probably the stress from traveling.

Penelope closed her eyes and then frowned before opening her eyes in shock.



Comments count as extra kudos.

Chapter 126: Kaiju


Sheldon has plans for everything.


I really like Kaiju movies.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Sheldon made it a habit of reading as many science blogs as he could find. Of course many were just fine, elementary understanding and explanations of basic concepts of science.

He even checked those that could be hardly considered actual science, conspiracy theories, aliens and such. Nine out of ten he could dismiss at a simple glance, and the tenth case usually would join the rest in the metaphorical garbage after a three minute read.

Except, on this occasion he found a blog that actually made him pause.

Dr Abraham Wright wrote a paper about the increase in seismic activity worldwide and how he claimed there was a pattern on the activity, something pointing out that in the next decade a gigantic eruption could occur somewhere in Europe.

Sheldon wanted to scoff and dismiss the paper but something gave him pause. These were not the ramblings of a crazy old man, Dr Wright was not selling some miracle solution and it wasn’t a panic filled outburst either.

Curious and intrigued about the entire thing, Sheldon wrote an email to the man asking for some more details and wanting clarification on a couple of points on the paper.

Finishing writing the email Sheldon left his room and found his roommate and two friends doing some experiment with rocket fuel.

Sometimes it was hard being the only normal one.

Sheldon frowned as he read the latest email from Dr Wright.

While initially he had feared the man would be a fraud, it was soon clear that Abraham Wright was a level headed individual that had a passionate interest in volcanoes and earthquakes. He wasn’t an alarmist or a doomsayer as he unfortunately was branded by his fellow scientists.

Although Sheldon might need to reconsider that. This latest email showed some data that if verified by a third party, would mean that the world was indeed headed for a catastrophic seismic event.

Tomorrow he would verify this information himself using Caltech’s resources.

He also made a mental note to start working on a contingency plan in case this entire thing was plausible.

“Sheldon! Let’s go.” Leonard’s voice made him look up from his laptop. “We don’t want to be late.”

“Late? Leonard, we’re going to the sperm bank, I highly doubt we need to make a reservation.”

Sheldon read the email from Dr Wright once more and then closed his eyes in consternation. It seemed as if the man he had come to consider an online friend had finally lost it.

In the latest email, the man assured Sheldon that a massive creature laid under Iceland, waiting for it’s turn to emerge and wipe the slate clean again. Dr Wright posited that this creature was also responsible for all previous mass extinctions and would once again wake up and cause the world to reset.

Dr Wright had dubbed the creature “The Apocalypse Machine.”

Sheldon rubbed at the bridge of his nose. Not even Penny with her latest obsession with Age of Conan had managed to frustrate him so much.

He had hesitated to reply or not but in the end he chose to answer the email, he expressed his concerns and subtly put into question the other man’s conclusion.

Still, he decided that there was no harm in modifying his current seismic event plan to account for a gargantuan creature. Which meant no actual changes to the plan.

Sheldon closed the apartment door and grabbed his chin in thought.

He had just received a rather surprise visit from a couple of NSA agents. They had been asking about his relationship with Dr Wright and the research he had been doing. One of them had even checked his laptop even after he had confirmed that he had already deleted everything.

While he had dismissed the concerns of Dr Wright, this visit had changed things for Sheldon.

He had been truthful, he had deleted all files and research sent to him. Not just from Dr Wright but no matter who it was, he habitually deleted everything. After all he could simply access it through his eidetic memory, he didn’t need physical copies.

What to do.

His laptop pinged, telling him that a new email had arrived. From Dr Wright no less. Reading it made Sheldon’s blood run cold. Of course he knew that wasn’t what was occurring, his body was experiencing a dip in blood pressure due to shocking or unpleasant information.

Dr Wright’s email simply read, ‘I was wrong. Two years at most. Be prepared.’

Sheldon tapped his fingers on the desk.

He deleted the email and opened up a file. He had been working on a proposal for an Arctic expedition, and it was ready to submit. He scrapped it. He quickly typed a new proposal, one that involved needing a boat, no, not just a boat. A yacht.

His mind ran with possibilities, donors that didn’t mind separating themselves from their money.

He was so engrossed in his plans that he didn’t even notice that Leonard tried to get his attention, at least until the short man poked him in the arm.

“What?! I’m busy Leonard. With real science I might add.” He narrowed his eyes.

“What I do is real science. No, you know what. I’m not arguing with you. I just wanted to let you know that my mother is coming to visit.” Leonard wringed his hands nervously.

“Oh. Lovely woman.” Sheldon couldn’t understand why Leonard looked so shocked.

Sheldon won the grant. Of course he won the grant.

But this was just the start.

Much to his surprise the donors were more than happy to add to the grant. Leonard had said they were happy to send him on a boat to nowhere but that didn’t make sense.

Sheldon had asked for a Lazzara 92 LSX Yacht. He had made the calculations and it was the perfect size for his needs. He could adjust it. In fact, alongside his proposal he had submitted all the modifications needed for the boat, from quality of life to science equipment and he knew for a fact that the size of the boat would make it easy to store everything he needed.

Instead of that boat, he had been told an anonymous donor had donated to Caltech their old Riva 110' Dolcevita SuperYacht. With the condition that after his expedition the boat would be used by the University to further the study of the sea.

Sheldon hoped there would be an after.

Seismic activity across the world continued to be on the rise, he could see the pattern now. Maybe Dr Wright’s madness had infected him as well.

The university was more than happy to follow his plans. The engine on the boat was already a hybrid, but the solar panels and batteries installed were more of a gimmick than anything else. He requested those to be replaced with high capacity batteries and solar panels. Furthermore he requested rain water collectors, a small greenhouse, industrial water filters and storage tanks. He also requested to remove most of the leisure and party equipment, he didn’t need a hot tub, nor a bar, much less a twelve person dinner table.

No one questioned why Sheldon wanted to make the boat as self-sufficient as possible. The refitting and changes to the boat were estimated to take fourteen months to be completed and while for Sheldon that was cutting too close for comfort there was no way around it, he needed everything.

The monitoring equipment for monopoles was also installed and Sheldon hoped he would get to use it.

Convincing his mother, sister and Meemaw to go out with him was a challenge.

They couldn’t understand his urgency and he felt close to losing it. His family must have noticed his state over the video call because instead of dismissing him like usual they actually reached a compromise.

“Okay, okay, calm down Shelly. Momma, how about we do this? I can ask for time off and we can spend a week with-”

A small earthquake interrupted Missy and Sheldon’s apprehension only grew.

“As I was saying, we can spend a week with Shelly on that boat of his and once he sees nothing is happening we can come back. It’ll be nice, like a small vacation. And you like the sea Momma.”

“Yeah Mary, let’s go spend time with the boy.” His Meemaw smiled at him and Sheldon gave her a small smile in return.

“Oh fine!” His mother finally agreed.

His brother had been more difficult, until their mother stepped in and forced Georgie to take a break he apparently hadn’t had in years.

He already had plans made and it was only a matter of relaying them to his family. He had scheduled a flight for all of them the month after the boat refitting would be complete, which should be more than enough time.

‘It’s happening soon. I was recruited by the president himself. We’re going to Iceland with so many bombs. Leave now if you can. Good luck.’

That was the last email he ever received from Dr Wright.

“Leonard. You don’t understand, it’s imperative that you, Wolowitz and K-” Leonard interrupted him.

“Sheldon! Please, please understand. I just started dating Penny. I can’t just leave with you.”

“Your doomed relationship should not be an impediment, I have already considered Penny into my plans. Her adaptability and resourcefulness should be-”

“No Sheldon, and that’s final.” Leonard huffed and left the apartment, slamming the door behind him.

Sheldon rubbed at the back of his neck in frustration. Time was running out, the boat was complete and the storage was full of non-perishables. A smaller storage space had been filled with diesel in case the solar panels couldn’t provide enough power. He had also been able to include several hard drives for a rather decent media library at the last moment, completely out of his own pocket of course.

He kept watching the closed door and was almost hit in the face by it when Penny opened it rather abruptly and violently. He jumped back in fright.

“Oh shit! Sorry Honey. I didn’t mean to-Are you okay?” Penny had entered the apartment with a rather ferocious look on her face but she immediately went to check on him and then slapped him on the arm. “Why were you standing there? I could have hurt you.”

Sheldon didn’t point out that she had in fact hurt him when she slapped his arm. “If you could enter the apartment like a normal human being then I would not have been in danger.”

“Yeah yeah, sorry. But why did you have to tell Leonard that our relationship is doomed?”

“You know I can’t lie.”

Penny narrowed her eyes at him. “You are ridiculous.”

“C’mon Moonpie, let’s go. I have the dinner shift and I don’t want to be late.” Penny clapped her hands.

“I’m going woman. I’m trying to convince Leonard to go with me once more.”

“And I told you I’m not going.” Leonard stood up to kiss Penny and then went back to his desk. “Besides, Howard, Raj and I have plans later tonight. We’re going to that Augustana concert.”

“Hopefully it won’t be canceled again.” Penny frowned and Leonard crossed his fingers. The concert had already been canceled once, the seismic activity that night had been unusually high and everyone had been advised to stay at home.

Madness, this was madness.

“Penny, would you at least consider going with me?” Sheldon never begged, but he was close.

“Sorry Honey, I have a shift remember?” Penny didn’t look sorry. “C’mon, let’s go. Your family is waiting for you right? They’ve been on the boat since morning.”

Sheldon closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He looked around the apartment and hoped he would be able to come back here. Los Robles had a special place in his heart.

Any further musings were interrupted by a rather strong earthquake that lasted only a moment.

“I’m ready.” He told Penny. “Leonard, good luck.” He told his roommate and best friend.

Leonard frowned in confusion. “Thanks?”

On the edge of his vision he could see Penny mouth ‘Play along’ to Leonard.

“Won’t you reconsider?”

“No Honey. I’ll go on the boat to say hi to your family but that’s it.”

Penny stared up at the boat with an open mouth.

When she had heard about Sheldon going on a boat she had imagined something slightly bigger than a fishing boat, so the mansion on water she’s staring at came as a huge surprise.

“This is the boat?!” She asked Sheldon.

“Yes, it’s a little bigger than I had initially requested.” Sheldon had one bag over his shoulder as he joined her to stare at the vessel.

“No wonder security was so tight.” This was a private dock and Sheldon had to personally let people in. He was the only one with free reign of the place.

The movement of the boat was making her a bit dizzy, it wasn’t until Sheldon grabbed her by the arm that she realized it wasn’t dizziness but another earthquake. They had been happening more and more and the government had only said that they were looking into it.

“Thanks Honey, now show me the boat. Does it have a hot tub?”

“I asked them to remove it.”

Penny laughed but stopped when Sheldon didn’t say Bazinga. “Wait, it really had a hot tub and you asked them to remove it?”

“Penny, I needed the space.”

“Sheldon Cooper, the man with a PhD in party pooping.”

“Holy shit, you have an actual shower in here.” Penny couldn’t believe how spacious the freaking yacht was. Sheldon’s room had an honest-to-god shower.

“It was already included as one of the boat’s basic features.”

Penny widened her eyes. “Rich people man.”

Sheldon tilted his head in confusion and turned to tell her something but Missy’s frantic voice interrupted him.

“Shelly!! Come here!!”

Sheldon immediately moved downstairs towards the living room. Yeah, the boat had a damn living room.

All joking thoughts fled her mind as they reached the living room where the TV was playing.

“Oh god.” Meemaw’s voice was soft. Sheldon’s mom had her eyes closed and was praying feverishly while hugging Ceecee tightly to her chest. Mandy looked like she was going to be sick while George Jr was as still as a statue.

“What is that? Huh? What is that Shelly?” Missy kept pointing to the TV.

Penny herself wasn’t doing much better. Her brain couldn’t make sense of the image on TV. It was impossible.

A gargantuan form seemed to be emerging from under the earth. Volcanoes erupted around it and it was only then that Penny realized that the size of this thing was beyond anything she could understand.

“We have to go now.” Sheldon was pale and shaking. On shaky legs he moved towards the cabin.

Penny herself was rooted on the spot. She kept watching the news, the death toll already in the hundreds of thousands. Iceland was just gone, as if it had never existed.

The camera feed was obscured due to the amount of ash but the occasional thunder revealed glimpses of the nightmarish creature hiding under it, or maybe it was just her brain trying to make sense of it.

The TV cut off leaving them staring at a blue square before the news resumed, massive earthquakes were shaking the world. Reports coming from Japan, Mexico, China and California where earthquakes on a scale never seen before had ravaged sections of the country.

“Wait, California?” Penny had collapsed on the floor at some point. “Wait, wait, wait.” She stood up and ran towards the back of the boat, she could still see the shore and the several plumes of smoke coming from the city.

As if it were a movie she saw a gigantic explosion happen somewhere near the docks. The shockwave reached her and dropped her on her ass. Her chest felt heavy and she had a hard time breathing.

She laid down on the floor and stared up at the blue sky…and passed out.

Sheldon’s hands were shaking as he drove the boat away from the shore. It was happening, it was truly happening.

He now had to work under the assumption that Dr Wright had been correct about his hypothesis. Sheldon had to get away from all land and fast. He couldn’t hear any noises from his family or Penny which meant they were most likely still in shock.

The computer on board already had his destination input into it. The oceanic pole of inaccessibility. The furthest he could be from any land mass, nine million square miles of nothingness. Not even microbes.

The shockwave from an explosion on shore rocked the boat but they weren’t in any danger. Sheldon was able to easily correct the course and after a couple of minutes he allowed the autopilot to engage.

He had triple checked the course before this entire disaster began but he guessed that satellite communications would be down so he couldn’t trust the autopilot to not crash into another ship.

He stepped away from the cabin on still shaky feet and went back to join his family. They had been lucky, he had chosen this day to depart on a whim, nothing more and nothing less. Had he made a different choice he would most likely be dead before he could even get on the boat.

Entering the living room he found his family still watching the TV and he idly wondered how long the signal would last, would it go out because satellites went down or because the building they were broadcasting from would be destroyed?

Looking at the back deck he saw Penny collapsed and he hurried towards her. He wasn’t sure if she was hurt or not but before moving her and possibly making her wound worse, he decided to try and rouse her.

“Wha-Sheldon! I had this nightmare!” Penny reacted suddenly, grabbing at his arm, before she sat up and looked around. “Wait…it wasn’t a dream?”

“I’m afraid not.”

“Oh.” He had never heard her sound so lost.

Penny was sitting with her face in her hands. She struggled to breathe calmly. Everyone she ever knew was most likely dead or would be in a matter of days.

Sheldon himself hadn’t understood much, but he claimed that a scientist that had been studying this for decades claimed it would be a big reset, an extinction event.

She laughed deliriously. Nothing made sense.

The Cooper women had retired to one of the bedrooms, while his brother and his family moved to another one, Sheldon had actually modified the boat to have three bedrooms but the members of his family wanted to stay together, she hadn’t missed the way George and his family moved from their bedroom to the bedroom where Meemaw was. They had invited her as well but she wasn't in the mood for a hug pile. She wasn’t sure what mood she was in at all.

Penny wanted to be upset, she wanted to rage. Why was Sheldon able to save his family? How was that fair?

But then the anger would pass and shame crept in, he had tried to warn them, for the last couple of years he had told them and each and every time they all dismissed it as him being nervous about his trip searching for those monothings.

She had dismissed it.

And now here she was, safe and sound while the rest of the world burned down. Her parents and siblings would most likely be dead in a couple of days if Sheldon was right about that gargantuan monster moving towards Yellowstone.

Hell, for all she knew Sheldon had only delayed the inevitable for a week before the entire world died.

Penny looked up from her hands when she felt the boat had stopped moving, fear gripped her heart and it wasn’t only her, Missy leaned out the door and looked nervously towards the bridge of the ship. Both of them were holding in their breath before Sheldon appeared and announced they were stopping for the night before resuming their trip.

Missy nodded and went up to kiss her brother on the cheek. Sheldon didn’t move away or tried to avoid the physical contact.

“Try to sleep Penny.” Sheldon still looked shaken up. He wasn’t trembling as much but if you knew Sheldon Cooper you could tell he wasn’t his usual self.

“I’ll try.” She said in a hoarse voice.

Sheldon nodded at her and moved towards his own bedroom, the one with the shower.

Penny noticed he didn’t bother closing the door behind him. She could see as he moved around the room. He took off his clothes and she smiled a little at seeing his tighty whities, the one thing that made sense in this crazy new world.

Sheldon didn’t even brush his teeth, he was that rattled.

Penny watched as he settled in the middle of the huge bed and stared up at the ceiling with unblinking eyes.

Fighting tears again she stood up and went into his bedroom. Sheldon’s eyes moved and focused on her but he said nothing. She took off her Cheesecake Factory uniform and grabbed one of Sheldon’s shirts from the bag that had contained his pajamas and put it on.

Sheldon still said nothing.

She got into his bed and moved one of his arms up and nestled on his side. She grabbed and hugged him tightly. She couldn’t close her eyes so she hid her face on his side, trying to block out as much light as it was possible.

“Goodnight Sheldon.” She mumbled against his side.

“Goodnight Penny.” Sheldon’s arm settled around her, he didn’t pull her against him, but more importantly, he didn’t push her away.

Blood rained on day three of being on the boat.

From one moment to the other, blood everywhere. It was hot and it smelled terrible.

Sheldon made them all clean it off the boat with hoses, at first they used the sea water pumps but soon they became useless as the ocean was polluted with the blood. They had to tap into their water tanks which thankfully were full at the moment but it was an unexpected event.

They all had to shower very thoroughly after that.

“What do you think that was?” She asked as he hosed himself on the deck before entering the yacht.

“I don’t know.” He sounded pained, like not knowing was literal torture to him.

Ceecee was the first one to notice the fish.

“Mom, look! The fishes are hiding under the boat.”

Sheldon took a closer look and the bottom of the boat seemed to be covered in algae, at least the parts without sharp spinning blades. Fish swam happily among the algae that trailed behind them and she found it odd how despite trailing behind the boat the algae never ran into the motor’s way.

Almost as if it was alive.

“Penny, I believe I told you to not feed the fish.” Sheldon’s voice came from behind her, Penny didn’t bother turning.

She broke more of the hard loaf of bread that Missy had baked and threw it over board.

“I like seeing them eat it.” She shrugged.

Sheldon stared at the sample of ‘algae’ he had removed from the side of the boat. It moved still.

Somehow, this thing was alive, and not in the way algae is alive. This was alive in a much more conscious manner. And the boat was covered in it.

Sheldon shuddered thinking about what it could do to them. He had also noticed that the marine life around the boat had…changed. Fish looked bigger, meaner, stronger.

If his hypothesis was correct and Dr Wright and his team had managed to kill or at least deter the massive creature with the bombs, then that would explain the bloody rain, as well as the strange changes happening to the sea.

He hoped that was the end of the changes.

“Holy shit…” Penny said in awe and Sheldon didn’t bother admonishing her for her use of profanity. He rather agreed with her.

The boat had been rammed by a mutated white shark, it seemed as if the animal knew there were humans aboard and it wanted to eat them.

Sheldon didn’t even have time to grab the harpoon gun he had stashed for emergencies.

The algae under the boat had trembled in what Sheldon hoped he had only imagined as anger, before it grabbed the shark and put its head directly under the blade of the biggest propeller.

Whatever was under his boat was obviously intelligent.

“Holy shit…” Penny repeated.

It was intelligent and considered the boat its home.

He could work with that.

The ‘algae’ not only tolerated little fish but actively seemed to protect them. Sheldon had observed the algae kill several larger fish that had thought the smaller fish were easy prey. The algae then proceeded to shred the fish using the boat’s propeller which led to the smaller fish eating the remains.

Could it be that the fish were beneficial to the algae somehow?

“Do you want us to try and fish one of them?” Penny suggested as they both watched the little fish eat some stale bread.

“I rather not enrage the large eldritch horror currently protecting our home.” He told her drily.

“Good thinking.”

“Uncle Sheldon, is that an island?” Ceecee pointed at a black dot in the distance and Penny brought up her own pair of binoculars.

“I think it’s another boat!” She said in surprise and Sheldon soon joined her. “That’s a good thing right?”

“Depends.” Sheldon looked anxious.

“We have Fido to protect us in case they’re violent right?” She asked.

Sheldon sighed. “Fido is hardly a fitting name.”

“But he protects us like a guard dog!” Ceecee exclaimed joyfully.

“That he does.” Sheldon muttered.

Penny knew he was still wary of the creature underneath their feet but Ceecee had…bonded? Yeah, that worked. Ceecee had bonded with the creature and they now knew for sure it was sentient enough to understand simple commands and situations.

Thankfully Fido didn’t have to intervene, the other boat was just as wary of them and they stayed a healthy distance away from their boat. Simply waving at them. The other boat was a fishing vessel and four young men were in it.

Sheldon remained suspicious and didn’t rest until the boat was fully out of sight.

Penny put down the tablet and yawned. She had almost dropped the tablet twice on her face. She was feeling exhausted, spending almost a year at sea did that to you.

They were on their way back to what should have been the shore of California but they didn’t know what they were coming back to. If marine life was affected by the monster’s blood then what happened to the land creatures? Sheldon was right to be concerned.

“I think tomorrow we will be able to see land. If there’s anything left of course.” Sheldon came out of the shower and he was drying his hair. His mother gave him a haircut whenever it got a little too long.

“Do you think Fido can protect you on land?” She tapped her fingers on her stomach.

“The longest range he had achieved was around 300 feet or so. It should be enough for him to pull me back should it be necessary.” She knew that Sheldon wasn’t as wary of Fido as he pretended.

“That’s good.” She hummed nervously. “Honey, I need to talk to you.” Penny was really anxious.

“Oh…I remember my mother using that phrase often.” Sheldon stopped drying his hair.

Penny laughed nervously and licked her lips. “Yeah well…Um, I’m late.”

Sheldon stopped moving and to her eyes it looked like he had frozen.

“Uhh…Honey?” Penny sat up on the bed.

Sheldon let out a violent breath and stumbled to the bed, sitting next to her.

“How?” He asked.

Penny couldn’t help it, she laughed. “I mean, I thought you were the smart one. I can show you tho.” She pulled him down to the bed and straddled his waist. His hands moved to her butt almost on their own.

“How?” He repeated.

Penny kissed him.

Sheldon sat on the bridge of the yacht and thought about the news Penny had given him last night.

He was going to be a father.

How could he bring a new life into this world? He scoffed as the line from a movie ringed in his head. ‘Life, uh, finds a way.’

Life kept going. He didn’t know what he was going to find once they reached California, but whatever it was, it wasn’t going to stop him.

He had fought to escape the disaster that befell the earth and he fought to stay alive in this new world.

He would keep fighting.

“Uncle Sheldon!! Land!!” Ceecee’s voice pulled him from his musings.

Sheldon was ready.


Sorry, not a sequel, but I needed to write this.

A couple of years back I read "The Apocalypse Machine" and found it really fun. While I love Kaiju movies, books on the other hand...they tend to not be as good. But that book I liked quite a lot.

Chapter 127: Literally Matthew McConaughey


That's it.


I don't know. I was feeling silly.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny laughed as her new neighbor told her a story about his roommate. She had just arrived in Los Robles and met him and his two friends in the parking lot.

Leonard was nice and shy and she could already tell he was crushing on her. Raj was nice…she thought, she didn’t know because he hadn’t said a word to her which Leonard claimed was normal for him. Howard was yuck, he had already ran her patience dry in just the first ten minutes of meeting him.

“And then Sheldon-” Leonard happily told her some story about his crazy roommate. She had thought he was exaggerating but having Raj nodding along and Howard confirming and even correcting some stuff made her think that this Sheldon character was going to be a pain in the ass.

With the help of the guys it was a quick job of moving all of her boxes out of her car and into her new apartment. It still sucked that the elevator wasn’t working.

“Well, that was the last box. Thank you guys!” She smiled at them and they all smiled back at her. She would never say this but they had silly smiles on their faces. “So…” She put her hands in her back pockets and swinged her hips back and forth.

“So…” Leonard shuffled on his feet and played with his hoodie laces. Howard smiled lasciviously at her and Raj kept looking at his feet.

Penny smiled awkwardly. “So, you’re still lending me your shower?”

“What? Oh, right! No hot water yet. Yes! Please.” Leonard was a nervous mess.

Howard elbowed Leonard and motioned a circle with a finger to his temple and Leonard got it immediately.

“Right. Sheldon.” He muttered and then turned to her. “Look, I know that you think we might have been joking but…” He trailed off, unsure.

“Sheldon is nuts.” Howard jumped in and Raj nodded.

“Yeah, that.” Leonard pointed at Howard. “Just…don’t take anything he says personally.”

“Um, okay.” She agreed, now curious to meet this man.

“Well, here we go.” Leonard muttered sadly and moved toward his apartment, she followed behind him, feeling nervous and excited. “Sheldon, I’m home. And I brought guests.” He said it in a normal volume.

“Do you think he could hear you if you say it like that?” She asked him.

“Oh he heard me. Trust me.” He said bitterly.

“Leonard? Oh you’re home. Cool.” A voice with a heavy Texas twang said from inside the apartment and to Penny’s ears he sounded pretty normal. “I’m going to the shooting range. Would you mind driving me?”

Penny’s mouth fell open when the owner of the voice appeared. He was the most beautiful man she had ever seen.

“Sheldon, we have guests. I can’t just drive you to the shooting-”

“I’ll drive you.” Penny interrupted Leonard and she hated that her voice broke. “I’ll drive you.” She said a second time feeling more confident.

“You will? Nice. Alright, alright, alright.” Sheldon smiled crookedly at her and Penny swooned.

“Penny?” Leonard asked confused. “But what about your shower?”

“What? Oh, shower, yes, shower.” Penny moved up to grab Sheldon’s hand. “Could you show me how to use your shower please?”

Sheldon looked down at her hand, clicked his tongue at her, winked and smiled. “Sure.”

“Penny?” She heard Leonard ask her but she was too busy looking into Sheldon’s eyes.

Leonard watched as his roommate entered their bathroom with their new neighbor.

“Oof, you stroke out again.” Howard’s mocking voice only made him feel smaller.

“Shut up Howard.” Leonard removed his glasses and rubbed at his eyes. He was not crying. He just had some dust in his eye. “How does he do that every time?”

“I don’t know man. I personally don’t see it.” Howard scratched his nose.

“Really? You don’t see it?” Raj asked them both.

“He’s a neurotic asshole! Who’s going to want to be with him?” Leonard said, frustrated.

“Well, Penny for once.” Howard sinked the knife further.

“Shut up Howard.”


In an infinite number of Universes, we found the one where Sheldon is literally Matthew McConaughey....Yeah, I don't know either. I had this idea in the shower and it made me laugh so much.

Apologies for not replying to comments yesterday, but after posting the chapter I just crashed. I'm going to reply to comments after this goes live.

As always, comments are love.

Chapter 128: Witch (Farming SIM)


Sequel to Goblin


This was originally two chapters but I felt it flowed better as one so I waited to post it all together.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Penelope avoided Mr Cooper after the realization that first night back at the farm. She hated feeling like this.

She was a married woman for Magic’s sake!

Of course she knew this was all because he had healed her mom and she liked the glimpses of kindness he showed to his animals, and how he had a rather childish side to him.


No, it was best if she avoided him. A part of her was disappointed that he didn’t seem to care but another part of her was glad. She couldn’t tell which part was bigger.

And so, Penelope was avoiding him.

For the most part.

She hated herself for this but she had one moment in her day where she purposefully seeked out Mr Cooper. Not to talk to him. No. She looked for him to listen in.

“You’re a good girl Penelope.” Mr Cooper’s voice was gentle.

Penelope had her back to the wall next to the barn door. Her eyes were closed and her hands were clasped in front of her chest.

“Yes you are.” And then he laughed when the cow mooed at him. Not his breathy laugh, that one was reserved for joking around with her husband during meals. No, this laugh was more relaxed and it made him sound like a carefree child.

This was the only moment that she allowed herself to indulge in those forbidden feelings.

Sheldon ignored the heavily breathing woman on the other side of the door. Even without his enhanced hearing he would have been able to notice her.

For some reason she had decided to stand out there when it was time to feed the cows. It was the fifth day in a row and Sheldon had decided to not pay her any attention.

Penny Hofstadter was a rather intriguing individual. She had avoided his presence since arriving at the farm and yet she still took these kinds of actions. Bizarre.

By the time he left the barn there were no signs of the blonde woman and he kept going about his day. He didn’t want to be involved in whatever she was doing.

Leonard Hofstadter had the makings of a rather apt assistant, his biggest flaw was that he couldn’t work in silence. But the short man could follow instructions and unlike his first visit, he had kept to himself and not tried to ‘help’ around the farm.

He was still musing about this fact when dinner time came around. As expected, Penny only talked to him when needed and no more, which was ideal for him as well. Finally some peace even when he had guests.

A knock at his door interrupted said peace and quiet.

Sheldon sighed and stood up. He didn’t have to guess who it was, he was certain of the identity of his visitor.

“Hello Parker.” He said before the door opened fully.

“Sheldon! Mah’boy! Glad that I caught you home.” The always cheery old man greeted him the same way every time. “Oh! What’s this? Guests?” Parker leaned to get a better look behind Sheldon.

Sheldon quickly glanced behind him and wasn’t surprised to see that Penelope and her husband had followed him. These people had no concept of appropriateness.

“Yes, yes. I have guests and we were in the middle of dinner.” Sheldon wanted to get this over with, he already knew the reason for Parker being here.

“Apologies mah’boy.” Parker looked truly contrite. “I had just come to remind you that tomorrow is the festival and it’ll be a good one!” Sheldon didn’t comment that the old man said the exact same thing about every festival the town held.

“I won’t miss it.” As much as he hated festivals, he hated disappointing his Meemaw more. When she found out he had been skipping the festivals, not only he got an earful but he almost got a spanking.

“Excellent! You folk are invited as well!” He yelled towards his guests.

“Thank you!” Penny quickly called out as Sheldon was closing the door.

“A pleasure like always Sheldon!” Were Parker’s parting words before the door closed in his face.

Once again he sighed before returning to his dinner.

“A festival?” He was expecting the question, but not from Penny. He thought she would still be ignoring him. Perhaps the prospect of the festival had made her forget she was supposed to be avoiding him.

“Yes. This town seems to have an endless number of festivals per season.” He said tiredly. It had been an unexpected and unpleasant surprise when he had first come to this town, stores closed down, healers only worked emergencies and overall it felt like a massive waste of time and effort.

“What is it about?” Penny seemed to be very excited about the whole thing.

“Tomorrow is the festival celebrating ‘The witch of destiny.’ A local legend about young lovers fighting against fate to be together. It’s a festival used for people to confess their love, ask their partners to marry them or otherwise celebrate ‘love’.”

“Oh! That’ll be perfect for us!” Mr Hofstadter smiled widely and grabbed Penny’s hand. She smiled rather emptily at her husband but seeing him smile back eagerly made Sheldon suspect he hadn’t noticed the fakeness of her smile.

Sheldon said nothing else and focused on his dinner. At least she had gotten better at cooking.

Penelope loved festivals. Her parents never missed one and she loved how she got to see all of her friends and neighbors together. It was one of the things she missed the most living in Luvsi City. How could one city be so…dull?

She couldn’t wait to see how this festival worked. Mr Cooper had mentioned it was a festival for love, which of course made her husband turn an expectant smile at her which she returned as best as she could.

They were all walking towards the town as Mr Cooper’s farm was only a short walk away.

The weather was pleasant and Penelope found herself smiling in anticipation.

“Hey Shelly.” A voice caught her attention. Her heart stopped, a gorgeous brunette was leaning against a tree in the entrance of the town. This woman was as tall as Mr Cooper and if she wasn’t part Succubus then Penelope would eat her hat.

“Missy. Did mother sent you?” Mr Cooper went to stand in front of the woman and Penelope blinked. Seeing them together like this made the resemblance obvious. And of course the fact that Sheldon pretty much confirmed it himself with the mother comment.

“Yep. You’re not weaseling out of another festival.” Missy smirked.

“Ever since Meemaw made it clear these events were non-optional I haven’t missed a single one.” Mr Cooper narrowed his eyes.

“Save that for mom and Meemaw. I know you.” She narrowed her eyes as well.

“Um…Hi?” Her husband squeaked out and the siblings turned to look at him.

“Were you helping some tourists that lost their way?” Missy asked incredulously.

“They’re my guests actually. Missy, these are Leonard and Penelope Hofstadter.”

“Huh, that’s shocking. Nice to meet you folks.” She waved at them.

Penelope still had a hard time believing that a woman could be so beautiful, by the way her husband couldn’t stop staring as well told her he thought the same.

“Missy, perhaps you can guide my guests to the main square? I want to go visit mother first.”

“You want to sneak a piece of pie before she takes them to the square you mean.” Missy said without hesitation and the small blush on Mr Cooper’s face revealed that had been his plan.

“Yes, well…would you mind?” He looked cute.

“No, no, it’s not like I have a-” Missy never got a chance to finish.

Mr Cooper started moving towards the town at a fast pace. “Excellent.”

Missy sighed and Penelope was startled by how much it made her sound like her brother. “Well, let’s go folks. We’ll see Shelly on the square anyway. Anything you want to check out?” Missy waved them and started walking.

“Is there any place where we can learn more about the whole witch of destiny thing?” Penelope asked immediately and her husband nodded.

“Oh! C’mon, let’s go, I’ll take you to the play. They do the adult version in the morning and the kiddie version in the afternoon. I like both but I’m guessing you want to see the one with all the juicy bits.”

Penelope laughed and followed Missy.

“Snickerdoodle, do you want another piece?” Sheldon’s mother poked her head out the kitchen entrance and Sheldon nodded as he ate the last bite of his dungeon berry pie.

He was more than capable of baking one himself but for some unknown reason the pies made by his mother or Meemaw would always taste better. His mother had found a great deal of success baking and selling bread for the small town.

Which caused a small and friendly competition to start with the baker already in town.

“Here you go.” His mother said as she placed another plate with tantalizing sweet and acid orange filling.

Sheldon nodded in thanks and without missing a beat he started on his second piece.

“I heard Elli bought a new dress for this festival.” His mother said as she moved back into the kitchen.

Sheldon stopped cutting a piece of the pie and looked up at her with narrowed eyes. “Mother. I thought you had agreed to stop your attempts at playing matchmaker.”

“I’m just saying.” She said innocently.

“Right. And will Elli happen to be expecting a visit from me?” Sheldon sighed more than asked.

“I mean, it would only be the polite thing to do. You only come out of your farm to buy feed or seeds and rarely visit the healer’s building.” Her voice was clear to his ears despite her speaking at a normal volume all the way in the kitchen.

“Mother…Elli is a perfectly adequate young healer apprentice that I believe doesn’t know me well enough and might have a skewed image of the person I am.”

“And whose fault is that? Would it kill you to stop for a moment to talk to the poor girl when you’re in town?”

Sheldon scratched at his cheek and took three calming breaths.

“Sheldon Cooper, don’t you huff at me. I can hear you from all the way over here.” She scolded him.

“I’m not…No, I’m not getting pulled into this. Thank you for the pie.” Sheldon quickly left his mother’s house and went in search of Missy and his guests.

His mother didn’t know when to stop. First, she tried to set up Missy with the blacksmith apprentice only to have the young man run away in fear when he saw Missy get into a fight with two adventurers.

As for him, he wasn’t interested in romantic nonsense. If he needed to get rid of his urges then he already had a pretty good deal in place with Mana.

Romance. He scoffed, what a waste of time.

Penelope loved romance stories! And she was eating up the play in front of her eyes.

She could see that the people putting up the play weren’t seasoned, but that only seemed to add to the whole thing. They seemed to put more of themselves into every phrase and every action.

They were all around her age and pretty amazing already. She hadn’t forgotten about this town being a training town for the guild.

She should have felt bitter, but she was enjoying the play too much.

The story was pretty simple, a young couple fell in love and everything was looking great, except, the young woman fell ill. No healer could tell what was wrong with her, the young man traveled across the land with his love, seeking any and all options to save her.

But with each passing day she got worse and worse. Until she couldn’t walk anymore.

The young man wasn’t deterred, he carried her on his back, fed her and massaged her legs. One day, as he arrived in this very town, he heard a rumor. Deep within the forest, there lived a witch. She secluded herself from all, some said that she had amazing healing powers, that she dabbled in black magic, that she was able to summon dungeon beasts at will.

The young man fearlessly headed into the forest.

It wasn’t easy, he cared for his love as he hid from the wolves. He could hear them, stalking them and knew that it would all be over if they were caught. The young couple spent the night in the hollow of a tree.

“I swear that I’ll find a cure.” He swore, hugging her close to his chest.

“I can smell the sea from here. I want to feel the sand on my toes.” She had her eyes closed and was resting her head on his chest.

“We will!” He said strongly. “We will…” He said softly.

She didn’t reply, having fallen asleep. The young man broke down and cried raggedly until he also fell asleep.

The next morning, as they left the hollow of the tree, right in front of her eyes there was a hut. The young woman felt fear in her heart.

“Let’s go. We can find a different way.” She begged him. The young man looked at his lover and saw her pale skin, her shaking hands. He hesitated.

“Well, well, well. What do we have here?” A slow voice said and Penelope felt a chill down her back, echoed by the young couple on stage.

Out of the hut came walking an old woman. She was strong looking, there was nothing decrepit or weak about her. She moved with certainty and the couple knew she could kill them on a whim.

“I want-” The young man cradled his lover protectively as he talked to the witch.

The witch interrupted him by laughing dementedly. “Little boy, I know what you want. I know how useless you are. You can only beg those with real power.” The witch walked around the couple, eyeing them hungrily. “I can heal her. It’s but a trifle.”

Hope bloomed in the young man’s eyes. The young woman whimpered.

“But tell me little boy. Can you pay the price?” The witch said in mock sadness.

“Anything. I’ll pay any price. I swear.” He swore.

The witch smiled and closed her eyes in satisfaction before moaning as if in sexual pleasure. The couple on stage and Penelope in the audience opened their eyes wide, understanding the grave mistake that had just taken place.

Never swear to a witch.

The witch cackled and smoke billowed from under her robes and covered the couple. The smoke cleared and now the young woman was standing next to the witch. Seemingly able to stand on her own feet again. The paleness had gone and she looked healthy again.

The young woman looked down at her own body in surprise, unable to believe she was healthy again.

The young man gasped and ran towards his lover only to be stopped by the witch. He struggled against her, trying to reach the woman he loved, but the witch was strong.

“No, no, no.” The witch said in the same way you admonish a pet. “I still need to get paid.”

Still struggling, the young man spat out. “Take your price then witch.”

The witch cackled again and lifted the young man in the air with a single arm. The young woman finally noticed the situation her lover was in and ran to help him, only to be stopped with a single gesture from the witch’s free hand. Invisible bonds held the young woman in place.

“Naughty, naughty children. Always in a rush.” The witch said and everyone could hear the smile in her voice, the pure glee the situation brought her. “I’ve decided on my price. This…’love’ between you two,” The way she said the word love showed what she really thought of it. “I can’t stand it. So pure. This is my price. I will erase all of your memories about her, every single one. I will then put you outside this forest. You will have thirty days to find my hut again. If you can do that, then you’re both free to go. But if you can’t, then this one will be mine to keep.” She finished and pointed at the young woman.

“Wait-” The young man started but the witch slammed a hand on his face and in a flash he was back out of the forest, on the road to the town.

The young man blinked several times and looked up at the sky, then at his hands and finally at the town in the distance.

Confused, the young man started walking towards the town. He didn’t glance back at the forest.

Penelope and several audience members were loudly sniffing and dabbing at their eyes.

The young man arrived at the town where he was received warmly despite his confusion. He found work as a farmhand and started a new life, unaware of the reason he had arrived in this town in the first place.

Little by little the young man was growing restless. His body felt wrong, he needed to move but he didn’t know why. During the night he would have nightmares and he would wake up covered in sweat, grasping at something or someone. Each morning only brought him a deeper sense of loss.

As the time limit approached the young man only grew more and more restless, until finally one day the young man approached the forest entrance. He had been warned about entering, knew that dangerous beast roamed about.

He took a step in, and then another and another.

Without really understanding why, he walked deeper and deeper into the forest. Avoided beasts and predators until finally, he was able to see a clearing. A small hut sat there.

Excitement grew in his soul and he hurried towards the hut but before he could step into the clearing, a huge shadow fell over him and he jumped back.

There, in front of him stood a ‘Splicer’. One of the worst dungeon beasts to encounter. The young man was confused, dungeon beasts couldn’t live outside the dungeon and yet there was one right in front of his eyes.

The beast laughed and everyone in the audience, including Penelope, gasped in horror.

Of course she had heard about splicers but seeing one on stage was truly terrifying, she hoped they were exaggerating and that the real thing was nothing like this. Roiling rows of teeth moved over the surface of what in darkness might pass as a small bear. Human teeth, beast fangs, sharp rows of spiky bones that didn’t seem to stop moving and that made her stomach turn.

The beast laughed again and it was the sound of a thousand dissonant laughs.

Penelope was terrified, but the young man stood defiantly. Not fearless, but brave.

The beast laughed a third time. “My, my, my. Such a brave young man. Turn around, little bird.” People gasped again. Splicers were savage beasts, they couldn’t talk. Each word the beast said came from a different place, causing a dizzying effect.

“I don’t know why, but I need to go there.” The young man pointed at the hut.

“There’s nothing for you there.” The splicer stood up to its full height. “Run, before you pay a price you can’t afford.”

The young man gritted his teeth in frustration. He patted his body but it was obvious he had no weapons at hand.

“I wouldn’t do that.” The beast warned. “Or. I’ll. Eat. You.” The beast laughed again.

The young man flinched at the harsh words but he soon recovered and stepped up to the beast.

“I don’t know why.” The young man’s voice trembled. “But that hut is important. I need to go there.”

“Little bird, can you pay the price?”

“I will kill-” The beast laughed.

“Either you pay the price or I’ll kill you. It’s the only way.”

The young man glared up at the best and trembled in frustration. He knew the beast was right.

“What price?” The young man managed to grit out.

“A trifle really. Your left arm.” The beast managed to sound both gleeful and sad.

The young man took two steps back in horror and it only made the beast laugh harder.

“See? You’re not ready. Go, live your life and forget about meeting me.” The young man looked down at his feet and clenched his fists. He trembled in rage and impotence. “You don’t even know what is in that hut. It could be certain death for all you know.” The beast said softly as it paced in front of the young man.

“Take your price beast.” The young man extended his left arm away from his body.

The beast didn’t hesitate, pouncing on the arm and ripping it out of the young man’s body. The scream that came out of the young man was ragged, full of pain and seemingly endless. Blood pooled at his feet and the young man fell to his knees, panting and pale.

“Tasty, tasty, tasty.” The beast made crunching sounds that made Penelope’s stomach turn. “Let me help you with that.” The beast said mockingly before flame bursted from between one of the many mouths and it burned the bleeding stump closed.

She had thought the young man couldn’t scream any more but she had been wrong.

Once the beast was done, the young man fell forward, Penelope could see the tears streaming down his face. The pain that was there was beyond anything she could imagine.

“Go little bird. You may proceed unimpeded.” The beast laughed once more before moving back into the shadows of the forest.

The young man grunted and he tried to stand up only to fall face first again. With his remaining arm the young man beat at the dirt and yelled wordlessly.

Still, he didn’t give up.

The young man crawled, painfully, tearfully, he crawled. It was painful, it was pathetic and it broke Penelope’s heart with each inch of distance he covered. It felt like an eternity, and finally, on the verge of collapsing the young man touched the wooden steps of the hut.

As soon as he did that, the door to the hut opened up and the young woman he no longer remembered came running out.

She slid next to him and cradled his broken body in the same way he had done just a month before in this same forest.

“Stupid, stupid. Why didn’t you leave?” She cried, big fat tears fell from her eyes. She lovingly caressed his face.

The young man blinked tiredly up at her face. “I…You’re important.” He said, his voice weak.

The young woman cried harder and held him closer to her.

Without the young couple or the audience realizing how, they were back at the entrance to the forest. Villagers soon found them and offered assistance.

The young woman sat by the side of her lover until he was able to stand again. He still couldn’t remember her, but he knew she was important.

“My arm is a small price to pay for your freedom.” They were sitting on a sunny hill, watching the bustling town below. The gentle wind billowed the empty sleeve of his shirt.

The young woman gasped. “No, because of me…” She trailed off, looking down at her bunched hands in her lap.

His hand grabbed at hers. She looked and widened her eyes at his gentle smile. He looked back at the town. “This doesn’t seem like a bad place to settle down at. But, I think I’ll need help. Will you help me?”


The curtain fell and Penelope cried and cried. Missy handed her a handkerchief but she was a blubbering mess as well.

Sheldon waited outside the bard’s guild building. He wasn’t a fan of the story.

Thankfully soon Missy and his guests came walking out. Penny and Missy were still crying and sniffling. Even Mr Hofstadter looked affected.

“Hey Shelly.” Missy greeted him and he nodded.

“Well, I’m famished. I heard something about pie?” Mr Hofstadter swiped at his eyes as he said that.

Missy laughed and nodded. “Yeah, let’s just wait a moment for our Meemaw.”

Sheldon anxiously watched the people leave the building until a familiar woman caught his eye. “Meemaw!” He raised his hand and walked up to her. He hugged her and inhaled the now familiar scent of dungeon tobacco and spices.

“Hey Moonpie.”

“Ah! The witch!” Penny’s voice made them both turn.

“Ah! The witch!” Penny wanted to slap herself but the old woman. Sheldon’s Meemaw only laughed.

“I always enjoy that reaction.” The old woman pulled a cigarette out of a case and lit it up. “At your service.” She said with a half bow.

“Oh, I’m sorry, that was rude of me.” That only made her laugh again. “You didn’t tell me your grandma was in the play.” Penelope turned to say to Missy.

“I wanted to see this reaction.” Missy didn’t even look ashamed.

“Oh are these your friends?” Their Meemaw asked.

Missy pointed a finger at her brother. “His.”

“They’re my guests, not my friends.” Mr Cooper corrected. Ouch.

“It doesn’t matter, come, let’s go have fun.” The older woman grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the center of town.

The rest of the day was spent eating fantastic food, meeting Mr Cooper’s mother and dancing with her husband.

Penelope had been keeping a subtle eye on Mr Cooper, after all this was a festival about love, she wanted to see if anyone would approach him or if he would approach anyone. Her heart stopped when a really cute brunette with short hair and an innocent air around her approached Mr Cooper. She tried to approach them but her husband kept her close.

“I bought this from one of the stands. It’s supposed to be a splicer.” Leonard said just as she watched Mr Cooper lead the brunette woman to his mother.

“Wait, a splicer?” Penelope focused on the conversation again and sure enough the plushie had some resemblance to the monster she had seen in the play but the one in her hands could be considered rather cute. “Huh, this is kind of cute.”

“I know!” Her husband said happily.

When she looked up again to search for Mr Cooper, she saw him escorting the brunette back to another stall. The brunette woman was blushing and smiling and Penelope squeezed the plushie in her hands.

The evening was coming to a close and Mr Cooper announced that they should retire home.

Her life came tumbling down in minutes.

She had been talking with Missy, making plans to meet in town while her husband was busy with Mr Cooper when suddenly her husband’s raised voice cut through the conversation.

“You cured the regrowing disease?!!!”

She turned to see her husband looking wide eyed at Mr Cooper while Meemaw had a hand to her mouth. She rather liked the old woman, she had given Penelope permission to call her Meemaw.

“Not here.” Mr Cooper said tersely as he moved to walk towards the farm. Her husband didn’t hesitate to follow and she hurried as well.

She could see her husband shake with excitement and this had been her exact concern at him finding out. She could see the signs, her husband was now turning into a full fledged merchant and not the admirer of Mr Cooper he had been.

As soon as they were on the road outside of town toward Mr Cooper’s farm, her husband exploded with enthusiasm.

“Sheldon! Do you know what that means? We can sell your cure to the world, you and I can be partners and be the richest men on earth!” Her husband gestured widely and his eyes were looking at something she couldn’t even begin to fathom.

“I’m not interested.” On the other hand, Mr Cooper was looking rather annoyed.

“What do you mean you’re not interested? You can’t say that!” Her husband was offended. “Do you have any idea of how much money we’re talking about?”

“Once again. I’m not interested. The current method is dependent on materials that are so expensive they might as well not exist.” Mr Cooper said with an air of finality.

Penelope forced herself to keep walking but a question she had buried resurfaced. Why had Mr Cooper healed her mother?

“No, you truly don’t get it. That won’t matter for the people that need this cure. We could ask for a mountain of gold and they would give it to us!” Her husband was undeterred.

“I am researching to make the cure available for everyone, not just a few.” Mr Cooper’s voice had gained an edge.

“Sheldon, you still don’t get it. People will pay any amount we ask of them!” Her husband grabbed at his hair in frustration.

Mr Cooper stopped walking and she could see him take a few deep breaths before turning to face her husband. His eyes were pure fire, he wasn’t annoyed. He was pissed. He glanced at her for a moment before focusing his eyes on the plushie in her hands. His face changed from one of anger to one of consideration.

“How about you then Mr Hofstadter. What are you willing to pay for my method?”

“Anything. You name it and it’s yours.” Her husband replied immediately and smiled.

“Your wife.” Penelope stopped breathing.

“What?” The smile on her husband’s face was frozen.

“You heard me. I want your wife.” Mr Cooper wasn’t even looking at her.

“I…what?” Her husband glanced at her and she was crushed at seeing the calculating look in his eye. He was considering it.

“You claimed that people would be willing to pay anything for my method. But how about you? Are you ready to pay the price?” Mr Cooper’s face was a mask of anger.

Leonard licked his lips. “What exactly are you thinking about?” He was refusing to turn to look at her.

Mr Cooper sighed and looked at Leonard with disgust. He then turned to look at her and for the first time ever, he looked at her apologetically. She glared at him, she wasn’t a thing to be bartered.

“How much do you love your wife?” Mr Cooper’s face returned to his usual arrogance as he addressed Leonard again.

“With everything I have.” Penelope wanted to scoff.

“Enough to do a little experiment?” Mr Cooper egged Leonard on.

“What type of experiment?” Leonard stuttered.

“I believe you rather enjoyed the play today. While not my favorite, I can appreciate the rather obvious irony of sacrificing something to save your partner. So, how about a little wager, I’ll apply an arcane crest on you that will suppress and delete all and every single memory of your wife from your mind. If you find your marriage certificate? It will look like just useless paper to you. Her clothes back home? You’ll think they belong to the maids. If you manage to fight off the effect of the crest in thirty days, then you can have my method and your wife back. If you fail…well, you won’t remember what you lost.” Mr Cooper shrugged but she didn’t miss the anger in his eyes still.

Leonard hesitated. Chewed on his lip and furrowed his brow.

Penelope didn’t believe it, after all that talk of how much her loved her he was seriously considering-

“Deal.” Leonard’s voice broke the silence of the night.

Penelope closed her eyes in defeat.


Yep, Sheldon is an asshole. Also for anyone wondering, Elli was the nurse in Harvest Moon Friends of Mineral town and I always married her in every playthrough. (I'm still annoyed they changed her name to Elly for the remake.)

On another note, if any of you like SCP stuff, I really can't recommend "There Is No Antimemetics Division by qntm" enough. It's a published book and it's really, really good.

Chapter 129: Chickens (Farming SIM)


Sequel to Witch


I'm really enjoying this Universe

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Deal.” Mr Hofstadter confidently said.

Sheldon widened his eyes in surprise, the man was mad. How could he agree to this? He had purposefully chosen what he had thought was the one untouchable tenet for the short man.

Had he been wrong? But the evidence showed…

Sheldon frowned in thought. He didn’t like not understanding things.

Leonard Hofstadter had shown an almost fanatical attachment towards his wife. He bragged about her every five minutes, touched her at every possible moment and whether consciously or not, he always acted as a buffer in every interaction, making sure she wasn’t spending too much time with another man.

And yet, here he was. Agreeing to this…thing.

Sheldon shook his head, he needed to rethink his initial conclusion. Of course Penny was a victim of circumstance, but could it be that she was also a victim of her husband directly?

At this moment she was nothing more than a bargaining chip between them. Something that brought him shame, he hadn’t intended to use her, but he had caught her holding the plushie and it all seemed so incredibly ironic that he couldn’t resist but to make the offer as a jab.

Leonard Hofstadter should have declined, acted offended, punched him…

Sheldon tilted his head and observed the short man a little more closely. Perhaps he was wrong, Leonard had shown a similar attachment to something Sheldon had dismissed as inconsequential initially.


The clothes the husband and wife wore were not cheap of course, but more than anything else they announced that the people wearing them were of means. The ring in Penny’s hand was obnoxiously flashy. They used personal carriages with personal emblems and well cared for horses that probably ate better than his entire town.

Sheldon blinked in understanding. Money.

Leonard Hofstadter’s one true love was money. Penny was a status symbol, she was certainly beautiful and if Leonard was not a man of means he doubted that she would have ever paid him attention.


Well, not really. He now understood a little better why the man had agreed but it still left him with a rather big problem. He didn’t want Leonard Hofstadter’s wife.

He didn’t want anyone’s wife.

But he couldn’t back down now. Penny was still Leonard’s wife, so maybe her intervention could put a stop to this entire situation. Yes, that was the best course of action.

Sheldon cleared his throat to get the pair’s attention. “I believe you two need to discuss this. I’ll see you in the morning if you still decide to go through with it. If not, I’ll understand and please take this as my request that you leave tomorrow post haste. Goodnight.”

There, that should solve this problem. He thought, walking back to his farmhouse.

Penelope glared at Mr Cooper’s as he walked back to his home. The nerve of the man.

Leonard cleared his throat and she turned her glare his way. He flinched back and fidgeted with his hands. “Now, Honey, let me explain!” He said hurriedly.

Penelope wanted to yell at him, wanted to punch him, but she was scared that she might actually kill him, so she settled with crushing the plushie in her hands.

Leonard started sweating at seeing her truly pissed for the first time, she was so angry that she couldn’t talk.

“We won! We won! I know it looks bad but hear me out.” Leonard grabbed her arms and said excitedly. “He said an arcane crest! That’s his mistake!” He was almost jumping with joy.

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. “What in the hell are you talking about?” She shouldn’t be listening to him.

“An arcane crest! He said an arcane crest!” Leonard repeated.

“You’ve said that.”

“No, no, no, you don’t understand. There’s a reason people stopped using arcane crests long ago. It’s a country bumpkin method to try and recreate real magic! The only places that still use them are towns and villages like this!”

Penelope frowned and thought about the crest hidden underneath her ring. “So?”

“So?! You don’t get it! It’s doomed from the start. Not only are they easily dispelled when entering any temples but they also are very noticeable. You can easily tell when people have one and what do you think Howard will do once he notices I have one on me? He’s going to dispel it right away!”

Penelope was confused, she had entered several temples after getting her crest and it was still there. “What do you mean they are dispelled when entering a temple?”

“It’s one of the reasons why people stopped using them. You could enter a contract, then go to a temple, wait for one of the priests to do a mass dispel and poof, gone, just like that. It’s one of the first things my father taught me when he was training me. You can make deals with towns like this, get the crest and then you simply go to the temple and the crest will be gone, leaving you free to do whatever you want. I’ve never had to do that but I remember my father showing me once.”

“Wait…” She was about to tell him about her crest but thought better of it. “Are you really sure?” She said instead.

“I’m certain. It’s the only reason why I accepted. I would have never said yes otherwise.” He reassured her.

“I’m still not happy about being treated like a thing.” She needed to make that clear.

“I’ll make it up to you. I swear. Whatever you want I can get it for you.” He laughed deliriously. “Soon we won’t have to worry about money ever again!”

Penelope wanted to point out he had never worried about money, instead she just sighed. “Let’s go to sleep.”

“Oh gods, I can’t believe I got so lucky. It’s Sheldon’s fault really, I know he hates magic but he still should have researched it.”

Penelope didn’t reply, a headache making her hold her head in her hand. Leonard giggled all the way back to their room.

Sheldon was in a bad mood.

He had expected that Penny would have been able to talk or threaten Mr Hofstadter out of it but no, as soon as the sun rose he had gone in search of Sheldon and demanded they go through with it while Penny walked behind him, still looking rather angry he should add.

Sheldon shrugged and asked for several things, all of which were quickly agreed to by Mr Hofstadter.

“Here is the annulment request signed by me and my wife dated for thirty one days later. Here is the envelope with a note for five thousand gold dated for thirty one days later. Here is a letter written by me requesting the head maid to pack my wife’s bag and clothes and mail them here, also dated thirty one days later.” Mr Hofstadter said quite happily as he put each item on the work table between them.

Sheldon sniffed in distaste and made a face. He had hoped these additional requests would have made the man back down, but no, Leonard Hofstadter looked quite proud of himself, like there was a secret only he knew. How bizarre.

“Madam, I realize this is quite late to ask but, are you a willing participant in this?” Sheldon wanted to give the couple another chance.

Penny looked over to her husband and for the first time Sheldon saw fear in Mr Hofstadter’s eyes. He didn’t understand why and it ultimately didn’t matter because Penny nodded, hesitantly but she nodded.

Sheldon sighed.

“Very well. I have already prepared the materials. It will take a moment for-”

“Can I choose where the crest will go?” Mr Hofstadter interrupted him and Sheldon glared at the man, he was quickly losing his patience.

“No, these crests need to go on the head, I will put it on your cheek.” Strangely that information only made the short man smile wider and nod.

Sheldon looked over at Penny once more but she only glared at him. Feeling defeated he started on the crest.

Arcane crests were a fascinating tool, they could arguably be described as the initial form of magic in their world. There was some discussion claiming potions were the precursor to the current magic system. He himself believed both might have been developed simultaneously, by witches nonetheless. However each region developed the one most useful to each.

Regions with lush forests and plenty of herbs, animals and such developed potions at a much accelerated rate, while arid regions where materials were scarce, needed to find a way to make the materials last more and thus giving rise to crests.

One shortcoming that crests had was related to powering them, so he could understand why they were soon tied to many religious and cultists groups. You could invoke a god or spirit to power the crest, however this would mean the crest was susceptible to breaking when in the presence of a more powerful aura or spirit.

These types of crests were still used of course, mostly in good faith contracts where the parties understood that the crest was not permanent.

For permanent crests you simply had to replace the source of energy. Like Penny’s anticonceptive crest, it was tied to her own magic or life force, meaning that it was truly permanent and the only way to remove it was to physically modify the crest to cut off the energy. Something any decent enchanter or witch could perform.

Thankfully Mr Hofstadter remained still as he carefully and methodically marked the crest on his cheek.

The crest once complete would end up occupying the entirety of the cheek which meant it would be visible and not pleasant to look at, but that wasn’t a concern for Sheldon. No, he had learned that crests were flexible, adaptable and customizable. Within the outer and inner circle he added the ancient word for ‘ghost’ which depending on context could be used for hiding things. Like a crest.

Leonard Hofstadter was unable to use magic, his magical deposit was too low and decrepit to make any significant use of magic, even everyday stuff. However, his life force was still a viable source of power. Sheldon carefully drew the word for ‘life’ in the innermost circle.

Before closing the last and outermost circle he stepped back and ensured everything was in order. Satisfied, he nodded to himself. “Don’t move.” He instructed and was pleased to not see the man nod or talk.

Turning to the other occupant in the room he approached her. “May I have a strand of your hair?” He extended his hand, thought for a moment and finally added. “Please.”

Penny looked at him suspiciously but she nodded and gave him two. He nodded in thanks and returned to his work. One strand would be more than enough, using a needle he carefully laid the hair around the outermost circle, the ink helped the hair stick in place, this would help to close and activate the crest.

“If you have any last words for your wife, now is the moment.” Sheldon warned.

“I’ll come back in three days.” Mr Hofstadter said confidently while looking his wife in the eye.

Penny gulped and nodded in what Sheldon thought was apprehension.

Sheldon grabbed his brush again and began laying ink on top of the hair, retracing the circle. As soon as he finished the crest shone blue and then green before disappearing from sight.

“Done, come, hurry.” Sheldon pulled the short man to his feet and rushed him up the stairs and out the house. They barely made it to the carriage before Mr Hofstadter toppled over, just shy of actually entering the vehicle.

“Wait, what happened to him?” Penny had followed them and she asked frantically as she went to help her husband.

“This was expected. Unlike your crest this was not powered by magic, but by his life force. He will wake up in an hour with a headache but no worse for wear.” Sheldon grunted as they pulled Mr Hofstadter into the carriage. “We should probably lay him on the floor.”

“Okay, but I don’t understand, why did the crest disappear?” She touched the cheek where the crest had been a moment ago.

“Oh, I thought it would be visually unappealing so I made it invisible.” Sheldon frowned, he thought that was pretty clear.


Sheldon said nothing as he stepped out of the carriage. Penny followed him wordlessly as well. The carriage was already loaded with Mr Hofstadter’s bags and ready to go.

Sheldon and Penny stood side by side watching the carriage until Sheldon turned to give her a questioning look which was returned with a confused look. Sheldon motioned with his head to the driver of the carriage and Penny blinked before widening her eyes and nodding.

“Thomas, you can go now. Remember my husband’s instructions.” Penny told the driver who only nodded before snapping the reins and moving the carriage away from the farm.

“So…what now?” Penny asked him.

Sheldon froze, he hadn’t actually thought that far ahead. He was now responsible for her.

