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Emily1229, SpencerLadanyi, Charcharchst, KatinaMoon, charzz389, PlatypusShouldRuleTheEarth, maellys_01, FitzChivalry42, Vlux18, NaeulYang01, Katerel_Lokidottir, Eefpickle08, yougottabekaratekiddingme, angelsfallinarizona, anything_for_our_mooney, tea_and_fandoms, VCain, L4nna69, r0wanfa3, Thatkliqkid, Roxi07, Naonim_1, Story_Lover3, Ms_sweet_hazel, SatansMaster, Yutlord83, Mara_Jakson, fuckboyevan, FloofIndeed, MoonyT, Van1lj, IHeartDogs451, Autizm_factory, The_pink_hood, Fifi101, Dr_George_Ordell, Daught3r_0f_had3s13, Gay_Disabled_NERD, Shad_Finley, Dess_Dust, Ash_burning, fullofsoundandfury, Nervous_Wreckatron, Dr_Etherealidyllic, Moth_of_Myth, Reeamathemage, ObiRose, Istara765, Catbat25, and deareli left kudos on this work!