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Damn, Looks Like 7up!


EL7Z UP (I couldn't believe that spelling either) is the project group formed from the winners of Queendom Puzzle, an offshoot of Queendom. And...I like most of the members, and most of the groups they came from! So I decided to write an ensemble smut piece, utilizing other groups from the show as well as groups more tangentially related, like Kep1er. So while it may turn into an overly complicated mess, rest assured: someone's getting laid at the end of it all!


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter Text

                Yeoreum was minding her own business when she was accosted by her groupmates, Exy, Eunseo, and Bona.

                “Hey,” said Exy, “there’re a lot of hot girl groups represented in elf-seven-up…”

                Yeoreum looked at her. “Is that some kind of joke?”

                Exy nodded. “I put about as much thought into it as the company did coming up with that unreadable name. Anyway, the girls and I have been thinking, this would be a great way to meet some girlfriends and have fun!”

                Yeoreum looked at Eunseo and Bona. They were holding hands, something they had done often ever since they shot the video for “Let Me In,” and they were still a cute couple. How could Yeoreum say no to them?

                “Okay, what’s the plan?”

                Eunseo smiled. “We want to invite groupmates of each of the…Elvis-Up members.”

                “All except for Kei,” said Bona. “We’re just not interested in Lovelyz.”

                Yeoreum nodded. “Sounds good to me. Let’s sit down and hash out a plan.”




                They found seats on the couch and figured it out. Yeeun was recruited as a co-conspirator, and instead of CLC members, they’d try to use Yujin to bring in people from Kep1er. Otherwise, they went down the list, picking out who to invite or not.

                “What about Rocket Punch? We have to invite Yeonhee, but do we want anyone else?” asked Exy.

                “Juri,” said Eunseo. “I want to snuggle against her chest.”

                The others looked dreamy for a moment. Then Bona spoke up.

                “I’d like to invite their maknae, Dahyun. She’s kind of cute…”

                “Oh, so you like younger women, huh?” teased Yeoreum. Bona shushed her.

                “It’s not that, it’s just…she seems interesting. And besides, we’re not really planning to fuck everyone, are we?”

                The others shrugged. “I guess you’re right,” said Exy, “we’re mainly doing this as a stunt.”

                “But I do plan to seduce Yeonhee and Juri,” said Eunseo. Everyone laughed mildly, even though it wasn’t very funny. Bona wasn’t sure whether to take her girlfriend seriously, so she said nothing. Still, the thought of her Eunseo ravishing another woman while she watched wasn’t all bad in her mind…

                “Who’s next?” asked Bona, leaping out of that foxhole. Yeoreum continued down the list.

                “So there’s woo-ah… we have to invite Nana, that leaves four more members.”

                They looked at their profile pics. In the end, they chose to invite the entire five-member group. It would have been unthinkable to leave just one or two members out. The same logic led to them inviting all of H1-Key as well. With the other groups, they felt more discriminating.

                “So we’ve got Yuki from Purple Kiss. Who else?”

                They all looked at Yeoreum, then each other. The name on their lips was the same: Swan.

                They all had a chuckle about it, too.

                “Hey,” said Eunseo, “do we want to invite anyone from the show who didn’t make it into eels-up?” They thought for a moment. “Yeah, I think we do,” said Exy.

                They debated a short while. They determined that because none of those groups had won, they should adopt an all-or-nothing approach: either they would invite the entire group to their flirty fling, or no member at all. Weeekly was pretty much a shoe-in, half of them had been on Queendom Puzzle anyway. But more contentious were the groups that only sent one member to the show. It came down to Cherry Bullet and LIGHTSUM, of all people. But in the end, they were more intrigued by Sangah’s groupmates than Cherry Bullet’s, so that’s who they got.

                Finally, they came to the question of Kep1er. Yujin obviously was in, and the group was large enough that they didn’t care to invite everyone. So they limited it to two more. Their first, unanimous, pick was Chaehyun, for the exact reason they chose Swan, can you believe it? But for the last, they chose someone a little unexpected.

                “Why Yeseo?” asked Exy.

                Eunseo frowned. “It’s not to date her or anything. She’s so little!”

