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Jake’s tail likes to get him into trouble because it has a mind of its own.

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Prompt 4 and 5 for my submission for LunasKinktober2023


Sorry for the delay, but now that Pandoraslxna’s Tumblr account isn’t shadow banned anymore, I’ve resumed posting, so here you are my lovlies.

Na’vi Translation:
Olo’eyktan — clan leader
Paskalin — honey (term of endearment)
Unilpay – alcoholic drink like moonshine (non-canon)

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Chapter 1: Spank Me, Daddy


Prompt 4 for my submission for LunasKinktober2023

Chapter Text

Jake Sully was an unabashed flirt. Jake Sully was an absolute menace. He had been a bit of a menace when he’d been human and wheelchair bound but after the final transfer through the eye of Eywa? Honestly, it had more than likely been an issue probably even before then but he’d only been in his Avat for a handful of hours before he’d been away learning how to be one of The People. The issue had been and still was that his tail always seemed to have a mind of its own.

You could tell a lot about what a Na’vi or an Avatar was thinking or feeling by learning the movements their tails and the way Jake’s twitched around you (although with those expressive ears, those lasciviously teasing smiles, and the tone he delivered certain words and phrases…); he was without a doubt an unrepentantly horrible flirt. He’d been that way back on Earth, too. Tommy, because you’d met the younger Sully first through university and induction into the Avatar program and he’d eventually introduced you to his older twin after the incident in Venezuela that left Jake in a chair, had quickly become embarrassed beyond belief whenever Jake turned his flirty behavior your way. And you shouldn’t have fed into him. You really shouldn’t have but if your ex hadn’t cheated… well Jake’s flirting had made the sting of your ex two-timing you for your uni class enemy all the more bearable.

And now, being only one of thirteen women and one of thirty-five remaining humans remaining on Pandora after the near destruction of HomeTree, his flirty behavior was still welcome, most of the time, because he was the only one showing interest in you it seemed.

Most of the scientists were more focusing all of their attention upon the flora, the fauna, The People than making romantic gestures towards others, though there had been a few new relationships crop up. The techs and the pilots usually stuck more together, while the scientists devoted themselves more to their work than to fornicating with each other. Accidentally finding Trudy straddling Norm’s lap of all things one day had been a laugh around the labs for a solid month but the two of them surprisingly worked well together. And they had been the ones who had taken charge of raising Paz Socorro’s orphaned baby whom they had decided to use his middle name ‘Ethan’ instead of what the birth certificate labeled his first name as: Miles. The last Miles that had been on Pandora – well, Neytiri had killed the bastard and with good cause, too. You all just wished you knew who Ethan’s father had been as that space had been left blank.

One of Pandora’s great mysteries, you supposed.

“Jake, get control of your tail or I’m gonna cut it off!”


You had been trying to structure the DNA strands of one of the flowers that Mo’at had once told you was great for healing until Jake’s tail had knocked over a glass tray of tubes behind you, wagging away like an overexcited puppy. At least he had the decency to look sheepish at the dirty look you shot him. “Sorry, Paskalin,” he called out, backing away from the mess. His Avatar body was too large now to successfully grab a human-sized broom and sweep up the shards leaving you to do it. You went to crouch over the pile you’d made a few minutes later only to feel that menace of a tail swat your backside. You looked up but he was studiously looking away from you, the corner of his mouth curled up.

“Go bother Neytiri or something,” you snapped, taking the pan of dirt and now useless glass and carrying it to the closest bin.

Jake’s good mood plummeted. He grumbled low in the back of his throat like a displeased feline. Your words had been a low blow, honestly, and you’re not sure why you’d chosen that to say to him. After the death of her father and her intended had been made Olo’eyktan, Neytiri and Tsu’tey had gone ahead with their official mating after most of the Sky People had been chased off planet despite her having been seemingly interested in Jake before. There had been a huge ceremony a week ago, Jake had begrudgingly recalled to you as you had not been invited. Lots of paints and new necklaces and intricately designed loincloths woven together specifically for their union. And he’d been introduced to the moonshine-like drink The People referred to as unilpay.

