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Who's Your Daddy?


Kim Taehyung is a needy, subby baby. Always desperate for love, affection, and moreover; a nice thick cock up his ass. His boyfriend Jimin isn’t in town to help him, though maybe their roommate Jeongguk can teach him a couple lessons.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

Kim Taehyung is a needy, subby baby.

Always desperate for love, affection, and moreover, a nice thick cock up his ass.

That's why right now, he's whining and weeping over the phone to his boyfriend (and daddy) of many years, Park Jimin, who is currently in Busan for the weekend for an important business trip.

"M-Minnie-hyung, please come back now, I mi-miss y-you," he hiccups.

"Shh baby, don't cry. I promise I'll be back home soon," the elder softly says to console his boyfriend.

"M-Miss you… wan' you…" Taehyung faltered, and Jimin was all too familiar with that tone. He realised Taehyung was touching himself based on his harsh breathing and very imperceptible whimpers.

"Taehyungie, what did I say about touching yourself while I'm not with you? You know that's prohibited, sweetheart," Jimin adds in that goddamn authoritative and seductive honey voice he knows his boyfriend adores too much.

"But please, hyung, h-hurts," Taehyung cries, pained and needy. 

Jimin would have cooed and fallen for his baby's words, but he knew better not to. If Taehyung got his way, he'd begin to behave spoiled and demand more and more, forgetting that Jimin is his daddy after all. This typically led to Taehyung receiving punishment, which neither of them enjoyed but had to be done.

"No," Jimin firmly answers, flashing a lopsided smile when he receives a string of incoherent grumbles and whines.

Taehyung was too cute for his own good.

Though Jimin was having plenty of fun teasing him, he felt guilty since his boyfriend was in such a vulnerable state with no one to aid him. 

An idea sparked in his mind.

“Is Jeongguk-ssi there baby?”

A muffled "I dunno', I think I heard Gukkie playing games with his friends before" is what Taehyung replies. Jimin pictured him huddled under the duvet of their shared bed, looking so tiny and fluffy.

"Okay. Stay where you are, baby. I'll give him a call. I'll let you know if he answers. Promise to be a good boy for me, alright?" Jimin coos.


A few seconds later, Taehyung heard hushed talking through the wall that separated his and Jeongguk's bedrooms, presuming he was speaking with Jimin about who knows what. He remained where he was, though, waiting for his boyfriend to call or leave him a message.

Jimin and Taehyung initially lived by themselves in their cosy rental apartment for a few years, but as the cost of living drastically skyrocketed due to the pandemic, they were desperate to find someone willing to occupy their empty spare bedroom and split the rent.

The duo put up fliers around their town, doing anything and everything they could to get their message out there. As a result, a handful of people were interested, and even though the couple were indeed desperate, they turned down everyone, as they were either too sketchy seeming or the 95ers were too picky.

Someday, Jimin received a formal email from an individual residing in their city, expressing their interest in splitting the rent and moving in with the couple. Jimin, exhausted but committed, decided to give the applicant a shot.

He discovered that the applicant was a young college student named Jeon Jeongguk, who just wanted an affordable yet pleasant place to reside for the meantime until he completed his education. He majored in computer science, having expertise in that field. He was twenty years of age, a couple years younger than him and Taehyung.

Jeongguk stated that his family weren't a part of his life, and he didn't take pleasure in having friends at his place so the couple wouldn't have to worry about guests coming over. The rest of Jeongguk's email informed the duo about his schedule, explained the times he's usually in or out, and expressed his hobbies and turn-offs as one would when making new friends.

Jimin, intrigued, told Taehyung about it, and they both concluded that Jeongguk seemed like a chill yet ethical guy, very education-centred, which was a good thing after all. Said a lot about his character. 

The 95ers decided to email the applicant together, apprising him they were indeed interested and that he was more than welcome to come for a tour of their apartment before he made a final decision.

A few days later, Jimin and Taehyung welcomed Jeongguk into their home with a tray of freshly baked goods. Many people wouldn't bother going out of their way to do such a thing, but the couple wanted to make an excellent first impression. It was ultimately worth it; the cute bunny smile they received was almost like a prize.

The three boys chitchatted over a tasty home-cooked dinner, getting to know more about each other since they'd be living together. The couple discovered that Jeongguk was just a shy boy who relished in gaming, movies and athletics, working part-time as a movie usher at a theatre. Perfect if you asked them.

Jeongguk learned that Jimin worked hard as a manager for a large marketing company, not home very often, leaving unemployed Taehyung home alone many times. Taehyung, too, was a college student. However, he was in his final year, unlike Jeongguk.

He was a major in fine arts, owning a small online craft business so he could sell his goods from home to make a bit of money on the side. Taehyung's severe anxiety prevented him from getting a job in the real world, so he had to settle for this to get by.

Jeongguk also learned that Taehyung often age-regressed as a self-coping mechanism whenever he was stressed or anxious. It took him by surprise at first, but it didn't bother him one bit. Thought it was kind of cute, actually. He visibly saw Taehyung's shoulders relax when he told him it wasn't a bother, seemingly worried about what Jeongguk would think of him.

As of today, the ravenette had been living with Jimin and Taehyung for a few months and was faithful to his every word. He minded his business most of the time, always either in his room, at work, at school or doing his chores that needed to be done. 

The others were also true to their word, Jimin was often out of the house, and Taehyung bummed around at home. Jeongguk had seen Taehyung in his little state a handful of times, always leaving him be as he didn't want to interfere with something he didn't have much knowledge about. He had grown accustomed to the children's shows always displayed on their television.

Taehyung only realised he was drifting off to sleep when he suddenly woke up from a vibration under his pillow. He groggily opened his eyes, seeing two messages from his boyfriend.

Minnie ❤️

Today 3:03 pm

taebaby, i called jeonggukkie and he 
said you can stay in his room and watch
him play games if you're bored!

just please be a good boy, okay?




Taehyung grinned his boxy smile, finally happy to have some company. He raced out of his room and skipped down the hallway to his roommate's bedroom, knocking loudly thrice to acknowledge his presence.

"Come in!" Jeongguk yelled on the other side of the wooden door.

The door made a long, loud creak as it gradually opened, revealing Taehyung standing in the middle of the doorway with his dishevelled, fluffy brown hair, wearing the cutest pair of Sesame Street pyjamas (a t-shirt and the shortest of shorts since it was summer), and his favourite comfort teddy bear, whom he liked to call Mr Cutiepie, was snuggled into his chest.

The two stared at each other in silence, a non-awkward one; they were both just waiting for either one to say something. Taehyung felt brave enough and mustered up enough courage to initiate conversation.




"You can come in, y'know?"

The elder stepped inside the room, quietly closing the door behind him. He had a small burst of energy and pounced onto Jeongguk's bed, squirming around until he found a comfortable position, nuzzling his face into the soft pillows. 

He turned on his side and pulled the duvet up to his ears, feeling so amazingly comfortable. He enjoyed the faint, musky scent of Jeongguk on the sheets, reminding him of Jimin.

Jeongguk was observing from the side, sitting at his desk with a giant grin plastered on his face, finding the other disgustingly adorable. "Are you feeling small?" He asked, cooing when he got a lazy nod in return.

"You're gonna make my bed all smelly now," he joked. But his laughter died down when he saw Taehyung's bottom lip wobbling, appearing like he was about to cry.

"Hey, hey, hey, I was just joking Tae please don't cry!" He panicked.