                “And baby-faced, too,” said Bona. “I think it’s more curiosity to see how she reacts to what we’re planning. Kind of like a foil, or whatever.”

                “Sort of like that Dahyun?” asked Yeoreum.

                “Yeah…except, isn’t Dahyun much taller?”

                Someone checked a profile site. “Nope, she’s only got an inch on that kid,” said Exy.

                “Well, I never would have guessed…” admitted Bona.




                There was now just the matter of what the heck they were going to do at this get-together.

                “Spin The Bottle,” said Yeoreum. “That’s a classic game, right? And perfectly sets the mood.”

                Exy was skeptical. “How many chicks did we invite? Twenty or thirty? Plus us four, that’s going to make Spin The Bottle impractical.”

                Yeoreum screwed up her face in an infinitely cute way. “Well, then maybe we split up into two groups? Then bring the finalists together at the end?”

                Whatever, that conversation wasn’t that important. What is important is that they came up with a plan, one starting out innocuous enough but gradually getting more interesting as the night wore on.

                You may substitute the word debauched for interesting, if you wish…




                Things didn’t work out as they had planned, however. No one from Purple Kiss showed up at the rented venue, and neither did Rocket Punch’s Dahyun. Yeonhee tried to explain.

                “I kept hinting to Suyun that it wasn’t like a normal reunion or something, that it wouldn’t be her kind of thing, but she just wouldn’t get it. So Dahyun stayed home in solidarity with her.”

                Bona blinked at her. “But you two came on your own, anyway?”

                “They don’t know we’re here,” said Juri. “They don’t know we have needs.”

                “Some things are still kept secret in girl groups, even after years,” finished Yeonhee.

                Bona nodded. So true, those words. She pecked the guests on the cheek, and they went off to find a couch somewhere in the vastness of the party room.

                Eunseo turned to her girlfriend. “Did we arrange for everyone to swear to secrecy tonight?”

                Bona went pale. “We can take care of it once everyone has arrived.”

                Things mostly went alright from then on. All of woo!ah! was there, looking hot and pretty. Three of four members of H1-Key arrived, one of them, Seoi, being too ill to show up. And there was quite an increase in volume as Weeekly entered the party hall. But not so much as when the gatecrashers showed up.

                “So sorry we couldn’t RSVP,” said Elly, dismissively, “but somehow our invitations got lost in the mail, can you imagine that? In this day and age!”

                Elly was flanked by her groupmates Doyeon and Yoojung. At least they didn’t bring the whole group, thought Bona.

                Then Elly put her tongue in Bona’s mouth, and that smoothed things over rather wonderfully. Rumor had it that a single member of Weki Meki had turned the entire girl group gay, and from the way Elly was kissing her, Bona was sure it had to have been her. Oh well.

                LIGHSTUM arrived next, and just seeing them after that illustrious previous entrance made Bona’s heart pound and her breath quicken. But nothing further happened in that moment; the girls just fanned out in pairs, visiting the punch bowl and snack trays, and finding places to sit and wait for the evening’s real activities to commence. Bona’s eyes were so drawn to them that she almost missed her girlfriend’s question.

                “Where’s Kep1er? They’re the only ones left who haven’t canceled.”

                But Eunseo needn’t have worried, Kep1er was only a minute late, they soon entered through the double doors, led by Yeeun and Yujin, who were smiling, followed by Chaehyun, who was blushing, and last but not least, Yeseo, wearing what could only be described as a polite frown on her face, walking with her hands behind her back, as thoughtful a look as any the Cosmic Girls had seen that night, though the Kep1er maknae, unlike anyone else at the party, wore only blue jeans and a gray hoodie.

                “Thanks for coming out tonight,” said Bona.

                Yeseo raised an eyebrow for a second, then bowed her head and walked around them, finding a fucking carrot to eat. WJSN and the other Kep1er chicks giggled, then went their separate ways for the moment.

                “She’s tonight’s Ice Queen, for sure,” said Exy.

                “I’ll melt that one,” said Yeoreum. “Nothing can stand up to summer’s heat!”

                The four of them chuckled once more, then they moved to start the evening for real. Eunseo led the others to the middle of the room, while Bona bolted the doors shut.