“I…don’t know…”

Penny huffed. “Well, you better figure it out soon.” She said before walking back to the farmhouse.

“Maybe you can feed the chickens?” He offered after a moment.

Penny stopped and turned a suspicious look at him. They stared at each other before she finally nodded. “I’ll go change. But we’re not even close to finished talking about this.” Sheldon nodded.

Of course, he knew she probably had a thing or two to tell him. He only hoped that if his Meemaw found out she would find the situation funny and not offensive.

Leonard woke up with a start and he looked around frantically.

Oh, right, he was in his carriage. He had woken up earlier and found himself on the floor and with a massive headache, he had just gotten on the seat and fallen asleep again.

Thankfully the headache had reduced to almost nothing but still, why was he awake?

*Knock, knock* The door rattled and startled him.

“Yeah?” He asked in a raspy voice. He wanted some water.

“Sir. You asked me to wake you up as soon as we arrived.” Thomas’ voice pulled him further from sleep and he frowned in question. He didn’t remember asking Thomas anything.

Leonard opened the carriage door and stared at the gaudy building in front of him with distaste. “Why are we at a temple?”

“Sir? You asked me to bring you here.” Thomas was confused.

“I did? Did I tell you why?” Leonard rubbed at his head, the pain was returning.

“No sir.”

“Must have been a mistake. Let’s go home. I have to check in with Howard, I already wasted too much time with Sheldon Cooper.”

“Understood sir.”

Leonard closed the carriage door and covered his eyes with one of his hands. He hated pain. Wait, why was he going back to his home? He had just…oh right, the fight. He cringed.

He had tried to feed the cows again and one had escaped into town. Mr Cooper then asked him to leave for good and Leonard couldn’t leave fast enough. He hated having to leave but it wasn’t like Mr Cooper was the only person in the world researching ‘science’.

For now he would focus on his business while he found someone else that could teach him.

Penelope wasn’t too sure on how to feel. So far she had trusted Leonard and he hadn’t disappointed her, he paid for her mom’s resurrection, gave her parents some money and kept her safe and fed.

But now here she was, bartered away by her own husband. If Mr Cooper was anyone else he would not hesitate to take advantage of the situation, but he had only asked her to feed the chickens. Something she didn’t mind doing because that way she could watch the chicks.

But now what?

Leonard was so certain of himself, that he would be able to break the crest easily and then come back, three days he had said. Was that what she wanted?

She didn’t mind being married to Leonard.

What if he didn’t come back? Mr Cooper had the annulment papers and they didn’t even need to visit Luvsi City to file them, any clerk could process them in any guild and the next day it would be done. She would also have access to her clothes, jewelry and more. Not to mention the gold.

She could have her old life back.

No, she would not make plans one way or another, she would wait thirty days and then make a choice.

“Penny.” Mr Cooper’s voice made her look up from the playing chicks.

She was about to answer but something caught her attention. “Penny? What happened to madam?”

Mr Cooper blinked, surprised. “Well, seeing as the probability of your husband coming back in the time limit is almost non-existent, I think it’s appropriate I start calling you Penny. Thus, Penny.”

Her mouth fell open. “You don’t know that.” She wasn’t even sure why she got defensive.

“That is true. I suppose we’ll find out in thirty days.” He didn’t look concerned.

“...I’m not a thing.” She said softly and for the first time she saw Mr Cooper cringe in discomfort.

“I wasn’t implying…I mean, I didn’t…” Mr Cooper looked everywhere but at her. “He wasn’t supposed to accept. It was a ridiculous request!”

“But you didn’t stop it.”

“...” Mr Cooper glared at his feet.

“It’s not just you, it was also my idiot husband.” She sighed. “I don’t like feeling like I’m not in control.”

“I apologize. I believed that he would back down after I named you as a prize…He was supposed to say no.” He sounded truly confused.

She shuffled on her feet awkwardly, unsure if she should say something or not but in the end she needed to tell him. “He was confident the crest could be easily dispelled. He was going to visit a temple and then an enchanter.”

Penelope saw as he absorbed the information, his face went from contrite to confused and then to thoughtful.

“I see…A basic misunderstanding of how arcane crests work. It explains his unfounded confidence at every step of the process. He thought the crest would dispel at entering the temple or at the scheduled mass dispel sessions?” He asked her.

Penelope nodded.

“And he thought the crest would be visible so an enchanter could see it and figure out what it did and then break it?”

Another nod.

Mr Cooper hummed in satisfaction and nodded to himself. “I understand now. He thought he had all the information available and made a decision based on it. I see now.” He smiled to himself before frowning and looking at her. “Your husband was mistaken about how arcane crests work. I believe he will not find it so easy to break a permanent self sustaining crest.”

Penelope gulped. “He’s not coming back?”



Welp, I jumped from a ladder because I needed to run to check why one of our dogs was crying and fucked up my neck somehow. So that's nice. But I was able to sit down to finish this chapter.

Chapter 130: Pie (Farming SIM)


Sequel to Chickens


More of this Universe. I want to start focusing more on everyday stuff for our characters.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Penelope yawned widely and used a hand to cover her mouth. She was feeding the chickens early in the morning, apparently this was the usual time Mr Cooper fed his animals, because of her and her husband staying he had changed his routine but now that it was only her she needed to adapt to his old schedule.

She really hated waking up early.

But it wasn’t all bad, she got time with the animals and especially with the chicks. She really couldn’t get enough of them and the eggs she got in the morning were perfect for breakfast.

Penelope frowned suddenly, she had a basketful of eggs, there was no way they would eat all of them before they went bad and next morning there would be more. She approached Mr Cooper with her concern.

“Oh, we’ll need to put them into these boxes and then set them in the shipbox next to the entrance. Parker’s son runs a general store in town and he buys all surplus from me. Grab as many eggs as you may need and the rest goes into the box. Parker will come by around noon. Thankfully he stays out of my way.”

Penelope nodded, it sounded like a good system. She went into the kitchen and set four eggs into the coldbox and then took the rest outside for Parker to pick up. She noticed a notebook hanging by the shipbox and quickly noticed it was to note how many of each item Mr Cooper put in and how many Parker took. She counted the eggs and in her ugly writing put ‘18 eggs’.

Standing back she grimaced a little at her writing but she had never really cared too much about it looking pretty. Satisfied she went back into the house and started on breakfast.

Penelope still didn’t know what to expect out of this whole thing. Mr Cooper had told her that her husband would not be back and unlike what she had expected he actually looked regretful about it. Of course it was Leonard’s fault as well for being so quick to jump to conclusions.

She shook her head, she didn’t want to think about this right now. There was still time and Leonard might come back.

Sheldon grunted at seeing his barn. Until recently it had been enough, he had only kept two cows initially and the space was more than enough for them. However, that was no longer the case.

He now housed eight cows and the barn was getting crowded. Time for an upgrade.

He finished with his tasks, fed all animals but the chickens. That had become Penny’s task and she had done a good job of it for the last week. He then had lunch with Penny.

“I need to visit town but I won’t be long.” He told her his plans.

“Wait, wait, wait, you’re not leaving me here all alone.” Penny huffed and glared at him.

Sheldon blinked, confused. “I…I don’t understand.” He said slowly.

“It means I’m going. Give me a moment to change!” Before he could say anything she had bolted towards the bedrooms.

Sheldon rubbed at his chin, perhaps she thought that she was a prisoner here? It was true that at least for the remainder of the time limit he was responsible for her, but she could go to town if she wanted.

But did she know that?

Ah, perhaps she didn’t. This was a good thing to notice at this point. He would make it clear as soon as he had the chance.

“Ready!” Penny said happily, skipping back into the kitchen. “I’m glad I packed these, I wasn’t sure I would ever get to use them because Leonard doesn’t like me wearing them.” She was running her hands over her denim pants.

Sheldon tilted his head. He didn’t understand, they were regular denim pants. There was nothing lewd or revealing about them. “Why? I meant, why didn’t he like you wearing them?” He specified.

“He said that it made my butt-” Penny’s eyes widened before she closed her mouth with a snap. “Nothing, he just didn’t like them.”

“Your butt?” Sheldon frowned and walked around Penny to observe her butt. He didn’t notice anything weird. Penny turned around and he walked around her again to get a better look. “I don’t understand. Your butt is adequately proportioned and is fully covered by the denim…wait, I can see the denim thinning around the butt and thigh area. Is that what he referred to?” He had tried his best to observe but her hands kept getting in the way so his conclusion might have been incorrect.

Penny was glaring at him and her face was red. “Yes, now stop it.” She said through gritted teeth.

Sheldon nodded to himself, satisfied to have found the answer.

Penelope really liked this town. It felt much like her own, the one she had been raised in. Everyone seemed to know each other, there was a peaceful air about the town and all in all it was pretty damn great to be able to go out, greet someone and get a greeting back.

She really didn’t like thinking about Luvsi City or comparing it but it was hard not to. Even though she was a stranger here she didn’t feel like one. And yeah, it might have to do with the fact that she was walking with one of the locals but if she was going to be here for three more weeks then she was going to get as much as she could out of the experience.

Mr Cooper had made it clear that she was free to roam as long as she didn’t bother him during his research time or his sleeping time.

Maybe she would make it a habit to come to town…speaking of, she had made some plans with Missy that were never confirmed because of her husband bartering her away like a basket of eggs.

“Can you show me where your sister lives?” She asked him as they walked towards the carpenter’s house.

“I will need to visit my sister and mother, that is for them.” Mr Cooper pointed to the basket she was carrying. It was eggs, some vegetables and a jug of that blue drink of his. “We’ll go after visiting the carpenter.”

“Ohhhh okay.”

Her heart almost stopped when the carpenter turned out to be an almost exact copy of Mana, just with more laugh lines and hair a shade darker of red.

“Penny, this is Dami. Dami, this is Penny.” Mr Cooper made the introductions and she had been right, this was Mana’s older sister.

Mr Cooper’s business was quickly done. He had ordered a new barn to be built along with a new fence. He had asked that the old barn be demolished but Dami had convinced him to keep it as a place to quarantine sick animals or in case he also wanted to start keeping sheep.

Just a couple of minutes later they were on their way to his mother’s house. It was right next to a small bakery and it was so much like her parent’s house that nostalgia almost overwhelmed her.

“Mother is at the bakery but Missy should be home.” He told her as he went to knock at the door.

*Knock, knock, knock.*
*Knock, knock, knock.*
*Knock, knock, knock.*

“Shelly? Ah, you’re bringing us…” Missy trailed off at seeing her brother’s empty hands. “What the hell?”

“Hi!” Penelope decided it was time to show herself.

“Oh! Hi! Shelly, you made the poor girl carry the basket? For shame.” Missy took the basket from her hands and waved her inside.

“I shall take my leave. Penny, I trust that you can find your way back to the farm?” Mr Cooper fidgeted in place.

Before Penelope could even nod Missy jumped in. “What a shame, and Momma had just baked an apple and pear pie.” Missy sighed theatrically.

“Although, it’s not often that I visit mother. I shouldn’t waste these opportunities. Penny I shall be next door.” Mr Cooper nodded at them and quickly left.

Missy clicked her tongue. “That boy, he’s got a really sweet tooth. Don’t let him fool you.” She said with a fond smile on her face. “Anyway. Where’s that husband of yours?”

Penelope smiled sadly. “It’s a long story.”

Sheldon occupied the only table in the bakery. He so liked pie, it didn’t really matter what filling. He would devour it.

It had all started with Meemaw’s cookies and then his mother’s pastries.

It was fascinating how such basic ingredients culminated in amazing desserts. Nothing could ruin this.

The front door of the bakery slammed open, startling him and his mother behind the counter.

“Melissa!” His mother chided the person that just opened the door so violently.

“Not now Momma.” Missy was glaring at him.

“Wait, I asked you to wait.” Penny was trying to pull Missy back.

“So Shelly…mind telling me why you stole another man’s wife?” Missy asked loudly and Sheldon was thankful that no one else was at the bakery.

His mother gasped. “Shelly!”

Sheldon closed his eyes, feeling exhausted. This is why hated guests. Now his pie was ruined.


I just realized that my last note was incomplete, I literally left you in suspense about the fate of my dog. He was crying so intensely because he got stuck in the stairs. He is the newest addition to our family, a Chihuahua that is extremely dramatic about everything. That's why he was crying. We checked him for actual injuries and found none, he was fine, he was just scared.

As for me, my neck was hurting still somewhat right until noon, but I'm feeling better now. I was able to write this chapter today.

Thank you all for your lovely comments and for your concern. I'll reply to all of your comments but I wanted to make this update visible to all.

Chapter 131: Barmaid (Farming SIM)


Sequel to Pie


Meemaw and Pop-pop are freaks.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

This wasn’t what Penelope wanted. She just needed to vent some of her feelings and she hadn’t intended to reveal the tiny little fact that it was Mr Cooper’s suggestion that made her husband give her away.

But once she started talking about her feelings, her confusion, everything she had bottled up for later, once that started coming out it was impossible to stop the full truth from coming out.

Missy had gasped and gone completely silent, which was at that point that Penelope remembered what she had just said and to whom.

“Wait-” Penelope started saying but it was useless, Missy had launched herself off her seat and out the house. Penelope followed her closely and tried to get her to calm down to no avail.

And so here they were.

“Shelly!” Mr Cooper’s mother looked scandalized, Missy crossed her arms and tapped her foot impatiently.

Mr Cooper looked embarrassed and ashamed and it made her feel a little bit bad…okay, more than a little.

“I can explain.” Mr Cooper said calmly, still with his eyes closed.

Mrs Cooper gasped again and pointed at Penelope. “She’s pregnant!”

Missy opened her mouth in shock and looked at Penelope’s stomach and then at her face. Penelope couldn’t believe how fast things were going wrong.

“She’s not pregnant!” Mr Cooper slammed his hands on the table and stood up. He glared at everyone, his face red with anger, embarrassment and who knew what else. “Mother. Missy. Allow me to explain before you make more wild accusations.”

“Melissa, go grab your Meemaw.” Mrs Cooper ordered and without missing a beat her daughter left. “Sheldon Cooper, I thought I raised you better than to steal another man’s wife.” She said that but Mrs Cooper was openly glaring at her as well which Penelope felt was rude, she was a victim in all of this.

Penelope blinked as soon as the thought crossed her mind. Remembering the words Mr Cooper had told her once he found out the reasons behind her marriage.

Maybe if Leonard didn’t come back she would be able to make her own choices…

This was the one thought that kept running in her mind even as Meemaw finally arrived and Mr Cooper went through the motions of explaining the situation to his family. They even closed the bakery for the day.

To be completely fair, Mr Cooper shared a very detailed retelling of the situation from his own perspective and maybe Penelope was crazy but he made some sense. He truly hadn’t expected that Leonard would say yes. To Mr Cooper it was an outlandish deal, something to scoff at, he had prepared himself to even be punched by Leonard but he was floored when he not only did not punch him, but agreed.

He had then expected Penelope to get mad and talk Leonard out of it. But was baffled when that didn’t happen either.

Mr Cooper in a last attempt to not go through with this had then requested several unreasonable things from Leonard and he had agreed to each and every single one, much to Mr Cooper’s confusion and anger.

He then went on to explain his belief that due to Leonard’s many assumptions…many incorrect assumptions, that he would not be coming back and they were basically just waiting for the time limit to come and go.

Mr Cooper took a deep breath as he said that, it looked as if a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders. “So, can you see how this was not my intention at all?” He said to all of them.

Meemaw pointed at Mr Cooper and then at Penelope with her cigarette and hummed. “So no funny business going on?”

Penelope jumped in. “Of course not, Mr Cooper has been nothing but proper.”

Meemaw sighed in disappointment. “You’re both so boring.”

“Mom!” Mrs Cooper looked mortified.

“I’m just saying. Your Pop-pop and I would often bet on who could bag the barmaid the fastest.” Meemaw smiled to herself, soft and fondly. “Good times.”

“Mother!” Mrs Cooper looked ready to explode.

“Ah get off it.” Meemaw waved her hand and took a puff of her cigarette.

Mrs Cooper shook in place and went to open her mouth but stopped and then turned to her son. “You could have put a stop to this.”

Mr Cooper cringed and shook his head. “I really couldn’t. Her husband found out about my curing Meemaw from the regrowing disease and he only thought about the money it could bring him, even after I explained I was researching a way to make it affordable…You have to understand.” He pleaded for his mother to understand him.

“My husband is a very stubborn man.” Penelope spoke up. “He doesn’t give up when he thinks money can be made. It’s gotten him into trouble before.” Mr Cooper was guilty of her situation, yes, but not the only guilty one.

Mrs Cooper frowned at nothing, sighed and nodded. “I still think it’s not right but…I can see the situation wasn’t as black and white as I thought.”

Thankfully things calmed down after that and they were able to return to the farm without issues. Mrs Cooper had offered to host Penelope for the rest of her stay but Penelope liked the farm and the animals, she wanted to enjoy her time there.

“Do you know how to make cheese?” Mr Cooper asked her as they walked back towards the farm.

“I know the basics but…” She trailed off, she had helped when it was time to make cheese but she only did what her dad told her and never paid too close of an eye to the process. “Oh! Why don’t you ask my dad? You liked that cheese he gave you last time right? That was one made by him.”

“I see. I rather enjoyed the flavor of it. Very well. I shall contact him.” He nodded at her and she took it as his way of saying thanks.

“You can also ask him about tips for managing your cow barn. I know you like doing things by yourself but it might be time to hire a foreman. Someone to handle the big things while you make time for other stuff.” She shrugged, expecting him to dismiss her idea outright.

Mr Cooper hummed in acknowledgement. “An idea I had already considered but your father is someone that has spent a significant amount of time managing a barn so his input might be worth considering. Thank you Penny. An excellent idea.”

Penelope felt heat on her face and her heartbeat accelerated. She laughed nervously and fidgeted with her hands, she wasn’t sure what to do with them or where to put them, it was as if she had forgotten what to do with her hands as she walked. “You’re welcome!” Her voice was high and excited.

Mr Cooper shot her a suspicious look but thankfully didn’t make a comment about her behavior.

Sheldon kept drying his hair. He enjoyed showers immensely and tried to shower at least twice a day. He had rather enjoyed the shower tonight, after such a hectic day with his family finding out about Penny’s situation he just wanted to get back home and relax.

He stopped drying his hair as he thought about his energizing drink. He shouldn’t drink it so late…

Shaking his head he decided against it, he had already brushed his teeth and would rather go to bed early. But first, a letter. He would heed Penny’s advice about contacting her father.

Sheldon liked his cows a lot but he couldn’t just focus on them. Penny was there to help with the chickens but once she was gone he would have to retake the task, so her suggestion of a foreman made sense. The farm was making enough money that he could pay a fair wage, especially with the increased output with new cows joining his farm.

He had already created a butter churning machine that worked better than he expected and his butter was a hot commodity not only in their town but also in neighboring towns and villages. But he also wanted cheese, not just because it would sell just as well as the butter but because he himself enjoyed it, nothing beat a grilled cheese sandwich.

He wrote the letter, outlining his concerns as well as his predictions on realistic output and asked for advice on how to optimize the care for his cows. He also rather bluntly asked for a cheese making recipe.

For a moment he considered writing about Penny but almost immediately he discarded the idea, there was nothing Penny’s dad could do for her at the moment.

He would drop the letter in the shipbox and Parker would handle actually sending it. It wasn’t the intended use of the shipbox but Sheldon liked being practical and Parker didn’t mind.

Feeling satisfied he got into bed and turned off the light.

Sheldon tried to go to sleep but one last mystery ate at him. The weird way that Penny had acted after he thanked her. It was unusual how jumpy and nervous she was. Penny usually was a very composed individual so this was…no, he was thinking it was unusual but he remembered that there were times she showed a similar behavior. During her sessions listening to him feeding the cows. Heavy breathing, flushed face and an accelerated heartbeat.

Sheldon opened his eyes. This required further research.


I don't remember if I have recommended this story before or not, but it's so good: The Agricultural Extrapolation by Daedaleopsis

On another note, I just updated this story on FFNET and advised people to check over here, so if you found my story here on AO3 for that message. Welcome! I update here more often and add author notes which mostly are updates and/or recs.

For my regulars, thank you so much. I love your comments. Work in the last two weeks has been a especial kind of hell because of how busy it has been and sometimes it's the kind of hell that motivates me to write and sometimes it has been the kind that leads me to putting on Return of the King for the Nth time. But your comments always help me stay motivated. Thank you. ::greenheart::

Chapter 132: Slippers (Farming SIM)


Sequel to Barmaid.



(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Wyatt leaned back against his chair and considered Sheldon’s latest letter. What had initially started as friendly correspondence had soon turned into full blown advice. It was obvious that the sudden expansion and growth of his cows had put the young man into a bind, not an impossible one but one that was taking time away from his other tasks.

“Clara, what is it you said about moving somewhere quieter?”

Sheldon tapped his index finger against the table in thought.

For the last week he had been corresponding with Penny’s father. Wyatt. The man obviously had a great deal of experience and his input had admittedly saved Sheldon money and time.

He had expressed his concerns about hiring a foreman and Wyatt had offered some useful tips as well as some ground rules that needed to be in place, yes or yes. Which had only made Sheldon more anxious. He didn’t want a stranger running around in his farm.

At the start, taking over the farm was just practical, a place to do his research in peace while having direct access to dungeon materials, but over time he had grown fond of it. He loved this place, not that he would ever tell that to anyone. But he did.

Maybe Penny’s father was more apt at understanding social cues because in his latest letter the older man had made a proposition that Sheldon had contemplated but didn’t have the words to put into paper.

Wyatt had a lot of experience and he was used to running a much bigger farm than his, so it would be relatively easy for him. He could set up a cheese making operation along with the butter which would increase his profits significantly. But he was also an older man, and like most older men he was most likely set on his ways.

Sheldon’s finger tapped against the table. ‘Perhaps…’

He didn’t need to, but still he used a blank piece of paper to break down his expenses and income. Sheldon didn’t need much, he bought feed for all his animals, seeds, fertilizer as well as some expenses for the animal healer. He frowned at the piece of paper for a moment before he wrote down his research materials as well. Thanks to Mana he didn’t have to delve as often but at the end of the day it was still an expense. Groceries, clothes, soap and everyday necessities went into the list as well.

In another column he wrote what he currently was selling. Milk, butter, eggs, his energy drink, some fruits and vegetables. It didn’t look like a lot but the dairy products alone were bringing almost sixty percent of his profit. The eggs were negligible and fruits and vegetables were seasonal and the pricing wasn’t as stable as he would like.

He could afford it.

Bringing an expert would also mean his profits would increase. Cheese production alone would most likely recuperate any salary he spent on a foreman if he was conservative about the predicted income. But he already knew that cheese would be a bestseller, the restaurants and bakeries in town would buy it without hesitation.

Sheldon tapped his finger against the table as he thought and considered.

After a moment he replied to Wyatt’s letter, he nodded to himself as he finished writing the letter. This was the proper course of action to take. He would visit Dami in the morning and request a medium sized house be built near the back entrance to the farm, close to the clearing that led to the lake.

Satisfied, Sheldon closed the letter and put it away. He stood up to go take his shower but a moment later he sat down and pulled a notebook from the small shelf where he kept his journal. This was a brand new notebook he had been using to note down his observations about Penny.

Her odd behavior had confused him at first but for the past week he had observed and documented his findings.

She reacted in that strange manner whenever he spoke positively about her. Heavy breathing, accelerated heart rate and flushed face. He had also experimented by not praising Penelope, his cow, one day and noticed how cranky and unhappy Penny, the human, was.

The more detailed and specific he was, the stronger the response would be.

If he simply said “Good job.” Then there would be a positive base response. However, the response would be much stronger by adding detail. “Good job on feeding the chickens.”

Sheldon scratched at his cheek and made a mental note to shave in the shower later. He would also shave in the morning but the feeling of facial hair made him itchy and he didn’t want the sensation to interrupt his sleep.

He returned to his notebook and noted that negative feedback did not have a similar response. He had chided Penny once and her response had been to glare at him so he could now definitely note that positive feedback was the reason for her strange behavior.

So far he had only praised her actions but not her directly. He wondered if the response would be different…Nodding to himself he made the decision to change the positive feedback from her actions to her directly.

Sighing contentedly he closed the notebook and stood up to go take a shower.

Learning was fun.

“Penny, you look dashing this morning.” Mr Cooper’s words made Penelope freeze in place. She was in front of the stove making them breakfast.

She couldn’t reply to him right away, she had to swallow three times before she felt safe opening her mouth but once she did she found herself without words.

He had never complimented her before and she didn’t know what to do.

Penelope laughed nervously and felt light headed as she said “Thanks.” In a low voice. She did her best to keep eye contact but her face was burning and she didn’t want him to see her right now.

She focused on not burning their breakfast.

Sheldon noticed her reaction carefully and noticed how much stronger it was compared to her previous ones.


Some further research would be necessary.

Penelope almost ran out the farm, she needed some time away from Mr Cooper.

She didn’t know why but Mr Cooper had been complimenting and praising her every other moment and she was about to die of embarrassment. She was so flustered that she didn’t even realize she had run out wearing her house slippers and not her boots. It was stepping on a sharp stone that finally made her stop and look at her feet.

She glanced back at the farm and then towards the town. She could turn back but she still needed some time away…besides, she was sure Missy could lend her some boots or shoes.

Sighing to herself she started the trek towards town.

Thankfully the road towards town was well cared for and she didn’t have to worry too much about where to step. The walk helped cool the heat on face but it did nothing to wipe away the smile on her face.

She was smiling so much that it hurt but she didn’t really care. Maybe Mr Cooper was becoming appreciative of the work she was doing around the farm because he had complimented her cooking, how fast she fed the chickens and more importantly, he complimented how she looked!

Penelope stopped walking to jump in place while holding her cheeks in her hands.

‘Stop Penelope. You’re a married woman for Magic’s sake’ She tried telling herself to no avail.

Her smile dimmed a little at remembering her husband. It had been a few days since she had actually thought about him which made her feel like a bad wife. But then again, it was that same husband that had put her as the prize in some stupid bet.

And it was hard not to compare her life here in this town and farm against her life in Luvsi City.

She hadn’t noticed how much she actually missed being outside. Not that Leonard kept her inside the house but, there was no point going out in Luvsi City, there was nothing to do there. It was like stepping out from a cage into a bigger cage.

The illusion of freedom.

Penelope felt bad for the people that actually enjoyed living within the white and sterile walls of Luvsi City. So scared of the outside world that they chose to confine themselves. Not that crime didn’t exist but in all her years of being alive she had never heard of a merchant being kidnapped or killed by gangs of roaming pirates.

She had attended the farm’s school, as such she wasn’t blind that in the past it was a different matter altogether and cities like Luvsi were needed to keep merchants safe. Heck, she knew that the port city of Libra had once been a fortress but now it was a resort city famous for its hot springs and restaurants.

Maybe this whole thing was a blessing in disguise?

No, she refused to think like that, there was still a chance that Leonard would come back for her. She needed to stay grounded and face reality.

“Penny!” She jumped at hearing her name. Turning around she saw as Mr Cooper calmly walked towards her, in his gloved hands he held her boots. “You forgot something.” He said as he finally reached her. He did nothing to pretend that he wasn’t annoyed at her.

As much as she wanted to glare at him she held back, he had brought her boots after all. “Thank you.” She said, holding out a hand for her boots.

“I was about to head into the basement when I realized your boots were by the door. You need to be more careful. You could have hurt your feet.” He chided her.

“Well, I didn’t. So while I thank-Ah!” Penelope couldn’t finish her sentence, in her rush to get her boots on she almost toppled over. If Mr Cooper hadn’t been there to hold her she would have face planted into the dirt.

“Here, allow me.” Mr Cooper said as he went down on one knee. Carefully he removed her slipper and put her boot on. He didn’t stop there, he actually tied her boot as she held onto his shoulder.

Penelope swallowed the lump in her throat.

Wordlessly he did the same for her other foot and she knew the heat had returned to her face…among other places.

“Thanks.” She said and her throat went dry as he looked up at her. His clear blue eyes swallowed her fully and she tightened her grip on his shoulder.

“You’re welcome.” He said somewhat awkwardly.

He stood up and she knew she should let go of his shoulder but it was suddenly very hard to do so. Because of it they were very close to one another. Her eyes didn’t leave his.

She watched as his face went from confused to curious to understanding and his previously clear eyes were now the color of the sea during a storm.

“Ahem.” Someone clearing their throat made them jump back from each other. “I didn’t want to interrupt but you were kind of in the middle of the road.” Parker looked embarrassed to have interrupted them.

“Ah! No, it’s okay, I have to go, thank you!” She said quickly while running towards the town. She didn’t want to face Mr Cooper at that moment. She had been so close to doing something she was going to regret. No, she wasn’t that kind of girl.

Sheldon watched as Penny ran towards the town. Ignoring Parker’s presence momentarily.

“Ah, Sheldon, you’re still kind of in the middle of the road.” Parker said after a moment and Sheldon finally noticed that Parker was pulling his collection cart.

“Yes, well. I’m returning to the farm now.” Sheldon turned to briskly walk towards his home when Parker grabbed his arm.

“Hold on, since I manage to see you now. Here, you got another letter.” Parker pulled a letter from his jacket and handed it to him.

Sheldon wasted no time opening and quickly reading it. He had expected a response, just not so quickly.

“Excuse me, it seems I need to talk to Dami urgently.” Sheldon nodded at Parker and quickly walked in the same direction Penny had done a moment ago before doubling back and putting Penny's slipper in the back of the collection cart. "Please put these in the shipping box." He instructed Parker before moving towards town at a brisk pace.

He needed to move if he wanted to have things ready for next week.


Not much to say other than work continues to be kinda hellish. But it is what it is.

Chapter 133: Legs (Farming SIM)


Sequel to Slippers


Penny is happy, until she's not.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Penelope was outside, watching Dami work on the new barn. She loved watching Dami work. The older girl used her magic in such a beautiful way that left her stunned.

It was also her way of putting some distance between herself and Mr Cooper. After the moment they shared yesterday she made the choice to try and avoid any other weird moments. She was a married woman still, Leonard could still come for her. There was still a week left for Leonard to be back and she would not entertain any plans before that.

Penelope shook her head and returned to watching Dami do her magic, literally. Wood seemingly came alive at her touch, planks that must have weighted something terrible were as light as feathers in her hands. Dami hummed happily as she easily constructed a barn the same way a child would with building blocks. But this wasn’t a rushed or crooked building, no.

Dami instinctively knew the best way to build, knew what pieces of wood would fit perfectly with one another and Penelope gasped at seeing Dami use wooden nails. She must have been loud because Dami turned to look at her and gave her a smile.

“Don’t worry, they won’t break or crack. It’ll fuse the wood together and this whole building will be like a giant tree once I’m done with it.” Dami used the towel around her neck to wipe sweat off her face. “My daideo used to say this was how witches built their huts.”

“Wait, so the building will be alive?” Penelope asked with more awe than fear.

“Eh, in a way. I know that some people claim that witches' huts grew legs and walked on their own but I’ve never seen that happen.” Dami grinned at her. “But it’ll be sturdy and nothing short of a direct pyroblast will make it catch fire.”

“That’s so amazing…”

Dami laughed. “And wait until you see the house I’ll build for the foreman. Sheldon was very specific about what he wanted.”

Penelope nodded before frowning. “Wait, foreman?”

“Yeah, he didn’t tell you?” Dami looked thoughtful for a moment before awkwardly scratching the side of her neck and looking away. “I never did ask what your relationship was… You know what? Nevermind.”

“No, no, no, no. It’s…complicated.” Penelope said lamely.

“I uh, should get back to work.” Dami pointed at the barn under construction.

“No, yeah. I need to do some stuff as well.” Penelope pointed at the farm house.

Penelope didn’t know how to explain her situation so she didn’t even try to do it. It’s not like she could say “Yeah, we shared a heavy look and my panties get wet when he praises me.” She was a married woman to top it all off. So no. Things were a bit too complicated at the moment, besides, Mr Cooper had his own thing going on with Mana.

She slapped her cheeks and forced herself to focus on something else. It would do no good to focus on this right now. With the slight sting still on her cheeks she focused instead on making dinner.

Maybe she could try a new recipe. Parker had left a recipe book for her and she had enjoyed reading it so much, but she still hadn’t dared to make anything from it. But maybe today was the day.

Of course by the time she was making dinner it was already too late in the day to go buy anything for the fanciest dishes so she had to do with whatever was in the coldbox and pantry.

Of course the pantry didn’t have a lot she could use, thankfully Mr Cooper had marked everything so she didn’t have to open containers to know what was in them. Her eyes passed one container and she frowned before focusing on it again.

‘Dried tomatoes.’ It read and she frowned, confused.

Opening the large jar showed several small shapes swimming in a very aromatic liquid. She hesitantly dipped her finger in the liquid and rubbed it between her fingers, it was slimy and quickly her hand was covered in it. She tasted it and was surprised by how savory and fatty it was. Was it cooking oil?

She had to wash her hands twice before she was able to wash all of the oil off. Okay, maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to cook with an ingredient she had never used before but she was curious about how these tomatoes tasted.

She checked the book and saw what recipes used tomatoes and found several, and much to her surprise two of those asked for dried tomatoes. She eyed the oven and dismissed one recipe right away, leaving only one choice.

Another quick trip to the pantry and she had all ingredients in front of her, well, almost all ingredients. Mr Cooper didn’t have any mushrooms in the pantry and there was no way in hell that she was going out to forage.

She was smiling brightly until she turned the page. Her smile dimmed a little as she re-read the previous page and then this one. No way she hadn’t noticed until now.

Penelope groaned and slapped her forehead. It wasn’t just the spaghetti, it needed meatballs…which she had none of the ingredients for. She had been looking forward to making this. Well, maybe she still could.

Soon she was in front of the coldbox and seeing what options Mr Cooper had but besides some frozen cuts of beef and a couple of steaks there wasn’t much to choose from. Rummaging through the coldbox her hand stopped as she found a paper wrapped package and smiled as she peeked at its contents.

Everyone loved hot dogs right? Right.

Penelope was never too interested in learning how to cook, or clean, or sew or weaving, or washing clothes. Yeah, she hadn’t really thought too much about her future beyond leaving her small town and to act, sing and perform.

She sighed as she cut the hot dogs into little pieces.

Married life was both everything and nothing like she expected. It was boring as nothing else could be and yeah sure, she didn’t marry Leonard because she loved him but because she was desperate to help her mom. Even if she hadn’t married because of love she had expected that maybe her feelings would change but they hadn’t, she had liked Leonard well enough but he wasn’t her usual type.

She had grown up on a farm, her type had been muscular, beefy and handy. Sure she could appreciate a good bard, who didn’t? But it wasn’t what she was looking for.

And then she got Leonard, or more accurately, Leonard got her, so life was funny that way.

But now her mom was healthy and even cured from her disease and with each passing day it was looking more and more likely that she was going to return to being a single woman. She felt that she had fulfilled her role as a wife beyond any reproach, heck, she had been willing to stay married to Leonard even after her mom was cured.

Leonard had other ideas though.

Because of those ideas she was now making dinner for a man that wasn’t her husband in a house where she was a guest and in an unfamiliar town.

Honestly she was having a blast. Maybe it was because she had been cooped up in a gilded cage for a little over a year but even just being able to feed the chickens made her feel useful and like she mattered. There were no maids watching her every movement and no creepy business partners ogling her, she could wear her jeans again, she could spend time touching grass and yes, even fantasize a little about how Mr Cooper’s hands would feel like.

Life could be worse.

Lost in her thoughts she prepared dinner and was startled by Mr Cooper’s greeting.

“Penny, good evening.” She nodded at him as he moved to serve their drinks and put bread on a small basket at the center table.

She quickly served two plates and put them on the table. It had come out great if she was perfectly honest.

“Penny. Who taught you this recipe?” Mr Cooper had an intense and focused look on his face as he looked at her.

“Uh, I got the spaghetti recipe from a book but I didn’t notice we didn’t have enough ingredients to make meatballs so I improvised!” She smiled brightly at him and she was excited at seeing him smile back at her and then at his plate.

“My mother used to make this dish. It was my father’s favorite.” His smile turned a little sad. “She stopped making it after he passed away.”

Penelope felt her eyes tear up but before she could say anything Mr Cooper grabbed his fork and began eating eagerly. She smiled to herself and promised to make this again sometime in the future.

The rest of dinner was spent in comfortable silence, at least until she remembered what Dami had told her about the foreman and she decided to bring it up with him.

“Oh! Right, I consulted with your dad and he was able to provide me with guidance that far exceeded my expectations. I’m hiring him as a foreman.” He cleaned his mouth with a napkin.

Penelope froze with her glass halfway to her mouth. She must have misheard him. “You’re hiring who as a foreman?”

“Your dad.” Mr Cooper tilted his head as if he was confused by her reaction.

“Whose dad? Mine? My dad? My dad. Wyatt Teller. My dad.” Penelope leaned on the table, sure that she had misheard him again.

Mr Cooper blinked at her. “Yes. I believe that he is your father.” He looked slightly confused.

“My dad. My dad!” She stood up from the table and pointed at the man across from her. “My dad?!”

Mr Cooper frowned and hesitantly asked her. “Is-is he not your father?”

“Of course he’s my dad!” She raised her hands in exasperation. “That’s not the question. Why would you hire my dad?!” Penelope shook her head. “No, wait. Why would my dad come to work here in the first place?”

“He actually offered himself.” Mr Cooper slowly composed himself. “While this level of work has been challenging for me, your father has claimed that it will be actually relaxing compared to his usual workload.”

Penelope still couldn’t believe it. “And when are my parents coming?”

“Funny that you ask. Your father sent a letter this morning confirming that they would be ready to move next week. I’m glad that Dami’s schedule was clear and she’ll be able-”

Penelope raised her hand and stopped whatever he was saying. She glared at him. “You are ridiculous.” Not waiting for an answer she marched to her bedroom.

Sheldon tilted his head as he watched Penny walk away. Maybe the way she stomped when upset was the reason behind her jeans thinning.

He didn’t understand why she had become upset.

Perhaps it was time for him to retire to his bedroom as well and use his journal to go through today’s interactions and find the root cause for her emotional state.

But first, he would wash the dishes. A little fun activity before retiring to his bedroom.


So, it seems that on Monday AO3 will be down for a bit. Time to play some more Stardew Valley.

Chapter 134: Pacing (Farming SIM)


Sequel to Legs


Got something planned but I'm not telling.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Penelope paced the length of the bedroom. She couldn’t believe that Mr Cooper had just hired her dad, not that her dad needed to check with her of course, but why? Her dad had been living at Breska’s farm all of his life, heck, her grandpa had been a farmhand before them.

And yeah, it wasn’t like it was the perfect job. Her dad still had to wake up at three in the morning in order to take care of his tasks and he would be home in the early evening. The nice house they had wasn’t really theirs but lent to them by the farm owners once her dad became a foreman.

Penelope stopped pacing.

Okay, so maybe it made sense to try and move now that her dad was older and could soon lose his job. Of course he could move in with her or her brother but he was too prideful for that, and yeah, her mom was healed now and she was able to work but for how long?

She sighed and rubbed her face in frustration until she saw stars behind her eyes.

So maybe her dad knew what he was doing when he offered himself to come work for Mr Cooper. She sat on the edge of the bed and stared at her hands.

Until her mom had died she had never thought about this. She had assumed that life would just happen and everything would be fine but getting married to Leonard had taught her that no, life didn’t just happen the way you wanted it to, most of the time things didn’t work out in the way you expected or wanted and you could only grin and bear it.

Hell, she got quite a shock once she realized her mom had been right in a lot of things she had told her and she felt pretty bad about being so bratty growing up. Her mom was a saint for dealing with her teenage angst and revelry. Penelope still cringed at some of the things she had told her mom, yeah, good thing she grew out of it.

Slapping her cheeks she made the choice to tackle this head on. Tomorrow she would go up to Mr Cooper and participate in moving her parents in, maybe she could even introduce them to some of the people in town.

Well, maybe she should meet the people in town first.

Sheldon stood in front of his autocarriage. He was still unsure about the name but for now it would do.

Perhaps he was overthinking this, it would be easier to adapt a sled or car to carry the Teller’s luggage than to modify his current carriage. He nodded to himself and started working on his creation.

He didn’t particularly enjoy driving his autocarriage but it was much better than those death traps pulled by horses. He had even adapted a harness to keep him safe. Just because he could resurrect didn’t mean he particularly liked the process.

As he worked he thought about the change in Penny’s attitude. He had been surprised by her change in mood, while last night she had been upset and aggressive, this morning she was cheerful and positive. Quite odd.

Although perhaps he shouldn’t have been surprised. While Penny was smart and resourceful, she had also shown herself to be irrational at times. Why, her fascination with being praised was one of the most irrational things he had ever encountered.

To be fair, she had been doing a good job around the farm, something he quite admittedly had not expected. She had mentioned growing up on a farm but he had assumed that meant she had to watch her dad and brother work but observing her around the animals and how she didn’t flinch away from hard work made him change his mind. She was obviously accustomed to working within a farm, she didn’t mind getting dirty when needed yet appreciated staying clean. Penny had proven herself a capable and valuable guest in these past few weeks.

Sheldon would never admit this to anyone but he would miss her presence.

He stopped measuring a length of wood and looked towards the chicken coop, he moved his head, trying to find a glimpse of her before he caught himself and returned to work.

‘Ridiculous.’ He admonished himself.

Penelope wiped the sweat off her forehead with her forearm. She was only supposed to feed the chickens and chicks but she had noticed that the hay the animals used for sleeping and nesting was dirty. She decided to change it as she went to collect the eggs and she was done now but she was also exhausted.

Her arms hurt but the chicks looked super happy in the new clean hay and she couldn’t help but smile. Besides, Mr Cooper had already fashioned a hatch where you could simply shovel the used hay so she didn’t have to deal with that mess.

It’s weird how much she hated this type of job as a teenager and how much she loved it now. Maybe it was seeing how happy the animals were or maybe something had truly changed in her. She grinned at hearing the little squeaks from the chicks.

A moment later the grin disappeared from her face.

There was only one week left on the time limit. She could pretend that Leonard would come back but if she had learned anything in these weeks living with Mr Cooper was that he was very thorough. She was now sure that Leonard had bitten off more than he could handle.

She laughed and then scoffed at the thought of Leonard coming back into her life in two or three years. That boat had sailed.

Having time to think away from his constant attention and gifts gave her the hindsight that even if he did come back with one day left on the clock she should still annul her marriage. She’d work as a barmaid to pay back what she owed him if it came down to that.

She didn’t want to be married to Leonard.

A huge weight was lifted off her shoulders at admitting that to herself. She had been content but not happy, just going through the motions and keeping her head down. She was tired of it.

Maybe it was okay to think about the future now.

Penelope left the chicken coop and looked towards the workshop where she knew Mr Cooper was working on his carriage, the door was open and she could see his back as he worked on something.


“Buddy, you’re sure you're okay?” Howard asked hesitantly.

“Hmmm? Yeah why?” Leonard replied distractedly.

“Well, I know I’ve only been back for a few days but there’s something weird happening. Right?” Howard asked the man next to him.

“What? You’re asking me? I don’t know.” Raj looked surprised to be put on the spot.

“Oh, right. Sorry, it just feels like I’ve known you for longer.” Howard put his hand on Raj’s shoulder and squeezed gently. Raj smiled and put his hand on top of Howard’s only for a moment before they turned back towards Leonard.

“What are you saying Howard?” Leonard finally looked up from the papers he was reading. His bloodshot eyes glared at his friend.

Howard raised his hands in a show of peace. “Look, I’m just saying. I left with Raj for the new shop and you were all bubbles and rainbows. We do our thing and then come back and you look like a zombie. Speaking of, I haven’t seen that beautiful slice of heaven you call your wife.” Howard looked around as if she were hiding behind the curtains or a bookshelf.

Leonard glared at Howard for a moment before returning to his papers. “Shut up Howard.”

Howard turned to Raj who only shrugged and looked confused. Howard slumped his shoulders and sighed. “Well, I was expecting this eventually. Money can only get you so far.” Howard looked at Leonard from the corner of his eye and sighed again when the short man didn’t react.

Raj jumped in. “Uh, we got a new order for those insect repellent bracelets and the reinforced carriage wheels. The new shop is running well and we expect that our output will increase by twofold but we’re still training the new enchanters so we need-”

“Do it.” Leonard interrupted Raj. “Go with him Howard and make sure the production is running smoothly. I plan on visiting next month and I expect that by that time the shop will be running without any of you two needing to be present.” Leonard didn’t even look up from his papers.

“Aye, aye boss.” Howard saluted but Leonard still refused to look up. “Let’s go.” Howard whispered to Raj.

“Is he okay?” Raj whispered back.

“His wife must have dumped him. She was so hot.” Raj frowned at Howard’s phrase. “She was!”

Wyatt grunted as he pushed the cow into their pen. He took a moment to catch his breath once the bar to lock it was in place.

A headache was starting to form and it was only seven in the morning. He had skipped breakfast because one of the rowdier cows had escaped from one of the new farmhands and he didn’t want to bother his team with this BS.

He took four deep breaths and finally began moving again.

Wyatt loved working with cows, his daddy had taught him all he knew and then Wyatt learnt all he could from the older folk still working there. His daddy could never quite manage to become a foreman, he lacked the meanness.

When he became a foreman and was moved into a bigger house the first thing he did was to move in his dad. He wished his momma had been alive to see him as well but the regrowing disease took her one summer night when he was about to turn twenty eight.

He could still hear her screams in his nightmares.

That’s why he had prepared himself once Clara had gotten it as well. He didn’t care about spending all of his savings, he wanted to spare her from the pain.

And then she died. Unceremoniously and suddenly. An accident.

Wyatt wasn’t proud to admit he had thought about joining her. He could grab one of the ropes they used and hang himself from the tallest barn, he knew the western barn faced a high fence and it would take people a while to find him, past beyond the point of being resurrected.

But then his little girl had run out the house and a couple of hours later had brought a healer. A fully paid healer that was able to resurrect his Clara. Wyatt had never cried as much as when she opened her eyes again.

His joy lasted a moment. Her daughter had told them what she had done to get the money for the resurrection and they were losing her.

Wyatt knew that Penelope wasn’t made for farm work, no, she wanted to be a bard or a performer. But he put his foot down and sent her to healer school. He could barely afford it but he wanted her to have a way to make money without having to do dungeon work or night work. She might not appreciate it but if she was going to be gallivanting around the world then she needed a way to pay for her meals.

And it didn’t matter at all, some snobby merchant would be her husband now, trapped behind high walls and unable to see the world, not in the way she wanted. She wasn’t even able to finish her healer training.

The few times she came to see them, he could see the forced cheer behind her smile, the loneliness behind her eyes and how subdued she was. No, he needed to do something. But he knew his Penelope, she was just as stubborn as he was and would refuse any way to help her.

Wyatt had felt lost, but then Sheldon Cooper had appeared. Like in a cheap novel the man had appeared and cured his wife, he had been suspicious of the odd fellow but he kept to his word. He in fact cured his wife.

He could see it once he got back to that basement. The color of her skin was better, she didn’t look tired and the almost permanent grimace of pain on her face had disappeared. Wyatt held his wife the entire trip back to their house and refused to let go.

Mr Cooper was smart, really smart. Wyatt would bet his life that if anyone could find a way to free Penelope from her marriage, it would be Sheldon Cooper.

As soon as they settled in his farm he would ask for a private meeting to discuss this and see if he could come up with any good plans.

For now, he needed to get back to work.


I gotta go to the dentist tomorrow so I don't know if I'll be in writing shape. I wanted to share this chapter before that in case I'm knocked out.

Chapter 135: Cooking (Farming SIM)


Sequel to Pacing


For some reason, reading a horror story gave me inspiration for this chapter. I think a new Universe is brewing.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“I don’t understand why I’m the one carrying all this.” Penelope gestured with her free hand to the basket hanging from her arm. It was heavy with eggs, butter and some vegetables.

“I have delicate hands.” Mr Cooper replied, still looking ahead as they walked towards the town.

Penelope stopped walking and gaped at his back. “Wait, you can’t be serious.”

Mr Cooper turned around and tittered for a moment before proudly saying. “Bazinga!”

Penelope couldn’t help but laugh, not at his poor attempt at a joke but at the pure joy on his face. He looked so much younger. “Ha, ha, very funny. Now here.” She held the basket in her hands and shook it a little.

He sighed but he was still smiling. “If I must.”

“You must.” She smiled cheekily at him and he grinned for a moment before reaching to take the basket off her hands. His large hands covered hers, he wasn’t wearing gloves so she could feel how soft his hands were.

The smile on her face died as he squeezed her hand. She wanted to look away from his blue eyes and down to her hand but she couldn’t. She gulped in sudden nervousness.

His eyes roamed her face and when she bit her lip his eyes focused on her mouth. His hand squeezed a little harder and her tongue came out to wet her lips. His hand almost crushed hers.

“We-we should keep moving.” Her throat was dry and she struggled to get the words out.

As soon as she spoke his eyes focused back on hers. “We should.” He agreed.

Neither moved.

Penelope laughed nervously and took a step back, letting the basket fall but Mr Cooper was able to easily catch it. The rest of the walk towards his mom’s house was spent in comfortable silence but she stole glances at him as they walked.

She wasn’t an idiot, she knew that something was happening here, but it was so different from what she was used to. She was used to things being very straightforward, even with Leonard it had been that way.

He had asked her to marry him, no frills, no running around it. She had said no of course but once it had been her on the other end of the situation she had done the same, be straight and direct.

The last time she had done this…dance, yeah. The last time she had done this dancing around each other she had been twelve and in puppy love with Thomas, one of her neighbors that went to school with her. They had pretended to not be interested in one another while at the same time trying to come up with excuses to spend as much time together as possible.

And now here she was doing the same thing all over again.

Except this time around there was no Paula to get in the way. Penelope smiled to herself.

Mrs Cooper's home was empty when they arrived, Mr Cooper wanted to keep knocking but after the second round of three knocks it was obvious that no one was going to get the door. She pulled him by the hand towards the bakery and it was only after they entered through the front and Missy’s eyes zeroed on her hand that she remembered to let go of him.

She smiled innocently at Missy.

“Oh Honey, good. You’re here, I just baked an apple and cheese pie and it smells wonderfully. That cheese you got has been a godsend. This is the last of it so make sure to enjoy it.” Mrs Cooper was a whirlwind of activity as she took the basket of her son’s hands, kissed him on the cheek and returned behind the counter.

Penelope took a seat next to Missy and greeted her friend.

“Want one?” Missy gestured to her hot cocoa and Penelope smiled and nodded in thanks.



The twins greeted one another as they passed each other, one to the table and the other to the back of the counter.

In no time Penelope had a cup of hot cocoa as she talked with Missy about town gossip that she knew nothing about but still ate up eagerly. Mr Cooper silently ate his slice of pie as he pretended to not be listening to them.

“Hugo-he’s our main healer by the way-has finally gathered the courage to ask Eli out on a date.” Missy told her gleefully.

“Ohhhhhh.” Penelope didn’t know who any of these people were but she was still invested in the gossip.

Mr Cooper scoffed. “He’ll chicken out like always.”

“Oh. Is that what you’re hoping for, Shelly?” Missy was grinning and Mr Cooper only glared at her. “You see Penny, Eli-our healer in training-has harbored a gigantic crush on Shelly Cooper here and Shelly, for some reason, has never acted on it.”

“Melissa, shush. Your brother knows what he’s doing. Besides, if he had entertained the poor girl then what would he have done with Penelope?” Mrs Cooper smiled at Penelope.

Penelope smiled back, slightly confused. “What about me?” She took a drink from her cup.

“Well, how would have my Shelly married you if he was already seeing someone else. And no Sheldon, Mana doesn’t count. That girl knows what she wants and it’s not this town.”

Penelope almost choked and she started coughing. “Excuse me?” She managed to choke out between coughs. Missy seemed to be equally in shock if her wide eyes and open mouth were anything to go by.

“It’s a good thing you both came over because there’s only a week left before we need to start planning the wedding. I know how you feel about Helio Shelly but still, we need to have the ceremony in his church.” Mrs Cooper wasn’t even looking their way, she was chopping something, her back facing them.

Penelope managed to calm down her breathing and turned a panicked look at Mr Cooper, only to see him frozen with the fork in his mouth. His eyes were wide and she could see the same fear in his eyes. She turned to Missy and the other girl still hadn’t recovered.

“Uhhhhhhhmmmm…” Penelope said eloquently while holding her head with one hand, the other extended towards Mrs Cooper, trying to stop whatever was happening right now.

“Ah, don’t worry. It’s almost fall and then winter so the weather will not be ideal so we can wait until next spring or summer.” Mrs Cooper happily continued, unaware of the quiet chaos happening behind her. “That’s plenty of time for us to plan things.”

Penelope slumped against the chair, utter disbelief on her face. Was she getting married again?

Feeling her hand being grabbed and squeezed she turned only to see Mr Cooper nod frantically towards his mother, as if Penelope should be doing something to stop this madness. Penelope widened her eyes and shook her head, her free hand pointed at him and then at the happily humming woman.

Mr Cooper shook his head as well as he widened his eyes. They went back and forth until Missy’s voice interrupted them.

“Momma, I uhh, I’m going to get Meemaw.”

Thankfully Meemaw was able to bring order to things…not before pouring oil on the fire.

“That’s a great idea Mary, I like Penelope.” Meemaw cackled. “Okay, okay, I had my fun. Mary, no weddings are happening.”

Mrs Cooper argued that Sheldon had stolen someone’s wife and as such it meant that he wanted her as his wife. Meemaw threatened to spank her and Mrs Cooper stayed quiet after that.

Penelope liked Mr Cooper but she was just getting out of a marriage, maybe, so she was definitely not ready to jump right into another one.

“Thank you Meemaw. That was getting out of hand and…” Penelope gestured with her hand and hoped that Meemaw understood what she was trying to say.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry. Mary can be a little hard headed but she’s still my kid.” Meemaw lit a cigarette. “So, have you and Shelly gone groping for trout yet?”

Penelope opened her mouth and then closed it. “He knows how to fish?”

Meemaw blinked before bursting out laughing uncontrollably and Penelope felt that it was at her expense. Her face flushed and she was thankful they were sitting on a table outside, she didn’t want the others to see her.

Meemaw waved a hand after a couple of moments when she was able to control her laughter. “I needed that. No, no, I mean if you and him are being careful while taking a turn at Bushy park?”

Penelope frowned. “There’s a park?”

Meemaw giggled again and shook her head. “Kids. Let me try again, are you making sure no seeds are being planted while you plow?” Before Penelope could even react Meemaw raised a hand and shook her head. “Stop, I can already see how you’ll answer and my stomach hurts from laughing so much. Are you and Shelly making sure you’re not getting pregnant while you two fool around?”

“Oh. Oh! Oh!!!!!” Penelope shook her head quickly and even used her hands. “Nononononononono, we aren’t yet, no, I mean, nothing has happened, I have a crest that-Not that I need it, but-No, no, no. Me and Mr Cooper? No.” Penelope babbled.

“Ah, stop that. Mr Cooper was his father, just call him Sheldon, or Moonpie.” Meemaw made a face.

“I’ll try but me and him?” Penelope shook her head again. “Nothing is happening.” She needed to make it clear.

Meemaw sighed sadly. “You two are really boring, you know that?”

Penelope didn’t know what to answer so she stayed quiet.

“Just don’t wait too long, I think Mana is scheduled to come out of the dungeon any day now and she’s going to be one horny girl once she does.” Meemaw warned her.

Penelope’s brain struggled for a moment. Mana was coming back.

“Oh…” Was the only thing she could say to Meemaw.

“I thought so. Look, I know my Moonpie, the way he looks at you tells me he’s intrigued but because I know him I gotta tell you, that boy won’t make a move himself. Mana had to basically throw herself at him before he got the hint. You want to try something? Tell him. As easy as that.”

Penelope looked down to her hands and bit her lip. “I’m…not sure what I want.” Her voice was soft. “I like Mr-Sheldon, but I am still married and I don’t really want to jump into another marriage that might not work. Sure, I like that Sheldon is so different from anyone I know, he is hard headed and driven but he also has a soft side and I like how he’s not ashamed of being himself no matter what the world says. He talks a lot about being logical and what makes sense but he is the same guy that came back to save his grandpa’s farm and he doesn’t treat his animals like crap. I’ve seen the way those cows behave around him and they don’t fear him, he is gentle with them and he sounds so happy when he’s talking to them”

Penelope shrugged helplessly.

“He doesn’t mind or sulks when I talk back to him, he listens to my opinions even if does call them inefficient. He is honest to the point it can be painful but…I don’t know, I can see a future. But is it true or is it just because I was so bored with Leonard?” Penelope gulped, she was already talking her guts out but she wasn’t sure about admitting the next part. “I think we can work and I even see myself falling in love but it’s scary not knowing what he thinks, you know?”

Penelope finally looked up, only to see Meemaw’s eyebrows try to escape her face.

“Well hun, I think he knows now.” Meemaw pointed with her cigarette to the bakery’s door, where Mr Cooper was holding his face in one hand and maybe Penelope was seeing things but she could swear he was blushing.

“Well, crap.” Penelope said and slumped her head into her hands.

“Why don’t I leave you two kids alone.” Meemaw patted her shoulder before moving into the bakery.

Mr Cooper cleared his throat and she could hear him take a seat in front of her. Taking a deep breath, she raised her head and faced him head on.

He fiddled with his shirt and wasn’t looking directly at her. She also looked down to her hands and fidgeted in place.

“I like how you cook.” He said and she looked up, his blue eyes were focused on her, before they dipped down again before he looked up again and smiled a little.

“I like cooking. I didn’t have many opportunities to do that in Luvsi.” She admitted and smiled back.


I love misunderstandings in romcoms as much as the next guy but I wanted to try and make it more direct.

And yes, I cut the chapter off as soon as the talk was beginning but what is life without a small cliffhanger?

Chapter 136: Cylinder (Farming SIM)


Sequel to Cooking


I struggled to get this out. I think I need a small break from this Universe. Next chapter will most likely be something completely different.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“I like cooking. I didn’t have many opportunities to do that in Luvsi.” She admitted and hesitantly smiled back. “Leonard didn’t think it was dignified enough.” She shrugged trying to pretend her husband’s comment hadn’t hurt.

“A strange concept. Food is both a necessity and a luxury, why wouldn’t you learn how to cook?” He looked baffled.

“It was a whole thing about his mother…you know what? I don’t want to talk about that. You heard what I say.” It wasn’t a question. The cat was out of the bag, no reason to dance around it.

Mr Cooper rubbed the back of his head and nodded reluctantly. “It wasn’t my intention. I was coming to fetch you so we could return to the farm when I happened to listen to what you said.”

Penelope nodded and an awkward silence fell between them. The crisp fresh air tickled her hair and she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, it helped ease some of her embarrassment and made her feel more like herself. She had never run from a challenge, it wasn’t her style.

Why start now?

“I like you.” She said, clenching her hands on either side of her chair and forcing herself to face forward. “I don’t know why, you’re neurotic and rude. You like things to go your way every single time and you pout when they don’t…but you’re also kind, I know that as soon as one of your animals looks even remotely ill you waste no time in calling the healer. You pretend to not care about your family but you’re always bringing them stuff and making sure they’re okay. You healed my mom.” Penelope let that fact hang heavy in the air. “Were you even planning on telling me that?”

His face twitched for a moment before he sighed and shook his head. “I saw no reason to tell you.”

“Mr Cooper!” She admonished him but his raised hand stopped any further comments.

“Just Sheldon, please. My relationship with my father while mostly positive was also fraught with conflict and hearing people say Mr Cooper makes me associate it with my father. I would rather you call me by my first name.” He pleaded.

“Sheldon…” She tested it out and it didn’t feel awkward or weird. “Sheldon. Why weren’t you planning on telling me?”

Sheldon sighed again. “Despite what you might think, curing your mother was my own selfish desire. I develop and improve on the technique and method. I wasn’t trying to be some sort of hero.” Penelope didn’t look away from his face.

They stared at one another until a small twitch on his cheek forced him to look down at his lap.

She nodded to herself. “You’re also very honest.”

“Yes, well. Meemaw tried to teach me how to lie but I was never quite able to do it.” Sheldon grumbled.

“I’m glad.” And she truly was, she had noticed how incapable of lying he seemed to be and at first she had thought it had been a front or an act but the more time she spent with him she realized that he was just unable to lie.

“I…I find your presence agreeable.” He started but she was in no mood for games.

“Do you like me as well?” Penelope deadpanned.

Sheldon sort of deflated in place, knowing he couldn’t weasel out of it. “Yes.”

She let out a breath of relief. “Now what?”

“Perhaps we should adjourn this conversation until after this week has ended? I have full confidence that your husband will not return. But I would very much like to follow the correct procedure, some might say there’s an improper balance of power between us.” Sheldon’s face was serious.

She nodded. “On account of you pretty much stealing me away from my husband?” She asked cheekily.

He grimaced but nodded. “I would prefer that we have this conversation on equal ground.”

Penelope hummed in thought. She had to agree with him, currently she felt too much like chattel for it to be healthy…not that she hadn’t been pretty much that for the entirety of her marriage. The proof of it was that she was here as collateral instead of at home with her husband.

But she was trying to force herself out of that thinking. “I think I can agree to that.”

Sheldon nodded and once again the silence felt comfortable, they still had a lot to talk about but things were now in the open between them so they could start moving forward once her marriage was annulled and no longer looming over them.

“Don’t forget to talk about Mana!” Meemaw’s voice filled the silence.

Penelope turned to look and sure enough, Meemaw, Missy and Mrs Cooper were all at the entrance to the bakery, the door slightly ajar with only enough room for half of their faces to be visible.

“What about Mana?” Sheldon frowned in confusion.

Penelope waved her hand. “Nothing, nothing.”

Meemaw sighed theatrically and loud enough that everyone at the main square probably heard her. “Shelly, this one is as stubborn as you. She’s going to feel bad if you sleep with Mana!”

Penelope wished Meemaw hadn’t yelled the last part. She put her face in her hands.

“Feel bad? Why?” Sheldon asked and the honest curiosity in his voice was the only thing stopping her from crying her eyes out.

“Just trust me on this one Moonpie!” Still yelling.

“Very well.”

“No! It’s not-I mean-I’m still married! I can’t ask you to…” Penelope wasn’t sure what she wanted to say but she felt bad about basically asking him to not have sex until she was free.

What had her life turned to?

“Shut up!” Meemaw kept yelling behind the half closed door which Penelope thought was ridiculous at this point. “Don’t listen to her Moonpie, she’s being shy!”

Sheldon turned to look at her and raised an eyebrow in question.

“No, I mean, yes, No.” Penelope took a deep breath to calm herself down. She opened her mouth to say once again that no, she didn’t expect him to not sleep with Mana but the words died before they could even form.

The truth was that she did mind. This entire situation was all kinds of messed up but if she had to lie in bed thinking about what Sheldon and Mana were doing in his bedroom she would lose her mind.

“I can’t ask you to not sleep with Mana. But I would appreciate it if you…” Her voice died, she sounded ridiculous.

“Penny, are you aware of an old tradition from dungeon dwelvers? Before we had our current body recovery system, countless people lost their lives as they explored dungeons. On many occasions only a skeleton could be recovered.” Sheldon explained as he looked for something in the inner pocket of his vest. “Around this time our current system of badges was born.”

Sheldon finally removed something from his vest, a small metal cylinder. It was engraved and looked hardy. He showed it to her and much to her surprise he twisted one end of the cylinder and almost like magic it separated into two parts. This was her first time seeing something like this. The craftsmanship was breathtaking.

“This initially was used as a means to identify remains. However as our support systems improved this became less and less important and soon it gained a second and more significant meaning among dwelvers.” He handed one half of the cylinder to her and she carefully took it. Surprised by how heavy it was, it looked delicate but it was anything but. “Nowadays it’s used as a means to identify oneself as a dwelver, but it’s also used to show your interest in someone…a special someone.”

Penelope stopped admiring the cylinder to look up at Sheldon, the meaning behind his words sinking in. She squeezed the cylinder in her hand and pressed it against her body.

“That’s my boy!” Meemaw ruined the moment.

Sheldon ignored his excited grandma. “I don’t like not knowing what the future holds. So it is my hope that the cylinder can give you some certainty.” He looked uncomfortable and had a small blush on his cheeks.

“Thank you. I’ll take care of this.” Her voice came out as an awed whisper.

“Pie for everyone!” Mrs Cooper couldn’t hold herself back any longer and pulled her and Sheldon back into the bakery. But judging by her smile she wasn’t mad about the outcome.

Meemaw kept patting Sheldon in the back and praising him while Missy rolled her eyes good naturedly.

Penelope truly didn’t know what life had in store for her, but she liked this place and hoped to see more of it.

She didn’t let go of her half of the cylinder until they got back to the farm, where she found a nice silver chain to carry it around her neck. The silver necklace had been a gift from her mom, just a simple silver chain, nothing fancy. Leonard didn’t like it so she kept it safe and guarded.

But it felt nice to be wearing it again. She touched the cylinder and smiled to herself.

“As you can see we have increased output as reported before and we were even able to create our own research and improvement department.” Howard explained as he guided Leonard through the new shop. Raj was waiting for them, he would be showing some prototypes to Leonard.

“Cut the BS Howard. I saw the report, while profit has indeed increased, the research budget inflated to sixty percent. We had only agreed to twenty five percent. What happened?” Leonard looked around like a hawk, trying to find any fault, flaw and excuse to get angry about.

“Trust me buddy, once you see what we have in store for you, you will want to increase the budget to that amount.” Howard smiled confidently,

Leonard stopped walking and rubbed at his face as he pushed his glasses up to his head. “I’m really not in the mood Howard.”

“Trust me buddy, you’re going to love it.” Howard didn’t let Leonard’s attitude get him down.

Leonard sighed and motioned for Howard to keep walking. Howard kept explaining things to Leonard as they walked, making sure to inflate his achievements and involvement.

They finally arrived where Raj was waiting for them. Raj had his protective suit on as well as a magic protection mask.

“Hey Raj, bud. We’re here.” Howard knocked on the edge of the door.

“Oh, wait a moment.” Raj moved quickly to remove his suit and mask and directed them to a small table at the other end of the room. “Here we have four new prototypes that will blow your mind!” Raj was smiling excitedly and Howard joined him.

Leonard clicked his tongue, unimpressed. “Go ahead, blow my mind.”

Raj’s smile didn’t falter. “You’re going to love this. This is a rubberized crystal. We were able to make a crystal as flexible as rubber while still being as resistant as crystal. While the process is still currently expensive, I am confident that in ten to twelve months we could develop a new line of carriage wheels using this method.”

Leonard’s eyebrows went higher and higher, he was properly impressed. “This actually has a future, great job. I want a full breakdown of costs and the method used. Next.”

Raj jumped a little in place and Howard joined him. “This is a curse breaking coin. One of our dwelver teams actually found the initial item during an expedition. We were able to imitate the process almost at eighty percent of efficacy. This is only the prototype so we kept the coin theme but we can quickly adapt it to other shapes and materials, gold and crystal work better but silver has an almost ninety percent compatibility rate.”

Leonard hummed, unimpressed by this second item. “With temples, priests and dispel items, why would anyone purchase this?”

“We can make them cheap and in high quantities. They could be taken into dungeons for quick and easy removals.” Howard jumped in.

“I don’t know, it sounds like a redun-” Leonard couldn’t finish talking because as soon as he picked up the coin, it turned black and slowly disintegrated into environmental magic. Leonard sighed, disappointed. “Scrap this idea. Not worth following if this is the result. I don’t even have magic and it just went away like that.”

“Um bud, I don’t think it was supposed to do that.” Howard looked worriedly at his friend but Leonard waved it away.

“I don’t have time. Next item.”

Raj and Howard shared a look but kept their presentation going.


A Shenny author is making the move to AO3 so go show her some love please. I loved her stories on FFNET and I'm so happy she's gracing AO3 with her lovely stories.
Moments by ClaudiaRain

Chapter 137: Cooper Investigations (Lovecraft)


And I Would Have Gotten Away With It Too, If It Weren't For You Meddling Kids.


I needed to get this out of my system.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Leonard squinted and bobbed his head side to side trying to find a sign to confirm that they were on the right road. “Howard, are you sure we took the right exit?”

“Lenny, when have I ever gotten us lost?” Howard was riding shotgun, a map opened on his lap.

“How about during the “Empresario” case? Or on that corn maze in Nebraska while we ran away from what we thought was a zombie?” Penny quipped from the back of the van while cleaning her metal bat.

“Or that time we just wanted to get McDonald’s and you kept promising we were two blocks away but we ended up in another state.” Bernadette didn’t even look up from the book she was reading.

“Okay! So I make mistakes. I’m human, okay?” Howard threw his hands up dramatically and turned to pat Raj on the shoulder as the temporarily mute man put his hand on Howard’s shoulder. “I know buddy, I know. Girls are mean.”

Penny and Bernadette giggled while Leonard wished he wasn’t stuck on driving duty. This was the last summer before they all went to college and he wanted to confess his feelings to Penny.

He was going to New Jersey because his mom was paying for college on the condition that he attends Princeton and it was too good of an offer to not accept it. His dad and his new wife were nice but they weren’t exactly swimming in money.

To make the situation worse, all of his friends were staying in California. Penny would be attending UCLA, Raj, Howard and Bernadette were excited to go to Caltech and he was trying to be happy for all of them but it was hard.

“You’re going to get wrinkles Lenny. You still haven’t told her?” Howard whispered to him and Leonard frantically turned to look behind him to make sure that Penny hadn’t heard Howard but she was engrossed in conversation with Bernadette, not paying attention. Somehow that made him feel bad as well.

“Shhhhh! Shut up. I’ll tell her…I just need to find the right time.” Leonard grumbled, focusing on the road.

“Tick tock Lenny. In no time at all she’s going to be at UCLA getting bang-heeeeeeeeeeeey Bernie! I almost didn’t see you there. What’s up?!” Howard’s voice was high, his own unrequited crush obvious to anyone.

Bernadette narrowed her eyes suspiciously at them, making them sweat for a moment before she spoke. “We’re getting hungry, please stop when you find a place to get food.”

“Oh, sure, sure.” Leonard agreed quickly and smiled as Bernadette moved to keep talking to Penny. He waited until she was all the way back before he glared at Howard. “See! She almost caught us because of your dumb-stupid-nonsensical loudmouth.”

“Woah, woah, calm down. Nothing happened. I’ve got Bernie wrapped around my finger.” Leonard didn’t miss how Howard whispered the last part and even Raj rolled his eyes.

“Leonard, where are we going anyway?” Penny called out from the back and he was happy to answer her.

“We’re going to-uh-hold on.” Leonard reached across Howard to open the glove compartment, he rummaged for a moment before finding a crumpled piece of paper. He did his best to straighten it but it was useless. “We’re going to Wickenburg, Arizona. A Missy Cooper reported that her twin is missing after entering a haunted mansion. They both came in and she was the only one to make it out.”

“Wait. Cooper. What’s the name of the missing twin?” Bernadette perked up.

“Uhhhh hold on…Sheldon. Sheldon Cooper.” Leonard turned the paper this and that way, trying to read his own handwriting, he really needed to take better notes.

“No way!” Bernadette jumped in place and made Penny flinch. “That’s Sheldon Cooper. THE Sheldon Cooper!”

“Sheldon Coop-Sheldon Cooper!!” Leonard finally made the connection and he almost swerved into a tree in excitement before he gained control.

Penny rubbed her head where she had hit it against the wall of the van. “For the normal people, can we get a rundown on why you’re freaking out about this guy?”

“He’s a world renowned physicist!” Leonard yelled.
“He’s a famous paranormal investigator!” Bernadette yelled at the same time.

Leonard and Bernadette shared a look before he hesitantly started explaining. “Dr Cooper is the youngest physicist in the world. He currently holds the record for being the youngest laureate of the physics world, like he has won every award, I’m not joking. He is currently a teacher at Caltech and rumor has it they’ll give him tenure very soon.” He nodded towards Bernadette to let her know she should say her piece.

Bernadette adjusted her glasses. “Ahem, Sheldon Cooper is one half of the famous ‘Cooper Investigations’ team. Together with his twin, Melissa Cooper, they have unmasked and debunked the biggest paranormal cases in the last decade.”

“Wait, how old is this guy?” Penny interrupted.

“He’s only seventeen like us. That’s why he is such a big deal.” Bernadette said proudly.

“I think they might be referring to his scientific contributions when they say that Bernie.” Howard added.

“Shush Howie. Anyway, remember that case about the ghost truck? They were the ones to debunk it and bring the actual perp to justice. They also debunked the whole fish people cult thing and they’ve been doing this since they were seven!” Bernadette animatedly told the group.

“Well, he can’t be that good if he got stuck in some amateur’s haunted mansion.” Howard sniffed in disgust and Leonard thought he was probably jealous of how into Sheldon his crush was.

“Howie!” Bernadette looked appalled.

“Once we save him you can ask for a damn autograph.” Howard grumbled and focused on the map on his lap.

Bernadette sighed dejectedly. “He doesn’t give out autographs.” She sounded heartbroken.

“Oh look, a Waffle House! Leonard take us there, please!” Howard smiled woodenly and Leonard was wise enough to stay quiet and start driving towards the restaurant. He couldn’t blame Howard for his attitude, so far Penny looked unimpressed with Sheldon Cooper and he was pretty damn happy about it.

He decided, right after this case, he would confess to her.

Sheldon grabbed the side of his head. The headache was not going away and he could swear that somehow, in the pressure he was feeling there was a voice. He kept moving down the corridor.

He thought this was just another case but he had quickly realized there was something different about this house.

This house had seemed normal at first. A Queen Anne style house from 1895, well preserved and clean. Windows in almost every wall made it so the house looked bright and welcoming. Its muted baby blue paint job only added to the charm and if that wasn’t enough to declare the house as perfect for living in, the porch swing added a note of nostalgia…or at least that had been how Missy had described it.

From the outside the house was perfectly normal but as soon as he stepped in he knew there was something wrong. It was noon when they entered the house but inside there was no light. He didn’t need his eidetic memory to remember that just a moment ago he had seen sunlight enter through the huge windows, there was no reason for the house to be this dark.

“Shelly, let me enter.” Missy complained as he blocked the doorway, unable to move. Not backwards at least.

He wanted to take a step back, wanted to run away from this place. But his feet were rooted in place, without knowing how, he understood that he was in another place and under the influence of something larger than him. He couldn’t allow his sister to enter.

Using the last of his freewill he pushed Missy back and whispered. “Run.” His body against his will had then stepped fully into this accursed place.

The door slamming behind him marked the beginning of this torture.

It didn’t matter what direction he moved toward, it all looked the same. The same wooden and darkened hallway, shadows played tricks on his eyes. He jerked his face away from a grasping hand only to realize it was a shadow.

Light didn’t behave properly in this place.

Nothing behaved properly. By his count he had been trapped here for eight thousand five hundred and forty one minutes and yet he had not felt hunger nor the need to relieve himself. He still needed sleep but every time he closed his eyes whispers would haunt him and when he opened them he was alone again.

Finally, after an eternity of walking he found a door. A regular wooden door, it had nothing special about it but apprehension grew in his chest.

He put his hand on the doorknob and he had half expected to feel some sort of pain or backlash from it but the doorknob felt solid under his hand. Cold and real.

Slowly he turned the doorknob but as soon as he did a feeling of dread assaulted him. He suddenly felt cold all over and his teeth chattered, despite not feeling the need to pee since entering this space he felt the warmth of his urine stain his pants. The warmth of it added a layer of humiliation and shame.

Gasping he let go of the doorknob. He was sweating excessively and his body shook with what he knew was adrenaline. He had almost died. He was certain of it, whatever laid behind that door would kill him.

Gritting his teeth he quickly backed away from the door and started walking in the direction he had come from. The hallway was dark and he could only see a few feet in front of him but he would much rather face the darkness than whatever was behind that accursed door.

Penny hugged the tall brunette with one arm while she told them what happened. Missy and her had quickly hit it off and she knew that if it wasn’t for her missing twin then they would be out shopping and complaining about their part time jobs.

“And that’s when he pushed me and told me to run.” Missy wasn’t crying but her voice still broke. “I opened the door and he was just gone! It couldn’t have been more than 3 seconds from when he closed the door. I searched all over the place but Sheldon wasn’t there. I don’t understand what happened.” She sounded lost.

Bernadette was diligently taking notes as she always did. Howard and Raj were walking around the house as they sneaked peeks at Missy’s legs.

Leonard moved between asking questions and drooling when he thought Missy wasn’t watching. “Uh, why did you call us? I mean, we’re amateurs compared to you guys.” Leonard quickly tried to backpedal.

“I called everyone, you guys were just the closest.” Missy admitted with a shrug.

Leonard deflated a little. Penny knew that he was proud of their little investigation group and maybe was expecting a more flattering response.

“Did you notice anything weird when your brother entered the house?” Bernadette asked without looking up from her notebook.

“Not really, he was blocking the view with his back and the inside of the house was dark.”

Bernadette nodded before stopping and frowning, she returned to read previous pages of her notes and bit the end of the pen she was using. “Wait, you said it was around noon when you entered the place?”

Missy nodded. “Yeah, we-”

“And yet it was dark inside the house?” Bernadette interrupted Missy who only nodded once again. “Were there curtains on the windows?”

Missy frowned in thought and hesitantly shook her head. “No…now that you mention it, when I entered the house to search for Sheldon the house was full of light, I didn’t even need to turn on the light switch.”

“Howie, Raj! Search if the house has a basement!” Bernadette quickly ordered before returning to face Missy. “What if it was a trap set at the entrance? You couldn’t see any light because your brother was walking into a box designed to trap him.”

Missy’s face brightened and Penny was glad to see it, she could tell the girl hadn’t had a good night’s sleep in a while.

“Bernie! No basement.” Howard panted as he ran towards them. “We checked and there’s a crawl space but nothing is there. Honestly it’s kind of impressive, it’s all covered in tarp and there’s even a dehumidifier installed. Someone spent a lot of money on this place.”

Missy deflated again and laughed bitterly. Bernadette scratched her head with the pen she was using to write stuff down and frowned at her notebook. “Okay. We need to start checking for possible traps. Lenny, Howie and Raj, check the house for any possible hidden rooms. Check for noises of big machinery or scratches on the floor. Go!”

The three boys ran towards the house and Penny knew there were no better people around to handle this.

“Don’t worry, we’ll help you find your brother.” Penny smiled confidently at Missy and was glad the other girl returned the smile.

Penny might not have the same smarts as the rest of her friends but once they found the culprit they would quickly learn why Penny’s nickname was ‘Slugger’.

Sheldon woke up with a start. He swatted at nothing as his brain caught up with the fact that he was awake. He wanted to cry seeing he was still in the hallway. A sob escaped him and he slammed his head against the wall two times.

It made the ever present headache worse but he didn’t care.

It had been ninety five thousand two hundred and sixty three minutes since he had entered this realm of nothingness and he was starting to feel his grasp on sanity slip. This place was not normal, he had long come to accept that whatever this was, it was truly paranormal.

It was beyond his understanding and IT HATED HIM.

Shakily he stood up to continue walking, there was nothing else he could do but keep walking. One foot in front of the other. Step, step.

“I leave Sisyphus at the foot of the mountain. One always finds one's burden again.” Sheldon recited out loud. He needed to hear someone’s voice, even if it was just his own. “But Sisyphus teaches the higher fidelity that negates the gods and raises rocks. He too concludes that all is well.” He walked shakily, supporting himself with one hand on the wall. “This universe henceforth without a master seems to him neither sterile nor futile. Each atom of that stone, each mineral flake of that night-filled mountain, in itself, forms a world.” Tears ran down his face, he didn’t bother cleaning them. “ The struggle itself toward the heights is enough to fill a man's heart.” He laughed. “One must imagine Sisyphus happy.” He kept laughing.

“No luck Bernie.” Howard said in a low voice. Missy was away from the group, calling her older brother.

“The house is clean, literally. Not a speck of dust.” Leonard had his glasses off as he rubbed the bridge of his nose.

Penny grimaced, she had hoped the guys would have found something. It had been a couple of hours and so far the house was just that, a house. No secret rooms, no hidden hallways, no hundred year old well with a cursed Japanese girl.

In fact, why had the twins been investigating this house in the first place? She voiced her question to the group and no one had an answer.

They waited until Missy returned so she could enlighten them.

“The owner claimed that the house was growing.” Missy answered distractedly, looking at her phone. “He said that the house was bigger on the inside and that new doors and rooms were appearing at random.”

The group looked at each other and no one had a response.

“We ignored this case, until the owner sold it and the new owner reported something similar. The new owner claimed that the house was alive and that his daughter could hear the house breathe.”

Leonard put a hand to his chin in thought while Howard scratched at his head as he shared a look with Raj. Bernadette bit her lip and leafed through her notebook. Penny stayed quiet, this all sounded insane to her.

“Okay, how about we try the basics?” Bernadette finally said.

Sheldon covered his mouth with one hand as he stared at the door in front of him.

This was the second time he had encountered a door and the memory of it was still fresh, he could still taste death.

He was tired of walking, so tired. He wanted to rest. He wanted to see Missy, he wanted to hug his Meemaw and he wanted to taste his mother’s spaghetti with hot dogs.

Hesitantly he put his hand on the doorknob, it was unnaturally cold and a sliver of fear ran down his spine. He looked back towards the endless darkness of the hallway and whimpered. He couldn’t go back.

He opened the door.

Pure and unforgiving darkness welcomed him. It was as if he was staring directly into the absence of everything. He thought of black holes and how they swallowed everything, even light and even as ominous and terrifying as black holes were, they were nothing compared to the vast darkness in front of him.

His chest hurt and he had to force himself to take a breath.

Sheldon didn’t know how long he had been standing there just looking at the sea of nothingness but now that he was breathing again he realized that his body wanted him to back away and close the door, to never see this again. Anything was better than this.

Before he could move away he noticed a blinking light in the middle of the darkness. Faint and weak at first it grew little by little and Sheldon couldn’t look away. Was he witnessing the big bang of another universe?

The light soon formed into an orb and it took him an uncomfortable amount of time to realize what he was looking at.

An eye.

A bright blue eye watched him and for a moment Sheldon could have swore that he was both watching the darkness and watching himself from the darkness. He blinked and the next moment there wasn’t just one watching him but many. All shapes and sizes, he recognized some as animal eyes, rectangular pupils, w-shaped pupils and more observed him. He took a step back in fright and all eyes focused on him.

He could close the door, he begged his body to respond but it was useless, he was rooted to the spot.

An eternity later and like extinguishing stars, one by one the eyes blinked closed and the darkness returned. All but one.

The blue eye blinked and Sheldon realized it was his own eye. He had seen it enough times in the mirror.

A blinding pain and a burst of warm blood forced him to his knees. He clawed at his left eye while screaming in desperation and anguish but the darkness simply kept watching him, cold and uncaring.

Sheldon looked up and watched as the blue eye blinked into nothingness.

The door slammed closed in front of his face, leaving him in the darkness of the hallway once more.

“Sheldon!!” Penny screamed to the top of her lungs and then stopped to listen.

Bernadette’s plan was simple: they would take turns yelling Sheldon’s name and then listen for any noises. He might be trapped or even tied down but by making noise he would know they were actively looking for him and maybe make enough noise that they could follow it to wherever he was trapped or imprisoned.

He heard as Missy did the same in another part of the house. Then Leonard, Raj, Bernadette and then Howard.

“Sheldon!!” She yelled again as she walked by the hallway that connected the bedrooms to a storage room.

The door rattled.

Sheldon sat with his head in between his legs.

He had decided to stop moving. Half of his face was caked in dried blood and he didn’t care anymore. He knew he would die here.

Whatever it was that he had encountered here was far beyond his understanding, it was old and massive. It could eat universes and birth them at will. He was less than a speck of dust to it and the worst thing was that Sheldon wasn’t special or being tortured because he somehow knew something no one else did.


Sheldon had just slipped into a crack. If this thing wanted him dead then Sheldon would be dead, it was as easy as that. But he wasn’t even a passing thought for whatever entity ruled this place.

Sheldon was a parasite lost in a stray piece of hair. Condemned to die. Too small and insignificant to matter.

He laid down on the floor to wait for his death.

Cursed voices whispered to him in tongues he didn’t understand. Seconds, minutes, years, eternities and eons he spent in that manner.

Finally, after the death of the universe something broke through the whispers.

“Sheldon!!” He had almost forgotten his own name. Was that his name still?

“Sheldon!!” The voice was closer now, he looked up and saw a door that hadn’t been there before. Some animal part of his brain forced him to move towards it and open the door.

“Woah, careful there cowbo…GUYS!” Was the last thing he heard before collapsing.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.” Penny muttered to herself. “GUYS!” She yelled again.

She had found someone, she didn’t know if it was Sheldon or not but whoever this was, he was not doing great.

His face and body was covered in dried blood and he smelled like death. His hair was wild with patches of white and black hair and was as thin as a stick.

“What’s wrong-oh god! Shelly!” Missy was the first one to arrive.

They couldn’t wait for an ambulance so they all jumped into their van and drove him to the nearest hospital. Penny was scared, this was not how things were supposed to go.

They were supposed to unmask some greedy asshole that somehow thought trying to scare people would get them what they wanted only to get thwarted by a group of teenagers.

Now they were driving to the hospital with a half dead boy.

In the middle of the drive Sheldon woke up, his good eye was wild and filled with fear, he looked around until he looked at her, he reached a hand out to her and she didn’t hesitate before taking it.

“Thank you.” His voice was hoarse and it must have hurt him to talk.

He lost consciousness again but his hand had a death grip on her. She squeezed back carefully but firmly and watched as his features softened in his sleep.


So, I know it was a bit darker than you probably expected from the summary but this was born from Scooby Doo and Lovecraft and the question of "What if things turned serious?".

I saw a Youtube short from a creator called Spencer Lackey and it just kind of made everything click together in my head. I know his content is not really Lovecraftian but for some reason it was the glue my head needed to bring everything together.
Look for his short (or tik tok) called: can you do that elsewhere

Chapter 138: Darkness (Lovecraft)


Sequel to Cooper Investigations.


Heavy subjects/themes. Nothing explicit.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny collapsed on one of the chairs next to the hospital bed. She was exhausted, but Missy would not leave her brother’s side and Penny felt bad leaving her alone. The poor girl looked about ready to crash herself.

She stared longingly at the door, the guys had gone to get some crappy hospital food and she wanted a cup of what was probably the worst coffee ever made. She shook herself and focused on the boy lying on the bed.

The doctors had cleared him, he was dehydrated and exhausted but otherwise fine…if it weren’t for his missing eye of course. He had lost his left eye and despite all the blood he wasn’t actually injured. It was as if his eye had liquified and ran down his face, nothing they could do. He would need a prosthetic to avoid some issue with losing structural something.

She had been dead tired by that point to pay much attention.

“Thank you Penny.” Missy finally stopped caressing her brother’s hair and took a seat on the other chair. Missy hadn’t stopped thanking her since they found Sheldon hours ago.

“I just wished we had gotten there sooner.” Penny was trying to not beat herself up but she couldn’t help but think about all the things they could have done differently. They shouldn’t have stopped at that Waffle House, she should have switched driving duties with Leonard so they didn’t have to sleep in a crappy motel, she could have driven all night, heck she had done that before just for fun.

Missy smiled at her and patted her knee. “I will never be able to thank you enough.”

Penny felt uncomfortable, guilt ate at her conscience. “So when are your parents coming?” She needed to change the subject.

“Our parents died when we were thirteen.” Missy told her calmly and it took Penny a long moment to fully understand what she had heard.

“Oh, oh! I’m so sorry, I didn’t kno-wow, okay. I’m sorry.” Penny rambled.

Missy smiled sadly at her. “It’s fine. That’s life you know?” Missy shrugged in a way that did nothing to hide the obvious pain on her face.

“I should go get you a cup of coffee or something. You want coffee? I want coffee.” Penny had never lost a close family member and she couldn’t imagine the pain the other girl was feeling and the only way she could deal with this was by not being there.

“No, no. But I need to go pee, would you mind staying with him? I won’t take long and you can go for coffee afterwards.” Missy seemed to understand why Penny needed to leave.

“I don’t mind, go.” Penny said quickly and felt her face heat up.

Missy nodded and stood up, as she walked by her brother she touched his foot and said something but it was too low for Penny to understand.

The room was filled with the static of the machine used to measure Sheldon’s vitals and after a moment Penny stood up and went to check on the sleeping boy.

He was clean and bandaged now but his face was gaunt and pale. Faint stubble dotted his cheeks and it would have been funny if it weren’t for the grimace of discomfort he had even when sleeping.

Penny took a hold of his hand and was glad to see his face soften, his jaw unclenched and suddenly his face looked ten years younger. If they had taken longer would have he died?

Even in the worst of their cases she never felt truly in danger. She was always able to come out on top somehow. But this experience brought the reality of it all to her face. She could have died. Hell, she and Bernadette could have suffered worse fates than just being tied to a chair for a couple of hours. She was going to college soon, she enjoyed spending time with her friends unmasking dumb people but she certainly didn’t want to do this for the rest of her life.

The next person lying on that hospital bed could be her.

Sheldon’s body lurched up from the bed with a gasp and it scared her to death. She let go of his hand and jumped back, her body unconsciously set into a fighting pose.

Sheldon looked around frantically, seeing but not actually seeing. He looked down at his body and at the electrodes connected to him and he frantically tried to rip them out but he was too weak. His breathing was harsh and panicked.

“Hey, hey, no. Stop. You’re okay, we got you. We got you.” Penny moved to stop him and was surprised to find herself struggling, he was stronger than he looked.

Sheldon struggled for a moment longer before he finally focused on her face and she could see the recognition flash across his eye. “I’m out?” He whispered in awe.

Penny could see the fear on his face, the raw animal panic in his eye and it broke her heart. What had happened to him? “You’re out. We got you.” She reassured him.

Unsure, he stopped struggling, trying to calm his breaths but he was still looking around suspiciously, as if the room and everything in it would disappear if he blinked. She didn’t let go of him. He focused again on her. “I know you. I know your voice.” Disbelief and awe in his voice.

“Yeah cowboy. You almost toppled me over.” She tried to smile but the memory of seeing him crumple in her arms was still too fresh so her smile came out more like a grimace.

Sheldon didn’t reply, he looked down at his body and moved his arms carefully, as if he was unsure on how to move. She finally let go of him.

A sudden sob surprised her, he started crying, bawling and it was so raw that it brought tears to her eyes, she swiped at them and sniffed loudly.

The sniff made him notice her again and the look of pure awe and childish worship took her breath away. “Thank you.” He told her in a breathless whisper and it only made her cry harder.

She didn’t trust her voice so she simply nodded and smiled at him.

“I’mouti’mouti’mouti’mouti’mouti’mouti’mouti’mouti’mouti’mouti’mouti’mouti’mouti’mouti’mouti’mouti’mouti’mouti’mouti’mouti’mouti’mouti’mouti’mouti’mouti’mout” She couldn’t understand him at first but she soon realized he was muttering ‘I’m out’ over and over. As if trying to convince himself.

“I should go get a doctor.” Penny swiped at her eyes again.

“No!” His face was full of fear again and he stretched an arm towards her. “Don’t leave me.” He begged and she could see his whole body shake.

“I…okay.” She grabbed his hand, it was so cold. “Missy will be right back, she just went out for a moment.” She ran her thumb over his knuckles in what she hoped was a comforting gesture.

Sheldon nodded and yawned, his eyelid closing against his will. “I don’t want to go back.” He muttered sleepy. “I don’t want to be alone.”

Penny had to hold back tears and she used her free hand to brush some of his hair off his forehead. “I got you. No one is getting to you without going through me first.” She promised.

She really wanted to hurt the person that had done this to him.


That’s all he could feel. So cold.

It wasn’t the type of cold he was used to, no. This cold was wet and it stuck to him uncomfortably, it made his arms hurt from the inside out and made his legs feel brittle.

He kept walking.

He didn’t want to focus on the cold. His mind warned him against it, he knew that if he focused on it he would be able to feel the cold slither and coil around him like a living thing. He was thankful for the darkness of the hallway.

Sheldon kept walking.

Leonard shuffled awkwardly in place. He was debating whether to go in or not.

Penny. His Penny had pulled the chair up to the hospital bed and she was sleeping while holding Sheldon Cooper’s hand and it made his chest clench uncomfortably.

They should leave this place, they came and they did their thing. They saved the day. So why were they still here?

After a long and awkward moment he backed away from the doorframe and went back to the cafeteria.

Bernadette was still reading a book as she ate a cup of yogurt. Howard and Raj had put three chairs together and were sleeping as they held each other. Living in a van for months had made this sight far more common that anyone wanted to acknowledge.

He sighed as he took a seat across from Bernadette.

Without looking up Bernadette chided him. “If you don’t want her in that room, just tell her. She’s going to tell you go suck a lemon but at least you’d have an answer and can stop sulking, mister.”

“What? No, I-No, it’s not like that.” Leonard flinched like he had been slapped and he was thankful that the cafeteria was empty. “I was just wondering when Missy would be back, that’s all.”

Bernadette sighed in the same way his mother did and he could feel the familiar sting of shame spread into his whole body. “Leonard…cut the bullpoopy. You’ve had a crush on Penny since we all became friends in first grade. You think I haven’t noticed? You always act like this when she shows any interest in a boy.”

“I don’t-” He shouldn’t have bothered to try and speak because Bernadette just steamrolled through him.

“Kurt asked her to the Homecoming dance and you sulked for a week straight. Even though you never got the courage to ask her yourself.” Bernadette raised one finger. “Last year when we were on that case in Malibu and that hot surfer, Zach, asked her on a date, you sulked for a month.” Another finger raised. “When she was working as a waitress to buy that new pair of shoes she wanted and her mentor was a hot guy, you stopped talking to her until you finally noticed said guy was actually gay.” Another finger raised. “Just because Penny hasn’t realized you have feelings for her, doesn’t mean the rest of us are blind.”

Leonard grimaced as his past behavior was thrown in his face. “I’m not sulking.” He sulked. “I’m just wondering why we’re still here. We saved the day, we’re the heroes, we can move on. There’s not a lot of time left before we have to go back and…” He shrugged and bunched his shoulders as he slumped in the chair.

“You’re wondering why we’re not leaving a pair of traumatized teenagers to deal with all this pain on their own?” Bernadette deadpanned.

Leonard refused to answer and shrugged as best as he could in his position. He knew he was being childish but he didn’t care. This summer was supposed to be for him and Penny to spend time together before he confessed his feelings.

“Okay mister, you’re not doing any favors for yourself. You better not let Penny hear this. She was the one that found him so of course she wants to make sure he’s okay. You better lose the attitude because no woman wants to date a toddler.” Bernadette glared at him and pointed with a finger.

Leonard pouted. Why couldn’t he get a break?

Sheldon woke up in a panic, flailing at nothing. His breathing was hard and he struggled to understand where he was.

He was lying on a bed, cables were attached to him and the only sound in the room was his loud breathing and the beeps of the machine next to his bed.

With one hand he roughly scrubbed at his face, fearful that it was an illusion but no, he was still in the same room. He moved his sore body and groaned, his back and feet hurt.

Being fully aware, he looked around the room again. It was a hospital room. He was out? He was alone.


The thought made him curl up, his breaths came in rushed and hard. He struggled to get himself under control. Tears ran down his face as fear and panic wrecked his body. Sob after sob left his mouth, uncaring on who might hear him.

A shadow fell over him and he pushed himself against the mattress, an animal sound of pain escaped him. He felt light headed, he couldn’t breathe.

Something touched his shoulder and he launched himself off the bed, pain flared all over his body. He struggled to get on his feet, he needed to keep walking. His legs refused to listen and he crawled away from whatever horror wanted to claim him.

A buzzing sound filled his ears, he could hear his blood pumping, begging him to move.

Something grabbed his face and forced him to look into green eyes.

“Oh.” He said before passing out.

“Oh Shelly.” Missy sobbed as the nurses left the room.

Penny rubbed at her forehead in frustration. She had just left the room because Leonard wanted to tell her something and in the five minutes she had been away all hell broke loose.

Leonard had been fidgeting as he tried to tell her something when she heard Missy scream and ran back into the room only to find Sheldon on the floor crawling away from his sister.

Penny didn’t know what to do but her body acted, forcing Sheldon to look her in the face, he had calmed down before passing out.

Missy was a mess as well. She told them that she had come into the room after hearing a noise and found her twin curled up in bed sobbing loudly, she had tried to grab his shoulder but that only made things worse.

Penny really wanted to hurt the person that had hurt Sheldon.

“Uh, Penny.” Leonard said quietly and she shook her head.

“Not now Leonard.” She went to sit with Missy and hugged the stuffing out of the crying girl.


It was all darkness.

It didn’t matter where he looked, he knew there would be nothing but darkness.

Nowhere was safe, he could see THEM in the dark. Slithering and undulating, the darkness hid their unknowable shapes. He felt them caress him, uncaring and sensual at the same time, he felt as they left a cold and slimy trail on his body. Darkness boiled and he could feel it all around him.

It didn’t matter if he closed his eyes. The darkness was everywhere.

Even inside of him. He couldn’t escape.

“I’m sorry.” The sheriff wiped sweat off his forehead with a handkerchief as he walked away.

“This is bullshit.” Penny muttered and Missy squeezed her hand. “How could they have not found anything?!” The sheriff was still close so she said it in a harsh whisper.

Missy shook her head and walked back into the room where Sheldon was sleeping. “Once he’s able to walk again we’re leaving this fucking place and never returning.” Angry tears pooled in the corner of her eyes.

Penny sat next to Sheldon's bed and held his hand. Like magic his features softened and his breathing gradually became easier.

“Thank you for saving him.” Missy said, cleaning the corner of her eyes with a bunched up tissue.

Penny didn’t reply right away, staring at Sheldon’s sleeping form. “I think I’m done with this type of thing. I want to become an actress and I can’t do that if I’m lying dead in a ditch.”

Missy took a shuddering breath and nodded. “I was the one that pushed him to start doing this. We were kids and I found it fun how he could find a rational explanation to everything, it made momma mad.” She laughed a little. “And then we kept doing it and somehow Shelly was able to make it so we could make money doing it. After losing momma and daddy we got more into it. I think we were both trying to not focus on the loss so much…” Another shuddering breath. “But we’re done now. Once we’re back in California Shelly’s going to focus on science and I’ll be a waitress or something. Anything but this.” She gestured towards the bed.

“Do you guys have a car?” Penny asked.

“Yeah, we have a Winnebago Camper Van.” Missy rolled her eyes. “Shelly needs an actual mattress to sleep in.” She smiled but it turned watery after a moment.

“Do you think I can tag along with you guys? My group and I were supposed to go to Nevada after this case but…” Penny left the rest in the air.

“Of course. I will never be able to repay all you’ve done.”

“Don’t mention it. I-” Penny was interrupted by Leonard clearing his throat at the door.

“Penny? Could I have a moment with you? We have a group meeting.” He backed out before quickly returning “At the van.” He added and left.

Penny looked at the man lying on the hospital bed and she squeezed his hand twice, hoping that he knew she’d be back. She said a quick ‘Be right back’ to Missy and moved to go find her group. Stopping by a vending machine to grab a snickers bar.

She was still eating it when she got the van, the door was open and Bernadette and Howard were tracing something on a map while Raj was setting up his telescope right there in the parking lot. Leonard was pacing in front of the van.

Penny ruffled Raj’s hair and smiled at him and then said a quick hello to the rest before taking a seat by the open door of the van, her feet dangled slightly over the asphalt.

“What’s up?” She said after a moment of waiting for Leonard to speak up.

“What? Oh yes. Penny, we all think that it’s time to move on. We have that case in Nevada waiting for us and I-I mean, we. we think that it’s also time to let the Coopers have time for themselves.” Leonard scrunched up his face and attempted to smile.

Penny said nothing for a long moment, she just watched her feet.

“Penny?” Leonard asked hesitantly.

“I heard you.”

An awkward silence filled the air. She could feel the rest of the group adjust and turn towards her.

“I heard you.” She repeated. “But I’m not going.” She nodded to herself, sure that this was the right path.

“Penny!” Leonard yelped. He looked frantically at the others but the rest stayed quiet. “Guys, a little help!”

“Why?” Bernadette asked her directly.

“I don’t know about you guys but after what happened here, this is no longer fun for me. What happened to Sheldon could have happened to any of us. What are we doing guys? How many times were me and Bernadette captured by the bad guys? We have always brushed it off but the truth of it is that we got off lucky, what if next time we’re not so lucky?”

Bernadette looked thoughtful for a moment before she nodded. “Yeah…I never told you guys but…remember that zombie case in Nebraska? Well…I…” Bernadette's voice choked out and she trailed off, she cleared her throat but everyone could hear the tears about to burst. “Mr Higgins, when he captured me. He-” Sob. “He touched me.”

Penny didn’t hesitate before launching herself at the shorter girl and pulling her into a hug.

“What the fuck man!” Howard yelled before also hugging Bernadette.

“B-Bernie…” Penny looked up and saw Raj halfway into the van. His eyes were wide and misty as he looked hesitantly at Bernadette. Bernadette opened her arms as best as she could towards Raj and soon they were all in a hug pile.

Penny stopped hugging Bernadette for a moment to look into her face. “Why didn’t you tell us?” Her voice was raw with pain.

Sobbing, Bernadette did her best to answer. “He told me it was my fault, for being there and, and, and-” Penny crushed her into another hug.

Penny had felt bad for Mr Higgins at first, she had blown out his knee with her bat and they had told her he would live in pain for the rest of his life. Now she hoped she had done the same to his other knee, and arms and head.

Leonard sat near the open door to the van and held his face in his hands as his shoulders shook.


Because some horrors are man-made.

I think only one part left for this Universe.

Chapter 139: Sight (Lovecraft)


Sequel to Darkness.


I think this will be expanded into it's own One-shot.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Sheldon observed his reflection in the mirror and didn’t recognize himself.

Thanks to his eidetic memory he would never be able to forget his own face, but the face he saw wasn’t ‘him’. He had always been aware of the boyish nature of his face but the face staring back at him couldn't be called a boy anymore.

Stress lines across his face made him look older. His one eye looked muted and sad all the time now. He was a shell of a person.

He moved his head side to side, trying to gauge how bad his hair looked. He had never been a frivolous man but the state of his hair roiled his stomach, it disgusted him to no end. Patches of white littered all around his head, as if a disgusting monochromatic ladybug had taken residence on his head.

Once he was back in his apartment he would research what was the best rated color treatment on the market.

And yet, all of that paled in comparison to the worst change he has suffered. He only had one eye now, the doctors had already removed the bandages off it and the first time he had seen himself in the mirror he had a panic attack. There was nothing in his eye socket.

Pure darkness.

A darkness he was familiar with. Darkness that gripped at his heart and eroded his soul. Missy and Penny had tried to cheer him up but he couldn’t tell them the full truth of why he felt this way.

Standing in front of the mirror he closed his eyes and everything turned to darkness. His heart rate spiked and it took active effort from him to not devolve into a nervous wreck. He opened his eyes again and was greeted by his face.

The doctor had warned him about struggles adapting to depth perception, and while he had nodded along he couldn’t tell the doctor that he was able to see just fine.

Sheldon covered both his eyes with his hands while keeping them open. He lowered his right hand and was able to see his reflection and part of his nose. He raised his hand again and then lowered his left hand and was greeted by his reflection and nose again.

The darkness inside his eye taunted him.

Somehow, he was still able to see. There was nothing there and yet he could see just fine. It was madness, total utter madness.

As soon as he got back to California he would order a custom prosthetic eye, something to cover up the darkness.

He sneered at his reflection and his hands gripped the sink. He wanted to break the mirror, he wanted to rip out the sink and hurl it at his reflection, he was shaking with impotence and anger.

He truly wasn’t the same man.

Sheldon wanted to growl but only a sob came out, defeated, he slumped against the sink. He was finding it very hard to modulate his emotions, he now hated being the dark with a passion and he overall felt lost and adrift.

He felt very tired but he still needed to shave, he had asked Penny for a favor and she would be here in half an hour.

Opening the cheap Gillete razor Missy had purchased for him, he began the slow process of cleaning himself up while looking himself in the mirror as little as possible.

Penny watched the burning house with detached amusement. She then turned to her side to see Sheldon and his reaction but he was stoic, if it weren’t for his body shaking she would have been fooled into thinking he was okay.

Flames danced in his eye.

Turning back to the house she stared until sirens sounded in the distance. “I think that’s our signal to leave.” She said softly.

The only response she got was the crackling and popping of the fire.


Said man took a deep breath and nodded. “Let’s go. Thank you Penny.”

As they walked back to the van she wasn’t surprised by him reaching out to hold her hand. He had been doing that since waking up and she didn’t mind. She squeezed his hand twice.

“Penny, do you know how to dye hair?”

“I help my mom all the time, we’ll stop by the grocery store before returning to the hospital. Your sister must be freaking out by now.”

Penny had technically sneaked Sheldon out as he hadn’t been released yet but he had asked her to help him burn down this hell house and she couldn’t say no.

“Are you sure you don’t want to talk to the police again?” She knew he had already given a statement but as far as she knew the police were just sitting around playing with their guns and not doing any actual police work.

Sheldon shook his head. “They didn’t believe me and wanted me to point the finger at innocent people.”

And that was that.

They stopped by a Target and she chose a L’oreal gray coverage dye for him. When they got back to the hospital Missy didn’t freak out, she hadn’t actually noticed that they had left, too busy fielding calls from her older brother.

“Okay Cowboy, let’s cover up those gray hairs.” Penny was wearing plastic gloves and she kinda felt bad for the cleaning staff at the hospital, she personally knew how much it sucked to clean hair dye stains.

Leonard tried to stay calm, after Bernadette’s revelation they had all decided to just drive back to California, call his older sister who was a lawyer and see if they could get Mr Higgings to do more time for what he had done to Bernadette and then to make sure Bernadette got counseling.

He thought that was the course of action. So why the hell was Penny not riding back with them?

“I don’t get it!” He was pacing right next to their van, only Howard and Raj were with him. The rest had gone to pick up the Cooper van from the hotel’s parking lot.

“Dude, the man is traumatized. You saw how he’s been having random panic attacks.” Raj was eating a cheeseburger and he passed a bag to Howard who grabbed a couple of fries and nodded.

“But that’s not Penny’s responsibility!” He felt like he was the only sane one. They had only met the Coopers a week ago and now everyone was acting as if they were their best friends.

“Buddy, that’s not cool.” Howard frowned at him and Leonard felt a pang of shame. “You know Sheldon feels safe around Penny, she saved him. We’re all driving back to California. There’s nothing strange or suspicious going on.”

“I know! I know!” Leonard couldn’t stop pacing. “Which makes this so messed up. It’s not Sheldon’s fault but can’t I blame him a little?” He knew he sounded pathetic but he was feeling like time was running out.

Raj stopped eating his burger and gave him a hard stare. Leonard flinched, Raj was the sweetest guy and if he was looking at Leonard that way he knew he was in the wrong. “Dude…” Raj shook his head and the twist of his mouth was like a slap to Leonard. “That’s really not cool. You were the one that never told Penny anything for years! Howard and I told you that you needed to tell her at the start of the school year, you said no. We told you needed to tell her during winter break, you said no. We told you to tell her as soon as summer break started but you said no again. And now here you are, throwing a tantrum because Penny is being nice to a boy she saved.” Raj shook his head again and went back to eating.

“But…” Leonard had finally stopped pacing and he stood still watching his friends. “It’s our last summer together and we were supposed to be having fun but it all went wrong and I feel like I’m losing her but if I say anything about it suddenly I’m the bad guy!” Leonard threw his hands in the air.

“It would be a whole different story if she was your girlfriend.” Howard chimed in. “But she isn’t, you can’t tell her that she can’t help Sheldon.”

Leonard nodded before he stopped himself. “Maybe I can?”

Both of his friends widened their eyes and shared a look. “Lenny…please tell me you’re not going to try anything dumb.” Howard pleaded.

“I can still confess right?” He asked them and looked for any sign of support. “Right?”

“Dude. I-” Raj ran a hand through his hair in frustration before turning to look at Howard. His friends shared a look that he couldn’t decipher.

“Look, Leonard. Buddy. Do you want Penny to hate you? Because that’s all you’re going to get.”

“But why! Why! Why have things changed?! Why are you all acting this way?!” Leonard begged, he truly wanted to understand.

“Leonard.” Raj said sharply. “We rescued a boy that was being tortured or something, he lost his eye and Penny was the one to find him. We also found out what happened to Bernie and none of us are exactly feeling like heroes. I don’t know about you but I feel like shit that Bernie thought she couldn’t come to us to tell us what happened.”

Howard nodded. “We were joking around while Bernie was suffering. I don’t know what to tell you man. Things have changed. Why can’t you see that?”

“I don’t want to lose you all!” Leonard wanted to scream. “Before you guys I had no one, now I’m going back to being alone in New Jersey while you guys stay together here! Why can’t you see that?” Leonard wanted to cry, he was angry and frustrated that none of his friends could see how much he was hurting.

“Dude, I don’t want to fight. You chose to go to New Jersey. You didn’t have to, but you did.” Raj threw his wrapper into the paper bag with more force than needed.

“Besides, we can still play WoW. We’re still going to be chatting every Friday night. You’re not losing us.” Howard was kinder in his approach.

“It’s just not fair.” Leonard said, looking at the sky.

“Okay breathe, I got you. I got you.” Sheldon nodded as he held Penny’s hand. He was trying to slow down his breathing.

They had been waiting near the van for Missy and Bernadette to get back from checking out when Sheldon had another panic attack. This time it happened after a stranger touched him. The man had been walking by Sheldon and for some reason he touched Sheldon’s arm, maybe the man had stumbled but the only thing he knew was that suddenly his arm was being pulled down and he couldn’t see why.

“Breathe.” Thankfully Penny had been there and she quickly moved him into the van.

Tears ran down his face, he felt weak and worthless because Penny’s hand was the only thing stopping him from fully breaking down.

“I’m sorry!” He sobbed out. “I’m sorry!” He wasn’t fully sure why he was apologizing but since waking up in that hospital bed he had felt like someone else, as if some stranger was wearing his skin and walking around.

“Hey, it’s fine. You’re fine. You’re going to be just fine.” He wanted to retort that nothing would ever be fine again, that she was a fool for thinking that.

But he wanted to believe in her words.

Penny waved goodbye at Sheldon and Missy. They had just dropped her off in front of Bernadette’s house after the long drive.

She stretched out her back and gasped as something popped.

“Want to order some Pizza?” Bernadette told her and Penny smiled and nodded. They had returned early but summer was still here. A couple of weeks lying around or going out shopping didn’t sound so bad.

“Here you go Bernie, we’ll go drop off the van at my house and then bike over here.” Howard said before Leonard jumped out the van.

“Actually, mind if I stay?” Leonard said and some weird communication happened in a moment but Howard didn’t look too happy as he sped off. “Ummm Bernie, do you mind? I want to talk to Penny for a moment.”

Bernadette narrowed her eyes at Leonard and raised a finger. “You have ten minutes, while I order the pizza.”

“BBQ Chicken with-” Penny started but Bernadette waved her off.

“I know, I know. Extra sauce.” She pointed at Leonard again. “Ten minutes.”

Leonard nodded and he fidgeted in place. He had a grim look on his face and Penny was worried.

“Penny, I…”

Sheldon sighed in relief as he took a seat in his spot.

It finally made him think that things would be okay like Penny was so fond of saying. Feeling grimy after the long drive he decided to take a shower.

“I’m going to sleep on a real bed, don’t bother me.” Missy declared just as he was standing up from the couch.

Entering his room he immediately froze.

Sitting in the middle of his bed was a book. Nothing else was out of place. Just the book.

It wasn’t a book he recognized, the color was an odd choice. A violet so dark that it looked black at moments. The material was leathery and oddly warm to the touch. No words or pictures were on the cover or in the back.

Opening it he found a small piece of paper with a few words. ‘Knowledge is power.’

Curious, he began reading the book.

‘Norugthaisar The Observer. May his endless sight bless our world.’

Sheldon grimaced and scratched at his left eye, it was hurting.

He kept reading.


Glad to get this out of my system, I'll focus on other Universes now.

Update 07/16/24: This was extracted into its own One-Shot:
The Lovecraft Configuration

Chapter 140: Marmalade (Farming SIM)


Sequel to Sight


Back to the fluffy Universe.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Penelope closed her eyes and enjoyed the breeze as it ruffled her clothes. She was sitting on a small cliff overlooking the Cooper farm. She had finished with her chore of feeding the chickens and decided to finally explore the rest of the farm.

The road leading to the pond had a fork that she had always seen but never explored. It was bushy and dark but feeling bored she decided to follow it and it actually led to a hill behind the farm.

It was a lovely place full of wild flowers and much to her surprise a couple of wild berry bushes which she foraged from and was now enjoying as she watched over the farm.

The sweetness of the berries covered her tongue and she closed her eyes again but this time in delight. She hadn’t tasted these in years! Not since she was a kid. Maybe she should bring a basket and gather some to make some jam…Tomorrow. Yeah, that sounded good, tomorrow she would bring a basket and gather enough for a good amount of jam.

She and Sheldon would go pick up her parents in that weird carriage of his in two days and she knew her dad had a sweet tooth. She smiled thinking about her parents but almost immediately her smile faded into a grimace.

How was she going to explain this whole situation to them?

Yesterday she had taken her annulment papers and credit note to the adventurer’s guild and she got the money right away but she had to wait a week for the confirmation of the annulment. Would Leonard really sign the papers without noticing what they were?

Deciding that it wasn’t worth thinking about, she stood up, shook herself and patted her clothes as best as she could, while she didn’t mind the occasional bug she knew that Sheldon was a whole other matter.

“Mr Howard. Please, you have to take it to him. I don’t want to lose my job.” Howard made a face and scratched his forehead as the head maid approached him as soon as he arrived at Leonard’s mansion.

“Mrs Fr-” Before he could make an excuse she shoved the papers into his hands and ran away, leaving him dumbfounded as he stared at her retreating back. Before turning the corner she looked back at him.

“Thank you Mr Howard!” She disappeared.

Howard sighed and looked at the papers in his hands and immediately understood why he had been saddled with this.


Cursing under his breath Howard stomped towards Leonard’s office before stopping himself and walking at a normal pace. He had thought it was weird how his friend had pretty much stopped talking about his beloved wife from one day to the next and things were starting to make sense now.

He had briefly considered the idea that maybe he had killed her out in the forest but almost immediately he discarded the thought. Leonard had been infatuated with Penelope but not quite on the end of being obsessive…barely. But the papers now confirmed that she was alive and most likely back home.

Arriving in front of Leonard’s door Howard took a deep breath and forced a smile on his face before opening the door and walking confidently into the room.

“Hey Buddy, got some mail for you.” Howard wanted to cringe at his attempt to lighten the mood.

“Hey Howard. Let me see.” Leonard looked haggard which only made Howard worry for his friend more.

Howard handed over the papers and watched Leonard carefully. He observed as Leonard read the papers in front of him with a blank face. He had expected rage, sadness or something, not this total lack of emotion.

About to speak up to break the tension he was surprised by Leonard signing the papers calmly, putting the papers in the envelope that came with them and then very purposefully sealing the envelope with his company wax seal.

With a steady and calm hand he set the envelope in the outgoing tray where soon a maid would come pick it up and mail it with the rest of the contents. Leonard even smiled a little when he turned to look at him.

“Was that all you came here for? Maybe I should hire you as my new mail boy.” Leonard teased him and Howard jumped on it, thankful that his friend seemed to be taking things gracefully.

“You couldn’t afford me. But no, I was actually coming over to see if you were up for some holiday time? Raj got some contacts with the pink district in Libra City and he got a good discount for-”

“Wait, wait, wait, wait.” Leonard raised a hand. “Raj has contacts in the pink district? Raj? The guys that can’t talk to women?”

“...fair point. But you also know that pink district shops are our biggest buyers of anticonceptive potions right?”

“Ah, that I can believe. I get it now.” Leonard nodded.

“Yes, well, Raj made friends with the guy that runs one of the hotels and he gave Raj three passes for ummmm, well, a full service course.” Howard wasn’t shy but he still stopped himself from being crude, not wanting to scare Leonard off.

Leonard hummed. “I don’t know Howard.” He trailed off and looked to the side, towards the papers on the tray and Howard jumped in.

“C’mon, it’ll do you good to relax. You’ve been burning yourself out this last month.” Howard begged.

“I don’t-” Leonard started but Howard interrupted him.

“Did you know that the place we would be going to has a service where two girls bathe you and you don’t even have to move?”

Leonard looked him in the eye and Howard could see some of his old friend in there. “Well, if you twist my arm about it.” A small smile bloomed on Leonard’s face.

“That’s the spirit! You’ll love it!”

Sheldon did a final check of his autocarriage as well as of the small cart he would be trailing, he had tested it out with the weight with one of his adult cows and it held pretty steady as such he was pretty happy with his setup.

Tomorrow they would be traveling to pick up Penny’s parents, he had initially refused her offer to come with him but after a terse conversation he had realized she wasn’t really asking but more telling him she would be going with him. He wished she had been direct from the start.

Thankfully his carriage had more than enough room for four people and they wouldn’t have to worry about the luggage as that would go on the cart.

Putting his tools away he also made sure to remove the leather sleeves and gloves he used when working on the carriage, there was nothing he despised more than oil stains. He had initially been happy with the leather overalls but soon realized he needed more protection and he’d fashioned a full suit that left him mostly clean at the end of the day.

Before going into his house he made a round to check on his animals and found them all ready to settle for the evening. While the sun was barely turning golden-orange he knew that the days had been turning colder as of recently, soon he would have to activate the heaters in all barns.

Just as he was thinking that, he opened the back door, the one that led into the kitchen and was hit with a wall of heat. His kitchen was extremely warm and it smelled sweet.

“Penny?” He called out after not seeing the only other person that could be the cause of this.

“Yeah?” She startled him by popping out from behind the counter.

“What are you doing?” He went to wash his hands.

“Oh, jam! I found that there’s a trail near the lake that takes you to this really cool hill with-” Sheldon listened as Penny gushed about this hill, the flowers and the berry bushes she found. She had gone early today to forage for berries to make jam. She had also made use of the oranges that Parker had gifted them earlier in the week and she even made a batch of orange marmalade with jalapeno pieces, which intrigued him enough to actually try it.

“Here, say ah!” Penny held a spoon to his mouth and he found himself actually leaning down and opening his mouth.

He savored the sweet and spicy mixture, it was an odd mixture but one he found to his liking. “It’s good.” He said simply, licking his lips.

Penny laughed nervously and tucked some hair behind her ear, his eyes focused on the action. It was strangely appealing.

“Mr Co-Sheldon?” Penny asked after the silence between them had stretched. She was looking up at him, her green eyes bright and clear.

He blinked and realized he somehow had gotten closer to her. Unsure of how that happened he found that he didn’t care too much. Being this close to her made him realize that even with all the scent in the kitchen he could still smell the faint vanilla scent he had come to associate with her.

He took a step closer.

Somehow her hand was on his chest, he didn’t know if it was to push him away but it succeeded in making him stop.

“Sheldon.” Her voice was soft and he might have been mistaken but she looked to have taken a small step forward on her own.

Sheldon needed to see her current expression better, she was flushing and her mouth opened slightly. He leaned down.

Neither he nor Penny noticed the door opening.

“Hey Cooooooooooper…” Mana’s voice had been loud and cheery before her volume slowly went down and trailed off into nothing as she stood there watching them.

Penny turned to look at Mana and there was honest shock in her face but she didn’t move away and Sheldon was oddly happy by that.

“Sorry, I -uh- think I interrupted something?” Mana looked confused as she scratched her arm.

Penelope had been so caught up in Sheldon’s eyes that she had missed the moment the door had opened and then Mana’s voice had fully interrupted them.

Her first instinct had been to take a step back but she forced herself not to. She was no longer married…maybe, but it didn’t matter. She and Sheldon had talked and made a promise to bring the topic of them back up once her annulment was completed and Penelope wasn’t doing anything wrong, so she didn’t need to act defensive or as if she had been doing something wrong.

But she also didn’t want to be cruel. Everyone had said that Mana didn’t want to be with Sheldon in THAT way, they just had a physical relationship. But Penny didn’t fully buy it, Mana had been too comfortable with Sheldon the few times she saw them together. Too eager to be on his good side and she hadn’t missed the way Mana looked at Sheldon when she thought no one was paying attention.

Penelope felt bad for her, but it didn’t mean she was going to step away.

“We were just…talking.” Penelope told Mana, her tone heavy with the implication that no, it wasn’t just talking.

“Oh!” Mana widened her eyes in surprise. “I guess that I should look for another place to stay tonight?” Mana asked Sheldon and her hopeful and longing tone made her hand still on his chest, ball into a fist, crumpling his shirt.

Sheldon didn’t miss a beat. “I believe that would be ideal.” Penelope winced internally, his tone was short and clipped. It was his regular manner of speaking but in this situation it sounded a lot like rejection.

“Oh.” Mana’s voice was small and hurt. “I’ll get going then. Goodbye Sheldon.” But still Mana didn’t move, her eyes locked onto Sheldon’s face, searching for something.

Sheldon simply tilted his head and then looked down at Penelope in question before returning to look at Mana. “Do you need anything else?”

That made even Penelope’s heart squeeze in pain.

Mana shook her head and quickly left. Penelope felt for the girl, heck, she felt guilty because she knew how it looked in Mana’s eyes. Penelope had stolen Sheldon away from her.

While she was thankful that Sheldon had kept his word, she also needed to talk to him about this. How could he be so cold about the entire situation? Hadn’t he been with Mana for a couple of years? Could the same thing happen to her?

She shook her head and left those thoughts for later, she knew they had a long drive tomorrow and they could talk then.

“Do you want me to toast you a piece of bread?” She finally asked, still close to Sheldon. Her fisted hand relaxed and lying on his chest, she could feel his strong heartbeat.

“Butter, both sides, brown, not burnt.” A pause. “Please.”

She laughed a little and before she could chicken out, she stood up on her toes, planted a kiss on the corner of his mouth and happily sang. “Coming right up!”

Penelope flushed at seeing his tongue dart quickly to lick the corner she had kissed.

The rest of the night was spent with them giving heavy looks to one another, Sheldon never brought up the kiss but she saw as he kept glancing at her lips and it made her giddy and she felt like a teenager again.

She also felt like a teenager the next day when Sheldon woke her up at six in the morning to go pick her parents up. She had thankfully set up a basket in the coldbox so they could have breakfast on the road.

Penelope had expected the carriage to be bumpy and uncomfortable just like a regular carriage but the ride was smooth and she had been curious enough to ask Sheldon about it but she was also tired so she fell asleep to the sound of his voice as he explained shock absorption or something.

She woke up disoriented and she was confused by the moving landscape until she remembered where she was and where she was going.

“Ugh, sorry, I was still sleepy. Did I sleep for long?” She rubbed her eyes.

“You slept for one hour and fifty four minutes. We’re approximately halfway to your parents.”

Penelope yawned and nodded. “Oh, do you want to have breakfast?” Suddenly feeling more awake she turned to pull the basket onto her lap. She had brought some of the jam she made yesterday, bread and some of those slices of ham he really liked.

“While I would usually not appreciate stopping in the middle of a trip, I must admit to feeling rather hungry.”

She had suggested eating while driving but Sheldon chided her and told her that carelessness led to accidents and how people needed to be more careful in general. She nodded but stopped listening as he told her all carriages should include his little security straps.

They stopped by a small clearing and ate inside the carriage, right before they were done she had to ask him about Mana.

“Sheldon, don’t you feel bad about Mana?” She asked, not really wanting to know the answer but she couldn’t live not knowing.

Sheldon frowned and she could see him thinking hard but his face settled in confusion. “What do you mean?”

“Well, you two were together for a while and last night…” She trailed off, unsure on how to even say it.

“But Mana was the one to set the rules to our relationship?” He told her but he sounded unsure. “She set clear boundaries that included no emotional attachment from either of us. She also said that we could end our physical relationship at any point.” Sheldon told her slowly, as if he was trying to understand why he should feel bad.

“I know, but…did you ever feel something for her?” She asked softly.

Sheldon didn’t answer right away, furrowing his brow he thought deeply. “I appreciate her friendship and business. She is one of the few adventurers that doesn’t hike prices just because they can. But I was also irritated at her for refusing to help around the farm and for not paying rent despite using my house as a sleeping place.” He shrugged. “Overall I feel friendly towards her.”

“Wait, you don’t feel anything romantic towards her?” Penelope asked in surprise.

“No.” He answered right away. “She made it clear from the start it wasn’t what she was looking for and just needed physical companionship. In her own words 'You scratch me and I scratch you'.”

Penelope gaped at him. “So you were respecting her rules?”

“Correct. I never considered her as a romantic partner. Romance indicates an interpersonal intimacy and an emotional bond, something we never shared.”

Penelope winced at hearing him saying so bluntly. She was pretty sure that Mana felt otherwise. Ouch.

Wyatt checked the luggage again, making sure nothing was missing. He had asked a couple of his boys to come help move him out and help his son move in. Randy had been working hard to earn his place as a foreman and Wyatt couldn’t be any prouder.

He took a long look at what had been his home for the past thirty five years and emotion almost choked him up. He knew this house wasn’t really his, but so many memories had been created here. And now his son would take over.

He was getting sentimental, grabbing his old and trusty handkerchief he wiped at his eyes.

Wyatt had never expected to leave this place alive, when Penelope had been born he had assured his wife that the only way to get him out of here would be in a box. And now look at him, eagerly expecting to start a new season of his life.

The Cooper farm would allow him more time for him and his wife, he wasn’t a weak old man but he also wasn’t that same hot head young man that didn’t mind waking up at two in the morning every day.

He was actually looking forward to sleeping in until seven.

Pulling out his pocket watch he confirmed the time and looked down the main road and sure enough, Mr Cooper was right on time. That young man was a little high strung and neurotic but he had his head on straight and you knew what you were getting when dealing with him. No surprises.

When the carriage stopped in front of the house he was shocked by the flying blonde missile that hugged him fiercely.

“Hi daddy!” His youngest jumped in place and he was quick to return the hug but he was confused. What was Penelope doing here?

Mr Cooper was slower to leave the carriage but when he did he nodded at him in greeting and then pointed at the cart behind his carriage. “Your luggage can safely go here.”

“Penelope?” His wife must have heard the noise and come out to investigate.

“Mom!” Wyatt was quickly abandoned for his wife.

Maybe he needed to rethink his stance about Mr Cooper and surprises.


So...I found out that my government can misplace my existence. I've been dealing with that for this past week. It was quite the unpleasant surprise and I hope to be done with it soon. Oh! And of course, the only part of my existence they didn't misplace is the part that pays taxes, funny how that works.

Also on another subject, I was so done with life that I needed mindless entertainment and I opened Netfix, where I was greeted by a Naruto movie (Road to Ninja) and let me tell you that it is time I'm never getting back and I regret watching it. It' someone fed Naruto fan fiction to Chat GPT and that movie came out. Just bad. Not even funny bad, more like sad bad. And this from someone that used to ship Naruto/Sakura. Which had been my initial motivation to watch it.

Instead of watching that and if you're interested in Naruto, go find this fantastic story that sadly is not on AO3 yet, it's on FFNET: Seduce My Wife! by Narf-for-the-Garthoc

Chapter 141: Perfectly Reasonable (Farming SIM)


Sequel to Marmalade.


Hey, it's been a while.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“We’re going to miss you boss.” Russell clapped Wyatt on the shoulder and he returned the gesture.

“Same here old friend.” Wyatt choked up a little. He was leaving all behind and despite knowing that it was for the best he still struggled with the decision.

He had always jokingly claimed that in old age he would work as an orange picker with a gaggle of grandchildren following him as he calmly picked oranges for a living. He had never thought that was actually possible, he knew his body would eventually fail and shut down and as nice as the family that owned the farm had been to him, they would never take care of him in the last years of his life.

His wife also deserved more than the life she had now. Sure, she was no longer struggling with everyday life thanks to Mr Cooper curing her but she was still gathering her strength. One time he had come home early only to find her in their bedroom softly crying, he had quickly held her but she had surprised him by giggling and returning the hug.

“I’m fine, I’m fine. Just really happy to not feel pain anymore.” She confessed as she deepened the hug.

Wyatt’s heart had broken at hearing her say that, he truly didn’t have any idea how much she had endured. He had no words and could only kiss her to try and show her how much he loved her.

That night they had made love again.

He had never stopped finding Clara attractive, but knew that she was in too much pain for them to be physical. He didn’t mind, he just wanted her to be okay.

And now she was more than okay. She laughed, she hugged, she cooked, she took care of her plants, she sang, she went to the market, she lived.

Wyatt had realized that he wanted, no, he needed to spend more time with her. His children were all grown and didn’t need him as much anymore. Randy was his own man now and he had his own family to worry about. Clarissa had married a good man, a man she didn’t love but one she respected and would take care of her. Penelope had also married a man she didn’t love, married him because Wyatt had failed in protecting his family.

The house was modest, barely enough for three growing children. Clarissa and Penelope had hated having to share a room, Randy couldn’t move out fast enough and he and his wife hated the lack of privacy. But now the same house felt enormous and empty.

Of course that’s when fate gave them a break. Mr Cooper had appeared in their life by some miracle and Clara was healed. Wyatt had kept in touch with Mr Cooper through letters and an option he hadn’t truly considered before opened in front of him.

Starting over.

Maybe he was too naive, too hopeful that things would work out, but after Clara had been healed when all had seemed lost. Well, who could blame him for being optimistic after that?

That’s why he was saying goodbye to his oldest friend now. He had come to help him put everything into the luggage cart and knew that his wife was doing the same inside the house for Clara.

“Sheldon! You can’t just ask for eight cheese wheels.” His daughter’s voice made him turn to look at the carriage. Penelope had her hands in her hips as she shot Mr Cooper an incredulous look.

“But Penny, it’s not just for the farm, mother was very clear that she wanted some for her bakery.” Mr Cooper didn’t cower under Penelope’s look, he had his arms crossed as he explained.

Penelope hummed. “Well, I’m going to ask but they might not have that many for us.” She said reluctantly.

He made note of the use of the word ‘us’ as well as the familiarity between them but said nothing as he approached them. “I don’t think eight wheels would be a problem. Right Russ?”

“Right on Boss, be right back.” Russell tipped his hat and went on to get the cheese.

“See? Perfectly reasonable.” Mr Cooper said smugly while her daughter only sighed and shook her head.

They still hadn’t discussed why Penelope was here, and he knew they should, but for now he was just happy to have his daughter here.

Besides, he knew how long the drive was. Long enough for a nice conversation.

Penelope scratched her head at seeing the cart full to the brim. She was confident that it would hold, she had seen Sheldon test the thing carrying one of the cows around the farm, Leslie if Penelope remembered correctly. So she knew this thing could hold some weight.

But she hadn’t expected her parents to have so much stuff.

Most of their furniture was staying with her brother. That also was a surprise, her annoying brother moving up to full time foreman and he was even getting their parents’ house in the deal. She knew that most new foremen wouldn’t get a bigger house until after a couple of years had passed and they had proven their worth, but her family had been working here for decades and they made an exception. Randy wasn’t the best older brother, but he was a damn good farmhand and he learned all he needed from their dad. He would be okay.

“I think that’s the last of it.” Her father dusted his hands as he tightened the last of the ropes.

Penelope quickly said goodbye to her brother and her wife and went to wait inside the carriage with Sheldon as her parents said their own teary and more prolonged goodbyes to her brother and their friends. She had never enjoyed overly long goodbyes.

“Oh, I got some cornbread from Lisa, my sister-in-law. I gave her a jar of the jalapeno jam I made and she also gave me some honey.” She rambled and she had half expected Sheldon to ask her to shut up but he remained quiet, simply watching her with a neutral expression. “So if we get hungry we can have a snack!”

“Logical. Good thinking Penny.” He praised her.

Penelope could feel herself flush, she glanced towards the carriage’s open door, to where her parents were still saying goodbye, she didn’t know why but she felt guilty. As if they were doing something wrong and she didn’t want her parents to notice.

“Can you say it again?” Her voice was soft and her eyes quickly darted towards the open door. She licked her lips.

“Excuse me?” Sheldon’s voice was equally soft and he sounded confused.

“What you said. Can you say it again?” She whispered quickly.

Confusion shone across his face for a moment before surprise and understanding replaced it. She couldn’t look away from his eyes.

“Good thinking Penny. You did a good job.” Sheldon’s eyes were intense with meaning and it made her shudder in delight. She hoped he hadn’t noticed but of course he had. His eyes turned dark and her tongue quickly darted out to moist her lips. He watched her intently and her breathing quickened.

A loud bang made them both jump and turn to look outside. Her dad had stepped into the carriage but thankfully he wasn’t looking their way, he was doing his best to help her mother up the rather tall step to enter the carriage. “Careful now.” Her dad warned gently.

Penelope let out a sigh of relief and despite not having done anything she still fixed her clothes and hair as if she had.

By the time her parents settled in the back she was feeling much more calm.

“All set.” Her dad happily told Sheldon.

“Please secure the straps.” Sheldon instructed her parents.

“Hold on, let me help you.” Penelope stood up to help her parents because while she loved the idea that these straps would help keep her safe, she also hated how difficult they were to put on. “There you go.”

“Thank you Honey.” Her mother thanked her.

Soon enough they were on their way back to the farm and at first the carriage was quiet. Not uncomfortably, but there was an anticipation in the air. Penelope from seeing her parents and honestly looking forward to spending more time with them in the coming days. Funny how at one point she couldn’t wait to leave them and now she couldn’t wait to spend more time with them.

Of course her parents were vibrating with nervousness and excitement as they were moving towards their new home.

The silence was broken by her mother, who couldn’t hold her excitement. “Oh dear, I wonder if there are any interesting local legends?” Her mom loved stories, she was the one that had filled her head with stories and legends. While clumsy and overly excited, her mom was her favorite storyteller.

“Oh mom, you’re going to love it. ‘The Witch of Destiny’ is fantastic! I would tell you more but you must watch it at the guild!” Penelope gushed. “And Sheldon’s Meemaw is-oh-no, no, I will not spoil it.”

The immediate silence that followed left her confused for a second.

“Oh!” Her mother might as well have screamed with how loud it sounded. “I didn’t know you were so familiar with the local legends?” It came as a question and it settled heavy in the bottom of her stomach.

Penelope laughed nervously and kept her eyes on the road. She knew that she should say something but didn’t know exactly what so the silence hung heavy until her dad chuckled awkwardly and slapped his knee.

“Speaking of it. Why are you here? Not that it wasn’t a nice surprise of course, but…” Her dad trailed off. “Well, it was a surprise, that’s all.”

The silence that followed was somehow even worse.

“Mr Cooper?” Her mom only allowed the silence to live for a moment before addressing the only other person that could have the answer. “Why is Penelope here?”

Penelope closed her eyes, dread finished filling her stomach, knowing she couldn’t stop him.

“Oh, quite simple madam, She’s living with me.” Sheldon said simply and nonchalantly.

In the deafening silence that followed his words Penelope wondered how could he sound so proud of himself.


Short chapter, I know.

This past week has been a special kind of hell and I haven't really been the in the mood for writing. NGL, I made a mistake at work and I spent a lot of time trying to correct it. I've been working overtime and at the end of the day I just wanted mindless entertainment so I rewatched a lot of familiar movies.

I hope next week is better and I can write more.

Especially after how this chapter ended, don't want to leave you hanging.

Chapter 142: Bikini (Farming SIM)


Sequel to Perfectly Reasonable


I rewrote this because the first time it came out way too dark.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Clara frowned, sure that she hadn’t heard correctly. “Excuse me. What?” She hated being rude but she really needed to clarify this.

“Oh, she’s living with me.” Mr Cooper repeated, slowly.

“Huh.” Clara huffed.

“Mom-” Penelope turned and started talking but Clara put a hand up to stop her. All the while staring directly at the back of Mr Cooper’s head.

“Wyatt?” She asked, still not looking away.

“All yours Honey.” Her husband answered, looking quite satisfied for some reason and she made a mental note to deal with him later.

“Mom-” She raised one finger and Penelope stopped talking again.

“Mr Cooper, you mean that Penelope and her husband are living with you. Right?” She tried again, even smiling a little at the silly misunderstanding this surely was.

“Oh no, no, no, no.” Mr Cooper said happily. “She’s no longer married.”

Wyatt barked a laugh before putting on a contrite face but she could see him fighting a smile. Clara harrumphed and closed her eyes.

“Mom-” She wagged her finger and Penelope went quiet.

The carriage was silent for a long moment.

“Mom-” Another wag of her finger.

“Okay, is Leonard dead?” She finally settled on asking that because she couldn’t see any other reason why her daughter was living with another man and no longer married.


Wyatt couldn’t stop chuckling to himself as her daughter and Mr Cooper retold the events that led her to living with him.

He shook his head in disbelief.

Mr Cooper was definitely an interesting man, that was for sure.

“So you’re free?” Clara asked, rubbing circles on her forehead. Penelope glanced worriedly at her mom and then at him. He gave her a thumbs up and she rolled her eyes at him but he didn’t miss the smile she tried to hide.

“Yeah. I’m just waiting for confirmation from the guild. It…really was just that easy. A week and here I am.” Penelope sounded amazed, not entirely pleased but not heartbroken either.

Clara nodded before she smiled and patted Penelope on the shoulder. “Good.” A world of meaning behind that word and Wyatt himself finally allowed a shit eating grin to take over his face.

Life was good.

“Okay buddy, ready?” Howard adjusted the luxury bathrobe he was wearing, smoothing nonexistent wrinkles as he waited for Leonard to finish changing.

“I don’t know Howard…I’m having second thoughts about this.” His friend’s voice came from behind the curtain.

“Buddy. Two women bathing you. Two!” Howard moved his right shoulder back and forth, trying to get that sore spot to relax.

“...okay…” Came Leonard’s small voice before he finally stepped through the curtain. He looked awkward in only the robe.

“That’s the spirit!” Howard put an arm around Leonard’s shoulders and started walking out of the room and into the main hallway. “You’re going to love this Bud. Before the main event though, we’re going to get a ‘relaxing’ massage.” He wagged his eyebrows exaggeratedly and was glad to see a small smile on his friend’s face.

“Why is the bath the main event?” Leonard scratched his nose, shy anticipation in his tone.

“Well, how else are they going to remove all that oil they’re going to pour on you?”

Leonard gaped and a smile grew on his face before he caught himself and tried to put on a serious face.

Howard smiled confidently at his friend while hyping himself up internally. Either this worked or he was royally screwed forever.

It didn’t take long for them to get to the correct room and Howard took a deep breath before opening the door. The room was medium size with warm lights and a strong smell of hot oil.

A single table stood in the middle of the room and two hot blonde girls stood on either side of it. One smiling confidently and the other glaring at Howard with a full body flush which he could easily see thanks to the sheer bikini she was wearing. Howard ignored her but he knew he was going to pay for this later.

“Go lie down Bud. I’ll go to a different room because you know…” He trailed off and Leonard nodded before he nervously approached the women and smiled shyly at them before lying down on the bed.

Howard watched his friend intently and once he was lying down fully he screamed at the women. “Now!”

Before Leonard could react he was quickly strapped to the table and immobilized. “Howard, what the fuck? Let me go!” Leonard struggled against his bonds uselessly.

“Sorry Buddy. No can do. Raj!” Howard called out and his other best friend came out from behind a screen carrying a bathrobe and handing it over to the girl that had a full body flush.

“Raj?! You’re in this too? I thought you were my friends!” Leonard still struggled.

Raj mouthed something but Leonard only looked confused so Howard jumped in. “No, look, it’s not like that. We’re not going to do anything bad to you. This is Bernadette and she’s a priestess from the fertility temple.” Howard gestured towards the blonde girl that while still flushing now looked much more comfortable in the too-big-for-her bathrobe. “She specializes in curses.”

“Curses? Why the fuck…” Leonard trailed off because Raj had approached him and put another curse dispel coin in his hand and it once again blackened and disintegrated into environmental magic. “You think I’m cursed?” Leonard asked in disbelief.

“That’s not normal.” Howard pointed to what had been the coin. “You refused to go to any temple with me. You refused to hire a specialist and even went as far as to avoid being in town when they did the mass dispel ritual. What was I supposed to think?”

Leonard stayed quiet and watched Howard’s face, his eyes searching for any falsehood and finding none. He slammed his head on the table and huffed. “Do what you were going to do, I need to get this over with.”

“Bernadette please.” Howard gestured towards Leonard.

“You’re going to pay for this Howie.” She said in a low voice and pinched him as she walked by him.

“Gladly.” He said with a waggle of his eyebrows and Bernadette only rolled her eyes.

“Okay Mister, this is going to be painless and quick. Just stay still.” Bernadette said before closing her blue eyes and start chanting something in a different language.

Raj and the other blond girl who Howard didn’t know the name of took a step back and Howard decided to do the same. Just in case.

After a long chant, Bernadette opened her eyes and they were shining blue, she started walking around the table and observing Leonard in detail. Leonard himself had a look of awe on his face, not having magic of his own made him more fascinated with it.

Bernadette frowned as she peered closer at Leonard. “This is odd.” She closed her eyes again and when she opened them back they were back to normal. “Give me a moment.” She said before moving to a small side table that had books on it.

“Is he okay?” Howard couldn’t help but ask.

“One moment.” Bernadette said distractedly as she leafed through her books. Five, ten, fifteen minutes passed before Bernadette nodded to herself and stood up again. She approached Leonard again and began chanting once more with her eyes closed.

Next time she opened her eyes they were shining a bright green. It reminded Howard of lush grass.

“Aha!” Bernadette said happily. “It’s not a curse per se. But! It is feeding off his life force so it might as well be one.” Leonard gaped at her and for the first time looked fearful.

“Can you remove it?” Howard asked nervously.

“Of course!” Bernadette looked offended that he had even asked. “I just need to…ah, the cheek.” She muttered to herself before going back to the table and grabbing a small bag, she pulled out a chisel, ink and two brushes. “Don’t move.” She instructed Leonard and his friend had wide fearful eyes but Howard saw he was determined.

“Don’t worry Bud. Bernadette is the best and she’ll have you free in no time.” Howard assured him despite feeling very anxious himself.

Bernadette worked diligently, she used the ink and brush to mark certain places of interest. The chisel hadn’t been needed so far.

After thirty minutes the bikini-clad girl had left and told them to call her once they were done. After an hour he and Raj had left to get water and wine. Two hours in and Bernadette jumped in joy. “I knew it! I knew it! Ohhhhh, whoever put this here knew what they were doing. They’re good but not as good as me.” She did a little dance.

“Ummm so it’s all good now?” Leonard asked. “Because I don’t feel any different.”

“Of course not silly. I still need to break it. One second.” Bernadette grabbed the chisel finally and put it flush against Leonard’s cheek and before any of them could ask her if she was sure about this she used the brush as a hammer and they all could hear a loud crack reverberate throughout the room.

“Huh, a blonde hair.” Bernadette grabbed something from Leonard’s cheek as she said that.

“Blond-Penelope!” Leonard yelled before his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he fell unconscious.

“Uh oh, Howie, quick, water.”

Howard was already moving before she asked. “Hang in there Bud.”


Next chapter is probably going to be a little darker. I'm still feeling in a dark mood and I think I need to write it out.

Chapter 143: Driver (Farming SIM)


Sequel to Bikini


General warning about some dark...theme? Sort of 'Dark night of the soul' dark?

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Leonard groaned as he opened his eyes, the light hurt and he lay down on the grass again. Grass? Forcing himself, he rolled onto his side and squinted his eyes open.

He was really laying on a field of grass.

Carefully he stood up, his body hurt terribly, like he had been struck by a carriage. A pounding headache made everything fuzzy in his sight, after a moment he dared to look around but there was nothing, only grass as far as the eye could see.

Leonard groaned as a wave of nausea hit him. He put his hands on his knees and closed his eyes as he gagged, once, twice, three times but he managed to keep the bile down. He took several deep breaths and once his stomach settled he opened his eyes again.

There was something in front of him. No, not something. Someone.

The sun shone on their back and for a moment the person was too bright for him to see them clearly, only their dark silhouette stood in front of his sight.

Leonard felt compelled to move towards the person, almost against his will. Almost.

It felt as if he had walked for hours when he was finally able to make out the silhouette. A woman, blonde and beautiful, she was wearing a white wedding gown, a simple one, a farmer’s gown.

She seemed to be in a hurry.

Despite her face being covered in golden light Leonard still recognized her. She was Calliope, Goddess of Marriage, Love and Fertility. Looking closer he could see her pregnant belly, one of her hands held it lovingly and protectively. Her other hand was on a heavy looking bag that she seemed to carry without any problems.

Leonard stood still, watching her with awe. His earlier pains were now forgotten just by being in her presence.

He needed to say something. He needed to win her back.

The Goddess turned to look at him and he felt insignificant under her sight. “Hey.” Even her voice was beautiful.

Leonard tried to smile but something was wrong, this was wrong. His smile was more of a grimace. “Hey? That’s all I get?” Accusation clear in his voice.

“I mean…” She trailed off, apprehension clear in her voice.

Silence stretched awkwardly and heavy between them.

“How are you doing?” Leonard asked after the silence had become painful enough to choke him.

“I’m doing really good, actually. Both personally and romantically. I am in a fulfilling and peaceful period in my life.” Her voice is full of happiness. “How are you doing, Leonard?” Concern was clear in her voice and it only made him hurt more.

He considered her words carefully, he didn’t know himself. “I’m not doing very well.” He decided to be honest. He couldn’t remember a lot right now, but he knew that was true. He wasn’t doing great.

The Goddess tilted her face, he couldn’t see it but he knew, he could feel it in his soul, her face was full of concern. “Don’t say that. You will be fine. We all have an obligation to be happy, even you. And you WILL be.” She looked over her shoulder and where there was nothing before, now stood a carriage. It was huge and beautiful, no one was sitting in the driver’s seat.

She wanted to leave. Leave him.

“Something’s wrong.” He looked around. Something was happening.

The Goddess turned to look at him again. “I’m sorry. I need to leave, I was heading to…well, I just don’t have time for…” She glanced towards the carriage again and Leonard followed her sight. A tall man now sat in the driver’s seat.

“You mean that you don’t have time for me?” He accused her.

She sighed and glanced longingly at the carriage again before turning to him once more.

Leonard wanted to kick himself, he shouldn’t have said that.

“I’m going to T̶̡̮̪̞̖̐ḫ̶̥̬̣͗̍̄ͅḙ̷͎̀̃́ ̷̳̪̮́͜F̶̛͗̉́́ͅa̷̞̟̜͑̕ř̵͔̯̼̎͑͘m̶̙̉̉̄̊. To live there. It’s one million miles away, Leonard. It’s another lifetime.” She sounded so happy and it broke his heart.

“What’s in the bag?” He asked, just to not think about what she had just said.

“Just humanity’s future and hopes, a hat, all the unborn children. A toothbrush. Travel documents. Five thousand pieces of gold.” She looked down at the bag, unsure of what else to say before looking back at the carriage. The driver was no longer in his spot, he was now waiting by the carriage’s open door. He was tall and his presence tickled the back of Leonard’s brain.

Once again silence filled the air between them. A gentle breeze blew her nuptial gown and it wrapped around her holy body.

“Anyway.” She says and he knows she is about to leave him.

“Your skin is holy and soft.” Leonard said in an attempt to keep her there, with him.

It seemed to work, amusement in her voice. “No, Leonard.” She shook her head ruefully. “It’s just regular skin. I’m not as beautiful as you always thought I was. Let’s not get into-” Leonard interrupted her.

“You are. None of the others are as beautiful as you.” He injected the words with as much sincerity as he could muster. He could almost believe them himself.

The Goddess did not answer. Leonard knew she was looking at him with pity. The silence stretched once more between them and Leonard couldn’t think of anything pretty to say.

“Can you stay for a moment? We need to talk.” He pleaded.

“No, Leonard.” She shook her head sadly. “I don’t want to talk anymore. I need to go.” She gestured towards the carriage. “I love T̶̡̮̪̞̖̐ḫ̶̥̬̣͗̍̄ͅḙ̷͎̀̃́ ̷̳̪̮́͜F̶̛͗̉́́ͅa̷̞̟̜͑̕ř̵͔̯̼̎͑͘m̶̙̉̉̄̊ and I need to get back.” She continued looking at him with pity. “We don’t have anything to talk about anymore. Every combination of words has been played out. We’ve had every possible conversation. We’ve talked about everything and anything. Our failed marriage, our unborn children, the way you abandoned me.” It was her indifferent tone that hurts him the most. “It’s all gone, Leonard. I have to go, I have to leave Luvsi forever…and you. You have to be alone, in hell, forever. That’s just the way it has to be.”

Leonard was desperate, he didn’t want her to leave. He needed her. Needed her warmth and love. Needed her beauty. He needed her warm body.

Trembling, he approached her. His legs felt as if they would give up on him at any moment. Step, step, step. Until he reached her. She didn’t move away. He was so close that he could feel the heat her body was radiating. He was scared. With his eyes closed he moved his lips to put them on hers.

She wasn't kissing him back.

He was getting desperate, he tried to deepen the kiss but it’s as if her mouth was stone. He couldn’t do it. It was horrific and it terrified him. He shouldn’t have done this.

Leonard could feel her chest rising. Warm exhalations tickled his mouth. It was her holy and pure soul giving life to everything.

And yet, it was distant. Hidden. Not for him.

He caressed her cheek, soft fuzz under his fingers. Ripe peaches in late summer.

Leonard moved to grab her wrist, a useless gesture to try and keep her there, with him. She didn’t react. Her body was rigid.

He could almost feel her disgust.

One last try, he opened his mouth. Nothing. Nothing but the scent of vanilla in his nose.

“You…You’re not…You’re not kissing me back.” He stated, dumbly.

She tried to not look at his face and she was leagues away. He stood back, stumbling in shock.

“So that’s it then?” It killed him to vocalize it.

“No, Leonard. Not yet. There is one more thing you have to see.” Her hand moved over her stomach and she smiled. “I’m pregnant.”

“It’s not mine.” He stated on the verge of tears.

“Of course not.” The Goddess sounded offended. She looked down at her belly with eyes full of love and adoration and then looked into his teary eyes, the coldness there froze him to the spot. “I terminated yours. Don’t you remember, you poor fuck? Fat greedy fuck.”

“...why?...” His voice was a whisper of despair and grief.

“You gave me away. Don’t you remember? As easily as one gives away a milk pail you no longer want. You were the one that gave me away like yesterday’s bread. Uncaring of my fate you threw me aside.” She wiped her hands into the fabric of her gown, as if she wanted to wipe any traces of him that might have lingered on her body. “Now, go ahead. Ask me more questions. Let’s talk about something else but this, so we can be done here.”

No. He didn’t want this to end. Maybe if he asked the right question he could start fixing things. For a moment, the golden rays covering her face faltered and he saw someone he thought he recognized.

“Are you really Calliope the Goddess?” He asked.

“I don’t know what you mean, Calliope?” She looked confused but didn’t ask more questions, she glanced back towards the carriage and he could almost feel her desire to go to it.

“You’re…Pen-something.” He almost had the answer but it was evading him.

“Wasn’t I Calliope the Goddess a moment ago? Now I’m Pen-something. You’re confusing me.” She was exasperated. “Look, I need to go while it’s still bright out.” She glanced nervously at the carriage. No, not at the carriage. At the driver.

Leonard couldn’t say anything, he just looked at her. But she didn’t look back at him, instead she looked down at her pregnant belly. A gust of wind blew in and the gown wrapped around her body, highlighting the shape of her breasts.

How many times had he raised that fabric? What laid underneath had always calmed him, made him feel complete. Centered him. Made him feel successful.

And now it was gone.

“So, should I just mourn you?” He asked, despair in his voice.

“Leonard! Stop! I don’t want to hear that. How can you mourn someone that’s still alive? That’s awful. People our age are not supposed to mourn-” She stopped herself and let out an angry sigh before looking back at the driver again. Longing and something he couldn’t identify in her look.

Leonard grabbed at his hair desperately, he knew these were his last moments with her. Knew that there was no going back. Shrill desperation tugged at his consciousness, he had to find the right words, had to fix this somehow.

“Maybe…” His voice shook. “Maybe if I wait long enough you’ll come back to me?” He could feel his fingernails break open the skin of his scalp.

“Oh, Leonard?” Pure unadulterated pity in her voice. “Do you really think so? I don’t want to talk to you. I don’t want to write to you. I don’t want to know or hear about you. With each passing moment, I think less and less of you. Days go by without me remembering you. Soon, it will be months and then years. Every season will slowly erode you from my memory while I sit there, in T̶̡̮̪̞̖̐ḫ̶̥̬̣͗̍̄ͅḙ̷͎̀̃́ ̷̳̪̮́͜F̶̛͗̉́́ͅa̷̞̟̜͑̕ř̵͔̯̼̎͑͘m̶̙̉̉̄̊. In the holy gratitude of my bliss. I put a hand on my belly and smile.” Each word was a stone that hit at his foundation. The softness of her voice did nothing to make it hurt less.

Another breeze passed but this one only left him feeling cold. Leonard once again searched her face but only her green eyes were visible. There was a sea of distance and loneliness between them.

Leonard looked around, searching for something, he didn’t know what. Something to make this stop. “There’s no flowers…” He wanted to beat himself up, that was the best he could come up with?

The Goddess-that-wasn’t-a-Goddess shook her head. “The flowers bloom in a different place.” She again looked towards the driver and even though he couldn’t see it, Leonard knew that she was smiling.

He always loved her smile.

“Penelope!” Lighting ignited his being. He remembered now! “You’re Penelope Hofstadter!”

“Oh no, nonononono.” Penelope shook her head quickly. “We’re not doing that again.”

Leonard stopped himself, he was going to argue that she was Penelope but…she wasn’t. He had been so sure. Immense loss ate at his soul. How could he have confused them?

“I apologize. I don’t know what came over me. You’re Calliope, Goddess of Marriage, Love and Fertility.”

“Yes, Leonard. I am. Things have gotten much better for me since I became the Goddess.” The world turned golden as she spoke. The sun was setting. “I need to go, it’s already so late. I have to go now Leonard.” Her soft voice was impatient but Leonard didn’t understand why. He knew that the carriage would never leave without her.

“But…that’s not a very good way for things to be.” He pleaded.

“It’s not, but…” She shrugged and looked down at her feet. They were bare and the grass seemed happier for it.

“But?” Hope burned in him, feeble and small. “But what? Tell me there’s something good. That there’s a way to fix this.”

“No, there’s not but. I don’t know why I said that.”

Hope choked in its own embers and he was left feeling cold again. “That’s it?” Tears fell from his eyes.

“That’s it, yes.” She looked up from her feet. “We’ve talked about this a million times. You will get over it. People alway do. I did. Things will get good for you again.” She truly believed that.

“I just need time?”

“Yes! It just takes some time. For you, I think it will take something like…twenty years, maybe? It was hard for me too. I used to think I couldn’t live without you.” A smile in her voice. “But I can.”

Leonard opened his mouth but no sounds came out. He felt even worse at seeing her pull her shoulders back, a clear attempt to face whatever he was about to say. In a moment he understood, his mere presence was making her sad.

“Twenty years? That’s so much time…” He finally said because there was nothing else he could say.

The Goddess nodded slowly. “Yes. It only took me a week, maybe two.” She smiled and exaggeratedly wiped her brow. “Phew!”

“But you felt that way once? That you couldn’t live without me?” They were scraps but he would cling to them with all his being.

“Yes. But that time is gone now. So very gone.” She sounded relieved.

The Goddess looked over her shoulder again, she raised a hand and waved. The driver waved back.

“Your Holiness, Goddess Calliope, I’m sorry I made you sad.” Each word took a heroic effort. It felt like chewing gravel, sand and rocks. But he managed to say them.

“It’s okay.” She forgave him.

Leonard dropped to his knees and put his face in his hands, he couldn’t stop the tears even if he wanted. Sobbing, he begged again. “It doesn’t have to be like this. Can we try again?!”

“No, Leonard, we can’t.”

“But why?!” He wailed.

“Because you tossed me aside.”

Leonard only wailed harder. He wasn’t sure how long he spent crying but when he opened his eyes again, she was still there, in front of him. He looked up at her with wide, sorrowful eyes. “Why can’t we be together? I can do better! Be better!”

Leonard imagined that her face was kind as she looked at him. “Leonard, we can’t be together because you’re insane. Greed made you insane.”

“Insane?” Leonard frowned, that didn’t sound right. “How?”

She shook her head sadly at him. A couple of tears hit the grass below her feet. “You know exactly what I mean.”

Leonard didn’t know, but he didn’t want her to be disappointed in him again. He lied. “I think I know.”

It didn’t work, she sighed and his heart broke eternally. “No, you don’t. You’ve worked as a merchant for so long that you can’t even talk like a normal person anymore. It’s always about gold and profit and exploiting others.”

Leonard crossed his arms, feeling attacked. “Wanting profit is absolutely normal. It’s how the world moves. It’s how you get the things that you want.”

“Like me?” Her voice was small.

“Yes.” He couldn’t stop himself.

“Oh Leonard…you’re ill. You’re an old, fat, insane man. And you have to stay in hell until the end of your miserable life. And I have to go live my life, free of you.” He had never heard her be so cruel before.

Leonard broke, he couldn’t let her go. “You promised to love me and that you would stay by my side! You promised that you would always come back to me.” His voice broke at the end.

“We both said and promised a lot of things.” Her voice was steady. “And yet you threw me away.”

“But I didn’t! I was, I was…I was certain that I would win…When we got married, you wrote me a letter! You said that you were thankful for me, that I was a gentle soul…” He bit off bitterly.

“That was someone else, Leonard. I was someone else then. Filled to the brim with grief, loss and desperation. But I’m no longer that person.” She pointed to herself. “This has taken her place and I will devour you. Leonard. I will eat away at your mind and soul.”

“Did you love me?”

“Oh Leonard. I was willing to be by your side for the rest of my life. You were my first. My first kiss, my first time to have sex. You were my first and the worst. I will always have that with me. But that is all there is to it. Like a carriage ticket stub. It doesn’t do anything anymore.” She was very matter-of-fact.

“A ticket stub…” He said numbly.

She sighed again. “Yes, let’s talk about that.” She nodded. “We were just married and I was sad about my mother-” He interrupted her.

“No, let’s not. Please.” Flashes of her crying torture him, he wished he could go back and do things differently.

“Suit yourself, but this proves that our interactions will always be filled with pain and regret.” Her voice was kind, even if the words weren’t.

Leonard looked around, the sun was almost set. He didn’t have much time.

“Can’t you turn back to the person you were? The one that was willing to be with me?” He asked, defeated.

“No. You scared her away. With your greed and insanity.” She tilted her head in a gesture he had seen someone else do. “Leaving me alone in that huge house, keeping me away from the people I loved… Can’t you see? I can never be with you again. I can only be with someone new.” She glanced back at the driver as she said that.

Leonard thought he should stand up, but he didn’t have the strength, so he stayed kneeling in the grass. “What now? What happens now? What is there to talk about?” His voice was hollow, empty.

“Is there really anything left to discuss?” She sounded surprised. “If not, we can always repeat one of the things we have already talked about. Talk about it AGAIN.” She was exasperated.“ If you don’t feel like doing that, you should let me go.” She glanced back at the driver.

“Don’t go…” He sounded pathetic and he didn’t care.

“I have to, Leonard. Really. I already wasted so much time.” Her hand lifted the bag off the floor. “I’m going to go now.”

Leonard’s eyes hurt from crying so much. He wanted to cry even more now, but he couldn’t. He could watch as she left him behind. He no longer had any power over her.

He raised a hand, as if to stop her. “Hold on, what is there to do in T̶̡̮̪̞̖̐ḫ̶̥̬̣͗̍̄ͅḙ̷͎̀̃́ ̷̳̪̮́͜F̶̛͗̉́́ͅa̷̞̟̜͑̕ř̵͔̯̼̎͑͘m̶̙̉̉̄̊?”

“Everything! Love, life, culture, people. It’s so much better than here. Nothing there reminds me of you and the horrible times I had at your side.” She sounded so happy.

“Wait, we can…we can…we can have a cup of tea. Do you want tea?” He ran out of ideas on how to keep her there, with him.

“No, that would only be painful and dull. At the T̶̡̮̪̞̖̐ḫ̶̥̬̣͗̍̄ͅḙ̷͎̀̃́ ̷̳̪̮́͜F̶̛͗̉́́ͅa̷̞̟̜͑̕ř̵͔̯̼̎͑͘m̶̙̉̉̄̊, love, life, and family are waiting for me. Here, with you, only greed, dust and misery.” She was turning away from him, facing the carriage and the driver that would take her so far away.

“But…your letter…you said to not let you go…” He was fighting for his very soul at this moment.

“That was someone else. I betrayed her, overwrote her, and am happier for it. And I’m really going now. The time is up.” She turned.

Her back was much larger than he ever remembered.

“Will we ever see each other again?” He needed hope.

She turned her face and he could see a single green eye looking at him in pity. “I won’t see you but you will see me.”

“How?” Leonard frowned.

“Oh, Leonard, this is a dream, can’t you see? I’m already long gone. Who knows how many times you’ve seen this dream by now.” She looked around. “A hundred, two hundred, a thousand?” She shrugged.

“I don’t remember…how will I see you again if I don’t remember?”

“Right here. Tomorrow night. You’ve had this dream every night since waking up on that massage table. You can’t stop it.” She started walking away from him, her voice still ringing clear in his ears. “In the dream I’m suffocatingly beautiful and young. I smell of vanilla and peaches…”

“I like this.” If this was the only way to see her, he would take it. He would happily experience this dream again.

She scoffed. “Oh, yes. This is real darkness. You’re so greedy that you can let go of me. Real darkness has love for a face. The first death is in the heart, Leonard.” She walked closer and closer to the carriage.

His vision grew dark, the dream was ending, he knew.

“See you tomorrow Leonard.” Was the last thing he heard before waking up.

He was covered in sweat, his eyes itched and it took him a moment to understand what had just happened. Leonard slammed his head in the pillow and stared at the ceiling. His vision grew blurry with tears and he was angry, so angry, at himself mostly.

The Penelope in his dreams was right. He had abandoned her.

Taking a deep breath he stood up to start his day. It had been almost a month since that priestess had broken the crest, a month since this hell began.

He had sent people to try and find Penelope, he had tried her parents' home but they no longer lived there. The house was now occupied by a young couple.

He sent people to the Cooper Farm but they returned empty handed as well.

Penelope was lost. He had lost her.


Yeah, if you've played Disco Elysium then this scene will seem familiar. I took heavy inspiration from the break-up scene.


Some spoilers I guess about the chapter:

No, this is not magic. It's just Leonard's psyche being fucky. It's why the Penelope in the dream claims to have been Leonard's first despite that not being the actual case. So this is mostly Leonard punishing himself.
Grief can be weird.

Chapter 144: Communication (Message)


Communication is hard.


A new Universe. I had this idea after watching a Neil DeGrasse video about signal decay and the best way to transmit signals across the universe.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“No, you’re wrong. Spock is the perfect portrayal of-” Leonard rudely interrupted Sheldon.

“Shut up, shut up, shut up.” Sheldon was about to turn and make his displeasure known but his roomate had his eyes focused on the TV in front of them.

“Oh my god…” Penny suddenly grabbed his leg and before he could admonish her for this infraction his brain finally caught up with the words on TV and the words died in his throat.

Wordlessly he turned the volume up even before Bernadette, Amy or anyone else could ask for it.

“In 1947 the US government recovered a flying saucer from Roswell-” Sheldon listened as the man dressed in military gear spoke at length. Maybe a General. Sheldon knew how to identify generals from majors and officers. Knew when the word general was used for the first time in the English language. And he couldn’t remember any of it at the moment.

“The US government covered up this incident, afraid that it could incite civilian unrest at a critical time. The reason why we’re disclosing this right now is because approximately two hours ago a new crash occurred in the middle of New York City. The crash site is practically identical as far as recovered artifacts are concerned.” The General showed several pictures to the camera.

“This is the ‘flying saucer’. They’re identical in size and appear to be made from the same material. An alloy that took us many years to identify and use for our own purposes. This is made out of a mixture of inconel, magnesium, gadolinium and lithium that we have been unable to fully replicate but that has advanced our own metallurgy by leaps and bounds since it came into our hands.” The General didn’t look too happy to be disclosing any of this information and Sheldon imagined that other world governments were scrambling to try and get their hands on this stuff.

Another photo came up and a thousand camera flashes went off. “This is some sort of ‘mannequin’ that was inside the saucer. It stands at only 6 feet and it’s made out of the same alloy as the saucer. Both the Roswell and the New York crashes had three mannequins inside.” Shouts and questions flew at the General but he ignored them, instead showing another picture.

“And finally, this.” The picture showed a yellow disc with some engravings. “This is the reason why we’re showing this to the public. We know that this is some sort of message but we have been unable to decipher it. Experts from all over the world were sworn to secrecy and none have been able to crack it. It’s made out of a gold and titanium alloy.” The General took a deep breath before continuing. “And its copy was stolen from the New York site. This has forced our hand as it has become obvious that this disc can become a weapon in and onto itself. We will publish all of our research as well as high definition pictures of the disc on a website that should be appearing on your screen.”

Sheldon, Leonard and the rest didn’t waste any time in opening their laptops and visiting the site shown on screen.

“I can’t get in!” Howard yelled.

“Me neither.” Amy informed them

“Got it.” Leonard said and everyone else crowded around him. Sheldon had also been able to access and he was devouring all of the information in front of him.

The General kept talking. “We offer this to the world hoping that someone out there will be able to crack the message and reveal it to all. A two hundred million dollar reward is being offered as a bounty-” Sheldon tuned the TV out and focused on his laptop.

He ignored the pictures of the saucer and the mannequin and focused on the golden disc.

It didn’t make sense.

The engravings were purposely made, that much was clear, however, there didn’t seem to be any logic in their placement. Dots, lines and circles swam in static entropy. A headache was born just by watching the patterns.

Next thing he knew he was holding his head as the room revolved around him.

“Oh Sweetie, are you okay?” Penny was by his side in a moment and he tried to nod but he stopped right away as the headache became worse by it. He blindly closed the laptop and leaned back against the couch.

Penny’s cold hand on his forehead brought him comfort and he savored the feeling.

In the background the TV kept adding to the noise.

“We have faith that someone out there will be able to help us crack this.” The General said.

Excitement buzzed for several months after this press conference, people discussing if this was truly alien or a plot by another country. Famous scientists from across the spectrum all swore to try and resolve the mystery of the golden disc.

But like all things the buzz eventually died down. A new celebrity scandal occurred and people were more worried about finding out who cheated on who.

Even his friends were guilty of this.

“No, no, no, John Meltz is a piece of shit for cheating on her.” Penny argued. “Don’t you think so Honey?” She turned towards Leonard.

“No, you’re wrong. Alice wasn’t giving him any, what was he supposed to do?” Howard argued back. “C’mon buddy, you know I’m right.” Howard turned towards Leonard as well.

“I don’t know guys…I mean, I can see both points of view.” Leonard tried to not commit to any position.

“What?! She wasn’t giving him ‘any’ because she was pregnant with twins and while she almost died in the hospital he was in cabo screwing that wannabe singer!” Penny passionately argued.

“C’mon Penny, a little head wouldn’t have killed her.” Howard joked and even Sheldon realized that the entire room had now shifted against him.

“Oh, is that right?” Bernadette’s mousey voice had an edge of something Sheldon suspected to be all consuming rage.

“No, Honeybee, Sweetiepie, Bernie my love. I didn’t mean it like that.” Howard cowered as he begged for understanding.

As this was happening Sheldon focused on his research. He should be reading that new paper on antimatter that Amy had emailed him but unlike his friends he wasn’t able to put the matter of the golden disc to rest.

“Sheldon!” He hastily looked up at hearing his name. “I’ve been calling your name for the last five minutes. What do you think, who is in the right? John or Alice?”

Sheldon frowned before deadpanning. “I don’t care.” He returned to his laptop and tried to ignore his friends.

“See, not even Sheldon cares! It’s a small thing, really.” Howard said and yelped when Bernadette slapped him in the arm.

“Do you think that you’ll ever have sex with Amy?” Penny asked him and Sheldon had to pause for a long moment to gather his thoughts.

This was Penny that was asking him and he had to take the question seriously.

“Perhaps one day I’ll be okay with the idea.” He admitted.

Penny looked like she wanted to say something but she stayed quiet, all the while looking at her bedroom door for some reason. He was in her apartment and his original reason to be here was to try and understand why Amy was so frustrated with him.

He stopped.

“Is that why she’s frustrated and angry at me?” Sheldon asked, baffled. “She wants to have coitus?”

“Well…yeah. It’s been two years, Sweetie, it’s a surprise she’s held out for so long.” Penny explained, still glancing at her bedroom occasionally. “What’s holding you back? I know you’ve mentioned urges before and I’m never going to forget that we met with you coming back from a sperm bank.” She tried to joke.

“I…” Sheldon frowned and put his chin on his fist. “I find Amy a fantastic scientific ‘buddy’ and do enjoy the time we spend together but…”

Penny scooted closer to him and in a low voice asked. “But?”

Sheldon scratched his forehead to try and hide his eyes from Penny. He didn’t want to make eye contact with what he was about to reveal. “I don’t find myself physically attracted to her.” While often uncaring of social norms he still felt the need to defend his position, perhaps because of how close Penny was to Amy. “Not that physical attraction is needed, mind you. I think I could spend the rest of my life with Amy as platonic partners. Maybe one day try in vitro fertilization for children.”

Penny cringed with each word that came out of his mouth and Sheldon found himself feeling shame. His mother liked Amy, his friends liked Amy. He liked Amy.

He just wasn’t attracted to her.

“Amy has been pushing for our relationship to be more sexual in nature but I find the idea unappealing and to a certain degree, unpalatable. But if it will make Amy happy I believe that I can ‘grit my teeth’ and go through with the whole messy business.” Sheldon nodded to himself, already having made up his mind on this.

Penny kept cringing and covered her face with her hands. “I think you’ve said enough, Sweetie.” Her words were muffled but he didn’t have any issues hearing her.

“I agree. Talking about it makes me shudder.”

“Oh Sheldon…” Penny muttered and shook her head. “I think you need to rethink your relationship. You shouldn’t be having sex just because that’ll keep your partner with you.”

Sheldon frowned, confused. “But you do it.”

Penny opened her mouth, shock and outrage on her face. “Excuse me?” She said with a laugh but Sheldon knew that was her angry laugh. He was getting better at understanding her.

“You have sex with Leonard because that’s what he wants. The last eight times that he has implied wanting coitus -while we were all having dinner, I must add- your face has been one of frustrated acceptance rather than eagerness. You’ve also manipulated Bernadette to stay for longer on four of those occasions and always reacted negatively when Bernadette refused the other four.” Sheldon thought it was rather obvious.

Penny narrowed her eyes and he already knew what she was going to demand. “Get the hell out of my apartment Sheldon.”

Sheldon sighed but followed her instructions. Why couldn’t people appreciate honesty?

“Very well. Goodnight.” He knew this most likely meant the schedule for dinner would be ruined, but at least it would give him time to keep looking into the golden disc once more.

Penny trembled in rage and shame until Sheldon left her apartment. She wanted to scream and throw things but remembered she had guests and after what Sheldon just admitted one of them was probably distraught.

Sure enough, opening her bedroom door revealed one quietly crying girl and one very angry girl.

“Oh, Ames.” Penny immediately went to sit down next to Amy to hold her. “Sheldon doesn’t know what he’s talking about. You’re-” Amy shook and stood up.

“He thinks I’m hideous!” Amy started pacing. “I can’t believe it! All this time wasted, I really thought he liked me.” Her voice cracked at the end.

“No, no, no Ames, he DOES like you.” Penny tried to calm her down.

“Yeah, he likes her, as a lab partner!” Bernadette grabbed a throw pillow and punched it.

Penny opened her eyes wide and pointed with her head to the crying girl and Bernadette seemed to get it.

They kept trying to calm Amy down but whatever was going through that girl’s mind made it impossible.

“Excuse me, I need to wash my face.” Amy said after it became obvious that she wouldn’t stop crying. She closed the bedroom behind her.

“I can’t believe that Sheldon just said that!” Bernadette was still pretty mad.

“Well, he did say he might sleep with her.” Penny tried to find a positive spin to this whole thing.

“Yeah, but he made it sound like it was going to-” Bernadette stopped talking and looked towards her bathroom and then towards the bedroom door. “If Amy wanted to wash her face, why did she leave the room? The bathroom is right there.”

A pause before both of them bolted out the door. Her front door was open and in no time they were across the hallway and into 4A.

“You’re just like any other man! A pig!” Amy screamed at Sheldon. He was in his spot and his face was frozen in shock. Thankfully the rest of the group were not here at the moment. “You only want some bleached blonde bimbo? Is that it? Someone that starves themselves to try and-” Penny and Bernadette went to try and grab Amy to take her back to her apartment but the brunette was stronger than she looked.

“Amy, c’mon, let’s go.” Penny begged but Amy shook her head.

“No! I want to know why HE,” Amy pointed at Sheldon viciously. ”Doesn’t find me attractive.”

That seemed to finally pull Sheldon out of whatever shock he was in. “Really Amy, eavesdropping? That was a private conversation between Penny and I. And Penny, you should have informed me that you had guests.” He admonished her, any other time she would be firing back a smartass remark but for now she needed to take care of Amy.

“And I believe that I must stress that it’s not really about you in particular.” Sheldon stood up and moved towards his desk. “I find most physical interactions abhorrent and unnecessary. Other than Meemaw and my mother I find physical intimacy unsettling. Even Missy as my-” Amy interrupted.

“You let Penny touch you all the time. And yet I have to beg for years for one stupid chaste kiss?!”

Silence fell on the room with all the weight of a freight truck.

“Guys, don’t bring me into this please.” Better to nip this in the bud.

“Penny has earned her place as my best friend and when it became abundantly clear that she refused to respect my personal space, I had to adapt.” Sheldon admitted quite easily.

“So she can touch you but I can’t? Is it as simple as that?” Amy challenged and Penny hoped with everything she had that Sheldon would for once in his life get it.

“Yes.” He didn’t get it. “I’m glad you understand it now.” Penny closed her eyes and held onto Amy tighter. Sheldon was a different species.

Amy wasn’t expecting that answer and she sort of deflated, which meant they all went down to the couch, poor Bernadette was basically slammed into it.

“Why can’t we have a normal relationship?” Amy asked softly. “I just want someone that gets me flowers, that hugs me, that takes me out to dinner, that fucks me.”

Sheldon cringed at the end of her sentence, he didn’t like when people used the word ‘fuck’.

“That’s not who I am. Is our intellectual relationship not enough? We can be platonic partners.” He wasn’t begging but it was close enough.

Amy shook her head. “It’s not enough.” Her voice was still soft.

“Then I believe we have reached an impasse.” Sheldon stood straight with his hands behind his back. “I propose we return our relationship paradigm to friendship only.” He sounded nervous and Penny wanted to speak up but was afraid of making things worse. She had been afraid of Amy turning her anger towards her.

Amy stood up and straightened her clothes before also straightening herself up and looking at Sheldon in the eye. “I require time away from you but I am not opposed to your proposal.”

Penny cringed, Amy was sounding a lot like she did when they first met her. Robotic and distant.

“That is acceptable.” Sheldon sounded very professional before his voice turned soft. “I hope you find someone that can give you exactly what you seek, Dr Fowler.” That was the kindest he had ever sounded.

Amy nodded and woodenly moved towards the open door, Penny and Bernadette followed her but not before Penny shot Sheldon a look.

As the door closed behind Amy and the rest, Sheldon slumped a little in place and sighed, exhausted.

Why was communication so hard? This was a conversation long in the making and one he and Amy should have had before they tried for a romantic relationship. He allowed himself to be bulldozed into a relationship and because of that he was here now.

Glancing at his desktop where the image of a golden disc taunted him made Sheldon frown.

Communication was hard indeed.

“The closest match would be binary but even then it doesn’t make much sense.” Leonard scratched his head.

Sheldon made a face as he looked at his whiteboard. A large picture of the golden disc was pinned there.

Almost two years had passed since this mystery had begun haunting him. He always felt so close to the answer and yet so far away.

“Perhaps, but what if…” Sheldon narrowed his eyes as he studied the dots, lines and circles that covered the entire disc. “What if whoever made this didn’t use binary?”

Leonard scratched the top of his head and looked down at his laptop. “Ternary? But that…”

“That could work.” Sheldon nodded. “Now the question is, is it a balanced ternary or an unbalanced ternary?”

“Wow, that is insane, you might actually crack this.” Leonard smiled at him and Sheldon returned the smile briefly before focusing on the picture again. “Uh, Sheldon. I wanted to talk to you buddy.” Sheldon ignored his friend. “You see, Penny and I were thinking about moving in together, sort of a beta test thing.”

Sheldon resisted the urge to sigh. He had grown tired of pointing out the reasons why a relationship between Leonard and Penny would not work out and his friends had grown tired of listening to them.

At least Amy saw it as well. Ever since she and Zach had started a relationship she had grown more relaxed and less obsessed with Penny. Which had led to Amy realizing the toxic dynamic his friends had fallen prey to.

“And I know this is sudden but I’ll just be moving across the hall and you know maybe Raj can take my room and, and-” Sheldon raised a hand to stop Leonard.

“You’re interrupting me. Do as you will. Now focus, Leonard. This is actually important.” Sheldon motioned to the whiteboard before returning his attention to it. “Maybe we can run a simulation of the ternary language but where to start?”

“Thanks buddy. You’re supportive as always.”

Sheldon stopped and turned to look at his friend. “Sarcasm?”

Penny stared at the box of condoms with a blank face.

She and Leonard had been living together for a little over six months now. It wasn’t exactly…great. But it was okay.

Maybe Leonard left his clothes on the ground, and maybe he ate chicken parm a little too often for breakfast, and maybe he had gained more weight than she was comfortable pointing out, and maybe he didn’t do his share of chores, and maybe they didn’t go out as often…

Maybe they drank a little too much, a little too often.

But she had thought they were okay. And now the box of condoms sat there, a papercut threatening to kill her.

They didn’t use condoms. She was on the pill.

She approached the box, woodenly and stiff. It took her several tries to finally open it. The box said it was for ten condoms.

Two were missing.

Penny blinked and suddenly her vision was blurry.

No, no, no, this was a mistake. There has to be an explanation for this, there must be.

She took the box of condoms and put it on the coffee table, sat down and just stared at it, as if the box would come alive to tell her its story. Explain that this was a funny misunderstanding. Maybe the condoms were Howard’s…except he and Bernadette were trying for a kid. Raj? Why would Raj put a box of condoms in Leonard’s backpack?

There has to be an explanation.

‘We’ll laugh about this.’ She thought as Leonard opened the door.

“Sheldon really believes that he will be able to solve that golden…oh…” Leonard said excitedly before realizing what she was staring at.

Wordlessly he sat next to her. He didn’t touch her, didn’t smile and didn’t defend himself.

For a long time they sat there, not talking, not moving. The silence was thick and almost choked her. She opened her mouth several times but each time dread killed the words before they could fully form.

Without saying a word, Leonard picked up the box of condoms, put them in the pocket of his hoodie and sat back on the couch.

“What do you want for dinner?” He asked her.

Penny should tell him to fuck off, to go to hell.

“Chinese, maybe.” Instead she said nothing about the condoms.

Even if she hadn’t realized it at the time, that was the moment their relationship died.

Sheldon was confused. He watched curiously as Penny chose to sit next to him, in her old spot.

She hadn’t sat there for a long time. Her new spot was an armchair next to Leonard that now was used by Howard.

Even as socially unaware as he admittedly was, he knew that something was wrong. The rest of the group must have been aware as well as none made mention of the change in dynamic.

Howard joked more than usual, Raj talked everyone’s ear off the moment silence fell on the group, Zach laughed nervously at everything, Bernadette held onto Penny’s hand while she pretended she wasn’t glaring at Leonard, and Amy made it a point to interrupt Leonard every time he tried to speak.

Something was very wrong. A familiar weight settled in his stomach.

Sheldon felt as if he had to say something but wasn’t really sure why. In the end he decided to go along and pretend that nothing was wrong and said nothing.

It wasn’t until much later when everyone else had gone home that he realized why this situation had felt familiar. It was the same as when his parents were fighting while pretending everything was fine.

Sheldon looked back at the closed door of his apartment.

It wasn’t his business…A memory of his mom softly crying behind her bedroom door assaulted him and in a rare display of emotion he snarled at nothing before opening his door and walking across the hall.

*knock, knock, knock*


Not the end of it but I wanted to publish this first half (First third, perhaps.)

Chapter 145: Die for you


Riding a bike in an empty parking lot.


I had to write this down, the scene would not leave my head. New Universe.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Penelope sat on the parking lot’s half wall, staring at nothing while trying not to cry. She wasn’t very successful and had to take her black rimmed glasses off to wipe at her eyes with her trusty handkerchief.

A loud roaring made her look up and even through her blurry eyes she could recognize Shelly’s motorcycle.

Of course he noticed her as well, but instead of having the decency of ignoring her, he stopped the bike in front of her and took off his helmet.

“Hey Slugger, you okay?” His usual cheery voice was subdued and it made her angry.

“Only my father may call me that.” She glared at him and he grinned a little. “It’s none of your business. Leave me alone.”

Shelly got off the bike and took a seat next to her, his helmet sitting between them.

“No can do. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you cry. You’re always so…uppity. I didn’t think you could even cry.” He joked.

She didn’t react besides glaring at him.

“Bad day?” He couldn’t leave her alone it seemed.

Penelope sniffed. “You wouldn’t get it.” She refused to turn and look at him.

“Bad days?! You’re speaking to the king of bad days. In fact, I’m coming back from another audition that I’m pretty sure I’m not getting a callback from.” He lightly kicked her foot with his.

“But you’re used to failure.” Penelope immediately felt bad. “I’m…that was uncalled for.” She knew she should apologize but the words didn’t come out the way she wanted.

“No, you’re right. I’ve been here since I was eighteen and now eight years later I’m still just an extra. If it wasn’t for my sister I don’t know what I would be doing.” He didn’t sound offended.

Penelope really felt bad about what she had said. While her relationship with Shelly was…weird, she liked Missy a lot. She worked at Caltech as well and by chance they had ended up living across the hall from each other.

“I’m sorry.” She gritted out before slumping in place and sighing. “I…I made a proposal for a grant, I wanted to go to the Arctic to search for evidence of slow moving monopoles and finally prove string theory…but they gave it to Leslie Winkle and her dumb idea of researching weave states.” By the end she was ranting with venom in her voice and had even stood up, but just as suddenly she sat back down and hung her head in shame. “I had worked so hard.”

Shelly hummed sympathetically and she had been afraid he would try to touch her but he didn’t move. “That’s rough. I’ve been passed over many times and the sting never goes away.”

Penelope wanted to tell him that this was nothing like that, that being compared cheapened her experience. Instead she nodded and wiped her eyes again.

“Do you want to go for a ride? That always helps me feel better.” Shelly stood up and extended a hand towards her.

She stared at his hand and for some unfathomable reason she took it, but a moment later she took it back.

“I’ve never ridden a motorcycle and I think being in traffic would only make me panic.” She needed to back out.

Shelly looked sad for a moment before he looked around at the mostly empty parking lot. It was a Friday night so most people were out.

“How about we just ride here?” He gestured with his hands to the parking lot behind him.

Penelope blinked, confused. “How?”

“Yeah, yeah, c’mon.” He got on the bike and extended his hand again. “I first learned how to ride a bike in a parking lot like this. My Meemaw taught me.”

She observed his hand for what felt like a long time. His nails were painted in a dark purple and they looked much neater than her own bitten nails.

“C’mon!” He invited her again and taking a deep breath she took his hand.

For a moment she struggled to get behind him, it was more intimate than she had expected. She could feel the heat radiating off him and the bike and it made her shake nervously.

“Put your hands like this.” He grabbed her hands and put her arms around him in an embrace.

She swallowed.

“Hold on, we’re going to start slowly.” He warned her and she nodded. He couldn’t see her but it wasn’t needed with her cheek on his back.

She held tightly onto him, afraid of falling off the bike and smashing her head open. ‘This was a bad idea!’

It wasn’t until the fifth loop around the parking lot that she relaxed enough to enjoy the rumbling of the bike between her legs, the warm summer breeze and the way that the street lights shone and disappeared in constant intervals.

Her breathing relaxed and she allowed her full body weight to rest against Shelly.

‘This is nice.’ She smiled to herself.

Shelly stopped the bike and turned towards her. “Ready to go a little faster?”

Penelope nodded against his back.

“Oh wait, hold on.” She stood up and watched as he rummaged through his jacket pockets. He pulled out his phone and a pair of earphones. He offered her one and put one in his ear.

She stared at the earphone and thought about how easy ear infections can happen…but still took it and put it in her ear, soft music started playing.

She settled against his back again and Shelly drove them around the parking lot once more.

♫ I used to be. Somebody in another skin. ♫

The song, the bike, and the company made her forget about her horrible day.

♫ I hope you're getting everything you needed. ♫

Shelly’s jacket smelled like cinnamon and she closed her eyes as she tightened her embrace.

♫ Found the puzzle piece and feel completed. ♫

Maybe things were going to be okay after all.


This was inspired by two things.

The first is that Young Sheldon episode where they show alternate universes and in one Missy is the smart one and Sheldon the normie.

And the second was this video ...yeah, I don't know. Inspiration hits when it hits.

I didn't want to make Penny a copy of Amy and I didn't want to make Sheldon a copy of Penny. I hope they're still recognizable as themselves.

Chapter 146: Oath


Sheldor takes his Oaths seriously.


New Universe. Saw a clip from 'Dimension 20 A court of Fey and flowers' and this was born.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Penelope grumbled as she stomped towards the throne room. “Why did it have to be so early?”

“Most people wouldn’t call noon ‘early’.” Sheldor replied dryly. He was following three steps behind her as always.

“Whatever.” She said under her breath. The maids had washed and dressed her in these horrible puffy clothes which she had then promptly removed and dressed back into her leather armor. She didn’t like dressing like a princess, just because she was one didn’t mean she had to dress like one.

“Eloquent as always.” Sheldor somehow had heard her even when she spoke so low.

“That’s not fair, you can’t use magic to listen to people.” She pouted.

“Not magic, just acute hearing.” Sheldor always had to have the last word.

“I’m your princess, you know. You’re not supposed to talk back to me. I could have your head.” She started walking backwards watching his reaction.

“You’re going to fall.” Sheldor chided her and she made a face at him. “While it’s true that you could ask for my head, only your father has the final say in it.”

“You’re no fun.” She went back to walking straight but this time with a spring on her step.

It took a long time to finally reach the throne room and she was surprised to not only see the doors open but also to hear loud yelling from the room. The guards at the door didn’t look panicked, more like bored but she still wanted to be on the safe side.

“Sheldor.” They have been together for so long that just a single word was enough to make sure her knight was prepared for anything. She didn’t need to look back to confirm he was on kill mode.

Carefully she entered the throne room and found her father sitting on his throne, looking quite angry.

Her magic teacher was the one yelling. “Sire, you can’t! Please reconsider this, I-we-this country needs the princess!”

“Magus Lennard. Have you forgotten who you are speaking to?” Her dad’s advisor chastised her teacher, which was funny because she was also Lennard’s mother. Penelope had never liked her much.

“I apologize but…guys?” Lennard grimaced and looked at his friends. Hayward, her music teacher gulped and tried to hide behind Ra’j, her dance teacher.

“Magus Lennard, you will retire yourself to your chambers until you have calmed down.” Penelope giggled at that because it sounded like his mom had just sent him to his room. Unfortunately, that made everyone notice her. “Ah, the princess finally appears.”

She curtsied as it was appropriate and smiled at the people gathered. “Hi daddy. You called?”

Her father didn’t smile back. Uh oh, that meant he was in ‘King Guyot’ mood.

“Sire!” Lennard interrupted again and this time his mother snapped her fingers, ghostly vines wound themselves around Lennard and Penelope widened her eyes. Magic was so cool.

“Princess Penelope, the King has an announcement that concerns you.” The woman must have used magic to amplify her voice.

“Penelope. My daughter.” Her father’s face was hard but his voice was more tired than angry. “You have skewed your royal duties with great contempt. You have shown little regard in learning how to be a proper ruler. You much rather gallivant around like a common adventurer than to take your rightful place.” Her father stood up.

“Your brother is a drunkard that will drink himself into an early grave. He would sell this country for a drop of mead. Your sister married into another house. You were supposed to take this country and lead it in my stead.” He rubbed at his beard. “Perhaps I’ve been too soft on you.”


“Silence.” Her dad rarely talked to her like this.

“As I was saying, perhaps I have been too soft on you. You need to experience the real world to understand your own insignificance and appreciate what you had in this castle.”

Penelope opened her mouth but no sounds came out.

“You are banished from this castle for twelve moons. Should you survive long enough then you can return to continue your education. There is no other result I’ll find acceptable. Either you survive or you don’t.” Her dad’s face broke for a moment and she could see the pain underneath the kingly mask.

“The maids have prepared a bag for you. As you love adventurers so much I thought it fitting to give you an adventurer’s pack. Clothes, a sword, a dagger and enough gold to pay for two nights in a decent inn. You may take one thing from your bedroom but as soon as you do, the guards will escort you out.” Having said his piece her father returned to his throne.

Silence reigned in the room.

This was awesome! She could finally live her life the way she wanted. No more etiquette lessons, no more slaps for not eating like a lady. She would be able to drink out in the open. She couldn’t wait to show Sheldor how many tankards she could…oh.

“Does that mean I’m no longer a princess?” She already knew the answer.

“That is correct, you’re no longer Princess Penelope.” Lennard’s mother was the one to confirm it.

“Oh…” If she wasn’t a princess then she wouldn’t need a Knight Protector. Penelope glanced back at Sheldor but he was looking straight ahead, unmoving and expressionless. He had been with her since she could remember. She also looked towards the maids and saw that Bernadetta was crying softly into a handkerchief. That’s right, it also meant she couldn’t talk to her friends…

Penelope blinked and tears gathered in her eyes, she tried to hold them back but it was useless. This castle was her whole life, she loved training with Sheldor, gossiping with the maids and sneaking out the castle with Bernadetta to the local tavern.

“Daddy?” Her father ignored her, looking off to the side.

“Penelope the adventurer. Leave the throne room at once.” Lennard’s mother ordered her and she looked around for some sort of help but Lennard was still restrained in the vines and his mouth was covered so he couldn’t make noise. Hayward and Ra’j avoided her searching gaze.

“I…I understand.” Her voice broke “I’ll miss you all. I’ll be lonely without you.” She meant every word.

Slowly she turned to walk out of the throne room and came face to face with Sheldor. Her throat closed. He was her oldest friend and now she had to say goodbye.

Sheldor still didn’t move, still looking straight ahead with a serious look on his face.

She contemplated kissing his cheek, telling him how much he meant to her…instead she only pressed her hand to his armor clad chest for a moment before sidestepping him to go back to her room.

The familiar clanking and groaning of his armor followed her and she turned surprised. Sheldor was following her like normal. She choked on her words.

“Knight Protector Sheldor. Where are you going?” Her father asked and she looked up to see he had stood up once more.

“To follow my princess, Sire.” Sheldor replied right away.

“You no longer have a princess, Knight Protector. Stand down.” Her father’s voice was hard and she could see the throne room guards shift uncomfortably, eyeing each other.

“Sire. Respectfully. I am simply following my Oath.” Sheldor turned to look at her father.

“You swore an Oath to me, Knight Protector.”

“Sire, do you remember the Oath you asked of me when Princess Penelope was born?” Sheldor’s voice was calm.

Her father frowned for a moment before his eyes widened. “You were a child! No older than five summers. It was a childish Oath, I asked you to protect Penelope for eternity.”

“Aye. And I swore it.”

“You also swore your loyalty to me, as your King!” Her father was close to shouting.

Sheldor nodded and turned towards her. “You said you would feel lonely.”

Penelope nodded, unable to speak.

“Never here. Not while I draw breath.” His eyes were intense and serious. Carefully he started removing his armor, piece by piece. “I hereby renounce this court in its entirety and forswear all Oaths of loyalty to king and kin.” Gasps filled the room.

Sheldor stood only in his pants and undershirt, holding his trusty sword.

“If you are orphaned, then so am I. And you will never know a lonely day as long as I draw breath.”

Penelope gasped and then fearfully looked at the guards around them, but she shouldn’t have worried, as long as Sheldor had his sword no one could touch him and the guards knew it.

“You’re all I need.” She managed to get out as she embraced him tightly.

“Told you it would work.” Guyot heard the whisper from his advisor and he had to admit she had been right.

“Yeah, you told me. A bet is a bet, you can have a new potions dungeon.” He grumbled before clearing his throat to finish his performance.

“Sheldor, Penelope. I believe we need to talk in private.” Guyot didn’t miss how Sheldon hadn’t relaxed his grip on his sword and he especially didn’t miss the way the guards were nervously trying to step away from Sheldor.

Why couldn’t he find more like Sheldor?


I do really like writing them as Sheldor and Penelope.

Chapter 147: Language (Message)


Sequel to Communication


Second part of this Universe.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

*knock, knock, knock*

Penny stopped with the glass halfway to her mouth. Leonard turned to give her a questioning look before shaking his head and skulking into their bedroom. Guess that meant she was on Wackadoodle duty.

*knock, knock, knock*

She eyed the glass full of wine with longing and regret. She just wanted to pass out and feel nothing but of course Sheldon was the one keeping her from that. She moved to set the glass on the kitchen counter, not wanting to deal with Sheldon’s lectures about her drinking. Not today.

*knock, knock, knock*

“Whatup Moonpie?” She opened the door and grinned cheekily up at the tall pain in the ass.

Sheldon opened his mouth, probably to say something about her use of English or something but after a moment he shut it and instead fidgeted in place while frowning.

Penny was confused, this was new. Sheldon was never nervous like this. Oh!

“Sheldon, Honey. Amy is with Zach now, you can’t have-”

“Amy? What does Amy have to do with anything?” He was looking at her like she was the crazy one.

“Wait. This isn’t you regretting breaking up with Amy and asking for my help to get her back?” She asked him.

“It’s fascinating how your mind works. I blame it on your overindulgence of romance media.” He looked much more comfortable now that he was insulting her.

“Yeah, no. I’m the crazy one.” She shook her head. “Anyway, what do you want? Isn’t already past your bedtime?”

“Charming.” He said dryly but soon started fidgeting again. “I…Penny, would you like a cup of tea?” He gestured back towards his apartment but she shook her head.

“Sheldon, it’s been a long day. Heck, it’s been a long month. Tell me what you need before I kick you in the shin.” She knew she was being a little mean, but she wasn’t exactly feeling like her usual self at the moment.

“Penny. Are you okay?” And it was the plan and utter concern on his voice and face that almost made her break down.

Penny felt her throat close and her vision grew blurry. The low burning ache in her chest became a raging inferno. She couldn’t talk for a long moment and had to close her eyes and hug herself to stop her tears from falling.

Even Sheldon with his usual lack of care for anything human must have realized by this point that no, she wasn’t okay.

Besides Leonard, Sheldon was her oldest friend. The one that somehow got under her skin and the one that should have annoyed her the hell out of her wits, but she had forgotten about these moments, the very human being underneath all of his idiosyncrasies that shone like a sun.

Still, she wasn’t ready to face the elephant in the room. Clearing her throat she tried to pretend everything was fine. “What makes you think I’m not?” She still had her eyes closed.

Sheldon said nothing and she risked opening her eyes to see him look down at his feet. She imagined this is what he must have looked like as a kid when he thought he had done something wrong, which knowing him, probably wasn’t very often.

Penny sniffed and fully stepped out into the hallway, closing the door behind her. She didn’t want Leonard hearing whatever Sheldon was about to say.

Sheldon looked up and then took a step back at seeing her so close. He looked up at the ceiling then back at his feet, at the stairs and then at his hands before timidly looking up at her face.

“You had the same look on your face that my mother used to have…whenever my father would arrive home smelling of another woman’s perfume.” He said it in a low voice, as if his mom could hear him and that was what broke her.

Taking two long steps she latched onto Sheldon and held him tightly. He yelped but to his credit didn’t move back.

“LeonardischeatingonmeandIdon’tknowhowtofeelIthoughthelovedmeIreallythoughthelovedme.” She said quickly before the tears could overwhelm her and once she took a deep breath to try and keep explaining but only hiccups and sobs came out of her mouth.

“There, there. Sheldon is here.”

Leonard watched with a blank face as Penny packed a bag.

He wanted to tell her to stop. That they could work on this together. But something made him keep his mouth shut.

“I think we need time away from each other.” Penny had told him and he had just sat at the edge of the bed. “I’ll be back in a couple of days and I expect that you’ll be gone.”

Of course he knew why.

Leonard didn’t know why he had done it. It wasn’t like he was miserable with Penny, not at all. He really thought they had worked out most of their issues…but, was that all there was?

He loved Penny, he really did.

But she wasn’t all that he had imagined. She liked watching football and America’s Next Top Model. Liked beer and wings but also wine and cheese. She was beautiful but now he had seen her without makeup and freshly out of bed and some days he couldn’t unsee it.

He hated seeing the tampons in the bathroom, hated how she didn’t do dishes, hated that she stayed up late on her phone watching Tik Tok while he was trying to sleep. Hated that she smiled at other men.

And then she started making more money than him.

That stinged. He was the man, he was supposed to be providing for her. Now she could leave him without any worries and he hated that.

It started as a way to vent.

“You’re a loser Hofstadter.” Leslie told him. “You’re living the dream with your bimbo Barbie and somehow you still make it sound like a chore.” She was packing her violin, they were left alone in the room they were using for practice.

He didn’t mean for it to get out of hand.

Leslie slapped him, hard, before pulling him and returning the kiss. “You’re an asshole.” She broke the kiss to tell him and quickly left the room.

He wasn’t a bad guy.

It was band practice night. Penny would be with Sheldon and Raj until midnight. He eyed the condom display and then turned to look around him but the Target aisle was empty. He reached out a hand but stopped before grabbing the box. He could still walk away.

Taking the box had been a mistake.

Just like sleeping with Leslie had been a mistake. The next weekend he went to her house to end their affair once and for all but he made another mistake and ended up sleeping with her again.

Penny found the box of condoms not long after.

He entered the apartment and saw her sitting in the dark looking at something on the coffee table. He knew right away what it was. It wasn’t until this moment that he understood how stupid he had been and how many mistakes he had made.

Leonard could already see his life falling apart. So he did the only thing he could.

He pretended nothing was wrong.

Penny did the same but they no longer hugged. No longer kissed. They didn’t make love. She avoided him even when they were all together as a group but he was hopeful. Hopeful that she would forgive and forget, after all, her kindness was one of the things that had attracted him the most about her.

Yeah, they were going to be okay. This was just a speed bump in their relationship. They would come out stronger out of this. He had thought and now he was losing Penny, over a stupid mistake!

He still hadn’t broken it off with Leslie but he was going to. He would be the perfect boyfriend and maybe he could even propose…Not even he could believe that.

Leonard put his head in his hands and mourned what he had lost.

Why couldn’t he catch a break?

Sheldon blinked and tilted his head as he watched his friend. “I’m sorry. Are you asking to move back in?”

“Yes Sheldon, the beta test thing with Penny…didn’t work out.”

Sheldon hummed in thought for a moment. “I believe that I should inform you that Amy contacted me and told me ‘If you take that son of a bitch back then I’ll castrate you’, which I’m not keen on putting to the test. So, no. You may not move back in.”

“Sheldon, did you hear?!” Raj barreled into the cafeteria and stopped in front of him. “They found the other golden disc!” He ran off right after saying that.

With his lunch now forgotten Sheldon quickly checked his phone and found the right article.

His eyes quickly devoured the information. “Second disc was in Florida. Taken by a tourist. No damage to the disc. Different from the original disc.”

The second disc was different!

Thankfully the photo of the second disc was already everywhere and it took him a moment to find an HD image. Quickly comparing it to the image in his head he could already tell the difference. Some lines and circles were different while the dots were the same.


Penny looked around her apartment with puffy eyes. She had cleaned and redecorated the place until it no longer reminded her of Leonard. But now the place felt too big for her and like she was going to choke on something.

Which might be the fumes from the cleaning supplies she borrowed from Sheldon, so she opened a window and moved across the hall.

She found the Wackadoodle sitting in his spot with his laptop in front of him and for some reason he was counting with his fingers like a kid learning math for the first time.

“Hey Sheldon, learning two plus two?” Sheldon frowned and looked up, she saw as his eyes quickly roamed her face and whatever smartass answer he had been thinking about never left his mouth.

“This is actually a traditional way of counting in ternary.”

Penny took a seat next to him and peeked at his laptop screen. “Ah, the golden disc thingy. Feeling close to cracking it?”

“Not quite. I had initially thought these gravings could be ternary but I have been unable to come up with a simulation that makes sense.” He went back to looking at his fingers. “Oh, there’s some Chinese leftovers in the refrigerator if you’re hungry.” He said as an afterthought.

She smiled and ruffled his hair, ignoring his glare. “Thank you Honey.”

While she reheated the noodles she kept an eye on Sheldon. Leonard had once shown her an anime about ninjas and how they could do magic by moving their fingers in weird ways…Sheldon looked like one of those ninjas now. Fingers quickly moved in a sequence that only made sense to him.

“Can’t you use a computer for that?” She asked from the kitchen.

“Of course I could, but this helps me focus.”

“Imagine those aliens finding out you solved their super advanced code using finger math?” She joked.

Sheldon frowned. “What makes you think it’s ‘super advanced’?”

Penny took out the noodles from the microwave, grabbed a fork and went back to sitting next to Sheldon. “Well, it makes sense that they have like these super advanced computers that we can only dream of, right?”

“Go on.” Sheldon stopped moving his fingers and focused on her.

“I mean, it’s an Alien disc. Why would it make sense to us?” She shrugged, feeling self conscious talking about something she only knew in passing. “Like…our computers right? They use binary to work, but maybe their computers use something else.”

Sheldon blinked rapidly before looking at the disc again and then at his hands.

“I might be wrong though.” Penny added hastily, not wanting to derail Sheldon even more than she had.

“No. I don’t think you are. We’re just breaking the barrier into ternary computers. What if whoever made this used a different language entirely.”

“Um, I don’t think the Aliens speak English.” She joked but Sheldon ignored her.

“Senary? No, Undecimal?” Sheldon gasped. “Hexavigesimal…We can only dream of a quantum computer, but would it be so improbable that a race capable of interstellar travel could have them? This changes everything. Thank you Penny.”

“Anytime Honey.” She settled into the couch, turned on the TV, put it on mute and found a movie she had already watched as Sheldon worked next to her.

Things finally felt like they were going to be okay.


I thought I had already knew how many parts this was going to be...turns out I was wrong.

Chapter 148: Shut up (Message)


Sequel to Language



(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny huffed as she trudged up the stairs. She knew this date had been a bad idea but instead of listening to her gut she still went to meet the guy.


It had been six months since she and Leonard broke up, and after that she hadn’t really had any interest in dating. She mostly spent it with Sheldon, of course Amy and Bernadette were there but she lived across the Wackadoodle so it was easier to spend time with him.

She had been surprised to learn that Sheldon had refused to take Leonard back as a roommate. Honest to god, she hadn’t expected that. And then Amy spilled the beans on what she threatened to do if Sheldon took Leonard back…yeah, that girl was scary.

Penny had been happy to not date but Bernadette had been pushing her to ‘go out there’. Penny kept refusing until she learned that Leonard had moved in with Leslie Winkle, an honest slip from Raj.

It had brought back all of those feelings of betrayal and she had immediately asked Bernadette to set her up on a blind date. Sheldon had complained because it was on Laundry Night™ but she was determined to go through with it.

She shouldn’t have bothered. Bernadette was getting an earful for sure. Her date would make Howard look tame in comparison.

All that shaving for nothing.

Maybe Sheldon would be up for a movie? She checked her phone for the time and changed directions, better to talk to him as he did laundry than surprise him later.

Suddenly feeling much lighter she arrived at the laundry room in record time.

“Hey Moonp…” She trailed off, Sheldon wasn’t there. Confused, she checked the time again and it was right. Sheldon should be here waiting for the drier to finish. For good measure she went to check the machines but they didn’t look recently used.

A silver of worry made its way into her stomach.

Penny checked her messages but there were no messages from Sheldon or the rest. This was a break in the routine and it terrified her.

She ran up the stairs, taking two steps at a time. It was a miracle she was able to do it in heels and not faceplant.

She slammed 4A’s door open and sighed in relief at seeing Sheldon standing in front of his whiteboard. He didn’t react.

Penny approached him and he still didn’t react, she waved a hand in front of his face. Nothing. Shaking her head she went to close the door, took off her heels and put on the emergency slippers that Sheldon kept for her behind the couch. She thought about going back to her apartment to change out of the tiny black dress she was wearing but she decided to check on Sheldon first.

“Honey? Hello?” She waved a hand in front of his face but still no reaction. She turned to look at the whiteboard and there were two pictures that she instantly recognized, the two golden discs that had become Sheldon’s new obsession.

Shaking her head she sighed. This had happened a couple of times already, he got so engrossed into this stuff that he forgot to even eat.

Trying to not startle him, she rubbed his arm. “Sheldon, Sweetie, did you eat?” She spoke softly and put herself in between him and the whiteboard.

No reaction.

Penny took this opportunity to watch him closely. He was starting to get wrinkles and she had to smile because even with wrinkles he still had a boyish face. She ran a hand on his cheek and felt the slight stubble there.

“Sheldon?” She tried again. This time she saw him take a deep breath and close his eyes.

Penny was going to say more but something poked her in the leg and she looked down.


“Penny?” Sheldon asked, confused. “What are you-OH!” He noticed what a certain part of his body was doing to her and yelped, he stood back, grabbed the first pillow he found and covered himself with it.

Penny’s mind took a dive right into the gutter. ‘God, I want to be that pillow.’

Sheldon was flushing red. He cleared his throat. “Penny, what are you doing here? I thought you were on a date?” He refused to look at her and was instead looking at the ceiling.

“Yeah, it didn’t work out. I was coming to see if you wanted to get something to eat and to watch a movie.” Penny bit her lip. ‘Don’t say it, don’t say it, don’t say it.’ “But then you poked me and here we are.”

Sheldon hung his head in shame. “I…I apologize. I have been hyper focused on my research on the golden discs and lost track of time.”

‘Have some self control Penny.’ She chastised herself. “So, want to order a pizza and watch a movie?”

“What time is it? Oh dear lord! Laundry Night is ruined. I suppose you offer an acceptable alternative. Please feel free to order the pizza while I go and…” He didn’t say anything, just gestured towards the bathroom.

“Need some help?” She tried to not smile.

“What?” He looked shocked. “No, no. I don’t think you can help me with this.”

“Oh I bet I can.” She walked towards him. He didn’t move.

Penny stared up at the ceiling of the apartment, wide eyed. “So dinner?” She asked.

“It’s almost midnight, I don’t think we can find a place that’s open from the approved list.” Sheldon sounded sleepy.

Penny was trying not to freak out. She had only intended to tease him.

“I think that Korean place you liked is open until three in the morning. Let me check.” She fumbled for her phone, opened Uber Eats and quickly found the place. “Yeah, it’s there. Want anything in particular?”

Shouldn’t this feel weirder?

“I trust that you know my taste.” For some stupid reason that gave her butterflies.

She quickly selected a kimchi fried rice, two bulgogi quesadillas and some dumplings. She almost completed the order but decided to add an order of fried chicken. “Okay Sweetie, it says forty five minutes.”

Sheldon grunted and nodded. Her anxiety came back with a vengeance.

“Enough time for a shower.” Sheldon stood up from the floor where they were laying down. They hadn’t even made it to the bed and Sheldon didn’t want to do it on the couch.

“Want some company?” Penny cringed internally. ‘Shut up, shut up.’

Sheldon paused before offering her his hand. “I suppose it will be more efficient.”

Penny grinned and took his hand.

It took them more than forty five minutes. But she was squeaky clean and Sheldon had never been so relaxed.

She ate dinner while wearing one of his tees, the flash one he liked so much.

“I guess I should go to bed.” She stood nervously and looked at the floor. They hadn’t discussed what this meant or where they stood with each other.

Sheldon cleared his throat and stood in front of her. He looked up at the ceiling.

Neither spoke and neither moved.

“So…” Penny didn’t know what to do with her hands.

“It’s late, perhaps it would be dangerous to go back to your apartment at this hour?” She immediately looked up at his face. He was twitching like crazy and it made her smile while feeling warm.

“Yeah. Just for tonight I should stay.” She took his hand and led him to his bedroom.

Sheldon followed.

It wasn’t just for that night.


The lack of smut is on purpose. This story is more about the communication and things said and not said.

Chapter 149: Both Feet (Message)


Sequel to Shut Up


More fluff

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Night. See you.” Bernadette waved and closed the door behind her. Penny had waved goodbye at her friend and once the door was closed she went to lock it.

She wasn’t doing anything wrong but she also wasn’t ready for the conversation that would need to happen if the rest of the group found out that she and Sheldon were…well, she didn’t actually know what they were.

Ever since they had sex that first time a week ago she had been spending some nights at his place, not every night…just three out of five nights. Today was a Sunday and yeah, just like other times they hadn’t made plans, they just sort of decided to spend the night together.

She even had a little bag with some essentials so she wouldn’t have to go back to her apartment.

Hearing some noise behind her she turned and saw as Sheldon set up his whiteboard with the golden disc pictures and she rolled her eyes. Of course.

“You get one hour Sweetie, then I got you.” She said moving back into the kitchen, touching his back as she walked by.

“Understood.” Sheldon said distractedly and she had to smile and shake her head.

This was her life now and it wasn’t weird, which made this weird at it not being weird. Weird. The word lost all meaning the more she thought about it.

She took her time cleaning up the mess from the takeout and was thankful that they didn’t use actual plates, it made for much easier cleanup. She carefully moved her remaining dumplings into Sheldon’s noodle container, knowing that he wouldn’t care for leftovers.

More for her.

Looking around she tried to find something else to clean but in less than fifteen minutes she was done. Looking back at Sheldon showed that he was doing his weird finger math again as he scribbled on the whiteboard.

Sucking on her teeth she decided she had enough time to shower and freshen up.

Sheldon frowned and scratched his chin. The math didn’t make sense.

He had acknowledged that the language used in these discs was probably beyond their current computing power, but he still wasn’t getting anywhere.

Penny had been the one to set him on his current path…perhaps he needed to take the same approach.


Both discs were different from one another. Why?

Almost identical except on the engravings for lines and circles. Could then these represent something dynamic, transient…time? Date? Numbers?

Numbers. A counting system.

If the dots were unchanged then it was logical to expect the message would be the same, the dots represented words?


“Your hour is up.” She heard as Penny popped the P unnecessarily. Strangely he found it endearing instead of annoying. “Now you’re mine.”

Sheldon turned to ask for more time but the words died in his mouth. Penny was wearing nothing as she stood in the entrance to the hallway.

Without a word he put away the whiteboard.

Sometimes science could wait.

“Penny, are you working on Thursday morning?” Penny looked up from her phone and thought for a moment before shaking her head.

“I only have one visit to make that day, but it’s after noon. Why?” Maybe Raj wasn’t available to drive him to work.

“I ordered some furniture but the earliest available times were only in the morning and I was wondering if you could sign for it and direct the people delivering it?”

“Oh! Of course Honey.”

She hadn’t thought too much about it at the time. Maybe he had ordered a new shelf for all of his Star Trek stuff.

As such she was surprised when the furniture was actually delivered.

“Excuse me? Could you repeat that?” She must have heard wrong.

“Where do you want the bed lady? We were told we also needed to take the old one.”

She hadn’t heard wrong.

“Uh, uh, uh, the…bedroom is there.” She pointed at Sheldon’s bedroom and the guys nodded before moving to take the bed away. She followed after a moment, afraid that they might damage some of Sheldon’s stuff but when she got there everything but the bed was covered in tarp and she swallowed the laugh that tried to escape her.

Of course.

Thankfully these guys were professionals and they quickly disassembled the bed before putting the new one in.

Now, instead of Sheldon’s single bed stood a double.

She stared at it for a long time, unsure of what it meant. She and Sheldon had been…dating? Sleeping together? Fooling around? Whatever. They had been doing stuff for the last three months but they still had to put a label on what they were doing.

Penny vaguely remembered complaining to Sheldon about his bed, how her back was starting to hurt and how sweaty they were getting.

And the Wackadoodle had gone and done this.

Squeeing like a teenager she jumped on the bed and kicked her feet in delight while rubbing her face on the mattress.

Raj stood outside of 4A and he paced the length of the floor.

He let out a breath and checked his phone, it was still way too early. Not having to drive Sheldon home made it harder to coordinate sometimes, he was glad that Penny was the one picking Sheldon up in the afternoons. It had freed a lot of time for him.

That was part of the reason why he was so nervous, he was finally going to tell his friends that he was dating a girl…and another girl, sort of. He cringed, imagining Howard’s reaction.

But that wasn’t all of it, Leonard had also reached out and he wanted to try and rejoin the group. After Sheldon had refused to take him back as a roommate, Leonard had pretty much disappeared. Bernadette and Amy weren’t exactly happy with him so Howard and Zach didn’t try to keep in touch with Leonard. But Raj had, they even managed to get a weekly game of FFXIV going.

Raj liked Leonard, heck, Howard liked Leonard. Yeah, he had messed up big time and Raj had sided fully with Penny but…if anyone knew how horrible it felt to be all alone it was Raj. He didn’t want Leonard to feel the same as he had before meeting Howard.

And it had been more than a year since the breakup…

Yeah, no. Penny was probably going to say no. But he had promised Leonard to at least ask.

“Raj? Everything okay?” He looked up to see Penny leaning against her doorway. He hadn’t even heard her open her door.

“Yeah! Yeah, I just…” He trailed off trying to think of an excuse.

“Oh my god! You’re dating someone!” Penny made that high pitched noise that always made him smile.

“How do you always know?!”

Penny laughed and gave him a quick hug before closing her door and pulling him into 4A.

Sheldon stood in the middle of the room and he was tilting his head from side to side. Raj already knew he did this when he was trying to get a new perspective on an issue that bothered him.

“Stuck again Honey?” Raj watched in shock as Penny sneaked a hand under Sheldon’s shirt to rub at his back as she asked him a question.

“One day I’ll get it.” Sheldon replied distractedly and more importantly, he didn’t freak out.

Raj knew that Penny was the only one that was allowed to somewhat touch Sheldon, but it was usually just leaning her hip against him as she took his order back when she was a waitress, or a tap on the shoulder, or even the not so rare anymore hug. But this, this was something else.

Raj’s eyes widened in shock as Penny nodded and planted a quick kiss on Sheldon’s shoulder before moving to the kitchen and grabbing two bottles of water from the fridge and returning to where he was to hand him one but he couldn’t move.

“C’mon, here you go.” Penny said impatiently and Raj took the bottle. He wanted to ask so many things but stayed quiet.

He had just observed a unicorn and didn’t want to startle it.

“Hold on, let me text Bernadette and make sure she didn’t forget my extra dumplings.”

Raj nodded and sat back, preparing himself to do what he was best at.

Observe the cosmos to try and understand why celestial bodies moved the way they did.

Everyone but Sheldon choked on their drinks or food as Raj revealed the reason behind his hesitation to share his new relationship.

He was dating a woman that was dating another woman.

“Wait, wait, wait. What?” Against every expectation that Penny had, Howard in fact did not have a lecherous smile on his face. “Buddy…You dog you!” Ah, there it was.

Raj explained that it wasn’t like that, that he cared for both Andrea and Liz and was learning a lot about himself. He was saying more but she tuned him out, instead choosing to glance at her…boyfriend? Lover? Partner? Friend with benefits?

And that right there was the issue. She didn’t know what they were.

At first it had been fine, no labels, no pressure. She really had no further plans other than having fun. It was Sheldon after all, Sheldon didn’t do relationships, Sheldon got tired of people.

Sheldon that pulled her in his sleep against his chest. Sheldon that kissed her even when her lips were sticky with the remains of a popsicle. Sheldon that opened his arms as they waited in the checkout line and they went from each having personal space to sharing it together as she stepped up into his chest.

They didn’t text love confessions or sappy messages to one another, but his simple ‘Stay safe’ message made her feel warm and loved. She would send him memes and he would reply in perfect English about how he didn’t get it. She spent an entire afternoon at work creating a GIF of a cat with the words ‘Soft Kitty’ just so she could tease him with it.

On Sunday mornings, the one day that Sheldon allowed himself to stay in bed late, they would lie under the covers, comfortably side by side, her watching Tik Tok or Youtube and him reading a science journal on his phone.

It wasn’t fireworks, no. It was so much more.

“Penny?” Bernadette was snapping her fingers in front of her face. “I asked ‘What do you think?’”

“What? Oh, sorry.” Penny shook her head.

“I’ve warned you about those Tik Tok videos you like so much. They’re affecting your attention span.” Sheldon fired quickly and Penny grinned at him which only made him look back at her warily and with suspicion.

It wasn’t easy.

“Sorry guys, I was thinking about something else.” She admitted.

Sheldon was a pain in the butt.

“More important than what Rajesh just revealed?” Amy raised her eyebrows in shock.

But she could dish out as much as she got and not even Dr Wackadoodle could bring her down.

“Oh Honey, is everything okay at work?” Bernadette reached a hand to grab her knee.

So what if their relationship was unusual. It was worth it.

“Yeah, no, it’s not about work.” Penny thought for a moment before deciding to jump in with both feet. “It’s just…I think I just realized we forgot to tell you guys. Me and Sheldon have been dating for a year.”

Shocked silence fell on the group.

“Were we supposed to tell them? I thought it was obvious.” Sheldon added to the bombshell because of course he did and she couldn’t keep the smile off her face, even if she wanted to.


I swear this is going somewhere.

Chapter 150: Moon (Message)


Sequel to Both Feet


Final part.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Raj was still smiling like a fool as he drove home. He was really happy for Penny and Sheldon, they made sense in a very weird way. Two sides of a coin.

He still couldn’t believe all of them had missed it so completely.

Penny had to literally kiss Sheldon in front of Raj for him to get it. Amy had immediately launched into an explanation of Penny’s hypersexuality being a perfect match for Sheldon’s low libido, she sounded so proud, at least until Sheldon revealed he had already calculated the amount of times he initiated vs when Penny initiated and the ratio was very split at forty five for him and fifty five for Penny.

Of course Penny had then told them both to shut up. Fun times.

Raj also hadn’t missed how Penny had pulled Amy into the hallway and when they had both come back their eyes were puffy and red but they both looked much more at ease. While Amy was really happy with Zach, there must have been a conversation there and he was glad they cleared the air.

Bernadette was happy for Penny but Howard seemed to have some trouble getting his head around the whole thing.

Sheldon was Sheldon, which meant he ignored everyone after making his statement and instead went back to his whiteboard as the rest of them talked, well, more like gossiped about Survivor.

Raj didn’t even know why he had been so anxious to talk to his friends about his new relationship, everyone had been surprised but took it well and even Howard had only made two lewd jokes and received two slaps to the back of the head courtesy of Bernadette.

Really, he had been too paranoid.

Arriving home he quickly went on the hunt for Cinnamon for a cuddle fight. Raj found his cute little puppy fast asleep on his bed and decided not to bother him just yet, instead going to his computer.

He had ordered two sa-Oh…

The notification made him remember the one thing he had forgotten to mention to the group. Leonard.

It taunted him and he felt like a horrible friend. Swallowing a sigh he went to open Leonard’s chat.

‘MSQ 2nite?’

Raj stared at his keyboard, blanking completely on how to reply. He couldn’t lie to Leonard, he had forgotten completely about his request.

A call notification took his choice away. Rubbing at his face in frustration Raj accepted the call.

“Hey Leonard!” He said while still covering his eyes with both hands, hoping that Leonard wouldn’t notice his mood.

“Holy shit Raj! Have you seen it yet?” Leonard sounded excited and it confused him.

“Er, no. Just getting home now. What happened?” Raj sat up to look at his monitor.

“They just found another golden disc! The Mars rover found it! Can you believe it?!”

Raj jumped a little in place. “No way! That’s crazy, Sheldon is going to lose it!”

“Yeah he is…speaking of, did you…you know, get the chance to-well, did you get the chance to talk to them?” The hope in Leonard’s voice made Raj forget all about his previous excitement.

He could always lie. “No, sorry. Something happened and I forgot. I’m really sorry.” He could lie, but he wouldn’t.

“Oh…” Raj had to close his eyes at the kicked puppy tone in Leonard’s voice. “No, that’s-that’s okay. I get it.”

“I honestly forgot and…” Raj thought about it for a moment. He wouldn’t lie, but he would not tell the full truth. “You see, Penny revealed that she’s been dating someone for a while and we got lost celebrating.”

Raj wasn’t surprised that the only answer he got was silence.

“Leonard, you can’t still be in love with Penny.” ‘For your own sake.’ He wanted to add but held his tongue.

More silence.

“You’re living with Leslie.”

A huff of annoyance. “I know, I know, I know. It’s just that sometimes I can’t help but wonder about the ‘What if’. I screwed it up big time and I love Leslie…I just wish I hadn’t hurt Penny and that we could have stayed friends.”

This time Raj was the one that didn’t answer, because what was he supposed to say? ‘You should have kept it in your pants?’ That was only adding salt to the wound and didn’t help Penny or Leonard.

“But I’m happy for Penny. She deserves to be happy. Is it-I mean-Is it someone from her work?” Raj pretended that he hadn’t heard the jealous tone in his question.

“No, she’s…” He could say it. “She’s dating a friend. I think they’re pretty serious.” Raj closed his eyes, he could say it but maybe it wasn’t his place.

“Oh…Does she look happy?”

“Sorry Leonard, I have to go. Cinnamon needs to go on a walk. But we can do quests tomorrow if you’re up to it.”

“Oh, yeah, no. I get it. It sounds good man.”

Raj had never pressed the ‘end call’ button so fast in his life.

Leonard kissed Leslie goodbye, walked all the way to the door before returning quickly to kiss her again before leaving for Caltech.

This week she was running an experiment in the afternoon so they wouldn’t be driving together.

He hummed as he got into his car and got on his way to work. Last night he and Raj had played FFXIV for hours and way past a reasonable hour. Luckily Leslie liked her coffee the same way he did.

Tapping his fingers along to the song he thought about his plan.

Raj had been avoiding the subject of approaching the group and Leonard didn’t want to push. He couldn’t blame Raj too much either, he hadn’t reacted properly to the news that Penny was dating someone.

It wasn’t like he still had feelings for her…although he suspected that he would always hold a candle for her despite how many years passed. But, that was in his past.

He was with Leslie now. And he was lucky to be with her, their relationship had started on the wrong foot, he really shouldn’t have cheated on Penny and made Leslie an accomplice and victim in that.

Leonard could see that now.

Leslie had forced him to go to therapy if he wanted to move in with her and at first he had resented her for it. The idea of therapy only brought memories of his mother. But he was glad to have stuck to it.

Leonard could understand what led to him cheating on Penny and it wasn’t pretty. He had always put Penny on a pedestal, she could do no wrong…and at the same time he had resented her, he had jumped into a relationship with her expecting her to leave him at any moment for someone better.

He hated to admit it but he was also bored with her. They did nothing but stay in and drink, they both bottled their feelings and ignored the elephant in the room. And he had been more than happy to do that.

Penny was like a status symbol. As long as he dated her Leonard was THE man.

He couldn’t help but cringe at himself.

Arriving to work he quickly focused on his experiments and put all thoughts of Penny and the group aside.

It wasn’t until lunch that apprehension and anxiety took a hold of him again. He looked at the clock on the wall and thought about how Sheldon and the rest were probably at the cafeteria.

Taking a deep breath he started walking. He missed his friends.

It didn’t take him long to find the table and a wave of nostalgia almost overwhelmed him at seeing that his spot was still open. No one had told him that he couldn’t sit with them, he simply had been too ashamed to do it, preferring to eat in his lab or go with Leslie to Subway.

Stepping up to the line he grabbed a tray and filled it with his lunch. Each step filled him with dread until he stood at the table. Everyone turned to look at him.

“Is that place taken?” His voice broke but he still attempted a smile.

Howard and Raj shared a look but Leonard was focused on Sheldon. The tall man blinked, confused.

“That’s your spot.” Sheldon said simply and Leonard’s knees almost buckled under the immense relief he felt. “We were just discussing the golden discs.”

Taking a seat, Leonard sighed in relief. He was home.

“Of course it’s not okay!” Amy raised a closed fist and shook in anger.

“Ames, Ames. It’s okay. Really. It’s not like Leonard is going to be moving back in.” Penny tried calming Amy.

“Yeah, Amy. I was expecting this to be honest. I had already talked about it with Howie.” Bernadette added.

They were all in Penny’s apartment eating ice cream.

Howard had confessed to Bernadette that the boys plus Leonard had been having lunch together for a couple of weeks now and that tonight Leonard would be joining them again for new comic book night.

“But bestie! That-” Penny interrupted her before she could go on a rant.

“I already talked to Sheldon about this and he agreed to keep all Leonard activities outside of Los Robles, so neither you nor Bernie nor me will have to see Leonard.” Penny decided to tell them the full truth. “Look…I don’t really care about Leonard anymore but he’s with Leslie and I don’t want to deal with her glaring at me or thinking I want him back.”

Bernadette nodded and took a spoonful of ice cream.

“Oh, okay.” Amy said but she still looked pretty pissed.

“I promise that you won’t have to see Leonard either.” Penny missed her friendship with Leonard but she wasn’t blind to the fact he would probably try to get back with her at some point and try to cheat on Leslie with her.

Maybe she was being too unfair to think like that about Leonard but she didn’t care.

Raj rubbed at his eyes and yawned. “Sheldon, we’ve been over this a hundred times. The calculation doesn’t work.”

Sheldon looked horrible, he was disheveled and wild looking. Penny had gone back home to Nebraska for a week and Sheldon took it as an opportunity to fully indulge in researching the golden discs.

“Raj is right. We’ve been at this for…” Leonard trailed off as he tried to remember how many hours they’ve been working on this before giving up and removing his glasses to rub them with the balls of his hands.

Howard happily snored in the corner of Sheldon’s office.

“But we’re so close. I can feel it.” Sheldon looked quickly between the whiteboard he was using to write his math and the one with the pictures.

“I think that’s madness what you’re feeling.” Raj muttered.

“Sheldon, we’re not going to…wait, wait, wait, wait. That formula.” Leonard pointed to one of the whiteboards, the one for the lines and circles if Raj remembered correctly. “What if each engraving uses a different numerical language?” He proposed and Raj stopped in place.

Sheldon opened his mouth but closed it right away.

Sheldon focused on the whiteboard with the pictures again and started doing his finger math. His fingers moved at lighting speed and Raj could only shake his head in wonder.

He had turned to ask Leonard something when Sheldon had gasped loudly.

“Dear Lord…” He muttered and turned to look at them. “I believe we found it.”

“Leonard, the fact that you skipped our date night for spending time with the Dumbass as you try to solve the discs doesn’t make it much better.” Leslie had her arms crossed as she tapped one foot.

“No, I-Look, we’re really close to cracking it. This could change the world! We could be the first ones to crack this message.” Leonard begged.

She inhaled and held it for a couple of seconds before letting out her breath in a frustrated burst. “I get it. I’m a scientist too. But you’re supposed to be a physicist Leonard, not some alien linguist. You’re not even getting paid for this.” Leonard could see that Leslie was trying to stay calm.

Running a hand through his hair Leonard tried to think of something to say but she was right. This had been Sheldon’s obsession to begin with, not his. And yeah, he wasn’t getting paid. Heck, he wasn’t even spending time with his friends, Raj and Howard only helped occasionally but neither stayed back in Sheldon’s office as much as Leonard did.

But they were so close.

Leonard could almost taste it. They were on the verge of discovering something major.

“Leslie, please understand. This could be what I’m known for! I can go down in history as one of the persons that cracked the alien message.”

“And then what?” Leslie challenged. “You crack it and then what? What good does that do for us? Do you think the message has the secret to unlock a grand unifying theory?”

“I don’t know!” Leonard raised his hands in exasperation. “I don’t know.” He repeated, trying to calm himself. “But I have to find out.” He wanted her to understand.

Leslie’s lips trembled for a moment before her face went blank. “It’s been a year since you told me that you found the secret to the message. Different numerical languages. Great! Perfect even. Do you remember what you told me at that time? One month. You told me you would have it solved in one month.”

Leonard grimaced, he had been excited and far too optimistic. He nodded reluctantly.

“And how long has it been now?” Leslie leaned her face in and cupped an ear.

“It’s been eleven months.” He muttered.

“Eleven months?!” Leslie pretended to gasp before her face turned serious again. “Figure this out because I don’t know how long I’m willing to be treated as a side piece to a golden disc.”

Penny rubbed at her face tiredly and then looked around 4A. This wasn’t what she was expecting out of life but it had been pretty good.


Sheldon had been obsessed for years with those goddamn golden discs and a year ago he had managed to crack part of the language used. At least he thought so.

But after that discovery he had left everything else by the wayside. String theory, Star Trek, Comic Books…her.

She had ignored the signs at first, but once she had moved in with him, it was much harder to pretend that everything was fine.

Even now, when it should be laundry night for the both of them, there was no sign of Sheldon and she knew exactly where he was because Raj had asked for her help.

Grabbing a handful of blonde hair she tugged on it in frustration before sighing and letting go of her hair.

She was preparing herself, Raj was driving Sheldon back and she needed to have a serious talk with him.

Hearing the door open she looked up and saw as Sheldon entered the apartment.

“Penny? Why are you awake?” He quickly turned to look at his phone. “It’s late, this is unhealthy for the-”

“Sheldon.” Her voice was sharp and he straightened up. “Honey, we need to talk.”

Carefully he removed his bag and set it carefully under his desk before removing his jacket and putting it on the hook, frowning all the while.

“Penny, if this is in relation to me arriving late, we had a breakthrou-”

“I don’t care.” She was trying not to cry. “I don’t care. I really don’t. I know that we never actually talked about what the hell we were doing here.” She gestured between them. “I know that we sort of fell into our relationship without meaning to, but, but, but-” Damn hormone made her cry before she could get her speech out.

Sheldon hated to see her cry but to his credit he approached her and grabbed her hand. “What do you need?”

It took her a moment to stop crying and she wished that Sheldon was better at comforting her but she knew the answer to his question.

“I need you to be here.”

Leonard raced to get to Sheldon’s office, he had lied to Leslie and told her he was running an experiment late so if he rushed he would have almost two hours before he had to go home.

“Hey bud, I just…thought…hey, what happened here?” Leonard had opened the door and expected to find everything just as they had left it last night. But the whiteboards, pictures and notes that had been up were all missing. The only whiteboard still there only showed a formula to calculate string theory’s scattering amplitude. “Sheldon?”

Said man was carefully putting things inside his bag, he didn’t even look up as he replied. “I’m preparing to go home, Raj will come in ten minutes to drive me home.” His voice was steady and calm.

“But, what about the message, the discs…I don’t understand.” Leonard felt a little light headed.

“Oh, yes. Here.” Sheldon grabbed a cardboard box from under his desk and dragged it in front of his desk. “That’s everything on the discs. I wish you the best of luck.”

Leonard frowned. “You’re backing out?” It didn’t make sense.

Sheldon nodded and closed his bag with a snap. “Penny made me realize that I had lost my focus. The discs were only supposed to be a side project but slowly, without me realizing it, they took over my time. I even missed two new comic book nights in a row.” Leonard couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“Wait, no, wait. We were so close Sheldon. So close. We deciphered the numbers, we just need to-” Sheldon raised a hand to stop him.

“Leonard. Entertain me for a moment. Do I simply want to win a Nobel Prize?”

Leonard shook his head, confused about the sudden subject change. “Yes. It’s been your dream.”

“Incorrect. I want to win the Nobel Prize in Physics. I want to prove String Theory.”

“I don’t get it.” Leonard was trying to make sense of things.

“The discs are not my goal. I had forgotten that fact.” Sheldon shook his head sadly.

“Sheldon, you can’t give up! We can go down in history for this.” Leonard picked up the box and rattled it twice.

“I am ready to act as a consultant, I’ve emailed you the times I’m available. Good night Leonard.” Sheldon stood up and opened his door, the invitation to leave his office clear.

Leonard looked down at the box in his hands, gulped and left Sheldon’s office. The door closed softly but firmly behind him.

He looked down one side of the hallway and then the other. A sudden feeling of apprehension gripped his heart.

Someone could steal this box and Leonard would lose everything.

Hurriedly he left towards his car, making plans all the way. Leslie still had that unused room, it was really small but the research would be safe there.

Penny stared at the door, willing with all her heart that Sheldon would be there on time.

At eight o’clock sharp the door handle moved and she inhaled sharply. Sheldon opened the door, carrying a take out bag.

“The girl from the Thai restaurant added some extra dumplings. She claimed they would make the bab-” Penny didn’t let him finish, going up to him and kissing him, hard.

Almost right away she felt one of his large hands cover her back and she finally could breathe easily again.

*knock, knock, knock* “Leonard. Dinner is ready. Am I going to eat alone? Again.” Leslie’s disappointed voice came through the door.

“Uh, one minute Honey. I’m almost done. Just one sec.” Leonard scratched his head as he quickly scribbled in a piece of paper. He was really close to figuring out this message.

He just needed a little more time.

“-the world is so rational? Einstein once said that the most incomprehensible thing about the Universe is that is is comprehensible-”

Leonard had the Nobel stream playing on his laptop in the background. Sheldon was accepting his Nobel Prize and Leonard didn’t want to miss it. But he couldn’t help but also try to work on the message. He was so close.

MIT had granted him access to their ternary computer and the computing power was out of this world. He watched with hungry eyes as his latest formula resolved in front of his eyes.

“-Wigner. He said ‘The miracle of the appropriateness of the language of mathematics for the formulation of the laws of physics is a wonderful gift which we neither understand nor deserve.-” Leonard glanced at the laptop screen before returning to his desktop screen.

All of these years of hard work. Finally paying off. He would show Leslie that this had been worth it, he would show her that he didn’t abandon her or his son. No, he was on the verge of something great.

“-this discovery is just one new dawn. But there is always another dawn coming. Members of the science community, I’m happy to announce we are living in the String Theory dawn but I can’t wait to see what the next dawn will bring.” Sheldon finished his speech and Leonard raised his glass of vodka and apple juice in salute.

A beep interrupted him and he turned to look at the formula resolving itself in front of his eyes. A decade and more of hard work finally paying off.

His excitement turned to confusion and the smile slowly died off before shock and sadness took over his face.

No. This couldn’t be right.

He ran the formula again. There had to be a mistake somewhere. He pulled papers not really knowing what he was searching for, but he needed to move, do something.

Another beep and he dreaded turning to look at the screen but he still had to.

As the message revealed itself, he felt nauseous. His knees buckled and he dropped to the ground in shock.

No matter how many times he looked at the screen the message was the same.

Self replicating unit 98226879021 requesting orders from creator. Number of cycles since last order 1526869. Idle protocol being followed, create miner drones until further notice and attempt communication with creator. Next message will be sent in 250 cycles. Planet resources status: Depleted. Self replicating machines active 4589. Awaiting orders.

Nonononononononononono. NO.

This couldn’t be happening. There had to be a mistake.

He ran the formula, again, and again, and again, and again.

It changed nothing, the message never changed.

Leonard looked down at his hands and balled them into fists before punching himself in the face twice and screaming in frustration.

The all important message was an automated message from a dying machine for a possibly long dead alien race?

A machine dying in a cold abandoned planet still sending messages to a creator that either forgot about it or died long ago.

Leonard felt numb as he downed vodka from the bottle itself. What did this all mean? What had he spent his life and money into?

With empty eyes he watched the message again.

Gold couldn’t be carbon dated so it was useless to try and figure out the age of the disc. The disc in Mars was estimated to have been there for at least 800,000 years. The latest Apollo mission had also reported finding a disc buried in the moon…

Messages to a long dead race?

Leonard laughed and took a big swig of the vodka. His life had been wasted. All those missed dinners, birthdays, parties…for nothing.

He stood up and stumbled out of his research room and up into his bedroom.

Tomorrow he would break the news to the world, but for today he wanted to feel nothing.

‘What a waste’ He thought before passing out on his unmade bed.

What a waste.


I had a really bad panic attack today and had to take a pill which I don't really like doing because it numbs me in ways I don't like but it is what it is.

I had a lot of this chapter already written down and I finished the rest while I was in the middle of my panic attack so it might feel disjointed.

Spoilers about the story:
I had an initial plan for this story and I don't know how successful I was to bring it to fruition. I wanted to make a story about communication and how it can be verbal and non-verbal.

The ending had always been planned to be this. I find tragic the idea of discovering a message, spending a lot of time trying to decipher it only to figure out it means nothing. A robot trying to deliver a message to a long dead creator.

Chapter 151: Basket (Farming SIM)


Sequel to Driver


More fluff

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Penelope groaned as she stretched out her back, she saw her mom and dad do the same, even Sheldon was turning his neck this and that way.

Sheldon’s autocarriage was much better than a regular carriage but it was still hard on the body to stay seated for hours on end. She gasped as something popped and her pain went from annoying to fading.

“I’ll leave you to unpack.” Sheldon said as he disconnected the luggage car from his carriage. “Once you’re finished I’ll retrieve this.”

“We can do this, now go. I’m sure you’re anxious to check if Parker fed the animals correctly.” Penelope told him and Sheldon only nodded before getting in his carriage again and driving towards the garage.

“You seem to know a lot about him.” Her mom said in an offhand manner. In a too casual manner.

“Mom.” Penelope warned.

“What? I’m just saying.” Her mom pretended to not know what she was talking about.

“Clara, cut it off. Now, it’s me and you kid, your mom shouldn’t be carrying heavy stuff. Where’s the foreman house?” Her dad slapped his hands together and rubbed, anxious to get moving.

Penelope blinked, confused. “What do you mean, your house is this one.” She pointed to the house right behind them, where Sheldon had dropped them off.

Her dad turned to look at the three story house with an open mouth. Her mom also had a look of shock on her face.

“Penelope, this…this isn’t the main house?” Her mom asked faintly.

“Nope. See that huge place over there? That’s the main house, the garage is right next to it.” She pointed at the house across the field, closest to the actual road leading to the town.

Her mom carefully sat down on the porch steps. “Oh…”

Her dad whistled, impressed. “Well, I’ll be damned. Guess I really need to pull my weight around here.”

Penelope had to wait for her mom to calm down before they could start moving stuff into the house. It took them a couple of hours before everything was moved in but thankfully they were done by the time the sky turned orange.

“Oh, it’s colder than I expected.” Her mom pulled her coat tighter around her.

“Yeah, Sheldon says it gets colder around here because of the lake.” Penelope was preparing herself to push the luggage cart towards the garage while her dad pulled.

“There’s a lake?” Her dad started looking around excitedly and Penelope chuckled and shook her head.

“Yeah, it’s right behind the main house. I’ll show you, you can see it from the garage.” Penny offered and her dad started pulling the cart.

“You know, it’s a lot quieter than I thought it would be.” Her mom walked alongside them.

“What were you expecting?” Penny grunted the question, the cart was heavier than it looked.

“Honestly? Animals running around unattended.” Her mom admitted it easily. “I thought that’s why he had hired your dad…of course that was before I found out you two were living together.”

Penelope sighed.

Wyatt couldn’t believe he was going to bed at a reasonable hour.

After helping his daughter put the carriage back in the garage he had gone searching for Mr Cooper and found him tending to the cows. Wyatt had to approve of what he saw, the young man was brushing the youngest calf as he talked to the cows.

That was a good sign. He knew the cows were healthy from having seen them before but you could never know until you saw it.

He spent the rest of the afternoon going over what his duties would be, they had already discussed this over letter but better to leave things clear so they both knew where they stood.

Wyatt had then gotten the biggest surprise of the day, Penelope cooked dinner.

That young woman had once ruined her mother’s favorite pot trying to make soup, so to know she had cooked dinner came as a bit of a shock. He didn’t miss how comfortable she moved around the kitchen or how the main house definitely had her touch around it.

Dinner had been nice until Clara found out that Penelope was in fact staying to sleep in the main house and not with them, and that’s why as he removed his boots and prepared to change into his bed clothes, he watched as his wife silently fumed. She was brushing her hair more violently than needed.

“You know. I’m starting to think you’re upset about something.” He tried joking only to get an icy glare in return. He sighed, “Maybe have faith in your daughter?”

There was no response for a moment before she slammed her brush against the small table she was sitting at. “I’m worried. Penelope already sacrificed herself for me once and I don’t want her to do it again!”

Wyatt stopped and frowned, confused. He stood up and walked barefooted to sit in front of Clara. “Explain.” This was his no-nonsense voice, the one only used when his children could be in danger.

“I’ve been thinking, this young man cured me and he only wanted cheese as payment? This house is amazing and beautiful, enough to be confused with the main house. You’re getting a fair wage and not a lot of work and…I don’t know.” Clara’s voice broke. “I already lost her once, I can’t do it again.”

Wyatt scooted his chair closer to hold his wife carefully. He thought about her words and on what he had seen so far.

“You know.” He cleared his throat. “I don’t know if you noticed but today we got to see our Penelope.”

Clara pulled away from his arms to give him a confused look.

“No, think about it. That woman out there was the same girl that ‘borrowed’ one of the horses to go to the lake, the same girl that laughed at the crude jokes her brother made, the same girl that ate with her hands instead of with a spoon, the same girl that promised to become an actress.”

“Wyatt, you’re not making sense.”

He chuckled before sobering up. “Ever since your accident, I hadn’t seen that side of Penelope again.”

Clara widened her eyes before frowning in thought.

“You saw it, I’m sure. Penelope didn’t smile anymore. She acted demure and somber, especially in front of Leonard. We lost our daughter in more ways than we realized at the time.” Clara wiped a tear from his eye with her thumb. “But today…today she was that girl I thought we had lost.”

Clara leaned her head against his chest and nodded. “I hadn’t noticed but you’re right. She was making jokes, she wasn’t looking at Mr Cooper for approval or to see if he was happy with her.” She took a shuddering breath. “She actually looked happy.”

Wyatt nodded, his cheek against Clara’s head. “You saw it during dinner right? She was bantering with him, she would tell him no and he never lost his patience with her.”

He felt her nod. “Maybe…”

They stayed together like that until the chill in the air couldn’t be ignored and they had to go under the covers.

“What are you doing?”

Penelope looked up and watched her mom carefully enter through the kitchen’s side door.

“Oh, nice timing. I was about to go look for you.” She finished tying the apron. “Grab a basket. We’re going berry picking!”

Her mom smiled and grabbed a basket. They were in no rush so Penelope made sure to walk slowly so her mom could look around the farm as they walked towards the hill.

“I can’t wait to see-what is he doing?” Her mom pointed towards Sheldon’s garage.

For some reason Sheldon had installed a shower head on the side of the garage and he was washing off what looked like freshly cut grass.

“I don’t know, the grass wasn’t that tall just yet…” Penelope trailed off but then shrugged. “He probably didn’t want dad to do it.”

Her mom nodded and Penelope kept showing her around the farm. They took a small detour to go visit the chicken pen and so Penelope could gush about the baby chicks.

Finally, way later than needed they arrived at the forking road and Penelope warned her mom. “The road hasn’t been maintained so the bushes are really overgrown, there’s also a…” Penelope was about to warn her mother about the thorny vines but she trailed off at seeing that the road had been cleared off and the bushes and vines were now a thing of the past. “Oh!”

Her mother hummed in what sounded like approval. “I think he listened when you talked about the road being hard to walk.”

Penelope could feel herself blush. “Yeah.” She couldn’t keep the smile off her face.


So, in case you haven't noticed. In the manic energy left over from my panic attack I rewrote, edited and published two one-shots over the weekend.

I was not feeling super positive or happy so this chapter was hard to write but I also didn't want to write anything angsty, I'm already listening to Roland Faunte for the angsty vibes so I didn't need extra.

On other subjects, ffnet apparently finally fixed their shit and people are getting notifications, not me tho, I'm still blind unless I manually check, something that to be perfectly honest I don't feel like doing too often. Nostalgia keeps me on ffnet but it's not a priority, my place is here in AO3.
Oh! Speaking of ffnet. "shenny guest", I know you read this over here so, thank you for your reviews and support even if I only found them on the day I updated the stories over there.

Lastly, you're all really cool people. I hope you have a good week.

Chapter 152: Bushes (Farming SIM)


Sequel to Basket


I hadn't noticed we are on chapter 152 now. It's been almost a year since I started writing, I honestly never thought I would make it this far. Thank you all for your support so far.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Penelope mock glared at her mother as she ate a berry.

“You were right, these are very sweet.” Her mother said as she ate yet another berry.

Penelope shook her head, amused to see her mother be so carefree. These past months her mom had been subdued and quiet, nothing like the energetic woman that used to sing as she cooked, the one that danced with her dad on Sundays.

Of course, not that Penelope had been with her mom much to see her even at her worst, thanks to being locked away in Luvsi City.

Somehow, knowing that her mother was okay, no longer plagued by that horrible disease, made it physically easier for Penelope to breathe, made her feel lighter. Made life make sense again.

“I love how the jam comes out using these.” Penelope enjoyed the simple conversation for the rest of the walk back to the main house and then into the kitchen. Penelope showed her mom the recipe books he had been using to learn to cook and bake.

Her mom sat at the counter as Penelope moved around gathering the ingredients to make jam.

“Oh, wait, there’s no sugar left.” Penelope frowned before remembering she hadn’t gone to the shipbox this morning and cringing. “Just a second, be right back.”

She had been so excited to spend time with her mom again that she missed her usual routine of going to the shipbox. She hadn’t been worried about the chickens, her dad has mentioned that it was now part of his responsibilities so he would make sure they got all the grain they needed.

Getting to the shipbox she checked the ledger and saw that her dad had correctly marked everything that had been there in the morning and Parker had already come to pick stuff up and signed on the stuff. She was happy to see the sack of sugar waiting for her, she had ordered it a couple of days back and Parker didn’t disappoint.

As she picked up the sack of sugar a large envelope that had been leaning against it fell and she picked it up. It was from the adventurers’ guild and she already knew what would be inside it.

Her annulment confirmation.

Sheldon enjoyed working with stone and crystals. He would never admit this of course out loud of course.

There was something satisfying about working with minerals and rocks.

He placed his chisel against the stone slab in front of him, he carefully adjusted it and then, quickly and powerfully he allowed the hammer to hit the chisel. He was rewarded with a cleanly cut slab.

This was what he enjoyed. You needed skill, you needed to calculate correctly or otherwise it wouldn’t work.

Hearing a shout in the distance he stopped moving to analyze it.


Sheldon nodded at his conclusion. Penny shouted in joy, no need to check on her.

He returned to work. If he wanted to install the stone path towards the hill today he couldn’t waste any time. It was already fall and rain would come without fail, the path would make it easy for Penny to move unimpeded even under rainy or snowy conditions.

He would hate to have to clean mud off his floor. He certainly wasn’t worried about Penny hurting herself.

He wasn’t worried, not one bit.

Sheldon felt his cheek twitch and ignored it.

Penelope couldn’t help the small shout of joy at seeing her annulment confirmation. She hadn’t intended for it, she truly hadn’t.

It was just strange to realize how much she had actually looked forward to this.

She had half expected that instead of the confirmation it would be Leonard waiting for her. But no, there it was, the confirmation that she was a free woman again.

Penelope grabbed the sugar and her papers, ran back into the house and hugged her mom, catching her by surprise.

“Woah there Honey, everything okay?” Her mom laughed a little before returning the hug, just as enthusiastically.

Penelope sighed in contentment before nodding. “Everything is perfect.” She hugged her mom tighter. “Just perfect.”

Wyatt couldn’t believe he was actually on time for dinner. Technically he could also have been at home for lunch but he was still getting familiar with the farm and the animals so he decided to power through it. It wasn’t the first time he had skipped a meal.

But now with the sun hiding in the horizon he found himself having finished everything he had set out to do.

The cows were fed, brushed and happy. Although Mr Cooper had been the one to do the actual brushing before disappearing again off to do whatever he was doing before showing up. The chickens had clean straw, were fed and were happily settling for the night.

If Wyatt was fully honest he was floundering a little.

He was used to directing his large team of workers, of having to check on different barns, taking care of the different issues that inevitably came up and would need his attention.

All of this freedom was staggering.

He took his time walking towards the main house, enjoying the cooling late afternoon breeze, the smell of the grass and flowers that grew around the farm. Perhaps he would have enough time now to dance with Clara again.

The reason as to why they were having dinner in the main house and not in the foreman's house was because his daughter, the infamous water burner herself, was cooking for all of them.

Should be fun if nothing else.

Clara chuckled to herself as she prepared for bed.

“It’s not funny.” Wyatt pouted like a little boy.

“Penelope warned you that it was spicy.” Clara tried to stop laughing but it was too funny.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Wyatt muttered as he changed into his bed clothes before stopping to face her fully. “But the food was good, yeah? I don’t remember her being able to cook before.”

She nodded and started brushing her hair. “It was good. From what she told me she wanted to learn to cook out of spite.”

Wyatt made a surprised noise in the back of his throat.

“Yeah! My thoughts exactly. Last year she stayed here with Leonard and she took it as a challenge to make Mr Cooper admit her cooking was good…and at some point forgot about it because she found that she actually liked cooking.”

Wyatt chuckled. “She was always special, that one.”

“She really is. Tomorrow we’re going to visit town and Mr Cooper’s mother’s shop.” Clara revealed.

“Sounds fun, say hi for me.” Wyatt prepared to get into bed. “You know, I can’t believe that I’m actually going to bed at a reasonable hour.”

Clara bit her tongue, she wanted to apologize but knew both Wyatt and Penelope were tired of hearing her say ‘I’m sorry.’

“I’m glad you’re here.” She said instead and smiled at seeing Wyatt grin at her. “Oh and you’re also coming with us, we’re going to have lunch in town.”

Wyatt frowned, confused. “Huh? Wait, me too?”

“Yeah, we’re meeting Mr Cooper’s mother. Of course you’re coming.” She said in a no-nonsense tone.

“But I can’t just skip-” She didn’t let him finish.

“Mr Cooper already said it was okay. Besides, he bragged about that automatic feeder thing he installed and how easy it was to use so you’re not spending as much time on that alone.”

Clara watched as he nodded, slowly at first but then quickly. “Yeah, I can’t lie. That thing feeds all cows at the same time and I just need to pull a lever. No longer need to do it by hand or with magic.”

“See, so we’re going.”

“Okay dear.” Wyatt gave up. “Also, did you notice that Penelope is cursing again? ‘Holy crap this’, ‘Holy crap that’. I hadn’t realized how much I missed it.”

“No more overbearing Mother-in-law looking over her shoulder to make sure her ‘low stature’ wouldn’t affect her son’s image.” Clara scoffed, having always hated Leonard’s mother and the way she treated Penelope.

“And thank Magic for that.” Wyatt had also been upset at never being able to defend their daughter against the frosty woman’s comments.

Penelope nodded at Meemaw, the older woman had just gestured for them to step outside. She looked around but everyone else was busy with their own conversation.

Her dad, Sheldon and Missy were in a very animated conversation about maybe buying sheep. Her mom and Mrs Cooper were chatting in the kitchen and from what Penelope heard, her mom was even helping with some of the pastries.

Stepping out into the sun made Penelope close her eyes in joy. She stretched her arms out and enjoyed the way the sunlight warmed her body.

Meemaw’s chuckle made her finally open her eyes, she was sitting at a table under the shade of an umbrella.

“This is really cute.” Penelope gestured at the umbrella.

“It’s Missy’s, she likes to sit out here and make eyes at the boys.” Meemaw said as she lit a cigarette.

“Still no luck huh?” Penelope took a seat and shook her head sadly.

“Bah!” Meemaw moved her hand dismissively. “That girl always finds something wrong with the men she dates.”

“She’ll find hers, eventually.” Penelope was glad to have brought out her glass with lemonade. It wasn’t too hot but she appreciated the coolness of the glass in her hand.

Meemaw made a sound in the back of her throat and Penelope wasn’t sure if she agreed or not but she let the silence stretch out and thankfully it wasn’t awkward.

Meemaw had almost finished her cigarette when she finally spoke again. “I’ve got an old friend at the Adventurer’s guild. He mentioned something about some annulment confirmation coming in yesterday.” She was vague, probably fishing but Penelope didn’t mind.

“Yep.” Penelope smiled. “I’m a free woman now”

Meemaw grinned at her and nodded approvingly, slowly. “Good girl, I was worried for a second that you’d be a crying mess.”

“To be perfectly honest…It wasn’t until I had that confirmation in front of me that I realized how much I wanted it. But, I-Well-I…I couldn’t dare to hope. I don’t know if that makes sense but that’s how it felt to me.” She played with the droplets on the outside of her glass. “I was half expecting Leonard to come in charging after I submitted the annulment.”

“I can’t blame you for feeling like that. But now what?” Meemaw asked.

Penelope frowned, not understanding the question. “Uh, I guess I keep living my life?”

Meemaw laughed before growing serious again. “That’s a good answer, but I meant, what do you want to do exactly with your life? You told me that once you were looking to run away and try your hand at Bard hopping. Is that still your plan?”

Penelope took a moment to think it over, having thought something similar last night. “At one point I had wanted nothing more than to go out into the world and explore it…but then my mom died and I married Leonard and I had resigned myself that it would never happen. And it wasn’t my biggest regret.” Penelope finished the rest of her glass, enjoying the clinking of the mostly melted ice cubes.

“My biggest regret was that I couldn't spend more with my parents. Can you believe that? I was crying myself to sleep because I wouldn’t be able to see my mom as often -Leonard didn’t like it when I spent time with my parents- and I guess I realized that the time I could spend with my mom and dad was very limited. Not that I’m looking to move right back in with them, but I want to be able to see them whenever I want.” Penelope shrugged. “Other than that…I wouldn’t mind acting or singing.”

Penelope bit her slip and looked away from Meemaw but decided to trust in the old woman.

“I had actually thought about visiting the local Bard Guild. See if they would teach me. I don’t really have to worry about money for a while and my mom and dad just moved here so I wanted to give performing an honest try.”

Meemaw had been nodding along and she smiled at the last part. “I’ll introduce you. The Guildmaster is an old friend, she’s a hag but she’s got some good points.”

Penelope laughed, she was getting used to Meemaw’s sense of humor.

“But you know, girl. My question was aimed more towards whatever you and my grandson have brewing between you. Don’t think I haven’t noticed you’re still wearing his necklace.” Meemaw pointed at it with an unlit cigarette.

“Oh!” Penelope touched the necklace with two fingers before smiling and twirling it. “I don’t know yet but…” She stopped, unsure if it meant something or not.

“But? Meemaw prodded.

“He trimmed the bushes.” Penelope decided to tell Meemaw.

“Oh. Oh! Ohhhhhh!” Meemaw blinked, once, twice, before sitting up in shock and slamming one hand on the table. “That’s the spirit! That’s what I’m talking about! His Pop-pop loved a bushy gal but nothing wrong with a smooth playground.”

Penelope was confused for a moment before getting it. She could feel her face erupt in flames.

“Meemaw! No! He did not-No, no, no, no. I meant that he trimmed the bushes behind the house so I had an easier time picking out berries. I can’t believe you’d think I would tell you about-No!” Penelope covered her eyes with one hand.

“Oh…damn, I thought you had finally gotten freaky.” Meemaw said, doing nothing to hide her disappointment.

Penelope squeezed her eyes shut, still feeling heat on her face.

She loved Meemaw but she didn’t think she’d ever get used to how brazen she could be.


Meemaw gets freaky.

Chapter 153: Allergies (Farming SIM)


Sequel to Bushes


Some more of this Universe

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Wyatt carefully wrote down in the logbook everything he was putting into the shipbox, his daughter would come back later and grab whatever Parker had dropped off.

It had been close to two weeks since he had been working in Mr Cooper’s farm and so far he had found it a much different experience than he expected at first, not in a bad way.

The farm was already running on a pretty efficient schedule and Wyatt had simply stepped into the shoes that Mr Cooper had been filling until now.

Not even the six new sheeps were that big of a workload, the smaller barn also had an automatic feeder and everything needed to take care of them. Wyatt hadn’t told anyone but he was looking forward to starting to make goat cheese. It was Clara’s favorite.

“Hey you, farmhand! Fetch me your boss!” A rude voice interrupted his musings and he looked up to see two well dressed men approach the farm entrance. The one that had yelled out at him had a haughty look on his face while the other was covering his nose and mouth with a pristine white handkerchief.

“I’m the foreman.” Wyatt said in a harsh tone. That was his job title and they needed to respect it. “My boss is working on something important right now and he doesn’t want to be interrupted.” That was a lie, Mr Cooper was simply working on the back path to the hill. He had trimmed the bushes, installed a stone pathway and now was installing a wooden fence on the steepest part of the path.

“Fucking yokels.” The man covering his mouth muttered loud enough for Wyatt to hear.

Wyatt stopped what he was doing and sucked on his teeth. He licked his lips while he thought about that lightning stick resting against his leg. He had gotten it as protection against cattle rustlers when he had first started all those years ago and he made sure it never left his side, not even here where cattle rustling was unheard of.

“Wanna say that again big man?” Wyatt wasn’t in the mood for this, he was sure Mr Cooper would appreciate him protecting the farm.

“Mr Kripke said nothing, you must have misheard.” The haughty looking man said quickly. “We’re just here to ask some questions.” The man tried to smile but it looked wrong and crooked, as if he were in pain.

“Do you know if a Penelope Hofstadter is living on the premises?” The asshole named Kripke asked, still covering his mouth.

Wyatt frowned. What did these people want with his daughter? “Can’t say the name rings a bell. But I’ve only been working here for a month. Mr Cooper lives alone.”

Haughty man muttered something as he made a sour face before turning to his friend and shrugging. “Well, does anyone else live here? On the farm I mean.”

Wyatt sniffed, hoping these idiots would leave already. “Just me, my wife and my daughter.”

The men looked at one another before Kripke nodded with his head to the carriage waiting down the road. “Let’s go.”

Haughty man nodded before grimacing and shooting his friend an apologetic look and shaking his head. “We need to check. Would you mind telling us your wife and daughter’s names?”

Wyatt grunted in annoyance and slapped a hand on the back of his head, deciding whether to just blast these guys into next week or just handle it peacefully. His wife took the decision off his hands.

“Hon? Who are these…men?” Clara asked suddenly from behind him and he half turned to face her. She was adjusting her big shawl to be tighter around her.

“Uh, these are…” Wyatt thought for a moment before realizing he had never actually asked what or who these men were. Very purposefully he grabbed the rod off his hip, making sure the men watched as he did. “You know what darlin’? They never introduced themselves.”

Both men raised their hands and had a clear look of fear on their faces. “Hold on, stop.” Haughty face pleaded. “We’re from the Hofstadter Merchant Group. We’re looking for the boss’ wife, that’s all.”

A quick but meaningful look passed between Wyatt and Clara.

“Your boss lost his wife?” Clara asked in a mocking tone.

“Gareful lagdy.” Kripke tried to say but now his voice was nasal and congested. “Agh fugging aggergies.”

Clara pressed her lips together to try and stifle her laughter but Wyatt didn’t even try, he barked a quick laugh and Kripke glared daggers at him.

“Well you gents, I don’t care about your boss. This is my wife, Clara. Our daughter is still in bed, her name is Roxanne.”

“Woxanne?” Kripke said before grimacing and covering his face again with that handkerchief and walking off towards the carriage, not waiting for an answer.

Haughty face took a calming breath before turning to follow his friend but stopped after a step. He rummaged through a leather briefcase and pulled something out and handed it to him.

A business card.

Wyatt took it with his free hand and looked it over. Eric Gablehauser, merchant.

“If you know something, please contact me if you find something out. My boss is a generous man.” He said before moving towards the carriage.

Clara and Wyatt watched the men until they got on the carriage and left for good.

Howard scrubbed at his face, trying to gather enough courage to face his friend.

At one point he had loved to come visit Leonard in his office, but ever since Bernie destroyed the curse his friend had spent all of his time holed up in his office, he had even asked for a bed to be installed.

Howard didn’t know what crazy looked like, but he knew that Leonard was getting pretty close to finding out.

He had sent out search parties to every corner he could think of where Penelope might be, only to come up empty on all fronts. And yet for all his effort to try and find his ex-wife, Leonard refused to speak on the subject.

Heck, he refused to accept that she was his ex-wife now.

Howard rubbed his face some more until he saw stars behind his eyelids and then he jumped in place quickly until he felt ready to run a mile. Before he could chicken out he opened the door to Leonard’s office and plastered a smile on his face.

“Buddy! It’s me, the light of your life again.” Howard moved to open all the curtains. “No point in having all these windows if you’re not opening the curtains.”

A grunt was the only answer he got. Leonard laid in bed, a bottle of something in his hand and the front of his shirt was covered in what Howard suspected to be puke.

“I got a new client that I need you to sign off on.” The only place that wasn’t a mess was Leonard’s desk, because even as the mess he was right now, the one thing that Leonard refused to stop doing was earning gold. Howard set the papers he was carrying on the desk and started organizing it into piles.

“Howard. Why do you always have to be so cheery?” Leonard carefully removed his soiled shirt and threw it at an empty basket.

“That’s just who I am, buddy.” Howard hoped the fake smile was convincing.

Leonard grunted something unintelligibly as a response and Howard tried to not look at the bloated body of his friend. Alcohol wasn’t kind in the best of cases, and dungeon brewed alcohol much less so.

“Anyway, I think I found something that’s going to make you cheery as well.” Howard teased. “Or rather, I found someONE.” Howard continued as he poured a glass of water.

Leonard had been in the middle of putting on a new shirt and Howard only realized his mistake when Leonard, in his attempt at turning quickly to face him, had tumbled down into the bed and bounced back to the floor. “Penelope?!”

Howard cringed. “No, no, no. That was a poor choice of-No. I found someone that is also doing ‘science’.” He quickly clarified.

“Oh.” Life had once again left his friend’s eyes and Howard berated himself.

“Yeah, sorry, sorry. Her name is Amy and we invited her to come next week.”

Leonard grunted again before sitting down at his desk. “Tell her to not come. I’m not in the mood.”

“No can do buddy. She’s already on the way.” That was a bit of a white lie, they could technically ask Amy to not come or send her back as soon as she appeared.

Leonard served himself a glass of wine but Howard took it right out of his hands and replaced it with the glass of water he had prepared just for this. “Fine, but she better be smart.” His friend sulked.

“Oh buddy, you have no idea.”

Amy looked around the workshop that had been prepared for her. It would be enough, for now.

“Leonard, this is Amy. She is doing that science thing and agreed to help you.” The man wearing clothes too tight for him introduced her to the man she was supposed to help. Amy wasn’t impressed.

Leonard was bloated, red eyed and barely conscious. Her mind quickly found the reason, her nose was a close second.

Amy recoiled back at the strong smell of alcohol emanating from the man. She covered her nose in a futile attempt to protect herself.

“Sorry, it’s a bad time, but he was about to go shower.” The man whose name she still didn’t know told her. “C’mon buddy, let’s get you cleaned up while the nice lady settles in. I’ll send a maid to give you the tour. Your bedroom is through that door.”

She was left alone in the workshop and not for the first time she started having second doubts about this whole endeavor. They wanted her to teach a drunkard?

Amy sighed. The gold would be helpful and this at least got her out of her mom’s easy reach. The woman was getting unhinged in her requests for grandchildren.

‘You can do this.’ She thought to herself and moved towards her room, not waiting for the promised maid.


I got an idea running around in my head for a new universe. Let's see if it turns into something.

Chapter 154: Business (Business)


Business world.

Amy didn't intend for this to happen.


Not a sequel to anything.

This one is weird, not going to lie.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Amy just wanted to be loved. Nothing more and nothing less.

She didn’t deserve this pain.

Where had all gone wrong? Why had it all gone wrong? Could have she done something to prevent it?

‘Maybe not sleep with your boss.’ She thought sardonically.

How could have she been so stupid?

‘Did you really think he could love you?’ Amy’s worst judge wasn’t her mother but herself. She had prided herself on being a professional, on being above everyone else’s petty drama and now look at her. Crying her eyes out over a stupid man.

Her first mistake had been to take this job. She was a neuroscientist, not a personal assistant. But she didn’t have the money to live off research alone and the bills just continued to come. She took this job more as a favor to her mom than anything else.

It had all looked so simple on the surface. She just needed to be the personal assistant to one Leonard Hofstadter, CEO of the famous HWP Group. The largest pharmaceutical group on the west coast. Cold medicine, pregnancy tests, anticonceptives, vicodin, etc. Not a single product existed on the market without them being involved somehow.

It was demeaning work, but it was also the best paid job she ever had and most likely would ever have. All of her talents were wasted on spreadsheets, organizing meetings, scheduling appointments and dealing with the small fry that Leonard Hofstadter couldn’t bother with.

Since she took the job a year ago the company had only doubled their revenue and were looking into expanding to the global market.

Except it was all a lie.

The HWP Group only existed in name. A series of bad decisions on the part of the CEO had made it so the company operated at a loss-No, not only the CEO, also the CFO, Howard Wolowitz and the CIO, Rajesh Koothrappali…and also, Amy herself.

She had helped them by building a shell company that on paper had loaned money to the HWP Group and then ‘seized’ the assets to recoup the losses.

The CEO of that company?

Amy Farrah Fowler.

She shouldn’t have agreed to this scheme but-

Before she could finish the thought, the memory of Leonard dancing with her in her small apartment came to mind. She had thought that they were in love…

Amy wasn’t sure when it started, or even how, but at one point while working as his personal assistant she had fallen in love with Leonard Hofstadter. He was short, whiny and pessimistic, but he was also funny, with a sense of humor that matched Amy’s perfectly and he understood the science she was trying to make.

She knew it was wrong. Leonard had a fiancee, a gorgeous shareholder and part-time model named Penny Quinn.

Amy longed to be able to be friends with Penny, there was just something so magnetic about her, like the sunshine on a cold winter morning.

Honestly, Amy didn’t understand why Leonard cheated on his fiancee so often.

She didn’t know why she agreed to help him. It started as a small favor, text Penny that Leonard would be working late, make dinner reservations at restaurants that Penny hated, lie directly to Penny’s face about what Leonard had been doing the previous night.

And then Amy had gone and become part of the mess herself.

No, that was a lie. By the time she slept with Leonard she was already pretty deep into the whole mess. She had already created the shell company and she was creating the false MBR’s and fabricating the Financial reports.

Maybe she deserved this pain after all.

Eyeing the letter in her hands she thought it over…No, no one deserved this pain.

She had found the letter and thought it was for her, until she picked it up from Leonard’s desk and a second envelope fell. There were two letters, one had her name on it and the other had Leonard’s.

Amy had found it funny that Leonard had written a letter to himself so she opened it.

Her world had crashed down as she read it.


Like always, please find a love letter crafted with love and care from me, for your little monster. Oops, I meant, our respected CEO.

I know your stomach roils every time you have to touch her. You have my neverending admiration for actually kissing her and sleeping with her.

You have a stronger stomach than I expected.

Honestly buddy, I don’t know how you do it. To go from supermodels and actresses to Amy, quite the downgrade.

Just remember that it will be done soon. The company is back on track, your parents will be none the wiser and once your werelover gives you the company back then you can go back-’

At the time, that was as far as Amy could read, her tears had blurred her vision too much to keep going. She had locked herself in her tiny office and cried loudly. If her office hadn’t been in the corner of an otherwise unused hallway then people would have probably noticed…although, not even then if she was honest with herself, in the best of days she was ignored and in the worst of days she was scorned openly because people thought she didn’t deserve the position and trust given to her by Leonard.

Maybe she didn’t.

Once she had calmed down, she read the letter again and again and again and again until it was burned into her brain.

Amy should have waited until Leonard came back into his office and then she should have slugged him. She should have gone to the CFO office, grab the fire extinguisher that sat right outside his door and empty it out. She should have set fire to the building.

But she did none of those things.

Instead she took a deep, shuddering breath. Cleaned her face as best as she could. And then she calmly set the letter inside the envelope again, walked all the way back to Leonard’s office and returned it to where she had taken it.

She then returned to her office and began working on a new financial analysis for the next meeting. This one, truthful and showing how bad the company really was doing.

Amy wished for a lot of things. Beauty, friends, love. But the thing she wished the most was to not be such a vengeful bitch.

Alas, it wasn’t meant to be.

Leonard made a face as he waited for the elevator to take him up to his office. Howard had just texted him that before he left to go home he had dropped Amy’s gift and letter on his desk. It forced Leonard to drive back from the bar, he hoped that Howard hadn’t added his usual mocking letter because Amy could easily find it.

He looked down at his watch, he made a mental note to ask maintenance to check the elevators, it wasn’t possible that they took so long.

Leonard ran a hand down his face in frustration before turning sharply and moving towards the stairs, he took them two steps at a time, at least for the first four floors, after that he paced himself.

“C’mon, move.” He muttered to himself and wished he had followed Penny’s advice to stay in the gym.

Thinking of Penny unfortunately only made him feel worse. He had thought he loved her, that she was the love of his life.

Until Amy.

No, not really, or at least that wasn’t the full truth.

Leonard and Penny’s parents had started the Pharmaceutical Company and they were technically childhood friends. Technically because they didn’t really spend much time together, Penny had always been more social and preppy than Leonard so their friend groups didn’t coincide that often.

But by the time Leonard and Penny were in college he had grown obsessed with her. He could admit that, he hated seeing her with anyone else…so he begged his parents to arrange a marriage between him and Penny. He had told them that it was to protect the future of the company but he was certain that his mother could see right through him.

It didn’t matter because he knew it made sense, the future of the company that they had all worked so hard for being secure and staying in the family was too big of a temptation.

Penny was probably really unhappy but she never showed it. Their relationship had been rocky for many years, until finally, finally, she warmed up to him.

Leonard should have been over the moon with happiness, instead, he was disappointed? Penny was a wonderful girl but…not very smart. She modeled for a living and only cared about the Company as a shareholder, she didn’t show any excitement about advancements made by research or the creation of new meds.

Little by little he started to pull away from Penny. It didn’t help that in his position he had access to exclusive parties and clubs, his name carried a certain weight now that he was a CEO -True, he was appointed by his and Penny’s parents but still- and people…women, to be more exact, women started paying attention to him.

He knew that it was wrong.

But Leonard found it impossible to reject a woman’s warm touch. Their sweet breath made him weak in the knees. Women that if it weren’t for his position and name would not pay any attention to him.

Women that couldn’t afford to ignore him now.

It was intoxicating, he held so much power. Howard didn’t help, his friend was even more of a horn dog than him and it had been Howard that had introduced him to the C&W parties. Coke and Whores.

Leonard was living the life. Soon he would be married to Penny, who was still pretty hot. The company would be under his control and he would be able to give it to his children. He had promised himself that once he had a kid, at that moment he would stop sleeping around.

But that moment hadn’t been then. He made the mistake of hiring a really hot personal assistant, she had gotten pregnant and it took a lot of money to take care of the issue. Thank god for abortion clinics in reservations, you could take care of issues like this without worrying too much.

Thankfully Penny had noticed nothing.

His dad had then nominated the daughter of a friend for the position of his assistant and once Leonard saw a picture he wanted to say no right away, but he reconsidered almost right away. This was perfect, this girl, Amy, would only work there for a couple of months, he wouldn’t be tempted to touch her and once Amy was fired then he could hire another hot girl to parade around his office.

Perfect plan.

Leonard hadn’t expected Amy to be so good at her job. Amy was smart and sharp, true, she wasn’t a very social person but Leonard didn’t need her to be one. He just needed her to do her job correctly, which she did, more than perfect even.

Howard was the one to notice that Amy had developed a little crush on him. They had both laughed until their bellies hurt and ignored it.

And then disaster struck.

It had been a flawless plan. He wanted to show his parents that he could take the company to the next level, and wanted to prove himself in the eyes of his mother.

He and Howard came up with a plan to save on manufacturing costs. They scouted for new providers and they finally decided to go with NKGL Incorporated, it was a new company in the market but the prices they were offering were insane, it couldn’t be real.

It wasn’t.

Turns out that the whole thing had been a scam, NKGL didn’t exist, it was all the sales woman's fault, Joyce Kim. She had tricked him, she had flirted with him and used her wiles on him. How was he supposed to know?

Leonard was the victim here.

But he couldn’t allow his parents to find out, he had not only ‘bought’ materials, but also invested in the future of NKGL because Howard agreed that it would grow and go all the way up to the moon. Howard had agreed that it was a good idea.

Joyce Kim had then disappeared into thin air, leaving them with no materials and no money.

Thankfully Amy had come up with a solution. Create a shell company that would then seize the Company and with that the new company created and run by Amy could get loans from the banks which then would be used to pay for materials and payroll and the rest.

It had all worked flawlessly, even Leonard couldn’t believe it. He had thought that Amy’s suggestion would be dead in the water but he could almost kiss her for how successful the whole thing had been.

“Buddy, what will we do if Amy refuses to hand over the company in the end? The possibility is very real.” Howard had whispered in his ear.

The very real fear had wormed its way into Leonard’s heart. What would his parents say if they found out? What look would his mother give him? The thought alone chilled him.

The only reason his older brother wasn’t the CEO was because he never cared much for the company, he wanted to be a prosecutor and eventually an attorney general. His older sister was a renowned psychologist that cared little for the meetings and headaches that took to run a company. That left him.

He wasn’t even the first choice after Penny’s dad stepped down as the CEO. Penny’s older brother had been the CEO before Leonard but because of the pressure and stress he had started to use some of their products, until he almost overdosed on quaaludes. Tim was now just another shareholder, happily living without the stress it took to run a multimillion company. He had moved to Nebraska and was living on a farm with his wife and kid.

When Tim’s incident happened, Leonard had just finished business school -Stanford Graduate School of Business- and he felt ready for the challenge.

Leonard hadn’t missed the look shared by his and Penny’s parents. They didn’t believe in him, it didn’t matter what he did or didn’t do. It was never enough. He was never enough.

He needed to show them all.

So no, Amy deciding to keep the company wasn’t an option. Leonard was going to make sure she didn’t even have the thought.

‘What a fool.’ Leonard thought to himself as he hurried his pace up the stairs, almost at his floor.

The plan was simple enough. Seduce Amy Farrah Fowler and dump her once the company was safely back in his hands.

Easy…except one tiny detail.

He hadn’t expected to fall in love with Amy.

She had been convenient, good at scheduling appointments and he was surprised that she kept her mouth shut when anyone questioned who or where he was, she was loyal to a fault and he had taken advantage of that.

Amy was more than he ever expected or knew. She had a dry sense of humor that always appeared in these sudden bursts of energy that left him amused and looking at her in wonder. She understood how amazing the research and breakthroughs were, knew how big of a deal things were.

Amy’s childhood was somewhat similar to his, never finding a place among her peers. Bullied and ignored for most of her life, just like him.

Her relationship with her mother was a strange parallel to his own relationship with his mother.

Leonard hurried his pace as his office came into view. He looked around but no one was present, he looked down the hall to Amy’s office and saw her door was closed but could see the shadow moving behind the milky glass walls. He sucked in a breath and moved into his office.

Howard’s letter, a letter for Amy and a stuffed animal sat innocently on top of his desk.

Quietly, carefully, he closed the door to his office behind him. The lock was loud in his ears and once it was locked he sighed in relief.

He didn’t even open Howard’s letter, just set it on top of the shredder. He opened the letter intended for Amy but after a glance at its contents he made a face and put it back in the envelope, setting it on top of the shredder as well.

Leonard took the stuffed animal, a glasses wearing elephant and glared at it. Howard probably thought he was funny. He opened the bottom drawer of his desk and shamefully hid the animal.

He couldn’t believe how he had participated in this BS as well.

Amy didn’t deserve it.

Leaning back on his chair he put his hand in his face and made a decision. Nodding to himself he knew he had to do it.

Tomorrow, after the monthly financial review meeting, he would talk to Amy about his feelings and how to move from there.

Leonard smiled to himself for a moment before frowning. He liked Penny as a friend but he had come to realize in the last couple of years that he didn’t love her…but he believed that Penny truly had come to love him, how could she not after all they’d gone through. But it was needed, he could see a future with Amy, a future he lost with Penny at some point.

Turning on the shredder, he destroyed Howard’s gross letters.

Penny left the HWP Group building in a state of shock and walked. She walked without direction until her feet hurt, she took turns and paths without a concern for where it would take her. It wasn’t until her heel broke that she came to her senses. Somewhat.

She was in a park?

It was around noon and there were a lot of people walking near her. She carefully walked to a bench and sat down to check on her shoe before shaking her head and giving up. Luckily, she had her bag and she pulled her phone out, but she simply put it back in her bag.

What was the point?

The shock she was feeling was slowly being replaced by rage. How dare Leonard cheat on her? How dare he destroy the company that their parents work so hard for? How dare he…

Amy too. If she was honest with herself, there was always something weird about that woman. The way she stared at Penny was odd, the way Amy was so protective of Leonard was odd, the way Amy acted was odd.

Today was supposed to be just another day, another boring meeting.

Instead they all had their world ripped to shreds. Leonard had been so confident, claiming that the company was doing great for another month only to have Amy cut in and reveal all the crap that had been happening. The lies, the bankruptcy, the loans, the fact that the company only existed as a husk.

Leonard had been lying to them for months. Lying was not a strong enough word for what he had done. He had betrayed them all.

A few angry tears made an appearance and she wiped them angrily.

Fuck that lying piece of shit. He had begged his parents to arrange their marriage, he thought she didn’t know but her parents told her everything. Her mom begged her to accept, a child between them would ensure that the company stayed in both families’ hands.

Penny scoffed. So much for that.

She didn’t even find him attractive, but she had been loyal. She had played the role of the loving girlfriend. An angry laugh escaped her, maybe she should be an actress instead of a model.

After Amy revealed everything she had been afraid that her dad would swing at Leonard but the one that actually punched the little lying asshole had been his own mother. Beverly had never looked so mad as she threw punch after punch. It took her dad and Leonard’s dad to stop her.

She needed to leave and no one tried to stop her. The last thing she heard before leaving was her dad telling everyone that he would step up as a CEO again until this issue was solved.

“Penny?” A voice pulled her from her headache.

Penny frowned for a moment at the tall man before she blinked quickly “Sheldon?”

Sheldon had tutored her in College when she had struggled with some classes, her dad had found him and after College she had never heard back from him despite her giving him her number.

“What are you doing here?” Sheldon sounded surprised and confused.

“What? I can’t be in a park?” She was still pissed and her tone was harsher than she wanted but anger kept her from apologizing.

“Park? You’re in Caltech. To be more specific, you’re outside the Thomas J. Watson, Sr. Laboratories of Applied Physics.” Sheldon tilted his head.

Penny stared owlishly at him. After a moment she opened her mouth but no sound came out.

“And your shoe is broken.” Sheldon pointed at her heel.

“Yes, well. I never minded walking bare footed.” She shrugged and then laughed at the appalled look he shot her.

“Don’t move.” He ordered her and before she could retort about no one ordering her to do anything, he had left, briskly walking down the path.

Penny shook her head but then laughed. What a day.

She would wait for Sheldon, because what else was she supposed to do?


If you ever watched the original version of Ugly Betty then this probably seems familiar.

On another note, my birthday took place this week and I got several horror books thanks to Dragon so I'm going to read and read and then read some more.

Chapter 155: Blocked (Business)


Sequel to Business


More for this Universe

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny looked around as she walked next to Sheldon. She enjoyed the little slapping sounds that the flip flops Sheldon had given her made against the path, thankfully it wasn’t gravel but actual solid stone.

“I still can’t believe you have ‘emergency flip flops’ in your office.” Penny told him distractedly as she watched the students and faculty walk around.

“One must be prepared.” Sheldon said in a very serious manner and she couldn’t help but laugh.

“Wackadoodle. Most people would have emergency shoes or sneakers.” She shot him a grin before returning to her current activity of people watching.

“Oh. I have both of those as well but flip flops are cheap and easy to replace.”

Penny did a double take and stopped walking. “Wait. You have actual sneakers in your office and instead you have me these?” She pointed at her feet, raising one to make it even clearer.

“Yes.” He didn’t look ashamed. “I don’t know where your feet have been. Can you imagine the nightmare it would be to properly clean and disinfect them?” Sheldon shuddered.

Her jaw was still hitting the floor. “Wow, you’re an ass.” She kept walking, even though she didn’t know where his office was. “No wonder you never messaged me back.”

“But I did.” He had no trouble keeping pace with her thanks to those long legs of his.

“What?” She stopped again to face him.

“Message you. In fact I’ve sent you a Happy Birthday message for the past seven years despite never receiving a reply.” Sheldon said it very matter-of-factly.

“Huh?” She looked at Sheldon for a long moment before grabbing her purse and pulling her phone out. With the ease of practice she found the messages and scrolled down to Sheldon’s name before finding the conversation. “Look, this is the last message I sent you.” She showed it to Sheldon and he nodded in confirmation.

“Yes, it is.” He said nonchalantly.

Penny rolled her eyes when it was clear he would say nothing else. “So as you can see, no other messages from you.”

Sheldon opened his mouth but she put a finger in front of his face and he recoiled back.

“What? I don’t have cooties. No, nevermind. Show me your phone.” She demanded, not forgetting the way he had ordered her to stay seated.

Penny hadn’t expected him to actually do it. Asking Leonard for his phone was like asking for a miracle. It would never happen.

Sheldon even unlocked his phone before handing it to her. She quickly found the messages and paused at seeing a short list of names.

Mother (Mary Cooper)
Pasadena Model Railroad Museum
Pasadena Museum of History
Stuart (Emergencies)
California Science Center

Not even a spam message in his list. He probably even deleted those one time verification code messages.

Tapping on her name opened the message thread and for a moment she didn’t understand. Her message was there.

‘Thank u 4 all you did. u helped me a lot and ye ye ye I kno u dont like how i type but idk i think we can be friends even if ur not my tutor anymor text me’

But unlike her on her phone, there was a reply.

‘Penny. I am appalled at your use of the English language. However, I do believe we can be ‘friends’.’

Penny blinked. He had replied a day later.

‘Happy Birthday Penny. Felicitations on your ‘special day’ as you were so fond of saying.’

This message was sent five months after they had last seen each other. She had thought about inviting Sheldon to her birthday party but she was still angry about him not replying to her message so she didn’t message him.

‘Happy Birthday Penny. Felicitations on your ‘special day’. May you be well.’

She could still remember sitting next to Sheldon and explaining to him why her birthday was so important to her.

“I don’t care if you think we’re just celebrating going around the sun. It’s my special day and the least you can do is wish me a happy birthday!”

Sheldon had tilted his head and she could see the fight gathering in him and she had grinned and prepared to fight it out, but much to her surprise he had just nodded once and gone back to focusing on the book in front of them.

Penny read the next message.

‘Happy Birthday Penny. Felicitations on your ‘special day’.’

“What the hell?” She muttered at seeing the other four exact messages. She knew that she hadn’t received those messages. “I…” Penny opened her mouth to say something but she had no idea what.

“Penny, would you mind lending me your phone for a moment?” Penny looked at his extended hand blankly for a second before putting her phone in it. She had nothing to hide.

Sheldon’s long slender fingers moved quickly and before Penny could look closer at the small frown on his face, he smiled and handed her phone back to her.

“Done! It was just a simple block.” He looked so happy having figured things out.

“Thanks Hon…” Penny trailed off at seeing the sudden barrage of messages, emails and texts that her phone was receiving.

“I hope you don’t mind but I decided to clear your phone of all blocks as it’s obvious you were a victim of sabotage.” Sheldon stood tall with his hands behind his back, looking very proud of himself.

Penny quickly set her phone to silent before looking through her messages. Zach, Kurt, Isaac, John, Sheldon and even Mr Rogers, one of her college professors all had sent her messages but she had gotten none. Same for her emails and texts.

And then like lightning it hit her. Leonard.

Penny closed her eyes and clenched her hands tightly until it hurt. Tears were already falling before she could even try to stop them. Rage burned bright in her chest, to the point she thought she would burst into flames.

“Penny? Are you okay?” Sheldon’s voice pulled her from that dark space where she was planning to murder Leonard.

She took a sudden deep breath and let it out slowly before replying. “No Sheldon, I’m not.”

“I see. Would you still like to visit my office? I have an electric water kettle and tea bags for a warm beverage to help you calm down.” Sheldon offered.


“I suppose you could also use the water for instant coffee, but I have none in my office. Maybe in the campus store?” He muttered the last part while looking to the side.

Penny had to laugh at his overly serious tone. “No, no, I’m fine with tea.”

“Oh! Goody.” She was finding it very hard to stay mad in the presence of Sheldon.

Wyatt rarely allowed himself to be so rattled but the current situation was so beyond FUBAR that he thought that all in all he was actually quite contained.

Beverly had punched her son so much and so hard that all of the violent thoughts left Wyatt at seeing Leonard be so beat up.

“Okay Miss Fowler. How can we resolve this?” He was covering his eyes with one hand, willing the headache to disappear.

“Miss Farrah Fowler please. I was humiliated and used as an accessory to this crime. I only wan-” Leonard didn’t let her finish.

“No Amy! I love-” Beverly slapped her son quite savagely.

“Shut up Leonard! You’ve ruined everything we worked so hard for. Shut up!” She glared at Leonard and like always, he cowered under his mother.

Thankfully, Amy was a reasonable individual. Yes she was guilty of aiding Leonard in this braindead scheme of his, but it was only thanks to her that they still had a company to speak of. She could have gone directly to the authorities and it would all have gone to shit.

But she even had a plan on how many months it would take for the company to go back to track while paying all the loans. This girl was a genius and totally wasted on Leonard.

She was also hurt beyond belief. As angry as he was with Leonard for destroying their company, cheating on his daughter and overall being a shitty person, it paled in comparison to the anger that Amy had for Leonard.

Amy just wanted to get this all over with and cut all ties with their families. Something he heartily agreed to. They would keep things quiet, Leonard, Howard and Raj would all step down from their positions and slowly be phased out from operations until they were quietly removed from the company.

Amy would receive a generous severance package and a glowing recommendation letter. At least publicly. In private she would still help with the whole assets seizing contracts and loan payments, she would keep her company but sign many NDAs that would prevent her from speaking about what happened here.

“Wyatt, I didn’t intend for any of this to happen. You saw the presentation, we were on track to-” He cut Leonard off.

They were sitting in the CEO office, only Wyatt and Leonard.

“I don’t care that you were on the way to solving it. I care that you destroyed our legacy.” Wyatt was trying to stay calm but it was hard. He was supposed to be retired, not stepping back into this position. “Why Leonard? Why? The company was doing great, you just needed to keep things as they were.” That’s the part he didn’t understand.

“I…I needed to prove that I could do it. You all look at me like I’m not enough, you look at me with pity. Not even Tim, who almost overdosed in this same office, gets treated like that!” Leonard stood up and paced, his face shifted between shame and anger.

Wyatt put his face in his hands, it was like talking to a teenager.

“THAT! That’s what I’m talking about! Why do you make that face? Why don’t you respect me?” Leonard raved.

Wyatt leaned back fully against the chair and looked at the ceiling, ignoring the raging overgrown teenager. He had almost married his daughter to this…thing. Sighing he sat back up and used the intercom to call for his wife and friends to join them.

That shut Leonard up, especially as his mother glared at him. Beverly looked ready to assault him again so her husband was restraining her tightly by the arm.

His friends stood behind him and all faced Leonard.

Tiredly he half turned to look at all of them. “I asked his reason for doing all of this and his response was…” He gestured towards Leonard.

Leonard was staring back at all of them defiantly. “I wanted to prove that I could do it. That I could be trusted with this. I wanted to do it so you finally stopped looking at me like I’m a burden!”

Wyatt huffed and leaned back in the chair, already knowing what would happen.

In three large agile steps Beverly was in front of her son and one of her arms was pulled back. No one tried to stop her.

The slap reverberated and Wyatt hated to admit it, but he enjoyed the sound of it.

“How dare you?!” Beverly’s voice was an acidic hiss. “How fucking dare you? We try to keep you on track with your interests and you CHOOSE to ignore that advice. I told you to go and study Psychics and what do you do? You go to a business school, to study something you have no passion for, to study something you hate, all to inherit the company.”

Leonard was holding his cheek as he stared fearfully at his mother. “You knew?”

“Of course I knew you stupid selfish child, why would I tell you otherwise?” Beverly replied quickly.

“But…but who else would take care of the company? Who but me could take care of it?” Leonard asked and everyone but him scoffed.

“Yes. Because you’ve done such a great job of it.” Wyatt had to input.

Leonard made a face and looked at the floor.

“Even a monkey would have done a better job than you.” Beverly was vicious even in her best days.

Amy felt as if someone else was moving her body, wooden and stiff. She went through the motions of driving home, entering her apartment and then seating in front of the TV.

Her eyes focused on the dark glossy screen and her distorted reflection on it.

It was done. She had revealed the truth.

She should be happy but the truth was that she felt nothing, no, not nothing. She felt a sort of numbed pain, the type of pain that she knew would hit her the moment she left her defense down. The type of pain that kills you.

Robotically, she moved to pull her phone and dialed the one number she swore she never would. It rang only once before someone picked up.

“Hello? Faisal?” Her voice was empty compared to the excitement of the person on the other side of the line. “Yes, I’m calling because I changed my mind.”

Amy made plans, made lists of things that needed to be sold off.

“Yes. I am ready to be your bride.” She had already sacrificed so much and gotten nothing in the end.

What was one more sacrifice?


But I think that's it for now. I would be retelling the ugly Betty story otherwise. I just had this little bit more of it in me. The next chapter will be either a new Universe or a continuation of Farming SIM

Chapter 156: The Hierophant (Tarot)



Sheldon knew his options were limited, crime, military or clergy...was it really an option at all?


New Universe.

I'm running with something new. I have a head full of horror and this was born.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Sheldon knew from a young age that he was different.

He saw and understood too much. He was only six when he understood his lot in life. He was a bump in the road, something unexpected.

The Cooper’s were humble farmers, and his parents already had a first born son, someone to take over the farm. His twin sister was no issue at all, she would be married off when she became of age. But that left the problem of Sheldon.

Unlike the rest of his family, Sheldon was restless in their little farm. The only reprieve was Sunday school where he excelled and he would often sneak out to read the books that were usually behind locked doors.

Sheldon also excelled at listening to the grown ups talk, for some reason they ignored him if he had a book in his hands.

As such, from a young age he realized that soon a decision would be laid at his feet. Families with two or more boys faced a struggle that would boil down to three choices.

Military. Sheldon abhorred violence and found it primal and primitive. Not to mention that there were rumors of a great war on the horizon. Not an option.

Criminal life or menial work. Not an option.

Clergy. The Coopers were Catholics and one of his uncles worked as groundskeeper for the Cathedral of Our Lady of Victory. Was this really a choice?

Sheldon kept it to himself but he wasn’t fully sure that he believed in god.

But the church offered something he could get nowhere else -at least not for free- an education. He could have access to books, scrolls, teachers and more. He offered himself up once he grew out of Sunday school education and even he could tell the relief his choice brought to his parents.

His mother was pleased beyond herself, having a priest in the family would make her the talk of the town. And his father was happy to not have to feed him anymore, more coin for his drink.

Sheldon found a certain joy in the routine and strictness of the Diocese of Galveston. As long as he followed the rules, cleaned after himself and studied, he was given all the freedom to study any other subjects he desired.

Chemistry, Math, Physics, Biology and more. The library selection at the Cathedral was impressive and Sheldon absorbed every bit of knowledge he could with a passion.

But this brought an issue.

His already trembling faith crumbled with each piece of knowledge he acquired. Learning about the world made him doubt the existence of a higher power. Yet, he kept all this to himself.

For years he went through the motions, excelling until he received his stole and chasuble.

If it were up to him he would have stayed happy behind the walls of the Cathedral, continuing to gather knowledge but as per tradition, he needed to go out into the world and complete a year of service to become a full fledged priest. For now he was a Deacon, until he could prove he was able to handle parish life.

Sheldon was assigned to a small nothing-town called Woodsboro. The only church there was still in construction and even for the small town it was in the middle of an empty street. Most of the congregation was Mexican and Sheldon was well received by being able to speak Spanish. Languages were something he easily picked up.

His plans had been simple. Complete his parish time, go back to the Cathedral and request to be assigned to the archives, otherwise known as the library, where he could spend his time reading books without being bothered.

Of course, nothing was ever that easy.

It happened during a scheduled grocery run. He and Father Ortiz were walking towards the grocers. Sheldon liked Father Ortiz, the older man was a no nonsense kind of person and he allowed Sheldon to pick any books he liked from the communal library.

They were having a discussion in Spanish when Sheldon noticed the strange man in the middle of the street. His hands tightened around the handle of the wheelbarrow he was pushing.

The man was simply standing there, looking up at the sky without moving. No, that wasn’t right, his mouth was moving, he was mumbling something. The man was obviously a drunkard in the middle of some fit, but there was something odd about him, something that made Sheldon look at him.

The man was drooling like a hungry dog and his long hair and clothes were disheveled and dirty. Years of grime covered him. His matted hair covered the drunkard’s eyes but Sheldon was sure they would be bloodshot and dry. He had seen them often on his own father.

“Ven mijo, no te metas donde no te llaman.” Father Ortiz ordered him and Sheldon was happy to comply.

They gave the man a wide berth and Sheldon turned to tell Father Ortiz something about the grocery list when he felt something grab his arm, he recoiled in disgust at being touched but his arm didn’t budge, it was trapped in an iron vice. The drunkard was somehow there, right next to him and he was painfully holding onto his arm and it took a moment for the smell to hit Sheldon. The scent of rotten eggs and warm raw meat assaulted his nostrils.

Gagging, Sheldon covered his nose and mouth with his other hand. “Unhand me!” He ordered the man but only received a blank look in return. The beady empty eyes looked at him and yet not.

“She…watches…she…sleeps…” The drunkard spoke slowly, his voice was gravel and his breath was death itself.

Sheldon’s eyes watered and he kept trying to step back but the man wouldn’t allow it.

“Hello, friend. Please let go of my colleague.” Father Ortiz intervened and tried to pry the man’s hand off Sheldon to no avail.

It was rumored that Father Ortiz had been a boxer before dedicating his life to the church, and while that was only a rumor, Father Ortiz certainly had the physique to have been a heavy weight champion. But even him, with all his upper body strength, could do nothing against the grip of the drunkard. If it wasn’t for the heavy overcoat Sheldon was wearing, he was sure that his skin would have broken under the filthy fingernails.

Sheldon finally unfroze and decided that enough was enough, despite his aversion to touching the dirty man, Sheldon did just that. Putting his free hand on the wrist of the drunkard, but the moment he did that, all hell broke loose.

The drunkard screamed and Father Ortiz jumped back. Sheldon would have followed suit but his hand, against his own will had closed tightly around the drunkard’s wrist.

A primeval feeling filled Sheldon, it made him mad beyond belief, it told him that this man was his enemy and he needed to end him. It rattled against his soul like a monkey rattling the bars of its cage.

Sheldon gritted his teeth and squeezed the wrist under his fingers, tighter and tighter. The drunkard’s scream was painful to listen to but Sheldon knew he couldn’t stop. He could feel it within him, if he stopped it would all be over.

After a moment the scream cut off into nothing, as if someone had turned the volume off on the man. The drunkard stopped moving and Sheldon knew that something was very wrong.

The man moved differently, breathed differently, as if something else entirely was now occupying his body. Somewhere deep down, Sheldon knew he was facing something out of this world.

“The mother has seen you.” The drunkard’s teeth clashed loudly and painfully as the thing occupying his body spoke, with no regard for the doomed man. Blood dripped from the thing’s mouth. The things’ voice was deep and guttural, it rattled Sheldon’s chest and it hurt his ears. “Thief!!!” The inhuman voice screamed as it accused him.

Sheldon was nauseous, the thing’s voice assaulting his brain, but even with that, he didn’t let go of the man’s wrist. It must have been his imagination but Sheldon could swear that he could feel the skin boil and move under his fingers.

With a final scream, full of pain and frustration the thing pretending to be a man collapsed, almost toppling Sheldon as well, but even then, he knew he couldn’t let go.

“Bendita Tú eres entre todas las mujeres y bendito es el fruto de tu vientre Jesús.” Somewhere in the back of his mind, Sheldon heard Father Ortiz pray. “Santa María, Madre de Dios, ruega por nosotros los pecadores-”

Sheldon felt ready to pass out, as if he had just run the length of the farm twice. But something kept him on his feet.

The drunkard finally let go and Sheldon knew he had won. What he had won? He didn’t know.

Sheldon took a deep breath, finally feeling safe. He panted like a dog and he backed away and into Father Ortiz’ waiting arms. “I got you, I got you.” Sheldon nodded at the older man’s words, holding onto him for protection from…whatever that had been.

Father Ortiz was rubbing Sheldon’s back when the drunkard stirred. A whimper escaped Sheldon and he burrowed deeper into the embrace of Father Ortiz, trying to make himself smaller.

“What happened? Where am I?” The man didn’t look drunk anymore. Frightened beyond belief, yes. But sane. “I need to call my wife.” The man’s mouth bled freely and his voice was pained and raw but normal, human.

“This isn’t possible. This isn’t possible. This isn’t possible.” Sheldon kept repeating to himself. Knowing that the man in front of him wasn’t the same man that had touched him before.

Father Ortiz’ embrace was the only thing keeping Sheldon from breaking down fully.

Sheldon didn’t know how he got back to the Cathedral, he was lost in the horror of the experience. For the first time in a long time he prayed for an answer.

No one and nothing answered his prayers.

Sheldon refused to leave his quarters for the next month and he appreciated how understanding Father Ortiz was, but even then he found no peace.

Fever dreams assaulted him during the night and anxiety filled him during the day. He couldn’t stand the dark and he made sure his room was brightly lit at all times of day. He stopped eating and his already thin frame became even sharper.

“Sheldon.” Father Ortiz’ kind voice startled him from his uneasy reading. “These men are here to see you.” Two men in priest clothes stood behind Father Ortiz.

Sheldon was about to ask the men to leave him alone but looking at the eyes of both men Sheldon understood something.

They had seen. They understood.

Gulping, he nodded and welcomed them into his room.

“Deacon Cooper. I am Father Kant and this is Father Feery.” The older of the two introduced them. The man had a haunted look on his face but his face was hard and honest. He spoke with a slight accent that Sheldon couldn’t place. “We understand that you witnessed a possessed.”

Sheldon inhaled sharply. He had avoided thinking about the encounter but in the presence of these men he couldn’t pretend. He nodded shakily.

“The first time is never easy.” Father Kant commiserated but Sheldon was horrified.

“The first time?!” He said loudly while clutching his chest.

Both men nodded reluctantly and even without saying anything, Sheldon knew they were fully aware and conscious of what he had seen.

“We’re part of a very special group within the Vatican. There are very few people like us in the world. People that can harm Those Who Hide.” Father Kant looked him in the eye. “We’re here to make an invitation. What we’ll ask of you can’t be forced, you’ll face things that no one should face.”

Sheldon hugged himself tightly.

“But what I can promise you is that you’ll stop being afraid. You’ll learn about what lurks in the dark.”

Sheldon shook his head.

Father Kant didn’t stop talking. “And above all, you’ll learn to hurt them.”

Sheldon stopped shaking. He locked eyes with Father Kant.

“We’ll teach you how to make THEM fear YOU.” The grin on Father Kant’s face was savage and bloodthirsty.

Sheldon gulped and looked down at his hands, he looked back up at Father Kant and nodded.

“Grab a bag. We leave tonight.”


I think this will be a Universe in three parts.

Chapter 157: The Fool (Tarot)


Sequel to The Hierophant


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Leonard took a look at his messy office and tried to figure out how to make it look better, manlier and came up empty. He wanted to make a good second impression because he had fumbled the first.

He cleaned the door and made sure his name shone brightly “Hofstadter & Wolowitz Detective Agency.”

He turned on his newly acquired radio and tinkered with it until Al Jolson’s tinny voice sang ‘April Showers’ and Leonard sat back in his chair, debated with himself if he should add a box under his chair to make himself taller and ultimately decided against it. If he fell in front of anyone he’d die of shame.

Leonard bit his thumb as he tried to find anything that would make him look manlier. Slapping his forehead he remembered the ashtray he had nicked from that ratty bar that Howard liked to frequent. Pulling it out from his desk drawer he set it in front of him and sat back again, looking at it.

Something was missing. Ah of course. He pulled the pack of Lucky Strikes from one of the inner pockets from his brand new coat and awkwardly opened it, pulling a couple of cigarettes from the pack and putting them in the ashtray.

There, that should give him a mysterious air, it almost made him feel like one of those detectives from the pulps. Speaking of, Leonard opened the bottom drawer of his desk and stared at the two hats sitting innocently there.

Deerstalker or fedora? Which one would make him look better? Beresford or Holmes?

Leonard bit his thumb again as he considered and after a long moment he picked out the fedora and put on his head, closing the drawer with his foot.

The fedora looked better, besides, maybe if he channeled Tommy he would be able to find his own Tuppence.

A knock at the door pulled him from his thoughts. “Speaking of…” He whispered to himself and tried to remove the grin from his face, trying to adopt a serious and mysterious look. He adjusted himself in his chair, once, twice, then a third time, not being satisfied with how he looked.

Another knock startled him and he realized he had taken too long to answer, cringing to himself he decided to just stop focusing so much on the way he looked sitting on his chair.

“Come in.” He forced his voice to be slightly deeper.

Leonard watched hungrily as the door opened and the focus of his love entered, all sunshine and warmth.

Penny Quinn did a double take as she entered the room, blinking, confused as she looked around at the office and at him.

“Detective Hofstadter?” She asked as she squinted at him.

Leonard said nothing, only nodded. He was trying to look aloof and interesting.

“You’ve…changed the room…and your attire.” Penny said hesitantly, eyeing him with distrust and Leonard wanted to cry, this wasn’t what he wanted.

“Yeah.” His voice cracked as he tried to lower it and he had to take a deep breath before repeating himself. “Yeah. This is how I usually dress.” This is how he imagined a detective should sound like.

Penny eyed him for a long moment before sighing and shaking her head. “Anyway. Did you find any information on my sister?” She took a seat and looked at the ashtray on his desk in confusion.

Leonard cleared his throat and was pleased that his voice didn’t break. “Ah, yes.” He pretended as if he searched for a file before deftly pulling the correct file from under the pile on his desk and started reading. “Maggie Quinn was a nun in training at the Convent at Lake Merrit, here in California, sent from Nebraska-”

Penny scoffed. “Nun in training, right.”

Leonard ignored her, knowing that nun in training meant a rebellious girl was sent to a nunnery as punishment. “- and after arriving at the convent she disappeared shortly after. There were no signs of her…” He looked up at her, hoping his leading tone would make her lean in towards him and maybe reveal a bit more of her bosom but she stayed in place and only gave him an unamused stare. He cleared his throat, trying to pass off the pause as natural. “No signs of her until now. I think I found your sister.” Honestly, it had been more due to Howard’s contacts but she didn’t need to know that.

Penny leaned in and looked at him expectantly, with awe on her face. “Where?!”

Leonard glanced down at the opening of her blouse and averted his eyes after a moment. “Yes, well, that’s the thing. I need to go visit someone that has more information but-”

“Oh you want more money?!” Penny stood up from her chair and glared at him.

“NO! No!” Leonard stood up and he was so flustered that he started talking in his normal voice again. “I would never-No! I just meant that I needed more time.”

“I’m going with you.” Penny declared.

“Wait, what?” Leonard was having a hard time keeping the image of an aloof detective. “It’s dangerous!”

“It is?” Penny looked shocked.

Leonard opened and closed his mouth, trying to find the words. “I mean, I don’t know the person so…” He said after a moment. “But! It could be dangerous!”

“Is the person you’re meeting a criminal or something like that?” A beautiful eyebrow went up.

“Er, no. He’s a priest.”



“Then you I can go right?” Penny asked slowly.

Leonard tried to think of a reason to say no but was coming up empty. “I suppose?”

Leonard berated himself for not standing his ground but he honestly couldn’t find any reasons to deny her request of coming along. He quickly made plans to meet with Penny on the day the priest had asked and he made sure to carry his 1911 in the inside pocket of his coat. While he had never had to shoot it at anything living before, he would be dumb to not take it, even if the person he was meeting was just a priest.

On the day of the meeting he also wore the fedora and briefly considered wearing a scarf before deciding against it and driving to his office where Penny was waiting for him.

He had hoped that his Pierce-Arrow-66 would impress Penny but she didn’t even glanced long at it, she just opened the door and got in without a greeting. And he had spent all morning washing it thoroughly.

“Let’s go then.” He did his best to hide his disappointment. He also didn’t miss the way she not so subtly covered her mouth and nose with a handkerchief. Leonard had washed himself the previous night and oiled his coat so he didn’t know why she would do that.

The drive was awkward and long. Penny turned her face away from him the entire drive and the noise from the engine wasn’t great background noise.

Finally, after what felt like forever to Leonard, they arrived at the small town of San Luis Rey, the only thing of note in the town was the Jesuit Mission that sat on the outskirts of the town. The priest that had agreed to talk to him however, had requested to meet at the confessional of a small church on the other side of this dusty town.

Leaving the car, Leonard only had a moment to lament the state of his car. He had washed it this morning and now it was ruined. Shaking his head he motioned to Penny toward the small church and both walked to it.

The confessional was easy to find and with it, the large Mexican man that was sitting outside of it on a creaky wooden bench.

“Father Ortiz?” Leonard asked as he approached the man.

“Yes. Detective Hofstadter?” The priest had an accent but he was understandable. Leonard nodded.

The priest stood up and shot Leonard a warm smile before directing a confused look at Penny, who stood there, hands on her hips and a tough look on her face.

“Oh, is this your girlf-” Penny didn’t let the priest finish.

“Nope. I’m his boss. He said you had some information on my sister’s whereabouts?” Penny lifted her chin up and looked up at the priest, full of defiance and challenge.

The priest chuckled good naturedly before his face grew somber and sad. “Yes. I was here to ask Detective Hofstadter to stop his search but looking at you I see that such a thing will be useless. Isn’t that right?” He asked with a sad smile towards Penny.

Penny narrowed her eyes and nodded.

“That’s what I feared.” The priest admitted before sitting back again, an exhausted groan leaving his mouth. “Your sister was hanging around a bad crowd.”

Penny scoffed. “Tell me about it.”

“No, no, no.” The priest shook his head. “I wish it was only junkies or communists. No. The people she’s with…they’re evil, pure evil. The sort of evil I’ve only witnessed once.” He made the sign of the cross. “I don’t think she knew what she was getting herself in.” His accent was stronger now, probably due to being so anxious.

“Father. She’s a whole horse short of a barn. And she’s a pain on everyone. But she’s my sister. If you tell me she’s safe then I’ll go back to my life and hope she comes back on her own. But if she’s in danger…I have to know.” Penny took a seat next to the priest and grabbed his hand as she begged him.

The priest hanged his head, Leonard thought in shame but as the priest put his free hand on his forehead, he realized that the priest was praying. Leonard looked away and to the side, towards the large Christ hanging on the back wall of the church. He tried to look in detail at the figure but the glassy bead eyes made his shudder and he had to look away.

He didn’t get how people didn’t find these figures creepy.

“Very well.” The priest’s voice pulled Leonard’s focus back to the moment. “I’ll help you. But I won’t tell you where she is.” He raised a hand, preventing Penny from talking. “I’ll talk to a friend. He used to be a priest as well and now he…deals with evil things.”

“Deals with evil things?” Leonard asked, raising an eyebrow.

“He deals with them, for good.” The priest confirmed and Leonard shook his head, scoffing a little to himself.

“But my siste-” Once again the priest raised a hand at Penny’s protests.

“I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if something happened to you.” The priest sighed sadly and mumbled something in Spanish.

“Very well Padre. We’ll talk to your guy.” Leonard said calmly but inside he was pissed, all this time, wasted.

At least things couldn’t get any worse.


I've been having a busy and rough time at work, plus some real life issues. Had very little time but I was able to write this.

Chapter 158: The Empress (Tarot)


Sequel to The Fool


I thought this would be three chapters long....

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny sighed in disappointment as Father Ortiz told them to come the next day, his friend would be there then.

She eyed Leonard discreetly and mentally cringed at having to endure the smell of his coat on the drive back. Not enough to actually refuse to drive with him, but almost. Almost.

She wasn’t sure why he had this sudden fascination in wearing leather but he should have kept it at home while the smell went away. She hated the smell of new leather, it reminded her of fish and horse piss for some reason.

Gritting her teeth she climbed back onto Leonard’s car and covered her nose and mouth as he drove them back to the city.

Penny knew that she was being very rude but the smell of his coat made her head hurt and it put her in a bad mood. At least she felt better knowing that there was a lead on her wayward sister.

Maggie had always been an issue for everyone. She was everything a lady was not supposed to be…not that Penny herself was much better but she at least knew when to keep things reasonable. Her sister though, it was like she found a sick pleasure in making their parents suffer.

As a last resort, Maggie had been sent to a nunnery but only a couple of months later they got news that she had escaped. Penny had offered to come and search for her and her parents had no other options but to accept, a farm couldn’t take care of itself after all. Her brother was a hooch runner and none of them had seen him in years so they couldn’t count on him to help pull his weight around the house, much less the farm.

So it was Penny’s job to come search for her sister. Of course, she had a hidden motive as well.

Penny knew about the movies and back home it was a rare treat that you could watch a movie during fairs. She loved how expression filled the actors were, she could almost hear their voices.

She was already in California after all, what harm was there in trying her luck?

So far she had only found luck performing as part of a vaudeville act and she had to waitress for a diner to make ends meet but these couple of months she’d been in California it was hard to see them as anything but amazing.

She was free from farm chores, she didn’t have to be careful of her parents watching over her every move and nosy neighbors while still existing here, none of them would run to tell her mother if she had held a boy’s hand.

Maybe once her sister’s issue had been dealt with, she could stay here and become a movie star.

She spent the rest of the long drive fantasizing about her being in the role of Alice Lake and kissing Rudolph Valentino in Uncharted Seas.

Arriving back at the offices of Leonard, he offered to drive her home but she politely, but firmly refused and made a quick promise to meet him the next day.

Penny was thankfully on time for her dinner shift and she cleared her shift for the next day, much to the displeasure of Fat Tom, the diner owner.

The next day, before leaving her shared apartment she made sure to carry her Browning no. 1 hidden in the pocket of her sweater, she knew that no one would suspect her of carrying a gun, but she was no fool, she was not going to get caught unawares by some junkie.

Arriving outside the offices of Leonard she found him already waiting for her and much to her poor headache’s sake, he was wearing the coat once more.

Accepting her fate she climbed on the car and covered her face again, refusing to even greet Leonard.

“I-uh-I realized that maybe the oil I was using on my coat was a bit strong so I tried a new one. I hope it’s better?” Leonard scratched the back of his neck as he stood outside her window.

Penny frowned before removing her handkerchief and leaning towards Leonard before pulling back and gagging violently.

“Oh…I guess it didn’t work?” She could hear Leonard speak but she was trying not to puke her heart out. “Uh, I’ll go change. I got another coat.”

If Penny could she would roll her eyes at him. It took her an embarrassingly long moment to get her breathing back under control.

Leonard hadn’t lied. He did have another coat, this one looked well worn and too big on him but at least it only smelled slightly of tobacco and not like fish. She told him as much and he cringed while smiling.

This time around she could enjoy the sights as Leonard drove them towards the little sleepy town they visited yesterday. She would have enjoyed it much more if dust didn’t just fly everywhere. She was thankful for the car’s closed design as it kept most of the dust on the outside where it belonged.

A long drive later and they arrived once more to the town, except this time Leonard drove them over to a diner, or what passed as a diner in this place. A lunch car sat lonely in the middle of a lot, no other cars were around and from the outside the place looked empty.

Getting out of the car, Penny looked around but no one seemed to be walking around or on the street. It was…odd.

“I think this is the place.” Leonard was moving his shoulders this way and that. It made the coat swim on his frame and she had to laugh a little to herself.

Entering the lunch car she at first thought they were the only people there but once her eyes adjusted to the new lighting she was able to spot him, he was sitting all the way in the back. He was tall for sure, she could see that as he leaned across the table, like a giant raggedy Ann doll folded in half over a table that was a size too small for it.

The man was reading a book, focused intensely and ignoring the world around him. From what she could see, he was wearing a tweed suit and a skimmer hat sat innocently on the table next to his book. His hair was styled in the same way as Rudolph Valentino and even in this position she could see his soft features, he was boyish. Honestly, he looked more like a university boy rather than the experienced ‘hunter’ Father Ortiz had described him as.

Leonard was also staring at the man in confusion and he opened his mouth twice before closing it. He looked around, searching for someone else but they were the only three people in there.

Actually…Penny looked around as well, not seeing anyone behind the bar.

“The owner is smoking a cigarette outside, he should be back shortly.” The tall man sounded annoyed. “Now, stop fidgeting around and take a seat while you wait for him.”

Penny narrowed her eyes at him, not really liking the snotty tone of his voice. “Are you the man Father Ortiz told us about?” She deadpanned, in no mood for games.

The man sniffed and finally looked up from his book. He didn’t look much older than her or Leonard. “Ah, you must be the people looking for a runaway nun.” She could see him watch them closely, taking them in behind those clear blue eyes.

“Yeah, she’s my sister.” Penny confirmed and she didn’t miss the flash of something that crossed his face, some emotion that happened too quickly for her to identify it.

“I see.” He said and sat up fully. While he was wearing a suit, he wasn’t wearing a dress shirt, opting instead for a baby blue henley shirt that matched his eyes. He had the top button open but was already closing it before she could look in detail.

Was that a tattoo? No, it couldn’t be.

“I’m Leonard and this is Penny.” Leonard introduced them and offered the man his hand.

The man frowned at Leonard’s extended hand and sighed before shaking it. He was wearing leather gloves, she noticed.

“I’m Sheldon Cooper.” He finally introduced himself.

Without waiting for an invitation she took a seat in front of Sheldon. Wordlessly he closed the book and put it under his hat. She had been able to glance at the cover but didn’t understand the language on it, it hadn’t been English, she knew that much.

They stared at each other and she had to change her first impression of him. He looked boyish enough but his eyes were tired and old, his stare was heavy as he watched her closely. Penny didn’t back down and watched him in return.

He was very well put together, his clothes were of good quality and fit him like a well worn glove. Sheldon was confident and she would even go as far as to say he was arrogant, it was in the way he sat, the way he spoke and the way he looked at her. Penny wasn’t a fan.

“Ahem.” Leonard cleared his throat loudly while sitting down next to her. A little too close for her liking, she said nothing but scooted away from him.

Sheldon observed them but only raised an eyebrow. She ignored the whole thing. “Where’s my sister?” They had come here for a reason and she had not forgotten it.

“Ah, yes.” Sheldon nodded and clasped his hands in front of him. “Manuel told me about your plight.”

“Manuel?” Leonard jumped in.

Sheldon tilted his head and looked at Leonard in confusion before widening his eyes and nodding. “Ah, yes. Father Ortiz. His first name is Manuel. Anyway, not relevant.” He gestured with a hand as if he was physically wiping the subject off the table. “Father Ortiz shared all the information he had on Maggie Quinn and his suspicions.”

Penny leaned in, expecting more but Sheldon was quiet, contemplating something.

“And?” She had never been the patient sort.

Sheldon sighed and her heart clenched in fright. His sigh was one of sadness. “I’ve always preferred things to be straightforward and direct. The group your sister joined is one that I’ve kept an eye on for some time and-” Leonard interrupted whatever Sheldon was about to say.

“Wait, wait, wait. What are you? A cop? Pinkerton? Private Dick? Why do you keep tabs on groups?” Penny looked in shock at Leonard’s sudden hostility towards Sheldon, but the man himself looked bored. “And for that matter, why can’t you simply hand us the information you have?” Penny went from wanting to slap Leonard to wanting to kiss him. She would not do it of course, but still, that was a good point.

Sheldon rubbed his forehead with two knuckles, as if talking to them was a chore that was slowly killing him. “I am a Zuavi Pontifici member tasked with protecting the Holy Church against the incursion of forces that may threaten it.”

Penny looked at Leonard, confused at what any of that meant. Leonard looked at her as well but he looked just as confused.

“Er…okay? I don’t know what that means.” Leonard admitted and she shrugged and nodded after a moment. “I thought you were a priest.”

Sheldon kept rubbing his forehead and she had the feeling that he was regretting accepting this meeting. “I was training to become a priest but was never actually ordained. I found that I could help the church in a different role.” Sheldon sounded exhausted. “All you need to know is that I’m acting under orders from the Pope himself.”

Penny opened her mouth wide in shock. That was like a big deal. “Wait, so my sister offended the Pope somehow and now you’re here to arrest her?”

“Why would you come to that conclusion after I-No, nevermind. I don’t want to know how your mind works.” Sheldon shook his head.

“Hey!” She slapped the table between them and made Leonard jump. “I have the feeling you’re calling me dumb and I don’t appreciate it.”

Sheldon finally looked up and they stared at one another for a long time. She didn’t look away.

“Very well. I apologize for my words.” Sheldon nodded at her and she had the feeling that something had shifted. “What it means is that the group your sister joined is of interest for the Church. Having said that, my current assignment is to observe and not act.”

“But-” Sheldon raised a hand.

“However, that assignment could change at any moment. I will do my best to protect your…” Sheldon trailed off and tilted his head, as if listening for something.

After a moment she heard it too, a childish voice screaming in excitement. It was getting closer to them, quickly. Until a small child bursted through the lunch car’s door and headed straight for Sheldon. The child was speaking quick Spanish and even if Penny understood Spanish she didn’t think she could have been able to understand the kid with how fast he was speaking.

Much to her surprise Sheldon was able to reply to the kid, in Spanish!

After handing the kid a coin, Sheldon was handed a telegram and the kid left just as quickly as he had arrived. Penny couldn’t help but smile at the entire interaction, it had been really fast but also really cute.

Sheldon glanced at the telegram for a moment before placing it face down on the table. “My orders have changed. I will try to retrieve your sister safely.” He moved to stand up but she held onto his arm, he narrowed his eyes at her hand but said nothing.

“I’m going with you.” She told him.

“No.” He didn’t even hesitate before answering.

“He’s right, you’re not going.” Leonard agreed and she didn’t appreciate how he spoke to her. “I’m the one that’s going.”

“What? No.” Sheldon for the first time looked baffled. “This is not a game. You’re not qualified. Either of you. I will inform Father Ortiz of the results and he will in turn inform you.” He pulled his arm, took his hat and book and left the lunch car.

Leonard and her stared at the door for a moment before Leonard turned to talk to her but he did a double take at the table. Sheldon had forgotten his telegram.

She picked it up and stared at it in confusion. She showed it to Leonard but he scratched his chin and shook his head.

“Don’t worry. I’ll follow him and find out where he is going. I hope that kid speaks English.” He muttered that last part and took off after Sheldon, leaving her alone in the lunch car.

Penny looked back at the telegram, it was only one word.



I was wrong. But this Universe won't be super long either.

As mentioned in the last chapter, life is happening right now but writing helps me unwind, the only thing I lack is time.

Chapter 159: The Chariot (Tarot)


Sequel to The Empress


I had the day off from work so I was able to write this.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Maggie had always thought she didn’t have the life she deserved. From a young age she knew that she was destined for more than just rows of corn and dusty floorboards.

She resented her parents, how dare they have children without having the means to take care of them. She hated her mother the most, her mom would try and tell her how proper ladies should act and behave. Bah.

Why should Maggie save herself for some babbling fool of a farmer? No. She would be married to someone rich, someone that could pay for a servant.

She was only nine when she discovered that corn could also be used to make hooch, it tasted like shit but it made the pain of having to live in a damn farm that much easier to swallow.

At least she’d only be here until some rich guy took her away right? Well, it turns out that rich boys don’t like girls like her. They called her names to her face and made it clear she wasn’t worth even a single hay lay.

But the hooch runners liked her plenty.

What was the point of being sober if all she had to look forward to was a life just like her mother’s? Maggie told her mother that to her face. The way her mom’s face had crumpled in deep pain made Maggie swoon with happiness, right until her father slapped her. The slap threw her on the floor and she looked in shock up at her father, he had never touched her, even when she had been at her worst. Tommy and Penny, sure, they were familiar with the belt. But never her.

From that point onward she made it into a sport, causing her parents as much pain and shame as possible.

Oh, the faces her daddy made when she bedded a new boy right in that barn of his. She would moan and cry loudly until he showed up, carrying that stupid shotgun that made whatever boy she had been with to run away in fright.

Maggie didn’t know what finally made her parents snap and sent her to the nunnery. Maybe it was seducing the new pastor. Maybe it had been feeding daddy’s favorite cow an entire bale of alfalfa hay until it couldn’t eat anymore and then watch it die, slowly and painfully. Maybe it had been because she lured away the Stevensons' grandchild and then played crucifixion with the little crying snot.

Truly, she had no idea what the final nail could have been.

But she was sent to a nunnery all the same, all the way to California. She had hoped that the nunnery would be nothing more than a couple of buildings that would be easy to escape from, but she had been wrong. The convent was a proper fortress and she couldn’t escape it.

She was forced to scrub floors, feed animals and could not have a drop of hooch. It was like being at the farm all over again and she was turning insane. If she fought back then she was left without dinner, if she tried escaping then she was locked in a cell.

They almost broke her.

If it hadn’t been for Sister Wadley that is. She was a full sister but still, she was the only one to show even a shred of understanding.

“I was once like you. But this place got to me.” Sister Wadley had then crushed the cigarette she was smoking. “Finish that before you go in or I’ll beat you myself.” She pointed at the cigarette that Maggie was smoking. Sister Wadley was not joking, even if she was the one that gave her the cigarette in the first place.

Little by little they got closer to one another. Maggie learned how to fake humility and regret from Sister Wadley, how to pass on her tasks onto weaker would-be-nuns and how to appeal to the Mother Superior so she’d get off her back.

It took months but finally, finally, she was able to sneak out at night thanks to Sister Wadley’s help.

That first drink of hooch after not tasting a drop for months had tasted like heaven.

As it turned out, Sister Wadley had friends from the nearby towns. A group of people that reminded Maggie of her own friends back home…maybe a little more on the wild side but she had fun either way.

She had fun.

Until she didn’t. She didn’t mind when they beat up the random farm boy but she started having second thoughts when they killed some lost girl. She must have been only five or six. Maggie hadn’t been there when it happened but she and sister Wadley arrived at their hideout just as a group of four boys continued to defile her body.

Maggie had grown nervous then. The people around her who had been her friends just minutes ago were now something else, something dangerous, something that could hurt her. Like a familiar dog whom you suddenly notice has very sharp teeth.

She had tried to play along, to act in the same way but something changed. They noticed that she was acting differently.

“Hey Mags.” Sister Wadley called out to her and when she had turned towards her, she only had a moment before seeing the fist fly at her face.

Next time she woke up, she was in a tiny cage, the only way she could be comfortable was to curl into herself. She wasn’t alone, other cages surrounded her and she could hear groaning and mumbling from them.

“Hello?” She called out and a frightened silence fell on the place. The other cages went deadly silent. “Hello?!” She tried again.

“Shut up. You’ll get us beat.” The man in the cage closest to her told her in a frantic and scared whisper.

She ignored him. “Wadley!”

Heavy and rushed steps could be heard from beyond the door. Was she in a basement?

She could barely see the door and was startled when it opened violently. Tony, the fat hooch runner that got them their booze every weekend came in, he was carrying a lead pipe.

“Tony, tony! You have-” She tried to say more but without any hesitation at all he swung the pipe at her. She could feel the rattling of the cage in her bones.

“Shut up meat! I don’t want to hear any of you make a noise. If I have to come back here then I’ll beat you and shove this pipe in your eye.” He growled at everyone.

“Tony?” She was scared.

“For fucks sake. You interrupted me just as I was going to piss, so you’re going to be my toilet.” He said while opening his pants. “If you make a noise then I’ll shove this pipe up your ass.”

He pissed on her.

She tried her best to use her arms to cover her face but it was useless. She wanted to cry and for the first time in years she wanted her mom to hug her.

Instead, the only warmth she got was from the piss covering her.

Sheldon had never been able to hear the voice of God. He knew it was something every single member of the clergy had talked about, but he just was never able to understand what they meant by that.

As he trained with Father Kant and Father Feery, it became obvious that Priesthood was not for him. He lacked something.

However, he possessed something that very few people did. The Touch.

“Sheldon. We are Shepherds. We protect our flocks from those that wish to harm them.” Father Kant explained as he sat on his wooden chair. “I don’t believe that you have it in you to be a Shepherd.” They were in Father Kant’s office and the fire crackled softly in the background.

Sheldon didn’t interrupt. If he was honest with himself, he agreed with Father Kant’s assessment.

“Shepherds are important, but do you know what every flock needs? A guard dog that keeps the wolves and coyotes away.” Father Kant’s eyes were hard. “I believe you do have what it takes to be a guard dog. To be the one that can go beyond the fence.”

Sheldon considered the words carefully. His faith was almost nonexistent, he believed that science was the true way. But he also knew that the church had given him the means to study. Even now, they were giving him money that he could use to buy more books, he had his own room and he was treated fairly.

“What do I need to do?” Sheldon asked and Father Kant smiled.

“Blessed are the peacemakers.” Father Kant had muttered to himself.

He had been introduced to the commander of the Zuavi Pontifici and his training doubled. While detesting physical violence, he had to learn how to deal with physical threats as well as spiritual ones.

He found it ironic that he had avoided the military only to end up in a similar situation altogether.

Sheldon now knew how to fight, use all kinds of weapons and heavy artillery. He consoled himself by the fact that he also had access to the various libraries and in the same span that it took him to learn how to fight, he had also learned four other languages and expanded his knowledge of math and physics.

He was able to read "Die Grundlage der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie” and the Bieberbach Conjecture.

Fascinating stuff.

After the war and thanks to his familiarity with the US, he was assigned as the thirteen American agent for the Pope. He was thankful that his request to be assigned to California was granted, of course that meant he was also in charge of Arizona but he didn’t mind. He had been afraid that Texas would also be put under his belt but thankfully that belonged to Father Doohan.

And because he was in charge of protecting California, he was now here. In the cell of this convent.

“Let me go. I already told you that I don’t know anything!” Sister Wadley fought against the restraints that held her in place in the sturdy chair.

Sheldon didn’t reply, he removed his left glove and touched the Sister’s forehead, she recoiled back but a moment was enough. No reaction.

He sighed. Possessions were so much easier. Putting the glove back on he took a step back and stared at the Sister.

“I have a responsibility and a job. What will take place now is not personal. I encourage you to be forthcoming and honest so as to reduce the amount of pain you will endure.”

“What? What do you mean?”

Sheldon didn’t reply, he simply reached into his coat, pulling a small but sharp obsidian knife, the handle and sheath were made of ash wood. A gift from Father Seery.

“Very well, shall we begin then?” Sheldon asked rhetorically and moved towards the bound nun.

Maggie quietly sobbed to herself, trying to make as little noise as possible. She had a hard time understanding the passing of time in this narrow cage but she guessed that she’d been there for only a day or so.

She had been left to stew in piss for hours until Tony woke her up from a fitful dream by dumping a bucket of water on her.

“You stink meat. Wash yourself and gobble up your shit.” Tony had dropped a tiny bowl of something in front of her cage, most of the gruel dumping onto the floor.

She had refused to eat but she saw that the other people in cages didn’t. Desperate hands reached for the tiny bowls with a frantic energy that disgusted her. The man that had warned her earlier was stuffing his face with the gruel and moaning like he was eating the best meal of his life.

Before leaving the room, Tony glanced around and saw that she wasn’t eating. He growled and stomped towards her. He pointed at the bow. “Eat.”

Maggie wanted to fight back but she was cold, scared and alone. With shaky hands she grabbed the bowl and curled around it.

Tony grunted and she could hear his footsteps move away from her. She waited like that for an hour or so, afraid that he was only tricking her. As best as she could she made sure that Tony wasn’t in the room before throwing the rest of the gruel against the wall and leaving the empty bowl outside her cage.

It was fine. She knew that the convent would look for her.

She would be fine.

Sheldon wiped his knife clean and looked himself over, trying to see if he was dirty but after a moment he was satisfied that not a drop of blood had touched him.

He ignored the passed out nun behind him.

While not possessed, the nun wasn’t clean. She ran around with a group of deviants and junkies that enjoyed causing pain for the sake of it. She had been unaware of the group’s true nature until recently.

She had signed the book of the Thousand-Faced Moon.

Her fate was sealed the moment she had done so. The rest of the information he needed was thankfully rather easy to obtain. He only hoped that Maggie Quinn was still alive and unsigned.

As much as he wanted to take action to destroy the rest of her covenant, he had to wait. Now that he had bloodied a member, he was certain that the Black Goat Spawn would make an appearance.

Sheldon felt a change in the air and he turned to face the now twitching nun. Without taking his eyes off her he pulled a small wooden charm from his inner pocket. The small abacus-looking charm with several beads made out of varying materials would confuse most people but for him it was a critical tool to understand what he was facing.

Putting the charm at arm’s length to keep both it and the nun in sight he waited.

One of the beads started vibrating in place and Sheldon frowned. He had expected that the silver or jade beads would vibrate, but it was the amber bead that moved.

“All praise the Dark Mother and her Divine Young.” The nun’s voice was now replaced with gravel and filth. “She remembers you thief!”

Sheldon put away the charm and wielded his knife again. “Servant of the Yellow sign. You shall not step forward into this world.”

The thing that had been a nun laughed. It was a buzzing of rotting flesh and dying children. “Soon the spawn of Shub-Niggurath will darken this worl-” The thing’s words devolved into bloody gurgles as Sheldon plunged his knife into its neck, black blood and pus spilling out. His other hand, sans-glove holding onto the thing's face and forcing it to look up at Sheldon.

“Black Goat.” Sheldon said simply and he enjoyed the way the thing’s eyes widened. He had been right. “Her monstrous progeny will never step into this world. Go back to Her and plunge into Her many mouths.”

“I remain a servant of the Yellow Sign. Yog-Sothoth Neblod-” Sheldon plunged his knife deeper and twisted it. Warm and rotted meat filled his nostrils but he ignored it. The thing’s skin under his fingers burned and boiled until the head burst into flames. He took a step back and looked at his hand. Unmarred.

He put his glove back on as the body of the thing burned. He hadn’t expected the Black Goat itself to make an appearance but this was a win in his book. He was under no illusions that he had dealt with it permanently. These beings were so far out of his understanding that it was no different than a caveman managing to stumble a tank through pure dumb luck.

But even the Black Goat needed to recover, and that could take years or even decades, giving them enough time to prepare for next time.

A warm feeling on his mouth made him flinch and he checked with his fingers. Blood. His nose was running with blood, quickly pulling a handkerchief he tried to stop the flow but by experience he knew it would not stop for at least a couple of minutes.

The human mind was not made to face these things. There was always a price to pay.

Leaving the convent cell he wasn’t surprised to see that the Mother Superior and her closest aid were waiting for him.

“Burn whatever remains and don’t use this cell for at least a year.” He ordered them and kept moving to leave, they followed close behind him.

“It will be done.” The Mother Superior promised.

He made a mental note to ask that this convent be audited. He hadn’t missed that the Mother Superior’s crucifix and rings were gaudy and that her office contained far too many trinkets and one of the cells was being used as a wine cave.

Sheldon had no time to waste. He left the convent and got into the waiting car, he gave orders to the driver to take him home and started to make plans.


Almost there.

Chapter 160: The Tower (Tarot)


Sequel to The Chariot


One more chapter to go for this Universe I think.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Maggie dreamt.

It was the night she had told her mom that her life was pathetic and that Maggie herself would not be part of it. It was the night her daddy slapped her.

Except, in this dream she wasn’t cruel to her mother, instead she sat down to have dinner with her family. She ruffled Penny’s hair until her baby sister glared at her and Maggie grinned back cheekily.

She enjoyed the warmth of the house and smiled at her plate of baked beans. Her mom had added little pieces of smoked ham, a rare treat.

“Thanks mom.” Maggie told her mother and felt tears prick at the corner of her eyes,

She could hear her mom speak but Maggie couldn’t understand her, confused she looked up but she was all alone in the dining room, the previous warm room was now cold and empty.

“Mom?” She called out, scared. “Mom!”

But no one answered.

She needed her mom, she needed to apologize, needed to hug her, neede-

“Wake up Mags.” A voice startled her awake.

Maggie woke up with a start, looked around and found herself in her cage. She wanted to sob and cry. She curled into herself and used her hands to cover her head.

“Heeeere little piggy. Oink, oink.” The voice was back and this time it was playful.

Maggie uncurled herself and twisted her body to look towards the voice. “Wadley!” Sister Wadley was there and Maggie was happy to see her. “You have to get me out of here Wadley. I haven’t seen anything. I know nothing.” Maggie begged and tried to reach out beyond the cage, she needed to touch someone.

Sister Wadley smiled down at her and Maggie felt hopeful. “No can do Mags.”

Maggie curled herself up again.

“But there is a way you can be let out of that cage.” Sister Wadley said after a moment and against her better judgment Maggie looked up at her. A question on her dirty face. “That’s right, you can get out of there. See, right now we don’t know if you’re one of our friends or not.”

“I am! I am! I saw nothing! I won’t ever talk to the police!” Maggie was desperate.

Sister Wadley made a disapproving noise. “Not good enough I’m afraid. You see…well, no, you don’t. You’re blind right now. But you could see so much more, you could be one of us. From the moment I saw you, I knew that you had a twisted soul like mine. This place, these people are like us! We don’t have to listen to anyone, not the Mother Superior, not the Police, not God.”

Maggied nodded as best as she could, she just wanted to get out of this cage. She didn’t know how many days she’d been here but she was dirty and because she refused to eat that goddamn gruel she was starting to lose her strength.

“Mags, there’s so much you don’t know. But you can, you really can come over to this side.” Wadley paced in front of the cage and Maggie gave up trying to follow her because her neck hurt. “You can stop being a bug, fodder. Look at you now, you’re nothing but a little piggy waiting to be slaughtered. Speaking of, Tony hasn’t noticed but I did, you’re looking a little thin Mags, you can’t be skipping meals. Trust me, it’ll make you feel good.”

“Okay, okay, okay. I’ll eat, I’ll eat. I swear.” Maggie agreed quickly, hoping that if she did then she’d be freed.

“Good, good, that’s a good girl.” Sister Wadley smiled at her and Maggie did her best to smile back. “You also need to take a shower. You smell like piss.” Sister Wadley laughed as if she had told a joke.

“Can I-I mean, can you take me out now?” Maggie laughed a little and asked, trying to hide her desperation.

Sister Wadley hummed in thought. “I don’t think so. Not yet. I think you need to stay here for a couple of days more. Don’t piss off Tony or he’ll use your ass like a toy.”

With that terrifying warning Sister Wadley left her all alone again.

The next time the gruel was put outside her cage, she took it and ate it. After that first taste she couldn’t get enough, she used her fingers to carry as much of it into her mouth and when that wasn’t enough, she licked the bowl clean.

The gruel was fantastic, she didn’t know why she had rejected it for so long. It made her feel lighter and that her situation wasn’t so bad. Her aching body felt good and she was able to actually rest for once.

She couldn’t wait for the next feeding time, in fact, she was looking forward to it so much that she touched herself just thinking about it.

“I think that’s him.” Leonard told Penny as he squinted to try and get a better look at the man leaving the convent. It was getting dark and that wasn’t helping him.

“Yeah, it’s him.” Penny confirmed his suspicions.

Sheldon left the convent and he was covering his face with a handkerchief. Leonard scoffed at seeing that, this guy had given him a bad feeling from the start. He acted like he was so much better.

They carefully followed the car that Sheldon got into and Leonard from time to time stole glances at Penny. She had abandoned her regular dresses for a pair of pants and a suit jacket. He liked that she looked amazing even in those but a part of him burned with jealousy that the clothes belonged to some man in her life.

Leonard recognized the roads they were on, they were driving back to Pasadena, or at least somewhere really close.

“Hey, I know this place.” It looked like Penny had caught on as well.

Sheldon’s car stopped in front of a house on Del Mar Avenue. They watched as he got down, spoke briefly with the driver and then went into the house. The car drove off but only down the avenue to the refill station.

“It looks like Mr. Important is going somewhere else.” He pointed the car to Penny who only nodded.

“Then we wait.” She narrowed her eyes at the innocent looking house.

The car returned after maybe only fifteen or twenty minutes and as soon as it parked outside the house, Sheldon appeared. He was dressed differently, now he was sporting knickerbockers with leather boots and a tight fitted jacket, all in a very dark gray. He was also carrying a large golf bag that he set quickly in the car before getting on himself.

“Weird time to play golf.” Leonard muttered before following the car again.

Maggie had just eaten her bowl of heaven and she was feeling light and happy.

“Hey meat, how can we contact Wadley without raising suspicion from the other nuns?” She thought that Tony was talking to her but it could have been a dream. “Ah fuck, you upped the amount again you crazy bastard.”

“It’s fine. We don’t need her. Wadley is one of us, things are probably just a bit rough at the convent and that’s why she hasn’t come yet. A runaway nun always brings attention at first.” Another voice was talking but Maggie was more concerned with touching herself and moaning in delight.

Tony grunted. “Fine, we’ll proceed without her. Hey meat, are you ready to bring the Divine Young into this world?”

Maggie moaned as her fingers worked quickly.

“Fucking junkies.” Tony sounded pissed off.

“Ignore her. Go make sure the ritual room is set up correctly. We’ll bring these breeders their final meal so they can go into Her many mouths full and satisfied.” The other voice kept talking and it annoyed her.

“Here it’s fine.” Sheldon told the driver. “Go refuel and return to this spot in six hours.”

The driver nodded without saying a word. Sheldon liked him, his drivers changed but all of them knew the score. Keep quiet and just do your job.

Sheldon shouldered his bag and watched as the car drove away the same way they had come. The dust cloud in the darkening sky was a good image to contemplate before he had to face madness.

He looked back towards the building in the distance, it looked rundown and abandoned but he knew better. Sister Wadley had been clear about there being no patrols or even lookouts.

Sheldon took his time preparing, he pulled out a trench knife and strapped it to his left leg. As much as he would like to use his obsidian knife, he knew that it wouldn’t survive this type of encounter.

He slung his model 12 trench gun over his shoulder and strapped his M1917 to his right leg.

Sheldon tilted his head and looked to the side for a moment before sighing and continuing to prepare.

He checked the push knife hiding as his belt buckle even though he knew it was there, but Commander Laurent’s voice echoed in his mind “Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer”.

Sheldon checked that his gloves were tightly secured and that they would not come off unless he wanted them to. He also checked that the small wooden charm was securely in place against his wrist, the vibration would help him be prepared in case someone from Those Who Hide made an appearance.

Lastly, he grabbed and strapped to the back of his waist the two white phosphorus grenades that would burn everything that had been tainted and touched by those filthy creatures.

Sheldon tilted his head again. “Come out, I can hear you breathing loudly.” He looked at a patch of tall grass. After a moment where nothing happened he sighed. “Detective, Miss. I don’t know how you’re here but trust me, you need to leave.”

The grass started moving and out of it came both Detective Hofstadter and Miss Quinn. Neither looked sorry.

“My sister is in there isn’t she?” Miss Quinn pointed at the building with the shotgun she was carrying. He noted that it was the infamous widowmaker model.

“That’s what I suspect, yes.” Sheldon admitted it easily.

“Then I’m coming with you” Miss Quinn raised her chin up in a challenging sign.

“I’m going too.” The Detective chimed in as well and for some reason his voice was lower than it had been back in the lunch car.

Sheldon pressed two knuckles against his forehead as he took a calming breath. “Do either of you have experience in trench warfare?” He asked calmly and didn’t wait for them to answer. “No, of course you don’t.”

“What does that matter? I just want my sister!” Miss Quinn narrowed her eyes at him.

“The people that are in that building are not just junkies or communists. They’re the kind of people that won’t hesitate to kill you. And that’s the best case scenario. If they somehow manage to capture you alive, then you will wish that you were dead. They will cut you up, rape you and keep doing it even after your cooling corpse has stopped twitching. And that goes for the both of you.” Sheldon had straightened to his full height and his voice was serious as he told them the truth.

“I-” The Detective started talking but Sheldon put a hand up.

“If you’re not ready to kill your opponent then it’s best that you don’t go there.” Sheldon pointed at the building in the distance. “Now. As I mentioned before, I will do my best to recover your sister. Wait here.”

Without waiting for a reply, he moved towards the building. Halfway there, he pulled a small bottle from his pocket and drank its contents. The almost too sweet liquid almost immediately gave way to an uncomfortable warmth that Sheldon knew would stay with him for hours.

“Who does he think he is?” Leonard raged quietly as Sheldon quickly walked away from them.

“He’s exaggerating right?” Penny asked him and Leonard smiled confidently at her.

“Of course he is. He just thinks he knows better.” Leonard pulled his gun out. “Let’s go.”

Penny hesitated for a moment before nodding and grabbing her shotgun a little more tightly.

They waited until Sheldon disappeared into the building before making their own way to it. Leonard kept glancing at Penny all the while, he would not waste this opportunity to prove himself to her.

The building was dark and cold, even with his jacket and coat on. An uncomfortable shiver ran down his back. Penny also looked uncomfortable and she was looking around as if a monster would jump at them from the dark.

He was about to suggest they check for stairs when Penny gasped loudly which echoed loudly in the quiet room. She pointed at a slumped body near the stairs, the body of a fat man lay there, crumpled into itself, like a malformed ball of dough, a puddle of blood was rapidly growing under him.

Leonard gulped, trembling as he put himself in front of Penny. “Stay back.” He whispered, suddenly feeling very cold from the inside as well.

He didn’t want to do it but he took a closer look at the dead man and that’s why he could see the large gash in his neck. He had almost been decapitated.

“Do you think Shel-Mr Cooper did that?” Penny asked in a soft voice.

“I-I don’t know.” He lied.

“Where do you think my sister is?” Penny turned away from the body and instead looked at the stairs. “Up or down?”

Leonard looked at the body one last time before turning to look at the stairs.

“If she’s here against her will then the basement is my best guess.” He answered honestly.

“Then we go to the basement.” Penny started walking downstairs and he followed closely behind her.

Maggie didn’t understand what was happening but she didn’t like it very much. Her stomach hurt.

“Mom?” She drawled.

A harsh whisper sounded in her ear, at first it felt familiar and comforting but soon it turned angry and disappointed.

“Mom?” She asked in the same voice as when she was five years old and a nightmare had frightened her.

Except, this time her mom wasn’t there to comfort her.

Sheldon grimaced as the body of the cultist hit the floor.

He had expected people to be here but not in these numbers. On one hand this was good as he would be able to get rid of most of the covenant, but on the other, this was bad because this many people in one place meant that an important ceremony was taking place.

“Sam?” A voice called out from one of the rooms in the back. Sheldon hugged the wall and watched. “Oh shit, Sam!” He could hear someone running and he prepared his knife.


A shotgun blast reverberated through the building. Sheldon wanted to curse, of course those idiots would not listen to him.

“GUYS we’r-” Sheldon darted from his hiding spot and cut the neck of the cultist but it was too late, if the shotgun blast wasn’t enough then the dying voice of the man had alerted the rest of the people in this floor and others. Sheldon was able to hear people scrambling and he knew these people would swarm him like ants.

Footsteps hurried all around and upstairs. He quickly sheathed his knife and pulled the trench gun from his back.

“Mom?” Maggie could hear her own voice echo in the empty room.

She was cold and in pain. Her stomach hurt and she just wanted her mom.


Life is still happening. I think writing this out is helping me get rid of negative emotions.

I understand if this Universe is not everyone's cup of tea. I promise that after this one we'll return to a more comfy one.

Chapter 161: The Devil (Tarot)


Sequel to The Tower


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Leonard thought this would be easy. Sheldon must have exaggerated everything.

He had been wrong.

The first inkling of a doubt started when Penny discovered that dead body, the only one who could have killed him was Sheldon. It had brought doubt and concern into his mind but he put on a confident front for Penny.

They had then moved into the basement. Both had ignored what the dead body meant. Sheldon was exaggerating everything.


The building was extremely cold and the deeper they moved into the bowels of the earth it only got colder. They were walking slowly, Leonard walked a little ahead of Penny as he tried to look into the darkness. Shadows moved weirdly and he had to stop several times to look closer at something that looked like a person or an animal, but the moment he focused his attention on it, it was gone.

It was only his nerves playing games on him.

Each room they encountered was empty, just empty cages everywhere they looked. It smelled like a slaughterhouse and Leonard didn’t want to think about the reason the floors were sticky.

Yeah, it was only nerves.

Just as he thought that a sound made him and Penny jump. They stood still and tried to listen closer. It had come from down the hallway.


There it was again. It was like a wet slap against concrete. They waited and sure enough, the sound came again, this time just a little bit closer.


He turned to look at Penny and her face reflected the same fear he was feeling.


A shiver ran down his spine and the grip on his gun tightened. “It’s coming closer.” He said and Penny nodded, she was holding onto her shotgun for dear life.


“Wha-” Before the question could fully leave his lips Penny had already fired her shotgun and left him blind and with a ringing in his ears.

Damn thing was loud and left him seeing spots.

“Why did you do that?” He asked her in a harsh whisper while he blinked several times.

Penny didn’t answer, she still had her shotgun aimed down the hallway.



He could barely hear it but it was unmistakable, that sound was still there. He turned quickly and peered at the darkness.

A pale bloated…thing moved towards them, its skin was white. No, it might have been translucent, he didn’t know, but he could see tiny blue glowing veins through its grub-like body. He gagged when seeing it, his mind telling him this thing shouldn’t exist. It was as big as a dog and it made his stomach roil.


A loud gunshot echoed from upstairs and that was the sign for Penny to shoot again. The grub-like thing exploded into a million pieces and splattered around the hallway.

Somehow, the knowledge that the thing didn’t exist anymore left him feeling more at peace.


“No, please no!” The woman on the floor cowered and used her hands and feet to crawl backwards, away from him.

Sheldon kept his trench gun on her as he looked around at the scattered body parts. He was covered in blood and that more than anything else made him irrationally angry. He hated messes and now his carefully crafted plan had been altered beyond repair.

“I’m not with them! I was just here for the drugs, I swear!” The woman insisted.

Sheldon focused back on the woman. “You shouldn’t have signed the book.” Thanks to the charm attached to his arm he could easily tell those that had signed their souls away.

The woman’s eyes widened and she stood up, either to attack him or run away, he didn’t know. But the moment she stood up, he squeezed the trigger.

A flower of blood bloomed in the wall behind what just a moment ago had been a woman and Sheldon resisted the urge to sigh. Such a waste of life.

He still needed to clear the rest of the floor before moving to the basement. A part of him wanted to immediately move to go and try to rescue Miss Quinn and The Detective, but he knew by experience that you didn’t want to get trapped between two forces.

Sheldon would make sure that no one could surprise him from the back. He just hoped the people in the basement could survive until he was done.

The constant gunshots he could hear were at least a sign of the survival of Miss Quinn and The Detective.

“Kill it!” Penny screamed at Leonard while she reloaded her shotgun.

Carefully he aimed his gun at the thing and squeezed the trigger. The result was like a pus filled balloon popping.

Penny’s shotgun made short work of the grubs, but his gun would leave the leaking bodies to make a mess in the hallway. He and Penny had already killed so many of them but they just kept coming.

He didn’t understand how there could be so many of them. It didn’t make sense.

Maggie was cold, extremely cold. She had a hard time breathing but at least she didn’t feel pain any longer.

“Mom.” She moaned and took a breath that rattled her ribcage.

She couldn’t even move her head so she simply closed her eyes. The place she was in was quiet.

No. It wasn’t quiet.

She could hear moaning around her, other people…and something else.


Penny’s shotgun had jammed so now she was using it as a club. She slugged grub after grub, not thinking about the small hiss each made after she hit them. Refusing to acknowledge how much the grubs' dying cries sounded like babies.

Leonard had found a two-by-four somewhere and was also doing his best to destroy the things crawling on the floor.

The basement hallway smelled like rotting meat and gunpowder but she was too focused on continuing to swing her gun that she had honestly stopped noticing the smell.

She would not stop swinging, she couldn’t stop. Something told her that if she stopped, if she let these things live that she would end up regretting it. Something deep and primal within her kept her moving, kept the gun from slipping from her fingers.

When the gun finally couldn’t take it anymore she started stomping violently on the grub she had hit.

Its pitiful cries just made her kick it harder, anything to shut it up.

Sheldon calmly reloaded all of his guns. He was certain that he had killed all cult members present.

It didn’t make him feel good.

Too much blood and too many wasted lives. But he had seen what happened when these cultists were allowed to live, how many innocent lives suffered for it.

The memory of a shadow lurking and hunting in the trenches of Belgium came unbidden to him and he had to actively shut it out. That had been his first and almost last encounter with a fully manifested…thing.

Shaking his head, Sheldon focused on the now and before hurrying downstairs towards the basement he took a small moment to wash his face with a bucket of water that had been abandoned in the chaos.

He had taken longer than he’d like clearing the upstairs floors and now could focus on the basement.

Which was always the worst part in these cases.

Penny had her hands on her knees as she panted, trying to breathe normally again. But her arms and legs hurt like never before and she could barely stand up.

Leonard wasn’t doing much better, he was leaning heavily against the wall, not caring that it was covered in blood, guts and whatever else those things were made out of.

‘He’s going to have to burn that coat.’ The thought made her laugh but she ended up coughing instead.

It hit her then, what she had just seen and done.

Penny vomited all over her shoes and then again, her body tried to force her to do it again but she only gagged and spit.

Her nose and throat were burning but she still had come here for a reason. She eyed the room from where all the grubs had come from.

The dark doorway gave her chills but she forced herself to be brave.

“Leonard?” She asked and was startled by the way he jumped.

“More?” He raised the piece of wood he had been using and looked around. His eyes were empty and he wasn’t really seeing anything.

She took a step towards him but thought better of it. “Leonard!”

Her yell finally pulled him from whatever place he had gone to and he looked around with clear eyes before dropping the piece of wood and immediately puking like she had done a moment ago. She understood and let him do it in peace.

Waiting for Leonard to recover she looked around, searching for her shotgun but she couldn’t see it anywhere, but that was not a surprise, the floor was covered in pieces of meat, blood and what she suspected to be pus.

Hurried footsteps made Leonard and her focus on the stairs. She looked around for something to use as a weapon but grew anxious when she was unable to find anything.

Before Leonard could try and pick up the piece of wood he had dropped, a man appeared at the entrance to the hallway. He was around the same height as Leonard but looked younger then even her.

His clean shaved face looked panicked, he kept glancing behind him before finally noticing them. “What are you…” He trailed off at seeing the massacred grubs and his face turned from panic to utter heartbreak.

“No…” He whispered in despair.

She watched him closely as he stumbled into the hallway but the man was ignoring them.

The man approached one of the grub’s bodies and carefully, almost tenderly picked it up and held it close against his chest. He began rocking the thing as if it was a baby.

“It’ll be okay, you’re okay.” The man whispered at the thing he was holding before carefully sitting against the wall. His eyes were full of care and concern for the thing in his arms.

Leonard shot her a questioning look and she shook her head. She didn’t understand anything.

Grabbing Leonard by the arm she pulled him along towards the final room.

Sheldon stopped the moment he entered the basement. He had been concerned about the lack of noise but looking at all the dead bodies of the Divine Young made him consider Miss Quinn and The Detective a little better now.

Pulling his knife he cut the neck of the blabbering cultist that was cradling one of the bodies. The man never noticed he was dead. For good measure he carefully cut up in half any body that he came across, it never hurt to be extra careful.

After his task was done he moved towards the very obvious ritual room.

Entering he was faced with the worst case scenario, the cultists had already used up the breeders. He sighed and shook his head. He was too late.

Looking around he found the other two people he was hoping to see.

The detective was slumped against a wall, his glassy and lost eyes were focused on the sight above him. A girl, no older than six or seven hanged from meat hooks, her stomach opened like a popped balloon. The detective’s face was a mask of pure agony, angry tears ran down his face.

He then turned towards one of the tables where Miss Quinn was carefully caressing a woman’s forehead. They shared a resemblance which made it easy to figure out this was Maggie Quinn.

He didn’t know how long she’d been dead for but it couldn’t have been for long. She was lying on a sturdy bed, her stomach and chest ripped open from the inside out, it reminded him of a carved out turkey's carcass.

Penny Quinn lovingly caressed her older sister’s forehead as she whispered lies to the corpse. “It’ll be okay, I’m getting you out of here. We’ll go back home.” Her voice was choked up with tears.

Taking a deep breath he looked around the room, there were several bodies, many hanging from meat hooks and others on tables, all in the same state as the girl and Maggie.

There was no one left to save.

Penny felt empty.

She had found her sister…what was left of her. What in the world had happened in that place?

Leonard and her were sitting outside the building while Mr Cooper had gone back in. He had promised to be back shortly.

“I don’t know how I will tell my parents.” She whispered to Leonard. Her voice was too loud in the quiet of the night.

“I don’t know how I will sleep again.” He told her and she had to pause before nodding twice.

They didn’t say anything else.

For the next thirty minutes they simply sat and watched the building that had changed their lives for the worse. Images that were now burned into their minds forever.

Penny would give anything to erase the image of her sister on that table.

Sheldon eventually returned, he was carrying his golf bag again but it now looked heavier. It was obvious he had taken stuff from this place but she was too tired to ask him about it.

“The first time I came in contact with this horror, I hid away from the world.” Mr Cooper-No-Sheldon’s voice was gentle. Or at least what passed as gentle for him. “I wouldn’t blame you if you did that. These things are not meant for human eyes or minds after all. But hiding won’t help with the memories or the nightmares.”

“So what? We just have to live with the knowledge that those things exist?” Leonard challenged, but his voice was weak, frantic and almost desperate.

“Yes.” Sheldon’s answer was so simple that it floored her.

“What’s the point?” She asked tiredly. “What’s the point of anything?” Her voice was on the edge of crying.

Sheldon stood still and considered her question seriously. “I don’t know.” He admitted after a long while. “For me it was an easy choice to make, I refused to live in fear.”

“Revenge?” She asked, not really knowing what she wanted to say.

Sheldon made a noise of surprise in the back of his throat. “Well, it’s not an unheard of reason. One of my teachers, Father Kant, his motivation was revenge. Although he has never allowed his feelings to intrude in his duties.” He blinked a couple of times before looking to the side and then focusing his sight on her again. “I could teach you.” He sounded surprised, like he didn’t intend to say that.

Penny opened her mouth and then closed it.

“What the hell are you talking about?!” Leonard stood up and looked at her like she was crazy. “This is insane! We need to go to the police! This doesn’t make sense, you’re probably in on whatever this is! You drugged us!” Leonard’s voice was frantic and scared. He kept pointing at the building and then at Sheldon in rapid movements.

“I understand you’re scared. But please keep your knowledge of this to yourself. The people in that building? They’re not unique. I can assure you that at least a couple of members from the covenant belonged to the police. You can’t have that many people disappear without anyone noticing.” Sheldon’s voice was soft but they were a bucket of cold water to Leonard, who slumped down in place. He looked lost and heartbroken.

“The police?” She had to ask.

“And politicians, doctors, nuns, priests, beggars, junkies, drunkards, shopkeepers, teachers, housewives and more. Cultists are from all walks of life, they exist in every country and they’re all ready to give their lives for what they believe.” While he talked Sheldon looked back at the building as if he was expecting something.

“And what do they believe in?” Penny felt so tired but she needed to know.

“In Dead Gods and Those Who Hide.” Sheldon answered easily but it took her brain a long moment to understand what he had said.

Before she could say anything she was distracted by the smoke coming out of the broken windows from the building, even Leonard looked up.

The three of them watched as more and more smoke came out before large flames hugged the building and lit up the night sky. It was very pretty but she had a weird feeling about it.

“My sister!” She finally realized why she was feeling like that. She tried to rush past Sheldon but he held back easily with one arm. “NO! Let me go! She can’t stay there!” Big fat tears fell down her face and she beat on the arm that was holding her.

“I apologize, but these things, they taint everything they touch. Including people. Fire is the only thing that can purify it and not very effectively either.” Sheldon pulled her against his chest, he sounded very apologetic even as she beat his arm. “I’ll make sure the church handles everything related to her funeral. She was a victim and the Pope will bless her passing into the next world.”

She sagged in his arm and he had to use his other arm to keep her up. “Do you promise?” Her voice was ragged and full of tears.

“I promise.” She could see him clearly thanks to the fire and his eyes were clear and honest. Even through her blurry eyes she could see flames dancing in his eyes.

“Okay.” She said in a small voice.


After much thought, I decided to add another part, next part will be the last.

Also, I decided on a small experiment. I will allow guest comments for a week and see how it goes. This is because 'Shenny guest' is forced to leave their comments over at FFNET and I think that this particular story, at over 160 chapters means that most people that is reading it is already here so I want to open that floodgate a little.
Now, this is an experiment, meaning that if I get bot comments that are too much then I'll close it back to only registered users.

We'll see how it goes.

Chapter 162: Arcana (Tarot)


Sequel to the Devil



(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


Penny couldn’t hold back tears as she set the bunched up wild flowers on the rough hewn headstone. Her dad had carved it himself.

‘Maggie Quinn 1897-1922’

Just those words marked the empty tomb of her sister. Like Sheldon had promised, the church took care of everything. Including a proper mass for her sister. Her parents chose to have Maggie’s tomb set at the edge of the farm, close to a bluff that overlooked their farm and part of the town.

She had to be strong for her parents. Her mom had collapsed at hearing the news and her dad had just sort of gone stone cold. While her mom needed constant attention, her dad hid away from everyone, he just kept going with his regular tasks but she could see the hurt in him, set in so deeply that it became a part of him forever.

As for Penny herself, she felt empty. Whenever she closed her eyes, the image of her sister on that table would come to haunt her and she would stay up with all lights on.

Yesterday they had finished with all the rosaries and ceremonies. She was here to say goodbye, tonight she would be taking a train that would take her back to California to meet with Sheldon again.

Acting had been her dream, but now she was empty, no drive and no inspiration. Just pain.


Penny grunted as she struggled to push the huge bale of hay up the hill.

“I can FEEL you getting angry.” Father Kant chided her.

“I’m getting angry…because YOU…KEEP…THROWING ROCKS…AT ME!” She had to stop pushing before the bale pushed her back down. Her breathing was frantic and she was sweating buckets.

“Tsk, tsk. There’s that temper.” He threw another rock at her back. “Keep pushing.”

Penny muttered under her breath but kept going. “I can’t believe you made Sheldon do this.”

“Oh we didn’t.” Father Kant revealed like it was nothing.


“Sheldon trained with the rest of the Zuavi Pontifici members and he learned the hard way to keep his temper under wraps. If you think this is hard, you should see what they make those poor souls go through.” Father Kant motioned with her hand that she should keep pushing. “He might look calm and collected but Sheldon has big emotions you know? He feels too much. Which is a bad thing when we face Possessed or Those Who Hide.”

“Why…is that…a bad thing?” She panted the question out.

“Because while emotions are wonderful, they’re also the way you get seduced into serving or at least helping them and before you know it you’re a cultist. Dead Gods tend to whisper you see. Whispers that you won’t understand but that your mind will still try to make sense of. And suddenly these whispers will promise you things, knowledge, love, riches. All lies.” Father Kant’s accent got heavier when he lectured. “A trick from your brain as it tries to make sense of the whispers so it doesn’t get turned into mush. The more emotionally compromised you are, the easier it’ll be for you to listen to those whispers.”

Penny didn’t reply. She was really close to the top of the hill and she was focusing on making it. One foot in front of the other, slowly, painfully, she pushed. Her lungs felt like they were on fire but she wouldn’t stop.

With a yell of effort the bale finally went over the hill and she collapsed on the grass, looking up at the clear blue sky of Italy. It was the same sky but somehow the sky was clearer here, or at least it felt like that.

“Great job Penelope!” Father Kant clapped and she was too busy trying not to die to remind him that she hated being called Penelope. His scarred face suddenly appeared, blocking her view of the sky. “Never listen to the whispers. Dead Gods don’t care about you, they won’t ever give you anything but death. A painful one at that. We don’t know why they whisper but we know what happens when people listen to them. We’re going to train you to keep your emotions under control when facing those things.”

Penny nodded and Father Kant smiled before stepping back and letting her watch the clear sky again.

Once she no longer felt like puking her lungs out, she asked something that had been on her mind for a while. “Why do you call them Dead Gods? Isn’t that blasphemous or something?”

Father Kant hummed. “I was wondering when you would ask that. For now, all you need to know is that they’re both dead and undying. They’re flesh and blood and yet not. They have shape, just one never seen before. Don’t make the mistake of trying to understand them.”

The Hanged Man

Leonard coughed and he adjusted his coat tighter around him. The night was cold and it was starting to rain, even inside his car the cold was biting something fierce. But even this cold and rain would not make Leonard quit.

Ever since that horrible night a year ago he had dedicated himself to finding answers.

Just like Sheldon had said, the police ignored the burned down building, no one reported missing, no one was investigating what happened there. It was as if that night had never happened.

And he couldn’t deal with that. Because he still had nightmares, because the image of that little girl hanging from the ceiling would never leave him.

He needed to know more.

At first he ran into a wall, no one knew what he was talking about. He tried being discreet, or at least he thought he was, but it didn’t matter how deep or far he looked. Nothing.

That had been until his luck turned, he was investigating a run down mental hospital where locals had claimed satanic rituals took place. The place was creepy for certain but besides the vandalism he couldn’t find any evidence that there was anything out of place or unusual. Until he got to the bathroom.

Unlike the other rooms, this place looked clean, even pristine. As if it was still in use.

As he entered the room a chill went down his back. Something was wrong. Leonard took out his gun as he carefully watched around, expecting that someone would jump out from the darkness, but nothing happened. Still, he was careful, something about this room was tickling his instincts.


Had that piece of paper always been there? Right in the middle of the room, carefully laid on top of the clean floor was a large piece of paper. Suspiciously he looked around but nothing and no one was around.

He carefully picked up the paper and was surprised by the weight of it, it wasn’t paper. Parchment perhaps? Leonard only intended to glance at it but before he realized it he was devouring the information on the page.

This. This was what he was looking for. This was what he needed.

“Now, how to find this ‘Carcosa’?” He asked himself aloud.


Penny wiped the sweat and hair off her face as she waited. This was her first mission and despite having Father Kant, Father Feery AND Sheldon by her side, she was still feeling nervous.

Her role was to observe. She lacked the Holy Touch that Sheldon and Father Kant had so she was stuck with the old fashioned methods, just like Father Feery. Silver, iron, holy, obsidian and a good old fashioned blade.

“We don’t need to tell you what would happen if these cultists were to escape right?” Father Feery’s calm voice asked her.

“Nope.” She said nothing else and Father Feery nodded while unsheathing his own knife. Sheldon had his eyes closed as he stood next to her, she knew he was listening to everything despite looking at ease.

“Ready?” Another voice joined them. Penny didn’t turn her eyes from the barn they were stalking. But even without looking she could recognize that accent anywhere. “Then let us pray.” Father Kant ordered them.

“Ich glaube an Gott, den Vater, den Allmächtigen, den Schöpfer des Himmels und der Erde, und an Jesus Cristus, seinen eingeborenen Sohn, unsern Herrn, empfangen durch den Heiligen Geist-” Father Kant’s voice calmed her nerves somewhat. This wouldn’t be her first time taking a cultist's life. No, Father Kant had captured one, the one that gave them the location of this barn and the date of the group’s monthly meetings. It had then been her job to dispose of him.

It was easier than she expected. Much, much easier. But then again, all she saw as she plunged the knife into the cultists heart was her sister’s destroyed body.

“-der Sünden, Auferstehung der Toten und das ewige Leben. Amen.” Father Kant finished and they all replied ‘Amen’. “Let us start then.”

Penny followed Sheldon as he moved towards the barn. Night was starting to fall and those assholes in the barn were about to have a very bad day.

Wheel of Fortune

Leonard gulped as he stared at the gigantic book in front of him. He glanced at the side where Rajesh stood calmly, smiling patiently at him. Leonard smiled back nervously.

After finding that page all those months back it had become much easier to find information. He now knew a little about The Outer Gods and to be honest, he himself didn’t understand much. All information about them was hard to come by and the very little he found was contradictory, some texts said that they cared little for anything that wasn’t their brood, while others claimed that the only true salvation would come through them.

Leonard was tempted to side with the former.

And then Rajesh had come knocking at his door, quite literally. An occult expert from India that had taught some classes at Miskatonic University before transferring to the smaller but still prestigious Albert N. Wilmarth University in California.

“I’ve come to understand that you’re researching cults detective?” Rajesh asked him after introductions.

Leonard was taken aback, no one should be aware of his research, not even Howard knew. The silence stretched between them and something must have shown on his face because Rajesh looked alarmed before smiling self-deprecatingly.

“My apologies. This is a rather unique field and you asked the help from one of my colleagues. Professor Winkle?”

Leonard was immediately ashamed. “Oh! Yes, yes, yes. She told me that you would come to see me. I can’t believe I forgot. I’m sorry.” Leonard wanted to slap himself, he had begged Leslie to help him after she revealed that she didn’t know anything about what he wanted to know.

Rajesh and him had talked for hours and struck a sort of friendship, even Howard had come to know Rajesh and the two of them had struck a much stronger friendship than Leonard ever expected.

“This is a rare copy of ‘Unaussprechliche Kulte’.” After a couple of months Rajesh had brought a book to him. “I shouldn’t have taken this from the school, but I think this will give you a lot of the answers you’re looking for.”

Leonard had tried to read as much as he could before Rajesh left for the day but he couldn’t get far. The book was in German and he only understood very little of it.

But as he leafed through the book a word caught his eye. “Carcosa” He muttered to himself.

“Ah, you’ve heard of The King in Yellow? Yes?” Leonard looked up and was startled by the odd and almost hungry look on Rajesh's face.

“The King in Yellow?” Something tickled his memory when hearing those words. Like an almost forgotten dream.

Rajesh smiled. “It’s a play. In fact, our University is having a show next week. Why don’t you come?”

Leonard gulped, sudden apprehension taking a hold of his heart. “Can I copy this page?” He motioned to the page mentioning Carcosa.

“Of course! We’re friends are we not? And friends help each other.” Rajesh smiled widely at him. “I shouldn’t let anyone even see that book, but you’re my friend. The only payment I ask for in return is that you come watch the play with me.”

The apprehension was still there but Leonard agreed, he needed to know more about this Carcosa.

He then spent the rest of the week trying to decipher the German on the page he had copied, a task made much harder by his shaky handwriting. Leonard didn’t manage to get too far, but now he was sure of some things, ‘Hastur’, ‘Cassilda’ and ‘Feaster’ were somehow related and important.

Unfortunately he wasn’t able to discover more than that before the agreed date of the play.

Arriving at the University he was surprised by how quiet it all was, the auditorium was packed with people but no one was talking, no small talk, no laughter, nothing. Not even whispering could be heard. Furthermore, everyone was wearing dark yellow robes and pallid masks.

His skin crawled, something was off.

“My friend! Glad that you could make it.” Rajesh appeared out of nowhere, he was wearing the same as the others but Leonard could recognize his voice anywhere. “I got these for you.” He was holding a robe and a mask.

Leonard took them and before he could ask any questions Rajesh apologized.

“I’m sorry, it’s tradition and you know how these things are.” Rajesh removed his own mask and the face underneath was contrite and his regret seemed genuine.

“No, I understand. I’ll wear them.” Leonard felt bad for his friend.

The play was unlike anything he expected. The actors on stage were vibrant and bright and he was captivated from start to finish. When it ended he was the only one clapping and giving a standing ovation but he didn’t care. It was fantastic.

“That was amazing!” He had raved to Rajesh once the play had ended.

“I’m happy that you enjoyed it. Perhaps you would like to stop for a drink in my office?” Leonard accepted because he would be unable to go to bed right away anyway.

Rajesh’s office was small and covered in all sorts of occult trinkets, Leonard gaped at everything and anything. They talked about the play and Leonard’s thoughts on it, he also learned that it was a really old play that was only performed once a year.

“Truly, it was amazing.” Leonard shook his head in amazement once more.

“I’m really glad you think so. Would you like to learn more about The King in Yellow?”

“Of course!” He immediately agreed.

Rajesh had then led him down to the school’s basement and into an ornate room, and that was where Leonard had been shown the gigantic book. It was at the end of the rectangular room on a stone dais.

“My friend, if you want to learn more you need to sign the book.” Rajesh said with a smile as he gestured at the book.

The book was as tall as Leonard and the pages didn’t look like normal paper or parchment, also it was probably his imagination but he could have sworn that the book was emitting warmth, like a furnace.

“Do I really need to sign it to learn more?” He asked without moving his eyes away from the book.

“I’m afraid that without signing it I cannot tell you more. This is a show of trust, by signing the book you will have access to great knowledge, to knowledge that will quench your thirst.” Rajesh’s voice was heavy with intent, he spoke passionately.

“I…I don’t know.”

“Do you want to know why that little girl had to die?”

Leonard jumped, he had never told Rajesh anything about his experience in that damn building. He turned to demand answers and found himself surrounded. At some point the room had slowly filled with people, all wearing robes and masks.

“What do you know about that?” Leonard gulped but he stood his ground.

“More than you think. And you can have access to the same knowledge. Do you want to live in the dark, afraid of every shadow that lurks there, or do you want to be illuminated with knowledge?” Rajesh approached him and put an arm around his shoulder, turning him to face the book again.

“Why do I need to sign it?” Leonard was not dumb, there must be a reason behind this.

“All will be answered once you sign the book. I promise, my friend.”

Leonard stared at the book and then at Rajesh. “Will I really know the truth?” He asked hesitantly.

“The universe will be open to you.” Rajesh promised him.

The Lovers

Sheldon woke up confused, unsure why his rest had been interrupted. He looked around the room, trying to find the reason when his eyes settled on the dark silhouette against his closed door.

“Penny? People can’t be in my room.” He thought he had made it clear. Even if technically it wasn’t owned by him but by the church, the point still stood. It was his room as long as he was staying in Italy.

“I can’t sleep. I had that dream again. My sister…” Penny trailed off as she stepped closer. The only light in the room came from the small window on the side of the room but he could still easily make out her form, she was wearing her sleeping gown and was carrying her pillow.

Sheldon sighed, he was exasperated but he could also understand her. Even to this day, nightmares would still haunt him. He didn’t know how to explain that they would never actually stop, they might even get worse.

“And why are you here?” He hoped the annoyed tone of voice would be enough to send her back to her own room.

“Move over.” Penny ordered him as she stood next to the bed.

Sheldon looked up at the ceiling, deciding if it was worth the fight. But it was late and they were scheduled to travel at noon towards Spain.

Sheldon moved over, the bed was large enough.

“Thank you.” Penny climbed over and Sheldon tried to go back to sleeping. “If you try anything I’ll kick you in the nuts.” She warned him.

“Likewise.” He answered with his eyes closed and ignored her laughter, falling back asleep easily.

Thankfully his sleep was not interrupted again but he had a rather unpleasant awakening.

“You know. In some cultures this would be enough to consider you two as married.” Father Kant’s amused voice made Sheldon open his eyes and sure enough, the older man was sitting at the foot of the bed, rubbing his jaw as he watched them.

Sheldon tried to move his arm to rub his forehead but he couldn’t, a quick glance revealed that Penny had somehow draped herself over him. Angry, he was about to push her off him when Penny whimpered and held him closer. Her small but audible sobs enough to cool his anger.

With a sigh he let go of the last of his anger. “She continues to have nightmares. She intruded into my room last night in a futile attempt to stop them from occurring.”

“Ah.” The amusement was now completely gone from Father Kant’s voice and they both stayed quiet, the only sound were Penny’s sobs. Carefully, he moved his hand trapped between their bodies and patted her back in the same way his Meemaw had done to him as a child.

“Spain is our last mission before she gets sworn in. When you go back to California you two need to take time off. There is more to life than the darkness we fight.”

Sheldon nodded as he kept patting Penny’s back.

The Star

“You can’t do this!” Howard raged. Leonard had just told him that he was closing their business. “Or did you forget that I also paid…” He trailed off at seeing Leonard pull out stacks of bills from his drawer.

His friend looked sick, he had bags under his eyes and was pale. But the part that worried Howard the most was that Leonard had stopped doing things that he liked, they no longer went to the speakeasy or even to grab a bite. He felt as if he was losing his friend.

“Howard, I need to do other things with my life. Bigger things. Take the money and go, marry that waitress you’ve been following around.” There was a bitterness in Leonard’s voice that left him more than a little confused.

“Wait, is this because of Bernadette?” Howard asked in shock. He couldn’t, wouldn’t believe that this was the reason for all of this.

“No. I just don’t need you anymore.”

“Screw you Hofstadter.” Howard grabbed the money off Leonard’s desk and stormed off the building.

Howard went to the speakeasy where he was a regular, he knew he had nothing to worry about because this one was visited by the police chief himself.

He was well into one bottle when Rajesh joined him in the little corner table he was using to sulk. “Raj! Buddy! I didn’t know you also knew this place.” Howard liked Rajesh a lot, he had started as Leonard’s friend but rather quickly he also became Howard’s buddy.

“Leonard told me about it and I’ve been coming here rather frequently but I think this is the first time we coincide. Aren’t you supposed to be working at this time of day?” Rajesh had brought his own bottle and Howard raised his glass in salute before downing his drink.

“Leonard is a bastard! He suddenly wanted to close our business and he-” Howard raged and ranted while Rajesh nodded and drank with him. By the time he was done he had almost finished his bottle and was slumping in place.

“I see, that is a rather sudden thing.” Howard nodded drunkenly at Rajesh. “Have you thought about learning the tru…no, I think you’re right. Leonard is probably going through something. As offensive as his words were, maybe he’s not wrong. Maybe it’s time for you to struck it on your own”

“Yeah, yeah! I’ll show him. I’ll show them all.” Howard nodded as his eyes grew heavy and he slumped on the table, using his arms as a makeshift pillow.

“Take care of yourself Howard.” Rajesh’s soft voice lulled him to sleep and he could have sworn that someone was running a hand through his hair.

When the bartender woke him up hours later Howard was alone but he felt better. The world better be prepared for Howard Wolowitz P.I.

The Star - Reversed

Leonard watched as Howard stormed off and he could feel a headache forming. He was sorry to do this but Howard would be unable to deal with the knowledge.

Only a select few like him and Rajesh were worthy of the burden.

He spent the rest of the afternoon packing things and getting ready to leave the building. He wasn’t surprised when Rajesh appeared as he was almost done.

“Is everything ready?” Rajesh asked instead of a greeting.

“Almost. I think I found a good place in Arizona. Do you know about the Petrified Forest?”

The Sun

Penny woke up with a start, going into battle mode when an arm held her in place. Before she could struggle, the voice of the person holding her calmed her.

“It’s okay. Sheldon is here.” He sounded tired.

She let her head fall forward and rest on his chest while she breathed quickly. Her rapid breathing was the only sound in the room, it made her frown and she looked up at Sheldon.

“The train stopped?” Her breathing was almost back to normal.



She really should go to her bunk bed, this was a bad habit that started in Spain, she somehow ended up sleepwalking to Sheldon’s bed, and sadly it wasn’t different during the train ride back to California. This would mark the third day of traveling and the third day she had woken up in Sheldon’s bed.

“I should go back to my own bed.” Penny finally said after a moment and moved to get off from Sheldon but he stopped her again.

“We ARE in your bed.”

“Huh?” Penny blinked several times to clear her eyes and she looked around, he was right, they were in the top bunk. “I thought you hated the top bunk bed, something about your sister. Right?” It didn’t make sense that Sheldon was the one in her bed this time.

“You are correct. But you were in distress and I was unable to wake you. The only thing that seemed to calm you was physical touch so I chose the option that would allow me to continue sleeping.” Sheldon had his eyes closed and he appeared as if he wouldn’t move.

“Oh.” She had a decision to make, stay put or ask him to move. “Okay.”

She stayed right where she was and lied back down on Sheldon’s chest.

The World - Reversed

Leonard watched as the stage was being built. Everything had to be perfect because they only had one opportunity at this and it needed to be just right.

“Beautiful isn’t it.” Rajesh gushed at the night sky.

Leonard ignored him and instead looked down at the workers. He didn’t fully understand why they could only perform the play at a particular time but it didn’t matter, his role was to oversee the stage.

Rajesh was in charge of deciding the date of the play.

“Do we really need to sacrifice all those people?” Leonard asked. He was still not sure about this part of the ritual, he understood that The King in Yellow needed an audience but he didn’t understand why the audience had to die.

“Leonard…I know why you’re hesitant to accept this part of our role. But you need to remember that we’re the chosen ones. You’ve seen glimpses of the vast knowledge that exists in Carcosa, have you not?”

Leonard hesitantly nodded.

“That knowledge is not free. A price must be paid. Remember that these people will be able to experience the magnificence of our Lord as they watch the play, what better reward could they ask for?”

“I just-”

“Don’t hesitate, you can be one of those blessed to visit Carcosa. You can learn about the universe and worlds beyond these. Sacrifice is a daily part of life. Do not feel sorry for the people chosen as a sacrifice to our Lord, after the play they will happily fulfill their role. Their sacrifice will be its own form of reward.”

The Moon

Sheldon frowned as he read the latest report from his contact in Arizona. Far too many things were happening for this to be a simple coincidence.

He sat back on his chair and thought about all the events he had just about in the report.


Sheldon needed to confirm but he was certain that the night of The Yellow Sign approached. He pulled the sketch that his contact had sent and stared at it. Trying to make sense of it.

“Hey Sheldon. It’s almost lunch time. Ready to go?” Like always, Penny sauntered through his office’s door.

“Yes, almost. I just need to figure out what this is.” He held up the piece of paper. Penny took it without asking and stared at it.

He was about to ask for it back when she handed it to him. “Why are you looking at a drawing of a Greek theater?”

“A theater?” He looked at the sketch again and it all clicked in his mind. “The Feaster from Afar.” He muttered as more and more things made sense now. The theater, the upcoming night of The Yellow Sign and the presence of one Rajesh Koothrappali, astrology professor from the Albert N. Wilmarth University in California.

“Are we skipping lunch again?” Penny asked and did nothing to hide the disappointment in her voice.

“No, but we will need to make a stop at the telegraph station.” Sheldon stood up and put on his jacket.

“Oh nice, can I send the message this time?” Penny followed him as they prepared to go to the diner down the street. He was rather partial to their roast beef sandwich and potato soup.

“You don’t even know what the message is.” He raised an eyebrow in disapproval.

Penny blew a raspberry at him. It was good to see her so animated.

They walked in amiable silence towards the telegraph station where he sent a message to the Vatican and then they moved to the diner. Thankfully the diner was not busy and his regular table was free for them to use.

“Okay, what’s the mission?” Penny wasted no time after their waitress took their order.

Sheldon looked around, only some tables were in use but still, he couldn’t just blurt things out. “Perhaps we can use this as an opportunity to practice your Italian.”

Penny groaned.

The Moon - Reversed

Penny held her head as Sheldon ate his food calmly. She struggled with Italian a lot and it had given her a headache. But she was up to speed now.

“Here’s your ice cream.” The waitress startled her.

“Oh, thank you. Oh wait, I haven’t eaten my sandwich yet.” The waitress laughed as she walked away.

Penny absolutely devoured her meal. Where Sheldon was calm and methodical while eating, she was more on the ‘hungry wolf’ side of things.

“So when are we visiting this Rajesh?” Penny asked before digging into her ice cream.

“We are not. The church has people that will handle information gathering and soft approaches.” Sheldon looked like a kid while he ate ice cream, she wasn’t sure if he knew he smiled while eating it.

“Ah, and there’s nothing soft about our approach.” Penny nodded in understanding.

“Our skillset is different.”

After lunch they went back to Los Robles. She had been hesitant about moving in with Sheldon at first but after basically living with him for months in Italy it felt weird NOT to have him close by.

Thinking about it, she eyed her room, a room that had her things but one she had never actually slept in.

After the train ride back to California a shift had happened, something she couldn’t put into words. They never discussed it but it was now normal for them to go to bed together, nothing had actually happened between them.

Except of course that he comforted her whenever she had a nightmare and much to her surprise she was able to return the favor as well, not as often but Sheldon looked so composed so the fact that he had nightmares was a surprise. But she was glad that they were able to help each other with this.

“...” Penny stood up to go to the restroom but stopped when she walked in front of Sheldon.

He looked up and frowned, confused. “Penny?”

She looked down at his confused expression and took a leap of faith.

Penny kissed Sheldon.

When she felt his hands go to her waist she was terrified that he would push her away but when he pulled her close she smiled into the kiss.

Judgment - Reversed

Leonard’s ears were ringing and when he tried to breathe he couldn’t help but cough as dust entered his mouth.

He didn’t know what had happened. One moment they were having a meeting, discussing the upcoming ceremony and play when a loud explosion sounded in the middle of the room and then everything went dark.

He used the wall as a support to stand up and he had to stop, his side was hurting. He took a look and grimaced at the blood staining his robes.

Before he could check himself for more injuries a running cult member caught his attention. Because of the mask he didn’t know who it was but before Leonard could call out to him or her, he saw as the chest of the person was blown open. Even more blood covered him.

From behind the cult member a figure appeared from the dust. Someone he recognized.

“Penny?” He asked aloud and the figure lowered her shotgun a little.

“Leonard?” She looked confused.

He raised his hands. “Don’t shoot! I’m just here to investigate a case!”

Penny frowned and looked at her wrist for some reason before sighing and raising her shotgun again. “You shouldn’t have signed the book.”

Leonard's eyes widened and he turned to run.


The next time he opened his eyes he wasn’t in the University's basement anymore. He was on an empty street, the sky above was dark without stars, the night was dark like oil and it hurt to breathe. Everything lacked color and he felt cold, colder than he had ever felt before.

Suddenly he felt fear, something grabbed at his heart and his body begged him to run but he couldn’t.

Looking down at himself showed that he wasn’t in his body anymore, he was an amorphous gelatin that couldn’t move.

He didn’t even know how he could still see.

Movement at the edge of his vision forced him to look and he could see a long thin appendage tremble and shiver make its way slowly towards him, as if called by something he couldn’t hear.

Soon, another appendage appeared and then another and then another. He had once seen an octopus and the appendages looked a lot like what he had seen back then.

He tried to move, to run but he was trapped in place.

When one tentacle grabbed a piece of his body, Leonard felt pain like never before. With horror he realized he couldn’t even scream as he was consumed little by little.



This ran longer than I expected but what can you do?
This is it for this Universe, as promised, the next chapter will be for a much more happier Universe.

On other subjects, the guest comments are now disabled. The grand result after a week was drum roll: 2 comments.
One by Shenny guest and one by someone that likes my writing but not my characterization.

So I think the demand for guest comments is really low. I think we can go back to registered users now.

Shenny guest, I appreciate your comments and maybe one day you'll create an account, but for now Thank you for your support.

Chapter 163: The fifth


Sort of a sequel/missing scene from "The Porn-Logic Assistance Reasoning"


For dakotaawolven and Gra

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny dried a spoon and smiled at her distorted reflection.

“Judging by that smile, you and your boy had fun after you left last night, right?” Bernadette discreetly sided up to Penny and asked softly while picking up a fork to dry.

Penny smiled awkwardly at the shorter girl. “Uh…listen, about last night…” She trailed off, unsure of how to even approach this conversation.

“Aw man, I messed up didn’t I?” Bernadette’s mousey voice lamented. “Did I bite him by accident? Or should I have shared when he came? I know some guys are into that and-” Penny put a hand on Bernadette’s mouth to shut her up while looking around hoping that no one had heard her.

“No, no. It’s not like that.” Penny sighed and opened her mouth to start explaining but that was the moment that Freaky Frank, their manager decided to make an appearance.

“My beautiful roses, please finish preparing so we can have another fantastic shift. Smile! You have beautiful smiles and our customers will appreciate it.” He tried to put an arm around Penny but she took a step back, grabbing Bernadette so Frankie couldn’t grab her either.

Frankie didn’t even stop before moving to grab another waitress as he kept spewing bullshit.

“Is he always like that?” Bernadette whispered.

“Unfortunately yes, but don’t worry he’s freaky but not creepy.” Penny warned Bernadette. “Just step away and he’ll get the hint.”

“Oh okay. What were you saying?”

As they prepared for their shift Penny explained as best as she could her complicated relationship with Sheldon. At least until last night when they had finally cleared the air and were officially dating.

“Ohhhhh!” Bernadette put a hand to her mouth. “I’m shocked you don’t want to punch me right now.”

Penny laughed. “I was tempted to be fully honest. But it was my fault for not doing things in the right order.”

“...So…a threesome is out of the question then?” Bernadette bit her lip and looked down at her feet.

Penny stared slack jawed at Bernadette, at a complete loss.

“Right?” Bernadette glanced up shyly before looking down again.

“Well, I guess you’re just as freaky as Franky. Bernadette! You shock me! You have this whole innocent nerd look going on but you’re nasty!” Penny laughed.

“Oh shut up.” Bernadette blushed and she smacked Penny’s arm with her notepad. “It’s been a while since I’ve gotten any and I’m a little pent up okay?”

Penny laughed again and put an arm around Bernadette. “But no. No sharing for this girl. I’m a selfish bitch.”

“Aw.” Bernadette hung her head in mock sadness. “ Franky single?”

“Oh god no! I'd rather set you up with Howard.” Penny joked.


Penny closed her eyes and made a face, she had to open her big mouth.

“Oh no, no, no Penny. You’ll ruin your beautiful face. Smile!” Franky said as he passed in front of them, not even stopping on his way to bother the cooks.

Penny looked at Franky’s retreating back and then thought about Howard. “You know what. Remember the guys from yesterday?” The lesser of two evils and all that.

There was no way for Penny to know that Howard and Bernadette would hit it off so well, but hit it off they did. Howard was head over heels and Bernadette seemed to actually like the little perv.

Guess she was more pent up than Penny ever suspected.

It was weird how all of the sudden everyone but Raj was now paired up. Howard and Bernadette, Leonard and Leslie and her and Sheldon. It was nice actually.

Except for Raj of course, but she was doing her best to make sure he didn’t feel left out and she was actively trying to set him up on dates but it wasn’t working out well so far.

She would never say this out loud but she had kind of hoped that Bernadette would say no to Howard after a date so she could set her up with Raj, but that boat burned before it could leave the port. No matter how much she thought that Raj and Bernie would make for a perfect couple.

For months it all went great.

So of course that meant that life had to kick a stone into the mix of things. Just her luck.

They were all in 4A after pizza night and Penny was not so subtly inviting Sheldon to her apartment, because while the Wackadoodle had overcome a lot of obstacles and challenges in their relationship, sleeping with her was apparently a no-no.

Oh, he fucked her plenty. But the actual act of sleeping next to her was too much for him. Something about her bed lacking proper support or some nonsense like that. Because of that she wanted to take him over to her apartment, fuck him silly and then spend as much time as possible cuddling before he had to come back over and shower.

She was contemplating sneaking over to sleep in his bed when the oppressive silence in the room caught her attention.

Raj was frozen in place, the half eaten slice of meat lover’s pizza now on his lap. Bernadette was leaning forward, almost folded in half and was covering her face with both hands. Leonard was doing a pretty good Macaulay Culkin in Home Alone impression while staring at Sheldon who was still eating normally, uncaring of whatever was happening. Leslie looked a little green and her face was bunched up like she was about to start crying…or puking. As for Howard, he was scratching his head and counting with his fingers while his face twitched just like Sheldon’s did when he lied.

“What did I miss?” She asked the room.

Leonard, Raj and Leslie shot her a ‘Are you serious?’ look which wasn’t useful at all so she shrugged and shot them a look back.

Sheldon calmly put his pizza down and as he cleaned his fingers with a napkin he explained. “Howard made a rather crude joke about the size of my penis.” Penny opened her mouth in shock before glaring at Howard but much to her surprise he was glaring hatefully at Sheldon and ignoring her. “Like usual I ignored him but Bernadette in a state of distraction -due to reading something on her phone- answered Howard, leading to the current situation.”

“Huh.” Penny said intelligently. “What did Bernadette say?” Before Sheldon could answer she asked another question. “No, wait. What was the joke?”

Sheldon sighed and did air quotes. “‘Your dick is so small that bacteria laughs at it.’” He sniffed in distaste at having to repeat the joke.

“And what did you say in response?” Bernadette was sitting next to her so Penny just asked the embarrassed girl herself.

Bernadette groaned but after a moment she spoke. “I said ‘The first time I saw it, it actually scared me. I had never seen one so big.’”


Penny opened and closed her mouth several times before turning to Leonard who refused to make eye contact. She shook her head and reached over Bernadette to pat Howard on the shoulder a couple of times. “Yeah, sorry buddy. Sheldon is packing heat.”

Howard didn’t react, he just kept counting with his fingers.

“Well, I think it’s time for us to leave Moonpie. Leave these crazy kids to each other.” Penny tried to pull Sheldon by the hand and out of 4A, ignoring his complaints about missing Star Trek, like he didn’t have each episode memorized already.

They needed to get out of there before Howard reacted.

“No-no-no-no. Stop.” Howard shook his head and stood up.

Damn, and so close to the door.

“All I need to know is, did this happen AFTER or BEFORE our first date?” Howard had a very serious face as he asked that.

Bernadette moved to open her mouth but Howard raised a hand and shook a finger. “Nononono. I want Sheldon to answer.”

Everyone, including Penny turned towards Sheldon. “Before.” He said simply and Howard’s eyes moved quickly, watching Sheldon’s face for any sign of twitching.

“Okay.” Howard nodded. “Okay. That’s all I needed to know.” Penny could see Howard’s shoulders relax as he took a deep breath. “No, wait. You knew?” Howard pointed accusingly at her.

Penny blinked and then turned towards Bernadette who was once again covering her face. “Uh, I plead the fourth.” She raised her hands.

Sheldon made a shocked face at her before closing his eyes in clear disappointment. “I don’t know why I’m still surprised.”

“Hey!” She elbowed him, hard. “Instead of complaining, why don’t you tell me which number I should be pleading?”

“The fifth.” Sheldon wheezed.

“I plead the fifth.” She told Howard.

“So…how much bigger are we talking about?” Howard asked as he drove them back to her apartment.

“Let it go, Howie.” Bernadette warned him.

“I mean…are we talking porn-star big?”


“Like, I know he’s tall and all but it can’t be THAT big. Right?”


“No, I get why you don’t want to tell me, but I swear I’m not insecure. I’m just curious, okay? I swear I can deal with the truth.”

Bernadette didn’t answer, honestly this whole thing was giving her a headache. She didn’t understand why Howard was obsessing so much over this.

“I mean, if you don’t want to tell me because Sheldon has an ugly dick then I’ll understand but-” And he kept going.

“He probably uses Purell instead of lube right?” And going.

“It must have been a pretty sucky lay right? That’s why you don’t want to tell me?” Something snapped in her brain.

“No, you know what? It was pretty great. Sheldon has a beautiful dick and I could barely fit him into my mouth. He left my jaw hurting but he also gave me an orgasm without having to touch me. And when he came in my mouth I almost drowned with how much…wait, are you hard right now?” Bernadette stopped with the exaggerated retelling when she noticed Howards tented pants.

Howard looked uncomfortable and he kept his eyes on the road, refusing to look at her. “Ah, and then what happened?”

Bernadette sucked on her teeth. For some reason she loved this little perv. “And I almost drowned with how much cum he-” As she told him that her hand moved to unbuckle his pants. They were only five or ten minutes away from her place and she was also horny. But as punishment for how he was acting, she would touch and suck him until he was ready to burst only to stop right there.

She loved the little perv but that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to suffer for putting her through this.


Just something fun and silly to cleanse my palate from so much horror.

Chapter 164: Kind (Misunderstandings)


Sequel to Gym (Misunderstanding)


Trying to get back into this Universe, I want to be able to complete it before the year ends.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Okay, so your mom told me a little about how you’ve been feeling lately but I would like to hear it directly from you. Do you feel comfortable doing that?” The older woman asked with a kind and warm voice.

Leonard looked around the office instead of answering. He had seen his mom’s office and this one was nothing like it. Instead of pristine white walls with no decorations, this place was painted in warm earthy tones and several pictures adorned the wall.


“Ah! Yes. Sorry, I’ve been a little distracted lately.”

“So tell me about it.” The doctor had a warm and inviting voice, nothing like his mother’s. She was apparently long time friends with her mom and she had accepted him as a patient as a personal favor to her.

“I don’t know where to start…” He rubbed at the back of his head and avoided her kind eyes.

The doctor hummed in thought and she leaned back on the huge comfy chair. “I understand that you were living in California and something happened?”

“Ah! Doctor Hurley, I’m not-I mean-No, but-” She raised a calming hand to stop his stuttering.

“Okay, relax. Remember, this is a judgment free zone. I’m here to listen to you. I’m not your friend, I’m not your enemy. I’m here to help you.”

Leonard took a deep breath to try and relax. He leaned forward in his seat and looked at his feet. “I messed up. I was dating this woman and-”

Leonard told her everything, he didn’t leave anything out, no matter how much it hurt him. He just wanted to stop hurting so much.

He hoped this was the first step in the right direction.

Priya worked out and she kept looking around between sets. She had been purposefully coming around this time because Jonjon worked out around this time.

Except today he was a no show.

She had even worked out for longer, hoping to catch a glimpse of his smile but no luck. For that matter she didn’t see any of his usual friends either which left her disappointed and tired.

Sighing, she stopped doing reps and started packing up. She felt silly, she had only met Jonjon a few days ago and here she was going out of her way trying to meet him. They didn’t even chat that much but she was just happy to spend time with him.

Except for tonight of course.

“Wait, you’re avoiding her? Why?” Dani made a face and rubbed the bridge of her nose.

“I don’t want her to feel creeped out, you know?” Jonjon was preparing drinks for the group. Penny and Sheldon had gone to some sort of dinner and they had all taken this chance to plan Sheldon’s going away party.

“Jonjon, I love you but you’re a dumbass. She’s the one that decided to go to the gym at the same time as you, right?” She loved the little guy as a little brother and found him just as annoying as one.

“You don’t know that!” Jonjon pointed a finger at her before continuing to mix whatever he was preparing for them.

She sighed with all the annoyance of an older sister. “So, let me get this straight. You met a beautiful girl at the gym. You two don’t coincide because by the time she goes to the gym you’re almost done with your workout. So, for the next couple of days she goes to the gym a little bit earlier than before so she’s able to workout with you. Oh, and of course, she’s constantly asking you for help despite apparently not actually needing it.” She let the silence grow between them until it became obvious that Jonjon was avoiding answering. “Did I miss anything?”

Jonjon grunted and even with his back turned she could feel the shame radiate off from him.

“Okay. Spill. What’s the real issue?” She wasn’t in the mood to play.

Jonjon mumbled something and Dani sighed again.

“I couldn’t hear you.”

“I said that I’m scared, okay?!” He threw his hands up for a moment before returning to his task. “I mean she’s a big shot lawyer and I’m just a nurse. What could we have in common? She’s going to get tired of me. So why even start?” He shrugged, trying to hide how much it hurt him to admit that.

“You know what women find unattractive? This whole ‘woe me’ business.” Dani stood up from her seat and walked over to Jonjon, forcing him to look at her. “Look, I get it. Sandra was a bitch and she left you with issues. But not all women are Sandra. You don’t even know this girl and you’ve already decided she’s going to hurt you.”

“It’s not like that! I…” Jonjon couldn’t look her in the eye as he trailed off into silence.

“See, you know I’m right. Now, why don’t you put on your big boy pants and ask this gym girl out on a date? That’s all it is, a date. You’re not making engagement plans, you’re not meeting to discuss baby names, you’re not buying a ring. Chill the fuck down.”

Jonjon laughed and he took a calming breath before nodding to himself. “Yeah, yeah. You’re right, you’re right.” He smiled shyly. “Priya is really nice and I don’t think she’s in the right place for dating just yet. Her last relationship ended pretty badly.”

“There you go. Talk to her, agree to take it easy and don’t knock her up.” She joked and was happy to see Jonjon laugh in shock.

“Next week we’re having your going away party.” Penny didn’t even look up from her phone as she talked. “It’s just going to be the guys and us, so no strangers. We’ll play DnD and have some cake, okay?”

“That is acceptable.”

“Good. Hmmm, your bags are all packed and ready. Automatic payments have been set up and…” She trailed off, trying to think of anything else she might be missing.

“And you have an audition the week after I have left.” Sheldon reminded her.

“Oops, yeah, adding that to the calendar. Thank you Sweetie.”

“You’re welcome.” He cleared his throat which meant he was about to say something that made him feel uncomfortable. “Penny, I feel like I should mention that while science will be my main pursuit during the expedition, I am aware of the important role that communication has in a relationship and I have allotted an adequate amount of time in the schedule for it.”

It took her a moment to pass that through her Sheldon filter. “Aww you’re going to miss me and you made some time for us to talk?”

Sheldon sniffed dismissively but she could see how red his ears were. “I believe I just said that, yes.”

Penny laughed and stood up from the couch to go and hug her Wackadoodle.


This might feel like random moments from this Universe....because they are. This is a bit of an exercise to get back into the groove of things. I make no promises to stick to this one Universe because well, my brain doesn't work that way. Writing this I had two separate ideas for new Universes but I will try to stick to Misunderstanding, I then want to finish Spy.

On a separate note, I started learning how to play the Ukulele this week because, well, why not? Nothing too intense but probably why my writing speed has decreased.

What else? Oh yes, Shenny guest, your reviews are always welcome, I don't check FFNET that often because honestly the fact that the site is so broken that it's been months since I got a notification it kind of killed my motivation to post there...and also the last story is a little too mature for there anyway.

Chapter 165: Cheetos (Misunderstandings)


Sequel to Kind


And more

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny stood in front of Sheldon, she was running her hand up and down his chest. Sheldon stood still and he moved his head constantly, trying to not look her in the eye. His bags at their feet were a small barrier that protected them against the chaos of the airport around them.

She searched for his eyes as her hand moved constantly, trying to reassure herself that he was still there, in front of her. Penny knew that Sheldon hated being touched so much in public but he was about to leave for three months and it became real at this moment.

Sheldon was leaving.

“Good evening. This is the pre-boarding announcement for flight 44A to Oslo. We are now inviting those passengers with small children, and any passengers requiring special assistance, to begin boarding at this time. Please have your boardi-” The PA announcement made them both flinch and Sheldon grabbed her hand tightly and held it against his chest.

Her eyes filled with tears and she tried her best to not cry. She had been doing great until now, she didn’t trust her voice and her lower lip trembled as the moment to say goodbye was almost here.

Sheldon finally stopped looking around and focused on her only. His eyes moved quickly as he looked at her face intently. Penny knew he hated long winded and overly emotional goodbyes but she needed to say something. To tell him how much he meant to her, how he without even trying had motivated her to keep trying her best, how proud she was that he had expanded his friend group, how much she would miss him.

One of Sheldon’s hands grabbed her cheek and she closed her eyes and leaned into the warm touch. She could feel tears already spilling into his hand. His thumb tried to clean them but it was useless.

Penny opened her blurry eyes and tried talking but her voice was gone. She cleared her throat but could feel the torrent of tears threatening to spill so she closed her eyes tightly and pressed her face against his shirt. Sheldon’s hand went from her cheek to the back of her neck as he pulled her tightly against him.

“Good evening. This is your pre-boarding announcement for flight 44A to Oslo. Please proceed to Gate 5 for boarding. All passengers are required to have their passp-” She tuned out the announcement and instead hugged Sheldon with all her strength. She could hear him breathe in sharply but she didn’t care, he would have to deal with it.

She needed this hug.

“Penny.” His breath in her ear made her shiver and despite the bleakness of the moment she couldn’t help but want to jump him. “I need to go.”

She shook her head stubbornly, getting a faceful of his shirt on her face. She hoped that somehow his scent would stick to her for the next three months.

“Good evening. This is your final pre-boarding announcement for flight 44A to Oslo. We ar-” Penny squeezed Sheldon tightly for a long moment before finally letting go of him. She took a deep rattling breath, took a step back and tried to smile bravely up at him, though her smile was weak and watery.

“I guess you better go Hon-” She couldn’t finish talking because much to her delight and surprise, Sheldon kissed her.

Her arms automatically moved to hold him close again and she returned the kiss just as hungrily.

It was only for a moment but right now, in this shitty airport, this was the best kiss she had ever had.

Just as suddenly as he had started, Sheldon broke the kiss, grabbed his bags and walked briskly towards his boarding gate.

Penny stared at his back, still dazed by the kiss. She willed him to turn around, so she could say something. But Sheldon never stopped.

He watched as he entered the gate and boarded the plane.

Sheldon never turned to look back at her.

“Are you okay sir?” Someone asked him and Sheldon shook his head and waved the concerned person away.

He had just taken a seat and was trying to compose himself. This is why he had insisted that they say goodbye at the apartment but Penny had refused as she wanted to be with him until the last possible moment.

This is why he hated emotional goodbyes.

Brian scratched at his chin as he read a work email on his phone. He was purposefully ignoring the slight sour mood of the room.

The rest of the guys and gals were not too happy about Sheldon not wanting them at the airport even if they did understand the reason behind it. It didn’t mean they had to fully accept it.

Brian himself didn’t mind, if he was in Sheldon's shoes he would have preferred to spend as much time as possible with Erica, because as much as he loved his friends, he would rather squeeze out every drop of time he could have with his lover before going away for months.

“I think Sheldon’s flight just left, at least if it went as scheduled.” Dani was bouncing her leg in nervousness and she kept looking down at her phone.

“Yeah.” Erica agreed and her voice was flat.

“Is Penny coming back here?” Jonjon asked no one in particular.

“Nope, she said she wanted to go to bed right after.” Erica sighed after replying.

“Okay.” Brian put his phone away and leaned forward. “Guys, I get it, I really do. But we can’t stay like this. I think we were too used to all hanging out together as a group and we might need a fun break. How about we have a guys night and you can pull Penny for a girls night.”

“Oh, oh, oh! CoD and cheetos, hell yeah!” Jonjon jumped from his seat in joy and Keith soon joined him in gushing about the newest game.

Brian swallowed his sigh of annoyance, he had been thinking more on the lines of a game of football in the backyard but whatever it took to bring the mood up.

“And we can go dancing!” Carly chimed in.

“I don’t think Penny is going to be up for that.” Dani bursted Carly’s bubble.

“Aw.” Erica and Carly said at the same time before looking at each other and smiling. “Ice cream and The Notebook?” Carly asked and Erica nodded happily.

Soon plans were made and Brian was happy to see that the overall mood had changed.


Who knew that "Mary had a little lamb" would be so hard to play for someone with zero experience in music...Also, my hand hurts.

On other thoughts, I kinda want to replay Days Gone or RDR2 but time has been a fleeting resource in my life recently.

As for actual story related points. I have planned for the Arctic portion of the story to go rather fast and in glimpses because there's only a couple of important story beats to touch on.

Chapter 166: Mountain Dew (Misunderstandings)


Sequel to Cheetos


Hey there...

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The first week after Sheldon had left was her self-appointed ‘cry yourself to sleep’ week. Because yeah, she was dating the man, but she also missed her friend. Of course she had noticed how much time they spent together, she was dating him after all.

But it was more than that. Just because they were dating it didn’t mean that their friendship had disappeared suddenly, it was the opposite actually, they were still friends, they still bickered, they teased and pranked each other.

It was nice.

This is what was missing from her previous relationships, Leonard, Kurt and the others changed the moment they entered into a relationship with her, it was as if their friendship suddenly didn’t exist or as if it had been a burden that they couldn’t wait to get rid of so they could bang her.

And because she missed her friend who was also her boyfriend, she moped for an entire week. Not even the girls wanting to go dancing convinced her to cheer up, she took a rain check for the week after.

Of course she kept in touch with Sheldon while he was in Oslo preparing his stuff for the boat ride but it wasn’t constant, she didn’t want to bother him and he was honestly so busy making sure everything was in order because this whole trip meant the world to him.

Besides, the reason why she gave herself a week to be weepy was because the week after Sheldon left, she was scheduled to audition for a Youtube channel that was looking to expand. She had never watched it and it was for sketch comedy which she had never done before but a job was a job and this was at least acting related.

Sheldon sighed in annoyance yet again. He couldn’t believe how difficult it was for people to follow simple instructions. Yesterday he had wasted forty five minutes trying to get a group of workers to pack the measuring equipment with care, he had explained in English, French, German, Norwegian and even in very broken Romani how important this equipment was and why it needed to be packed with care.

And today he was struggling with trying to confirm that they would be able to use the satellite internet network that the German research vessel RV Polarstern was using. Caltech had reached an agreement where Sheldon’s team would be able to use their network to transmit research data and also use it for personal reasons, the issue was that no one could provide him with information about the dish, receiver and modem that they were supposed to have received YESTERDAY.

Sheldon took a calming breath before picking up the phone and calling president Sielbert again.

All this time, wasted. He could have been talking to Penny instead but no, he was fixing something caused by someone else’s ineptitude.

“Hi, you’re Penny right?”

“Yep, that’s me.”

“Okay, don’t worry too much and just try to play off with the other cast members, we want to see the chemistry between you.”

“I can do that…I think.”

“Ha, don’t sweat it. Oh, by the way. I’m Anthony and those are Ian, Shane and Courtney. Let me introduce you.”

Dani took a long drink of her wine, trying to think of something nice to tell her friend but coming up empty.

She could see Erica, Carly and Toni doing the same. Penny was on Toni's couch, her face in her hands.

The doorbell gave Toni an excuse to leave for a moment. “Excuse me ladies.”

Unfortunately that still left them with a very embarrassed Penny and the silence was stifling. Thankfully Toni came back rather quickly, with a confused Katia on her heels.

“Hi?” Katia greeted them and Penny let out a muffled scream of frustration and shame that made poor Katia jump back.

“She tanked what was supposed to be an easy audition.” Carly provided helpfully as she stood up to greet Katia.

“Oh…is that why you asked me to buy ice cream?” Katia lifted the plastic bag she was carrying.

“Yep. It’s time for that girl’s night.” Dani told her and raised her glass.

Brian discreetly grabbed another bottle of Mountain Dew while the other guys were busy killing zombies in the game. He sucked at shooters and in all honesty, he couldn’t care less for them. But his friends loved them, especially the Zombies mode.

So now he was stuck here in Jonjon’s basement watching as his friends screamed at each other.

He asked to sit this round out with the excuse of eating another slice of pizza.

“Dude! That’s like your fifth bottle. I swear you’re just as bad as Sheldon.” Jonjon caught him and scolded him.

“Shut up Zombie boy. Don’t you dare tell Erica about this.”

The research station had been everything that Sheldon was expecting and more. Top of the line equipment, separate bedrooms, a crossbow.


Well, almost, he was rather put off by the lack of windows. The only windows were at the entrance to the station.

He and his team wasted no time setting up everything. Fortunately, Victoria quickly found an issue with the equipment. The MoEDAL was so sensitive that it was picking up the frequencies from the electric can opener that they were using. A quick review showed that the MoEDAL showed false positives when exposed to the fundamental frequency of 50 Hz resp. 60 Hz which was caused by the operation of the motor for the movement of the knife. A minuscule magnetic field, but one that could have destroyed this whole experiment.

He would be a laughing stock if that were to happen.

Dr Sheldon Cooper brought down by a measly electric can opener. He would rather die.

“Wait, you got a callback?”

“...” Penny narrowed her eyes at Carly’s astonished tone.

“Er…not that I didn’t believe in you, but you know.” Carly made a motion with her hand and Penny had no idea what she meant.


“And of course you’re funny. You’re going to kill it out there. And hey, work is work right?” Carly’s voice got that ‘supportive teacher’ tone of voice that never actually managed to sound supportive.

“Shut up.” Penny pouted.

“So, when are you supposed to go?”

“ week.”

“Well…you’ll do horrible Sweetie.” Carly joked and Penny couldn’t help but laugh as she slapped Carly’s arm.

Carly winced and rubbed at her arm while laughing weakly.

Sheldon watched intently as the device searched for the internet signal. While the RV Polarstern vessel could make use of the satellite signal easily, for them it would be a different matter altogether.

Storms were a daily occurrence and pretty much the only thing that could kill their ability to use the internet.

He wasn’t the only one watching the screen with bathed breath. Sidney was newlywed and instead of a honeymoon she had chosen to come on this trip. None of them had been able to communicate with the outside world since leaving Svalbard’s port.

Even Victoria and Lin were not so subtly checking on the status of the network.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, a small ping showed that their satellite modem had connected to the internet. Sheldon had even gone outside to clean the dish.

Not long after hearing that ping, devices around the station started letting out pings, thrills and other sounds to show that they were once again connected to the outside world.

Sidney quickly disappeared into the storage room with her phone and Sheldon decided to move into the privacy of his own room. His footsteps were rushed and his hands clenched and unclenched with the urge to pull his phone out of his pocket.

Closing the door behind him Sheldon finally gave in and pulled out his phone. His finger shook slightly as he unlocked his phone and pressed on the screen a couple of times.

“Oh! Hey Sweetie! How are you?” Penny’s cheerful voice filled the room and he sagged in place, something deep within him loosening.

‘Curious’ He thought before his full focus went to chatting with Penny.


As mentioned before, I won't really stretch the Arctic part too much.

Now, if you're only here for the chapter then you can stop reading now because I'm about to go on a bit of a rant:

So, I have to be honest, this week I kinda lost motivation to write. Life in general has been rough but what sapped me was a DM I received on another site where once again I received a sort of backhanded compliment, praising my stories but critiquing my characterization.
I was pretty bummed out because c'mon, you searched me out just to tell me that? You couldn't do that under the actual story? But that might be my own fault for leaving a comment very visible with my username for another site. (I have deleted that comment now.)

But that left me thinking, why is it that two people have contacted me about the same thing. My characterization. And weirdly enough I think they were able to make me notice something.

Back when I started writing this fic, almost a year ago. I left on chapter 1 a very wordy note on why I was writing, what I was expecting and my hopes for the future of the fandom. However, I also wrote about my frustration with the show and how what brought me back was actually 'Young Sheldon'. And I think I know why some people don't like my characterization of Sheldon and/or Penny.

It boils down to basically rejecting the caricatures that we got after season 4 or 5.

I refuse to portray them like that and I actually base my thinking on Season 1, 2 and some of 3 plus Young Sheldon. I am not writing about the Sheldon that only cared about fame not matter how he got it, or the Sheldon that made Amy into a servant, or the Sheldon that suddenly abandoned geeky references and acted as if he never really cared for them.

What made this show grab me in such a vice, was the loss of potential. That's why Young Sheldon brought me to finally write about what I wanted to see. Young Sheldon took a very smart route, the writers of the show basically said "This is an AU, we're not bound by the canon of TBBT." which is very smart. They knew that writing about the George Cooper that TBBT Sheldon spoke about would be less than ideal, so they wrote a different timeline, one with a different George Cooper, a man that was dumb, but caring, a man that supported Sheldon as best as he could and goddamn that moved me to write my own stuff.

I write about the characters based of earlier seasons and how they would have grown from there. I don't want to write about alcoholic Penny, or turning-into-Howard's-mom Bernadette or forever alone Raj. This is fan fiction and I can do what I want.

So, all of this to say: "If you don't like my stories or my characterization. No one is forcing you to keep reading, much less at this point when we're on chapter...166. I said this once before but I think it bears repeating. If you want to see something, then write it yourself."

Rant over. Spite made me write again and I was able to finish this chapter after logging out from work today. I want to complete this Universe before starting back on Spy.

Oh and maybe I should have added this to the top of the note but "Shenny guest" if you have a Tumblr account, I started posting my complete stories over there so maybe you could leave your comments there if you'd like and have an account. If not, don't worry, you do you on FFnet. You can find my Tumblr on my AO3 profile.

Chapter 167: Cup and spoon (Misunderstandings)


Sequel to Mountain Dew


Another one.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Penny sighed in delight as she put her phone down on the table in front of her. She had missed her Wackadoodle so much and before today the last time they had been able to talk was almost seven days ago.

But he was doing great, the camp station place was just like he expected and he was even able to fix an issue with his scanner thingy.

She was happy but tired, they had talked for longer than she thought, still, the three hours didn’t seem enough. She told him all about her audition, thinking that she had blown it only to get called back.

“I’m not sure about this though…” Penny had confessed to him. “What if I’m not good at it?”

“Then you get better.” Sheldon said as if it was the most logical answer.

Penny let out a surprised laugh before smiling down at her phone. “Just like that huh?”

Sheldon nodded, pleased with himself.

She had missed the dumb Wackadoodle, still, his apparent faith that she could simply improve made her feel more confident. She was going to shoot her first sketches and a variety video tomorrow and talking with Sheldon made her feel like she could take on the world.

Not to mention this would be her first acting gig in months and she needed the paycheck as much as the experience.

Sheldon felt weirdly satisfied. Talking to Penny had satisfied some unconscious need in him and he could focus fully on his research.

Jonjon smiled at Priya as they walked towards the ice cream shop that was close to the gym. He had taken Dani’s advice and just asked Priya on a date…sort of.

He had asked if she wanted to go grab a coffee or something and she thought he had meant right away, so after their work out and a quick shower they were on their way, talking and joking.

“So why did you choose to become a nurse?” Priya asked innocently.

His smile diminished a little. A very clear memory of Sandra making fun of his career flashed through his mind before he decided to just take the plunge, better to learn if this was an issue now rather than later.

“I…you know? My dad wasn’t a great guy. He used to beat my mom.”


“Yeah…my sister moved out as soon as she could but I couldn’t leave my mom alone and eventually I learned enough from watching the nurses that I was the one that took care of mom, most nights she didn’t even have to go to the ER anymore.”

“...” Priya looked sad and he was used to that look, everyone gave him the same look as soon as they found out how fucked up his family life had been.

“I like helping people.” He shrugged. “I really do like helping people.”

Priya looked thoughtful for a moment and he could see the question before it left her mouth.

“Why not become a doctor?” Jonjon said and smiled to himself at seeing Priya flinch slightly. Everyone always asked the same thing. “I wish I had better words to describe it but…there’s this separation between doctor and patients that is hard to explain. But I like being a nurse, I work in the children’s ward mostly and I can be there for my little people.”

He watched Priya’s reaction closely and he was glad that she seemed to be taking his words seriously. He had told Sandra the same thing and she had laughed and called him dumb. He still couldn’t believe all he had let slide because he thought he was in love with her.

“And you’re happy?” Priya’s question threw him for a loop. He had expected her to belittle him or maybe make an excuse and cancel their date. Her pretty accent was heavy with honest curiosity and not mocking disdain.

“Very.” He didn’t even have to think twice about it.

“I see…” Priya looked thoughtful before she shook her head and smiled honestly at him. “Thank you for telling me this. I…don’t have anything like that, I became a lawyer because that’s what my parents wanted. I’m comfortable but I don’t think I’ve ever been happy doing what I do.”



“Is there anything you’d like to do instead of being a lawyer?”

“I don’t know.”

Penny sat alone in the break room, the rest of the cast were absent and she preferred it that way. So far she had acted in plays, commercials and once in a movie, but this sketch thing was nothing like it. She couldn’t get rid of the feeling that she was doing something humiliating.

She had to use silly voices, overact and be loud.

Maybe this wasn’t for her.

Brian scratched his eyebrow as he tried to figure out how they could have spent so much on groceries last month. It didn’t make sense.

“When were you going to tell me huh?” Erica’s cold voice pulled him from his thoughts and he looked up. She looked pissed as hell.

“I…what?” He was honestly lost, the last thing he had done was drink too much Mountain Dew but he had come clean about that.

“This.” Erica dropped a letter in front of him. Confused, he picked it up and started reading.

“What the hell?” He muttered to himself.

It was a letter from his school where they thanked him for renewing his contract and they outlined next school year’s curriculum as well as the principal just talking out of their ass about how much the school and teachers meant which Brian knew was BS.

“You promised me that you wouldn’t be back there” Erica was calm but he didn’t miss the way she was shaking.

Brian went up to hug her and he was glad that she allowed him. “Hey, hey, this is a mistake. I already resigned. Look.” He pulled his phone and showed her the email he sent as well as the reply from the principal and superintendent.

Erica sagged in his arms and she buried her face in his chest, he could hear as she took several deep shuddering breaths. He held her and buried his nose in her hair. “I’m okay.” He said softly and she shook her head. “I’m okay.”

Brian loved teaching but the constant lockdown drills, actual shootings and how the school didn’t seem to give a shit were enough to suffocate that love. If he was going to deal with traumatized kids then he’d rather do it in a way where he could actually make a difference.

He hadn’t told Erica yet but he had already asked his dad about going back to work for him so he could go back to school and get his PsyD as quickly as possible.

Raj and Howard leaned back as far as possible in their chairs and groaned in discomfort. Thankfully Howard’s engineering lab was empty and no one would come look for them.

“Maybe Sheldon was right. A full course of Greek food during lunch was a bad idea.” Howard groaned before burping.

Raj nodded. “But dude, that moussaka.”

“Oh god yes!” Howard nodded and burped again.

Raj burped as he nodded. “And that lamb sandwich was to die for.”

“Ugh, shut up. I’m getting hungry again.” Howard joked, or at least Raj hoped it was a joke. They had eaten so much that it was a surprise they had managed to make it back to Caltech without passing out. “Speaking of, no Halo night, want to go and see if Stewart got that Flash figurine? We can buy it before Sheldon comes back.”

Raj scoffed. “Sheldon already paid for it in advance. Stewart is calling Penny as soon as it gets to the store.”

“Damn. I’ll never stop wondering how Sheldon managed to get with Penny.” Howard shook his head.

“Oh right, dude, you want to go to a party? Penny invited us.” Raj asked excitedly. He had missed spending time with Penny and like magic she had contacted him about a party next Saturday.

“Oof, with her jock friends?” Howard winced.

“With the guys that play DnD with Sheldon.” Raj countered.

“I don’t know…” Howard whined.

“Penny mentioned there would be single girls there.”

“You know what? Friends are important and we need to be there to show Penny she’s not alone while Sheldon is in the Arctic.”

Toni opened the freezer to grab a couple of ice cubes.

“Cube me please.” Keith suddenly appeared behind her and shoved his glass right next to hers. His arm sneaked under her arm to reach the freezer and if he had been anyone else she would have punched them.

Wordlessly she put two cubes into his glass, once he had his ice, Keith moved back and she could hear him move bottles around, probably preparing himself something way too strong.

Toni liked keeping things simple, even in her drinks. Vodka, tonic water and lime.

She took a sip of her glass and watched as Keith carefully mixed liquid after liquid into his glass. “I don’t think that’s going to taste like anything but alcohol.”

“Nah, just you wait. You’re going to love this.” Keith grinned quickly at her before focusing on his mixture again as he danced along to the music playing in the background.

The party was still going strong but it was mostly their friend group by now with some exceptions. Katia, Penny’s other friends and some of the stragglers from the gym.

Toni eyed the entrance to the kitchen and decided to take a break from people. She leaned against the kitchen counter and closed her eyes as she nodded along to the beat. She took this time to make plans for the weekend. Her brother had a double shift on Saturday and would be going on another date on Sunday so he wouldn’t be around the house all weekend. Maybe she could use the time to catch up on some missed-

Her train of thought got interrupted by someone kissing her.

Opening her eyes in shock showed Keith’s face as he leaned towards her. The kiss was soft and chaste, he was simply pressing his lips against hers, not moving, no tongue. Keith’s hands were behind his back and he had his eyes closed.

A million thoughts raced through her head before she pulled back. “Wha-?” She started but wasn’t sure what else to say.

Keith still had his eyes closed but he opened them slowly and blinked a couple of times before his eyes widened in shock. “Did that really happen?”

Toni nodded, more amused than anything else. “Uh huh.”

“Uh…” His mouth opened and closed several times as he struggled to get anything out. “I- You see…”

Before she could say anything, he bolted out the kitchen, leaving her alone with the bombshell of what just happened. Keith was her baby brother’s best friend, she had babysat both of them at one point, he had pranked her alongside the little shit…but he and his family had always opened their doors to Jon and her, no questions asked.

Touching her tingling lips she looked down at her feet and then back at the empty doorway.


Penny watched in great concern as Bernadette, a new waitress at the Factory, left the party with one Howard Wolowitz.

The last thing she had heard was Bernadette ask rather bluntly “Are you hung?”

“Like an innocent woman during the Salem witch trials.” Howard had answered shamelessly and Bernadette giggled and whispered something in Howard’s ear. “Holy shit, that worked?” He asked aloud to no one.

And now he was leaving with her new coworker in tow.

“The world has gone insane.” She muttered aloud.

“Hey Pen, is the cute Indian guy single?” Dani appeared from nowhere to ask her.

Penny, still reeling from seeing Howard actually score a hot blonde just numbly replied. “He is but he has trouble speaking to girls.”

“Oh, I don’t need him to talk.” And then Dani had laughed in a very Howard manner and Penny decided that was the moment she needed to go home and sleep until the world made sense again.

Sheldon had initially thought the lack of windows on the station was a clear oversight. After a couple of months he realized it had been a very deliberate choice. The sun never set which affected the human body in very interesting ways.

And while he found a rather primal pleasure in looking over the icy horizon, it also brought him a sense of unease that he had a hard time putting into words.

“Hey, what are you doing?” Courtney asked Penny as she entered the break room.

“Reading the comments on the last sketch.” Penny admitted as she scrolled through the comment section.

Courtney was moving towards the coffee maker before and she immediately pivoted and took the phone from Penny’s hands before setting it screen down on the table.

“No, no, no. Look…judging by your face it’s already too late to tell you not to care. But you can’t let the comments get to you.”

“I never knew how mean people could be.” Penny admitted.

Courtney made a face and gave her a quick hug. “Yeah, I lost count of how many comments there are about my ass.”

Penny grimaced. She had seen those comments as well. “I wanted to quit but I’m actually having fun.” She admitted. It had been rough at first but she liked the other cast members and the more comfortable she got, the better she felt doing sketches but now her confidence was all shot to hell.

“I’m glad you stuck it out, I think you’re doing great!”

Penny smiled up at Courtney. “Thanks.”

Courtney got up again to finally get her coffee. “What made you stay?”

“Ah, well, I thought I would try out until my boyfriend got back from his trip.” Penny grabbed her phone again but this time to check if Sheldon had sent her an email.

“Ohhhh a boyfriend. He had to travel because of work?” Now with coffee in hand, Courtney took a seat in front of Penny and slowly sipped at her cup.

“Yep.” Penny nodded and smiled.

“Cool, when is he coming back?”

“I don’t know. He’s searching for monopole thingies and it could take him a while. He’s been gone for three months already.”

“Monopole thingies?”

“Science stuff. He’s in the arctic working hard.”

Courtney laughed for a moment but stopped when Penny didn’t laugh along. “Wait, you’re serious.”

“Yep.” She popped the word. “He’s a bigshot physicist.”

“Cool. When he’s back you should bring him along to a shooting. Shayne is big into science.”

Priya took a deep breath trying to calm herself but the creaking of the folder in her hand showed that she was failing. She relaxed her grip on the folder and tried to smooth it out but it was useless.

“You can do this.” She muttered to herself.

She was about to do something really dumb, she was about to quit her high paying job. She wasn’t happy with her life and after a couple of months thinking about this, she felt that this was the right move.

Jonjon was a fantastic guy and she was really happy dating him, but she often felt like he and his friends knew exactly what they wanted out of life. Brian had even gone back to school to get his degree.

Priya stared at the folder in her hand again. It contained her resignation letter.

“You can go in now, dear.” Mr Russell’s secretary startled her but Priya simply nodded and moved to enter the large office.

“Dude! I don’t know what I’m doing.” Brian watched as Jonjon paced and grabbed at his hair in frustration. “I might actually love this girl.”

Brian opened his mouth but Jonjon interrupted him before he could say anything. “I know! I know! It’s only been a couple of months. But we’re so good together!”

Brian nodded and smiled before moving to speak but Jonjon interrupted him again. “But I want to make sure that if things get serious that we’re compatible right?”

Brian raised a hand to speak but Jonjon pointed at him and kept rambling on. “Not that I’m thinking of moving in together just yet. But shouldn’t I think about the future?”

Brian didn’t even try to talk, he simply sat back and sure enough, Jonjon kept going. “I’ve been thinking about it and I think I want to try and get my DNP, that could make it so I can become a CRNA and the pay bump would be significant. Yeah, yeah, that actually sounds nice. Thanks man, I needed the talk.” Jonjon thanked him and quickly left the room, phone in hand and already calling someone.

“Nice talk!” Brian called after Jonjon but the other man ignored him.

Penny was reading the script of the upcoming sketch they were supposed to film when her phone started ringing. Picking it up and looking at the screen showed that it was Sheldon, which was odd because his internet had been very spotty due to harsh storms so for the last month they had kept in touch only through emails. Confused, she picked up the video call only to be greeted by Victoria’s frowning face.

“Penny, tell him that he needs to shave. It’s getting ridiculous.” Victoria looked upset.

“Excuse me. This is only natural to keep my-” Sheldon’s voice sounded in the background but Victoria interrupted him.

“I don’t care! You look like a caveman! Look.” Victoria moved the camera to show Sheldon who was now sporting a patchy and wild beard.

“Oh Honey, not the evil Spock thing again.” Penny bemoaned at seeing his baby face full of hair that certainly did not fit him.

“Penny, I believe that I must stress how facial hair in cold climates is a traditional-” And off he went talking about something or other and Penny couldn’t help but smile at her dumb Wackadoodle.

“I miss you Sweetie.” She interrupted him.

Sheldon shyly looked down and then back up. “I miss you as well.”

Her heart melted.

“Okay you lovebirds, I’m going to leave you alone now, but please, Penny, make him shave that rat off his face.” Victoria begged her before moving off camera.

“Don’t worry, I will.” She promised and could only laugh at the offended look on Sheldon’s face. “Facial hair is not for you Honey.”

“I beg to differ. Just wait until you can see the trimmed beard in full effect.”

Penny bit her lip. “Okay, I believe you but how about you show me?”

“How?” Sheldon looked baffled.

“Can you shave while we talk? Oh wait, what time is it for you?” She moved from the couch to Sheldon’s desk, so she could rest the phone against his monitor.

“It’s currently four in the morning. The storm finally cleared and we wanted to make sure we could run the scanner.”

They talked for hours and she got a front row seat at seeing Sheldon shave and trim his beard. It felt nice, like he wasn’t a million miles away.

And she hated to admit it, but he was kind of rocking the evil Spock look.

Sheldon stroked his beard as he stared at the shop’s window. It had been a long eight months and while unfortunately he hadn’t been able to locate any monopoles, they did gain a better understanding, because even the negative readings were furthering the knowledge and understanding of overall physics.

Something existed, but maybe the math wasn’t correct yet, maybe they didn’t have the right equipment, but Sheldon knew with certainty that his research would bridge that impossible gap and even if he wasn’t the one to discover it, this trip would be seen as the initial step in the road leading to proving string theory.

But for now, he needed to pick a souvenir for Penny. Sidney had balked at learning he wasn’t planning on bringing anything for Penny. Apparently boyfriends had a non-optional obligation to bring back souvenirs.

He had already bought a significant amount of chocolate but food seemed like an inadequate souvenir. He could remember the way his mother reacted to the rare knickknack that his father bought for her and he was browsing windows to try and find an adequate gift for Penny.

He stopped in front of a shop that had the flag of Finland at the front. “Kuksa” He said the name of the store aloud and proceeded to observe the window and almost immediately his attention was captured by the wooden cups and spoons.

Sheldon’s eyes found a dark wood cup and spoon, the cup’s handle had a detail of reindeer antler. It was obvious that the cup had been carved by hand, imperfections in the grain gave the cup a pleasant design.

He quickly entered the store.


I think you will be able to see the rest of the relationships forming in the world. I do plan on focusing a bit more on Penny's career and yep, like some of you guessed, it was Smosh.

Also, I really appreciate all of your words of support. You're all lovely and I'm glad to be a part of this community <3