"Gukkie mean!" The elder sulked, slipping further into his headspace. He furrowed his eyebrows, pouting. In his head, he looked like a ferocious, scary tiger, but to Jeongguk, he just looked like a cute grumpy bear cub.

Jeongguk giggled, ruffling his roommate's hair before swivelling his chair back around to return to his video game.

"Wanna watch me play games?" 

"Yes! What game is Gukkie playing?"

"It's called Overwatch. If it's too scary for you, I can play something else," Jeongguk says.

"No! I like gun games! S'fun!" Taehyung reassures.

"Perfect then."

The next hour flew by as the two were bonding over the video game, the younger merely dodging every gunshot with ease while the little squealed in adrenaline every time he thought it was game over.

A soft yawn distracted Jeongguk from his game, causing him to turn around and check on the little. Taehyung was trying his best to fight his eyelids open, eventually giving in when he heard Jeongguk's melodic voice encouraging him to sleep.


The little woke up from his nap approximately three hours later to a dark and empty room, the only light source being the kitchen light softly illuminating his puffy face through the slightly ajar door. He could hear clanking and clashing along with a running faucet, assuming Jeongguk was washing the dishes.

Taehyung suddenly felt extremely needy, desperately craving affection even more than he had before. His face burned crimson red, sweat dripping down his temples from a fever. He kicked the duvet off, feeling gross, hot and bothered.

Not knowing what to do, he started crying and thrashing around, feeling incredibly overwhelmed and desperately wanting someone to help him. He must have been too loud because a mere 10 seconds later, Jeongguk came bolting through the door to him.

"Taetae, what's wrong? Are you hurt?" The younger panicked, crouching down beside the bed next to the elder.

"S-sick," Taehyung whimpered as a reply.

"Sick as in barf sick?" 

Taehyung sat up and hugged his knees, shaking his head no. He grabbed Jeongguk's large hand in his, bringing it up to feel his burning forehead.

"Oh, poor baby," Jeongguk cooed, "do you want me to get you some meds?" 

The little shook his head no again. "W-want daddy!" He wailed.

"… Who?" Jeongguk asks, taken aback by his roommate's sudden change in behaviour.

"Minnie! Wan' M-Minnie hyung!" Taehyung sobbed, eyes bloodshot, fat, wet tears streaking down his bread cheeks. 

Jeongguk, having absolutely no idea what was happening, chose to dial Jimin on his phone so that the crying baby in his bed would somewhat settle.

After four rings, Jimin picked up.

"What's up, Gguk?" He asks, tone slightly bothered.

"H-Hey hyung, m'sorry if I disturbed something important, it's just about Taehyung," the younger says.

"What about him? Is he misbehaving?" Jimin asks, tone switching from irritated to concerned.

"No, no, not at all! We were bonding, actually. But he just awoke from a nap, I'm assuming, uh," Jeongguk glanced at his watch, "five minutes or so ago? And now he's crying and thrashing everywhere, saying he wants you. He even has a fever and isn't feeling well," he informs, awkwardly itching his neck when Taehyung's cries could be heard in the background.

"Aw, my poor baby, I think he's feeling a little deprived and lonely since he misses me. Should be nothing serious, though. He does that all the time," the elder reassures, "just make sure he eats dinner and drinks lots of water, also give him two pills so he doesn't feel like shit y'know?"

"Yeah, okay. I can do that. Thanks for the help, hyung. I'll let you know immediately if anything else happens," Jeongguk declares.

“Thanks Jeongguk-ssi. I apologise if Taehyung's a real bother to you, I should be coming back home either tomorrow or the day after, so you won't have to deal with him for much longer anyway," Jimin says, feeling remorseful that his roommate had to be assigned such a difficult task all of a sudden.

"No worries hyung, I have nothing better to do anyway. No need to say sorry," Jeongguk says.

The line went awkwardly silent, neither of them knowing what else to say.

"Well, I best leave you to it then!" Jimin chuckles, so painfully obviously fake. "Bye, Gguk!"

"Bye hyung!"

Jeongguk let out a long, hard sigh, turning around to see that Taehyung had finally stopped crying, settling on sucking his thumb instead. 

"Hey, don't do that, Taebear. It's not good for your teeth," Jeongguk lectures, earning him a pout.

"C'mon, let's go to the kitchen, Jimin hyung said you need to eat something."

Taehyung refused to get up, making grabby hands at the younger to signal he wanted to be carried to the kitchen. Jeongguk sighed but picked him up anyway, finding him surprisingly lightweight, or maybe that was because he was such a muscle pig.

The little screeched as he was effortlessly jolted onto Jeongguk's hip, giggling as the latter sprinted out of the room with ease and tossed him onto the living room couch like he weighed nothing.

Taehyung spent the next ten minutes with his eyes glued to the TV screen, his favourite cartoon show playing, while Jeongguk was quickly cooking up some instant ramen for them to eat.

Cut to an hour later, the two were comfortably snuggled up under their shared blanket, dirty dishes emptied and discarded on the coffee table while Finding Nemo was playing in the background.

The little's fever was long gone, having felt better instantly once he dosed up on medicine and got some cuddles from Jeongguk. The latter felt like he was babysitting a little child; it was a challenge, but that didn't mean he wasn't enjoying it.

Jeongguk was too busy watching the movie to even realise that Taehyung had slowly and gradually made his way further on top of him in subtle ways; resting his head on his shoulder, tangling their legs together, eventually half on top of him.

A nearly incoherent whine ultimately dragged him out of his trance, and he peered down to see a pouty baby Taehyung looking up at him with the most captivating puppy eyes, clearly aiming to get the younger's attention, which went successful.

"Yes, baby?" Jeongguk murmured, only now picking up on their intimate position.

Was it normal for friends to sit like this together?

The little said nothing, nuzzling his face into Jeongguk's buff chest as a response whilst the latter laughed at how obliviously cute he was behaving. Another louder whine erupted from Taehyung's throat, and Jeongguk grew concerned.

"If there's something wrong you're gonna have to tell me what it is cause' I can't understand you when you're speaking baby language, Taebaby," Jeongguk says cautiously.

Taehyung suddenly threw his leg over the younger, straddling him and shimmying his bottom comfortably onto Jeongguk's crotch. The little nuzzled his face into his neck, sighing contently as he rhythmically rutted his hips down onto the other's privates.

Meanwhile, Jeongguk was quite literally a blushing mess. He knew what was happening was strictly taboo, an act friends don't just do together, though he was too embarrassed and needy himself to make Taehyung stop. 

Was this normal? Did the little do this to everyone?

Jeongguk didn't seem to mind that much, though he wished Jimin had told him prior so he would have at least not been on the verge of passing out when it actually happened.

Taehyung was beginning to tire out,  whining when he was still nowhere near his release.

"W-What's wrong, Tae?" Jeongguk asked, breath hitching mid-sentence from how his length was slowly hardening.

"W-wan' you…" The little whimpered.

"Please be more clear, Taetae. I'm struggling to understand."

"I-I… Gukkie… I wan' Gukkie inside," Taehyung whispered, large doe eyes watering as they stared with hope into the other's eyes.

When Jeongguk didn't respond, Taehyung whined and palmed his own hand over Jeongguk's crotch. Now, the younger didn't need to be told twice to understand what the little had meant.

"I-I… Taetae, this is wrong. What would Minnie say?" Jeongguk reasoned, trying his absolute best to restrain himself.

"Ngnhh, Minnie w-won't mind… you tell him…" Taehyung moaned aloud, growing more impatient by the second.

Jeongguk shakily grabbed his phone, hastily typing out a message he was sure had many typos to his other roommate, Jimin.