You tried not to shiver at the memories of that night. A drunken Jake had stumbled his huge blue body through your bedroom door at the witching hour after Neytiri and Tsu’tey’s wedding ceremony and nearly scared the absolute shit out of you. In vindictive retribution, you recalled he’d ended up knocking his large head against both your doorframe and your ceiling light fixture, mumbling incoherently in a broken hybrid of the Na’vi language and English before slumping heavily over your bed, nearly squishing you in the process. And that damn tail of his had wrapped itself possessively around your upper thigh, the dark tuft flicking lazily against the very thinly covered juncture of your thighs. At least you had had panties on to begin with. Not having expected Jake’s sudden appearance, you had taken care of your own needs earlier that night and hadn’t thought to air out your room. You (later that night) had also had a pretty fantastic dream that Jake had woken you in the middle of the night and fingered you to completion with two of his large, blue fingers, stretching you wider than your ex could have dreamed.

When Jake had woken that next morning, he had buried his head into the crook of your neck, moaning about how good you smelled, hand digging into the softness of your belly. His tail had tightened around your leg and flicked against the front of your panties some more until you pinched the tip of his ear so you could escape and avoid how aroused he had been making you. The Avatar had quickly let you go after that, letting you escape with an unreadable frown upon his features. He’d been swinging by the lab nearly daily after that and making even more of a menace of himself every time.

“I’m sorry, Jake,” you said, seeing the unhappy look upon his face at the sting your words had caused.

“S’fine,” he mumbled, looking anywhere but you. “I’m gonna head out now.” He hardly ever cut his time short like this but you understood he was smarting at basically getting reminded that he’d been dumped and was now dealing with your shitty attitude and he needed to, metaphorically, lick his wounds. He turned to head out of the lab and his menace of a tail got in the final words, swatting your backside once more, this time a little harder, the sting in your backside causing your quim to tingle.

“Menace!” You called after his retreating back.


You were going to need a cold shower.

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Jake hadn’t come back for two days, which was unusual, but not unheard of. So, again, you hadn’t expected to see him so late that night and had been enjoying the solitary of your private bunk, lights off, headphones in, naked and sweating upon your rumpled bed as you watched the pornographic video upon your tablet, fingers stuffed up into your dripping pussy.

The acting was as terrible as any fuck film usually was but what made it one of your favorites was the fact that, if you squinted, the main male and female characters kinda looked like you and a human Jake with his Na’vi size since the male pornstar was so much bigger than the female he was spanking away. It was a kink of yours, wanting to feel that burn of a hand striking your plush, naked bottom until the skin was red and raw, his other hand pressed firmly between your shoulder blades. (You hated it when the male grabbed their co-star’s hair in a tight fist and yanked their head back painfully. How was that supposed to be pleasurable? It always looked like he was about to rip chunks out of her scalp or snap her spine.) Then, with a sore bottom, when the female pornstar either got fingered to completion or fucked, ohhh, the orgasm that ripped through you was always a satisfying one.

Again… you hadn’t expected Jake to show up.

Legs spread wide, two fingers deep with your thumb circling your hardened clit, the sudden blue hand lifting your tablet from where you had it propped up to watch your fuck film caused you to shriek — and not in pleasure.

The sharp brightness of the video on Jake’s sapphire colored face was… weird. His eyes glowed with the light refracting out of them, much like a feline on Earth. You yanked your earbuds from your ear, the sound of skin slapping together fading from your hearing. You scrambled back, trying to locate your bedsheet to preserve whatever modesty you might have had left, screeching, “What the fuck, Jake?!” Your heart was galloping away in your breast, and you could feel the stickiness of your arousal on your one hand clutching the cotton to your chin. You could also feel it seep out of you as your cunt clenched on nothing, seeing him standing there.

“Well damn, baby girl,” the Avatar chuckled huskily. “If this is what you’re into, I could accommodate you. Unless you’re still embarrassed from the other night?” Golden eyes flashed as he turned towards you, a challenging brow raised.

Trying to restabilize yourself, you demanded, “What are you talking about, you menace?”

He smirked, hearing the familiar nickname. “The night I came by and got you off,” he replied, as if reminding you of something you should totally know about. You stared at him blankly. The grin began to fade. “After Neytiri’s wedding…?” You gaped at him. “Come on,” he groaned. “Don’t be embarrassed, baby girl.” Your cunt clenched again, hearing him call you that. “I’ve wanted to fuck you since I met you and I came by a week or so ago and I got you off and we fell asleep and then you ran away the next morning even though I could smell you getting hot for me again.”