                Bona watched from the sidelines as her girlfriend set up an initial toast for everyone there. Shot glasses were poured and passed around, everyone gathered, and finally some meaningless words said, and the alcohol consumed. Then the first game was announced.

                “Let’s gather ‘round in a circle, time for Musical Chairs!”

                Ugh, the crowd seemed to say. It was too much like a dumb fucking idol show, but that meant everyone knew how to play (even if somehow their childhoods had been so privileged to neglect this fucking game). Anyway, chairs were readied, and Exy started her iPod, and the people were whittled down to three.

                One was Yeseo, who had shown surprisingly more energy for this little diversion than the party as a whole. Another was her groupmate, Yujin, one of the older idols present and looking a little thirsty at the moment. And the last girl was Wooyeon, who had come so close to joining Ears-Pop that it was just so sad.

                “Quick, what are we going to give the winner?” whispered Eunseo in Bona’s ear. Bona thought fast.

                “How about a blindfolded kiss? And she has to guess who it was?”

                Eunseo nodded, and spread the message to the other conspirators, and Bona was just starting to feel very satisfied when she noticed Yeseo watching her, as if she had been eavesdropping and knew something was up.

                That’s why Bona wasn’t at all surprised when Yeseo threw the game.

                “You can’t do that, it’s boring!” objected Yeoreum. Yeseo just shrugged.

                “Sorry, I got tired all of a sudden.” And she made a dopey fake yawn, as if to mock her betters.

                Well, Bona wasn’t having any of that. She grabbed Yeseo by the arm, leading her into the back kitchen, and telling everyone else, “Rock-Paper-Scissors…best of five,” before disappearing alone with her quarry.

                “Okay, you little party pooper. Are you gonna keep spoiling the fun?”

                Yeseo looked at Bona with one eyebrow raised; she shook her head.

                “Well, in that case, how about you be the hors d’oeuvre tray?”

                Yeseo looked at her like she was nuts.

                “What do you mean by that?”

                Bona rolled her eyes.

                “Look, maknae, maybe you didn’t get the memo. But this party is supposed to be a low-key sex party; it’s supposed to end with a lot of people getting laid. Now, maybe you’re so innocent that you didn’t understand that, but you do now, and since you’re old enough, you can strip down and get on that tray over there, and cover yourself with delicious healthy snacks. We’ll bring you out soon, before you can freeze to death, don’t worry about that.”

                Yeseo blushed and glowered in righteous fury; Bona ignored her protest.

                “If you’re so shy, keep your underwear on. But if you’re not on that tray in two minutes, we are going to have a huge fucking problem.”

                She turned and left her back there, fuming, just in time to catch the end of the duel. Exy had set the rule that the winner of each set must smack the ass of the loser, and with one last sweet-sounding slap, Wooyeon was declared victor, and Yujin slunk away, disappointed but eager for more. Meanwhile, Exy already had the blindfold ready.

                “We’ll spin you three times, then someone will kiss you, and walk away. Then we’ll let you look around and make a guess.”

                “How many guesses?” asked Wooyeon sassily.

                “Three, of course. And you’ll have to kiss them again before the reveal.”

                The deed was done, and Wooyeon made ready to guess, and even Bona was surprised at who it was, even though she watched it happen. It was just that unexpected…but then again, maybe not.

                “Is it…Chowon?”

                The LIGHTSUM leader was already blushing and shaking her head, but rules were rules, at least if they were enforced, and Wooyeon wrapped her arms around the busty girl and dazzled everyone with the sweet press of her lips. Then Exy confirmed the result, and Wooyeon had to guess again.

                “Hmm. Um, okay, is it…Jihan?”

                The Weeekly member blushed even deeper than Chowon, but she had enough control, even as her eyes remained shut for all of Wooyeon’s embrace, not to give it away like the older girl had.

                “No, it’s not,” said Exy. “One last try.”

                “What happens if I get it wrong again?”

                Yeeun suddenly darted over to Exy’s ear. Exy smiled.

                “If you fail? Pussy train.”