Today 7:26 pm

hyyng wtf id happeing
tae os grindingg on me
idk what to do
pls jelp

fucking hell
can u put up with it for another 10 mins?
thats when my break starts
i'll call u then

i giess so
pls be q uick


Taehyung was now quietly sobbing, head slumped over his roommate's shoulder, whilst the latter was playing soothingly with his fluffy brown locks.

He had used up all of his energy to try and get himself off, which, to his distaste, went unsuccessful, so he was stuck painfully hard with an outrageously daddy-material-worthy man underneath him.

He pulled back to stare at Jeongguk's face out of curiosity, perhaps to see his reaction, bearing the cutest pout when he noticed the large, smug grin on his face. Taehyung was practically a big baby.

"Daddy…" Taehyung whispered, eyes glossed over with tears as they bore into the others. He was so frustrated, bothered, and done trying.

"I know, baby," Jeongguk cooed, copying the pout on the elder's face as he squeezed his soft, chubby cheeks between his rough, calloused hands. He was so focused on making the elder crack a smile that he paid no mind to the odd name the big baby had called him.

Their sweet moment was broken by a vibration from Jeongguk's phone on the table. Taehyung began sulking as Jeongguk went to reach for his phone, thinking he was leaving him.

The latter pecked his forehead, "Shh, I'm staying right here, baby. Your daddy's calling me."

"Hey Jeonggukkie, is Taehyung making you uncomfortable?" The phone sounds.

"N-Not really… I'm just confused. What the fuck is he doing? Are you not bothered by this?"

"No, it doesn't bother me. I am, however, angry with him for not listening to me-"

"You aren't upset with how your boyfriend is practically cheating on you with someone else? I must say, that's really bizarre," Jeongguk says, feeling guilty when the little on his lap whines and hides his face in the crook of his neck.

Jimin sighs on the other end of the line. "Listen, when Tae isn't feeling well, he gets sort of… needy… and touchy… are you following me?"

"… Yes?" Jeongguk replies a few seconds later.

"Well, since I'm not in town, I can't be there to help him. This has happened a few times but never to this extent, meaning he must be feeling extremely needy for whatever reason."

"But I don't understand. Can't he… relieve… himself?" Jeongguk asks shyly.

"Whenever Tae is little, he's forbidden to touch himself when I'm not there and without my consent. It's just a… rule in our relationship," Jimin awkwardly replies.

"Right… well, what the fuck am I supposed to do?" 

The line falls silent for a hot minute. Jimin must be thinking deeply about something.

"C-Can I ask a favor of you?" He eventually asks.

"Uh, sure?" Jeongguk hesitates.

"Now, this might sound crazy… crazy as fuck actually… But, would you be comfortable with helping Taehyung out? S-Sexually, I mean. You don't have to if you don't want to. It was just a suggestion," Jimin stutters.

"Um, I can't say I'm not fond of that idea but isn't that just insulting to your guys' relationship and our friendship? I'd never be able to live with myself knowing that I potentially fucked up something like that," Jeongguk admits.

"W-Well, can I let you in on a secret? Taehyung fancies you," Jimin says.

Jeongguk choked on his own saliva.

"And that doesn't upset me because I feel the same way as well," the elder confesses in a smaller voice.


The abnormally long silence that followed made Jimin afraid that he had made the other uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I just… Tae and I have been thinking about having a polyamorous relationship for a while now, since he needs extra care sometimes, and I can't always be there for him. Are you with me?" Jimin cautiously says.

"Yes… continue," Jeongguk eggs curiously.

"Well, for a while now, Taehyung and I have sort of been… crushing on you. Well, moreso him than me, as he was the one who opened my eyes, but regardless, we've been meaning to confess to you, and I guess we just haven't found the right time. So… yeah."

The silence this time was even longer. Jimin swore he was about to cry, he fucked up big time.

"Oh my God, why the f-hell did I even tell you that? Shit. Jeongguk, fuck, I'm so sorry, I probably just ruined everything. I'm so fucking sorry if I made you unco-"

"Shh. Relax, Hyung. I swear I'm okay. You didn't ruin anything," Jeongguk assures him.

"I-I didn't?" 

"No, not at all. Two insanely hot guys having a crush on me? Shit, that might just be the best thing I've heard all year," Jeongguk smirks.

Jimin's eyes grew so large they were about to fall out of their sockets. 

"Wait, what?"
"What? I would love to date both of you. The first time I laid my eyes on you guys, I thought I was 'bout to pass out from how breathtaking you both looked," Jeongguk chuckles, growing shy since this was his first time confessing something like this.

"But… you're not weirded out by us or anything?" Jimin asks in disbelief.

"No, why would I be?"

"Well like, I don't know. Dating a hotheaded person like me and a practical man-baby doesn't give you the ick?"

"God- N-No!" Jeonggukkie laughs, "And hey! Don't say that about the baby," he pouts, even though the other can't see it.

"Right, I'm sorry. Well, speaking of the baby, what's he doing right now?" Jimin asks, eyes filling with love and adoration just thinking about his precious boy (despite how mad he is with him). That's a conversation for another time.

"He's straddling my lap with his face hidden in my neck. I think he was embarrassed about our convo and how we were talking about him," the younger chuckles, hearing a coo from the other line.

"I think he's half asleep, but his problem down there definitely isn't," Jeongguk jokes, cackling when he hears a muffled whine pressed into his neck.

"Aww. Can you put the phone on speaker for me? I want to talk to him," Jimin requests.

"Yup, one second… It's on now!"

"Taetae, are you there?" The elder asks.

The little shoots his head up, looking for his daddy. Where on Earth was his voice coming from? Jeongguk laughs, moving Taehyung's bangs away from his forehead, the latter pouting. "He's on the phone, baby," Jeongguk smiles.

"Daddy!" Taehyung screams.

"Hiii baby," Jimin coos. "I miss you."

"I miss Daddy too," the little says sadly.

"Jeonggukkie told me about what you did. I'm not very happy, but I'll let it slide this time," the elder sternly says. Taehyung whines in embarrassment and returns to hiding his face in his roommate's neck.

"I'm sorry, Daddy… please no punishments!" Taehyung pouts. Jimin chuckles at his boyfriend, choosing to change the subject to a more serious matter.

"Tae baby, do you want Jeonggukkie to help you?"

"Uhuh! Taetae w-wants Gukkie inside!”

Jeongguk believes he just discovered a new kink; being dirtily talked about as if he wasn't even there? Fuck, that's hot.

"Oh, baby… are you comfortable with that, Gukkie?" Jimin asks.

Jeongguk couldn't count the number of times he had secretly gotten off to the thought of his two roommates doing sinister things, the number of times he'd cursed when he awoke from erotic dreams with morning wood. Taehyung moaning and writhing underneath him whilst Jimin held a fatal grip on his waist, kissing up his neck and spilling provocative words. Just the thought sent shivers down his spine. To say he had been craving for this moment would be an understatement.

An "mhm" was all he managed to get out, his head beginning to fog with unholy scenes.

"Excellent, let's get started…" Jimin rasps over the phone, voice deep and pleasant. "Taehyung, strip."

"Otay…" The latter obeys, voice small. Jeongguk helps him lift his shirt over his head, seeming he was struggling by himself. He slowly but surely shimmied down his shorts and panties, flinging them on the floor to deal with later. "Done!" He says enthusiastically.

"Good boy. Now, lay on your back in front of Gukkie, okay? No need to be shy. Gukkie likes you," Jimin commands with a sickly sweet tone. Taehyung sinks down into the pillows and couch, his whole body on display for the younger. His cheeks turn a light shade of pink, and he throws his arm over his eyes as he notices Jeongguk staring at him intensively. If he can't see Jeongguk, Jeongguk can't see him.

The latter's breath hitched in his throat, swearing an angel stood right before his eyes. He'd never seen such smooth and honey-like skin; all he wanted was to run his hands all over the beautiful boy. He had the most gorgeous long legs; models were lucky Taehyung didn't choose modeling as a career, for they would stand no chance against someone so ethereal.

He had cute little moles scattered everywhere, in the most perfect places. Jeongguk wanted so badly to pepper kisses on every single one. His collarbones were godly-like, so sharp and elegant they could slice through anything, and his tiny bloated little tummy had to be the absolute cutest thing he had ever seen; Jeongguk was resisting the urge to blow raspberries on him, fighting his absolute hardest to tackle his cuteness aggression.

God, why hadn't they done this sooner?

"I did it!" Taehyung squealed.

"My good baby," Jimin praises, "now, no touching yourself, okay? Hands to yourself at all times. Let Jeonggukkie do all the work."

Jeongguk audibly gulped. He had no idea where to start. Sure, he had some experience. He'd slept around with a few people every now and then. He's a young man with needs, after all. 

However, those didn't have any feelings involved. It was strictly fucking for pleasure, and that's that. 

This is different. 

His long-term crush is sprayed out underneath him to his mercy, looking so god-like and borderline pornographic in his eyes; what did Jeongguk do in his past life to deserve such a blessing like this? His pants were getting tighter and all the more uncomfortable as time passed, so he decided to take the initiative as he couldn't wait any longer.

"Do you have any lube?" He asked, not even sure who the question was aimed at.

"Yeah, there may be some in the TV cabinet drawer. Don't judge, we keep it everywhere just in case, y'know…" Jimin answers truthfully.

Jeongguk's face screws up, now envisioning how many surfaces the two have fucked on without his knowledge. Hell, they've likely fucked on the dining table where they feast or even his bed, for all he knew.

Now isn't the time for judgment, though, realising it honestly isn't his business what the two get up to in their spare time and that there are more significant problems in the world right now, like his rock-hard dick, which is beginning to ache.

The ravenette hastily began rummaging through the drawer, biting his bottom lip when he found what he was looking for. "Bingo," he says, pulling out an almost full bottle of lube. "Ooh, cherry flavoured, yum." He returns to the couch, lightly spanking the baby's outer thigh and softly commanding him to lay on his stomach, ass in the air.

Drool began to pool inside Jeongguk's mouth, some seeping through the corners of his lips as he took in the sight. Two perfectly rounded globes and rich, hairless skin as smooth as a perfect peach presented just for him. With trembling hands, he spread Taehyung's cheeks for better access and poured the cherry-flavoured lubricant onto his cute hole, watching intently as it trickled downwards onto his balls.

Jeongguk's fingertips practically disappeared as they dug into the elder's fleshy cheeks. He couldn't comprehend how such a gorgeous ass, softer than marshmallows, belonged to none other than a man. Taehyung's ass instantly took the throne on his small but not-so-small hook-up list, definitely better than any other women he's slept with, that's for sure.

Jeongguk pressed his thumb into the sweet puffy hole, teasing it at the rim, making its owner whine impatiently, wiggling his ass around so the younger could get the message. 

"What's the matter, baby?" Jimin asks. "Jeonggukie's teasing me!" Taehyung grumbles, earning a coo from his boyfriend. Jeongguk playfully rolls his eyes, gathering some lube on his fingers before slowly pushing his index finger past the rim, experimenting. "Patience is virtue, baby," he rasps. 

Taehyung moans, mentality going elsewhere as he finally got something up his ass. He's eternally grateful, even if it's just one finger. "Thank you- Daddy!" He wails. "Awww," he hears from both men, "you're being such a good boy for me, baby bear, such a sweet boy," Jeongguk affirms whilst soothingly caressing a hand down the curve of his back, followed by 'my precious baby, good job,' from Jimin.

Taehyung starts feeling hot, face turning beet red as he buries it into a couch pillow and whines. "I think he likes the praise," Jeongguk grins. "Mhm, he's got a massive praise kink, probably something you should know. He melts like putty when you say affirmative things and assure him that he's a good boy."

"Uhuh…" Jeongguk smiles, still rubbing soothing circles onto the little's back while his finger is stationary inside his ass. "He's definitely not into that degrading shit, though, just so you know. He's poor at deciphering whether or not you actually mean what you're calling him, and it just makes him insecure and sad, so try and keep that in mind," Jimin informs, Jeongguk replying "copied," like the absolute fucking nerd that he is.

The ravenette figures he doesn't want to persist in taunting the little, so he leisurely begins to pump his index finger in and out, the tight, greedy hole sucking him back inside welcomingly. Taehyung turned his face to breathe, pace ragged as it had been a while since he felt this phenomenal sensation. 

After about a minute or so, Taehyung determined he was ready for an additional finger, or two, or three. "M-More, more… I want more, please-" He moans aloud. Jeongguk obeys and adds his middle finger, effortlessly slipping alongside his index finger, driving the elder to arch his back and moan into oblivion. After waiting patiently for his daddy for so long, this felt like a reward he undoubtedly deserved. He truly felt like a good boy.

Jeongguk proceeded to pump his fingers in and out, in and out, hauling them deliciously along Taehyung's hot walls and kneading his cheeks with his free hand, his ass turning a pretty shade of red. The little was already a writhing, moaning mess, and they hadn't even properly started. Boy, were they both in deep.

"That's it, baby, keep taking Jeonggukkie's fingers like the good boy you are. I know you can handle more, can't you?" His daddy challenges, tone downright patronising. "U-Uhuh- yes! I can- I can take more- ngnh- m-more please, Gukkie!"

"Yeah? Fuck," Jeongguk swears, his trousers unbearably tight. As ridiculous as it sounds, he was scared his dick would pop, even though that wasn't theoretically possible. Fuck, now is not the time for physics theory, dork.

He eyed closely at his fingers sinking into the eager hole, hand all messy, slimy, and covered in lube. Two fingers down, one more to go. Jeongguk reckoned three fingers were enough; his fingers were quite large, so the extra one should get the job done. He didn't want to seem cocky or anything, but he wasn't gonna lie and say that his dick was small. If anything, it was quite the contrary. 

Jeongguk humbly considered himself to be very well-endowed in that department, his past hook-ups providing living proof as they even conceded themselves that Jeongguk was certainly a lot larger than the majority of their bodies.

Having big-cock-syndrome indeed had its ups and downs (mainly ups). Many people frankly preferred their sex buddies to have more, well, normal sized dicks, as being impaled by a humongous lightsaber wasn't exactly pleasurable for everyone. 

The ravenette had measured himself a handful of times, as does every other curious man. Though, their rulers typically had marks around the 4-5 inch mark.

Jeongguk was at 9.

He wasn't entirely confident that Taehyung could take him all the way in. Though, he wouldn't be surprised if he could. These guys were kinky motherfuckers, after all. Who knows what they have up their sleeve.

He finally added the third finger in, slightly struggling to get it to slip past the rim. It was a tight fit; Taehyung hadn't touched himself down there in maybe three weeks at most. The little arched his back like a cute kitty at the intrusion, panting and lamenting from the pain combined with pleasure. “Nnghh… f-feels so-so good…” 

"You're taking those fingers so well, baby. Daddy's so proud of you," Jimin says. The overwhelming praise, the thick fingers scissoring him open, the moist temperature in the room, his daddy's delectable voice, Jeonggukkie's palliative presence, the fucking lewd and profane position he was in right now, it was too much for him to handle. 

Taehyung didn't know how much longer he could hold off. "T-Tummy feels weird! D-Daddy, can I please come? I've been a good boy, I promise!" He sobs, eyes pinched shut as he rocked back on Jeongguk's wide fingers.

"I think he deserves it. Let him come, Jiminie~" Jeongguk prompts, fingers abusing Taehyung's puffy hole. "Hmm, you think so? Okay, you have my permission, baby. You're allowed to come since you've been well-behaved," Jimin purrs.

Taehyung didn't need to be told twice. He came painfully, all over his stomach in dense, white stripes, staining the grey couch beneath him. His mouth was wide open in a silent moan, quivering as Jeongguk began to stall his fingers, getting Taehyung through the first intense orgasm he'd had for a while. He came utterly untouched, if occasionally rutting down onto the couch didn't count.

His toes were still curled and shoulders still taut as Jeongguk peppered kisses all over his back, humming sweet praises along with Jimin, though they went unheard as Taehyung was now deep into his headspace. He couldn't quite see much of his surroundings; his vision turned blurry as he was still coming down from his high. He whines and slumps down onto the couch, appearing lifeless. He still needed some time to adjust, though; that wasn't the plan his daddy had in mind.

"Alright, chop chop. This isn't a snooze fest. You're nowhere near finished, Taehyung," Jimin states, power sounding so natural.

"M'tired…" His boyfriend mumbles.

 "I don't care. You can't leave Jeongguk with blue balls. That would be rude and inconsiderate, don't you think, baby?" The eldest mentions. Jeongguk sheepishly stays quiet, feeling negligibly rejected.

"M'kay…" Taehyung listens, stretching out his sore limbs and sitting up on his knees, giving a shy smile to Jeongguk. "Tell us what to do, Minnie~" The little enthusiastically says, sounding like an entirely different person compared to before.

"Jeongguk, strip. Completely," Jimin commands. 

"O-Okay," He blushes, following Jimin's instructions and quickly peeling his sweaty clothes off his hot body. "M'finished."

"Good boy. Go sit back and relax. Taehyung's gonna do all the work now," Jimin declares. 

"I am?" The brunette innocently asks, puppy eyes gleaming as if he were looking into Jimin's eyes. "Uhuh, Jeonggukkie did all the work before, so now it's time you do some work, okay? This is a team effort."

"Y-Yes… Team effort! I'll help Gukkie now," Taehyung beams, crawling over to Jeongguk, throwing his legs over his thick thighs and straddling him. "Mmhh, Jeonggukie has nice muscles…" Taehyung moans, delicately holding the younger's tattooed arm and nestling his face into his bicep.

Jeongguk chuckles, finding it adorable how callow Taehyung could seem despite their completely taboo situation. Upon making passionate eye contact with the elder, Jeongguk's dick twitched, rendering Taehyung to let out a deafening gasp once he saw it. 

Fuck. Jeongguk knew it. Of course, he'd think it's too big. Of course, he wouldn't be able to take it. He's a little, for crying out loud. He knew all along-

"What's the matter, Tae?" Jimin asked, slightly worried as he couldn't see what the commotion was about. "J-Jeonggukkie's so big- I want it, I want it, I want it, I want it right now!" Taehyung begs. 

Well, this certainly wasn't the outcome he was expecting.

"Oh? I suppose you're in for quite the ride," Jimin chuckles darkly. Taehyung was growing impatient. Jeongguk's cock was perfect. It was so beautiful, so so beautiful, and he needed it to be fucking inside him right now. 

Without thinking straight, the little slammed his lips onto Jeongguk's, the latter reacting to the rough kiss a few seconds later. There was no passion in the kiss whatsoever. It was nothing but a messy, hurried, noisy and horny makeout session, teeth clashing and lip biting, but it felt so good.

Taehyung was grinding down onto Jeongguk's crotch in figure-8 motions, eliciting frenzied groans and curse words out of him. He dragged his hands up and down the little's sides, grunting as he traced his curves and lines and imagined what it would feel like to have Taehyung squirming and wailing as his fat cock split him open. 

Despite his lust-drunk state, Jeongguk managed to recollect his priorities. He finally pulled back from the elder after he put up a small fight, both gasping for breath as they held it in for so long. 

Jeongguk's dick practically jumped as he took in the sight. Fuck. Taehyung looked even better like this if that was even feasible. His eyes were hooded, immense, dim and filled with lust. Lips so thick, plump, spit-slick and rich with colour from all the kissing, cheeks painted a beautiful rosy pink and fluffy brown hair all over the place, as if he had just awoken from a deep slumber.

If it were anyone else, Jeongguk would think they looked… rough. But this is Taehyung. The man who could walk down a runway in a trash bag and still look good. Taehyung was living proof that God most definitely has favourites. 

"Nghh- W-Why did you stop?" Taehyung frowns. 

"C-Condom? Do you have any condoms?" Jeongguk panics. The sex they're about to have may be bomb, but bomb enough to potentially risk his- their health? Jeongguk may be a young, horny boy, but all those boring and awkward sex-ed high school classes definitely taught him some essential knowledge in the long run.


"Are you clean?" Jimin asks after a while.


"Don't worry about it then, just fuck him."

"A-Are you sure-"

"Yes. Taehyung and I are both clean, I promise. I wouldn't lie to you about such a thing." Jimin sighs.

"O-Okay…" Jeongguk exhaled, feeling more assured now that that was out of the way. He reached for the lube he discarded to the side earlier and poured a generous amount onto his shaft, gasping from the coldness he wasn't foreseeing. 

With unsteady hands, he gave himself a few firm strokes to ensure the lube was appropriately spread. He couldn't help but moan, since this was the first relief his rock-hard cock had felt all evening. 

Taehyung bit his lips as he watched the show. Jeongguk definitely had the prettiest and biggest dick he had ever seen; even Minnie would agree too. It was so long and girthy, pink and pretty, curved in just the right place, thick, blue veins protruding out the sides. The head looked so fat and swollen. Taehyung deduced that he would like to taste it someday. 

He had no idea that drool was dribbling down his chin until he heard Jeongguk chuckle and smudge it with his thumb.

Jeongguk gave the little a small peck on his lips, deciding that his length was coated adequately. He took his tatted hand and smeared whatever leftover lubricant he had onto Taehyung's pulsing hole, evoking cute whimpers out of him. 

"Sit up a bit, baby, that's it," Jeongguk instructs, lining up his tip with Taehyung's entrance before he slowly but surely pushes through the rim. 

A piercing moan rips out of Taehyung from the stretch. He had never taken something this big before. It hurt so bad even though he had been sufficiently prepped; his lower region felt like it was on fire. 

He wails and drops his head on Jeongguk's shoulder, hiding his face in the crook of his neck, which was growing wet from his tears.

"Shh, baby, I know. There's still a lot left. Are you sure you can take it?" Jeongguk coos, petting soothing circles onto the little's lower back. 

"Y-Yes, I want it! I’m sorry Jeonggukie.” 

Jeongguk shushes him and proceeds to gently massage the elder, Jimin humming praising words over the phone. "You're such a good boy, Taetae. I'm so proud of you. You need to relax, okay? I know you can take it." 

"M-Mhm…. I'm ready for more Gukkie." 