He thought…

Oh… that changed things. Maybe…

“Jake… I…” you floundered, still. It had been a dream though… right? He hadn’t actually gotten you off, right? You had felt a bit more stretched out and sated that usual but that was because of the wet dream… right?

A considering look crossed his features. “I could take your choice away…” Your eyes bugged slightly as you stared up at him, still gaping away like an idiot or a fish or an idiot fish, heart kicking up speed in your chest, body trembling. A whole body shiver traveled through you. Jake scented the air and his golden gaze darkened, a predatory smirk crossing his features. “You like that, baby girl,” he stated. “You just got hotter for it. I can smell it. C’mere. Let D—let’s play.”

Jake suddenly yanked your top bedsheet away from you, uncovering your body and taking in your nudity eagerly. “Jake!” You protested but even to your own ears, it felt weak. He just smirked and grabbed your ankle, yanking you towards him. Oh, fuck. That had to be one of the hottest moves on the planet and the heat in your lower belly kicked back up. His nose wriggled and you hadn’t thought he could look even more smug. Before you could make sense of it all, Jake scooped you up, sat down on the end of your bed and then deposited your naked body across his bare thighs. You let out an ‘omph’ as you felt something else firm and hot digging into your hanging breasts and it took a second to realize; he’d taken his loincloth off. He was as naked as you were.

Looking down, you couldn’t see Jake’s cock but if you were judging off by what you felt, he was hung. And aroused.

You whimpered slightly.

“I gotcha, baby girl,” Jake assured you, one of his hands trailing his fingertips down your spine to the swell of your ass before dipping into the copious amounts of slick you had naturally produced. “Fuck, baby, bet I could get at least one finger in here no problem.” There was amusement and wonder in the ex-Marine’s voice. “But let me spank you, first. You like that, yeah?” You swallowed, nodding, bracing yourself on his thigh. “Use your words.”

You nodded again, saying, “Y–yeah, I… I like… getting s–spanked. Just… don’t pull my hair…?” Your voice trailed off.
“No hair pulling,” Jake repeated back. “Want me to brace your back instead, baby girl?”

You nodded, adding, “Yes, please,” before he could remind you.

“Good girl,” the Avatar grinned. “Color system work for you?” You verbally agreed. He prompted, “What’s your color, baby?”

“Green, definitely green,” you admitted, embarrassed at being displayed so but you couldn’t deny your arousal and you were both consenting adults.

Jake experimentally dropped his hand against your backside. It didn’t feel like much. “Like this, baby girl?”

You decided to be a brat and retorted, “A toddler could hit harder, Jake.” The next slap was much more appealing and you let out a quiet ‘oooph’. “Much better, Sully.” You peeked up at him to see him shooting you an eye roll. He spanked you again, earning another quiet moan. Then again and again and again. “Oh fuck,” you moaned, writhing over his knees as the sting in your ass and upper part of your thighs built enticingly with each strike. You nearly screamed when his next blow landed on your engorged cunt, nails biting into his thigh. He held you down harder and struck you there again, your squirming rubbing over the length of his hard cock. “Fuck, don’t stop, Jake. Don’t stop.”

A couple of more spanks to your ass, your upper thighs and your pussy and you felt the coil in your body preparing to spring. “Gonna cum?” Jake hissed through clenched teeth, delivering two more spanks. “Be a good girl and cum for me. Cum for daddy!”

The Avatar smacked your pussy directly eight more times, fingers spreading the sting between your cunt and your clit, before you did as you were told with a wail, slick flowing steadily all over his hand. He chuckled darkly, sinking his index finger into your fluttering walls and stroking a spot inside that prolonged the bliss and had you sobbing as you writhed over his knees, cumming harder than you can ever recall cumming before in your life. He eased you through it and when you started to calm, slid you up and off his legs, readjusting you to lie against his chest.

“You good, baby?” Jake asked softly. “Not gonna fall asleep on me again, are you?”

You hummed. “Not yet,” you admitted. You propped your head up onto your hand, bending your arm at the elbow. “Thank you for taking care of me, daddy.” Jake rubbed a hand over his face in embarrassment. “Hey, hey, I was just teasing,” you said softly, sitting up. “I have a spanking kink. You have a daddy kink. It’s cool. I’ll call you daddy if you spank me like that some more.”