                A murmur ran through the party room, although Bona was sure Yeeun had just made that term up. Still, Wooyeon’s eyes clearly dilated in response, a happy sign, to be sure. She looked around more carefully, and Bona could have sworn she’d figured it out, because her eyes seemed to linger on the culprit for so long, long enough for the culprit to give her an almost mocking look in response; but in the end, Wooyeon chose someone else.

                “Choi Yujin.”

                “What! Oh, wow!”

                Wooyeon approached her, and damn near swept her off her feet, and their kiss and embrace was enough to warm the room by several degrees. But at last they had to come up for air, and Exy had to give Wooyeon the ‘bad’ news.

                “It was—”

                “—me!” said Kim Doyeon, and many people laughed. Yeeun and Yeoreum dragged forward a table to the center of the room, for Wooyeon to lay upon.

                “Wooyeon’s punishment is the Pussy Train: she’s gonna lay here, and anyone who wants a go at her can take it. Understood?” explained Exy.

                Nods filled the room, and the fence-sitters decided to go. All of Weeekly said their goodbyes, deliberately looking away from Wooyeon relaxing on her back, and H1-Key and half of LIGHTSUM followed. It just wasn’t meant to be, thought Bona. Those who were staying were more than enough to have fun with, and look, there went Kim Doyeon to finish what she’d started with sweet Wooyeon. While everyone watched and/or waited their turn, Bona walked over to the three members of LIGHTSUM who had stayed.

                “Can you do me a favor?” she asked, and Chowon, Sangah, and Juhyeon all nodded, wide-eyed.

                “Yeseo is supposed to be lying on a tray in the kitchen. Can you bring her out, and set her on one of the tables over there?”

                Slightly shocked, they did as she bade, disappearing into the kitchen area, and Bona, having certain needs of her own, cut in line, going down on lovely Wooyeon before thirsty Yujin could.

                It was during this pleasant diversion (Wooyeon had already come at least once and Bona could feel her building up to another) that the festivities were rudely interrupted by a burst of laughter, from all over the room. Bona came up, wiping her mouth on her sleeve, and whirled around, desperate to see that icy bitch’s humiliation. Instead, Yeseo had wrought her own.

                Chowon, Juhyeon, and Sangah were setting Yeseo’s tray down, pieces of fruit falling off and rolling onto the floor. The ones that had stayed upon Yeseo, however, were mostly bananas, concentrated in a bundle she held precariously pinned between her knees over her crotch in an obvious dirty joke; she was also fully clothed, laying on her back with her hands curled into cartoonish cutesy paws, and an appl was in her mouth. As soon as LIGHTSUM had finished depositing her, she sprang up, whirling around and scattering the remaining fruit all about. Getting to her feet, she took a proper bite out of her apple, only to spot Wooyeon’s legs and go pearly white.

                Bitch though I was kidding, didn’t she, thought Bona in glee. Girls kissing is one thing, cunnilingus is another. She gestured to Yeseo in invitation, but the younger woman set the apple down on the table behind her and turned tail to the doors. She was just about to open them when Bona called her back with a smart remark.

                “Past baby’s bedtime, isn’t it?”

                A gasp ran through the room, and beneath Bona even Wooyeon had to mutter, “Oh my god…”

                Yeseo froze for a split second, then turned right the fuck around, a cold fury in her eyes. After another second, she marched back to the table, put her apple back in her mouth, then approached Wooyeon, rolling up her sleeves. Bona tried to stand in her way, but Yeseo slipped right around, saying nothing. But she did go to town on Wooyeon’s cunt, fingerblasting her straight to orgasmic nirvana, cumming her so fast Bona wouldn’t have known it was happening if not for Wooyeon herself grabbing hold of her to keep from spasming off the fucking table. As Wooyeon tried to catch her breath, and Bona struggled to comprehend, Yeseo gave her stink-eyes and walked all the way back to the kitchen, where she could be heard washing her hands in the sink. Then she reappeared, sat alone on a love seat, and gazed back at Bona insolently, while she slowly, slowly, ate that fucking red apple.

                “What the fuck did you do to her?” asked Wooyeon, incredulous (and immensely grateful).

                But Bona didn’t have an answer to that. At least, not yet, anyway.