At those words, Jeongguk gradually guides his length deeper into Taehyung, distracting him from the discomfort with a sweet kiss. Before they knew it, Jeongguk bottomed out, both sighing a pleased hum. 

Jeongguk stayed motionless for a minute, giving the elder time to adjust. When he sensed that Taehyung was ready, he tested the waters and lazily pulled his cock out, only to firmly thrust directly into Taehyung's prostate. The latter moans aloud, the feeling of being so full even further turning him on.

Jeongguk holds a harsh grip on Taehyung's slim waist, jerks his hips up and slams his length in and out at a steady pace, groaning as his thick cock drags along the warm walls of Taehyung's tight, puckered hole. 

Taehyung holds onto his shoulders and desperately bounces up and down, meeting his forceful thrusts in the middle and making downright salacious slapping sounds.

"Yeah, that's right, baby… I bet you look s-so good split on Jeongguk's cock. I'm getting hard just thinking about it…" Jimin murmurs. 

"F-Feels so good, Minnie! S-So deep! Ngnh-" Taehyung cries in euphoria. Jeongguk bites his lip and gazes down at his dick being swallowed by the former's wet, slutty hole, unable to contain his moans as his head turns fuzzy.

"Your whimpers… they rile me up every- ah- every time," Jeongguk groans, leaning forward and sucking large bruises on Taehyung's neck, the latter still vigorously bouncing up and down, endeavouring to give the ravenette a good show. 

Jeongguk tilts his head back in ecstasy, eyes tightly shut and moaning aloud as Taehyung clamps down on his fat cock, squeezing the life out of him. The two pick up on harsh breathing and curse words sounding from Jeongguk's phone, the brunette gasping, realising Jimin was getting off to the two of them. 

Taehyung's bouncing eventually slows and turns into lazy grinding. He wraps his arms around Jeongguk's veiny neck and sighs pleasantly in his ear. Jeongguk hums, hands spanking Taehyung's bottom, "tsk tsk, c'mon baby. You're gonna have to do better than that," he teases. 

The little whines and slouches down, flaunting his big doe eyes whilst catching his breath in an attempt to win Jeongguk over. The latter wears a cocky grin, feeling up Taehyung's sides as he only frowns like the pouty baby he is. Typical. 

"What's the matter, huh? Are you bored already? Am I not good enough for you?" Jeongguk toys, knowing the effect that he has on the elder. "That's no way to treat Jeonggukkie Taebaby," Jimin pursues, "what happened to your manners? Quit misbehaving," he clicks his tongue, agitatedness transparent in his tone.

Taehyung whimpers, feeling ashamed as it was clear that the two men weren't pleased with his behaviour. But he couldn't help it. He was tired. It's not easy bouncing on dick, y'know? 

"Gukkieee," he grumbles, knowing that the boy was soft when it came to him. 

At least, he thought he was.

"That's not my name," the boy mutters a reply, voice more deep and gravelly than usual.

 "W-What?" Taehyung softly asks, his confusion taking over. He leans back to get a better look at Jeongguk, gulping when he notices the sudden dark gaze fixed on him. 

Jeongguk looked predatory, like he was planning to hunt and ravish who or whatever he saw first. This wasn't the cute, dorky Jeongguk that Taehyung knew him to be.

"I said, that's not my name," he vehemently says this time. 

“G-Gukkie I don’t understa-”

"It's daddy to you, okay? Get that inside your head," Jeongguk utters, Taehyung yelping as Jeongguk suddenly propels him onto the couch and hovers over him.

The room erupts in needy gasps and whines as the younger ravages the little's lithe body. Jeongguk's art transformed a blank canvas into a splotchy, battered, and bruised masterpiece.

He leans back to admire his work, moaning at the already fucked out expression the little displayed before him. He goes back in to suck and bite at Taehyung's perky nipples, holding a firm and stiff grip on the latter's shaft, causing him to wail and uncontrollably buck up into his hand. Jeongguk's tongue felt so hot and wet that it was overstimulating him. 

"Daddy! I'm- I'm-" 

Jeongguk pulls back completely, removing his hands and smirking as Taehyung foolishly jerks up into nothing. "Nuh-uh," he clicks his tongue, taking pleasure in torturing the little. 

"Pathetic. Look at you, drool dripping from your lips, glistening those titties. Rub your spit on them, don't let any go to waste," Jeongguk commands.

Without hesitation, Taehyung drags his slender fingers slowly up his chest, biting his lips as he plays with his little pink nipples. The spit provided a pleasurable lubricant as he effortlessly flicked his fingers up and down, staring into the ravenette's lust-filled eyes. 

"Y-You're being mean…" Taehyung decides to speak up, regretting it as Jeongguk simply scoffs and rolls his eyes. "What did you say? I'm being mean?" He mocks, eyebrows raised in surprise, "You don't know how mean I can really be… time for a lesson." Jeongguk takes his shaft into his hand, casually stroking it as he looks into the other's eyes with disinterest, having the audacity to look bored.

"You're gonna sit there and watch me stroke myself. Look how hard you've got me. I've been leaking precum since you started helplessly grinding on me earlier, so this right here is your fault," Jeongguk sternly says, showing no mercy. 

Taehyung chooses to stay quiet to not upset him, wanting to be a good boy for Jeongguk. "Keep playing with those nipples, put on a show and make it good," the younger moans, his stroking accelerating as any slower would be excruciating. 

Taehyung matches the pace at which he's stroking his cock and flicks his fingers faster, mouth wide open and moaning, spit dribbling down his chin as he gazes at Jeongguk's length, watching as he eagerly flicks his wrist at the tip of his dick as to not reach his climax so soon.

"Eyes up here, whore. Look at Daddy," Jeongguk teases, mean. Taehyung never thought he would be into such degradation, at least not with Jimin he was. Maybe it was because he had known Jimin longer, and coming from someone he knew wasn't actually mean; he just couldn't get into it despite how many times they tried.

But Jeongguk was just… different? Even though he knew Jeongguk wasn't mean either, he certainly didn't look or seem like the mean type. But Taehyung didn't know what his sex life was like or what his kinks were, as they obviously hadn't gotten to that point in their relationship where they could just spill that information on each other without it being embarrassing.

Maybe it was the fact that this was a whole new side of Jeongguk, which Taehyung had never envisioned, that was turning him on. He was used to seeing the nerdy, bashful, cute, shy Jeongguk. He was acting the polar opposite right now, and, quite frankly, that turned him on. It most definitely looked good on him, too. He fit this persona so well. It was like it was fate, and Jeongguk was just meant to be Taehyung's strict daddy.

"Ngnhh," Taehyung whines, stopping and gazing into Jeongguk's eyes. He makes grabby hands up at him, only for them to be slapped away and shoved back down beside his sides. "Lay back down, slut. I never said you could move, stay right fucking there and watch me," Jeongguk curses.

Taehyung pouts up at Jeongguk, tears filling his eyes at being denied. He felt neglected yet so fucking horny. Jeongguk smiled a sly grin, patronising him, "fuck, you're crying now? Watching me touch myself is all it took for you? Or is it that I'm being too mean? Tsk tsk. I wish you knew how fucking spoiled you are. Y'know, if you weren't behaving like such a bad boy all day, then I'd be going soft on you, but this is your punishment, m'kay? So you better start behaving like a fucking good boy, or I'll leave you with blue balls for days," he spits. 

Taehyung couldn't hold it back anymore. Streams of tears began flooding his cheeks as he started spewing out apologies, "D-Daddy, I'm so-so s-sorry! W-Won't misbehave e-ever again, I promise! Taetae's so-so sorry!" He wails, hiccuping as snot begins to drip from his nose.