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Originally Posted: 04 October 2023
Word Count: 2,590

Chapter 2: Just Mine, Daddy


Immediately follows Menace, Part 1 because I couldn’t resist.

We addressed your spanking kink. Now about Jake’s daddy kink…

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Na’vi Translation:
Tewng – loincloth

Prompt 5 for my submission for LunasKinktober2023

Chapter Text

“I have a spanking kink. You have a daddy kink. It’s cool. I’ll call you daddy if you spank me like that some more.”

Jake chuckled. “You started it,” he countered. “I had my fingers stuffed up inside you and you asked me if I could come, calling me daddy while you did so. It was so fucking hot I almost came on the spot.”

You blinked. “So… it wasn’t a dream?” You hesitantly asked.

Jake shifted to look at you. “Is that why you were being weird afterward?” He asked. “You thought you imagined it?”

You nodded slowly, defending yourself with an exasperated, “You were drunk! I was not about to take advantage of you or something!” Jake just grinned, fueling your irritation. “Oh, stop looking at me like that, you menace.” You smacked your hands down upon his chest but it did more damage to you than to him. He laughed. “Ugh, you’re an ass, Sully.” You went to roll out of bed only to be hauled right back up and manhandled to sit upon his waist.

Jake’s golden eyes raked over you. “You look good sitting up there,” he commented, licking his lips. “And… to set the record straight, if you ever feel in the mood, all you gotta do is tell me to drop my tewng, baby girl. Long as you want it, this is all yours.” He gripped your hips and slid you back, sliding you onto the side of his shaft so that he wasn’t inside of you but he could feel your arousal and cum drip down onto his length pressed between his abdomen and your pelvis. “Every. Single. Inch.” He punctuated those last three words with a twitch of his hips and getting you to grind down against him.

You couldn’t help but moan. “That right,” you questioned. “All of this is just mine, daddy?”

Jake’s pupils dilated so only a thin ring of gold showed. “I don’t share, baby girl,” he snarled, hands clenching on your hips and buttocks. “Daddy’s the only one getting to see you like this. Hear you like this. Fuck you like this.” He started to slide you back and forth over his hard cock, the rod like a titanium pipe covered in velvet and hot to the touch. “Tell Daddy you agree.” You whimpered, you clit dragging over the ridges and nuns that apparently adorned his cock. “Tell Daddy you’re his or you don’t get to cum. Be a good girl and tell me!”

“Yours, yours, all yours,” you chanted, whining as Jake sped up his movements below you and you reaped the benefits of an unsmooth ride. Your clit was near to singing as it pulsed with every push and pull. “Oh, fuck, don’t stop, Jake!”

The Avatar snarled, “Not my name!”

You sobbed, grinding harder onto his cock, slick with your arousal and cum from your last orgasm. “Daddy! ‘M close! Don’t stop! Don’t stop! Don’t sto–oh, fuck! Daddy cumming!” You gushed all over the length of him as your second climax rushed through you, his hands on your hips the only thing holding you steady. Below you, Jake grunted, silvery blue cum spurting in huge globs up his stomach and chest as he joined you in ecstasy, nearly covering his upper body in it.

“Fuck,” Jake panted, trying to catch his breath. “I’m gonna need a bath after this.”

“You could use the showers built for Avatars,” you suggested, shivering as the bliss faded from your limbs, “but you’d have to cross the common area. Or you could try to squeeze into mine and probably hurt yourself.”

Jake snorted. “Abusive,” he accused without any heat, finding the discarded bedsheet and wiping himself clean before easing you down onto the mattress and getting up. He did reach into your adjoining bathroom and grabbed one of your hand towels, wetting it and bringing it back to you. He was gentle as he cleaned you up, taking care of your sensitive lower body. “You green, baby girl?”

“I’m so green I’m Kermit the Frog,” you muttered, starting to feel like cotton was developing in your brain. He chortled at that and tossed the wet cloth on top of the bedsheet. “Come cuddle,” you whined, eyes beginning to cross. “M’cold.” And he was a furnace.

Jake eased himself down onto your bed and snuggled you up against him, kissing your forehead. “Night, baby girl,” he whispered.

You hummed in response. “Night, daddy.”

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Originally Posted: 05 October 2023
Word Count: 746

Series this work belongs to: