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I Think I'll Try This Time Around


Kakashi is glad Hitoshi never has to go through what he did, but sometimes he wishes he could just spew out his deepest and most dangerous secrets to him.

Just so someone would understand the two lifetimes worth of suffering and unyielding work that bores down on him in the early morning before he's had his coffee.

Hitoshi knows not to bother him in that time but does it anyway. If only he knew. Kakashi wants to strangle him.

But he doesn't, because he's better than that. At least, he's trying to be this time around.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter 1: Prepare For The Worst Beating Of Your Life

Chapter Text

What a nice, sweet, cute, loving, infuriating little gremlin of a brother Kakashi had. Kakashi thought if he had known that Hitoshi would have turned into this he might not have decided to pick up the little monster off of the streets.


But Kakashi had decided to be a better person with his new chance at life. And by God, he would never trade his brother for the world. It seemed Kakashi hadn’t been able to shake his habit of getting attached to things too quickly in the time he had died and been revived.


But right now, he couldn’t really bring himself to regret it, no matter how his brother might be acting at the moment. This was one of the rare times when Hitoshi was able to get back at Kakashi for all of the pranks the other boy would play on him.


And by pranks Kakashi means a form of discrete training, something he often employed when teaching his genin. He would set Hitoshi up with a seemingly pointless activity, often arduous and painstakingly boring, and then spew some random excuses as he forced his brother to work.


Hitoshi never knew upfront that the cruel work he was put through was training. No, not for a long time. Not until he was stalked as he strolled through an alley carrying that night's dinner and the muscle memory from all of the times Kakashi had snuck up on him and caught him, forcing him to work his ass off doing pointless tasks for hours, had saved him. 


And when the instincts ingrained into his soul from having to play that stupid dog boxing game his brother made, with its mocking barks every time he did the wrong stance, kicked in and he was able to incapacitate the man almost four heads taller than him, did he realize.


Kakashi was cunning, he knew. And Kakashi knew that Hitoshi hated it sometimes. But after his brother walked in through the door that day, he never complained about the absurd jobs his brother forced him to endure.

That still didn’t mean that Hitoshi would forgive him. Just because Hitoshi understood what his brother did, didn’t mean he would just forget all of the confusion and hours of mind numbing work. 


So Hitoshi took every chance he could get to mess with his brother. Which wasn’t very often as Kakashi wouldn’t be caught slacking, even by his brother. 


Kakashi was smart, much smarter than Hitoshi. Which means that the purple haired boy must have come up with the most cruel and out of the box methods of getting payback, if only to make sure his brother didn’t have some sort of contingency plan for any sort of pranks he would think Hitoshi would come up with.


He had tried many times to trick his brother, to no success. 


But now, much to Kakashi’s amusement and pain, Hitoshi had finally gotten the upper hand. 


And the worst part, Kakashi thought, was that his undoing was the fact that he hadn’t thought that Shinsou would have been able to make friends this early into the school year. Yes, Kakashi had not accounted for his brother to use his friends to trick him, because he didn’t believe he had any.


It seemed that Hitoshi had deliberately kept the fact that he had a better social life than Kakashi to use it to his advantage. He was so proud.


“Maa, maybe we should take a trip to the beach to, ah,” Kakashi looked at Hitoshi, his eye quickly crinkling it in a way that made the smile disappear from his brother’s face. Kakashi didn’t feel bad, Hitoshi had already had his moment. “The beach? Hmm? Doesn’t that sound nice, little brother?”


Hitoshi’s face immediately went white and he shrunk down into himself, pulling his shoulders up to his ears. His friends standing next to him stopped laughing, turning a confused look in both of the brother’s directions.

“Ahaha… you know, uh, we really don’t have to do that, uhm. The weather is a little too cold, you know?” Oh Hitoshi. He was not getting out of this that easily. 


“What do you mean?” Hitoshi’s friend with the black hair and strange elbows piped up.


“Yeah, the weather’s pretty nice.” The blonde one jumped in, unknowingly sealing Hitoshi’s fate as said teen sent him a scorching glare. “And it would only take all of us like twenty minutes to get our bathing suits, we live pretty close together.”


No. You guys don’t get it, I’m saving you.” Hitoshi quickly turned to them, pleading with them through his eyes to agree with him. “My brother doesn’t do normal ‘beach days’.”


“Every single time he’s taken me to the beach he beats me into the sand and forces me to swim in the sketchiest parts of the water for hours .” Hitoshi looks like he’s trying to telepathically sear his words into the other two’s minds as they just look between each other and continue to not believe him.


“So what? That just sounds like some training, it can’t be that bad.” The blond raises his hands in an attempt to convince himself of his own words as the black haired one nods along.


“What’s the worst that can happen? We learn how to swim better? And we get free endurance training?” 


Kakashi eye smiles at them again as they turn to him and agree to go As if they had a choice. They were in on it too, of course he would bring them along.


Plus, this was the perfect way to get the glitter and pink hair dye off, of which they had completely covered him in, as soon as possible.


And with that, their fates were sealed.


This is not my first fanfiction but it is the first I've ever posted. My original plan was to make this chapter 1000 words or longer but having a separate chapter for the beach shenanigans and some other stuff I'm looking forward to was more appealing.

I have this problem of info dumping really early yet still making it drag out and be boring so I'm trying to fix that habit. That being said, I'm not trying too hard lol.

Anyway, this fic is inspired by another fic or two I read a bit ago that are really good and I wanted to mess around with a few ideas. I need to go back and find them but I'll put the links in when I do. :D Ciao