At that, Jeongguk fondly smiles and pecks his forehead.

"Fuck, you look so cute like that. I wish you could see yourself right now. You're such a cute baby boy for me. You know how to bring me down to my knees," Jeongguk admits, complimenting him and not missing the moan that comes out of the little's whiny mouth. 

Jeongguk finally stops stroking his cock, feeling a little pitiful looking at Taehyung; he certainly didn't expect him to fold this easily. He takes the brunette's leg into his hand, leaning down and softly kissing the inside of his thigh as an apology. "You're about to look so pretty leaking with all my cum, mmh." Taehyung bashfully throws his arms over his eyes, covering himself as he felt embarrassed and exploited.

"Stay right there. I'll be back in a sec," Jeongguk states, heading towards the kitchen and leaving Taehyung alone on the couch.

"Are you okay, baby?" Taehyung jumped at the voice, so deep into his headspace that he forgot his boyfriend had been there the whole time listening. "Minnie," he pouts, "you scared me!" A string of melodic chuckles sounded from the speaker, Jimin giggling, imagining the look of shock on his baby's face when he spoke.

"I'm sorry for scaring you, baby. Are you feeling okay? Are you holding up well? I heard what happened," Jimin asks. He couldn't lie; he was a bit worried when Jeongguk started degrading his baby, pondering on the different ways their situation could have turned out. Thankfully, Taehyung seemed to like it more than he thought he would.

"Mhm! I'm o'tay," Taehyung smiles to no one, forgetting that Jimin couldn't see him.

"That's good baby, I'm glad to hear. But Jeonggukkie's right, you know. If you didn't protest and misbehave like I told you not to, you wouldn't be getting punished right now," Jimin declares.

"Mmm, I know. It's all my fault," Taehyung pouts, "but s'okay, I deserve it. I can take it like a good boy!"

"That's my baby," Jimin smiles, wanting so badly to wrap his baby up in a blanket and fondle him. Before he could say anything else, Jeongguk announced his presence as he returned to the room with a warm, wet towel. He gently drags it across Taehyung's delicate face to clean his mess of tears mixed with snot and drool. He places a chaste kiss on the elder's forehead before grabbing hold of his thighs and dragging him down so his ass touches his own hips.

"Stop squirming. Daddy's gonna give his little boy everything he's been begging for. Isn't that right?" Jeongguk remarks, softly spanking his outer thigh, erupting a whimper from the brunette. Jeongguk spreads Taehyung's legs and grabs hold of his length in one hand, bringing the tip to his hole and teasingly slapping it, producing x-rated wet sounds. 

"My dick slapping against that wet hole of yours feels so good, doesn't it?" Jeongguk hums. "Fuck, you're quite a vision. I almost forgot how big my cock looks against your puny hole." Taehyung's eyes flutter shut as he lets out small moans, feeling so powerless and minuscule under Jeongguk's dominance, even when, in reality, they are pretty similar in size.

"Oh I hear you moaning, slut," Jeongguk smirks, slapping his dick onto Taehyung with even more force this time. "Sloppy fucking hole."

"P-Please…" The little whines, unsure of what he wants anymore. He just needs relief.

 "Please what? You're gonna have to sound more confident than that," Jeongguk torments.

Taehyung clears his throat, "Please, fuck me, Daddy! I'll be a good boy, I'll listen to everything you say, I'll take everything you give me, p-please make me feel good!" He mewls, not even caring anymore if he sounds hopeless. It was the truth; there was no point hiding it.

"Well, since you asked so nicely…" 

Jeongguk slowly inserted himself into Taehyung, both moaning together in unison as he bottoms out once again. This time, it feels so much better. So much more earned. Taehyung wraps his skinny hands around Jeongguk's neck as the latter leans down and gently smooches him, hushing him as he steadily moves in and out of his stretched hole. 

Jeongguk leans down on his elbows, not leaving much room and caging Taehyung's small body between the couch and himself. He smashed his lips on the latter's neck, showering filthy kisses and love bites on every piece of untouched skin he could find.

Taehyung moaned a vulgar moan as he took in the sight of Jeongguk's figure. His body proportions were so damn attractive, abs so taught and pecs so firm but soft. His biceps were so biteable, thighs so rideable. There wasn't a single thing about this man that was unattractive. Taehyung swore he could cum just by looking at him.

He looked so fucking daddy material with his now wet-with-sweat hair drooping over his eyes, his oh-so-gazeable eyes, thrusting deep inside the elder. Taehyung's dick spasmed, neglected and sore from the ongoing teasing. Jeongguk gave a lopsided grin, pulling back slightly just to slap Taehyung's length, causing the latter to cry.

"Mhm, take it. Take all of it, just like that- ah- good fucking boy," Jeongguk moans, pulling back entirely and seizing his legs before roughly and mercilessly pounding into Taehyung's tight hole at an animalistic speed. Taehyung could do nothing but take what was given to him, just like a little pillow princess, sobbing as he bounced around erratically, arms flailing about and thrashing around as Jeongguk fucked him dumb.

It was when Jeongguk scarcely changed his angle that Taehyung squealed. He maintained his momentum, fucking into him at that precise angle, striking his prostate bang-on, making the little cry tears of pleasure. 

Jeongguk wished his eyes could take a screenshot. This undoubtedly had to be the most erotic sight he had ever seen, ten thousand times better than any other porno content he'd ever consumed.

The brunette looked like a little angel despite their corrupt and obscene state. He looked so beautiful being fucked open by Jeongguk's cock, eyes hooded and warm, cheeks painted pink, lips cherry red and all blissed out.

"Mmh, I bet you guys look so fucking hot," Jimin grunts, touching himself on the other side of the line. It sounded like he was in a confined space, obviously so, as he needed privacy.

"So fucking hot, Chim. Tae looks like such a needy whore being split open by my cock, fuck," Jeongguk replies, wishing his hyung were here to see. Taehyung whines in humiliation again. How both of them talked about him as if he weren't even there made him feel so degraded. But it was so hot.

"Yeah? Fuck, I'm so fucking hard," Jimin moans, stroking himself, "my colleagues are probably wondering where I am, but I- ah- don't give a fuck." He massages himself, getting closer to his climax by the second as his baby's melodious moans fill his ears.

"You like that, huh, baby? Does being fucked silly by another man's cock turn you on, Taehyung? Hmm, I never knew you were such a filthy slut deep down," Jimin hisses, Taehyung only moaning as a reply. "Oh? You like it when I'm being mean?" Jimin queries. 

"Y-Yes, Daddy!"

"Mmm, I'll note that for next time then," Jimin memos, "keep taking that dick like a good boy, okay?"


Jeongguk starts losing his mind, thrusting even harder, more profound and faster than he ever had before, mouth wide open and eyes squeezed shut as Taehyung's slutty hole engulfs him whole.

"You had one job, to ride my fucking cock like a good boy. But you couldn't even do that… How- ngnh- h-how fucking pathetic," Jeongguk spits, pounding deep and fast into the elder's tight heat. "L-Look at you… so fucking needy. Taking Daddy's cock so well, hmm? Just like you were born to take it," he moans, violent slapping sounds filling his ears. 

He tried to look into Taehyung's eyes, but they rolled back into his head so far that he wasn't even sure if he was mentally there.

He continues, "E-Even if you weren't… I'd- fuck- I'd mould your insides so that they'd perfectly fit my cock… D-Don't care how much it hurts…

Taehyung fucking keens. The dirty talk was tipping him over the edge. Jeongguk's voice sounded like fucking music to his ears; he couldn't get enough of it. He wanted to hear his moans for the rest of his life.

