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Dragon Princess of Remnant


Weiss Schnee is the Princess of the White Dragons, after her father tries to marry her off to another dragon clan, she ran away from Atlas and goes to Vale.
Jaune is a knight in training that works part time as a hunter, after hearing the rumors of a dragon living in the old Castle in the outskirts of Vale and receiving a letter from an old friend, he decides to investigate.

Chapter Text

‘Dragons, lizard like creatures that exist since ancient times. They have a huge body, dagger like teeth and a long tail. They can fly with their huge bat like wings and have different types of breath depending of the dragon type, going from fire to ice and lightning. Dragons are evil creatures, they destroy villages, plunder treasures, and sometimes capture people.’

Jaune Arc was recalling what he had read on books and the letter he received this morning, while looking at the sign in front of him.

To Save the Princess Go That Way! →

‘What is she thinking?’ he let out a sigh.

The young knight follows the direction indicated in the sign. After thirty minutes of walking he arrives at his destination, in front of him there is a huge gate. Letting out another sigh he pushes the gate open and enter the castle.

He passes through a room full of dresses and a fancy bedroom with a king sized bed filled with animal plushies. Finally he reaches a large room, with huge windows, standing close to one of those windows is a beautiful petite girl with white hair, wearing a white and light blue dress, her long hair held in a ponytail and she wears a silver tiara on her head, she was singing a very melancholic yet beautiful song. She stops singing and slowly turns to Jaune while speaking.

“You are the brave warrior that- Geh!”

“Hey Weiss.” he was trying his best to not laugh at the expression of surprise on her face.

“J-Jaune? W-what are you doing here?” she blushes at the unexpected presence of her childhood friend and long time crush.

“That’s an interesting story. I was in my house, minding my own business, when out of nowhere a letter arrives, and guess from who the letter was?”

Weiss started to sweat nervously.

“I wouldn’t have any idea.”

Jaune grins at her.

“Right, then, I shall tell you. It was from Winter, and can you imagine what was saying in that letter?”

“A-Again, I have no idea.” she was sweating buckets now.

“It said that you ran away from home… Again. Your sister knew where you would go, so she asked me to find you. What happened this time Weiss?”

She pouted at him and looked away.

“Come on, it’s me, you know you can tell me. It was Jacques right? What did he do now?” he tried to not smile at how cute she looks when she is pouting.

“He… Tried to force me to marry the eldest son of the Merrygold clan. That obtuse, stupid, arrogant frog who see humans as no more than insects. I would rather die.” as she ranted about what her father did, a pair of white horns appears on the side of her head, they are like a bulls, but small and curved to the front of her head. A thin white tail came out from under her dress and started to hit the ground in successive hits.

To anyone else this would be a terrifying sight, but Jaune knew Weiss, and the tail hitting the floor was the same as a child stomping their feet on the ground when they are throwing a tantrum. This girl is Weiss Schnee, Princess of the White Dragons, her clan lives in Atlas, she’s also the childhood friend of the knight in training Jaune Arc. Jaune always found her tail and horns cute since they were children.

Their families know each other since his grandfather Alexander Arc and her grandfather Nicholas Schnee fought together to defeat the King of the Black Dragons, Nergul, that had gone mad, during the terrible battle, human and dragon became best friends, and for two generations the friendship continues.

“I see, okay, I get that.” Jaune really wanted to cut Jacques Schnee head off, after hearing the reason for Weiss to flee from her home. “But what’s with that sign and the theatrics?”

“The plan was to attract a hunter here, then make him take me to you.” she said embarrassed, knowing her plan was really stupid.

“That’s really dangerous and stupid Weiss, it could attract the wrong kind of people.” he lectured her.

“Hey! Who are you calling stupid?” argued Weiss angrily, she knew how stupid the plan was, but would never admit it.

“I’m not calling you stupid, Weiss, just the plan that you made. You were so angry at your father that you didn’t think things through, did you? Why not send me a letter? I would have come pick you up.”

She looked at the floor and pouted again. He let out a sigh.

“And? After you were brought to me, what would you do?”

“What would I…” she started to blush instead of answering him, she was in her fantasy world seeing Jaune and her going on dates in the city of Vale, getting married and then she pregnant with an older Jaune sitting beside her. Her nose started to bleed a little.

“Weiss, are you okay?” he asked worried, as he shook her shoulder.

“Wha… I-I’m fine. It’s nothing.” she shrugged his hands off her shoulders.

He sighed again this time in relieve.

“Well, first we need to write a letter to Winter and tell her that I found you and that you are okay. Then you-”

“I’m not going back to Atlas.” she interrupted Jaune angrily.

“That’s not what-”


Jaune was interrupted this time by the door being broken. Where the door was, now stood four men, one was a big man with ginger hair and wearing a silver armor with a golden bird on it’s chest, another was wearing leather armor and had a green mohawk, other had light brown hair and was wearing bronze plate armor and the last had black hair and had silver armor. They got inside the room and started to look around.

‘Great, those guys.’ he looks behind him at Weiss, and thankfully she had hidden her horns and tail.

“Arc!” called out the leader. “Surprised to see that you got here first.”

“Who are these rude people?” whispered Weiss to Jaune.

“Remember when I talked about the wrong kind of people? That’s them.” he whispered back and then turned to the four warriors. “Hey, Cardin. Here to kill the dragon?”

Weiss eyes widened when Jaune said that.

“Yep. Where is the damn lizard? I’ll not let you have it Arc, the reward will be ours.”

Weiss eyes narrowed at Cardin when he called her lizard and even Jaune eyebrows twitched a little in annoyance.

“What reward?” she whispered to Jaune still glaring at Cardin.

“I’ll tell you later.” he told Weiss, before speaking to Cardin again. “I haven’t seen the dragon nor I want the reward for it, I came here just to rescue the princess.”

“Bah! Who cares about some kidnapped princess? Take her with you if you want.” dismissed Cardin.

Weiss was about to scream at Cardin, but stopped when Jaune took her hand, he nodded at Cardin. As they reached the door, Cardin called out.

“But then again, I remember that some dragons can change form and disguise as human.”

‘Damn!’ Jaune swore in his head. ‘Now he decides to grow a brain.’

“That’s our dragon, boys.” he called to his team. “Let’s take her.”

Russel rushed with his daggers, only to receive a shield bash right in the face, courtesy of Jaune, that now stood protectively in front of Weiss. The bash knocked Russel out.

The other three looked at Russel on the floor and then at Jaune.

“What the hell, are you doing, Arc?” growled Cardin.

“You are not going to hurt her, Winchester.” Jaune growled back. Weiss heart floated hearing him saying that.

“GET HIM!” Cardin yelled.

Dove and Sky attacked Jaune, that blocked Dove with his shield and parried Sky sword with his. He then pushed Dove away from him, turned and with the blade of his sword shining with golden energy parried once again the sword of Sky that broke on impact. Sky surprised by what happened was knocked out when Jaune hits the back of his neck with the pommel of his sword.

The sword of Jaune is named Crocea Mors, a magical sword passed down from generation to generation in the Arc family. It’s also known as the Holy Avenger, it’s blade is indestructible and can cut through anything. The stronger the will of the user, the stronger is the power of the blade. And only an Arc can use the full power of the sword. It’s said that the mad black dragon king was slayed by Crocea Mors, when Alexander Arc stabbed the sword in the dragon’s heart.

As Jaune turned to advance towards Dove, he received a mace to the chest, courtesy of Cardin, thankfully beside the armor he was wearing, he had an Aura protection spell, it worked like he had another armor above his metal one, but the impact still made him fall on his back.

“I’m gonna smash your skull, Jaune-boy.” grinned Cardin.

As he raised his mace to strike Jaune again a wave of ice hits him, freezing Cardin on the spot.

“Stay away from my knight, you stupid brute.” growled Weiss. Her blue eyes were shining, her horns and tail had come out and she had a large pair of white wings on her back.

To Jaune, she looked beautiful.

To Dove, she looked terrifying. He dropped his sword and ran away as fast as he could.

Weiss runs to Jaune’s side worried.

“Jaune, are you okay? How bad is it? We need a cleric, quickly. Ah! I think I have some healing potions around here.” Weiss was frantic in her worries.

Jaune smiled at her. She always was like this every time he got hurt.

“I’m fine Weiss.” he tells her gently. “Truly.”

“B-But…” Jaune saw tears forming on her eyes.

“Hey! Don’t worry. I have learned some magic in the academy, I used it before we started the fight, I’m not really hurt. Just sore from the impact.”

Weiss whipped her tears, and nodded at Jaune before helping him stand.

“Don’t scare me like that again, you dunce.”

“What should we do with him?” asks Jaune looking at the frozen Cardin.

“Just leave him there. In time the ice will melt, if he survives, he can go back to Vale.”


“What? He is the one that attacked first. I was just defending myself. And no one hurts you and goes unpunished.” she growled at Cardin.

Jaune let out a sigh.

“Fine. Anyway, you can’t stay here anymore, or more of these guys will show up. They will want the reward for the dragon that lives in this castle.”

“I know. But I’m not going back to Atlas.” she glared at Jaune.

“Pack your clothes and whatever you want to bring with you.”

“Jaune are you listening to me?” Weiss now growled at him ignoring her. “I said that-”

“I heard you, Weiss. You are not going to Atlas.”


“What do you think about coming with me to Vale? You can register in the Hunter’s Guild there, and maybe enroll in Beacon Academy.” Jaune knew that Weiss was really studious and always found human schools to be interesting. She was really devoted to learn about magic and even trained fencing, back in Atlas, until her father didn’t allow her to train anymore, saying it was a human thing.

“Really?” her face brightened hearing Jaune suggestion.

“Of course. We tell only Winter that I found you, and ask her to keep it a secret from your father. Knowing her she will do it.”

Winter, always treated Jaune as part of her family and practically adopted him as her little brother, she trained Jaune since he was 10 years old, and is the one that want the most for Jaune and Weiss to just get their acts together and confess their feelings for each other.

“And I’m sure that when we explain the situation to Lord Ozpin, he will help us out with your enrollment in the academy.”

Lord Ozpin is a member of the high concil of Vale and the director of Beacon Royal Academy, being a wizard he is also the direct supervisor of the magic course.

Weiss jumps and hugs Jaune tightly.

“Thank you! Thank you Jaune.”

“Come on, I’ll help you pack and then we leave for Vale.”