"Fuck," Jeongguk growls. "Look, baby, feel here." He takes Taehyung's hand into his and firmly presses it down into his stomach, the latter whining as he could feel movement from within. 

"You feel that?" Jeongguk moans.

"Y-Yes daddy…"

"Do you know what that is?" He questions.


"What is it, baby? Tell me, I wanna know," Jeongguk groans. 

"T-That's Daddy's cock… s-so deep inside Taetae… mmmph-" The little cries, his whole body jerking up and down from the violent fast thrusts the younger was giving him. "That's right baby, Daddy's so deep inside Taetae. So fucking deep that it's making your tummy bulge, fuck." 
With the way Jeongguk kept ferociously slamming his cock into his prostate, Taehyung gradually arrived closer and closer to his climax. "Fuck, you're ready to cum, aren't you? You keep clenching around me like that, such a cumslut…" Jeongguk teases him.

He leans down to whisper something in Taehyung's ear, "I'm gonna break you, piece by piece, little by little, until you're nothing more than an eager, cum hungry fucktoy for my amusement. After I'm done with you, only then will I glue you back together. You'll be my own little masterpiece-a used up, obedient, needy little toy who can do nothing, not even think without my dick and cum inside you." He pulls back and grins, "You'd like that, wouldn't you? I'm a man of my word, sweetheart. I'll never neglect you again. Your needs will always come first.

Taehyung gasps, eyes rolling back into his head at the crude words the younger spoke. He was close, so fucking close-

"You're making such a mess. You're making such a mess on my cock and you think you deserve to cum? Uh-uh," Jeongguk taunts, smirking as he rubs his thumb across the little's chin, smearing his spit all over. "Let's try this again, see if you've learned to follow instructions."

"Tell me who you belong to," Jeongguk whines.

Y-You… and Minnie…

A fierce slap sounds, Taehyung sobbing as his ass turns a vivid shade of pink.

"Repeat it."

"You! And Minnie!"


Nghh- Jeonggukkie a-and Minnie! I belong to Jeonggukkie and Minnie! B-Both my Daddies- mmmph," Taehyung wails.

"Atta boy, you're such a good boy," Jeongguk coos, wrapping a gentle hand around Taehyung's length and vigorously pumping him. The latter squirms around, his dick throbbing as it finally gets the attention it craves. 

More tears were spilling out of his puppy eyes, his soaked eyelashes making him look fucking adorable. He could only let out miniature gasps and whimpers, all his energy and stamina out the window.

"Shh, I know, baby. I know," Jeongguk kisses all over his face. "Are you getting close?"

"Y-Yes! M'close Daddy, can I please cum?" The brunette begs for the last time.

"Fuck- Uhuh, I'm getting close too, baby, so close-" Jeongguk moans, stroking Taehyung faster and fucking into him. "Cum, sweetheart. Squeeze Daddy's cock. Squeeze that ass for me. Milk Daddy's cock- ahh," he grunts, desperately chasing both of their orgasms.

"Nghhh, Daddy," he slurs, "m'cumming!" Taehyung whines before releasing himself relentlessly all over his and Jeongguk's chests, making such a big, sticky mess. The younger growls, Taehyung's cries of overstimulation driving him over the fucking edge. He savagely fucks into the tight heat at a fierce pace, balls slapping onto Taehyung's cheeks mercilessly.

As his thrusts become sloppy and less precise, he leans down and connects their lips, luring him into a filthy makeout session. "M-Me too…" Jeongguk grunts as he climaxes and pours himself out into the elder. He flops down on top of him, holding himself up just enough to avoid suffocating him.

They lay there, peacefully gathering their breaths for a while. Taehyung is the first person to break the silence. He combs his fingers through Jeongguk's tousled hair, and the latter pulls back to grin shyly at him. 

"You did so well, Gukkie. I'm proud of you," the brunette mentions. The younger scoffs, "I should be saying that to you. Took me like a damn champ," he beams, leaning down to place a content peck on the other's lips.

He pulls back, chuckling at the mess Taehyung made on both of them, "we definitely need a shower first thing tomorrow," he states the obvious.

"Yeah, and clean the fucking couch too. If I see cum-stains on that shit when I get back, I swear to God," Jimin sasses. The other two erupt in laughter, totally forgetting that he was even there.

"Jimin, don't you have like… Work? A workplace to get to?" Jeongguk reminds him. "Yes, matter of a fact, I do, so I'll have to get going now. Thanks to you both, now my colleagues will think something suspicious happened," Jimin sighs, the other two giggling in amusement. 

"Please behave. Both of you eat something, get cleaned up and go to sleep. I got to go now byeeee mwah!" He hurriedly says before the line falls silent.

Jeongguk turns his attention back to Taehyung, the latter blushing from the fond gaze. "Let's get you cleaned up," he says, pulling out of him with a hiss, his cum following suit as well. 

Taehyung whines as he feels the cum drip from his swollen hole, "Nooo! Push it back in, push it back in!" Jeongguk shushes him and fucks his cum back inside Taehyung's hole with his thick fingers, finding the sight very pleasing, at the least. 

He urged Taehyung to stay put and went to the washing room to avoid getting horny all over again. He could surely go for another round, but he wasn't entirely confident if the little could.

He returned with another damp and warm towel, lightly trailing it over Taehyung's little tummy and bottom, scrubbing off their sticky sweat and cum. He struggles to search for the TV remote, eventually finding it discarded underneath the couch. He turns off Finding Nemo and scoops the little up into his arms, carrying him bridal-style to his bedroom, not forgetting to grab Mr. Cutiepie as well.

He gently sets Taehyung on his bed, taking caution not to break him as if he were a vintage ceramic piece. Taking in the elder's naked state, he swiftly throws on a pair of boxers and a t-shirt that drapes off the side of Taehyung's shoulders, obviously too big for him but who cares? In his clothes, he looked so Goddamn cute.

He quickly threw some boxers on himself and jumped into bed with the little, drawing him close and tossing the blanket over the both of them. 

Taehyung nuzzled his face into the younger's chest as the latter's arms draped around him, holding him in a secure embrace, implying he wasn't going anywhere soon. 

"Thank you, Gukkie…" He whispers, eyelids slowly becoming heavier and more challenging to keep open. 

Jeongguk lucidly shushes him, playing with his hair in a relaxing manner, "Go to sleep, baby. I'm right here."

Little snores followed suit soon after, Jeongguk peeking down to see that Taehyung had fallen asleep. He tiredly smiles to himself, thinking back to their quite eventful day. 

Every wish he had ever desired had finally come true for him. If only his roommates knew how crazy Jeongguk actually was about them. He was excited to know what the future held for them.

Sleep eventually seized over him as well, unconsciously tugging Taehyung closer to him as he descended to dreamland, unaware that that would be the best sleep he'd ever had.


hey guys :)

this was my first ever fic! thank u sm for reading,, i hope you thoroughly enjoyed! i randomly thought of this idea one night when i couldn't sleep and now here i am :p please do leave comments if u can, it encourages me!

my apologies if the smut wasn't very good, it was hella weird writing it LMAO,, my apologies also if there were any mistakes/errors anywhere, i tried my best to edit this properly but its 5am rn TT

if you guys have any suggestions for fics i should write pls do lmk! i do have a soft spot for soft bottom tae and dom kook but i'm very open to trying new things! :) again thank you sm for reading <3